
• Regular script came into being between the Eastern Hàn and Cáo Wèi dynasties, and its first
known master was Zhōng Yáo(钟繇) known as “father of regular script”. • It is most common in modern writings and publications.
Chinese Calligraphy 书法
• Brief history • Famous figures • Primary styles • four treasures of the study
•16th-11th century B.C. inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the
Popular styles
• 草书Cursive script/Grass script
• faster to write than other styles, but difficult to read for those unfamiliar with it. It functions primarily as a kind of shorthand script or calligraphic style.

2. 3.
② ③ ④
foreigner think : All Chinese people are good at kung-fu Chinese kung-fu is full of wonder and magic . To practice it when we are children Easy to stir up trouble after learning Chinese kung-fu
a traditional sport event that emphasizes on culture of the outside and inside of people, which takes the act of attack and defense as its main contents ,furthermore, the form(套路) and grapple(格斗) as the prime form (形式).
please describe the Zui-Quan(醉拳) as you know ?
if you want to learn it, you should drink plenty of wine firstly . like drunk ,it's pith (精 髓)is that you make your opponents can't understand what you will do next .

Other types of Kung Fu
❖ 1. external (外家拳) and internal (内家拳) ❖ 2. northern (北拳) and southern (南拳) ❖ 3. imitative-styles (象形拳) ❖ 4. Zui Quan (醉拳) - Drunken Fist ❖ 5. Tai Chi Chuan (太极拳 )Ultimate Supreme Fist ❖ 6.Wing Chun(咏春拳)
The influence of Chinese kung fu
Foreigners practicing martial arts
Foreigners to practice martial arts
Confucianism(儒家文化): Moderation and Harmony (和谐与中庸) Taoism: Dialectical and Comprehensibility (辩证与领悟)
• The essence of the martial arts culture is that - people, people with interdependent nature of the trace of the spiritual home to find peace, harmony (called "non-fighting"), rather than fighting. At least the mainstream has always been the case.
chinese Kung Fu 中国功夫英文PPT介绍

• The famous Wing Chun person:
Yip Man Bruce Lee Ye Zheng Ye Zhun
External work (外功)
Instrument (器 械)
Routine (套路)
※Internal work (内功)
Breathing(呼吸) body movements enhance the effect of the attack and defense(攻 击防御).
※External work (外功)
2.The classification(分类)
Many schools(门派): geography, climate and difference in north and south .
North: tall and climate is cold. powerful(气势雄劲).
sword(剑) and knifes(刀). crescent thorn(峨眉刺). daily appliance(用具): embroidery needle( 绣花针),sickle(镰刀), umbrellas etc.

• Taiji Quan is characterized by the unification of mind, breath and motions (body). It requires concentration of mind and calmness of motions. “ Mind works as a commander and body a soldier;” “ When in motion all of the body moves. When at rest, all of the body rests.” “ Calmness is required for motion.” Simple force is not preferred. Force is like a wheel and waist is its axis. The motions are continuous as a circle. The breath is deep and controlled by the diaphragm. Be concentrated, gentle and natural. Be stable as a mountain when not moving, and be flowing as a river when moving. The moves are characterized by roundness, softness, slowness, stability and evenness. They are extended but very well coordinated协调, and all are an
2.The sort of Kung fu

The effect of martial art is to stop fighting!!
The history of martial arts
• In Tang Dynastic, martial arts had been
developing, the famous place is Shaolin Temple.
• Huo Yuan Chia(霍元甲):he founded
Chin Woo Athletic Association(精武体操
会),and have make positive contribution for the AntiJapanese War.
• Jet Li: he is called KungFu Remix(功 夫皇帝) by people, and he is the
• It is now widely spread in recent years.
The legendary figure in modern times
• Bruce Lee(李小龙): he is the first
man who want to spread kongfu to foreigner and his film make the martial art widely known since 1970s.
• In the modern society, martial art has been combining with other fighting techniques.
• Besides ,there are many kinds of branches of martial arts today.

long sleeves short sleeves sleeveless
京剧耐人寻味,韵味醇厚。京剧舞台艺术在文学、表 演、音乐、唱腔、锣鼓、化妆、脸谱等各个 方面,通过 无数艺人的长期舞台实践,构成了一套互相制约、相得益 彰的格律化和规范化的程式。它创造舞台形象艺术的手段 十分丰富,用法又十分严格。由于京剧在形成之初,便进 入了宫廷,使它的发育成长不同于地方剧种。要求它所要 表现的生活领域更宽,所要塑造的人物类型更多,对它的 技艺的全面性、完整性也要求得更严,对它创造舞台形象 的美学要求也更高。同时也相应地减弱民间乡土气息,纯 朴、粗犷的风格特色相对淡薄。因而,其表演艺术更趋于
The Forbidden Kingdom 《 功夫之王 》 Drunken Master/Drunken fist 《 醉拳 》 Ip Man 《 叶问 》 Gungfu Dream 《 功夫梦 》 Shaolin Temple 《 少林寺 》 Tai Chi Master 《 太极张三丰 》
❖ Martial artists and actors such as Jet Li and Jackie Chan have continued the appeal of movies of this genre. Martial arts films from China are often referred to as "kungfu movies" (功 夫片), or "wire-fu" if extensive wire work is performed for special effects, and are still best known as part of the tradition of kungfu theate

