Crystal Oscillator Design
Crystal 和Oscillator区别
2) Oscillator(振荡器),即有源晶振。有源晶振不需要DSP的内部振 荡器,信号质量好,稳定,而且连接方式相对简单(主要是做好电源滤波, 通常使用一个电容和电感构成的PI型滤波网络,输出端用一个小阻值的电 阻过滤信号即可),不需要复杂的配置电路。有源晶振通常的用法:一脚 悬空,二脚接地,三脚接输出,四脚接电压。相对于无源晶体,有源晶振 的缺陷是其信号电平是固定的,需要选择好合适输出电平,灵活性较差, 而且价格高。 有些DSP内部没有起振电路,只能使用有源的晶振。
手机上使用价格便宜的Crystal,通常的手机会用到2个Crystal, 一个是32.768KHZ实时时钟 ,另一个为射频用的26MHZ Crystal。但在
32.768由19.2MHZ/568得到。而且如果系统有Wlanrystal 和Oscillator区别
BB Team Training 2015-09-25
我们在阅读产品SPEC时,常常会遇到Crystal和Oscillator这 两个词,有些同事往往不太了解这两个词的区别以及它们的不同。 下面就简单介绍一下这两种器件的区别:
1) Crystal(晶体),即我们常说的无源晶振。无源晶体——无源晶体 需要用芯片内DSP振荡器,在datasheet上有建议的连接方法。无源晶体 没有电压的问题,信号电平是可变的,也就是说是根据起振电路来决定 的,同样的晶体可以适用于多种电压,可用于多种不同时钟信号电压要 求的DSP,而且价格通常也较低,因此对于一般的应用如果条件许可建 议用晶体,这尤其适合于产品线丰富批量大的生产者。无源晶体相对于 晶振而言其缺陷是信号质量较差,通常需要精确匹配外围电路(用于信 号匹配的电容、电感、电阻等),更换不同频率的晶体时周边配置电路 需要做相应的调整。
晶振(Crystal Oscillator)是一种基于晶体振荡器原理而设计的电子器件,可以产生稳定的高精度的时钟信号。
Oscillator design guide for st microcontrollers
Oscillator design guide for ST microcontrollers
Most designers are familiar with oscillators (Pierce-Gate topology), but few really understand how they operate, let alone how to properly design an oscillator. In practice, most designers do not even really pay attention to the oscillator design until they realize the oscillator does not operate properly (usually when it is already being produced). This should not happen. Many systems or projects are delayed in their deployment because of a crystal not working as intended. The oscillator should receive its proper amount of attention during the design phase, well before the manufacturing phase. The designer would then avoid the nightmare scenario of products being returned. This application note introduces the Pierce oscillator basics and provides some guidelines for a good oscillator design. It also shows how to determine the different external components and provides guidelines for a good PCB for the oscillator. This document finally contains an easy guideline to select suitable crystals and external components, and it lists some recommended crystals (HSE and LSE) for STM32™ and STM8A/S microcontrollers in order to quick start development.
有源晶振(Oscillator)和⽆源晶振(Crystal)⽆源晶振有⼀个参数叫做负载电容(Load capacitance),负载电容是指在电路中跨接晶振两端的总的外界有效电容。
因此晶振的数据表中规定12pF的有效负载电容要求在每个引脚XIN 与 XOUT上具有22pF 2 * 12pF = 24pF = 22pF + 2pF 寄⽣电容。
晶振引脚的内部通常是⼀个反相器, 或者是奇数个反相器串联。
关 键 词 :C#;晶 体 振 荡 器 ;温 度 漂 移 测 试 ;上 位 机 软 件
中图分类号:TP319;TP211 文献标识码:A
文 章 编 号 :1001鄄9944(2024)04鄄0135鄄05
Design and Implementation of Upper Computer Software for Crystal Oscillator Temperature Drift Test System
自动化与仪表 2024,39穴4雪
键步骤,包括实时采集温度和压强信息、频率数据 分析与分类、合格率统计、不合格晶振标记以及数 据可视化展示。 这些步骤的结合使得我们能够全面 地评估晶振的性能,并根据测试结果采取相应的措 施,确保高质量的晶体振荡器被选中使用。 如图 5 所示为工位信息界面。
张 壮 1,2,吴震宇 1,2
(1.浙江理工大学 机械工程学院,杭州 310018;2.浙江理工大学 新昌技术创新研究院,绍兴 312599)
摘 要 :针 对 现 有 晶 体 振 荡 器 的 温 度 漂 移 检 测 方 法 在 数 据 的 获 取 和 分 析 方 面 存 在 一 定 的 局
图 5 实时参数和工位信息界面 Fig.5 Real鄄time parameters and station
information interface
石英晶体对温度变化非常敏感,其频率-温度 (FT)曲线不是线性的。 通过使用三阶多项式,可以 创建一个更准确的模型,描述晶体的频率如何在 更广泛的温度范围内变化。 这有助于设计和校准电 子电路,以确保即使温度波动,晶体的频率仍保持 在可接受的公差范围内。 FT 数据收集 温度范围应 该 从-30℃到 85℃,测得 的频 率 值 与 25℃时 的 频 率 进行比较确定频差,通常以 ppm 作为频差单位。 晶 振的 FT 曲线可以建模为一个三阶多项式。 式中的 C1、C2、C3 为 晶 体 振 荡 器 温 度 漂 移 检 测 优 良 的 评 判 数据。
单片机晶振电路原理简介在单片机系统中,晶振电路(Crystal Oscillator Circuit)起到稳定系统时钟的作用。
晶振电路的结构如下图所示:+------+ +------+ +------+--------->| |+-----> | |+---> | |Clk |晶振 | | 放大 | | 分频 |<---------| |<------+ 电路 |<---+--| 电路 |+------+ +------+ +------+晶振电路的工作原理晶振电路的工作原理可以分为几个步骤:1.晶振起振:当正向电压施加到晶振的晶片上时,晶体开始产生机械振动。
Nordic nwp 015
Crystal Oscillator Design Considerations White PaperAll rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.November 2008Crystal Oscillator Design Considerations Liability disclaimerNordic Semiconductor ASA reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product to improve reliability, function or design. Nordic Semiconductor ASA does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuits described herein.Life support applicationsThese products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Nordic Semiconductor ASA cus-tomers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Nordic Semiconductor ASA for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. Contact detailsFor your nearest dealer, please see http://www.nordicsemi.noReceive available updates automatically by subscribing to eNews from our homepage or check our web-site regularly for any available updates.Main office:Otto Nielsen’s vei 127004 TrondheimPhone: +47 72 89 89 00Fax: +47 72 89 89 89Revision HistoryDate Version Description November 2008 1.0Crystal Oscillator Design ConsiderationsContents1Introduction (4)2Background (4)3Measuring crystal oscillator accuracy (6)4Crystal oscillator design (7)4.1Choosing CL value (7)4.2The crystal circuitry (7)5Conclusion (10)Crystal Oscillator Design Considerations 1 IntroductionAn accurate crystal oscillator is needed in all RF designs. This document presents:•the main RF parameters affected by the crystal oscillator accuracy.•how to measure crystal oscillator accuracy.•how to correctly design the crystal circuitry of nRF devices.2 BackgroundAll RF devices have a maximum offset in RF frequency that they can tolerate while still performing accord-ing to the device specification. All RF receivers have a limited frequency window where they can receive incoming RF signals with a minimum power equal to the specified receiver’s sensitivity limit. You can find a device’s sensitivity limit in its product specification. The limited frequency window is decided by the band-width of the filters in the receiver and is called the RX channel bandwidth as shown in Figure 1. on page 4. This bandwidth must be limited to reduce the impact of background noise and to separate the wanted RF signal from unwanted power received from other transmitters operating on frequencies that are in close proximity (called RX selectivity).Incoming RF signals that fall inside the receive bandwidth will pass through the receiver. RF signals out-side the RX bandwidth (shaded area in the ’Figure 1. Receiver sensitivity vs. frequency’) will be filtered out. It is essential in all RF systems that the incoming RF signal from the transmitter is found within the receive bandwidth of the receiver. This is so that it can utilize the full sensitivity of the receiver. Any offset thatbrings the TX spectrum outside the RX bandwidth results in the receiver filtering out the incoming signal asnoise, see Figure 2. on page 5.Crystal Oscillator Design ConsiderationsThe accuracy of the crystal reference is the only deciding factor of this frequency accuracy on all nRF devices. Any offset in crystal frequency is directly mirrored in offset in TX frequency and RX windows. As shown in Figure 2. on page 5, if the offset between the crystal in a TX and RX unit becomes too large, the signal from the transmitter will be filtered out by the receiver. In the system it will look like the receiver has lower sensitivity than specified in the device’s product specification and this cuts the range of the applica-tion.The frequency accuracy needed to ensure a good match between transmitted frequency and receiver win-dow position is mirrored directly to a crystal accuracy specification for each nRF device. This accuracy is given as a maximum part per million (ppm) offset requirement and is a standard part of any crystal specifi-cation.Note: The crystal accuracy specification for nRF products is limiting the SUM of:1.Absolute accuracy at 25 degree Celsius.2.Temperature drift.3.Aging.These three parameters are usually separated in crystal data sheets.Crystal Oscillator Design Considerations3 Measuring crystal oscillator accuracyMeasuring the accuracy of a fixed TX carrier wave transmitted from a nRF device will verify crystal oscilla-tor accuracy directly since the crystal frequency is the only variable. Measuring the RX window of a nRF device is a time consuming task, but by measuring the TX carrier wave frequency accuracy the RX window follows by design. You should also measure TX carrier accuracy on units that are going to be receivers only.The crystal oscillator accuracy is OK if:Table 1. Frequency accuracy parametersNote: M must be the accuracy of the crystal at room temperature and not the total crystal accuracyrequirement of the nRF device. This is because this measurement is conducted at room tem-perature and crystal frequency offset due to temperature drift should not be present.Please refer to the Nordic Semiconductor white paper ‘nRF TX measurements’ for procedures on how to measure TX frequency accuracy on nRF devices.If the TX carrier wave frequency is found to be outside the specified window, the first parameter to check is the crystal specification. If the crystal accuracy is not according to the Nordic Semiconductor specifica-tions, it must be replaced by one that is.VariableDescription F 0Measured TX carrier frequency F DUTThe frequency Device Under Test (DUT) is programmed to send (EX: 2.403 GHz)M Frequency accuracy of crystal at room temperature in ppm (Ex: 20)6010−•≤−M F F F DUTDUTCrystal Oscillator Design Considerations4 Crystal oscillator designAnother issue that causes offsets in the crystal oscillator frequency is wrong capacitive loading of the crys-tal. All nRF devices utilize parallel load compensated crystals and all such crystals are