



决议草案范文尊敬的主席先生/女士、尊敬的委员们:我代表某某公司,荣幸地提交以下决议草案,希望能够获得各位委员的支持和批准:决议草案:关于实施环保措施的决议目标:为了促进可持续发展和环境保护,我们决定采取以下环保措施:1. 改善能源利用:通过采购更高效的设备和技术,减少能源的浪费和排放。


2. 减少废物产生:通过采用环保材料和包装,减少废物的产生。


3. 水资源保护:加强对水资源的管理和监控,减少水的浪费。


4. 环境教育和培训:加强员工的环保意识培养和教育。


5. 合作与交流:加强与其他企业、政府部门和社会组织的合作与交流,共同推动环保工作的开展。


实施计划:为了有效实施上述环保措施,我们将采取以下步骤:1. 设立环保部门或环保小组,负责环保工作的策划、组织和监督。

2. 制定详细的环保计划和时间表,明确各个环保措施的目标、责任人和具体实施步骤。

3. 监测和评估环保措施的实施效果,进行必要的调整和改进。

4. 定期向员工和股东通报环保工作的进展和成果,增强大家的参与和支持。

效益:通过实施以上环保措施,我们可以享受以下效益:1. 降低能源和资源的使用成本,提高企业的经济效益。

2. 减少废物的产生和处理成本,降低企业的环境风险。

3. 增加员工的参与和满意度,提高企业的企业形象和社会责任感。

4. 保护生态环境,推动可持续发展,为未来的子孙后代创造更好的生活环境。





Draft resolutionCommittee: International Monetary FundTopic: Restart the gold exchange system in euro area and lead the world out of debt crisis."Sponsored by: UK, France, Germany,USA,JapanSignatories:…….The General Assembly,Bearing in mind the purpose and principles of IMF ----to promote international currency cooperation, and provide method for international currency problem of consultations and collaboration; to promote and maintain the employment, production resources of development, and actual income of high level in the member states, as an economic policy of primary target; to stabilize international exchange rate, maintain the order of currency arrangements in the member states, and avoid competition of currency devaluation.Deeply concerned about Sovereign debt crisis and internationalization of RMB Convinced that international cooperation and the following measures can recover the world economy and solve the sovereign debt crisis.1. Establish a gold /silver double exchange system in Euro areaa. The currency in this system is supervised by the World Bank andInternational Monetary Fund (IMF).b. The euro and gold /silver exchange ratio is determined by IMF. 2.Restructure IMF and world bank under the supervision of the European central bank.a. The required amount of gold and silver for exchanging with euro is determined by IMF, 51% of which are funded by European Central Bank, Bank of England, Bank of Japan and the U.S.Federal Reserve Bank, and the rest are funded by all banks of the other countries according to their proportion of gold and silver shares. The European Central Bank committee members supervised by IMF are from representatives from different countries holding gold and silver shares. The chairman are elected by them and recommended to IMF. Afterwards, the country holding the corresponding number of votes has the right to election.b.The shareholders of the newly restructured can only be from national central banks of different countries. The chairman is elected in the same way with the chair of European Central Bank committee. Gold and silver reserves of the world should be transferred to the European Central Bank, and then accordingly, different countries can get euro from it. Under any conditions, Euro can be exchanged to the corresponding gold and silver in European Central Bank, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank and the Bank of Japan under the supervision and management of IMF and international banksc. Gold and silver in the international market is supervised by IMF, and they are not accessible to any countries except European countries.d. Each country shall not gather individual private gold or silver product items, and not impose a tax for gold and silver. Purchasing large quantities of gold products and producing illegal gold are not allowed.e. European central Bank Committee has the right to put forward and question the bill cases and shares.f.As usual,the committee meeting is held every 3 month, and during the urgent period, the time is decided by chairman.3. The European Central Bank is in alliance with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank and Bank of Japan.a. The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank can have a short-term rediscount with their bills of exchange, and afterwards, they can realize a free exchange of the euro and gold within the system.b.Bank of Japan, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, and the European Central Bank will establish a complete internal communication mechanism to share the common resources for better coordinating the economic relations among different situations and jointly support the euro system.4. Solutions for African countries and the Middle East countriesa. The stability of these regions is maintained by United Nations peacekeeping forces and NATO military troops.b. Recognized by the United Nations, the temporary state representative has the right to prevent its peacekeeping as well as to decide the withdrawal time.c. peacekeeping forces and NATO troops will not interfere the internal politics, military layoutd. The military forces will not plunder resources of the other countries, and all the resources used for peace keeping are sponsored by the United Nations and NATO troops,and the remaining resources must be turned over to the United Nations and NATO, which should not be donated to other countries illegally.e. IMF gives the economic aid to countries below the poverty line.f. the assisted countries may properly reduce the specific assets tax, this article is only for reference.g. Countries with an unstable economic structure, can apply for personnel assistance. The United Nations are willing to donate these countries to send the special talents and experts to make up its economic structure. The assisted countries can refuse them, but if the experts and talents in the assisted countries violate the local laws, they should be punished by it.h. Except the regime change, the assisted countries can not access the talent donor again.4. Solutions for China and other countries of the same economic developing mode.a. Stop any currency internationalization schemeb. Any country cannot intervene the appreciation of the state’ currency, which is determined by market.C. Europe and other developed countries sell the high technology of light industry to China, and EU should realize the lifting of ban to China.d. The developed countries above actively set up factories, effectively use the national labor, reduce the unemployment rate, and increase its national income.5 World Bureau potential Assistance Programmea.Strengthen and encourage investment, increase the currency in circulation,and Reduce inflation.b. Develop education system in the developing countries and train the high-techtalents in the world.。



DRAFT RESOLUTION 1.1General AssemblyReport of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country Sponsors: Argentina, Germany, Japan, South Africa, United States of AmericaSignatories: Azerbaijan, Brazil, Bangladesh, Barbados, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Jamaica, Zimbabwe, etc.The General Assembly,Having considered the report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country,Recalling article 105 of the Charter of the United Nations, the Convention on the privileges and immunities of the United Nations, the agreement between the United Nations and the United States of America regarding the headquarters of the United Nations and the responsibility of the host country,Recalling also that, in accordance with paragraph 7 of General Assembly resolution, 2819 (XXVI) of 15 December 1971, the Committee should consider, and advise the host country on, issues arising in connection with the implementation of the Agreement between the United Nations and theUnited States of America regarding the headquarters of the United Nations,Recognizing that effective measures should continue to be taken by the competent authorities of the host country, in particular to prevent any acts violating the security of missions and the safety of their personnel,1.Endorses the recommendations and conclusions of the Committeeon Relations with the Host Country contained in paragraph 86 ofits report;2.Requests the host country to consider removing the remainingtravel restrictions, notes that during the reporting period sometravel restrictions previously imposed by the host country on staffof certain missions and staff members of the Secretariat of certainnationalities were removed, and, in this regard, notes the positionsof affected;3.States as reflected in the report of the Committee, of the SecretaryGeneral and of the host country;。






