委婉语英语论文 精品
are not different from anywhere in the world. This paper introduces the relationship between euphemism and taboo and the dependence on the context. Itmainly focuses on the characteristics and the application of English euphemism, and the causes of using euphemism.Key words: English euphemism; taboo; context; characteristics; applicationI一.引言委婉语是人类社会中普遍存在的一种语言现象,是用语言来调剂人际关系的一个重要手段。
?新编英语教程?第四册Unit 2 Text IB 有这样一幅漫画,描述了这样一那么幽默:一位来自法国巴黎的客人旅居英国伦敦,女房东介绍到: “Here’s grandma.〞那位老奶奶说到: “ My husband has just passed to the other side.〞客人往花园栅栏的另一边望去,并没有看见人影,感到很奇怪.女房东又解释了一遍: “I mean granddad’s kicked the bucket.〞客人就抚慰老奶奶: “I hope his foot will be better soon.〞老奶奶莫名其妙.女房东进一步解释到:“ No, he’s not here. He’s snuffed it …you know!〞客人更是摸不到头脑,脱口而出:“But you’ve got electricity here.〞那位巴黎的客人之所以做出这种风马牛不相及的答复,是因为他没有意识到女房东使用了委婉语,没有理解到委婉语的“会话含义〞,而房东真正要表达的意思是“爷爷去世了。
2、英语委婉语的定义及起源2.1 英语委婉语的定义英文euphemism(委婉语)一词源自希腊语,词头“eu”的意思是“good”(好),词干“phemism”的意思是“speech”(言语),euphemism 字面上的意思就是“use of pleasant,mild or indi-rect words or phrases in place of more accurate dr direct ones(用好听的话或令人愉快的方式表达)”。
the random house college dictionary把euphemism定义为:the substitution of a mild,indirect,or vague ex-pression for one thought to beoffensive,harsh or blunt,其意就是“用一种令人愉快的,委婉有礼的,听起来顺耳的词语来取代令人不快的、粗鲁无礼的、听起来刺耳的词语”。
美国著名作家门肯(h.l.meneken)称委婉语为gilded words(镀金词),而斯蒂芬·坎费尔(stefan kanfer)把它说成cosmetic words(化妆词),他们无疑都对委婉语的含义和作用做了确切的描述。
因此这个单词我们可以直译为“good talking”,有好的语言或者好的说法的意思,也就是用好听的,出于善意的,无害而又动听悦耳的词汇来取代一些过于直白、粗俗、唐突、冒昧的言辞。
著名词汇学家H·Rawason在他编纂的委婉语词典中用“语言遮羞布”(linguistic jigleaves)来称呼委婉语,而美国著名作家H.L.Mencken则用“gildedwords”(镀金词)来形容委婉语,也有人将其称作“cosmetic words”(化妆词),这些词汇都从各个方面对委婉语进行了准确而生动的描述。
二、英语委婉语的种类(一) 有关人体、死亡、年老、疾病等的委婉语人的外貌各种各样,男人都希望自己长得高大帅气,英俊潇洒,女人则希望自己长的身材高挑,面容美丽,皮肤白皙。
关键词:委婉语修辞含蓄正确运用委婉语是一种重要的修辞手法,它指的是在说话时,含蓄隐晦, 回避或掩饰一些忌讳的词或使人不快、刺耳的词,以避免产生尴尬、难堪的局面,从而达到较好的语言交际效果。
随着社会文明程度的不断提高,现代人越来越注意自己的言谈举止, 这在语言方面具体表现为大量地使用委婉语。
在英语中,euphemism (委婉语) 一词源于希腊语的前缀eu (好)和词根pheme (说话),意为说好听的话。
1997年版的Random House College Dictionary 中,euphemism一词定义为“the substitution of a mild, indirect or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt.”在现代英语中,委婉语几乎涉及个人和社会生活的方方面面。
《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》对“euphemism”一词释义如下:用人们经常使用的、但温和或比较委婉的单词或短语代替直言直语(Use of pleasant,mild or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct ones)。
英?Z委婉语强调用单词或短语(words orphrases)替代原语。
英语委婉语广泛运用论文关键词:委婉语文学应用[摘要] 委婉语是一种语言学现象,更是一种社会语言学现象。
Fowler ( 1965 ) 在其A Dictionary of ModernEnglish Usage (《现代英语用法词典》) 上给委婉语的定义是:“一种适度的或模糊的(vague) 改变说法的表达方式,以代替率直地、确切地表达某种不愉快的实话。
当要表达的意思因诸种原因,不愿直说、或不敢直说、或不宜直说时,人们便用缓和的或模糊的单词或表达法,委婉曲折地陈述或烘托或暗示给读者(听者) 。
”1964 年版的《简明牛津字典》( The Concise Oxford Dictionary) 解释为:“用温和的或模糊的表达代替刺耳的或生硬的表达。
”1995 年版的《朗文当代英语辞典》(Longman Dictionary ofContemporary English ) 解释为:“为避免让人感到震惊或不适而用一个温和的词代替一个直接表达的词。
委婉语的社会功能英语作文Euphemisms play a significant role in our daily communication and social interactions. They allow us to express sensitive or potentially uncomfortable ideas in a more tactful and polite manner. Euphemisms serve as a linguistic tool to navigate complex social situations, maintain social harmony, and convey messages without causing offense or distress. This essay will explore the various social functions of euphemisms and their importance in our modern society.One of the primary social functions of euphemisms is to preserve social decorum and avoid causing discomfort. Certain topics, such as death, bodily functions, or personal characteristics, can be delicate or even taboo in many cultures. Euphemisms provide a way to address these sensitive subjects without being overly direct or insensitive. For example, instead of saying "she passed away," one might use the more gentle phrase "she is no longer with us." This softens the blow and allows the speaker to convey the message in a more compassionate manner.Furthermore, euphemisms play a crucial role in maintaining social hierarchies and power dynamics. In professional or formal settings, the use of euphemisms can help to preserve the authority and status of those in positions of power. Phrases like "let go" or "involuntary separation" are often used to describe the termination of employment, rather than the more blunt term "fired." This allows the employer to convey the message in a way that is less confrontational and preserves the dignity of the employee.Euphemisms can also be employed to avoid causing offense or embarrassment. In interpersonal relationships, the use of euphemisms can help to navigate sensitive topics or delicate situations. For instance, instead of directly criticizing someone's appearance, one might use a euphemism like "that outfit is quite bold" or "you look a bit under the weather today." This allows the speaker to express their opinion or observation without directly insulting the individual.Moreover, euphemisms can serve as a means of social cohesion and inclusion. By using shared euphemisms, individuals can demonstrate their membership in a particular social group or subculture. This can foster a sense of belonging and shared understanding. For example, within certain professional or academic circles, the use of specialized euphemisms can signal one's familiarity with the field and establish a sense of camaraderie.Euphemisms can also play a role in shaping social norms and values. The language we use, including the euphemisms we employ, can influence the way we perceive and understand the world around us. The widespread use of certain euphemisms can contribute to the normalization of particular behaviors or attitudes. For instance, the use of the term "alternative facts" to describe false or misleading information can be seen as an attempt to downplay the gravity of the situation and maintain a veneer of objectivity.Furthermore, euphemisms can be used as a tool for political and social manipulation. Governments and organizations may employ euphemisms to obscure the true nature of their actions or policies. Terms like "collateral damage" to describe civilian casualties or "enhanced interrogation techniques" to refer to torture can be used to sanitize and legitimize practices that would otherwise be considered unethical or inhumane.In conclusion, euphemisms serve a multifaceted social function in our daily lives. They allow us to navigate sensitive topics, maintain social decorum, preserve power dynamics, and foster a sense of belonging within social groups. However, the use of euphemisms can also be a means of social manipulation and the perpetuation of certain values and norms. As language users, it is essential to be mindful of the ways in which euphemisms shape our perceptions andinteractions, and to critically examine the underlying motives and implications behind their use.。
