
(action)We must take action to prevent the disease from spreading.2. 他自动提出充当游故宫的向导。
( act as )He volunteered to act as a guide to the Palace Museum.3.老教授聚精会神地写作,以至我们不敢发出一点声响。
(absorb)The senior professor was so absorbed in writing that we didn’t dare to make a sound.4.非法下载仍然占全世界音乐下载的95%。
(account v)Illegal downloads still account for 95 percent of music downloads worldwide.5.他们指控公司未能保护好公众的利益。
(accuse)They accused the company of failing to safeguard / protect the interests of the public. / not having protected …6.进入高中以来,许多同学已经习惯于天天学习到深夜。
(accustom)Many students have been accustomed to studying until far into the night since they entered senior high school.7.你的文章首尾不呼应。
(agree)The beginning of your essay doesn’t agree with the end; either rewrite the end or delete it.The beginning and the end of your essay don’t agree;8.这些广告旨在吸引消费者购买商品。

听力高频话题总结听力中餐厅吃饭话题必不可少的英文表达01 安排餐桌1.Can you please find a table for two?你能帮我们找个两人桌吗?2.I have booked a table last week.我上周订了一个桌。
3.Can I get a table without reservation?没预定,可以就餐吗?02点菜1.May I have the menu please?我能看一下菜单吗?2.I think we need another minute to decide.我们还得等会儿才能点餐。
3. We are ready to order.我们可以开始点餐啦。
03结账买单1.Can I have the bill please?我要买单啦。
2.Do you charge per person or per item?你们按人收费还是按点的食物收费呀?3.Can I pay by credit card?我能用信用卡支付吗?cash现金/wechat微信/ alipay支付宝4.You can keep the change.零钱不用找啦。
听力中“坐飞机”相关话题必不可少的英文表达1 必备词汇机舱级别:economy class 经济舱business class 商务舱first class 头等舱机舱位置:aisle 走道aisle seat 靠走道位置window seat 靠窗位置middle seat 中间位置lavatory 洗手间occupied 使用中vacant 无人使用overhead compartment头顶置物舱emergency exit紧急出口机上物品:airsickness bag 呕吐袋blind 窗帘blanket 毛毯tray 折叠餐桌electronic device 电子产品inflight meal 飞机餐console 扶手上的按钮台seat belt 安全带seat pocket 椅子后的袋子life jacket 救生衣oxygen mask 氧气罩机组人员:captain 机长flight attendant 空乘crew 机组群体人员2 必备表达要吃/喝点什么吗?would you care for something to eat/drink? care for=like 喜欢您要吃点/喝点什么吗?What are my choices for food/drink?我可以选择吃/喝些什么呢?May I have some more bread?我能再来点面包吗?找座和换座?Excuse me, could you help me find my seat?抱歉,可以帮我找到我的座位吗?Excuse me, you have my seat.不好意思,你坐到我的座位了。

1.多少钱?How much is the shirt?2.......什么时候,将要做什么?What will James do tomorrow? James 明天要干什么?What is the man goi ng to do? 这位男士将要干什么?What will the woma n do this after noon?这位女士下午将要干什么?什么时候......?When does the train leave ?3.如何到达某地?How does the woma n go to work? 这位女士怎么去上班4.说话者可能是什么关系?What is the p robable relati onship betwee n the sp eakers? Classmates .同学Teacher and student. 师生Doctor and patie nt.医生和病人Policeman and thief.警察和小偷。
Police woman and manager. 警察和经理Boss and secretary.老板和秘书。
Husband and wife. 丈夫和妻子。
Waitress and customer.女服务员和顾客。
Waiter and customer.男服务员和顾客。
Empioyer and empioyee. 雇主和雇员。
What does the woma n think of her in terview/movie? tough艰难,Amusing.逗人发笑的;Exciti ng.让人激动的;Disappointing.让人失望的;Interesting.让人感兴趣的;Successful 成功的;Bori ng.无聊的;Terrible痛苦的;Fine.好的;Relaxi ng让人放松的听力常见句子和单词In a cinema.在电影院。

