
1 that's international practice. we can't break it.这是国际惯例,我们不能违背。
2 we are prepared to reconsider amending the contract.我们可以重新考虑修改合同。
3 we'll have to discuss about the total contract price.我们不得不讨论一下合同的总价格问题。
4 do you think the method of payment is ok for you?你们认为结算方式合适吗?5 we are really glad to see you so constructive in helping settle the problems as regards the signing of the contract.我们很高兴您在解决有关合同的问题上如此具有建设性。
6 here are the two originals of the contract we prepared.这是我们准备好的两份合同正本。
7 would you please read the draft contract and make your comments about the terms?请仔细阅读合同草案,并就合同各条款提出你的看法好吗?8 when will the contract be ready?合同何时准备好?9 please sign a copy of our sales contract no.156 enclosed here in duplicate and return to us for our file.请会签第156号销售合同一式两份中的一份,将它寄回我方存档。

1. 情景模拟:在课堂中,老师可以设计一些情景模拟的活动,让孩子们在真实的场景中练习语言表达。
2. 背诵诗歌:通过让孩子背诵古诗词或现代诗歌,可以培养他们的语感和韵律感,提高语言表达的流畅度和准确度。
3. 多媒体教学:结合多媒体资源,如课件、音频、视频等,可以生动形象地呈现语言知识,吸引孩子的注意力,提高他们的学习积极性。
4. 听说训练:在语言教学中,听和说是基础。
5. 互动讨论:鼓励孩子们参与课堂讨论和互动交流,可以锻炼他们的逻辑思维和语言表达能力。

例如:“The seller made an offer for the goods”(卖方对货物进行了报盘。
比如:“The buyer made a counteroffer to the seller's initial offer”(买方对卖方的初始报盘进行了还盘。
像这样:“The buyer sent an enquiry to the seller about the product details”(买方给卖方发送了关于产品细节的询盘。
例如:“Can you please provide a quote for this service?”(您能为这项服务提供一个报价吗?)“Specification”(规格、说明书):详细描述产品或服务的特性、参数等。
比如:“The specification of the product must be clearly defined in the negotiation”(在磋商中必须明确产品的规格。
)“Quality”(质量):这是交易中非常重要的一个方面,常用的表达有“high quality”(高质量)、“average quality”(中等质量)等。

to make a contract 签订合同
to place a contract 签订合同
to enter into a contract 签订合同
to sign a contract 签订合同
to draw up a contract 拟订合同
to draft a contract 起草合同
to get a contract 得到合同
to land a contract 得到合同
to countersign a contract 会签合同
to repeat a contract 重复合同
to carry out a contract 执行合同
to execute a contract 执行合同
to implement a contract 执行合同
to fulfil a contract 执行合同
to perform a contract 执行合同
to cancel the contract 撤消合同
to break the contract 撕毁合同
to tear up the contract 撕毁合同
to approve the contract 审批合同
to honour the contract 重合同
to annual the contract 废除合同
to terminate the contract 解除合同
to alter the contract 修改合同
to abide by the contract 遵守合同。

WHEREAS the Employer is desirous that manpower can be rendered available for the construction of High-Rise Residential Complex in Baghdad, Iraq;
WHEREAS the Contractor is desirous to provide the manpower for the Works;
This Agreement,made by
WHEREAS……, it is agreed as follows:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF 作为所协议事项的证据,该短语常用
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives on the date first above written.

