
4B-M1-单词闻smell [smel]品尝taste [teɪst]或者;还是or [ɔː]果汁juice [dʒuːs]猜guess [ges]紫色的purple ['pɜːp(ə)l] 正确的;右边right [raɪt] 认为think [θɪŋk]西瓜watermelon ['wɔːtəmelən] 葡萄grape [greɪp]李子;梅子plum [plʌm]樱桃cherry ['tʃerɪ]樱桃(复)cherries草莓strawberry ['strɔːb(ə)rɪ] 草莓(复)strawberries桃子peach [piːtʃ]桃子(复)peaches水果fruit [fruːt]脆脆的crunchy ['krʌntʃɪ]狐狸fox [fɒks]狐狸(复)foxes圆的round [raʊnd]这些these [ðiːz]那些those [ðəʊz] 葡萄藤vine [vaɪn] 酸的sour [saʊə] 经常often ['ɒf(tə)n] 围绕around [ə'raʊnd] 欣赏;享受enjoy [ɪn'dʒɒɪ] 里面inside [ɪn'saɪd] 外面outside [aʊt'saɪd] 汽车car [kɑː]公园park [pɑːk]蓝色的blue [bluː]学校school [skuːl]院子yard [jɑːd]也also ['ɔːlsəʊ] 从不never ['nevə] 当...的时候when [wɛn] 谁的whose [huːz]小刀knife [naɪf] 小刀(复)knives尖锐的sharp [ʃɑːp]钝的blunt [blʌnt]硬的hard [hɑːd]软的soft [sɒft] 粗糙的rough [rʌf]光滑的smooth [smuːð]厚的thick [θɪk]薄的thin [θɪn]摸touch [tʌtʃ] 事情;东西thing [θɪŋ]感觉feel [fiːl]沙滩beach [biːtʃ] 父母亲parent ['peər(ə)nt] 沙子sand [sænd]哎哟ouch [aʊtʃ] 某事;某物something ['sʌmθɪŋ]钥匙key [kiː]丢失;迷失lost [lɒst]财产property ['prɒpətɪ] 盲的blind [blaɪnd] 在...下面under ['ʌndə] 三者或以上都all [ɔːl]男人man [mæn] 男人(复)men [men] 问ask [ɑːsk]回答answer ['ɑːnsə]知道know [nəʊ]另一another [ə'nʌðə]最后的last [lɑːst]饮料drink [drɪŋk]短裙skirt [skɜːt]手提包purse [pɜːs]地板floor [flɔː]年轻的young [jʌŋ]苗条的slim [slɪm]买buy [baɪ]刚好;正好just [dʒʌst]小山hill [hɪl]影子shadow ['ʃædəʊ] 长凳bench [ben(t)ʃ] 草坪lawn [lɔːn]小路path [pɑːθ]山mountain [ˈmaʊntən] 升起rise [raɪz]生长grow [grəʊ]又一次again [ə'gen; ə'geɪn] 粘贴stick [stɪk]发光shine [ʃaɪn]手电筒torch [tɔːtʃ]形状shape [ʃeɪp]有时候sometimes ['sʌmtaɪmz] 咬bite [baɪt] 跟随follow ['fɒləʊ] 等待wait [weɪt] 停止stop [stɒp] 小鹿deer [dɪə]眼泪tear [ˈtɪə]突然suddenly ['sʌd(ə)nlɪ]落下fall [fɔːl]哭cry [kraɪ] 害怕fear [fɪə] 甚至even ['iːv(ə)n] 啤酒beer [bɪə] 惊吓scare [skeə] 突然发生burst [bɜːst]4B-M1-词组一杯桃子汁 a glass of peach juice 兄弟中的一人one of the brothers 在爱丽丝的家里at Alice's home 想要(做某事)want to do sth.在一根高的藤上on a tall vine 太小了too small一点也不not...at all 在中午at noon在夏天in summer 落下go down在晴朗的下午on sunny afternoons 变短grow short 笔袋pencil case 待在我后面stay behind me 在沙滩上走路walk on the beach 在我前面in front of me 脱掉我的鞋子take off my shoes 关上go off在那边over there 不再not...any more 在那儿的男人the man ouver there 突然哭起来burst into tears 把...带到... take ... to ... 沿着路走;散步walk down the road 失物招领处the lost-property office 像...一样be like4B-M1-句子你喜欢红色的还是绿色的?Do you like red ones or green ones?红色的苹果尝起来怎么样?How does the red apple taste?黄色的梨怎么样?How about the yellow pears?多么好的葡萄啊!我想要它们。

一、词汇1. 序数词:first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth2. 数词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten3. 筷子的用法:chopsticks4. 交通工具:bus, taxi, bike, underground, train5. 数字:zero, ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred6. 事物:boat, kite, doll, car, bicycle, umbrella, pen, pencil, book7. 人物:father, mother, brother, sister, friend, teacher, student8. 食物:hamburger, apple, orange, banana, sandwich, ice cream, milk, juice, bread, rice9. 颜色:red, blue, yellow, green, orange, black, white10. 音乐乐器:piano, violin, guitar, drums, flute11. 动物:dog, cat, monkey, panda, rabbit, bird, fish, elephant, tiger, lion12. 日期:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday二、语法1.一般现在时:主语+动词原形/第三人称单数现在时形式;e.g. I like music. He likes music.2. 物主代词:my, your, his, her, itse.g. This is my book.3.反意疑问句:陈述部分否定,疑问部分用否定的形式;陈述部分肯定,疑问部分用肯定的形式。
牛津上海版英语4b m2u1