关键词:英语委婉语语用功能一、委婉语的定义美国学者hugh rawson曾说,委婉语如此深深潜入我们语言,以至我们中间没有谁———即使那些自诩为直截了当的人———能够在不使用委婉语的情况下过完一天。
英文“euphemism”(委婉语)一词源自古希腊语,前缀eu(=good,sounding well,好的,好听的)和词根pheme(=speech or saying,话语或讲话)以及后辍ism(表明euphemism一词的名词性质)。
简单地说,“euphemism”的意思就是“fair speech(说好话)”,“use of good words(用吉言)”。
如“to pass away” , “to depart”, “to leave us”, “final sleep”等,都是死亡的委婉表达。
在古希腊语中,“eu-”的意思是“well(好)”,而词干“-p heme”的意思是“speech,saying(言语)”,“-ism”是一个词后缀,简单地说,euphemism的意思是“fair speech(说好话)”。
美国著名作家门肯称委婉语为镀金词(gilded words),还有人把它说成化妆词(cosmetic words),这是对委婉语含义和作用的形象描述。
例如,罗马人称Furies (复仇女神)为Eynebdies(和善者),Erinyes(受尊敬者)。
英语中对死亡有如下表达方式:pass away,go to the west,be in Abraham’s bosom,climb the golden staircase,go to a better place,expire,go to visit one’s ancestors等。
委婉语英语论文精品The Influence of Language and Culture onEuphemismAbstract:Euphemism is a common phenomenon in English-Chinese Language. It isan epitome of their society and culture to a certain degree. This dissertation is a simple discussion on Chinese-English euphemism, which have an great impact on their respective culture and tradition, as well as their culture difference in western andeastern country. This would do a good job in removing the barrier of trans-culture communication and improving culture communication.Key words: euphemism and language and culture; function; comparison摘要:委婉语是中英语言中共同的一个语言现象,委婉语在一定程度上是中西方社会和文化的一个缩影。
关键词:委婉语与语言;文化;功能;比较ContentsbstractI. Introduction (1)/doc/5a7685657.html,nguage,Culture and Euphemism (2)2.1 Language and Euphemism (2)2.2 Culture and Euphemism (3)III.Functions of euphemism in language and culture (3)3.1 Functions of Euphemism (3)3.1.1 Avoiding Taboo (3)3.1.2 Showing Politeness (4)3.1.3 Concealing Trut (4)3.1.4 Beautification (5)IV.The comparison between Chinese and English in the field of language and culture and from Euphemisms (5)4.1 In Terms of Language (5)4.1.1 Lexical Device (5)4.1.2 Phonetic Device (6)4.1.3 Rhetorical Device (7)4.2 In Terms of Culture (7)4.2.1 Different Religions (7)4.2.2 Different Practices (8)4.2.3 Different Connotations of Old (9)V. Conclusion (9)Bibliography (10)I. IntroductionNow we have joined WTO and we will organize the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. We also have more chances to hold world-wide meetings, activities, etc. Therefore, we want exchange with foreigner easily that we should knew their culture and language more and more. Euphemism is exist in Chinese and English. There is no denying the fact that euphemism is a Language and culture appearance, it can help us understand easily for others. So I will study the culture and language from Euphemism.In every society and culture there are certain things that are not supposed to be separable or mentioned directly. A fairnumber of words are labeled as frivolous, vulgar, or at least inconsiderate. But in communication, for better maintaining social relationship and exchanging opinions, people have to resort to a kind of language, which can make distasteful ideas seem acceptable or even desirable. Pstein (1985:5) This type of language is defined as "euphemism" in linguistics and it comes in a variety of forms and is used for a variety of reasons.Unlike other figurative language devices, for example, the metaphor of poetry or prose, euphemism aims to surprise and entertain (Lee, 1966), strives to avoid offence by means of circumlocution. As a communicative skill-"telling it like it isn't," (Time, 1978), euphemism abounds in our life. I am very interested in euphemism, because it is not merely a kind of language phenomenon, but also the carrier of English and China culture. As second language learners, even though you have a reasonable command of English, you may feel lost when come across some euphemism.Much research has been done on euphemism because of its prominence in language and culture. A lot of great works came into being during the study of euphemism, which lay a foundation for further research. In 1936, in his book The American Language, American linguist, Mencken, fully discussed whyhundreds of euphemisms had been born and become popular on the basis of American history and social cultural background. His book is a valuable legacy for euphemism study. In 1981, British linguist Hugh Rawson compiled A Dictionary of Euphemisms and Other Double talks, which embodies the achievements of research on euphemisms over the decades by many British and American linguists. More important, in its ten-page-long preface, Hugh Rawson not only traced the history of euphemism, but also widely accounted for characteristics of euphemism as well as its definition, classification, and scope of use. The year 1983 saw the publication of Kind Words-A Thesaurus of Euphemisms, compiled by Neaman and Silver. It is of great value to euphemism study. In 1985, Enright D.J. published a collection of essays on euphemism, The Uses of Euphemism, in which some specific topics like euphemisms and the media, euphemisms and children, and sex and euphemism, etc. were put forward in relation to the different euphemistic uses in the social field. Last but not least, Allan and Burridge published the book Euphemism and Dysphemism: Language used as shield and weapon, in which an interesting perspective on the human psyche is to be gained from the study of euphemism used as a protective shield against the anger or disapproval of natural or supernatural beings. This book is of great significance to the study of English Euphemisms from the pragmatic perspective./doc/5a7685657.html,nguage, Culture, and Euphemism2.1 Language and Euphemism"Euphemisms are embedded so deeply in our language that few of us, even those who pride themselves on being plain-spoken, ever get through a day without using them." The relation between language and euphemism is so intrinsically close that it is impossible to study one without an analysis of the other.First of all, language is the vehicle of euphemism.To some extent, we can say that where there is language, there is euphemism. In our daily life, usually。
