
章节测试题1.【答题】--Did Lingling like it?-----______A. Yes, she did.B. She liked it.C. No, he didn't.【答案】A【分析】本题考查一般疑问句的回答。
【解答】"Did Lingling like it?"句意是玲玲喜欢它吗?一般过去时的一般疑问句,用Yes或No回答;句中Lingling是女孩,回答时用人称代词she她代替;选项A 与问句相符合,选A。
2.【答题】What ______ she ______ yesterday evening?A. did, haveB. did, hasC. does, have【答案】A【分析】本题考查一般过去时。
【解答】根据句子中的"yesterday evening",可知是一般过去时时态,助动词需用一般过去时,动词保持原形,选A。
3.【答题】Please bring back the book ______ two weeks' time.A. onB. ofC. in【答案】C【分析】本题考查固定搭配。
【解答】根据句意,可知这里in two weeks' time是一个固定短语,表示两周内;选C。
4.【答题】I want to make an e-card ______ Mum.A. toB. forC. in【答案】B【分析】本题考查介词的辨析。
5.【答题】She had fish and chips _______.A.tomorrowB.next dayC.yesterday【答案】C【分析】本题考查时间副词。
【解答】由"had"可知句子是一般过去时;tomorrow明天,表示将来时间;next day明天,第二天,表示将来时间;yesterday昨天,表示过去时间;A和B表示将来时间的单词,C表示过去时间的单词,与题干的时态"一般过去时"一致,选C。
黑龙江高中数学选修2-3模块综合测试2 Word版含解析