高考听说口语考试常用问答句一·一般疑问句及回答①Are you + 名词?“你是···?答“yes, 主谓”或者“no, 否定”Eg. Are you American?Yes, I am. ∕No, I am not.②Is this your……?“这是你的……吗?”Eg. Is this your skirt?Yes, it is. ∕No, it isn’t.③Are ∕is there any……?“有些……吗”Eg. Is there any bread on the table?Yes, there is. ∕No, there isn’t.④Can you ……?“你能够(可以)……吗”Eg. Can you speak English?Yes, I can. ∕No, I can’t.⑤Do you like……?∕Would you like some……?“你喜欢……吗”Eg. Do you like apple?Yes, I do. ∕No, I don’t.⑥Do you want……? “你想要……吗?”Eg. Do you want a cup of coffee?Yes, please. ∕No, thanks.⑦Have you ……?“你已经……了吗”Has she had breakfast?Yes, she has. ∕No, she hasn’t.⑧Is that all? “就这些了吗?”That’s all.总结:一般疑问句特点是把谓语动词或者助动词提到主语之前,回答的时候,先回答yes或者no,接着主语加谓语动词或者助动词即可。
二. 特殊疑问句。
(1)when did∕will you……?“你(将)什么时候……?”根据实际情况回答,要有时间状语。
Eg. When did you buy that car?(I bought it) one year ago.(2)where is∕are……?“……在哪里?”Eg. Where are you from? ∕where do you come from? “你来自哪里?”I am from……∕I come from……(3)who is ……?“谁是……?”此时who在句子当主语。

英语口语情景对话40篇1. 在机场接人A: Hi, are you John from Marketing?B: Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you.A: Likewise. Let's get your luggage and head to the car.2. 在餐厅点餐A: Can I have the vegetarian lasagna, please?B: Of course, would you like a side salad with that?A: That sounds great, thank you.3. 在办公室讨论工作A: I've finished the report you asked for. Do you want to go over it now?B: Sure, let's take a look. I have a few minutes before my next meeting.4. 在银行开账户A: I'd like to open a savings account. What do I need to do?B: You'll need to fill out this form and provide two forms of ID.5. 在健身房询问器械使用A: Excuse me, do you know how to use this machine?B: Yes, I do. Let me show you the basics.6. 在超市寻找商品A: Do you know where I can find the peanut butter?B: It's in aisle 3, next to the jelly.7. 在电影院讨论电影A: That movie was intense. What did you think?B: I agree. The plot was really well thought out.8. 在图书馆借书A: Can I check out this book on art history?B: Sure, just show me your library card.A: How's your coffee?B: It's perfect, just the way I like it.10. 在公园散步B: Me too. It's a great place to relax and think.(文档将继续包含其他30个情景对话,每个对话都围绕不同的日常场景,以提供丰富的口语练习材料。

高考英语口语交际情境应对单选题30题1. —Hello! Nice to see you.A. Hello! Nice to see you, too.B. Hi! Glad to meet you.C. Good morning!D. How are you?答案:A。
A 选项是对“Nice to see you.”最常见且恰当的回应,表示“见到你也很高兴”。
B 选项“Glad to meet you.”通常用于初次见面,而题干中不是初次见面的情境,所以不合适。
C 选项只是另一种问候方式,没有直接回应对方的问候,不合理。
D 选项“How are you?”是询问对方近况,与对方的问候不对应,不合适。
2. —Good morning! How are you today?A. I'm fine, thank you. And you?B. Good morning! I'm very well.C. Not bad. How about you?D. Very good. What about you?答案:B。
B 选项直接回应了“Good morning!”并且表明自己状态很好,符合语境。
A 选项虽然也回应了“How are you?”,但在这个语境下没有先回应“Good morning!”,不够直接。
C 选项和 D 选项都没有先回应“Good morning!”,不合理。
3. —This is my friend, Lily.A. Nice to meet you, Lily.B. Hello, Lily! Glad to see you.C. Hi! Lily. How are you?D. Welcome, Lily.答案:A。
A 选项“Nice to meet you.”是初次见到某人时常用的礼貌表达,非常恰当。
高三英语听力长对话单选题 40 题

高三英语听力长对话单选题40 题1. Who are the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Doctor and patient.C. Boss and employee.D. Husband and wife.答案解析:A。
B 选项医生和病人会涉及病情等内容;C 选项老板和员工会涉及工作任务等内容;D 选项夫妻会涉及家庭生活等内容。
2. What's the relationship between the two speakers?A. Classmates.B. Colleagues.C. Father and son.D. Neighbors.答案解析:A。
B 选项同事会涉及工作方面的内容;C 选项父子会有长辈对晚辈的教导等内容;D 选项邻居会涉及邻里之间的事情。
3. Who might the speakers be?A. Friends.B. Sisters.C. Mother and daughter.D. Shop assistant and customer.答案解析:A。
B 选项姐妹会有更亲密的称呼等;C 选项母女会有不同的语气和话题;D 选项售货员和顾客会有关于商品的交流。
4. What is the relationship between them?A. Teacher and parent.B. Brothers.C. Coach and athlete.D. Cousins.答案解析:A。
B 选项兄弟会有更随意的交流;C 选项教练和运动员会涉及训练等内容;D 选项表亲关系会比较疏远。