AbstractThe usage of euphemism involved in every aspects of our daily life and social activities which have made it become a absorbing language phenomenon in English spoken world. This essay starts from the definition and origin of euphemism and gives a initial discussion of the categories, functions, regulations and translation methods of English euphemism to enhance the ability of understanding and communication of euphemism when it in practical translation uses.Key words: euphemism; communication; culture; translation摘要委婉语使用的范围涉及社会及个人生活的方方面面,成为英语世界中一个引人注目的语言现象。
关键词:委婉语;文化;交流;翻译I. IntroductionAs a rhetorical device, Euphemism had been widely used during the Victorian period which is a fashion in the upper class at that time. And even nowadays the usage of euphemism has increased and brought some new changes, making people impact their eyes imappearance of sorts. For example, she is pregnant has different expression according to different ages.1.She has canceled all her social engagement.(1856)2.She is in an interesting condition.(1880)3.She is in a delicate condition.(1895)4. She is knitting little bootees.(1990)5.She is in a family way.(1920)Also, the range of the usage of euphemism is constantly widening and involving numerous aspects in our daily life which makes it become an inevitable lingual phenomenon in the English world. However, the comprehensive uses of euphemism in English has brought a big challenge to translator whose mother tongue is not English to understand and express those euphemism. This essay begins with the definition and origin and further discuss the categories, functions, principles and translation method in order to gain a better understanding and communication in practical use of euphemism. Actually, it is not only English spoken countries have the usage of euphemism but also in many other languages. But this essay only put the main part in English spoken countries.II. The Definition and Origination of EuphemismThrough euphemism, we replace, override, and reinvent reality by the magic of language (Stein, 1998, p. 8). Euphemism is about how we humans devise deliberately slippery language to justify to ourself and to others, if not to impose on them, the degradation of categories of people, if not the literal extinction of their lives (Stein, 1998, p. 7). Euphemism is the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expressio n for an offensive or unpleasant one (Wilkes, 1979, p. 123). Euphemism is not a footnote but part of the main text of organizational life. It is the key to unlock the well-kept secrets of organizational behavior, of bureaucracies and, of people in communities. It is a figure of intentionality and, concurrently, a distraction from that intentionality (Stein, 1998, p. 4). Euphemism recloaks the bad as being good. Things are not what they seem, but what we need them to seem. Euphemism makes masking into an obscenely fine art. We are commanded to believe uncritically that things are only what they seem (Stein,1998, p. 4). The definition of euphemism in The Encyclopaedia Britian is “Figure of speech in which something of unpleasant, distressing or indelicate natu re is described in less offensive term”. Namely, many things are never openly said but use an vague way to entertain people by avoiding those unpleasant and disrespect expressions. Euphemism stems from emphemismos in Greek and its prefix “Eu”means good and the stem“phemism” means “speech”. So the whole meaning is "good speech". Greeks shown great worship and admiration to natural power and sometimes even felt confused which made them prefer to say some good speeches, euphemism, when they conducted sacrifices. That is the direct reason that euphemism is produced. Later on, the Greek civilization has been spreaded to worldwide, giving a great impact on Europe and America countries. Therefore, euphemism has been widely developed in Europe and America areas. The range of the uses have expand from religious area to many aspects of humans' daily life. Generally speaking, euphemism includes the avoidance of taboos, sensitive words and usage of implications and circuity.错误!未找到引用源。
委婉语的社会功能英语作文Euphemism, a figure of speech that replaces harsh or unpleasant words with more palatable ones, plays a pivotal role in social interaction. It serves as a lubricant in conversation, smoothing over awkward situations and facilitating pleasant communication. This essay delves into the various social functions of euphemism, exploring how it shapes our understanding and perception of the world.**Social Harmony and Politeness**Euphemism is often employed to soften the impact of potentially offensive or embarrassing statements. By replacing blunt language with more delicate phrasing, euphemism helps maintain social harmony and politeness. For instance, when referring to death, we often use euphemisms like "passing away" or "joining the angels" to avoid the directness and negativity of the actual word. Such phrasing not only shows respect for the deceased but also preserves the emotional well-being of the listener.