
术后予补液抗炎止血,营养支持治疗,监测生命体征,每小时尿量、24小时出入量,3月14日,查血钾4.5mmol/L ,血钠168.1mmol/L,血氯124.10mmol/L,立即停用生理盐水,口服温开水,每2小时200毫升,3月15日查血钾4.17mmol/L,血钠143.3mmol/L,3月16日查血钾3.93mmol/L,血钠127.8mmol/L,予浓钠静滴,尿量较多,予垂体后叶素控制,诉头痛,加用甘露醇静滴,3月18日查血钾4.91mmol/L,血钠132.8mmol/L,继续予抗炎消肿,控制尿量,维持水电平衡,患者病情逐渐好转,生命体征平稳,能自行下床活动,精神食欲好,于3月28日出院,口服甲状腺素片,弥凝片剂,医师建议行放射治疗。

疾病 ,如 出现误诊 、误 治极为可 惜 。应对 此类 患者进
行规范化治疗 ,对儿 童患者可 采用综 合治疗 以减少 长
期生存后 出现 的并发症 。
参 考 文 献
[ 1 ] 连欣 ,张福泉 ,胡克 ,等. 7 4例颅内生殖细胞瘤放疗疗效 分析 [ J ] .中华放射肿瘤学杂志 , 2 0 0 9 ,1 8 ,1 7 3 — 1 7 5 . [ 2 ] R o g e r s s J , M o s l e h — S h i r a z i M A, S a r a n F H, e t a 1 . R a d i o t h e r a p y
[ 5 ]K u m a b e T ,K u s a k a Y,J o k u r a H,c t a 1 .R e c u r r e n c e o f i n —
t r a c r a n i a l g e r mi n o ma i n i t i a l l y t r e a t e d w i t h c h e mo t h e r a p y o n l y
o f l o c a l i z e d i n t r a c r a n i a l g e r mi no ma: t i me t o s e v e r h i s t o r i c a l
区放疗 ,但 5年后 出现照射 野外复发 。 目前 对于儿 童
患者 ,为减少放疗后 造成 的神经 功能损 伤 ,可采 用化 放疗结合 的方法治疗 。对于 化疗后 达到病 灶完全 缓解 的病例 ,后续放疗可 以减少 照射剂 量及 范 围,但放 疗 是不能省 略的治疗 I o 。 J 。 在病例 1 进行 治疗 的时期 ,采用的是二维定位 ,根

1. 什么是颅内生殖细胞瘤? 2. 颅内生殖细胞瘤的症状 3. 如何诊断颅内生殖细胞瘤? 4. 颅内生殖细胞瘤的治疗 5. 颅内生殖细胞瘤的预后与随访
颅内生殖细胞瘤是一种起源于生殖细胞的肿瘤, 通常发生在脑部,尤其是松果体区域。
这种肿可以是良性或恶性,主要影响儿童和青 少年。
什么是颅内生殖细胞瘤? 类型
颅内生殖细胞瘤主要分为三种类型:胚胎瘤、畸 胎瘤和精原细胞瘤。
生殖细胞瘤的形成与生殖细胞在胚胎发育过程中 的异常迁移有关。
此外,遗传因素和环境因素也可能在病理机制中 发挥作用。
如何诊断颅内生殖细胞瘤? 血液检查
某些生物标志物(如α-胎蛋白和人绒毛膜促性腺 激素)可以在血液中检测,用于辅助诊断。
手术切除是主要的治疗方法,旨在尽可能完 全地去除肿瘤。
手术风险和预后与肿瘤的大小和位置密切相 关。
颅内生殖细胞瘤的治疗 放疗
对于无法完全切除的肿瘤,放疗常常作为辅 助治疗。
颅内生殖细胞瘤的治疗 化疗
在某些情况下,化疗可能会被用于治疗生殖 细胞瘤,尤其是恶性病例。
颅内生殖细胞瘤的预后与随访 预后因素
颅内生殖细胞瘤的预后与肿瘤的类型、大小和治 疗反应有关。

脑下垂体机能低下的情况较多,鞍上部肿瘤中60 ~ 90%的患者会出现尿崩症。
图源:创客贴三、颅内生殖细胞瘤的治疗:1) 手术:为了确定治疗方针,有必要确定组织诊断手术的目的是对肿瘤进行活检。

• 原发性颅内恶性淋巴瘤 (PIML)是一种较少见的颅 内恶性肿瘤,其占全部原发 性颅内肿瘤的约1.5%。 • 一种侵袭性非霍奇金淋巴瘤 (NHL) • 起源并局限于脑、脑膜 • 患者无全身受累表现,为结 外淋巴瘤
• 垂体瘤平扫MRI表现 –无囊变出血:均质长T1、 长T2信号 –合并囊变:更长T1、更长 T2信号 –合并出血:亚急性期 短 T1、长T2信号区 • 垂体瘤增强MRI表现 –均质、非均质及环形明显 强化 –海绵窦受侵:部分或完全 包绕颈内动脉 –跨鞍隔生长:雪人征
• 颅咽管胚胎残余上皮/鳞
腹膜后 纵隔 颈部
WHO的病理分类将GCTs分为6个亚型:生殖 细胞瘤、畸胎瘤、内胚窦瘤(又名卵黄囊瘤)、 绒毛膜上皮癌(简称绒癌)、胚胎癌、混合性生 殖细胞瘤(混合性生殖细胞瘤为其他组织学
除生殖细胞瘤(germinomas)以外的肿瘤总 称为非生殖细胞瘤性生殖细胞肿瘤 (nongerminomatous germ cell tumors, NGGCTs)。生殖细胞瘤约占GCTs的50~70%。
• 因有牙齿、骨、脂肪等组织,CT上为高低
• 发病年龄较生殖细胞瘤大(20-40岁) • 多见于青年女性,生殖细胞瘤多见于青少年男性 • 呈“爆炸”钙化灶,生殖细胞瘤常推压松果体钙化移位 • 很少发生坏死、囊变及出血 • 松果体瘤不具有生殖细胞瘤侵犯三脑室后部形成的“蝴蝶征” • 鞍上池、基底节区及脑实质内有肿瘤病灶时考虑生殖细胞瘤

• 生殖细胞瘤(germinoma)占原发颅内肿瘤的0.5%~2%好发于松果体 区,其次为鞍上池,丘脑和基底核区;多见于儿童和青少年,成人 少见。
• 生殖细胞瘤由原始的生殖细胞衍生而来,约占松果体区肿瘤的50% 还可见于松果体至下丘脑的中线部位有特定的发生部位和易发年龄;当儿童松果体区和(或) 鞍上发现类圆形肿块时,则应考虑生殖细胞瘤可能性。
• 试验性放射治疗是诊断生殖细胞瘤的有力佐证。 • 松果体区生殖细胞瘤需与松果体细胞瘤、畸胎瘤、脑膜瘤相鉴别;
• 生殖细胞瘤属于恶性肿瘤。可以沿室管膜和脑脊液播散:由于生殖 细胞瘤对放疗敏感,试验性放射治疗有效是诊断生殖细胞瘤的一个 有力证据。
• 临床表现根据肿瘤部位不同可以出现颅压增高、中枢性尿崩症、 内分泌紊乱,上丘受压引起双眼上视困难,下丘受压则致双耳听力 丧失等。
• 1. CT平扫表现为边缘清楚、不规则、不甚均匀的略高密度肿块, 增强扫描为均一强化。脑室壁可出现带状或结节状强化影,提示有 室管膜扩散。
• 1. CT 松果体区生殖细胞瘤常并有梗阻性脑积水。放疗后肿块内 可出现低密度囊性变。
• 2.MRI 肿瘤呈等T1或稍长T1长T2信号,增强后明显强化,周围水肿 不明显;在矢状位可很好地显示肿瘤与脑室及脑干的关系;增强 扫描有助于检出经脑脊液种植的病灶。

【综述】⽣殖细胞瘤《StatPearls}》⽹络版2020年6⽉12⽇在线发表由美国University of Tennessee的Qandeel Sadiq; Farhan A. Khan.更新的综述《⽣殖细胞瘤(精原细胞瘤、⽣殖细胞的癌症)Cancer, Germ Cell (Seminoma, Germinoma)》。
⽣殖细胞瘤(GCT)源⾃原始⽣殖细胞(primordial germ cells),是⼀类主要发⽣于性腺( the gonads)(睾丸testicles和卵巢ovaries)的不同类型的肿瘤,也可能发⽣于前纵隔( the anterior mediastinum)、松果体(pineal gland)和⼤脑。
它们在临床上被分为两⼤类,具有重要的临床和预后意义:精原细胞瘤( Seminomas)和⾮精原细胞瘤( non-seminomas)。
精原细胞瘤通常预后良好,⽽⾮精原细胞瘤更有可能出现转移性疾病,以及由两种或两种以上不同的⽣殖细胞瘤成分组成的混合性⽣殖细胞性肿瘤(mixed germ cell tumors)。
在没有原发性腺肿瘤的情况下,可出现长期性腺外⽣殖细胞瘤(EGGCT),占GCT的1% - 3%。
除⾮另有证明,腹膜后(retroperitoneum)精原细胞瘤通常是原发性性腺精原细胞瘤( primary gonadal seminoma)的转移性疾病。
⽣殖细胞瘤(Germinoma)是⼀种颅内对应的(counterpart )精原细胞瘤(性腺外的精原细胞瘤extragonadal seminoma),约占所有颅内⽣殖细胞性肿瘤(GCT)的三分之⼆。

图 #, 女性, 生殖细胞瘤位于第三脑室内和第三脑室底, 明显强化, !# 岁,
细胞瘤位于第三脑室底, 沿视交叉漏斗生长, 明显均匀强化 图%, 男性, 生殖细胞瘤位于 !& 岁, 图 ’, 女性, 生殖细胞瘤仅 !# 岁,
位于蝶鞍内, 表现为等 (! 等 (# 信号, 明显均匀强化
・ /"$9 ・ 现于 !"# 的病例, 是最常见的临床表现, 文献报道是下丘脑 受损害的结果。但笔者对此持不同意见, 因为在本组病例统 计中, 有 $ 例位于蝶鞍内, 并未累及下丘脑, 但 $ 例都出现多 饮多尿。在下丘脑外侧靠近摄食中枢外有摄水中枢, 下丘脑 的排水中枢通过视上核和室旁核分泌抗利尿激素 ( %&’) 来调 节水的平衡, %&’ 沿下丘脑 ( 垂体束神经纤维束向外周运 输, 而贮存于神经垂体。肿瘤位于鞍上时, 通过刺激下丘脑外 侧的摄水中枢或累及视上核和室旁核使 %&’ 增多, 从而导致 尿崩症, 生殖细胞瘤位于鞍内, 并未累及下丘脑时出现尿崩症 的原因目前还不清楚, 考虑到微垂体腺瘤并不出现的多饮多 尿的表现, 因此可能与神经垂体有关, 鞍内生殖细胞瘤起源于 神经垂体, 从而促使神经垂体中 %&’ 的释放与合成, 或者瘤 细胞本身就能合成 %&’, 但这仅是一种假设, 还有待于进一 步研究。性征改变是由于下丘脑 ( 腺垂体轴受损所致, 在本 组病例统计中, 发育迟 $ 例性早熟均为男性, ) 例均为女性, 滞、 阴毛、 腋毛脱落、 停经, 笔者认为这种性征改变与性别的关 系应当不是一种巧合, 但原因至今不清。 将其 $*$ +, 影像 根据鞍上生殖细胞瘤的具体部位不同, 分三类。 - 类: 位于第三脑室内, 包括从第三脑室底向上长入 第三脑室共 ." 例。 -- 类: 位于第三脑室底, 仅累及视交叉、 漏 斗、 垂体柄, 视神经和视束共 /0 例; 仅位于蝶鞍内, 共$ --- 类:

European Journal of Radiology 49(2004)204–211MRI and CT findings of neurohypophyseal germinomaMitsunori Kanagaki a ,Yukio Miki a ,∗,Jun A.Takahashi b ,Yuta Shibamoto c ,Takahiro Takahashi a ,Tetsuya Ueba b ,Nobuo Hashimoto b ,Junji Konishi aaDepartment of Nuclear Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging,Graduate School of Medicine,Kyoto University,54Shogoin Kawahara-cho,Sakyo-ku,Kyoto 606-8507,JapanbDepartment of Neurosurgery,Graduate School of Medicine,Kyoto University,54Shogoin Kawahara-cho,Sakyo-ku,Kyoto 606-8507,Japanc Department of Radiology,Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences,1Kawasumi,Mizuho-cho,Mizuho-ku,Nagoya 467-8601,JapanReceived 22January 2003;received in revised form 30May 2003;accepted 2June 2003AbstractObjective:Magnetic resonance (MR)imaging and computed tomography (CT)findings of neurohypophyseal germinoma have not previously been described in detail.The purpose of the present study was to establish the spectrum of MR imaging and CT findings in neurohypophyseal germinomas.Materials and methods:MR and CT images of 13consecutive patients (seven males,six females;mean age:15years;range:6–31years)with neurohypophyseal germinoma were retrospectively analyzed.The diagnosis had been made either histologically (n =8)or clinically according to established criteria (n =5).All patients had been examined using MR imaging and CT before treatment.Results:On MR imaging,infundibular thickening (up to 16mm)was observed in all 13cases.Hyperintensity of the posterior pituitary on T1-weighted image was absent in all 13cases (100%)and 12of the 13displayed central diabetes insipidus.Ten germinomas (77%)were isointense to cerebral cortex on T1-weighted image,but variable intensities were exhibited on T2-weighted image.MR images revealed intratumoral cysts in six cases (46%),most of which demonstrated intra-third ventricular extension.Eleven of the 13cases (85%)revealed hyperdense solid components on unenhanced CT.Calcification was absent in all cases (100%).Conclusion:Infundibular thickening,absence of the posterior pituitary high signal on T1-weighted image,lack of calcification and hyperdensity on unenhanced CT are common imaging features of neurohypophyseal germinoma.©2003Elsevier Ireland Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Germ cell neoplasm;Magnetic resonance imaging;Computed tomography;Neurohypophysis1.IntroductionGerm cell tumors are relatively rare in Western countries,and constitute only 0.3–0.5%of all primary intracranial tumors [1–3].However,these tumors are far more common in Northeast Asia,accounting for ≈3.0%of all primary intracranial tumors [4].Approximately 90%of germ cell tu-mors occur in patients under 20-years-old.The pineal gland is the most common site of origin (≈50%),followed by the suprasellar region (20–30%).Other sites include the basal ganglia,thalamus,brainstem and spinal cord [1–3,5–7].Germ cell tumors can be divided into germinomatous and non-germinomatous germ cell tumors.The former type is∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+81-75-751-3790;fax:+81-75-751-4353.E-mail address:mikiy@kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Y .Miki).further classified into pure germinoma and germinoma with syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells (STGC),while the latter comprises teratoma,embryonal carcinoma,yolk sac tumor and choriocarcinoma [8].According to pathological examination of autopsy cases,germinomas of the suprasellar region (suprasellar germino-mas)involve the hypothalamo–neurohypophyseal axis (hy-pothalamus,infundibulum and posterior lobe of the pituitary gland),which is related to the development of diabetes in-sipidus [2,9].MR findings also suggest that suprasellar