

College English Writing 《大学英语写作》.ppt

College English Writing 《大学英语写作》.ppt

2. Practice more and write more (勤写多练)
Writing is always profitable. 各种形式的写作实践:写英文日记diary、 书
信letters、 做汉译英练习translation、 写文 章摘要abstracts、 写读后感、 缩写短篇名著、 写各种命题作文compositions、 写观后感等 等。 多读胸中有本, 勤写笔下生花

6. Acronym(首字母缩略词):
WTO — World Trade Organization UNESCO; OPEC; NBA
不及物动词汇 + 介词:
depend on, rely on, insist on, concentrate on, focus on
believe in, persist in, participate in, succeed in, specialize in
and some few to be chewed and digested…(有些 书可以一尝, 有些书可以吞下, 有不多的几部书 则应当咀嚼消化, ….. 对于少数好书, 则要精读、 细读、 反复地读。)
1)语篇结构 2)句法结构 3)词汇惯用法和固定搭配 4)英汉两种语言在表达方面的异同
do me a favor, do one’s job
acquire knowledge 获得知识
get a job
Hale Waihona Puke 获得工作 achieve success 获得成功
gain reputation 获得声誉
attain one’s end 达到目的



满分15分。 阅卷标准共分五档次:2分、5 分、8分、11分及14分,依作文水平可在本档次内上下浮动1分。
2分 --- 条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。
原因 for; as; since; now that; on account of; given that; owing to; due to; thanks to; because; because of; in that…; considering that…; seeing that…
are obliged to effective efficient and immediately serious / water
We should take measures against pollution. We take measures against pollution.



According to the Teaching Syllabus, English majors should learn to write compositions concerning their daily life and commonly disces are normally asked to write both free compositions and guided ones as well. Now you are freshmen, and the long-felt TEM-4 is just on its way, therefore, learning to write English compositions step by step has already come to the agenda. With the deepening of reforms and opening to the outside world, our country has now entered a new historical period. More and more professionals with higher ability of English are needed. In order to keep up with the changing situation, you should work arduously.
starting from scratch; but don’t be over-optimistic, for the road to effective writing is long and arduous. Long and arduous as it is, I still hope that my lecture will bring to you the pleasure, the help and the confidence in writing all types of articles in English.



Reading comprehension
Reading material selection
Choose challenging reading materials such as novels, essays, and comments to improve students' reading comprehension abilities.
Choose a natural and smooth transition effect to maintain audience attention.
When to use animation and transitions
When it is necessary to draw attention or guide the audience's thoughts, avoid abuse.
Course Introduction
Course objectives
Improving students' English listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation abilities
Enhancing students' cross cultural communication skills and ability to apply English in practical situations
2 Listening and speaking practice
This part focuses on the basic rules of English grammar and common vocabulary, aiming to lay a solid foundation for further English learning



was out of order. I had them -all.
2.Concluding Paragraph:
2.1 Symptoms
I followed the directions, with the happy result---speaking for myself---that my life was preserved. And is still going on.
2.Concluding Paragraph:
2.4 The Wisdom of Socrates
–By reason of examination, Anthenians, I have made enemies of a very bitter and fierce kind, who have spread a great number of slanders about me. People say that I am a “wise man”, thinking that I am wise myself in any matter in which I believe that only God is really wise, and that by this Oracle he meant that man’s wisdom is worth little or nothing. I do not think he meant that Socrates was wise. He only took me as an example as though he would say to me. “He among you is the wisest who, like Socrates, knows that his wisdom is worth little at all.”



