伦茨变频器软件设置PmparbMF T ajja lw wnirini! dm点开伦茨软件,选择“新工程(从系统中载入的工程)”下一步:|4)Hp 耳■ji'?hi u B J EMCn ajKsflc prbj«ri'lalfl liTU KUh ibSI, ?+h£rdl■■4) if U4 ■册新名字siasun 8400。
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设置ip 地址。
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伦茨SMV变频器操作手册伦茨SMV变频器操作手册目录1.引言1.1 简介1.2 目的1.3 目标读者2.变频器基本知识2.1 变频器概述2.2 变频器工作原理2.3 变频器的优势3.变频器安装步骤3.1 环境要求3.2 电源接线3.3 控制信号接线3.4 电机接线4.变频器参数配置4.1 参数总览4.2 基本参数设置4.3 输出频率配置4.4 过载保护参数设置 4.5 风扇控制参数设置4.6 控制方式选择5.变频器操作步骤5.1 变频器开机与关机 5.2 运行状态监测5.3 参数调整与保存5.4 故障诊断与处理6.变频器维护与保养6.1 日常维护事项6.2 清洁与防尘措施6.3 润滑与冷却管理7.附录7.1 常见问题解答7.2 故障代码与解决方法7.3 附件列表附录1.附件列表:- 1.SMV变频器安装手册.pdf- 2.SMV变频器参数配置表.xlsx- 3.SMV变频器维护与保养指南.doc2.法律名词及注释:- 变频器:全称为变频电力调速器,是一种能够改变电机转速的设备,在工业领域广泛应用。
- 频率:指单位时间内发生的事件次数,用赫兹(Hz)表示。
- 电源接线:将变频器与电源连接的一组电线,通常包括相线、零线和接地线。
- 控制信号接线:将变频器与外部控制设备连接的电线,用于实现运行控制和参数调整。
- 环境要求:指安装变频器的环境要符合一定的条件,如通风良好、温度适宜等。
- 过载保护:一种保护措施,当电机负载超过设定值时,变频器自动停止工作以避免损坏。
- 风扇控制:指控制变频器内部风扇运行的参数配置和调整。
- 控制方式:指变频器的运行控制方式,如键盘本地控制、远程控制等。
伦茨(Lenze)变频器8200Vector系列使用说明注:本说明适用于梳棉机FA231A所使用 Lenze E82EV系列变频器包括内容:1.标准接线及安装1.1 400V控制器的主电源接线1.2 电机接线1.3符合EMC标准的安装1.4控制端子接线及说明2. 用操作面板进行参数设定2.1访问,设定所有参数2.2拷贝参数到操作面板2.3从操作面板复制参数到变频器2.4 输出转速的在线调整--用操作面板输入频率(hz)与其他给定值相加3.重要参数代码说明3.1 C0014代码可设置控制模式3.2 电机数据的输入/自动检测(C0087;C0088;C0089;C0090;C0091;C0084;C0092;C0148)3.3 JOG固定频率给定值(C0037,C0038,C0039)3.4 给定值选择(C0001)3.5 模拟输入给定的调整(C0026;C0027)3.6 PTC电机温度监控(C0119)3.7 数字输入信号配置(C0007)3.8 最小输出频率(C0010)3.9 最大输出频率(C0011)3.10 主加速时间(C0012)3.11主减速时间(C0013)3.12快停减速时间(C0105)3.13数字输入信号E1-E6电平反相(C0114)3.14 模拟量输入范围设定(C0034)3.15电流极限设定(C0022,C0023)4.故障诊断及排除4.1运行状态显示4.2故障查询5. 梳棉机FA231A变频器参数设定表5.1 E82EV222S4B参数设定表5.2 E82EV751S4B参数设定表6.变频器调试程序表7.产品维护,保养要点1.标准接线及安装1.1 400V控制器的主电源接线1.2 电机接线见上图注:BR1,BR2外部制动电阻T1,T2电机温度监控PTC热敏电阻或热继电器1.3符合EMC标准的安装注:将控制线及电源线与电机电缆分开使用低寄生电容电缆。
主轴倍率增加,按一下增加 5%,最大到 150%; 主轴倍率回到 100%; 主轴倍率减小,按一下减小 5%,最小到 50%; 主轴正向启动按键,绿色,右旋刀具前进方向为主轴正转; 主轴停按键,红色; 主轴反向启动按键,绿色,左旋刀具前进方向为主轴反转。
第 7 组: 加工程序控制按键,有 3 个按键,只在“自动方式” 、 “单段方式”和“MDI 方式”下有动作,
程序启动,执行已选择的加工程序, “单段方式”只执行一段程序; 保持停止,按下程序停在编程轨迹上,按“启动”键程序继续执行; 程序停止, 按下程序停止并返回到程序头, 按 “启动” 键程序重新执行。 第 8 组:
30 20 15 10 5 3 1 0 40 50 6 0 7 0 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120
果已经进行了回原点操作,显示界面如图 4 所示。
图 3 没有回原点的数控软件界面
图 4 已回原点的数控软件界面
该软件有两种显示界面,上图为程序显示的界面,还有一种位置显示界面, 软件切换界面如图 5 所示,通过点击左上角的位置显示与程序显示按钮进行。图 3、图 4 是程序显示时的界面。图 6、图 7 为位置显示时的界面。
正比例值,该倍率值可以由机床操作面板上的“主轴倍率增加” 、 “主轴倍率回到 100%” 、 “主轴倍率减小”按键来改变。三个显示值的关系为: 实际速度 = 编程速度 主轴倍率。 “输出功率”显示的是主轴的运行功率,可以实时监控主轴的运行状态,并 以颜色条显示主轴的运行信息。 “当前执行 G 代码”和“当前执行 M 代码”栏显示的是加工程序在执行状 态下正在执行的“G”代码和“M”代码,该显示栏在没有加工程序执行的状态 下显示内容为空白。 “刀具”栏中有两个显示内容,左边显示的是字母“T”后面跟一个数,表 示的是当前主轴上的刀具在机床刀库中的位置码,数字为“0”表示当前主轴上 无刀具。右边显示的是字母“D” 后面跟一个数,表示的是当前引用的刀具参 数在系统刀具表中的位置码,数字为“0”表示当前刀具补偿值为 0。 “工件”栏中显示的“数量”为一个加工程序被执行的次数,而“时间”显 示的是该加工程序被执行一次所用的时间。 2.5 加工程序状态和系统状态显示栏 在坐标位置以及程序显示区域和 9 个软键按钮图标之间有两行共三个文字 显示框,它的底色和“操作方式”的文字显示框不同。上面一行有两个显示框, 左边是下载给 Clipper 集成控制器的加工程序的名称和在计算机中存储的目录地 址,初始状态为显示“当前无 NC 程序下载” 。右边为执行超长加工程序时下载 到旋转缓冲区的加工程序行数, 这两个框的显示内容在后面的有关章节中详细描 述。
剪式提升机驱动,8400 Topline
速度的标定: 弹出如下界面:设定C00490/1=16384, C00491/1=1470=C0011,C00492/1=3;
剪式提升机驱动,8400 Topline
速度的标定: 设定定位曲线中参数,只使用一条定位曲线,如下操作: 点Basic Function按钮
防止SSI编码尺干扰或机械结构引起的剪式提升机抖动: 电机电缆控制器侧的接线要规范;
剪式提升机驱动,8400 Topline
防止SSI编码尺干扰或机械结构引起的剪式提升机抖动: 电机电缆控制器侧的接线要规范;
剪式提升机驱动,8400 Topline
防止SSI编码尺干扰或机械结构引起的剪式提升机抖动: 由于机械结构,升降机在升降过程中会出现恍动,引起读 码头读数也跟着变化而引起升降机抖动,可以采取如下措 施来确保升降机稳定运行;
剪式提升机驱动,8400 Topline
机器参数的设定 Mounting direction: Motor,参数C01206/1,电机安装方向, 用于改变电机的旋转方向; Reference Speed,参数号为C0011,电机参考速度,即电 机最大运行速度; 然后把反馈参数设置为SSI编码尺反馈,参数设置为 C00490=3;
剪式提升机驱动,8400 Topline
8400 Topline变频器驱动的剪式提升机的基本配置:减速机 带有制动器,电机上有旋变做反馈,位置反馈是SSI接口的 编码尺反馈; 8400 Topline变频器,用在剪式提升机的定位控制,主要做 定位控制,PLC发给变频器的控制信息有控制字,定位位 置,定位速度等;在定位时用到SSI接口的编码尺做全闭环 控制; 8400 Topline变频器所有的接线都是插头连接,更换也很方 便, 8400 Topline变频器也有存储模块,把存储模块换在 新的变频器上,同时设置IP地址就能恢复运行;
