新航道 雅思口语

新航道雅思口语1. 新航道雅思口语,就像是一把打开留学梦想大门的神奇钥匙。
可是在新航道学了雅思口语之后,那嘴巴就像开了挂似的,流利得很呢!你难道不想像他一样吗?2. 新航道雅思口语啊,简直是口语小白的救星。
嘿,你是不是也在口语这座大山前犯愁呢?3. 新航道雅思口语,是通往高分的快车道。
比如说小李,他在新航道学了一段时间后,口语成绩蹭蹭往上涨,你就不想试试这神奇的地方?4. 新航道雅思口语,如同一场奇妙的冒险之旅。
你难道不渴望开启这样的冒险吗?5. 新航道雅思口语,好似一位贴心的朋友。
你不想拥有这样的朋友式学习吗?6. 新航道雅思口语,仿佛是一口充满魔力的泉眼。
你难道不想沾沾这魔法的光?7. 新航道雅思口语,是一个充满活力的舞台。
在新航道学习后,他在口语的舞台上大放异彩,你不想登上这个舞台吗?8. 新航道雅思口语,就像一把精准的手术刀。

do have to make a choice, I guess I would have to go for Wu Zun, who is a Brunei-born actor enjoying skyrocketing popularity all over Asia.
result, he even won an award for the most promising#
Topic Transformation
- Can this kind of content be used into other relevant topics in Part2 ?
- Of course !
1. 创立奥普拉天使网 – 慈善机构 In 1998, Winfrey created the Oprah's Angel Network, a charity
that supported charitable projects and provided grants to nonprofit organizations around the world. Oprah's Angel Network raised more than $80,000,000. Winfrey personally covered all administrative costs associated with the charity, so 100% of all funds raised went to charity programs. The charity stopped accepting donations in May 2010 and was later dissolved.

2023年9到12月雅思口语题库一、自我介绍1.请你自我介绍一下2.介绍你的家乡3.介绍你的家人4.介绍你的朋友二、喜好和兴趣5.你喜欢哪些运动项目?6.你喜欢什么样的音乐?7.你喜欢哪种类型的电影?8.你喜欢做什么样的旅行?三、工作和学习9.你现在的工作是什么?10.你喜欢你的工作吗?11.你的未来职业规划是什么?12.你在学校学习的专业是什么?13.你喜欢学习吗?14.你平时是如何学习的?四、家庭生活15.你喜欢和家人一起做什么?16.你觉得家庭对个人重要吗?17.你是否愿意和家人一起生活?18.你觉得父母对你的影响有哪些?五、Media and Technology19.你喜欢使用哪些社交媒体?20.你觉得手机对生活有什么影响?21.你平时是如何使用电脑的?22.你觉得电视对人们的生活有何影响?六、饮食健康23.你喜欢吃哪些食物?24.你认为健康饮食有什么重要性?25.你觉得外卖对人们的生活有何影响?26.你喜欢自己做饭吗?七、生活习惯27.你每天的日常作息是怎样的?28.你平时会有哪些打发时间的爱好?29.你觉得早起对人有何好处?30.你对减压有哪些方法?八、节假日和礼仪31.你喜欢哪些节假日?32.你们家庭的节日庆祝有什么传统?33.你觉得参加婚礼有什么意义?34.你觉得礼仪对社交有何重要性?九、未来规划35.你对未来有什么规划和期待?36.你打算在将来定居在哪里?37.你认为对未来的规划有何重要性?38.你觉得人生最重要的是什么?以上是2023年9到12月雅思口语题库的部分内容,希望同学们在备考口语的时候能够认真准备,并且多加练习,提高自己的口语表达能力。
祝大家考试顺利!九、未来规划35. 你对未来有什么规划和期待?对于未来的规划和期待是每个人生活中都需要思考的问题。

雅思九月份口语新题库又到了9月雅思口语的换题季,快来看看新的一季又出现了哪些新题~(以下展示部分已出的新题)2023年9-12月雅思口语新题Part 1:1. robots机器人1.Are robots important?2.Would robots affect people’s lives?3.Have you ever watched a movie about robots?4.Should we let a robot drive for us for long journeys?5.What can robots do for you at home?2. Gifts礼物1. Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others?2. How to choose a gift?3. Have you ever received a great gift?4. Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?3. Helping others帮助人1. Do you usually help people around you?2.How do you help people around you, such as neighbours, family and friends?3.Do your parents teach you how to help others?4.Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?5.What have you done to help the elderly?4. Fishing钓鱼1. Is fishing popular in your country?2. Do you like fishing?3.Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?4.Have you seen any movies with lots of fish?5. Geography地理1.How do you like Geography?2. Do you think Geography is useful?3.Have you ever learned Geography?4.Do you want to be a Geography teacher?6. Coffee and tea咖啡/茶1. Do people like tea and coffee nowadays?2. Do you prefer to use tea or coffee to serve your guests?3. When was the last time you drank a cup of coffee?4. Do you usually buy your coffee in a coffee shop?7. Films电影1.What films do you like?2.Did you often watch films when you a child?3.Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?4.Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?5.Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?8. Running跑步1. Do you go running a lot?2. Where do you usually go running?3. What do you think of running as a form of exercise?9. Noise噪音1. Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?2. Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world?3. Is making noise one of people’s rights?10. Musical instruments乐器1. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?2. What’s your favorite musical instrument to listen to?11. Chatting聊天1. Do you like chatting with friends?2. What do you usually chat about with friends?3. Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with just one friend?4. Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?5. Do you argue with friends?12. Science科学1. When did you start to learn science?2. What is your favorite science subject?3. Is there any technology that you think is helpful today?4. Do you think science classes are important?13. Cinema电影院1. Do you like going to cinemas with your friends?2. Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?3. Do you still enjoy watching the movies you loved as a child?4. Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema?5. Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?14. Quiet place安静的地方1. Are there many quiet places in your city?2. Why do people sometimes prefer to be alone>3. Is there much noise around your home?4. Dos this noise affect you in any way?5. How do you think noise in cities could be reduced?15. Children儿童1. Are there any traditions around the birth of a baby in your regions?2. What kind of parent do you intend to be?3. What hopes or fears do you have concerning your children?4. What types of culture do you want your child to grow up in?16. Public transport公共交通1. What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?2. How often do you take buses?3. Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?4. Is driving to work popular in your country?5. Do you think people will drive more in the future?17. Health健康1. Do you have any unhealthy habits?2. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?3. What are the health benefits of playing a sport?18. Clothing衣服1. Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes?2. Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes? Do you like wearing T-shirts?。

雅思2024口语题库雅思口语必考话题Work or studyWhat subjects are you studying?Do you like your subject?Why did you choose to study that subject?Do you want to change your major?Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?How much time do you spend on your studies each week?Are you looking forward to working?What technology do you use when you study?What changes would you like to see in your school?What work do you do?Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?Do you like your job? Do you want to change to another job?Do you miss being a student?What technology do you use at work?Who helps you the most? And how?Home / AccommodationWhat kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future?Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?Please describe the room you live in.What part of your home do you like the most?How long have you lived there?Do you plan to live there for a long time?What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?Can you describe the place where you live?What room does your family spend most of the time in?What's your favorite room in your apartment/house?What makes you feel pleasant in your home?Do you think it is important to live in a comfortable environment?Do you live in a house or a flat?Who do you live with?What do you usually do in your flat?What kinds of accommodation do you live in?HometownDo you think you will continue living there for a long time?Please describe your hometown a little.How long have you been living there?Do you like your hometown?Do you like living there?What do you like (most) about your hometown?Is there anything you dislike about it?Where is your hometown?Is that a big city or a small place?What's your hometown famous for?Did you learn about the history of your hometown at school?2024 年1-4 月part1 保留题目1.FishingIs fishing popular in your country?Do you like eating fish?Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?Have you seen any movies with lots of fish?2.Helping othersDo you usually help people around you?How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family and friends?Do your parents teach you how to help others?Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?What have you done to help elderly?3.FilmsWhat films do you like?Did you often watch films when you were a child?Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?4.GeographyHow do you like geography?Do you think geography is useful?Have you ever learned geography?Do you want to be a geography teacher?5.ChattingDo you like chatting with friends?What do you usually chat about with friends?Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?Do you argue with friends?6.GiftsHave you ever sent handmade gifts to others?What do you consider when choosing a gift?Have you ever received a great gift?Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?7.RunningDo you go running a lot?Where do you usually go running?When was the last time you went running?What do you think of running as a sport?2024 年1-4 月part1 新增题目1.Celebrity newsWho is your favourite celebrity in your country?What kind of famous people do you often see in the news?Do you pay attention to famous people in the news?Do you believe that the news about famous people in the media is true?Would you like to be a famous person in the news?2.MoneyDo you prefer to save money or spend money?How do you save money?What do you think about payment apps or mobile payments?Do you use a credit card to buy things?Do you think cash will still be popular in the future?3.SingingDo you like singing? Why?Have you ever learnt how to sing?Who do you want to sing for?Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?4.MemoryAre you good at memorising things?Have you ever forgotten something important?What do you need to remember in your daily life.How do you remember important things?5.Advertisementls there an advertisement that made an impression on you when you were a child?Do you see a lot of advertising on trains or other transport?Do you like advertisements?What kind of advertising do you like?。

6. Advantages/Disadvantages
A little different…
• 差别甚微 • It was slightly/subtly different a few decades ago.
• How was education different 50 years ago ?
3. Causes of Problems
No reason known…
• Why in the world people still insist on driving their own car is beyond me.
• What is the cause of traffic congestion ?
4. Results
Should do…
• I’d put it before the authorities to take swift measures that encourage more young people to become physicians and nurses before it’s too late. • If you want my advice, they ought to allocate more resources to medical research. • Health officials would be well-advised to start streamlining all medical procedures and administration.
More than one reason…

雅思英语口试题及答案Part 1: Introduction and Interview1. Question: Can you tell me your full name, please?Answer: Yes, my full name is [Your Full Name].2. Question: Where are you from?Answer: I am from [Your Country/City].3. Question: What do you do? What is your occupation?Answer: I am currently working as a [Your Occupation].4. Question: Do you study or do you work?Answer: I am [studying/work] at [Your University/Company].5. Question: What do you enjoy about your study/job?Answer: I enjoy [specific aspects of your study/job].Part 2: Long Turn (Individual Long Turn)6. Question: Describe a place you have visited that has been particularly memorable for you.Answer: One particularly memorable place I have visited is [Name of the Place]. It was memorable because [reasons forits memorability].7. Question: Why did you choose to visit this place?Answer: I chose to visit this place because [reasons forchoosing this place].8. Question: What did you do there?Answer: While there, I [describe activities you did].9. Question: How did you feel about the experience?Answer: The experience made me feel [describe your emotions].Part 3: Discussion Topics10. Question: Do you think it's important for people to travel?Answer: Yes, I believe it is important for people to travel because [reasons supporting travel].11. Question: What are the benefits of traveling?Answer: Traveling has several benefits, such as [list benefits].12. Question: Do you think technology has changed the way people travel?Answer: Yes, technology has significantly changed the way people travel by [explain how technology has influenced travel].13. Question: What are some of the challenges people face when they travel?Answer: Some challenges people face when they travel include [list challenges].14. Question: How can people overcome these challenges?Answer: People can overcome these challenges by [suggestions for overcoming challenges].Note: The above answers are placeholders and should be personalized to reflect the candidate's own experiences and opinions.。

5-8雅思口语新题1. Describe a decision you recently made.- What decision did you make?- Why did you make that decision?- How did you feel after making the decision?2. Talk about a place you would like to travel to for work or study. - Where would you like to go?- Why do you want to go there?- What do you hope to achieve or gain from going there?3. Describe a popular television show or series in your country.- What is the name of the show/series?- What is it about?- Why do you think it is popular?4. Talk about a recent event or celebration in your country.- What was the event/celebration?- When does it take place?- How do people typically celebrate it?5. Describe a skill or talent you wish you had.- What is the skill or talent?- Why do you want to have it?- How would your life be different if you had that skill or talent?6. Talk about a book you recently read or a movie you recently watched.- What is the title of the book/movie?- What is it about?- Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?7. Describe a historical building or landmark in your country. - What is the building or landmark?- When was it built?- What is its significance or importance?8. Talk about a time when you received excellent service from a company or business.- What company or business was it?- Why did you think the service was excellent?- How did it make you feel?。

