



管理学(罗宾斯,第7版)小测验答案(一)(2008-07-04 23:47:57)第一章管理与组织导论1、管理者是组织中这样的成员,他告诉别人该做什么以及应该怎样去做。



















管理学基础习题答案 第五章 答案

管理学基础习题答案 第五章 答案

第五章人力资源管理【同步测验】一、判断正误并说明理由1. 人力资源是指能够推动整个经济和社会发展的劳动者的能力,即劳动者所具有的知识、技能、体能和经验等能力的总和。


( × )3.招聘是指在组织发展战略的指导下,制定相应的岗位空缺计划,并采取一定措施来满足这些空缺的过程。









员工所掌握的知识员工的业务技能员工的工作态度5. 薪酬管理是指组织在其发展战略的指引下,考虑内外各种影响因素,确定自身的、和,并进行动态调整和有效控制的过程。



第一章:管理与组织导论1. 一个管理人员应具备的管理技能有领导技能、人事技能和技术技能三种。

(×)2. 管理的目的在于“有效地”作出决策,提高组织活动的成效。

(×)3. 领导是管理的首要职能。

(×)4. 在管理的定义中,效率是指实现组织目标的程度,效果是指以最少的投入获得最大的产出。

(×)5. 亨利·明茨伯格认为管理者实际上在扮演10种不同的角色,分别为人际关系、信息传递和决策制定。

(√)6. 管理是同别人一起或通过别人使工作活动完成得更为有效和更有效果的过程。

(√)7. 组织是一种实体,它具有明确的目的,包含各种资源以及各种精细的结构。

(×)8. 传统的组织是根据任务定义工作,而新型的组织的根据职位定义工作(×)第二章:管理的昨天和今天1.梅奥认为,在共同的工作过程中,人们必然发生相互之间的联系,产生感情,自然形成一种行为准则或惯例,要求个人服从,这就形成了正式组织。


(×)3. 韦伯提出的行政性组织用在低效率的公共行政管理部门。

(×)4. 切斯特·巴纳德提出了一个理想的工作场所,并主张花在改进劳动力状况上的金钱是一种民智的投资(×)5. 全面质量管理理论认为低成本是提高生产率的唯一途径。