伦茨8400 motec变频器
Brochure | ENFrequency inverter 0.25 ... 132 kWLenze inverter – universally applicable.A multifunctional all-rounder applicable for all cases – just another way to perfectlydescribe the frequency inverter. Thanks to a high number of integrated functions,network interfaces and a simple parameter setting, the inverter is suitable for bothmechanical engineering and apparatus construction.Lenze inverters are an important component in modern drive solutions whichrange from the cloud via control systems to motors and geared motors.Typical application fields• Textile machines• Materials handling technology• Packaging technology• Forming technology• Consumer goods machines• Industrial air conditioning technology (pumps, fans & compressors)• Construction machines• Access control• etc.Features• The modular and scalable concept allows the selection of the inverter requiredfor the respective application.• The compact design allows an efficient installation for applications where spacemeans money.• Easy installation and OEM friendly as standard. Robust design for reducingcabling costs in large installations.• Interaction for each application level – from simple to complex!• Energy-efficient and high functionalityThe benefits for you• Lower investment costs• Less control cabinet space and costs• More productivity• More time for innovation• Sustainability• ReliabilityFeatures at a glance.A good usability of the devices ranging from installation to service reduces working time, costs and errors in handling. This makes installation with keyhole mounting and plug-in terminals particularly convenient.Programming your application is opti-mized for all application levels.The smartphone app via WLAN pro-vides only one of numerous interfaces to the device.User-friendlinessFlexibilityCompact designIn mechanical engineering andapparatus construction, space is limited and expensive. Thus, Lenze inverters are extremely compact to implement solutions and save costs.The i5.0 devices impress with a space-saving design with a width of 60 mm (up to 4.0 kW) and a depth of just 130 mm (up to 11 kW). Moreover, the devices can be be mounted directly next to each other without derating.Lenze offers one of the most com-prehensive solution portfolios formechanical engineering and apparatus construction.No matter which power, mains volt-ages, communication interfaces ordiagnostics options – our product range has the right solution optimized for the requirement.RobustnessIO-LinkCentralized/decentralizedMany machines and apparatus provide enough space for a compact inverter such as the i510 or i550.If your machine requires a lot of space, has a modular design or the space in the control cabinet is limited, we rec-ommend a decentralized installation close to the motor. This serves to avoid the installation costs of e.g. expensive motor cables.In many applications, a mixture of cen-tralized and decentralized drive tech-nology is advisable. Fortunately, the i5x0 cabinet and i5x0 protec inverters show the same drive behavior.For an intelligent integration ofsensors and actuators, IO-Link is used increasingly. If the system already con-tains an IO-Link master, inverters can be integrated cost-effectively. With the i550, Lenze is the first man-ufacturer to fulfil the IO-Link standard V1.1. This allows the inverter to be automatically parameterized for serial commissioning or in the event of service.Applications, for instance in the timber industry or intralogistics, place high demands on the components of the machines regarding robustness. Harsh environments are no problem for the i550 protec.Featuring the IP66 degree of protection (Indoor & Outdoor NEMA 4X), the tech-nology inside the housing is protected against dust and the device can be safely cleaned using water jets.i510 cabinet i550 cabineti550 protec8400 motec• Basic inverter IP20NEMA Open Type• 0.25 ... 