**Cultural Sensitivity and Respect**Euphemism also serves as a cultural mirror, reflecting the values and beliefs of a particular society. Different cultures have their unique euphemisms that are tailored to their specific cultural norms and values. For example, in some cultures, discussing weight or appearance may be considered taboo, and thus, euphemisms are used to discuss these topics indirectly. By using euphemisms, speakers show respect for the cultural sensitivities of their listeners and avoid potential misunderstandings or conflicts.**Social Control and Regulation**Euphemism also plays a role in social control and regulation. By using euphemisms, society can regulate what is considered acceptable or unacceptable behavior. For instance, taboo topics such as sex or violence are often discussed using euphemisms to avoid explicitness and maintain social norms. In this way, euphemism acts as a social censor, shaping the discourse of a society and influencing individual behavior.**Humor and Lightheartedness**Finally, euphemism can also be used to create humor and lightheartedness in conversation. By playing with words andreplacing serious or solemn language with humorous euphemisms, speakers can break the ice and create a more relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. Humorous euphemisms often lead to laughter and bonding among listeners, fostering a sense of camaraderie and connection.In conclusion, euphemism is a versatile and powerful tool in social interaction. It serves to maintain social harmony and politeness, respects cultural sensitivities, regulates social norms, and adds humor and lightheartedness to conversation. By understanding and employing euphemism, we can communicate more effectively and gracefully, fostering deeper understanding and connection with others. **委婉语:沟通中的微妙艺术**委婉语,这种用更悦耳的词语代替粗俗或不愉快的表达的修辞手法,在社会交往中发挥着至关重要的作用。
英语委婉语的概念隐喻研究硕士学位论文 精品
![英语委婉语的概念隐喻研究硕士学位论文 精品](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0e1e2770a45177232f60a24b.png)
学校代码:10254密级:论文编号:0910******** 上海海事大学SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY 硕士学位论文MASTER DISSERTATION论文题目:英语委婉语的概念隐喻研究学科专业:英语语言文学(语言学)A Conceptual Metaphor Study of English EuphemismsA Conceptual Metaphor Study ofEnglish EuphemismsBy Li PengUnder the Supervision ofProfessor Zheng LixinA Thesis Submitted to the College of Foreign Languages ofShanghai Maritime Universityin Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirements for the MA DegreeShanghai Maritime UniversityJune, 2009毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。
委婉说话的好处英语作文英文:The benefits of speaking in a more indirect and polite manner are numerous. When we use euphemistic language or speak in a more roundabout way, we can avoid causing offense or discomfort to others. This can be especially important in delicate or sensitive situations, such as giving constructive criticism or discussing a difficult topic.For example, if I need to give feedback to a colleague on their work, I might choose to use more diplomatic language to soften the impact of my words. Instead of saying "Your work is not up to standard," I could say "There may be some areas where we could make improvements." This approach allows me to convey the same message while being considerate of the other person's feelings.In addition, speaking in a more indirect manner canalso help to maintain harmony in relationships. By choosing our words carefully and being tactful in our communication, we can avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings. For instance, if I disagree with a friend's opinion, I might say "I see where you're coming from, but I have a slightly different perspective." This allows me to express my viewpoint without causing friction in the relationship.Furthermore, using euphemistic language can also be a way of showing respect and courtesy. When we speak in a more polite and indirect manner, we demonstrate consideration for the feelings and sensitivities of others. This is particularly important in professional settings, where maintaining a respectful and professional demeanor is crucial.In conclusion, speaking in a more indirect and polite manner has numerous benefits in both personal and professional interactions. By choosing our words carefully and being mindful of the impact of our language, we can avoid causing offense, maintain harmony in relationships, and demonstrate respect and courtesy to others.中文:委婉说话的好处有很多。
写一篇作用到委婉语的英语作文The use of euphemism in language is a common and important practice in communication. Euphemism refers to the use of mild or indirect words or phrases in place of ones that are considered harsh, blunt, or offensive. This can be seen in various aspects of our daily lives, from casual conversations to formal speeches.One of the main purposes of using euphemism is to avoid causing discomfort or offense to others. For example, instead of saying "he is fat," one might use the euphemism "he is pleasantly plump." This helps to soften the impact of the statement and shows consideration for the feelings of the person being described.Another important function of euphemism is to maintain politeness and tact in communication. In sensitive or delicate situations, euphemism can be used to convey a message in a more gentle and respectful manner. For instance, instead of saying "he died," one might say "he passed away," which can be less jarring for the listener.Additionally, euphemism can be used to conveyinformation in a more socially acceptable way. For example, instead of discussing intimate bodily functions in a direct manner, euphemisms can be used to address these topics more delicately.Furthermore, euphemism can also be used as a tool for diplomacy and to avoid confrontation. By choosing words carefully and using euphemistic language, individuals can navigate potentially contentious situations with greater finesse and diplomacy.Overall, the use of euphemism in language serves tofoster harmony, respect, and consideration in communication. It allows individuals to convey messages in a more gentle and tactful manner, and to navigate sensitive topics with greater sensitivity and diplomacy.使用委婉语在语言中是一种常见且重要的交流方式。
