上海中学高一周练数学卷2016.11.24一. 填空题1. 若函数()|1|2||f x x x a =++-的最小值为5,则实数a =2. 已知()f x 、()g x 分别是定义在R 上的偶函数和奇函数,且32()()1f x g x x x -=++, 则(1)(1)f g +=3. 已知()f x 是定义域为R 的偶函数,当0x ≥时,2()4f x x x =-,那么,不等式 (2)5f x +<的解集是4. 若实数0a ≠,函数2,1()2,1x a x f x x a x +<⎧=⎨--≥⎩,(1)(1)f a f a -=+,则a =5. 函数2()|2|f x x x t =--在区间[0,3]上的最大值为2,则t =6. 对于函数42()88(2)5f x x k x k =+-+-,若存在0x R ∈使得0()0f x <,则k 的取值 范围是 7. 函数222231x x y x x ++=++的值域是8. 函数2y x =+的值域是9. 已知整数a 使得关于x 的不等式2230x ax a -+<的解集中有且仅有三个整数,则a 的 值为10. 不等式1|1|||x x -<的解集是11. 对于函数()f x =,a b 使得()3a f a =,()3b f b =都 成立,则k 的取值范围是12. 若实数,,a b c 满足222870660a bc abc bc a ⎧--+=⎪⎨++-+=⎪⎩,则a 的取值范围是 13. 已知函数2()2||21f x x a x a ax =---+的图像与x 轴有且仅有三个不同的公共点,则 a =14.()()10x y ky x y ---+≥对任意满足0x y >>的实数,x y 恒成立, 则k 的最大值是15. 若正实数12,,,n a a a ⋅⋅⋅满足121n a a a ++⋅⋅⋅+=最大值是二. 选择题1. 函数()(1)(2)k f x x k =--,[21,21)x k k ∈-+,k Z ∈( )A. 是奇函数不是偶函数B. 是偶函数不是奇函数C. 既是奇函数又是偶函数D. 非奇非偶函数2. 已知定义域为R 的函数()f x 对任意实数x 和y 满足()()()f xy f x f y =+,若,p q R ∈ 且0q ≠,则()()p f pq f q+=( )A. ()()f p f q +B. 2()f pC. 2()f qD. 2()2()f p f q +3. 已知2223,0()23,0x x x f x x x x ⎧+-≥⎪=⎨--<⎪⎩,若12||||x x <,则下列不等式一定成立的是( ) A. 12()()0f x f x +> B.12()()0f x f x +<C. 12()()0f x f x ->D. 12()()0f x f x -<三. 解答题1.在平面直角坐标系中画出函数y =2.求函数y =的最值;3. 对于函数()f x ,记1()()f x f x =,1()[()]n n f x f f x +=,*n N ∈,问:是否存在一次函数()f x ,使得()()n f x f x =对任意正整数n 都成立?若存在,求出所有满足要求的()f x ; 若不存在,请说明理由;4. 对于函数()y f x =,x D ∈,如果任取12,x x D ∈,总有12121()[()()]22x x f f x f x +≤+, 则称()y f x =为“下凸函数”;如果任取12,x x D ∈,总有12121()[()()]22x x f f x f x +≥+, 则称函数()y f x =为“上凸函数”;已知函数()y F x =,(,0)(0,)x ∈-∞+∞是奇函数,函数()y F x =,(,0)x ∈-∞是“上 凸函数”;证明:函数()y F x =,(0,)x ∈+∞是“下凸函数”;参考答案一. 填空题1. 4或6-2. 13. (7,3)-4. 34- 5. 1 6. 1(,)(5,)2-∞+∞ 7. 10(2,]3 8. [4,5] 9.1-或410. 15(0,+ 11. [0,9) 12. [7,9] 13.114.二. 选择题1. A2. B3. D三. 解答题1. 22,12x y x ⎧≥⎪=⎨≤≤⎪⎩,图略;2. [;3. ()f x x =;4. 略;。
上海市上海中学2016-2017学年高一上学期数学周练05 含
![上海市上海中学2016-2017学年高一上学期数学周练05 含](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6a8d2b10b90d6c85ec3ac6bb.png)
上海中学高一周练数学卷2016.10.13一. 填空题1. 下列不等式的解为:①2560x x -+< ,②2560x x -++<2. 写出命题:若2017x y +≠,则2016x ≠或1y ≠的等价命题3. 已知:11a b -≤+≤,且13a b ≤-≤,则3a b -的取值范围为4. 不等式20ax bx a ++<(0)ab >的解集是空集,则222a b b +-的取值范围是5. 不等式20ax bx c ++>的解集是1(,3)2-,则不等式20cx bx a ++<的解集为 6. 已知12a ≥,22()f x a x ax c =-++,对于任意[0,1]x ∈,()1f x ≤恒成立,则实数c 的 取值范围是7. 已知实数,x y 满足2241x y xy ++=,则2x y +的最大值为8. 若不等式2051x px ≤++≤恰好有一个实数值为解,则p =9. 若下列三个方程:24430x ax a +-+=,22(1)0x a x a +-+=,2220x ax a +-=中 至少有一个方程有实根,则a 的取值范围是10. 已知,,a b c 为互不相等的整数,则22224()()a b c a b c ++-++的最小值为11. 已知,a b R ∈,关于x 的方程432210x ax x bx ++++=存在一个实根,则22a b +的最 小值为二. 选择题1. 集合{|41,}A x x k k Z ==+∈,{|42,}B x x k k Z ==+∈,{|43,}C x x k k Z ==+∈ 若a A ∈,b B ∈,c C ∈,则( )A. abc A ∈B. abc B ∈C. abc C ∈D. abc A B C ∉2. 设a 和b 都是非零实数,则不等式a b >和11a b>同时成立的充要条件是( ) A. 0a b >> B. 0a b >> C. 0a b >> D. 以上答案均不对3. 假设n 是不小于3的正整数,n 个给定的实数12,,,n x x x ⋅⋅⋅具有如下性质:对任意一个二 次函数()y f x =,数12(),(),,()n f x f x f x ⋅⋅⋅中至少有三个数相同,则下列对于12,,,n x x x ⋅⋅⋅ 的判断中,正确的是( )A. 至少有三个数是相同的B. 至少有两个数是相同的C. 至多有三个数是相同的D. 至多有两个数是相同的4. 当一个非空数集F 满足“如果,a b F ∈,则,,a b a b ab F +-∈,且0b ≠时,a F b∈” 时,我们称F 就是一个数域,以下四个关于数域的命题:① 0是任何数域的元素;② 若数 域F 有非零元素,则2016F ∈;③ 集合{|3,}P x x k k Z ==∈是一个数域;④ 有理数集 是一个数域;其中真命题有( )个A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3三. 解答题1. 解关于x 的不等式[(3)1](1)0m x x +-+>()m R ∈;2.(1)是否存在实数p ,使得40x p +<是220x x -->成立的充分不必要条件?如果存在,求出p 的取值范围,如果不存在,说明理由;(2)是否存在实数p ,使得40x p +<是220x x -->成立的必要不充分条件?如果存在,求出p 的取值范围,如果不存在,说明理由;3. 已知集合22{|410813,,}A t t a ab b a b a Z b Z ==++--+∈∈,对于任意的x A ∈,y A ∈,判断元素xy 与集合A 的关系,并证明你的结论;4. 已知二次函数()y f x =的二次项系数是1,并且一次项系数和常数项都是整数,若(())0f f x =有四个不同的实数根,并且在数轴上四个根成等距排列,试求二次函数()y f x =的解析式,使得其所有项的系数和最小;参考答案一. 填空题1. (2,3)、(,1)(6,)-∞-+∞2. 若2016x =且1y =,则2017x y +=3. [1,7]4. 4[,)5-+∞5. 1(2,)3-6. 34c ≤ 8. 4p =± 9. 32a ≤-或1a ≥- 10. 2 11. 8二. 选择题1. B2. A3. B4. D。
【全国百强校】上海市上海中学2016-2017学年高一数学上册专题汇编(实验班专用)专题2_函 数(无答案)
![【全国百强校】上海市上海中学2016-2017学年高一数学上册专题汇编(实验班专用)专题2_函 数(无答案)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/17f5983fccbff121dd36836b.png)
专题2:函数1.映射f : A →B 的概念。
在理解映射概念时要注意:⑴A 中元素必须都有像且唯一;⑵B 中元素不一定都有原像,但原像不一定唯一。
【例1】(1)设:f M N →是集合M 到N 的映射,下列说法正确的是( )A 、M 中每一个元素在N 中必有像B 、N 中每一个元素在M 中必有原像C 、N 中每一个元素在M 中的原像是唯一的D 、N 是M 中所在元素的像的集合(2)点),(b a 在映射f 的作用下的像是),(b a b a +-,则在f 作用下点)1,3(的原像为点_______(3)若}4,3,2,1{=A ,},,{c b a B =,,,a b c R ∈,则A 到B 的映射有 个,B 到A 的映射有 个,A 到B 的函数有 个(4)设集合{1,0,1},{1,2,3,4,5}M N =-=,映射:f M N →满足条件“对任意的x M ∈,()x f x +是奇数”,这样的映射f 有____个(5)设2:x x f →是集合A 到集合B 的映射,若B={1,2},则B A 一定是_____2.函数f : A →B 是特殊的映射。
特殊在定义域A 和值域B 都是非空数集!据此可知函数图像与x 轴的垂线至多有一个公共点,但与y 轴垂线的公共点可能没有,也可能有任意个。
【例2】(1)已知函数()f x ,x F ∈,那么集合{(,)|(),}{(,)|1}x y y f x x F x y x =∈=中所含元素的个数有 个.(2)若函数42212+-=x x y 的定义域、值域都是闭区间]2,2[b ,则b =3. 同一函数的概念。
【例3】若一系列函数的解析式相同,值域相同,但其定义域不同,则称这些函数为“天一函数”,那么解析式为2y x =,值域为{4,1}的“天一函数”共有______个4. 求函数定义域的常用方法(在研究函数问题时要树立定义域优先的原则):(1)根据解析式要求如偶次根式的被开方大于零,分母不能为零,对数log a x 中0,0x a >>且1a ≠,三角形中0A π<<, 最大角3π≥,最小角3π≤等。
上海市上海中学2016-2017学年高一上学期数学周练07 含
![上海市上海中学2016-2017学年高一上学期数学周练07 含](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/82ccf16569eae009581bece6.png)
上海中学高一周练数学卷2016.10.27一. 填空题1. 求出下列不等式的解集:(1)42280x x +-< (2)22x >(3)22102x x x +≤-- (4121x >+(5)2(20x x +-≥ 2. 已知,a b 为实数且0ab ≠,有下列不等式:①222a b ab +≥;②||||2b a a b +≥;③ 2b a a b+≥;④222a b a b ++≥;其中恒成立的不等式序号为 3. 设0x ≠,则22352x x --的最大值为 4. 已知,x y R ∈,且0xy <,则下列不等式:①||||x y x y +>-;②||||x y x y +<-; ③||||||||x y x y -<-;④||||||x y x y -<+;其中正确的是5. x ≥(0)a >解集为{|}x m x n ≤≤,且21n m a -=-,则a =6. 若定义运算“*”满足:21a a b b-*=,则不等式(1)0x x *+<的解集为 7. 已知关于x 的不等式|1|x ax -<的解集为M ,Z 为整数集,若{1,2}MZ =,则实 数a 的取值范围为8. 若x R +∈,则22x x +的取值范围为 9. 已知不等式1|2|2x a x +>对一切不为零的实数x 恒成立,则实数a 的范围为 10. 设x y z >>,11n x y y z x z+≥---*()n N ∈恒成立,则n 的最大值为 11. 已知,,a b c 都是非负数,则c a b a b c c +++的最小值为 12. 某地街道呈现东—西、南—北向的网格状,相邻街距都为1,两街道相交的点称为格点, 若以互相垂直的两条街道为轴建立直角坐标系,现有下述格点(2,2)-、(3,1)、(3,4)、 (2,3)-、(4,5)、(6,6)为报刊零售点,请确定一个格点(除零售点外) 为发行站,使6个零售点沿街道到发行站之间路程的和最短二. 选择题13. 已知甲:两实数,a b 满足||2a b -<;乙:两实数,a b 满足|1|1a -<,|1|1b -<, 则甲是乙的( )条件A. 充分不必要B. 必要不充分C. 充要D. 既不充分也不必要14. 若,x y 是不相等的两个正数且1xy ≠,则下列代数式中值最大的是( ) A. 11()()x y x y ++ B. 1xy xy + C. 11()()x y y x ++ D. 11()()x y x y++ 15. 设集合2{|230}A x x x =+->,集合2{|210,0}B x x ax a =--≤>,若A B 中恰 有一个整数,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A. 3(0,)4 B. 34[,)43 C. 3[,)4+∞ D. (1,)+∞ 16. 若k R ∈2的最小值为( )A. 4B. 2C. kD. 不能确定三. 解答题17. 若关于x 的不等式||2ax b +<(0)a ≠的解集为(2,6),求a 、b 的值;18. 解关于x 1ax ≤;19. 求表面积为18平方分米的长方体体积的最大值;20. 若正数,a b满足111a b+=,求1411a b+--的最小值,并求此时,a b的值;参考答案一. 填空题1.(1)( (2)[4,)+∞ (3)1(,1)[,2)2-∞-- (4){3}[2,)-+∞(5)1(,)(0,1)2-∞- 2. ①② 3. 5-② 5. 26. {|1x x <且1}x ≠-7. 12(,]238. (0,49. a <10. 4 11. 2 12. (3,3)二. 选择题 13. B 14. A 15. B 16. D三. 解答题17. 1a =,4b =-或1a =-4b =;18. 分类讨论,略;19.20. 最小值为4,此时 1.5a =,3b =;。
上海中学2019届高一数学周练十二2016.12.08一. 填空题1. 幂函数23y x -=的定义域为 ,值域为2. 定义在[4,4]-上的偶函数()g x 满足:当0x ≤时,()g x 单调递增,若(1)()g m g m -<, 则m 的取值范围是3. 若函数2()|21|f x x x a a =++-+的图像关于y 轴对称,则实数a =4. 若函数()y f x =是定义在(0,)+∞上的减函数,则函数2(2)y f x x =-的单调递增区间 是5. 已知点(,)A a b ()a b ≠位于直角坐标平面的第一象限,点A 以及点A 关于直线y x =的 对称点B 都在一个幂函数()y f x =的图像上,则()f x =6. 设函数()y f x =对一切实数x 均满足(5)(5)f x f x +=-,且方程()0f x =恰有7个不 同的实根,则这7个实根的和为7. 已知函数()||f x x a x b =-+,给出下列命题:(1)当0a =时,()f x 的图像关于点(0,)b 成中心对称;(2)当(,)x a ∈+∞时,()f x 是递增函数;(3)当0x a ≤≤时,()f x 的最大值为24a b +,其中正确的序号是 8. 已知函数()y f x =是R 上的增函数,则0a b +>是()()()()f a f b f a f b +>-+-的 条件9. 函数(2)y f x =+的图像过点(1,3)-,则函数()y f x =的图像关于x 轴对称的图像一定 经过点10. 函数122010()1232011x x x x f x x x x x +++=+++⋅⋅⋅+++++的图像的对称中心为 11. 设函数1()f x x x =+的图像为1C ,1C 关于点(2,1)A 对称的图像为2C ,2C 对应的函数 为()g x ,则()g x 的解析式为12. 若函数()f x 满足(||)|()|f x f x =,则称()f x 为对等函数,给出以下三个命题:(1)定义域为R 的对等函数,其图像一定过原点(2)两个定义域相同的对等函数的乘积一定是对等函数(3)若定义域是D 的函数()y f x =是对等函数,则{|(),}{|0}y y f x x D y y =∈⊆≥其中真命题的个数是二. 选择题13. 幂函数223()(1)m m f x m m x +-=--在(0,)+∞上是减函数,则实数m =( )A. 2或1-B. 1-C. 2D. 2-或114. 已知函数:f R R →,则对所有实数x ,满足221()(())4f x f x -≥,且对不同的x , ()f x 也不同,这样的函数()f x ( )A. 不存在B. 有限多个C. 唯一存在D. 无穷多个15. 函数()y f x =的定义域和值域都是(,0)-∞,则()y f x =-的图像一定位于( )A. 第一象限B. 第二象限C. 第三象限D. 第四象限16. 已知集合{()|()A f x f x =是幂函数且为奇函数},集合{()|()B f x f x =是幂函数且 在R 上单调递增},集合{()|()C f x f x =是幂函数且图像过原点},则( )A. A B C =B. B A C =C. C A B =D. A B C =17. 定义域和值域均为[,]a a -(常数0a >)的函数()y f x =和()y g x =的图像如图所示,给出下列四个命题:(1)方程(())0f g x =有且仅有三个解;(2)方程(())0g f x =有且仅 有三个解;(3)方程(())0f f x =有且仅有九个解;(4)方程(())0g g x =有且仅有一个解; 那么,其中正确命题的个数是( )A. 4B. 3C. 2D. 1三. 解答题18. 画出下列函数图像:(1)34y x =;(2)2y x -=;19. 若函数34220()(42)(1)f x mx x m x mx -=++++-+的定义域为R ,求实数m 的范围;20. 已知函数22()k k f x x -++=()k Z ∈满足(2)(3)f f <;(1)求k 的值并求出相应的()f x 的解析式;(2)对于(1)中的()f x ,试判断是否存在q (0)q >,使函数()1()(21)g x qf x q x =-+- 在区间[1,2]-上的值域为17[4,]8-?若存在,求出q ;若不存在,请说明理由;21. 已知函数()f x = (1)求函数()f x 的定义域和值域;(2)若00()f x x =,求0x 的值;参考答案一. 填空题1. (,0)(0,)-∞+∞,(0,)+∞ 2. 1[3,)2- 3. 12 4. (,0)-∞ 5. 1x - 6. 35 7. (1)(3) 8. 充要 9. (1,3)-10. (1006,2011)- 11. 1()24g x x x =-+- 12. 1二. 选择题13. B 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. C三. 解答题18. 略;19. 1,2);20.(1)0k =或1,2()f x x =;(2)2q =;21.(1)定义域[1,0)[1,)-+∞,值域[0,)+∞;(2;。