1. 校园生活场景1) 借书:book for reading assignment;check out;volume;check for sb;on the upper shelf;a book hard to identify/ is missing;has been misplaced2) 教授和学生关系:学生问老师问题;学生寻求老师的帮助;学生询问老师对作业的意见;老师要求学生对论文打印错误等do research for;semester;work as one's teaching assistant;trouble a professor;may I ask you a few questions;I have a class at ten;come in one's office hours;finish reading one's research report;revise (improve) some parts of it;get it published;read some papers he recommended;correct all the typing errors in a paper;read it through again;check the paper for typing errors3) 同学之间交流:选课;听课感受;对老师讲课的评价;提供老师论文复印件;交流论文写作进展;交流如何读书;考试通过互相祝贺;对生病同学补课;认识新同学;为打印论文而向对方询问如何找纸;谈论学习进展等stay awake;sleep through;unnecessarily long;more attentive;on this topic;hard to follow;think of;speak highly of;consider sth. dull;choose a good topic;attend;think of sb.'s lecture;the topic is interesting;difficult to follow;say about;a copy of article;get on with one's essay; have a real hard time;two sleepless nights;be through with;finish the assignments;political science class;each present a different theory; read more than one article;get a full mark in math exams;do a good job;librarian;miss classes;bring sb. up to date;help sb. to catch up;show up late;on the first day of school;get to know;find quality paper to type essay; bookshelf; stock room;go and check;typewriter;have one's hands full with;book report;how are lessons going;make progress;well worth the time and trouble; rewarding;boring; entertaining;time consuming;take five classes next semester;too many courses offered to students2. 家庭生活场景1) 外出活动(看电影、逛街、参加晚会): go to the movies;go out for dinner;see a different type of movie for a change; be tired of movies about romantic stories; love stories;detective stories;royal theatre;I'm starving;what to wear to the party;cannot afford something new;attend a party;all of the clothes look so old;And with our student discount;the tickets will be a real cheap;2) 外出旅行the holiday is well soon be here;be on the plane;it is exciting to travel by air;fly somewhere for one's vacation;we'll have another fine day;let's go to the seaside;leave very early;set off early;go sightseeing;take a half day tour of the city;spend more time on sightseeing;get to the airport in time to catch the flight;get one's flight changed;switch to a different flight3) 家居生活、休闲:sit out in the backyard to enjoy the beautiful day; there is a lot of laundry to do;wash clothes;why did sb. call;pick up magazine she learnt;get some magazines back;paint the house;have the house painted;climb the ladder;go home for the summer;count the days;on one's way home;pack for the summer vacation;the apple pie taste very good/delicious;even my mother cannot match this;have a look at the book I bought;bought out the bookstore;bought a lot of books;a large selection of books4) 在家请客:ask sb. to the party;know one's address;invite Tom to the party;get the Johnson's address;call to tell him about the reception3. 顾客与医生/服务员/秘书场景:1) 买票/机场:I would like two tickets for 9 o'clock show; sell out;attend a show;have a ticket for 6 o'clock flight to New York;I am afraid I can't make it;is there a seat available for;all the morning flights have been booked up; fly to someplace;return one's ticket;change one's destination;here is a 10-dollar bill;give me two tickets for tonight's show please; you are not supposed to be here;this area is for the airport staff only;fly over to see;keep in touch;see sb. off;complain about the poor airport service; meet sb. at the airport2) 约见:I'd like a talk with your director;could you arrange it for me;rather busy these days;arrange an appointment for sb. with sb.;you've arranged to meet sb.;going to contact Mr.Johnson;I am ringing to confirm my appointment with; expect sb. at;make an appointment;would you get me through to sb.;be with sb.3) 餐馆/旅馆have a table for four;a corner table;a table near the window;reserve a table;I'll be back with your order;how about the food I ordered;book a room with a bath;a single/double room on the second floor4) 买书I'd like to buy a copy of;that book has been out of print;it is no longer available;the information in the book is out of date;the paperback edition of this dictionary'hard cover is on sale;5) 买东西/邮局the newest model;represent the latest technology;we sell nothing but the best;be of the same brand;have a good sale;nice-looking straw hat;you can wear it rain or shine;I'm going to send the parcel to London; what's the postage for it;4. 医院或诊所what can I do for you;what's the matter with sb.;make an appointment to see the doctor; twist one's ankle;the injury does not seem serious;foot still hurt;put my weight on it5. 运动/爱好/娱乐1) 运动boating and skating are my favorite sports; walk all the way to the office;find great pleasure in walking;take it as a kind of exercise;fishing is a good way to kill time;give a talk on fishing;have the same hobby as sb.;show great enthusiasm for;be enthusiastic for;be interested in;be willing to swim;how do you like yesterday's play;play one's part quite well/exaggerate his part= too dramatic to be realistic; see last night's film on channel2) 闲聊:it's high time we turned our attention to the problem;I can't agree with you more;I'd ride a bike to work;take a crowded bus during the rush hours;take good care of one's car;the car is well maintained;the car is in good condition;no scratches on the outside and the inside is clean too;car can stand any crash3) 公共场合:the music is beautiful;I'd like to dance;I don't know the steps;give performance;listen to the music;dance to music;Tom looks awfully nervous;be not used to making speeches;an awful/inexperienced speaker;be terribly embarrassed;the audience get up and leave in the middle of the performance; appreciate the real life drama;the title of the oil painting;an early 18-century work;look it up in the catalog;at an art gallery6. 工作complaint about one's job;accept a job;turn down the offer;it means frequent business trips away from family;the pay is too low to support one's family;get bored with the same routine;year after year;awfully dull;really exciting;very exhausting;quite challenging;stimulating;how did your experiment go;be through with your work;my boss usually finds something for me to do at the last minute; be confident about the job interview;7. 天气have a severe winter;warm up;the weather is mild;enjoy the wonderful weather;8. 居住/租房move into a new apartment;it is more expensive;can't put up with the noise;have a room to let/for rent9. 警察与公民you were seen hanging about the store; unsolved case of robbery;search for reliable witness;this is a one-way street;didn't you see the sign;park car in a wrong place;break a traffic rule;drive at a low speed/ too fast。