鼓励原子能机构继续开展工作,澄清所有未决问题,强调这将有助于恢复国际社会对伊朗核计划纯属和平性质的信任,支持原子能机构按照伊朗和原子能机构之间的《保障监督协定》,加强其对伊朗核活动的保障监督;2.吁请各国按照本国法律授权和立法,并遵循国际法,警惕并防止转让可能有助于伊朗浓缩相关和后处理活动及弹道导弹计划的任何物项、材料、货物和技术;3.表示决心加强原子能机构进程的权威性,大力支持原子能机构理事会发挥的作用,吁请伊朗根据《附加议定书》的规定采取行动,毫不拖延地执行原子能机构可能要求的所有透明措施,支持原子能机构正在进行的调查;4.要求联合国建立一个由各国广泛参与并为各方所接受的核监督机构(与)国际原子能机构有何区别5.要求发达国家必须给伊朗相关国际承诺,不再进行经济制裁,及一定的优惠政策,确保伊朗可以在和平利用核能资源,不发展核武器的情况下保障国家利益和主权安全6 重申安理会将根据上一段所述报告,审议伊朗的行动,并重申:(a) 如果而且只要经原子能机构核实,伊朗已暂停所有浓缩相关活动和后处理活动,包括研究和开发活动,安理会将暂停执行有关措施,以便能诚意开展谈判,早日取得彼此均可接受的结果;(b) 一旦安理会在接到上一段所述报告后认定并经原子能机构理事会确认伊朗已全面履行安全理事会有关决议为其规定的义务并已满足原子能机构理事会的要求,即重新审视并中止第1737号和第1747号决议的相关内容。



决议草案委员会:联合国粮食及农业组织议题:能源危机下的粮食短缺起草国:喀麦隆、印度、肯尼亚、中国附议国: 埃塞俄比亚、委内瑞拉、美国、几内亚、巴西、索马里、韩国、伊拉克、刚果民主共和国回顾历年通过的有关决议《关于世界粮食安全的国际约定》以及2005年7月25日通过的A/60/154号决议;意识到由于发展中国家人口增长过快,许多国家缺粮问题日益严重;遗憾地看到目前很多极端贫穷的国家粮食短缺和饥饿问题十分严重,导致了政治和经济不稳定;强调经济发达的大国对经济落后国家帮助的重要性;深信联合国世界粮农组织在全球贫弱人口的粮食供应中发挥重要作用;感谢发达国家对发展中国家的技术支持与帮助,同时也欢迎国际人道主义组织对发展中的地区提供帮助。

第一条呼吁世界关注贫困国家,关注贫困人口的粮食供应问题;第二条强调亚非拉组织对粮食炼能计划持反对态度;第三条建立平等、互利共赢的组织,通过合作实现各国的共同发展:1)建议采取的措施:i. 完善各国的农业生产结构,更好更快地发展各国农业;ii.化解内部的骚乱,缓和中东地区国家内部的政治纷争,调节各国的矛盾;iii.加强组织成员国间技术的交流,建立技术共享平台,以实现共赢;iiii.推行计划生育政策,推行晚婚晚育政策,限制人口增长,降低对谷物等紧张资源的消费;iiiii.共同商定成员加入或退出。


3)遵守以下原则:i. 强调一切利益交换与贸易往来都应建立在互不侵犯、平等互利的前提条件下;ii. 进一步强调组织内部各成员国对外态度应一致,反对组织内国家单独与组织外国家进行违背组织原则的协商与交易。





During a vote on a substantive matter, a delegate may abstain rather than vote yes or no. This means that the delegate neither supports nor opposes the resolution on the go.议程Agenda点名完毕后,委员会所设定的议题讨论顺序。

Agenda is the order of topics to be discussed in a conference, usually being set after the roll call.修正案Amendment修正案是用来对正在讨论的决议草案提出修改意见的文件。


Amendment is a form of document to amend a draft resolution. The two types of amendments are friendly amendment and unfriendly amendment.背景指导Background Guide背景指导是一份关于会议即将讨论议题的调研报告,一般由会议主席团撰写,并在会前分发给各国代表。

A background guide is a research report of topics on the conference written by the dais and distributed to the delegates before the conference.约束力Binding约束力是指联合国决议对成员国具有法律效力。



决议草案委员会:特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会)议题:达尔富尔问题起草国:伊朗附议国:回顾联合国安全理事会第1593(2005)号决议、第1556(2004)号决议、2004年5月25日主席声明(S/PRST/2004/18)、第1547(2004)号决议和第1502(2003)号决议,并考虑到秘书长苏丹问题特别代表与苏丹政府议定的《行动计划》,以及2012年联合国秘书长向安理会提交的《秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动的报告》,欢迎非洲联盟参与处理达尔富尔局势并发挥领导作用,欢迎非洲联盟发挥领导作用,参与处理达尔富尔局势问题,强调联合国和非盟在解决达尔富尔问题上发挥的积极作用,敦促苏丹政府和反政府武装为人道主义救济工作提供便利,允许人道主义供应品和工作人员畅行无阻,尊重苏丹主权和领土完整,达尔富尔问题属于苏丹内政,深切关注达尔富尔难民的动向,为难民提供避难场所,表示有必要通过联合国-非盟混合部队维护地区秩序,根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动,1.建议苏丹政府与达尔富尔地区反政府军达成切实有效的和平协议,解除部落武装,裁减苏丹军队,由非盟和联合国混合部队维持秩序,实现达尔富尔地区的和平与稳定:(a)协议中要求具有更多维护达尔富尔人民权利的条例;(b)体现各部落间平等原则;2.建议苏丹政府要改善当地生态环境:(a)改善环境,可以植树造林,防风固沙;(b)农业与畜牧业协调发展,划定专门地域从事生产;(c)兴修水利工程,蓄水抗旱,便于农业生产;3.呼吁达尔富尔地区应努力提升经济水平:(a)积极发展石油工业,与其他国家达成更多贸易协定:ⅰ. 提高石油开采技术,勘探油田;ⅱ. 扩大石油贸易市场,增加输出量;(b)发展石油业的同时注重与其他行业的协同发展,发展第二、第三产业,调整经济结构;(c)发展科技含量高的产业,减少对自然环境的依赖程度;(d)发展经济的同时,注重生态环境的保护,实现可持续发展;4.建议苏丹政府应调整政策:(a)修改相关法律法规,保护黑人民主权利;(b)调整相关政策,转移发展重心,加强对地方、尤其是边境地区经济发展的监管;5.敦促苏丹应致力于缓解种族矛盾和文化冲突:(a)阿拉伯人和黑人实现权利平等:ⅰ. 划定专门区域聚居统一人种;ⅱ. 政府应提供更良好的政策反对种族歧视;ⅲ. 派出军队必要时强制调解矛盾,但要严守军纪;(b)宗教信仰方面:ⅰ. 伊斯兰教、基督教、本土宗教应和睦共处,在各自聚居区从事宗教活动;ⅱ. 提倡宗教自由信仰,政府应禁止干预宗教事务;6.认为各国应反对苏丹政府侵犯人权,对达尔富尔地区进行“种族灭绝”的观点,认为达尔富尔问题属于苏丹内政,别国无权干涉;7.决定联合国应派出观察团妥善解决达尔富尔问题;8.支持联合国和非盟应继续组成维和部队维持达尔富尔地区秩序,人数上可适当减少;9.敦促联合国与非盟应主持谈判促成苏丹政府和反政府武装的协定;10.确认应在联合国和非盟的框架下,促成问题合理解决:(a)形成以苏丹政府、非盟、联合国共同主导的“三方机制”(b)世界各国应达成一定共识,缓和各阶层矛盾;11.呼吁其他国际组织:(a)国际组织应增加对达尔富尔地区的资源补助;(b)应募集前款应用于人道主义救援上;12.建议国际社会应增加对达尔富尔地区的人道主义救援:(a)每年提供更多粮食补助;(b)提供医疗救助;ⅰ. 发展中国家可以定期派出医疗团队参与援助工作;ⅱ. 发达国家还可以和苏丹政府合作兴建医院设施;ⅲ. 应提供更多的治疗各种疫病的注射剂,各种常见药物;(c)在当地兴建学校,各国派出支教教师支援教育;(d)完善当地基础设施建设,提供应急避难场所;13.强烈拒绝任何机构组织、国家向苏丹政府或反政府武装出售军火;14.认为达尔富尔问题属于苏丹内政:(a)任何国家不得挑拨是非,干扰问题的解决进程;(b)认为苏丹政府应适当改进统治办法,保护难民。