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The Influence of Language and Culture onEuphemismAbstract:Euphemism is a common phenomenon in English-Chinese Language. It isan epitome of their society and culture to a certain degree. This dissertation is a simple discussion on Chinese-English euphemism, which have an great impact on their respective culture and tradition, as well as their culture difference in western andeastern country. This would do a good job in removing the barrier of trans-culture communication and improving culture communication.Key words: euphemism and language and culture; function; comparison摘要:委婉语是中英语言中共同的一个语言现象,委婉语在一定程度上是中西方社会和文化的一个缩影。
关键词:委婉语与语言;文化;功能;比较ContentsbstractI. Introduction (1)nguage,Culture and Euphemism (2)2.1 Language and Euphemism (2)2.2 Culture and Euphemism (3)III.Functions of euphemism in language and culture (3)3.1 Functions of Euphemism (3)3.1.1 Avoiding Taboo (3)3.1.2 Showing Politeness (4)3.1.3 Concealing Trut (4)3.1.4 Beautification (5)IV.The comparison between Chinese and English in the field of language and culture and from Euphemisms (5)4.1 In Terms of Language (5)4.1.1 Lexical Device (5)4.1.2 Phonetic Device (6)4.1.3 Rhetorical Device (7)4.2 In Terms of Culture (7)4.2.1 Different Religions (7)4.2.2 Different Practices (8)4.2.3 Different Connotations of Old (9)V. Conclusion (9)Bibliography (10)I. IntroductionNow we have joined WTO and we will organize the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. We also have more chances to hold world-wide meetings, activities, etc. Therefore, we want exchange with foreigner easily that we should knew their culture and language more and more. Euphemism is exist in Chinese and English. There is no denying the fact that euphemism is a Language and culture appearance, it can help us understand easily for others. So I will study the culture and language from Euphemism.In every society and culture there are certain things that are not supposed to be separable or mentioned directly. A fair number of words are labeled as frivolous, vulgar, or at least inconsiderate. But in communication, for better maintaining social relationship and exchanging opinions, people have to resort to a kind of language, which can make distasteful ideas seem acceptable or even desirable. Pstein (1985:5) This type of language is defined as "euphemism" in linguistics and it comes in a variety of forms and is used for a variety of reasons.Unlike other figurative language devices, for example, the metaphor of poetry or prose, euphemism aims to surprise and entertain (Lee, 1966), strives to avoid offence by means of circumlocution. As a communicative skill-"telling it like it isn't," (Time, 1978), euphemism abounds in our life. I am very interested in euphemism, because it is not merely a kind of language phenomenon, but also the carrier of English and China culture. As second language learners, even though you have a reasonable command of English, you may feel lost when come across some euphemism.Much research has been done on euphemism because of its prominence in language and culture. A lot of great works came into being during the study of euphemism, which lay a foundation for further research. In 1936, in his book The American Language, American linguist, Mencken, fully discussed whyhundreds of euphemisms had been born and become popular on the basis of American history and social cultural background. His book is a valuable legacy for euphemism study. In 1981, British linguist Hugh Rawson compiled A Dictionary of Euphemisms and Other Double talks, which embodies the achievements of research on euphemisms over the decades by many British and American linguists. More important, in its ten-page-long preface, Hugh Rawson not only traced the history of euphemism, but also widely accounted for characteristics of euphemism as well as its definition, classification, and scope of use. The year 1983 saw the publication of Kind Words-A Thesaurus of Euphemisms, compiled by Neaman and Silver. It is of great value to euphemism study. In 1985, Enright D.J. published a collection of essays on euphemism, The Uses of Euphemism, in which some specific topics like euphemisms and the media, euphemisms and children, and sex and euphemism, etc. were put forward in relation to the different euphemistic uses in the social field. Last but not least, Allan and Burridge published the book Euphemism and Dysphemism: Language used as shield and weapon, in which an interesting perspective on the human psyche is to be gained from the study of euphemism used as a protective shield against the anger or disapproval of natural or supernatural beings. This book is of great significance to the study of English Euphemisms from the pragmatic perspective.nguage, Culture, and Euphemism2.1 Language and Euphemism"Euphemisms are embedded so deeply in our language that few of us, even those who pride themselves on being plain-spoken, ever get through a day without using them." The relation between language and euphemism is so intrinsically close that it is impossible to study one without an analysis of the other.First of all, language is the vehicle of euphemism.To some extent, we can say that where there is language, there is euphemism. In our daily life, usuallycertain things are not said for some reasons. We have the employment of euphemisms consciously and unconsciously so as to avoid mentioning certain matters directly, which can make unpleasant things sound better and acceptable.Secondly, euphemism is one form of language; we can derive euphemism from family talks, official meetings, literary words, scribbles on walls, telephone talks, television programs, letters, cards, advertisements, E-mails, oral express and so on.Thirdly, as far as the change of euphemism is concerned, euphemism has experienced the process of growth, development and decline. Therefore, euphemism not only expands and enriches English vocabulary but also contributes to the appropriate and effective use of the