目录迟到的经历房间关于未来的书和电影好家长鸿门宴咖啡馆乐于助人让你想购物的广告身居要职一本书数学童年玩具童年游戏图书馆完美假期网站喜爱的衣服小语种一见如故拥挤的地方有礼貌的人有趣的演讲重要的信息重要的植物最近的改变电台节目公共旅行规则海边健康方式历史趣闻尊敬的老人派对有趣的国度错误的决定电子设备风趣的人搞笑的节目或电影工作或学习的地方购物街户外运动教你的人开心的事科学课程老师乐队或歌手理想工作童年故事野餐音乐厅照片迟到的经历Describe an important occasion. You should say: when you were late when,what occasion, why you were late ,what happened as a result of your lateness why this occasion was important ,how you felt when you were latePart3What are some of the common excuses or reasons that people give when they are late? Are people in China usually punctual on time when they have to be somewhere at a certain time?What do people in China think of people who are late?Do you think people will place more emphasis or less emphasis on punctuality in the future?For what situations is being on time very important?For what situations is it not so important to be on time why not so important?Do you think modern technology gives us more time or less?Do you think the current working hours of most people are reasonable or should most people work more or less hours per week?房间Describe a room you spend most of the time in. You should say: where the room is, what it looks like, what you usually do in the room, how you feel about itPart3How does the workplace affect people?Some questions about relaxing还有关于business 和layer 对人们工作的影响关于未来的书和电影Describe a book or film about the future you read or watch. You should say: name of the book or film, when, what it was about, how you felt about it.Par3Why we like the films about the future as it just based on imaging?What is the most important development about technology in modern society?With the development of technology, how can you image about the future?What will the test rooms be in the future?Will books or films disappear in the future?How the government restricts the media?好家长Describe a good parent you know. You should say: who the parent is, how you know the parent, what the parent looks like, why you think the parent is goodPart3How do parents take care of their kids in China?Are kids free in China?Do you think who is good at taking care of kids, father or mother?What is the most valuable thing that parents give to their kids?How do you think about the relationship between the parents and children? Should parents be strict with the kids?What can parents teach their kids?鸿门宴Describe a special meal you were invited to. You should say: when, where, who ,what you ate ,how you felt about the mealPart3What do people in China like to eat?Is the food that people in China eat today the same as the food people ate 30or 50 years ago?How have modern science and technology changed the food we eat today?In China, what role does the government in maintaining food quality?What is the best way to learn how to cook?Do you think it is important for family members to eat together?If a child does not eat with his or her family very often, what kind of person do you think the child will grow up to become?咖啡馆Describe a cafe that you know in your hometown. You should say: where, how often you go ,what kind of food they serve, who you usually go there with, why you like to eat at this place why you choose to eat at this placePart3What foods are most nutritious and what food are not very nutritious?Do you think advertising has an effect on what foods people eat?Do you think that junk food should be banned?What measures should be taken to increase public awareness of proper nutrition? Are there many cafes near your home or university?What different types of cafes are there in your hometown?What are some of the factors that make a cafe a good one?Does the food in the cafe you just talked about taste different to western food? Is it important in Chinese culture to eat outside with other people?乐于助人Describe a time when you helped someone. You should say: who you helped, how you helped them, why you helped them (or how you felt when you helped them) and explain how this person benefited from your help/ how this person reacted to your help. Part3Would you say that helping other members of the family is important? (Why?)How do the members of your family (or families in China) help each other? ( How?) In general, why do people help others?How do you feel after you have helped someone?Do you think people in China should help foreigners who are visiting China and who need help? (Why? / Why not?)What is the most important way for a country to help foreigners who are visiting the country?Many people only look out for themselves and never think about helping others. What do you think of this attitude?How do you help other people?Do Chinese people help others who need help, such as people in extreme poverty?让你想购物的广告Describe an advertisement that make you (caused you to) buy something. You should say: what kind of advertisement is was, when and where you saw (or heard) this advertisement, what product (or service) it advertised, what the advertisement said and explain why you decided to buy that product/ how this advertisement persuaded you to buy that product.Part3What are the different ways that products and services are advertised?Is there more advertising in newspapers than on TV?What’s the most frequently used method of advertising? (Why?)Which do you think is the most effective of them?What (kinds of) products do you think are most suitable to be advertised?Do you think the number of advisements will increase in the future?Do you think there should be some controls (or restrictions) placed on the advertising industry (or placed on advertisements?)What kinds of advertisements do you think are the most effective?What impact on people does (or can) music in advertisements have?Do you think children are influenced very much by advertisements?What effects do (or can) advertisements have on young children?What visual effects (or pictures) do you think make advertisements most effective?身居要职Describe a person who has an important job. You should say: who, where the person works ,what the person does in the job, why you think the person’s job is important part3What job do young people like to do nowadays?Why do many people lose their job?Why do many people fail to find a job?Will people work two jobs in the future?Who give you advice when looking for a job?Some other questions about changing job?一本书Describe a book you recently read that you would like to read again. You should say: what book it was, what the book was about, why you read it, what you learned from this book and explain why you would like to read it againDescribe a book you enjoyed reading. You should say: what book it was, what the bookwas about, who wrote it, why you read it and explain why you liked this bookPart3Do people in your country like to read books?What kinds of books are most popular in your country?Do you think reading is important?Do you think paper books will eventually be replaced by electronic books?Some people like to collect books. Why do you think they do that?Do you think compulsory reading (in school) is a good idea?数学Describe a mathematics class you attended at primary school. You should say: when, where, what the teacher taught, what you did, what you learned from the class or how you felt about the class童年玩具Describe a toy that was important to you in your childhood. You should say: when got, how got, how often, what you did with this toy, why it was importantPart3What toys are popular with kids in China today?In general, do children today have many toys?Some people think that children toady have too many toys, what do you think?Do you think playing with electronic toys has a good influence on kids?Do you think there are some toys that are only suitable for girls and some that are only suitable for boys?Which do you think is better, for children to play with toys alone or with other kids?Do you think parents should encourage their children to share their toys with other kids?童年游戏Describe a game (not about sport) you enjoyed. You should say: when you were a child what the game was, when, where and with whom you usually played it, how you played it and explain why you enjoyed this game/ what was special about this game.Part3In general, how is outside play for children different to playing inside?Do you thi nk the indoor activities and outdoor activities develop children’s abilities the same way?What’s the most popular game in China?How have games changed in the past few decades?How have children’s games changed in the past few decades?How are children’s games different to adults’ games?Why do many adults today not play games?Do you think modern lifestyles encourage or discourage, adults from playing games? What benefits do people get from playing games?What benefits can children get from playing games?Do you think group activities (including team sports) can help give a child a sense of responsibility?图书馆Describe a library you visited. You should say: where it was; what it looked like; what facilities it had; and explain what influence it had on you.Part3Are there many public museums or libraries in China?Do people in China prefer to read in a library or at home?What can people read in a library that they cannot read in other places?Even though it might cost a lot to maintain a library, do you think every university should have a library?Do you think every primary school and secondary school should have a library?Do you think every town and city should have a public library?With the rapid development of technology today, do you think we still need books in future?博物馆的问题是关于文化差异完美假期Describe a perfect holiday you want to have in the future. You should say: who you will be together with, when, where you will spend, what you will do, why you think it will be a perfect holidayPart3What do Chinese people like to do on holiday?Where do they like to go?Do Chinese people like to travel abroad and which country do they like to go to? Some other questions about holiday and trip网站Describe a useful website that you like to visit. You should say: what this website helps you to do, what the contents of the website are (or, were), how (and when) you first found (or found out about) this website, how often you go to this website and explain how (or, why) this website helps you.Part3Compared to several decades ago, do you think the internet has changed people’s lives?What impact has the internet had on modern people’s lives?What are the pros and cons of children using the internet?How do you think children could be encouraged to (or taught to) use the internet in positive ways?Do you think online education is good?Do you think the internet (or computers) will ever replace teachers?In what ways is the internet used for entertainment?Do different age groups use it for entertainment in different ways?喜爱的衣服Describe the type of clothes that you usually like to wear. You should say: what type (or style) of clothes, where you usually but these clothes, how often you buy them, how you choose what to buy and explain why you like this style of clothes. Part3Does everyone like to go shopping for clothes?Why do you think some people don’t like shopping for clothes?Do you think it’s important (or good) to follow the current fashions in the clothes you wear?Why do many young people feel it’s important to wear clothes that are “in fashion”? Do you think people tend to judge others by the clothes they wear? (Why?) (Is this good?)Do you think these differences in clothes reflect differences in personality?Do you (did you) like wearing a school uniform?Do you think it’s good for people (such as school students) to wear uniforms? What impact do you think the fashion industry has on the economy of your country?小语种Describe another language [in addition to English and your own language (Chinese)] that you would learn, if you wanted. the name of this language (&where it is spoken), how you would learn it, what equipment of facilities you would need to study this language and explain what difficulties you think you would have (or might have) when learning this language/ why you would choose to study this language.Part3Do many people in China study a second foreign language? (Why?/ Why not?)Why do you think some people are better than others at learning a foreign language? How would you assess your own language ability? (=your own ability to learn a language”)Do you think children can learn a foreign language faster than adults? (Why? / Why not?)Who do you think are better at learning a language, boys or girls?If you were an English teacher, how would you try to make your lessons (more) interesting?How does studying a foreign language help people to understand the culture of the people who speak that language?Do you think it’s important (or a good idea) to have one main world language? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of having a global language?一见如故Describe a person who became your good or intimate friend at the first meeting. You should say: who, when you first met her, what you did together, why you became friends at the first meetingPart3Will you spend more time with friends or with families?拥挤的地方Describe a time you went to a place crowed with people. You should say: when you went there, where the place was, what you did there, why you went there, how you felt about the crowed peoplePart3Do you like large placeWhat event will attract many people in China?What place will attract many people in China?What do you think is the most important thing of an event?What problem is better to be solved through group work?Do people like crowed place in China?有礼貌的人Describe a most polite person you know. You should say: who, how you know, what she looks like, why you think the person is most politePart3Are you a polite person?How do people usually show courtesy?Do you think people living in the city are more polite than people in the country, why?Are Chinese people more polite than before, why?What behavior do you think is polite?Is it important to be polite?Compare the polite behavior between in the past and present?有趣的演讲Describe an interesting (and impressive) talk (or speech) that you heard. You should say: Who gave the talk, what the talk was about, where you heard it (or where this talk was give) and explain why the talk was interesting/ what you learned from this talk.Part3What different kinds of speeches or lectures have you attended in your life? What qualities (attributes) should these visiting speakers have?Why do you many people find it hard to give a talk to young children?Why do you think many people are nervous before they give a speech?Why do people give speech to children?Who make people to do so?How media relate to the speech to children in school?What kind of people can give speech to children?How about people on normal jobs?What’s t he aim of the speeches to children?重要的信息Describe an important message you received by phone, email or text. You should say: What the message was who it was from, what you did after you got this message and explain why the message was important.Part3How important do you think communication between people is?Do you think it’s important to have good communication skills?In what situations do you think communication is very important?Would you say you are a good communicator?What sorts of skills do you believe are important for good communication?Is there much difference between the ways young people communicate and the ways old people communicate?What sorts of jobs (or work) especially require good communication skills?Do you think communication skills can e taught or are they part of the (inborn/ innate) nature of a person?Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or to communicate by text message, email etc.?Why do you think many people prefer to use the telephone to communicate rather than speak face-to-face with people?Do old people and young people today generally use the same methods to communicate with each other (from afar)?重要的植物Describe an important plant in your country such as vegetables, flowers, fruits, trees. You should say: what, how you know, why it is important, how do you like the plantPart3Do you think farming is a good jobDo you think more and more people in the future want to plant fruits for themselves? Are there more and more people regarding farming as there work today and why?Do you think that is a positive trend?最近的改变Describe a recent change in your life (that changed your life in a good way). You should say: What the change was, when and where this change happened, what caused this change, what the result of this change was and explain how you felt about this change when it happened.Part3For working people: Did the change you just talked about affect your work in any way?Do you like change? (Why?/Why not?)Are you willing to make personal changes, such as change things about your personal habits and attitudes?Do you think experiencing change is good for children?How could a parent (or teacher) help a child be prepared to cope with future change? Do you think there are any advantages to having the parents help the child with his or her after-school activities?Do you think society is changing fast?In general, do Chinese people like change?电台节目Describe an interesting radio program you like. You should say: What the program is, when and where you listen to it, how often you like it, what types of people enjoy it and explain why you think it is interestingPart3Do people in China prefer to listen to the radio or to watch TV?Please compare TV and radio programsDoes radio have any advantages over TV?Do you prefer to watch TV alone or watch it with other people?How are radio programs in China today different to those of in the past (e.g.:20 to 40 years ago)?Which is the best way to get information, TV or radio?What types of radio programs are most popular in China? (why?)What are the contents of these programs?Is it a good choice to listen to the music program?访客Describe a person who visited your home. You should say: who the person was, when the peroson visited you, what you and the person did together and explain how you felt about the visit.Part3How do people in China welcome visitors to their homes?In China, when someone is a guest in another person’s house, in what ways should he or she express their respect to the host?Should the guest offer help to the host?In China, when you have visitors, do you usually eat at home or outside the home (at a restaurant)?How do people entertain guests at home?In China, what do people generally do when they visit each other?What do they talk about?Do people in China treat different kinds of visitors in different ways?Is there much difference between having relatives visit and having friends visit? In your country, when people visit others, do they usually bring anything (as a gift) to give to their host?How would you welcome a foreigner who was visiting your home (or who was visiting China)?And what do you think a foreign guest needs to pay attention to when visiting someone’s home in your country?公共旅行Describe a trip you took by public transport. You should say: when and where you went, why you took the trip, what you did and saw on the trip and explain how you felt about the tripPart3Why do some people prefer driving their cars to taking public transport?Is it true that driving cars means a higher status?Should government take measures to limit cars?Do Chinese people like to travel overseas?How does international travel influence the economy of countries (or a country)? After someone returns from traveling overseas, what effects can they have on their home country?What are some of the problems that people can have when they travel (including domestic travel)?What are some of the problems that could occur when one travels overseas?If a Chinese family migrates to a different country such as Canada or Australia, do the think the education of the children will be a problem?Why do people like to travel to different places (or new places)?How does tourism affect the economy of the tourist destination place (or country)? Is there much information about these on the internet?Compare the value of traveling to new places for children and for adults.规则Describe a rule in school you agree or disagree. You should say: what the rule is, why the rule is needed, how the rule is enforced and explain why you agree or disagree the rulePart3Do you think the rule is important? Why?Is the rule suitable for all students?What rules are there in your school?How do people obey the rules?Should pupils be involved in making rules?What rules are there people should obey in the society?Are rules different between in primary school and secondary school?Some other questions about rules in company海边Describe a seaside place you like to visit. You should say: where it is, what you like about it, what you do there, who you go there with and explain why you like to visit itPart3What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling on the ocean?Do you think traveling by ship (or boat) is as important today as it used to be in the past?Why do some people like to go on ocean cruises?Do you think ocean cruises will become more popular in the future?What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of shipping goods across the ocean?In the future, do you think the oceans will be used more for transportation than they are now, or used less?Why do people like places with a lot of water?Do you think people get mostly emotional (or mental) benefits from living near water of physical benefits?What are some differences between swimming in a swimming pool and swimming in the sea、健康方式Describe something you do to keep healthy. You should say: what you do, when you do it, how often you do it, whether you enjoy doing it and explain how it benefits your health.Part3What are some of the things that people do that are harmful to their health? What are some things that people can do to help them maintain good health?What do you think is the best way to maintain good health?What do you think are the differences between healthy food and “junk food”? What things do you think people in China need to do (or need to change) in order to improve their health?Why do some people have unhealthy lifestyles?Do you think modern people do enough regular exercise?What are some things that people do (or can do or could do) in order to get exercise?历史趣闻Describe an interesting event in history you know. You should say: who the event was, when and where it occurred, who was leading the event, how you know about it and explain why you think it was interestingPart3Do you think it’s important to know about history?What can we learn from history?How do (or how can) people get reliable historical information?Do you think any famous historical figures ca serve as models for young people today? Do people in your country like to visit museums?What ca people learn from museums?Who do you think likes to get to museums more, children or adults?Do you think museums should be free of cost to enter?Do you think local people and tourists should pay the same amount to enter a museum? How do you think museums of the future might be different to museums of today?How do you think museums of the future might portray the 21st century?尊敬的老人Describe an old person you know who you respect/ admire. You should say: who the person is, how you know the person, what king of person he or she is and explain why you respect/ admire the personPart3Are there any advantages to be old?What are disadvantages of being old?In China today, what are the living conditions for old people like?Why do old today live longer than in the past?What are some things a person can do to help them live longer?Do you think we should respect old people? (Why?)Do old people in China have opportunities to attend any forms of classes?Who pays for these classes?Do you think the state (the government) has a responsibility to provide these classes?Do you think we (younger people) can learn anything from old people?Are the attitudes of young people today towards old people the same as they used to be years ago、What can young people learn from elderly people?What work (if any) is suitable for old people and what work is unsuitable for them?派对Describe a party you would like to arrange for your friends of family. You should say: who you would invite to the party, when and where you would hold the party, what you (or your guests) would do at the party or what preparations you would do for this partyPart3On what occasions (or when) do people in China have a party?When people have a party in China, do you think it’s the same as a party in foreign countries?What do people do in China do when they have a party?In China, are parties today the same as parties 20 or 30 years ago?Are parties for old (or older) people the same as parties for young people?Are parties in rural parts of China the same as parties in the city?On what occasions do people (in China) come together for family gatherings? What would you say is the importance (or the value) of these celebrations?Do people in the countryside have the same kinds of family celebrations as people in the cities?Why do people celebrate festivals?Do you personally feel that traditional celebrations/ festivals are important? (Why? / Why not?)Would you like to see more international festivals?有趣的国度Describe an interesting country (not your own) you like. You should say: which the country is, how you know the country, what you know about the country and explain why you think the country is interestingPart 3How do you think about study abroad?Why do many students study abroad now?How do you think about living (traveling) in foreign countries?Why do many people live (travel) in foreign countries?What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism to a country?Talk about some difference between China and a country else错误的决定Describe a decision you regret/ a time when you made a wrong decision. You should say: what the decision was, what the situation was and explain why you think it was the wrong decisionDescribe a wrong decision made by someone you know. You should say: who made this wrong decision, what the decision was, what the situation was and explain why you think it was the wrong decisionPart3Do you think decision-making today is different to decision-making in the past? Which do you think is better, to make decisions quickly or to make decisions slowly? Do you think it is a good idea to make decisions when one is feeling strong emotions or is it better to make decisions when one's emotions are not strong?What are some typical decisions that families make?In your country, how are decisions made within the family?Should parents make decision for their children?Do women have more power to make a decision than before?电子设备Describe a machine or electronic device you would like to buy. You should say: what special features it would have, how you know about it, how much it would cost, how you would use this thing and explain why you would like to have it.Part3Do you think science and technology have affected modern society very much? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this situation?Can you think of any examples of modern machines of high-tech equipment that people have in their homes today?What do you think are the advantages and any disadvantages that result from using these modern devices?How have the changes in communication technology changed society?What do you suggest a person, for example, an old person, do if he or she cannot understand how to use modern equipment (that is in his or her home)?。