specified for opera-tion with a specific external capacitive load (C L).The crystal will NOT oscillate on the frequency specified in the crystal data sheet if the passive crystal load circuitry does not provide the C L that is specified for the crystal.Too low capacitive load will result in a crystal oscillator frequency higher than specified, or too high a load results in a lower oscillation frequency. This frequency offset will be translated directly to an offset in the operating frequency of the nRF device.4.1 Choosing C L valueWhen buying crystals you can usually choose from a range of capacitive loads (ex: 8-20pF). When order-ing a crystal you must choose a C L (ex: 12 pF) that is within the range of the C L specified for the nRF device. The C L range that nRF devices can operate in is only limited by the maximum C L (ex: C L < 16 pF). This maximum C L depends on the on-chip crystal oscillator design and is specified in the device data sheet.Choosing a low value C L gives a lower current consumption in the on-chip crystal oscillator because of the lower load. Crystal oscillator current consumption is the dominant parameter in device stand by modes, where the device operation is suspended but the crystal oscillator is kept active. A low value on C L should be your preferred choice.However, the effects of errors in the C L that you load the crystal with will be more severe on the crystals. To avoid any please read section 4.2 carefully.4.2 The crystal circuitryTo see what influences the capacitive crystal load has, we must study the crystal circuitry. ’Figure 3. nRF crystal circuit diagram’ shows the crystal circuit diagram as you will find it in Nordic Semiconductor docu-mentation. The crystal X1 is loaded with capacitors C1 and C2 and the resistor R1 provides bias for the crystal oscillator found inside the nRF device. R1 is not critical and is usually set to a large value, for exam-ple, 1 Mohm.Crystal Oscillator Design ConsiderationsFigure 3. nRF crystal circuit diagramTo see how the capacitive load of the crystal is realized, you must take a look at the small signal equivalent of the circuit in ’Figure 3. nRF crystal circuit diagram’; this is shown in ’Figure 4. Small signal equivalent crystal circuitry’. In this representation you can see that C1 and C2 are found in series and form the capac-itive load (C L ) parallel to the crystal. Consequently, we have the term 'parallel load compensated crystal'.Figure 4. Small signal equivalent crystal circuitryBut this circuit does not present the whole picture. Since the actual C L seen by the crystal is ALL capaci-tance outside the crystal pins we must also account for all parasitic capacitive loads found in the crystal cir-cuitry. The crystal circuitry including parasitic capacitances can be seen in ’Figure 5. nRF Crystal circuitdiagram including parasitic capacitances’.C1C2XC1 pin XC2 pinXC1 pin XC2 pinCrystal Oscillator Design ConsiderationsFigure 5. nRF Crystal circuit diagram including parasitic capacitancesIn Figure 5. on page 9 the input capacitances of the nRF device crystal oscillator pins are added as C XC1 and C XC2. C PCB1 and C PCB2 represent the parasitic capacitances between the PCB pads of the crystal, the tracks in the crystal circuitry and, the pads of the nRF device to ground.These parasitic capacitances will be significant in all RF designs because RF layouts need to use ground planes for good performance. Ground will hence surround all tracks and pads on the PCB. When we add these parasitic components to C1 and C2, the total load capacitance on each side of the crystal will increase.The total load capacitance is now given by:Referring to ’Figure 4. Small signal equivalent crystal circuitry’, C1’ and C2’ replace C1 and C2 and form the real C L :The layout of any crystal circuitry should be symmetrical (that is, the same capacitive load present on both crystal pins) to ensure stable oscillation. If we set C1’= C2’ = C tthe equation simplifies to:C1C2C PCB1C PCB222112'21'1PCB XC PCB XC C C C C C C C C ++=++='2'1'2'1C C C C Cl +⋅=ClC C or C Cl C C C Cl t t t t ⋅===⋅⋅=2'2'122Crystal Oscillator Design ConsiderationsThe total capacitive load to ground on each crystal needs to be two times the C L chosen when selecting the crystal.The input capacitance of the nRF device crystal pins are equal and ~1 pF. C1 and C2 are off the shelf capacitors. Obtaining a symmetrical crystal load is straightforward as long as you select C1 = C2. The par-asitic capacitances found on the PCB must be made as equal as possible through symmetrical PCB rout-ing.The actual value of the parasitic PCB capacitance may vary from layout to layout and is very difficult to cal-culate accurately. Fortunately, knowing the exact value of the parasitic PCB capacitance is not needed as you can easily measure the influence of all the parasitic capacitances on the PCB through the TX fre-quency accuracy measurement.If you do find an offset outside the frequency accuracy limits, this can be corrected by adjusting the value of C1 and C2. The TX carrier frequency will also be within specification when the total C L seen by the crys-tal is according to the crystal specification.Note: It is very important to do this measurement on several crystals and/or PCB’s (that is, different capacitors) to take variations in crystal and load capacitors into account.Note: The frequency error that arises from wrong capacitive load on the crystal will be the same on all PCB’s with the same layout, crystal and, load capacitors. A transmitter and a receiver thathave identical layout and components fitted will communicate correctly even if the actual RFfrequency they operate on differs from the RF frequency they are programmed to operate on.If you do not pay attention to crystal oscillator accuracy, you may have problems when communicating between a transmitter and a receiver that have differences in crystal, capacitive load or, crystal layout. Now the frequency on the TX and RX may be different. The RF frequency generated by the transmitter will not match the receiver window and you will experience a loss of range.Crystal Oscillator Design Considerations5 ConclusionAs we have seen the frequency accuracy of a nRF design relies solely on the accuracy of the crystal fre-quency. It is essential to follow the crystal accuracy specification set in each nRF device product specifica-tion. The crystal oscillator frequency is not only set by the crystal specification but, the total capacitance the crystal circuitry loads the crystal with must match the specification of the crystal.Measuring TX frequency accuracy on a prototype will immediately tell you if the crystal oscillator design is correct. If required, the values of the crystal load capacitors (C1 and C2 in this document) must be adjusted to compensate for parasitic capacitive loads in each crystal circuitry layout. Once the frequency accuracy of a prototype is found to be within specified limits, no more tuning is needed in production.Consequence:The capacitor values found in the crystal circuitry of Nordic Semiconductor documentation is correct ONLY if:1.You use a crystal with the same C L specification as Nordic Semiconductor.2.The layout, that is, the crystal footprint and PCB routing are equal.The value of the load capacitors you fit your crystal circuitry MUST match the C L specification of YOUR selected crystal and complement the parasitic capacitances found in YOUR layout. It must NOT be a blind copy of Nordic Semiconductor schematics.Revision 1.0 Page 11 of 11。
Reference ManualBRD4502A (Rev. B00)The EZR32LG family of Wireless MCUs deliver a high performance, low energy wireless solution inte-grated into a small form factor package. By combining a high performance sub-GHz RF transceiver with an energy efficient 32-bit MCU, the family provides designers the ultimate in flexibility with a fam-ily of pin-compatible devices that scale from 64/128/256 kB of flash and support Silicon Labs EZRadio or EZRadioPRO transceivers. The ultra-low power operating modes and fast wake-up times of the Silicon Labs energy friendly 32-bit MCUs, combined with the low transmit and receive power con-sumption of the sub-GHz radio, result in a solution optimized for battery powered applications.To develop and/or evaluate the EZR32Leopard Gecko the EZR32LG Radio Board canbe connected to the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard to get access to display, buttons andadditional features from Expansion Boards.Rev. 1.10BRD4502A (Rev. B00) Table of Contents1. Radio Board Connector Pin Associations (1)2. EZR32LG330 System-on-Chip Summary (2)2.1 EZR32 Wireless MCU (2)2.2 EZRadioPRO RF Transceiver (2)2.3 Communcation Between the MCU and the Radio (2)3. EZR32LG Radio Board block description (4)3.1 USB (4)3.2 RF Crystal Oscillator (4)3.3 LF Crystal Oscillator (LFXO) (4)3.4 HF Crystal Oscillator (HFXO) (4)3.5 Backup Power Domain Capacitor (4)3.6 RF Matching Network (5)3.7 SMA connector (5)3.8 Radio Board Connectors (5)4. RF section (6)4.1 Matching network (6)5. Mechanical details (8)6. RF performance (9)6.1 Measurement setup (9)6.2 Conducted Power Measurements (9)6.3 Radiated Power Measurements (10)7. Document Revision History (12)8. Errata (13)Table of Contents iiRadio Board Connector Pin Associations 