选修2-3模块综合测试(二)(时间120分钟满分150分)一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分)的解集为()1.方程C x14=C2x-414A.{4} B.{14}C.{4,6} D.{14,2}得x=2x-4或x+2x-4=14,解得x=4或x=6.经检验知x=4或解析:由C x14=C2x-414x=6符合题意.答案:C2.小王有70元钱,现有面值分别为20元和30元的两种I C电话卡.若他至少买一张,则不同的买法共有()A.7种B.8种C.6种D.9种解析:要完成的“一件事”是“至少买一张I C电话卡”,分3类完成:买1张I C卡、买2张I C卡、买3张I C卡.而每一类都能独立完成“至少买一张I C电话卡”这件事.买1张I C卡有2种方法,买2张I C卡有3种方法,买3张I C卡有2种方法.不同的买法共有2+3+2=7种.答案:A3.如果χ2=5.024,那么认为“X与Y有关系”的把握有()A.75% B.90%C.95% D.99%解析:∵χ2=5.024>3.841,∴有95%的把握认为“X与Y有关系”.答案:C4.已知离散型随机变量ξ的分布列如下,则其数学期望Eξ=()A.1C.2+3m D.2.4解析:由分布列的性质知0.5+m+0.2=1,解得m=0.3,所以Eξ=1×0.5+3×0.3+5×0.2=2.4.答案:D5.(2x -12x )6的展开式的常数项是( )A .20B .-20C .40D .-40解析:由题知(2x -12x)6的通项为T r +1=(-1)r C r 626-2r x 6-2r,令6-2r =0得r =3, 故常数项为(-1)3C 36=-20. 答案:B6.3个人坐在一排6个座位上,3个空位只有2个相邻的坐法种数为( ) A .24 B .36 C .48D .72解析:先将三个人排好,共有6种排法,空出4个位,再将空座位插空,有4×3=12种排法,故有6×12=72种排法.答案:D7.从装有3个红球、2个白球的袋中任取3个球,则所取的3个球中至少有1个白球的概率是( )A .110B .310C .35D .910解析:“所取的3个球中至少有1个白球”的对立事件是“所取的3个球都不是白球”,因而所求的概率P =1-C 33C 35=1-110=910.答案:D8.对标有不同编号的6件正品和4件次品的产品进行检测,不放回地依次摸出2件.在第一次摸出正品的条件下,第二次也摸到正品的概率是( )A .35B .25C .110D .59解析:记“第一次摸出正品”为事件A ,“第二次摸到正品”为事件B ,则P (A )=C 16C 19C 110C 19=35,P (AB )=C 16C 15C 110C 19=13.故P (B |A )=P (AB )P (A )=59. 答案:D9.为了研究男子的年龄与吸烟的关系,抽查了100个男子,按年龄超过和不超过40岁,吸烟量每天多于和不多于20支进行分组,如下表:A .99.9%B .99%C .95%D .90%解析:利用题中列联表,代入公式计算.χ2=100×(50×25-10×15)265×35×60×40≈22.16>6.635,所以我们有99%的把握认为吸烟量与年龄有关. 答案:B10.已知随机变量ξ,η满足ξ+η=8,且ξ服从二项分布B (10,0.6),则Eη和Dη的值分别是( )A .6和2.4B .2和2.4C .2和5.6D .6和5.6解析:∵ξ~B (10,0.6) ∴Eξ=10×0.6=6, Dξ=10×0.6×0.4=2.4. ∵ξ+η=8, ∴η=-ξ+8,∴Eη=-Eξ+8=-6+8=2.Dη=(-1)2Dξ=2.4. 答案:B11.有10件产品,其中3件是次品,从中任取2件,若ξ表示取到次品的件数,则Dξ=( )A .35B .1115C .1415D .2875解析:ξ的所有可能取值是0,1,2.则 P (ξ=0)=C 27C 210=715.P (ξ=1)=C 17C 13C 210=715.P (ξ=2)=C 23C 210=115.所以,ξ的分布列为于是E ξ=0×715+1×715+2×115=35,D ξ= i =1n(x i -EX )2P i =2875.答案:D12.有5本不同的书,其中语文书2本,数学书2本,物理书1本.若将其随机地并排摆放到书架的同一层上,则同一科目的书都不相邻的概率是( )A .15B .25C .35D .45解析:基本事件共有A 55=120种,同一科目的书都不相邻的情况可用间接法求解,即A 55-A 22A 22A 23×2-A 22A 22A 33=48,因此同一科目的书都不相邻的概率是25. 答案:B二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)13.[2012·浙江高考]若将函数f (x )=x 5表示为f (x )=a 0+a 1(1+x )+a 2(1+x )2+…+a 5(1+x )5,其中a 0,a 1,a 2,…,a 5为实数,则a 3=________.解析:不妨设1+x =t ,则x =t -1,因此有(t -1)5=a 0+a 1t +a 2t 2+a 3t 3+a 4t 4+a 5t 5,则a 3=C 25(-1)2=10.答案:1014.设随机变量ξ的分布列为P (ξ=k )=k 15(k =1,2,3,4,5),则P (12<ξ<52)的值为__________.解析:P (12<ξ<52)=P (ξ=1)+P (ξ=2)=115+215=15.答案:1515.在某次学校的游园活动中,高二(2)班设计了这样一个游戏:在一个纸箱里放进了5个红球和5个白球,这些球除了颜色不同外完全相同,一次性从中摸出5个球,摸到4个或4个以上红球即为中奖,则中奖的概率是________.(精确到0.001)解析:设摸出的红球个数为X ,则X 服从超几何分布,其中N =10,M =5,n =5,于是中奖的概率为P (X ≥4)=P (X =4)+P (X =5)=C 45C 15C 510+C 55C 510≈0.103.答案:0.10316.马老师从课本上抄录一个随机变量ξ的概率分布列如下表:请小牛同学计算ξ且两个“?”处字迹模糊,但能断定这两个“?”处的数值相同.据此,小牛给出了正确答案Eξ=________.解析:设“?”处的数值为x ,则“!”处的数值为1-2x ,则Eξ=1·x +2×(1-2x )+3x =x +2-4x +3x =2.答案:2三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共70分)17.(10分)某项化学实验,要把2种甲类物质和3种乙类物质按照先放甲类物质后放乙类物质的顺序,依次放入某种液体中,观察反应结果.现有符合条件的3种甲类物质和5种乙类物质可供使用.问:这个实验一共要进行多少次,才能得到所有的实验结果?解:由于要把2种甲类物质和3种乙类物质按照先放甲类物质后放乙类物质的顺序依次放入某种液体中,因此需要分步计数.由于同一类物质不同的放入顺序,反应结果可能会不同,因此这是一个排列问题.第1步,放入甲类物质,共有A 23种方案; 第2步,放入乙类物质,共有A 35种方案.根据分步乘法计算原理,共有A 23A 35=360种方案.因此,共要进行360次实验,才能得到所有的实验结果.18.(12分)[2014·深圳高二检测]在二项式(3x -123x )n 的展开式中,前三项系数的绝对值成等差数列.(1)求展开式的第四项; (2)求展开式的常数项. 解:T r +1=C r n(3x )n -r(-123x )r =(-12)r C r n x 13n -23r 由前三项系数的绝对值成等差数列,得 C 0n +(-12)2C 2n =2×12C 1n ,解这个方程得n =8或n =1(舍去). (1)展开式的第4项为: T 4=(-12)3C 38x 23=-73x 2.(2)当83-23r =0,即r =4时,常数项为(-12)4C 48=358. 19.(12分)[2014·湖南高考]某企业有甲、乙两个研发小组,他们研发新产品成功的概率分别为23和35.现安排甲组研发新产品A ,乙组研发新产品B .设甲、乙两组的研发相互独立.(1)求至少有一种新产品研发成功的概率;(2)若新产品A 研发成功,预计企业可获利润120万元;若新产品B 研发成功,预计企业可获利润100万元.求该企业可获利润的分布列和数学期望.解:记E ={甲组研发新产品成功},F ={乙组研发新产品成功},由题设知P (E )=23,P (E )=13,P (F )=35,P (F )=25,且事件E 与F ,E 与F ,E 与F ,E 与F 都相互独立. (1)记H ={至少有一种新产品研发成功},则H =E F , 于是P (H )=P (E )P (F )=13×25=215,故所求的概率为P (H )=1-P (H )=1-215=1315.(2)设企业可获利润为X (万元),则X 的可能取值为0,100,120,220,因为P (X =0)=P (E F )=13×25=215,P (X =100)=P (E F )=13×35=315,P (X =120)=P (E F )=23×25=415,P (X =220)=P (EF )=23×35=615.故所求的分布列为数学期望为EX =0×215+100×315+120×415+220×615=300+480+132015=210015=140.20.(12分)某运动项目设计了难度不同的甲乙两个系列,每个系列都有K ,D 两个动作,比赛时每位运动员自选一个系列完成,两个动作得分之和为该运动员的成绩.假设每位运动员完成每个系列中的两个动作的得分是相互独立的,根据赛前训练的统计数据,某运动员完成甲系列和乙系列动作情况如下表:(1)若该运动员希望获得该项目的第一名,应选择哪个系列?说明理由,并求其获得第一名的概率;(2)若该运动员选择乙系列,求其成绩ξ的分布列.解:(1)若该运动员希望获得该项目的第一名,应选择甲系列. 理由如下:选择甲系列最高得分为100+40>115, 可能获得第一名;而选择乙系列最高得分为90+20<115,不可能获得第一名. 记“该运动员完成K 动作得100分”为事件A , 记“该运动员完成D 动作得40分”为事件B ,则P (A )=34,P (B )=34,由事件A 与事件B 相互独立,记“该运动员获得第一名”为事件C ,法一:依题意得P (C )=P (AB )+P (A B )=34×34+14×34=34.∴该运动员获得第一名的概率为34.法二:由题意可知,该运动员只要D 动作得40分就获得第一名,则P (C )=P (B )=34.(2)若该运动员选择乙系列,ξ可能取得的值为50,70,90,110. 则P (ξ=50)=110×110=1100,P (ξ=70)=110×910=9100,P (ξ=90)=910×110=9100,P (ξ=110)=910×910=81100ξ的分布列为:21.(12分)km 时,租车费为10元;若行驶路程超出4 km ,则按每超出1 km 加收2元计费(超出不足1 km 的部分按1 km 计).从这个城市的民航机场到某宾馆的路程为15 km .某司机经常驾车在机场与此宾馆之间接送旅客,由于行车路线的不同以及途中停车时间要转换成行车路程(这个城市规定,每停车5分钟按1 km 路程计费,不足5分钟的部分不计费),这个司机一次接送旅客的转换后的行车路程ξ是一个随机变量.设他所收费用为η.(1)求费用η关于行车路程ξ的关系式; (2)若随机变量ξ的分布列为求所收费用η(3)已知某旅客实付费用38元,而出租汽车实际行驶了15 km ,问出租车在途中因故停车累计多长时间?解:(1)依题意得η=2(ξ-4)+10, 即η=2ξ+2,ξ≥15,ξ∈N ;(2)Eξ=15×0.1+16×0.5+17×0.3+18×0.1=16.4.∵η=2ξ+2,∴Eη=E (2ξ+2)=2Eξ+2=34.8(元), 故所收费用η的数学期望为34.8元. (3)由38=2ξ+2,解得ξ=18,故停车时间t 转换的行车路程为18-15=3 km , ∴3×5≤t <4×5,即出租车在途中因故停车累计时间t ∈[15,20).22.(12分)[2013·安徽高考]某高校数学系计划在周六和周日各举行一次主题不同的心理测试活动,分别由李老师和张老师负责.已知该系共有n 位学生,每次活动均需该系k 位学生参加(n 和k 都是固定的正整数).假设李老师和张老师分别将各自活动通知的信息独立、随机地发给该系k 位学生,且所发信息都能收到.记该系收到李老师或张老师所发活动通知信息的学生人数为X .(1)求该系学生甲收到李老师或张老师所发活动通知信息的概率; (2)求使P (X =m )取得最大值的整数m .解:(1)因为事件A :“学生甲收到李老师所发信息”与事件B :“学生甲收到张老师所发信息”是相互独立的事件,所以A 与B 相互独立.由于P (A )=P (B )=C k -1n -1C k n =k n,故P (A )=P (B )=1-k n ,因此学生甲收到活动通知信息的概率P =1-(1-k n )2=2kn -k2n 2.(2)当k =n 时,m 只能取n ,有P (X =m )=P (X =n )=1.当k <n 时,整数m 满足k ≤m ≤t ,其中t 是2k 和n 中的较小者.由于“李老师和张老师各自独立、随机地发活动通知信息给k 位同学”所包含的基本事件总数为(C k n )2.当X =m 时,同时收到李老师和张老师转发信息的学生人数恰为2k -m ,仅收到李老师或仅收到张老师转发信息的学生人数均为m -k .由乘法计数原理知:事件{X =m }所含基本事件数为C k n C 2k -mk C m -k n -k =C k n C m -k kC m -k n -k .此时 P (X =m )=C k n C 2k -m k C m -k n -k (C k n )2=C m -k kC m -kn -k C k n . 当k ≤m <t 时,P (X =m )≤P (X =m +1)⇔C m -k k C m -kn -k ≤C m +1-kkC m +1-kn -k⇔(m -k +1)2≤(n -m )(2k -m ) ⇔m ≤2k -(k +1)2n +2.假如k ≤2k -(k +1)2n +2<t 成立,则当(k +1)2能被n +2整除时,k ≤2k -(k +1)2n +2<2k +1-(k +1)2n +2≤t .故P (X =m )在m =2k -(k +1)2n +2和m =2k +1-(k +1)2n +2处达最大值;当(k +1)2不能被n +2整除时,P (X =m )在m =2k -[(k +1)2n +2]处达最大值.(注:[x ]表示不超过x 的最大整数)下面证明k ≤2k -(k +1)2n +2<t .因为1≤k <n ,所以2k -(k +1)2n +2-k =kn -k 2-1n +2≥k (k +1)-k 2-1n +2=k -1n +2≥0.而2k -(k +1)2n +2-n =-(n -k +1)2n +2<0,故2k -(k +1)2n +2<n ,显然2k -(k +1)2n +2<2k .因此k ≤2k -(k +1)2n +2<1.。
长春市中小学教师培训 数学模块三测试题答案

