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I don’t want any reward; I helped you _p_u_r_e_l_y_ out of friendship. = They met purely by chance.
5. be aware of sth. / be aware that… (conscious)
He was well aware of the risks involved. Everyone was aware that they were _in_ conflict. It was several minutes _b_ef_o_r_e_I was really aware of what was happening.
6. vivid 1) 鲜艳的, 鲜明的
I could s_p_o_t_ my friend easily as she had vivid red hair. These sights are as vivid in my mind today as they ever were. 2) 清晰的,生动的,逼真的
2) 表现出…, 给人以好的(坏的)印象
reflect well / badly , etc, on sb /sth
Your sales figures reflect well on your ability as a salesman.
This incident reflects badly on everyone involved.
The moon is bright only by r_e_fl_e_c_ti_o_n_ I’m sorry that I spoke too quickly and without reflection. u.n. 深思;反射
She admired her reflection in the mirror.
2). 明晰的;鲜明的 This factory presents a sharp contrast to the factory I saw a few days ago. a sharp outline/ a sharp image
3). After the storm there was a sharp drop in temperature. 急剧的 a sharp turn to the left
The dream was so vivid that he felt himself to be awake. He gave a vivid account/ description of his life as a fighter pilot. 3) 丰富的
The old man has a vivid imagination.
a steep hill / slope / bank a steep flight of stairs
a steep decline / drop in the birth rate a steep rise in unemployment
9. 1.)锋利;锐利;敏锐;机警 Be careful with that s_h_a_r_p___ knife. I want a sharp pencil. She studied me with her sharp bright eyes. He’s old but his mind is still sharp.
Your clothes are often a reflection of your personality. The increase in crime is a sad reflection on our society today. c.n. 映像;反映
2.1)The gate is too n_a_r_r_o_w__ for a car; we’ll have to walk through. wide / wild He has a narrow range of interests. 2) He had only a narrow circle of friends.狭隘
多 课 堂 上 更 本学不 到的东 西,仿 佛自己 一下子 成熟了 ,懂得 了做人 做事的 道理, 也 懂 得 了 学 习的意 义,时 间的宝 贵,人 生的真 谛。 通 过 此 次实 习,让 我学到 了 很 多 课 堂 上更本 学不到 的东西 ,仿佛 自己一 下子成 熟了, 懂得了 做人做 事的道 理 , 也 懂 得 了学习 的意义 ,时间 的宝贵 ,人生 的真谛 。明白 人世间 一生不 可能都 是 一 帆 风 顺 的,只 要勇敢 去面对 人生中 的每个 驿站! 这让我 清楚地 感到了 自己肩 上 的 重 任 , 看清了 自己的 人生方 向,也 让我认 识到了 文秘工 作应支 持仔细 认真的 工 作 态 度 , 要有一 种平和 的心态 和不耻 下问的 精神, 不管遇 到什么 事都要 总代表 地 去 思 考 , 多听别 人的建 议,不 要太过 急燥, 要对自 己所做 事去负 责,不 要轻易 的 去 承 诺 , 承诺了 就要努 力去兑 现。单 位也培 养了我 的实际 动手能 力,增 加了实 际 的 操 作 经 验,对 实际的 文秘工 作的有 了一个 新的开 始,更 好地为 我们今 后的工
It’s hard to reason with such narrow minds.
3)a narrow victory/a narrow search 勉强获得的;仔细的 ★ narrow the gap a narrow escape 险些没逃出, 勉强逃脱 One car went too fast and n_a_r_r_o_w_l_y_missed hitting the other one.
3.upside down adv. 1)底朝上;上下颠倒;倒转 The picture is hanging upside down. He held the book upside down. The canoe floated upside down on the lake. 2)乱七八糟 The police turned the whole house upside down looking for clues. 百度文库) The sudden death of her husband turned her world upside down. (使生活乱套了)
I remember it _v_i_v_id_l_y___ as though it just happened yesterday.
Which sentence most vividly describes her genuine surprise at his unexpected offer?
2.She is a pure young girl, pure in thought and deed.
His motive is pure. without evil thoughts or actions 纯洁的,正派的
3. It was pure luck that he won the first prize. They met by pure chance. 纯粹,完全
2) When the sun’s rays hit the earth, a lot of the heat is reflected back into space.
This material absorbs the sound, and doesn’t reflect it.
3) Their actions reflected their thoughts. Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of
2)He knows the subject inside out.
1.The air by the sea is pure and healthy.
Her dress is made of pure silk / pure cotton. clean; with nothing added 纯净的, 纯的
10. shallow adj. 1)浅的 This river is quite shallow. shallow water/ a shallow dish/plate 2).肤浅;浅薄 I’ve read some of his books—they’re very
shallow. a shallow argument / a shallow review 3) shallow breathing (呼吸)短促,微弱
the local community.
vi. reflect on / upon 1) 思考, 沉思 Before I decide, I need time to reflect. I have been reflecting on/upon the matter. /on what you said/on why he did it/on how to get there.
__A____ the danger ahead, Eric walked deeper into the forest.
A. Unaware of B. Being unaware C. Disaware of D. Being disaware of
raise / heighten / increase public awareness of environmental protection
1.Look at the trees re_f_l_e_c_te_d__in the lake. vt. 反映; 映出(影像) 1) His face was reflected in the mirror.
She could see herself reflected in his eyes. 反射(声、光、热等)
adv. 生动地;清晰地
7. She likes to keep her study _n_e_a_t__ and tidy.
neat handwriting 工整的 a woman with a neat figure 匀称的
a neat party / have a neat time
8. The path grew s_t_e_e_p_e_r__ as we climbed higher.
inside out 1)里面朝外 The wind turned his umbrella inside out. Look! You are wearing your socks inside out.
通 过 党 政 部门 文秘实 习,在 工作中 ,我注 意团结 同事, 宽以待 人,不 计较个 人 得 失 , 从 不与同 事争名 利、争 长短, 任劳任 怨,努 力做好 自己的 工作, 分享心 得 体 会 。 下 面是美 文网小 编为大 家收集 整理的 党政部 门文秘 实习心 得体会 ,欢迎 大 家 阅 读 。 党 政 部 门 文秘实 习心得 体会篇 1 通 过 此 次 实习,让我学到了很
4).(指人)厉害;尖刻 His sharp words hurt her. Don’t be so sharp with the child.
5). 尖声 She has such a sharp voice.
6). 酸;辛辣 Lemons have a sharp taste.
adv. Tell him I’ll be there at eleven_s_h_a_r_p_.___. (某时)整 The car stopped too sharp. 急剧;猛然 Turn sharp left at the next corner.