Module 2 知识点梳理Unit 1 Sports一、词汇sport poster club join often never ask notice swimsuit remember before after exercise mine hobby爱好(复数:hobbies)smile enjoy fun healthy 健康的play football\ volleyball\ basketball my favourite sport join the club go and ask her/him would like to (do sth.) 乐意去做(某事)talk with Alice want to (do sth.) a swimming class 游泳课the swimming pool 游泳池too small 太小make me/us healthy and strong in my spare time pie 派二、句型1. There is a new club in our school. 我们学校有一个新的俱乐部。
2. Let’s join the club toget her. 让我们一起加入俱乐部吧。
3.Who else would like to join? 还有谁会愿意加入?4.Let me see.让我想一想。
5. Would you like to come with us? 你愿意同我们一起去吗?三、语法1. 动词like的基本用法:1) like + 可数名词复数/不可数名词如:I like biscuits. But I don’t like bread.2) like + 限定词+ 名词如:Kitty likes this doll. Danny likes his new sketchbooks.3) like + “动词-ing形式“,表示“喜欢做…“如:These students like swimming. Those students like playing football. 2.“动词-ing形式“的基本构词方法:11) 一般情况下,直接在动词词尾直接加“-ing”,如play---- playing do----doing read-----reading 2) 以不发音的字母”-e”结尾的动词,去“-e”, 加“-ing”write----- writing make---- making ride---- riding3) 以重读闭音节动词双写词尾辅音字母,再加“-ing”run----running hop----hopping swim---swimming skip sit get 3. …like …(doing) 表示喜欢做某事读一读,下面两组句子,注意句式的变化,以及助动词do/does的正确运用1)I like playing badminton.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定/否定回答:划线提问:2)Alice like s swimming.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定/否定回答:划线提问:4. 人称代词例如:She often plays badminton with me.Let’s go and ask her. (Let’s … = Let us)Henry runs away, but the black shape follows him.2四、语音/ai / -i-f i ve M i ke n i ne l i ne m i ne n i ce sm i le/ ai / -ie p ie fr ie sI .找出划线部分发音不同的词,把编号填入前面的括号内( ) 1. A. there B. deer C. hear ( ) 2. A. purse B. first C. dinner ( ) 3. A. draw B. owl C. lawn ( ) 4. A. bath B. path C. wash ( ) 5. A. noise B. tortoise C. toiletIII. Read and write (选词填空,每词只能用一次)(off, into, about, onto, of )My friend Ratty tells me a lot __________ his pet, the cat Kitty. It is brave. Sometimes it can climb __________ the door. Sometimes it can jump_________ the wall. But sometimes it is afraid _________ the dog Rex. How lovely!IV. Read and write (用所给单词的适当形式填空) 8%1. Mark likes ____________(play) with his friends.2. Do you want the green grapes or the purple _______(one)?3. I go and my shadow goes. It always ____________ ( follow ) me.4. It’s Earth Hour now. Many people turn off __________(they ) lights.5. Tom’s dog______________ ( chase ) his cat now.6. What are __________ ( that )? They are ___________. ( knife )7. Let’s go ________________ ( swim ) together.3V. Read and choose(选择最佳答案填空)( ) 1. The moon ______ down in the morning. A. goes B. go C. is going( ) 2. I don’t like lemon juice ________ peach juice.. A. and B. with C. or ( ) 3. Look, Joyce is __________ a hamburger. A. drinking B. having C. has( ) 4. How ____ the cherries _______? Sweet. A. does…feel B. does…taste C. do…taste( )5. Would you like _______ the club? A. join B. to join C. joining( ) 6. —__________ toy bear is it? —Oh, it’s my cousin’s. A. Who’s B. Whose C. How( ) 7. Look at the shape. It __________ a running dog. A. likes B. is like C. would like( ) 8. Don’t _________ the babies. They are too tired and they are sleeping. A. wake up B. look back C. run after( ) 9. The blind brothers can __________ the elephant. A. watch B. see C. touch( ) 10. —Let’s go to the park and _______ a bicycle. —OK. A. riding B. to ride C. rideVI. Read and write(按要求改写句子) 5%1. The little boy is brave. (用afraid 做选择疑问句) _____ the boy brave _____ afraid?2. These are Sandy’s pencils. (对划线部分提问) ________ pencils _____ these?43. Flo likes playing volleyball. (一般疑问句) _______ Flo ________ playing volleyball?4. The dog likes eating bones. (对划线部分提问) ______ does the dog like________?5. Grandpa is washing some toys. (改成否定句) Grandpa ______ washing_______ toys.VII. Reading comprehension(阅读理解) 10%A. Cloze (首字母填空) 5%B. This is Mr. Baker's family. There are four people in it. They're Mr. Baker,Mrs. Baker, their son Henry and their daughter Helen. Henry and Helen are in the same school. Now it's seven o’c lock in the evening. Mr. Baker wearsa pair of g_________. He's reading a book. He’s in the l___________ room.Mrs. Baker is doing some washing in the b___________. Helen is doing her homework in the b__________. And Henry is making a m__________ ship. They are happy.C. B. Read and choose(阅读短文,选择最佳答案) 5%Hello, I’m Tom. I’m a school boy. I like sports very much. I do sports every day. After school on Monday, I go running with some friends for about an hour. It’s my favourite sport. On Tuesday, I like to swim in the swimming pool with Tim. He can swim very well. On Wednesday, I play football at school with my classmates. Peter likes playing it best. And on Thursday afternoon, I play table tennis with Mike. He is good at playing table tennis. He always win me. When Friday comes, I enjoy playing volleyball on the school playground with Mark. But I can’t play it very well. When Saturday and Sunday come, I call them‘Holidays’. I do my favourite ‘sport’—sleeping. How happy I am! 1.___________ likes playing football best. 2. ___________can play table tennis well. 3. ___________likes to run after school with some friends. 4.___________ likes playing volleyball very much. 5. __________ is good at swimming. VIII. Write:(根据所给题目写一段不少于50 字的短文。

上海牛津英语四年级下4B语法总结冠词/不定冠词:➢不定冠词:a/an 表示某一个a辅音开头的名词前an元音开头的名词前an + apple 、orange、egg、elephant、insect 、umbrella、old、hour、honest➢定冠词:the表示特定的这个或那个the sun定冠词the用于特指、独一无二(the sun)、形容词最高级、序数词、海洋江河山脉岛屿等专有名词(the Yangze River)、方位词、乐器(play th piano)、时间(in the morning)➢零冠词:球类运动(play football)、时间(at night)、季节月份星期(in spring ,in September, on Monday)、名词复数:➢一般情况,单词变复数只需加s,如book—books, friend→friends; cat→cats➢凡是以s、ss, z、x、ch、sh或o结尾的词,后面只需加es。
➢结尾以y ,而y之前是元音字母的话,只需加s 就行了。
例:knife→knives; life→lives;leaf→leaves。
反例:roof→roofs➢以o 结尾的词,有生命加es 如;potato--- potatoes。
但没有生命的加s (除个别特殊的)➢不规则变化单词child---children tooth---teeth man…men woman…women mouse…mice foot…feet➢单复数相同的词;fish sheep deer ……➢如果是不可数,例如液体,粉状的没有单复数形式。
如water milk jam meat flour rice power paper cloud honey sugar rice bread salt air juice pepper grass work句子时态表示现在情况的有一般现在时和现在进行时。