(√)6. 创业精神包括发现机会和调动资源去开发这些机会。

(√)第三章:组织文化与环境:约束力量1. 一般环境对组织的影响是直接的、长期的、潜在的。

(×)2. 管理的基本问题就是要在应付变动的外部环境中进行有效的资源配置。

(√)3. 组织的领导层一旦变动,组织文化一般会受到很大影响,甚至立即消失。

(×)4. 组织文化由创新与风险承受力、关注细节、成果导向、员工导向、团队导向、进取性等六个维度。

罗宾斯管理学课后习题(英文版)--Chapter 5 Quiz

罗宾斯管理学课后习题(英文版)--Chapter 5 Quiz

Chapter 5 QuizThis activity contains 40 questions.1.Implementation is merely conveying the decision to those affected. TrueFalse2. __________ is/are necessary to initiate the decision process to eliminate discrepancies; otherwise, the problem can be put off.A. PressureB. CriteriaC. StandardD. WeightE. Alternatives3. A manager chooses among three alternatives for advertising (billboards, radio, and newspapers) based on research indicating success in sales for the three alternatives. This is a decision under:A. conditions of certaintyB. goal orientationC. conditions of uncertaintyD. constant preferencesE. conditions of risk4. A manager has no idea what alternatives are available for new computer support systems and does not know how she can determine this information. This is a decision under:A. constant preferencesB. conditions of uncertaintyC. conditions of certaintyD. conditions of riskE. clear preferences5. A manager who determines that cost, speed, and enlarging capability are relevant to his decision to purchase a new photocopy machine is an example of the _______________ phase of the decision-making process.A. identifying the problemB. identifying decision criteriaC. formulating a problemD. allocating weights to the criteriaE. developing alternatives6. A manager with a degree of tolerance for ambiguity, but who want lots of information and considers many alternatives before deciding, is exhibiting a/an ____ style of decision making.A. analyticB. behaviouralC. problem seekingD. conceptualE. Directive7.A problem is a discrepancy between an existing and desired state of affairs.TrueFalse8. Many organizational situations involve ___________, that are new and unusual.A. satisficing decisionsB. groupthinkC. non-structured problemsD. non-routine decisionsE. non-programmed decisions9. Behavioural style decision makers:A. have a low tolerance for ambiguity, are very rational and efficient in their decision stylesB. want information, tolerate ambiguity, and are careful decision makersC. work well with others, are concerned about the achievement of others, and often use meetings to make decisions while trying to avoid conflictD. take a broad outlook, examine many different alternatives, and focus on the long runE. have a high tolerance for ambiguity and an intuitive way of thinking10. Bill and Bob are brainstorming possible solutions to a staffing problem. They are writing their ideas down without assessing their practicality or ability. Bill and Bob are at what stage in the decision-making process?A. developing alternativesB. setting decision criteriaC. choosing an alternative solutionD. allocating weights to the criteriaE. analyzing alternatives11. Bounded rationality is:A. behaviour that is rational but limited by an individual's ability to process informationB. the withholding by group members of different views in order to appear in agreementC. conveying a decision to those affected and getting their commitment to itD. an explicit statement that tells managers what they ought or ought not to doE. an unconscious process of making decisions12. Decision making is a simple act of choosing among alternatives.TrueFalse13.Decision making is important for only two management functions: planning and leading.TrueFalse14. Decision making is synonymous with managing.TrueFalse15. Decision making is:A. a set of seven stepsB. a comprehensive processC. highly overstated in importance.D. simply choosing among alternativesE. only discussed with reference to individuals16. Decisions that are routine are called:A. standard decisionsB. non-programmed decisionsC. well-structured problemsD. programmed decisionsE. ill-structured problems17. Each alternative in the decision-making process is evaluated by appraising it against the criteria.TrueFalse18.Evaluating the decision may cause managers to return to an earlier step in the decision process.TrueFalse19.Programmed decisions mean that the manager doesn't have to go through an involved decision process.TrueFalse20. Managers must determine what is relevant when making a decision. TrueFalse21. Mary can repair a saw at Quality Production Inc. in two hours while it takes Mike five hours to make repairs. Assuming that both workers are present, the manager will always choose Mary to make repairs to the saws. This is a decision under:A. problem clarityB. conditions of riskC. conditions of certaintyD. conditions of uncertaintyE. no cost constraints22. Most decisions that managers face meet all the tests of rationality. TrueFalse23. Not every decision maker possesses criteria that guide his or her decision.TrueFalse24. One manager's "problem" may be another manager's satisfactory state of affairs.TrueFalse25. One survey in your text revealed that almost __________ of managers emphasized "gut feeling" over cognitive problem solving and decision making.A. one-tenthB. two-thirdsC. halfD. one quarterE. one-third26. People with a low tolerance for ambiguity, but who are logical and efficient have a/an _________ decision-making style:A. analyticB. creativeC. behaviouralD. conceptualE. directive27. Policies, procedures, and rules are developed to help managers deal with:A. bounded rationalityB. non-programmed decisionsC. structured problemsD. satisficingE. groupthink28. Problem identification is a relatively simple and insignificant step in the decision making process.TrueFalse29. Some discrepancies may not be considered problems because there is no pressure to take action to correct the situation.TrueFalse30. The control mechanism in the decision-making process is:A. in the selection of alternativesB. when you evaluate the decision's effectivenessC. at the time of setting criteria weightsD. when you identify the problemE. in the implementation stage of decision making31. The decision-making process is designed for individual decision making rather than group decision making.TrueFalse32. Escalation of commitment describes increasing commitment to a decision in view of evidence it might be _________.A. wrongB. intuitiveC. wiseD. hastyE. correct33. The manager of a retail clothing store just found out that some "name brand" merchandise was brought into the Canada illegally. This is an example of:A. an unstructured problemB. A programmed decisionC. a procedureD. a structured problemE. satisficing34. The question: How many employees should I have report directly to me? is related to the __________ management function.A. motivatingB. organizingC. planningD. leadingE. controlling35. Accepting decisions that are "good enough" isA. analyzingB. acceptingC. evaluatingD. intuitiveE. satisficing36. Allocating weights to criteria is part of the ________ process.A. pay off matrixB. decision makingC. evaluationD. alternative analysisE. regret matrix37. The following are examples of _____________in decision making: overconfidence, selective perception, hindsightA. intuitionB. representationC. heuristicsD. rules of thumbE. biases and error38. When facing a situation of uncertainty, the decision-maker has:A. some certainty, with limited probability estimatesB. little certainty but some probability estimatesC. good certainty, but no probability estimatesD. neither certainty, nor probability estimatesE. A fair amount of certainty, but no probability estimates39. Effective decision makers _____________A. rely on rules of thumbB. are analyticalC. are quick thinkingD. are well likedE. practice the five whys40. Which of the following statements is one of the assumptions of rationality:A. Preferences are constant and inconsistent.B. A single set of well-defined goals is to be achieved.C. Time and cost constraints exist.D. Options are clear.E. The problem is clear and unambiguous.。















