上海上海中学⾼⼀上学期周练英语试题上海上海中学⾼⼀上学期周练英语试题Revised final draft November 26, 2020上海中学2017-2018学年第学期⾼⼀英语试题Choice21.The impact__________ high technology draws worldwide attention.A.onB.toC.ofD.in22.________________,the more expansive gestures you should employ when you deliver a speech.A.The more audience there isB.The more the audience areC.As much audience as there isD.The larger the audience is23.John is really an independent boy and he tries his best to settle everyproblem_______.A.of his ownB.by his own C,for his own D.on his own24.The queen,__________ an old woman, made a poisonous apple and came to the cottage to tempt Snow White to eat it.A,dressed in B.who was dressing like C.dressed like D.who had clotheson as25.It is reported that __________schools in the west of China are improvingtheir study environment.A.a great many ofB.the large number ofB..a great amount of D.a large number of26.Do you really mean_________a basketball player? Do you know thattraining to be a basketball player means_____________at least eight hoursevery day?A.being,practicingB.to be,practicingC.to be,to practiceD.being,topractice27.Balancing the workload of a _________job alongside a course of study can be difficult, so there is an increasing tendency for people to give up work and go back to school.A.demandingB.rewardingC.leadingD.outstanding28. I couldn’t re sist having another piece of cake ____________I was supposed to be on a diet and lose weight.A.untilB.wheneverC.asD.even if29. Your children will not follow your advice to ____________business management as his major if you ___________.A.take up,force him toB.take up,force himC.take on,force him toD.take on,force him30.The students of class 8____________a farewell party for their retired class teacher from then on.A.made a great decision to holdingB.made up their mind to holdC.were determined to holdD.decide to hold31.The machine is easy to___________,___________is shown in the pictures.A.operate on, whichB.be operated, whichC.be operated on, asD.operate, as32.Mary’s talent for music and acting led her into a(n)_________on the stage.A.workB.professionC.occupationD.career33.Although the old man insisted he ___________all right,his children all insisted he______________to hospital at once.A.was,would be sentB.was, be sentC.be,would be sentD.be,be sent34.It was the financial scandal that he was involved___________pushed him to give up his political career.A.that B,in what C.in that D. in which/doc/ec7976809.htmlans are parts of our body,____________a special function to perform.A.each of them has B,each has C.every of which has D.each of which has36.A;It will be the first time that I _____________the subject.B;Don’t worry.It will be a little difficult the first time you_________it.A.have taught,teachB.teach,have taughtC.will teach,will teachD.have taught,will teach37.Slipping off the bicycle an getting hurt,Jack asked a pass-by whether there was a drugstore around________he could buy the medicine for his broken knee,A.whereB.whenC.whichD.that38.I have a house,________ the southA.that window opensB.of which the window opens toC.whose window open toD.the windows of which opens39.E-mail is a convenient, highly informal medium for conveying message among people __________well satisfies human needs.A.what B,who C.that D.for which40.According to a report recently released by the US National Research Council,the amount of space junk flowing in Earth’s orbit has reached a critical lever_________future space mission may become too dangerous to fly.A.thatB.whereC.whose D of which41.Marco Polo,who was a great Italian traveler, traveled all the way to China,_________was then called Cathy.A.whereB.which42.He arrived in New York in 1986,____________some time later, he became a writer.A.whenB.whereC.thatD.which43.It was almost midnight_________the ceremony was over.A.thatB.sinceC.when D,till44.Jenny smiled________her mother did when she was Jenny’s age.A.whatB.whereC.thatD.which45._________did you use to do________y ou don’t do now?A.46._______glitters is not gold not all those__________wander are lost.A.What,whoB.All that,whoC.All,thatD.What,that47.Sparking Lake in Jiuzhaigou is so beautiful a place_________people can memorize forever even it no longer exists in real life.A.thatB.whichC.asD.what48.I sent invitation to 100people to the party,__________turned up.A.of whom only a thirdB.only 30 of theseC.almost all of themD.and none of them49.There is no difficulty___________we can overcome.A.whichD.but50.Could you lend me a knife________A.which to open the canB.with which to open a canC.with which I opened the canD.with which I can use to open a canVocabularyComplete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Prederic Mishikn, who’s been a professor at Columbia Business School for almost 30 years, is good at solving problems and expressing ideas. Whether he’s sending in front of a lecture hall or engaged in a ____51______ conversion, his hands are always waving and pointing. When he was in_____52_______school,one of his professors was so annoyed bythis____53_____gesturing that he made the young economist sit on his hands whenever he visited the professor’s office.It turns out, however, that Mishikn’s professor had it exactly wrong. Gesture doesn’t prevent but ____54_____clear thought and speech.Research______55____that the movements we make with our hands when wetalk_______56_____a kind of second language, adding information that is____57_______from our words. It is learning’s_____58_______code;Gestures reveals what we know. It also reveals what we don’t know. What’s more, the agreement(or______59_______of agreement)between what our voices say and how our hands move offers a ___60________to our readiness to learn.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four wordsorphrasesmarked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits thecontext.One of the big excuses for not learning languages in Britain is that when you try them out abroad, the person you are speaking to responds in__61__ English, making you feel about two feet tall—or should that be 36 cm?English people are known for their reluctance to accept changes leading to closer union with us European partners. __62__ according to organizations promoting English business, ____63_____language learning is concerned, that simply doesn’t __53__ in that 21st century.Trade Section UK aims to help British companies trading overseas. Its chief executive, Sir David Wright, says: “Language__64__ are good for business, good for jobs and help people in their career. Although many people may speak English__65__, they will usually negotiate in their own language. If we are to compete on an equal basis, it’s decisive that business ______66____ the challenge and uses languages more effectively.”The Council of Europe __67__ language learning as an important tool to improve communication and mutual understanding between individuals. The Center for Information on Language Teaching says that being able to speak __68__ language is a “basic life skill” and that the “language deficit in the UK has become an urgent economic, __69__ and political q uestion.”The department for Education and Skills wants to __70__ teaching of modern foreign languages (MFT) at an earlier stage inthe future. Primary school children will get greater __71__to foreign language learning. Currently, about 20 percent of primary schools offer MFL teaching. The Department wants to increase this __72__ by 2012 every child has an entitlement to study a language at primary school.Education and Skills secretary Estelle Morris is very __73__ about more primary schools taking up the __74__ challenge. Children are just so much more responsive___75_____an earlier age.61. A. broken B. perfect C. natural D. simple62. A. And B. But C. So D. Besides63. A. whose B. where C. which D. that64. A. technology B. Learners C. skills D. teachers65. A. at home B. in school C aboard D. Overseas66. A. takes up B. takes off C. takes over D. takes in67. A. finds B. thinks C. regards D. believes68. A. native B. local C. another D. certain69. A. physical B. mental C. spiritual D. social70. A. permit B. encourage C. demand D. challenge71. A. admission B. access C. chance