ger-minomas primarily arise from the posterior pituitary to the infundibulum [10,11].On the basis of these pathological and imaging findings,suprasellar germinoma is also called neurohypophyseal germinoma [10,12].Although germinomas are fatal if untreated,they dif-fer from other suprasellar neoplasms in that the tumors are highly susceptible to irradiation and chemotherapy and0720-048X/$–see front matter ©2003Elsevier Ireland Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0720-048X(03)00172-4M.Kanagaki et al./European Journal of Radiology49(2004)204–211205are potentially curable.If the possibility of germinoma can be determined prior to surgical intervention,biopsy and histopathological diagnosis would allow the avoidance of dissemination or hematogenous metastasis of tumor due to aggressive surgery[13].Knowledge of the full spectrum of MR imaging and computed tomography(CT)findings of neurohypophyseal germinoma is therefore vital.To the best of our knowledge,detailed evaluation of both MR imaging and CTfindings of neurohypophyseal germi-noma has yet to be reported.The purpose of the present study was to establish the spectrum of MR imaging and CT findings of neurohypophyseal germinoma correlating with clinical information,particularly central diabetes insipidus.2.Materials and methodsThirteen consecutive patients with neurohypophyseal germinoma hospitalized in the neurosurgical department of our institution from January1987to December2002 were retrospectively enrolled in this study.Patients included seven males and six females with a mean age of15(range: 6–31years).Diagnosis of neurohypophyseal germinoma was made histologically in eight cases.In the remaining five cases,diagnosis was made on the basis of clinical fea-tures including age,serum and/or cerebrospinalfluid(CSF) tumor markers and rapid tumor response to irradiation or chemotherapy,according to established criteria[14]. Cases diagnosed histologically as non-germinomatous germ cell tumor,cases positive for␣-fetoprotein(AFP)and cases with markedly elevated serum and/or CSF concen-trations of human chorionic gonadotropin(HCG)(>2000 mIU/ml)were excluded from the study.Elevated AFP is generally restricted to yolk sac tumors and some special types of teratoma[15].Marked increases in serum or CSF HCG above2000mIU/ml are characteristic of choriocarci-noma,while moderate increases in serum or CSF HCG can be associated with germinoma containing HCG-producing STGCs(germinoma with STGC)with no definite evidence of choriocarcinoma[7].The majority of germinomas with STGC can be clinically diagnosed when serum HCG con-centration is elevated but below2000mIU/ml[16].Seven of the13cases in the present study met this criterion,display-ing moderately elevated concentrations of HCG suggestive of germinoma with STGC.All patients had been examined using CT and MR imag-ing before treatment.Axial or coronal unenhanced CT scans were obtained with slice thicknesses of5–10mm. MR imaging studies were performed using a1.5-T super-conducting magnet.Both sagittal and coronal T1-weighted images(spin-echo;repetition time/echo time/excitations: 400-630/8-35/1-2)and axial and coronal T2-weighted im-ages(spin-echo or fast spin-echo;2000-7800/80-126/1-2) were obtained.Additional MR imaging parameters included 3–5mm slice thickness,20–24cmfield of view and a 192–256×256matrix.Sagittal,in addition to axial or coro-nal contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images,were obtained in11patients(85%)after intravenous injection of either gadodiamide(Gd-DTPA-BMA)or gadopentetate dimeglu-mine(Gd-DTPA)at a dose of0.1mmol/kg bodyweight. The results of MR imaging and CT were reviewed in a non-blinded manner by three experienced neuroradiologists. Tumor location,CT density,MR signal intensity and en-hancement patterns were evaluated,as was the presence of calcification,infundibular thickening,posterior lobe hyper-intensity and cystic components.Tumor location was evaluated regarding the following four regions:(1)intrasellar;(2)infundibulum;(3)third