a. 积极的b. 有意义的c. 平和的d. 乐观的2、感恩测验是测量人们对自己过去生活是否(b)的量表。
a. 感谢b. 满意c. 幸福d. 感激3、(c)和敌意等情绪是A型人格的人易得心脏病的原因。
a. 急躁b. 忙碌c. 愤怒d. 好胜4、积极心理学是在(c)出现的心理学研究取向。
a. 二十世纪中期b. 二十世纪初c. 二十世纪末d. 二十一世纪5、积极心理学的主要研究内容包括(c)方面。
a. 两个b. 五个c. 三个d. 四个6、有些人的生活满意基准线很高,这样的人对自己的大部分生活都感到(d)。
a. 满意b. 幸福c. 快乐d. 不满意7、通过感恩量表,人们可以了解感恩的(b)。
a. 题目b. 维度c. 内容d. 难度8、积极心理学是“关于人类(b)和力量的科学”。
a. 快乐b. 幸福c. 美德d. 乐观9、"我的生活很好”这道题测的是(a)。
a. 富足感b. 普通感恩c. 感激别人d. 幸福感10、感恩行为策略要求列举的(d)是小事。
a. 必须b. 应该c. 可能d. 可以长春市小学教师远程培训数学模块二测试题答案1、以下关于空间观念的培养不正确的说法是:da. 可以利用多种途径建立培养学生的空间观念b. 现实问题情境和学生经验是发展空间观念的基础c. 可以在学生的思考、想象过程中建立培养空间观念d. 可以让学生多经历有关的数的活动过程2、评价要关注学生学习的结果,更要关注他们学习的过程,通过评价,帮助学生:ea. 建立自信b. 认识自我c. 自我教育d. 自我进步e.其余四项均正确3、学生的数学学习活动应当是一个生动活泼的、主动的和(c)的过程:ca. 单一b. 有创造性c. 富有个性d. 被动4、下列不属于课堂演示作用的是:ba. 有助于提高学生的观察技能b. 有助于培养学生的抽象思维c. 有助于提高学生的学习兴趣d. 有助于培养学生的形象思维5、模型思想的建立是学生体会和理解数学与外部世界联系的基本途径。

