CRRCPRO 2.4PS 2T 气缸入口气动机用户手册说明书
CRRCPRO - MANUAL DE USUARIOGracias por elegir uno de nuestros productos. Esperamos lo disfrute con agrado durante un largo periodo de tiempo. Para obtener el máximo rendimiento y sobre todo, un uso seguro, por favor lea completamente y con atención este manual.Especificaciones:Tipo motor : Gasolina 2T admisión por falda de pistón, para avión Cilindrada : 26ccDiámetroxcarrera : 34mm*28.6mmPeso en seco motor : 890g (Neto)Carburador : Walbro (Tipo mariposa con diafragma) Potencia máxima : 2.4ps @ 9000rmpRango de revoluciones : 1600-9500rpmEncendido : CDI con avance automáticoVoltaje recomendado : 4.8 VCombustible : Gasolina pre-mezclada al 2,5 – 4 % de aceiteLubricante : Aceite específico para 2T de calidad reconocidaHélices recomendadas : 16x8 16x10 17x8 17x10 (Dos palas) Refrigeración : Refrigeración por aireAtención!1. Este motor de gasolina está específicamente diseñado para modelos aescala de aviones, no lo utilice para ninguna otra aplicación.2. Nos comprometemos a ofrecer servicio y asistencia técnica sobre losposibles defectos de nuestros productos.3. Atención! Su motor no es ningún juguete! Puede producir graves dañose incluso fatales en caso de un uso incorrecto! Lea y comprendacompletamente este manual y familiarícese con su motor, su correcta aplicación e instalación y posibles riesgos.Para una utilización segura y mantener la garantía, usted debe: 1. Emplee un banco de rodaje específico y seguro para rodar el motor. Sino dispone de él, haga el rodaje en su modelo.2. Monte adecuadamente y de forma segura el motor en su modelo.3. Permita un flujo de aire adecuado de refrigeración para el motor.4. Permita un flujo adecuado de aire en la zona del escape.5. Emplee solo hélices y conos de calidad contrastada.6. Taladre la hélice de forma correcta.7. Equilibre bien las hélices antes de utilizarlas.8. Apriete correctamente el tornillo de fijación de la hélice y verifique dicho apriete con frecuencia.9. Monte el modulo de encendido con una adecuada ventilación y evite se sobrecaliente.10. Emplee una batería adecuada y regulador de voltaje (si procede) parael encendido.11. Utilice un interruptor adecuado para el sistema de encendido.12. Utilice un depósito, tapón, tubos y conducciones específicos y resistentes a la gasolina.13. Emplee un combustible apropiado para el rodaje, y después del mismo, con la cantidad de aceite recomendadas.14. Asegure un buen filtrado de las impurezas del combustible.15. Mantenga su motor de manera adecuada, límpielo de suciedad exterior.16. Antes de volar su modelo, realice un chequeo de todos los elementos de seguridad.17. Sujete firmemente el modelo mientras lo arranca.18. No emplee las manos o los dedos para arrancar el motor.19. Ajuste el carburador correctamente para obtener la respuesta adecuada20. No ajuste el carburador con el motor arrancado.21. Compruebe el estado de la bujía periódicamente y verifique su apriete.22. Compruebe los cables del encendido, protéjalos y evite rocen y se dañen con la carena.23. Compruebe que la pipa de la bujía esté insertada del todo.24. Mantenga a los espectadores detrás del plano de giro de la hélice.25. Impida que accidentalmente caiga ningún objeto en la hélice con elmotor en marcha (ropa, herramientas, partes del cuerpo, etc.)26. Mantenga alejados a los niños pequeños. Todos los espectadores debensituarse a una distancia segura y prudente del modelo cuando el motor esté en marcha.27. Utilice ropa adecuada. La ropa suelta, guantes, corbatas, etc. o el arnésde la emisora, pueden ser atrapados por la hélice girando, y causarle daños severos.28. Utilice siempre gafas de protección cuando arranque su motor.29. No haga uso del motor bajo la influencia del alcohol, drogas omedicación que afecte a su nivel de percepción.Advertencia sobre responsabilidad:Ni CRRCpro ni sus distribuidores pueden controlar el uso correcto de sus productos. Por tanto, no se acepta ninguna responsabilidad sobre posibles daños o lesiones derivados de su uso.Ajustes del carburador:Cada motor es ajustado en fábrica y probado en marcha antes de pasar el Control de Calidad y se realiza el siguiente ajuste básico de las agujas: Aguja Walbro WT793Alta (H) 1 ½ vueltasBaja (L) 1 ½ vueltas(Si no está seguro, por favor no modifique el ajuste inicial) Importante: No retire el muelle de retorno de la mariposa de gases, dado que dicho muelle mantiene la correcta alineación de la mariposa. En todo caso puede liberar el muelle de su sujeción de manera que no mantenga tensión para cerrar la mariposa.Si su motor funciona correctamente en el suelo, pero al despegar o en vuelo se enriquece la mezcla, la causa puede ser la presión positiva dentro de la carena o que el orificio de ventilación del diafragma (tapa de cuatro tornillos) esté expuesto al flujo directo del aire de la hélice.Rodaje del motor1. Emplee un buen aceite específico para pre-mezcla de motores 2T2. Mezcle el aceite en una proporción entre el 4 y 5 % (25:1 – 20:1)3. Use esta proporción las 2-3 primeras horas de funcionamiento4. Emplee gasolina sin plomo de alto I.O. (índice de octano, por ejemplo de 98). Recomendamos efectuar el rodaje en una bancada aproximadamente una hora, lo cual le permitirá familiarizarse con su motor. No haga funcionar el motor a régimen elevado mas de diez segundos durante ésta etapa de rodaje inicial de dos o tres horas. En el suelo, la refrigeración es menor que con el avión en vuelo. Advertencia:Para el rodaje utilice una hélice pequeña, (16x8)Importante:1. Recuerde que cuando el motor esté en marcha TODOS los espectadores deben situarse detrás del plano de giro de la hélice, nunca en los lados o delante!2. El motor necesita entre 12 y 20 horas de funcionamiento para dar por terminado el rodaje y ofrecer el 100% de su rendimiento y regularidad. Sea paciente.Refrigeración del motorTodos los motores de combustión necesitan un adecuado sistema de refrigeración. En particular, los motores refrigerados por aire, requieren una toma de entrada de tamaño adecuado y en la zona de las aletas derefrigeración del cilindro. Además debe considerar que el aire que entra y refrigera su motor, debe tener sitio por donde salir. Dicha salida debe ser cuatro veces (4x) mayor en superficie que la toma de aire fresco de entrada.Ejemplo:25 centímetros cuadrados de superficie de entrada requieren unos 100 centímetros cuadrados de salida en la zona posterior de la carena-motor. Debe asegurar que el flujo del aire se dirija hacia las zonas calientes, aletas de refrigeración del cilindro y zona del escape. Considere emplear bafles internos que dirijan el aire hacia esas zonas calientes.Advertencia:1. El modulo electrónico controlado por procesador de tipo CDI es un componente de precisión. Proporciona suficiente energía para garantizar una chispa enérgica en la bujía, en el rango de revoluciones de funcionamiento de su motor.2. EL módulo está garantizado por un año (Siempre y cuando no esté dañado intencionalmente o por mala utilización)3. Por favor, no intente repararlo o resolver posibles problemas. Contacte con el soporte de la marca. No podemos asumir ninguna responsabilidad derivada del mal uso o desmontaje del módulo CDI.‘Check list’ previo a cada vueloRecomendamos fehacientemente verificar todos los puntos del siguiente ‘check list’ antes de iniciar el arranque!1. Compruebe el apriete del (los) tornillo(s) de la hélice2. Verifique la sujeción firme y segura del cono de la hélice3. Compruebe que la hélice no presente daños4. Verifique la posición del mando del gas. Debe estar en posición ralentí.5. Compruebe la carga de todas las baterías6. Verifique el funcionamiento correcto de todos los servos, y su dirección7. Asegúrese de tener en posición OFF el interruptor del encendido8. Verifique la presión del sistema de tren retráctil (si utiliza)9. Verifique todos los conectores y varillas10. Compruebe el estado de las ruedas ante posibles daños y que estas giren libremente11. Compruebe la fijación adecuada de las alas y su apriete al fuselaje12. Compruebe la sujeción firme y segura de la cabina13. Cuando arranque el motor, un ayudante (mínimo) debe sujetar el modelo.Posibles problemas:- El motor está ahogado (el cárter-motor inundado de combustible) Solución:Retire la bujía; gire el motor para que el combustible salga del interior por el orificio de la bujía.