

2021年冀教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 Spring Is Coming教学案.doc

2021年冀教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 Spring Is Coming教学案.doc

Unit 1 Spring Is Coming教学案Lessons 1——8本单元以春天展开话题,重在谈论有关春天的话题。


二. 语言知识:1. 掌握的词汇:rather, shower, rise, set, become, fact, road,history, kick, climb, change, shall, hold, playground, push, herself2. 认知词汇:thunder, storm, sunrise, sunset, daylight, melt, lightning, fascinating, outdoors, cycling, hillside, gently, blossom, babysitter, babysit, bar, swing, partly.3. 词组和句型one by one, hold on, come down,What’s the weather like today?What’s the temperature today?It’s rather cool / warm today, isn’t it?be scared of, not…until…, make a loud noiseThe temperature goes up. have fun doing.go bike riding. How / what about…?Shall we…?The ball always hits me on the headturn around, give somebody a push, fall off, get off, all day.4. 功能意念:(1)谈论天气、温度及答语(2)谈论户外运动5. 语法:(1)合成词,兼类词,派生词的构成。



英语初二下冀教版unit1教案(l1-l8)TeachingContent:Masterywordsandexpressions:rather,shower,rise,rose,risen,set Oralwordsandexpressions:thunder,storm,sunrise,sunsetTeachingAims:TalkingaboutweatherTeachingImportantPoints:1.Describetheweatherinspring;2.Talkaboutthetemperature.TeachingDifficultPoints:Describethenaturephenomenon.Teachingpreparation:thepicturesofspringTeachingAids:audiotape;flashcards;picturesTypeoflesson:newlessonTeachingProcedure:Step1.Freetalk1.Whatweatherdoyoulike?Whyorwhynot?2.Whatsportscanyoudointhisseason?eto“THINKABOUTIT”Letthestudentsworkingroupsandanswerthefollowingquestions:1.Lookoutside.What’stheweatherliketoday?2.Howdoesthisweathermakeyoufeel?Step3.Listentothetapeandanswerthefollowingquestions:1.What’stheweatherliketoday?2.Itissnowing,isn’tit?3.what’sthetemperature?4.isitgoingtoraintoday,isn’tit?Step4.Readthetextandchecktheanswers.Readthetextinroles.Step5.PracticeWorkinthreestudents.Supposeyouareaweatherreporter.Nowreporttoday’sweathertotheothersinyourgroup.Thenreportittotheclass.Step6.PracticeMakeupadialoguebetweentwoorthreestudentsinclass.Itisabouttheweatherinspring.Let somestudentsactitoutbeforetheclass.Step7.Homework1.Findsomethingthatrepresentsspringandshowittotheclassnexttime.2.Finishofftheactivitybook.Lesson2:It’sGettingWarmer!TeachingContent:Masterywordsandexpressions:become,became,become,fact Oralwordsandexpressions:daylight,melt,lightning,fascinatingTeachingAim:1.Knowsomethingmoreaboutspring;2.Thecompoundwords.TeachingImportantPoints:1.Whendoesspringbegin?2.HowmanyhoursofdaylightarethereonMarch21st?3.Whatistheweatherlike?TeachingDifficultPoints:thecompoundwordsTeachingPreparation:somepicturesofspringTeachingAids:audiotape,flashcards,somepicturesTypeoflesson:newlessonTeachingProcedure:Step1.Letthestudentsondutyreportstheweathertotheclass.Theotherslistenanddecidei tisrightorwrong.Step2.Listentothetapeandanswerthefollowingquestions:1.What’sthedatetoday?2.Howmanywayscanyouwritedates?3.HowmanyhoursofdaylightarethereonMarch21st?4.Whatisspringweatherlike?5.Whatisthetemperatureoftheairnearlighting?Step3.Readthetextandchecktheanswers.Step4.Listentothetapeagainandimitateafterituntiltheycanreaditfluentlyandcorrect ly.Step5.Askthestudentstoaskotherquestionsaccordingtothetext.Youcanbeginlikethis:1.Whendoesthesunriseinthemorningandwhendoesitsetintheevening?2.Doesitsnowinearlyspring?3.Whatissometimeswiththunderandlighting?eto“LET’SDOIT”.Workingroupsanddiscussthesequestions.Thenletthemreportittotheclass.Step7.Homework1.Finishofftheactivitybook.2.Writeacompositionaboutspring.Summary:Weareenjoyingspringnow.Wecanfeelitiswarmerthanbefore.Butnotallofusknowwhenthesu nrisesinthemorningandsetsintheevening.Letthestudentsobserveafterclass,writeitdo wnandreportittotheclass.Itcancultivatethestudents’interestsoflearningEnglish.Lesson3:Postcards!TeachingContent:Masterywordsandexpressions:roadOralwordsandexpressions:outdoorsTeachingAim:1.Grasphowtowritealetterandtheaddress.2.KnowmoreaboutthespringinChinaandCanada.TeachingImportantPoints:1.FindthedifferencesbetweenChinaandCanadainspring.3.Findthedifferencesbetweentheclothesthatwewearinwinterandinspring. TeachingDifficultPoints:1.What’stheweatherlikeinEdmonton?2.Howtoexpressone’sideaeasilyinaletter?TeachingPreparation:apostcardTeachingAids:audiotape,flashcards,postcardsTypeoflesson:newlessonTeachingProcedure:Step1.FreeTalk Letthestudentsworkinthreeandtalkaboutthesportsthatweoftendoinspring.Thengiveata lkfortheclass.Step2.HaveamatchReadthetextandseewhoreaditbest.Remembertoencouragethestudentswhopreviewthenewle sson.Step3.Listentothetapeandreadafterit.Playthetapeforseveraltimesuntiltheycanreadi tfluentlyandcorrectly.Step4.Askthestudentstofindquestionsandsolvethem.Theycanaskthequestionslikethis:1.HowdidLiMinggotoschoolonMarchtwenty-first?2.What’sthetemperaturethatafternoon?3.Whattimedoesthesunrisethismorning?4.IsitsnowinginCanada?5.Whendoesitoftensnowinwinter?6.DidDannyfallinthesnow?eto“THINKABOUTIT”Writeapostcardtoyourfriendtointroducetheweatherhere.Thenwritetheaddressandstick astamponit.Mailitinthepostoffice.Step6.Homework1.Finishofftheactivitybook.2.ListentothesonginLesson4.Summary: WrittenEnglishisanimportantpartinEnglishlearning.Practiceisthekeytoit.Dotheyhav ethespellingmistakesorthegrammarmistakesinthewriting?Findoutandhelpthemcomeover it.Paymoreattentiontothewritingbecauseit’sanimportantpartofcommunication.Lesson4:SunIsRisingTeachingContent:Masterywordsandexpressions:onebyone,changeOralwordsandexpressions:hillside,gently,blossomTeachingAim:EnjoythebeautyofthespringTeachingImportantPoint:GraspthechangesthatspringbringusTeachingDifficultPoints:Howtouse“warm”and“gently”.TeachingPreparation:somethingthatrepresentsspringTeachingAids:audiotape,flashcards,picturesorflowersTypeoflesson:newlessonTeachingProcedure:Step1.Readthesongaloudasapoem.ThissonghasthissonghascommonEnglishwords:comewith