上海版《牛津英语(4B)》 M1 U4 复习简案提纲:课本后《练习册》P9—10:一、单词:1、食物类名词词组3个:a fish, a biscuit, an apple2、饮料类名词、名词词组5个:apple juice, lemon juice.3、orange juice. pineapple juice, water4、动词4个:smell, taste, see, like5、Be动词2个:is, am6、Be动词否定形式1个:isn ’ t7、情态动词1个:can8、情态动词否定式1个:can ’ t9、助动词1个:do10、助动词否定形式1个:don ’ t11、形容词10个:nice, blind, small—big, hard—soft,rough—mooth, blunt—sharp12、人称代词3个:I, you, it明确类别,开始口拼、记忆、翻译,组长听背、签字,完成练习题,最后积累本上写下来。
二、句子:1、陈述句8 类8句(下划线表示可以替换):I can taste . (肯定陈述句)I can smell a biscuit / an apple . (肯定陈述句)I can ’ t see . (否定陈述句)I like apple juice . (肯定陈述句)I don ’ t like apple juice . (否定陈述句)I am blind . (肯定陈述句)It is nice / small . (肯定陈述句)It isn ’ t nice . (否定陈述句)2、特殊疑问句及其回答1组:What do you like ? (特殊疑问句)I like orange juice . (肯定回答)明确类别,开始熟读、记忆、翻译,组长听背、签字,完成练习题,积累本写下来。
上海版《牛津英语(4B)》M1U3 复习简案提纲:课本后《练习册》P6—8:一、单词:1、名词词组11个:the donkey, its tail, a ruler, a rubber, a pencil,a balloon, the desk, the chair, the bag, the bear, the rabbit2、动词、动词词组3个:feel, see, put on4、Be动词缩写式1个:it’s / It’s (句子开头大写)5、情态动词1个:can6、形容词8个:small—big, hard—soft, rough—mooth,blunt—sharp7、介词3个:in, on, under8、物主代词1个:it’s“它的”(和it’s “它是” 是同音词)明确、理解类别,开始口拼、记忆、翻译,组长听背、签字,完成练习题,最后积累本上写下来。

Unit1 A new student一.words:new新的student学生boy 男孩woman妇女;女人teacher老师nurse护士doctor医生girl女孩man男人our 我们的school学校who谁who’s=who is是谁tree树climb攀登;攀爬sir先生you’re=you are你是,你们是right对的,正确的二.Phases:welcome to our school 欢迎到我们学校来come down下来 a new student一个新学生in the tree在树上let me see让我看看climb trees 爬树over there在那边you’re right你是正确的三.SentencesHello,I’m Ben. I’m new here.你好,我是本。
Hello,I’m Gao shan. 你好,我是高山。
Welcome to our school.欢迎到我们学校来。
Thank you.谢谢Who’s that boy?那个男孩是谁?He’s Mike.He’s a student.他是马克。
Who’s that woman?那个妇女是谁?She’s Miss Li.she’s a teacher.她是李小姐,她是一个老师。
Excuse me,are you a teacher?打扰你一下,你是一个老师吗?No,I’m not.I’m a nurse.不,我不是,我是一个护士。
Unit2 At a party一.Words:brother 兄,弟sister 姐,妹white 白色的,白色friend 朋友grandfather (外)祖父father 父亲grandmother (外)祖母mother 母亲party 聚会with 有,具有…特征eye 眼睛which 哪一个,哪一些in(表示服饰等)穿着hair 头发head 头ear 耳朵nose 鼻子mouth 嘴o’clock …点钟we 我们we’re = we are 我们是hurry 赶快wrong 错误的二.Phrases:at a party 在一个聚会上which one 哪一个be late for the party 聚会迟到my grandfather 我的爷爷nice to meet you 见到你很高兴be late for school上学迟到let’s hurry 让我们赶快in the car 在汽车里let’s go 让我们走吧you’re wrong 你是错误的on the chair 在椅子上my father’s father 我父亲的父亲the boy with big ears 大耳朵的男孩the girl with a small mouth小嘴巴的女孩the man in a white T-shirt穿白色T恤衫的男人the woman in the car 小汽车里的男人三.SentencesGood evening , Ben . 晚上好,本。

一、划线提问(一)划线提问四大步骤1. 确定疑问词2. 找六大元素(is, am, are, have, has, can),没有找do, does帮忙;如果主语是三单,用does3. 抄剩余的,遇到some变any,你我要交换4. 句号变问号(二)划线提问的基本句型What来提问例:The dog likes bones. (划线提问)What does the dog like?What colour来提问例:The tree is green。
(划线提问)What colour is the tree?What food来提问例:Ginger likes cat food。
(划线提问)What food does Ginger like?4What animals来提问例:Peter likes dogs。
(划线提问)What animals does Peter like?5。
先补do,再按划线提问四大步骤do例:My mother cooks dinner in the kitchen. (划线提问)What does your mother do in the kitchen?先补doing,再按划线提问四大步骤例My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen.(划线提问)What is your mother doing in the kitchen?例2: doingPeter likes eating fish. (划线提问)What does Peter like doing?7。
用Where来提问例:Peter is cooking in the kitchen。
(划线提问)Where is Peter cooking?8。
Who来提问例:Peter is cooking in the kitchen。
(划线提问) Who is cooking in the kitchen?9。