I will persist until I succeed
Part 1
1. Home/accommodation Do you live in a house or a flat? Which is your favorite room and why? What do you usually do in your room? What is the environment like in your neighborhood? Do you think the place you live in is suitable for children to live? 2. Hometown Where is your hometown? Do your like your hometown? Why or why not? What do you dislike about your hometown? Has your hometown changed much in the past few years? (e.g. 20 years) 3. Work or studies Are you a student or do you work? What major are you in? Do you think your major is difficult to learn? What subject do you like/dislike? What do you do? Would you recommend your job to other people? What kind of job do you like to do in the future? When do you study most efficiently in a day? 4. Name Do you have an English name? What’s your full name? Does your name have any special meaning? Who gave you your name? Are there any special names (or special types of names) that Chinese parents choose for their children? Do you have any special traditions about naming children? 5. Music do you like to listen to music? when and where do you listen to music? how much time do you spend listening to music every day? what kind of music do you like to listen to? have you ever been to a musical performance? have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? is music an important subject at school in china? what kind of music is most popular in china? 6. Cooking Can you cook? How well do you cook?

新航道雅思口语笔记P3P3Discussion on concepts and abstract subjects4-5 minutesTransitional sentence+ transitional question+ key questions Transitional sentence:考官会说:Ok, we’ve been talking about ( cue card question eg. Sports), and now I’d like to ask you one or two general questions related to this topic. So first of all…Key questions:What sports do elderly people do in china?How important are sports to people in china?Grammar is crucial to this type of topics+ content arrangements题型1 Changes:Changes that have happened注意语法Grammar on changes 1:Past tensePresent perfect tenseLinking wordsSample:1.Years ago, people used to read books for fun since wedidn’t yet quite have access to modern forms of media such as laptop, internet, tv, mp3 etc, and it could be sucha fashion that borrowing books was one of the mostcommon excuses boys used when they meant to invite a girl out.whereas right now with the the development of hightechnology,actual book reading seems less a trend compared to other entertaining activities,especially among young people.Nowqq, msn, e-mails ect are used as common ways of communicating between people. In short, the habit of book reading might have already been replaced by internet ect2.I think men and women like different hobbies, for examplemen are fond of many type of sporting activities such as football and basketball. Also they prefer things like watching action movies and going to bars, but women like hobbies such as shopping, watching tv and singing ktv andchatting online3.Well,obviously there are a number of differences. However,I guess that the most significant would be that men tend to prefer sporting activies, such as football and basketball. Whereas in contrast women prefer things like shopping for clothes. In addition to this, another possible distinction might be that men ususally like eatching films while, on the other hand, wp,em are more likely to prefer watching soap opera on tvAdverbs:ObviouslyClearlySure, without a doubtUndoubtedlyUnmistakablyunquestionably题型2~changes that will:Changes that might happen in the future ?Describe some of the changes you think will happen in yourcountry in the next 20 yearsWhat changes will happen in the future because oftechnological developments?即考官会让你预测一下未来。