1. Radio Board Connector Pin AssociationsThe board-to-board connector scheme allows access to all EZR32LG GPIO pins as well as the nRESET signal. The figure below shows the pin mapping on the connector to the radio pins, and their function on the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard. For more information on the functions of the available pin functions, we refer you to the EZR32LG330 Datasheeet.Figure 1.1. EZR32LG Radio Board Radio Board Connector pin mapping2. EZR32LG330 System-on-Chip SummaryThe EEZR32LG330 Wireless MCU is a single-chip solution that combines an Leopard Gecko family MCU solution with an integrated EZRadio or EZRadioPRO sub-GHz RF transceiver. These products are designed to address the specific requirements of low-power embedded systems requiring an RF bidirectional communication link.The block diagram of the EZR32LG330 is shown in the figure below.Figure 2.1. EZR32LG330 block diagramFor a complete feature set and in-depth information on the modules, the reader is referred to the EZR32LG330 Reference Manual2.1 EZR32 Wireless MCUThe EZR32 Wireless MCU are the world’s most energy friendly Wireless Microcontroller. With a unique combination of the powerful 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3, innovative low energy techniques, short wake-up time from energy saving modes, and a wide selection of peripher-als, the EZR32 LG is well suited for any battery operated application as well as other systems requiring high performance and low-energy consumption.2.2 EZRadioPRO RF TransceiverThe EZR32LG family of devices is built using high-performance, low-current EZRadio and EZRadioPRO RF transceivers covering the sub-GHz frequency bands from 142 to 1050 MHz. These devices offer outstanding sensitivity of up to –133 dBm (using EZRadioPRO) while achieving extremely low active and standby current consumption. The EZR32LG devices using the transceiver offer frequency coverage in all major bands and include optimal phase noise, blocking, and selectivity performance for narrow band and licensed band applications, such as FCC Part 90 and 169 MHz wireless Mbus. The 69 dB adjacent channel selectivity with 12.5 kHz channel spacing ensures robust receive operation in harsh RF conditions, which is particularly important for narrow band operation. The active mode TX current consumption of 18 mA at +10 dBm and RX current of 10 mA coupled with extremely low standby current and fast wake times is optimized for extended battery life in the most demanding applications. The EZR32LG devices can achieve up to +27 dBm output pow-er with built-in ramping control of a low-cost external FET. The devices can meet worldwide regulatory standards: FCC, ETSI, and ARIB. All devices are designed to be compliant with 802.15.4g and WMbus smart metering standards. The devices are highly flexible and can be programmed and configured via Simplicity Studio, available at .For a complete feature set and in-depth information on the modules, the reader is referred to the Data Sheet "Si4463-61-60-C High-Performance, Low-Current Transceiver".2.3 Communcation Between the MCU and the RadioCommunication between the radio and MCU are done over USART, PRS and IRQ, which requires the pins to be configured in the fol-lowing way:Rev. 1.10 | 2Table 2.1. Radio MCU Communication Configuration | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.Rev. 1.10 | 33. EZR32LG Radio Board block descriptionThe block diagram of the EZR32LG Radio Board is shown in the figure below.Figure 3.1. EZR32LG Radio Board block diagram3.1 USBThe EZR32LG Radio Board incorporates a micro USB connector (P/N: ZX62-B-5PA(11)). The 3.3V USB regulator output is are routed back to the WSTK through the Radio Board Connector so the Radio Board can supply power to the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard.For additional information on EZR32LG USB, refer to the EZR32LG330 Data Sheet.3.2 RF Crystal OscillatorThe BRD4502A (Rev. B00) Radio Board has a 26 MHz crystal mounted (P/N: NX2016SA 26 MHz EXS00A-CS06236). For more details on crystal or TCXO selection for the RF part of the EZR32 devices refer to "AN785: Crystal Selection Guide for the Si4x6x RF ICs".3.3 LF Crystal Oscillator (LFXO)The BRD4502A (Rev. B00) Radio Board has a 32.768kHz crystal mounted (P/N: MS3V-T1R, 32768Hz, 12.5pF, +/- 20ppm). For safe startup two 22 pF capacitors are also connected to the LFXTAL_N and LFXTAL_H pins. For details regarding the crystal configuration, the reader is referred to Application Note "AN0016: EFM32 Oscillator Design Consideration".3.4 HF Crystal Oscillator (HFXO)The BRD4502A (Rev. B00) Radio Board has a 48 MHz crystal mounted (P/N: ABM11-48.000MHZ-D2X-T3). For safe startup two 10 pF capacitors are also connected to the HFXTAL_N and HFXTAL_H pins. For details regarding the crystal configuration, the reader is re-ferred to Application Note "AN0016: EFM32 Oscillator Design Consideration".3.5 Backup Power Domain CapacitorThe BRD4502A (Rev. B00) Radio Board has a 30 mF super capacitor mounted (P/N: PAS311HR-VA6R), connected to the PD8 port of the EZR32LG.For details regarding the Backup Power Domain, the reader is referred to the EZR32LG330 Data Sheet.| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.Rev. 1.10 | 43.6 RF Matching NetworkThe BRD4502A (Rev. B00) Radio Board includes a Class E type matching network with Direct Tie TX and RX sides are connected together without an additional RF switch, to be able to use one antenna both for transmitting and receiveing. The component values were optimized for the 868 MHz band RF performace and current consumption with 13 dBm output power.For more details on the matching network used on the BRD4502A (Rev. B00) see Chapter 4.1 Matching network3.7 SMA connectorTo be able to perform conducted measurements or mount external antenna for radiated measurements, range tests etc., Silicon Labs added an SMA connector (P/N: 5-1814832-1) to the Radio Board. The connector allows an external 50 Ohm cable or antenna to be connected during design verification or testing.3.8 Radio Board ConnectorsTwo dual-row, 0.05” pitch polarized connectors (P/N: SFC-120-T2-L-D-A-K-TR) make up the EZR32LG Radio Board interface to the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard.For more information on the pin mapping between the EZR32LG330F256R60G and the Radio Board Connector refer to Chapter 1. Radio Board Connector Pin Associations.4. RF sectionThe BRD4502A (Rev. B00) Radio Board includes a Class E type TX matching network with the targeted output power of 13 dBm at 868 MHz.The main advantage of the Class E matching types is their very high efficiency. They are proposed for applications where the current consumption is most critical, e.g., the typical total EZRadioPRO chip current with Class E type matching is ~17–19 mA at ~10 dBm and ~25 mA at ~13 dBm power levels (using the 13dBm PA output and assuming 3.3 V Vdd).The main disadvantage of the Class E type matches is the high Vdd dependency (the power variation is proportional to the square of the Vdd change: i.e. the decrease in power can be ~6 dB in the 1.8–3.8 V range) and the inaccurate nonlinear power steps. Also their current consumption and the peak voltage on the TX pin are sensitive to the termination impedance variation, and they usually require slightly higher order filtering and thus higher bill of materials cost.The matching network is constructed with a so-called Direct Tie configuration where the TX and RX sides are connected together with-out an additional RF switch, to be able to use one antenna both for transmitting and receiveing. Careful design procedure was followed to ensure that the RX input circuitry does not load down the TX output path while in TX mode and that the TX output circuitry does not degrade receive performance while in RX mode.For detailed explanation of the Class E type TX matching and the Direct Tie configuration matching procedure the reader is referred to "AN627: Si4060/Si4460/61/67 Low-Power PA Matching". For detailed description of the RX matching the reader is referred to "AN643: Si446x/Si4362 RX LNA Matching".4.1 Matching networkThe matching network structure used on the BRD4502A (Rev. B00) Radio Board is shown in the figure below.Figure 4.1. RF section of the schematic of the EZR32 Leopard Gecko Radio Board (BRD4502A (Rev. B00))The matching network has a so-called Direct Tie configuration where the TX and RX sides are connected together, without an addition-al RF switch, to be able to use one antenna both for transmitting and receiving.For detailed explanation of the TX matching process, see "AN627: Si4060/Si4460/61/67 Low-Power PA Matching". Due to the Direct Tie configuration of the matching, the RX matching should also taken into account during the TX matching procedure. The above Appli-cation Note contains component values and a shorter description for the RX matching as well. For detailed description of the RX match-ing refer to "AN643: Si446x/Si4362 RX LNA Matching".The component values were optimized for the 868 MHz band RF performace and current consumption with 13 dBm output power. The resulting component values with part numbers are listed in the table below.Rev. 1.10 | 6Table 4.1. Bill of Materials for the BRD4502A (Rev. B00) RF matching networkThe Application Note "AN627: Si4060/Si4460/61/67 Low-Power PA Matching" contains component values for reference matching net-works which were developed for the EZRadioPRO Pico Boards. For the WSTK radio boards some fine-tuning of the component values may be necessary due to different parasitic effects (bonding wire, layout etc.). For optimized RF performance the component values listed in the table above may differ from the ones listed in the referred Application Note.For the reader’s specific application and board layout the adjustment of the final matching values might be necessary. The above com-ponent values should be used as starting points and the values modified slightly to zero-in on the best filter response and impedance match to 50 ohm. To minimize the differences due to different layout parasitics Silicon Labs recommends copying the layout of the RF section of the radio board as is. If that is not possible, refer to "AN629: Si4460/61/63/64 RF ICs Layout Design Guide" for layout design recommendations. | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.Rev. 1.10 | 75. Mechanical detailsThe EZR32 Leopard Gecko Radio Board (BRD4502A (Rev. B00)) is illustrated in the figures below.30 mmFigure 5.1. BRD4502A (Rev. B00) top view24 mmConnectorConnector Figure 5.2. BRD4502A (Rev. B00) bottom viewMechanical detailsRev. 