ven-tricle;and(4)basal ganglia or lateral ventricles.Intrasel-lar involvement was determined by anterior displacement of the anterior pituitary or enlargement of the sella turcica. Infundibular involvement was defined when the maximum diameter of the infundibulum was equal to or>4mm[17]. Intra-third ventricular extension was defined as protrusion of the tumor into the third ventricle.According to medical charts,central diabetes insipidus was present in12of the13patients(92%).These12patients required desmopressin acetate(DDA VP)to control urinary volume.In the remaining case,clinical evaluation for dia-betes insipidus was not possible due to the presence of blad-der disturbance.3.ResultsMR imaging and CTfindings are summarized in Table1.3.1.MRIfindingsInfundibular thickening(up to16mm)was observed in all cases(Fig.1c,Fig.3b,Fig.4b).Six of the13cases (46%)also displayed an intrasellar component(Fig.1c). Intra-third ventricular extension was identified infive cases (38%)(Fig.2b).Three tumors(23%)had infiltrated the basal ganglia,one of which had invaded the wall of the lateral ventricle(Fig.4a).Four of the six cases displaying an in-trasellar component revealed anterior pituitaries that were compressed anterior to the tumor(Fig.1c).Three cases dis-played enlargement of the sella turcica.Hyperintensity of the posterior pituitary on T1-weighted images was absent in all cases(100%)(Fig.1a,Fig.3a). On T1-weighted images,signal intensity of the solid por-tion was slightly hyperintense to cerebral cortex in two cases (15%),isointense in ten(77%)(Fig.1a)and hypointense in one(8%).Five cases showed inhomogeneous signal intensity on the T2-weighted images.On T2-weighted im-ages,signal intensity of the dominant solid portion was hyperintense to cerebral cortex in three cases(23%),isoin-tense in eight(62%)(Fig.1b)and hypointense in two (15%).Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging was performed for11patients.All tumors displayed significant contrastM.Kanagaki et al./European Journal of Radiology49(2004)204–211207Fig.1.Case8.Neurohypophyseal germinoma in an11-year-old girl.Intra-and suprasellar tumor components are homogeneous and isointense to cerebral cortex on both T1-weighted(SE400/15)(a)and T2-weighted(FSE5000/130)MR images(b).Sagittal T1-weighted MR image(SE400/15)(a)shows absence of normal signal hyperintensity in the posterior pituitary(arrow).Sagittal post-gadolinium T1-weighted MR image(SE400/15)(c)shows heterogeneously enhancing tumor involving the intrasellar region and infundibulum.Thickened infundibulum is observed(arrow).The anterior pituitary is compressed anteroinferiorly(arrowhead)[10,18,25].The tumor is less enhancing than the anterior pituitary.Unenhanced CT reveals a hyperdense tumor with no calcification(d).enhancement:six(55%)revealed homogeneous enhance-ment(Fig.3b)andfive(45%)showed heterogeneous en-hancement(Fig.1c,Fig.2b,Fig.4a).Four of thefive cases with heterogeneous enhancement demonstrated involve-ment of the third ventricularfloor or infiltration to the basal ganglia,while only one of the six cases with homogeneous enhancement displayed intra-third ventricular extension or infiltration to the basal ganglia.Intratumoral cysts were seen in six of the13cases(46%), andfive of these displayed intra-third ventricular extension (Fig.2a,Fig.4a).None of the remaining seven tumors with-out intratumoral cysts demonstrated intra-third ventricular extension.Multifocal lesions were observed in four of the13cases (31%)and pineal lesions were observed in all four cases. In addition to the pineal lesions,two cases demonstrated ventricular wall dissemination and one displayed a spinal cord lesion.3.2.CTfindingsIn11of the13cases(85%),the solid portion of the tumor was hyperdense to cerebral cortex on unenhanced CT (Fig.1d,Fig.2c).In the remaining two cases(15%),CT density could not be evaluated due to the small size of the lesion.Calcification was absent in all cases(100%).208M.Kanagaki et al./European Journal of Radiology 49(2004)204–211Fig.2.Case 12.Neurohypophyseal germinoma in a 26-year-old man.Axial T2-weighted MR image (FSE 4100/80)displays multiple intratumoral cysts (arrowheads)(a).Coronal post-gadolinium T1-weighted MR image (SE 400/14)shows tumor protruding into the third ventricle (b).Tumor is hyperdense to cerebral cortex on unenhanced CT (arrows)(c).4.DiscussionTo the best of our knowledge,few papers have evalu-ated infundibular thickening of neurohypophyseal germi-noma [10,18].All 13cases in the present study displayed infundibular thickening.Fujisawa et al.