济南新航道学校巅峰口语入学测评试卷Part 1 Listening (20分)You are going to hear a short passage .Fill every blank with one word according to the passage.Welcome to the StoryCorps Podcast. In this 1. , we hear from 31- year-old Julio Dia, a 2.______worker from the Bronx. Diaz has a daily .3______. Every night he ends his hour-long4.________commute to the Bronx, one stop early just so he can eat at his favorite dinner. But one night last month, as Diaz 5._______off the train and onto a nearly empty platform; his evening took an unexpected turn.You will hear the passage again and then figure out whether the following statement is True or False.6..The platform is crowded.7..Diaz likes eating out.8. The kid stole Diaz’ wallet.9. Diaz was welcomed in the restaurant.10.Diaz’s mom often has to worry about his son.Part 2 Vocabulary (40分)There ar e incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Chose the ONE that best completes the sentence.1. Simple ________ the cartoon is , the meaning it conveys is deep and thought-provoking.A. untilB. asC. muchD. despite2. As a proverb goes, “more________,less speed.”A. hasteB. hurryC. promptnessD. anxiety3. We rushed to the station,________ to find that the train had already left.A. justB. onceC. onlyD. much as4. The child has been ________ by his parents who allow him to do anything he likes.A. spoiledB. ruinedC. destroyedD. blamed5. They are ordered to be present at the important meeting, ________.A. rain or shineB. more or lessC. sooner or laterD. for good6. It was the last ________ that broke the camel’s back.A. brickB. strawC. candleD. whip7. ________ she arrived home , she set about preparing a meal.A. ImmediatelyB. SimultaneouslyC. PresumablyD. Efficiently8. The man ask the policeman ________ .A. let him to goB. to let him to goC. let him goD. to let him go9. My hair is too long. I’m going to have it ________ .A. cuttingB. cutC. cutsD. to cut10. Do you know ________ ?A. where does he liveB. where he livesC. he where livesD. he lives where11. I don’t remember ____ to Professor Brown during my last visit to Harvard.A. having introducedB. having been introducedC. to have introducedD. to have been introduced.12. In the past, most foresters have been men, but today, the number of women___ this field is climbing.A. registeringB. pursuingC. devotingD. engaging13. The alarm clock didn’t ring this morning. You ___ it last night.A. need to have forgotten to windB. may have forgotten windingC. ought to have forgotten to windD. must have forgotten to wind14. If you ___ that late movie last night, you wouldn’t be dozy now.A. haven’t watchedB. didn’t watchC. hadn’t watchedD. wouldn’t have watched15. The company ____ a rise in salary for ages. But nothing has happened yet.A. is promisedB. has been promisingC. were expectingD. had expected16. He expressed his___ for what he called Saudi Arabia’s moderate and realistic oil policies.A. appropriateB. appreciationC. appealD. adventure17. The match was canceled because most of the members___ to having a match without a standard court.A. objectedB. subjectedC. admittedD. contributed18. You shouldn’t be so ___ ---- I didn’t mean anything bad in what I said.A. sentimentalB. sensibleC. sensitiveD. sophisticated19. The failure of the project might be ___ to a lack of funds.A. contributedB. distributedC. attributedD. blame20. Diana’s house was crowded with happy people whose___ outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music.A. spontaneousB. significantC. skepticalD. solitaryPart 3 Speaking ( 40分)1. Read a short passage.2. Describe a person you like most.3. Please give me a brief introduction about yourself.4. Travel(1) Do you enjoy traveling ?(2) Have you visited any other cities in China? And how about your trip?(3) Do you like travel alone or with someone else? Why?5. Festivals(1) Do you like celebrating festivals? And how do you celebrate it ?(2) Do you celebrate any foreign festivals?(3) Nowadays, foreign festivals are become increasingly hot in China. Some fear our traditional festivals will be ignored .What do you think ?口语评分四项:各项均十分,根据情况打分详见(雅思口语评分标准)巅峰口语测试题答案:Part1:1.episode2.social3.routine4.subway5.stepped6-10 F T F T FPart3:1--5: B A C A A6-10:BA D B B11-15 B B D C B16-20 B A C C ASupport for NPR Podcasts comes from Acura featuring the Acura TL with bluetooth-phone connectivity. Learn more at .StoryCorps is made possible though major funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and most importantly through the support of participants and listeners like you.Welcome to the StoryCorps Podcast. In this episode, we hear from 31- year-old Julio Dia, a social work from the Bronx. Diaz has a daily routine. Every night he ends his hour-long subway commute to the Bronx, one stop early just so he can eat at his favorite diner. But one night last month, as Diaz stepped off the train and onto a nearly empty platform; his evening took an unexpected turn.So I get off the train, you know, I'm walking towards the stairs. And this young teenager pulls out a knife, he wants my money. So I just gave him my wallet, told him here you go. He starts to leave. And as he's walking away, I'm like, hey, wait a minute, (you) forgot something. If you gonna be robbing people for the rest of the night, youmight as well take my coat to keep you warm. So, you know, he is looking at me like what's going on here, you know, and he asked me why are you doing this? And I'm like, well, ah, you know, man, if you're willing to risk your freedom for a few dollars, and I guess you must really need the money. I mean all I wanted to do was go get dinner. And if you really want to join me, hey you are more than welcome. Then I'm like, look, you can follow me if you want. You know, I just felt maybe he really needs help. So you know, we go into the diner where I normally, we sit down in a booth. And the manager comes by, the dishwashers come by, the waiters come by to say hi you know so. The kid was like, man, but you know everybody here, do you own this place? I'm like, no, I just eat here a lot. He's like, but you're even nice to the dishwasher. I'm like, well, haven't you been taught you should be nice to everybody? so he's like, yeah, but I don't think people actually behave that way. So I just asked him in the end, I'm like, you know, what is it that you want out of your life? He just had almost a sad face, either he couldn't answer me or he didn't want to. The bill came and I look at him and I'm like, look, I guess you now have enough to pay for this bill coz' you have my money and I can't pay for this. So, if you give me my wallet back, I will gladly treat you. He didn't even think about it. He's like, yeah, okay, here you go. So I got my wallet back and I gave, you know, I gave him 20 dollars for, you know, I figure maybe it will help him, I don't know. And when I gave him the 20 dollars, I asked him to give me something in return which was his knife. And he gave it to me.You know it is funny coz' when I told my mom about what happened, you know no mom wants to hear this. But with her, she was like well; you know you are the type of kid that if someone asks you for the time, you give them your watch. I thought, I figure you know you treat people right you can only hope that they treat you right. It is as simple as it gets in this complicated world.评分标准:笔试部分:听力部分1-10题:共10题,每题2分,共20分词汇部分11-30题:共20题,每题2分,共40分口试部分:共四项,每项10分,共40分总分:100分学员所得分数=笔试分数+口试分数课程级别标准:测试成绩80分以上雅思6.0以上.................高级托福90以上测试成绩66--80分雅思5.5-6.0分....................中级level3 托福85-90分测试成绩46-65分雅思5.0-5.5分.....................中级level2 托福75-85分测试成绩31-45分雅思4.5-5.0分.....................中级level1 托福65-75分测试成绩16-30分雅思4.0-4.5分.....................预备级托福55-65分测试成绩0-15分雅思0-4.0分......................零基础托福0-55分。

Part 2●Long speech● 1 minute preparation●1-2 minutes speechKey points●Fluent●Vocabulary●Non-stop●Logic●OrganizationKey topics●Describe people●Describe event●Describe objects/placesDescribe peopleAge:●old age pensioner/senior citizen老人●Middle-aged●Young adult●Teenagers●Toddler学步的儿童(通常1至2岁半)●Baby●Infant 婴儿Build:People have all shapes and sizes:胖的overweight/obese/heavy/big/large微胖chubby圆胖的,丰满的/plump丰满的,(某部位)胖乎乎的/flabby(肌肉松垂的,有赘肉的)形容身材好的:well-built/ muscular/fit/sporty/athletic/well-proportioned身材匀称的/curvaceous有曲线美的/curvy有曲线美的/hour-glass figure魔鬼身材瘦的:slim苗条的(褒义)/thin病态的瘦,瘦削的/skinny皮包骨般的瘦wiry瘦而结实的/lean瘦的Stocky低矮结实的;粗壮的/small/ tall/short /big-boned Color:Fairhair金发/fairskin白皙的肤色/fair complexion白皙的肤色/tanned被晒成深褐色的/dark-skinned肤色深的/blonde 百富金发碧眼女人(女孩)/red-head红发人/pale complexion苍白的面色/a ruddy complexion红润的面色/freckled有雀斑的/dark-brown hair/white/caucasian白种人(的)/black/asian/ mixed-race混血种Face:●脸:Oval face鹅蛋脸square face方形脸heart-shapedface心形脸round face圆脸Angelic face天使般的面孔handsome/beautiful/lovely/sweet/pretty facePlain/ugly/terrible face很普通的相貌/丑陋的面孔/可怕的面孔(tips:老师说,若要形容一个人长相不好看,比较丑的话,不要用ugly。
2023年雅思口语题目+参考答案 5-8月新题

Part 15-8月新题1.HEALTHY1 How do you keep healthy?To keep healthy, I prioritize regular exercise, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and manage stress through practices such as meditation or self-care.2.what is your favorite sport?I would enjoy various sports, but my favorite sport would be basketball. I love the combination of strategy, teamwork, and athleticism required to play the game.3.Are there health classes in your school?Yes, there were health classes in my school. These classes covered a range of topics related to physical and mental health, including nutrition, exercise, stress management, and substance abuse prevention4.How do you maintain mental healthTo maintain my mental health, I prioritize self-care practices such as meditation, spending time in nature, and talking to a therapist or trustedfriend when needed. I also try to maintain a healthy work-life balance and engage in activities that bring me joy and fulfillmentNGUAGE1.What languages can you speak?I can speak English fluently and have basic proficiency in Spanish andFrench.2.What languages would you like to learn in the future?I would be interested in learning Mandarin Chinese and Arabic in thefuture. I think these languages would be useful for business and travel, and they have a rich cultural history that I would like to explore.3.Would you say it is a difficult language to learnLearning a new language can be challenging, but I don't think it's inherently difficult. The level of difficulty depends on factors such as the individual's prior language learning experience, the complexity of the language, and the amount of time and effort invested in learning.4.Do you think it is important to know more than one language?Yes, I believe it's important to know more than one language. Being multilingual can open up new opportunities for communication, travel,and cultural exchange, as well as enhance cognitive abilities and employability.5.What is the most difficult part about studying a foreign language?The most difficult part of studying a foreign language, in my opinion, is maintaining motivation and consistency over time. It can also be challenging to master pronunciation and grammar, build vocabulary, and understand cultural nuances and idioms. However, with dedication and practice, these challenges can be overcome.3.AMBITION1.Are you an ambitious personYes, I consider myself to be an ambitious person. I have specific goals and aspirations that I work towards on a daily basis.2.What is you main ambitions in lifeMy main ambition in life is to make a positive impact on the world through my work and personal endeavors. I strive to achieve success and happiness while also contributing to society in a meaningful way.3.Do you think you will achieve your ambitionI believe that with hard work, dedication, and perseverance, I can achievemy ambitions. However, there may be unforeseen challenges or setbacks along the way that could impact my progress.4.Are your friends/family members ambitiousYes, many of my friends and family members are also ambitious and have their own goals and aspirations. We support each other in our endeavors and share advice and encouragement.5.Is it always good to be ambitous?While ambition can be a positive trait that drives people towards success and achievement, it's important to balance that ambition with other aspects of life, such as relationships, health, and personal fulfillment. Too much ambition can lead to burnout, stress, and a lack of work-life balance.4.DREAM1.What was your dream when you were a childWhen I was a child, my dream was to become an astronaut. I was fascinated with space and the idea of exploring the unknown.2.Has it changedYes, my dream has changed since then as I grew older and discovered new interests and passions.3.Will it change in the futureIt's possible that my dream may change in the future as I continue to learn and grow as a person.4.Why did you have that dreamI had that dream because I was inspired by the bravery and innovation of the early space pioneers. I was also captivated by the idea of exploring new worlds and discovering new things about the universe.5.Ice cream1.Do you like ice creamYes, I love ice cream. It's a delicious and refreshing treat, especially on a hot day.2.Did you eat ice cream when you were a childYes, I ate ice cream frequently when I was a child. It was always a special treat that I looked forward to.3.Are there shops selling ice cream near the place where you liveYes, there are several shops selling ice cream near where I live, including both chain stores and local ice cream shops.4.Can you make ice cream yourselfYes, I can make ice cream myself using a home ice cream maker or even just a simple recipe and some basic ingredients. It's a fun and easy way to create custom flavors and enjoy a sweet treat.6.Concentration1.Did you stay focused in class when you were a child?When I was a child, I generally stayed focused in class, although there were certainly times when my attention would wander.2.Are you a focused person?Yes, I consider myself to be a focused person. I'm able to concentrate on tasks and goals for extended periods of time.3.How do you stay focused?To stay focused, I try to eliminate distractions, break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and set specific goals and deadlines for myself.4.Is it easy to stay focused in a noisy environment?No, it's generally not easy to stay focused in a noisy environment. I find that background noise can be very distracting and can make it difficult toconcentrate on tasks. However, using noise-cancelling headphones or finding a quieter space to work can help mitigate the effects of noise on focus.7.Fixing things1.Can you fix things?Yes, I'm able to fix many things around the house and in everyday life.2.What things can you fix?I can fix basic household items such as leaky faucets, clogged drains, and broken appliances. I'm also able to fix simple problems with electronics and computers.3.How to fix things?To fix things, I usually start by researching the problem and gathering information on how to solve it. Then, I follow step-by-step instructions or seek assistance from experts if needed.4.Did you ask people to teach you to fix things when you were a child? Yes, when I was a child, I often asked my parents and other adults to teach me how to fix things. I was always curious about how things worked and enjoyed learning new skills.8.Friends1.How important are friends to you?Friends are very important to me. They provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging.2.Do you often go out with your friends?Yes, I enjoy spending time with my friends and try to make plans with them regularly.3.Where do you often meet each other?We often meet each other at restaurants, coffee shops, or outdoor spaces like parks or hiking trails.4.What do you usually do with your friends?When I'm with my friends, we usually spend time talking and catching up on each other's lives. We might also play games, watch movies, or go on outings together like shopping or exploring new places.9.Favourite day1.Which day is your favourite day?My favorite day is Saturday because it's usually a day off from work orschool, and I can relax and do things I enjoy.2.Which day is your least favorite dayMy least favorite day is Monday because it's the start of the work or school week and can feel overwhelming.3.How do you usually spend your timeI usually spend my time working, studying, or pursuing hobbies like reading, exercising, or spending time with friends and family.4.How is your favourite day different from other daysMy favorite day is different from other days because I have more freedom to do what I want without the obligations of work or school. I can sleep in, indulge in my hobbies, and spend quality time with loved ones without feeling rushed or stressed.10.Rain1.Do you like rainy daysYes, I like rainy days. I find the sound of rain calming and enjoy the cozy feeling of staying indoors.2.Dose it rain much in your cityIt rains occasionally in my city, but not excessively3.Would you like to live a place that is dry or wet?I prefer to live in a place that has a moderate amount of rainfall. I enjoy the benefits of rain, such as lush vegetation and clean air, but also appreciate dry, sunny weather for outdoor activities.4.What do you do when it’s rainy?When it's rainy, I like to stay indoors, read a book, or watch a movie. Sometimes I'll also cook or bake something warm and comforting.5.Will you bring rain coat or umbrella when it’s rainyYes, I usually bring a raincoat or umbrella when it's rainy to stay dry and avoid getting sick.6.Will it affect your mood?Rainy weather can affect my mood, but it depends on the circumstances. If I have to be outside in the rain, I may feel frustrated or annoyed. But if I can stay indoors and relax, I find the rain to be peaceful and calming.7.Do you think raining will affect people’s behaviour? Why or why not Yes, I think rainy weather can affect people's behavior. It may make themmore likely to stay indoors or feel less motivated to go out and do things. It can also create more traffic congestion and accidents on the roads.8.Can you remember any time when it rains particularly heavily in your hometownYes, I remember a time when it rained particularly heavily in my hometown. The streets flooded and many people had trouble getting around. It was a bit chaotic, but also a memorable experience.11.Day off1.What do you do on your day off?On my day off, I usually try to relax and do things that I enjoy, such as reading, exercising, or spending time with friends and family.2.Do you usually spend your day off with your parents or friendsIt depends on the day and my plans, but I enjoy spending time with both my parents and friends on my day off.3.Do you think it’s important to have a day offYes, I think it's important to have a day off to rest and recharge. It allows us to take a break from the demands of work or school and focus on our personal needs and interests.4.What did you do last day offOn my last day off, I went for a hike with some friends and then spent the afternoon reading and relaxing at home. It was a nice balance of physical activity and restful downtime.12.Bags1.Do you usually carry a bagYes, I usually carry a bag with me, especially when I'm going out for the day or running errands.2.What kinds of bags do you like to carryI like to carry bags that are both functional and stylish. My preferences vary depending on the occasion and my outfit, but I generally prefer medium-sized shoulder bags or backpacks.3.Do you change your bag oftenI don't change my bag very often, as I tend to stick with styles that I know I like and that work well for me. However, I may switch to a different bag for special occasions or if my current bag becomes worn out or damaged.4. Is it necessary to buy a expensive bagIt's not necessary to buy an expensive bag, but it can be worth investing ina high-quality bag that will last for a long time and meet your needs. Ultimately, the most important factors are functionality, durability, and personal style preferences.13.Teachers1.Do you want to be a teacher in the futureNo, I do not want to be a teacher in the future. While I have great respect for teachers and the important work they do, it's not a career path that aligns with my personal interests and skills.2.Do you remember one of your teachersYes, I remember many of my teachers from different stages of my education. Each of them had a unique teaching style and personality that left an impression on me.3.Do you have a favorite teacherYes, I have several favorite teachers who made a significant impact on my education and personal growth. They were passionate, knowledgeable, and supportive, and inspired me to pursue my interests and goals.4.Do you still keep in touch with your teacherI have lost touch with most of my teachers over the years, but I occasionallyreconnect with them through social media or alumni events. I'm always grateful for the positive influence they had on my life.14.Wild animals1.Are there wild animals in your countryYes, there are wild animals in my country, including bears, wolves, deer, and many species of birds.2.Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari parkYes, I have been to both zoos and safari parks. While I appreciate the opportunity to see exotic animals up close, I also recognize the ethical concerns surrounding captive animals and prefer to see animals in their natural habitats.3.What is the animal you would like to see in the wildI would love to see a tiger in the wild. They are such majestic and powerful creatures, and it would be an incredible experience to witness them in their natural environment.4.Are there TV programs about wild animals in your countryYes, there are many TV programs about wild animals in my country, including documentaries, nature shows, and wildlife rescue programs.They are popular among audiences of all ages and provide an opportunity to learn about animals and their habitats15.The city you live in1.What city do you live inI live in Beijing, the capital city of China, which is a bustling metropolis with a rich history and cultural landmarks.2.Do you like this cityYes, I truly enjoy living in this city as it offers a unique blend of modern and traditional elements, such as the mix of ancient architecture and contemporary skyscrapers.3.How long have you live in this cityI have been living in Beijing for almost two decades now, and it has beena wonderful place to grow up and develop my personal and academic interests.4.Are there big changes in this cityYes, there have been significant changes in the city over the years, especially in terms of infrastructure development, transportation, and environmental initiatives to improve air quality and reduce pollution.5.Is this city your permanent residenceYes, Beijing is my permanent residence, and I plan to continue living here as it provides me with a sense of belonging and connection to my community.。