11 kW• Standard inverter IP20• Universally applicable• 0.25 ... 110 kW• Standard inverter IP31 or IP66• Universally applicable• 0.37 ... 11 KW (expansion up to 75 kWplanned)• Standard inverter for motor orwall mounting IP65• Various connector options for power andsignals for minimum installation expenses• 0.37 ... 7.5 kW Configurablefor all requirements.Frequency inverterLenze offers a comprehensive inverter portfolio for mechanical engineering andapparatus construction. Whether control cabinet mounting, motor mounting ordecentralized mounting with terminals or with complete connection technology– our independent advice is geared towards finding the best solution for yourspecific case.The Lenze EASY Product Finder helps you configure your required frequencyinverter type in next to no time. In addition, you can retrieve all importanttechnical details such as data sheets, CAD data and EPLAN data.EASY Product Finderi510 and i550 cabineti510 and i550 cabinet form the inverter series for the control cabinet in a powerrange of 0.25 ... 132 kW. They are distinguished by the following attributes – slimdesign, scalable functionality and exceptionally user-friendly. The simple i510from 0.25 ... 11 kW and the universally applicable i550 from 0.25 ... 110 kW havethe same DNA but differ in functionality and are optimized for a good price/performance ratio.Highlights• Space saving design: 60 mm wide (up to 4 kW), 130 mm deep(up to 11 kW), with zero-clearance mounting• Innovative interaction options enable better set-up times than ever.• The wide-ranging modular system enables various product configurationsdepending on machine requirements• Optionally with "Safe Torque Off (STO)" with SIL 3 (ISO 13849-1 (EN 954-1) ) andPerformance Level e (EN 62061/EN 61800-5-2)• Flexibility: Get the i550 as a complete device or in individual components(Power Unit, Control Unit and Safety Unit)i510 cabineti550 cabinetPower range ·0.25 ... 110 kW Mounting ·Wall mounting ·InstallationDegree of protection ·IP20·NEMA Open Type ----Approvals·CE, UL, CSA, EAC, RoHS Connections ·1 AC 120 V ·1 AC 230 V ·1/3 AC 230 V ·3 AC 230 V·3 AC 400 V/480 V -·Standard I/O 5x digital input 1x digital output -·Application I/O:7x digital input 1x digital output PNP/NPN logic ·Standard I/O 2x analog input 1x analog output ·Application I/O: 2x analog input 2x analog output·Frequency input: 0 … 100 kHz·1x NO/NC relay (24 DC max. 2 A; 240 AC max. 3 A)·External 24 V supply and internal 24 V power supply unit -·Spring terminals, plug-in ·Evaluation of motor PTCOverload behavior·200 % for 3s; 150 % for 60s Motor controls·Servo control (SC-ASM) with feedback·Sensorless vector control for synchronous motors (up to 22 kW)·Sensorless vector control (SLVC)·Energy saving function (VFC-Eco)·V/f characteristic control linear/square-law (VFC plus)·V/f characteristic control with feedbackFunctions·DC-injection braking·Brake management for brake control with low rate of wear·Dynamic braking through brake resistor·S-ramps for smooth acceleration and deceleration ·Flying restart circuit, PID controller ·DC connection ·Safety engineering Safe Torque Off (STO)Networks·CANopen, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, IO-Link, EtherCAT,EtherNET/IP, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, POWERLINKAmbient temperature during operation·3K3 (-10 ... +55 °C) EN 60721-3-3 (derating of 2.5 %/°C above 45 °C)Power range ·0.25 ... 