罗宾斯《管理学》(第13版)笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解 第3章~第5章【圣才出品】

罗宾斯《管理学》(第13版)笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解  第3章~第5章【圣才出品】















































亨利·明茨伯格(Henry Mintzberg)认为,管理者的行为可以通过考察管理者在工作中所扮演的角色来恰当地描述。















斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯《管理学》笔记第五章:社会责任与管理道德一、什么是社会责任(social responsibility)1、有关社会责任的两种相反的观点①古典观点(classical view):纯粹的或古典的经济学观点,认为管理当局的唯一责任就是利润最大化,即使是承担社会责任,也以股东实现组织利润最大化为中心;②社会经济学观点(socioeconomic view):主张管理当局的责任远不止于创造利润,还有保护和增进社会福利。


②社会义务(social obligation):指一个企业承担其经济和法律的责任的义务,是法律所要求的最低限度(企业在不违法的前提下追求利润最大化,是古典观点的表现)。

③社会响应(social responsiveness):指企业适应社会状况变化的能力,强调管理者针对其从事的社会行动作出实际的决策,以满足某种普遍的社会需要,是由社会准则(social norms)所引起的。


三、以价值观为基础的管理(values-based management)1、以价值观为基础的管理:是管理者建立、推行和实践组织共享价值观的一种管理方式。





口选择题1.认为通过实现利润最大化保护利益相关群体的利益是管理者的主要职责的观点是( )a .古典观点b .社会经济学观点 C .社会责任 d .问题强度 2.认为企业应该为其所处的更大社会环境承担自己的社会责任的观点反映的是( )a .古典观点b .社会经济学观点 C .社会义务 d .问题强度 9.对组织决策和活动与组织对自然环境的影响之间的紧密联系的意识称 为( ) 。

a .联结点理论 b .管理的绿色化c .生态意识d .利益相关群体的授权 10.以绿化美国为目标的环境敏感度的最高层次是 ( ) 。

a .法律方式b .活动家方式c .市场方式d .利益相关群体方式 11.当意识到管理应绿色化时,大多数组织在第一阶段采取的是 ( ) 。

a .法律方式b .市场方式c .利益相关群体方式d .活动家方式 12.管理者建立、推行和实践组织共享价值观的管理方式是 ( ) 。

a .社会响应b .以价值观为基础的管理 C .绿色管理 d .利益相关群体管理 13.管理者发展共享价值观的目标包括( ) 。

a .减少成本 b .提高生产率和产品质量 c .影响竞争对手的生产率 d .塑造雇员行为 14.美国管理协会的调查表明, 64%的被访者认为公司的价值观与 ( ) 相关。

a .行业标准b .职业道德准则c .绩效评价和薪酬d . MBO 目标15. ( ) 是规定行为是非的原则和观念。

a- 社会责任 b .道德 c .利益相关群体 d .控制点 16.道德发展的第一水平是 ( ) 。


a .前习俗水平b .习俗水平c .原则水平d .前认知水平 17.当公司向第三世界国家销售不利于健康的、焦油含量较高的香烟时,具有较高自我强度的管理者很可 能会 ( ) 。

a .认为,因为香烟不利于健康,所以公司不应该销售,并积极阻止公司出售这种香烟b .认为,因为香烟不利于健康,所以公司不应该销售,但不采取措施阻止公司出售这种香烟c .不说出自己的想法,只是非正式地建议公司停止出售这种香烟d .不采取任何措施改变公司的现行做法,尽管也认为这种香烟不利于健康18.具有 ( ) 的人认为自己能掌握命运。



1413185 万思琪名词解释:1、领导:是领导者为实现组织目标二运用权力向其下属施加影响力的职能活动。



单选题:1、民主式领导方式的特点之一是:(B )A、领导者预先安排一切工作的程序和方法,下属只能服从。




2、由自我实现人假设所产生的管理措施为:(C )A、应以金钱收买员工的效力和服从B、管理人员在进行奖励时,应当注意集体奖励,而不能单纯采取个人奖励C、在管理制度上给予工人更多的自主权,实行自我控制,让工人参与管理和决策,并共同分享权力。


3.麦格雷戈的×理论是对哪一种人性假设的概括(A )A.经济人B.社会人C.自我实现人D.复杂人多选题:1.根据费德勒模型,影响领导形态有效性的环境因素有:(ABD )A、领导者和下属的关系; B、职位权力;C、领导者的个人特性;D、任务结构。

