企智通企业网络办公管理服务完全使用手册3.4.4.0版本内容目录前言 (xvi)关于本手册 (xvi)企智通的管理关系 (xvi)第1章登录和退出 (1)1.1 帐号+口令模式登录企智通 (1)1.1.1 账号+口令登录模式 (1)1.1.1 USBKey模式 (3)1.2 混合模式登录企智通 (4)1.2.1 帐号+口令登录模式 (4)1.2.2 USBKey模式 (6)1.3 USBKey模式登录企智通 (7)1.4 其它登录说明 (7)1.5 退出企智通 (8)第2章快速使用指南 (9)2.1 企智通功能介绍 (9)2.2 统一页面显示 (10)2.2.1 展开和收缩列表 (10)2.2.2 表格内容排序 (11)2.2.3 隐藏、显示查询提条件 (11)2.2.4 自动分页 (12)2.2.5 部门、微机查询条件 (12)2.3 企智通使用基本流程 (13)第3章系统管理 (15)3.1 帐号口令模式账号管理 (15)3.1.1 操作员角色 (16)3.1.2 操作员 (18)3.2 混合模式账号管理 (21)3.2.2 操作员 (22)3.3 USBKey模式账号管理 (25)3.3.1 操作员角色 (25)3.3.2 操作员 (26)3.4 数据维护 (28)3.4.1 基本配置 (29)3.4.2 邮件列表 (31)3.4.3 备份配置数据 (33)3.4.4 备份统计数据 (35)3.4.5 数据对拷 (37)3.5 版本升级 (40)3.6 配置管理地址 (40)3.7 日志管理 (41)3.7.1 操作纪录 (42)3.7.2 自动上传记录 (43)3.7.3 公用微机使用记录 (43)3.8 系统重启 (44)3.9 恢复出厂配置 (44)3.10 许可证 (45)3.11 License管理 (49)3.12 更换图标 (50)3.13 系统运行状态 (51)3.13.1 当前应用在线人数 (51)3.13.2 当前流量曲线 (51)3.13.3 各类信息 (52)3.14 配置发送邮件 (53)3.15 应用配制数据 (54)3.16 上网时间控制 (54)3.16.1 定义工作日规则 (55)3.16.3 增加临时规则 (57)第4章网络服务 (58)4.1 一般配置 (58)4.1.1 网关工作模式 (59)4.1.2 桥接工作模式 (60)4.1.3 基本全局参数 (61)4.2 路由管理 (63)4.3 NAT功能 (64)4.3.1 端口映射 (65)4.3.2 DNAT地址映射 (66)4.4 DHCP (67)4.4.1 基本设置 (68)4.4.2 高级配置 (68)4.4.3 地址分配列表 (71)4.5 网络诊断 (72)4.5.1 网络健康报表 (72)4.5.2 诊断工具 (74)4.6 配置VLAN (75)第5章资源管理 (77)5.1 部门管理 (77)5.2 微机管理 (79)5.2.1 微机管理 (80)5.2.2 公用微机列表 (83)5.2.3 高级功能-获取微机名称 (84)5.2.4 高级功能-删除离网微机 (85)5.2.5 批量修改 (86)5.3 公用账号 (87)5.3.1 公用账号属性 (88)5.3.2 增加、删除公用账号 (88)5.5 应用定义 (91)5.5.1 应用表 (92)5.5.2 应用组 (94)5.6 网站分类 (95)第6章上网记录 (97)6.1 设置内容监视规则 (97)6.2 微机状态 (99)6.2.1 记录查询条件 (100)6.2.2 当前微机状态 (100)6.3 浏览网页 (101)6.4 即时聊天 (103)6.4.1 查询条件 (103)6.4.2 MSN (103)6.4.3 YAHOO通 (105)6.4.4 QQ聊天 (107)6.4.5 ICQ聊天 (108)6.4.6 聊天排名 (110)6.5 文件传输 (110)6.5.1 查询条件 (111)6.5.2 查询结果 (111)6.6 网页发帖 (113)6.6.1 查询条件 (113)6.6.2 查询结果 (113)6.7 网络搜索 (115)6.7.1 查询条件 (115)6.7.2 查询结果 (116)6.8 网络游戏 (117)6.8.1 查询条件 (117)6.8.2 查询结果 (118)6.9.1 查询条件 (119)6.9.2 查询结果 (119)6.10 收发邮件 (120)6.10.1 查询条件 (121)6.10.2 查询结果 (121)6.11 P2P应用 (125)6.11.1 查询条件 (125)6.11.2 查询结果 (125)6.12 远程控制 (126)6.12.1 查询条件 (127)6.12.2 telnet查询结果 (127)6.12.3 其他远程控制查询结果 (128)6.13 其他应用 (129)6.13.1 查询条件 (130)6.13.2 查询结果 (130)第7章流量分析 (132)7.1 流量曲线 (132)7.1.1 查询条件 (133)7.1.2 流量曲线图 (133)7.2 流量排名 (134)7.2.1 选询条件-对以下流量 (134)7.2.2 查询条件-按以下类别进行排名 (134)7.2.3 查询结果 (135)7.3 应用分析 (136)7.4 网站排名 (137)7.4.1 选询条件 (138)7.4.2 查询结果 (138)7.5 发帖排名 (139)7.5.1 选询条件 (140)第8章内容过滤 (141)8.1 一般过滤规则配置 (141)8.2 发送邮件过滤白名单 (143)8.3 过滤规则功能 (144)8.3.1 网站内容过滤 (145)8.3.2 发送邮件过滤 (146)8.3.3 接收邮件过滤 (147)8.3.4 网络聊天过滤 (148)8.3.5 文件传输过滤 (149)8.4 过滤日志 (150)8.4.1 查询条件 (150)8.4.2 查询结果 (151)第9章入侵防护 (152)9.1 入侵防护设置 (152)9.2 当前阻断微机列表 (153)9.3 地址盗用历史记录 (155)9.4 超限历史记录 (156)9.5 微机发现历史记录 (157)9.6 Arp欺骗历史记录 (157)第10章访问控制 (159)10.1 上网控制 (159)10.1.1 基本设置 (160)10.1.2 白名单/黑名单 (161)10.1.3 高级 (162)10.2 URL访问控制 (165)10.2.1 基本设置 (166)10.2.2 高级 (167)第11章带宽管理 (170)11.1 基本设置 (170)11.1.2 配置应用通道 (171)11.2 应用带宽设置 (172)11.3 人员带宽设置 (173)11.4 设置带宽借用比例 (175)第12章病毒过滤 (176)第13章帮助 (178)13.1 关于企智通 (178)13.2 获取客户端软件 (178)13.3 获取使用手册 (178)第14章保护模式 (179)第15章公用微机 (180)15.1 终端软件使用说明 (180)15.2 终端软件状态转移说明 (181)15.2.1 上线 (181)15.2.2 下线 (181)15.2.3 操作和记录对应关系 (181)插图目录图1-1 帐号口令模式登录企智通系统 (1)图1-2 恢复指定帐号的口令 (2)图1-3 企智通的友好提示 (3)图1-4 USBKey登录 (3)图1-5 混合模式登录企智通系统 (4)图1-6 恢复指定帐号的口令 (5)图1-7 企智通的友好提示 (6)图1-8 USBKey登录 (6)图1-9 USBKey模式登录企智通系统 (7)图1-10 登录企智通系统的提示信息 (8)图1-11 安全退出企智通系统 (8)图2-1 企智通系统管理界面 (9)图2-2 展开前的合适宽度统计结果 (11)图2-3 展开后的最大宽度统计结果 (11)图2-4 按名称排序后的部门列表 (11)图2-5 隐藏左侧条件选择窗口 (12)图2-6 分页显示的统计页面 (12)图2-7 部门和微机查询条件备选项的模糊显示 (13)图3-1 企智通系统维护 (15)图3-2 账号、口令登录模式的账号管理 (16)图3-3 帐号口令模式企智通操作员角色列表 (16)图3-4 企智通操作员角色定义 (17)图3-5 增加企业操作员角色定义 (17)图3-6 帐号口令模式企业操作员列表 (18)图3-7 企智通操作员属性 (19)图3-8 增加企业操作员 (19)图3-9 混合登录模式的账号管理 (21)图3-10 混合登录模式的角色管理 (21)图3-11 企智通操作员角色定义 (22)图3-12 混合登录模式的操作员账号管理 (22)图3-13 企智通操作员属性 (23)图3-14 增加企业操作员 (23)图3-15 USBKey登录模式账号管理 (25)图3-16 USBKey登录模式的角色管理 (25)图3-17 企智通操作员角色定义 (26)图3-18 USBKey登录模式的操作员账号管理 (26)图3-19 企智通操作员属性 (27)图3-20 企智通系统维护 (28)图3-21 系统维护的基本设置 (29)图3-22 维护邮件列表文件 (32)图3-23 维护配置数据备份文件 (33)图3-24 企智通统计数据备份 (35)图3-25 恢复已备份的统计数据 (37)图3-26 数据对拷 (37)图3-27 上传、下载启动失败提示 (38)图3-28 企智通数据库空间不足导致下载失败 (39)图3-29 数据下载 (39)图3-30 系统版本升级 (40)图3-31 配置企智通管理地址 (41)图3-32 企智通日志管理 (42)图3-33 企智通的企业操作员操作记录 (42)图3-34 数据上传记录 (43)图3-35 企智通公用微机使用记录 (44)图3-36 恢复出厂配置 (45)图3-37 业务许可证 (45)图3-38 许可证生效的内容监视业务 (46)图3-39 许可证失效的内容监视业务 (46)图3-40 许可证生效的内容过滤业务 (46)图3-41 许可证失效的内容过滤业务 (46)图3-42 许可证生效的防火墙业务 (47)图3-43 许可证失效的防火墙业务 (47)图3-44 许可证生效的带宽管理业务 (48)图3-45 许可证失效的带宽管理业务 (48)图3-46 许可证生效的网页防毒业务 (48)图3-47 许可证失效的网页防毒业务 (49)图3-48 License管理 (49)图3-49 更换企业图标 (50)图3-50 当前系统运行状态 (51)图3-51系统运行状态-应用在线人数 (51)图3-52 系统运行状态-当前流量曲线 (52)图3-53 系统运行状态-当前各类信息 (52)图3-54 配置发送邮件账号 (53)图3-55 集中应用配置数据 (54)图3-56 企智通的上网时间控制 (55)图3-57 定义工作日上网时间规则 (56)图3-58 定义周末上网时间规则 (56)图3-59 配置临时上网时间规则 (57)图4-1 企智通网络服务 (58)图4-2 修改全局配置参数1 (59)图4-3 修改全局配置参数2 (59)图4-4 配置企智通静态路由 (63)图4-5 企智通NAT管理功能 (64)图4-6 端口映射列表 (65)图4-7 ADSL网关模式的端口映射规则 (65)图4-8 以太网网关的端口映射规则 (65)图4-9 地址映射列表 (66)图4-10 增加多公网地址网关的地址映射规则 (67)图4-12 DHCP服务基本配置 (68)图4-13 配置旁路网关DHCP服务器 (69)图4-14 修改DHCP地址池 (69)图4-15 DHCP主机列表 (71)图4-16 企智通网络诊断 (72)图4-17 测试目标地址延迟图 (72)图4-18 网络传输速率图和统计表 (73)图4-19 企智通网络诊断工具 (74)图4-20 PING诊断工具 (74)图4-21 Traceroute诊断工具 (75)图4-22 tcpdump诊断工具 (75)图4-23 配置VLAN TRUNK (76)图5-1 企智通资源管理 (77)图5-2 企智通的部门列表 (77)图5-3 企智通的部门属性 (78)图5-4 增加部门 (78)图5-5 企智通的微机列表 (80)图5-6 企智通的微机属性 (80)图5-7 手工增加微机 (81)图5-8 公用微机列表 (84)图5-9 微机高级管理功能 (84)图5-10 自动获取微机名称 (85)图5-11 批量修改微机名称 (86)图5-12 批量导入微机定义 (87)图5-13 公用账号管理 (88)图5-14 企智通的公用账号属性 (88)图5-15 手工添加公用账号 (88)图5-16 企智通时间定义 (89)图5-17 时间定义属性 (90)图5-19 企智通应用定义 (92)图5-20 新建应用类型 (93)图5-21 定义网络应用组列表 (94)图5-22 新增网络应用组 (94)图5-23 URL组定义列表 (95)图5-24 增加URL组定义 (96)图6-1 企智通上网记录 (97)图6-2 企智通设置监视条件 (97)图6-3 增加内容监视对象 (98)图6-4 企智通当前微机状态 (99)图6-5 企智通微机状态列表 (100)图6-6 浏览网页统计结果 (102)图6-7 即时聊天统计结果 (103)图6-8 MSN聊天记录 (104)图6-9 不能查看内容监视结果的MSN聊天内容 (105)图6-10 可以查看内容件事结果的MSN聊天内容 (105)图6-11 YAHOO通聊天记录 (105)图6-12 不能查看内容监视结果的YAHOO通聊天内容 (106)图6-13 可以查看内容件事结果的YAHOO通聊天内容 (107)图6-14 QQ聊天记录 (107)图6-15 QQ聊天详细内容 (108)图6-16 ICQ聊天记录 (108)图6-17 ICQ登录记录 (109)图6-18 ICQ聊天记录 (109)图6-19 聊天排名 (110)图6-20 文件传输统计结果 (111)图6-21 文件传输查询结果 (112)图6-22 网页发帖统计结果 (113)图6-23 网页发帖查询结果 (114)图6-25 网络搜索统计结果 (115)图6-26 网络搜索查询结果 (116)图6-27 网络游戏统计结果 (117)图6-28 网络游戏查询结果 (118)图6-29 网络视频统计结果 (119)图6-30 网络视频查询结果 (120)图6-31 收发邮件统计结果 (121)图6-32 发送邮件查询结果 (122)图6-33 接收邮件查询结果 (122)图6-34 查看邮件全文 (123)图6-35 用Outlook express查看下载后的邮件 (124)图6-36 被Outlook express阻挡的.tar附件 (124)图6-37 解除Outlook express的附件安全限制 (124)图6-38 P2P应用统计结果 (125)图6-39 P2P应用查询结果 (126)图6-40 远程控制统计结果 (127)图6-41 telnet查询结果 (127)图6-42 其他远程控制查询结果 (129)图6-43 其他应用统计结果 (130)图6-44 其他应用查询结果 (130)图7-1 企智通流量分析 (132)图7-2 企智通实时流量曲线 (132)图7-3 企智通历史流量曲线 (133)图7-4 企智通流量排名 (134)图7-5 流量排名查询结果 (135)图7-6 配置IE浏览器的打印参数 (136)图7-7 企智通应用分析 (136)图7-8 应用分析查询结果 (137)图7-9 网站流量排名 (138)图8-1 企智通内容过滤 (141)图8-2 网页搜索过滤规则 (141)图8-3 增加内容过滤策略 (142)图8-4 网络聊天的文件传输过滤策略 (143)图8-5 发送邮件过滤白名单 (144)图8-6 增加发送邮件白名单 (144)图8-7 网站内容过滤 (145)图8-8 网页主题过滤关键字对应的审计部分 (145)图8-9 网络搜索过滤关键字对应的审计部门 (146)图8-10 网页发帖过滤关键字对应的审计部分 (146)图8-11 发送邮件过滤 (146)图8-12 发送邮件过滤关键字对应的审计部分 (147)图8-13 发送邮件正文过滤关键字对应的审计结果 (147)图8-14 接收邮件过滤 (147)图8-15 网络聊天过滤 (148)图8-16 聊天内容过滤关键字对应的审计部分 (149)图8-17 聊天内容详细伸及部分 (149)图8-18 文件传输过滤 (149)图8-19 文件传输过滤关键字对应的审计部分 (150)图8-20 企智通过滤日志 (150)图8-21 过滤日志查询结果 (151)图9-1 入侵防护设置 (152)图9-2 被阻断的微机列表 (154)图9-3 IP地址盗用统计 (155)图9-4 连接超限查询结果 (156)图9-5 新发现微机统计 (157)图9-6 ARP欺骗历史记录 (158)图10-1 企智通防火墙 (159)图10-2 防火墙的上网控制 (159)图10-4 上网控制白名单 (161)图10-5 上网控制黑名单 (161)图10-6 上网控制高级规则 (162)图10-7 增加访问控制规则 (163)图10-8 调整高级上网控制规则的优先级 (165)图10-9 防火墙的URL访问控制 (166)图10-10 URL访问控制基本配置 (166)图10-11 URL访问控制高级规则 (167)图10-12 增加URL访问控制规则 (168)图11-1 企智通的带宽分配控制 (170)图11-2 选择通道包含的应用类型 (171)图11-3 各部门统一划分应用通道带宽 (172)图11-4 逐部门划分应用通道带宽 (172)图11-5 人员带宽设置 (173)图11-6 设置带宽借用比例 (175)图12-1 企智通网页防毒规则 (176)图12-2 网页防毒提示页面 (177)图13-1 企智通帮助列表 (178)图14-1 企智通保护模式登录页面 (179)图15-1 企智通公用微机终端软件 (180)图15-2 企智通公用微机终端软件网络连接状态 (180)前言关于本手册本手册提供给企智通的企业管理者使用。
会畅通讯视频会议V1.10.0BizConf Video Pro 客户端用户手册目 录1 会议客户端 (4)1.1 客户端下载安装 (4)1.2 PC端使用说明 (6)1.2.1 初始密码 (6)1.2.2 升级提示 (7)1.2.3 加入会议 (7)1.2.4 预约会议 (9)1.2.5 开启会议 (13)1.2.6 音/视频设置 (15)1.2.7 视频布局设置 (18)1.2.8 会控功能 (20)1.2.9 数据共享 (22)1.2.10 开启双屏显示 (24)1.2.11 语言切换 (24)1.2.12 邀请用户 (24)1.2.13 聊天功能 (29)1.2.14 录制功能 (29)1.2.15 注意力跟踪 (30)1.2.16 在线客服 (30)1.2.17 退出会议 (31)1.2.18 用户信息修改 (32)1.2.19 代理测试 (33)1.3 IOS客户端使用说明 (34)1.3.1 初始密码 (34)1.3.2 加入会议 (35)1.3.3 开启会议 (36)1.3.4 预约会议 (37)1.3.5 会议设置 (40)1.3.6 邀请用户 (43)1.3.7 数据共享 (45)1.3.8 会控功能 (46)1.3.9 退出会议 (46)1.3.10 其他设置 (47)1.4 Android客户端使用说明 (47)1.4.1 初始密码 (47)1.4.2 开启会议 (48)1.4.3 加入会议 (48)1.4.4 预约会议 (49)1.4.5 我的会议 (51)1.4.6 加入会议 (52)1.4.7 会议设置 (52)1.4.8 邀请用户 (54)1.4.9 数据共享 (55)1.4.10 会控功能 (56)1.4.11 退出会议 (57)1.4.12 检查更新 (57)1.4.13 其他设置 (58)1.5 Mac端使用说明 (59)1.5.1 初始密码 (59)1.5.2 升级提示 (59)1.5.3 登录 (60)1.5.4 加入会议 (61)1.5.5 预约会议 (63)1.5.6 会议邀请 (64)1.5.7 开启会议 (67)1.5.8 会议安排 (69)1.5.9 录像文件 (72)1.5.10 用户信息 (73)1.5.11 在线客服 (74)1.5.12 设置 (75)1.6 通过硬件接入会议 (77)1.7 通过MCU接入会议 (77)1.8 技术指标 (78)1.8.1 PC性能要求 (78)1.8.2 PC操作系统 (79)1.8.3 移动端系统 (79)1会议客户端1.1客户端下载安装PC端下载方式步骤一、使用浏览器访问/support/download页面,在“会畅通讯视频会议客户端”,点击“立即下载”步骤二、下载的文件,双击应用程序,如下图所示:步骤三、在弹出框点击安装,将自动安装客户端,如图:Mac端下载方式步骤一、使用浏览器访问/support/download页面,在“会畅通讯视频会议客户端”,点击“立即下载”步骤二、下载的文件,双击应用程序,如下图所示:步骤三、在弹出框长按左侧的BizConf Video Pro并向右侧移动至“应用程序的替身”文件夹上,移动完成后即可安装成功。