[10]reported that six of their seven cases showed infundibular thickening and Liang et al.[18]described thickening of the infundibulum as the only abnormal imaging finding for small tumors.This high frequency of infundibular thickening is not unexpected given the predominant localization of neurohypophyseal ger-minoma in the hypothalamo–neurohypophyseal axis [10,11].We consider infundibular thickening as a typical finding for neurohypophyseal germinoma.The hyperintense signal of the posterior pituitary was ab-sent in all 13cases (100%)in our series,confirming the re-sults of previous reports [10,19,20].This absence of normal hyperintensity in the posterior pituitary is closely related to the loss of hypothalamo-hypophyseal function,particularly diabetes insipidus [21–23].In the present series,12of the 13patients (92%)showed evidence of diabetes insipidus.MR signal intensity of the solid portion is non-specific on both T1-and T2-weighted images.Ten of the 13ger-minomas (77%)were isointense to cerebral cortex on T1-weighted images,but intensities on T2-weighted images were variable.Typically,germinoma is iso-or slightly hy-pointense on T1-weighted images and iso-or hyperintense on T2-weighted images [18,24–26].In our series,all 11tumors examined under gadolinium administration revealed intense enhancement.Marked con-trast enhancement is a common finding for neurohypophy-seal germinoma [18,25].Five of the 11cases displayedM.Kanagaki et al./European Journal of Radiology 49(2004)204–211209Fig.3.Case 9.Neurohypophyseal germinoma in a 15-year-old boy.Sagittal T1-weighted MR image (SE 400/20)(a)shows the absence of normal signal hyperintensity in the posterior pituitary (arrow).Sagittal post-gadolinium T1-weighted MR image (SE 400/20)(b)shows a small tumor involving the upper portion of the infundibulum (arrow).heterogeneous enhancement.A recent study reported that heterogeneous enhancement is commonly seen in relatively large neurohypophyseal germinoma [18].Large tumors tend to exhibit heterogeneous enhancement,probably due to in-homogeneous blood supply,microcyst formation or presence of necrosis [18].To the best of our knowledge,frequency of intratumoral cysts in neurohypophyseal germinoma has not been evalu-ated.Intratumoral cysts were seen in six of our 13cases (46%).Of these six cases,five displayed intra-third ventric-ular extension,while none of other seven cases without in-tratumoral cysts demonstrated either intra-thirdventricular Fig.4.Case 7.Neurohypophyseal germinoma with STGC in a 16-year-old girl.Axial post-gadolinium T1-weighted MR image (SE 630/15)reveals a tumor with multiple intratumoral cysts extending into the third ventricle,basal ganglia and lateral ventricle (a).Another axial post-gadolinium image shows the thickened infundibulum (arrow)(b).extension or infiltration to the basal ganglia.Germinomas arising from the basal ganglia or thalamus reportedly tend to contain multiple cysts of varying size [27–29].Large tumor size and presence of brain parenchymal involvement could be related to intratumoral cyst formation also in neurohy-pophyseal germinoma.Multifocal germ cell tumors usually involve the pineal and suprasellar compartments simultaneously or sequen-tially,and account for 6–13%of all intracranial germ cell tumors [1,3,30].In our series,four of the 13cases (31%)dis-played a synchronous pineal lesion.If restricted to cases of neurohypophyseal germinoma,this rate is within the range210M.Kanagaki et al./European Journal of Radiology49(2004)204–211of those reported previously[18,25,31,32].In