D. approach72. A. in that B. that C. now that D. so that73. A. worried B. concerned C. positive D. negative74. A. language B. business C. competition D. learning75. A. to B. on C. at D. ofReading comprehension(A)I made a pledge (发誓) to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts.The idea had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio. The speaker was quoting a Biblical (圣经的) passage about husbands being thoughtful of their wives. Then he went on to say, "Love is an act ofwill.A person can choose to love." To myself, I had to admit that I had been a selfish husband. Well, for two weeks that would change.And it did. Right from the moment I kissed Evelyn at the door and said, "That new yellow sweater looks great on you. "Oh, Tom, you noticed," she said, surprised and pleased, maybe a little puzzled.After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn suggested a walk on the beach. I started to refuse, but then I thought, "Evelyn's been alone here with the kids all the week and now she wants to stay with me." We walked on the beach while the children flew their kites.So it went. Two weeks of not calling the Wall Street firm where I am a director; a visit to the shell museum though I usually hate museums. Relaxed and happy, that's how the whole vacation passed. I made a new pledge to keep on remembering to choose love.There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh about it today.Last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn stared at me with the saddest expression." What's the matter" I asked her."Tom," she said in a voice filled with distress, "do you know something I don't""What do you mean"" Well...that checkup (体检) I had several weeks ago...our doctor (i)he tell you something about meTom, you've been so good to me...am I dying"It took a moment for it all to sink in. Then I burst out laughing."No, honey," I said, wrapping her in my arms. "You're not dying; I'm just starting to live."76. In the first paragraph, "No ifs, ands or buts" probably means ____.A. UnnecessarilyB. unconditionallyC. impossiblyD. unexpectedly77. During the two weeks on the beach, Tom showed more love to his wife because _____.A. she looked lovely in her new clothesB. she was seriously illC. he was determined to be a good husbandD. he had made a lot of money in Wall Street78.By saying "I'm just starting to live", Tom means that _____.A. he is beginning to feel regretful for what he did to his wifeB. he lived an unhappy life before and is now starting to changeC. he is just beginning to understand the real meaning of lifeD. he is just beginning to enjoy his life as a loving husband(B)As I was thinking about language learning the other day, the image of baking bread came into my mind.I compared some of the exercises and drills that we put ourselves through in order to learn a language to the various ingredients (原料) that go into baking a loaf of fresh bread.Real language learning takes place in human relationships.No one sits down and eats a cup of flour, even if he is hungry and in a hurry.You don' t become bilingual (双语的) by learning lists of vocabulary.You don' tbecome a speaker of a language by memorizing grammatical rules.You become bilingual by entering a community that uses that other language as its basic means of communication.I am not suggesting that we can make bread without ingredients.Flour is necessary, as are yeast (酵母), salt, water and other ingredients.Vocabulary is part of any language and will have to be learned.Grammatical rules exist in every language and cannot be ignored.But merely combining the appropriate ingredients in the recommended proportions does not result in bread.At best, you only end up with a ball of dough (⾯团).In order to get bread, you have to apply heat to the dough.And in language learning, that heat comes from the community.Anyone who has learned a second language has experienced that heat.It creeps up your neck when you ask the babysitter “Have you already been eaten” when you meant to say, ‘‘Have you already eaten” When you try to say something quite innocent and the whole room bursts into laughter, you are experiencing the heat that turns raw dough into good bread.Remember the old saying, “If you can' t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen".This is where language learning often breaks down because we find the heat uncomfortable and we stop the baking process.In other words, we can' t stand the heat, so we get out of the kitchen.However, the language learner who stays in the kitchen-in the heat-until the combined ingredients are thoroughly transformed will enjoy the richness of a quality loaf of bread. He is glad that he did not "get out of the kitchen” at the importantmoment when the oven seemed too hot.The dedicated language learner knows that becoming bilingual cannot be achieved without the heat.79.According to the author, you can possibly become a speaker of a language by ________.A.bearing millions of words and expressions in your mindB.using the language to communicate with those around youC.Knowing verb conjugations and grammatical rulesD.saying something innocent to be laughed at by others80.'What’s the purpose of illustration of the example-you ask the babysitter,"Have you already been eaten"When you meant to say,"Have you already eaten"A. To verify that you are sure to make some mistakes when you enter a community.B.To show that you should combine the ingredients in the recommended proportions.C. To prove that you may experience"heat"from the community in language learning.D. To indicate that being bilingual calls for your courage, confidence and perseverance.81.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the necessity of baking bread and learning language? A.Excellent Skills.B.Various ingredients.C.Appropriate proportions.D.Uncomfortable heat.(C)Like most people, I’ve long understood that I’ll be judged by my occupation, that my profession is used by people to see how talented I am. Recently, however, I was disappointed to see that it also decides how I’m treated as a person.Last year I left a professional position as a small-town reporter and took a job waiting tables. As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suppose they’d never say or do to the people they know. One night a man talking on his cell phone waved me away,then called me back with his finger a minute later, saying angrily that he was ready to order and asking where I’d been.I had waited tables during summers in college and was treated like a peon(勤杂⼯) by plenty of people. But at 19 years old, I believed I deserved inferior(低等的)treatment from professional adults. Besides, people responded to me differently after I told them I was in college. Customers would joke that one day I’d be sitting at their table, waiting to be served.Once I graduated I took a job at a community newspaper. From my first day, I heard a respectful tone from everyone who called me. I assumed this was the way the professional world worked--- politely and formally.I soon found out differently. I sat several feet away from a person in advertising department with a similar name. Our calls would often get mixed up and someone asking for Kristen would be transferred to Christie. The mistake was immediately clear. Perhaps it was because of money, but people used a tone with Kristen that they never used with me.My job title made people treat me with courtesy. So it was a shock to return to be the restaurant industry.It’s no secret that there’s a lot to put up with when waiting tables, and fortunately, much of it can be easily forgotten when you pocket the tips. The service industry exists to meet others’ needs. Still, it seemed that many of my customers didn’t get the difference between server and servant.I’m now applying to graduate school, which means someday I’ll return to a profession where people need to be nice to me in order to get what they want. I think I’ll take them to dinner first, and see how they treat someone whose job is to serve them.82.The author was disappointed to find that_____________83.A. one’s position is used to measure one’s intelligence.B. Talented people like her should fail to get a respectable jobC. one’s occupation affects the way one is treated as a person.D. professionals tend to look down upon manual workers.83. What does the author intend to say by the example in Paragraph 2A. Waiting tables is a hard job.B. Some customers are difficult to deal with.C. The man making a phone call is absent-minded.D. Some customers show no respect