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我做的毕业设计课题是单梁桥式起重机。单梁桥式起重机是一种轻型起重设备,它适用起重量为0.5~5 吨,适用跨度4.5~16.5米,工作环境温度C在-20℃到40℃范围内,适合于车间、仓库、露天堆场等处的物品装卸工作。桥架由一根主梁和两根端梁刚接组成。根据起重量和跨度,主梁采用普通工字钢和U形槽组合焊接形成。主梁和端梁之间采用承载凸缘普通螺栓法兰连接。提升机构采用CD型电葫芦。




The topic of my graduation design is list the beam bridge type derrick of design the list beam bridge type derrick is a kind of light heavy equipments, it start to apply the weight as 0.5~5 tons, apply to across degree 4.5~16.5 meters, the work environment temperature is -20℃to 40℃.Inside scope, suitable for car, warehouse, open-air heap field etc. of the product pack to unload a work. The bridge was carried beam by a lord beam and 2 to just connect to constitute.Accordingto weight with across a degree, lord beam adoption common the work word steel and U form slot combination weld formation.Lord beam and carry an of beam an adoption loading To good luck common

stud bolt method orchid conjunction.Promote the organization adoption CD type an electricity bottle gourd.

The main contents of this time design have:The problem put forward, conceive outline of total project, possibility design, structure design and draw towards doing not know a problem of investigate and solution of first step design, assemble diagram, spare parts diagram wait a series the design of the diagram paper with, end include graduation design manual of completion.

Keywords: cranes;bridge type derrick ;During operation organization; Car running structure; Car hoisting structure; Bridge; Main girders.



1 单梁桥式起重机的概述 (7)


1.1.2 单梁桥式起重机机构的特点8

1.1.3 单梁桥式起重机的基本参数8

1.1.4 桁架梁和箱形梁的比较8

1.2 LD型电动单梁桥式起重机各部件的作用(位结构)8

1.2.1 主梁8

1.2.2 端梁8


1.2.4 电动葫芦9

1.2.5 大车9

1.2.6 小车架10

1.2.7 小车10


1.3 运行机构10

1.3.1 小车运行机构11

1.3.2 大车运行机构11

2 工作条件及设计要求12

2.1 型式及设计的构造特点13

2.2 选择电动葫芦的规格型号14

2.3 主梁设计计算14

2.3.1 主梁断面几何特性14

2.3.2 主梁强度的计算16


2.3.4 稳定性计算29

2.4 端梁设计计算30

2.4.1 轮距的确定24

2.4.2 端梁中央断面几何特性24

2.5 起重机最大轮压25


2.5.2 起重机最大轮压的计算33

2.6 最大歪斜侧向力30

2.7 端梁中央断面合成应力31

2.8 车轮轴对端梁腹板的挤压应力40

2.9 主、端梁连接计算40

2.9.1 主、端梁连接形成式及受力分析40

2.9.2 螺栓拉力的计算41

3 小车起升和运行机构的设计计算36

3.1 电动葫芦起升机构设计计算37

3.1.1 电动葫芦的基本设计参数37

3.1.2 电动葫芦起升机构简要设计步骤38

3.2 电动葫芦运行机构设计计算45



3.2.3 传动比47

3.2.4 制动器的选择及计算48

4 大车运行机构设计计算63

4.1 确定机构传动方案63

4.2 选择车轮和轨道,验算车轮强度63

4.3 验算车轮的疲劳强度64

4.4 传动装置设计计算66

4.4.1 选择电动机66

4.4.2 大车运行机构的功率计算67

4.4.3 验算电动机68
