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1. 视听配音:让学生看从电影录像中选取的对话片段,先视听,再关掉声音,让学生看画面配音,要求学生先要听懂,再关注语音语速,再尝试配音。可以让部分同学在英语晚会上展示自己的配音作品。
2. 听录音讲笑话:课前,老师将录有英语笑话的录音带交给第二天的值日生,该生回去自己听,第二天给全班讲这个笑话,全班的笑声决定该生听音讲故事是否成功。如果听者听后无反应,让全班共同来听这段笑话的录音。
3. 听录音配动作表演:放一段对话录音,要求学生听懂之后,再放录音,学生对口型( 不出声) 配动作表演,要求动作和对话内容协调一致。
4. 听录音做表情:例如听《项链》一课的录音,每组派一名同学坐在台前,听录音的过程中,他们的表情必须随内容的不同而变化,喜怒哀乐溢于言表。听完后全班进行讨论,看谁的表情与听力内容不相符合。
5. 听录音学课文:老师事先将自己讲课的内容录制成磁带,学生通过听录音作记录,接受老师的课文教学指导,在规定的时间里,老师进行可动手( 根据自己的录音板书) 、不动口的听力课文教学。
6. 听材料,赏音乐:老师给听力材料重新加录进背景音乐,也可边听语言材料,边听播放音乐,把音乐美与语言美有机结合,创造轻松愉快的听力训练环境。
7. 设置悬念和疑问:老师通过设置悬念或疑问来培养学生对听力训练的兴趣,既能满足学生的好奇心,通过释疑又能给予学生“柳暗花明”的成就感。
(1) 开篇设疑:放录音之前,老师围绕主题或结果设计一个能打开思路、抛砖引玉的问题,如:
The Memory Robot
Susan,Mr.Mott's wife ,is a st year she invented the memory robot.She invented it because her husband had a very bad memory.He could not remember his telephone number.He often forgot important meetings …
Teacher's question :Susan invented the memory robot because of her husband.If you
want to know further about her husband ,please listen to the tape and know the reason why.
(2) 中篇设疑:可以先让学生听故事的一部分,老师一边讲解,再设置一个问题或悬念,置学生于欲罢不能的境地。留下的部分,让学生自己听和回答问题。
(3) 结尾设疑:老师在学生听结局前围绕结局设计一个问题,先让学生猜结局或补全故事的结局,培养学生的创新思维。
8. 听后模拟活动:让学生先听语篇材料,根据他们的理解来组织模拟演练,激发学生兴趣,使“听”的单纯技能训练成为有趣的活动,变静态的听力训练为动态。如:
Children love to play this game.They play it like this :Six students stand in a row in front of the class.They put their hands behind their backs ,so nobody can see their hands.The teacher give one of them a coin.They pass the coin from one student to another — first one way ,then another.The six students must keep their hands behind their backs.The other students in the class keep their eyes closed.They must not see the process of the
“passing ” .Then the teacher says, “stop and put your hands in front of you now. ”All the six students do as the teacher says.At this moment ,the teacher tells the other students to open their eyes ,and guess who has the coin.They ask questions like “David,is it in your right hand? ”They can only three guesses.
设计模拟活动:Who has the ruler?
第三步:学生根据听到的内容和活动方式来组织Guess Who Has the Coin 的游戏活动。
第一步老师首先板书听力材料的主题—— pollution 。
第二步师生设问和讨论预测内容并推导结论:What ’s pollution ? How many kinds ? Where is it from in your opinions ? How to stop different kinds of pollution ?
1. 录音填表格,如:
(1) 听力材料
Tom ,Mike and I are sitting on a rock near the river with my friends.Our guide is cooking supper.I can smell it.We are having a wonderful time.We are in the middle of the great forest in South Africa.We can't travel through the forest by road ,because there aren't any roads.So we have to travel by air or boat.We are enjoying our boat trip very much.At night ,we tie the boat to a big tree by the river bank near a village.Our guide buys some food from the villagers and we cook it ourselves.Sometimes we eat chicken ,eggs ,birds or monkeys.I think it is wrong ,so I don't.Most of the time we eat fish.
(2) 表格设计