1. 商务会议相关词汇•Agenda: 议程•Minutes: 会议纪要•Chairperson: 主持人•Attendees: 参会人员•Presentation: 演示、报告•Q&A session: 问答环节•Action items: 行动事项•Follow-up: 后续跟进2. 商务谈判和合同相关词汇•Negotiation: 谈判•Deal: 协议、交易•Contract: 合同•Terms and conditions: 条款和条件•Proposal: 提案、建议书-Mutual agreement:共识达成 -Win-win situation:双赢局面-Finalize:敲定3. 商务信函和电子邮件相关词汇•Greeting: 问候语-Salutation:称呼-Bold texttitle:标题-Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms.: 尊敬的先生/女士-I am writing to inquire about... : 我写信是想询问/了解...-I look forward to hearing from you soon: 我期待尽快收到您的回复4. 商务电话交流相关词汇•Hello, this is [Your Name] calling from [Company].: 喂,我是【您的名字】来自【公司名称】。
-May I speak to Mr./Mrs./Ms. [Last Name], please?: 我可以和[姓氏]先生/女士通话吗?-Could you please hold the line for a moment?: 请稍等一下好吗?-Can I take a message?: 我可以帮你留言吗?5. 商务招待和社交场合相关词汇•Networking: 社交、人脉-Business dinner: 商务晚宴-Introduce oneself:介绍自己-Mingle with:与...交往、社交-Raise a toast:举杯祝酒以上仅为商务英语常用词汇的部分示例,希望对您有所帮助。

在合同中,通常用于表示双方达成的某种约定或共识,例如“This agreement is made between Party A and Party B”(本协议由甲方和乙方订立。
比如,“The contract stipulates the terms and conditions of the transaction”(该合同规定了交易的条款和条件。
在合同里,明确各方的义务是至关重要的,“Each party has the obligation to fulfill the terms of the contract”(各方都有履行合同条款的义务。
例如,“The company shall bear no liability for any losses arising from force majeure”(公司对因不可抗力造成的任何损失不承担责任。
“The performance of the contract is subject to certain conditions”(合同的履行取决于某些条件。
“In case of breach of contract, the defaulting party shall be liable for damages”(若有违约情况,违约方应承担损害赔偿责任。

商务英语合同常用语在国际贸易中,商务谈判胜利后,都会双方签合同是必需的,而合同的拟写需要非常谨慎,那么关于合同的常用语都有哪些呢?以下是我给大家整理的商务英语合同常用语,盼望可以帮到大家161 I still have some questions concerning our contract.就合同方面我还有些问题要问。
162 We are always willing to cooperate with you and if necessary make some concessions.我们总是情愿合作的,假如需要还可以做些让步。
163 If you have any comment about these clauses, do not hesitate to make.对这些条款有何看法,请尽管提,不必客气。
164 Do you think there is something wrong with the contract?你认为合同有问题吗?165 Wed like you to consider our request once again.我们盼望贵方再次考虑我们的要求。
166 Wed like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract.我们盼望搞清晰有关合同中技术方面的几个问题。
167 The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful.就合同保方的权利和义务方面的谈判特别胜利。
168 We cant agree with the alterations and amendments to thecontract.我们无法同意对合同工的变动和修改。