- El motor arranca después de cebarlo, pero se para poco después Solución:Probablemente la aguja de baja esté demasiado cerrada. Vuelva a los ajustes de agujas recomendados y realice un nuevo ajuste fino. También puede ser síntoma de un carburador sucio o ignición defectuosa.- El motor funciona de forma brusca y con fuertes vibracionesSolución:Equilibre la hélice. Verifique el avance del encendido. Compruebe los tubos de combustible no estén rotos o con fisuras. Limpie la bujía de depósitos de carbonilla y verifique la separación de electrodos. (entre 0,4 y 0,6 mm) . Compruebe la sujeción firme del motor al modelo. Compruebeque su motor está montado sobre una superficie plana y no haya tensiones en el cárter-motor. Verifique el apriete de TODOS los tornillos del motor. - El motor no alcanza las revoluciones máximas esperadasSolución:Verifique los reglajes de carburador. No utilice hélices demasiado grandes que requieran mucho esfuerzo al motor. Emplee un sistema de escape adecuado. Verifique si el motor se sobrecalienta. Revise el avance del encendido. Compruebe el estado de la bujía. Compruebe la correcta composición de la mezcla gasolina-aceite del combustible.Instrucciones del módulo de encendido:Advertencias1. Riesgo de alto voltaje! No lo desmonte usted mismo!2. La posición del sensor ha sido establecida en fábrica. (No la modifique si no es absolutamente necesario)3. Sujete firmemente el módulo DC-CDI, sitúelo cercano al motor y utilice un soporte de espuma para evitar vibraciones4. Aleje todo lo posible el modulo DC-CDI del receptor y servos de su instalación.5. El modulo DC-CDI debe alimentarse con una de batería propia de 4 elementos y 4,8v y al menos 1000 mAh (4 elementos Ni-Cd o Ni-Mh o cinco elementos con regulador)6. Evite utilizar conexiones metálicas en el mando de gas de su motor, pueden provocar interferencias en el receptor.7. NO CONECTE la alimentación del encendido ANTES de colocar a fondo el capuchón (pipa) en la bujía, evitará los posibles daños que se pueden producir al someter al módulo electrónico a corriente de alta tensión.8. Utilice una batería independiente de la del receptor. No la comparta para alimentar el modulo de encendido. Evitará posibles interferencias.CRRCpro Group ChinaTraducción al español por: Manuel PascualServicio técnico oficial CRRCpro en España:***********************。
多普康 TC55V 运动控制系统 1-4 轴系列说明书
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IOTA基础教程1 IOTA基本概念和术语解释说明书
IOTA TUTORIAL 1What is IOTA and someterminology explainedv1.0.0•IOTA is not an acronym for Internet of Things,(IoT) but it just mean something very small.•David Sønstebø,Sergey Ivancheglo,Dominik Schiener and Serguei Popov founded IOTA in 2015.•In Nov and Dec,2015 IOTA hosted an Initial Coin Offering (ICO).In Dec 22,2015 they raised 1337 BTC (D$0.5M) for project development.•All tokens were sold to the ICO investors.•The IOTA team has setup the IOTA Foundation,a non profit foundation registered and headquartered in Berlin (Germany) focused on developing and standardising new distributed ledger based technologies.•IOTA main focus is Internet of Things and the Machine Economy but this technology is well suited for payments between humans as well.•The mainnet was online since July 11,2016.•The IOTA white paper can be found at:https:///IOTA_Whitepaper.pdf•All IOTA's which will ever exist have already been created.There will be no mining involved.The total IOTA supply is:(333-1) / 2 = 2,779,530,283,277,761 IOTAs = ~2.8 Peta IOTA’s.•In contrast in October 8th,2140 there will be a maximum of 20,999,999.9769 Bitcoins (~21 million BTC) mined.In Nov 11,2017 there are already 16,675,488 Bitcoins mined,approx 79% of its total.•The maximum number of available Bitcoins converted into its smallest unit is:2,099,999,997,690,000 Satoshis = ~2.1 Peta Satoshi’s.•Which means there will be ~32% more IOTA’s compared to Bitcoins in October 8th, 2140.IOTA FEATURES •Scalability •Decentralisation•No transaction fees •Quantum computing protection•The network becomes stronger when the number of transactions increases.•A stress test conducted in April 2017 already shows 112 confirmed transactions per second in a small network of 250 nodes.•IOTA can achieve high transaction throughput.If more IOTA transactions are created,the confirmation rates are getting better.IOTA FEATURES:DECENTRALISATION•IOTA has no miners.Every transaction maker is also a transaction validator which means every transaction maker actively participates in the consensus.•If we look at the Bitcoin network most hashing power are concentrated in a few mining pools.https:///poolsGraph:Oct 30,2017IOTA FEATURES:NO TRANSACTION FEES•IOTA has no transaction fees which means IOTA can be used for micropayments.•Y ou can send 1 IOTA to an address with no fees charged.•An IOTA is the smallest unit which is the same as 1 Satoshi (Bitcoin) or 1 Wei (Ethereum).•Making micropayments in the Bitcoin network makes no sense if the fees are higher than the transaction value.IOTA FEATURES:QUANTUM COMPUTING PROTECTION •Quantum computing is still in the early stages of development but it is estimated that this technology will arrive between 2030 and 2050.•Quantum computers will be able to “crack” current data encryption methods much faster than current classical computers.•IOTA uses the Winternitz One-Time Signature Scheme which is a quantum-resistant algorithm.See:https:///2011/191.pdfBLOCKCHAIN VS TANGLE•In a Blockchain network (for example Bitcoin) multiple transactions are stored in blocks and the blocks are sequentially connected to each other (“chained”).•IOTA is the 3rd generation public permissionless distributed ledger,based on a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).IOTA called this DAG the tangle.The tangle is NOT the same as the Blockchain.TANGLE•A tangle is a data structure based on Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).Each square represents a single transaction.Each transaction always validates 2 previous non validated transactions.T angletimeDIRECTED ACYCLIC GRAPH•Directed means the graph is pointing to one direction.•Acyclic means the graph is non circular.This will not happen:TANGLET angle visualisation:http://iota.dance/live/https://tangle.blox.pm/TIPS•Tips are the unconfirmed transactions in the tangle graph.They are transactions which have no other transactions references them but they should each reference two previous transactions.HEIGHT•Height is the length of the longest oriented path to the genesis.•For example:G has a height of 1.D has a height of 3.DEPTH•Depth is the length of the longest reverse-oriented path to some tip.•For example:G has a depth of 4 to Tip A.Path = F,D,B and A.HOW A TRANSACTION IS CREATED•Making a transaction is a 3 step process:•Signing:Y our node (computer / mobile) creates a transaction and sign it with your private key.•Tip Selection:Y our node chooses two other unconfirmed transactions (tips) using the Random Walk Monte Carlo (RWMC) algorithm.•Proof of Work:Y our node checks if the two transactions are not conflicting.Next,the node must do some Proof of Work (PoW) by solving a cryptographic puzzle (hashcash). Hashcash works by repeatedly hashing the same data with a tiny variation until a hash is found with a certain number of leading zero bits.This PoW is to prevent spam and Sybil attacks.A Sybil attack is based on the assumption,that half of all hash power is coming from malicious nodes.RANDOM WALK MONTE CARLO (RWMC) ALGORITHM •The goal of the Random Walk Monte Carlo algorithm is to generate fair samples from some difficult distribution.•The Random Walk Monte Carlo (RWMC) algorithm is used in two ways:•T o choose two other unconfirmed transactions (tips) when creating a transaction.•And to determine if a transaction is confirmed.TRANSACTION CONFIRMATION•Green blocks:transactions on which consensus was achieved a.k.a confirmed transactions.Red blocks:transactions where we are still uncertain on their full acceptance.Grey blocks:unconfirmed transactions (tips).•The goal of any transaction is to be green. But how do you go from grey,to red,to green?