1.10 | 86. RF performance6.1 Measurement setupThe EZR32 Leopard Gecko Radio Board (BRD4502A (Rev. B00))was attached to a Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard (BRD4001 (Rev. A02)) and its transceiver was operated in continuous carrier transmission mode. The output power of the radio was set to 13 dBm (DDAC = 3Fh).6.2 Conducted Power MeasurementsIn case of the conducted measurements the output power was measured by connecting the EZR32LG Radio Board directly to a Spec-trum Analyzer (P/N: MS2692A) through its on-board SMA connector. At 13 dBm output power and 3.3 V supply voltage the measured typical current consumption of the RF section of the board is 25.7 mA.A typical output spectrum up to 10 GHz is shown in the figure below.Figure 6.1. Typical output spectrum of the BRD4502A (Rev. B00) Radio Board; with DDAC=3Fh at Vdd=3.3 VNote: In practice comercially available whip antennas usually have ~0-2 dB gain at the fundamental and < 0 dB gain at the harmonic frequencies so if the conducted levels are compliant with the emission limits with small margin it is likely that the margin on the harmon-ics radiated by an external whip antenna will be higher. Unfortunately in most cases, the PCB radiation (from traces or and/or compo-nents) is stronger so using shielding, applying larger duty cycle correction (if allowed) or reductionof the fundamental power could be necessary.6.3 Radiated Power MeasurementsFor radiated measurements an external whip antenna (P/N: ANT-868-CW-HWR-SMA) was used. The power supply for the board were two AA batteries (3 V). The batteries were connected to the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard through its External Power Supply connec-tor with minimal wire length to minimize the wire radiation.The DUT was rotated in 360 degree with horizontal and vertical reference antenna polarizations in the XY, XZ and YZ cuts. The meas-urement axes are as shown in the figure below.Figure 6.2. DUT: BRD4502A (Rev. B00) Radio Board with Wireless Starter Kit MainboardThe measured radiated powers are shown in the table below.Table 6.1. Results of the radiated power measurementsOne may notice that the radiated harmonic levels are higher compared to the levels expected based on the conducted measurement. Investigations showed that this increase is due to the PCB radiations (components and PCB traces).Note: The radiated measurement results presented in this document were recorded in an unlicensed antenna chamber. Also the radi-ated power levels may change depending on the actual application (PCB size, used antenna etc.) therefore the absolute levels and margins of the final application is recommended to be verified in a licensed EMC testhouse!Document Revision History 7. Document Revision HistoryTable 7.1. Document Revision HistoryErrata 8. ErrataTable 8.1. BRD4502A Radio Board ErrataDisclaimerSilicon Laboratories intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Laboratories products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Laboratories shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products must not be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Laboratories. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Laboratories products are generally not intended for military applications. Silicon Laboratories products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc., Silicon Laboratories, Silicon Labs, SiLabs and the Silicon Labs logo, CMEMS®, EFM, EFM32, EFR, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZMac®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, DSPLL®, ISOmodem ®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, SiPHY®, USBXpress® and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USASimpilcity StudioOne-click access to MCU tools, documentation, software, source code libraries & more. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux!/simplicityMCU Portfolio /mcuSW/HW/simplicityQuality /qualitySupport and Community。
晶振三态控制脚什么是晶振三态控制脚?晶振三态控制脚(Crystal Oscillator Tri-State Control Pin)是晶体振荡器的一个引脚,用于控制晶体振荡器的工作状态。
1、晶体振荡器中的晶振三态控制脚晶振三态控制脚是晶体振荡器(Crystal Oscillator)中比较独特的一种设计,它主要用于控制晶体振荡器的工作状态,它有两种工作模式,即“ON”和“OFF”。
总结:晶振三态控制脚(Crystal Oscillator Tri-State Control Pin)是晶体振荡器(Crystal Oscillator)中特殊的一种设计,可以控制晶体振荡器的工作状态,有ON和OFF两种模式,可以实现节省电能或增加客户体验的目的。
在Proteus软件中,晶振元件也具有不同的名称和规格,下面将介绍几种常见的Proteus 晶振元件名称及其特点。
1. XTAL - 晶体振荡器XTAL是Proteus软件中常见的晶振元件名称,它代表晶体振荡器。
2. CRYSTAL - 晶体振荡器CRYSTAL也是Proteus软件中常见的晶振元件名称,与XTAL类似,代表晶体振荡器。
3. CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR - 晶体振荡器除了XTAL和CRYSTAL外,Proteus软件中还有一种晶振元件名称为CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR,即晶体振荡器。
4. XTAL OSCILLATOR - 晶体振荡器XTAL OSCILLATOR是Proteus软件中另一种常见的晶振元件名称,与CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR类似,代表晶体振荡器。
particular region of their I-V curve. These active devices exhibit a dip in the I-V curve such that an increase in voltage results in a decrease of current. This behavior, called negative resistance, is very useful in creating microwave oscillators (in the case of a tunnel diode). The important concept to remember when considering these types of devices is that no other passive components are required to create the effect of negative resistance. There are bias networks that are necessary to select the region of operation and associated feedback networks that create an oscillator network, but it is the active device itself that supplies the negative resistance. The I-V curve for a tunnel diode is illustrated in Fig. 1.
This has created a new problem since the crystal vendor, semiconductor manufacturer, and the end user -- or customer -- determines the final design of the oscillator. They each may have different design guidelines and measurement methodologies. Negative resistance is a very important oscillator design parameter that can change based on the design guideline or measurement methodology employed. The end customer or isolated vendor may specify parameters that are not compatible for an overall successful oscillator design. The purpose here is to theoretically explain and quantify negative resistance when used in terms of oscillator design: such that the crystal vendor, semiconductor manufacturer, and customer can have a common platform for communication and collaboration in designing a robust crystal oscillator. The first place to start is by defining a negative resistance model (see Fig. 2) for an oscillator and the basic requirements for oscillation to take place. [²]
PMOS Oscillator Model
1 RL
+ Go
1 sL
1 RP
1 sL
RP LCs 2 + Ls RP Ls
Z βVout
Open loop transfer function:
Gm Y
Gm RP Ls RP LCs 2 + Ls +
• Fixed cap lowers frequency tuning range
Voltage to Frequency Mapping
• Model VCO in a small signal manner
• Assume linear relationship in small signal
Oscillator Requirements
• Power source • Frequency-determining components • Active device to provide gain • Positive feedback
LC Oscillator Hartley
fr = 1/ 2π LC
Automatic level control needed to stabilize magnitude
General amplitude control
•One thought is to detect oscillator amplitude, and then adjust Gm so that it equals a desired value
MGM13S12 Module Radio Board BRD4305E 参考手册说明书