第三模块综合测试试题一、根据汉语提示写出英语单词的正确形式(5分)1. Our teacher often gives ______ about our study to us. (建议)2. I will ______ you some pictures of my family soon. (邮寄)3. Many people lost their lives in the ______. (战役)4. How do people in England do to ______ the Christmas Day? (庆祝)5. Little children prefer the ______ very much. (小甜饼)二、选择并抄写单词(5分)1. We have Dragon Boat _____ (competition, races) on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month.2. Kitty likes sweet dumplings, but she ______ (hates, hate) salty ones.3. Chinese people ______ (real, really) love the Spring Festival.4. He was a good poet, and he was ______ (poor, good) at writing poem.5. I could not take any ______ (photographs, books), because my camera was lost.三、单项选择题(30分)( )1. ―What are you going to do at the party?-We are going to _______some cartoons from Japan.A. lookB. look atC. seeD. watch( )2. -I didn’t mean ____ her.-But talking like that means _______ her.A. to hurt, to hurtB. hurting ,hurtingC. to hurt, hurtingD. hurting, to hurt( )3. -Can you come to my birthday part?-I’m sorry, I can’t make it.-Oh,______.A. it’s a pleasureB. what a pityC. that’s rightD. don’t worry( )4.-What shall we have at the party?-Let’s _____this book .It will give u s some ideas.A. to look atB. to look inC. look atD. look in( )5. We’ll have a party ______our school____Saturday 1 March.A. in ,atB.in .ofC. at , onD.on ,at( )6. We are all looking forward to ______your country.A. visitB. visitingC. be visitingD. visited( )7. -Shall we have some fruit?-_______I’ll make a fruit salad.A. Yes, I’ve no idea.B. No, not fruit.C. Yes , that’s a good idea!D. No, fruit is too sweet.( )8. -Hello. May I speak to Mrs Zhang?-Who’s calling, please?-__________.A. I’m ZhangB. Zhang is hereC. This is Zhang speakingD. Zhang is calling ( )9. -What’s Kitty doing at the birthday party?-She is putting some candles ____ the birthday cake.A. onB. inC. atD. to( )10. -We need to buy a lot of things for Ben’s birthday.-Let’s write a ___first.A. shop listB. shop paperC. shopping listD. shopping paper( )11. I ____to eat too many sweets when I was a child.A. useB. usedC. usingD. to use( )12. I have started _____ up some money.A. saveB. savesC. to saveD. saving( )13. Some times I help my mother ____ the housework.A. forB. inC. onD. with( )14. He ate too ____fruit.A. manyB. muchC. lessD. big( )15. Why don’t we ____to the beach instead?A. goB. to goC. goingD. goes( )16. They come from________country ,but _________ cities.A. same , differentB. the same , differentC. different, sameD. the same , the different( )17. I am sitting in _________ seat .A. wearB. secondC. the oneD. the fourth( )18. It is winter because the children ________ clothes.A. wearB. wearedC. are wearingD. wears( )1 9. Look ! Many students _________ with kites.A. playB. playedC. plaiedD. are playing( ) 20. There are some birds _____ the tree, but there aren’t any leaves ______ it .A. on , inB. on , onC. in , inD. in , on四、完形填空(10分)One hundred years ago there were mabye 100000 tiger in the world. Today scientists are not___1___are left,as it is difficuflt to count them .there may be only___2___5000 and 7000 tigers in the world.Why have the numbers___3___so quickly?The first reason is that tiger aremeat-eating.They need a lot of land to find___4___food.Also they live in the forestsand___5___have cut down many of the forests.___6___reason is that tiger are used for traditional medicine.All___7___of the body are used.People want to take traditional medicine.They think that these medicines will make them live longer.How can we protect the tigers___8___are left? First,we have___9___some wildlife parks. In these reserves,people may not kill tigers and may not cut down the forests. And 145 countries have agreed to stop selling tiger parts for medicine.With luck,people can protect tigers in the___10___areas of the world.Tigers can still live there.1 A they B how many C what D those2 A between B about C some D left3 A fall B fallen C change D rose4 A a lot of B freah C those D enough5 A people B they C there D also6 A The B Second C The other D the most inmportant7 A / B of C parts D things8 A those B that C these D this9 A found B opened C invented D created10A few B many C wild D wide五、阅读理解题(30)ADo as the Romans DoThe customs in different countries are rather different. If I have dinner with a Chinese host, he always puts more food onto my plates as soon as I have emptied it. That often discomforts me greatly. I have to eat the food even if I don’t want to, because it is considered bad manners in the West to leave one’s food on the plate. I have already noticed that when a Chinese sits at an A merican’s dinner party, he very often refuses the offer of food or drink though he is in fact still hungry or thirsty. This might be good manners in China, but it is not in the West at all. In the United States, it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again or insist on his accepting something. Americans have a direct way of speaking. If they want something, they will ask for it. If not, they will say, “No, thanks.” When an American is fed with beer by the host, for example, he might say, “No, thank s. I’ll take some diet, Pepsy-Cola(百事可乐)if you have it. ”That is what an American will do. So when you go to the United States, you had better remember the famous saying: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.1. From the passage, we can know that the Chinese are usually ________ to the guests.A. very hotB. rudeC. impoliteD. cold2. When a foreigner has dinner with a Chinese host, he often feels _______.A. pleasantB. uncomfortableC. satisfiedD. happy3. Why does a Chinese often refuse the offer of food or drink at a dinner party?A. He has had enough.B. He is shy.C. He is afraid that others will laugh at him.D. He thinks it’s polite to do that.4. When an American wants something to eat or drink at a dinner, he will _______.A. ask for it boldly大胆地B. refuse the offerC. ask for it directlyD. express himself indirectly5. “When in Rome, do as the Romans do “means “________”.A. When you got to Rome, you should act as the Romans doB. When you stay in Rome, you should do as the Romans doC. When you are in a new country, you should do as the locals doD. Romans can be an example for youA Mar.22B Feb.6C Nov.16D Aug.3( )2. Li Hua likes ________A hamburgers and saladB meat and sugarC singing and talkingD dancing ( )3. How old is Tina in 2012?A thirty—three years oldB thirty—nine years oldC twenty—six years oldD I don’t know ( )4. Does frank like vegetables and fruit?A Yes, he doesB Yes, she doesn’tC N o, he doesn’tD Y es, she doesn’t ( )5. How many people are there in the chart?\A oneB twoC threeD four六、用词的适当形式填空(10分)1. What about ______(go)shopping?2. Would you like_____(play)computer games?3. I really enjoy__________(swim).4. I used to _____(eat)too much sugar.5. I ____(watch)TV for 2 hours yesterday.七、对话配伍(10分)( ) 1. Which food would you like best? A. No, thanks. I’d rather have some tea.( ) 2. I like sea food. How about you? B. Only one is OK.( ) 3. Would you like some coffee? C. I like it, too.( ) 4. Do you know how to make dumplings? D. Sorry, I’m not sure.( ) 5. How many apples would you like? E. Pizza.八、书面表达(20分)给你远在美国的笔友Bill写一封信,向他介绍端午节的来历。

沪教牛津版小学六年级英语下册第三单元综合测试卷满分: 100分时间: 60分钟得分:听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。
(10分)()1. A. bell B. bill C. tell()2. A. go B. ago C. follow()3. A. hurry B. marry C. worry()4. A. truck B. luck C. mark()5. A. piece B. praise C. face二、听录音,选答语。
(10分)()1. A. I can’t find my dog. B. Thank you. C. My name is Cindy. ()2. A. Its name is Maomao. B. It’s small. C. It likes meat.()3. A. No, I can’t. B. Of course. C. Yes, I can.()4. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he did. C. No, I didn’t.()5. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. C. No, there aren’t. 三、听录音,给下列图片排序。
(10分)()1. Jenny is 13 years old.()2. A boy was crying in the street.()3. The boy lost his dog.()4. Jenny helped the boy.()5. The boy was unhappy at last.笔试部分五、根据括号内所给汉语提示,完成句子。
(5分)1. She always helps (其他人).2. Half an hour (以前) , I met him.3. I (看到) a dog last week.4. They (帮助) visitors find their way.5. me (打扰一下), where is the school?六、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. —Where is Mary flying?
—She is flying to France soon. She will arrive in Paris ________ the morning of July 9.
【小题10】 A.city C.bed
B.class D.school
There are forty students in Miss Li's class and Zhao Ling is the class monitor. Every two months, Miss Li goes for a picnic with her students. Zhao Lin g makes plans with his classmates' help. There is going to be a picnic in Chuncao Park on Saturday and they are going to meet at the park gate at nine o'cloc k. Some students will go there by bus and some will ride their bikes. What about Zhao Ling? He will go there on foot, because his home is near the park. He often runs there with his father in the morning.

A on the B in C last
4 do ___________ 5 drop___________ 6 like____________ 7 live ____________8 run __________ 9 buy ____________ 10 meet ____________ 三、句型转换(每题 6 分,共 30 分) 1 I wanted to go to the museum last Sunday 。(变为一般疑问
It’s a fine Sunday morning。 There are many people here. They are looking at Big Ben. Many of them are young and
Amy: Hello, Daming 。 How are you ?
some are old。 Two boys are playing with their yo—yos 。 A
B an
C the
( ) 4 They went ____bus to Badaling。
He took photos of the museums . 5 _______________ did they go ?
A by
B in
C on
( ) 5 They went there ____ morning 。
Great Wall ______________( in / at ) the weekend . It’s very 句)___________ Alex ____________the apples in his bag ?
部编版语文五年级上册 第三单元综合能力测试卷(有答案)

第三单元综合能力测试(时间:60 满分100分)第一部分:基础知识积累与运用(60分)一、听短文,回答下列问题。
(3分)拘.束(jù jū)催.促(cuīchuī)酬.谢(chóu chú)稀罕.(hǎn hàn)勤恳.( kěi kěn)执拗.(niùyòu)三、看拼音,写词语。
(4分)tā yán zhēn shā崩()迟()()宝()衣guàn yǒng jiāo qī习()游()()急()子四、词语游乐场。
人教选修3 模块综合测试5

2.下列是同周期元素基态原子的最外层电子排布式,所表示的原子最容易得到电子的是()A.n s2B.n s2n p1C.n s2n p4D.n s2n p5答案:D点拨:最容易得到电子,应该是最外层电子数大于等于4的原子,最外层电子数小于4的原子容易失去电子。