•Green blocks are indirectly referenced by ALL the grey blocks.For every confirmed transaction,there is a path leading to it from a tip.•T o determine the confirmation level of your transaction we need the depth to start from and we execute the Random Walk Monte Carlo algorithm N times,the probability of your transaction being accepted is therefore M of N.M being the number of times you land on a tip that has a path to your transaction.•If you execute RWMC 100 times,and 60 tips has a path to your transaction,than your transaction is 60% confirmed.It is up the the merchant to decide to accept the transaction and exchange goods.It is the same as Bitcoins where you want to wait for at least 6 blocks for high value transactions.Transactions with bigger depths takes longer to be validated.IOTA GITHUB•An IOTA Reference Implementation (IRI),wallet and libraries are available at: https:///iotaledger•The IOTA Reference Implementation is written in Java.•As of Nov 2017 this implementation is not production ready.•The IOTA libraries are available in different programming languages such as JavaScript, Python and Go.FULL NODE•T o setup a full node you need to tether with neighbours by exchanging your ip address with theirs.•It is recommended only to share you IP address with only the neighbours you are tethering with and no one else.•Previously peer-discovery was included in the IOTA Reference Implementation but peer discovery was causing more problems.Peer discovery is now removed and manual node sharing is used instead to optimise IOTA and to make it more suitable for the IoT.IOTA ADDRESS USAGE•Once you have sent a transaction from an address,you should never use this address again.Each time you sent a transaction from an address a part of the private key is revealed.IOTA uses the Winternitz one-time signature.This makes it easier for attackers to steal that address's balance via brute force.•Y ou can receive as many transactions you want to an address,but once you make a transaction from this address you should NOT reuse this address again for receiving OR sending transactions.•The seed is not compromised if you receive funds at an address that has already been spent from.But the funds at that address is.TANGLE•A tangle can get branch off and back into the network.This is called partitioning.For example sensors on containers on a freighter ship losses connectivity with the main tangle when the ship travel across the ocean.The sensors can create an offline tangle cluster.COORDINATOR•The Coordinator or ‘Coo’for short,are several full nodes scattered across the world run by the IOTA Foundation.It creates zero value transactions called milestones which full nodes reference to.•Its main purpose is to temporary protect the network in its infancy stage to sustain against a large scale attack from those who own GPUs.The Coordinator sets the general direction for the tangle growth and do some kind of checkpointing.•The network is considered decentralised because every node verifies that the Coordinator is not breaking consensus rules by creating iotas out of thin air or approving double-spendings.•When the amount of organic activity on the IOTA ledger is sufficient to where it can evolve unassisted,the Coordinator is permanently shut off.SNAPSHOT•A snapshot is a method which keeps the ledger database that devices has to keep very small in size.•Snapshotting groups several transfers to the same address into 1 record,saves only non zero balances and removes transaction history.•The addresses with balances acts like new genesis addresses,but no previous history or data will be attached.•Currently making snapshots are done manually but in the future it will be done automatically.•There will be permanodes which stores the entire tangle history and data permanently and securely.KECCAK-384 / KERL•IOTA created their own hash function called Curl based on SHA-3/Keccak.•Researchers from the Boston University and Massachusetts Institute of T echnology reported on a vulnerability in Curl in July 14,2017.See:https:///mit-dci/tangled-curl/blob/master/vuln-iota.mdThe Curl produced collisions (when different inputs,hash to the same output).•On August 7th,2017 the IOTA team implemented a patch by replacing Curl with the Keccak-384 hash function.This hash function is used for generating addresses and signing transactions.The Keccak-384 hash function is wrapped and named "Kerl" as a tongue-in-cheek homage to what it was replacing.See:https:///iotaledger/iri/ commit/539e413352a77b1db2042f46887e41d558f575e5。
BridgeConex产品说明书以下版本适用算分服务器:V0.60.53N自助打印:V0.60.53牌副详情和结分表查询:V0.60.53android录分器客户端:V0.60.53android大屏显示:V0.60.53C更高版本基本也适用制作:三峡大卫二〇一五年十二月二十六日目录概述 (1)1.1.简介 (1)1.2.软件组成 (1)1.3.支持的桥牌比赛 (2)1.4.软件下载 (3)1.4.1.BC主页 (3)1.4.2.下载链接 (3)1.5.硬件支持 (3)1.5.1.Windows电脑 (3)1.5.2.安卓录分器 (4)1.5.3.BM2录分器 (4)1.5.4.投影仪与安卓投影 (4)1.5.5.打印机和二维码扫描器 (4)1.6.网络环境 (4)1.7.安装与运行软件 (5)1.8.BC软件更新 (5)1.9.技术支持和服务 (5)1.10.价格 (5)1.11.获得授权 (6)1.11.1.注册帐户 (6)1.11.4.登录 (8)入门 (9)2.1.BC主界面操作菜单 (9)2.2.了解BC算分服务器 (10)2.2.1.新建比赛文件 (10)2.2.2.创建比赛组 (10)2.2.3.填写报名表 (12)2.2.4.参赛号抽签 (12)2.2.5.开始新一轮比赛 (14)2.2.6.人工后台录分 (14)2.2.7.完成比赛 (15)2.2.8.查看成绩表 (15)提高 (17)3.1.熟悉BC算分服务器 (17)3.1.1.新建比赛文件 (17)3.1.2.创建比赛组 (17)3.1.3.填写报名表 (18)3.1.4.参赛号抽签 (20)3.1.5.开始新一轮比赛 (20)3.2.使用大屏显示(投影) (21)3.2.1.运行安卓投影程序 (21)3.2.2.管理投影仪 (21)3.2.5.投影的使用 (25)3.3.使用安卓录分器录分 (25)3.3.1.开启TCP服务 (25)3.3.2.设置录分器 (26)3.3.3.录分 (27)3.4.使用自助打印 (28)3.4.1.运行自助打印程序 (28)3.4.2.自助打印参数设置 (28)3.4.3.自助打印 (29)3.4.4.比赛成绩表 (30)3.5.活用BC (31)3.5.1.新建比赛文件 (31)3.5.2.创建比赛组 (31)3.5.3.进行比赛 (32)实战 (33)4.1.分组循环与交叉循环赛 (33)4.1.1.赛制简介 (33)4.1.2.BC实施 (33)4.2.双循环赛 (36)4.2.1.互换主客队方式 (36)4.2.2.以第一循环成绩排序方式 (36)4.3.通讯赛(手做牌) (37)4.5.二维码电子报名 (38)4.6.分阶段积分编排赛 (39)4.6.1.比赛办法和编排要求 (39)4.6.2.积分编排要求 (39)4.6.3.积分编排赛 (40)4.6.4.淘汰赛 (41)4.6.5.附加积分编排赛 (43)问答 (44)5.1.关于软件下载版本更新等 (44)5.1.1.在哪里可以得到BC软件? (44)5.1.2.有时下载新软件安装后却是旧版,怎么办? (44)5.1.3.为什么BC各软件的版本不一致?有什么影响? (44)5.1.4.更新BC电脑软件时出现错误“代码5”,怎么办? (44)5.2.关于比赛信息比赛类型及方式 (45)5.2.1.创建比赛时所填信息有未填或有误怎么办? (45)5.2.2.米切尔正常轮转怎样单冠军排名? (45)5.2.3.双人/个人赛计分方式ButlerIMP和CrossIMP有什么区别? (45)5.2.4.多组双人/个人赛能否进行全场计分和排名? (46)5.2.5.多组双人/个人赛全场计分是怎样计算的? (46)5.2.6.队式赛的多循环怎样简单实现? (46)5.3.关于录分器 (47)5.3.1.苹果手机或平板能录分吗? (47)5.3.2.什么是录分器的移动方式? (47)5.3.4.长时间不操作算分服务器无法录分怎么办? (47)5.3.5.安卓录分器显示屏休眠开屏后不能接着录结果,怎么办? (48)5.3.6.安卓录分器开屏后经常提示不能连接算分服务器,怎么办? (48)5.3.7.安卓录分错误需要改录,怎么办? (48)5.3.8.点按录分器上的“裁”,要输入的密码是什么? (48)5.3.9.怎样设置安卓录分器不录入首攻? (48)5.3.10.牌手随意录入首攻,怎么办? (48)5.4.关于自助打印 (49)5.4.1.能否限制自助打印次数? (49)5.4.2.限制了自助打印次数后还要打印怎么办? (49)5.4.3.队赛开始了新一轮还能自助打印上一轮的结分表吗? (49)5.4.4.双人/个人赛比赛未结束能否自助打印记分表? (49)5.4.5.双人/个人赛自助打印能否指定起止轮号? (49)5.5.关于大屏显示(投影) (49)5.5.1.不能投影,怎么办? (49)5.5.2.投影不清晰,怎么办? (50)5.5.3.投影时第二页只有一两行想挤在一页,怎么办? (50)5.5.4.自动值守可以自动投影发布对阵表吗? (50)5.6.关于调整分带分和罚分 (51)5.6.1.怎样输入参赛队(人)的调整分(带分)和罚分? (51)5.6.2.怎样输入一副牌的调整分? (51)5.7.关于数据统计与分析 (51)5.7.1.导出html的Datum列宽不一致,很难看,怎么办? (51)5.7.3.队式赛能否按轮次牌号连续显示对比记录? (51)5.7.4.队赛有否Datum和Butler? (51)5.7.5.是否支持导入PBN牌型文件? (51)5.8.关于组织比赛 (52)5.8.1.多节的比赛(如淘汰赛)怎样开始新一节? (52)5.8.2.怎样打印轮转表在赛场张贴? (52)5.8.3.什么是自动值守? (52)5.8.4.同时进行两种类型的比赛,怎么办? (52)5.8.5.计分系统主管在赛前要做哪些准备工作? (52)附录 (53)6.1.网络配置与检测 (53)6.1.1.设置局域网中电脑的IP (53)6.1.2.测试网络的连通性 (54)6.2.无线路由器配置与互连 (55)6.2.1.基本配置与DHCP (55)6.2.2.无线基本设置 (57)6.2.3.手机或平板连接WiFi (57)6.2.4.多路由器互连 (59)6.2.5.网线连接 (60)6.2.6.无线桥接 (60)致谢 (61)致敬 (62)声明 (64)概述1.1.简介BridgeConex(BC),全称为:BridgeConex桥牌无线录入算分系统。
CCBA 体系说明版本:2.0北京新睿桥科技有限公司2015.10目录第一部分无敌手叫牌及竞争叫牌 (1)1.1♣/1♦开叫 (1)1.1第一应叫 (1)1.21♣后的walsh 应叫 (1)1.31♥/1♠应叫的后续及双路重询 (2)1.41NT应叫后的发展 (7)1.51♦-2♣二盖一应叫的后续 (7)1.6低花反加叫的后续 (8)1.7强跳新花后的叫牌 (8)1.81♣/1♦开叫,第二家干扰后的进程 (8)1.91♣/1♦开叫,第四家干扰后的进程 (9)2.1♥/1♠开叫 (9)2.1第一应叫 (10)2.21♥开叫,应叫1♠的后续 (10)2.31NT应叫的后续 (11)2.42/1二盖一应叫的后续 (13)2.5均型2NT应叫后的发展 (14)2.6各类加叫及其后续 (14)2.7第三、四家开叫一高花后的变化 (15)2.81♥/1♠开叫,第二家干扰后的进程 (15)2.91♥/1♠开叫,第四家干扰后的进程 (16)3.1NT开叫 (16)3.1第一应叫 (16)3.2斯台曼应叫后的发展 (17)3.32♦/2♥转移叫的后续 (18)3.42♠应叫的后续 (19)3.53♥/3♠的后续 (20)3.6斯台曼或转移叫被敌方干扰后的叫牌 (20)3.71NT开叫遇敌方加倍后的叫牌 (20)3.81NT开叫,第二家作花色争叫或约定性争叫 (21)4.2♣开叫 (22)4.1第一应叫 (22)4.22♦应叫的后续 (22)4.32NT应叫的后续 (22)4.42♣开叫,第二家干扰后的进程 (23)5.2♦/2♥/2♠开叫 (23)5.1第一应叫 (23)6.2NT开叫 (24)6.1第一应叫 (24)6.23♣傀儡斯台曼的后续 (24)6.33♦/3♥高花转移叫的后续 (25)6.43♠低花斯台曼的后续 (26)7.高阶阻击性开叫 (26)8.赌博性3NT开叫 (26)8.1第一应叫 (26)9.满贯叫牌 (26)9.1罗马关键张问叫 (26)第二部分防守叫牌 (28)第三部分部分约定叫说明 (29)1.双路重询约定叫 (29)1.1双路重询约定叫及后续发展 (29)2.1m-1M-2NT后续 (29)2.11m-1M-2NT的后续发展 (29)3.1M-2NT后续 (29)3.1均型2NT应叫后的发展 (29)4.朱瑞约定叫 (30)4.1第三、四家开叫1M后的变化 (30)5.逆叫后续 (30)6.跳新花后续 (31)第四部分附录 (32)第一部分无敌手叫牌及竞争叫牌1.1♣/1♦开叫12-21点3+张套,通常33低花开1♣,44低花开1♦,3♦16-17点4张♦支持;3♥/3♠18+点♦支持的Splinter;3NT 6-7张♣坚固套,7.5-9个赢墩,未叫花色均有止张;2)开叫人再叫1阶高花后,应叫人再叫为非常自然的叫品。