各国商业合同术语英文Commercial Contract Terminology Used Globally.1. Contract:A legal agreement between two or more parties that is enforceable by law. It outlines the rights and obligationsof the parties involved.2. Offer:A proposal made by one party to another to enter into a contract, stating the terms and conditions of the agreement.3. Acceptance:The agreement to the terms and conditions of an offer made by the other party, which results in the formation ofa contract.4. Consideration:Something valuable given by one party to another as a part of the contract, serving as an inducement for theother party to enter into the agreement.5. Parties:The individuals or organizations involved in a contract. They are usually referred to as the "Buyer" and the "Seller" or "Licensor" and "Licensee".6. Breach of Contract:Violation of any term or condition of a contract by a party, resulting in legal consequences for that party.7. Force Majeure:An event or situation that is beyond the control of the parties involved in a contract, such as natural disastersor acts of God, which prevents the fulfillment ofcontractual obligations.8. Warranty:A guarantee made by the seller to the buyer regarding the quality, fitness for a particular purpose, or condition of the goods sold.9. Delivery:The transfer of goods or services from the seller to the buyer as per the terms and conditions of the contract.10. Payment:The transfer of money from the buyer to the seller in exchange for goods or services, as specified in the contract.11. Arbitration:A process of resolving disputes between parties to acontract through an independent third party, known as an arbitrator, who hears both sides and makes a binding decision.12. Jurisdiction:The legal authority of a court or tribunal to hear and decide cases involving the contract. It usually refers to the geographical location where the contract was made or where the parties are located.13. Termination:The end of a contract, either by mutual agreement between the parties or due to a breach of contract by one party.14. Contract Law:The legal framework governing the formation, performance, and enforcement of contracts. It varies from country to country and is based on the principles of offer,acceptance, consideration, and mutuality.15. Performance Bond:A guarantee provided by a third party, usually a bank or insurance company, to ensure that the seller willfulfill its obligations under the contract.16. Liquidated Damages:A pre-agreed amount of money payable by a party to the other as compensation for a breach of contract, serving as an alternative to actual damages.17. Contract of Adhesion:A contract offered by one party on a take-it-or-leave-it basis, without much room for negotiation, usually to a consumer or a weaker party.18. Contract for Services:A contract where one party agrees to perform specific services for the other party for a specified fee. Itdiffers from a contract for the sale of goods.19. Assignment of Contract:The transfer of rights and obligations under a contract by one party to another party. This requires the consent of the other party to the contract, unless otherwise provided for in the contract.20. Novation:The substitution of a new contract for an existing contract, with the consent of all parties. It results in the termination of the old contract and the creation of a new one.These are just some of the common terms used in commercial contracts globally. The exact terminology and legal implications may vary depending on the specific laws and regulations of different countries. It is alwaysadvisable to consult with legal experts when entering into commercial contracts.。

二、步骤1. Contract Signature(签署合同)在商务英语中,“Contract Signature”是表示正式签署一份合同的一个短语,这个短语经常出现在商业谈判、销售及采购等情境中。
例如:“We are very pleased to announce the contract signature with our new client”(我们非常高兴地宣布与我们的新客户签署了合同)。
2. Contract Negotiation(合同谈判)“Contract Negotiation”这个短语是指在商业谈判中,双方利益互补,通过商讨和谈判来最终确定合同条款和协议内容的全过程。
例如:“We are currently in contract negotiations with our supplier, and hope to reach an agreement soon”(我们目前正在与我们的供应商进行合同谈判,希望尽快达成协议)。
3. Contract Amendment(合同修订)“Contract Amendment”是指当原始合同条款需要进行更改或修订时所使用的短语。
例如:“We will need to make some amendments to the c ontract in light of these new circumstances”(鉴于新情况的出现,我们需要对合同进行一些修订)。
4. Contract Termination(合同终止)当合同的任意一方出现违约或者其他问题时,“Contract Termination”就会被使用,来表述终止合同的情况。
外贸商务英语第五节 关于合同 (2014年新整理)

第五节关于合同1、合同:contractPlease make a contract for this order. 请为这个定单做个合同吧。
2、形式发票:proforma invoice(P/I)Please send me the P/I in order to make the contract. 请把形式发票发给我,以便我做合同。
3、做假的价格:under valueWe will write an under value price on the contract. 我们将在合同上写一个假的价格。
4、签字:signatureYour signature will be important for this contract. 您的签字对这个合同来讲是重要的。
5、签合同:signIf everything is ok, please sign this contract. 如果一切都可以的话,请签字吧。
6、银行信息:bank informationPlease put your company’s bank information on the contract. 请把贵司的银行信息写到合同上吧。
7、船样:shipping sampleWe need 20y for each color as shipping sample. 我们船样需要每个颜色20Y。
8、缸样:lot sampleHow many you need for the lot sample? 缸样需要多少?9、船期:shipment dateThe contract is lack of the shipment date. 合同还缺少一个具体船期。
10、采购单:purchase orderI have received your purchase order, thanks. 我已经收到了您的采购单,谢谢。
11、定单号:order no.You have to make an order no. for this contract. 你必须要给这个合同做个定单号。

