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3. No density effects
Density-dependent flow requires a different governing equation. See Zheng and Bennett, Chapter 15.
Figures from Freeze & Cherry (1979)
Average linear velocity
True velocities
We will assume that dispersion follows Fick’s law, or in other words, that dispersion is “Fickian(费克方程)”. This is an important assumption;it turns out that the Fickian assumption is not strictly valid(有效的) near the source of the contaminant.
Adective flux
h1 h2
Darcy’s law:
h2 h1 Q KA s
q = Q/A
advective flux fA = q c f = F/A
How to quantify the dispersive flux?
h1 h2 fA = advective flux = qc f = fA + fD
Dx Lv D*
D D0
D* is the effective molecular diffusion coefficient [L2T-1]

is the tortuosity(扭转) factor [-]
Assume 1D flow
Case 2
and a point source
Dispersive Transport & Advection-dispersion Equation (ADE)
Advection only
Advection & Dispersion
C (viC ) xi t
v = q/θ
Assuming particles travel at same average linear velocity v=q/θ
c2 c1 fD D x
where D is the dispersion coefficient.
Case 1
Advective flux Assume 1D flow
h2 h1 fA qxc [K ]c vxc x
Dispersive flux
How about Fick’s law (见下一张PPT) where D is the effective d of diffusion? diffusion coefficient.
c2 c1 FDiff DdA x
Fick’s law describes diffusion of ions on a molecular scale as ions diffuse from areas of higher to lower concentrations.
c2 c1 fD Dx x
D is the dispersion coefficient. It includes the effects of dispersion and diffusion. Dx is sometimes written DL and called the longitudinal(纵向的) dispersion coefficient.
(i.e., a medium with connected pore space or a densely fractured medium with a single network of connected fractures)
2. Miscible flow(混相流动)
(i.e., solutes dissolve in water; DNAPL’s(重非轻亲 水相液体) and LNAPL’s (轻非轻亲水相液体) require a different governing equation. See p. 472, note 15.5, in Zheng and Bennett.)
Traຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduer:示踪剂
Advective flux
fA = qxc
c2 c1 fDx Dx ( ) x
Dispersive fluxes
c 2 c1 fDy Dy ( ) y
c2 c1 fDz Dz ( ) z
Dx represents longitudinal dispersion (& diffusion); Dy represents horizontal transverse (水平横波)dispersion (& diffusion); Dz represents vertical transverse dispersion (& diffusion).
In fact, particles travel at different velocities v>q/θ or v<q/θ
Derivation(推导) of the Advection-Dispersion Equation (ADE) Assumptions
1. Equivalent(当量) porous medium (epm)
(Zheng & Bennett, Fig. 3.8.)
We need to introduce a “law” to describe dispersion, to account for(解释) the deviation (偏差) of velocities from the average linear velocity calculated by Darcy’s law.