CCBA标准自然 体系概要
二、1/1开叫1、1开叫后应叫:1=> 1/1/1= 自然,6点以上,逼叫1NT=6-10点,没有4张高花2♣=低花反加叫,10点以上,逼叫2/2/2=自然,16点以上2NT=邀叫,11-12点,没有4张高花3♣=自然,7-9点,通常5张以上♣3/3/3= 7张好套,6-9点3NT=13-15点均型,没有4张高花2、1开叫后应叫:1=> 1/1=自然,6点以上,逼叫1NT=6-10点,没有4张高花2♣=自然,11点以上,逼叫2=低花反加叫,10点以上,逼叫2/2=自然,16点以上2NT=邀叫,11-12点,没有4张高花3♣/3/3=7张好套,6-9点3=自然,7-9点,通常5张以上3NT=13-15点均型,没有4张高花3、开叫方后续叫牌:1) 开叫方再叫1NT:12-14点,接着应叫方再叫2♣=重询,其余自然。
桥牌叫牌体系——--二盖一进局体系二盖一进局体系本体系是美国加州桥牌专家 Max Hardy 所创建的。
无将开叫后的应叫一阶高花开叫及其以后一阶低花开叫及其以后应叫者的再叫高副水平开叫和再叫争叫满贯叫牌提醒与解释SummarySimple 2/1无将开叫后的应叫本体系无将开叫后的应叫是复杂的,但也是完备的。
它组合了 Stayman、Jacoby Transfer、Teaxs Transfer、Minor Siut Stayman、二种接力叫程序、司台曼以后的 Smolen Transfer、干扰叫后的 lebensohl 叫脾,并包括了其它可供选用的叫品。
23~24点:开叫2C后,再叫2NT, 有一5张套可增值。
架构设计说明书xxx银行核心业务项目系统架构设计说明书架构设计说明书文档修订记录目录1简介 (5)1.1目的 (5)1.2范围 (5)1.3术语和缩写词 (5)1.4参考资料 (6)2项目概述 (7)2.1项目目标 (7)3现状分析 (9)3.1渠道与前置系统 (9)3.1.1系统现状描述 (9)3.1.2系统现状分析 (10)3.2后台管理系统 (11)4架构设计方案 (12)4.1架构设计原则 (12)4.2系统架构与范围 (13)4.3系统中长期规划 (14)4.4核心系统和老前置系统接口改造方案 (15)4.5数据整合平台改造方案 (18)4.6关键架构问题说明 (20)4.6.1历史数据中心改造方案....................................................错误!未定义书签。
4.6.2分行特色业务平台系统接入方案 (21)5产品技术架构 (23)5.1柜面系统技术架构 (23)5.2ESB技术架构 (24)5.3中间业务系统技术架构 (27)5.4核心业务系统技术架构 (27)5.5数据整合平台技术架构 (30)6系统部署方案 (30)6.1物理架构 (30)6.2硬件环境 (32)6.3软件环境 (35)6.4网络架构 (37)7架构风险 (38)7.1接口改造涉及的系统多、范围广、接口数量多 (38)7.2柜面系统界面开发量大 (38)附件: (39)1简介1.1目的本文档对新的核心系统整体架构进行综合概述,其中会使用多种不同的构架视图来描述系统的各个方面。
1 盖 1=8-16P 5+好套,2 盖 1=11-17P5+好套 同级 NT=9-12P,跳叫 2NT=13-15P 出新花不逼叫,扣叫后出新花逼叫 1NT(2)=15-18P,1NT(4)=12-15P,平衡位置 2NT=19-21P 跳叫新花=阻击叫,跳叫 2NT=最低级别的 2 未叫套 11P+对未叫花色均有支持;或 16P+强牌 Michaels 扣叫:低花=双高花,高花=另 1 高花+1 低花 加倍×=同等实力以上,2=双高花,其余=自然 [1NT]-2-[Pass]-2=问高花长度 技术性加倍,Michaels 扣叫 自由叫(free bid) 如果叫牌不受对方叫品影响,则保持原应叫含义
在将牌已经同意的情况下,在 3 阶或 4 阶不跳叫地叫出 从没叫过的花色表示第一轮或第二轮的控制。
开叫 1:11-21P(33) 应叫 1/1/1=6P+,2=10P+,2/2/2=16P+逼叫 3=7-9P5 张+,3/3/3=6-9P7 张+,阻击叫 1NT=6-10P,2NT=11-12P,3NT=13-15P,均型无 4 高 再叫 1-1x-1NT-2=Ch-Stayman;1-1x-2NT-3=Ch-Stayman 1-1x-1NT 后跳叫新花=5-5 邀叫 1-1x-1NT 后跳叫原花=6 张以上好套邀叫
1NT-2-2-4=轻微满贯兴趣 对方争叫后技术性加倍和 Lebensohl(1NT-[2x]-2NT-3-) 开叫 2:22 P+强牌 应叫 2=0-7P 示弱, 2/2/3/3=8P+5 张,2NT=8P+均型 再叫 2-2-2NT=22-24P, 2-2-3NT=25-27P 开叫 2/2/2:5-10P,6 张+,弱二 应叫 新花=自然逼叫,加叫=自然不逼叫,2NT=问叫 再叫 2x-2NT 问答:3/3=低限坏/好套,3/3=高限坏/好套 开叫 3/3/3/3:6 张+,阻击叫 应叫 新花=逼叫,4/4=止叫,4NT=罗马关键张问叫 开叫 4/4/4/4:7 张+,阻击叫 应叫 /4=止叫;4NT=罗马关键张问叫
MicroTCA System 4 slotUser’s ManualProduct No.21850-04521850-04621850-081Doc-No: 63972-272_R1.0May 06, 2009Rev.Date updated ChangeR1.0May 06, 2009Initial ReleaseImpressum:Schroff GmbHD-75334 Straubenhardt, GermanyThe details in this manual have been carefully compiled and checked - supported by certified Quality Management System to EN ISO 9001/2000The company cannot accept any liability for errors or misprints. The company reserves the right to amendments of technical specifications due to further development and improvement of products.Copyright © 2009All rights and technical modifications reserved.Table of Contents1Safety (3)1.1Intended Application (3)1.2Safety Symbols used in this document (4)1.3General Safety Precautions (4)1.4References and Architecture Specifications (4)2Hardware Platform (5)2.1Front and Rear Views (6)3Backplane 23005-435 (7)3.1Backplane Front View (7)3.2Backplane Topology (8)3.3Fabric Interface (9)3.3.1Common Options (9)3.3.2Fat Pipe (9)3.4Synchronization Clock Interface (9)3.5Intelligent Platform Management Bus (IPMB) (9)3.5.1IPMB-L (9)3.6Carrier FRU SEEPROM (9)3.7Carrier Number (10)3.7.1Electronic DIP Switch (Default setting) (10)3.7.2Mechanical DIP Switch (11)3.8Power Management (12)3.8.1Power Management Board (PMB) (13)4Power Supply (14)5Thermals (15)6Technical Data (16)6.1Mechanical Dimensions (17)1 SafetyThe intended audience of this User’s Manual is system integrators and hardware/software engineers.1.1 Intended ApplicationThe MicroTCA System, described in this manual, is intended as a platform for amicrocomputer system based on the MicroTCA Standard.The MicroTCA System is designed for protection class IP 20 and can be usedonly in the resp. environments.The MicroTCA Systems are not finished products, so there is no valid approvalfor these units. In order to enable stand-alone functionality, additional elementsare required. An operational system is achieved only by way of appropriate AMCModules.The completion and final testing of the units have been carried out, or at leastsupervised, by qualified technicians. These instructions are directed exclusivelyto these qualified technicians i.e.engineers, trained and qualified electriciansetc.Make sure that:•the assembled unit complies with the safety regulations currently applicable in the country it is going to be used.•the overall unit complies with all other regulations and specifications at the place and country of use, e.g. interference limits, approval by the telecom-munications authorities.1.2 Safety Symbols used in this document1.3 General Safety Precautions•Service personnel must know the necessary electrical safety, wiring and connection practices for installing this equipment.•Install this equipment only in compliance with local and national electrical codes.•For additional information about this equipment, see the PICMG MicroTCASpecification ().1.4 References and Architecture Specifications•PICMG® MicroTCA® Base Specification()•PICMG® AMC® Base Specification()2 Hardware Platform•Compliant to PICMG MicroTCA Base specification•RatiopacPro case (21850-045/-081)•Subrack with wall mount provisions (21850-046)•MicroTCA Backplane with radial IPMI from MCH Slot1# to all AMC slots, supporting:-1 MCH Single Full-size slot-1 AMC Single Full-size slot for a CPU Board-2 AMC Single Full-size slots for HDD or PCIe Boards-1 AMC Single Full-size slot for a HDD or CPU or PCIe Board-Onboard power management for all AMC slots•Power management board on the backplane for PM emulation (21850-046/-081)•Active cooling through 12 V fans.21850-045/-081: One fan under the card cage (170 m³/h (100 cfm)) and two fans(56m³/h (33 cfm) each) at the rear panel21850-046: One fan under the card cage (170 m³/h (100 cfm)) and one fan(17 m³/h (10 cfm)) for the power supply•Integrated 250 W AC Power Supply with wide range input•AC mains/line module with IEC 320-C14 connector, integrated mains/line fuses andline filter at the rear panel2.1 Front and Rear ViewsFigure 1: 21850-046 Front and Rear ViewFigure 2: 21850-046 Bottom ViewFigure 3: 21850-045/-081 Front and Rear View1290982712807834128078313 Backplane 23005-435The 5 slot MicroTCA Backplane provides:• 1 MCH Single Full-size slot• 1 AMC Single Full-size slot for a CPU Board• 2 AMC Single Full-size slots for HDD or PCIe Boards• 1 AMC Single Full-size slot for a HDD or CPU or PCIe Board•Onboard power management for all AMC slots3.1 Backplane Front ViewFigure 4: Backplane Front View128078323.2 Backplane TopologyFigure 5: Backplane Topology129098283.3 Fabric Interface3.3.1 Common OptionsMCH1 Fabric Port A is routed to all AMC slots Port 0 in a radial configuration.MCH1 Fabric “Port A to AMC5“ is routed to AMC1 Port 1.MCH1 Fabric “Port A to AMC6“ is routed to AMC3 Port 1.AMC Ports 2 and 3 are direct slot to slot connections to support HDD (SATA/SAS)configurations.3.3.2 Fat PipeMCH1 Ports [D:G] are routed to all AMC slots Port [4:7] in a radial configuration.3.4 Synchronization Clock InterfaceCLK1 is routed in a radial topology from Slot1# (MCH) to all AMC slots TCLKA.TCLKB is routed in a radial topology from all AMC slots to Slot1# (MCH).CLK3 is routed in a radial topology from Slot1# (MCH) to all AMC slots FCLKA.CLK3 can be used as a spread spectrum clock for PCIe.3.5 Intelligent Platform Management Bus (IPMB)MicroTCA uses an Intelligent Platform Management Bus (IPMB) for managementcommunications.3.5.1 IPMB-LThe IPMB-L is routed in a radial topology from Slot1# (Switch) to AMC2#, AMC3#,AMC4# and AMC5#.3.6 Carrier FRU SEEPROMA SEEPROM is located at the Backplane. The SEEPROM is connected to Slot1# (MCH)through I²C-bus.The I²C-addresses of the SEEPROMs is 0xa4.3.7 Carrier NumberEach MicroTCA Carrier shall have a unique Carrier Number, ranging