二、合同条款1. 定义和解释该部分主要用于解释合同中的词汇和短语,确保双方在理解上没有差异。
常见表达如下:- "本合同"指本次合作双方达成的协议。
- "甲方"指合同中被指定的第一方。
- "乙方"指合同中被指定的第二方。
- "有效期"指合同的生效和终止日期。
- "违约"指不能履行合同义务的行为。
2. 目的和范围该部分清楚地说明合同的目标和范围,避免后期产生歧义。
常见表达如下:- 本合同的目的是确保甲方向乙方供应商品/服务并确保合法权益。
- 本合同适用于双方在特定时间范围内的所有商务交易。
- 乙方应根据本合同的要求提供特定的商品/服务。
3. 条款和条件该部分是合同的核心内容,包括价格、付款方式、交货期限等具体条款和条件。
常见表达如下:- 商品/服务的价格应在双方达成一致后确定,并由甲方支付给乙方。
- 付款方式可以是现金、支票、电汇等,应在合同签署后的指定日期内完成。
- 乙方应在指定的交货期限内向甲方提供商品/服务。
- 双方应及时解决可能发生的任何争议,并保护彼此的权益。
4. 保密在商务合作中,涉及到商业机密和敏感信息的保护非常重要。
常见表达如下:- 双方同意将在合作过程中获取的商业机密保密,未经许可不得泄露给第三方。
- 乙方承诺在合同终止时将甲方所有的商业机密归还给甲方,并不再使用。
5. 终止合同在某些情况下,合同可能需要提前终止。
常见表达如下:- 双方同意在事先通知的情况下可以提前终止合同。
- 若甲方或乙方发生重大违约行为,对方有权立即终止合同。

以下是一些常见的商务英语合同专业术语:1. Party/Parties: 合同的各方,通常用"Party" 或"Parties" 表示。
2. Agreement/Contract: 合同,表示各方达成的协议或合约。
3. Term: 合同的期限或有效期。
4. Effective Date: 合同生效日期。
5. Parties' Obligations: 合同各方的责任和义务。
6. Scope of Work: 工作范围,详细描述合同所涉及的具体工作内容。
7. Deliverables: 交付物,合同约定的要交付的成果或产品。
8. Payment Terms: 付款条款,包括支付方式、付款时间和付款金额等。
9. Confidentiality: 保密条款,规定各方在合同期间和终止后需保守合同内容的秘密性。
10. Indemnification: 赔偿条款,规定各方在违约或损害对方利益时应进行赔偿。
11. Termination: 终止条款,规定合同可以被提前终止的条件和程序。
12. Force Majeure: 不可抗力条款,规定当不可抗力事件发生时,免除各方责任的条款。
13. Governing Law: 适用法律,指定适用于合同的法律管辖。
14. Arbitration: 仲裁条款,规定各方在纠纷解决时通过仲裁方式解决。
15. Entire Agreement: 整个协议条款,确认合同中的条款和条件构成整个协议的完整内容。
当然,以下是更多的商务英语合同专业术语的例子:16. Representations and Warranties: 陈述与保证,合同中各方对事实或情况的声明和保证。
17. Breach of Contract: 违约,指合同一方未履行其责任或违反了合同条款。
18. Amendment: 修订,对合同进行修改或变更的文件或条款。