to those who serve them.84.What does the author imply by saying"... Many of my customers didn’t get the difference between server and servant (Lines 3-4, Para. 7)A. Those who cater to others' needs are destined to be looked down upon.B. Those working in the service industry shouldn't be heated as servants.C. Those serving others have to put up with rough treatment to earn a living.D. The majority of customers tend to look on a servant as 4. server nowadays.85. The author says one day she’ll take her customers to dinner in order to _______.A. see what kind of person they areB. experience the feeling of being servedC. shoe her generosity towards people inferior to herD.arouse their sympathy for people living a humble life(D)In 1784, five years before he became president of the United States, George Washington, 52, was nearly toothless. So he hired a dentist to transplant nine teeth into his jaw—having extracted them from the mouths of his slaves.That's a far different image from the cherry-tree-chopping George most people remember from their history books. But recently, many historianshave begun to focus on the roles slavery played in the lives of thefounding generation. They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence made available in 1998, which almost certainly proved Thomas Jefferson had fathered at least one child with his slave Sally Hemings. And only over the past 30 years have scholars examined history from the bottom up. Works of several historians reveal the moral compromises made by the nation's early leaders and the fragile nature of the country's infancy. More significantly, they argue that many of the Founding Fathers knew slavery was wrong—andyet most did little to fight it.More than anything, the historians say, the founders were hampered bythe culture of their time. While Washington and Jefferson privately expressed distaste for slavery, they also understood that it was part ofthe political and economic bedrock of the country they helped to create.For one thing, the South could not afford to part with its slaves. Owning slaves was "like having a large bank account," says Wiencek, authorof An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America. 'The southern states would not have signed the Constitutionwithout protections for the "peculiar institution," including a clause that counted a slave as three fifths of a man for purposes of congressional representation.And the statesmen's political lives depended on slavery. The three-fifths formula handed Jefferson his narrow victory in the presidential election of 1800 by inflating the votes of the southern states in the Electoral College. Once in office, Jefferson extended slavery with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803; the new land was carved into 13 states,including three slave states.Still, Jefferson freed Hemings' children—though not Hemings herself or his approximately 150 other slaves. Washington, who had begun to believethat all men were created equal after observing the bravery of the black soldiers during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will. Only a decade earlier, such an act would have required legislative approval in Virginia.86. In Paragraph 1,George Washington's dental surgery is mentionedto__________A.show the poor medical practice in the past.B.demonstrate the great cruelty of slavery in his days.C.stress the important role of slaves in the entire U.S. history. D.reveal an unknown aspect of his life and introduce the topic87.We may infer from the second paragraph that_____________.A. DNA technology has been widely applied to history research.B. In its early day. s the U. S. was confronted with delicate situations.C. historians deliberately made up some stories of Jefferson's life.D.Political compromises are easily found throughout the U. S. history.88. What do we learn about Thomas Jefferson?A. His political view changed his attitude towards slavery.B. His status as a father made him free the child slaves.C. His attitude towards slavery was complex.D. His affair with a slave ruined his reputation.89.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. Some founding fathers benefited politically from slavery.B. Slaves in the old days did not have the right to vote.C. Slave owners usually had large savings accounts.D. Washington decided to free slaves due to moral considerations. Translation1.社会上,年轻⼈赶时髦,穿时尚⾐服是常有的事。
上海中学2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试数学试卷 含解析
![上海中学2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试数学试卷 含解析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b4b14cd3aaea998fcd220e5b.png)
2016-2017学年上海中学高一(上)期中数学试卷一.填空题1.设集合A={0,2,4,6,8,10},B={4,8},则∁A B= .2.已知集合A={x||x|<2},B={﹣1,0,1,2,3},则A∩B=.3.“若x=1且y=1,则x+y=2”的逆否命题是.4.若f(x+)=x2+,则f(3)= .5.不等式x>的解是.6.若不等式ax2+(a+1)x+a<0对一切x∈R恒成立,则a的取值范围是.7.不等式(x﹣3)2﹣2﹣3<0的解是.8.已知集合A={x|﹣6≤x≤8},B={x|x≤m},若A∪B≠B且A∩B≠∅,则m的取值范围是.9.不等式(x+y)(+)≥25对任意正实数x,y恒成立,则正实数a的最小值为.10.设a>0,b>0,且ab=a+4b+5,则ab的最小值为.11.对于二次函数f(x)=4x2﹣2(p﹣2)x﹣2p2﹣p+1,若在区间[﹣1,1]内至少存在一个数c 使得f(c)>0,则实数p的取值范围是.12.已知a,b为正实数,且a+b=2,则+的最小值为.二.选择题13.不等x|x|<x的解集是()A.{x|0<x<1} B.{x|﹣1<x<1}C.{x|0<x<1}或{x|x<﹣1},D.{x|﹣1<x<0,x>1}14.若A⊆B,A⊆C,B={0,1,2,3,4,5,6},C={0,2,4,6,8,10},则这样的A的个数为()A.4 B.15 C.16 D.3215.不等式ax2+bx+1>0的解集是(﹣,),则a﹣b=()A.﹣7 B.7 C.﹣5 D.516.已知函数f(x)=x2+bx,则“b<0"是“f(f(x))的最小值与f(x)的最小值相等”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件三.解答题17.解不等式:(1)|x﹣2|+|2x﹣3|<4;(2)≤x.18.已知a,b,c,d∈E,证明下列不等式:(1)(a2+b2)(c2+d2)≥(ac+bd)2;(2)a2+b2+c2≥ab+bc+ca.19.已知二次函数f(x)=ax2+bx+1,a,b∈R,当x=﹣1时,函数f(x)取到最小值,且最小值为0;(1)求f(x)解析式;(2)关于x的方程f(x)=|x+1|﹣k+3恰有两个不相等的实数解,求实数k的取值范围.20.设关于x的二次方程px2+(p﹣1)x+p+1=0有两个不相等的正根,且一根大于另一根的两倍,求p的取值范围.21.已知二次函数f(x)=ax2+bx+c(a≠0),记f[2](x)=f(f(x)),例:f(x)=x2+1,则f[2](x)=(f(x))2+1=(x2+1)2+1;(1)f(x)=x2﹣x,解关于x的方程f[2](x)=x;(2)记△=(b﹣1)2﹣4ac,若f[2](x)=x有四个不相等的实数根,求△的取值范围.2016—2017学年上海中学高一(上)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一.填空题1.(2016秋•徐汇区校级期中)设集合A={0,2,4,6,8,10},B={4,8},则∁A B= {0,2,6,10} .【考点】补集及其运算.【专题】集合思想;定义法;集合.【分析】根据补集的定义进行计算即可.【解答】解:集合A={0,2,4,6,8,10},B={4,8},所以∁A B={0,2,6,10}.故答案为:{0,2,6,10}.【点评】本题考查了补集的定义与应用问题,是基础题目.2.(2016秋•徐汇区校级期中)已知集合A={x||x|<2},B={﹣1,0,1,2,3},则A∩B={﹣1,0,1}.【考点】交集及其运算.【专题】计算题;集合思想;定义法;集合.【分析】通过求解绝对值不等式化简集合A,然后直接利用交集运算求解.【解答】解:∵A={x||x|<2}={x|﹣2<x<2},B={﹣1,0,1,2,3},∴A∩B={﹣1,0,1},故答案为:{﹣1,0,1}【点评】本题考查绝对值不等式的解法,以及求两个集合的交集的方法.3.(2016秋•徐汇区校级期中)“若x=1且y=1,则x+y=2”的逆否命题是“若x+y≠2,则x≠1,或y ≠1”.【考点】四种命题.【专题】定义法;简易逻辑.【分析】根据已知中的原命题及逆否命题的定义,可得答案.【解答】解:“若x=1且y=1,则x+y=2"的逆否命题是“若x+y≠2,则x≠1,或y≠1”,故答案为:“若x+y≠2,则x≠1,或y≠1”【点评】本题考查的知识点是四种命题,熟练掌握逆否命题的定义,是解答的关键.4.(2016秋•徐汇区校级期中)若f(x+)=x2+,则f(3)= 7 .【考点】函数的值;函数解析式的求解及常用方法.【专题】计算题;配方法;函数的性质及应用.【分析】求出函数的解析式,然后求解函数值即可.【解答】解:f(x+)=x2+=(x+)2﹣2,所以f(x)=x2﹣2,则f(3)=7.故答案为:7.【点评】本题考查函数的解析式的求法,函数值的求法,考查计算能力.5.(2016秋•徐汇区校级期中)不等式x>的解是(﹣3,0)∪(3,+∞).【考点】其他不等式的解法.【专题】计算题;转化思想;综合法;集合.【分析】首先通分化简分式不等式,最后化简为整式不等式,利用穿根法解答即可.【解答】解:原不等式等价于等价于(x+3)(x ﹣3)x>0,由穿根法得到不等式的解集为(﹣3,0)∪(3,+∞);故答案为:(﹣3,0)∪(3,+∞);【点评】本题考查了分式不等式的解法;关键是转化为整式不等式解之;运用穿根法使得解集易得.6.(2016秋•徐汇区校级期中)若不等式ax2+(a+1)x+a <0对一切x∈R恒成立,则a的取值范围是(﹣∞,﹣).【考点】函数恒成立问题;二次函数的性质.【专题】转化思想;转化法;函数的性质及应用.【分析】若不等式ax2+(a+1)x+a<0对一切x∈R恒成立,则,解得a的取值范围.【解答】解:若不等式ax2+(a+1)x+a<0对一切x∈R 恒成立,则,解得:a∈(﹣∞,﹣),故答案为:(﹣∞,﹣).【点评】本题考查的知识点是函数恒成立问题,二次函数的图象和性质,转化思想,难度中档.7.(2016秋•徐汇区校级期中)不等式(x﹣3)2﹣2﹣3<0的解是(0,6).【考点】其他不等式的解法.【专题】计算题;转化思想;综合法.【分析】设=t,则原不等式化为t2﹣2t﹣3<0,(t ≥0),解关于t的不等式,然后解出x范围.【解答】解:设=t,则原不等式化为t2﹣2t﹣3<0,(t≥0),所以t∈[0,3),即∈[0,3),所以(x﹣3)2<9,解得﹣3<x﹣3<3,所以0<x<6,故原不等式的解集为(0,6);故答案为:(0,6).【点评】本题考查了利用换元法解不等式;属于基础题.8.(2016秋•徐汇区校级期中)已知集合A={x|﹣6≤x≤8},B={x|x≤m},若A∪B≠B且A∩B≠∅,则m的取值范围是[﹣6,8] .【考点】交集及其运算.【专题】集合思想;转化法;集合.【分析】根据集合的并集和集合的交集得到关于m的不等式组,解出即可.【解答】解:A={x|﹣6≤x≤8},B={x|x≤m},若A∪B≠B且A∩B≠∅,则,故答案为:[﹣6,8].【点评】本题考查了集合的交集、并集的定义,是一道基础题.9.(2016秋•徐汇区校级期中)不等式(x+y)(+)≥25对任意正实数x,y恒成立,则正实数a的最小值为16 .【考点】基本不等式在最值问题中的应用.【专题】转化思想;转化法;不等式.【分析】利用基本不等式进行求解,先求出(x+y)(+)的最小值为(+1)2,然后解不等式即可.【解答】解:(x+y)(+)=1+a++≥1+a+2=1+a+2=(+1)2,即(x+y)(+)的最小值为(+1)2,若不等式(x+y)(+)≥25对任意正实数x,y恒成立,∴(+1)2≥25,即+1≥5,则≥4,则a≥16,即正实数a的最小值为16,故答案为:16.【点评】本题主要考查基本不等式的应用,利用基本不等式先求出(x+y)(+)的最小值为(+1)2是解决本题的关键.10.(2016秋•徐汇区校级期中)设a>0,b>0,且ab=a+4b+5,则ab的最小值为25 .【考点】基本不等式.【专题】计算题;转化思想;综合法;不等式.【分析】利用基本不等式可将ab=a+4b+5转化为ab 的不等式,求解不等式可得ab的最小值.【解答】解:∵a>0,b>0,∴a+4b+5=ab,可得ab≥5+2=5+4,当且仅当a=4b时取等号.∴(+1)(﹣5)≥0,∴≥5或≤﹣1(舍去).∴ab≥25.故ab的最小值为将25;故答案为:25.【点评】本题考查基本不等式,将2ab=a+b+12转化为不等式是关键,考查等价转化思想与方程思想,属于中档11.(2012•天宁区校级模拟)对于二次函数f(x)=4x2﹣2(p﹣2)x﹣2p2﹣p+1,若在区间[﹣1,1]内至少存在一个数c 使得f(c)>0,则实数p的取值范围是(﹣3,1。
