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International Agent Contract



Post Code:






Post Code:




Contract Number:

Signature Date:

Signature Place:


1 Scope of Authority: (2)

2 Rights and obligations of the Agent (2)

3 The rights and obligations of the Principal (4)

4 Non-exclusive agency /Exclusive agent (5)

5 Commission and Reimbursement (6)

6 Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Right (8)

7 Termination of this Contract (8)

8. Unconcluded business (9)

9. Damages (9)

10 Force Majeure (9)

11 Return of documents and samples (11)

12 No Partnership (11)

13 Severability (11)

14 Non-Waiver (11)

15 Governing Language (11)

16 Applicable Law (11)

17 Arbitration (11)

This Contract is made on the (month, date) of (year ) between



, located at .(hereinafter referred to as “” or “Agent”)


The Principal has products and services and intends to promote these products through commercial Agent.

The Agent has the market knowledge, experience and commercial network connected to the market of .

The Principal agrees to appoi nt the Agent as it’s A exclusive; B non-exclusive Agent within the territory of for project , and the Agent agrees to accept the appointment.

In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

1 Scope of Authority:

1.1Scope of Products and Service:

1.1.1 Transformer and related project;

1.1.2 Transmission line and related project;




1.2Scope of territory: In the region of A. (country); B (region) C (region) .

1.3 Contract Term: This Contract shall be valid for years starting

from to unless terminated before the expiration date according to clause 7.

2 Rights and obligations of the Agent

2.1 The agent has the right to

2.1.1 Request for the information and document necessary to conduct the entrusted business;

2.1.2 Request for the commission when the commission is due;

2.1.3 Contact the potential clients and refer itself as the Principal’s agent;


A. Act under the Principal’s name with prior consent of the Principal in


B. Assist the Principal with its preparation and implementation for the project

contract introduced by the Agent;

C. Conduct necessary after-sales service;

D. Collect the payment of the Goods;

E. Participate the negotiation between the Principal and its potential client

introduced by the Agent if necessary.

2.2 The obligation of the Agent

2.2.1 General obligation

A. Conduct the entrusted matters diligently and cautiously;

B. Exercise its power within which is authorized by the principal and shall not go beyond the scope of his power,

C. Non-competition

Not to engage in the activities to compete directly or indirectly with the Principal’s products and service within the territory of during the contract period and years thereafter. Not to commit any act in contradiction with the purpose of this Contract.

D. Not to provide any assistance or services to any other party who provide the same or similar product and service of the Principal, not to compete with the Principal by any third party, regardless of whether or not the Agent gets profit from any such act or competition within the territory of during the contract period and years thereafter.

E.Not to assignment and sub-agent: The Agent shall not assign his right or obligation under this Contract to any third party or to recourse to sub-agents without prior consent of the Principal.


Any products or project the Agent is entrusted to act as agent, distributor or manufacturer is disclosed in Annex 2 to this Contract.