高考英语听力最常考的30 个对话情景听力一般都有固定的问答模式、题型,听力中最常考的30 个对话情景如下:一、打电话( Making phone calls )1、请给某人/某单位打电话Would/could/can you ring up... ?请你...打电话好吧?句中ring up 意思是“给某人打电话”,除了用ring up 外,还可用call, call up, telephone 等,意思相同。
用得最普通:could/would you... ?用在正式场合,比较礼貌。
2、电话拨不通时常说:The line is busy, I can 't get through. 电话占线,我打不通。
I 'll try again later. 我过一会儿再打.其中line 指电话线路,get through 指接通电话。
3、电话拨通后相互打招呼:Hello, (name or telephone number )你好,(并通报本人的姓名或单位名称或电话号码) Hello, is that...speaking ?你是...吗?Who is that speaking/calling ?你是谁?Who is speaking/calling, please ?你是谁?应答时常说:Yes, ( this is ) ...speaking. 是的,我是...Yes, it 's...here. 我是...4、打电话请对方找人或留言:Is...in/at home ?某某在家吗?Can/may/could I speak to..., please ?请...接电话好吗?Will/would you give a message to..., please ?请给...捎个口信好吗?Would you tell him my telephone number, please ?请你把我的电话号码告诉他好吗?Can/could you ask...to ring me back, please ?请叫...给我回个电话好吗?应答时常说:Hold on / Wait a minute / One moment, please. 请等一等I 'm sorry. ... is not in. / at home now. 对不起,... 现在不在Can I take a message?我能给你捎口信好吗?Does he have your telephone number ?他有你的电话号码吗?I 'll ask him to call you back. 我叫他给你回电话。