2023年5-8月雅思口语题库part1话题(范文):polite礼貌1.What is politeness in your opinion?Mmmm… for me politeness is treating other people like you would want to be treated, and remembering to say please and thank you, that was something my grandmother always reminded me about.2.When you were child who taught you to be polite?My parents, and especially my grandmother, she was always telling me to say please when I asked for something and to remember to say thank you when somebody gave me something or did something for me.3.Why is it important to be polite to people?It’s one of those things that just makes life nicer, isn’t it? When people are polite, or courteous, it’s just nicer than if they’re not. It makes everyday activities better… if people weren’t polite then maybe we wouldn’t speak to so many different people every day or help people… or ask for help either.4.Do you think people became more or less polite in your country compared to when you were a child?I believe, people have become more of open minded, less formal andmore bold in making statements. So, they tend to just say as it is. But, this does not necessarily mean that they don’t respect their parents or elders. I think the problem is that people are not able to express what they feel in a better way.5. In your country’s culture, how do you show that you are being polite?To start with, a simple but convincing indicator of good manners, in my opinion, is saying “thank you” to those who help us, “sorry” when we’ve done something wrong and “please” when we ask someone for a favor. What’s more, as you probably know, Vietnam is a hierarchical society, which means it’s crucial for the people here to be respectful of their seniors, by using honorifics for instance. Of course, there are many other examples of politeness, but I’m pretty sure the ones Ive mentioned above are two of the most fundamental expressions.6.Are we less polite with members of our families than with people we don’t know?I suppose its normal to be a bit more relaxed about politeness with family members. Most people tend to speak in a more informal way at home; in the UK, we still say please and thanks, but its fine to use colloquial language and things like nicknames that you would never use with someone you didnt know.7. Do you think we should be polite to those who are not being polite to us?I remember reading somewhere that we should be pleasant to everyone, not because they’re nice, but because we are, and that“manners maketh man”. Just because someone is misbehaving doesn’t necessarily mean we should act as badly in return. There’s no point of downgrading our manners! This only makes other people look down on us. Instead, we’d better try to stay calm and courteous, even to those who don’t really deserve our politeness. And I said “try” because I know that it’s not always easy.礼貌基本用语:Please – This is one of those words that can show good manners or come across as sarcastic, based on your tone. Any time you ask for something, its always a good idea to add this word to soften the request.Youre welcome – When someone says, Thank you, your instant response should be, Youre welcome, Youre certainly welcome, or some variation that feels comfortable to you. Another way to express the same thought is, I was happy to do it, or, My pleasure.Thank you – When someone does something nice for you or gives you a gift, you should always say, Thank you. Not doing so gives the impression that you feel entitled to whatever it is, and that can leave a sour taste in a mannerly persons mouth.May I – The phrase may I puts you on the same side as the person you are speaking to. It gives the other person the feeling that you empathize, without your having to say that. For example, when you say, May I see that book? you give the person an opportunity to share what she is looking at.Excuse me – This is an acknowledgment that you are asking forgiveness for leaving the table, coughing, or otherwise disruptingsomething you are engaged in.Pardon me – This phrase is interchangeable with excuse me. Pardon me sounds more formal.I beg your pardon – Some people, particularly those who learned manners from Southern belle moms, would never have said, What? when asking someone to repeat what theyd just said. I was always told that I beg your pardon was much more polite and less harsh. The origin of this phrase makes me smile because it means to release someone from punishment.Im sorry – When you make a mistake, hurt someones feelings, or do something that you know you shouldnt have done, saying, Im sorry, is always the first thing you should say. Youre letting the other person know you regret having done whatever it was.雅思口语Part1答案:Polite礼貌1.Do you think you are a polite person?Very much depends on the situation. I am by nature a very friendly and polite person but I’m also not at all a pushover.这特别取决于状况。