general,syn-chronous mass lesions in these regions can be diagnosed as primary germ cell tumors.The origins of multifocal lesions as either metastatic spread from one location to another or as lesions of true multicentric origin remain controversial [30].In our series,11of the13tumors(85%)were hyperdense to cerebral cortex on unenhanced CT.In the remaining two cases,CT density could not be evaluated due to the small size of the lesion.Hyperdensity on unenhanced CT is probably attributable to their hypercellularity[24,33,34].No cases in the present study displayed calcification,again confirming the results of previous studies[24,34].Infundibular thickening and absence of normal signal hy-perintensity in the posterior pituitary on T1-weighted MR images and relative hyperdensity without calcification on unenhanced CT are characteristic but not specific for neu-rohypophyseal germinoma.Fifteen to40%of patients with Langerhans cell histiocytosis(LCH)manifest with diabetes insipidus due to histiocytic infiltration of the neurohypoph-ysis and may show pituitary stalk thickening in the absence of the posterior pituitary bright signal[35,36].Diabetes insipidus may present asfirst manifestation in patients with LCH,but the majority of these patients develop diseases outside of the hypothalamo–neurohypophyseal axis during the follow-up course[37].Lymphocytic infundibuloneuro-hypophysitis(LIN),an autoimmune-mediated inflamma-tory disorder which causes central diabetes insipidus,may also shows thickening of the pituitary stalk and absence of normal hyperintense signal of the posterior pituitary on T1-weighted images[38].LIN can be differentiated from neurohypophyseal germinoma by the following:it usu-ally occurs in adults;the natural course of this disorder is self-limited;and thickening of the pituitary stalk will disap-pear on follow-up course[23,38].It might be difficult to dif-ferentiate lymphoma,leukemia and metastasis,which may localize in the neurohypophyseal region[39],from neurohy-pophyseal germinoma on the basis of radiological imaging alone.Many other clinical features of these diseases may aid in differentiating them from neurohypophyseal germinoma; lymphomas are predominantly seen in adults and their only involvement of the neurohypophysis is extremely rare [40],metastases are also common in adults and leukemias are usually seen with bone marrow lesions.Besides these, some other granulomatous diseases,such as tuberculosis, sarcoidosis,Wegener’s granulomatosis and granulomatous hypophysitis may mimic neurohypophyseal germinomas [41–44].Central nervous system(CNS)involvement of tu-berculosis almost always occurs secondary to a non-CNS focus of infection and usually shows basal meningeal en-hancement or enhancing nodules in the brain parenchyma [45].Approximately5%of patients with sarcoidosis may present with intracranial involvement and some may have infundibulo–neurohypophyseal axis involvement[46].Most of patients with CNS sarcoidosis develop manifestations at non-CNS regions and demonstrate distinctivefindings on chest X-ray,high titer of ACE,as well as the presence of uveitis[42].5.ConclusionAlthough MRIfindings of neurohypophyseal germino-mas except those involving the pineal gland are rather non-specific,infundibular thickening and absence of normal sig-nal hyperintensity in the posterior pituitary on 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最新:中国肿瘤整合诊治指南—中枢神经系统生殖细胞肿瘤要点(全文)前言中枢神经系统生殖细胞肿瘤(CNS GCTs)是儿童及青少年中枢神经系统常见的恶性肿瘤,占儿童原发性神经系统肿瘤的8.1%(中国)~15.3%(日本),好发于3~15岁,常发生于松果体区、鞍上区或丘脑基底节区、少数可发生在三脑室、脑干、胼胝体等中线部位。
目前国际上治疗CNS GCTs均采用放疗、化疗和手术等整合治疗手段。
第一章概述第一节发病率第二节病理1 颅内GCTs的WHO 2021分类表2 生殖细胞瘤2.1 大体所见生殖细胞瘤约占iGCTs的2/3,色灰红,大多呈浸润性生长,与周围脑组织边界中枢神经系统生殖细胞肿瘤第一章概述不清,质软而脆,结节状,肿瘤组织易于脱落,也有肿瘤呈胶冻状,瘤内可出血、坏死和囊性变。
2.2 镜下观察2.3 免疫组化胎盘碱性磷酸酶(PLAP)在大多数生殖细胞瘤的细胞膜和细胞浆中存在(70%~100%)。
3 畸胎瘤与未成熟畸胎瘤畸胎瘤由2种或3种胚层分化而成,这些组织虽同时存在,但排列无序,外观上不像正常可辨的组织器官。
3.1 大体所见3.2 镜下观察3.3 免疫组化畸胎瘤结构复杂,免疫组化也呈多样性。
4 卵黄囊瘤4.1 大体所见4.2 镜下观察4.3 免疫组化部分卵黄囊瘤对PLAP呈阳性表达,多数内胚窦瘤对AFP,Keratin呈阳性表达。

1. 临床症状和体征:患者可能出现与生殖细胞瘤相关的症状,如腹部肿块、头痛、视力障碍、内分泌异常等。