上海上海中学高一上学期周练英语试题集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]上海中学2017-2018学年第学期高一英语试题Choice21.The impact__________ high technology draws worldwide attention.A.onB.toC.ofD.in22.________________,the more expansive gestures you should employ when youdeliver a speech.A.The more audience there isB.The more the audience areC.As much audience as there isD.The larger the audience is23.John is really an independent boy and he tries his best to settle everyproblem_______.A.of his ownB.by his own C,for his own D.on his own24.The queen,__________ an old woman, made a poisonous apple and came tothe cottage to tempt Snow White to eat it.A,dressed in B.who was dressing like C.dressed like D.who had clotheson as25.It is reported that __________schools in the west of China are improvingtheir study environment.A.a great many ofB.the large number ofB..a great amount of D.a large number of26.Do you really mean_________a basketball player? Do you know thattraining to be a basketball player means_____________at least eight hoursevery day?A.being,practicingB.to be,practicingC.to be,to practiceD.being,topractice27.Balancing the workload of a _________job alongside a course of study can be difficult, so there is an increasing tendency for people to give up work and go back to school.A.demandingB.rewardingC.leadingD.outstanding28. I couldn’t re sist having another piece of cake ____________I was supposed to be on a diet and lose weight.A.untilB.wheneverC.asD.even if29. Your children will not follow your advice to ____________business management as his major if you ___________.A.take up,force him toB.take up,force himC.take on,force him toD.take on,force him30.The students of class 8____________a farewell party for their retired class teacher from then on.A.made a great decision to holdingB.made up their mind to holdC.were determined to holdD.decide to hold31.The machine is easy to___________,___________is shown in the pictures.A.operate on, whichB.be operated, whichC.be operated on, asD.operate, as32.Mary’s talent for music and acting led her into a(n)_________on the stage.A.workB.professionC.occupationD.career33.Although the old man insisted he ___________all right,his children all insisted he______________to hospital at once.A.was,would be sentB.was, be sentC.be,would be sentD.be,be sent34.It was the financial scandal that he was involved___________pushed him to give up his political career.A.that B,in what C.in that D. in whichans are parts of our body,____________a special function to perform.A.each of them has B,each has C.every of which has D.each of which has36.A;It will be the first time that I _____________the subject.B;Don’t worry.It will be a little difficult the first time you_________it.A.have taught,teachB.teach,have taughtC.will teach,will teachD.have taught,will teach37.Slipping off the bicycle an getting hurt,Jack asked a pass-by whether there was a drugstore around________he could buy the medicine for his broken knee,A.whereB.whenC.whichD.that38.I have a house,________ the southA.that window opensB.of which the window opens toC.whose window open toD.the windows of which opens39.E-mail is a convenient, highly informal medium for conveying message among people __________well satisfies human needs.A.what B,who C.that D.for which40.According to a report recently released by the US National Research Council,the amount of space junk flowing in Earth’s orbit has reached a critical lever_________future space mission may become too dangerous to fly.A.thatB.whereC.whose D of which41.Marco Polo,who was a great Italian traveler, traveled all the way to China,_________was then called Cathy.A.whereB.whichC.whenD.what42.He arrived in New York in 1986,____________some time later, he became a writer.A.whenB.whereC.thatD.which43.It was almost midnight_________the ceremony was over.A.thatB.sinceC.when D,till44.Jenny smiled________her mother did when she was Jenny’s age.A.whatB.whereC.thatD.which45._________did you use to do________you don’t do now?A.46._______glitters is not gold not all those__________wander are lost.A.What,whoB.All that,whoC.All,thatD.What,that47.Sparking Lake in Jiuzhaigou is so beautiful a place_________people can memorize forever even it no longer exists in real life.A.thatB.whichC.asD.what48.I sent invitation to 100people to the party,__________turned up.A.of whom only a thirdB.only 30 of theseC.almost all of themD.and none of them49.There is no difficulty___________we can overcome.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.but50.Could you lend me a knife________A.which to open the canB.with which to open a canC.with which I opened the canD.with which I can use to open a canVocabularyComplete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Prederic Mishikn, who’s been a professor at Columbia Business School for almost 30 years, is good at solving problems and expressing ideas. Whether he’s sending in front of a lecture hall or engaged in a ____51______ conversion, his hands are always waving and pointing. When he was in_____52_______school,one of his professors was so annoyed bythis____53_____gesturing that he made the young economist sit on his hands whenever he visited the professor’s office.It t urns out, however, that Mishikn’s professor had it exactly wrong. Gesture doesn’t prevent but ____54_____clear thought and speech.Research______55____that the movements we make with our hands when wetalk_______56_____a kind of second language, adding information that is____57_______from our words. It is learning’s_____58_______code;Gestures reveals what we know. It also reveals what we don’t know. What’s more, the agreement(or______59_______of agreement)between what our voices say and how our hands move offers a ___60________to our readiness to learn.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four wordsorphrasesmarked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits thecontext.One of the big excuses for not learning languages in Britain is that when you try them out abroad, the person you are speaking to responds in__61__ English, making you feel about two feet tall—or should that be 36 cm?English people are known for their reluctance to accept changes leading to closer union with us European partners. __62__ according to organizations promoting English business, ____63_____language learning is concerned, that simply doesn’t __53__ in that 21st century.Trade Section UK aims to help British companies trading overseas. Its chief executive, Sir David Wright, says: “Language __64__ are good for business, good for jobs and help people in their career. Although many people may speak English __65__, they will usually negotiate in their own language. If we are to compete on an equal basis, it’s decisive that business ______66____ the challenge and uses languages more effectively.”The Council of Europe __67__ language learning as an important tool to improve communication and mutual understanding between individuals. The Center for Information on Language Teaching says that being able to speak __68__ language is a “basic life skill” and that the “language deficit in the UK has become an urgent economic, __69__ and political question.”The department for Education and Skills wants to __70__ teaching of modern foreign languages (MFT) at an earlier stage in the future. Primary school children will get greater __71__to foreign language learning. Currently, about 20 percent of primary schools offer MFL teaching. The Department wants to increase this __72__ by 2012 every child has an entitlement to study a language at primary school.Education and Skills secretary Estelle Morris is very __73__ about more primary schools taking up the __74__ challenge. Children are just so much more responsive___75_____an earlier age.61. A. broken B. perfect C. natural D. simple62. A. And B. But C. So D. Besides63. A. whose B. where C. which D. that64. A. technology B. Learners C. skills D. teachers65. A. at home B. in school C aboard D. Overseas66. A. takes up B. takes off C. takes over D. takes in67. A. finds B. thinks C. regards D. believes68. A. native B. local C. another D. certain69. A. physical B. mental C. spiritual D. social70. A. permit B. encourage C. demand D. challenge71. A. admission B. access C. chance D. approach72. A. in that B. that C. now that D. so that73. A. worried B. concerned C. positive D. negative74. A. language B. business C. competition D. learning75. A. to B. on C. at D. ofReading comprehension(A)I made a pledge (发誓) to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts.The idea had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio. The speaker was quoting a Biblical (圣经的) passage about husbands being thoughtful of their