me,throughthetrees,onebyone,theflowersblossom.TranslatetheseexpressionsintoEngl ish.Step2.Playtheaudiotapeandletthestudentsjustlistenwiththeeyeclosed.Step3.Playthetapeagainandletthestudentssingwithit.Step4.ExplainthecommonEnglishexpressions.Step5.Practicethesongafewtimes,withandwithouttheaudiotape.eto“LET’SDOIT”.STEP7.Homework1.Finishofftheactivitybook.2.Writedownwhatyoucanseeinspring.Summary Weusethislessontocultivatethestudents’senseofenjoyingEnglishsongs.Payattentiontotherhyme,rhythmandrepetitioninthesong .LearningEnglishsongsisalittledifficultfromChinesesongs.Findthewaysinwhichwecan learnfast.Lesson5:FunintheSunTeachingContent:Masterywordsandexpressions:shall,kickOralwordsandexpressions:cycling,How/Whatabout…?Shallwe…?TeachingAims:Howtoenjoyoneselfinspring.TeachingImportantPoints:1.thesportsthatwedoinspring.2.somedrills:Howabout…?Let’s…TeachingDifficultPoints:Howtoadvicesb.todosth.TeachingPreparation:basketballandsoccerTeachingAids:audiotape,flashcardsandballsTypeoflesson:newlessonTeachingProcedure:Step1.ListentothetapeofLesson4again,thenlet’ssingthesongtogether.Step2.Listentothetapeandanswerthefollowingquestions:1.What’sthedegree?2.WhatwillDannyweartomorrow?3.Whatwilltheydoafterschool?4.Whydon’tDannylikebasketball?Step3.Readthetextandchecktheanswers.Thenreadthetextagain.Step4.Actthedialogueoutinfrontoftheclass.Step5.Makeupasimilardialogueaccordingtothetext.Let’sthestudentsactitoutinfrontoftheclass.eto“PROJECT”.Dividetheclassintoseveralgroups.Writetheanswersdown.Asktheseveralgroupstochange theiranswers.Step7.Homework1.Finishofftheactivitybook.2.Reviewthelastlesson.SummarySpringisabeautifulseason.It’sthefavouriteseasonofmanypeople.Inthisseason,everythingbeginstoturngreen.Spring representsthebeginning.Wehavemanythingstodoinit.Wecanflykitesandplayballgames.R unninginthewindiswhatweliketodoinourchildhood.Leadyourstudentstothinkhardwhatth eyliketodointhisseason.Letthemtalkfreelyintheclass.Lesson6.DannythebabysitterTeachingContent:Masterywordsandexpressions:playground,hold,holdon,comedown,push Oralwordsandexpressions:babysitter,babysit,Debbie,bar,swing,swung TeachingAims:1.Weshouldloveeachother.2.ThedutyofababysitterTeachingImportantPoints:1.Howtodemonstrateonethingclearly.3.Cultivatethespiritoflovingeachother.Let’slovelifeandpeace. TeachingDifficultPoints:Someverbphrases:turnaround,holdon,falloff,runto,comedown,climbon,givesb.apush TeachingAids:audiotape,flashcards,picturesTypeoflesson:newlessonTeachingProcedure:Step1.Workinpairs.Tellyourpartnerwhatyoudidafterschoolyesterday.Theteacherwalks aroundtoprovidehelpifnecessary.Step2.Skimthetextandaskquestionsbythestudentsthemselves.Thensolvethembythemselv es,too.Letsomestudentswritetheirquestionsontheblackboard.Thenletothersanswerthe m.Step3.Listentothetapeandreadafterituntiltheycanreaditcorrectlyandfluently.Step4.Asksomestudentstocometothefrontandactitout.Payattentiontowhoiscleverenoug htoaddsomethingnew.Step5.Retellthestoryinathirdperson.eto“THINKABOUTIT”.Inagroupofthree,makeupa“babysitting”role-play.Askvolunteerstoactitout.Thenit’stheotherstudents’turn.Step7.Homework1.Finishofftheactivitybook.2.supposeoneday,youbecomeababysitter,whatwillyoudo?SummaryWhenwepracticeintheclass,don’tforgettogivechancestothepoorstudents.Whentheyhavealittleprogress,encouragethem toworkhard.That’swhatagoodteachershoulddo.Lesson7:Danny’s“Debbie”DayTeachingContent:Masterywordsandexpressions:herselfOralwordsandexpressions:partly,alldayTeachingAims:1.Learntowriteadiary.2.Whatdowewriteinadiary.TeachingImportantPoints:Whenwearebabysitters,whatcanwedo?TeachingDifficultPoints:thePastTenseTeachingPreparation:sometoysTeachingAids:audiotape,flashcards,sometoysTypeoflesson:newlessonTeachingProcedure:Step1.Workingroups.RetellLesson6inPastTenseinathirdperson.Step2.Readthetextsilentlybystudentsthemselves.Thenanswerthequestionsintheactivi ty.Checktheanswersintheclass.Step3.Listentothetapeandreadafterit.Somestudentsmaythinkitiseasytolistenwiththe book.Thenlistentothetapeagainwiththebookclosed.Atthesametime,theteacheraskssome studentstorepeatsomesentencestoseeiftheycanlistenclearly.Step4.Letsomestudentsreadthetextaloudinfrontoftheclass.Let’shaveamatch.Whocanreaditfastandcorrectly?Step5.PracticeWorkingroups.Writedownexperiencethatyouhaveeverbeenababysitter.Doyouthinkiteasy tobeababysitter?Whyorwhynot?eto“LET’SDOIT”.Step7.Homework1.Finishofftheactivitybook.2.DotheexercisesonPage9.SummaryCanyouwritedownyourexperienceclearly?Weoftenwriteinatimeorder.Expressingyouride asinEnglishisnoteasy.Sogivethestudentsmorechancetopractice.Writingisalsoanimportantwaytocheckthegrammars.Lesson8:UnitReviewTeachingContent:MasterywordsandexpressionsfromLesson1toLesson8. OralwordsandexpressionsfromLesson1toLesson8.TeachingAims:1.Knowaboutmoreknowledgeinspring.Therearemanythingsthatwedon’tknowbefore.2.WhatsportsdopeopleusuallydoinChinaandinCanada?TeachingImportantPoints:1.What’stheweatherlikeinspring?2.Thesportsthatwedoinspring.TeachingDifficultPoints:Theusingofsomeexpressions:Let’s…,shallwe…?turnaround,comedown,finally,then TeachingPreparation:picturesTeachingAids:audiotape,flashcards,picturesTeachingProcedure:Step1.Firstlet’ssingthesongtogether.Step2.TalkwithyourpartnersaboutthedifferencesbetweenthesportsthatwedoinChinaand inCanada.Step3.Haveyoueverbeenababysitter?Letsomestudentstalkabouttheirexperienceinfront oftheclass.Step4.FinishtheexercisesonPage7.Findsomedifficultiesandsolvetheminfrontofthecla ss.Step5.Letsomestudentstalkaboutwhatwelearninthisunit.Whatdotheywanttosayaboutspr ing?Step6.Homework1.Finishofftheexercisesinactivity.2.Prepareforasmallquiz.SummaryTheaimofteachingisnotwhattheylearn.Themostimportantistoteachthemhowtolearn.Cult ivatetheabilityoflearningbythemselvesintheclass.Encouragethemtofindandsolveques tionsinclass.。