决议草案的条款分为序言性条款(Perambulatory Clauses)和行动性条款(Operative Clauses)两类:在序言性条款中,每一条款要以动名词形式开头,动名次下加下划线,同时每一条款以逗号结束;在行动性条款中,每一条款要以动词第三人称单数开头,同时该动词应以斜体显示,每一条款以分号结束,最后一个条款以句号结束。

行动性条款是决议草案最重要的部分,决议草案行动性条款的语言也有如下一些特点:首先,每一条款都表达一个单独且完整的意思;其次,每一条款以动词第三人称单数开头,条款的主语是该委员会,如联合国安全理事会(UNSC);再次,决议草案行动性条款的句型主要有两种,一种是“动词第三人称单数形式+由that引导的宾语从句”,另一种是“动词第三人称单数形式+国家+to do(动词不定式)”。



模拟联合国英文组决议草案第一篇:模拟联合国英文组决议草案Draft Resolution 1.2 Committee: The Economic and Social CouncilTopic: The Reform of International Monetary System Sponsors: UK, France, Germany, Australia Signatories: China, BrazilThe Economic and Social Council, Due to a liquidity shortfall in the United States banking system, the financial crisis of 2007-2010 contributed to the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth, substantial financial commitments incurred by governments, and a significant decline in economic activity.Both market-based and regulatory solutions have been implemented or are under consideration, while significant risks remain for the world economy over the 2010–2011 periods.The members of ECOSOC committees have worked together with urgency and determination to translate their agreement into action.In April, 2009, a prudent statement delivered in London Summit comprises of such practices and plans as restoring growth and jobs, strengthening financial supervision and regulation and global financial institutions, ensuring a fair and sustainable recovery for all and so forth.At the meantime, IMF received an additional $850 billion of resources to support growth in emerging market and developing countries.The Seoul Summit in 2010, deepening the consensus of the London Summit, has emphasized the significance of considering development as a long-term topic in G20 and of international cooperation.In order to restore the economic growth and rebuild trust, however, we shall focus on the reform of international monetary system.Firstly,financial regulation and supervision are major concerns of the new monetary system;booming the economy, meanwhile, is the problem we now confronting with;and mulitiplorization of currency becomes the trend in international monetary system.This draft resolution aims at bettering international monetary system through three fundamental ways.To that end we claim the following points practical and crucial:1, Strengthening the supervision and regulation of international monetary system;(a)Constructing a flexible monetary system;(i)Undertake macroeconomic policies to ensure ongoing recovery and sustainable growth and enhance the stability of financial markets, in particular moving toward more market-determined exchange rate systems, enhancing exchange rate flexibility to reflect underlying economic fundamentals, and refraining from competitive devaluation of currencies.Advanced economies, including those with reserve currencies, will be vigilant against excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates.These actions will help mitigate the risk of excessive volatility in capital flows facing some emerging countries;(ii)Reform international financial institution.IMF shall better reflect the changes in the world economy through greater representation of dynamic emerging markets and developing countries.These comprehensive quota and governance reforms will enhance the IMF’s legitimacy, credibility and effect iveness, making it an even stronger institution for promoting global financial stability and growth.(iii)Add core elements of a new financial regulatory framework, including bank capital and liquidity standards, as well as measures to better regulate and effectively resolve systemically important financial institutions,complemented by more effective oversight and supervision.This new framework will ensure a more resilient financial system by reining in the past excesses of the financial sector and better serving the needs of our economies.(b)Strengthen global financial safety nets;(i)Strengthen global financial safety nets, which help countries cope with financial volatility by providing them with practical tools to overcome sudden reversals of international capital flows.(ii)Continue to monitor and assess ongoing implementation of the commitments made today and in the past in a transparent and objective way.We hold ourselves accountable.What we promise, we will deliver.(iii)Better reflect the perspective of emerging market economies in financial regulatory reforms;strengthen regulation and oversight of shadow banking;further work on regulation and supervision of commodity derivatives markets;improve market integrity and efficiency;enhance consumer protection;pursue all outstanding governance reform issues at the IMF and World Bank;and build a more stable and resilient international monetary system, including by further strengthening global financial safety nets.We will also expand our MAP based on the indicative guidelines to be agreed.2.Booming the global economy;(a)Fighting protectionism and promoting trade and investment;(i)Keeping markets open and liberalizing trade and investment as a means to promote economic progress for all and narrow the development gap.These trade and investment liberalization measures will help the Framework objectives for strong, sustainable and balanced growth, and must be complemented by our unwavering commitment to resist protectionism in all its forms.(ii)Call on relevant international agencies to coordinate a collective multilateral response tosupport trade facilitation;and to support measures to increase the availability of trade finance in developing countries,(b)Creating more jobs;Improve the development of employable skills matched to employer and labor market needs in order to enhance the ability to attract investment, create decent jobs and increase productivity.We will support the development of internationally comparable skills indicators and the enhancement of national strategies for skills development.(c)Accelerating the development of the emerging market;Continuing the dynamic process aimed at enhancing the voice and representation of emerging market and developing countries, including the poorest, through a comprehensive review of the quota formula by January 2013 to better reflect the economic weights;and through completion of the next general review of quotas by January 2014.3.Establish a diversified international currency reserve system;(a)Consolidate the status of Euro.Eastern Europe, Southern Europe and the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea can peg the currency with the euro and even join the euro in the future.(b)Study the creation of “regional monetary units” and have made an agreement to regard the creation of regional currency units as one of the long-term goals to promote regional integration.(i)Rationally design of the process of RMB exchange rate system reform, based on the Asia-Pacific region to achieve the internationalization of RMB.(ii)Promote the internationalization of the yen.(c)The Latin American can use ruble in the area.4.Underlines that further decisions will be required, should additional measures be necessary;5.Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.湖南大学第三届模拟联合国大赛英文组第二篇:模拟联合国决议草案1泉州师范学院模拟联合国大会决议草案决议草案委员会:经济与社会理事会议题:加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,促进世界和谐起草国:俄罗斯中国澳大利亚印度尼西亚叙利亚刚果伊拉克德国阿根廷马来西亚巴西墨西哥南非沙特阿拉伯附议国:菲律宾朝鲜经社理事会回顾1991年联合国大会通过的46/182号决议,要求加强在人道主义领域内的行动,并为此设立了人道主义事务部,还回顾其历年通过的有关决议,特别是2009年3月31日第64/6号、2008年7月25日第62/322号、2009年7月22日第64/84号决议,强调人道主义和救灾援助是建立在平等友好的基础上的,深信人道主义援助与救灾行动对于维护国际社会和谐稳定的重要意义,确保国际社会对灾害和紧急情况作出及时、连贯一致和协调的反应,并协助从紧急救济到复原与发展的顺利过渡,同意制订和推行联合国系统及其合作伙伴人道主义问题的共同政策,动员和协调人道主义紧急状况的援助,谴责一切附带政治性条款的人道主义援助与救灾措施的行为,认为联合国应发展和调动联合国加快提供国际人道主义援助的能力,泉州师范学院模拟联合国大会决议草案促进减少灾害风险,宣传人道主义问题,提供紧急状况和自然灾害的及时信息,以促进全球人道主义援助,重申在复杂紧急情况和自然灾害局势中提供人道主义援助的所有行为体都应推动和充分遵守人道、中立、公正和独立的人道主义原则,欣见于2008 年6月3日至5日在罗马举行世界粮食保障问题高级别会议,并指出执行其结果,包括关于人道主义援助的内容,认识到紧急情况、恢复和发展之间的明确关系,并重申提供紧急援助的方式应迅速、有执行力并且有助于复兴和长期发展,以保证救济工作平稳地过渡为恢复和发展工作,注意到1949年的《日内瓦公约》及相关的1977年《附加议定书》以及2005年关于新增特殊标志的《第三附加议定书》所组成的“国际人道法”所做的呼吁:“无论是作为个人,还是通过政府或各种组织,我们都可以对遵守国际人道法做出重要贡献。