wives. Then he went on to say, "Love is an act ofwill.A person can choose to love." To myself, I had to admit that I had been a selfish husband. Well, for two weeks that would change.And it did. Right from the moment I kissed Evelyn at the door and said, "That new yellow sweater looks great on you."Oh, Tom, you noticed," she said, surprised and pleased, maybe a little puzzled.After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn suggested a walk on the beach. I started to refuse, but then I thought, "Evelyn's been alone here with the kids all the week and now she wants to stay with me." We walked on the beach while the children flew their kites.So it went. Two weeks of not calling the Wall Street firm where I am a director; a visit to the shell museum though I usually hate museums. Relaxed and happy, that's how the whole vacation passed. I made a new pledge to keep on remembering to choose love.There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh about it today.Last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn stared at me with the saddest expression." What's the matter" I asked her."Tom," she said in a voice filled with distress, "do you know something I don't""What do you mean"" Well...that checkup (体检) I had several weeks ago...our doctor (i)he tell you something about meTom, you've been so good to me...am I dying"It took a moment for it all to sink in. Then I burst out laughing."No, honey," I said, wrapping her in my arms. "You're not dying; I'm just starting to live."76. In the first paragraph, "No ifs, ands or buts" probably means ____.A. UnnecessarilyB. unconditionallyC. impossiblyD. unexpectedly77. During the two weeks on the beach, Tom showed more love to his wife because _____.A. she looked lovely in her new clothesB. she was seriously illC. he was determined to be a good husbandD. he had made a lot of money in Wall Street78.By saying "I'm just starting to live", Tom means that _____.A. he is beginning to feel regretful for what he did to his wifeB. he lived an unhappy life before and is now starting to changeC. he is just beginning to understand the real meaning of lifeD. he is just beginning to enjoy his life as a loving husband(B)As I was thinking about language learning the other day, the image of baking bread came into my mind.I compared some of the exercises and drills that we put ourselves through in order to learn a language to the various ingredients (原料) that go into baking a loaf of fresh bread.Real language learning takes place in human relationships.No one sits down and eats a cup of flour, even if he is hungry and in a hurry.You don' t become bilingual (双语的) by learning lists of vocabulary.You don' tbecome a speaker of a language by memorizing grammatical rules.You become bilingual by entering a community that uses that other language as its basic means of communication.I am not suggesting that we can make bread without ingredients.Flour is necessary, as are yeast (酵母), salt, water and other ingredients.Vocabulary is part of any language and will have to be learned.Grammatical rules exist in every language and cannot be ignored.But merely combining the appropriate ingredients in the recommended proportions does not result in bread.At best, you only end up with a ball of dough (面团).In order to get bread, you have to apply heat to the dough.And in language learning, that heat comes from the community.Anyone who has learned a second language has experienced that heat.It creeps up your neck when you ask the babysitter “Have you already been eaten” when you meant to say, ‘‘Have you already eaten” When you try to say something quite innocent and the whole room bursts into laughter, you are experiencing the heat that turns raw dough into good bread.Remember the old saying, “If you can' t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen".This is where language learning often breaks down because we find the heat uncomfortable and we stop the baking process.In other words, we can' t stand the heat, so we get out of the kitchen.However, the language learner who stays in the kitchen-in the heat-until the combined ingredients are thoroughly transformed will enjoy the richness of a quality loaf of bread. He is glad that he did not "get out of the kitchen” at the important moment when the oven seemed too hot.The dedicated language learner knows that becoming bilingual cannot be achieved without the heat.79.According to the author, you can possibly become a speaker of a language by ________.A.bearing millions of words and expressions in your mindB.using the language to communicate with those around youC.Knowing verb conjugations and grammatical rulesD.saying something innocent to be laughed at by others80.'What’s the purpose of illustration of the example-you ask the babysitter,"Have you already been eaten"When you meant to say,"Have you already eaten"A. To verify that you are sure to make some mistakes when you enter a community.B.To show that you should combine the ingredients in the recommended proportions.C. To prove that you may experience"heat"from the community in language learning.D. To indicate that being bilingual calls for your courage, confidence and perseverance.81.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the necessity of baking bread and learning language?A.Excellent Skills.B.Various ingredients.C.Appropriate proportions.D.Uncomfortable heat.(C)Like most people, I’ve long understood that I’ll be judged by my occupation, that my profession is used by people to see how talented I am. Recently, however, I was disappointed to see that it also decides how I’m treated as a person.Last year I left a professional position as a small-town reporter and took a job waiting tables. As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suppose they’d never say or do to the people they know. One night a man talking on his cell phone waved me away,then called me back with his finger a minute later, saying angrily that he was ready to order and asking where I’d been.I had waited tables during summers in college and was treated like a peon(勤杂工) by plenty of people. But at 19 years old, I believed I deserved inferior(低等的)treatment from professional adults. Besides, people responded to me differently after I told them I was in college. Customers would joke that one day I’d be sitting at their table, waiting to be served.Once I graduated I took a job at a community newspaper. From my first day, I heard a respectful tone from everyone who called me. I assumed this was the way the professional world worked--- politely and formally.I soon found out differently. I sat several feet away from a person in advertising department with a similar name. Our calls would often get mixed up and someone asking for Kristen would be transferred to Christie. The mistake was immediately clear. Perhaps it was because of money, but people used a tone with Kristen that they never used with me.My job title made people treat me with courtesy. So it was a shock to return to be the restaurant industry.It’s no secret that there’s a lot to put up with when waiting tables, and fortunately, much of it can be easily forgotten when you pocket the tips. The service industry exists to meet others’ needs. Still, it seemed that many of my customers didn’t get the difference between server and servant.I’m now applying to graduate school, which means someday I’ll return to a profession where people need to be nice to me in order to get what they want. I think I’ll take them to dinner first, and see how they treat someone whose job is to serve them.82.The author was disappointed to find that_____________83.A. one’s position is used to measure one’s intelligence.B. Talented people like her should fail to get a respectable jobC. one’s occupation affects the way one is treated as a person.D. professionals tend to look down upon manual workers.83. What does the author intend to say by the example in Paragraph 2A. Waiting tables is a hard job.B. Some customers are difficult to deal with.C. The man making a phone call is absent-minded.D. Some customers show no respect to those who serve them.84.What does the author imply by saying"... Many of my customers didn’t get the difference between server and servant (Lines 3-4, Para. 7)A. Those who cater to others' needs are destined to be looked down upon.B. Those working in the service industry shouldn't be heated as servants.C. Those serving others have to put up with rough treatment to earn a living.D. The majority of customers tend to look on a servant as 4. server