2.李柯特把领导方式分为( ABCE )A、剥削式集权领导;B、仁慈式集权领导;C、协商式民主领导;D、放任式领导;E、参与式民主领导;F、专制式领导。

3.领导行为四分图中领导行为分为四种类型,即( ABEF )A、高体贴与低组织B、高体贴与高组织C、高关系与低任务D、低关系与低任务E、低体贴与低组织F、低体贴与高组织简答题:1.在领导工作中应坚持怎样的用人原则?答:①从总体上,应坚持能力主义与资历主义相结合的原则。


②具体应遵循以下原则:A重视能力 B按事选人 C知人善任 D授予权力 E给予支持 F关心下级2.自我实现人假设的主要内容是什么?应采取何种相应的管理措施?答:①自我实现人假设也称Y理论,是由麦格雷戈提出来的。


























































































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Chapter 5 – Social Responsibility and Managerial EthicsTrue/False QuestionsA MANAGER’S DILEMMA1. Digital Mafia Entertainment is a company that focuses on the legal approach to environmental issues.False (moderate)2. Darien Dash, the founder of Digital Mafia Entertainment, can be described as having an external locus ofcontrol.False (moderate)3. Digital Mafia Entertainment’s focus on social responsibility is best described as social responsiveness.True (moderate)4. The stage of moral development that best describes Darien Dash, the founder of Digital MafiaEntertainment, is conventional.False (moderate)WHAT IS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY?5. The classical view of organizational social responsibility is that management’s only social respo nsibility isto maximize profits.True (moderate)6. The most outspoken advocate of the classical view of organizational social responsibility is MiltonFriedman.True (easy)7. In the socioeconomic view of organizational social responsibility, maximizing profits is a company'ssecond priority.True (moderate)8. A recent survey found that most business owners would continue socially responsible practices even if theyfound these practices cutting into profits.True (moderate)9. Socially responsible businesses tend to have less secure long-run profits.False (difficult)10. One argument against businesses championing social responsibility issues is that businesses already havetoo much power.True (difficult)11. A business has fulfilled its social obligation when it meets economic, legal, and ethical obligations.False (moderate)12. The difference between an organization's social obligation and social responsiveness is the legal aspect.False (moderate)SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE13. Research has found that corporations' social responsibility is unrelated to future financial performance,False (moderate)VALUES-BASED MANAGEMENT14. Values-based management is an approach to managing in which managers establish, promote, and practicean organization's shared values.True (easy)15. Though the outcomes are not perfectly measured, the majority of research studies show a positiverelationship between corporate social involvement and economic performance.True (easy)16. A company's shared values act as guideposts for managerial decisions and actions.True (moderate)17. Shared corporate values impact many issues, but not the marketing function.False (moderate)18. Values-based management is based on the close link between an organization's decisions and activities andits impact on the natural environment.False (moderate)19. Affluent societies account for more than 95% of the world's energy and resource consumption.False (moderate)THE “GREENING” OF MANAGEMENT20. The market approach to going green is when organizations respond to multiple demands of stakeholders.False (moderate)21. The activist approach to going green is when an organization looks for ways to respect and preserve theearth and its natural resources.True (moderate)22. A shareholder is any constituency in the external environment that is affected by an organization's decisionsand policies.False (easy)23. A union is an example of an organizational stakeholder.True (difficult)24. At stage 3 of an organization's expansion of social responsibility, the manager will promote thestockholders' interest by seeking to minimize costs and maximize profits.False (moderate)MANAGERIAL ETHICS25. Ethics refers to the rules and principles that define right and wrong conduct.True (moderate)26. In the rights view of ethics, decision-makers seek to impose and enforce rules fairly and impartially.False (moderate)27. The integrative social contracts theory proposes that decisions should be made on the basis of empirical andnormative factors.True (difficult)28. Studies have shown that most business people continue to hold utilitarian attitudes toward ethical behavior.True (moderate)29. In the preconventional stage of moral development, individuals make a clear effort to define moralprinciples apart from the authority of the groups to which they belong or society in general.False (moderate)30. People proceed through the six stages of moral development in lockstep fashion.True (moderate)Multiple ChoiceA MANAGER’S DILEMMA31. Which of the following approaches to environmental issues is best represented by Digital MafiaEntertainment?a.legalb.market (moderate)c.stakeholderd.activist32. At which stage of moral development is Darien Dash, the founder of Digital Mafia Entertainment?a.preconventionalb.conventionalc.preprincipledd.principled (moderate)33. Which of the following best represents Digital Mafia Entertainment’s focus on social responsibility?a.social obligationb.social responsiveness (moderate)c.preconventionald.legale.internal34. Which of the following best describes Darien Dash’s locus of control?a.internal (moderate)b.externalc.transparentd.verticale.horizontalWHAT IS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY?35. Which of the following is associated with the classical view of social responsibility?a. economist