MGM13S12 Module Radio Board BRD4305E Reference ManualThe BRD4305E Mighty Gecko Radio Board contains a Mighty Gecko MGM13S12 mod-ule which integrates Silicon Labs' EFR32MG13 Mighty Gecko SoC into a small form fac-tor System-in-Package (SiP) module. The fully certified module contains all components (a high-performance transceiver, an energy efficient 32-bit MCU, HF crystal, RF pas-sives, and antenna) required for a system-level implementation of Zigbee, Thread, Blue-tooth®Low Energy, and proprietary wireless networks operating in the 2.4 GHz band with 18 dBm output power.RADIO BOARD FEATURES•Wireless Module: MGM13S12F512GA•CPU core: ARM Cortex®-M4 with FPU •Flash memory: 512 kB•RAM: 64 kB•Operation frequency: 2.4 GHz•Transmit power: 18 dBm•Integrated chip antenna, RF matchingnetwork, HF crystal, and decoupling •Option for UFL connector•Crystal for LFXO: 32.768 kHz•8 Mbit low-power serial flash for over-the-air updatesThe BRD4305E Mighty Gecko Radio Board plugs into the Wireless Starter Kit Main-board, which is included with the Mighty Gecko Starter Kit and gives access to display,buttons, and additional features from expansion boards. With the supporting SimplicityStudio suite of tools, developers can take advantage of graphical wireless applicationdevelopment, mesh networking debug and packet trace, and visual energy profiling andoptimization.This document contains a brief introduction and description of the BRD4305E RadioBoard features, focusing on the RF performance.Rev. 1.0Table of Contents1. Introduction (3)2. Radio Board Connector (4)2.1 Introduction (4)2.2 Radio Board Connector Pin Associations (4)3. Radio Board Block Summary (5)3.1 Introduction (5)3.2 Radio Board Block Diagram (5)3.3 Radio Board Block Description (5)3.3.1 Wireless SiP (5)3.3.2 LF Crystal Oscillator (LFXO) (5)3.3.3 UFL Connector (5)3.3.4 Radio Board Connectors (6)3.3.5 Serial Flash (6)3.3.6 Serial EEPROM (6)4. Mechanical Details (7)5. EMC Compliance (8)5.1 Introduction (8)5.2 EMC Regulations for 2.4 GHz (8)5.2.1 ETSI EN 300-328 Emission Limits for the 2400-2483.5 MHz Band (8)5.2.2 FCC15.247 Emission Limits for the 2400-2483.5 MHz Band (8)5.2.3 Applied Emission Limits for the 2.4 GHz Band (8)6. RF Performance (9)6.1 Conducted Power Measurements (9)6.1.1 Conducted Measurements in the 2.4 GHz Band (9)6.2 Radiated Power Measurements (10)6.2.1 Radiated Measurements in the 2.4 GHz Band (10)7. EMC Compliance Recommendations (11)7.1 Recommendations for 2.4 GHz ETSI EN 300-328 Compliance (11)7.2 Recommendations for 2.4 GHz FCC 15.247 Compliance (11)8. Board Revision History (12)9. Errata (13)10. Document Revision History (14)Introduction 1. IntroductionThe BRD4305E Radio Boards provide a development platform (together with the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard) for the Silicon Labs Mighty Gecko MGM13S12 modules.By carrying the MGM13S12 module, the BRD4305E Radio Board is designed to operate in the 2400-2483.5 MHz with the maximum of 18 dBm output power.To develop and/or evaluate the MGM13S12 module, the BRD4305E Radio Board can be connected to the Wireless Starter Kit Main-board to get access to display, buttons, and additional features from expansion boards (EXP boards).2. Radio Board Connector2.1 IntroductionThe board-to-board connector scheme allows access to all MGM13S12 GPIO pins as well as the RESETn signal. For more information on the functions of the available pins, see the MGM13S12 data sheet.2.2 Radio Board Connector Pin AssociationsThe figure below shows the mapping between the connector and the MGM13S12 pins and their function on the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard.GNDF9 / PA3 / VCOM.#RTS_#CS 3v3UIF_BUTTON1 / PF7 / P36P200Upper RowNC / P38NC / P40NC / P42NC / P44DEBUG.TMS_SWDIO / PF1 / F0DISP_ENABLE / PD15 / F14UIF_BUTTON0 / PF6 / F12UIF_LED0 / PF4 / F10VCOM.#CTS_SCLK / PA2 / F8DEBUG.RESET / RADIO_#RESET / F4DEBUG.TDO_SWO / PF2 / F2DISP_SI / PC6 / F16VCOM.TX_MOSI / PA0 / F6PTI.DATA / PB12 / F20DISP_EXTCOMIN / PD13 / F18USB_VBUS 5V Board ID SCL GNDBoard ID SDAUSB_VREG F7 / PA1 / VCOM.RX_MISO F5 / PA5 / VCOM_ENABLE F3 / PF3 / DEBUG.TDIF1 / PF0 / DEBUG.TCK_SWCLK P45 / NCP43 / NC P41 / NC P39 / NC P37 / PD9 / SENSOR_ENABLE F11 / PF5 / UIF_LED1F13 / PF7 / UIF_BUTTON1F15 / PC8 / DISP_SCLK F17 / PD14 / DISP_SCS F19 / PB13 / PTI.SYNC F21 / PB11 / PTI.CLK GNDVMCU_IN VCOM.#CTS_SCLK / PA2 / P0P201Lower RowVCOM.#RTS_#CS / PA3 / P2PD10 / P4PD11 / P6GNDVRF_INP35 / PD15 / DISP_ENABLEP7 / PC9P5 / PC8 / DISP_SCLK P3 / PC7P1 / PC6 / DISP_SI P33 / PD14 / DISP_SCSP31 / PD13 / DISP_EXTCOMINP29 / NCP27 / 1V8*P25 / NCP23 / NCP21 / NCP19 / NC P17 / NC P15 / NC P13 / PC11P11 / PA1 / VCOM.RX_MISO P9 / PA0 / VCOM.TX_MOSI UIF_BUTTON0 / PF6 / P34UIF_LED1 / PF5 / P32UIF_LED0 / PF4 / P30DEBUG.TDO_SWO / PF2 / P28DEBUG.TMS_SWDIO / PF1 / P26DEBUG.TCK_SWCLK / PF0 / P24PTI.SYNC / PB13 / P22PTI.DATA / PB12 / P20PTI.CLK / PB11 / P18VCOM_ENABLE / PA5 / P16PA4 / P14PC10 / P12DEBUG.TDI / PF3 / P10PD12 / P8* Connection is available by mounting the corresponding 0 Ohm resistor.(See the schematic of the Radio Board for details.)Figure 2.1. BRD4305E Radio Board Connector Pin MappingRadio Board Connector3. Radio Board Block Summary3.1 IntroductionThis section gives a short introduction to the blocks of the BRD4305E Radio Board.3.2 Radio Board Block DiagramThe block diagram of the BRD4305E Radio Board is shown in the figure below.Figure 3.1. BRD4305E Block Diagram3.3 Radio Board Block Description3.3.1 Wireless SiPThe BRD4305E Mighty Gecko Radio Board incorporates an MGM13S12F512GA Mighty Gecko MGM13S12 module featuring 32-bit Cortex®-M4 with FPU core, 512 kB of flash memory, 64 kB of RAM and a 2.4 GHz band transceiver with output power up to 18 dBm. For additional information on the MGM13S12F512GA, refer to the MGM13S data sheet.3.3.2 LF Crystal Oscillator (LFXO)The BRD4305E Radio Board has a 32.768 kHz crystal mounted. For details regarding the crystal configuration, refer to Application Note "AN0016.1: Oscillator Design Considerations".3.3.3 UFL ConnectorTo be able to perform conducted measurements, Silicon Labs added a UFL connector to the Radio Board. The connector allows an external 50 Ohm cable or antenna to be connected during design verification or testing.Note: By default, the output of the matching network is connected to the printed inverted-F antenna by a series component. It can be connected to the UFL connector as well through a series 0 Ohm resistor, which is not mounted by default. For conducted measure-ments through the UFL connector, the series component to the antenna should be removed and the 0 Ohm resistor should be mounted (see section for further details).| Building a more connected world.Rev. 1.0 | 53.3.4 Radio Board ConnectorsTwo dual-row, 0.05” pitch polarized connectors make up the BRD4305E Radio Board interface to the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard. For more information on the pin mapping between the MGM13S12F512GA and the Radio Board Connector, refer to section 2.2 Radio Board Connector Pin Associations.3.3.5 Serial FlashThe BRD4305E Radio Board is equipped with an 8 Mbit Macronix MX25R SPI flash that is connected directly to the MGM13S12 to support over-the-air (OTA) updates. For additional information on the pin mapping see the BRD4305E schematic.3.3.6 Serial EEPROMThe BRD4305E Radio Board is equipped with a serial I2C EEPROM for board identification and to store additional board related infor-mation.4. Mechanical DetailsThe BRD4305E Radio Board is illustrated in the figures below.40 mmFigure 4.1. BRD4305E Top View24 mm20 mmFigure 4.2. BRD4305E Bottom ViewMechanical DetailsRev. 1.0 | 7EMC Compliance 5. EMC Compliance5.1 IntroductionCompliance of the fundamental and harmonic levels of the BRD4305E Radio Board is tested against the following standards:• 2.4 GHz:•ETSI EN 300-328•FCC 15.2475.2 EMC Regulations for 2.4 GHz5.2.1 ETSI EN 300-328 Emission Limits for the 2400-2483.5 MHz BandBased on ETSI EN 300-328, the allowed maximum fundamental power for the 2400-2483.5 MHz band is 20 dBm EIRP. For the unwan-ted emissions in the 1 GHz to 12.75 GHz domain, the specific limit is -30 dBm EIRP.5.2.2 FCC15.247 Emission Limits for the 2400-2483.5 MHz BandFCC 15.247 allows conducted output power up to 1 Watt (30 dBm) in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band. For spurious emissions the limit is -20 dBc based on either conducted or radiated measurement, if the emission is not in a restricted band. The restricted bands are speci-fied in FCC 15.205. In these bands the spurious emission levels must meet the levels set out in FCC 15.209. In the range from 960 MHz to the frequency of the 5th harmonic, it is defined as 0.5 mV/m at 3 m distance which equals to -41.2 dBm in EIRP.Additionally, for spurious frequencies above 1 GHz, FCC 15.35 allows duty-cycle relaxation to the regulatory limits. For the EmberZNet PRO the relaxation is 3.6 dB. Therefore, the -41.2 dBm limit can be modified to -37.6 dBm.If operating in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band, the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th harmonics can fall into restricted bands. As a result, for those harmon-ics the -37.6 dBm limit should be applied. For the 4th harmonic the -20 dBc limit should be applied.5.2.3 Applied Emission Limits for the 2.4 GHz BandThe above ETSI limits are applied both for conducted and radiated measurements.The FCC restricted band limits are radiated limits only. In addition, Silicon Labs applies the same restrictions to the conducted spec-trum. By doing so, compliance with the radiated limits can be estimated based on the conducted measurement, by assuming the use of an antenna with 0 dB gain at the fundamental and the harmonic frequencies.The overall applied limits are shown in the table below.Table 5.1. Applied Limits for Spurious Emissions for the 2.4 GHz Band | Building a more connected world.Rev. 1.0 | 86. RF Performance6.1 Conducted Power MeasurementsDuring measurements, the BRD4305E Radio Board was attached to a Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard which was supplied by USB. The voltage supply for the Radio Board was 3.3 V.6.1.1 Conducted Measurements in the 2.4 GHz BandThe BRD4305E Radio Board was connected directly to a Spectrum Analyzer through its UFL connector (the was removed and a 0 Ohm resistor was soldered to the position). The supply for the module (VDD) was 3.3 V provided by the mainboard; for details, see the sche-matic of the BRD4305E. The transceiver was operated in continuous carrier transmission mode. The output power of the radio was set to 18 dBm.The typical output spectrum is shown in the following figure.Figure 6.1. Typical Output Spectrum of the BRD4305EAs shown in the figure, the fundamental is just a bit under 18 dBm and all of the unwanted emissions are under the -37.6 dBm applied limit.Note: The conducted measurement is performed by connecting the on-board UFL connector to a Spectrum Analyzer through an SMA Conversion Adapter (P/N: HRMJ-U.FLP(40)). This connection itself introduces approximately 0.3 dB insertion loss.Rev. 1.0 | 96.2 Radiated Power MeasurementsDuring measurements, the BRD4305E Radio Board was attached to a Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard which was supplied by USB. The voltage supply for the Radio Board was 3.3 V. The radiated power was measured in an antenna chamber by rotating the board 360 de-grees with horizontal and vertical reference antenna polarizations in the XY, XZ, and YZ cuts. The measurement planes are illustrated in the figure below.Figure 6.2. Illustration of Reference Planes with a Radio Board Plugged into the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard Note: The radiated measurement results presented in this document were recorded in an unlicensed antenna chamber. Also, the radi-ated power levels may change depending on the actual application (PCB size, used antenna, and so on). Therefore, the absolute levels and margins of the final application are recommended to be verified in a licensed EMC testhouse.6.2.1 Radiated Measurements in the 2.4 GHz BandThe supply for the module (VDD) was 3.3 V provided by the mainboard; for details, see the BRD4305E schematic. The transceiver was operated in continuous carrier transmission mode. The output power of the radio was set to 18 dBm based on the conducted measure-ment.The fundamental was set to the frequency where the maximum antenna gain was measured. The results are shown in the table below. Note: The frequency in which the antenna gain has its maximum value can vary between modules due to the technological spreading of the passive RF components and the antenna.Table 6.1. Maximums of the Measured Radiated Powers in EIRP [dBm]As shown in the table, the level of the fundamental is 17 dBm. The strongest harmonic is the double-frequency one and it is compliant with the -37.6 dBm applied limit with 0.7 dB margin. | Building a more connected world.Rev. 1.0 | 10EMC Compliance Recommendations 7. EMC Compliance Recommendations7.1 Recommendations for 2.4 GHz ETSI EN 300-328 ComplianceAs shown in the previous section, the power of the fundamental frequency of the BRD4305E Mighty Gecko Radio Board with 18 dBm output is compliant with the 20 dBm limit of the ETSI EN 300-328 regulation in both the conducted and radiated measurements. The harmonic emissions are under the -30 dBm limit with large margin.7.2 Recommendations for 2.4 GHz FCC 15.247 ComplianceAs shown in the previous section, the power of the fundamental frequency of the BRD4305E Mighty Gecko Radio Board with 18 dBm output is compliant with the 30 dBm limit of the FCC 15.247 regulation. The harmonic emissions are under the -37.6 dBm applied limit.Board Revision History 8. Board Revision HistoryTable 8.1. BRD4305E Radio Board RevisionsNote: The silkscreen marking on the board (e.g. PCBxxxx A00) denotes the revision of the PCB. The revision of the actual Radio Board is laser printed in the "Board Info" field on the PCB. Also, it can be read from the on-board EEPROM. | Building a more connected world.Rev. 1.0 | 12Errata 9. ErrataThere are no known errata at present.Document Revision History 10. Document Revision HistoryRevision 1.00July, 2018•Initial document revision. Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USASimplicity StudioOne-click access to MCU andwireless tools, documentation,software, source code libraries &more. Available for Windows,Mac and Linux!IoT Portfolio /IoT SW/HW /simplicity Quality /quality Support and CommunityDisclaimer Silicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark Information Silicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, ISOmodem®, Micrium, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress®, Zentri , Z-Wave, and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。
VC-S SMD VCXO CMOS Output 7.0x5.0x1.8mm 6Pad
VC7CC SMD VCXO High frequency CMOS Output 7.0x5.0x1.8mm 6Pad
Tape And Reel Specification for SMD Products
HXO-T Series SMD LVDS Oscillator Output 7.0x5.0x1.8mm 3.3V&2.5V
Part Numbering System of VCXO
VC-T SMD VCXO CMOS Output 5.0x3.2x1.3mm 6Pad
HCX-6SB SMD Crystal 6.0x3.5x1.10mm Seam Sealing
HCX-7SB SMD Crystal 7.0x5.0x1.20mm Seam Sealing
HCX-3FB SMD Crystal 3.2x2.5x0.90mm Glass Sealing
HCX-5FA SMD Crystal 5.0x3.2x1.40mm Glass Sealing 2Pad
HCX-2SB SMD Crystal 2.5x2.0x0.65mm Seam Sealing
HCX-3SB SMD Crystal 3.2x2.5x0.75mm Seam Sealing
HCX-4SB SMD Crystal 4.0x2.5x0.85mm Seam Sealing
带自动振幅检测控制的皮尔斯晶体振荡电路设计张筱;樊超【摘要】本文描述了一种工作在射频芯片内的晶体振荡电路,基于对3种传统结构晶体振荡电路的分析,采用皮尔斯晶体振荡电路,以CMOS工艺的NMOS为主振荡管,实现了高稳定、低相位噪声输出的振荡信号,电路带有自动振幅检测及控制功能.该16 MHz皮尔斯晶体振荡器采用TSMC0.18μm CMOS工艺实现,当电源电压为1.8 V时,电路仿真特性如下:输出信号振幅峰峰值约为0.5 V,工作电流约为0.46 mA,相位噪声为-127.8 dBc/Hz@1 KHz,-163 dBc/Hz@1 MHz,振荡器起振时间约为1.5 ms.%The paper introduces a crystal oscillator circuit embedded in RFIC. Based on the analysis of the conventional crystal oscillator, the oscillator circuit employs Pierce structure with amplitude regulation circuit. Impl ementing with TSMC 0.18 μm CMOS process in Cadence Spectre RF, the simulation results shows that: the output peak-to-peak oscillation amplitude is about 0.5 V and the average current consumption is 0.46 mA under 1.8 V power supply;the phase noise is-127.8 dBc/Hz@1 KHz, -163dBc/***************************************.【期刊名称】《电子设计工程》【年(卷),期】2019(027)004【总页数】4页(P118-121)【关键词】射频集成电路;电路皮尔斯石英晶体振荡器;自动振幅检测及控制;相位噪声【作者】张筱;樊超【作者单位】空军西安飞行学院,陕西西安 710306;空军西安飞行学院,陕西西安710306【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN953随着科技的不断进步,与人们生活密切相关的无线通讯技术也得到了迅猛发展,全球移动通讯系统(GSM),无线局域网(WLAN),全球卫星定位系统(GPS),无线传感网络(ZigBee)逐步走入工业控制领域和人们的日常生活之中[1-2]。
Silicon Laboratories EZR32HG 无线微控制器系列参考手册说明书
Reference Manual BRD4546AThe EZR32HG family of Wireless MCUs deliver a high perform-ance, low energy wireless solution integrated into a small form factor package.By combining a high performance sub-GHz RF transceiver with an energy efficient 32-bit MCU, the family provides designers the ultimate in flexibility with a family of pin-compatible devices that scale from 32/64 kB of flash and support Silicon Laboratories EZRadio or EZRadioPRO transceivers. The ultra-low power operating modes and fast wake-up times of the Silicon Laboratories energy friendly 32-bit MCUs, combined with the low transmit and receive power consumption of the sub-GHz radio, result in a solu-tion optimized for battery powered applications.To develop and/or evaluate the EZR32 Happy Gecko the EZR32HG Radio Board can be connected to the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard to get access to display, buttonsand additional features from Expansion Boards.Rev. 1.1Introduction 1. IntroductionThe EZR32 Happy Gecko Radio Boards provide a development platform (together with the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard) for the Silicon Laboratories EZR32 Happy Gecko Wireless Microcontrollers and serve as reference designs for the matching network of the RF interface.The BRD4546A is designed to the operate in the European ETSI 863-870 MHz band, the RF matching network is optimized to operate in the 868 MHz band with 16 dBm output power.To develop and/or evaluate the EZR32 Happy Gecko the BRD4546A Radio Board can be connected to the Wireless Starter Kit Main-board to get access to display, buttons and additional features from Expansion Boards and also to evaluate the performance of the RF interface.2. Radio Board Connector Pin AssociationsThe figure below shows the pin mapping on the connector to the radio pins and their function on the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard.GND F9 / NC3v3NC / P36P200Upper RowNC / P38NC / P40NC / P42NC / P44DEBUG.TMS_SWDIO / PF1 / F0DISP_ENABLE / PA1 / F14UIF_BUTTON0 / PC9 / F12UIF_LED0 / PF4 / F10NC / F8DEBUG.RESET / RESETn / F4NC / F2DISP_MOSI / PE10 / F16VCOM.TX_MOSI / PD4 / F6PTI.DATA / RF_GPIO0 / F20DISP_EXTCOMIN / PF3 / F18USB_VBUS5VBoard ID SCLGNDBoard ID SDAUSB_VREGF7 / PD5 / VCOM.RX_MISOF5 / PC8 / VCOM_ENABLEF3 / NCF1 / PF0 / DEBUG.TCK_SWCLKP45 / NCP43 / NCP41 / NCP39 / NCP37 / NCF11 / PF2 / UIF_LED1F13 / PC10 / UIF_BUTTON1F15 / PE12 / DISP_SCLKF17 / PA0 / DISP_SCSF19 / RF_GPIO1 / PTI.SYNCF21 / NCGNDVMCU_INUIF_LED1 / PF2 / P0P201Lower RowUIF_LED0 / PF4 / P2UIF_BUTTON0 / PC9 / P4UIF_BUTTON1 / PC10 / P6GND VRF_INP35 / P7 / PE13P5 / PE12 / DISP_SCLK P3 / PE11P1 / PE10 / DISP_MOSI P33 / RF_GPIO3 P31 / RF_GPIO1 / PTI.SYNC P29 / NCP27 / NC