“晨拓名片扫描系统 8.0”用户手册1.安装“晨拓名片扫描系统 8.0”软件2.安装扫描仪驱动程序3.校正扫描仪4.利用A8扫描仪扫描识别名片5.在名片栏目上编辑文本内容6.改善栏目识别率7.搜索名片8.对名片分类9.导出到摩托罗拉 A388手机1.安装“晨拓名片扫描系统 8.0”软件将程序安装CD光盘插入到光驱中,弹出自动安装界面。
Windows2000操作系统下驱动程序安装类似Windows XP,安装软件后,连接带USB接口扫描仪,根据系统提示操作。
(2)手动安装驱动程序:●安装晨拓名片扫描系统 8.0 前,连接带USB接口扫描仪到计算机●系统提示“找到新硬件”并要求安装相应驱动程序●点击安装驱动程序界面的“浏览”按键,打开晨拓名片扫描光盘上“ScannerDriver”目录,点击“确定”,完成安装。
安装完毕后,如果您的系统为Windows98 和 Windows Me,您需要重启您的计算机。
在Windows2000 和 WindowsXP操作系统下,您无需重启计算机。
(1)运行“晨拓名片扫描系统 8.0”,在“文件”菜单中选择“扫描”,或按工具条上按钮。
(5)校准卡扫描完后会弹出“Calibrate Ok”(如果是银白色扫描仪弹出“校准完毕”)对话框,点击“确定”完成。
DreamFax 7.0系统管理员手册(企业版)索享(北京)科技有限公司Sosano (Beijing) Science&Technology Co.,Ltd目录手册概述DreamFax7.0系统管理员手册,属于索享(北京)科技有限公司自主研发的DreamFax传真服务器产品的组成部分。
內部郵件至外部傳真機 八(發送 發送) 發送
Presentation 實現WinFax
桌面至傳真機 一(發送)
Presentation 實現WinFax
桌面至傳真機 二(發送)
Presentation 實現WinFax 13
85687999 嘟嘟嘟 分機 (“P”表示暫停鍵) (“嘟嘟嘟”表示聽到3聲“嘟嘟嘟”響聲)
文件 傳真機1 傳真機 DDN
圖片文件 電腦
其他Site 其他
傳真機2 傳真機
Presentation 實現WinFax 25
內部掃描至本人郵件 內部 至 人郵件 內部) 人郵件(內部
撥號規則: 撥號規則 8501
8511 8553 8560
例如: 例如:85011773
+ 傳真號碼
文件 傳真機1 傳真機
傳真機 服務器 傳真機2 傳真機 WKS同仁 同仁 其它Site同仁 同仁 其它
Presentation 實現WinFax
內部郵件至其他Site傳真機 一(發送 發送) 發送
外部傳真機至內部郵件 內部郵件至外部傳真機 掃描到內部郵件再發送至外部郵件 收到的不明地址傳真件統一置於Public Folder 傳真機不再提供列印服務
所有傳送,接收的內容伺服器全部記錄 所有傳送 接收的內容伺服器全部記錄
Presentation 實現WinFax
目录1部署说明 (2)1.1部署须知 (3)服务器配置 (3)客户端配置 (3)1.2部署平台 (3)1.3部署工程 (10)1.4工程配置 (11)1.5登录 (13)1.6退出 (14)2迅速入门 (14)2.1窗口说明 (15)标题栏 (15)控制栏 (15)菜单栏 (15)控制台 (15)查问界面 (15)编写界面 (21)2.2鼠标操作 (26)单击 (26)双击 (26)拖动 (27)指向 (27)2.3常用命令 (27)新建 (27)搜寻 (27)删除 (27)改正 (27)封闭 (27)确认 (27)撤消 (27)2.4菜单命令 (27)文件 (27)功能 (27)工具 (27)窗口 (27)帮助 (28)2.5工具命令 (28)查找 (28)文件夹 (28)复制整条记录 (29)打印 (29)3系统管理 (35)3.1业务词典 (35)3.2用户管理 (36)新建组织架构 (36)新建角色 (36)3.3日记管理 (39)3.4工作流管理 (39)3.5配置中心 (40)自动编码规则 (40)用户自定义字段 (40)查问过滤设置 (41)迅速查问设置 (42)3.6数据导入导出 (43)3.7系统选项 (44)惯例 (44)启动项 (44)3.8协助功能 (44)批量导入数据 (45)3.9 SmartSearch (46)4业务流程 (47)4.1我的 Q5 (47)业务示警 (48)看板管理 (48)4.2业务流程 (49)公共客户库、业务员客户库 (50)工厂资料 (54)产品资料、产品介绍 (54)寄样管理、客户报价、外销合同 (56)月计划、周计划、工作日报 (59)5决议剖析 (61)5.1外销职工作一览表 (62)5.2客户经营状况一览表 (62)5.3产品营销状况一览表 (63)5.4邮件 - 客户根源散布 (64)6版本信息 (64)1部署说明1.1部署须知服务器配置硬件名称技术参数备注CPU XEON 双核 2.4G 以上内存4G 或更高建议 8G配合 Windows 2008 Server硬盘320G 以上 SATA 硬盘 (最好是公司级建议使用 2 块以上做 RAID硬盘 )网卡10/100M 自适应网卡或更高操作系统Windows 2008 Server1.1.2 客户端配置硬件名称技术参数备注CPU 2.1G 以上内存1G 或更高以上建议 8G配合 Windows 2008 Server 硬盘7200 转或更高 40G以上建议使用 2 块以上做 RAID网卡10/100M 自适应网卡或更高操作系统建议使用 Windows 7以上自然对 XP 也完整兼容1.2部署平台Platform主程序畅想工程帐套步骤:1.双击或右键点击翻开“ IPlatformV2010.exe ”文件,进行 Platform 主程序的部署,同时支持简体中文、繁体中文及英文在部署时期的语言,选择点击“确立”,如图1。
BizTalk Server 2020 产品概述说明书
Product OverviewBizTalk Server is one of the integral parts of Microsoft’s Hybrid Integration Platform. It enables customers to seamlessly connect mission critical applications, automate complex business processes and leverage numerous Azure services. Whether your applications run in the cloud or on-premises, you should have the flexibility to seamlessly connect applications, unlock data and automate business processes anywhere. BizTalk Server 2020 offers:• Comprehensive application integration capabilities including a highly available on-premises and cloud solution, mission critical line of business application integration and many more.• Integration with latest Microsoft products such as Windows Server 2019, Visual Studio 2019, SQL Server 2017 and 2019.• Hybrid connectivity by enabling customers to integrate with cloud native applications, web and mobile back end systems, and custom applications directly or through Azure Logic Apps. Customers can now take advantage of Azure services like Functions, Cognitive Services, Machine Learning and more to gain actionable intelligence on their data and make informed business decisions. More azure native integrations options are available in BizTalk Server 2020.Editions OverviewBizTalk Server 2020 offers four editions:• Enterprise Edition for customers with enterprise level requirements for high volume, reliability and availability• Standard Edition for organizations with moderate volume and deployment scale requirements• Branch Edition for hub and spoke deployment scenarios• Developer Edition for testing and development use in conjunction with any of the above three editions.BizTalk 2020 Licensing Models BizTalk Server 2020 is licensed exclusively in the Per Core licensing model. Per Core licensing provides customers with a precise measure of computing power and a consistent licensing metric, regardless of whether solutions are deployed on physical servers on-premises, or in virtual or cloud environments.• To license a physical server—when running BizTalk Server in a physical OSE—all physical cores on the server must be licensed.• A minimum of four core licenses are required for each physical processor on the server.Depending on the BizTalk Server 2020 edition deployed, the following usage requirements also apply: • BizTalk Server 2020 Branch or Standard Edition software may not be installed on a server that is part of a networked cluster or in an OSE that is part of a networked cluster of OSEs on the same server.• BizTalk Server 2020 Branch Edition software may only be installed on servers at the endpoint of its internal network (or edge of its organization) to connect business events or transactions with activities processed at that endpoint, provided, the server does not:• act as the central node in a “hub and spoke” networkingmodel,• centralize enterprise-wide communications with otherServers or devices; or• automate business processes across divisions, businessunits, or branch offices.Use of BizTalk Server Branch edition requires BizTalkServer Enterprise Edition be installed as the central nodein a “hub and spoke” architecture. Licensing for VirtualizationBizTalk Server 2020 offers virtualization rights, options and benefits to provide flexibility for customers deploying in virtual environments. There are two primary virtualization licensing options in BizTalk Server 2020 —the ability to license individual virtual machines and the ability to license for maximum virtualization in highly virtualized and private cloud environments.INDIVIDUAL VIRTUAL MACHINESAs hardware capabilities grow, it continues to be more common for each database to use a fraction of its server’s computing power. When deploying databases on Virtual Machines (VMs) that use just a fraction of a physical server, savings can be achieved by licensing individual VMs.• To license a VM with core licenses, purchase a core license for each virtual core (virtual thread) allocated to the VM (with a minimum of 4 core licenses per VM).• Each licensed VM covered with SA can be moved frequently within a server farm, or to a third-party hoster or cloud services provider, without the need to purchase additional BizTalk Server licenses.HIGH DENSITY VIRTUALIZATIONFurther savings can be achieved when licensing BizTalk Server 2020 for highly virtualized private cloud deployments. This is a great option for customers who want to take advantage of the full computing power of their physical servers and have very dynamic provisioning and de-provisioning of virtual resources.• Customers can deploy an unlimited number of VMs on theserver and utilize the full capacity of the licensed hardware, by fully licensing the server (or server farm) with BizTalkEnterprise Edition core licenses and SA coverage based on the total number of physical cores on the servers.• SA enables the ability to run an unlimited number of virtualmachines to handle dynamic workloads and fully utilize the hardware’s computing power.License Mobility through Software AssuranceVolume license customers with active Software Assurance on BizTalk Server per-core licenses may assign these licenses to virtual cores running on shared 3rd party servers (public cloud). For information on License Mobility please visit the License Mobility through Software Assurance page at: https:///licensing/licensing-programs/software-assurance-license-mobilityAdditional ResourcesFor additional information on deploying BizTalk Server software— including more details on the new features included in this new version release— https:///biztalk/©2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is forinformational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.。
一、登录黑马打印服务器:图1说明:用户若只使用前台时无需选中登录密码输入框下面的各选项,在使用点菜宝或PDA 的情况下可根据实际情况选中相应的选项。
myFAX 说明书
myFAX使用说明书目录一产品配备 (2)二硬件连接 (2)三设定IP信息与系统时间 (2)四运行环境 (3)五myFAX传真管理器软件安装与卸载 (3)1.软件安装 (3)2.软件卸载 (3)六myFAX服务器配置与管理 (4)1.用户登陆 (4)2. myFAX传真管理器登录帐号配置 (4)3.添加新用户与用户管理 (4)3.1 添加新用户 (4)3.2 用户权限 (4)3.3 转发E-mail设置 (4)4. myFAX服务器参数设置 (4)4.1 传真机标识 (4)4.2 拔号规则 (4)4.3 接收参数 (4)4.4 线路收发控制 (5)4.5 传输参数 (5)5.设置发送选项 (5)5.1 IP拨号设置 (5)5.2 重拨次数设置 (5)5.3 优先级和有效期设置 (5)6.定时查收传真 (5)7.设置传真到达通知提示 (5)8.上传提示音文件 (6)9.打印机管理 (6)10.制作和添加印章及签字 (6)七传真收发管理 (6)1.传真发送 (6)2.通过文件编辑软件发送传真 (6)3.系统内部用户间传真转发 (6)4.接收传真 (6)5.传真群发 (6)八传真浏览、编辑、签章 (6)九电话薄编辑与群发组管理 (7)1.电话薄编辑 (7)2.群发组管理 (7)3.电话薄的导入和导出 (7)十日志查询及任务监控 (7)1.查看myFAX服务器任务 (7)2.查看myFAX服务器发送结束的任务 (8)3.查看myFAX服务器收发历史记录 (8)4.查看群发组状态 (8)5.日志查询 (8)十一语音提示 (8)1.启用语音提示功能 (8)2.语音的录制 (8)3.更新语音提示 (9)十二数据安全 (9)1.数据备份 (9)2.数据恢复 (9)十三附录 (9)my使用说明书一 产品配备myFAX网络传真机 ………………………… 1台专用电源适配器 …….……………………… 1个光盘(安装程序,使用手册) ………………….. 1张电话线 ..…………………………………….. ..1条以太网线缆(5类直通线) …………………….1条用户登记/保修卡…………………………….1张橡胶底垫………………………………4个请小心打开设备外包装,确认以下设备件完整。