11 kW Mounting -·InstallationDegree of protection ·IP20·NEMA Open Type ----Approvals·CE, UL, CSA, EAC, RoHSConnections -·1 AC 230 V ·1/3 AC 230 V ·3 AC 230 V ·3 AC 400/480 V -·Basic I/O: 5x digital input 1x digital output -----·Basic I/O:2x analog input 1x analog output ---·no·1x NO/NC relay (24 DC max. 2 A; 240 AC max. 3 A)--·Spring terminals·Evaluation of motor PTCOverload behavior·200 % for 3 s; 150 % for 60 sMotor controls -·Sensorless vector control for synchronous motors (up to 22 kW)·Sensorless vector control (SLVC)·Energy saving function (VFC-Eco)·V/f characteristic control linear/square-law (VFC plus)-Functions·DC-injection braking·Brake management for brake control with low rate of wear -·S-ramps for smooth acceleration and deceleration ·Flying restart circuit, PID controller ·DC connection Safety engineering -Networks·CANopen, Modbus RTUAmbient temperature during operation·3K3 (-10 ... +55 °C) EN 60721-3-3 (derating of 2.5 %/°C above 45 °C)i550 proteci550 protec uses the same tried-and-tested technology used in i550 cabinet andonly differs in terms of a higher degree of housing protection with an adapteddesign. If your machine requires a lot of space, has a modular design or the spacein the control cabinet is limited, the universally applicable i550 protec (IP31and IP66 degree of protection) from 0.37 kW ... 11 kW (expansion up to 75 kWplanned) is the ideal solution for a decentralized installation close to the motor.Highlights• IP66 degree of protection (Indoor & Outdoor NEMA 4X) with protection againsthigh pressure water jets from any direction and dust tightness allows for use inharsh environment applications• USB Micro diagnostic interface on board• Optionally available with extension box with or without service switches• Optionally available with keypad or WLAN diagnostic module• Optionally available with "Safe Torque Off (STO)" with SIL 3 (ISO 13849-1(EN 954-1) ) and Performance Level e (EN 62061/EN 62061/EN 61800-5-2)i550 protecPower range·0.37 ... 11 kWMounting·Wall mounting·InstallationDegree of protection·IP31·NEMA 1·IP66·NEMA 4 x--Approvals·CE, UL, CSA, EAC, RoHSConnections·1 AC 120 V·1 AC 230 V·1/3 AC 230 V·3 AC 230 V·3 AC 400/480 V·3 AC 480 V/600 V·Standard I/O:5x digital input1x digital output----PNP/NPN logic·Standard I/O:2x analog input1x analog output---·Frequency input: 0 … 100 kHz·1x NO/NC relay (24 DC max. 2 A; 240 AC max. 3 A)·External 24 V supply andinternal 24 V power supply unit·Spring terminals·Evaluation of motor PTCOverload behavior·200 % for 3 s; 150 % for 60 sMotor controls·Servo control (SC-ASM) with feedback·Sensorless vector control for synchronous motors (up to 22 kW)·Sensorless vector control (SLVC)·Energy saving function (VFC-Eco)·V/f characteristic control linear/square-law (VFC plus)·V/f characteristic control with feedbackFunctions·DC-injection braking·Brake management for brake control with lowrate of wear·Dynamic braking through brake resistor·S-ramps for smooth acceleration and deceleration·Flying restart circuit, PID controller·DC connectionSafety engineering·Safe Torque Off (STO)Networks·CANopen, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, IO-Link, EtherCAT, EtherNET/IP, PROFINETAmbient temperature during operation·3K3 (-10 ... +55 °C) EN 60721-3-3 (derating of 2.5 %/°C above 45 °C)8400 motecThe 8400 motec is a frequency inverter for decentralized installation from0.37 ... 