Human Rights Council Statement of the ProblemHistory of the ProblemCurrent SituationRelevant UN ActionsProposed SolutionsQuestions a Resolution Must AnswerBloc PositionsSuggestions for Further Research5691314141516Topic Area A:Female GenitalMutilationTopic Area B:Statement of the ProblemHistory of the ProblemCurrent SituationRelevant UN ActionsProposed SolutionsQuestions a Resolution Must AnswerBloc PositionsSuggestions for Further Research1617202223242425Human Rights inTransnational Corporations Introduction 4History of the Committee 4Topic Area A 5Topic Area B 16Position Paper Requirements 25Closing Remarks 25Bibliography 27Table of ConTenTsDaniel P. RobinsonS ecretary-G eneralJeffrey J. PhaneufD irector-G eneralByran N. DaiU nDer-S ecretary-G enerala DminiStrationAnusha TomarU nDer-S ecretary-G eneralB USineSSElena D. Butlerc omptrollerNara LeeU nDer-S ecretary-G eneral S UBStantive S UpportReema B. ShahU nDer-S ecretary-G eneralG eneral a SSemBlyJerry L. KungU nDer-S ecretary-G eneral e conomic anD S ocial c oUncilAlexander N. BarrettU nDer-S ecretary-G eneral S pecializeD a GencieSH arvarD m oDel U niteD n ationS59 S HeparD S t. B ox 205Cambridge, MA 02138Voice: (617) 495-5828Fax: (617) 496-4472 Email: info@ Dear Delegates,Welcome to the Economic and Social Council and Regional Bodies of Harvard Model United Nations 2010! Committees on the Economic and Social Council are unique in that the United Nations established them with the intent of fostering economic growth and development in order to ensure global stability and cooperation. In a similar vein, various Regional Bodies were created with the purpose of precipitating peace and prosperity in specific pockets of the world. In either case, you will have the chance to experience the debate and diplomacy that goes into international policymaking.Harvard Model United Nations has always held special meaning to me. To this day, I look back fondly upon my experience as a delegate. The four days of careful deliberation of international trade not only helped me develop my public speaking and diplomacy skills, but they also allowed me to grow as a person. As such, I am determined to ensure that you have the best experience possible. Please feel free to contact me before the conference with comments or concerns, or just to say hello.You have a daunting task ahead of you, and it all begins here. Your committee directors have spent countless hours researching and compiling the following study guide, but there is still much work to be done. You must continue to grapple with various issues ranging from providing primary education to human rights in transnational corporations; come January, you will also take the place of international diplomats. But do not let this be the culmination of your consideration of global issues. The aim of Harvard Model United Nations is to foster the next generation of leaders, a goal that is only possible if you continue to pursue your love of international diplomacy after the conference has ended.With that, I ask you: what will you make of your HMUN experience?Sincerely,Jerry L. KungUnder-Secretary-General for the Economic and Social Council and Regional Bodies Harvard Model United Nations 2010270 Winthrop Mail CenterCambridge, MA 02138ecosoc@Daniel P. RobinsonS ecretary-G eneralJeffrey J. PhaneufD irector-G eneralByran N. DaiU nDer-S ecretary-G enerala DminiStrationAnusha TomarU nDer-S ecretary-G eneralB USineSSElena D. Butlerc omptrollerNara LeeU nDer-S ecretary-G eneral S UBStantive S UpportReema B. ShahU nDer-S ecretary-G eneralG eneral a SSemBlyJerry L. KungU nDer-S ecretary-G eneral e conomic anD S ocial c oUncilAlexander N. BarrettU nDer-S ecretary-G eneral S pecializeD a GencieSH arvarD m oDel U niteD n ationS59 S HeparD S t. B ox 205Cambridge, MA 02138Voice: (617) 495-5828Fax: (617) 496-4472 Email: info@ Dear Delegates,It is my distinct honor and privilege to welcome all of you to the United Nations Human Rights Council of Harvard Model United Nations 2010. As your director for this committee, I am very excited about the energy and enthusiasm that I’m sure you will bring to the session.I’m a junior in Winthrop House concentrating in Linguistics with a secondary field in Economics, daydreaming, procrastinating my life away at the Dining Hall, and MUN. My life at Harvard revolves around these three activities and I wouldn’t have it any other way.I believe the best part of a Model UN conference is the people we meet and I can’t tell you how excited I am to meet all of you so soon! In addition to Model UN, I’m heavily involved with our international society on campus.Returning to the subject of MUN, I can’t explain how thrilled I am to be directing the topics that the UNHRC is focusing on this year. The first issue, female genital mutilation, sets the stage for a lot of controversial perspectives that will electrify the committee room. This topic will force you to question the very definition of justice and see how it is shaped by cultural and religious influences, while looking for a way to incorporate these opinions into legality issues.The second topic, which discusses the issue of human rights in transnational corporation, will look into the methods of incorporating corporate liability into the framework of international human rights.I hope you enjoy reading the background material on both topics; through the course of your research, I hope that you will discover interesting ways to approach each topic. Please feel free to email me with any and all questions or concerns. I can’t wait to meet you all in February! Don’t forget the cardinal rule of MUN: never stop having fun. Sincerely,Prathama NabiDirector, Human Rights Council339 Winthrop Mail CenterCambridge, MA 02138hrc@IntroductIonHuman rights are the foundation of freedom and human dignity. They help form a basis for assessing human development, people’s standard of living, and good governance. The increasing importance that member states and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have been placing on the protection of human rights is indicative of the close-knit relationship between the protection of human rights and a country’s socioeconomic development. In that spirit, the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) provides a global platform for the discussion of such issues and provides member states with recommendations for dealing with the violations of human rights. At HMUN 2010, the HRC will be serving a very similar purpose by discussing the issues of Female Genital Mutilation and the Rights of workers in transnational corporations.The practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is one that is of grave importance in the realm of gender-based violence. One of the most urgent elements surrounding the debate on Female Genital Mutilation is the flexibility in the way it is defined. Often, different cultures look at it as a cultural phenomenon that needs to be perpetuated in order for a woman to fulfill her identity in the society she lives in. This emphasis on the cultural aspect takes away from the fact that FGM is a crime against human rights and therefore makes it harder to bring under a legal framework. This is where the HRC comes in, dealing with the issue by first identifying it as a violation of human rights and then provides recommendations that will potentially help solve the problem.The second issue that the HRC will deal with is the rights of workers in transnational corporations. The need for the HRC comes from the fact that at present there is no established legislative framework to protect the rights of workers in transnational corporations. The HRC can provide a neutral body that is able to assess the tensions between the rights of member states and those of corporations and appropriately identify solutions that both governmental and non-governmental agencies can implement to tackle the problem.HIstory of tHe commIttee The HRC was created by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly (GA) resolution A/RES/60/251 on 15 March 2006 to serve as an intergovernmental body responsible for the protection of human rights and for making policy recommendations to Member States in instances of human rights violations. As a subsidiary body to the GA, at its creation, the HRC replaced the sixty year-old UN High Commissioner for Human Rights as the sole authority in establishing and defining human rights standards all across the world.The newly formed HRC consisted of 47 Member States instead of the 53 that its predecessor was comprised of. Membership is open to all member states of the UN and is determined by a secret ballot vote that requires an absolute majority from the General Assembly. Once a member is elected to the HRC, it serves a three-year term, unless it is accused of systematic human rights violations; in such a case, its membership will be suspended.A year after its creation, on 18 June 2007, the HRC adopted theInstitutionB u i l d i n gp a c k a g e,w h i c houtlined themandate andthe workingmechanismsof the newlyf o r m e dHRC. Threeof the mosti m p o r t a n tcomponents of this package were the Universal Periodic Review, the Complaints Procedures, and the Advisory Committee. The Universal Periodic Review is a quadrennial review of the human rights’ situation of all the 192 member states of the UN. The specific mandate of the UPR has been elaborated in the HRC’s Intergovernmental Working Group document created