八年级英语下册 Unit1 lesson1教案 冀教版

八年级英语下册 Unit1 lesson1教案 冀教版

Lesson1: What's the Weather Like??Step1:复习巩固、激情导入导入:Look outside. What's the weather like today??Step2:出示目标、明确任务1.牢记本课黑体词汇:rather/shower/storm/rise/set等;2.熟读对话,把握其意;3.背诵重点句子1-5,并灵活运用相关知识点。

?Step3:自主学习、合作探究任务一:限时5分钟,熟读所有词汇,牢记黑体词汇任务二:熟读对话,把握其意,画出不理解处,同桌之间交流任务三:背诵重点句子,并自学知识点,画出不理解处,同桌之间交流1.What's the weather like today?2.What's the temperature?3.It's rather cool today, isn't it?4.I hope not.5.I'm scared of thunder!?Step4:师生互动、展示提升互动一:单词记忆比赛互动二:对话熟读接力赛互动三:知识点展示大比拼知识点一:What's the weather like today?【固定句型】询问天气:What's the weather like?=How's the weather?答语:It's + 描述天气的形容词(sunny/windy/cloudy/rainy/snowy/foggy/warm/hot/cool/cold)Eg: --What's the weather like today?--It's rainy.-How's the weather in Beijing?-It's cold.知识点二:What's the temperature?【固定句型】询问天气:What's the temperature?答语:It's + 数字 + degree(s)Eg: --What's the temperature?--It's 10 degrees.知识点三:It's rather cool today, isn't it?反意疑问句要点知识点四:I hope not.我希望如此:I hope so.我不希望如此:I hope not.不说 I don't hope so. 【类似表达】I'm afraid so./I'm afraid not,I think so. /I don't think so.知识点五:I'm scared of thunder!be scared/afraid of sb/sth恐惧某人或某物(其中用scared比用afraid“害怕”的程度更深)Eg: Are you scared of snakes??Step5:巩固练习、检测验收教学反思:。



冀教版八年级英语下册《Unit 1 Spring Is Coming》教案Unit 1 Spring is coming!Lesson 1: How's the Weather?一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Newwordsandphrases:shower,thunderstorm,thunder,sunrise,sunset,rise, set,exact,weather report,be scared of.2.Understand the meaning oh tex匸3.Grammar:Word building.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.Master the new words and phrases,understand the meaning of text.2.How to talk about the weather in spring in English?3.Learn to use the grammar to remember the words.三、K ey points:(重点)Talking about the weather in spring.四、D ifficult points:(难点)Use the grammar—word building to remember the words.五、T eaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、T ype of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、T eaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1 .Analysis of the student.(学生分析)Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say. Review:Now we are at the beginning of the school,new term is coming and spring is st term,we learned how to talk our hobby and our future,we learned transportation,we learned neighborhood,and now what will we learn?Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Ask some Ss to introduce the weather in Wuhan ?T:Whafs the weather like today?S:Its sunny/windy/cloudy .........Come to “Think About It!"How is the weather in your hometown in spring?Have you ever heard a weather report?What expressions do they often use? Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 prepare lessons before class.Teach the new words and phrases.make sure the Ss can read it correctly・No. 2 Text:Give them some time to read the text themselves・ Then let them act out the dialogue in groups・ Correct their pronunciation when necessary.At last,the teacher explain the text in Chinese,make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No. 3Important sentences:1 .How is the weather? It's sunny/windy/cloudy ...........2.What's the weather like today?3.What's the temperature? The temperature is ........4.Fm scared of thunder. (be scared of)No. 4 Gammar:Word building・Eg: thunderstorm,sunrise,sunset,hometown,basketball.英语构词法主要有三种:合成法、转化法和派生法。