7.5 kW in IP65. In the three basic variants for motor mounting, wallmounting or wall mounting with service switch, it already offers a high degree offlexible solutions. Wherever the focus is on a safe and fast installation of drives, the8400 motec is the most beneficial solution, e.g. in spatially distributed applications.Motor mounting:In the case of motor mounting, the 8400 motec can be operated without deratingregardless of the alignment. Compact solution with Lenze MF motor (120 Hz).Wall mounting:Compact and flexible solution for wall mounting in IP65.Wall mounting with service switch:Wall-mounted device with 3 maintenance switches. Options for maximumflexibility in IP54.Highlights• Compact design• High degree of functionality, e.g. integrated brake rectifier• M12 signal connector for fieldbuses, IOs, external 24 V supply and STO• High variety of mains plugs for Harting Q4/2 (single or double),M15 or QUICKON QPD• Wall mounting without derating8400 motecPower range·0.25 ... 7.5 kWMounting·Wall mounting·Motor mountingDegree of protection·IP66·IP54 (with switching unit)----Approvals·CE, UL, CSA, EAC, RoHSConnections----·3 AC 400/480 V-·Standard I/O:5x digital input1x digital output1 inverter enable---PNP/NPN logic------·Frequency input: 0 … 10 kHz·1x NO/NC relay·External 24 V supplytogether with Ethernet-based fieldbuses and PROFIBUS-·Evaluation of motor PTCOverload behavior·200 % for 3 s; 150 % for 60 s·Motor controls-·Sensorless vector control for synchronous motors ·Sensorless vector control (SLVC)·Energy saving function (VFC-Eco)·V/f characteristic control linear/square-law (VFC plus)V/f characteristic control with feedbackFunctions·DC-injection braking·Brake management for brake control with low rate of wearwith integrated brake rectifier·Dynamic braking through brake resistor·S-ramps for smooth acceleration and deceleration·Flying restart circuit, PID controller-Safety engineeringSafe Torque Off (STO)Networks·CANopen, EtherCAT, EtherNET/IP, PROFIBUS, PROFINET,ASiAmbient temperature during operation·3K3 (-30 ... +55 °C) EN 60721-3-3 (derating of 2.5 %/°C above 45 °C)Technical data i510 cabinet inverterConnection to 230 V mainsi510 cabinet inverter Connection to 400 V mainsMains choke is generally prescribed for Light Duty with 15 kW.Connection to 120 V mains and 230 V mainsConnection to 400 V mainsMains choke is generally prescribed from 22 kW (for Light Duty from 15 kW).Connection to 120 V mains and 230 V mains with IP66 degree of protectionConnection to 400 V mains with IP66 degree of protection8400 motec inverter Connection to 400 V mainsDiagnostics and operation of the i5x0 cabinetFor diagnostics and parameterization, the keypad, the Lenze SMART Keypad app (iOS and Android) or the EASY Starter can be used.I5MADR0000000SI5MADK0000000S I5MADW0000000S I5MADU0000000S3 m cable 3 m cableI5MADR0000001S EWL0085/S5 m cable 5 m cableI5MADR0000002S EWL0086/S Functional safety for i5x0 cabinetThe safety function STO can also be ordered at a later date and retrofitted.I5MASAV000000S Product extensionsAccessoriesMains choke for i5x0 cabineti550 cabinet: generally prescribed from 22 kW (for Light Duty from 15 kW)i500 protec: integrated in the device if required (>= 30 kW)• Mains chokes reduce the effects of the inverter on the supplying mains by smoothing the harmonics.• The effective mains current is reduced which saves energy.• Mains chokes can be used without restrictions in conjunction with RFI filters.• Please note that the use of a mains choke reduces the mains voltage at the input of the inverter by 4 % (typical voltage drop across the mains choke).Filter Short Distance for i5x0 cabinetFilter type: RFI filter• C1 to 25 m • C2 to 50 m• Reduced leakage current, operation on 30-mA residual current circuit breaker possibleFilter Long Distance for i5x0 cabinetFilter type up to 15 kW: RFI filterFilter type from 22 kW: Mains filter (combination of RFI filter and mains choke)• C1 to 50 m • C2 to 100 m•Operation with 300 mA residual current circuit breakerBrake resistor for i550 cabinet• To decelerate greater moments of inertia or with a longer operation in generator mode, an external brake resistor is required.