第三单元综合素质检测卷第一卷一、选择填空(20分)1.I think cycling is very ________ and uninteresting.A.tired B.tiring C.tiresome D.tire 2.Which sport are you ________, hockey or judo?A.good in B.berrer at C.well in D.well at 3.I think English is ________ than math. I can always get higher marks in English.A.Easier B.easy C.difficult D.more difficult4.Would you like to _______ some sightseeing around Beijing?A.take B.make C.do D.get 5.Excuse me. Can you ________ English?A.speak B.say C.tell D.talk 6.Mr. Smith works so _______ that he always stays at school until night.A.hardly B.carefully C.hard D.careful7.(2013辽宁大连)In America,people start celebrating the New Year______ 31st Decemb er.A.inB.atC.onD.for8.(2013海南省)—John, ______ do you visit your grandparents?—Once a week.A. how longB. how soonC. how oftenD. how much9.— Look! It's snowing outside.— How wonderful! If the snow on the ground is thick enough tomorrow, we can go______A.shopping B.swimming C.skiing D.cycling 10.— I love swimming and diving (跳水). How about you?— No, I don't like ________ of them. I hate water.A.any B.either C.everyone D.neither 11.I'd like to sit ______ the classroom so that I can see and hear the teacher.A.in front of B.at back ofC.in the front of D.at the back of12.Tony often does his homework _____, so he often makes many mistakes.A.well B.carefully C.carelessly D.easily 13.Basketball is my favorite sport, ________ I love football too.A.And B.So C.Also D.however14.Jim gets to school ________ than Tom does.A.a little early B.Early C.much earlier D.much early 15.The 2008 Olympic Games was held ________.A.in SydneyB.in AthensC.in ShanghaiDin Beijing16. Thanks______ me.A. helpB. for helpC. helpingD. for helping17. The music______ really beautiful.A. soundsB. soundC. sounds likeD. is sounding18. ---______ the weather ______?--- It’s fine.A. What’s, likeB. How’s, likeC. What’s, /D. How’s, look like19. (2013辽宁大连).Jim is______ good basketball player. He plays in our school team.A.aB.anC.theD./20. --- ______ are you waiting ______?--- My cousin.A. Who, /B. What, forC. Who, forD. Why, to二、阅读理解(42分)AIt’s Sunday morning. My parents, my uncle, my sisters and I are all at home. My father is sitting near the window. What’s he doing? He’s reading a newspaper. He likes reading newspapers. He wants to know what happens all over the world(了解世界发生了何事). My mother is watering the flowers in the small garden. There are some beautiful flowers in the garden. Some are red, others are yellow. They look nice. My uncle is my mother’s brother. He is a worker. What’s he doing now? He’s watching TV. He’s a basketball fan. And he is good at playing basketball. Now he is watching NBA on TV. Where are my twin sisters? Oh, look. Lily is over there. She is listening to the radio. She likes music very much. She likes popular music very much. Lucy is in her room. She has a computer in her bedroom. She is surfing the Internet(上网). She is writing an e-mail to her friend. What am I doing? I am doing my homework.( ) 21. There are ______ people in the family.A. fiveB. sixC. sevenD. eight( )22. What is the father doing?A. He’s watching TV.B. He is doing housework.C. He’s reading a newspaper.D. He is sleeping.( ) 23. The uncle is _______.A. watching CBA nowB. a teacherC. the father’s brotherD. a basketball( ) 24. What are the twin sisters doing?A. They are listening to the radio.B. They are searching the Internet.C. Lily is listening to the radio and Lucy is searching the Internet.D. Lucy is listening to the radio and Lily is searching the Internet. ( ) 25. Which is NOT right?A. The writer is doing his homework.B. There are some red and yellow flowers in the garden.C. The uncle is good at playing basketball.D. Lucy likes popular music very much.BIn 1891, Dr. James A.Naismith was asked to create a game that could be played indoors during the hard winters. Students were tired of staying inside, and they looked forward to any sporting activity. So Naismith put up two peach baskets on opposite walls and got his class of eighteen students to play a game of “basketball”. The team that dropped the ball into the basket more times would win. At first a soccer ball was used, but in 1894, it was decided that the ball should be 81 centimeters around and weigh 500 grams. Finally the weight increased to 600 grams. The baskets used in early games had the bottoms in them, and after each goal someone had to climb a ladder in order to get the ball out. In 1906, open baskets were introduced, which allowed the ball to pass through. And as a result the game became faster. In the beginning, no backboards were used either. Therefore, fans sitting in the balcony behind the basket would push away the ball when the opponent was going to score. Also in the early days, each team was made up of nine players. It wasn't until 1897 that five-player team became official.26.At the beginning, basketball was created to play ________.A.outdoors in summer B.indoors in summerC.outdoors in winterD.indoors in winter27.Finally a basketball was________.A.like a soccer ball B.81 cm around and weighed 500 gramsC.were as big as a peachD.81 cm around and weighed 600 grams 28.In 1901, the baskets used in game________.A.had bottoms B.had no bottomsC.were as big as a peach D.were very large29.In 1897, each basketball team was made up of ________ players.A.Eighteen B.Ten C.Nine D.FiveCIn England, people don’t usually talk too much. You can go on a bus, or in a train, and everyone sits looking out of the windows. Often they read. They read books and newspapers. But they don’t talk much.When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing, the weather. So when you meet someone in England, you say: “N ice weather for the time of year!”“But it was a little colder yesterday(昨天),” someone may say.“But it will be a little warmer later!” You can say. Talk like this and the English people will think, “How friendly you are!”( ) 30. English people usually _______.A. talk too muchB. don’t talk too muchC. go to work by carD. don’t like speaking( ) 31. They often _______ on a bus or in a train.A. studyB. singC. readD. write( ) 32. They like to talk about ______.A. the foodB. the clothesC. the familyD. the weather( ) 33. When you talk about weather with the weather with the English people, they will think you are _______.A. an EnglishB. a ChineseC. cleverD. friendly( ) 34. When you ask an Englishman, “How old are you?” He will feel(觉得) ______.A. sadB. worried(担忧)C. unhappy(不高兴)D. cold第二卷三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子(10分)。
高中英语 必修3 模块综合测试卷(2)(含答案解析)