Lesson 1: What’s the Weather Like?Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: rather, shower, rise, rose, risen, setOral words and expressions: thunder, storm, sunrise, sunsetTeaching Aims:Talking about weatherTeaching Important Points:1.Describe the weather in spring;2.Talk about the temperature.Teaching Difficult Points:Describe the nature phenomenon.Teaching preparation: the pictures of springTeaching Aids: audiotape; flashcards; picturesType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Free talk1.What weather do you like? Why or why not?2.What sports can you do in this season?Step2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”Let the students work in groups and answer the following questions:1.Look outside. What’s the weather like today?2.How does this weather make you feel?Step3. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1.What’s the weather like today?2.It is snowing, isn’t it?3.what’s the temperature?4.is it going to rain today, isn’t it?Step4. Read the text and check the answers. Read the text in roles.Step5. PracticeWork in three students. Suppose you are a weather reporter. Now report today’s weather to the others in your group. Then report it to the class.Step6. PracticeMake up a dialogue between two or three students in class. It is about the weather in spring. Let some students act it out before the class.Step7. Homework1.Find something that represents spring and show it to the class next time.2.Finish off the activity book.Lesson 2: It’s Getting Warmer!Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: become, became, become, factOral words and expressions: daylight, melt, lightning, fascinatingTeaching Aim:1.Know something more about spring;2.The compound words.Teaching Important Points:1.When does spring begin?2.How many hours of daylight are there on March 21st?3.What is the weather like?Teaching Difficult Points:the compound wordsTeaching Preparation: some pictures of springTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, some picturesType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Let the students on duty reports the weather to the class. The others listen and decide it is right or wrong.Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1.What’s the date today?2.How many ways can you write dates?3.How many hours of daylight are there on March 21st?4.What is spring weather like?5.What is the temperature of the air near lighting?Step3. Read the text and check the answers.Step4. Listen to the tape again and imitate after it until they can read it fluently and correctly.Step5. Ask the students to ask other questions according to the text. You can begin like this:1.When does the sun rise in the morning and when does it set in the evening?2.Does it snow in early spring?3.What is sometimes with thunder and lighting?Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work in groups and discuss these questions. Then let them report it to the class. Step7. Homework1.Finish off the activity book.2.Write a composition about spring.Summary:We are enjoying spring now. We can feel it is warmer than before. But not all of us know when the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening. Let the students observe after class, write it down and report it to the class. It can cultivate the students’interests of learning English.Lesson 3: Postcards!Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: roadOral words and expressions: outdoorsTeaching Aim:1.Grasp how to write a letter and the address.2.Know more about the spring in China and Canada.Teaching Important Points:1. Find the differences between China and Canada in spring.3.Find the differences between the clothes that we wear in winter and in spring. Teaching Difficult Points:1.What’s the weather like in Edmonton?2.How to express one’s idea easily in a letter?Teaching Preparation: a postcardTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, postcardsType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Free TalkLet the students work in three and talk about the sports that we often do in spring. Then give a talk for the class.Step2. Have a matchRead the text and see who read it best. Remember to encourage the students who preview the new lesson.Step3. Listen to the tape and read after it. Play the tape for several times until they can read it fluently and correctly.Step4. Ask the students to find questions and solve them. They can ask the questions like this:1.How did Li Ming go to school on March twenty-first?2.What’s the temperature that afternoon?3.What time does the sun rise this morning?4.Is it snowing in Canada?5.When does it often snow in winter?6.Did Danny fall in the snow?Step5. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”Write a postcard to your friend to introduce the weather here. Then write the address and stick a stamp on it. Mail it in the post office.Step6. Homework1.Finish off the activity book.2.Listen to the song in Lesson 4.Summary:Written English is an important part in English learning. Practice is the key to it. Do they have the spelling mistakes or the grammar mistakes in the writing? Find out and help them come over it. Pay more attention to the writing because it’s an important part of communication.Lesson 4: Sun Is RisingTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: one by one, changeOral words and expressions: hillside, gently, blossomTeaching Aim:Enjoy the beauty of the springTeaching Important Point:Grasp the changes that spring bring usTeaching Difficult Points:How to use “warm” and “gently”.Teaching Preparation: something that represents springTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures or flowersType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Read the song aloud as a poem. This song has this song has common English words: come with me, through the trees, one by one, the flowers blossom. Translate these expressions into English.Step2. Play the audiotape and let the students just listen with the eye closed.Step3. Play the tape again and let the students sing with it.Step4. Explain the common English expressions.Step5. Practice the song a few times, with and without the audiotape.Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.STEP7. Homework1.Finish off the activity book.2.Write down what you can see in spring.SummaryWe use this lesson to cultivate the students’ sense of enjoying English songs. Pay attention to the rhyme, rhythm and repetition in the song. Learning English songs is a little difficult from Chinese songs. Find the ways in which we can learn fast.Lesson 5: Fun in the SunTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: shall, kickOral words and expressions: cycling, How/What about…? Shall we…?Teaching Aims:How to enjoy oneself in spring.Teaching Important Points:1. the sports that we do in spring.2.some drills: How about…? Let’s…Teaching Difficult Points:How to advice sb. to do sth.Teaching Preparation: basketball and soccerTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards and ballsType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Listen to the tape of Lesson4 again, then let’s sing the song together.Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1.What’s the degree?2.What will Danny wear tomorrow?3.What will they do after school?4.Why don’t Danny like basketball?Step3. Read the text and check the answers. Then read the text again.Step4. Act the dialogue out in front of the class.Step5. Make up a similar dialogue according to the text. Let’s the students act it outin front of the class.Step6. Come to “PROJECT”.Divide the class into several groups. Write the answers down. Ask the several groups to change their answers.Step7. Homework1.Finish off the activity book.2.Review the last lesson.SummarySpring is a beautiful season. It’s the favourite season of many people. In this season, everything begins to turn green. Spring represents the beginning. We have many things to do in it. We can fly kites and play ball games. Running in the wind is what we like to do in our childhood. Lead your students to think hard what they like to do in this season. Let them talk freely in the class.Lesson 6. Danny the babysitterTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: playground, hold, hold on, come down, pushOral words and expressions: babysitter, babysit, Debbie, bar, swing, swungTeaching Aims:1.We should love each other.2.The duty of a babysitterTeaching Important Points:1.How to demonstrate one thing clearly.3.Cultivate the spirit of loving each other. Let’s love life and peace.Teaching Difficult Points:Some verb phrases: turn around, hold on, fall off, run to, come down, climb on, give sb.a pushTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Work in pairs. Tell your partner what you did after school yesterday. The teacher walks around to provide help if necessary.Step2. Skim the text and ask questions by the students themselves. Then solve them by themselves, too. Let some students write their questions on the blackboard. Then let others answer them.Step3. Listen to the tape and read after it until they can read it correctly and fluently. Step4. Ask some students to come to the front and act it out. Pay attention to who is clever enough to add something new.Step5. Retell the story in a third person.Step6. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.In a group of three, make up a “babysitting” role-play. Ask volunteers to act it out. Then it’s the other students’ turn.Step7. Homework1.Finish off the activity book.2.suppose one day, you become a babysitter, what will you do?SummaryWhen we practice in the class, don’t forget to give chances to the poor students. When they have a little progress, encourage them to work hard. That’s what a good teacher should do.Lesson 7: Danny’s “Debbie” DayTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: herselfOral words and expressions: partly, all dayTeaching Aims:1.Learn to write a diary.2.What do we write in a diary.Teaching Important Points:When we are babysitters, what can we do?Teaching Difficult Points: the Past TenseTeaching Preparation: some toysTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, some toysType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Work in groups. Retell Lesson 6 in Past Tense in a third person.Step2. Read the text silently by students themselves. Then answer the questions in the activity. Check the answers in the class.Step3. Listen to the tape and read after it. Some students may think it is easy to listen with the book. Then listen to the tape again with the book closed. At the same time, the teacher asks some students to repeat some sentences to see if they can listen clearly. Step4. Let some students read the text aloud in front of the class. Let’s have a match. Who can read it fast and correctly?Step5. PracticeWork in groups. Write down experience that you have ever been a babysitter. Do you think it easy to be a babysitter? Why or why not?Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Step7. Homework1.Finish off the activity book.2.Do the exercises on Page 9.SummaryCan you write down your experience clearly? We often write in a time order. Expressing your ideas in English is not easy. So give the students more chance to practice. Writing is also an important way to check the grammars.Lesson 8: Unit ReviewTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson8.Oral words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson8.Teaching Aims:1.Know about more knowledge in spring. There are many things that we don’tknow before.2.What sports do people usually do in China and in Canada?Teaching Important Points:1.What’s the weather like in spring?2.The sports that we do in spring.Teaching Difficult Points:The using of some expressions: Let’s…, shall we…?turn around, come down, finally, thenTeaching Preparation: picturesTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesTeaching Procedure:Step1. First let’s sing the song together.Step2. Talk with your partners about the differences between the sports that we do in China and in Canada.Step3. Have you ever been a babysitter? Let some students talk about their experience in front of the class.Step4. Finish the exercises on Page7. Find some difficulties and solve them in front of the class.Step5.Let some students talk about what we learn in this unit. What do they want to say about spring?Step6. Homework1.Finish off the exercises in activity.2.Prepare for a small quiz.SummaryThe aim of teaching is not what they learn. The most important is to teach them how to learn. Cultivate the ability of learning by themselves in the class. Encourage them to find and solve questions in class.。