Robert Reichb. concern for social welfarec. stockholder financial return (moderate)d. voluntary activitiese. ethical behaviors36. According to Milton Friedman, which of the following is not a potential result of spending anorganization's resources on "social good"?a. redistribution of assetsb. reduced profits and dividendsc. losses by employeesd. lower prices of goods (moderate)e. lower sales37. The socioeconomic view of corporate responsibility suggests that ______________.a. stockholders are the only responsibility.b. corporations are independent entities.c. maximizing profits is the first priority while social responsibility is the second priority.d. corporations are responsible to the state and its citizens. (moderate)e. organizations have an ethical but no legal responsibility to anyone except stockholders.38. In support of the socioeconomic view of corporate social responsibility, ______________ percent ofbusiness owners said they would continue socially responsible practices even if it lowered profits.a. 25b. 45c. 58d. 68 (easy)e. 7439. ______________ is defined as a business firm’s obligation, beyond that required by law and econ omics, topursue long-term goals that are good for society.a.Social obligationb.Social responsibility (moderate)c.Social screeningd.Value-based managemente.Social autonomy40. The belief that long-run profits are the normal result of strong community relations and business image isknown as which argument for social responsibility?a. public imageb. balance of responsibility and powerc. long-run profits (moderate)d. stockholder interestse. possession of resources41. The belief that business should be responsible because such actions are right for their own sake is known aswhich argument for social responsibility?a. public expectationb. ethical obligation (moderate)c. public imaged. discouragement of further government regulatione. balance of responsibility and power42. The belief that businesses that help solve difficult social problems create a desirable community and attractand keep skilled employees is known as which argument for social responsibility?a. ethical obligationb. public imagec. better environment (moderate)d. possession of resourcese. superiority of prevention over cures43. Which argument for social responsibility puts forth the belief that by becoming socially responsiblebusinesses can expect to have less government regulation?a. discouragement of further government regulation (moderate)b. stockholder interestsc. public expectationsd. public imagee. possession of resources44. Which argument for social responsibility puts forth the belief that an imbalance between the large amountof power held by firms and their responsibility is harmful to the public good?a. public expectationb. ethical obligationc. public imaged. discouragement of further government regulatione. balance of responsibility and power (easy)45. The belief that a socially responsible company will be viewed as less risky, and therefore have higher stockvalue, is known as which argument for social responsibility?a. long-run profitsb. balance of responsibility and powerc. stockholder interests (easy)d. possession of resourcese. superiority of prevention over cures46. The belief that businesses have the financial, technical, and managerial resources to support needed publicprojects is known as which argument?a. public expectationsb. ethical obligationsc. public imaged. better environmente. possession of resources (moderate)47. The belief that social problems should be addressed before they reduce a firm's goal of producing goodsand services is known as which argument for social responsibility?a. public expectationsb. long-run profitsc. stockholder interestsd. possession of resourcese. superiority of prevention over cure (moderate)48. The belief that businesses are being socially responsible when they attend only to economic interests isknown as which argument against a firm's being socially responsible?a. dilution of purposeb. violation of profit maximization (easy)c. costsd. too much powere. lack of accountability49. The belief that the pursuit of social goals restricts economic productivity, its primary purpose, and,therefore, may cause society to suffer, is known as which argument against a firm's being socially responsible?a. violation of profit maximizationb. costsc. too much powerd. dilution of purpose (moderate)e. lack of accountability50. The belief that the costs of social activity are passed on as higher prices to consumers is known as whichargument against a firm's being socially responsible?a. violation of profit maximizationb. dilution of purposec. costs (moderate)d. lack of skillse. lack of accountability51. The belief that firms' pursuing social goals would give them too much power is known as what argument inopposition to a firm's being socially responsible?a. costsb. lack of skillsc. lack of broad public supportd. too much power (moderate)e. dilution of purpose52. The belief that business leaders are poorly qualified to address social issues is known as what argumentagainst a firm's being socially responsible?a. dilution of purposeb. too much powerc. lack of accountabilityd. lack of skills (moderate)e. lack of broad public support53. The belief that business leaders should not direct social policy because there is no direct line of socialaccountability to the public is known as what argument against a firm's being socially responsible?a. dilution of purposeb. costsc. too much powerd. lack of broad public supporte. lack of accountability (moderate)54. Which