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摘要2008年4月至2008年9月调查了南京地区美洲商陆(Phytolacca americana )的果实产量、土壤种子库种子密度、实生苗数量以及鸟类取食美洲商陆浆果的数量。结果表明:美洲商陆单株果实产量平均为4287.90±527.11个。在毛竹林、洋槐林、针阔混交林3个生境中标记的美洲商陆果序成熟果实数量为580.8~617个,没有显著差异(F2,30=0.414,p=0.665);而鸟类取食成熟果实数量79.2~540.2个,取食率为13.10%~87.67%,在毛竹林与洋槐林、针阔混交林之间有显著差异(ANOV A,F=1004.83, df=2, p<0.0001)。3个生境土壤种子库种子密度为1970.0~5690.0粒/m2,鸟类对美洲商陆浆果的取食率与美洲商陆土壤种子库密度之间呈显著的负相关。5月毛竹林、洋槐林和针阔混交林下美洲商陆实生苗的密度依次为198.2、50.0和

16.5株/m2;8月实生苗的密度依次为25.6、 6.8和5.2株/m2;实生苗的存活率依次为14.7%、



Fruit yield, soil seed bank and natural seedling regeneration of Phytolacca americana

Abstract From April 2008 to September 2008, the fruit production, soil seed bank, number of seedling of exotic weed Phytolacca americana ,and number of Phytolacca americana fruits eaten by birds were surveyed in Nanjing. The results showed that the average fruit production of P.

americana was4287.90±527.11 per plant. The number of fully ripe fruit of plant in 3 sample sites varied 580.8±17.0~617±42.1 per plant, there weren’t significant difference in these sample sites (F2,30=0.414,p=0.665).However, the number of fruits eaten by birds were 79.2±4.0~540.2±37.0 per plant, and the percent of fruits eaten by birds were13.10%~87.67%, there were significant difference among Phyllostachys pubescens forest, broadleaved mixed forest, Robinia peseudoacacia forest(ANOV A,F=1004.83, df=2, p<0.0001). Seed density in these sample sites varied between 1970.0~5690.0 seeds.m-2, it was negative relation to the percent of fruits eaten by birds.The seedling density of Phytolacca americana in the Phyllostachys pubescens forest, broadleaved mixed forest and Robinia peseudoacacia forest were98.2, 50.0 and 16.5 plant.m-2 respective in May. The density of survival seedlings decreased to 25.6 ,6.8 and 5.2plant.m-2respective in these sits in August .The seedling livability were14.7%,17.91%and 25.8% respective in these sits. The result indicate strong competition result in Phytolacca Americana seedling mortality when the seedling density was high.

Key words Phytolacca americana, fruit production, soil seed bank


美洲商陆(Phytolacca americana L.)又称为垂序商陆,原产于北美东部,隶属于商陆科商陆属,经常大量出现在受干扰的开阔的生境中(鲁德全,1995)。我国已将其列入外来入侵