from 1 to 16 in itsMicroTCA Shelf. To provide the Carrier Number, a mechanical and electronic(PCA9558) DIP switch and a PCF8574A I²C I/O expander is located on the Backplane.Figure 6: Carrier Number Switches12807826 The customer can use either the mechanical or the electronic DIP switch to set thecarrier number.3.7.1 Electronic DIP Switch (Default setting)The electronic DIP switch is connected to the lower four bits of the I/O lines of thePCF8574A I²C I/O expander. The I/O expander connects to the MCMC’s private I²C bus.The MCMC reads the DIP switch setting from the I/O expander, adds one, and uses theresult as its Carrier Number.In the default factory setting the electronical DIP switch is active at the address0x9E (SW5 and SW6 at the mechanical DIP switch = OFF)Default carrier address = 1 (Data content EEPROM = 0000)Table 1: I²C AddressesPCA 9558 DIP switch0x9e (default) or 0x9cPCF8574A I/O expander0x3eTo change the carrier number with the electronic DIP switch you have to send thefollowing I2C command to the electronic DIP switch’s EEPROM:Further information in the PCA9558 Data sheet.Please note: Carrier address = DIP switch setting +13.7.2 Mechanical DIP SwitchTo access the mechanical DIP switch you have to open the case/subrack.The mechanical DIP switch is a 6-position switch.•Switch 1 to 4 are used to set the carrier number (Switch 1 = Bit 0).•Switch 5 is used to change the I2C-address of the electronical DIP switch.-Switch 5 ON: address = 9C-Switch 5 OFF: address = 9E (default)•With switch 6 you can select between mechanical or electronic DIP switch toset the carrier number.-Switch 6 ON: Mechanical DIP switch-Switch 6 OFF: Electronic DIP switchWhen setting the carrier number with the mechanical DIP switch please note:Switch ON = logic 0Switch OFF = logic 1The mechanical DIP switch is connected to the input of the electronic DIP switch.When the SEL signal is a logic 0, the electronic DIP switch will select the data from theinternal EEPROM to drive the output pins, when the SEL signal is a logic 1, theelectronic DIP switch will select the signal from the mechanical DIP switch to drive onthe output pins.3.8 Power ManagementThe integrated Power Management circuitry on the Backplane provides 12 V PayloadPower distribution branches to the MCH Slot and the AMC Slots. It also generates the3.3 V management power and distributes it to all slots.Without the Power Management Board (PMB) the MCH do not manage andcontrol the power-up sequence of the payload AMCs!The PMB is fitted only in the systems 21850-046/-081, but can be upgraded tothe system 21580-045Figure 7: Power Distribution (Without Power Management Board)128078253.8.1 Power Management Board (PMB)The Power Management Board (PMB) is a small adapter board which is attached to thebackside of the backplane by two PCB-to-PCB connectors (See Figure 8). The PMBprovides the management functionality according to PICMG specificationMTCA.0, R1.0, whereas the active power switching circuitry resides on the backplane.It enables a central management instance like an MCH to individually control payloadpower supply the AMC slots and the MCH.It provides the following functionality:•Detection of insertion or removal of AMC modules•Managed payload power switching•Payload power fault detection• 3.3 V Management power fault detectionThe management part of the PMB acts as a MicroTCA conformant power managementmodule. The signals PS1#, PWR_ON, PGOOD, EN_PP are reflected in the respectivebits of the Power Channel Status message [MTCA.0 R1.0, table 3-29] or Power ChannelNotification Event message [MTCA.0 R1.0, table 3-30].The PMB manages the payload power of the connected AMC modules and the MCH.After power up, the PBM starts in autonomous mode and applies payload power to theMCH. As soon as the MCH has taken over control of the PMB by applying the heartbeatsignal, the PMB changes to normal mode and reacts to power commands from theMCH.IPMI Command SupportThe PMB supports the standard MMC command set according to [AMC.0 V2.0]specification as far as applicable for power modules and the EMMC extensions forpower modules.IPMI Sensor Data RecordsThe PMB provides the following sensor data records:•Device Locator Record (record type 0x12)•Hot Swap sensor (compact sensor type 0x02)Note: The hot swap sensor is implemented for compliance reasons only. It has no realfunction as the PMB is not hot swappable. The respective sensor always return “closed”.IPMI FRU InformationThe PMB FRU record contains the following information:•Product Information•Power Module Capability Record [MTCA.0 R1.0, table 3-27].Event messages generated by the PMBThe PMB generates Power Channel notification event messages (MTCA.0 R1.0, table3-30) on any change of the status of the power channels, i.e:•PS1# signal assertion /de-assertion•PWR_ON signal assertion/de-assertion, Payload on/off•PGood signal change.Schroff MicroTCA SystemPower Supply21850-045/-046/-0814 Power SupplyIn order to be independent from an external power source, the MicroTCA system provides an AC Power Supply with wide range 90 VAC - 264 VAC input and 12 VDC output.The power input is provided by an AC mains/line module with IEC 320-C14 connector, integrated mains/line fuses line filter and mains/line switch.Figure 8: Power Supply and PMB (shown at 21850-046)Table 2: Data AC Power Supply129098261Power Supply 4Power Management Board (PMB)2AC mains/line module5Mechanical switch carrier number3Fan for cooling the Power SupplyInput voltage nominal 90 - 264 Vac Mains Frequency 50 / 60 Hz Output (max.)20.8 A / 250 W Output voltage 12 VdcOvervoltage protection 15-50% above nominal output Overcurrent protection Current limitedHold-up time16 ms @ 250 W load, 120 Vac input Operating Temperature 0° C - +50° C50° C - +70° C: Derate linearly to 50% load Safety approvalsEN60950-1, 60601-1Schroff MicroTCA System Thermals 21850-045/-046/-0815 ThermalsThe boards and the power supply are cooled by forced air convection through 12 VDCaxial fans. The fans are not speed controlled.21850-045/-081: At this system one fan (170 m³/h (100 cfm) is located under the cardcage and two fans (56 m³/h (33 cfm) each) at the rear panel. The air enters the subrackthrough the perforated bottom panel. As the air passes across the hot components onthe MicroTCA boards, heat is carried away by forced convection. The air exits thesubrack at the top, is drawn into the upper plenum, turns 90°, and is exhausted out therear of the subrack by the 2 rear fans.21850-046: At this system one fan (170 m³/h (100 cfm) is located under the card cageand one fan (17 m³/h (10 cfm) in the rear section under the power supply. The air entersthe subrack at the bottom. As the air passes across the hot components on theMicroTCA boards, heat is carried away by forced convection. The air exits the subrackat the top.Figure 9: Airflow (21850-045/-081)12807828 Figure 10: Airflow (21850-046)128078366 Technical DataTable 3: Technical DataPhysical Dimensions 21850-045/-08121850-046Height (w/o feet)132.45 mm (3 U)150 mmWidth175.85 mm156.76 mmDepth360.48 mm (with handles)250 mmWeightWeight completely assembled approx. 5 Kg approx. 5 KgPowerInput voltage100 VAC to 240 VAC100 VAC to 240 VACOvercurrent Protection 2 Fuses 3.15 A slow blow 2 Fuses 3.15 A slow blowCooling2 axial fans 56 m³/h (33 cfm) each,1 axial fan 170 m³/h (100cfm)1 axial fan 17 m³/h (10 cfm),1 axial fan 170 m³/h (100cfm)EnvironmentalAmbient temperature normal operating +5°C…+45°C(41°F to 113°F)+5°C…+45°C(41°F to 113°F)Ambient temperature transient operating +5°C…+55°C(41°F to 131°F)+5°C…+55°C(41°F to 131°F)Humidity+5%...+85%,no condensation +5%...+85%,no condensationEMIConducted Emissions EN 55022 Class B EN 55022 Class B Radiated Emissions EN 55022 Class B EN 55022 Class B6.1 Mechanical DimensionsFigure 11: Mechanical Dimensions 21850-045/-08112807829Figure 12: Mechanical Dimensions 21850-04612807836 All dimensions are in millimeters (mm).SCHROFF GMBH Langenalberstr. 96-100Tel.: + 49 (0) 7082 794-0Fax: +49 (0) 7082 794-200 D-75334 Straubenhardt。