BizFAX E系列是一款为Soho用户和小型企业量身定做的无纸传真系统,BizFAX很好地 结合了传统传真线路和网络技术。传真过程无纸化,全部由电子档管理,为您节省了大量耗 材的开销,也让您省去了卡纸,留置后字迹不清的问题,同时还可以让您也不必再为收到一 些垃圾传真而烦恼。为您打造一个轻松舒适的办公环境。
Page 3
BizFAX-E 系列 服务端用户手册
1. 简介
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E系列 用户手册
BizFAX-E 系列 服务端用户手册
1. 简介................................................................................................ 4 1.1 产品简介 ...................................................................................... 4 1.2 产品功能 ...................................................................................... 4 1.3 硬件特性 ...................................................................................... 5 2. 硬件安装 .......................................................................................... 7 2.1 连接示意图.................................................................................... 7 2.2 运行环境 ...................................................................................... 7 2.3 硬件连接 ...................................................................................... 7 3. 管理 BIZFAX ..................................................................................... 9 3.1 管理员登录.................................................................................... 9 3.2 基本设置 .....................................................................................10 3.2.1 传真分机 ................................................................................10 物理传真分机 ....................................................................10 虚拟传真分机 ....................................................................11 3.2.2 外线.....................................................................................12 3.2.3 呼出路由 ...............................................................................14 增加呼出路由 ...................................................................14 删除呼出路由 ...................................................................15 3.3 呼入设置 .....................................................................................16 3.3.1 自动话务员(IVR) ..................................................................16 添加 IVR..........................................................................16 删除 IVR..........................................................................18 3.3.2 呼入路由 ...............................................................................18 创建呼入路由 ....................................................................19 删除呼入路由 ....................................................................20 3.3.3 黑名单 ..................................................................................20 3.4 系统设置 .....................................................................................22 3.4.1 常规设置 ...............................................................................22 3.4.2 系统提示音 ............................................................................23 3.4.3 邮箱设置 ...............................................................................23 3.4.4 网络设置 ...............................................................................24 3.4.5 文件清理 ...............................................................................25 3.4.6 备份和还原 ............................................................................26 3.4.7 固件升级 ...............................................................................27 3.4.8 重置和重启 ............................................................................28 3.4.9 密码设置 ...............................................................................29 3.5 报告 ...........................................................................................30 3.5.1 传真记录 ................................................................................30 3.5.2 备份传真记录 ..........................................................................31 3.5.3 系统信息 ................................................................................32
S系列客户端用户手册深圳市嘿哇科技有限公司目录第一章简介 (2)第二章运行环境及系统要求 (3)2.1 硬件环境 (3)2.2 软件环境 (3)第三章安装客户端 (4)第四章客户端的使用 (8)4.1 客户端登录 (8)4.2 发送传真 (9)4.3 接收传真 (16)4.4 传真转发至邮件(FAX to Mail) (17)4.5 管理传真 (17)4.6传真编辑器 (19)4.7 短信模块 (25)4.8 传真分机管理 (26)4.9 联系人管理 (28)4.10 传真分机内部通信 (32)4.11 个人资料管理 (33)4.12 修改密码 (34)4.13 更改语言 (34)4.14 音频设置 (34)4.15 注销与退出 (35)第五章邮件收发传真 (36)5.1 通过邮件接收传真(FAX to Mail) (36)5.2通过邮件发送传真(Mail to FAX) (36)附录A制作TIFF格式的传真文件 (38)第一章简介BizFAX无纸传真系统是将传真技术与网络技术相结合的一种智能型的传真服务器。
传真全面备份,可方便地分类管理,还可进行传真内部审批、电子签章、异地远程传真(Mail to Fax 和 FAX to Mail)等功能,实现了传真的全程无纸化处理。
第二章运行环境及系统要求2.1 硬件环境CPU:推荐使用奔腾PIII500 以上CPU。
2.2 软件环境操作系统:Windows XP、Windows 2000、Windows 2003、Windows Vista、Windows 2008、Windows 7及以上。
好讯企业版 企业即时通讯 使用手册说明书
好讯企业版(企业即时通讯)使用手册目录第一章安装教学 (1)一、好讯概述 (1)二、好讯APP的获取 (1)三、好讯APP安装步骤 (1)1、在线安装步骤 (1)2、离线安装步骤 (1)第二章使用教学 (2)一、好讯初始化/向导 (2)1、启动MySQL服务器和TCP/IP网络 (2)2、新建好讯数据库 (2)(1)安装phpMyAdmin APP (2)(2)新建好讯数据库 (3)3、好讯安装 (4)4、登录好讯系统管理后台 (6)5、下载好讯的PC客户端 (7)6、好讯PC客户端的安装 (8)7、PC端登录好讯 (10)二、APP功能介绍 (11)1、进入管理中心 (11)2、创建组织架构 (12)(1)创建组织分支 (12)(2)组织添加成员 (13)3、添加好友及会话 (14)(1)添加好友 (14)(2)好友会话 (17)4、发送公告广播 (18)三、移动客户端的使用 (20)1、下载客户端 (20)2、登陆客户端 (23)3、好友会话 (25)四、相关资源 (26)1.好讯官方网站 (26)第三章问&答 (26)一、为什么下载无法安装的客户端? (26)第一章安装教学一、好讯概述好讯是国内领先的企业一站式服务平台,由上海好讯网络科技有限公司研发运营,致力于打造的一个在线办公互联平台,为企事业单位及电子商务网站提供即时通讯整套定制服务,同时提供企业商铺服务和企业社交平台。
二、好讯APP的获取下载该APP,可从“App Center”中在线安装(推荐在线安装),或从官方网站下载离线安装包。
三、好讯APP安装步骤1、在线安装步骤安装“haoxun”,在“App Center”中搜索“haoxun”,并点击“加入到QTS”,如下列图所示:注意:安装完成haoxun,请点击“开启”按钮,若能打开安装向导界面,说明安装正确,可以进行下一步操作,否则,请先确保haoxun安装正确,再进行下一步。
IBM MQ AIX服务器定制指南说明书
Customization of an AIX server for using MQhttps:///support/pages/node/6405792Date last updated: 26-Feb-2021Angel Rivera –*************.comIBM MQ Support+++ ObjectiveThis techdoc describes some suggestions for customization of an AIX server in order to use it for MQ queue managers or MQ client applications.A zip file is included that has some sample files and scripts that you can use to facilitate the handling of command prompt sessions and have better interaction.The sections are:+ Using Putty to do remote connection from a Windows PC to the AIX host+ Customization of Putty for using Function Key F3 with smitty+ Creating groups and userids+ Customization of nofiles, data, stack, maxuproc, bos.iconv.ucs Unicode converters+ Downloading, customizing and using the sample scripts+ Customization of bash login for root+ Customization of set-mq-xxx scripts in /usr/local/bin to reflect MQ installations+ Customize the bash login for user "mqm" or the normal user "fulano"+ Regarding support for OS versions across the MQ versions+++ Using Putty to do remote connection from a Windows PC to the AIX hostThe application PuTTY is a very good choice for remote access from your Windows PC to a AIX host.It opens a terminal session where you can enter command lines (no interaction with GUIs) /Download PuTTYPuTTY is an SSH and telnet client.In Windows the file is: putty.exeYou can place putty.exe in a directory that is in your PATH.You can create an icon for your desktop for Putty.After you start PuTTY you will see a GUI interface.For the example virtual system for AIX:Host Name: Port: 22Connection T ype: (*) SSHSaved Session: XXX-Angel (then clicked button 'Save')Then click Open to start the sessionBecause you are using SSH, then you will get a one-type question regarding the SSL key.You need to accept it. Click Yes.Then you will see an AIX command prompt for the userid and password. User: rootPassword: (root password)After the login, you will be able to enter commands.T o terminate the PuTTY session, type:exit+++ Customization of Putty for using Function Key F3 with smittyThe GUI tool “smit” is a very useful Administrative tool in AIX.If you use Putty or similar tool to connect from Windows to AIX, then you cannot use the GUI “smit” but you can use the equivalent text-character interface called “smitty”. However, the default setup does not allow the Function Keys, such as F3, to work properly. You need to customize Putty in order to allow for these Function Keys to work.See workaround from the following web page:https:///2014/05/08/function-keys-not-working-on-aix-smitty-when-using-putty/Function keys not working on AIX (smitty) when using PuttyPosted on May 8, 2014 by Wannes Rams+ begin excerptGo to you Putty preferences and alter you r “T erminal –Keyboard” settings for the “fu nction keys and keypad” to “Xterm R6”Make sure to save this setting to your server connection.