in response to Decision 1/103. The Complaints Procedures, established in accordance with Decision 5/1 of the HRC, addresses established trends in violation of all human rights occurring in all parts of the world and in any situations. The Complaints Procedure is made up of the two Working Groups, one on Communications and the other on Situations. The Working Group on Communications, consisting of five independent experts, is in charge of deciding whether a certain complaint is worthy of further investigation. If so, the complaint is then passed on to the Working Group on Situations,which investigates the claim, reports to the HRC, andThough it is a relatively young UN body, theHuman Rights Council has a very importantmandatemakes policy recommendations about the plan of action the member states involved can take.In September 2007, the UNHRC replaced the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, the main subsidiary body of the UNCHR in charge of researching discriminatory practices with the Advisory Committee, which now provides expert advice on resolving situations of human rights violations. In contrast to the 26-member Sub-Commission of the Commissioner on Human Rights (CHR), the new Advisory Committee of the UNHRC consists of 18 members, with five from Africa, five from Asia, three from Latin America and the Caribbean, three from Western European states, and two from Eastern European states.One of the mechanisms that the HRC retained from its predecessor was that of the “Special Procedures” mandate that was originally established to monitor violations of human rights on a regional or thematic basis. Individuals known as Special Rapporteurs are appointed to carry out the research; however, they remain autonomous from the HRC since they are not paid by the Council.The purpose of these descriptions is to provide insight into how the HRC works and the various mechanisms by which it operates. Each organ is meant to serve a specific purpose in the process of protecting human rights, and is designed according to the needs of the issue being dealt with. As debate progresses, the hope is that in the decision-making and problem-solving processes, these organs will be used by delegates appropriately to create a comprehensive multifaceted answer to the questions raised.topIc AreA A: femAle GenItAlmutIlAtIonS tatement of the P roblem“Circumcision was something I looked forward to, knowing it would mean I had become a woman at last. I knew that women who were not circumcised never got married and never earned the respect of the community”-Faith Mukwanyaga, 48, a married mother-of-four in Meru, eastern Kenya1Faith Mukwanyaga can be defined by three statistics: one of 140 million women, one of three million women, and one of three women. Each number is a harrowing tale about women affected by the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that every year 100 to 140 million women from all over the world are subjected to FGM.2 In Africa, the number of women who are at risk of becoming victims of FGM is a staggering 3 million. Even more shocking is the fact that half of these girls are from two countries on the African continent: Egypt and Ethiopia.3Finally, one in three women all across the world will be subject to rape, beating, coercion into sex, or any other form of abuse during her lifetime.4 However, numbers alone do not tell the full story; they are nothing but statistics that need to be interpreted within the context of socioeconomic and cultural factors. The following section will first look at FGM as a form of gender-based violence and then bring it under the framework of human rights violations to show how the HRC can tackle the problem on various fronts.The WHO defines FGM as “all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.”5It also categorizes the practice into four types: Type I, the partial or total removal of the clitoris; Type II, the partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora; Type III, the contraction of the vaginal opening by creating a covering seal; and Type IV: any damaging procedure to the female genitalia done for non-medical purposes. FGM has no known medical benefits and in fact is said to affect the maternal health of the women who have undergone the procedure. Usually, untrained staff such as traditional birth care attendants, circumcisers, or midwives carry out the procedures on girls below the age of 15, although it is not uncommon for adult women to undergo the procedure either. An idea of how young these girls are can be gained from looking at Africa where approximately 92 million girls aged 10 and above have been subjected to FGM.6 Most of these procedures take place in unsanitary and non-sterile environments, resulting in subjugating women who undergo FGM to infections, hemorrhaging, bleeding, pain, and need for further surgery. In an obstetrics study done by the WHO on women in African countries, it was found that delivery of babies were often made more difficult by the need for a caesarean section, prenatal death, postpartum hemorrhaging, etc.7 In fact, the study also showed that for women with FGM, the number of prenatal deaths was higher by two percent than in women who have not undergone the procedure.While the reasons for which FGM is carried out varies slightly from region to region, in most countries it is seen as “a rite of passage” that cleanses a woman andprepares her for marriage.8It is looked at as a custom that a woman must adhere to in order to be accepted in her society. The societies who carry out the practice of FGM believe in the need to reduce the sexual desire of their women in order to prevent pre-marital sex and reduce promiscuity. Finally the women themselves also believe that without the procedure they will not be able to find a husband or participate in the decision-making of their villages. It is here that the need arises to clearly define the practice of FGM as a form of gender-based violence. Because so many communities merely pass it off as a cultural practice, it goes unreported and, thus, unpunished. However, in order to understand why FGM is form of gender-based violence and thus a violation of human rights, we must look to the definitions that have been established by the international community regarding such issues.The 1979 Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women defines gender-based violence as violence against a woman because “she is a woman” or violence that “affects women disproportionately.”9 While the definition of this type of crime may be intuitive, it is much harder to understand why FGM is a form of gender-based violence. According to the In-Depth Study on All Forms of Violence Against Women, conducted by the Secretary-General Kofi Annan, FGM falls under the “harmful traditional practices subset” of violence against women, as it uses cultural beliefs to empower men and to discriminate against women by forcing them to undergo procedures detrimental to their health.10 The reason that this type of violence poses a special concern for member states of the international community is because it reflects “unequal power relations between men and women” that have perpetuated through the ages, which have resulted in the dominance over and “discrimination against women by men”. These forms of violence can only be dealt with by redefining the way these crimes are interpreted and by establishing a standard legal framework that will allow member states to appropriately deter the spread and perpetuation of such practices.Before moving on further, it is worth noting that the use of the word ‘mutilation’ in FGM is intentional. While some agencies refer to the practice of FGM as cutting or mutilation, this study guide will follow the terminology used in the 1997 Joint Statement on Female Genital Mutilation published by UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO. 11 The labeling of this practice as ‘mutilation’ is representative of the underlying issues of human rights violations and gender inequality that comprise the core aspects of the issue of FGM. The very fact that the naming of this practice is interchangeable between a severe and a neutral label is an indication of how blurred the lines are between identifying FGM as a form of gender-based violence and as a necessary cultural norm. The following sections follow the origins and evolution of the practice of FGM and are meant to provide a guideline to legally frame the issue of FGM and bring it under the umbrella of universally accepted legal and judicial standards.h iStory of the P roblemThe previous section discussed the practice of FGM and its identity as a form of gender-based violence to a certain depth. However in order to tackle the problem of FGM in an effective and permanent manner, it must be understood in the context of its origins and the forces that have caused it to evolve into its present form. The following section will look at the origins of FGM and then deconstruct it through the modernization theory, convention theory, and feminist theory to understand the way in which it has evolved in the past few decades.When discussing the origins of FGM, a common misconception is to attribute its origins to Islamic or Christianic fundamentalism. However, the practice of FGM is believed to have its origins in Ancient Egypt where it began as a mechanism to control the fertility of women in the tribes.12This practice predates