CCBA 体系说明版本:2.1北京新睿桥科技有限公司2016. 04目录第一部分无敌手叫牌及竞争叫牌 (4)1.1♣/1♦开叫 (4)1.1第一应叫 (4)1.21♣后的walsh 应叫 (4)1.31♥/1♠应叫的后续及双路重询 (5)1.41NT应叫后的发展 (10)1.51♦-2♣二盖一应叫的后续 (10)1.6低花反加叫的后续 (11)1.7强跳新花后的叫牌 (11)1.81♣/1♦开叫,第二家干扰后的进程 (11)1.91♣/1♦开叫,第四家干扰后的进程 (13)2.1♥/1♠开叫 (14)2.1第一应叫 (14)2.21♥开叫,应叫1♠的后续 (15)2.31NT应叫的后续 (16)2.4二盖一应叫的后续 (17)2.5杰可贝2NT应叫后的发展 (18)2.6各类加叫及其后续 (18)2.7第三、四家开叫一高花后的变化 (19)2.81♥/1♠开叫,第二家干扰后的进程 (19)2.91♥/1♠开叫,第四家干扰后的进程 (24)3.1NT开叫 (24)3.1第一应叫 (24)3.2斯台曼应叫后的发展 (24)3.32♦/2♥转移叫的后续 (26)3.42♠应叫的后续 (27)3.53♥/3♠的后续 (27)3.6斯台曼或转移叫被敌方干扰后的叫牌 (27)3.71NT开叫遇敌方加倍后的叫牌 (28)3.81NT开叫,第二家作花色争叫或约定性争叫 (28)3.9敌方开叫强无将,我方争叫及其后续叫牌 (29)4.2♣开叫 (30)4.1第一应叫 (30)4.22♦应叫的后续 (30)4.32NT应叫的后续 (31)4.42♣开叫,第二家干扰后的进程 (31)5.2♦/2♥/2♠ (31)5.1第一应叫 (31)6.2NT开叫 (32)6.1第一应叫 (32)6.23♣傀儡斯台曼的后续 (32)6.33♦/3♥高花转移叫的后续 (33)6.43♠低花斯台曼的后续 (33)7.高阶阻击性开叫 (34)8.赌博性3NT开叫 (34)8.1第一应叫 (34)9.满贯叫牌 (34)9.1罗马关键张问叫 (34)第二部分防守叫牌 (36)第三部分部分约定叫说明 (38)1.双路重询约定叫 (38)1.1双路重询约定叫及后续发展 (38)2.1m-1M-2NT后续 (38)2.11m-1M-2NT的后续发展 (38)3.朱瑞约定叫 (38)3.1第三、四家开叫1M后的变化 (38)4.开叫2NT后续(此部分内容似应放置开叫2NT后,不用单独说明) (39)4.1第一应叫 (39)4.23♣斯台曼应叫后的发展 (39)4.33♦/3♥高花转移叫后的发展 (40)4.43♠低花斯台曼后的发展 (41)5.逆叫后续 (41)6.跳新花后续 (41)第四部分附录 (42)第一部分无敌手叫牌及竞争叫牌1.1♣/1♦开叫33低花开1♣,44低花开1♦(1♣后)1♦5+点4+张套,使用walsh应叫(即高花优先原则);1♥/1♠5+点4+张套;1NT6-10点无4张高花;(1♦后)2♣二盖一逼局;低花反加叫10+点,5+张支持逼叫至三阶原低花,非逼局牌优先应4张高花;逼局牌仅保证4+张低花,有4张高花时低花长于高花1♣后2♦跳新花,16+点6张以上半坚固♦套或14+点♦+♣55套以上;2♥/2♠跳新花,16+点6张以上半坚固♥/♠套或14+点♥/♠+开叫花色55套以上;2NT 好11-差13点,均型无4张高花,邀请;1♦后3♣9-11点6+张好梅花套,邀请;跳加叫8-点,阻击性加叫,5+张支持;(1♣后3♦)3♥/3♠斯普林特,12+点所叫单缺,5+张将牌支持,且无4张高花;3NT 13-15点均型无4张高花,无弱双张;1.21♣后的walsh 应叫由于高花优先原则,应叫方持非进局牌应叫1♦,则无4张高花,因此开叫方均型有4张高花,将回叫1NT,不暴露牌型。
复式的记分 ( 一 ) 基 本 分 ( 墩 分 , trick points ) 定 约 方 完 成 定 约 , 得 分 如 下 : 有将定约: 低花 方块 D ,梅花 C 每墩 20分, 高花 黑桃 S ,红桃 H 每墩 30分, 无将定约第一墩40,从第二墩起每墩30分,
定约方完成定约,不论成局与否,另加 奖分。
北京市、全国比赛: 市春季、秋季大赛,市等级赛。 全国俱乐部比赛,全国协会杯赛,全国桥牌 大赛,A类俱乐部联赛,全国通讯赛,世界通 讯赛 。
3. 桥牌与网络 • 能打桥牌的网站:联众,亚轩,中国游戏 在线,国外的okbridge等。 • 桥牌借助网络发展,使得其群众基础越来 越雄厚。 • 如何上联众打桥牌: 贴点制、XIMP、收费双人赛、梯级挑 战赛、联众等级赛。
• 牌例1:S做4S定约,W首攻HQ S: J 4 3 H: 8 D: 8 4 3 2 C: 9 7 6 5 2 S:T 8 5 H:Q J T 7 5 D:Q T 6 C:J 8 S:A K Q 9 2 H:A 6 3 D:A 7 5 C:A 3
S :7 6 H :K 9 4 2 D :K J 9 C :K Q T 4
(7)防守方(defenders) 定约方的敌方。
(8)庄家(declarer) 定约方首先开叫定约花色的一家就叫 庄家。例如北叫出 4S 后接连三家都叫出 “不叫”(Pass),则最后的定约是 4S,由南 北方获得定约。 南北方为定约方,东西方为防守方, 如果这局是 南 最先开叫 1S,则 南 为庄家。 (9)明手(dummy) 庄家的同伴就是明手,在庄家的左手 方攻出第一张牌后(称为首攻)就把牌摊在桌 面上,由庄家负责两手牌的出牌,明手把 牌摊开其余三家都可以看到。
2. 桥牌的发展历史 桥牌是一种高智力的竟技体育活动。 它的起源可以追溯到十六世纪的英国。它 是在一种叫惠斯特( whist )的纸牌游戏基 础上发展起来的。人们曾经视它为奢侈的 活动因而被贵族垄断。 二十世纪二、三十年代的美国为桥牌 的发展作出了卓越的贡献,在惠斯特纸牌 游戏基础上发明了定约桥牌。桥牌有了复 式比赛规则以后,使得这项运动的科学性 越来越强,经过几十年的发展,定约桥牌 日臻完善。
REV. user’s manual is for the XR21V1412 evaluation board rev 2.0 and describes the hardware setup required to operate the part.2.0OVERVIEWThe XR21V1412 evaluation board has one 32-QFN package on it. Figure 1 shows a top view of XR21V1412 evaluation board layout.F IGURE 1. T OP V IEW OF XR21V1412 E VALUATION B OARD L AYOUTREV. 2.0.0 Figure 2 shows a bottom view of XR21V1412 evaluation board layout.F IGURE 2. B OTTOM V IEW OF XR21V1412 E VALUATION B OARD L AYOUTREV. Board ComponentsTable 1 below lists some of the components installed on the evaluation boards. The default setting is RS-232 mode.T ABLE 1: C OMPONENTS O F T HE XR21V1412 E VALUATION B OARDU NIT L OCATION P ART F UNCTIONU1Bottom XRP6657-DFN6Exar’s voltage converter to step down voltage from 5V to3.3V.U5 Top AT24C02B-PU-DIP8I2C EEPROM.U6Top XR21V1412IL32Exar’s 2 channel USB UART.U7Bottom NC7SZ14M5X-SOT-23-5Invert LowPower (suspend) signal.U8Bottom SN74LVC2G53DCTR-SM8Switch UART TXA signal into either RS-232 or RS-485transceiver.U9Bottom SN74LVC2G53DCTR-SM8Switch RXA signal from either RS-232 or RS-485 trans-ceiver.U10Bottom SN74LVC2G53DCTR-SM8Switch UART TXB signal into either RS-232 or RS-485transceiver.U11Bottom SN74LVC2G53DCTR-SM8Switch RXB signal from either RS-232 or RS-485 trans-ceiver.U12Bottom SP3245EEY-L-TSSOP-28Exar’s RS-232 transceiver for channel A.U13Bottom SP3245EEY-L-TSSOP-28Exar’s RS-232 transceiver for channel B.U14Bottom SN74LVC2G66DCT-SM8Mutiplexer to select RS-485 direction control signal(RTSA# or DTRA#).U15Bottom SP3497EEN-L-NSOIC14Exar’s RS-485 transceiver for channel A.U16Bottom SN74LVC2G66DCT-SM8Mutiplexer to select RS-485 direction control signal(RTSB# or DTRB#).U17Bottom SP3497EEN-L-NSOIC14Exar’s RS-485 transceiver for channel B.CON1Top PJ-002A Not installed. External power input.CON2Top690-004-621-023USB B-Type connector. Communication with USB host(USBD+, USBD-) and power source for evaluation board(V Bus).CON3Top182-009-113R161RS-232 mode DB9 male connector for channel A.CON4Top182-009-113R161RS-232 mode DB9 male connector for channel B.CON5Top ED555/4DS RS-485 mode 4X1 terminal block for channel A.CON6Top ED555/4DS RS-485 mode 4X1 terminal block for channel B.S1Top XR21V1412 QFN-32 Socket Not installed. For internal test only.REV. 2.0.0 2.2Jumper Settings2.2.1Common jumpersCommon jumpers are those jumpers which should be set the same for both RS-232 and RS-485 mode. The Table 2 shows the common jumpers setting on the evaluation board:T ABLE 2: C OMMON J UMPERS S ETTINGSJ UMPERS L OCATION F UNCTIONS C OMMENTSJP1Top Power source select Not installed. Trace between pin 2&3.■Jumper in 1&2 selects power from external powersupply of 5V■Jumper in 2&3 selects power from USB V BUSpowerJP2Top SCL pull-up/pull-down resistor select Jumper in 1&2 selects pull-up for SCLJumper in 2&3 selects pull-down for SCL JP3Top SDA pull-up/pull-down resistor select Jumper in 1&2 selects pull-up for SDAJumper in 2&3 selects pull-down for SDA JP4Top I2C EEPROM header Jumper in 1&2 connects SCL to I2C EEPROMJumper in 3&4 connects SDA to I2C EEPROMN OTE: I2C EEPROM has not been programmed JP5Top Power supply for XR21V1412Not installed. Trace between pin 1&2JP6Top UART side Channel A external loop-back header Jumper in enables external loopback for channel A in the UART sideN OTE: External loopback via this jumper can only be performed when the transceiver has beendisabled.JP8Top UART side Channel B external loop-back header Jumper in enables external loopback for channel B in the UART sideN OTE: External loopback via this jumper can only be performed when the transceiver has beendisabled.JP9Top Selects RS-232 or RS-485 mode forChannel A Jumper in 1&2 selects RS-485 mode Jumper in 2&3 selects RS-232 mode (default)JP10Top Selects RS-232 or RS-485 mode forChannel B Jumper in 1&2 selects RS-485 mode Jumper in 2&3 selects RS-232 mode (default)REV. wakeup and jumperThe SDA and SCL are used to specify whether Remote Wakeup and/or Bus Powered configurations are to be supported. These pins are sampled at power-up. The following Table 3 describes how Remote Wakeup and Bus Powered support.T ABLE 3: R EMOTE W AKEUP AND P OWER M ODESR EMOTE W AKE-UPS UPPORTP OWER M ODE C OMMENTS 11No Self-Powered Default, if no EEPROM is present10No Bus-Powered01Yes Self-Powered00Yes Bus-PoweredThe following Table 4 shows jumpers related to remote wakeup.T ABLE 4: R EMOTE W AKEUP J UMPERS S ETTINGSJ UMPERS L OCATION F UNCTIONS C OMMENTSJP7Top Select remote control wakeup signal forChannel A Jumper in 1&2 selects UART RS-232 transceiver (RI#) signalJumper in 2&3 selects push-button (default)SW2Top Generate remote wakeup signal Push once to generate one remote wakeup signal SDA SCLREV. 