+ end excerptHere is a screen capture that shows the proper setup in Putty:+++ Creating groups and userids+ Required:You need to create a group called “mqm” and a user called “mqm”.The user “mqm” must be a member of the group “mqm”Why? Because these names are hardcoded for MQ.Also, keep in mind that any user that is a member of the group “mqm” is an MQ Administrator, with all the authorities on the queue manager.Notes:- Even though it could be confusing for novice administrators to have the same string “mqm” for a group name and for a user name, it is fine in Unix (but not in Windows).- The numbers for the ids (such as 501) are used here for illustration purpose. It is NOT required that you must use these numbers!- The numeric ids for groups and users are not related. Thus, a groupid of 501 has nothing to do with a userid of 501. That is, the number 501 for groups is not related to the number 501 for users. If you think that it is confusing, then you could use different numbers for mqm.Login as user: rootCreate a group called “mqm” with groupid of 202:mkgroup -'A' id='202' mqmCreate a user also called “mqm” with userid of 205 and who belongs to group “mqm”: mkuser id='205' pgrp='mqm' home='/home/mqm' mqmYou can assign the password:passwd mqmYou can use the command “id” to find out the ids and the group membership:id mqmuid=205(mqm) gid=202(mqm) groups=1(staff)Note that:uid=205 is the numeric id for user “mqm”gid=202 is the numeric id for group “mqm”. This is the PRIMARY group for the user! groups=202 is the group membership. In this case, the user mqm belongs to only 1 group (which is the primary), but the user can belong to more groups.+ Optional:- An MQ administrative user that belongs to the group “mqm”.For example, creating userid "rivera" who belongs to the group "mqm":mkuser id='1020' pgrp='mqm' home='/home/rivera' riverapasswd rivera- A group called “mquser” for those non-Administrative users who need to put/get messages.mkgroup -'A' id='1005' mquser- A group called “mqviewer” for those non-Administrative users who do not need to put/get messages, but who can inquire, display and browse.mkgroup -'A' id='1006' mqviewer- A non-administrative user that belongs to the group “m quser” for testing purpos es.The default shell will be: /usr/bin/kshmkuser id='1021' pgrp='mquser' home='/home/fulano' fulanopasswd fulano- A non-administrative user that belongs to the group “m qviewer” for testing purpose s. mkuser id='1022' pgrp='mqviewer' home='/home/mengano' menganopasswd mengano+++ Customization of nofiles, data, stack, maxuproc, bos.iconv.ucs Unicode converters++ How to address typical problems reported by mqconfigExample of the output of the MQ tool mqconfigmqconfig: Analyzing AIX 7.2 TL5 (powerpc) settings for IBM MQ V9.0Operating System PatchesApplications using user trace hooks fail when trace is enabled PASSSystem V Semaphoressemmni 6 sets [Auto Tuned] PASSsemmns 8 semaphores [Auto Tuned] PASSSystem V Shared Memoryshmmni 1 sets [Auto Tuned] PASSSystem SettingsUnicode Filesets used by IBM MQ Data Conversion Unicode Converters for AIX Code Sets/Fonts PASSbos.iconv.ucs.ebcdic Unicode Converters for EBCDIC Code Sets WARNbos.iconv.ucs.pc Unicode Converters for Additional PC Code Sets WARNCurrent User Limits (root)nofiles (-Hn) unlimited files IBM>=10240 PASSnofiles (-Sn) 2000 files IBM>=10240 FAILdata (-Sd) unlimited kbytes IBM>=unlimited PASSstack (-Ss) 32768 kbytes IBM>=unlimited WARNShell Default Options (root)ksh bgnice:off IBM:off PASS mqconfig: A PASS score means your system meets the minimumIBM recommendations but busy systems may need++ The rest of this section provides references and examples on how to address them. See online MQ manual:https:///support/knowledgecenter/SSFKSJ_9.2.0/ IBM MQ 9.2.x / IBM MQ / Installing and uninstalling / Installing and uninstalling IBM MQ on AIX / Checking requirements on AIX /Hardware and software requirements on AIX systemsUnicode support on AIXIf you need to convert data to and from Unicode on your system, you must install the following file sets: Unicode converters for AIX setsbos.iconv.ucs.ebcdic Unicode converters for EBCDIC setsbos.iconv.ucs.pc Unicode converters for PC setshttps:///support/knowledgecenter/SSFKSJ_9.2.0/ IBM MQ 9.2.x / IBM MQ / Installing and uninstalling / Installing and uninstalling IBM MQ on AIX / Preparing the system on AIX /Configuring and tuning the operating system on AIX.+ begin... increase the process limit for the number of file descriptors. You must alter the nofiles attribute in /etc/security/limits to 10,000 for the mqm user ID, or in the default stanza. To alter the number of file descriptors, complete the following steps:Check the maximum number of file descriptors available to a process running as mqm:lsuser -a nofiles mqmSet the value to at least 10240:chuser nofiles=10240 mqmchuser nofiles_hard=10240 mqmCopy codeSet the system resource limit for data segment and stack segment to unlimited using the following commands in a command prompt:ulimit -d unlimitedulimit -s unlimited+ endExample: as user root modify /etc/security/limitsmqm:nofiles = 10240data = -1stack = -1Log on to AIX as root.Type the following command and press Enter:lsattr -E -l sys0Note:The character l in the command is a lowercase L (for logical device), not the number 1. The number next to maxuproc is the value to which the parameter is set.Example output:...maxuproc 128 Maximum number of PROCESSES allowed per user True...To change the maximum number of user processes, type the following command and press Enter:chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=1024The system changes the upper limit on user processes to the number you indicate, and stores the changed parameter in the database.Example:+++ROOT+++ aglet: /downloads/mq9001/MQServer# chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=1024sys0 changed+++ROOT+++ aglet: /downloads/mq9001/MQServer# lsattr -E -l sys0 | grep maxuprocmaxuproc 1024 Maximum number of PROCESSES allowed per user True+++ Downloading, customizing and using the sample scriptsLogin as root.Create a subdirectory for the “downloads”:$ mkdir /downloads+ Step 1: Download in /downloadsDownload the file “” file into /downloads from one of the following places:a) From the technote that provides this PDF file (see cover page for the URL)b) IBM Internal, from Box:b.1) Public versionhttps:///s/ioirawy02t6tcugkvwcmekasr68q10f1b.2) IBM Internal versionhttps:///s/0s8d9gxup1imt1f14vinfqmuomep5bu1Step 1.5: Unzip the zip fileThere is a zip file that has a collection of scripts that can be helpful:user-local-bin.zipThe files need to be extracted by root, and are placed in a directory that is accessible to other users:/usr/local/binAs user root, go to the directory:$ cd /usr/local/binThen unzip the zip file from /downloads$ unzip /downloads/usr-local-bin.zipSome utilities inside the zip file are:dspmq80 => It is helpful if you have many queue managers at multiple versions and you want to see only the queue managers for a given version, such as 8.0:dspmq -o installation -o status | grep "8\.0"findfile => recursive search in a directory structure to find a file name.Similar to Windows: dir /s *name*myJMSAdmin => Wrapper to invoke the JMSAdmin utility to maintain the JMS Administrative objects for the JNDIrunmqjava and runmqjms => Wrappers to invoke MQ Java and MQ JMS and seekci => Search the contents of files for a specific text (the seekci is case insensitive).Similar to Windows: findstrset-mq-80 => Wrapper to issue the setmqenv command for a given version and adds the directories for samples into the PATH, such as MQ 8.0+ Step 2: Transfer zip file to desired host (via FileZilla in Windows)Assuming that you downloaded the zip file into your Windows box, then you can transfer the zip file via FileZilla to the desired Linux host/VM where you can place the zip file under the directory /usr/local/binFileZilla Client is a GUI front end in Windows for ftp and sftp. Very good!https:///In FileZilla setup a login profile for the desired destination host/VM.File > "Site Manager"… and add an entry with the desired values. Here is a sample definition:Then you can specify the source folder and destination folder. Finally select the desired file to upload and proceed to upload it.+ Step 3: Login to remote hostUse PuTTY to access the remote Linux box to unzip the file.You need to login as root.Go to /usr/local/bin and unzip the file.+++ROOT+++ : /usr/local/bin# unzip user-local-bin-public.zipArchive: user-local-bin-public.zipinflating: …...Ensure that they can be executed:chmod 755 dsp* se*Note:The set-mq-x scripts use /opt/mqm for Linux. You may need to modify them for AIX and replace /opt/mqm with /usr/mqmSpecifically the 3rd line. Change from Linux default:. /opt/mqm/bin/setmqenv -n Installation1T o. /usr/mqm/bin/setmqenv -n Installation1+++ Customization of login for rootLogin as rootEnsure to be in the HOME directory for root (which is /):cd $HOMECopy the following files from /usr/local/bin+ Copy file dot.exrc as .exrcCommand:cp /usr/local/bin/dot.exrc .exrcWhy? It is helpful when working with vi.The contents of .exrc is 1 line:set showmode showmatch nowrapscan icWhere:- set showmode" - shows the current mode: If you're in command mode, like you are when you first enter vi, you won't see anything different. But as soon as you enter insert mode, the words "INSERT MODE" are displayed in the lower-left corner on your screen.