• The brake resistor absorbs the brake energy produced in generator mode and converts it into heat.Brake resistor for i550 protec• To decelerate greater moments of inertia or with a longer operation in generator mode, an external brake resistor is required.• The brake resistor absorbs the brake energy produced in generator mode and converts it into heat.Motor shield plate for i5x0 cabinetContents: Motor shield plate, fixing clip, terminal clamp.Exception: EZAMBHXM004 and EZAMBHXM005 only include terminal clamps as the shield plate comes supplied with the device Accessory sets for i5x0 protecThe bottom of the housing of the i510 protec and i550 protec inverters provides openings for connections to the mains, the motor and the control connections. To easily implement these connections in IP66, various connection sets are available.。
能,在GDC主菜单中 Drive
包含有许多根据功能 划分的特殊功能选项。
parameters Function
PCdrive 上载/保存/打印参数
依赖于被选择的目标 系统和选定的模式 (在线/离线),子
block editor
1. GDC软件综述 2. 启动软件 3. 寻找目标系统(在线) 4. 手动选择目标系统(离线) 5. 在GDC软件中指定控制器上AIF模块形式 6. 在GDC软件中指定控制器上FIF模块形式 7. 快速调试 8. GDC软件的用户界面 9. 案例——利用EMF2173完成93xxES伺服控制器间通
⑥ IMP:控制器禁止脉冲输出
②/③ 控制器相关对话框的 ⑦ 当前模式(在线/离线) 状态信息
TRIP:目标系统有错误 ⑧ 在线地址(CAN或Lecom -A/B)
RSP:控制器禁止使能 ⑨ 激活参数设置(仅在线模式
下对8200 vector / motec有效)
通过以下列表中的FIF module for ...指定需要的FIF模块。
在目标控制器(变频器或伺服控制器)的说明文档调入GDC中后, 快速调试对话框将自动地出现在GDC的当前界面中。
E84AVSCx__8400 StateLine C__v1-2__ZH[1]
控制器的连接 / 接线 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 调试前 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 选择适当的调试工具 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 关于参数的一般注意事项 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5.2.1 使用操作面板更改参数设置 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5.2.2 使用 PC 和 Lenze 软件更改参数设置 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5.2.3 将参数设置安全保存至存储模块,以防止电源故障 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5.2.4 用于快速访问常用参数的用户菜单 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 关于应用的一般注意事项 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5.3.1 选择控制模式 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 常用设备命令 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 检查软件版本 ( 固件版本 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 调试 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 驱动默认性能 (Lenze 设置 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 使用操作操作面板快速调试 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 根据驱动任务调整重要参数 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6.3.1 基本设置 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6.3.2 应用参数 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6.3.3 电机控制参数 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 诊断 & 故障检修 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 设备状态的 LED 状态显示 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 使用 »EASY Starter« 进行诊断 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 诊断 / 显示参数 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 监测 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 错误信息 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 驱动器误操作 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 分别调整应用程序 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 驱动传动速度 “ 应用程序的功能块互连 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 激活信号流的附加功能 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.2.1 速度限值 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.2.2 速度阻滞区 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.2.3 坡道平滑 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 实施信号流的更多附加功能 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.3.1 输入和输出接口的预分配 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.3.2 电机电位器 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.3.3 过程控制器 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.3.4 参数变更 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