English language.2.2 Culture and EuphemismEuphemism, as an indispensable part of every language, is a mirror of morality, customs, politics, life style, social psychology, etc... Euphemism itself cannot exist without social culture with the evidence that expressions used in sensitive areas tend to pick up negative connotations and be replaced by euphemisms.We are sensitive about bodily functions, so there are many euphemisms for "bathroom" (itself a euphemism, replacing the earlier euphemism "toilet", from the French "toilette", originally a cloth used in shaving or hairdressing).Learning euphemism well means more than merely mastering the pronunciation, words and grammar. It means learning to see the world as native speakers of that language see it, learning the ways in which their language reflects the ideas, customs, and behavior of their society, and learning to understand their "language of the mind". The relationship between euphemism and culture is obvious: euphemism, as a cultural-linguistic product, displays its multiple mapping relations with culture; it changes along with the development of society, and the use of euphemism varies with the variation of the context. It is a reflection of culture and carries vestigial patterns once dominant in a society.III.Functions of euphemism in language and culture Functions of euphemism are express clearly in Language and culture. Language and culture communication is the most important means by which people maintain their social relationship. During their communication, people will inevitably encounter unpleasant situations. Using direct and definite language to talk about unpleasantness will undoubtedly displease both sides and possibly affect their relationship.Euphemism has been shouldering the duty of "lubricating" language and social communication since its production. Seen through this angle, euphemism is more than a rhetorical device. It's a communicative means. So when it comes to the function of euphemism, we refer to the communicative function.3.1 Functions of Euphemism3.1.1 Avoiding TabooNeaman et al points (1990:130) out the two chief social psychological bases for the production of euphemism, one is taboo, and the other is politeness.To violate the taboo will automatically cause harm to the violator or his/her fellows. In many cultures, the names of gods and devils are taboos as well and people manage to avoid mentioning them directly; otherwise, they would commit the error of blasphemy. Accordingly, western people euphemize the name of Satan as "god of this world", "His Sable Majesty", "old gentleman in black" and "Old Harry". In ancient China, there also existed taboo. People at that time had a belief that the powerful and mysterious forces, such as wind, rain, thunder, etc. will decide their fate, so they had a fear as well as a desire to placate them in communication by using euphemisms. In the Chinese classic A Dream of Red Mansions “起了火” is expressed as “走了水”. In order not to mention or talk about the taboo matters, euphemisms are employed as substitutes for taboo words that often result in anxiety, embarrassment and public shame.With the development of society and science, taboo has been broken continuously and what is now put under taboo is not mysterious or frightening as before.3.1.2 Showing PolitenessPoliteness plays a very important role in social interaction and conversation. In other words, "face saving" must be taken into account to keep communication going. Everyone needs to keep face in communication.To the criminal, the judge can claim “You have been sentenced to five years in prison.” While if a person has to mention the similar thing in front of the criminal's parents or relatives, he/she will probably say "He has been sent to the big house." or "He is now living under the government's expense." The person use euphemisms to try to avoid being impolite in speech and not hurting the feelings of the criminal's parents and relatives.Seen through the instances here, euphemism does express politeness to others, thus avoiding the unpleasant situation and lubricating people’s social communication as well as their relations.3.1.3 Concealing TruthEuphemism in daily life is for politeness or avoidance of taboo, while euphemism in political life is for disguise. Because of fuzziness in semantic sense, euphemisms can be tactfully or deliberately deceptive. Political life is the fertile soil for euphemism. Whenever political situations change, a large number of euphemisms will be produced. The media and politicians take advantage of the fuzziness to conceal truth in order to avoid offending the public and help maintain the steadiness of political, economic and military situations.In order to divert public attention so as not to intensify social contradictions, "industrial action" substitutes for " strike", "substandard housing" for "slum". During the period of the Reagan Administration, "tax increase" was replaced by "contribution". To conduct international affairs better, "poor nations" can't befound in English, "backward nations", "underdeveloped nations" and "emerging nations" are in its place. After the Watergate affair, the American government created lots of euphemisms to hide such a scandal: "The scheme" was called "scenario", "burglars" became "plumbers", and "the government-sponsored crime" became "a White House horror".In China, we often see such diplomatic remarks in the newspapers .For example, the euphemisms “对此表示遗憾”are used when we don’t agree with another country on the international issues. Politicians and the media really give much thought to such a matter. They use euphemisms to deliberately cloud an issue or to distract people's attention, and euphemism really does play an important role in concealment and disguise.3.1.4 BeautificationEuphemism is always pleasant to hear and acceptable, making people feel easy and unembarrassed. This is the reason why it is applied to beautify some professions. For example, hairdresser is