- set showmatch - highlights matching parentheses- set nowrapscan - This stops the search at the end of the file (the default is to wrap around the beginning).- set ic - ignore case during a search (that is, case insensitive search)+ Copy file profile.rootCommand:cp /usr/local/bin/bashrc.root profile.rootWhy? It has nice customization featuresSECURITY NOTE:Please review the file profile.root and ensure that it meets your security guidelines.For example, take a look at the lines that customize the PATH.+ (optional) Modify file: profile.rootYou could modify the variable SITE to provide a more meaningful name to be shown in the prompt, instead of the IP address, such as:+++ROOT+++ SUSE-host4: /Find the line for SITE and replace the value with the desired name, in this case"RHEL-host4"Before:export SITE=`hostname`After:export SITE="RHEL-host4"+ Modify existing file: .profileWhy? T o execute profile.root upon loginIf the file does not exist, then create it:touch .profileAdd to the bottom of the .profile file:## Customization. ./profile.root## end of scriptThen logout and login again, in order to enable the new profile settings.You will see now that the prompt includes ROOT, the hostname and the directory (in this case, $HOME which is / )+++ROOT+++ aglet: /#++ Customization of set-mq-xxx scripts in /usr/local/bin to reflect MQ installations.There are several scripts that can be useful when dealing with MQ installations.Even if you have only MQ installation, then you need to review the appropriate set-mq script and ensure that the desired path name and Installation number is properly indicated. For example, as user root, if your main MQ installation is MQ 9.2, then you can create 2 corresponding scripts from the samples for MQ 8.0:cd /usr/local/bincp set-mq-80 set-mq-92cp dspmq80 dspmq92For example, ensure the proper values at the top of the script set-mq-92# Purpose: to setup the environment to run MQ 9.2. /usr/mqm/bin/setmqenv -n Installation1And for the script dspmq92 you can change it to search for the proper version:dspmq -o installation -o status | grep "9\.2"+++ Customize the bash login for user "mqm" or the normal user "fulano"Login to the desired userid, such a “mqm”.+ Copy file dot.exrc as .exrcSee the customization for root regarding .exrccp /usr/local/bin/dot.exrc .exrc+ Copy file bashrc.better as profile.betterSee the customization for root regarding copying bashrc.root into profile.root. However, instead of bashrc.root, you need to copy bashrc.better because it has customization appropriate for user mqmcp /usr/local/bin/bashrc.better profile.better+ Modify file profile.betterEnsure to use the proper script that sets the MQ environment variables for the desired installation of MQ.For example, the following specifies MQ 9.2 (the set-mq-92 script is located in/usr/local/bin):## Set default MQ version:. set-mq-92+ Modify file: .profileThere is no need to replace this file, just add the following lines at the end.Modify the file to point to profile.bettervi .profile## Customization. ./profile.better## end of scriptThen logout and login again, in order to enable the new profile settings.You will see now that the prompt includes your user login, the hostname and the directory. Notice that (13) refers to the history of the commands and that this means that there are already 12 items in the history.mqm@aglet: /home/mqm(13)+ Regarding support for OS versions across the MQ versions Start by visiting:https:///support/pages/node/318077System Requirements for IBM MQFollow the prompts for the desired version and then for AIX. + Minimum versions for AIX:MQ 9.2:AIX 7.1, TL5 SP2AIX 7.2, TL3MQ 9.1:AIX 7.1, TL5AIX 7.2, TL2MQ 9.0:AIX 7.1, TL4AIX 7.2, BaseMQ 8.0:AIX 6.1, TL8AIX 7.1, TL2AIX 7.2, BaseMQ 7.1 and 7.5:AIX 6.1 TL5AIX 7.1MQ 7.0:AIX 5.3 Technology Level 04 or laterAIX 6.1AIX 7.1 Technology Level 00 or laterMQ 6:AIX 5.2 with Maintenance Level 3AIX 5.3AIX 6.1+++ end +++。
Scholastic Oracle Cloud Supplier Portal User GuideTable of ContentsIntroduction to the Supplier Portal (3)What is the Supplier Portal? (3)Navigating the Supplier portal (3)Logging in (3)Homepage Navigation (4)Notifications (5)Overview Menu (6)Summary Tab (6)Orders Tab (7)Schedules (8)Negotiations Tab (9)Request for Quote (RFQ) (10)Receiving an Invite for a Negotiation (10)Viewing the RFQ (10)Creating a Response (12)Award Decision (18)Purchase Orders (PO) (20)PO Notification (20)Review PO Details (21)Acknowledge a PO (22)Enter/Revise a Promised Ship Date for a Schedule (24)Manage Schedules (26)Order Life Cycle (27)Invoices (29)Create and Submit an Invoice (29)Miscellaneous Charges (33)Create Invoice without PO (34)View Invoices (36)View Payments (37)Supplier Preferences (39)Introduction to the Supplier PortalWhat is the Supplier Portal?The Scholastic Supplier Portal is a secure, web-based workspace that provides our vendors with full visibility to Scholastic transactions, including request for quotations (RFQ), purchase orders, and invoices.The Supplier Portal plays a key role in Scholastic’s Or acle ERP transformation, as this tool helps improve communication with our suppliers by automating and streamlining the source-to settleprocess.Navigating the Supplier portalLogging inOnce your password has been set, click on the “Oracle Fusion Prod” icon to reach the Supplier Portal home page.Once your password has been set, log in on the home pageHomepage NavigationOn the home page, click on the Supplier Portal icon to open the “Overview” page.NotificationsAt the top right corner of the home page, a bell icon will display your pending notifications. This includes new purchase orders pending acknowledgement as well as invitations to a negotiation.Note: Clicking on the notification brings you to the PO or Negotiation in questionOverview MenuThe overview page provides a snapshot into Scholastic’s most recent transact ions as well as anything requiring attention.Summary TabWorklist: A list of all pending notifications sent to the current supplier user. These are the same notifications found in the bell at the top of the page. Please note that most notifications willalso be sent via email.Watch list: Contains a set of saved searches which display counts of urgent or recenttransactions, possibly requiring action, such as Orders Pending Acknowledgment. Clicking awatch list entry navigates direct to the screen so that user can begin working on the transactions immediately.Contains the header detail of our purchase orders. The header contains the PO issued date andthe total $ amount ordered. The item level detail, quantity, and ship-to locations can be foundin “Schedules”.Orders with Recent Activity: A list of orders that have been Opened, Changed, or Canceledwithin the last week. This date can be manually changed to display more or less orders. Indicates an orderhas been cancelledA purchase order “Schedule” contains the quantity, ship-to location, and promised ship date.An order with a ship date in the past is highlighted with an alert. Schedules must be kept up todate. The promised ship dates that you provide are visible for everyone at Scholastic.At the bottom, “Recent Receipts” will list all purchase order schedules received within the lastweek.Indicates a promisedship date is past dueNegotiations TabRequest for Quotation (RFQ) transactions that the supplier is involved in or is invited to by Scholastic. It provides a quick summary to easily monitor the status and responses.Request for Quote (RFQ)Receiving an Invite for a NegotiationThe Scholastic Sourcing group has the ability to invite vendors to bid on projects through theSupplier Portal. If your organization is invited to a negotiation, you will receive an email as well as a notification in the Supplier Portal.The email invitation will include a PDF overview of the project. There is also a link that will take you directly to the RFQ in the Supplier Portal.Viewing the RFQYou can view the RFQ by clicking on the link the email notification. Another option is to go to the Supplier Portal and navigate to the Negotiations tab. Click on the negotiation number inquestion.This will bring up the RFQ cover page with the time remaining to respond displayed. On the left hand side of the RFQ, you will see links to the different components of the RFQ.Click on the Overview link. This will bring up the Overview page, which has key dates tied to the RFQ. On the right hand side, you will find attachments to the RFQ. The attachment will have the requirements for the RFQ along with instructions, quantities, and any other relevant information.Click on the Lines link. This will bring up the line items tied to the RFQ. In some cases, due to complex requirements, there will be one placeholder line visible with the advanced requirements