2.0.0 2.2.3RS-232 mode jumpers (Default setting is RS-232 mode)The XR21V1412 evaluation board is set in RS-232 mode by default. The following Table 5 jumper settings apply to the RS-232 mode:T ABLE 5: J UMPER S ETTINGS F OR RS-232 M ODEJ UMPERS L OCATION F UNCTIONS C OMMENTSJP11Top Power supply for RS-232 transceiver ofChannel ANot installed. Trace between pin 1&2JP12Top Power supply for RS-232 transceiver ofChannel BNot installed. Trace between pin 1&22.2.4RS-485 mode jumpersThe following Table 6 jumper setting applies to the RS-485 mode:T ABLE 6: J UMPER S ETTINGS F OR RS-485 M ODEJ UMPERS L OCATION F UNCTIONS C OMMENTSJP15Top Power supply for RS-485 trans-ceiver of Channel ANot installed. Trace between pin 1&2JP13Top Select Channel A RTS or DTRdirection control for TX ■Jumper in 1&2 selects RTS based direction control for TX■Jumper in 2&3 selects DTR based direction control for TXJP14Top Select Channel A direction controlfor RX and TX or always for RX ■Jumper in 1&2 selects common direction control for RX and TX (half-duplex)■Jumper in 2&3 enables RX always (full-duplex)JP16Top Channel A select for half duplex orfull duplex mode ■Jumper in 1&2 selects for half duplex mode (CON5 pins 1-2)■Jumper in 2&3 selects for full duplex mode (CON5 pins 1-4)JP17Top Channel A select for half duplex orfull duplex mode ■Jumper in 1&2 selects for half duplex mode (CON5 pins 1-2)■Jumper in 2&3 selects for full duplex mode (CON5 pins 1-4)JP20Top Power supply for RS-485 trans-ceiver of Channel BNot installed. Trace between pin 1&2JP18Top Select Channel B RTS or DTRdirection control for TX ■Jumper in 1&2 selects RTS based direction control for TX■Jumper in 2&3 selects DTR based direction control for TXJP19Top Select Channel B direction controlfor RX and TX or always for RX ■Jumper in 1&2 selects common direction control for RX and TX (half-duplex)■Jumper in 2&3 enables RX always (full-duplex)NOTICEEXAR Corporation reserves the right to make changes to the products contained in this publication in order to improve design, performance or reliability. EXAR Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits described herein, conveys no license under any patent or other right, and makes no representation that the circuits are free of patent infringement. Charts and schedules contained here in are only for illustration purposes and may vary depending upon a user’s specific application. While the information in this publication has been carefully checked; no responsibility, however, is assumed for inaccuracies.EXAR Corporation does not recommend the use of any of its products in life support applications where the failure or malfunction of the product can reasonably be expected to cause failure of the life support system or to significantly affect its safety or effectiveness. Products are not authorized for use in such applications unless EXAR Corporation receives, in writing, assurances to its satisfaction that: (a) the risk of injury or damage has been minimized; (b) the user assumes all such risks; (c) potential liability of EXAR Corporation is adequately protected under the circumstances. Copyright 2009 EXAR Corporation Datasheet October 2009.Send your UART technical inquiry with technical details to hotline: ************************.Reproduction, in part or whole, without the prior written consent of EXAR Corporation is prohibited.REV. AND SUPPORTFor any questions about this evaluation board, software drivers or technical support, send an e-mail to ************************.JP21TopChannel B select for half duplex or full duplex mode■Jumper in 1&2 selects for half duplex mode (CON6 pins 1-2)■Jumper in 2&3 selects for full duplex mode (CON6 pins 1-4)JP22TopChannel B select for half duplex or full duplex mode■Jumper in 1&2 selects for half duplex mode (CON6 pins 1-2)■Jumper in 2&3 selects for full duplex mode (CON6 pins 1-4)T ABLE 6: J UMPER S ETTINGS F OR RS-485 M ODEJ UMPERS L OCATIONF UNCTIONSC OMMENTS。
二盖一叫牌体系周政文水桥协目录第一章1nt开叫之后的应叫及后续叫牌 (5)一、1nt开叫的条件: (5)二、1nt的应叫 (5)1、Stayman问高花 (5)2、杰可比高花转换叫 (6)3、低花斯台曼 (7)4、低花转移叫 (7)5、1nt开叫之后的其它应叫 (7)三、1nt开叫后敌方干扰 (8)第二章一阶花色开叫之后的应叫及后续叫牌 (10)一、一阶高花的开叫 (10)1. 一阶高花开叫之后的应叫 (10)2.杰可比2nt*(j2nt) (11)3. 1nt应叫后的后续叫牌 (11)4.伯根加叫后的再叫: (11)5.高花跳加叫后的再叫: (11)6.高花开叫后的再叫原则 (12)7.应叫人二盖一叫牌后的再叫 (12)二、一阶低花开叫 (12)条件:11-21点,c或d保证三张以上,不逼叫 (12)1. 1C开叫之后的应叫 (13)2. 1D开叫之后的应叫: (13)3. 低花开叫后的再叫原则: (14)4.低花反加叫 (15)5. 第四花色逼叫(4sf)* (14)6. 低花开叫后的一些约定叫: (15)7. 1c/1d开叫后再跳叫2nt后的应叫 (17)第三章满贯约定叫 (18)1. 关键张问叫 (18)2.布莱克伍德问叫 (18)3.示量性4nt邀叫 (19)4. DOPI约定叫 (19)5.显示控制的扣叫 (19)6.格伯问A (20)7.大满贯逼叫(GSF) (20)8.反冲问叫 (20)第四章二三四阶开叫 (21)1、强2c开叫 (21)2、2d开叫 (22)3、2h或2s开叫 (22)附:2h/2s开叫的另一种叫法: (23)4、2NT开叫的应叫 (24)5、3nt开叫 (25)6、四阶开叫 (25)7、三阶和高阶阻击叫: (25)8、花色问叫(也叫控制张问叫) (25)第五章防守叫牌 (27)一、花色争叫 (27)(一)争叫条件 (27)对方一阶花色开叫后的防守叫牌及其含义 (27)(二)花色争叫后的应叫 (27)1、同伴一阶花色争叫,右手对方pass之后的应叫及其含义 (27)(三)同伴二阶花色争叫后的应叫 (31)(四)争叫方的再叫 (34)(五)跳争叫 (35)二、技术性加倍 (36)三、平衡位置叫牌 (41)(一)对方开叫,接着两家Pass后的平衡叫 (42)(二)对平衡叫的应叫 (43)(三)对方叫到1NT后的平衡叫 (45)(三)对方叫到二阶水平停止后的平衡叫 (45)(四)对方阻击叫后的平衡叫 (46)四、竞叫 (47)五、否定性加倍 (48)六、再加倍再加倍有下面5种不同的意思: (48)七、惩罚性加倍 (48)八、支持性加倍 (49)九、答叫性加倍 (49)十、邀叫性加倍 (50)十一、首攻和信号 (50)第六章对付对方防守叫牌 (51)一、同伴开叫对方技术加倍 (51)(一)同伴开叫低花,对方作技术性加倍 (51)(二)同伴开叫高花,对方作技术性加倍 (54)二、同伴开叫对方花色争叫 (56)(一)同伴开叫低花,对方花色争叫后的发展 (56)(二)同伴开叫高花,对方花色争叫时的应叫 (57)(三)否定性加倍(负加倍) (59)三、同伴开叫对方争叫1nt (62)四、同伴应叫对方争叫 (63)五、最高盖加倍 (64)六、行动性加倍 (66)第七章最新防守信号 (67)第八章使用约定 (69)Cappeletti Capp卡普兰蒂约定叫 (69)海洛约定叫 (69)排除性黑木关键张问叫 (69)五阶高花自愿叫 (69)迈克尔扣叫 (69)不寻常无将 (69)来本索尔 (69)麦克凯博约定叫 (70)德鲁利约定叫 (70)约定性扣叫 (70)斯泼林特 (70)第九章加倍的应用 (72)同伴对一阶花色技术性加倍常用的应叫有 (72)同伴对二阶花色技术性加倍的应叫 (72)对强无将的加倍 (72)首攻指示性加倍 (72)竞叫中的合作性加倍 (73)第十章实用争叫 (74)对精确1c开叫的简单直接争叫 (74)对精确1c开叫的争叫(梅斯约定),简要介绍:直接位置的争叫 (74)对自然强2C开叫的简单争叫 (74)对2c强开叫的另一争叫方法 (74)3NT争叫 (75)对抗多用途2D开叫 (75)对反常2NT争叫的防守叫牌 (76)对赌博3NT的防御叫 (76)弱二开叫后的防守叫牌 (76)对3s阻击叫加倍后的应叫 (76)多义争叫 (77)第十一章其他参考 (78)哈代加叫 (79)卡普兰转换叫 (80)双套牌争叫 (81)对精确1c开叫的干扰叫 (81)第一章1nt开叫之后的应叫及后续叫牌一、1nt开叫的条件:15-17点,均型或半均型,具体要求如下:1、任意4333或4432型。
对CCBA标准自然叫牌体系的总结一、如何开叫1.正常开叫五张或五张以上的高花和;2.等长套5-5或6-6,通常开叫高级别花色;花色的级别从高到低分别,,,;低花套,通常开叫1;低花套,通常开叫1;5.无将开叫通常是平均牌型,可以有五张高花或六张低花套;= 15-17点= 20-21点=赌博性3NT9.强2开叫=22点以上或者逼局的强牌10.,,的弱二开叫;5-10点,6张套二、1阶高花开叫及以后的叫牌1阶高花开叫是指开叫1和1这两种叫品;高级花色在叫牌和成局阶数方面比低级花色具有很大优势,因此,精确制把1阶高花开叫作为11-15大牌点限制性开叫范围中最优先考虑的叫品;1阶高花开叫的条件精确制规定1阶高花开叫条件为:11-15大牌点,所叫高级花色至少5张,一般是最长的套;如果有等长的两个5张以上的花色,先开叫级别较高的花色;1阶高花开叫不逼叫;下面是几个1或1开叫的例子;1AJ953 Q84 AQ6 97 叫1;1阶高花开叫时,5-3-3-2牌型属于均型牌;2J8 AKQ975 AJ84 8 叫1;开叫最长的6张红心套;15点是开叫1阶高花牌力最强的情况;398653 AJ4 AQ6 74 叫1;高花5张套允许是5张小牌;11点是开叫1阶高花牌力较弱的情况;4KJ643 AKQ72 7 102 叫1;有5-5双高套先叫1,下次再叫2;同伴如果不支持红心可以在2阶改叫2;5AJ876 2 3 AQ10742 叫1;此牌如果开叫最长的草花,根据精确制对2开叫及以后叫牌的设计,以后再无法显示出有5张高花套;这是1阶高花开叫唯一没有开叫最长套的情况;下面是几个有5张以上高花套而不开叫1阶高花的例子;1KJ3 AKQ72 76 K102 叫1;16点以上一律采用1强力开叫,逼叫一轮,显示强牌,下次再显示红心套;2AKJ86 10 AQJ84 42 叫1;虽然不足16点,但有5-5好套,赢墩很多,同伴略有支持便可成局;为防止同伴有6-7点不叫而丢局,应该采用逼叫性强开叫1;3Q76 AK10653 642 9 叫2,此牌不足11点,但是有6张套,可以阻击叫;4AKQJ9762 2 K104 3 叫4;约定开叫,显示强4阶高花阻击开叫的牌型,显示有8张坚强黑桃套;5AK976 2 AQ10742 3 叫1;方块是最长的花色,以后通过再叫两次黑桃,可以将这种牌型显示清楚;这是惟一有5张高花不叫而开叫更长的低花套的情况;对1阶高花开叫的应叫当开叫人作出1阶高花开叫后,应叫人已知道同伴牌力为11-15点,有一个5张以上的套;应叫人应结合自己手中的牌,对定约前景进行初步判断,根据定约的安全阶数和是否有局来决定不叫PASS或者继续叫牌;应叫人牌力以8点为界,7点以下不叫,8点以上应该应叫,16点以上可以采用特殊的方法应叫示强;应叫人7点以下不叫 1阶高花开叫是不逼叫的;应叫人7点以下属于极弱牌,一般应该PASS;这时联手牌力低,成局根本无望,没有必要把定约抬高;以后开叫人如果自己独立再叫一定要慎重,定约人不可越过安全阶数线;例如,开叫人开叫1,下列各牌均应不叫; 14 J62 Q7643 J764 不叫;弱牌不能叫;否则不但定约有危险,还会给同伴错误的信息; 2862 Q97 K106 Q652 不叫;虽然有3张支持,但牌型不佳,总牌力仍然不足8点牌; 3643 8 763 QJ7432 不叫;打红心定约虽然很不好,但如果叫出其他花色,将会带来更大的危险,应尽早停叫;4K9762 62 QJ3 J73 不叫,无成局希望没有必要继续叫牌;以后再有机会时可叫一次黑桃,显示7点牌5张套;应叫人8-15点的叫牌应叫人8点以上要做出应叫,这时联手至少19点,叫牌危险不大;应叫人只有叫牌才能够向同伴通报牌情,进而寻找到一个有利的定约;同时,应叫还可抬高叫牌阶数,为敌方争叫制造困难;应叫人的牌力强弱的区分为:8-10点为弱牌,11-15点为强牌;只要达到8点,应叫人支持开叫人花色可以加叫,应叫人自己有一个好长套可以叫出这个花色,除以上两情况以外,还可以采用逼叫性1NT应叫;这里先把应叫人的这三类叫牌的各种叫品简要说明如下: 1. 弱加叫2/2,8-10点,3张以上支持;有4张以上支持时,点力可降低; 2. 邀请叫3/3,11-13点,4张或好的3张QXX以上支持; 3. 封局止叫4/4,不超过10大牌点,4张以上支持,牌型特别有利,阻击性叫牌; 4. 强加叫3NT,13-15点,4张支持,其他花色无单缺,逼叫成局;5. 双跳新花色,11-15大牌点,4张以上的支持,所叫花色为单缺,逼叫成局;6. 一盖一应叫1,8-15点,4张以上,逼叫; 7. 二盖一应叫2/2/2,11-15点,低花4张以上,高花5张以上,逼叫; 8. 1NT逼叫,6-15点;无法用以上叫牌方法应叫的牌情; 应叫人16点以上的叫牌应叫人有16点以上含16点为特强牌,这时联手至少有27点,成局是一定的;这以后的叫牌应围绕满贯探查来进行;应叫人有独立可以作将牌的坚强花色可以用跳叫新花色显示,否则叫2NT询问开叫人的牌型;这两种方法如下: 1. 跳新花色逼叫,16点以上,有一个可以独立作将牌的好花色,一般6张以上; 2. 2NT问叫,16点以上,询问同伴牌情,然后再寻找一个有利的定约;三、对1NT开叫的应叫及后续叫品斯台曼Stayman对同伴1NT开叫后的2应叫是斯台曼;这一应叫表示有8点以上并且通常有一个四张高花;2问1NT开叫方是否有四张套的高花;1NT开叫方通常再叫2否认有四张套的高花, 2或者2; 如果应叫方再叫任一三阶低花套,表示自然叫,逼局通常有满贯兴趣;如果应叫方持有5-4高花套,在斯台曼问叫后否认有四张高花时再叫较长的高花套来表示自己的这门高花是5张;当答叫有高花时,叫另一高花表示54高花,逼局.例:1N-2-2-3应叫方有5张,4张或1NT-2-2-2应叫方有5张,4张;注1:如果1NT开叫方有4-4双高花,1NT开叫者要先应2,如果应叫方的套是的话,他将会再叫2NT,开叫方如觉得有将定约更好的话,他可以再叫出他的4张;例如:注2:应叫方也可以持有一手弱牌采用斯台曼问叫,并准备PASS开叫方的任何再叫,例如应叫方的牌型是4-4-4-1草花单张,采用斯台曼Stayman常常能找到最好的部分分定约;但同伴间必须互相知道2应叫可能是这种情况以免错误判断加倍惩罚对方的争叫;参见雅各贝转移到高花Xfers雅各贝转移到高花表示有5张高花套:2转移到22转移到21NT开叫方必须接受雅各贝转移到高花;如果1NT开叫是高限并有4张同伴所转移的高花支持,他也可以直接跳叫到3阶;参见和注1:雅各贝转移还用于2NT开叫;注2:当对方在1NT开叫后争叫,不再采用雅各贝转移; 1NT开叫后的其它应叫德克萨斯转移叫Texas Transfers同伴开叫1NT/2NT,应叫人如果对满贯没有兴趣,只想止叫于4/4,可以通过叫4/4来转移从而使得NT开叫人主打最后的定约;德克萨斯转移叫的意图类同于雅各贝转移叫-最好NT开叫人成为庄家,这样他的大牌就不会暴露给防守方;在1NT和2NT后,如果既使用德克萨斯转移叫又使用雅各贝转移叫,推荐以下的处理方法:1.德克萨斯转移,紧接着pass表示止叫进局,那么:2.雅可比转移,然后再加叫进局,有轻微的满贯意图;不逼叫,但鼓励开叫方再叫如果他是高限的话;3.雅可比转移,再4NT是定量满贯邀请,而:4.