商务英语写作合同条款常用句以下是商务英语写作合同条款常用句:1. 合同目的与范围:This contract is entered into by and between [Party A] and [Party B] for the purpose of [stating the purpose]. The contract outlines the rights and obligations of both parties in relation to [specify the scope].2. 合同价格与支付方式:The total contract price is set at [amount] and shall be paid in [currency] according to the following payment schedule: [describe payment terms, such as installment or lump sum]. The payment will be made via [specify payment method].3. 交货与交付:[Party A] shall deliver the goods/services to [Party B] at the designated location on or before the agreed delivery date. The delivery shall be considered complete upon [specify acceptance criteria].4. 质量与保修:The goods/services provided by [Party A] shall meet the agreed specifications and quality standards. [Party A] warrants that thegoods/services will be free from defects and will remain in good working condition for a period of [warranty duration] from the date of delivery.5. 保密与知识产权:Both parties agree to keep all confidential information obtained during the course of this contract confidential and not disclose it to any third party without prior written consent. Any intellectual property rights arising from the execution of this contract shall be owned by [Party A/Party B] as stipulated in a separate agreement.6. 违约与争议解决:In the event of a breach of this contract by either party, the non-breaching party shall have the right to terminate the contract and seek legal remedies for any resulting damages. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be settled through amicable negotiation. If the parties fail to reach a settlement, the dispute shall be submitted to [arbitration/court of jurisdiction].7. 终止与解除:Either party may terminate this contract by providing written notice to the other party [specific notice period] in advance. This contract may also be terminated if either party fails to fulfill its obligations under this contract or becomes insolvent.8. 不可抗力:If either party is unable to perform its obligations under this contract due to force majeure circumstances, such as natural disasters or government regulations, the affected party shall be exempt from liability and shall promptly notify the other party in writing.9. 其他条款:Any additional terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties shall be set forth in a separate written agreement and shall have the same legal effect as this contract. This contract represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings.10. 法律适用与生效:This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction]. Any disputes or claims arising from this contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of [court of jurisdiction]. This contract shall become effective upon signature by both parties.以上是商务英语写作合同条款常用句,以帮助您撰写高质量的商务英语合同。

BEC商务英语词汇一、商务英语基础词汇下面是一些常见的商务英语基础词汇:1.negotiation - 谈判2.contract - 合同3.agreement - 协议4.proposal - 提案5.deal - 交易6.payment - 支付7.invoice - 发票8.shipment - 货运9.customer - 客户10.supplier - 供应商11.deadline - 截止日期12.budget - 预算13.marketing - 市场营销14.sales - 销售15.promotion - 促销二、商务英语常用短语以下是一些在商务场景中常用的短语:1.make a deal - 达成协议2.sign a contract - 签署合同3.meet a deadline - 按时完成4.reach an agreement - 达成一致5.attend a meeting - 参加会议6.give a presentation - 做演讲7.conduct negotiations - 进行谈判8.prepare a proposal - 准备提案9.make a payment - 进行支付10.handle customer complaints - 处理客户投诉三、常见商务英语动词下面是一些常见的商务英语动词:1.negotiate - 谈判municate - 沟通3.delegate - 委派4.coordinate - 协调5.manage - 管理6.promote - 促销7.analyze - 分析8.research - 研究9.forecast - 预测10.evaluate - 评估四、商务英语常用名词以下是一些在商务英语中常用的名词:1.market - 市场2.product - 产品3.brand - 品牌4.strategy - 策略5.target - 目标petition - 竞争7.demand - 需求8.supply - 供应9.profit - 利润10.risk - 风险五、商务英语常见缩写词以下是一些常见的商务英语缩写词:1.CEO - Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官)2.CFO - Chief Financial Officer(首席财务官)3.KPI - Key Performance Indicator(关键绩效指标)4.ROI - Return on Investment(投资回报率)5.CRM - Customer Relationship Management(客户关系管理)6.B2B - Business to Business(企业对企业)7.B2C - Business to Consumer(企业对消费者)8.HR - Human Resources(人力资源)9.PR - Public Relations(公共关系)10.IT - Information Technology(信息技术)以上是一些在商务英语中常见的词汇,希望对你的学习有所帮助!。