both Christianity and Islam,13 and Egyptian scholar Nawal El Saadawi, who has done extensive work on the origins and historical development of this practice, has posited that the roots of FGM lie within the patriarchal hierarchy of traditional societies and can be seen as a way to maintain the right of a man to be polygamous while ascertaining the women’s faithfulness.14There remains, nevertheless, a debate about how the practice entered the Egyptian culture. One group of scholars believes that the practice was introduced to the Nile River Valley around 3100 BCE by invading militants, while an opposing group believes that it was retrieved from ancient African practices.15Despite the confusion about the origins of the practice, there is strong evidence for the presence of FGM in pharaonic Egypt that came from the discovery of numerous circumcised female mummies. Additional proof comes from the book History,in which Greek historian Herodotus documented instances of FGM in Phoenician, Egyptian, Ethiopian, and Hittitian communities.The spread of this practice to other non-African communities is a little harder to explain. There does not seem to be any linking evidence between the practice being initiated in Africa and in other non-African countries. The one common factor that these two different communities had was the prevalence of FGM in tribal communities. Historical data shows that indigenous communities in Australia, Oceania and in parts of the Amazon Basin were engaging in the practice of a less extreme form Type 1 FGM where the circumciser would make a cut in the external genitalia instead of removing it completely. In the 19th century, some medical professionals in the Western world believed that FGM could be used as a cure for epilepsy, sterility, and masturbation.16 In fact, a proponent of this practice in 19th century Britain in reference to masturbation even dubbed FGM as a cure for “what morals should have prevented”. These views were equally common in theUnited States, where medical professionals believed that masturbation was a causal factor of “hopeless insanity,” and that this form of mental illness could be inherited if masturbation was not prevented.The forces of migration have also been instrumental in spreading this practice. During World War II, migrants from multiple African countries fled to industrialized European countries, a trend continued into the 1970s, when the region was plagued by civil unrest and drought, forcing refugees to migrate to Western Europe from Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia.17 When faced with the new culture of their host country, these families often felt a pressing need to preserve the traditions of their homeland in order to maintain a sense of culture and identity. Threatened by the pressure of assimilation and with the desire to raise their children the way they were raised, these families began to enforce practices like FGM that disciplined the female members of their communities. As immigrant communities introduced such practices to the host culture, interaction with the patriarchal elements of other host communities reinforced the original justifications behind FGM, thus contributing to its survival as a legitimate cultural practice even in a completely new environment.It should be noted that the relationship between FGM and religion has always been one that has been misinterpreted and manipulated. Communities that carry out the procedure often justify it by saying that is a mechanism of ensuring a women’s “spiritual purity.”18 However, not only does the practice of FGM predate both Islam and Christianity, it is also true that neither religion mentions the use of FGM as a spiritual yardstick in their religious books. In fact, The Grand Imam, Sheikh Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, Sheikh of Al-Azhar, a famous Islamic scholar and leader in the Middle East comments, “Islamic Shari’a protects children and safeguards their rights. Those who fail to give rights to their children commit a major sin. There is no text in Shari’a, in the Koran, in the prophetic Sunna addressing FGM.”19Christianity also holds a similar view about the sanctity of a child and a women’s body and the need to protect it. Bishop Moussa, Bishop for Youth of the Coptic Orthodox Church and Representative of Pope Shenouda III explains, “from the Christian perspective – this practice has no religious grounds whatsoever. When God created the human being, he made everything in him/her good: each organ has its function and role. So, why do we allow the disfiguring of God’s good creation? There is not a single verse in the Bible or the Old or New Testaments, nor is there anything in Judaism or Christianity – not one single verse speaks of female circumcision.” The purpose of the historical overview of the practice of FGM is to create the cultural context in which this practice takes place. To understand the gravity of the continuation of FGM as a cultural practice, it is also imperative to understand the consequences that it has on the women who undergo this procedure. EFFECTS OF FGMAll forms and types of FGM are extremely painful and cause profuse internal and external hemorrhage for those who undergo the procedure.20 The process in and of itself is a traumatic experience as the women arephysically World War II drove many Africans out of their homes.restrained and are more often than not anaesthetized. In fact, women undergoing FGM of the Type III form have their feet bound after the procedure and are left like that for weeks afterwards in order to “heal”. The use of unsterilized or contaminated instruments increases the risk of infection in women undergoing FGM, as well as significantly increasing the risk of transmitting HIV/ AIDS. Often, the nerve endings that are cut off during the procedure never heal, leaving the women in chronic pain for the rest of her life. FGM also significantly increases the rates of complications during childbirth (including caesarean sections) and prenatal death, thus transferring the dangerous consequences of FGM onto the newborn. Among other long term effects are reproductive tract infections, problems with the urinary tract, and reduced quality of sexual life. All these effects are indicators of how the quality of life is drastically changed by undergoing a procedure that is often forced upon her in the name of culture.In addition to the negative effects FGM has on the health of women, there is also a psychological morbidity element that often goes unnoticed. Some societies believe that girls who undergo this procedure together will create a bond of sisterhood with each other as they experience similar occurrences of pain and shock.21 However, women who are victims of FGM often actually suffer from post-traumatic stress and depression and feel increasingly isolated from their societies. On the flipside, women who refuse to undergo FGM are also ostracized from their families and their society, adding to the psychological burden of the practice of FGM. The effects of FGM on women, both physical and mental, are testaments to how serious of a problem the practice of FGM is, and how cultural relativism obscures its impact by validating it. In a world committed to the advancement and development of women, such practices stand as obstacles to the empowerment of the female population. Unless these practices are completely abolished from communities that carry them out, women all over the world cannot reach a stage of gender equality and empowerment that is required for the socioeconomic development of a nation. In order to move away from the problems of cultural relativism and create an international standard that addresses this problem on a universally accepted basis, the practice of FGM must be viewed as a human rights violation and not merely as a cultural norm where no one is held accountable for committing the act. The following section looks at FGM through the lens of an established framework of human rights to see how national policies can be adapted to address the problem.A VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS“Human rights violations do more than harm individuals; they undermine the development, peace and security of entire societies”- United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Message of the Secretary General on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, 2008In order to formulate an international standard that can appropriately address cultural relativism in numerous countries to identify proper mechanisms of punishment for the practice of FGM, the concept of FGM must be separated from its present entity as a cultural norm and be concretely defined within the human rights framework. At its most fundamental level, the practice of FGM violates the right to physical integrity and the right to the highest attainable standard of health.22 Both these rights are addressed by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, a multilateral treaty adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 16 December 1966 in order to address policies that establish an individual’s economic and social rights like the right to education and health. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights further elaborates the right to health as one that gives individuals the freedom to “control one’s health and body, includingIs FGM a form of gender violence or just cultural practice?。