4B知识点梳理Module1 Using my five sensesUnit1: What can you smell and taste?单元导学:本单元学习如何用英语表达嗅觉和感觉以及一些我们喜欢的水果名称,掌握选择疑问句的用法。
要点梳理:词汇:a glass of, watermelon, grape, plum, cherry, strawberry, juice句型:1.What’s this, Danny? What do you have? What do you like?2. It’s watermelon juice. It’s sweet and nice.3. How does it taste? Please look and guess.4. I have a glass of watermelon juice…语法知识:选择疑问句:Is it cherry juice or watermelon juice?Do you like plums or strawberries?日常用语:1. Yes,you are right.2. …, I think.3. How about…?4.Yum!Unit2: How does it feel?单元导学:本单元学习如何用英语表达触觉。
要点梳理:词汇:hard , soft, rough, smooth, sharp, blunt, thick, thin, knife, pencil, pencil case 句型:1.Whose… is this/that? Whose … are these/those?2. It’s Danny’s. They’re Peter’s.3. Can I take off my shoes?4. Let’s ask the man over there.语法:1.名称所有格:It’s Jill’s. They’re Miss Fang’s.2.指示代词this, that, these和those的用法日常用语:1. Ouch! 2. Yes, of course you can.Unit3. Look at the shadow!单元导学:本单元学习一般现在时的基本用法以及一些常见介词的用法。

牛津小学英语4B单元知识点归纳4B Unit1 A new student一、单词及词组1. a student(学生)2. a teacher(教师)3. a doctor(医生)4. a nurse(护士)5. a boy(男孩)6. a girl(女孩)7. a man(男人)8. a woman(女人)9. new(新的)10. our(我们的)11. school(学生)12. welcome(欢迎)13. tree(树)14. climb(攀登)15. again(再;又) 16. sir(先生)17. right(正确的) 18. come down(下来) 19. excuse me(对不起,打扰一下)二、缩写词1. who’s = who is2. you’re = you are3. he’s = he is4. she’s = she is5. I’m = I am6. don’t = do not三、句型1. Who’s that boy/…?(那个男孩/…是谁?)He’s/She’s ××. (他/她是××。
)He’s/She’s a…(他/她是一位…)2. Are you a student/…?(你是一位学生/…吗?)Yes, I am.(是,我是的。
)No, I’m not. I’m a…(不,我不是的。
我是一位…)3. Welcome to our school.(欢迎到我们学校来。
)Thank you.(谢谢。
)Unit2 At a party一、单词及词组1. grandfather(祖父;外祖父)2. grandmother(祖母;外祖母)3. father(父亲)4. mother(母亲)5. brother(兄;弟)6. sister(姐;妹)7. hair(头发)8. a head(头)9. a nose(鼻子) 10. a mouth(嘴;口)11. an eye(眼睛)12. an ear(耳朵) 13. white(白色的)14. a friend(朋友)15. a skirt(短裙) 16. a party(宴会) 17. with(有) 18. which(哪一个)19. big(大的) 20. small(小的) 21. long(长的)22. short(短的)23. we(我们)24. hurry(赶快) 25. wrong(错误的) 26. be late for(…迟到)二、缩写词1. we’re = we are2. isn’t = is not3. it’s = it is4. let’s = let us5. where’s = where is三、句型1. Who’s the man/… with …?(那个…(身体部位)的…(男人/…)是谁?)He’s/She’s ××/my…(他/她是××/我的…)2. Is that man/… your father/…? (那个男人/…是你爸爸/…吗?)Which one?(哪一个?)The one in the …(那个穿着…的。

沪教版四年级英语下册(上海牛津4B)知识点总结知识点总结单词表Module 1 Using my five sensesU 1Touch and feeltouch碰;触摸XXX摸起来;感到soft柔软的hard坚硬的thick厚的;粗的XXX薄的;细的blind瞎的;失明的noise响声;吵闹声young年轻的U 2Smell andXXXsmell闻;嗅strawberry草莓or或者;还是watermelon西瓜grape葡萄fox狐狸round圆的purple紫色的wait期待;等待minute一会儿;分钟get得到those那些U 3Look and see rise升起shadow影子noon中午high高的sky天空evening薄暮;早晨XXX再;又night夜晚moon月亮him他stop停下XXX在中午go down落下XXX在夜晚take a walk漫步Module 2 My favourite things U 4 Subjectssubject学科;科目lesson课Chinese(学科)语文U5 Sportsport体育运动football足球XXX;兴趣小组U 6 Musicwonderful使人愉快的violin小提琴guitar吉他Maths(学科)数学English(学科)英语Science(学科)科学PE(学科)体育Music(学科)音乐Art(学科)美术timetable课程表;时间表from从;来自a.m.上午p.m.下午break休息from…to…从…到…XXX参加;加入tell告诉about关于basketball篮球volleyball排球us我们XXX乒乓球运动play football踢足球play XXX打篮球play volleyball打排球whose谁的piano钢琴city城市bag袋子gold金子all一切;以是play the XXX琴play the guitar弹吉他Module 3 My colourful life Unit 7 My dayo’clock …点钟XXX一刻钟time工夫half一半wash洗dinner晚饭;正餐start入手下手catch抓住get up起床Unit 8 Days of the week week星期XXXwith和…….一同XXX礼拜二XXX星期三XXX星期四XXX礼拜五game游戏XXX星期六Unit 9 XXX inAustraliaChina中国XXX说话May蒲月XXX六月January一月XXXMarch三月April四月XXX七月XXX…XXX 刷牙half past………点半have XXX吃早餐go to school去上学wash…face洗脸have XXX吃午餐have XXX吃晚餐go to bed上床睡觉Sunday星期日clock时钟;钟play chess下国际象棋at XXX在周末(be) late for早退XXX八月XXX九月October十月XXX十一月XXX十二月email电子邮件hat帽子wear穿;戴XXX你的;你们的every year每年Module 4 XXX Unit 10 My gardenXXX花圃plant植物leaf叶子water给……浇水them他们;她们;它们grow发展;发展seed种子every day每天Unit 11 Children’s day song歌曲zoo动物园cinema片子院XXXalso也;还have a party举行集会Unit 12 TheXXXugly丑的;丑陋的duckling小鸭duck鸭子river江;河baby宝宝later厥后;当前quack(鸭叫声)嘎嘎back背;背部XXX去别处swan天鹅into朝;向;到……内里语法复1.量词的用法XXX.XXX juice.2.选择疑问句和一般疑问句的区别(1)普通疑问句Isthekite redandblue?(这鹞子是蓝白色的吗?)普通疑问句的回覆必需Yes或No开首Yes。