1. Agreement - 合同,协议2. Party - 当事方,合同方3. Obligation - 义务,责任4. Termination - 终止,解除5. Duration - 期限,持续时间6. Confidentiality - 保密,机密性7. Breach - 违反,违约8. Indemnification - 赔偿,补偿9. Governing Law - 法律适用10. Force Majeure - 不可抗力11. Jurisdiction - 管辖权,司法管辖权12. Amendment - 修改,修订13. Arbitration - 仲裁14. Non-Disclosure - 保密,不泄露15. Representations and Warranties - 陈述和保证16. Liability - 责任,义务17. Assignment - 转让,让与18. Counterpart - 对方,副本19. Entire Agreement - 整个协议20. Consultation - 协商,咨询以上是商务英语合同中常见的一些高频英语单词,这些单词在商务合同中经常出现,掌握它们可以帮助我们更好地理解合同内容并与合作伙伴进行沟通和协商。
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161 I still have some questions concerning our contract.就合同方面我还有些问题要问。
162 We are always willing to cooperate with you and
if necessary make some concessions.我们总是愿意合作的,如果需要还可以做些让步。
163 If you have any ment about these clauses, do not hesitate to make.对这些条款有何意见,请尽管提,不必客气。
164 Do you think there is something wrong with the contract?你认为合同有问题吗?
165 We’d like you to consider our request once again.我们希望贵方再次考虑我们的要求。
166 We’d like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract.我们希望搞清楚有关合同中技术方面的几个问题。
167 The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful.就合同保方的权利和义务方面的谈判非常成功。
168 We can’t agree with the alterations and amendments to the contract.我们无法同意对合同工的变动和修改。
169 We hope that the next negotiation will be the
last one before signing the contract.我们希望下一交谈判将是签订合同前的最后一轮谈判。
170 We don’t have any different opinions about the contractual obligations of both parties.就合同双方要承担的义务方面,我们没有什么意见。
171 That’s international practice. We can’t break it.这是国际惯例,我们不能违背。
172 We are prepared to reconsider amending the contract.我们可以重新考虑修改合同。
173 We’ll have to discuss about the total contract price.我们不得不讨论一下合同的总价格问题。
174 Do you think the method of payment is OK for you?你们认为结算方式合适吗?
175 We are really glad to see you so constructive in helping settle the problems as regards the signing of the
176 Here are the two originals of the contract we prepared.这是我们准备好的两份合同正本。
177 Would you please read the draft contract and make your ments about the terms?请仔细阅读合同草案,并就合同各条款提出你的看法好吗?]178 When will the contract be ready?合同何时准备好?
179 Please sign a copy of our Sales Contract No.156 enclosedhere in duplicate and return to us for our file.
180 The contract will be sent to you by air mail for your signature.合同会航邮给你们签字。
udy of the contract to avoid anything missing?你不觉
182 We have agreed on all terms in the contract.
Shall we sign it next week?我们对合同各项条款全无异议,下周签合同如何?
183 We had expected much lower prices.我们希望报价再
184 They are still lower than the ations you can get elsewhere.这些报价比其他任何地方都要低得多。
185 I can show you other ations that are lower than yours.我可以把比贵公司报价低得多的价目表给你看看。
186 When you pare the prices,you must take everything into consideration.当你在考虑对比价格时,首先必须把一切都要考虑进去。
187 I can assure you the prices we offer you are very favorable.我敢保证我们向你提供的价位是合理的。
188 I don’t think you’ll have any difficulty in pushing sales.我认为你推销时不会有任何困难。
189 But the market prices are changing frequently.但是市场价格随时都在变化。
190 It’s up to you to decide.这主要取决于你。
191 The demand for our products has kept rising.要求定购我们产品的人越来越多。
192 How long will your offer hold good?一般你们报盘的有效期是多长?
193 We have new methods like pensation trade and
joint ventrue.我们有补偿贸易和合资经营。
194 I think a joint venture would be beneficial to both of us .我认为合资经营对双方都是有利的。
195 Please give us your proposal if you’re ready for that.如果你们愿意做合资经营,请提出你的方案。
196 Please go over it and see if everything is in order.请过目一下,看看是否一切妥当。
197 Do you have any ment on this clause.你对这一条款有何看法?
198 Don’t you think we should add a sentence here like this?难道你不觉得我们应该在这儿加上一句话?
199 If one side fails to observe the contract,the other side is entitled to cancel it.如果一方不履行合同协议,另一方则有权终止合同。
200 The loss for this reason should be charged by the side breaking the contract.造成的损失必须由毁约方承担。