立场文件范例代表:*** *** *** ***国家:厄里特尼亚委员会:联合国经济和社会发展理事会议题:金融危机后的国际合作最近,世界被金融危机的阴影所笼罩,随之而来的便是大批人员的失业。


















委 员 会:麻醉药品委员会
议 题:反毒工作中的国际合作
麻醉药品委员会, 回顾1961 年《麻醉品单一公约》、经1972年议定书修正的该公约、1971 年《精神药物公约》和1988年《联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约》,




Sample Draft ResolutionDraft Resolution CIR/INI/1.1Sponsor: France, Federation of Russia, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, RomaniaSignatories: People ’s Republic of China, Angola, Benin, Germany, SpainRecalling its Resolution A/36/89of 16 December 1981,“The Declaration on Fundamental Principles Concerning the Contribution of the Mass Media to Strengthening Peace and International Understanding,”Recognizing that the problem of newsflow imbalance is that two-way information among countries of a region is either nonexistent or insufficient and information exchanged between regions of the world is inadequate,Realizing the need for all sovereign nations to maintain their integrity and still paly an active role in the international system,1. Recommends the national, regional ,and international levels to ameliorate the current problems of newsflow imbalance, to operate as follows:a. Each regions ’ member nations will report their national information and receivethe information of other nations in their region from the regional level of this interchange system;b. Nations will decide the character of the newsflow media best suited to the need oftheir sovereign territory, be this printed, audio, or audio-visual;c. Regional News Gathering Agencies will serve to gather information from thenations in their region, and these boards will have no editorial discretion and will2. Urges the establishment of the University of International Communications,which will be based in Geneva, Switzerland, with the following aims:a. The University and branches will be established with the express purpose ofbringing together world views and facilitating the transfer of technology;b. All member nations of the United Nations will be equally represented at theUniversity;c. Incentives will be offered to students of journalism and communications at theUniversity to return to their countries to teach upon completion of instruction; d. The instructors of the regional education centers will be comprised of amulti-partisan coalition of educators from throughout the world;3. Calls for the continued use of funds from the International Program for the Development of Communications, Special Account, The United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO), the UN Development Program, and other sources of funding including national governments and private donors;4. Recommends that the distribution of funds be decided by the International决议草案范例决议草案:1.1委员会:大会第一委员会议题:无核国家的核威胁起草过:××国附议国:××国,××国,××国深信核武器对人类和对文明的存续造成最大的威胁,欢迎近年来在核裁军和常规裁军方面取得的进展,确认必须保障无核武器国家的独立、领土完整和主权不受使用或威胁使用武力,包括使用或威胁使用核威胁的危害,认为在全球实现核裁军之前,国际社会必须制定有效措施和安排,以确保任何方面不使用或威胁使用核武器危害无核武器国家的安全,铭记大会第十届特别会议,即专门讨论裁军问题的第一节特别会议的《最后文件》1第59段,其中敦促核武器国家根据情况致力于缔结有效的安排,以保证不对无核国家使用或威胁使用核武器,并希望促进执行《最后文件》的有关规定,注意到裁军谈判会议及其保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排特设委员会为了就这项问题达成协议而进行的深入谈判,又注意到2003年2月20日至25日在吉隆坡举行的第十三次不结盟国家国家元首和政府首脑会议的有关决定7以及伊斯兰会议组织的有关建议,1. 重申迫切需要早日就保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排达成协议;2.满意地注意到裁军谈判会议中原则上没有人反对缔结一项国际公约以保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的设想,尽管也有人指出在研拟各方可以接受的共同办法方面存在着困难;3.呼吁所有国家,特别是核武器国家,就共同办法,特别是可载入具有法律约束力的国际文书的共同方案,积极努力争取及早达成协议;4.建议进一步加紧努力,寻求这种共同办法或共同方案,并建议进一步探讨各种不同的备选办法,包括特别是在裁军谈判会议中审议的那些办法,以克服各种困难;5.决定将题为“缔结关于保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排”的项目列入大会第六十届会议临时议程。








行动条款:1. 建立校园流浪猫救助站。




2. 流浪猫绝育计划。





3. 流浪猫领养宣传。




4. 流浪猫行为规范训练。

















正文部分:1.标题部分:《全球气候变化应对行动计划》2.提议部分:(1) 各会员国采取积极行动,减少温室气体的排放,并制定和实施具体的减排措施。

(2) 加强国际合作,推动可持续发展并适应气候变化的技术转让。

(3) 加强气候监测、研究和数据共享,提高应对气候变化的科学支持。

3.约定部分:(1) 各会员国应制定国家气候行动计划,报告其减排目标和行动进展。

(2) 建立气候基金,用于支持发展中国家应对气候变化的行动。

(3) 加强气候议程在联合国以及其他国际组织的推动和协调。





MUN所有文件写作指导以及范文(PP,WP,DR,SC)模联会议之立场文件(Position paper)立场文件是表达某个国家或组织在某个特定议题上的立场概要的文件。