雅思最新口语真题集(更新至2010年7月)Part 1Advertisements考试时间:2.6 3.6 3.27 4.17●Are there many advertisements in China?●Do you like advertisements?●What kind of advertisements do you like most?●Do you prefer advertisements on TV or in magazines?●Do advertisements ha ve much influence on people’s lives?●What do you think is the purpose of advertising?Animals考试时间:7.17 7.31●What is your favorite animal?●Do you think Chinese people like animals?Book/Reading考试时间:3.20 3.27 4.10 4.17 4.24 5.8 5.15 6.5 7.17 ●Do you often read books?●What kinds of books do you usually read?●What kinds of things do you read?●Did you read a lot when you were a child? If so, what were they?●Do you enjoy reading when you were a child? Now? Why?●Why don't you keep reading now?●Do you like reading?●Reading habit?●Where do you like to read books?●How much time do you spend reading?●At what time of day do you prefer to read?●How important is reading for you?Bicycles考试时间:2.27 3.27●Do you like riding bicycle?●When do you ride a bicycle?●Where do you ride a bicycle?●Are bicycles popular where you live?●What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by bicycle?Cell phone考试时间:6.5 6.19 6.26 7.10 7.31●How often do you use your cell phone?●When did you get your first cell phone?●Dis/advantagesColor考试时间:5.29 6.5 6.19 7.10 7.17 7.31●What color do you like? What’s your favorite color?●Do you often wear the color you like?●What color will be used in your room?●Is there any color which has special meaning in China?Collection考试时间:2.6 3.20 3.27 4.10 4.17 5.15 5.20 5.29 6.57.17 7.31●Do you like collect things?●Why do you have such a collection?●Did you like collecting things when you were a child? Have you ever collectedanything?●What will you collect when you’re rich in the future?●What do Chinese people like to collect?●What can people learn from their collections?Computers考试时间:2.6●How often do you use a computer?●Which websites do you often visit on the Internet?●In what ways do people use computers in your country?●How ‘computer literate’ are you?●How much have computers changed your life?Cooking考试时间:2.6 3.6 3.20 3.27 4.10 4.24 5.8 5.155.20 7.17 7.31●Do you like cooking?●Do you cook at home?●Did you learn cooking in your childhood?●Will you cook in the future?●Who usually does the cooking in your family?●Is it important for young people to know how to cook?Drawing/Painting考试时间:3.6 3.27 4.17 5.8●Have you ever learnt painting?●Do you ever draw or paint now?●What kind of drawing or painting did you do as a child?●Did you buy some paintings?●Should children learn painting?●What are the benefits of drawing or painting for adults?Driving a car考试时间:2.6 3.6 3.27 4.17 5.8●Do you have a driving license?●Can you drive a car●When is the appropriate age for getting a driving license?/ at what age do youthink people should be able to get a driving license?●Do you think it’s important to learn to drive a carFashion/shopping考试时间:2.11 2.20 3.6 3.27 4.10 4.17 4.24 6.19 6.267.10 7.17 7.31●Do you like fashion?●Do you like shopping/window shopping?●How often do you go shopping●Do you prefer to go shopping with friends or alone?●What makes you interested in shopping?●Do you think shopping is a waste of time?●What’s the difference between big shop and small shop?●When was the last time you went shopping?●What kind of clothes do you like to wear?●Do you think you will wear the same kind of clothes when you are older?●Is the brand of clothes important to you?●Who buy clothes for you?Film考试时间:2.11 2.20 3.27 4.17 4.24 5.15 5.29 6.5 7.31 ●What kinds of film do you like best?●Are these types of film popular in your country?●Do you prefer watch movies in cinema or at home?●How often do you watch film?Flowers考试时间:2.6 2.20 3.27 4.24 5.15 5.29 6.5 6.197.10 7.31●Do you like flowers?●Why do people like flower?●Do Chinese people grow flowers?●When was the last time you bought flowers/ gave flowers to someone?●Why will Chinese people buy flowers?/ On what occasions do people giveflowers to other people?/ how are flowers used for special occasions or festivals in your contry?●Do you like garden?●Do old people like flowers?●Are flowers popular in china?Food考试时间:6.5 7.17 7.31●What is your favorite food?●What did you like to eat when you were a child?●Do you still like it? If not, why?●What kinds of food are popular in your country?●What food will you recommend to children?●Is it usual for the whole family to eat together in your country?●What are some of the benefits of eating home-cooked food?Friends考试时间:2.6 3.27 4.17●Do you enjoy spending time with friends?●How often do you meet your friends?●How do you spend your time when you are with friends?●Do you and your friends have similar hobbies and interests?●Is the time enough to hang out with your friend?●Will you invite your friend to your home?Fruit/Vegetables考试时间:2.6 3.6 3.27 4.17 5.8●What kind of fruit/vegetables do you like? Why?●Where do you buy fresh fruit and vegetable?●Is it easy (convenient to) buy fruit and vegetables where you live?/ Where canyou buy fruits and vegetables near your home?Fruits: peach, pineapple, kiwi fruit, watermelon, cherry, strawberry, lychee, star fruit, mango…Vegetables: garlic, onion, cabbagem cauliflower, spinach, eggplant, cucumber…Handwriting考试时间:2.6●What do you write everyday?●Do you prefer using computer or using hands to write?●Do you think handwriting is still important nowadays?Hometown考试时间:2.6 2.11 2.27 3.20 3.27 4.10 4.17 4.24 5.85.15 5.20 5.296.5 6.197.10 7.17 7.31●Where are you from?/ whereabouts did you grow up?●How long have you lived there? / Do your family and you live here for a longtime?●Do you still live there?●Would you say it’s a good place to grow up?●Where will you recommend to your friends in your city?●Transportations in your hometown●Where do you want to live, south or north of China?●What’s special about your hometown?●Do you like the city you current live in?●What do you like most about your hometown?●Do you like to live in a big city or a small town?●Do you think your hometown has bright future?Home考试时间:2.6 2.20 3.6 3.27 4.10 4.17 5.8 6.267.10 7.17 7.31●Do you live in a house or an apartment?/ What kind of place do you live in-ahouse, a flat, or a dormitory?●Who do you live with? /Live alone or with others?●Do you like living there?●What’s special about your flat? / What do you like about the rooms in your home?●What do you think is the most important thing in your room?●Will you recommend others to live in your flat, and why?●Do you want to change another house?●How long have you lived there?●Have you ever been living alone for some time?●Surrounding?●What kind of community are you living in?●How is the traffic around your home?●Do you like the place you current live in?Language考试时间:2.11 3.20 3.27 4.10 4.24 5.8 5.15 5.20 6.57.17 7.31●What/how many language do you speak?●What other languages can you speak?●Do you want to learn anther language?●How do you learn it (esp. English)?●Do you think learning English is difficult?/ Is there anything you find especiallydifficult about learning English?●How could you improve your English?●Do you think learning languages is important?●Something helps you to learn another language.Leisure time考试时间:7.17 7.31●What do you do in your leisure time?●Do you think it is important?Letter or email考试时间:2.6 3.27 4.17●Do you like email or letter?●How often do you send email/letters?●Do you generally receive more emails than you send?●Do you think email will ever completely replace letter writing?Names●Is your given/family name a common one in your country?●Does your name mean anything or have a special significance?●Do you like your name?●Would you like to change your name?●In your culture, do women change their names when they get married? Neighbors考试时间:2.6 2.20 3.6 3.27 4.10 4.17 5.8 6.19 6.267.31●Do you know your neighbor?●Do you think it is important to have good relationship with your neighbor?●How is your relationship with your neighbors?●How often do you meet them?●What kind of conflicts people may have with their neighbors?●Are your neighbors old or young?●Do you prefer the neighbor in your age or older than u?Newspaper/magazine考试时间:2.6 3.6 3.27 4.10 4.17 5.15 5.29 7.107.31●What kind do you like to read?●How often do you read newspapers?●Have you read a foreign magazine?●If so, what is it and how do you think about it?●What kind of article/information interests you the most?Public transport考试时间:3.6 6.5●What kind of transportation do you like?●What kind of transportation do people in your city often use?●What is the traffic condition in your city?●the dis/advantages of public transport and private carsSongs考试时间:4.10 5.8●What song do you like most?Sound and noise考试时间:2.6 2.11 3.20 4.10 4.24 5.8 5.15 5.207.17 7.31●Your favorite sound from nature and why?●The noise you hate the most?●the types of sounds that you consider as noise●Do you like quiet environment?●What kinds of sounds remind you about your childhood?Sports考试时间:2.6 3.6 3.27 4.10 5.15 5.29 7.17 7.31●What sport do you like?●Do your friends like sports?●Do you often do exercises at university?●Is there any sports equipment near your home?●How often do you do exercise?●Do you think it is necessary for children to do exercise?/ Do you think childrenshould learn to do sport at school?Studies/work考试时间:2.6 2.11 2.20 2.27 3.6 3.20 3.27 4.104.17 4.245.8 5.15 5.20 5.296.5 6.19 6.267.10 7.17 7.31●Are you student or at work?●What’s your subject? / What subject are you studying?●Why did you choose it as your major?●Is your major difficult?●In what ways do you associate with your classmates in your major?●Which part of your subject do you think is most interesting?●What’s your parents’ opinion about your major?●What do you learn from your major?●What job will you have in the future? What do you want to do after graduation?●How easy will it be for you to get the kind of your job you want?●How to get the job you want?●What’s your job?/ What kind of work do you do?●What are you responsible for?●What kind of training did you have to do for your job?●How was your first working day?Time/watch考试时间:2.6 3.27 4.10 4.17 4.24 5.15 5.29 6.56.19 6.267.31●Do you often wear watch? Why?●How do you feel when you are late?●Do you sometimes feel that time goes slowly/quickly?TV program考试时间:3.27●Which/what kinds of television program do you like?●Do you like watching TV?●How often do you watch TV?●Which program makes you feel relaxed? Why?●How long do you spend on television?●Benefits of watching TV?●Do you watch some foreign country programme? Why?Travel考试时间:2.6 3.27 4.10 4.24 5.8 5.15 5.29 6.5●Do you like travelling?●When was your last trip?●Have you ever had a long journey?●Where have you been?●What is the furthest place you’ve been to?●Do you prefer traveling alone or with someone else?●Among the places you have travelled to, which place you like most?●Where you want to travel to?University/School考试时间:2.11 3.20 3.27 4.10 4.24 5.8 5.15 6.19 6.267.10 7.17 7.31●What university are you in?●Why did you choose it?●How about your first day in university?●Do you think the first day is important? Is the first impression important? Weather/seasons考试时间:2.6 2.11 2.20 2.27 3.6 3.20 3.274.10 4.245.8 5.15 5.20 5.296.5 6.19 6.267.10 7.17 7.31●What type of weather do you like?●What type of weather do Chinese people usually like?●What do you often do in sunny days? Cold days?●How does weather affect you?●Does weather affect people’s work performance?●What is the most common weather in your country?●Do you pay attention to the weather forecast?●What do you think about weather report?●Which is your favorite season?●How does your lifestyle change in different seasons?Part 2 & 3PeopleA well-know artist (singer, actor, painter, etc)考试时间:3.20 3.27 4.10 4.17 4.24 5.8 6.5 6.19 6.267.10 7.17 7.31You should say: who s/he is, what s/he is famous for, why you admire him/herPart 3:●What do you think is the most popular art forms in China?●Why do you think music form is popular comparing with painting?●When do children first contact to art forms?●Do you think arts should be included in children's education?●Is it useful for children to study art? How important is to teach students to draw,paint, or sculpt?●Is it helpful for children to grow up?●What children can learn from artist lesson?●How do they study art?●art’s importance, commercial value, and types●Some people think it is hard to find job if learning art or literature. What do youthink about it?A person who helped you/ a person you helped考试时间:2.6 3.6 3.27 4.17 4.24 5.8 5.29 7.31You should say: who is that person? What situation? How to help? How important the help was?Part 3:●What kinds of old people need helps?●How to help elderly people?●What role does government have in terms of helping the old?●Do old people lead better lives than before?●Will old people’s lives become better in the future?●Why do young people seldom accept old people’s advice?●Can you image the life when you are old?●What are the problems young people often meet?●Should they turn to their parents for help?●What are the major problems old person often meet?A famous (foreign) person考试时间:2.6 2.11 2.27 3.20 3.27 4.10 4.24 5.85.15 5.20 5.296.5 6.19 6.267.10 7.17 7.31You should say: who s/he is, what s/he does, whether s/he enjoys high popularity in your country, and explain why you like him/her very much.Part 3:●What kinds of people are famous today?●What are the possible problems of being famous?●famous people’s influences on advertising or society●Do famous people have special responsibilities to society?●Should the private lives of famous people be public?●Why do people like to become famous?●How could they actually become famous?●Why do people like Thomas Hardy become famous for long time?●Do you want to be famous?●What do you want to do with that?●Does wealth always come with being famous? And why?An old person考试时间:2.11 2.20 2.27 3.20 3.27 4.17 5.15 7.17 7.31You should say: who is he? How do you know him? What do you know about him? What’s your feeling toward him?Part 3:●What part do older people play in family life in your culture/country?●Compare the quality of life of old people now and in the past?●Is it the responsibility of families to support old people?●What’s your opinion on the status of the old in the future?●Is it difficult for old people to find jobs?●Do you think the age of retirement should be postponed or flexible?●How should we treat old people?A person you lived with考试时间:2.6 2.11 2.20 3.6 3.27 4.10 4.17 4.245.15 5.206.5 6.19 6.267.10 7.31Part 3:●Are you easy-going?●The advantage and disadvantages of living alone?●How should people get along with others?●What are the differences of getting along with others between now and in thepast?●What do you think about those people who live on their own?●Are Chinese children willing to leave home?●Do teenagers live outside or still live their parents? What’s your opinion aboutthis phenomenon?●Is it good for young people to live alone? Why?●Should governments providing housing?●Did you buy your house or are you renting one?●Which way is better, buying a house or renting one?A family, but not yours考试时间:3.20 3.27 4.10 4.24 5.8 6.5 6.19 6.26 7.10 You should say: how many members there are in this family, what personalities they have, how often you see each other, and explain why you particularly like this family. Part 3:●Can young people decide something in their families?●Do parents respect their children’s decision?●Do you think young people respect their parents less recently?●What are the advantages for two or more generations living together?●What things can different generation do together?●What are the influences on children?●The conflicts between the old and young generations.●What activities can improve the emotional connection between the old and theyouth?A high school teacher考试时间:4.24The first person who taught you to cook考试时间:5.8A radio/television presenter考试时间:5.29 6.5 6.19 6.26 7.10 7.17 7.31You should say: who he/she is, what TV program he/she host, what he/she is like, and explain why you like him/her.Part 3: media●What are the qualities of a good journalist or a report?●How do most people in your country get the news?●Do you think that radio will continue to be popular in the future?●Compare listening to the radio and watching TV.●Compare newspaper and TV as a resource of information.●Which form of media do people in your country end to trust the most?A person you admire考试时间:6.19 6.26 7.10 7.17 7.31You should say: what he did; why he did it; what difficulties he needed to get over, and explain why you admire him.PlacesA city or a town you have been to考试时间:4.17 5.15 5.20 5.29 6.5 6.19 7.10 7.17You should say: when, why, how, will you recommend it to others?Part 3:●How do you think about Beijing (the place you mentioned in part 2)?●Is it suitable for people to live?●How can we better Beijing?●Do you like city or town?●Who prefer to city, old person or young people?●Is it expensive to live in your city?●Why do more and more Chinese people move from countryside to city?●What measurements should government take to improve living condition in city? ●A school you attended when you were a child.考试时间:2.6 2.11 2.20 2.27 3.20 3.27 4.10 4.24 6.19 6.267.10 7.31You should say: what school it was, where it was, what the other students were like, what the classrooms looked like, and explain what you enjoy during the school time. Part 3:●The functions of education?