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Fast Radiance Calibration for Ground-Based Large-Aperture Infrared Opto-Electric Equipment
2 Liu Junchi1,
Li Hongwen1
Wang Jianli1
Yin Limei1
Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, Jilin 130033, China
中国科学院大学 , 北京 100049
摘要 在地基大口径红外光电设备的多目标分时观测中, 为了消除环境因素对系统绝对辐射响应度的影响, 在观测 间歇快速地完成红外光电设备的辐射定标, 研究了快速辐射定标方法。建立了定标实验的数学模型, 确定了实验 流程; 以标准红外自然星为辐射定标源对红外光电设备的绝对辐射响应度进行了定标, 并测量了大气透射率; 对已 知辐射照度的自然星进行观测, 并通过定标实验得到的参数进行反演计算。数据表明 ,基于快速辐射定标方法的目 标辐射照度反演最大相对误差为 18.93% , 定标实验占用时间约为 4 min 。作为对比, 基于面源黑体定标光学系统并 应用 Modtran 软件计算大气透射率的传统方法, 反演最大相对误差为 28.74% , 定标实验占用时间约为 17 min 。结果 源黑体, 大幅降低了成本。 关键词 测量; 红外辐射特性; 快速辐射定标; 标准红外自然星; 大气透射率测量 中图分类号 TP751.1 doi: 10.3788/AOS201535.0301003 文献标识码 A 表明, 与传统方法相比, 快速辐射定标方法的实验占用时间显著缩短, 目标反演误差明显降低; 系统不需要匹配面
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract In the multi-target observations using the ground-based large-aperture infrared telescope, in order to eliminate the influence of changing the system radiance responsivity caused by environment, and calibrate the radiance responsivity in short time during two observations, a fast radiance calibration method is discussed. A mathematical model and experimental procedures are set up. The radiance responsivity is calibrated, and the atmospheric transmittance is measured, based on the standard infrared stars. The illuminance of stars is inversed, which is known in advance, using the calibrated data. Data shows that the maximum relative error of inversion is 18.93% and it takes about 4 min to complete the experiment. As a comparison, the maximum relative error is 28.74%, and it takes about 17 min to complete the experiment, using the traditional method, that the radiance respoinsivity is calibrated based on the black body, and the atmospheric transmittance is calculated by Modtran. Results show that, compared with the traditional method, it takes less time to complete the experiment, and the relative error of illuminance inversion is smaller. The black body is not necessary, and it takes less cost. Key words measurement; infrared radiation characteristics; fast radiance calibration; standard infrared star; atmospheric transmittance measurement OCIS codes 010.1320; 010.5630; 040.3060 收稿日期 : 2014-11-24; 收到修改稿日期 : 2014-12-10 基金项目 : 国家 863 计划 (2013AAXXX1009) E-mail: liujunchi703@163.com 作者简介 : 刘俊池 (1988 —) , 男, 博士研究生, 主要从事空间目标红外辐射特性测量方面的研究。 导师简介 : 王建立 (1971 —) , 男, 博士, 研究员, 博士生导师, 主要从事空间目标探测技术和地基高分辨率成像光电望远镜
第 35 卷 第 3 期 2015 年 3 月
Vol. 35, No. 3 March, 2015
刘俊池 1, 2 李洪文 1 王建立 1 殷丽梅Байду номын сангаас1
中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 , 吉林 长春 130033