called beautician; garbage collector is called sanitary engineer; prostitute is called street girl or shady girl.IV.The comparison between Chinese and English in the fiel of language and culture and from Euphemisms4.1 In Terms of Language4.1.1 Lexical DeviceIt is permissible for speakers and writers of English to express almost any thought they wish, as long as the more risqué parts of the discussion are rendered in another language, usually French or Latin and so on.Employment of loan words to avoid mentioning a tabooed term is an effective way of euphemizing. It is permissible for one to express whatever thought they wish as long as the more risqué parts of the discussion are rendered in another language. For English euphemism, the so-called "another language" is usually French or Latin. And for Chinese euphemism, the "another language" is generally English. The versatility of French is evident in such diverseaspects as love (affair, amour, liaison), war (personnel, sortie, triage), and women's underwear (brassier, chemise, lingerie). Latin is almost equally popular as a source of English euphemisms, especially for the body's sexual and other functions. Now, let's examine the use of the loan words from English or Japanese in Chinese euphemism. It is not uncommon for us to hear Chinese people mentioning "去W.C.” (to go to W.C), “罗曼史”(romance), “小蜜”(mistress), ect.Substitution is to replace the impolite or unspeakable words with certain literally mild and pleasant words or expressions. Another euphemism for "be sent to prison" is "be sent up the river", because Sing state prison-the best known prison in the U.S.A, is located at the upper reach of the Hudson River, which flows through the New York City. Thus, "agent", "speculator" and "thrifty" have better connotations than "spy", "gambler", and "tight" despite the similar denotations between each pair of words. This is the most commonly employed strategy in encoding euphemism as well as the most frequently tool resorted to in decoding euphemism. It is evident that the ways of expunging offensive expressions from language have remained much the same. In China, instead of directly mentioning “上厕所”, ancient Chinese people turned it into “更衣” and modern Chinese people occasionally refer to this as “办公”.Vague words and expressions can blur the undesirable yet explicit associations that taboo words arouse and are therefore euphemistic. So in both English and Chinese, people use abstract, general and vague words and expressions to euphemize the oral taboos. To avoid using the word "fat", such words as "round", "full-bodied", "king-sized" and so on are employed in English. Similarly, we Chinese use “发福” , “富态” to replace “胖”.4.1.2 Phonetic DeviceEuphemisms may be created by phonetic device-lightreading and phonetic distortion. Light reading is a popular way of euphemism which means that whenyou mean something that you have to mention, but you are shy to mention it, usually you say it in a low voice. Phonetic distortion refers to the changing of a sound in word for the purpose of euphemizing, which is more acceptable in English because its writing is alphabetic. Usually crude or inauspicious words become acceptable by using these devices. Phonetic distortion includes abbreviation, reduplication, distortion of pronunciation, etc.. There are abbreviations like "WC" for "Water Closet", "SOB" for "son-of-a-bitch", "BS" for "bullshit", and so on.There is no direct link between Chinese character and its pronunciation. Thus, compared with English, the Chinese language does not have the convenience of phonetic distortion. We can find fewer phonetic distortions in Chinese and the most common phonetic device is assonance, which mostly employs the homophone for there are so many homophones in Chinese. For example, instead of speaking “隐君子” stands for “瘾君子”(the person who is addicted to drugs).4.1.3 Rhetorical DevicePeriphrasis is the kind of wording that beats about the bush. Topics and terms that are too touchy to be dealt with openly may be alluded to by this means. "Trousers" doesn't sound well, so "nether garments" replace it. "Fart" is too unpleasant to the ear, so people say it as "wind from behind", without thinking it is too long-winded. "Rear end" takes the place of "buttocks". "Solid human waste" is actually "feces". "Give the sack" is the euphemism for "fire", because "sack" originally was the workbasket with which the workers went outside to work. If the employer wants to fire some employees, he will give sack to them.Furthermore, metaphor is an implied comparison between two objects . For example, using "cherry" for "hymen" in English. Metaphor as a figure of speech as well as a common human way of thinking exists in both English and Chineseeuphemisms. For example, many English euphemisms for death are created by metaphor, going to his last home, to sleep the long/eternal, never-ending sleep, to rest in peace/to be at rest, has gone to Heaven/Paradise, to have joined one’s ancestor s/to be gathered to one’s fathers, to have joined the immortals... Chinese euphemisms for death can also be created in the same way. For instance “回老家”, “长眠”, “安息, “上天国/升天堂”, etc..4.2 In Terms of Culture4.2.1 Different ReligionsChristianity is the dominant world view in the English-speaking countries. The study of it offers an insight not only into the spiritual and psychological needs of the people, but also into the social aspects of a culture. Christianity reinforces group norms, provides moral standards for individual conducts, and furnishes the basis of common purposes and values upon which the community depends. The monism in religion exerts great influence on English euphemism.As discussed earlier, "death" is one of the most abstained domains.English euphemisms for death largely come from the Bible or other legends and literary quotations involving the Bible, most of which manifest Christian philosophy. The Christian tradition begins with the assumption that the world is real and