nowadays.85. The author says one day she’ll take her customers to dinner in order to _______.A. see what kind of person they areB. experience the feeling of being servedC. shoe her generosity towards people inferior to herD.arouse their sympathy for people living a humble life(D)In 1784, five years before he became president of the United States, George Washington, 52, was nearly toothless. So he hired a dentist to transplant nine teeth into his jaw—having extracted them from the mouths of his slaves.That's a far different image from the cherry-tree-chopping George most people remember from their history books. But recently, many historianshave begun to focus on the roles slavery played in the lives of thefounding generation. They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence made available in 1998, which almost certainly proved Thomas Jefferson had fathered at least one child with his slave Sally Hemings. And only over the past 30 years have scholars examined history from the bottom up. Works of several historians reveal the moral compromises made by the nation's early leaders and the fragile nature of the country's infancy. More significantly, they argue that many of the Founding Fathers knew slavery was wrong—andyet most did little to fight it.More than anything, the historians say, the founders were hampered bythe culture of their time. While Washington and Jefferson privately expressed distaste for slavery, they also understood that it was part ofthe political and economic bedrock of the country they helped to create.For one thing, the South could not afford to part with its slaves. Owning slaves was "like having a large bank account," says Wiencek, authorof An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America. 'The southern states would not have signed the Constitutionwithout protections for the "peculiar institution," including a clause that counted a slave as three fifths of a man for purposes of congressional representation.And the statesmen's political lives depended on slavery. The three-fifths formula handed Jefferson his narrow victory in the presidential election of 1800 by inflating the votes of the southern states in the Electoral College. Once in office, Jefferson extended slavery with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803; the new land was carved into 13 states,including three slave states.Still, Jefferson freed Hemings' children—though not Hemings herself or his approximately 150 other slaves. Washington, who had begun to believethat all men were created equal after observing the bravery of the black soldiers during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will. Only a decade earlier, such an act would have required legislative approval in Virginia.86. In Paragraph 1,George Washington's dental surgery is mentionedto__________A.show the poor medical practice in the past.B.demonstrate the great cruelty of slavery in his days.C.stress the important role of slaves in the entire U.S. history. D.reveal an unknown aspect of his life and introduce the topic87.We may infer from the second paragraph that_____________.A. DNA technology has been widely applied to history research.B. In its early day. s the U. S. was confronted with delicate situations.C. historians deliberately made up some stories of Jefferson's life.D.Political compromises are easily found throughout the U. S. history.88. What do we learn about Thomas Jefferson?A. His political view changed his attitude towards slavery.B. His status as a father made him free the child slaves.C. His attitude towards slavery was complex.D. His affair with a slave ruined his reputation.89.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. Some founding fathers benefited politically from slavery.B. Slaves in the old days did not have the right to vote.C. Slave owners usually had large savings accounts.D. Washington decided to free slaves due to moral considerations. Translation1.社会上,年轻人赶时髦,穿时尚衣服是常有的事。
高一数学练习二2019.10.10一、填空题:1、集合{}10A x N x =∈<,{}25B x N x =∈≥,则A B = ;2.知集合86A x NN x ⎧⎫=∈∈⎨⎬-⎩⎭,则集合A 的子集个数为 ; 3、命题“若a b >,则22(,)ac bc a b R >∈”否命题的真假性为 ; 4、不等式220x x +-<的解集为 ;5、已知{}25A x x =-<<,{}121B x m x m =+≤≤-,且B A ⊆,则m 的范围为 ; 6、已知集合{}2340A x x x =+-=,10B xx ⎧⎫=>⎨⎬⎩⎭,则A B = ;7、不等式(4)0x -≥的解集是 ;8、已知0a b >>,33,P b Q a b ==-,P Q 的大小关系是 ;9、方程227(13)20x a x a a -++--<的一个根在区间(0,1)上,另一根在区间(1,2),则实数a 的取值范围为 ;10、方程22(4)2530x a x a a -+-++=的根都在区间[1,3]-上实数a 取值范围 ; 11、定义区间(][)()[],,,,,,,c d c d c d c d 长度均为d c -,则满足不等式11111mx nx +≥--(,0)m n >的x 构成的区间长度之和为 ;二、选择题:12、已知 ,a b R ∈,那么“221a b +<”是“1ab a b +>+”的()条件。
A 、充要条件B 、必要不充分C 、充分不必要D 、既不充分也不必要13、设,,a b c 是互不相等的正数,则下列等式中不恒成立的是()A 、a b a c b c -≤-+-B 、2211a a a a+≥+C 、12a b a b-+≥- D -≤14、不等式102x m x m -+<-成立的一个充分非必要条件是1132x <<,则m 的取值范围是()。
上海中学高一周练数学卷2016.12.22一. 填空题1.函数()f x =(0)x ≤的反函数是1()fx -= 2. 若4log 124x =,则x = 3. 函数2()lg(23)f x x x =--的递减区间是4. 函数21()12f x x =+(2)x <-的反函数是1()f x -= 5. 若函数6,2()3log ,2a x x f x x x -+≤⎧=⎨+>⎩(0a >且1)a ≠的值域是[4,)+∞,则实数a 的取值范 围是 6. 若函数()8x f x =的图像经过点1(,)3a ,则1(2)f a -+=7. 若函数24,3()(1)1,3x x f x a x x ⎧-≥=⎨-+<⎩存在反函数,则实数a 的取值范围为8. 如果log 41a b =-,则a b +的最小值为9. 若实数t 满足()f t t =-,则称t 是函数()f x 的一个次不动点,设函数()ln f x x =与反函 数的所有次不动点之和为m ,则m =10. 设lg lg lg 111()121418x x x f x =+++++,则1()()f x f x+= 11. 设方程24x x +=的根为m ,方程2log 4x x +=的根为n ,则m n +=12. 对区间I 上有定义的函数()g x ,记(){|(),}g I y y g x x I ==∈,已知定义域为[0,3]的 函数()y f x =有反函数1()y f x -=,且1([0,1))[1,2)f -=,1((2,4])[0,1)f -=,若方程 ()0f x x -=有解0x ,则0x =二. 选择题13. 如果23499log 3log 4log 5log 100x =⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅,则x ∈( )A. (1,2)B. (2,3)C. (5,6)D. (6,7)14. 函数2x xe e y --=的反函数是( )A. 奇函数,在(0,)+∞上是减函数B. 偶函数,在(0,)+∞上是减函数C. 奇函数,在(0,)+∞上是增函数D. 偶函数,在(0,)+∞上是增函数15. 已知函数()f x 为R 上的单调函数,1()f x -是它的反函数,点(1,3)A -和点(1,1)B 均在函数()f x 的图像上,则不等式1|(2)|1x f -<的解集为( )A. (1,1)-B. (1,3)C. 2(0,log 3)D.2(1,log 3)16. 设,,0x y z >,且12xyz y z ++=,则422log log log x y z ++的最大值为( )A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6三. 解答题17. 已知910390x x -⨯+≤,求函数111()4()242x x y -=-+的最大值和最小值;18. 给定实数a ,0a ≠且1a ≠,设函数11x y ax -=-; (1)求证:经过这个函数图像上的任意两个不同的点的直线不平行于x 轴;(2)判断此函数的图像是否关于直线y x =对称,说明你的理由;19. 作出下列函数的大致图像;(1)3|log |||y x =;(2)12log (24)y x =+;20. 设a 是实数,函数()4|2|x xf x a =+-;(1)求证: ()f x 不是奇函数;(2)当0a >时,求()f x 的值域;21. 设函数()n n f x x bx c =++,*n N ∈,b 、c R ∈; (1)设2n ≥,1b =,1c =-,证明:()n f x 在区间1(,1)2内存在唯一的零点;(2)设2n =,若对任意12,[1,1]x x ∈-,有2122|()()|4f x f x -≤,求b 的取值范围;参考答案一. 填空题1. 2x -(0)x ≤2.116 3. (,1)-∞- 4. (3)x > 5. (1,2] 6. 237. (1,2] 8. 1 9. 0 10. 3 11. 4 12. 2二. 选择题13. D 14. C 15. C 16. A三. 解答题17. max ()(0)2f x f ==,min ()(1)1f x f ==;18.(1)略;(2)1()()f x f x -=,是; 19. 略;20.(1)略;(2)当102a <<,值域为2[,)a +∞;当12a ≥,值域为1[,)4a -+∞; 21.(1)单调递增,1()02n f <,(1)0n f >;(2)[2,2]-;。
上海中学高一周练数学卷2016.09.18一. 填空题1. 已知{|2,}E x x x R =≥∈,{|8,}F x x x R =<∈,{|06,}G x x x R =≤≤∈,则 E F = ; FG = ; R C E F = ; R R C E C G = ;F CG = ; ()F C GE = ; 2. 用列举法表示集合*12{|,}5a N a Z a∈∈=- 3. 若“x a ≥”是“||2x ≤”的必要条件,则实数a 的取值集合是4. 命题“若x A ∈或x B ∈,则x A B ∈”的否命题是5. 某校一年级的200人中,爱好数学的有95人,爱好体育的有156人,则数学体育都爱好 的人数的最小值是6. 集合2{|(1)0}A x k x x k =++-=有且仅有两个子集,则实数k 的值为7. 非空集合{|121}A x a x a =+≤<-,{|25}B x x =-≤≤,若A AB ⊆,则a 的取值范围是8. 关于x 的方程26(2)50x a x b ++++=的解集是N ,关于x 的方程220x ax b -+=的 解集是M ,1{}2M N =,则集合M 为 9. 集合*{|2,,50}A m m k k N k ==∈≤,集合{|,,,}B n n i j i j i A j A ==+<∈∈,则B中元素的个数是10. 若“存在{|12}x x x ∈≤≤使得310x a ++≥”是真命题,则a 的取值范围是11. 设A 是整数集的一个非空子集,对于k A ∈,若1k A -∉且1k A +∉,则称k 是A 的 一个“孤立元”,给定{1,2,3,4,5,6}S =,在S 的所有3元子集中,含“孤立元”的集合共 有 个12. 若集合{,,,}{1,2,3,4}a b c d =,且下列四个关系:①1a =;②1b ≠;③2c =;④4d ≠; 有且只有一个是正确的,则符合条件的有序数组(,,,)a b c d 的个数是13. 非空集合{|2}A x x a =-≤≤,{|23,}B y y x x A ==+∈,2{|,}C z z x x A ==∈, 若C B ⊆,则a 的取值范围是二. 选择题14. 对于集合A 和B ,令{|,,}A B x x a b a A b B +==+∈∈,如果{|2,}S x x k k Z ==∈, {|21,}T x x k k Z ==+∈,则S T +=( )A. 整数集ZB. SC. TD. {|41,}x x k k Z =+∈15. 已知真命题“a b c d ≥⇒>”和“a b e f <⇒≤”,则“c d ≥”是“e f ≤”的( )A. 充分条件B. 必要条件C. 充要条件D. 既不充分也不必要条件16. 在下面的三个命题中,正确的个数是( )①“△ABC 和△111A B C 都是直角三角形”的否定形式是“△ABC 和△111A B C 都不是直角 三角形”;② 命题“若0xyz <,则,,x y z 中至少有两个负数”的逆否命题是“若,,x y z 中 至多有一个负数,则0xyz ≥”;③ 命题“两个无理数的积仍是无理数”的逆命题是“乘 积为无理数的两数都为无理数”;A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 317. 设Q 是有理数集,集合{|,,0}X x x a a b Q x ==+∈≠,在下列集合中:①{2|x }x X ∈;②|}x X ∈;③1{|}x X x ∈;④2{|}x x X ∈;与X 相同的集合有( ) A. ①② B. ②③ C. ①②④ D. ①②③18. 设集合0123{,,,}S A A A A =,在S 上定义运算⊕为:i j k A A A ⊕=,其中k 为i j +被4 除的余数,,{0,1,2,3}i j ∈,则满足关系式20()x x A A ⊕⊕=的x ()x S ∈的个数为( )A. 4B. 3C. 2D. 1三. 解答题19. 设2()f x x ax b =++,{|()}{}A x f x x a ===,求a 、b 的值;20. 求证:222()()()a b b c c a -=-=-的充要条件是a b c ==;参考答案一. 填空题1. {|28}x x ≤<、{|8}x x <、{|8}x x <、{|2x x <或6}x >、{|68x x <<或0}x <、{|2x x <或68}x << 2. {7,1,1,2,3,4}-- 3. {|2}a a ≤-4. 若x A ∉且x B ∉,则x A B ∉5. 516. 1-或12- 7. 23a <≤ 8. 1{,4}2- 9. 97 10. 7a ≥-11. 16 12. 6 13. 132a ≤≤二. 选择题14. C 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. C三. 解答题 19. 13a =,19b =;20. 略;。