• This will ensure that when changing between the drive basic functions the internal set points are synchronized.
设定值输入nSpeedSetValue_a 限于速度限定值C2611/1…4(两个旋转方向的 nmin 功能独立于设定值源,例如模拟量输入或者CAN)
• I-component of the speed controller can set directly via the inputs bSpeedCtrlIOn and bSpeedCtrlI_a
• LS_MotorInterface
Good to know … 需知……
• For problem-free interaction, the two blocks have interfaces with corresponding inputs and outputs and must be connected to each other.
Drive basic functions 驱动基本功能
… in the Motion Control Kernel (MCK)…在运动控制内核(MCK)
• Defined interface between application (Setpoint generation) and internal motor control定义在应用(设定值发生器)和内部电机控制间的接口 MCK
速度跟随器:速度设定值 > 速度参数设定阀值
• Manual jog, positioning or homing request the release of the brake directly via internal signals in the MCK
8400 快速指南
StateLine HighLine
3. 控制端子介绍
3.2 Stateline端子定义
StateLine C 控制端子
3.2.1 外部电源电压24 V
名称 24E GIO
功能 通过安全隔离的电源单元连接外部24V电源 (为控制器电子部件和通信模块独立供电时需要)
显示"0" (I < 0.1 mA)
1 kHz (1 ms)
± 0.1 mA
± 7 V, 持久
额定值 0 ... 10 V 2 mA 最大1 μF 显示"0" (U < 0.1 V, 绝对值)
< 0.5 V ± 2 % 最终值 无限期 无保证 10.5 V ±0.5 V 最大1 μF 无限期 无保证 10 mA
2. 额定数据
2.1 输入数据
电源 1/N/PE AC 3/PE AC 3/PE AC
电压 ULN [V]
电压范围 ULN [V] 100 − 0 % ... 264 + 0 %
320 − 0 % ... 440 + 0 %
400 − 0 % ... 550 + 0 %
频率 [Hz] 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000 0 − 1000
VTR8400 Voice Tracer 音视频记录仪 用户手册说明书
1 录像分辨率 3 系统当前日期 5 录像状态 7 电量指示 9 卡剩余容量
2 录像图标 4 ID号水印 6 录像时长 8 系统当前时间 10 卡标志
录像界面说明 10 ZH
注意 • 电池标记符显示空格时,表明低电。低电时系统会自动关机。
示。 • 字符叠加功能:所有视频和照片都附加时间、产品编号、使
用者编号等信息,无法剪辑,更具法律证据效力。 • 超长文件名:所有录像文件的文件名都包含产品编号、时间、
使用者编号等信息,方便数据存档、检索。 • 录像资料自动分割保存,防止误操作造成资料丢失。 • 外置存储卡,最大支持 128G。 • 高清扬声器:采用高品质喇叭 , 无论播放录音文件或录像文
8 ZH
4.2 充电法
(1) 使用 USB 数据线将本机与 PC 相连接,充电过程中充电指示 灯常亮绿色。
(2) 使用 USB 数据线将本机和出厂配备的充电器进行充电,充 电过程中充电指示灯常亮绿色,充满后熄灭。
提示 • 本机充电可以使用关机充电和开机充电的方式,一般情况
下,关机充满电需要 3 小时左右,开机充满电需要 6 小时 左右(建议关机充电)。
11.4 系统设置
系统设置菜单栏包括:语言,默认设置,屏亮度,系统时间, 自动关机,自动关屏,音量,车载模式,循环录像,车载录音, 分段录像,按键音,指示灯,语音播报,整点播报,移动侦测, 曝光补偿,ID 号和系统信息。按“ ”或“ ”键选择所需设 置的选项,然后按菜单键进入。
文件的删除需通过连接电脑才可以进行。 14 ZH
1 当前时长 3 进度条 5 文件名
2 播放状态 4 文件总时长 6 ID水印
伦茨-SMV变频器操作手册1、合同主体11 甲方:______________________12 乙方:______________________2、合同标的21 本合同的标的为伦茨SMV 变频器操作手册。
该操作手册应包含但不限于以下内容:211 变频器的基本介绍和技术规格。
212 详细的操作说明,包括启动、停止、调速等操作步骤。
213 故障诊断与排除的方法和指南。
214 维护保养的注意事项和周期。
215 安全操作的相关要求和警示。
3、权利义务31 甲方的权利义务311 甲方有权要求乙方按照合同约定提供完整、准确、清晰的伦茨SMV 变频器操作手册。
312 甲方有权对乙方提供的操作手册进行审查和提出修改意见。
313 甲方有义务按照合同约定向乙方支付相应的费用。
314 甲方有义务对乙方提供的操作手册内容进行保密,不得向第三方泄露。
32 乙方的权利义务321 乙方有权按照合同约定收取甲方支付的费用。
322 乙方有权要求甲方提供必要的配合和协助,以完成操作手册的编写和交付。
323 乙方有义务根据甲方的需求和要求,编写高质量、符合行业标准的伦茨SMV 变频器操作手册。
324 乙方有义务确保操作手册的内容真实、准确、完整,不存在误导和错误信息。
325 乙方有义务对甲方在使用操作手册过程中提出的问题进行及时解答和处理。
4、违约责任41 若甲方未按照合同约定支付费用,每逾期一天,应按照未支付金额的具体比例向乙方支付违约金。
42 若乙方未按照合同约定的时间交付操作手册,每逾期一天,应按照合同总金额的具体比例向甲方支付违约金。
43 若乙方提供的操作手册内容存在严重错误、误导或不完整,导致甲方遭受损失的,乙方应承担相应的赔偿责任。
44 若甲方违反保密义务,向第三方泄露操作手册内容,应向乙方支付违约金,并赔偿乙方因此遭受的损失。
Digital inputs (HTL)
Digital outputs (HTL, 50 mA)
Frequency input (HTL sensor: 10 kHz / 100 kHz)
Frequency output (HTL level: 100 kHz)
Relay (AC 250 V/3 A, DC 24 V/2 A ... 240 V/0.16 A)
Memory Modul
LED for CAN diagnostics
Terminals for external 24 V supply
Digital high current output (2,5A / 24V)
Pluggable control terminals in spring – force design
L-force 8400 WindMotion
► T8ex4t 00 WindMotion 驱动器安装方式
Mechanical concepts for multiple windturbine
Cold plate version