6. 用此简洁 篇幅适中
遣词造句注意做到简洁、朴素、易懂、多样。多用动 词短语,使文章简洁流畅。
7. 认真检查 仔细修改
文章写成后要认真检查,检查重点应放在删去和主题 不大相干的句子,纠正语法错误,拼写错误,标点和大 小写错误,把因笔误或粗心而写错的地方及时改正过来, 将差错率减少到最小程度,但原文不宜做大的调整和改 动。
Sept.10, 2010
(一)引言段(Introductionary Paragraph):向读者介绍此片文 章的主题及背景材料。在文中起到开宗明义,即“启”的作 用,是全文的主题所在。
⑩总结全文 Sept.10, 2010
1.现代城市中持卡的人越来越多; 2.原因在于。。。; 3.“我”的看法。
Sept.10, 2010
①Nowadays, holding cards has become a common phenomenon. ②According to a survey, over 80%of people in big cities hold various kinds of cards issued by banks, restaurants, supermarkets ,etc.(描述 段)③There are a number of reasons for it.④ First of all, it is convenient to consume by cards. ⑤What's more, it is safer to carry cards than cash. For example, if one's cards are lost, the owner needn't worry too much because no one else can get the money out without the password. ⑥In addition, cards can give card holders certain privilege or discount in service. ⑦Therefore, holding cards, especially among the youth, becomes fashionable recently.(说明段) ⑧ As for me, cards have a bright future. ⑨With the development of science and technology, cards will become much safer and easier to use. ⑩Therefore, it can be concluded that more people will use

英语四级作文写作技巧 精品 PPT课件

英语四级作文写作技巧 精品 PPT课件
2. good的替换词: positive, favorable, rosy (美好 的),promising (有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding
3. bad的替换词: dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse(有害的) 如果 bad 做表语,可以有 be less impressive 代替
21. have的替换词: enjoy, possess
22. communication的替换词: interaction
23. be against, disagree with sth 的替换词: frown on sth
24. for example 的替换词: to name only a few, as an example
➢ 如果再提升一步,我们还学过一个常用的词组“play an important role in---”。
➢ 简单句,并列句和复合句交替使用,灵活使用各种句 子结构如:插入语,倒装句,强调句,非谓语动词, 疑问句等。
➢ 若要写好作文,要写好句子,首先要掌握句子结构和 句式变化及句子类型,可通过对泛读课文经典句子的 背诵提高应用语言基本句型的能力。
4. many的替换词: an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of , many… if not most.
Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….



Dear Bonnie,
First name (sometimes with “dear” before it)
Alice leaves a note in her country cottage to her friend, Bonnie, who is going to stay there for a while.
What have been mentioned in the introduction are the
general rules, and in fact writing personal notes and letters people tend to be casual rather than strictly follow the standard. For example, Many people would lay out their letters in the block form(齐头式) in which every part— heading, greeting, body, closing and signature—begins from the left side of the page as in business letter. i.e. P42
Notes/Letters of Thanks
We write notes or letters of thanks to express our

gratitude for services, help, presents, hospitality, etc. A thank-you letter usually starts with expressions of thanks. Then we describe in some detail our enjoyment and pleasure to make our thanks sincere. E.g. Gift: the name of the gift and how much you like it or how you plan to use it. Money: not mention the amount; “your generous gift” Visit: describe how you enjoy it

大学英语写作课件1 chapter 1

大学英语写作课件1 chapter 1

1. Some Requirements on This Course
• 1) Attend every writing lesson; • 2) Devote your efforts to meeting the requirements of this course; • 3) Be active in class (Volunteers are always welcome & will be given more); • 4) Finish assignments in time; • 5) Prepare two exercise books, one for in-class exercises; the other for afterclass exercises;
第一章 文稿格式和标点符号 (Manuscript Form and Punctuation) 第二章 用词(Using Proper Words) 第三章 造句 (Making Correct and Effective Sentences) 第四章 段落(Developing Paragraphs) 第五章 摘要(Summarizing) 第六章 完整的作文(Composing Essays) 第七章 应用文(Writing for Practical Purposes) 第八章 学术论文写作(Preparing Research Papers)
• 5) Your teacher will not correct your compositions word by word, but judge them as a whole.
• 6) You can know how to write good articles not through your teacher‟s correcting the grammar mistakes in your exercises, but through your daily practice. • 7) Writing cannot be simplified to a set of rules or guideline, and people can never learn to write once and for all, because works change according to the people, purposes, and places involved.