of the following terms refers to when a firm meets its economic and legal responsibilities?a. social responsibilityb. social obligation (moderate)c. social responsivenessd. social dutye. social standard55. The aspect that differentiates social responsibility from other similar concepts is that it ______________.a. adds an ethical imperative. (easy)b. adds a legal imperative.c. adds a moral imperative.d. considers social norms.e. refers to adapting to changing societal conditions.56. When a company does not discriminate in the hiring of minorities, it is meeting its ______________.a. social obligations. (difficult)b. social responsibilities.c. moral obligations.d. ethical obligations.e. fairness obligations.57. When a firm advertises that it only uses recycled paper products, it is ______________.a. meeting its social obligation.b. meeting social responsibilities.c. being socially responsive. (difficult)d. paying attention to the bottom line.e. attempting to defraud consumers.58. Social responsiveness, when compared to social responsibility is seen as ______________.a. more philosophical.b. more intangible.c. action oriented. (moderate)d. unchanging to social norms.e. meeting its minimum requirements.SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE59. One should be cautious in the interpretation, but a summary of more than a dozen studies analyzing therelationship between organizational social responsibility and economic performance provides what conclusion?a.Being socially responsible causes good economic performance.b.Good economic performance allows firms to be socially responsible.c.There is a positive relationship between corporate social involvement and economic performance.(difficult)d.Corporate social involvement tends to devalue stock price in the long run.e.Corporate social involvement tends to result in increased net income but lower stock prices.60. Overall, does the evidence suggest that socially responsible behaviors by organizations lower a firm'seconomic performance?a. Yesb. No (easy)c. There is not enough evidence at this time to know for sure.d. It depends on the activity with which the organization is involved.e. It depends on the industry.61. Applying social criteria to investment decisions is a term used to describe _____________.a.Social obligationb.Social responsibilityc.Social screening (moderate)d.Value-based managemente.Social autonomyVALUES-BASED MANAGEMENT62. ______________ is an approach to managing in which managers establish, promote, and practice what anorganization stands for and believes in.a. Cause-related marketingb. Values-based management (moderate)c. Ethical marketingd. Belief managemente. Value management63. A corporation's ____________ act(s) as guideposts for managerial decisions and actions.a. shared values (moderate)b. team spiritc. marketing effortsd. industry standardse. stakeholders64. Which of the following is not a purpose of shared corporate values?a.They serve as a guidepost for managerial decisions and actions.b.They impact employee behavior.c.They communicate organizational expectations. (moderate)d.They influence marketing efforts.e.They decrease competition between organizations.65. Which of the following is true regarding shared corporate values?a.Individuals adapt easily to shared corporate values.b.Top management dictates shared corporate values.c.It is not easy to establish shared corporate values. (moderate)d.Most corporations will be unable to successfully establish shared corporate values.e.Shared corporate values negatively impact team spirit.66. A survey of Fortune 1000 companies found that ______________ percent believed they needed to becomemore socially responsible to remain competitive.a.50b.70c.85d.90e.95 (moderate)67. Which of the following is not suggested by your text for creating a good corporate values statement?a.Make the statement long enough to include all aspects of corporate values. (difficult)b.Involve everyone in the company.c.Allow customizing of the values by individual departments or units.d.Leave out religious reference.e.Challenge it.THE “GREENING” OF MANAGEMENT68. The recognition of the close link between an organization's decisions and activities and its impact on thenatural environment is referred to as ______________.a.corporate social responsibility.b.social responsiveness.c.shared corporate values.d.greening of management. (moderate)e.stakeholder self-interest.69. Natural resource depletion, global warming, pollution, and toxic wastes are examples of ______________.a.social problems.b.global environmental problems. (easy)c.social responsiveness.petitive strategies.e.shared corporate values.70. Affluent societies account for ______________ of the world's energy and resource consumption.a. over 75% (easy)b. halfc. 