上海牛津英语4B知识点一、词汇知识点1.数字词:- 纯数字:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, thousand.- 基数词及序数词:first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth.2.复数形式:- 一般规则:在名词后面加-s,如dogs, cats.- 特殊规则:以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词加-es,如boxes, churches.- 不规则变化:如man-men, tooth-teeth, mouse-mice.3.形容词比较级和最高级:- 比较级:形容词或副词+er (如bigger, faster),或者在前面加more (如more beautiful).- 最高级:形容词或副词+est (如biggest, fastest),或者在前面加most (如most beautiful).1.一般现在时:-表示经常性的动作或习惯,一般情况下的真理,或现在的状态。
- 主语+动词原形,如I play basketball every day.2.一般过去时:-表示过去一些时间发生的动作或状态。

4B知识点梳理Module1 Using my five sensesUnit1: What can you smell and taste?单元导学:本单元学习如何用英语表达嗅觉和感觉以及一些我们喜欢的水果名称,掌握选择疑问句的用法。
要点梳理:词汇:a glass of, watermelon, grape, plum, cherry, strawberry, juice句型:1.What’s this, Danny? What do you have? What do you like?2. It’s watermelon juice. It’s sweet and nice.3. How does it taste? Please look and guess.4. I have a glass of watermelon juice…语法知识:选择疑问句:Is it cherry juice or watermelon juice?Do you like plums or strawberries?日常用语:1. Yes,you are right.2. …, I think.3. How about…?4.Yum!Unit2: How does it feel?单元导学:本单元学习如何用英语表达触觉。
要点梳理:词汇:hard , soft, rough, smooth, sharp, blunt, thick, thin, knife, pencil, pencil case 句型:1.Whose… is this/that? Whose … are these/those?2. It’s Danny’s. They’re Peter’s.3. Can I take off my shoes?4. Let’s ask the man over there.语法:1.名称所有格:It’s Jill’s. They’re Miss Fang’s.2.指示代词this, that, these和those的用法日常用语:1. Ouch! 2. Yes, of course you can.Unit3. Look at the shadow!单元导学:本单元学习一般现在时的基本用法以及一些常见介词的用法。

(word完整版)上海牛津英语4B知识点M1U1What can you smell and taste?1.词汇:watermelon西瓜grape葡萄plum李子Cherry樱桃strawberry草莓guess猜Purple紫色的smell闻taste尝Sweet甜的fruit水果crunchy易碎的Vine藤sour酸的summer 夏天2.词组:a glass of watermelon juice一杯西瓜汁smell it闻闻它I think我觉得close your eyes闭上你的眼睛Sweet and nice又甜又美味How about---? ---怎么样?On a tall vine在一条高藤上3.句型:-----What do you have?-----Close your eyes. Smell it. Is it ---or---?-----it’s , I think.-----Now taste it. How does it taste?-----It’s ---------What is it?-----It’s----What do you like?你喜欢什么?Do you like red ones or green ones?你喜欢红色的还是绿色的?A red apple for you and a green apple for me.一个红苹果给你,一个青苹果给我How does the red apple taste?那个红苹果尝起来如何?What nice grapes!多美味的葡萄啊!They are not sweet at all.它们根本不甜.M1U2How does it feel?一单词:Soft柔软的hard坚硬的rough粗糙的smooth光滑的Sharp锋利的blunt钝的,迟钝的thick厚的thin薄的Whose谁的these这些those那些toy bear玩具熊Touch触摸round圆的beach海滩sand沙子Blind盲的hear听到answer回答hot热的Cold冷的二短语:So thick这么厚put your pen in the bag把你的笔放在书包里Big and round又大又圆smooth and soft光滑柔软Take off my shoes脱掉鞋子of course当然In the sand在沙子里one of the brothers兄弟们之一take it to the lost-property office带到失物招领处touch the elephant触摸大象the last brother最后一个兄弟play in the school yard在校园里玩三句型:1. ---Whose----is this\ that? ---It’s------Whose--- are these\ those? ---They are---2.How does it feel?它感觉怎么样?3.What’s the matter?怎么了?4.There is something in the sand.沙子里有东西.5.Here comes a man on an elephant.有一个人骑着大象走过来.6.I like eating and drinking.我喜欢吃喝M1U3 Look at the shadow!一单词:hill小山lawn草地path小路bench长凳rise升起shadow阴影high高的again再,又paint画cut剪stick 贴sometimes有时grow长成,变得beautiful漂亮的soound声音behind在----后面bite咬fast快的follow跟随together一起stop 停止afraid害怕二短语Look at看--- in the morning在上午Rise behind the hill在小山后升起On the lawn在草地上in the sky在天空中Grow short变短on the bench在长凳上Go down in the evening晚上落下on the path在小路上Cut them out把它们剪出at noon在中午Also my friend也是我的朋友stay behind me呆在我后面Walk in front of me在我前面走walk down the road沿着马路走Hear a sound 听到一个声音look back朝后看See a black shape看到一个黑影don’t bite me不要咬我Be afraid害怕run away跑掉Follow him跟着他like his new friend喜欢他的新朋友Play with it和他一起玩三句型:1. You are like me你很像我2. Let’s play together.让我们一起玩3. He is not afraid now.他现在不害怕了.M2U1 Sports一单词:Play football踢足球play table tennis打乒乓球Play volleyball 打排球play badminton打羽毛球Play basketball打篮球poster海报Club俱乐部favourite最喜爱的Join加入never从不Swimsuit泳装swimming cap泳帽Warm-up热身exercise运动Before在—之前clean清洗Healthy健康的strong强壮的Spare空闲的hobby兴趣爱好二短语:A badminton club一个羽毛球俱乐部my favourite sport我最喜欢的运动Me too我也是join the club together一起加入俱乐部Who else其他的谁would like to do想要做某事Let me see让我看看play badminton with me跟我一起打羽毛球Talk with与某人谈话in the classroom在教室里Come with us和我们一起来never play badminton从不打羽毛球Cannot be too long or too small不能太长也不能太小A pair of swimming goggles一副游泳镜get in your eyes进入你的眼睛Do warm-up exercises做热身运动go into the water入水Make you healthy and strong使你健康强壮in my spare time在我的空余时间三句型:1. ---Does—like---(doing)?---Yes,---does.No,---doesn’t.2. Who else would like to join?其他还有谁想加入?3. There is a badminton club in our school.在我们学校有个羽毛球俱乐部.4. Enjoy yourself in the swimming class!在游泳课上过得愉快!M2U2 Cute animals一单词:Bone骨头cat food猫粮parrot鹦鹉fish鱼Dog food狗粮tortoise乌龟cute较小可爱的large大的Bowl 碗meat肉shake摇leave叶子Mouse老鼠hungry饥饿的climb爬fat肥胖的Jump跳tired 劳累的catch捉住hole洞二短语:A large bowl of cat food一大碗猫食smell nice闻起来不错See an apple on the tree看到树上一只苹果Fall down倒下sleep in his basket睡在它的篮子里Wake up醒过来run away 跑开Climb onto a door爬到一扇门上jump off the door从门上跳下来Go back to his hole回到它的洞里be angry生气的三句型:1. How about Sam? Sam怎么样?2. He doesn’t eat dog food at all .它根本不吃狗粮.3. What animals do you like ?你喜欢什么动物?M2U3 Home life一单词:Bedroom卧室living room起居室bathroom浴间Kitchen厨房wash洗cook煮,烹调Star星星tell告诉storybook故事书Bedtime休息时间chat聊天interesting 有趣的Holiday假期shell贝壳二短语in the living room在起居室chat with my parents和父母聊天do my homework做家庭作业make a model plane制作飞机模型wash my hair 洗头发cook dinner煮晚餐turn off the lights关灯have a look看一看watch TV with my parents和父母一起看电视at night在夜晚look at the stars看着星星tell me a lot about 告诉我很多关于---tell us a fairy tale为我们讲一则童话故事a lot of interesting stories许多有趣的故事have a holiday在度假play beach ball over there在那玩沙滩球三句型:1. What are they doing now?他们在干什么?2. They are telling us a lot of stories about themselves.他们正在为我们讲许多关于他们自己的故事3. What a beautiful beach!多漂亮的海滩啊!4.现在进行时Module3 Unit1 Sounds1.Be doing正在做某事2.noisy吵的;有噪音的3.outside在外面4.loud大声的5.quiet安静的6.bell- doorbell- wind-bell铃;门铃;风铃7.television-TV电视机8.a thick card一张厚纸板9.crayons蜡笔10.string(uncountable)绳子11.a pair of scissors一把剪刀12.excuse me不好意思;打扰一下13.hear sth.听见·······14.too quite/loud太安静/太吵闹15.be careful小心;仔细16.be in front of在······的前面17.doze打盹18.on the bench在长凳上19.be awake醒来20.be puzzled困惑的21.live by住在···边上22.pond池塘23.have a bath洗澡24.sing songs唱歌25.old tortoise老乌龟26.fly away飞走27.have a nap打个盹28.in the end最终,最后Module3 Unit2 Time1.get up起床2.brush-brushing teeth刷牙3.have-having breakfast吃早餐4.a quarter to /past5.o’clock·······点6.be late迟到7.half past····点半8.wash face洗脸9.Friday evening周五晚10.Let’s have dinner我们吃饭吧。