• 我的看法和打算 (结论)
基本结构: Your thought + The meaning of your choice 例:我认为应该举办英语口试 + 这么做的意义何在
In my opinion, a test of spoken English will do more good than harm. Since China will continue its policy of opening and reform, the ability to speak English fluently is a must for anyone who wants to surpass others in a highly competitive society. Whether I take the test or not, I shall spare no efforts to practice oral English in the remaining years of my college study.
• 11分——切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。 • 14分——切题。表达思想清楚,内容丰富,文字通顺,连贯性好。基本
• 另外,字数不足,也酌情扣分,如累计字数为110-119扣1分,100- 109扣2分,90—99扣3分,70-79扣5分,50-59扣7分,少于49扣9分。 累计字数不包括题目中给出的主题句、起始句和结尾句中的字数。
• 0分 —— 白卷,作文与题目毫不相关,或只有几个孤立的词而思想无法 表达。
• 2分——条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误, 且多为严重错误。

新标准大学英语,综合教程3,第二版Guided Writingppt课件

新标准大学英语,综合教程3,第二版Guided Writingppt课件
6 months in wilderness / follow ancestral songlines / heart of culture, discover themselves
Guided writing
Organise an essay
Think about: how much time to spend on
Semi-controlled practice
Write a short essay to describe a rite of passage in China.
Think about 1. What is the event, and where does it take
place? 2. In what way can it be seen as a rite of
an introduction; how many examples to refer to; how to link ideas; how to introduce the topic; how to conclude the essay.
More .
Guided writing
Organise an essay
Write only those few words of the source material which will be of use and later write them up as sentences.
More .
Guided writing
Take notes
Write up the notes about Bar Mitzvah ceremony as one or two sentences.


Narration and Description
Part I. Narration
Concept and Basic Structure Five Aspects of Narration How to Write a Narration Narration in CET6
Ⅰ. Concept and Basic Structure
c. 合理使用文章发展的方法,将事件有逻辑地组织起来。一 般来说按开端、发展、高潮、结尾的顺序进行的。常用的 表达时间顺序的词和短语有:first, second, third, after that, next, meanwhile, while, afterward, later, whenever, finally, from then on, soon after, during等。
3. 一篇好的记叙文必须具备以下几点要求:
a. 交代清楚与事件有关的六要素:人物、时间、地点和事情 的起因、经过、结尾(who/when/where/why/what/how)
b. 选取恰当的叙事角度。在记叙某件事情时,即可采用第一 人称,也可采用第三人称。第一人称可以使记叙显得逼真, 让读者有一种身临其境的感觉,也便于表达作者的思想感 情,这种形式常用在写自传、本人经历或记叙耳闻目睹的 事件;第三人称可不受时间、空间的限制,可以更加客观 地反映内容,常用在对重大事件的客观报导以及记叙他人 的经历或事迹。
In this world, we should think more of other people than ourselves. By doing so, our world will be full of happiness. This, of course, in my personal view. But it is a lesson I have drawn from one of my own experience. So now, I would like to share this experience with you, my dear reader.