20%d. less than 40%e. over 90%71. Which of the following is not an approach organizations can take with respect to environmental issues?a. legalb. marketc. stakeholderd. responsibility (moderate)e. activist72. The ______________ approach to environmental issues is when an organization obeys rules andregulations but exhibits little environmental sensitivity.a. legal (moderate)b. marketc. stakeholderd. responsibilitye. activist73. Which of the following approaches toward environmental issues is a good illustration of social obligation?a.legal approach (moderate)b.market approachc.stakeholder approachd.activist approach74. The ______________ approach to environmental issues is when organizations respond to environmentalpreferences of their customers.a. legalb. market (moderate)c. stakeholderd. responsibilitye. activist75. Which of the following approaches toward environmental issues exhibits the highest degree ofenvironmental sensitivity and is a good illustration of social responsibility?a.legal approachb.market approachc.stakeholder approachd.activist approach (moderate)76. The ______________ approach to environmental issues is when an organization chooses to respond tomultiple demands made by groups in the organization's external environment.a. legalb. marketc. stakeholder (moderate)d. responsibilitye. activist77. Stakeholders, according to the progressive point of view, would include which of the following?a.only ownersb.only stockholdersc.only customersd.only supplierse.any individual or group that is impacted by the organization's decisions and policies (easy)78. According to the model of the expansion of an organization's social responsibility, stage two adds aninterest in ______________.a.stockholders.b.human resource concerns. (difficult)c.safe products.d.fair prices.e.high-quality products.79. According to the model of the expansion of an organization's social responsibility, stage three is noted byan added interest in ______________.a.stockholders.b.human resource concerns.c.owners.d.safe products. (moderate)e.profit maximization.80. According to the model of the expansion of an organization's social responsibility, stage four is noted by anadded interest in ______________.a.stockholders.b.human resource concerns.c.good supplier relations.d.fair prices.e.society as a whole. (moderate)MANAGERIAL ETHICS81. Which of the following is a basic definition of ethics?a. moral guidelines for behaviorb. rules for acknowledging the spirit of the lawc. rules or principles that define right and wrong conduct (moderate)d. principles for legal and moral developmente. There is no way to define ethics.82. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text as one of the four perspectives on business ethics?a.utilitarian viewb.principled view (difficult)c.rights viewd.theory of justice viewe.integrative social contracts theory83. The utilitarian view of ethics is based on which of the following?a. decisions based on their outcomes or consequences (moderate)b. respect and protection of individual liberties and freedomsc. the imposition and enforcement of fair and impartial rulesd. the existing ethical norms in industries and corporationse. the process used to determine the distribution of resources84. Which of the following encourages efficiency and productivity and is consistent with the goal of profitmaximization?a.utilitarian view (moderate)b.principled viewc.rights viewd.theory of justice viewe.integrative social contracts theory85. The rights view of ethics is based on which of the following?a. decisions based on their outcomes or consequencesb. the imposition and enforcement of fair and impartial rulesc. respect and protection of individual liberties and freedoms (moderate)d. the process used to determine the distribution of resourcese. the existing ethical norms in industries and corporations86. The theory of justice view of ethics is based on which of the following?a. the process used to determine the distribution of resourcesb. the existing ethical norms in industries and corporationsc. decisions based on their outcomes or consequencesd. the imposition and enforcement of fair and impartial rules (difficult)e. respect and protection of individual liberties and freedoms87. The integrative social contracts theory of ethics is based on which of the following?a. the process used to determine the distribution of resourcesb. decisions based on their outcomes or consequencesc. the imposition and enforcement of fair and impartial rulesd. the existing ethical norms in industries and corporations (difficult)e. respect and protection of individual liberties and freedoms88. Studies have shown that most business people tend to hold which attitude toward ethical behavior?a. the utilitarian view (moderate)b. the rights viewc. the theory of justice viewd. the integrative social contract theory viewe. No single view is dominant among business people.89. In the ____________ level of moral development, individuals respond to notions of right or wrong whenthere are personal consequences involved.a. preconventional (easy)b. conventionalc. principledd. arrivale. ethical90. Reasoning at the ______________ level of moral development indicates that moral values reside inmaintaining the conventional order and the expectations of others.a. preconventionalb. conventional (easy)c. principledd. arrivale. ethical91. At the ______________ level of moral development, individuals make a clear effort to define moralprinciples apart from the authority of the groups to which they belong or society in general.a. preconventionalb. conventionalc. principled (easy)d. arrivale. ethical92. A personality measure of a person's convictions is ______________.a.moral development.b.ego strength. (moderate)c.locus of control.d.social desirability.e.self-image.93. ______________ is a personality attribute that measures the degree to which people believe they controltheir own fate.a.Ego strengthb.Locus of control (easy)c.Social responsibilityd.Social obligatione.Social autonomy94.. A manager who believes that "she worked hard and met the productivity goals despite bad weather," isdisplaying what individual characteristic?a.strong self-imageb.high moral developmentc.low impression managementd.internal locus of control (moderate)e.low social desirability95. Research continues to