2. 影像学检查:如CT、MRI 等影像学检查可以发现肿瘤的存在、大小、位置以及与周围组织的关系。
3. 病理检查:对肿瘤组织进行病理活检是确诊生殖细胞瘤的重要依据。
4. 生化检查:某些生殖细胞瘤可能会导致特定的生化指标异常,如血清人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-HCG)、甲胎蛋白(AFP)等的升高。
5. 排除其他疾病:排除其他可能引起类似症状的疾病,以确保诊断的准确性。
6. 医生综合判断:医生会综合考虑患者的临床表现、影像学检查结果、病理检查结果以及其他相关因素,进行综合分析和判断,最终确诊生殖细胞瘤。

经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量 Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More
You Know, The More Powerful You Will Be
当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的, 所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。
随病程发展逐渐出现轻中度水肿改变。 • ⑤个别可见同侧大脑半球皮层萎缩现象。 • ⑥转移情况:颅内生殖细胞瘤为高度恶性肿瘤,浸润性生长,并可沿脑脊
液,室管膜及脑膜种植转移。 • ⑦生殖细胞瘤好发部位在松果体及鞍上池下丘脑区域,其次为基底节区,
若在基底节区发现病变的同时在松果体区或下丘脑亦显示病变,则可基本 确诊
• 临床表现因肿瘤的大小和部位而异,常见症状为内分泌 和视力视野的改变以及颅内压增高。颅内生殖细胞瘤的 临床表现取决于肿瘤的部位:
• ①松果体区肿瘤病人由于中脑导水管堵塞导致阻塞性脑 积水,并由此继发颅内压增高,表现为头痛、恶心呕吐、 视乳头水肿、意识障碍、呼吸障碍、癫痫样发作,甚至 高颅压危象;伴有中脑背侧受压体征,瞳孔缩小,向上 凝视麻痹和眼睑下垂(即Pronaud综合征)。
• 肿瘤不具钙化是鞍区生殖细胞瘤又一影像学特征
• ①部位、形态:肿瘤发生在基底节区,可侵及丘脑及邻近结构,瘤体通常 较大,病变范围较广泛,形态不规则,边缘欠清晰。
• ②多有囊变、坏死表现。 • ③呈斑点、片状、环形分隔样增强 • ④瘤旁水肿轻或无水肿带,中线移位常不明显。病变早期无明显占位现象,

al.Bifrontalcystictumoraform ofsuprasellar [13] WEKSBERG D C,SHIBAMOTO Y,PAULI-
germinoma (author'stransl)[J].No Shinkei
·短篇及病例报道· doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-8348.2021.12.040
重 庆 医 学 2021 年 6 月 第 50 卷 第 12 期
贾 坤1,梁春晓2,刘 莹2 (1.四川省成都市金牛区人民医院影像科 610036;2.四川大学华西医院放射科,成都 610047)
[关键词] 生殖细胞瘤;颅内;双灶性
[中图法分类号] R739.41
[文献标识码] B
[文章编号] 1671-8348(2021)12-2156-03
颅 内 双 灶 性 生 殖 细 胞 瘤 (intracranialbifocalgerm celltumor,IBGCT)是 指 颅 内 2 个 部 位 同 时 出 现 生 殖 细 胞瘤(germcelltumor,GCT),不 同 部 位 肿 块 间 没 有 直 接 联 系 ,以 同 步 性 发 生 于 鞍 区 和 松 果 体 区 最 为 常 见[1-2]。 IBGCT 的临床发病率低,是一种特殊类型的 GCT,既往 文献多以个案或小样本病例报道为主。本文回顾性分 析四川大学华西医院2例确诊IBGCT 病例,结合文献 复习,探讨该类肿瘤的临床及影像特征。
图2 病例2T1 增强影像图
2讨 论 IBGCT 不同于单灶性 GCT 的 颅 内 播 散,最 早 见

Advances in Clinical Medicine 临床医学进展, 2020, 10(3), 270-278Published Online March 2020 in Hans. /journal/acmhttps:///10.12677/acm.2020.103043Study Progress of Intracranial Germ CellTumorsXiaohong Gao1, Yaming Wang2, Mangmang Bai1*1Yanan University Affiliated Hospital Neurosurgery, Yan’an Shaanxi2Xuanwu Hospital Capital Medical University Neurosurgery, BeijingReceived: Feb. 27th, 2020; accepted: Mar. 13th, 2020; published: Mar. 20th, 2020AbstractIntracranial germ cell tumors (IGCTs) are uncommon tumours occurring in children and young adults with a tendency to appear in pineal, suprasellar and basal ganglia region. They are usually segregated into germinomas and nongerminomatous tumours (NGGCTs). The main clinical ma-nifestations of the tumors depend on their size and location. The diagnosis has been divided into clinical diagnosis and surgical biopsy pathology diagnosis. The tumor therapy regimen is mostly chemoradiotherapy and surgery. New tumor markers microRNA (MiRNA) may be potentially val-uable biomarkers in the diagnosis and evaluation of treatment of intracranial germ cell tumors in the future. Histopathology and molecular analyses are attempting to further specify the different IGCTs subtypes and are helping to direct the development of distinct therapeutic targets to im-prove treatment and prognosis. Here is to make a review of the current status and management in intracranial germ cell tumorsKeywordsIntracranial Germ Cell Tumors, Diagnosis, Therapy, MiRNA颅内生殖细胞肿瘤研究进展高晓红1,王亚明2,白茫茫1*1延安大学附属医院神经外科,陕西延安2首都医科大学宣武医院神经外科,北京收稿日期:2020年2月27日;录用日期:2020年3月13日;发布日期:2020年3月20日*通讯作者。

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预 后
生殖细胞瘤的治疗效果与组织类型直接有关; Matsurari的报道显示:生殖细胞瘤术后5年生存率为 95.4%,10年生存率为92.7%; 成熟畸胎瘤3年、5年和10年的生存率均达92.9%; 其它无性生殖细胞瘤的5年生存率低于70%,其中 绒癌、胚胎癌和卵黄囊癌的混合性肿瘤其5年生存率为 9.3%,10年生存率几乎为0。 生殖细胞瘤经过手术及术后放疗其15年生存率为 87.9%。 生殖细胞瘤手术加放疗后仍会出现局部复发,而非生殖 细胞瘤性生殖细胞肿瘤预后不容乐观;
该瘤通常无包膜、无钙化、出血、坏死或 囊性变,属低度恶性肿瘤,多呈浸润性生 长,常有不同程度和形式的转移,易向蛛 网膜下腔及脑室系统种植、播散; 组织学上,肿瘤主要含有两种细胞成分: 上皮样细胞和淋巴样细胞。
突出临床表现是内分泌紊乱,表现为上视 障碍和性早熟,同时可伴有下丘脑功能障 碍,如尿崩、烦渴、嗜睡及肥胖; 其他症状与肿瘤部位有关,松果体区肿瘤 可阻塞中脑导水管,造成颅内高压; 鞍区肿瘤则首先表现出视力障碍,然后出 现头痛、呕吐、多饮多尿及垂体功能低下。
平片 主要变化是颅内压增高和松果体区钙斑, 常同时出现。 儿童松果体瘤的钙化率可达60%~70%, 呈分散点状或斑片状,范围较大,直径多 在1cm左右。
CT:松果体生殖细胞瘤于三脑室后部出现 边缘清楚、稍不规则、不十分均一的略 高密度病灶. 松果体区病灶+鞍上肿块; 松果体区病灶+底节肿块 鞍上肿块+基底节肿块 钙化率可达70%左右.