1.Theflowers_____sweetinthebotanicgardenattractthevisitorstothebeautyofnature.A.tosmellB.smellingCsmeltD.tobesmelt2.---WouldyoupleasenottellmyfatheraboutthatifIdowellinmyEnglishexam,Mrs.Brown? ----I_______,Ipromise.A.shouldn’thaveB.shan’tC.won’tD.shouldn’t3.They’veheardquarrelingagain.Thereseemstobeno______buttobreakup.A.wayB.choiceC.possibilityD.selection4.Couldyoulendmeyourmobilephoneforawhile?Mine_______.AischargedB.isbeingchargedC.willchargeDhasbeencharged5.----Thisis______pictureItoldyouabout.----Isee.Isn’tit_____beautifulone?A.a,aB.the,aC.the,theD.a,the6.----ShallIhelpyouwiththatsuitcase?-----________.A.It’sallright,thanks.B.Hereyouare.C.Idon’twanttotroubleyoutoomuch.D.No,pleasedon’tdoit.7.“Nevergiveup.Hopeisalwaysjust______.”MymotheralwayssaysthistomybrotherandI.A.inthecornerB.atthecornerC.aroundthecornerD.onthecorner8.Someperson______callingforyouatthegate.A.willbeB.isbeingC.isDare9.----IpreferWesternfood.It’sakindofhealthyfood.----______ButWesternfoodissaidtobehighinsugarandfat.A.Isn’titright?B.Howdoyouknowthat?C.Doyoureallythinkso?D.Whotoldyouthat?10.-----Whydidn’tyoucallme?----Ididcallyou,butIhadsomedifficultyin______.A.getonB.gettingonC.getthroughD.gettingthrough11.Thedrinkhas_____bad.Whydidn’tyoukeepitintheshade?A.becameB.goneC.chargedD.kept12.----Wouldyoumind_____thebooksforme?----_______.A.hold/Yes,please.B.tohold/No,please.Cholding/Yes,please.D.holding/Ofcoursenot.13.Theyknowtheimportantpart_____computers_______intheirlives.A.inwhich,playB.which,doC.that,playD.inthat,do14.---IsthereaflighttoParisthisevening?----There_____be.Pleasephonetheairportandfinditout.A.mustB.wouldCmightD.can15.________manydifficultiesduringhischildhood,hegrewupintoastrong-mindedman.A.HavingexperiencedB.havingbeenexperiencedC.ExperiencingD.Beingexperienced16.Heinsistedthathe____ill,butIsuggestesmedicalcare______tohim.A.isn’t,wasgivenB.wasn’t,givesC.wasn’t,begivenD.was,shouldgiven17.Themachinesrequire_______,sotheworkersarerequired_______ready.A.repairing,togetB.repaired,togetC.repairing,gettingD.toberepaired,getting18.Itisthefact______hedoesn’tknowhisbirthday______surprisesusall.A.which,whichB.that,thatC.which,thatD.that,which19.Thereason______hegavefornotcomingwas_____hisfatherwouldn’tlethim.A.forwhich,thatBwhich,becauseC.why,becauseDwhich,that20.----Willyougoboatingwithusthissummervacation?-----It______.A.isalldependedonB.alldependsC.isalldependedD.alldependson二完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出合适填入对应空白处的最佳选项。

(2分)1. 齐白石对自己提出一个标准,每天要挥笔作画,一天至少要画五幅。
( )2. “人生太短暂了,太短暂了,要节省时间,多做事情啊!”这句话是巴尔扎克对他的助手说的。
( )二、读句子,根据拼音写词语。
(5分)那个星期天,母亲永无x iūzhǐ()地忙碌着,我唯有不出声地流泪。
母亲jīnɡhuánɡ()地qīn wěn()我。
我yīwēi在母亲怀里,时间在无可wǎn huí()中消逝。
(6分)1. 你()遇到了巨大的困难,()不要选择放弃,好吗?2. 世事本就难料,()瞻前顾后地在原地踏步,()大胆地去尝试看看。
(4分)1. 像针尖上一滴水滴在大海里,我的日子滴在时间的流里,没有声音,也没有影子。
()2. 太阳他有脚啊,轻轻悄悄地挪移了。
()3. 我何曾留着像游丝样的痕迹呢?()4. 燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。

(时间:50分钟 满分:60分)1.(15分)(全国甲卷)(1)(5分)关于电磁波,下列说法正确的是________。
每题选错1个扣3分,最低得分为0分)A .电磁波在真空中的传播速度与电磁波的频率无关B .周期性变化的电场和磁场可以相互激发,形成电磁波C .电磁波在真空中自由传播时,其传播方向与电场强度、磁感应强度均垂直D .利用电磁波传递信号可以实现无线通信,但电磁波不能通过电缆、光缆传输E .电磁波可以由电磁振荡产生,若波源的电磁振荡停止,空间的电磁波随即消失 (2)(10分)一列简谐横波在介质中沿x 轴正向传播,波长不小于10 cm 。
O 和A 是介质中平衡位置分别位于x =0和x =5 cm 处的两个质点。
t =0时开始观测,此时质点O 的位移为y =4 cm ,质点A 处于波峰位置;t =13 s 时,质点O 第一次回到平衡位置,t =1 s 时,质点A 第一次回到平衡位置。
求(ⅰ)简谐波的周期、波速和波长; (ⅱ)质点O 的位移随时间变化的关系式。
解析:(1)电磁波在真空中的传播速度等于光速,与电磁波的频率无关,选项A 正确; 周期性变化的电场和磁场可以相互激发,形成电磁波,选项B 正确;电磁波传播方向与电场强度、磁感应强度均垂直,选项C 正确;电磁波可以通过光缆传输,选项D 错误;电磁波波源的电磁振荡停止,波源不再产生新的电磁波,但空间中已产生的电磁波仍可继续传播,选项E 错误。
(2)(ⅰ)设振动周期为T 。
由于质点A 在0到1 s 内由最大位移处第一次回到平衡位置,经历的是14个周期,由此可知T =4 s ①由于质点O 与A 的距离5 cm 小于半个波长,且波沿x 轴正向传播,O 在t =13 s 时回到平衡位置,而A 在t =1 s 时回到平衡位置,时间相差23 s 。
两质点平衡位置的距离除以传播时间,可得波的速度v =7.5 cm/s ②利用波长、波速和周期的关系得,简谐波的波长 λ=30 cm 。

模块三班级管理单元测试一、单项选择题1. 为实现教育目的,在教育者的引导下,由班级学生或少先队成员共同参与,在学科教学以外时间组织开展的教育活动是()。
[单选题] *A.班级活动B.班队活动(正确答案)C.课外活动D.课余活动答案解析:B【解析】班队活动是指为实现教育目的,在教育者的引导下,由班级学生或少先队成员共同参与,在学科教学以外时间组织开展的教育活动。
2. 令王老师最头疼的是班里的这些后进生,对于这些后进生,王老师应该( )。
[单选题] *A.个别后进生不必在意B.严格管教,必要时可以使用体罚C.对学生本人充满爱,对后进生的错误绝不姑息D.后进生道德认知能力较弱,应重视行为习惯的培养(正确答案)答案解析:D【解析】教师在对待后进生方面应该多一些鼓励,多一些关爱,但在他们犯错时也应该一视同仁绝不姑息。
3. 孙老师课上有两位同学因为座位距离的问题争执起来,大有肢体冲突的趋势,这时候,孙老师应该( )。
[单选题] *A.立刻制止,下课处理(正确答案)B.不理不气,当他们是空气C.勒令二人停止,出去罚站反省,以儆效尤D.暂时不予关注,待到教学告一段落后,再给予处理答案解析:A【解析】应立即制止防止事态扩大,稳定课堂秩序下课再处理。
4. 小娜是她们班的班长,她带领着班委会的成员维护班级的纪律,组织各种团体活动,大家都觉得自己在这个班级里像是在一个大家庭里一样,任课老师都说她们班的班委是整个年级最好的。
此时的班级处于( )。
[单选题] *A.形成期(正确答案)B.成熟期C.初建期D.完成期答案解析:A【解析】处于形成期的班集体班干部开始发挥核心作用,凝聚力开始显现,大多数学生在班集体中获得了归属感。
5. 某小学在课余时间组织学生参加航模小组,英语小组,小乐团等,以丰富学生的课余生活。
其中足球小组的课外活动属于( )。
[单选题] *A.学科活动B.社会活动C.科技活动D.文体活动(正确答案)答案解析:D【解析】学校的课外文体活动包括文学、艺术、娱乐、体育训练与体育竞赛等内容。
第三模块移民业务测试卷 答案