included in an attachment.Creating a ResponseWhen you decide to bid on an RFQ, you must first acknowledge that you will participate. You can do this from the Negotiations dashboard by scrolling to the “Open Invitations” section. Highlight the negotiation, and click on the Acknowledge Participation button.This will bring up the Acknowledge Participation popup. You can select Yes or No, and enter a comment to the Scholastic buyer.At this point, if you refresh the Negotiations dashboard, you will see YES listed in the ‘Will Participate’ column. You can create your response by highlighting the Negotiation and clicking on the Create Response button.Another way to create a response is to open the RFQ and click on the Create Response button on the upper right hand sideThis will bring up the response page. Enter the quote expiration date, an internal quote number if you have one, and any notes to the buyer. You can also attach any correspondence by clicking on the + sign next to Attachments.You can attach more than one file by clicking on the + sign.Once you attach a file, it will show up on the main screen. You can remove the attachment by clicking on the X next to the file name. Hit Save and then Next.This will bring you to the “Lines” screen. Enter unit costs for the lines along with a Promised Ship Date.For most negotiations, the Scholastic buyer will give the supplier an option to create your own line by clicking on the + sign under Create Alternate. This is especially useful if you want to incorporate a unique idea or proposal.On the Alternate Line screen, you are required to enter a description, response price, and response quantity. You can enter a note to the buyer and also attach files to the alternate line.After hitting Save and Close, the alternate line will be added to the RFQ response.Hit Save and Next. This will bring you to the Review screen, where you can view the response as a whole. There are tabs for the Overview and Lines. When you are ready to submit the response to Scholastic, hit Submit.You will receive confirmation that the response was submitted.Award DecisionAfter the Scholastic buyer receives all bids, they will award either the whole job, or part of the job.If you are selected, you will receive an email notification as well as an Oracle notification confirming which lines of the negation were awarded to you. If you are not selected, it’s up to the Scholastic buyer if they want to inform the suppliers systematically that were not selected. You would receive a similar alert, but t he awarded lines amount will be “0”.Clicking on the notification will bring up the award decision. In the screenshot below, one line was awarded.Here is a screenshot of an award decision where nothing was awarded:Another way to view the outcome of the RFQ is to go to the Negotiations home screen. Scroll down to Completed Negotiations. The little green circle with a check mark indicates that the bid was awarded, while the note “No award” in the amount signifies that your bid was not accepted.Purchase Orders (PO)PO NotificationWhen a Scholastic purchase order is issued, you will receive an email notification with a PDFattachmentIf an acknowledgment is required, the email subject will include “Requires Acknowledgment”. A notification alert will also be displayed at the top of Supplier Portal to note an action is required.When a “R evised” PO is received, the email subject will include the “Revision #”Review PO DetailsOpen the attachment in the email to view a PDF of the purchase order. Additionally, on the “Orders” overview tab in the Supplier Portal, all recent PO’s will be listed under “Opened”. You will have the option of viewing a PDF, opening the order for acknowledgment, as well as updating the order with a confirmed promised ship date.Acknowledge a POSome Scholastic POs will require a supplier acknowledgment within the Portal. The PO will not be considered “open” until the Supplier completes the acknowledgment process. If a PO requires acknowl edgment, the email subject will note “Requires Acknowledgement”. You can acknowledge the PO from the link in the email or log into the supplier portal and click on the “Pending Acknowledgment” link in the Watch list.Note: A notification alert will pop-up as well as a task in the “Work list”. While both of these serve as links to the PO, it is suggested to acknowledge an order by using the link in the “Watch List”, as this method is most efficient.A “Manage Orders” screen will be displayed with all orders pending acknowledgement. Click on an order #.The PO header and details will be displayed. At the top right of the screen, select the “Acknowledge PO” button.You may need to acknowledge both the order (under “Terms”) and each Schedule line. You are given the option to “Accept” or “Reject”. Please only “Accept” the PO using this process. If there is something wrong with the order, please reach out to your Scholastic buyer via email or phone.In the top right hand corner, hit “Submit”Then hit “OK” and “Done” to close out of the order.The acknowledgment has been sent back to Scholastic and the order status is now “Open”.Enter/Revise a Promised Ship Date for a ScheduleOn every order, we send a “Requested Ship Date”. We expect that every supplier will respond with a “Promised Ship Date” confirming when you can ship. These dates are loaded into the Scholastic system for reporting purposes, so it’s i mportant that they are populated for every order and kept up to date.From the “Orders” or “Schedules” tab, select an order to edit:This brings you to the PO screen. The top part contains the PO header information with your supplier information. The “Lines” and Schedules” tabs at the bottom contain the PO detail.In the previous screenshot, the requested ship date is 4/26/18. However, the promised ship date is blank. In order to enter a new promised ship date or revise an existing promised ship date, click the “Actions” button on the top right of the screen and select “Edit”.A warning message pops up to confirm that any action will create a change order. Click “Yes”.In the “Schedules” tab, enter a new promised ship date and a change reason if applicable.Enter a description of the change order you made at the top o f the PO and then hit “Submit”.Note: Hitting “Save” will save your work, but will not send the updated date back to Scholastic. You must select “Submit”.After hitting “submit”, a popup message confirms that your changes have been sent to Scholastic. We will reach out to you with any questions.Manage SchedulesTo search and view all orders and schedules, select the task button while in the Overview screen in the supplier portalIt opens up a tab on the right side with a number of options. Under “Orders”, select “Manage Schedules”.The Manage Orders screen allows you to search all PO Schedules, open or closed. The default search is “All”, but you can search using a number of parameters, as well as setup custom searches. You can also easily tell which schedules don’t have a “Promised Ship Date” by sorting the field. In fact, all of the fields are sortable.Order Life CycleWhen you select a PO to view or edit, the “Order Life Cycle” graph can be found on the top right of the screen. It is a graphical view of the dollar amount ordered, received, delivered, and invoiced. Select “View Details” for additional information.The Order Life Cycle now displays a complete order summary including in-transit shipment information (pulled in from our OTM module), receipt dates, and invoice status.InvoicesCreate and Submit an InvoiceThe Scholastic Supplier Portal allows you to submit invoices directly to Scholastic. Processing your invoices through the supplier portal will increase the speed that your payment isprocessed. In the task list, select “Create Invoice”.In the “Create Invoice” section, s elect an order from the “Identifying PO” drop down list. This will populate most of the fields. Then enter y our internal “Invoice Number” and today’s date.In the “Items” section, hit the “Select and add” button to choose the PO lines you’d like to add to the invoice.Select the line(s) and hit “Apply”.Then hit “OK”. The item(s) has been added to the invoice.In the quantity field, enter the shipped quantity.Note: This version of Oracle Cloud does not allow overage to be invoiced. Theinvoiced quantity cannot exceed the order quantity. We are working with Oracle to correct this in a future release. For now, please work with the buyer to revise the PO when the shipped quantity exceeds the ordered amount, or add the overage amount as a miscellaneous cost under “Shipping and Handling” at the bottom of the invoice.In the Location of Final Discharge, enter the tax Province to capture the correct tax code.Once all the line items have been added to the Invoice, click on the Calculate Tax Button. Your taxes should now be calculated on the Invoice.Note: if you calculate tax after only one line item is picked, it will not work on