脑生殖细胞瘤 (Germinoma)
生殖细胞瘤起源发育过程中原始生殖细胞 的残余组织,多见于性腺; 可发生于中枢神经系统中线部位(松果体 或鞍上区)、纵隔或骶尾区等其它部位; 虽然生殖细胞瘤的组织学所见均相同,但 是生长于不同部位的肿瘤名称各异。例如: 位于睾丸者称精原细胞瘤(sernimoma), 位于卵巢者称无性细胞瘤(dysgeminoma), 而位于中枢神经系统的肿瘤才称为生殖细 胞瘤。
肿瘤类型 生殖细胞瘤 绒癌 胚胎瘤 内胚窦瘤 标记物 PLAP阳性 HCG阳性 HCG阳性, AFP阳性 AFP阳性
2) 鞍上区肿瘤的手术方法:经额下、经翼点(压迫 视神经)、经胼胝体或侧脑室(三脑室)、部分可 以经蝶手术; 3)丘脑基底节区肿瘤:据肿瘤的具体位置选用不同 的手术入路;
(2) 脑脊液分流术;
(3) 立体定向活检术;
生殖细胞瘤对放疗非常敏感,分次放疗是最有效 的实验方法,长期生存率和治愈率很高; 有室管膜、蛛网膜下腔种植的患者应形全脑放疗; 非生殖细胞瘤有一定的抗放射性,恶性的生殖细 胞瘤短期的放疗可能有一定的效果 ,但远期效果仍然很差; X-刀或γ-刀治疗多次小剂量的照射疗效亦较好;
发生部 位
生殖细胞瘤总的发生率各家报告差别较大,约为 0.3%~3.0%; 本肿瘤可累及任何年龄段,但是其发病高峰在12 岁以内,又可分为6岁以内和10~12岁两个峰值 年龄段。据文献统计68%的患者确诊年龄在10~ 21岁,其中非生殖细胞瘤类生殖细胞肿瘤多在9 岁以内确诊,而90%的生殖细胞瘤在10岁以后确 诊; 生殖细胞瘤以男性多见,男女比例为3.25:1, 位于鞍上的肿瘤女性占75%,位于松果体区的肿 2012-6-23 4 瘤,则以男性多见,占67%。
中枢神经系统生殖细胞瘤好发于松果体区和 鞍区,犹以松果体区多见; 文献报告生殖细胞瘤占松果体病变的50%。 松果体区48%,鞍上区37%。两者并存6%, 第三脑室3%,基底节-丘脑区3%,其它脑 室区3%,组织学类型与部位的关系:生殖细 胞瘤57%位于鞍上区(包括多中心病变); 非生殖细胞瘤类生殖细胞肿瘤68%位于松果 体区,位于基底节-丘脑区多为生殖细胞瘤, 累及大脑-侧脑室,小脑-第四脑室及全颅 腔受累者多为非生殖细胞瘤类生殖细胞瘤。 3 2012-6-23
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谢 谢 !
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临床表现; 血清标记物; 影像学检查
鞍区的生殖细胞瘤:垂体瘤、颅 咽管瘤; 丘脑和基底节区生殖细胞瘤:与 胶质瘤鉴别; 松果体区:松果体细胞瘤、松果 体母细胞瘤、松果体区动脉瘤、 松果体区脑膜瘤;
治 疗
术、放疗、化疗和联合治疗。 手术治疗: (1)肿瘤切除术:
1)松果体区肿瘤的手术方法: 额中回中部 ① 经额经侧脑室入路:单侧额瓣 额角、室间孔、三脑室 松果体 ②顶枕部经胼胝体入路(Brunner-Dandy):顶后大脑半球 胼胝体 大脑镰 松果体区 ③幕下小脑上入路(Krause); ④经侧脑室三角区入路(van Wagener); 2012-6-23 19 ⑤枕部经小脑幕入路(Poppen);
21Leabharlann 化学治疗 对于颅内生殖细胞瘤疗效比较好的化疗 药物有卡铂、顺铂、长春新碱、博来霉素等;
但是目前对于恶性生殖细胞瘤是采用单纯放 疗或单纯化疗还是放疗和化疗联合的治疗还 有争论;
Canserfx170 是最近美国KNL药业有限公司应用高科技技术, 从草药中提取有效精华而生产的最新抗癌产品。它通过调节紊 乱的细胞环境和人体环境,从而达到恢复基因正常功能-----逆 转和杀灭癌细胞。 据称对生殖细胞瘤有较好的疗效。
MR: 肿瘤呈等T1WI或稍长T1、长T2信号周围水肿不明显 肿瘤对三脑室后部的压迫,故幕上脑积水常较明显 室管膜扩散时MRI增强扫描比CT显示更为清楚。 Gd-DTPA增强扫描能改善肿瘤边界的显示并有助于 检出经脑脊液种植的肿瘤。 生殖细胞瘤有特定发生部位和高的钙化发生率,是 确诊的主要依据。 DDx: 畸胎瘤鉴别有牙齿或骨骼,增强后强化不明显。 室管膜瘤、小脑幕裂孔脑膜瘤及转移瘤鉴别。