上海中学高一周练数学卷2016.12.01一. 填空题1. 函数3()8f x x =-的零点为 2. 设函数(1)()()x x a f x x++=为奇函数,则a = 3. 若函数()y f x =的值域是1[,3]2,则函数1()()()F x f x f x =+的值域是 4. 命题“若()f x 是奇函数,则()f x -是奇函数”的否命题是5. 函数,0()1,0x a x f x x x -+≥⎧=⎨--<⎩是R 上的减函数,则实数a 的取值范围是6. 函数y =的最大值为7. 设()f x ()x R ∈为奇函数,1(1)2f =,(2)()(2)f x f x f +=+,则(5)f = 8. 若()f x 是定义在R 上的偶函数,在(,0]-∞上是减函数,且(2)0f =,则使()0f x <的 x 的取值范围是9. 已知2()y f x x =+是奇函数,且(1)1f =,若()()2g x f x =+,则(1)g -=10. 已知函数1()42x f x =+,若函数1()4y f x m =+-为奇函数,则实数m =11. 已知函数()f x =(1)a ≠,若()f x 在区间(0,1]上是减函数,则实数a 的取值 范围是12. 对于函数1()42x x f x m +=-⋅,若存在实数0x ,使得00()()f x f x -=-,则实数m 的取 值范围是二. 选择题13. 已知函数()f x 、()g x 定义在R 上,()()()h x f x g x =⋅,则“()f x 、()g x 均为奇函 数”是“()h x 为偶函数”的( )条件A. 充分不必要条件B. 必要不充分条件C. 充要条件D. 既不充分也不必要条件14. 若函数1()21x f x =+,则该函数在R 上( ) A. 单调递减无最小值 B. 单调递减有最小值C. 单调递增无最大值D. 单调递增有最大值15. 设奇函数()f x 在(0,)+∞上为增函数且(1)0f =,则不等式()()0f x f x x--<的解集 为( ) A. (1,0)(1,)-+∞U B. (,1)(0,1)-∞-UC. (,1)(1,)-∞-+∞UD. (1,0)(0,1)-U16. 设()f x 是偶函数,且当0x ≥时,()f x 是单调函数,则满足3()()4x f x f x +=+的所有 x 之和为( )A. 3-B. 3C. 8-D. 8三. 解答题17. 根据函数单调性的定义,证明:函数31y x =-是R 上的递减函数;18. 已知a 是实数,函数2()223f x ax x a =+--,如果函数()y f x =在区间[1,1]-上有 零点,求a 的取值范围;19. 已知函数2()4x f x x =-; (1)指出函数()f x 的单调性,并予以证明;(2)画出函数()f x 的大致图像;20. 已知2()a f x x x=+()a R ∈; (1)判断函数()f x 的奇偶性,说明理由;(2)若()f x 在区间[1,)+∞上是增函数,求实数a 的取值范围;21. 设函数()f x =,其中2k <-;(1)求函数()f x 的定义域;(2)写出()f x 的单调区间;参考答案一. 填空题1. 22. 1-3. 10[2,]34. 若()f x 不是奇函数,则()f x -不是奇函数5. 1a ≤-6.7. 528. (2,2)-9. 1- 10. 1211. (,0)(1,3]-∞U 12. 12m ≥二. 选择题13. A 14. A 15. D 16. C三. 解答题17. 略;18. 3(,[1,)2-∞+∞U ; 19.(1)在(,2)-∞-、(2,2)-和(2,)+∞上单调递减,证明略;(2)略; 20.(1)当0a =,偶函数,当0a ≠,非奇非偶函数;(2)2a ≤;21.(1)(,1(11)(1,1(1)-∞-----+-++∞U U U ;(2)在(,1-∞-上单调递增,在(11)--单调递减,在(1,1--+上单调递增,在(1)-++∞单调递减;。
上海中学2017—2018学年第一学期高一英语试题Choice21.The impact__________high technology draws worldwide attention.A.onB.to C。
of D.in22.________________,the more expansive gestures you should employ when you deliver a speech.A.The more audience there isB.The more the audience areC.As much audience as there isD.The larger the audience is23.John is really an independent boy and he tries his best to settle every problem_______.A.of his own B。
by his own C,for his own D。
on his own24.The queen,__________an old woman,made a poisonous apple and came to the cottage to tempt Snow White to eat it.A,dressed in B.who was dressing like C。
dressed like D。
who had clothes on as25.It is reported that __________schools in the west of China are improving their study environment。
A.a great many of B。
the large number ofB. C.a great amount of D.a large number of26.Do you really mean_________a basketball player?Do you know that training to be a basketball player means_____________at least eight hours every day?A。
上海中学高一周练数学卷2016.12.29一. 填空题1. 若2(25)6255x xx =,则x =2. 方程22333330x x x ++--+=的解是3. 若11(,)22a k k ∈-+,k Z ∈,则称k 是与a 最接近的整数,设30.618n =,则与n 最 接近的整数是4. 已知()f x 是定义在R 上的偶函数,且在区间(,0)-∞上单调递增,若实数a 满足 |1|(2)(2)a f f ->,则a 的取值范围是5. 不等式lg ||0x x >的解是6. 函数22()log log )f x x x =的最小值为7. 已知1a b >>,若5log log 2a b b a +=,b a a b =,则a = 8. 若函数()||f x x a b =--+与()||g x x c d =-+的图像相交于点(2,5)和(8,3),则 a c +=9. 已知集合{(,)|lg()lg lg }A x y x y x y =+=+,集合{(,)|,}B x y x R y k =∈=,若 A B =∅,则常数k 的取值范围是10. 函数20()1log 0x x f x x x ⎧--≤⎪=⎨>⎪⎩,则使得00()()f x f x =-成立的实数0x 的个数是 11. 指出函数44y x x=+--的单调性: 12. 函数32()8331f x x x x =---的零点是二. 选择题1. 设集合{|2,}x A y y x R ==∈,2{|10}B x x =-<,则A B =A. (1,1)-B. (0,1)C. (1,)-+∞D. (0,)+∞2. 函数21()log (1)f x x =+(0x >)的反函数1()f x -=A. 121x -(0)x >B. 121x -()x R ∈ C. 21x -()x R ∈ D. 21x -(0)x > 3. 设a 、b 都是不等于1的正数,则“333a b >>”是“log 3log 3a b <”的A. 充要条件B. 充分不必要条件C. 必要不充分件D. 既不充分也不必要条件4. 函数()y f x =的图像与函数()y g x =的图像关于直线0x y +=对称,则()y f x =的反 函数是A. ()y g x =B. ()y g x =-C. ()y g x =-D. ()y g x =--5. 已知函数()f x (x R ∈)满足()2()f x f x -=-,若函数1x y x+=与()y f x =图像的 交点为1122(,),(,),,(,)m m x y x y x y ⋅⋅⋅,则1122()()()m m x y x y x y ++++⋅⋅⋅++=A. 0B. mC. 2mD. 4m6. 方程组2332x y x y ⎧=⎪⎨=⎪⎩ A. 无解 B. 有且仅有一组解C.有不止一组的有限组解D. 有无穷多组解7. 函数1()lg 1x f x x-=+是 A. 是奇函数且在定义域上单调递增B. 是奇函数且在定义域上单调递减C. 是非奇非偶函数且在定义域上单调递增D. 是非奇非偶函数且在定义域上单调递减8. 某公司为激励创新,计划逐年加大研发资金投入,若该公司2015年全年投入研发资金130 万元,在此基础上,每年投入的研发资金比上一年增长12%,则该公司全年投入的研发资 金开始超过200万元的年份是A. 2018年B. 2019年C. 2020年D. 2021年参考答案一. 填空题1. 2±2. 2-或13. 04. 13(,)225. (1,0)(1,)-+∞6. 14- 7. 4a =,2b = 8.10 9. 1k ≤ 10. 2 11. 在[4,0)-和(0,4]上单调递减二. 选择题1. C2. A3. B4. D5. B6. B7. B8. B。
高一数学练习一2019.9.26一、填空题:1、对给出的一些数学符号,请用最恰当的一个填空(),,,,∈∉⊆⊇⊄:(1R ; (2{}1,1; (3){}(1,1)- {}2(,)|x y y x =; (4){}2320x x x --= Q ; 2、已知全集{}0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8U =,集合{}0,1,3,5,8A =,集合{}2,4,5,8B =,则()()U U C A C B = ;3、已知0a b +>,0b <,那么,,,a b a b --的大小关系是 ;4、已知集合{}1,2,3A =,{}2,4,5B =,则集合A B 的子集的个数为 ;5、满足{}12345,,,,M a a a a a ⊆,且{}{}12312,,=,M a a a a a 的集合M 的个数是 ;6、对于实数a 和b ,0a ba b+>-是a b >的 条件; 7、已知关于x 的不等式0ax b -≤的解集是[)2,+∞,则关于x 的不等式2(3)30ax a b x b +--<的解集是 ;8、若“存{}12x x x ∈≤≤在使得310x a ++≥”是真命题,则a 的取值范围是 ; 9、已知集合{}2(,)A x y y x ==,11(,)12y B x y x -⎧⎫==⎨⎬-⎩⎭,则A B = ; 10、已知不等式组22021x x a a x a ⎧-+-<⎨+>⎩的解集中恰有两个整数,则a 的取值范围为 ;11、用S 表示集合S 中元素的个数,设,,A B C 为集合,称(),,A B C 为有序三元组,如果集合,,A B C 满足1A B B C CA ===,且ABC =Φ,则称有序三元组(),,A B C 为最小相交。
由集合{}1,2,3,4的子集构成的所有的有序三元组中,最小相交的有序三元组的个数 为 个; 二、选择题:12、已知,x y R ∈,“x y x y +=-”的充要条件是( )A 、x 和y 全是零B 、x 和y 不全是零C 、x 和y 至少有一个是零D 、x 和y 至多有一个是零13、有下列四个命题:①“若1xy =,则,x y 互为倒数”的逆命题; ②“面积相等的三角形全等”的否命题;③“若1m ≤,则220x x m -+=的实数解”的逆否命题; ④“若AB B =,则A B ⊂”的逆否命题;其中为真命题的是( )A 、①②B 、②③C 、④D 、①②③14、设120a a <<,120b b <<,且12121a a b b +=+=,如果要把1122+a b a b ,1221+a b a b ,12按从小到大的顺序排列,那么,排在中间的数( )A 、不能确定,与1212,,,a a b b 的值有关B 、一定是1122+a b a bC 、一定是1221+a b a bD 、一定是1215、若解{}(,,,)04,04,04,,,E p q r s p s q s r s p q r s N =≤<≤≤<≤≤<≤∈且,{}(,,,)04,04,,,F t u v w t u v w t u v w N =≤<≤≤<≤∈且,用()card X 表示集合X 中的元素个数,则()()card E card F +=( )A 、50B 、100C 、150D 、200三、解答题:16、已知实数0a ≥,解关于x 的不等式2(1)10ax a x -++>.17、已知是非负实数,a b ,求证)3322a b a b +≥+.18、已知集合{}0,1A =,证明x A ∈且y A ∈是数列223344,,,,,,n n x y x y x y x y x y +++++为常数数列的充要条件.(所谓常数数列,是指该数列中的各项为同一个常数的数列)19、已知集合{}12,,,(2)k A a a a k =≥,其中(1,2,,)i a Z i k ∈=,若对于任意的a A ∈,总有a A -∉,则称集合A 具有性质P .设集合{}(,),,T a b a A b A a b A =∈∈-∈,其中(,)a b 是有序数对,集合T 中的元素个数为n . (1)检验集合{}0,1,2,3与{}1,2,3-是否具有性质P ,并对其中具有性质P 的集合,写出相应的集合T ;(2)对任何具有性质P 的集合A ,求n 的最大值(用k 表示).答案一、填空题:1、2;2、64;3、>;4、()()3,44,+∞;5、03m <≤;6、()1,0-;7; 8、169; 91; 10、14; 11、96; 12、;二、选择题:13、C 14、B 15、D 16、B三、解答题:17、【答案】01101111111a x a x x aa x R x a x x a =<⎧⎪⎪<<<>⎪⎨=∈≠⎪⎪>><⎪⎩或且或18、【答案】分类讨论0,00,11.01,1x y x y x y x y ==⎧⎪==⎪⎨==⎪⎪==⎩,则始终为常数数列。
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一. 填空题
函数y 的定义域为
2. 二次函数221y x x =+-(1)x ≠的值域为
3. 若(21)f x -的定义域为(1,2),则()f x 的定义域为
4. 定义域为R 的函数()y f x =的值域为[,]a b ,则函数()y f x c =+的值域为
5. 已知函数21
ax b y x +=
3,则a b += 6.
已知函数y =M ,最小值为m ,则m M
= 7. 定义运算,,x x y x y y x y ≤⎧*=⎨>⎩,若|1||1|m m m -*=-,则m 的取值范围是 8.
函数y =的值域为
9. 植树节某班20名同学在一段直线公路一侧植树,每人植一棵,相邻两棵树相距10米, 开始时需将树苗集中放置在某一树坑旁边,使每位同学从各自树坑出发前来领取树苗往返所 走的路程总和最小,这个最小值为
10. 若a 是实常数,()f x 对于任何的非零实数x 都有1()()1f af x x x =--,且(1)1f =, 则当0x >时,不等式()f x x ≥的解集是
11. 已知对任意实数a 、b 满足()()(21)f a b f a b a b -=--+且(0)1f =,则()f x 的函 数解析式为
12. 将长度为1的铁丝分成两段,分别围成一个正方形和一个圆形,要使正方形与圆的面积 之和最小,正方形的周长应为
设函数()f x =(0)a <的定义域为D ,若所有点(,())s f t (,)s t D ∈构成一个正方形区域,则a =
14. 实数集R 中定义运算“*”:(1)对任意,a b R ∈,a b b a *=*;(2)对任意a R ∈, 0a a *=;(3)对任意,a b R ∈,()()()()2a b c c ab a c b c c **=*+*+*-,则函数 1()f x x x
=*(0)x >的值域为 15. 设1()|1|f x x =-,22()65f x x x =-+-,函数112212
(),()()()(),()()f x f x f x g x f x f x f x ≥⎧=⎨<⎩,若方 程()g x a =有四个不同的实数根,则实数a 的取值范围是
二. 选择题
16. 据统计,一名工人组装第x
件产品所用时间(单位:分钟)为()x A f x x A <=≥, A 、c 为常数,已知工人组装第4件产品用时30分钟,组装第A 件产品用时15分钟,那 么c 和A 的值分别是( )
A. 75,25
B. 75, 16
C. 60,25
D. 60,16
17. 已知()y f x =的图像如图所示,则|(2)|1y f x =-+-的图像是( )
A. B. C. D.
18. 函数2()f x ax bx c =++与2
()g x cx bx a =++的值域分别是M 与N ,其中0ac ≠,且a c ≠,则以下结论一定正确的是( )
A. M N =
B. M N ⊆
C. N M ⊆
D. M N ≠∅
三. 解答题 19. 求下列函数的值域:(1)22256
x x y x x -=-+;(2)22124x y x x -=-+(1)x >;
20.(1)若()f x 为一次函数,且(23)()2f x f x x ++-=+,求()y f x =的解析式;
(2)设3()()1f x xf x =+(0,)x x R ≠∈,求()y f x =的解析式;
21. 已知1()2bx f x x a +=+(,a b 是常数,2ab ≠),且1()()f x f k x
=; (1)求k 的值; (2)若((1))2k f f =
,求,a b 的值;
一. 填空题
1. {0}[1,)+∞
2. [2,)-+∞
3. (1,3)
4. [,]a b
5. 4或
6. 7. 1[,)2
+∞ 8. [2,)+∞ 9. 2000 10. (0,1] 11. 2()1f x x x =++ 12. 4
4π+ 13. 4-
14. [3,)+∞ 15. (3,4)
二. 选择题
16. D 17. C 18. D
三. 解答题
19.(1)(,2)(2,1)(1,)-∞--+∞ ;(2);
()2f x x =-;(2)1
()22f x x =--;
4k =;(2)7a =-,7
2b =-;。