冀教版英语八下Unit 1《Lesson 1 Hows the weather》教学设计

冀教版英语八下Unit 1《Lesson 1 Hows the weather》教学设计

冀教版英语八下Unit 1《Lesson 1 Hows the weather》教学设计一. 教材分析冀教版英语八下Unit 1《Lesson 1 How’s the weather》主要介绍了天气的不同状况以及相关的表达方式。



二. 学情分析学生在学习本节课之前,已经掌握了一般现在时态的用法,具备了一定的听说基础。


三. 教学目标1.能够熟练运用一般现在时描述天气状况。



四. 教学重难点1.掌握一般现在时态的用法。


五. 教学方法1.情境教学法:通过设置各种天气情境,让学生在实际情境中学习和运用语言。



六. 教学准备1.准备相关的天气图片和卡片。



七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)通过播放一段天气预报的录音,引导学生关注天气主题。

然后向学生提问:“What’s the weather like today?”,让学生回答。

2.呈现(10分钟)向学生展示各种天气图片和卡片,如sunny, cloudy, rny, windy等,并引导学生用英语描述这些天气状况。





全新冀教版八年级英语下册教案(全册 共114页)

全新冀教版八年级英语下册教案(全册 共114页)

全新冀教版八年级英语下册教案(全册共114页)目录Unit 1 Spring is coming! Array Lesson 1 How’s t he weather?Lesson 2 It’s getting warmer!Lesson 3 The sun is rising!Lesson 4 The Spring CityLesson 5 Babysitting on a Spring DayLesson 6 Stories about springUnit 2 Plant a PlantLesson 7 Planting treesLesson 8 Why are plants important?Lesson 9 Gardening with MaryLesson 10 Make your garden grow!Lesson 11 Amazing plantsLesson 12 Danny’s plantUnit 3 Animals are our friendsLesson 13 Danny’s big scareLesson 14 Amazing animalsLesson 15 The zoo is openLesson 16 The Bear EscapedLesson 17 Save the tigersLesson 18 Friendship between animalsUnit 4 The Internet Connects UsLesson 19 How Do You Use the Internet?Lesson 20 A computer helpsLesson 21 Books or computers?Lesson 22 Travel on the InternetLesson 23 The Internet-Good or Bad?Lesson 24 An Email to GrandpaUnit 5 Buying and SellingLesson 25: Raising MoneyLesson 26 Cookies, Please!Lesson 27 Business EnglishLesson 28 Ms. Liu’s Great IdeaUnit 1 Spring is coming!Lesson 1 How’s the weather?◆教材分析本节课是冀教版初中英语八年级下册第一单元lesson1,功能话题是谈论天气;文本结构是对话;语法重点是初步认识合成词,并能够运用将来时态预测天气,以及正确使用will写简短的天气预报。

冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 1:Lesson 1 How‘s The Weather?. 学案设计

冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 1:Lesson 1 How‘s The Weather?. 学案设计

1.shower n 阵雨,淋浴 v 下阵雨 【点拨】Take a shower 意为“淋浴”
1) He always
a shower before he goes to bed.
2) The little boy is
a shower now.
A take B do C taking D doing

---It’s sunny.
What’s the temperature
How is the weather like today
What day is it today
What’s the weather like today What’s the temperature? 气温是多少度? 点拨:用来询问温度时的常用语,回答时用:It’s + 数词+degrees.
The book is rather long. 这本书有点长。(用于形容词和副词前)
This hotel is rather cheaper than that one. 这家旅馆比那家便宜得
5. I hope not! 我希望不是这样。
点拨:习惯上不说:I don’t hope so. 它的肯定表达方式为:I hope so.
(rise) in the east.
点拨:此词组后跟 n ,代词,动名词,与 be afraid of 意思相近,但 be scared of 比 be afraid of 所表达的“害怕”程度更深。
Ⅱ. 能读懂文章并尝试背诵
学习指导:what’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?
( ) ---What’s the temperature today?



八年级,英语,下册,Lesson1,教材,内容,详解,冀,教材内容全解Lesson 1 What’s the Weather Like?天气怎么样?◆课文英汉对照THINK ABOUT IT! 想一想!● Look outside. What’s the weather like today?看外面。

今天的天气怎么样?● How does this weather make you feel?这样的天气使你感觉怎么样?● Is Danny a go od weather reporter? Why or why not?丹尼是一个好的天气报告员吗?为什么是或为什么不是?A Weather Report 天气预报DANNY: Listen to me! I’m on the radio!丹尼:注意听!我正在播报!JENNY:(She laughs)Danny! When it snows, it isn’t hot. It’s cold!詹妮:(她笑了)丹尼!下雪的时候,天不热,很冷!DANNY: Okay, it’s not hot. It’s not snowing, and there are some clouds. 丹尼:对,天不热。



JENNY: What’s the temperature?詹妮:气温是多少?DANNY: Let's see. It’s ten degrees.丹尼:让我们看一下,是10度。

BRIAN: It’s rather cool today, isn’tit? Is it going to rain today, Danny?布莱恩:今天天气很凉爽,是吧?丹尼,今天要下雨吗?DANNY: Yes! There will be some showers this afternoon. Maybe there will be a thunder storm. I hope not! I’m scared of thunder!丹尼:对!今天下午将有阵雨,也许有雷阵雨。