四书:大学The Great Learning Mean
中庸 The Doctrine of the
论语 The Analects of Confucius 孟子the Mencius
孙子兵法 The art of War 三国演义 Three Kingdoms
西游记 Journey to the West /Monkey King
better than the worst 笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow(麻雀,矮小的人) should make an early start.
不眠之夜white night
不以物喜,不以己悲 not pleased by external(外部的,表面)的) gains, not saddened by personnal losses.
try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all .
open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener .
many countries throughout the world. 练习武术有各种各样的固定套路,有的要赤手空拳,有的要拿武器。 Wushu is practiced in various types of set exercises, either bare-handed or
with weapon
单句翻译练习:武术又称功夫,在中国已经有1000年历史了。 Wushu, known as Kungfu or martial arts, has a history of a thousand years in

Bruce Lee
Some Chinese Kung Fu Superstars
Jacky Chen
You can call me superman!
Jet Li
Do you think I’m handsome?!
We hope everyone could have a deep knowledge of Chinese culture ,especially Chinese Kung fu.
Chinese Kung Fu
By 刘宁
Simple Introduction to Kung Fu
Kung fu, (also known as Wushu ) is one of the most well known examples of traditional Chinese culture. it is probably one of the earliest and longest lasting sports which utilizes both brawn and brain. The theory of Kung Fu is based on classical Chinese philosophy. Over its long history it has developed as a unique combination of exercise, practical self-defense, self-discipline and art.
The Shaolin Kung Fu
Originally, it was practiced by the monks of Shaolin Temple as a way of keeping fit. With time, it incorporated the best fighting skills from other schools of martial arts, and spread beyond the temple walls.

Kung Fu
The Origin of kung fu
The earliest references to Chinese martial arts are found in the Spring
and Autumn Annals春秋时期 (5th century BCE), where a hand to hand
which it calls shǒubó (手搏), for which "how-to" manuals手册,指南 had already been written, and sportive wrestling, then known as juélì(角力).
Wrestling is also documented in the Shǐ Jì史记 , Records of the Grand Historian, written by Sima Qian (ca. 100 BCE). In the Tang Dynasty, descriptions of sword dances were immortalized in poems by Li Bai. The modern concepts of wushu were fully developed by the Ming and Qing dynasties.
Zhuangzi, its eponymous使得名的 author, is believed
to have lived in the 4th century BCE. The Tao Te Ching 道德经 , often credited to归功于 Lao Zi, is another

Contents Chinese Kung fu
1 2 3 The origin of Kung fu The sort of Kung fu The influence of Kung fu
People in Primitive society(原始社会)in order to survive,they have to hunt for food efficiently,so they learned the primary attack means.Gradually stone and wooden tools are added as weapon. When the war become more and more ,the dictators(执政者 ['dɪk,tetɚ] ) attach great importance to attach means.So people continually gain experience and skills from war practice. At last ,all these skills passed on from generation to generation. Now we call it Kung fu!
2.The sort of Kung fu
There are many sorts of Kung fu ,here are four Wushu branches
2.The sort of Kung fu
These Wushu branches all name after famous mountains
Chinese kung-fu ppt

Chinese kung-fu picture
Chinese kung-fu
How to say “中国功夫” in English?
功夫,Kung fu(中国武功),是以技击为主要内容, 以套路和搏斗为运动形式,注重内外兼修的中国传 统体育项目。它的思想核心是由儒家的中和养气之 说融合道家的守静致柔以及释家的禅定参悟,而构 成的博大精深的武学体系。 中国功夫讲究刚柔并济, 内外兼修,既有刚健雄美的外形,更有典雅深邃的 内涵,蕴含着先哲们对生命和宇宙的参悟,是中国 人民长期积累起来的宝贵文化遗产,是世界上独一 无二的“武文化”。中国功夫在世界上影响广泛, 不仅出现了大量中国功夫题材的中外影视作品,更 有少林、太极、咏春拳等中国功夫在全球广泛传扬。 [1]
1 .
兵器》说,十八般武艺指的是 以下十八种:弓、弩、枪、刃、剑、矛、盾、斧、钺、戟、鞭、锏、挝、 殳、叉、耙头、 绵绳、白打。
How to say “刀枪剑戟” inears, two-edged swords and halberds -- all kinds of ancient weapons