M1U1 What can you smell and taste?1. 词汇:watermelon西瓜grape 葡萄plum李子cherry樱桃strawberry草莓guess 猜purple紫色的smell闻taste尝sweet甜的fruit水果crunchy易碎的vine藤sour 酸的summer夏天2. 词组:a glass of watermelon juice 一杯西瓜汁smell it 闻闻它I think 我觉得close your eyes闭上你的眼睛sweet and nice又甜又美味How about---? ---怎么样?on a tall vine 在一条高藤上3. 句型:-----What do you have?-----Close your eyes. Smell it. Is it ---or---?-----I t’s....... , I think.-----Now taste it. How does it taste?-----It’s......-----What is it?-----It’s......What do you like?你喜欢什么?Do you like red ones or green ones?你喜欢红色的还是绿色的?A red apple for you and a green apple for me.一个红苹果给你, 一个青苹果给我How does the red apple taste?那个红苹果尝起来如何?What nice grapes!多美味的葡萄啊!They are not sweet at all.它们根本不甜.M1U2 How does it feel?一单词:soft 柔软的hard坚硬的rough粗糙的smooth光滑的sharp锋利的blunt钝的,迟钝的thick厚的thin薄的whose谁的these 这些those那些toy bear玩具熊touch触摸round 圆的beach海滩sand沙子blind 盲的hear 听到answer回答hot 热的cold冷的二短语:So thick这么厚put your pen in the bag把你的笔放在书包里big and round又大又圆smooth and soft光滑柔软Take off my shoes脱掉鞋子of course 当然In the sand在沙子里one of the brothers兄弟们之一take it to the lost-property office带到失物招领处touch the elephant触摸大象the last brother 最后一个兄弟play in the school yard在校园里玩三句型:1. ---Whose.....is this\ that? ---It’s.....2. ---Whose.....are these\ those? ---They are.....2.How does it feel? 它感觉怎么样?3.What’s the matter? 怎么了?4.There’s something in the sand. 沙子里有东西。