P25 / PC14 * P23 / NC P21 / PF1 / DEBUG.TMS_SWDIO P19 / PC8 / VCOM_ENABLEP17 / NCP15 / PA1 / DISP_ENABLE P13 / PD6P11 / PD5 / VCOM.RX_MISO P9 / PD4 / VOM.TX_MOSI NC / P34RF_GPIO2 / P32PTI.DATA / RF_GPIO0 / P30NC / P28PC15 * / P26NC / P24DISP_EXTCOMIN / PF3 / P22DEBUG.TCK_SWCLK / PF0 / P20NC / P18NC / P16DISP_SCS / PA0 / P14PD7 / P12NC / P10PB11 / P8 * Connection is not enabled by default on the Radio Board.To enable 0 Ohm resistors should be mounted. See the schematic of the Radio Board.Figure 2.1. BRD4546A Radio Board Connector Pin MappingRadio Board Connector Pin Associations3. Radio Board Block DescriptionThe block diagram of the EZR32HG Radio Board is shown in the figure below. For the exact part numbers of the applied components refer to the BRD4546A BOM.Figure 3.1. EZR32HG Radio Board Block Diagram3.1 Wireless MCUThe BRD4546A EZR32 Happy Gecko Radio Board incorporates an EZR32HG320F256R68G Wireless Microcontroller featuring 32-bit Cortex-M0+ core, 64 kB of flash memory and 8 kB of RAM. For additional information on the EZR32HG320F256R68G, refer to the EZR32HG320 Data Sheet.The EZR32HG320F256R68G is built using the Si4468, a high-performance, low-current transciever that is part of Silicon Laboratories' EZRadioPRO family. The Si4468 contains an integrated +20 dBm power amplifier that is capable of transmitting from –20 to +20 dBm. For a complete feature set and in-depth information on the transciever, refer to the "Si4467/8 High-Performance, Low-Current Trans-ceiver" Data Sheet.3.2 USBThe BRD4546A Radio Board incorporates a micro USB connector. The 3.3V USB regulator output is are routed back to the WSTK through the Radio Board Connector so the Radio Board can supply power to the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard.For additional information on EZR32HG USB, refer to the EZR32HG320 Data Sheet.3.3 RF Crystal Oscillator (RFXO)The BRD4546A Radio Board has a 26 MHz crystal mounted. For more details on crystal or TCXO selection for the RF part of the EZR32 devices refer to "AN785: Crystal Selection Guide for the Si4x6x RF ICs".3.4 LF Crystal Oscillator (LFXO)The BRD4546A Radio Board has a 32.768 kHz crystal mounted. For safe startup two capacitors are also connected to the LFXTAL_N and LFXTAL_H pins. For details regarding the crystal configuration, the reader is referred to Application Note "AN0016: EFM32 Oscilla-tor Design Consideration".| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.Rev. 1.1 | 33.5 HF Crystal Oscillator (HFXO)The BRD4546A Radio Board has a 24 MHz crystal mounted. For safe startup two capacitors are also connected to the HFXTAL_N and HFXTAL_H pins. For details regarding the crystal configuration, the reader is referred to Application Note "AN0016: EFM32 Oscillator Design Consideration".3.6 RF Matching NetworkThe BRD4546A Radio Board includes a Class E type matching network with a so-called Direct Tie matching configuration where the TX and RX sides are connected together without an additional RF switch, to be able to use one antenna both for transmitting and receive-ing. The component values were optimized for the 868 MHz band RF performace and current consumption with 16 dBm output power. For more details on the matching network used on the BRD4546A see Chapter 4.1 Matching Network.3.7 SMA ConnectorTo be able to perform conducted measurements or mount external antenna for radiated measurements, range tests etc., Silicon Labo-ratories added an SMA connector to the Radio Board. The connector allows an external 50 Ohm cable or antenna to be connected during design verification or testing.3.8 Radio Board ConnectorsTwo dual-row, 0.05” pitch polarized connectors make up the EZR32HG Radio Board interface to the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard. For more information on the pin mapping between the EZR32HG320F256R68G and the Radio Board Connector, refer to Chapter 2. Radio Board Connector Pin Associations.4. RF SectionThe BRD4546A Radio Board includes a Class E type TX matching network with the targeted output power of 16 dBm at 868 MHz.The main advantage of the Class E matching types is their very high efficiency. They are proposed for applications where the current consumption is most critical, e.g., the typical total EZRadioPRO chip current with Class E type matching is ~45 mA at ~16 dBm (using the 20 dBm PA output and assuming 3.3 V supply voltage).The main disadvantage of the Class E type matches is the high supply voltage dependency (the power variation is proportional to the square of the supply voltage change: i.e. the decrease in power can be ~6 dB in the 1.8–3.8 V range) and the inaccurate nonlinear power steps. Also their current consumption and the peak voltage on the TX pin are sensitive to the termination impedance variation, and they usually require slightly higher order filtering and thus higher bill of materials cost.The matching network is constructed with a so-called Direct Tie configuration where the TX and RX sides are connected together with-out an additional RF switch, to be able to use one antenna both for transmitting and receiveing. Careful design procedure was followed to ensure that the RX input circuitry does not load down the TX output path while in TX mode and that the TX output circuitry does not degrade receive performance while in RX mode.For detailed explanation of the Class E type TX matching and the Direct Tie configuration matching procedure the reader is referred to "AN648: Si4063/Si4463/64/67/68 TX Matching". For detailed description of the RX matching the reader is referred to "AN643: Si446x/ Si4362 RX LNA Matching".4.1 Matching NetworkThe matching network structure used on the BRD4546A Radio Board is shown in the figure below.Figure 4.1. RF Section of the Schematic of the BRD4546A EZR32 Happy Gecko Radio BoardThe component values were optimized for the 868 MHz band RF performace and current consumption with 16 dBm output power. The resulting component values with part numbers are listed in the table below.Rev. 1.1 | 5Table 4.1. Bill of Materials for the BRD4546A RF Matching NetworkThe Application Note "AN648: Si4063/Si4463/64/67/68 TX Matching" contains component values for reference matching networks which were developed for the EZRadioPRO Pico Boards. For the WSTK radio boards some fine-tuning of the component values may be necessary due to different parasitic effects (bonding wire, layout etc.). For optimized RF performance the component values listed in the table above may differ from the ones listed in the referred Application Note.For the reader’s specific application and board layout the adjustment of the final matching values might be necessary. The above com-ponent values should be used as starting points and the values modified slightly to zero-in on the best filter response and impedance match to 50 ohm. To minimize the differences due to different layout parasitics Silicon Laboratories recommends copying the layout of the RF section of the radio board as is. If that is not possible, refer to "AN629: Si4460/61/63/64/67/68 RF ICs Layout Design Guide" for layout design recommendations. | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.Rev. 1.1 | 65. Mechanical DetailsThe BRD4546A EZR32 Happy Gecko Radio Board is illustrated in the figures below.2.7 mmFigure 5.1. BRD4546A Top View5 mm ConnectorConnector Figure 5.2. BRD4546A Bottom ViewMechanical DetailsRev. 1.1 | 7EMC Compliance 6. EMC ComplianceThe BRD4546A EZR32 Happy Gecko Radio Board is dedicated for operation in the European ETSI 863-870 MHz band. The relevant ETSI EN 300-220-1 regulation specifies multiple sub-bands with different power level limitations and various additional conditions.In this document the compliance of the Radio Board fundamental and harmonic emissions will be investigated with 868 MHz fundamen-tal frequency (harmonics are measured up to the 10th one).6.1 ETSI EN 300-220-1 Emission Limits for the 868-868.6 MHz BandBased on ETSI EN 300-220-1 the allowed maximum fundamental power for the 868-868.6 MHz band is 25 mW (+14 dBm) e.r.p. both for conducted and radiated measurements.Note: Further in this document EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) will be used instead of e.r.p. (Effective Radiated Power) for the comparison of the limits and measurement results. The 25 mW e.r.p limit is equivalent to +16.1 dBm EIRP.For the unwanted emission limits see the table below.7. RF Performance7.1 Measurement setupThe BRD4546A EZR32 Happy Gecko Radio Board was attached to a Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard (BRD4001 (Rev. A02) ) and its transceiver was operated in continuous carrier transmission mode. The output power of the radio was set to 16 dBm (PA_PWR_LVL =0x6E, PA_BIAS_CLKDUTY = 0xC0 at VRF=3.3 V).7.2 Conducted Power MeasurementsIn case of the conducted measurements the output power was measured by connecting the EZR32HG Radio Board directly to a Spec-trum Analyzer (P/N: MS2692A) through its on-board SMA connector. At 16 dBm output power and 3.3 V supply voltage the measured typical current consumption of the RF section of the board is 45 mA.A typical output spectrum is shown in the figure below.Figure 7.1. Typical Output Spectrum of the BRD4546A Radio BoardRF Performance| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.Rev. 