●Which is better for student, a large school or a smell-sized one?●What are the impacts of school size on students?●How to ensure the quality of education?●What is more important, social skill or academic knowledge?●How to i mprove students’ social ability?●What qualities should a good teacher have?●Do you think the teacher give too much work to young students?●How to improve basic education?●How is teachers’ treatment?A park/garden考试时间:2.6 2.11 2.20 2.27 3.20 3.27 4.10 4.24 5.85.15 7.17 7.31You should say: where the garden or park is, whether many people visit it, what people can see or do there, and explain why you like it.Part 3:●What are the outdoor places in China?●Why are there a few gardens in China?●What are the differences between natural places and artificial ones?●Is it difficult to build a new green land or not?●What is the importance of green land?●What sorts of things limited government measurement to create green space?●What do people usually do in parks or gardens?●What can government do to improve city environment?●What is the impact of urban sprawl?Seaside: where, when考试时间:3.27Part 3:●What are the sports at the seaside?●Do people still spend their holidays at the seaside now?A place near water考试时间:2.6 3.27 4.17 4.24You should say: when, where, with whom, why do you like itPart 3:●Are there any water sports?●What water sports are popular in China?●Why do people do these sports? Why do people like to go swimming?●How important it is for children to learn to swim?●Why do people like spending their holidays on seaside?●Is your city lack of water?A shop考试时间:2.6 2.11 2.27 3.27 4.10 4.17 5.8 5.20 6.57.10 7.17 7.31You should say: where the shop is and what it sells, something about the people who work there, why you like that shop in particular, and say whether other people have a similar opinion of this shop.Part 3:●The differences between man and woman in shopping, and why?●What do you think the future of shopping after ten years?●Do you think shopping can make people relaxed, and why?●Why do women like shopping?●As for men, they also need to buy something. Do they enjoy shopping as well?●What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?●What type of shop is close to your house?●What are the differences between going to the supermarket and going to a smallshop?●How do you think the credit card change people's shopping habit?●Do you think credit card is safe for the children?●Do you think paying by cash will disappear in the future?●What can we do to deal with such unsafe way of E-shopping?●How do you think about saving money?●Do you save money?●Why do people save money?●How to encourage people to save money?A museum考试时间:2.11 2.20 3.6 4.17 5.8A historical place/ describe a visit you have learned about past考试时间:2.6 2.11 4.10 4.17 4.24 6.5 7.31You should say: when, where, whyPart 3:●What kind of historical place do Chinese people usually visit?●Learning by visiting these places? Learning by watching TV program?●Whether movie producers should be responsible to provide accurate informationabout history?●Do people need to learn history?●Do you often go to museums?●Do you think the government should spend money on museums or parks●Why do people go to museums?●Do you think how do the children get education before they go to school?●How did the children be educated in the past?●What kind of education do the children get when they go to school?●Why don't some children like history?●Do you think children should learn history in schools?●How to improve the way of teaching history?●By what means to get funding for history museums?●Whether children like going traveling the historic areas?●Should children learn history in their family?●What the function of the museum?●Should museum be free for the public?ThingsA Book You Enjoyed as a Child.考试时间:2.6 2.11 2.20 3.6 3.27 4.10 4.17 4.245.15 5.20 5.296.5 6.19 6.267.10 7.17 7.31You should say: what the book is about, why you first read it, what you learned from this book, and explain why you would like to read it again.Part3:●Whether children like reading or not nowadays?●What is the importance of reading for children? How does the book influencechildren?●What kinds of book should children read?●Can reading improve their imagination?●What should be done to ask them to read more?●Different ages, different types of book.●The impacts of internet on children.●What do you think makes the difference between a book and an e-book?●Is there still a need for public libraries?●When do you think children should start reading?●What kinds of book do you like?●Have you ever read an English book?●do you think what you like to read now will be the same in the futureV ocabulary:●short storiesYour favorite subject that you studied in high school (or university)考试时间:2.6 2.11 2.20 3.6 3.27 4.10 4.17 7.17 7.31You should say: what the subject was, who taught you, how the teacher taught this subject, and explain why you thought it was interesting, or and explain how useful this subject is to you now.Part 3:●What do you think about critical thinking?●What qualities should a good teacher/student have?●What are the impacts of teachers on students?●How to be a good teacher?●How can a teacher make classes colorful?●Should students study in a group or on their own?●What are the differences of class between now and the past?●How has the Chinese education system changed in recent years?●What are some differences between methods of education used in the past andthose used now?●What are the influences of technology on teaching?●What are the differences between university education and high schooleducation?●What standards do most Chinese people use to choose their universities?A TV program you dislike/like most考试时间:2.6 2.11 2.20 2.27 3.20 3.27 4.10 5.15 5.20 5.296.5 6.19 7.31Part 3:●What are the most popular kinds of TV programs in your country?●Will TV remain popular? Are there any competitors?●Do you often watch TV?●Do you think TV is important?●How do you think about the educational TV programs?●Do TV starts set good or bad examples? Why?●Should children watch TV? What should parents do?●Do you think that there is too much advertising on TV?●Differences between advertising on magazine and TV?A wild animal考试时间:2.6 2.11 2.27 3.6 3.20 3.27 4.10 4.24 5.85.15 5.20 5.296.5 6.19 6.267.10 7.17 7.31You should say: what the animal is and where it lives, what the animal looks like and how it behaves, how this animal is special, how this animal is special.Part 3:●Is it necessary to protect this animal●The current situation of animal protection●Why are there many zoos in most cities?●What do you think makes a good quality zoo?●What are the benefits and drawbacks of keeping animals in zoos?●Why do some people like to go to zoo?●Why do children like animals?●What does government do to protect wild animals?●Why are there so many people hunting animals?●Why could some wild animals become extinct?●Do any animals have a special significance in your culture?●Do you think animals are influenced by human’s activities? Do you think humanactivities do harm to animals?Describe a special meal考试时间:2.6 2.20 2.27 3.6 3.27 4.10 4.17 5.155.20 5.296.5 6.19 6.267.10 7.17 7.31You should say: where, what to eat, who with, why you enjoyed it/why it was special Part 3:●Do children know how to cook?●Is it necessary for children to learning cooking?●What should governments do to let citizens keep a healthy diet? Whatmeasurements should government take?●Is it good for a family to have meals together?●Whether you pay attention to your diet or not?●Which one is better, eating out or eating in?An ideal job/a job you would be good at考试时间:2.6 3.6 3.27 4.17 4.24 5.8 6.19 7.177.31You should say: what the job is, why you want to do it, if it requires any special skills or abilities, and explain how you might get this job in the future.Part 3:●How do people generally think about their work in your country?●What factors influence young people when they are deciding on their future jobsand careers?●Do you think that salary is related to the importance of the job?。
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(更新至2010年7月)Part 1Advertisements考试时间:Are there many advertisements in China?Do you like advertisements?What kind of advertisements do you like most?Do you prefer advertisements on TV or in magazines?Do advertisements have much influence on peo ple’s lives?What do you think is the purpose of advertising?Animals考试时间:What is your favorite animal?Do you think Chinese people like animals?Book/Reading考试时间:Do you often read books?What kinds of books do you usually read?What kinds of things do you read?Did you read a lot when you were a child? If so, what were they?Do you enjoy reading when you were a child? Now? Why?Why don't you keep reading now?Do you like reading?Reading habit?Where do you like to read books?How much time do you spend reading?At what time of day do you prefer to read?How important is reading for you?Bicycles考试时间:Do you like riding bicycle?When do you ride a bicycle?Where do you ride a bicycle?Are bicycles popular where you live?What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by bicycle? Cell phone考试时间:How often do you use your cell phone?When did you get your first cell phone?Dis/advantagesColor考试时间:What color do you like? What’s your favorite color?Do you often wear the color you like?What color will be used in your room?Is there any color which has special meaning in China?Collection考试时间:Do you like collect things?Why do you have such a collection?Did you like collecting things when you were a child? Have you ever collected anything?What will you collect when you’re rich in the future?What do Chinese people like to collect?What can people learn from their collections?Computers考试时间:How often do you use a computer?Which websites do you often visit on the Internet?In what ways do people use computers in your country?How ‘computer literate’ are you?How much have computers changed your life?Cooking考试时间:Do you like cooking?Do you cook at home?Did you learn cooking in your childhood?Will you cook in the future?Who usually does the cooking in your family?Is it important for young people to know how to cook?Drawing/Painting考试时间:Have you ever learnt painting?Do you ever draw or paint now?What kind of drawing or painting did you do as a child?Did you buy some paintings?Should children learn painting?What are the benefits of drawing or painting for adults?Driving a car考试时间:Do you have a driving license?Can you drive a carWhen is the appropriate age for getting a driving license?/ at what age do you think people should be able to get a driving license?Do you think it’s important to learn to drive a carFashion/shopping考试时间:Do you like fashion?Do you like shopping/window shopping?How often do you go shoppingDo you prefer to go shopping with friends or alone?What makes you interested in shopping?Do you think shopping is a waste of time?What’s the difference between big shop and small shop?When was the last time you went shopping?What kind of clothes do you like to wear?Do you think you will wear the same kind of clothes when you are older?Is the brand of clothes important to you?Who buy clothes for you?Film考试时间:What kinds of film do you like best?Are these types of film popular in your country?Do you prefer watch movies in cinema or at home?How often do you watch film?Flowers考试时间:Do you like flowers?Why do people like flower?Do Chinese people grow flowers?When was the last time you bought flowers/ gave flowers to someone?Why will Chinese people buy flowers?/ On what occasions do people give flowers to other people?/ how are flowers used for special occasions or festivals in your contry?Do you like garden?Do old people like flowers?Are flowers popular in china?Food考试时间:What is your favorite food?What did you like to eat when you were a child?Do you still like it? If not, why?What kinds of food are popular in your country?What food will you recommend to children?Is it usual for the whole family to eat together in your country?What are some of the benefits of eating home-cooked food?Friends考试时间:Do you enjoy spending time with friends?How often do you meet your friends?How do you spend your time when you are with friends?Do you and your friends have similar hobbies and interests?Is the time enough to hang out with your friend?Will you invite your friend to your home?Fruit/Vegetables考试时间:What kind of fruit/vegetables do you like? Why?Where do you buy fresh fruit and vegetable?Is it easy (convenient to) buy fruit and vegetables where you live?/ Where can you buy fruits and vegetables near your home?Fruits: peach, pineapple, kiwi fruit, watermelon, cherry, strawberry,lychee, star fruit, mango…Vegetables:garlic, onion, cabbagem cauliflower, spinach, eggplant, cucumber…Handwriting考试时间:What do you write everyday?Do you prefer using computer or using hands to write?Do you think handwriting is still important nowadays?Hometown考试时间:Where are you from?/ whereabouts did you grow up?How long have you lived there? / Do your family and you live here fora long time?Do you still live there?Would you say it’s a good place to grow up?Where will you recommend to your friends in your city?Transportations in your hometownWhere do you want to live, south or north of China?What’s special about your hometown?Do you like the city you current live in?What do you like most about your hometown?Do you like to live in a big city or a small town?Do you think your hometown has bright future?Home考试时间:Do you live in a house or an apartment?/ What kind of place do you live in-a house, a flat, or a dormitory?Who do you live with? /Live alone or with others?Do you like living there?What’s special about your flat? / What do you like about the rooms in your home?What do you think is the most important thing in your room?Will you recommend others to live in your flat, and why?Do you want to change another house?How long have you lived there?Have you ever been living alone for some time?Surrounding?What kind of community are you living in?How is the traffic around your home?Do you like the place you current live in?Language考试时间:What/how many language do you speak?What other languages can you speak?Do you want to learn anther language?How do you learn it (esp. English)?Do you think learning English is difficult?/ Is there anything you find especially difficult about learning English?How could you improve your English?Do you think learning languages is important?Something helps you to learn another language.Leisure time考试时间:What do you do in your leisure time?Do you think it is important?Letter or email考试时间:Do you like email or letter?How often do you send email/letters?Do you generally receive more emails than you send?Do you think email will ever completely replace letter writing? NamesIs your given/family name a common one in your country?Does your name mean anything or have a special significance?Do you like your name?Would you like to change your name?In your culture, do women change their names when they get married? Neighbors考试时间:Do you know your neighbor?Do you think it is important to have good relationship with yourneighbor?How is your relationship with your neighbors?How often do you meet them?What kind of conflicts people may have with their neighbors?Are your neighbors old or young?Do you prefer the neighbor in your age or older than u? Newspaper/magazine考试时间:What kind do you like to read?How often do you read newspapers?Have you read a foreign magazine?If so, what is it and how do you think about it?What kind of article/information interests you the most? Public transport考试时间:What kind of transportation do you like?What kind of transportation do people in your city often use?What is the traffic condition in your city?the dis/advantages of public transport and private cars Songs考试时间:What song do you like most?Sound and noise考试时间:Your favorite sound from nature and why?The noise you hate the most?the types of sounds that you consider as noiseDo you like quiet environment?What kinds of sounds remind you about your childhood?Sports考试时间:What sport do you like?Do your friends like sports?Do you often do exercises at university?Is there any sports equipment near your home?How often do you do exercise?Do you think it is necessary for children to do exercise?/ Do you think children should learn to do sport at school?Studies/work考试时间:Are you student or at work?What’s your subject? / What subject are you studying?Why did you choose it as your major?Is your major difficult?In what ways do you associate with your classmates in your major?Which part of your subject do you think is most interesting?What’s your parents’ opinion about your major?What do you learn from your major?What job will you have in the future? What do you want to do after graduation?How easy will it be for you to get the kind of your job you want?How to get the job you want?What’s your job?