Each style offers a different approach to the common problems of self-defense, health and selfcultivation.
每种风格的常见问题提供了一种不同的方法来自卫,健康 和修养。
fu as the theme of the
American action comedy 片以中国古代为背景,其
film, the film is set in ancient 景观、布景、服装以至食
China, the landscape,
scenery, clothing and food 讲述了一只笨拙的熊猫立
"Kung fu panda," the film by 《功夫熊猫》该片由约
John Stephenson and mark 翰·斯蒂芬森和马克·奥斯 osborne, guide, merry, cobb 本指导,梅丽·莎科布制片, producer, is a Chinese kung 是一部以中国功夫为主题
过去两年至四千 年,已研制出许多独 特的风格,每个都有 自己的一套技巧和想 法。
There are also common themes to the different styles, which are often classified by "families" (家, jiā), "sects" (派, pai) or "schools" (门, men) of martial art styles.

中国功夫英语PPT演讲稿Traditional martial arts are part of china's outstanding culture and it contains the spir it of the chinesenation-specific values, way of thinking, imagination, which embodies the Chinese nation's vitality andcreativity, and intelligence are the crystallization of th e Chinese people, but also a treasure for allmankind civilization.The origin of Chinese Martial arts中国武术的起源Wushu in China goes back to ancient times, originating from productive laboring of the ancient ancestry.In the primitive society, people had to survive by gathering in groups. They lived on hunting with rocks and sticks. Hitting with their hands, kicking with their feet and cutting, chopping or stabbing with simple weapons, they performed all kinds of movements, which displayed certain skills of defense or attacking. These performances made up the substantial background of Wushu.In the clan [kl?n] society, there often occurred battles between the tribes. Armed forces became the means of plundering. Bows, arrows, casting stones and other rocky items appeared as weapons, being improved gradually according to the needs of fight. When having a rest, especially when celebrating their triumphs, people danced to the imitations of defending and attacking movements, stabbing, blowing and kicking. After prolonged accumulation, the experiences began to be raised to the level of consciousness, hence Wushu came into being.Type of gongfu中国武术的分类Chinese martial arts consist of a number of fighting stylesthat were developed over the centuries. Those fighting styles can be classified according to common themes that are identified as "families" (家), "sects" (派) or "schools" (门). Styles of Chinese martial arts also can be categorized as the Northern style and the Southern style according to the geographical regions divided by the Huanghe River.Chinese love for martial arts中国人的武侠情缘Chinese love for martial arts can be reflected in many martial arts novels and all kinds of film and television works.The works of Jin Y ong, Gu Long, Liang Yusheng is representative of martial arts novels. Recent years, a lot of martial arts writers appear on the mainland. For example, Feng Ge, the writer of Kun Lun(昆仑)and Cang yue, the writer of TingXueLou Series, who are the representative of New martial arts writers. It is said that “Outstanding martial arts novelist to write the world faces; and astute readers read out the vicissitudes of life and attitudes of human.” We may not be the ast ute readers, but we can at least enjoy martial in our own way. Superb and legendary martial arts, peculiar experience of a survivor, a love story full of pathos attract many readers.Martial arts film and television works are emerging.中国武术精神The spirit of the Chinese martial arts1个人的武德修养Individual cultivation of martial arts ethics.The practicers should respect teachers, filial piety, and righteousness and should not belligerent.2 Collective morality.集体的道德观念。
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et Li (李连杰)
• The director, Xuke ,said that Jet Li as "China's treasure", but more is called Jet Li as "Kung Fu Emperor," which are very vivid description. Jet Li martial arts kung fu is a kind of natural - Chinese style, and this Chinese-style martial arts are not only based on combat skills, but stayed focus on the essence of its type. Chinese martial arts is full of noble, elegant, graceful and generous of the charm. It is not difficult know Jet Li, as a actor, is the Chinese kung fu transmitter ,even the spokesperson of martial arts culture.
Kung Fu Panda
All the architectural style, interior decoration, the role of costumes, and even the ancient Chinese Deng Jun, acupuncture, firecrackers and other things with Chinese characteristics appear in the film.
The influence of Chinese kung fu
15级工商管理 肖茗方 彭一诺
Tai chi
Shao lin
Hollywood Kung Fu Star
Enter The Dragon
The Big Boss
Way Of The Dragon
Fist Of Fury
Jacky Chen (成龙)
• The process of breaking into Hollywood, Jacky Chen and Bruce Lee have a clear similarities, the two have experienced going out and then came back, and tried once again to Hollywood with their persistence and hard-work. So in a certain degree, we can consider Jacky Chen as Bruce lee .