牛津上海版2020-2021学年六年级英语上册Module 3 food and drink模块测试题(含答案)

模块三综合测试Part One Listening(第一部分听力)I. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):5分1. _____________2. ___________3. ____________4. ____________5. ____________Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):8分( ) 1. A. Once. B. Twice C. Three times. D. Never.( ) 2. A. Mary's. B. Jack's. C. Peter's. D. Tom's.( ) 3. A. In the street. B. In an office. C. At home. D. In a book shop.( ) 4. A. 63457886. B. 63547786. C. 63457786. D. 63457866.( ) 5. A. Yes, they can. B. No, they can't. C. Yes, they must. D. No, they needn't.( ) 6. A. The girl's mum. B. The boy's dad. C. The girl's dad. D. The boy's mum.( ) 7. A. To cook dinner. B. To write a shopping list.C. To read a book.D. To do his homework.( ) 8. A. Chicken soup. B. Chocolate and toast.C. Chicken and chocolate.D. Chicken and jam.III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):6分( ) 1. People in different places have the same eating habits.( ) 2. All Chinese people like to have fruit after lunch and dinner.( ) 3. Some American people like having ice cream after meals.( ) 4. Chinese people don't like having picnics.( ) 5. American people sometimes have picnics in their gardens.( ) 6. Picnics are fun for people all over the world.Ⅳ. Listen to the passage and complete the sentences(听短文,完成下列句子):6分1. My father is a _________.2. My mother likes __________.3. My _________ is 25.4. My sister is a ____________.5. I am a ____________.6. ___________ like salad.Part Two Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法)V. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):15分( ) 1. On her way __________ home, Betty saw a lot of people near a bank.A. /B. toC. atD. in( )2. I have ____________ uncle. He lives in Beijing.A. aB. anC. theD. this( ) 3. Steak usually tastes __________ with black pepper sauce.A. wellB. wonderfullyC. niceD. sweet( ) 4. I haven't got ____________ money to buy two film tickets.A. a lot ofB. enoughC. manyD. /( ) 5. His diet is not ____________. So he is too fat.A. good enoughB. enough goodC. bad enoughD. enough bad ( ) 6. You'd better have a picnic __________ a sunny day.A. inB. atC. onD. under( ) 7. Kitty talked __________in the classroom.A. loudB. loudlyC. noiseD. noisy( ) 8. __________ are vegetables.A. TomatoesB. BananasC. ChocolatesD. Sausages ( ) 9. I'd like to have rice ___________ inner.A. inB. atC. onD. for( ) 10. There are only ________ students in the classroom. Most of them are playing on the playground.A. someB. a lot ofC. manyD. a few( ) 11. Alice eats a lot of meat every day. Kitty has a little fat and salt every day. Alice's diet is _______________ Kitty's.A. as healthy asB. healthier thanC. less healthy thanD. as unhealthy as ( ) 12. -Must I finish my homework now?-____________. You can watch TV for a while.A. Yes, you mustB. No, you needn'tC. Yes, you needD. No, you mustn't ( ) 13. The post office is quite __________ your office. You can walk there.A. far fromB. closeC. betweenD. near( ) 14. I came to know him from ___________ interview programme on CCTV-1.A. aB. anC. theD. /( ) 15. Have you __________ any books?A. buyB. boughtC. buysD. buyingⅥ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用所给单词的适当形式填空):8分1. Chinese people are always ____________(kindness) to others.2. Some students think it is ___________ (funny) to play computer games.3. The fish looks good but ___________(tasty) terrible.4. I would like to __________ (cookery) some food for my parents because they are busy.5. It's good to drink ___________ (boil) water on a hot day.6. Look at the sign, it says "No ____________( smoke) ".7. Do you want some ____________ (steam) fish?8. ___________ (boil) eggs are good for us.Ⅷ. Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions in the brackets(按要求改写下列句子,每空一词):12分1. I'd like three packets of apples. (就画线部分提问)___________ ____________apples would you like?2. You mustn't be late for school again. (改为同义句)___________ _________ late for school once more.3. It takes me about half an hour to get to school every day. (就画线部分提问)___________ __________ does it take you to get to school every day?4. Mary likes having cabbage soup with beef.(就画线部分提问)__________ _________of food does Mary like having?5. Jenny does some shopping almost every week.(改为否定句)Jenny __________ _________ any shopping almost every week.6. The Greens will go to the cinema tonight. (就画线部分提问)__________ will the Greens ___________tonight?Part Three Reading and Writing(第三部分阅读和写话)Ⅷ. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):A. True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):5分Wendy has a busy day every day. She gets up at six o'clock in the morning and has her breakfast at home. She leaves home at five to seven. It takes her fifteen minutes to walk to school. She has a little rest after lunch, but she works hard in class all day. She plays basketball after school, and then walks home.On her way home she sees a lot of buses, cars and bicycles. She sees flowers and green grass. She sees some children playing happily. She is also very happy. After she gets home, she has a short rest and a glass of water. After that she helps her parents clean the house. After dinner, she watches TV for half an hour. Then she starts her homework. She finishes it at nine o'clock. She goes to bed at nine thirty.( ) 1. Wendy isn't very busy every day.( ) 2. She spends a quarter walking to school.( ) 3. She plays volleyball after school.( ) 4. She can see a lot of things at home.( ) 5. After watching TV, she does her homework.B. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择恰当的答案):5分Our eating habits are very important for good health. Many people like eating sweets and ice cream more than meat and rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad for stomach if we eat them at the end of a meal. But if we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite (食欲). It is important for us to eat our meals at the same time every day. When we feel hungry, it is said that our body needs food. When we feel angry or excited, we may not want to eat.A long time ago, in England, some judges used to decide whether a person was telling truth by giving him some dry bread. If the person could swallow(吞咽) the bread, it showed that he was telling the truth. Though this seems rather strange and foolish, it is indeed a way to find out the truth, sometimes. A person worrying about something has much difficulty in swallowing anything dry. Because he is worrying, he loses his appetite and does not want to eat.( ) 1. We must develop a good eating habit if we want to_____________.A. be angryB. eat moreC. be hungryD. be healthy ( ) 2. It is good to eat sweets or ice cream ______________.A. before a mealB. after a mealC. at any timeD. during the day ( ) 3. We may not want to eat when ________________.A. we feel hungryB. we feel angryC. the meal is readyD. when we are hungry( ) 4. We must eat our meals ______________.A. four times a dayB. at the same time every dayC. three times a dayD. we finish our work( ) 5. When a person has nothing to worry about, he usually ________________.A. has a big appetiteB. has a poor appetiteC. wants to drinkD. wants to eat sweetsC. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):10分The rain began last Friday and it went on for four l . The river suddenly rose. Most of the bridge was 2 water, After school a few children went to the bridge. They lived on the 3__ side of the river. A boy tried to cross the bridge. The other children stopped him, but he didn't listen to them. He became 4 in the middle of the bridge and fell into the river and the water washed him away. His friend called out for help. An old man heard them while he was 5 by the river. He jumped into the water and pulled the boy out. The children thanked him very much but they forgot to ask who he was.( ) 1. A. days B. weeks C. months D. years( ) 2. A. over B. under C. below D. above( ) 3. A. another B. both C. other D. each( ) 4. A. happy B. interesting C. sad D. afraid( ) 5. A. eating B. singing C. walking D. playingD. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入恰当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):10分Mrs. Black lives in a small village. Her husband is d . Her son, Jack, lived with her. He worked in a shop in the village, but then he got a job in town named Greensea. He went to live there. Mrs. Black was very a . She got on a train and went to see her son. It ther almost 5 hours to get there. Then she said to him, "Jack, why do you n telephoneme?"Jack laughed, "But, Mum, you haven't got a telephone. " "No. " she answered, "I haven't,b you have got one. "1. d____________2. a___________3. t__________4. n_________5. b____________E. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):5分Albert found it difficult to study at school. His teacher would beat the blackboard while she waited for him to answer her questions. But Albert always had to think about 111many things before he could answer. After all, he would say to himself, "There are many things to think about before you can say anything is certain. "When his teacher wasn't asking Albert a question, Albert would think of a question to ask her. And often when he asked a question, she would get red in the face and angry at Albert for asking such a question, because she couldn't answer it.1. Who found it difficult to study at school?_________________________________________________________________________2. What did his teacher do while she waited for him to answer the question?________________________________________________________________________Did Albert answer it quickly?________________________________________________________________________4. Was the teacher happy when Albert asked her a question?________________________________________________________________________5. What do you think of Albert?________________________________________________________________________IX. Writing(作文):5分Write at least 50 words on the topic "My Favourite Drink ". (以“最喜欢的饮料”为题,写一篇至少50个单词的短文,要求语句正确通,内容连贯,标点符号不占格)________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________模块三综合测试I. 1. I want to be a policeman when I grow up. (C)2. Would you like to have some orange juice with me? (D)3. We should protect our earth. (F)4. Fast food is easy to carry and it is not expensive. (B)5. Wang Lin likes to have dessert after dinner. (A)II.1. W: Have you been to Hong Kong yet?M: Yes, I have. I went there last year.Q: How many times has the boy been to Hong Kong? (A)2. W: Whose books are these? Are they yours, Jack?M: No, they are not mine. They are Peter's.Q: Whose books are these? (C)3. W: Look at the sign on the book shelf.M: It tells us we must not eat or drink when we are in the shop.Q: Where are the speakers? (D)4. W: Hello, this is Jenifer speaking. Who is that?M: Is it 63457786?W: No. Sorry you've got the wrong number. It's 63457886 here.Q: What's Jenifer's telephone number? (A)5. W: Please don't talk loudly here. That's the rule of the library.M: I'm sorry.Q: Can they talk loudly there? (B)6. W: Is your mum good at cooking, Tom?M: Certainly.W: What about your dad, Tom?M: He is not so good.Q: Who can cook better? (D)7. W: I'm going to the supermarket, would you like to go with me, Jack?M: I'd love to. But I have to finish my homework first.Q: What's the boy going to do first? (D)8. M: What's your favourite food, Lily'?W: I like chicken and chocolate best. What food do you like best?M: I like toast and jam best.Q: What is Lily's favourite food? (C)III. People in different places have different eating habits. Some American people like having ice cream after meals. Some Chinese people like having fruit after lunch and dinner. Picnics are fun for people all over the world. Some Chinese people go on a picnic in the parks but American people sometimes have picnics just in their gardens at home. People talk and play games at the picnic. They are very happy.1. F2. F3. T4. F5. T6. TIV. My father is a teacher. He is 48. He likes apples. My mother is 46. She is a driver. She likes bananas. My brother is 25. He is a doctor. He likes oranges. My sister is 22. She is a nurse. She likes tomatoes. I am 16. I am a student. I like salad.1. teacher2. bananas3. brother4. nurse5. student6. IV. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6, C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. BVI. l. kind 2. fun 3.tastes 4.cook 5.boiled 6.smoking 7. steamed 8. BoiledVII. 1. How many 2. Don't be 3. How long 4. What kind 5. doesn't do 6. What, do VIII.A: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. TB: 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. AC: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. CD: 1. dead 2. angry 3. took 4. never 5. but E: 1. Albert.2. She beat the blackboard.3. No, he didn't.4. No, she wasn't.5. Foolish.Ⅸ. 略1、天下兴亡,匹夫有责。