为了进一步说明立场文件中所应包含的具体内容,下面将举一实例,如裁军与国际安全委员会(Disarmament and International Security Committee)的英国(United Kingdom)代表在写作关于反对恐怖主义的国际合作(International Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism)这一议题的立场文件时,应该包含以下的具体内容:英国对于恐怖主义问题的态度,对于国际反恐合作的基本立场;英国赞成和签署的国际反恐合作条约,英国所参与的国际反恐合作行动;英国国内的恐怖主义活动情况以及英国政府所采取的相关措施、为应对反恐所通过的相关法律;英国认为国际社会应该如何解决恐怖主义问题,对于国际反恐合作的具体建议;英国领导人在正式场合所发表的关于国际反恐的发言和基本立场表态;国际反恐合作与英国国家利益的相关程度,英国对反恐问题的立场底线。



模联决议草案范文英文The Model United Nations (MUN) is an educational simulation of the United Nations where students learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. Here is a draft resolution for a MUN committee:PreambleWHEREAS the international community faces numerous challenges that require a collaborative approach to address global issues;RECOGNIZING the importance of sustainable development and the need for equitable access to resources and opportunities;CONSIDERING the role of the United Nations in promoting peace, security, and human rights;NOW, THEREFORE, we, the representatives of the nations gathered at the Model United Nations, hereby resolve to:Article 1: Promotion of Sustainable Development1. We commit to the implementation of sustainable development goals that prioritize the well-being of people and the planet over short-term economic gains.2. We encourage member states to integrate environmental,social, and economic considerations into their nationalpolicies and strategies.Article 2: Access to Education1. We recognize the right to education as a fundamental human right and commit to improving access to quality education for all, regardless of gender, race, or socioeconomic status.2. We call upon developed nations to support educational initiatives in developing countries through financial and technical assistance.Article 3: Climate Change Mitigation1. We acknowledge the urgency of climate change and its adverse effects on the environment and human societies.2. We resolve to adopt and promote policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing theresilience of communities to climate impacts.Article 4: Protection of Human Rights1. We reaffirm our commitment to the universal protection of human rights, including the rights to freedom of expression, assembly, and association.2. We urge all member states to enact and enforce lawsthat safeguard these rights and to hold violators accountable.Article 5: Strengthening International Peace and Security1. We emphasize the importance of peaceful resolution of conflicts and the role of diplomacy in preventing the escalation of disputes.2. We support the United Nations' efforts in conflict prevention, peacekeeping, and post-conflict reconstruction.Article 6: Support for Refugees and Displaced Persons1. We express our solidarity with refugees and displaced persons and acknowledge the challenges they face.2. We pledge to enhance support for host countries and to facilitate the integration of refugees into their new communities.Article 7: Enhancing Global Health Initiatives1. We recognize the global nature of health challenges and the need for a coordinated international response.2. We support the establishment of global health programs that focus on disease prevention, access to healthcare, and the development of vaccines and treatments.Article 8: Conclusion1. We call upon all member states to actively participatein the implementation of this resolution and to report ontheir progress at future Model United Nations sessions.2. We believe that through collective action and a shared commitment to these principles, we can build a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world.This draft resolution is intended to serve as a starting point for discussion and negotiation within the MUN committee, with the goal of reaching a consensus that reflects thediverse perspectives of the participating nations.。






(二)决定对非主力舰单舰吨位、口径与更新年限进行如下限定:(甲)限定非主力舰单舰吨位为:12000吨以下,口径不得超过8英寸;(乙)规定更新年限为15年;(三)决定对航空母舰单舰吨位、口径与更新年限进行如下限定:(甲)限定10000吨以下为轻型航母,10000吨以上为大型航母;(乙)限定各国各型航空母舰所载舰炮的数量,航空母舰不得装备口径超过8 英寸(203 毫米)的舰炮;如舰炮口径超过6 英寸,且低于8英寸,则舰上所装备舰炮之总数,口径不超过5 英寸(127 毫米)的防空火炮及舰炮除外,不得超过10 门;如果舰炮口径不高于6 英寸(152 毫米),那么所有舰炮的总数(防空火炮和口径不超过5 英寸(127 毫米)的舰炮除外),不能超过15门;如果只装备不超过5 英寸(127 毫米)的舰炮则不设限制;(丙)允许各国可以从条约中规定需要立即解体的主力舰中选择2艘改装成大型航母,而英美日三国可以在航空母舰总吨位之外各建造一艘35000吨以下的大型航母;(丁)限定航母更新年限15年;(四)以上单舰吨位以标准排水量计算,凡现有舰艇以吨位为第一标准,口径不合规定者以现有吨位标准改造舰炮炮塔;条约签署后凡不符合上述技术限制的战舰,应立即拆解,但允许意大利海军的“卡拉乔洛”号在拆解之后将炮塔改装到其他军舰上;(五)各签约国除在第三条(三)(丙)条款外不得再建造、获取、或为本条约其它签约国建造超过30,000吨的航空母舰;第四条解释法国与意大利建立联合舰队的协定(一)组建后的联合舰队用于维护地中海地区的安全与稳定并且为维护各国来往之商船利益安全保护;(二)法意联合舰队总吨位比例即为法意两国海军总吨位,两国海军原则上全部属于法意联合舰队,不允许在联合舰队之外设立舰队而导致不被限制,但可以根据需要在法意联合舰队名义下拥有部分独立指挥的舰艇;(三)不强制要求法意联军立刻裁撤其现有的潜艇,但在协约规定的最后期限,即1940年之前必须全部裁撤。

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Sample Draft Resolution
Draft Resolution CIR/INI/1.1
Sponsor: France, Federation of Russia, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Romania
Signatories: People ’s Republic of China, Angola, Benin, Germany, Spain
Recalling its Resolution A/36/89
of 16 December 1981,“The Declaration on Fundamental Principles Concerning the Contribution of the Mass Media to Strengthening Peace and International Understanding,”
Recognizing that the problem of newsflow imbalance is that two-way information among countries of a region is either nonexistent or insufficient and information exchanged between regions of the world is inadequate,
Realizing the need for all sovereign nations to maintain their integrity and still paly an active role in the international system,
1. Recommends the national, regional ,and international levels to ameliorate the current problems of newsflow imbalance, to operate as follows:
a. Each regions ’ member nations will report their national information and receive
the information of other nations in their region from the regional level of this interchange system;
b. Nations will decide the character of the newsflow media best suited to the need of
their sovereign territory, be this printed, audio, or audio-visual;
c. Regional News Gathering Agencies will serve to gather information from the
nations in their region, and these boards will have no editorial discretion and will
2. Urges the establishment of the University of International Communications,
which will be based in Geneva, Switzerland, with the following aims:
a. The University and branches will be established with the express purpose of
bringing together world views and facilitating the transfer of technology;
b. All member nations of the United Nations will be equally represented at the
c. Incentives will be offered to students of journalism and communications at the
University to return to their countries to teach upon completion of instruction; d. The instructors of the regional education centers will be comprised of a
multi-partisan coalition of educators from throughout the world;
3. Calls for the continued use of funds from the International Program for the Development of Communications, Special Account, The United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO), the UN Development Program, and other sources of funding including national governments and private donors;
4. Recommends that the distribution of funds be decided by the International
1. 重申迫切需要早日就保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排达成协议;