Variety in presence length and structure
Use short, medium, and long senses to create interest and momentum in your writing
Introduction, body, and conclusion
Setting : Describe the setting vividly, painting a mental picture for the reader
Poetry writing
Meter : Use rhyme, rhyme, and meter effectively
Advanced English Writing
Presents the findings and analysis
Wraps up the paper, summarizing the main points and implications

Fundamentals of English Writing
Correct usage of articles
Distinguish between "a," "an," and "the" and use them appropriately in your writing
+Reorganize attention: Ensure attention flow logically and are not jumbled or out of order


I saw the Traffic Accident in Tianjin Road. The Traffic Accident has been at the morning, May 1 Two children by bike went to school. A car is so fast, the streel. And the car touched two children by bike, and the Traffic Accident has happened. One is touched so far way and the other is put down. Mary people come here, and they sent to two children who go to Hospiton.
I think the accident mostly attributed to such
reasons: Firstly and the foremost, it was the
carelessness of both of the drivers that mostly
• Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an eye-witn ess account of a traffic accident. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:


At lunch time,I left my purse on a bus and lost all the money that as in it. After lunch, my boss was angry because I hadn’t gone to the meeting. Then I didn’t notice a sign on a door that said “wet Paint” and so I spoilt my jacket too. When I got home I couldn’t get into my flat because I had left my key in my office. So I broke a window to get in and cut my hand.
根据本段主题句中关键词组everything I did went wrong,作者列举了8点内容,分别由first,then, during the coffee break,after lunch time等连 接词语引出,使得该文条理清楚、脉络分明、内 容连贯。
常用于列举法过渡连接词有:for one thing ,for another,finally,besides,moreover,one another ,still another,first,second,also等。
段落的写作 主题句与推展句 1. 主题句 主题句(topic sentence)是表达段
落主题的句子。它用以概括段落大意, 要求全段其他文字都围绕它展开。请 看下例:
Байду номын сангаас
My mother has passed along to me


• The topic sentence with a definite controlling idea is the first requisite for ultimate paragraph unity. For the sake of unity, keep in mind the controlling idea, raise a general question about and answer it with the supporting details.
This paragraph begins with the topic sentence “students have different ideas about the best atmosphere for studying”. The controlling idea is “different ideas”. The general question about the controlling idea: -- How different? The specific topic-related questions: 1. What kind of ideas do some students have? 2. How about others? 3. What conclusion can be drawn about the controlling idea?
1. TOPIC: regular exercise LIST: 1. To strengthen the heart muscle 2. To improve blood circulation 3. To increase the intake of oxygen TOPIC SENTENCE: Doing regular



Write a composition of about 200 words. You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate
For the first, our contrair has to develop. So it calls us to use more money to let the nation develop. And then, that may make our life more comfortable. For example, I heard a story. There are two man. A use tomorrow’s money to buy a new house—as he has to pay money to the bank every months—while B start keeping money.Twenty years later, B finally keeping enough money to buy a new house, but A has been lived in it for twenty years and pay enough money to the bank.
If some thing happen one day, you must use some money to solve the problem, but nobody can lend to you the money. Your saving money can help solve the problem. Nowdays, some students use their parents’ money to buy a lot of unnessary things. Such as, Some students change their mobil phone every month. It’s not a good habit. Although their parents have a lot of money, they can’t use money in that way. It’s waste of money.