anysubsequent line items.Miscellaneous ChargesHit the “Add” button under “Shipping and Handling” and select “Miscellaneous”. Enter an amount and descriptionNote: Freight is not a viable option as all of our shipments should route through the Scholastic Logistics group via the OTM system.Hit “Submit” to send the invoice to ScholasticA pop-up message will confirm that the invoice has been submittedCreate Invoice without POFor services completed where a Scholastic PO wasn’t issued, please submit an invoice using the “Create Invoice without PO”.On the invoice header, enter your invoice number, today’s date, and attach any pertinent documents. You must also enter the email address of the buyer at Scholastic who will receive and approve the invoice.Must be TODAYS DATEFor the invoice details, hit the + icon to add a line. Select a ship to and Location of Final Discharge, enter an amount and a description of the services provided.To add taxes, hit the “Calculate Tax” button.Note: Location of Final Discharge much be populated in order to calculate taxes on the invoice.Add miscellaneous charges at the bottom under “Shipping and Handling”.Hit “Submit” at the top of the screen and you’ll receive a confirmation message that your invoice has been submitted.To search for all submitted invoices, o n the Task Menu, select “View Invoices”Select your “Supplier” name, and hit search. You can use the fields to narrow your search as well as create custom searches. You can see the Invoice Status, as well as a Payment Number to confirm that a payment has been made against your invoice. Please note that all of these columns can be sorted.To search for invoice payment status, on the Task Menu, select “View Payments”Select your “Supplier” name, and hit search. You can use the fields to narrow your search as well as create custom searches. You can also see the payment status to confirm that a payment has been made. Select a “Payment Number” to see the complete detai ls of the payment.Complete payment detail will be displayedSupplier PreferencesOn the home page, select “Set Preferences”Select “Regional” in the General Preferences list to review the option to update your date and time format, preferred number format, primary currency, and time zone.Select “Save and Close” when finished.Select “Language” to change the primary language of the website. The default is “American English”。
打开==打开已查找的一票单据或左边当前所指向的单据打印==打印列表当前显示单据内容图片==显示明细中当前指向的产品图片删除==删除左边当前指向的一票单据筛选==可通过筛选条件查找某一定范围内的单据关闭==退出该模块自定义打印==出据模块中所有报表格式快捷键==对上述所有功能键进行键盘指定后状态列表菜单设置 ==进行软件页面和调整的控件列表内容展示第二章软件习惯操作方法说明一、汇信软件的操作习惯1.点击列表按钮可以打开列表2.有下拉箭头和三个小点的可以点击调用维护内容3.点击右键可以打开界面选择信息和设置显示项目。
4.CTRL + X 是剪切功能5.CTRL +C 是复制功能6.CTRL + V 是粘贴功能7.CRTL + DEL是删除功能,8.选择多项内容需要按住CTRL键用鼠标来点击列表最左边选择多行信息11.打开各环节数据模块列表,使用鼠标右健“筛选”功能,光标所在列的字段既是筛选条件.2.使用列表上方“筛选”键3.根据要查找的条件,在筛选中填入数据,点筛选条件下方的“确定”4.在模块列表上显示设定条件的数据三、如何新建一条记录1.在软件中在输入明细数据的时候,比如在输入一条商品信息需要开始新信息录入时,使用键盘上的“↓”箭头,可以新建一行数据。
4.单击Status→Devices,进入到Bse Rck Sreen页面。
风扇运行状态盘柜使用情况磁盘详细信息6.单击Status→RAID Group List,查看已经建立的RAID组。
7.单击RAID号可以查看这个RAID组使用盘柜的那几个磁盘8.单击Status→Volume List查看在存储上已经建立的卷。
二.卷的创建一旦Volume创建完成,存储即自动开始做Volume级别的format,但是一个普通的Open Volume或者一个Thin Provisioning Volume,除非完成Volume到主机的mapping,否则主机仍然无法看到这个Volume,下面我简单介绍一下Volume创建流程。
1.在管理界面单击Configuration→RAID Management→Create RAID Group2.输入Group Name,选择RAID Level,选择使用那个CPU,单击Set。
3.选择这个RAID Group要使用的磁盘,单击Set。
6.选择你要在那个RAID Group上创建Volume。
汇智在线企业管理软件安装使用手册广州市汇智在线科技有限公司Guangzhou Hucii Online Technology Co.,Ltd目录第一章 关于汇智在线企业管理软件定 义⏹汇智在线:汇智在线是一套以销售为主的,为企业商家量身订做的在线管理软件。
⏹汇智在线运行环境:Windows NT SP4,Windows 2000 各版本,Windows XP 各版本(家庭版除外),Windows 2003 各版本,Windows Vista 各版本。
⏹汇智在线安装前提:.NET Framework 2.0,Microsoft SQL Server 2000,IIS (Internet 信息服务)5.0+。
⏹汇智在线的建议安装顺序:IIS5.0 + —> .NET Framework 2.0 —> SQL Server 2000 —>汇智在线软件。
软件整体功能结构⏹汇智在线管理软件整体上分为以下几大功能模块:⏹具体的又可分为以下的几个模块:⏹ 汇智在线产品的特点 ⏹ 界面清闲简洁。
⏹ 操作简单明了,无需特别培训。
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ICP DAS ET-7217 8-ch AI 4-ch DO DAQ模块快速启动指南说明书
ET-7217Ethernet I/O Module with 8-ch AI, 4-ch DOQuick Start GuideCongratulations!This Quick Start will provide information needed to get started with ET-7217. Please also consult the User Manual for detailed information on the setup and use of ET-7217.What’s In the Box?In addition to this guide, the package includes the following items:ET-7217 Module Software Utility CD Quick StartTechnical SupportET-7217 User ManualCD:\NAPDOS\NAPDOS\ET7000_ET7200\Document\ET-7217 Websitehttps:///ET_7217.htmlICP DAS Websitehttps://Init Mode : After booting, ET-7217 will not run thedefault firmware and cannot surf the internet. Use this mode to update MiniOS7 image.Normal Mode : After booting, ET-7217 will run the default firmware and can use all ET-7200 functions. 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Connecting to Network, PC and PowerThe ET-7217 is equipped with an RJ-45 Ethernet port for connection to an Ethernethub/switch and PC1---------------------------------------------------------Configuring Boot ModePoE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing the MiniOS7 UtilityStep 1:Get the MiniOS7 Utility toolThe MiniOS7 Utility can be obtained from companion CD or our FTP site:CD:\Napdos\minios7\utility\minios7_utility\/pub/cd/6000cd/napdos/software/minios7_utility/Step 2:Follow the prompts to complete the installationAfter the installation has been completed,there will be a new shortcut for MiniOS7 Utilityon the desktop.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Using MiniOS7 Utility to Assign a New IPThe ET-7217 are Ethernet devices, which comes with a default IP address, therefore, you must first assign a new IP address to the ET-7217Item DefaultIP Address Mask 2:Press “F12”or choose “Search ”from the “Connection ”menuAfter pressing F12 or choosing Search from Connection menu, the MiniOS7 Scan dialog will appear, that will display a list of all MiniOS7 modules on your network.See the status tip, waiting for the search to be done.Step 4:Assign a new IP address and then choose “Set” buttonStep 5:Choose “Yes” buttonPress the Yes button in the Confirm dialog boxto exit the procedure.Your browser must support Adobe Flash Player and have it enabled in order to use the ET-7217 web site.If you do not have it installed, please go to the following website and install it.The Adobe Flash Player Download Center : /flashplayer/6----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go to the ET-7217 Web Site to Check out FunctionsThe ET-7217 contains an advanced web configuration system that provides users with access ET-7217 applications through a standard web browser.Step 1:Start ET-7217Make sure the switch placed in the “Normal” position.5----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enabling Adobe Flash Player in Your BrowserThen reboot ET-7217.Step 2:Open a browserPlease use a standard internet browser to view the ET-7217 webpage, such as Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer…etc.Step 3:Type the URL address of ET-7217If you haven’t changed the default IP address of the ET-7217, please refer to “4. Using MiniOS7 Utility to Assign a New IP” to configure it.Step 4:Fill out the User name and PasswordAfter entering the IP address, the login dialog box will appear and prompt you to enter your User name and Password.The factory default User name and Password are as follows:Item Default User name Admin PasswordAdminStep 5:Welcome to ET-7217 web siteAfter logging into theET-7000/ET-7200 web site, thewelcome page will appear.Step 6:Check out the data acquisition servicesUnder the Main Menu, expand the Web HMI, and thenselect the Web HMI option to check the values of thedata acquisition.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reset to Factory Default SettingsPress the reset button for 5 seconds in order to reset the ET-7217 to factory default settings.Item DefaultIP Address Mask Username AdminLogin Password Admin Reset。
Bizfon 产品说明书