上海版小学牛津英语4B全册重点Module 1 Using your five sencesUnit 1Words:paints brushes felt pens crayons thick - thinold - new those - these short - longwrite(writing) draw(drawing) paint(painting)talk(talking) read(reading) sleep(sleeping)sing(singing) play(playing)Sentences:1.Look! Those crayons are thin. These crayons are thick.2.What have you got, Ben? I’ve got these crayons. They’re thick.3.Whose pens are these? They’re Betty’s pens.Whose pencils are those? They’re Eddie’s pencils.4.What are you doing? I’m writing.Are you talking? No ,I’m reading.5.Where’s Danny? He’s in the playground.6.What’s he doing? He’s playing.7.Where are Peter and Betty? They’re in the library.8.What are they doing? They’re reading.Unit 2Words :乐器:piano recorder violin guitar a triangle drum介词:in on under behind beside形容词:happy angry tired afraid hungrychase(chasing) jump(jumping) eat(eating) baskethole musicSentences:1. What can you play? I can play the piano.2. Is it your violin, Kitty? No ,it isn’t my violin.3. Whose guitar is this? It’s Eddie’s.4. Where’s Kally’s drum? It’s behind her chair.Unit 3Words :donkey tail feel windowhot - cold rough - smooth hard - soft sharp - bluntthing rubber round balloon sit(sitting)Sentences:1.This is a donkey. This is its tail. Can you feel it? No, I can’t.2.Feel the donkey. Put the tail on the donkey.3.Petter, put your hands in the bag. Touch one thing. Feel it.4.How does it feel? It’s big. I t’s round. It’s smooth. It’s soft. What is it? It’s aballoon. Whose balloon is this? It’s Kitty’s balloon.Unit 4Words : blind smell taste fruit shop biscuit prawn orange pear pineapple banana sandwich chocolate grape look at sweet sour lemon water present kitchen close fox cannot makehamburger cake milkSentences :1. This is David. He cannot see. He is blind. He can hear. He can touch. He can feel. He can smell. He can taste.2.Is this a cake shop? Yes ,it is.\ No,it isn’t.1.It is small. It is rough. It is yellow. Smell it. It is nice. It is a lemon.2.What have you got,Kitty? Close your eyes. Smell it. It’s an apple. It’snice.3.I like grapes.\ I don’t like grapes.Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 1Words: mop paper twenty leaves bone pet children classshake dig giraffeSentences:1.Have you got a pet? Yes , I’ve got a dog. It’s my pet.What colour is it? What’s its name? It’s brown. Its name’s Brownie.2.How many children in class 4A have dogs? Three children have dogs. Howmany children in class 4A have pets? Twenty children have pets.Unit 2Words :数词:twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-ninethirty forty fiftybathroom bebroom dining-room sitting-room玩具:bears dolls masks soldiers robots boats aeroplane puzzleshelp dinner spaceship moon rocks moutains restaurant phrases:短语make an aeroplane do an puzzle make a dollwash toys cook dinnerSentences:1.How much are these\those cars? They’re yuan each.2.Ben! where are you? What are you doing? I’m in my bedroom.I’m making an aeroplane.3. Come ang help me.Unit 3Words:家庭成员:mother grandmother father grandfather brother sister uncle aunt cousinsinger pilot student motor-bike find radio busy phrases: 短语watch television wash the dishes dry the dishesread a book do her\his\my homeworkwrite a letter wash her face drive a carride a horse fly an aeroplane ride a motor-bikesentences:1. What is Mr Chen\Mrs Chen doing? He \She is…2. This is my aunt. Her name’s Susan. She’s a singer. She can sing.Module 3 Things around usUnit 1Words :四季spring summer autumn wintersun lizard leaf rock bowl sea beach shine swim sailing umbrella above top near between bench cage fail(failing) eveningphrases:短语collcet shells sail his boat play footballSentences:1.We are at the beach. The sun’s shining. It’s yellow. I’m swimming in the sea.Jane’s collecting shells on the beach. Dad’s sailing his boat. Mum’s sitting under an umbrella. Some boys are playing football.2.Where are the Tans? They are….3.The aeroplane is above a moutain. The temple is at the top of a moutain. Thesun is behind a moutain. The tree is near a bench. The table is under the tree.A leaf is on the water. The bench is between the table and the tree.Unit 2Words:get up half past o’clock say timea typhoon wind---whoo-whoo rain---pitter-pat trees---rustle-rustlewaves---crash-crash water---splash-splash thunder---crack-crack cars---honk-honk birds---tweet-tweet cats---miao-miao Sentences: What time is it? It’s six o’clock.\ I t’s half past seven.Unit 3Words:月份:January February March April May Jane JulyAugust September October November December天气形容词:sunny rainy cloudy windy snowywet warm cold hot cool dry live pond nest open beautiful ugly back swan little seasons very plants grass星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Sentences:1.In spring it is sunny,rainy,warm and wet.2.In summer it is sunny, rainy, hot and wet.3.In autumn it is sunny,windy,cool and dry.4.In winter it is cloudy,windy,cold and dry.5.There are four seasons in a year. What are they? They’respring,summer,autumn and winter.。