/ What kind of work do you do?What are you responsible for?What kind of training did you have to do for your job?How was your first working day?Time/watch考试时间:Do you often wear watch? Why?How do you feel when you are late?Do you sometimes feel that time goes slowly/quickly?TV program考试时间:Which/what kinds of television program do you like?Do you like watching TV?How often do you watch TV?Which program makes you feel relaxed? Why?How long do you spend on television?Benefits of watching TV?Do you watch some foreign country programme? Why?Travel考试时间:Do you like travelling?When was your last trip?Have you ever had a long journey?Where have you been?What is the furthest place you’ve been to?Do you prefer traveling alone or with someone else?Among the places you have travelled to, which place you like most?Where you want to travel to?University/School考试时间:What university are you in?Why did you choose it?How about your first day in university?Do you think the first day is important? Is the first impression important?Weather/seasons考试时间:What type of weather do you like?What type of weather do Chinese people usually like?What do you often do in sunny days? Cold days?How does weather affect you?Does weather affect people’s work performance? What is the most common weather in your country?Do you pay attention to the weather forecast?What do you think about weather report?Which is your favorite season?How does your lifestyle change in different seasons?Part 2 & 3PeopleA well-know artist (singer, actor, painter, etc)考试时间:You should say: who s/he is, what s/he is famous for, why you admire him/her Part 3:What do you think is the most popular art forms in China?Why do you think music form is popular comparing with painting?When do children first contact to art forms?Do you think arts should be included in children's education?Is it useful for children to study art? How important is to teach students to draw, paint, or sculpt?Is it helpful for children to grow up?What children can learn from artist lesson?How do they study art?art’s importance, commercial value, and typesSome people think it is hard to find job if learning art or literature.What do you think about it?A person who helped you/ a person you helped考试时间:You should say: who is that person? What situation? How to help? How important the help was?Part 3:What kinds of old people need helps?How to help elderly people?What role does government have in terms of helping the old?Do old people lead better lives than before?Will old people’s lives become better in the future?Why do young people seldom accept old people’s advice?Can you image the life when you are old?What are the problems young people often meet?Should they turn to their parents for help?What are the major problems old person often meet?A famous (foreign) person考试时间:You should say: who s/he is, what s/he does, whether s/he enjoys high popularity in your country, and explain why you like him/her very much. Part 3:What kinds of people are famous today?What are the possible problems of being famous?famous people’s influences on advertising or societyDo famous people have special responsibilities to society?Should the private lives of famous people be public?Why do people like to become famous?How could they actually become famous?Why do people like Thomas Hardy become famous for long time?Do you want to be famous?What do you want to do with that?Does wealth always come with being famous? And why?An old person考试时间:You should say: who is he? How do you know him? What do you know about him? What’s your feeling toward him?Part 3:What part do older people play in family life in your culture/country?Compare the quality of life of old people now and in the past?Is it the responsibility of families to support old people?What’s your opinion on the status of the old in the future?Is it difficult for old people to find jobs?Do you think the age of retirement should be postponed or flexible?How should we treat old people?A person you lived with考试时间:Part 3:Are you easy-going?The advantage and disadvantages of living alone?How should people get along with others?What are the differences of getting along with others between now and in the past?What do you think about those people who live on their own?Are Chinese children willing to leave home?Do teenagers live outside or still live their parents? What’s your opinion about this phenomenon?Is it good for young people to live alone? Why?Should governments providing housing?Did you buy your house or are you renting one?Which way is better, buying a house or renting one?A family, but not yours考试时间:You should say: how many members there are in this family, what personalities they have, how often you see each other, and explain why you particularly like this family.Part 3:Can young people decide something in their families?Do parents respect their children’s decision?Do you think young people respect their parents less recently?What are the advantages for two or more generations living together?What things can different generation do together?What are the influences on children?The conflicts between the old and young generations.What activities can improve the emotional connection between the old and the youth?A high school teacher考试时间:The first person who taught you to cook考试时间:A radio/television presenter考试时间:You should say: who he/she is, what TV program he/she host, what he/she is like, and explain why you like him/her.Part 3: mediaWhat are the qualities of a good journalist or a report?How do most people in your country get the news?Do you think that radio will continue to be popular in the future?Compare listening to the radio and watching TV.Compare newspaper and TV as a resource of information.Which form of media do people in your country end to trust the most?A person you admire考试时间:You should say: what he did; why he did it; what difficulties he needed to get over, and explain why you admire him.PlacesA city or a town you have been to考试时间:You should say: when, why, how, will you recommend it to others?Part 3:How do you think about Beijing (the place you mentioned in part 2)?Is it suitable for people to live?How can we better Beijing?Do you like city or town?Who prefer to city, old person or young people?Is it expensive to live in your city?Why do more and more Chinese people move from countryside to city?What measurements should government take to improve living condition in city?A school you attended when you were a child.考试时间:You should say: what school it was, where it was, what the other students were like, what the classrooms looked like, and explain what you enjoy during the school time.Part 3:The functions of education?Which is better for student, a large school or a smell-sized one?What are the impacts of school size on students?How to ensure the quality of education?What is more important, social skill or academic knowledge?How to improve students’ social ability?What qualities should a good teacher have?Do you think the teacher give too much work to young students?How to improve basic education?How is teachers’ treatment?A park/garden考试时间:You should say: where the garden or park is, whether many people visit it, what people can see or do there, and explain why you like it.Part 3:What are the outdoor places in China?Why are there a few gardens in China?What are the differences between natural places and artificial ones?Is it difficult to build a new green land or not?What is the importance of green land?What sorts of things limited government measurement to create green space?What do people usually do in parks or gardens?What can government do to improve city environment?What is the impact of urban sprawl?Seaside: where, when考试时间:Part 3:What are the sports at the seaside?Do people still spend their holidays at the seaside now?A place near water考试时间:You should say: when, where, with whom, why do you like itPart 3:Are there any water sports?What water sports are popular in China?Why do people do these sports? Why do people like to go swimming?How important it is for children to learn to swim?Why do people like spending their holidays on seaside?Is your city lack of water?A shop考试时间:You should say: where the shop is and what it sells, something about the people who work there, why you like that shop in particular, and say whether other people have a similar opinion of this shop.Part 3:The differences between man and woman in shopping, and why?What do you think the future of shopping after ten years?Do you think shopping can make people relaxed, and why?Why do women like shopping?As for men, they also need to buy something. Do they enjoy shopping as well?What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?What type of shop is close to your house?What are the differences between going to the supermarket and going to a small shop?How do you think the credit card change people's shopping habit?Do you think credit card is safe for the children?Do you think paying by cash will disappear in the future?What can we do to deal with such unsafe way of E-shopping?How do you think about saving money?Do you save money?Why do people save money?How to encourage people to save money?A museum考试时间:A historical place/ describe a visit you have learned about past考试时间:You should say: when, where, whyPart 3:What kind of historical place do Chinese people usually visit?Learning by visiting these places? Learning by watching TV program?Whether movie producers should be responsible to provide accurate information about history?Do people need to learn history?Do you often go to museums?Do you think the government should spend money on museums or parks Why do people go to museums?Do you think how do the children get education before they go to school?How did the children be educated in the past?What kind of education do the children get when they go to school?Why don't some children like history?Do you think children should learn history in schools?How to improve the way of teaching history?By what means to get funding for history museums?Whether children like going traveling the historic areas?Should children learn history in their family?What the function of the museum?Should museum be free for the public?ThingsA Book You Enjoyed as a Child.考试时间:You should say: what the book is about, why you first read it, what you learned from this book, and explain why you would like to read it again. Part3:Whether children like reading or not nowadays?What is the importance of reading for children? How does the book influence children?What kinds of book should children read?Can reading improve their imagination?What should be done to ask them to read more?Different ages, different types of book.The impacts of internet on children.What do you think makes the difference between a book and an e-book?Is there still a need for public libraries?When do you think children should start reading?What kinds of book do you like?Have you ever read an English book?do you think what you like to read now will be the same in the future Vocabulary:short storiesYour favorite subject that you studied in high school (or university)考试时间:You should say: what the subject was, who taught you, how the teacher taught this subject, and explain why you thought it was interesting, or and explain how useful this subject is to you now.Part 3:What do you think about critical thinking?What qualities should a good teacher/student have?What are the impacts of teachers on students?How to be a good teacher?How can a teacher make classes colorful?Should students study in a group or on their own?What are the differences of class between now and the past?How has the Chinese education system changed in recent years?What are some differences between methods of education used in the past and those used now?What are the influences of technology on teaching?What are the differences between university education and high school education?What standards do most Chinese people use to choose theiruniversities?A TV program you dislike/like most考试时间:Part 3:What are the most popular kinds of TV programs in your country?Will TV remain popular? Are there any competitors?Do you often watch TV?Do you think TV is important?How do you think about the educational TV programs?Do TV starts set good or bad examples? Why?Should children watch TV? What should parents do?Do you think that there is too much advertising on TV?Differences between advertising on magazine and TV?A wild animal考试时间:You should say: what the animal is and where it lives, what the animal looks like and how it behaves, how this animal is special, how this animal is special.Part 3:Is it necessary to protect this animalThe current situation of animal protectionWhy are there many zoos in most cities?What do you think makes a good quality zoo?What are the benefits and drawbacks of keeping animals in zoos?Why do some people like to go to zoo?Why do children like animals?What does government do to protect wild animals?Why are there so many people hunting animals?Why could some wild animals become extinct?Do any animals have a special significance in your culture?Do you think animals are influenced by human’s activities? Do you think human activities do harm to animals?Describe a special meal考试时间:You should say: where, what to eat, who with, why you enjoyed it/why it was specialPart 3:Do children know how to cook?Is it necessary for children to learning cooking?What should governments do to let citizens keep a healthy diet? What measurements should government take?Is it good for a family to have meals together?Whether you pay attention to your diet or not?Which one is better, eating out or eating in?An ideal job/a job you would be good at考试时间:You should say: what the job is, why you want to do it, if it requires any special skills or abilities, and explain how you might get this job in the future.Part 3:How do people generally think about their work in your country?What factors influence young people when they are deciding on their future jobs and careers?Do you think that salary is related to the importance of the job?Work adviceHow to balance work and life?How do you think about workaholic?The factors of job satisfaction?The meanings of jobs to young people?Is it beneficial to begin working after graduating from high schools?Whether the short working experiences are important for the students in university?Why do some people change their jobs quite often?A modern building考试时间:You should say: what the building is, how often you go there, what most people think about it, and explain why you like or dislike it.You should say: what it is, where you saw it, what it is like, and explain why it is interesting.Part 3:Do you prefer modern or traditional buildings?Compare the buildings people live in today with those in the past.What future developments in the style and use of buildings do you think there may be?Compare modern buildings and old ones in your country/where you live.Should historic buildings be preserved?The protection and development of old and new architecturesShould architects design buildings to be practical rather than beautiful?The impact of high buildings on citiesWhy are some civic buildings, such as a museum or a public place, always modern buildings?Why do most people or some designers think that modern buildings should be high?What do you think about the influence of growth of population on urban areas?A toy that was special to you when you were a child.考试时间:You should say: when you got it; what it looked like; who gave it to you; and explain how you used it (how you played with it).Part 3:What toys do Chinese children often play with?Do boys and girls play with different toys? Is toy important?A film you dislike/likeYou should say: when, where, why did you like/dislike itYou should say: what type, who are the actors?考试时间:Part 3:What are the popular types of film where you come from?Educational meaning? Is watching films useful for learning foreign languages?How often do you watch a film?Do you think that people’s tastes in films change as they get older?Do men and women like to watch the same types of films?What do you think are the qualities of a good film?What do you think of the future of Chinese film?What is the difference between Chinese movies and foreign movies?Do you think it is important for a movie to be advertised?The differences between watching films at home and going to cinema?Exciting message/ describe an exciting text received from phone, e-mail etc考试时间:You should say: where it came from, what you did after, why you felt excitingYou should say: who sent it to you, what it was about, and explain why you were excited?Part 3:ways of communicationdifferent ages, different communicationsAn exciting sport/ your favorite sport考试时间:You should say: what it is, why you like it, whether you are good at it, (what difficulties you encountered when you learnt it, and how you managed to learn it)Part 3:What is the most popular sport in China now?Are there any new sports in China?Do young people generally enjoy playing sports?Do you think that young people spend too much time studying, watching TV,and playing on computers rather than get exercise and play sports?Why do you think some people like to do these dangerous activities?What qualities do people need to have to do these dangerous sports?Do you think the government should restrict (or, ban) some of these extreme sports?What are some ways people can (or, could) protect themselves when they do dangerous sporting activities?Do you think sports (and games) are important?What sports are most often shown on TV in your country?Do you think there is too much sport shown on TV?More and more sports events are financially supported by some big companies. What do you think about it?A thing you bought but seldom used考试时间:。