Presenter: Wang, Meng
Version: 1.0
ƒ 在2006/2007财政年度( 5月1日至4月30日)伦茨的营业额 为6.21亿欧元。公司的总部位于德国哈梅林,于1947年由汉 斯伦茨成立。
ƒ 伦茨的产品范围包括变频器、伺服驱动器、减速机、电机、 制动器和离合器。此外,它还采用集成了软件、可视化和控 制,以及系统工程、耦合技术和服务的自动化解决方案。
ƒ 风电专用型伺服驱动器具备开环电机控制功能,即使在电机反馈元件 损坏的情况下也可以控制电机实现紧急顺桨。
T8400 Quick Start 说明书 说明书
T8400 Quick Start Guide使用说明书一、Danger and Attention!安全警告及注意※Do not throw I8803 power into water or make it wet.勿将I8803丢入水中或弄湿※Do not use or store I8803 power near heat source.勿在热源边使用或储存I8803※Do not throw the I8803 power into fire or heat the power.勿将I8803丢入火中或加热※Don’t short circuit the power.不要短路电源※Don’t extrude the battery with heavy object or the battery might be out of shape.不能使用重物或者其他的物体挤压电池使其变形※Once the battery is found having problems, stop using it immediately.如果一旦发现电池存在隐患,或者其他的问题,要立即终止使用※Do not use the power in extremely hot environment(80℃).if use solar battery to charge or use cigarette lighter of car to charge , please do not with direct sunlight.勿在过热(80℃)的环境下使用,如果使用太阳能板充电或汽车充电,请勿让阳光直射※If you store the SP7800 power for long time ,please charge full this power and trun off shutdown switch. (need to charge once every 3 months )如果要储存电源较长时间,请充满电,关闭shutdown开关(每3个月充电一次)二、T8400 picture 产品图片三、Technology Specification 技术规格※Output:DC5.0V/1000mA输出电压:DC5.0V/1000mA※Input:DC5.0V/500mA输入:DC5.0V/500mA※Battery Capacity:8400mAh(30WH)容量:8400mAh(30WH)※Storage Time:12 Months储存时间:12个月※Max output Power: 6.0W最大输出功率:6.0W※Capacity indicate: push capacity button, 4 blue leds display capacity电量显示:4个蓝色LED灯显示电量※Charge indicate : during charge , red led lights .when full charge ,red led uot充电显示:充电时,红色LED显示;充满时,红色LED熄灭※Charge methods: use USB DC Adaptor,充电方法:使用USB充电※Charging time :about 24 hours充电时间:约24小时※Run time: ≥8 hours运行时间:≥8.0小时(依据市场上不同品牌、型号的电子产品而定)※Cycle life: >300 cycles循环寿命:>300次※Operation temperature: -10℃-40℃工作温度:-10℃-50℃※storage and shiping temperature : -20℃-50℃储存、运输温度:-20℃-50℃※Weight: 176g重量:176g※Color : Blue Purple Red Green Yellow颜色:蓝色、紫色、红色、绿色、黄色※size : L 120mm×W 66mm×H 22mm体积:L 120mm×W 66mm×H 22mm※Accessories : output cable 1 pcs,output tips 6 pcs,quick start guide 1 pcs.配件:输出线1条,转接头6个,使用说明书1份.四、Product Features 产品特点※T8400 is a standby power(mobile power) for moble phone,IPOD,PSP,PDA,MP3,MP4,iphone. T8400 是一款为手机,IPOD,PSP,PDA,MP3,MP4,iphone※High capacity : T8400 use high capacity ( LG 2800mah ) 18650 Li_ion cells.高容量,采用容量2800mAh的高性能18650锂电芯(LG)※High conversion effciency : it use Seiko IC (High efficiency 95%)高的转换效率,使用了精工的IC (升压效率95%)※Supports solar battery to charge (solar battery is 5V) this power.支持使用太阳能板充电(太阳能板电压5V)※Supports notebook USB to charge this power. 支持笔记本USB充电※It is a green product.是一个绿色环保产品五:User Guide 使用指南1.Description2.To Charge T8400※How to use如何使用Step1: Read quick start guide carefully to make sure the proper operation with the I8803 power.仔细阅读说明书确保正确使用I8803Step2: Look into your electronics product manual, whether suit to use USB to refresh.查看你的电子产品说明书,是否适合使用USB充电Step3: Check Accessories Parts list,select the output tip.查看Accessories Parts list 清单,依据电子产品选择正确的输出转接头Step4: Press the capacity button . If only one or no indicator Lights,it means the power is not enough , Please refresh in time.按下容量指示按钮,如果只有一个或没有指示灯亮,表明当前电量低,请及时充电3.Sketch diagram of charging as below4.Standard Tips Application Accessories Parts list。
1 安全信息
Lenze-AC Tech控制器的某些部件会带电,某些表面会发热。在未经授权的情况下卸除必备的外壳、不 当使用、不正确的安装或操作会对人员造成严重伤害或对设备造成损坏的危险。 所有与运输、安装、试运行及维护相关的操作均必须由技术熟练且熟悉各种变频驱动器的安装、组 装、调试和运行及其应用的合格人员完成。
2.9/2.5 A 50-60 HZ
OUTPUT: 3~ (3/PE) 0 - 400/460 V 2.4/2.1 A 0.75 KW/1HP 0 - 500 HZ
For detailed information refer to instruction Manual: SV01
000000000000000000 ESV751N0 4TXB000XX ## ##
4 调试.................................................................................................... 19