Unit 1 Spring Is ComingFunctions:Talking about weather.What’s the weather like today?It’s rather cold/warm today, isn’t?It’s sunny/rainy/snowy/windy/warm/hot/cold/cool.It’s a nice day today!What a cold day!It’s getting warm.Grammar:Word building: sun + rise = ___Prepositions: on, in, atStructures: fall off, How /What about…?make a loud noise, not…until…Shall…we…?Lesson 1 What’s the weather like?Learning aims:1. The words and phrases: rather, shower, rise, set, thunder, storm, sunrise, sunset, be scared of2. The important sentences:①What’s the temperature? It’s ten degrees.②It’s rather cool today, isn’t it?③I’m scared of thunder.Learning important and difficult points:1. What’s the weather like today? It’s cold, cool, warm.2. What’s the temperature? It’s ten degrees.3. be scared of sb./sth.4. There will be… = There is/are going to be …Learning method:Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. TalkingTalk about the weather, the weather report and the temperature.Step 2. ReadingRead the dialogue, and then answer the question.What’s the temperature?Step 3. ExplainingExplain 1. 一般将来时be going to do sth. = will do sth.2. 询问温度是多少要用: What’s the temperature?Step 4. PracticePractice the dialogue in three.Step 5. Act outAct it out in class.Step 6. Do exercisesStep 7. HomeworkLesson 2 It’s getting warmer!Learning aims:1. The new words and language points: become, fact, daylight, melt, lightning, fascinating, go up, make a loud noise2. The important sentences:①What’s the date today? It’s March twenty-first.② In Spring, the weather becomes warmer.③ The temperatures goes up.Learning important and difficult points:Ask and describe the weather of spring.1. What is spring weather like?2. It becomes warmer. The temperature goes up! Learning method:Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. CheckCheck Lesson 1: ask some students to act the dialogue out. Step 2. LearningLearn the new words. Read and write.Step 3. LookingLook at the pictures and read it.Step 4. LearningLearn it. Find out the useful expressions.Step 5. PracticePractice the dialogue.Step 6. ExercisesStep 7. Homework: Describe spring.教后反思:Lesson 3 Postcard Learning aims:1. The words and phrases: road, outdoors, cycling2. The important sentences:① Spring has arrived in Shijiazhuang.② I see many people in the park exercising.③We won’t see any flowers until May.④ The sun will set in about fifteen minutes.Learning important and difficult points:1. 区分arrive 与reach2. not…until… “直到……才”They didn’t leave until they finished the work.Learning method:Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. RevisionRevise the words of Lesson 1 and 2.Step 2. Learning (A)Learn the new words. Read and write.Step 3. Learning (B)Learn the text.Step 4. ReadingRead the text and recite it.Step 5. ExerciseStep 6. Homework: Recite the dialogue.教后反思:Lesson 4 Sun is risingLearning aims:1. The words and phrases: climb, change, hillside, gently, blossom, one by one2. The important sentences:① Weather is warming.②They come in one by one.Learning important and difficult points:1. Sun is rising.2. one by one/year by year/day by dayLearning method:Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. Read the new words and write them down.Step 2. Sing the song教后反思:Lesson 5 Fun in the sunLearning aims:1. The words and useful phrases: shall, outdoors, cycling, go bike riding, hit sb. on the head, How/What about…? Shall we…?2. The important sentences:①Let’s go cycling.② How about baseball?③ Shall we play soccer?④ The ball always hits me on the head.Learning important and difficult points:1. Let’s go cycling.2. How about sth./doing sth.?3. be scared of sb./sth.4. There will be… = There is/are going to be …Learning method:Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. RevisionRevise the words. Have a dictation in pairs.Step 2. Reading and writingRead the new words and write them down till recite them.Step 3. LookingLook at the pictures. Then read it and say.Step 4. LearningLearn the text.1. The weather is so warm today. (划线部分提问)2. It’s twenty-two degrees. (划线部分提问)3. It’s rather warm, isn’t it? (改为过去式)4. We shall play soccer. (改为一般疑问句)Step 5. PracticePractice the dialogue in three.Step 6. FindingFind out the differences between in China and in Canada.Step 7. Do exercisesStep 8. HomeworkAct out dialogue out next class.教后反思:Lesson 6 Danny the babysitterLearning aims:1. The words and phrases: playground, hold, hold on, come down, push, babysitter, baby sit, bar, swing, turn around, full off, get off2. The important sentences:① Danny is babysitting his cousin Debbie at the playground.②It’s time to stop swinging.③ Debbie gets off the swing.Learning important and difficult points:1. stop doing sth./to do sth.2. It’s time to stop doing sth.3. get off, get on4. come on/some downLearning method:Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. RevisionCheck the dialogue.Step 2. Reading and writingRead the words and write them down.Step 3. Looking and sayingLook at the pictures and say it in English.Step 4. Reading the dialogue in fourThen find out the useful expressions.Step 5. ExplainingGo over:get on /off /to /in /from /along withcome down /on. /from /in /outtime three times, new timesStep 6. PracticePractice the dialogue in four.Step 7. HomeworkAct the dialogue.教后反思:Lesson 7 Danny’s “Debbie” DayLearning aims:1. The new words: herself, party, all day2. The important sentences:① I thought about it all day at school.② I thought it would be easy to baby sit there.③ I was scared that she would hurt herself.④ My aunt and uncle had made sandwiches for us to eat at the playground.⑤ So was I.⑥ I help her brush her teeth and climb into bed.Learning important and difficult points:1. It is easy to do sth.2. oneself 反身代词的用法3. So was I.e.g. He is tall. So am I.4. help sb. do sth. = help sb. with sth.Learning method:Listen, say, read and write.Learning steps:Step 1. Revision1. Revise the words.2. Check the dialogue.Step 2. Reading and writingRead the words and write them down.Step 3. ReadingRead the diary by themselves and find out the useful expressions.Step 4. Explaining1. would do 过去将来e.g. I was scared that she would hurt herself.2. Had done.e.g. They had made sandwiches for us to eat at the playground.Step 5. ReadingStep 6. ExercisesStep 7. HomeworkWrite a diary.教后反思:Lesson 8 Unit ReviewSummarize vocabulary and grammar:1. rather, shower, rise, set, become, fact, road, climb, one by one, change, shall, kick, hold on, come down, push, plant2. Talking about weather.What’s the weather like today?It’s rather cool/warm/windy/warm/hot/cold.It’s a nice day today!What a cold day!It’s getting warmer.3. sun + light = _______ basket + ball = _______4. prep. in, on, at 的用法教后反思:Unit 2 Plant a Plant话题:Talking About Material and Purpose(一)掌握词汇plant, water, grow, leaf, cover, itself, feed, look after, over, glass, energy, die, heat, nothing, bamboo, kilogram, pretty, hole, its, air, corn, wheat, furniture, medicine, ink(二)重点词组和句型grow into…, pass sb. sth., billions of, look after, be full of, keep…warm, be made of/ from, be important to, carry… away, make… from, make…into, half of, something new, look like, turn into, put… outside/ on/ into, in the sun, use… to do…, from… to…Would you like some…?Would you please..?What is… for?And the green grass grew all around.(三)Language Notes1.Don’t forget to draw the sun.别忘了画太阳.forget to do sth. “忘记做某事”foeget doing sth. “忘记做过某事”eg.Don’t forget to close the window before you leave.离开之前别忘了关门。

冀教版八年级下英语unit 1教案

冀教版八年级下英语unit 1教案
Step2.Learning in pairs
Ask ss toread and find out the following phrases, then try to understand the whole textin pairs
1.get warmer________2.arrive in____________
5.plan to do sth /make a plan
Step6. Practice
A.(Let`s do it 3)
B.用neither ...nor...改写句子
1.I don’t need your help. I don’t need your money.
2. Li Ming hasn’t been to Shanghai. Wang Mei hasn’t been to Shanghai.
Step5.Listento the passageandfill the table.(Let`s do it 2)
Step6. Reading
ARead the text quickly andanswer the questions .
1) What is Danny doing ?
2) What `s the temperature ?
Students may answer : It`s 12 degrees.(above zero/below zero)
Step2.Show the learning Aims
1.Learn the new words:shower/storm/rise/thunder, sunrise, sunset.
2.Students read
the learning aims

冀教版八年级英语下 Unit 1 Lesson1 教案

冀教版八年级英语下 Unit 1 Lesson1 教案
3. Tomorrow there will be a t____ storm. I hope not, because I am scared of thunder.
4. A lot of people go to Mount Tai and see the s____
5. There will be some s_____ tomorrow. You’d better take an umbrella you .
I am scared of thunder!
Ⅰ.Answer these questions
1.What is the weatheபைடு நூலகம் like today?
2.What is the temperature according to the text?
3.Is it going to rain today?
Some difficult sentences ;
What is the weather like today ?
I hope not !
I am scared of thunder !
There will be some showers this afternoon !
1. In spring the weather is r___ warm. The temperature is usually 16 degrees
2.The sun r___ in the east and s_____in the west.
3.Tomorrow there will be a t____ storm. I hope not, because i am scared of thunder.