1.1 | 9As it can be observed the only unwanted emission above -50 dBm is the double-frequency harmonic but its -45.51 dBm power is com-pliant with the -27.8 dBm limit with large margin.Note: In practice comercially available whip antennas usually have ~0-2 dB gain at the fundamental and < 0 dB gain at the harmonic frequencies so if the conducted levels are compliant with the emission limits with small margin it is likely that the margin on the harmon-ics radiated by an external whip antenna will be higher. Unfortunately in most cases, the PCB radiation (from traces or and/or compo-nents) is stronger so using shielding, applying larger duty cycle correction (if allowed) or reduction of the fundamental power could be necessary.7.3 Radiated Power MeasurementsFor radiated measurements an external whip antenna (P/N: ANT-868-CW-HWR-SMA) was used. The power supply for the board were two AA batteries (3 V). The batteries were connected to the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard through its External Power Supply connec-tor with minimal wire length to minimize the wire radiation.The DUT was rotated in 360 degree with horizontal and vertical reference antenna polarizations in the XY, XZ and YZ cuts. The meas-urement axes are as shown in the figure below.Figure 7.2. DUT: Radio Board with Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard (Illustration)The measured radiated powers are shown in the table below.Table 7.1. Maximums of the Measured Radiated Powers of the BRD4546AAs it can be observed the fundamental and all of the harmonics comply with the ETSI EN 300-220-1 limits with large margin.One may notice that the radiated harmonic levels, in general, are higher compared to the levels expected based on the conducted measurement. Investigations showed that this increase is due to the PCB radiations (components and PCB traces).Note: The radiated measurement results presented in this document were recorded in an unlicensed antenna chamber. Also the radi-ated power levels may change depending on the actual application (PCB size, used antenna etc.) therefore the absolute levels and margins of the final application is recommended to be verified in a licensed EMC testhouse!EMC Compliance Recommendations 8. EMC Compliance Recommendations8.1 Recommendations for ETSI ComplianceAs it was shown in the previous chapters the BRD4546A EZR32 Happy Gecko Radio Board is compliant with the harmonic emission limits of the ETSI EN 300-220-1 regulation in the 868-868.6 MHz band with 16 dBm output power. Although the BRD4546A Radio Board has an option for mounting a shielding can, that is not required for the compliance.Document Revision History 9. Document Revision HistoryTable 9.1. Document Revision HistoryBoard Revisions 10. Board RevisionsTable 10.1. BRD4546A Radio Board RevisionsTable of Contents1. Introduction (1)2. Radio Board Connector Pin Associations (2)3. Radio Board Block Description (3)3.1 Wireless MCU (3)3.2 USB (3)3.3 RF Crystal Oscillator (RFXO) (3)3.4 LF Crystal Oscillator (LFXO) (3)3.5 HF Crystal Oscillator (HFXO) (4)3.6 RF Matching Network (4)3.7 SMA Connector (4)3.8 Radio Board Connectors (4)4. RF Section (5)4.1 Matching Network (5)5. Mechanical Details (7)6. EMC Compliance (8)6.1 ETSI EN 300-220-1 Emission Limits for the 868-868.6 MHz Band (8)7. RF Performance (9)7.1 Measurement setup (9)7.2 Conducted Power Measurements (9)7.3 Radiated Power Measurements (11)8. EMC Compliance Recommendations (13)8.1 Recommendations for ETSI Compliance (13)9. Document Revision History (14)10. Board Revisions (15)Table of Contents (16)Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USASimplicity StudioOne-click access to MCU and wireless tools, documentation, software, source code libraries & more. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux!IoT Portfolio /IoTSW/HW/simplicityQuality /qualitySupport and CommunityDisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, ISOmodem®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress® and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。
晶振(Crystal oscillator)是一种能够产生稳定的高精度频率信号的电子元器件。
1. 晶体选择:首先选择合适的晶体,晶体的种类和尺寸取决于要制作的晶振的频率和精度要求。
2. 精密加工:对晶体进行精密的加工,包括切割、磨削和抛光等过程,以确保晶体的形状和表面光洁度达到要求。
3. 电极制作:在晶体上制作电极,一般采用金属蒸镀的方式,通过真空蒸镀的方法在晶体表面上制作金属电极,与晶体内部的振荡电场相连。
4. 封装工艺:封装是晶振制作的最后一步工序。
5. 测试:完成封装后,需要对晶振进行测试以确保其频率和精度满足要求。
YOSHITAKA,TAKAGI SHIGEO 申请号:JP2915789 申请日:19890208 公开号:JPH0520923B2 公开日:19930322
摘要:PURPOSE:To make fitting work easy by providing a flexible part in one part of a lead frame, further providing a projecting part in one part of the flexible part and fixing a crystal resonator by the elastic force of the flexible part in this projecting part. CONSTITUTION:When a cylindrical crystal resonator 7 is surrounded in three directions, a flexible part 3 is provided to be extended in a length-wise direction in the outer circumference of the outer cylinder and a projecting part 1 is provided in a part facing to the inside of this flexible part 3 each other. A dimension between these projecting parts is made smaller than a diameter 5 of the outer cylinder and the outer cylinder of the crystal resonator 7 is held at two points in the tip of the projecting part 1. With holding this position, a lead wire part is fixed as it is by applying a conductive adhesive agent. The flexible part 3 extended from a lead frame 4 is operated as an elastic body by the cut-out 2 of a space part and can obtain holding force to the outer cylinder of the various dimensions. Thus, since the crystal resonator is strongly pressed by a spring, the work to connect a lead by the conductive adhesive agent is made easy.
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We Get:
(C 1 C 2
+ C 2 C 3 + C 1C 3
Assume C3<< C1,C2, we have:
g mopt =
ωC1C 2
Fuding Ge: Crystal Oscillator
Values for gmcrit , gmmax , and gmopt: an example
More parameters
Parallel resonant frequency:
fa =
1 2π Lm C eff
Effective load capacitance:
C eff =
C m ( C L || C 0 ) ≈ Cm C m + C L || C 0
C0 2 ) CL
Equivalent series resistance: R S = ESR = R m (1 +
For a typical crystal, Rm=50KΩ, C3=C0=2 pF. For a 32KHz oscillator, let C1=C2=20pF, ω=2π•32•103 rad/s. We have:
gmcrit=8×10-7 Ω-1 = 0.8 µ Ω-1 gmopt=4×10-5 Ω-1 = 40 µ Ω-1 gmmax=2×10-3 Ω-1 = 2 m Ω-1
4/20/2002 Fuding Ge: Crystal Oscillator 2
Parameter Definition
Series resonant frequency:
C stray
fs =
1 2π LmC
C0 Lm Cm
Load capacitance:
Solution for gmopt
When gm=gmopt, -Re(Zc) reaches its maximum value. From
d [− Re(Zc)] = − d dg m dg m g m C1C 2 =0 2 2 2 ( g C ) + ( C C + C C + C C ) ω 1 2 2 3 1 3 m 3
2 2 2 3
1 − x ≈ 1 − x / 2 , We get:
gm = C 1C 2 [1 ± (1 − 2 R m C 3 ω 2 )]
2 2
2 Rm C 3
g m crit = R m ω C1C 2
g m max =
C 1C 2 Rm C 3
Fuding Ge: Crystal Oscillator
Let :
− Re( Zc ) = R m
We get:
2 gm RmC3 − gmC1C2 + Rmω 2 (C1C2 + C2C3 + C3C1 ) = 0
The two solutions for this equation are gmcrit and gmmax respectively.
− Im( Z C ) =
2P ωCm
Fuding Ge: Crystal Oscillator
Three-point oscillator
Zc L C R
ic vc
Z3 gm
Z3 gmv1
gm C1 C2
Basic three-point oscillator
C L = C 1 ↔ C 2 + C stray
C1 ↔ C 2 = C1C 2 C1 + C 2
C1↔C2 means they are in series
The only way to tune a crystal oscillator is to change CL.
4/20/2002 Fuding Ge: Crystal Oscillator 3
ZC =
Z1 Z 3 + Z 2 Z 3 + g m Z1 Z 2 Z 3 Z1 + Z 2 + Z 3 + g m Z1 Z 2
Fuding Ge: Crystal Oscillator 9
Simple small signal equivalent circuit and analysis
Fuding Ge: Crystal Oscillator
Two possible circuit schematics
C1 M1 C2 C1 M1 C2
One-pin oscilla来自orPierce (three point) oscillator
J. Craninckx, M. Steyaert, “Wireless CMOS frequency synthesizer design’, Kluwer Academic, Boston, 1998
• When ω= ωs, Z=0; • When ω= ωp, Z=∞; • When ωs <ω< ωp, crystal reactance is inductive
ωs Lm
1 ωs RmCm
Q is very large, the current is always sinusoidal. As a consequence, exchange of energy of the crystal with the driving circuit can only occur at the fundamental frequency.
For loseless structure, Z3=1/sC0, Z1=1/sC1, Z2=1/sC2. C0<<C1,2, can be neglected.
Zc ro
Zc it C1
vt M1 C2
it C1 C2
+ - gmvC1
Zc = Z c 1 + Z c 2 + g m Z c 1 Z c 2 = −
Fuding Ge: Crystal Oscillator
Basic requirement for oscillator Circuit
• Phase shift through the oscillator loop is either 0 or 360 • Open loop gain >1 at the operating frequency • “Negative resistance” generated by the circuit is greater or equal to the crystal’s equivalent series resistance.
Fuding Ge: Crystal Oscillator
Solutions for gmcrit and gmmax
Assume 4 R C ω << 0 , which is always true (for a typical case, Rm=50kΩ, C3 reduced to C0 which is about 2 pF and ω=32k, it is about 1.0x10-3).
Crystal model and its reactance
Rm Lm Cm
Because Q is very large, Rm can be neglected.
1 1 1 ) s2 + ⋅ ( sL m + Lm C m sC 0 sC m 1 = ⋅ Z (s) = 1 1 C + C0 sC 0 ) + ( sL m + s2 + m sC 0 sC m Lm C m C 0
7 1 10
When gm= gmcrit, Re(Zc)=50 KΩ When gm= gmopt, Re(Zc)=1.0 MΩ When gm= gmmax, Re(Zc)=50 KΩ
4/20/2002 Fuding Ge: Crystal Oscillator 15
Negative resistance VS gm
Three point: gmcrit, gmopt and gmmax. For the oscillation to start up, gmcrit < gm < gmmax ; for quick start up, gm= gmopt
Stable critical oscillation corresponds to intersection A of loci Zc(gm) and the crystal motional impedance. The negative resistance –Re(Zc) provides by the circuit reaches a maximum at gmopt. If R in the motional impedance is large than this maximum, no oscillation is possible.