meaningful because God created it. Human beings are significant because God created them in his image. God made them with earth-"toreturn to dust/earth". Men were born guilty and should atone, so "to die" is"to pay the debt of nature".China is a multi-deity-worship country. Taoism, Buddhism and Islamism coexist in China, and each has its own followers. These religions generate some Chinese euphemisms for "death", which is considered as the miserable of the miserable, but each has different explanations for this natural phenomenon. Taoism denies the differences among things. “Death” has no great differencesfrom “living”. “Death” simply means that the flesh and blood turns into immortal spirit, which can be called “仙逝”; or “death” is like a cicada to be shelled, called “蜕化”. With the introduction of Buddhism into China, Sanskrit “nirvana”(death) was translated into Chinese “涅磐” or “圆寂”.Chinese euphemisms for “death” with a religious hue are far fewer thanEnglish ones, which largely results from the pluralism of Chinese religions.4.2.2 Different PracticesAccording to Hu Wenzhong and C.L.Grove(1991)," China is the country witha civilization stretching back continuously some five thousand years. Theagrarian economy of ancient China and the ethics of ancient Chinese philosophy account for the cultural traits and values that came to characterize its societyand that still characterize it today "(1991:1). And such cultural traits and valuesare unique to China and contribute to the creation of Chinese euphemism.As mentioned above, China has been greatly influenced by such religious and philosophical systems as Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Among them, Confucianism has had the greatest impact upon Chinese people's beliefs and value judgments. The ancient philosopher and thinker Confucius (B.C.551-479), in order to keep the peace of society, advocated restoring Li, which means the social hierarchy and order of the slave system of the Zhou Dynasty(770-221B.C.). As a result, avoidance of directly mentioning the personal names of emperors or one's superiors can be traced back at least to the ZhouDynasty(郭锦桴, 1993:101). There are a lot of interesting stories and examples about name taboo in Chinese histor y. Let’s take one for example. In the Han Dynasty, people replaced the name of “雉鸡” by “野鸡”due toa taboo arising from “lü zhi (吕雉), the Empress’s name at that time.4.2.3 Different Connotations of OldSome words with neutral or positive connotations in Chinese have negativeor unpleasant connotations in English and thus need euphemizing. Chinese and English people have different feelings about "old age".To be old means to be more experienced and knowledgeable. So when the old people hear “您老”or “您老高寿”,they feel much more respectable. As a matter of fact, the term “老” (old) is quite often used to indicate seniority and experience, so we Chinese have such expressions as “老师傅”, “老板”, “老总”,etc.. These terms have no specific connotations of age, and they just show the speaker's respect for the hearer.Old age is valued in China but tabooed in the western nations. It is said that the U.S. is a paradise of children, a battlefield of the young and a graveyard of the elderly. Here "graveyard" mainly indicates that the elderly are driven out of the mainstay of American society and mentally lonely. By employing euphemism, "old" is tactfully avoided in language .Thus, the elderly are “seasoned”, “well preserved”, etc..The comparative study of the English and Chinese euphemisms shows thatthere are both similarities and differences between them. However, differences are more significant, and therefore should be given more attention because it is those differences that often cause cross-cultural communication obstacles.V. ConclusionThrough the discussions above, euphemism as a variation of language is applied everywhere in all human societies and used in all human interactions. Taboo, being a common social-cultural phenomenon, is actually the extension of people's self-protection psychology. The main function of euphemism is to replace taboo. In speech interaction, out of politeness or tact, one uses a pleasant, less direct word instead of something unpleasant. Euphemism is one of the ways people use to realize this purpose. So resorting to euphemism is speakers' active pragmatic strategy at a certain time and in a certain situation. More important, euphemism embodies the civilization and morality of human beings.Euphemism, as a language form, also follows suit. So we can say English or Chinese euphemisms share something in common in this respect. We can get to know the different religious cultures, different values, different historical backgrounds and different ways of thinking, etc..To sum up, through a comparative study in this field we can not only reveal English euphemisms and Chinese euphemisms share some of the identical aspects in use, means of formation, and communicative functions, but can also disclose the cultural differences or the national characteristics reflected by euphemisms. The comparative study also enhances our awareness of the essence of euphemism and assists us in using the English language decently and skillfully in our cross-cultural communication.Bibliography[1] Basil Hutim.1997.Translation Theory and Contrastive Txet Linguistic New Yorks:Crown Publisher.[2]Allen, K. and Burridge, K., 1991, Euphemism and Dysphemism: language used as shield and weapon, Oxford: Oxford University Press.[3]Bolinger Dwight, 1981, Aspects of Language[A], New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanavich[4]Coleman, J., 1922, Sexual euphemism in Old English, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, vol.93/1, p.93-98.Euphemism[J], Oxford University Press.[5]Stephen C. Levinson. 2001. Pragmatics[M]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Cambridge University Press.[6] 郭锦桴,1993,《汉语与中国传统文化》[M],北京:中国人民大学出版社[7] 邓炎昌刘润清,1998,《语言与文化》[M],外语教学与研究出版社[8] 何善芬,2002,英汉语言对比研究[M]上海:上海外语教育出版社。