ReconnectContrast Placing and Handling CallsTo make an outside call:To put a call on hold:To reconnect to a call on hold:To transfer a call:To transfer a call to an extension’s voice mail:To forward calls:To answer another ringing extension:To activate or deactivate Do Not Disturb:1.Press SPEAKER or pick up the handset and wait for the dial tone.2.Press and wait for the dial tone.3.Dial the number.1.Press TRANSFER.2.Dial the extension or dial an outside number you want to transfer the call to.3.Hang up or stay on the line to announce the caller and then hang up.1.Press TRANSFER.2.Press BIZMAIL.3.Dial the extension number or press. 1.Press PICKUP.2.Follow the voice prompts.1.Press SETTINGS to enter Personal Settings.2.Enter extension number and password.3.Press for Additional Settings.4.Press to set up Speed Dial and follow the prompts.1.Pick up the handset and wait for the dial tone.2.Press and wait for the dial tone.3.Dial 911or the emergency number.9929Press HOLD.Press or HOLD.1.Pick up the handset.2.Press DND.11.Press SETTINGS.2.Enter extension number and password.3.Press 1to select Call Forwarding.4.Enter the extension or outside number to which you want to forward your calls.Setting up Memory speed dial:EMERGENCYTo use Call Waiting:1.Press CALL2when you hear two beeps.2.Press CALL1and CALL2to toggle between calls.Feature PhoneSlide the speaker control to adjust theUse the ringerswitch to adjust the Use the handset volume switch to Setting Up or Changing your PasswordYou are not required to choose a password,but if you do not,anyone can listen to your voice mail or change your personal settings from your telephone.Also,without a password,you are unable to use your extension from outside the office.Press SETTINGS and press ENTER to enter Personal Settings.Enter and your password if one already exists.Passwords must be from 3to 10digits.Press to select Change Greeting,Password or Recorded Name.Press to select Change Your Password.Follow the prompts to change your password.To set up or change your password:!!!!!#41Tips for recording your greeting:!!Write down what you plan to say,and read the greeting aloudbefore recording it to be sure you like the way it sounds.Press the pound key in the future to skip your greetingInform callers of their options during your greeting.They can:Leave a message after the beep Dial another extension,or the Operator Press star for more optionsPress SETTINGS and press ENTER to enter Personal Settings.Enter and your password.Press to select Change Greeting,Password or Recorded Name.Press to select Change Your Greeting.!!!!!!!!To record your greeting:#43Recording a Personal GreetingTo use your Bizfon from outside of the office:NOTE:If you have not set up your extension with a password,you cannot access the Bizfon from outside the office.2.Press during the greeting.3.Enter your extension and password as instructed by the prompts.4.Refer to the Bizfon 680Wallet Card for more information.1.Dial your company’s phone number.*You can change your recorded name,the name that callers hear when the System Greeting presents the list of extensions.To change your recorded name:1.Press SETTINGS and press ENTER to enter Personal Settings.2.Enter your extension number or password.3.Press to select Change Greeting,Password or Record Name.4.Press to select Change Your Recorded Name.5.Follow the prompts to change your recorded name.44Using Your Bizfon from Outside the OfficePhone:(603)870-9400Fax:(603)870-9250Customer Care:Dial Bizfon,Inc.50Stiles Road Salem,NH 03079When you pick up your telephone handset,the system tells you:How many new voice mail messages you have If you have a call on hold If Do Not Disturb is on If Call Forwarding is on If After Hours Mode is on!!!!!Listening to Notification MessagesChanging your Recorded Name©Copyright 2000Bizfon,Inc.Bizfon,BizTouch and the Bizfon logo are trademarks of Bizfon,Inc.All other trademarks are held by their respective owners.PN:050-00038:BUsing BizTouch 2ControlsPress MUTE to turn off the microphone for thespeaker-phone or handset so that the caller on the other end of the line cannot hear anything you say.Press it again to turn the microphone back on.When an internal caller is calling,you hear a single ring.When an outside caller is calling,your hear two short rings.Muting Outgoing AudioInternal and External RingsProblem:Cause and Solution:Problem:Cause and Solution:Problem:Cause and Solution:You cannot hear sound from the speaker.If you are using the speakerphone in a noisy environment,the microphone might pick up these sounds and prevent the speakerphone from receiving e your speakerphone in a quiet area.Callers tell you that your audio does not sound clear.Recessed office areas,such as next to cabinets,can cause audio distortion.Locate your phone away from these areas.Speakerphone does not stay on when you press SPEAKER.The BizTouch 2requires an AC adapter for the speakerphone.Be sure that the AC adapter is connected properly.Making a hands-free call:Receiving a call:Switching between Speaker and Handset:!Press SPEAKER and wait for dial tone.Adjust volume if needed.Press SPEAKER again to hang up the phone.If you are using a headset,pressing SPEAKER activates the headset.Press SPEAKER instead of picking up the handset when the phone rings.Adjust volume if needed.Press SPEAKER again to hang up the phone.You can switch between the speaker or headset andthe handset while the phone is dialing a number,or anytime during a conversation.Speaker or headset to handset:Pick up the handset.Handset to speaker:Press SPEAKER then hang up the handset.Be sure to press SPEAKER before hanging up the handset or you will disconnect the call.!!!!!!!!NOTE:For a list of recommended headsets,visit or call 299.。
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BizFAX-E 系列 服务端用户手册
1. 简介................................................................................................ 4 1.1 产品简介 ...................................................................................... 4 1.2 产品功能 ...................................................................................... 4 1.3 硬件特性 ...................................................................................... 5 2. 硬件安装 .......................................................................................... 7 2.1 连接示意图.................................................................................... 7 2.2 运行环境 ...................................................................................... 7 2.3 硬件连接 ...................................................................................... 7 3. 管理 BIZFAX ..................................................................................... 9 3.1 管理员登录.................................................................................... 9 3.2 基本设置 .....................................................................................10 3.2.1 传真分机 ................................................................................10 物理传真分机 ....................................................................10 虚拟传真分机 ....................................................................11 3.2.2 外线.....................................................................................12 3.2.3 呼出路由 ...............................................................................14 增加呼出路由 ...................................................................14 删除呼出路由 ...................................................................15 3.3 呼入设置 .....................................................................................16 3.3.1 自动话务员(IVR) ..................................................................16 添加 IVR..........................................................................16 删除 IVR..........................................................................18 3.3.2 呼入路由 ...............................................................................18 创建呼入路由 ....................................................................19 删除呼入路由 ....................................................................20 3.3.3 黑名单 ..................................................................................20 3.4 系统设置 .....................................................................................22 3.4.1 常规设置 ...............................................................................22 3.4.2 系统提示音 ............................................................................23 3.4.3 邮箱设置 ...............................................................................23 3.4.4 网络设置 ...............................................................................24 3.4.5 文件清理 ...............................................................................25 3.4.6 备份和还原 ............................................................................26 3.4.7 固件升级 ...............................................................................27 3.4.8 重置和重启 ............................................................................28 3.4.9 密码设置 ...............................................................................29 3.5 报告 ...........................................................................................30 3.5.1 传真记录 ................................................................................30 3.5.2 备份传真记录 ..........................................................................31 3.5.3 系统信息 ................................................................................32
1.2 产品功能
1. 电脑收发 电脑收发传真, 所有传真件无需打印,直接发送与接收,彻底省去每年几千元的耗材 和维修费用, 并能让传统的打印、拨号、走纸、遇忙重拨、延时发送、文件群发等传真 操作两秒钟完成。 2.电子签章 可在电脑中自由签盖您的签名及印章。安全管理签章签字.采用高端加密方式,让您 办公一步到位。 3.异地收发 利用BizFAX客户端,支持外网登录,即使在外出差也可以收发传真(无论在世界的 任何地方只要您能上网就可以收发传真,准确掌握公司业务)。 4. 智能语音 使用BizFAX收传真时,系统会自动播放语音提示(用户可以自定义语音)。 5. 网络共享 彻底摆脱传统发传真跑来跑去的现象,用户可在局域网内任一台电脑上收发传真; 接收时,可自动将收到的传真发送到相应的传真分机中。 6. 多线支持 可以设置每条传真线的收发和使用权限;当有大量传真接收或发送时,将自动寻找 空闲线路接收或发送,并均衡每条传真线的传真负载量。 7. 格式自动转换 用户可以选择要发送的文件,BizFAX将自动把文件格式转换成传真格式并发送。 支持的Word,Excel,PDF,图片(jpg,gif等)等文件格式。 8. 传真队列 所有提交发送的传真在BizFAX自动形成传真队列,由BizFAX自动调度并完成发送。