Students of Class 5
1)Let’s go to … 2)Would you care to join our little party? 3)We are going to have a dance to celebrate… and would love to have you join us. 4)I would be delighted if you could spare some time from your busy schedule to attend… 5)I am writing on behalf of all the members of our Literature Society to ask…
We are having a party in our classroom # 201 to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Would it be possible for you to join us at 8 p.m. on Friday, October 12? We would be very happy if you could be with us.
March 22, 2011 Dear Tom,
I am very concerned about your health…
Yours sincerely, Alice
Format of Note
Block Style
March 22, 2011
Dear Tom,
I am very concerned about your health…
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.
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In short, I hold a firm belief that saving money is a good habit and we should keep it forever. It’s the high time that we took some measures to save money!
Section A: Composition
测试目的:检查学生在基础阶段末期的英语写作能 力。
测试要求:根据所给的题目及具体要求,写一篇 200字左右的短文。
测试时间:35分钟 测试短文类别:说明文、议论文或记叙文。
评阅标准:内容切题完整,条理清楚,意思明确, 文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当。
少量语法错误。 8-6 points: 基本切题,思想表达不够清楚,连贯性差,语言错误多。 5-3 points: 文章条理不清,语言缺乏连贯,句子错误很多,或语言虽通顺流畅,但完全偏题。 [注:白卷,作文与题目毫不相关,或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想,则给0
Saving money is a good habit. It make you become rich. It make you learn how to use less money to buy more things.
本卷得分8-9分。文章基本切题,结构基本正确。 但语言简单,重复动词,语法错误多。
15 points: 文章内容切题,思想表达清楚,行文通顺流畅,论证严密,论据充分,基本上无
语言错误。 14-12 points: 文章内容切题,思想表达清楚,语言比较通顺、连贯、只有极少量语法错误。 11-9 points: 文章内容基本切题,尚能表达中心思想,但说理不够清楚,文字连贯不够好,有
开始段没有引入主题,而是直接提出作者观点,太 突然。而且有许多非完整句。
The other day, I heard a conversation between a boy and a girl. “Why are you always lack of money? As far I know, your parents give you ample money for your daily life”. said the girl. “Yes, I always use tomorrow’s money today”. Said the boy. “It’s a bad habit, and you should your money!” the girl shouted. This is a very common phenomenon among the university students. Owing to their argument, certainly, I am in favor of the girl’s view. What possibly contributes to the preference can be listed as follow. In the first place, money is very important for us. We use money buy food, buy clothes and so on. But, money is very precious, because it’s very hard to make money. So money should be used when it’s necessary.
conclusion or a summary. You should supply an appropriate title for your composition. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and
appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.
At the end, if we have the abilile to pay the list, why we don’t use tomorrow’s money to let our life more wonderful? So, that’s what I think.
5-6分。结构基本符合,但语言过于简单,语法错误多,内 容模糊不清,题目不正确,字数少于170。
If some thing happen one day, you must use some money to solve the problem, but nobody can lend to you the money. Your saving money can help solve the problem. Nowdays, some students use their parents’ money to buy a lot of unnessary things. Such as, Some students change their mobil phone every month. It’s not a good habit. Although their parents have a lot of money, they can’t use money in that way. It’s waste of money.
170~150词: 扣1分
130~150词: 扣2分
110~130词: 扣3分
90~110词: 扣4分
90词以下: 至多给5分
经原国家教委批准,四、六级考试已从1997年6月 份起采用“作文最低”制计算成绩,其中足见国家 对提高大学英语写作能力的重视程度。按规定,考 生作文若为0分,无论其总分是否高于60分,均作 不及格处理;若其作文分高于0分,低于6分,报导 成绩时,需从总分中减去6分,再加上实得作文分。 也就是说,要从总分中减去实得作文分与6分之间 的差额部分。
Recently a Beijing information company did a survey of student life among more than 700 students in Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi’an, Chengdu, Shanghai, Wuhan, Nanjing and Shengyang. The results have shown that 67 percent of students think that saving money is a good habit while the rest believe that using tomorrow’s money today is better. What do you think?
If you save money as a habit. You can think carefully before you buy everything. “This thing is necessary for me? Can I buy the cheaper one?” All those questions can be asked by yourself. If you want to buy a very useful thing, but you don’t have enough money, you can save money for it. After some time, you can buy it for your-self.
The Good Habit
Nowadays, more and more young people think that it is better that using tomorrow’s money today than saving money, while in my opinion, I think it’s right.
In the second place, there are so many poor children who quit school for lack of money in poor religion. So it’s very significant to save our money to help those poor children. And they are look forward to your help! The last but the least important is that if you always use tomorrow’s money today, you will form a bad habit. But your money is limited. So you may rob others of money.
Write a composition of about 200 words. You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate details. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural
英语专业四级考试委员会要求阅卷人员评分时综合 考虑以下四个问题:
1. 作文是否体现主题思想; 即是要求作文文章切题,全文统一,无不相关细节内