考点1. A pleasure与With pleasureA pleasure.=My pleasure=It’s a pleasure. 意为“不用谢”,当别人表示感谢时用它来回答With pleasure. 意为“非常乐意”,当别人请自己帮忙时,自己爽快的接受(伴随着快乐)考点2.Don’t mention it.与you’re welcome.Don’t 'mention it(informal) used as a polite answer when sb has thanked you for sth: ‘Thanks for all your help.’ ‘Don’t mention it.’两个短语用法较简单,意为“不用谢”考点3.No problem考点4.Mind当问你是否介意(某人)做某事时,如果你同意,那就是不介意,要用no 来回答;如果你不同意,那就是介意,要用yes来回答。
此时,mind与“oppose 反对”意思相近。
考点5.Never mind考点6.It doesn’t matter.考点7.That’ ok/ fine/ all right.考点8.Why not? 和isn’t it?“Why not ”is used to express agreement.用来表示同意,并不是问“为什么不可以?”。
联系:有些反意疑问句也并不是表示疑问,而是一种习惯,一种语气,如:A: It’s fine, isn’t it? B:yes, it is, isn’t it?考点9.Why not do something? 表建议做某事;why do something做某事没有必要考点10.Thank you按照英语的习惯,别人赞美奉承自己时,应表示感谢,而不是中国式的谦虚。
考点11.Not reallyused, often in negative sentences, to reduce the force of sth you are saying: I don’t really agree with that. It doesn’t really matter. 用于缓和语气,并不完全是,‘Did you enjoy the book?’ ‘Not really’ (= ‘no’ or ‘not very much’).比较:I don’t really know means that you are not sure about something;I really don’t know emphasizes that you do not know.考点12.No wayused to say that there is no possibility that you will do sth or that sth will happen:考点13.Not at all1. used as a polite reply after someone has thanked you"Thanks for helping." "Not at all."2. used to say 'no' or 'not' strongly"Was he a nuisance?" "No, not at all."I'm not at all happy about it.考点14.Help yourself.to give something to someone or to take something for yourself"Might I have some more bread?" "Please, help yourself !"Help在这里是“拿、取”之意,多用于食物,也可用于其它东西。

高中英语情景交际总结及练习1.回答对方感谢(Thanks)—Thank you!—It’s a pleasure./My pleasure./Don’t mention it./That’s all right./You are welcome. 2.回答对方道歉(Apologies)—Sorry.—Never mind./It doesn’t matter./It’s all right./Forget it./That’s all right.3.回答对方请求—Can I.../Could I.../Would you mind if I...—1)Yes, please./Sure./Certainly./Of course./Please do./Of course, you can./Go ahead, please.—2)I am sorry; it’s not allowed./I’m afraid not./You’d better not./I’d rather you didn’t.4.回答对方提供帮助—Would you like me to help...—1)Yes, please./That’s very kind of you./Thank you. That would be nice./Thank you for your help.—2)No, thanks./Thank you all the same./It’s very kind of you, but I can manage it myself.5.表示同意和不同意—1)Sure./certainly./Exactly./Absolutely./That’s correct./Of course./All right.(好的)/I agree./I can’t agree more./That’s a good idea./Yes, I think so./ That’s exactly what I was thinking./That’s just how I see it.—2)No way./Of course not./I’m afraid I don’t agree./I don’t think so./Well, it depends./Well, I am not sure about it.6.几个常见的短语:1.So do I. “So+助动词+主语”表述前面一种表肯定意义的情况也适合后面的另一个人,意为“某人也一样”。

情景对话常用语和听力常见情景词汇(总3页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--高考英语情景对话常用语1.Take it easy ! 别紧张。
2 Take your time! 慢慢来。
3 With pleasure !很荣幸(为你效劳)回应他人的请求4 (It’s) my pleasure 这是我的荣幸。
回应他人的感谢5 I mean what I say. 我说道做到。
6 Go ahead!做吧,用吧。
7 At your service. 由你吩咐 8 By all means! 当然可以。
9 It/That depends! 看情况。
10 What a pity/shame!太遗憾了11 It will by my treat. 我请客 12 Have no idea.不知道13 Feel free.请便 14 After you.你先请15 make it 办成了 16 get it 知道了,明白了 17 take it 忍受18 You are wanted on the phone! 电话里有人找19 The line is engaged. 线路忙20 put me through to …请给我接通 21 if only 但愿22 Not really! 不太对。
不全是(部分否定他人的判断)23 Not in the least.一点也不 24 Not a chance .不可能25 not a little 非常 26 not a bit 一点也不27 No way!没门儿,不可能 28 No chance!不可能29 No problem!没问题 30 No hurry! 别急31 I can’t agree more!.我完全赞同你的意见 32 What’ up怎么了,出了什么事33 What’s for为什么 34 So what那有怎么样35 What if 倘若这样又如何 36 What do you like…你觉得……怎么样37 What’s it like 情况怎么样 38 How do you find…你觉得……怎么样39 How do you like…你想怎么吃/喝 40 Why not do sth. 为什么不…= Why don’t you…41 How is it How come…怎么会…… 42 I am wondering if…我能否……用于提出请求43 Would you mind sth/doing sth 44 I can’t thank you too much! 再感激不过了45 I mean it. 我当真的。