中学导学案编号:Byy2014022601 主备人:梁参与人:黄
Lesson 1.How is the westher?
学习目标:1.掌握单词:1.shower2.thunder 3.sunrise4. exact.
2.句型:1.How is the westher?.2.what strange westhe r!
能力目标:To use the following words correctly:shower rise
情感目标:To learn to give a westher report with some key words and useful expressions

A.重点单词和词组n. 阵雨,淋浴
n. 雷雨;雷暴n. 雷(声)n. 日出.
n. 日落v.&n.升起,上升,增加
v. 落沉,放置,制定adj. 精确的,准确的

冀教版八年级下册 Unit1 教案设计(共6课时)

冀教版八年级下册 Unit1 教案设计(共6课时)
2. How to talk about the weather in spring in English?
3. Learn to use the grammar to remember the words.
(1) What is Danny doing?(2)What day is today?
The temperature is.........5)I’m scared of thunder. (be scared of)
2.引入课题Lesson1:How Is the Weather?
1.Master the new words and phrases, understand the meaning of text.
3.Let Ss can describe outdoor activities in English.
Talking about the weather in spring and the temperature.
Let Ss can describe outdoor activities in English.
A:No, it ___7___. The sun will___8___ ___9___ later on.

冀教版英语八年级下册 Unit 1 Lesson 1 How's the Weather精品教案

冀教版英语八年级下册 Unit 1 Lesson 1 How's the Weather精品教案
Teaching props
English book, blackboard, PPT
Greet the class. Good morning/afternoon, Class.
How’s the weather today?
二、Warm- up
Talk about students’ winter holiday.
What heavy rain it is!
How big the apple is!
Step6: Speaking
Listen and fill in the table. Then try to retell it with the following sentences. (P3 let's do it-2)
Ability aim
Talk about the weather with some expressions
Emotional aim
Cultivatestudents' abilities of self-expression, and further improve their listening ability
Ss: Discuss it and answer.
1.The teacher shows the different weather icons and asks the students to tell what they mean.
Step2Listen and Fill
The students listen to the weather report and fill the blanks.

八年级英语下册 Unit1 Lesson 8教案 冀教版

八年级英语下册 Unit1 Lesson 8教案 冀教版

冀教版英语八年级下册Unit1 Lesson 8教案Lesson 8 Unit ReviewTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson8.Oral words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson8.Teaching Aims:1.Know about more knowledge in spring. There are many things that we don't know before.2.What sports do people usually do in China and in Canada?Teaching Important Points:1.What's the weather like in spring?2.The sports that we do in spring.Teaching Difficult Points:The using of some expressions: Let's…,shall we…?turn around, come down, finally, thenTeaching Preparation: picturesTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesTeaching Procedure:Step1. First let's sing the song together.Step2. Talk with your partners about the differences between the sports that we do in China and in Canada.Step3. Have you ever been a babysitter? Let some students talk about their experience in front of the class.Step4. Finish the exercises on Page7. Find some difficulties and solve them in front of the class.Step5.Let some students talk about what we learn in this unit. What do they want to say about spring?Step6. Homework1.Finish off the exercises in activity.2.Prepare for a small quiz.SummaryThe aim of teaching is not what they learn. The most important is to teach them how to learn. Cultivate the ability of learning by themselves in the class. Encourage them to find and solve questions in class.。

冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 1:Lesson 2 It’s Getting Warmer. 导学案

冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 1:Lesson 2 It’s Getting Warmer. 导学案
3.be scared of害怕;恐惧4 . a field trip野外旅游;远足
5. weather r:小组讨论,学科组长点评
Language points:1) neither...nor...的用法
2)see sb. doing sth.与see sb, to do sth,的区别。
Lesson2: It`s getting Warmer
New words phrases
swing play on the swing one by one
scared be scared of a field trip
jasmine weather report winter jasmine
1. Seeing their teacher ____ into the classroom, they stopped _____ at once. (2013湖北黄石)
A. walk; tellingB. entering; to speak
C. enter; to tellD. walking; talking
What do you know about spring?
•Which season is your favourite?
1, play on the swing荡秋千2 one by one一个接一个
—____, thanks. I am not hungry, I only need some water. (2013广西贺州)



英语八下冀教版Unit 1:教案Unit 1 教案Learning aims: This unit is about spring ,and what takes place during spring ,so that students can learn vocabulary for the seasonal changes around them .The unit reviews vocabulary for weather ,dates and season that the students learned before . Though stories, factual information and projects, the students extend their vocabulary for describing weather , and learn the new words for outdoor recreation The unit aims to help students compare outdoor recreation in China with that in Canada . This helps students connect their language learning to personal experiences and the expression of opinion.Master these new words and expressions :rather , shower, rise ,set, become, fact, road, history, kick, climb, one by one , change ,shall, playground , hold ,hold on , come down ,push , herself, not…until , get on, get off , be cared of , make a loud noise , arrive in(at) , get to , reach ,in about fifteen minutes ,stop ding ,all day ,Shall we … What about …,How about …. Understand these words :Thunder ,road , sunrise , sunset ,daylight ,lightning , fascinating ,outdoors ,cycling ,hillside ,blossom ,babysit ,babysitter ,bar, swing ,partly .Topic : What's the weather like ? How is the weather ?Grammar :Compound Words .Projects:1.The weatherType :individual work presented to a groupLesson time :15Description: The students write a weather report for the radio and repeat it to a group of classmates.Objectives: Students review and learn new words relating to weather .Objects needed : Pictures about weather .2.What do you like to do outside in spring ?Type :The students begin with a discussion in small groups and then each create their own charts. The charts become the focus of a class discussion .Lesson time :20Description : The students begin review and learn vocabulary for describing sports and other outdoor activities , and begin to think about culture difference betweenChina and Canada .Resources needed : pictures about outdoor sports in China and Canada . Tapes for the songs .。

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在宾语从句中,当从句是陈述句时,用THAT 引导。