德克萨斯转移,再4NT是罗马关键张问叫;对方争叫低于3时,德克萨斯转移仍然有效;1NT开叫后对方干扰如对方人为约定性加倍,仍然使用斯台曼和雅各贝转移;如果对方是惩罚性加倍,那应叫方二阶出套为自然逃叫,再加倍为求救;如对方在1NT后争叫,就不再使用斯台曼和雅各贝转移;二阶出套为不逼叫,三阶出套逼叫进局,使用技术性加倍和莱本索尔;如果雅各贝转移叫品被对方加倍了如果对方在雅各贝转移叫品后争叫如果斯台曼被对方加倍了如果对方在斯台曼后争叫四、一阶低花反加叫Inverted Minors简单加叫低花是逼叫,而跳家叫低花反而是阻击性弱牌,也就是"反转"这两个叫品的标准意思;当应叫人有一手低花加叫的弱牌比如1-2,他也不太可能用2就买下定约,索性就叫到3阶,意在阻击对方;相反,如果应叫人有一手低花支持的好牌,他想保留叫牌空间,为了仔细地探查进局及满贯的可能性;简单加叫没有上限;例如:在同伴简单低花加叫后,开叫人必须再叫,例外情况是应叫人已经PASS过,或右手的对手加入了叫牌;在简单低花加叫后,只有当开叫人的再叫是新花时,应叫人才必须再叫一次;否则,应叫人可以PASS;应叫人的再叫及后续叫品遵循以下原则:在简单低花加叫后,同伴中的任何一人叫回到3或4阶已经统一的低花或2NT,那是不逼叫的例外情况是如果有一人在叫回到4阶低花叫品前叫过3NT ,只表示自己是低限,自己前面的叫品已经叫完了自己的牌力;因此,进局前的其它任何叫品都将是进局逼叫;在竟叫中,如果对方的争叫是一阶争叫或技术性加倍,仍然采用逼叫的低花简单加叫;五、对2C强开叫精确法的2C开叫表示11—15点,C为5张以上的花色;如果C花色只有5张,则必须还要附带有一个4张的高级花色,才能开叫2C;下面举一些例子来说明2C开叫的要求条件:S6 HA764 DK104 CAQJ96,开叫2C;此牌有14点,一个好的C花色,并另有一4张的高级花色;SA85 H7 D976 CAKJ743,开叫2C;此牌的C花色为一极好的6张套,完全足以开叫2C;SA73 H62 DK83 CAQJ84,开叫1NT;持5-3-3-2牌型及13-15点,且5张套是低级花色时,以开叫1NT更为合适,因为这样能把持牌情况显示得更为清楚; S87 HA6 DQ1032 CAK642,开叫1D;此牌只有5张C,又无4张的高级花色,最好留出更多叫牌时空,以便探查出最佳的定约;SK7 HAQ76 D62 CQ8642,不叫;此牌的C花色太弱,不够开叫2C的要求,而开叫1H又需要至少1张;六、满贯叫牌中的几种约定叫满贯牌大约每10副左右出现一次,虽然出现的频率不是很高,但是由于满贯的输赢一般都比较大,所以往往也是决定比赛胜负的关键;下面先说说我们自己叫的情况:一.扣叫:扣叫是满贯叫牌进程中最为关键的叫牌方式;扣叫的方式决定了一个满贯的成败,下面先介绍几种扣叫的叫法:1. 混合式扣叫:现代的桥牌一般都把第一二轮控制混在一起,从最经济的开始扣;但是,这里也分欧式扣叫和法式扣叫;欧式扣叫:欧式扣叫的特点是扣叫任何一个花色都否认低一级的控制,而同伴跟着扣叫首先承诺同伴无控制花色的扣叫;例如:你同伴 1 2NTGF,配合也好,没配合也好 3 4 4 同伴的4扣叫首先肯定是配合,满贯兴趣,同时否认了控制;这时,你的4扣叫承诺了控制试想一下,如果你在也没控制,那还扣干什么不可能有满贯的;而这时是否有控制则不肯定;这里仅仅是一个简单的例子,还有很多的叫牌进程,只要是满贯进程的扣叫,上面这个例子就是一个原则,搭档间要说好;法式扣叫:刚好和欧式扣叫相反,扣叫一个低的花色是在等待上一级花色的扣叫,同样是上面这个例子,这时候4扣叫表示请你不要担心,我肯定能控制,同伴在等待的扣叫;以上两种扣叫方式都可以,但是同伴间一定要根据自己的习惯约好即:如果使用欧式扣叫,同伴扣的花色低一级如果没有控制千万不要习惯性跟着扣而如果使用法式,则一定要跟着扣,搭档间一定要遵守原则;2. 一些扣叫的细节和小约定手段: a.尽量不要把3NT以下的新花色叫牌处理为扣叫,例外:是将牌时,3还应该是扣叫尤其是低花配合时;这时,我们主要的任务还是应该先找到最佳的局;毕竟,满贯不是总出现的; b.扣叫同伴的花色时尽量不要是单缺,而是有大牌,这个大牌可以是A、K或者Q往往你在同伴花色上的Q会有很大的帮助;它的价值可能比一个边花的A或K要大得多;而且,叫出同伴花色的Q也对找到最佳配合有意想不到的帮助; C.Serious 3NT:两个条件;1:必须是高花配合;2:必须是GF局势下,而两边的量还不是很明确;这时,3NT=等待同伴扣叫,很严肃的满贯兴趣;直接扣叫=顺路扣叫,不一定很强的牌; 在精确1开叫,积极性应叫并加叫后,或者二盖一应叫并加叫后使用最为明显;D.3NT不是serious:任何叫品都有例外;下面这种情况是唯一的例外:在同意后一方扣叫3,3NT一般否认控制,这时另一方的3NT就不是serious了,而是扣叫;即,同伴扣了,我也有 E.无费点扣叫:扣叫有时候不一定是控制,也可以是告诉同伴没有浪费点力;例如:当对手叫过并加叫过的花色上,如果你拿了4小或有时候3小,并能判断同伴在这门花色单缺时,扣叫对手花色=无浪费点力,同伴拿了单缺是能够理解的;一般这种时候,即便有控制也只能是A,不可能是K;同理,当同伴显示55以上两门花色,你扣叫非同伴花色即同伴可能的短门来寻找边缘满贯时,这时也应该尽量是A,尽管前面我们说了第一二轮控制是不分先后,统一按照最经济的顺序来扣叫;当然,如果你觉得量够了还是可以扣的,因为同伴毕竟能够RKC问出来关键张的张数;.转移的应用:1. 低两阶转移:这个约定叫一般在强2NT开叫或者是2NT争叫后适用;由于空间较小,我们就需要把自己的牌尽量描述清楚;同伴开叫或者争叫2NT后,当你拿了单套好牌并有满贯兴趣时,最好能一下子描述清楚;那么,你先转移然后出的4阶新花就是自然的了;具体是这样:同伴你 2NT或争叫2NT 4=单套满贯邀叫,以后同伴4=有配合,4=否认配合4=单套满贯邀叫,以后同伴4=有配合,4=否认配合注意,Hx双张就可以考虑为配合,之后任何一方的4NT均为RKC;如果打反冲问叫则是在4后4为RKC; 2NT或争叫2NT 4=单套满贯邀叫,以后4NT=否认配合, 4=单套邀叫,以后4NT=否认配合; 如果叫2NT的人有配合,则直接按阶数在4或4后答叫关键张此门低花为将牌; 2. Transfer Splinter转移Splinter 你拿了: Qxx AQxxx xxx AJ, 开叫1,同伴4,Splinter;你怎么办虽然没有废点,但是你也确实有顾虑,不敢越过4吧但是同伴拿了 AKJX Kxxx x Qxxx也不敢在4以后再叫吧传统的Splinter由于占用空间大,所以一般要求比较高,很多打精确的人觉得量不够就直接4M了事了;很多天仙配就这样丢失了;虽然我们不是总去寻找可能的天仙配,但是如果有机会,还是应该利用;再比如,你拿了 KJxx x Kxxxx Axx,同伴开1,尽管是最多15点,你只有11点,但同伴仍然可能是: AQxxx xxx AQx Jx;转移SPL就能够解决这一个问题;先看看它是怎么一个样子吧: 1-3单缺,好配合 1-3NT单缺 1-4单缺1-4大牌加叫的4,这样,在对手叫了4后有逼叫pass 1-4阻击性的,对手叫了4后无逼叫pass 1-4to play 1-3NT单缺 1-4单缺 1-4单缺 1-4to play,对手很难自己叫5m牺牲的,没必要区别好坏4加叫 1-4to play 除了1-3之后,3NT=无废点以外,余下的都是叫同伴SPL的花色来表示此门无废点兼温柔的满贯兴趣;直接越过同伴SPL花色扣叫=强烈满贯兴趣,高限开叫而且很相配的一手牌;同理,如果同伴显示了无废点,应叫人也可以直接回到将牌花色来表示前面的SPL是比较弱的;也可以跟着扣叫或直接RKC;对于自然的牌手,如果你在同伴RKC时能回答两个关键张就应该跟着扣叫,对于精确,如果无可做套,则要求略高;。
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CCBA 体系说明版本:2.1北京新睿桥科技有限公司2016. 04目录第一部分无敌手叫牌及竞争叫牌 (4)1.1♣/1♦开叫 (4)1.1第一应叫 (4)1.21♣后的walsh 应叫 (4)1.31♥/1♠应叫的后续及双路重询 (5)1.41NT应叫后的发展 (10)1.51♦-2♣二盖一应叫的后续 (10)1.6低花反加叫的后续 (11)1.7强跳新花后的叫牌 (11)1.81♣/1♦开叫,第二家干扰后的进程 (11)1.91♣/1♦开叫,第四家干扰后的进程 (13)2.1♥/1♠开叫 (14)2.1第一应叫 (14)2.21♥开叫,应叫1♠的后续 (15)2.31NT应叫的后续 (16)2.4二盖一应叫的后续 (17)2.5杰可贝2NT应叫后的发展 (18)2.6各类加叫及其后续 (18)2.7第三、四家开叫一高花后的变化 (19)2.81♥/1♠开叫,第二家干扰后的进程 (19)2.91♥/1♠开叫,第四家干扰后的进程 (24)3.1NT开叫 (24)3.1第一应叫 (24)3.2斯台曼应叫后的发展 (24)3.32♦/2♥转移叫的后续 (26)3.42♠应叫的后续 (27)3.53♥/3♠的后续 (27)3.6斯台曼或转移叫被敌方干扰后的叫牌 (27)3.71NT开叫遇敌方加倍后的叫牌 (28)3.81NT开叫,第二家作花色争叫或约定性争叫 (28)3.9敌方开叫强无将,我方争叫及其后续叫牌 (29)4.2♣开叫 (30)4.1第一应叫 (30)4.22♦应叫的后续 (30)4.32NT应叫的后续 (31)4.42♣开叫,第二家干扰后的进程 (31)5.2♦/2♥/2♠ (31)5.1第一应叫 (31)6.2NT开叫 (32)6.1第一应叫 (32)6.23♣傀儡斯台曼的后续 (32)6.33♦/3♥高花转移叫的后续 (33)6.43♠低花斯台曼的后续 (33)7.高阶阻击性开叫 (34)8.赌博性3NT开叫 (34)8.1第一应叫 (34)9.满贯叫牌 (34)9.1罗马关键张问叫 (34)第二部分防守叫牌 (36)第三部分部分约定叫说明 (38)1.双路重询约定叫 (38)1.1双路重询约定叫及后续发展 (38)2.1m-1M-2NT后续 (38)2.11m-1M-2NT的后续发展 (38)3.朱瑞约定叫 (38)3.1第三、四家开叫1M后的变化 (38)4.开叫2NT后续(此部分内容似应放置开叫2NT后,不用单独说明) (39)4.1第一应叫 (39)4.23♣斯台曼应叫后的发展 (39)4.33♦/3♥高花转移叫后的发展 (40)4.43♠低花斯台曼后的发展 (41)5.逆叫后续 (41)6.跳新花后续 (41)第四部分附录 (42)第一部分无敌手叫牌及竞争叫牌1.1♣/1♦开叫,3♦16-17点4张♦支持;3♥/3♠18+点♦支持的Splinter;3NT 6-7张♣坚固套,7.5-9个赢墩,未叫花色均有止张;2)开叫人再叫1阶高花后,应叫人再叫为非常自然的叫品。
具体如下:1♣1♦1♥/1♠?PASS 5-7点,3张高花且无4张梅花将不叫;1NT 8-10点,通常均型;2♣/2♦弱止叫,3+张,当高花无3张且牌力不够1NT时可能只有3张;2♥/2♠8-10点,3张支持,不合适叫1NT或其他叫品的牌;2NT 18-19点,相对均型(如有短门应是同伴的花色);3♣/3♦跳叫原花,15-17点,6+张好套;跳加叫15+17-点,4张支持,邀请;跳逆叫18+调整点,高花有4张支持的Splinter;双跳新花20+调整点,高花有4张支持的Splinter(如前一阶已是,则为缺门)3NT 7+张低花坚固套,未叫花色有止张,同伴所叫高花可能短;4♣/4♦16+点,6张好套及4张应叫高花支持;加叫高花进局14+-16点,6张套及5张应叫高花支持;1)开叫人再叫1♠的后续,具体如下:♦;1♦2♣1♥/1♠?2♦弱牌示选;2阶原高花6张套弱牌; 2阶新高花第四花色逼局;2NT 邀叫,不保证均型;3♣/3♦4+支持,简单加叫,8-11点; (1♠后)3♥55+双套,邀请;3阶原高花6+张套邀请;3NT 13-16点均型,4张高花;3♥/3♠高限7张以上♣,单张♥/♦;1♦2♦1♥/1♠?2♥(新高花) 半自然叫,3+张以上套,逼叫一轮(以后再叫3♥为55+逼局);2阶原高花6+张套,建设性;2NT 自然邀请;3♣通常4+梅花,且有5+应叫高花,逼局3♦4-5张高花且对开叫低花有3+支持,礼貌性加叫;3♥(新高花) 55+双套,邀请;4阶应叫高花进局止叫;6)开叫人逆叫新花后应叫人的再叫:1♣2♦1♥?2阶原高花5-7点,5张好套或6张套,不逼叫;2♠5-7点,准备弱回3♣/3♦的牌,不逼局;或逼局,有5+张高花;或8+点均牌逼局,第四花色无止2NT 8+点,第四花色有止,逼局;3♣/3♦8+点,3+♣/或4+♦支持,逼局;开叫人有3张♠叫3♠;其他16-17点54牌2-3张♣叫3♣,64牌叫3♦,应叫方持5-7点,或不叫,或回3♦/3♥均不逼叫。
3♣第四花色无止,也不符合其他叫品的牌;3♦/3♥ 8+点,3+♦/或4+♥支持,逼局;3阶原高花 6+张好套,逼局;3NT 进局止叫。
7)开叫人跳新花2♠后应叫人的再叫:1♣/1♦2♠1♥?2♦5+♦;2♥/2♠5张♦+4张高花;2NT 12-14均型或18-19点均型;3♣4张♣支持,低限或非低限无单缺;或14+点,3张带大; 3♦15+点,6+好♦套;3♥/3♠14+点,非均型4+张♣支持,所叫单缺。
1NT 7-10点,敌方花色有止张;2NT 均型邀叫,敌方花色有止张;3NT 进局止叫,敌方花色有好止张;简单加叫竞叫性的,4-5张支持;平叫实套逼叫一轮跳加叫阻击性加叫;跳叫新花阻击性(仅对简单争叫而言);为逼叫性的平衡位置加倍为建议惩罚2♥扣叫♥,表明♣支持,至少邀叫实力;2♠扣叫♠,表明♦套逼局实力;2NT 11-12点,通常有低花套或低花的高配,适合主打NT; 2♦实套不逼叫3阶加叫开叫低花支持,竞叫;3♥/3♠跳扣叫,表明♣支持的Splinter;Pass 弱牌不符合任何叫品或是持有敌方双套的埋伏性PASS;1.91♣/1♦开叫,第四家干扰后的进程RDbl/Dbl 3张支持,牌力不限;2♠低限4张支持;3♠高限4张支持;扣叫通常高花无支持,寻求3NT,逼局;第三家应叫1阶花色,第四家加倍显示有实力,通常有未叫高花。
牌力视牌点和牌型不一而足:2♥13+点,5+张♥套,不强调质量,逼局;简单加叫7-10点,3张支持或6-9点,均型4张支持;2NT 杰可贝2NT。
13点以上,4张以上将牌支持,逼叫到局,等待同伴显示特征; 3♣/3♦差/好伯根加叫,7-9/10-12点,对开叫高花有4+支持;3阶跳加叫弱牌阻击性加叫,有局时是到位型(主打型,防守能力弱); 3NT/4♣/4♦13-15点,4+将牌支持,♥/♣/♦短;3♥10-12点,4+将牌支持,Mini-SPL;后同伴若有兴趣,加级3♠问单缺:3NT/4♣/♦=♥/♣/♦短; 4♥自然实叫(不是Splinter);1♥1NT 2♦1♠2♣?Pass 弱牌止叫;2♥3张♥邀叫;2♠=5+♠非均型邀叫;2NT=均型邀叫;3NT=5♠233选局3♣/3♦6♣/♦+4♠,邀请;3♥=4张♥+5♠,强邀叫;3♠=6+张套强邀叫。
1♥1NT 1♠2♦(2♦后)3♣自然叫,6+♣套,弱牌止叫和邀请,无法分清;弱牌有2张♥优先2♥ (2♣后)3♦自然叫,6+♦好套,邀请;3♥10-12点,3张支持,邀请;3♠10-12点,6+低花支持,黑桃单缺;3NT/加叫成局进局止叫;1♠2♣/♦1NT ?PASS 5-7点,5+该套,无3张♠;2♦无3张♠,6+张该套;或5张好套,♠单缺,无4张♣;不逼叫;2阶新花第二套;2阶原高花6+高花,牌力未知(高限且好套方可跳叫);或低限,垃圾原高花;2NT 通常均型,14+点;偶尔5314型,应叫花色单(应叫2♦时);3阶新花第二套,需有额外实力或有额外长度;3阶原高花14+点,至少6+张半坚固套(应叫人3NT和4阶将牌为示弱叫品);加叫4+支持;或是有额外实力3张且有大牌;跳新花低花4+支持,中高限,所叫花色单缺;跳叫进局:无局通常6点以下,通常5+将牌;有局牌力或控制要求更高,偏进攻型(往往将牌有额外长度或有巨大的牌型)。
1♥/1♠2♥/2♠简单加叫的后续发展新花帮张邀叫,3-4张,通常无两大牌;或是试探满贯的牌,长套 3阶将牌不适合其他叫品的邀叫,通常将牌有额外长度;(1♥后3♠)4♣/♦跳单缺,19+点,通常6+高花,试探满贯;(1♠后) 4♥5+张红心,16+点,选局;4阶将牌进局止叫。
2.81♥/1♠开叫,第二家干扰后的进程Dbl 否定性,敌方高花争叫,则寻求低花配合;加倍出套不逼叫;有3张支持的邀请牌从这里起步;逼局实力,均型没套或不好的5张套也从这里起步(无4张高花支持)1NT 7-10点,敌方花色有止张;Dbl 否定性,寻求未叫花色配合的竞叫及邀请牌;简单加叫竞叫性的,3+张支持;2♦/2♥实套逼叫一轮;2NT 均型邀叫,通常有低花套,无另一高花,敌花有止张但无4+长度;(敌花牌力特重或4+长套可P等待罚放);3NT 进局止叫12-15HCP,敌方花色有止张,通常无另一高花;(敌方有局时,如惩罚敌方宕分更多的牌可以先PASS等待罚放);3♦ 7+好套,无局阻击性,有局到位型;3♥ 7+好套,无局阻击性,有局到位型(邀请牌可先2♥再3♥);扣叫3♠空间太高,逼局,12+HCP有4+将牌支持;或15+HCP有3张带大牌支持; 跳叫4♣/4♦4+将牌支持,逼局12-15HCP,所叫单缺,通常无好的5+张套;加叫进局想打;跳叫新花进局实套想打;Dbl 否定性,10+HCP另外两套54+的竞叫、邀请或是低限逼局的双套牌;或有3张红心支持的邀请或逼局牌;或逼局实力,均型没套或有不好的5张套,无4张红心支持的牌简单加叫竞叫性的,3+张支持;Pass 弱牌不符合任何叫品或是同伴花色短门持有其他三套牌的埋伏性PASS; Dbl 邀局实力至少能惩罚敌方一门花色,或均型逼局实力。
(之后谁加倍谁惩罚,PASS为逼叫性的,平衡位置加倍为建议惩罚;)2♠表示3张以上将牌支持,邀请或以上实力;2NT 自然叫,邀请;3♣实套逼叫一轮;4♠(开1♥)3♦扣叫♦,♠套的逼局以上实力;(开1♠)3♦扣叫♦,对♠的邀请或更强的实力;3阶加叫高花支持,竞叫;3阶另一高花实套,不逼叫;3NT 进局止叫;跳4阶低花所叫单缺,4+将牌支持,逼局以上实力2.91♥/1♠开叫,第四家干扰后的进程1)1♥开叫且1♠应叫后使用支持性加倍与再加倍;2)2/1后使用惩罚性加倍与逼叫性Pass;2♥54双高,所叫5张,邀请;或55双高,弱牌;2♠54双高,所叫5张,邀请;2NT 邀请,有4张高花,不保证平均牌型;3♣5+♣套逼局,可能有4张高花;3♦5+♦套逼局,可能有4张高花;3♥/3♠54高花,所叫4张,逼局(Smolen约定叫);3NT 进局止叫;4♦/4♥转移叫,要求转移♥/♠,64高花;4NT 示量性邀叫;3♠还有4张♠,不一定支持♣;3NT ♣不配合,其他牌;4♣通常有5张♣,或高限控制好有4张♣配合,满贯兴趣;1NT2♣2♥3♦3♥虚叫,至少3张♦带大牌或4张♦支持;3♠还有4张♠,不一定支持♦;3NT ♦不配合,其他牌;随后开叫人再叫:示选3♠=配合;新花=♥配合;3NT=均无配合或边花好止张; 加叫至3阶6张以上套或牌型不适合打无将的5张套,邀请;3NT 均型进局,同伴有3张支持一般修改为4M(4333牌型且无练门例外);(2♦后3♠/)4♣/♦/(2♥后4♥) 跳单缺,11-14点,通常6+高花,跳单缺,试探满贯;加叫进局6+以上套,12-14点,通常无单缺,温和满贯兴趣;4NT 5332示量邀叫;3)开叫人超转移表明4+张支持之后,应叫人的再叫:1NT 3♥/3♠2♦/2♥?3.6斯台曼或转移叫被敌方干扰后的叫牌Pass 无高花,也无好的4+♣张套,不足以再加倍;2♦5+张套,且无4张高花;RDbl 有好的4或5张♣套,建议同伴有3张可打;2♥/2♠4+张以上套;先PASS后加倍实力较弱,敌方花色短,竞叫;Dbl 至少邀请实力,能惩罚一门高花;或是出套逼局的牌; 2♦5+♦套,不逼叫;2♥55+低花,竞叫实力,不逼局;2♠55+低花,逼局实力;2NT 莱本索尔,要求转移3♣;之后应叫人:Pass=想打3♣;3♦=邀请,想打;3♥/3♠=所叫有止,逼局;3NT=双高至少半止;3♣/3♦自然出套,逼局;3♥/3♠所叫单缺,通常54低花,逼局。