show that the strongest single influence on an individual's own ethical or unethicalbehavior is ______________.a.peer pressure.b.rules.c.behavior of superiors. (moderate)d. a code of ethics.e.religion.96. Which of the following organizational structural characteristics would most likely result in managerialethical behavior?a.few job descriptionsb.formal rules (moderate)c.mixed messages from authority figuresd.performance appraisal systems focused on outcomese.bonuses based on achievement of quotas97. Which of the following is true concerning the impact of organizational culture on ethical behavior?a.Low conflict tolerance leads to ethical behavior.b. A strong culture will support high ethical standards. (moderate)c.Conflict tolerance is related to unethical behavior.d. A culture that is high in control tends to encourage unethical behavior.e.None of the above is true.98. Issue intensity, as an issue that affects ethical behavior, is described as which of the following?a.The characteristics of the ethical issue itself. (difficult)b.The level of control and influence one has over the event.c.The cultural strength of the organization.d.The organizational structure.e.None of the above99. Which of the following is not one of the six characteristics that are relevant in determining issue intensity?a.How great a harm (or benefit) is done to victims (or beneficiaries) of the ethical act in question?b.What is the probability that your act will be discovered? (moderate)c.How much consensus is there that the act is evil (or good)?d.What is the length of time between the act in question and its expected consequences?e.How large is the concentrated effect of the ethical act on the people involved?100. The 1977 Foreign Corrupt Practices Acta.makes it illegal for U.S. firms to make any cash payment for deferential treatment in a foreigntransaction.b.makes it illegal for U.S. firms to make any payment over 5% of total cost toward administrativeoverhead in foreign transactions.c.makes it illegal for U.S. firms to knowingly corrupt a foreign official. (difficult)d.makes it illegal for U.S. firms to make any payment to foreign clerical or ministerial employees inexchange for service.e.was repealed in 1992.101. Which of the following is not a way for management to reduce unethical behavior?a.Select individuals with high ethical standards.b.Establish codes of conduct.c.Provide ethics training.d.Monitor employee telephone calls. (moderate)e.Lead by example.102. A _____________ is a formal statement of an organization’s primary values and the ethical rules it expects its employees to follow.a.mission statementb.statement of purposec.code of ethics (moderate)d.vision statement103. Nearly ______________ percent of Fortune 500 companies have a code of ethics.a. 65b. 75c. 85d. 95 (easy)e. 105104. A survey of various codes of ethics found that their content tended to fall into all of the following categories EXCEPT:a.be a dependable and organizational citizen.b.do not do anything unlawful or improper that will harm the organization.c.consider profit maximization to be the primary focus of the company. (moderate)d.be good to customers.105. It is estimated that ______________ percent of companies provide some ethics training.a. over 40 (easy)b. over 50c. 75d. roughly 80e. 90ScenariosWHAT IS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY?What Wood You Do? (Scenario)Imagine that you are the head of a company that manufactures secondary wood products for the construction industry. Recently, there have been many reports of a plywood subflooring product that has been failing in a number of commercial locations resulting in several complaints about ruined floor coverings and, in one instance, partial collapse of a third floor, which injured three people. Your head of research and development has asked to stop selling the product and wants to run tests on the product to determine the problem. However, third-quarter earnings reports are due out in two weeks, and public knowledge of problems with a lucrative product may delay the financing of the company's expansion plans and lower stock price. Your dilemma: Do you delay or refuse the product research, thereby enhancing the expansion plans but risking other damage and public safety, or, do you immediately stop sales of the product and run the necessary tests, thereby risking the expansion plans?106. If you (as head of the company) made your decision based on what was best for the stockholders, you would be operating with the ______________ view of social responsibility.a. neoclassicalb. classical (moderate)c. conservatived. socioeconomice. contemporary107. Friedman would argue that if you decided to make any decision other than what is in the best interest of the stockholders, which of the following is likely to occur?a. increased financial return to stockholdersb. increased profits and dividendsc. increased employee wages and benefitsd. increased consumer prices (moderate)e. increased sales108. If you decided to stop sales and investigate the product, because you felt you had an obligation to society as well as stockholders, you would be operating under which view of social responsibility?a. neoclassicalb. classicalc. socioeconomic (moderate)d. conservativee. contemporary109. Which view of social responsibility suggests that your decision should be based first on what will enable your wood products company long-term survival, and, only secondly, profit maximization?a. neoclassicalb. classicalc. socioeconomic (moderate)d. conservativee. contemporary。