章节测试题1.【答题】( )—It's twelve now. I'm hungry.—_________A. I'm hungry.B. Yes.C. Me too.【答案】C【分析】本题考查情景交际。
— ......。
选C.2.【答题】( )I like ______soya milk.A. drinkingB. drinkC. playing【答案】A【分析】本题考查动词辨析和短语。
这里是短语like doing sth(喜欢做某事), 这里用动词的ing形式,B选项是动词原形,不合适,A选项意思是:喝,C选项是:玩。
选A.3.【答题】( )Daming and Tom ______ playing the piano.A. areB. amC. is【答案】A【分析】本题考查主谓一致。
根据句子结构这是现在进行时的句子,句子主语是两个人,系动词用are. 选A.4.【答题】( )Let's go _______.A. shopB. shoppingC. shops【答案】B【分析】本题考查短语。
根据句意这是短语go shopping“去购物”, 这是固定短语。
故选B.5.【答题】( )We can _____lots of interesting things.A. seeingB. seesC. see【答案】C【分析】本题考查动词原形。
选C.6.【答题】语法填空(1)Listen! The birds ______ (sing).(2)What ______ the elephant ______ (do) now?(3)The monkey ______ (like) bananas.(4)Look! The ducks ______ (be) swimming.(5)My sister ______ (draw) pictures now.【答案】(1) are singing (2) is;doing (3) likes (4)are (5)is drawing【分析】本题考查单词填空。

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1 第三模块综合测试
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
M _ nday Tu _ sday W _ dnesday
Thur _ day Fr _ day S _ turday S _ nday
1、I`ll play with my friends. A
2、I`ll go to the park. B
3、I`ll do my homework. C
4、I`ll visit my grandma. D
5、I`ll help my mother. E
1、Will you _______your kite tomorrow?
A 、do
B 、take
C 、visit
2、We`re going to ________a picnic.
A 、take
B 、go
C 、have
3、On Sunday I`ll_________my books.
A 、read
B 、do
C 、play
4、On Friday I`ll________football.
A 、read
B 、take
C 、play
5、On Monday I`ll_________to the park.
A 、go
B 、do
C 、take
football kite homework biscuits fruit
_________________________________ _______________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________________
Will you take a ball? Yes,_________________
2 Will you_____________? No, I won`t.
3 Will you take bread? __________________
4 ____________________? No, I won`t.
5 Will you read a book? ____________________ 七、读一读,判断正“T ”误“F ”。
Today is Friday and tomorrow is Saturday.On Saturday We`ll go to the park.I`ll take a ball.Xiaohong will take a kite.Xiaohua will take some bread,some biscuits and some fruit.We`ll very happy.
1、Tomorrow is Friday. ( )
2、On Saturday we will go to the park. ( )
3、Xiaohong will take a ball. ( )
4、I`ll take a kite. ( )
5、Xiaohua will take some biscuits. ( )。