4B 各单元知识点总结Unit1单词1.new 新的2.student 学生3.welcome 欢迎4.teacher 教师5.our 我们的6.nurse 护士7.school 学校8.boy 男孩9.tree 树10.girl 女孩11.climb 爬12.man 男人(复:men)13.sir 先生14.who 谁15.woman 妇女(复:women)16.again 下一次17.doctor 一名医生短语1.thank you 谢谢你e down 下来e here 过来4.that boy 那个男孩5.let me see 让我看看6.Excuse me! 对不起7.climb trees / climb the tree爬树8.the boy in the tree 树上的男孩9.You’re right 你是对的10.over there 在那边11.in the tree 在树上(外来物)12.on the tree 在树上(自然生长)13.listen to a walkman 听随身听14.look at the zebra 观看斑马15.in the zoo 在动物园里16.the man over there 那边的那个男人17.the apples on the tree 树上的苹果18.a new student 一个新生19.I’m new here. 我是新来的.句子Who’s that….? He’s / She’s….. He’s /She’s a ….如:Who’s that man? He’s Mr. Brown. He’s a doctor Excuse me, a re you a …? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.如:Excuse me, a re you a teacher? No, I’m not. I’m a doctor. Welcome to our school. 欢迎到我们学校.Don’t climb trees again. 不要再爬树了。
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4B知识点梳理Module1Using my five sensesUnit1: What can you smell and taste?单元导学:本单元学习如何用英语表达嗅觉和感觉以及一些我们喜欢的水果名称,掌握选择疑问句的用法。
要点梳理:词汇:a glass of, watermelon, grape, plum, cherry, strawberry, juice句型:1.What’s this, Danny?What do you have? What do you like?2. It’s watermelon juice.It’s sweet and nice.3. How does it taste?Please look and guess.4. I have a glass of watermelon juice…语法知识:选择疑问句:Is it cherry juice or watermelon juice?Do you like plums or strawberries?日常用语:1. Yes,you are right.2.…, I think.3. How about…?4.Yum!Unit2: How does it feel?单元导学:本单元学习如何用英语表达触觉。
要点梳理:词汇:hard , soft, rough, smooth, sharp, blunt, thick, thin, knife, pencil, pencil case句型:1.Whose…is this/that?Whose…are these/those?2. It’s Danny’s.They’re Peter’s.3. Can I take off my shoes?4. Let’s ask the man over there.语法:1.名称所有格:It’s Jill’s.They’re Miss Fang’s.2.指示代词this, that, these和those的用法日常用语:1. Ouch!2. Yes, of course you can.Unit3. Look at the shadow!单元导学:本单元学习一般现在时的基本用法以及一些常见介词的用法。
要点梳理:词汇:hill, lawn, path, bench , shadow, (the)sun, rise, high, at noon, go down句型:1. Sometimes my shadow walks in front of me.2. He likes playing with it.3. Sometimes my shadow grows short and small.语法:1.一般现在时:My shadow often goes with me.2.介词用法:in, on, behind…日常用语:Wait!Module 2 MyfavouritethingsUnit 1. Sports单元导学:本单元学习五种球类运动的名称以及询问他人爱好的英语表达。
要点梳理:词汇:club, join, sport, poster, play football, play table tennis, play volleyball,play badminton, play basketball句型:1. Does…like…(doing)?——Yes,…does. / No,…doesn’t.2. There is…3. Look at…4. Let’s…语法:1.一般疑问句:Does Alice like playing badminton? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.2.一般现在时:She often plays badminton with me.3. There be句型: There’s a new club in our school.4.祈使句:Look at the poster.日常用语:1. Would you like to…?2. Oh, sure.3. I’d love to.Unit2 . Cute animals单元导学:本单元学习几种小动物的英语表达,掌握“What does…(do)?”这个句型并会用“What animals do you like?”这个句型来询问他人喜欢什么小动物。
要点梳理:词汇:bone, cat food, dog food, fish, parrot, tortoise, cute句型:1.What does…(do)?2. What animals do you like?语法:1.特殊疑问句:What does Sam like?2.一般现在时:She eats fish.Unit3. Home life单元导学:本单元学习居家生活中的一些日常表达,掌握现在进行时的用法以及怎样提问他人所在的位置。
要点梳理:词汇:bedroom,livingroom,bathroom,kitchen,homework,modelplane,wash,dinner句型:1…am /are /is…(doing)2. Where are you ?3. Come and help me.语法:1.现在进行时:I am washing my hair.2.特殊疑问句:Where are you?3.祈使句:Come and help me.Module3Things around usUnit 1 . Sounds单元导学:本单元继续学习现在进行时的用法和连词but与and,以及一些常用祈使句的用法要点梳理:词汇:quiet, loud, bell, television(TV), sound, noisy, ring, watch TV句型:1. Is the doorbell ring?2. Are they playing basketball?3. There are some students outside.4. Listen, Tony.语法:1.现在进行时的用法:Is / Are…(doing)? Yes,…is /are.No,.. isn’t / aren’t.2.连词:but, and日常用语:Be careful.Be quiet.Unit 2. Time单元导学:本单元学习时间的英语表达和一些日常用语,掌握询问时间的句型及其答语。
要点梳理:词汇:seven o’clock, a quarter past seven, half past seven, a quarter to eight, get up,brush my teeth, wash my face, have breakfast句型:1. What are you doing? I’m…2. Are you doing…?3. What time is it?语法:1.特殊疑问句:What are you doing ?What time is it?2.时间的表达:seven o’clock,a quarter past seven,half past sevena quarter to seven日常用语:1. What time is it ?2. It’s so much fun.3. It’s time for…4. All right.Unit 3. Days of the week单元导学:本单元重点学习一周七天的英语表达,掌握频率副词及表示活动的短语。
要点梳理:词汇:Sunday, Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,Often, never, always, usually, sometimes句型:What do you usually do at weekends?I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ never do…at/on…How often do / does sb. do sth?语法:有关星期的表达方法。
Module 4 More things to learnUnit 1. A music class单元导学:本单元学习一些乐器的名称;学习用英语表达某人能演奏某种乐器;学习用英语描述某样物品所处的位置以及如何用英语询问某样东西所处的位置,要求掌握本单元的9个生词和课本中出现的一些重要句型。
要点梳理:词汇:drum, piano, triangle, violin, music句型:1. Whose…is this?2. Where’s…?语法:1.特殊疑问句:What can you play?Whose…is it ?Where’s…?2.一般疑问句:Is that…?Unit 2 Festivals in China单元导学:本单元学习有关中国的节日,并感受中国浓郁的节日文化。
要梳理:词汇:festival, rice dumplings, the Double Ninth Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival,the Mid-autumn Festival, the Spring Festival句型:What festival do you like?My favourite festival is…Do you know?That’s right.语法:“Wh-”引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。
日常用语:What about you ?Do you know ?That’s right.Unit 3. Story time单元导学:本单元在感受了前面两单元的美妙音乐和浓郁的节日氛围后,现在让我们听故事,放松放松吧!要点梳理:词汇:duckling, swan, nest, fourth, heavy, lonely, ugly, worm句型:sb. have/ has…The ugly duckling is sad and lonely.语法:1.现在进行时:sb. + be + doing sth.2.行为动词:have/ has3.一般现在时:sb. do/does sth.语法知识归纳单词类:一.第一个字母需要大写的单词(专业名词等):1.节日:theSpringFestival, theDragonBoatFestival, theMid-autumnFestival,theDoubleNinthFestival2.星期、月份:Saturday,Sunday, November,October3.国家,城市:in the UK, inShanghai, the city ofHamelin4.学科:Chinese, English, Maths, Art, Museum, IT, PE, Music5.人名:Danny,Anna,Peter6.博物馆:the Louvre Museum,Science Museum, Car Museum, Art Museum, History Museum,Insect Museum, the Shanghai History Museum, Railway Museum, the World of Robots7.路名,地方:on Boyuan Road,City Square8.电影名:Snow White, Toy Story, Swan Lake, Rabbit Run9.其他:on the Internet, Beijing Opera, In the Noise Kingdom,TV二.定冠词the1.需要加“the”的情况:(1)表示世上独一无二的事物,这里说的世上独一无二的事物主要指thesun,themoon,theearth,thesky,theuniverse,theworld等东西。