高考英语听力理解长对话理解单选题30题1. What is the man's major?A. EnglishB. HistoryC. MathD. Physics答案:A。
选项B 历史在对话中未提及;选项C 数学也没有在对话中出现相关线索;选项D 物理同样没有在对话中被提及。
2. Where will the woman go after class?A. LibraryB. CafeteriaC. GymD. Dormitory答案:B。
选项 A 图书馆,对话中没有去图书馆的计划;选项C 体育馆,对话未提及要去体育馆;选项D 宿舍,对话中没有回宿舍的暗示。
3. How many classes does the man have today?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five答案:C。
选项 A 两节课只是上午的课程数量;选项B 三节课不符合对话内容;选项D 五节课也与对话不符。
4. What club does the woman want to join?A. Music clubB. Art clubC. Sports clubD. Drama club答案:D。
选项 A 音乐俱乐部,对话中未提及对音乐的兴趣;选项B 艺术俱乐部,没有相关线索表明女人想加入艺术俱乐部;选项C 体育俱乐部,对话中没有加入体育俱乐部的意向。
5. When will the school concert be held?A. Next weekB. In two weeksC. Next monthD. In two months答案:B。

下面是给大家整理的高中英语听力对话的相关知识,供大家参阅!高中英语听力对话篇11. Who wants to go into the town?A. Fred.B. Joan.C. Both.2. What does the man want the woman to open?A. A bag.B. A knife.C. A door.3. How often does Mary water the garden?A. Twice a week.B. Every day.C. Every two days.4. Where does the man want to go?A. The zoo.B. The park.C. The lake.5. What does the woman mean?A. She has already been to the concert.B. Betty is asking her to the concert.C. The man could go with Betty.6. What is the woman doing?A. She’s calling the taxi.B. She is telephoning a company.C. She is looking for a man.7.Where is Joe?A. In the classroom.B. In the teachers’ office.C. At home.8. What is the woman doing?A. She’s giving a surprising party.B. She’s preparing a birthday party.C. She’s giving Tom a surprise.9. Why did the man have a country house?A. He bought a new house in the downtown.B. He built the country house with his own hand.C. He used to live in the country.10. What does the man mean?A. What the woman said is true in fact.B. He thinks the woman can be pleased easily.C. He thinks the woman is too particular about her clothes.11. Where does the talk take place?A. At the man’s house.B. At the woman’s house.C. In a restaurant.12. Who is the manager?A. The woman.B. Mrs. Clark.C. Mr. Brown.13. Why are they in such a hurry?A. They are going to catch a plane.B. They are going to catch a train.C. They are going to catch a ship.14. How many people are working for Mr. Jackson?A. Two.B. Three.C. Five.15. What’s the weather like now?A. It’s fine.B. It’s windy.C. It’s going to rain.16. What is in the bottle?A. Some wine.B. Some water.C. Some medicine.17. How many suitcases does the woman have?A. Three.B. Two.C. One.18. What does the man come for?A. He comes to say goodbye.B. He comes to visit his friend.C. He comes to invite the woman.19. What has the man decided to do?A. To go to the office.B. To spend the weekend.C. To attend an English Evening.20.What’s the time now in New York?A. Five p.m.B. Eleven a.m.C. Eleven p.m.高中英语听力对话篇2Dialogue 1(1~2)1. Why did the woman go out when the others were enjoying themselves?A. She wanted to have something to read.B. She wanted to look at the lights.C. She wanted to think of her past.2. What can we learn about the woman?A. She worked hard and got success.B. She still lives a very hard life.C. She will leave the city very soon.Dialogue 2(3~4)3. How many places has Mary been to?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.4. How many days did she spend on the trip?A. Fourteen.B. Twelve.C. Ten.Dialogue 3(5~7)5. Where are they?A. In an airport.B. In a railway station.C. At a bus stop.6. Who goes on board first?A. The man.B. The woman.C. Both of them.7. What does the man worry about?A. The weather.B. The safety.C. The woman.Dialogue 4(8~11)8. What is the man going to do?A. Changing some US dollars.B. Changing some UK pounds.C. Changing some HK dollars.9. What is the exchange rate?A. 100 American dollars to 72 pounds.B. 700 American dollars to 405 pounds.C. 700 American dollars to 400 pounds.10.How much does the man want to change?A. $700.B. $400.C. $500.11. What kind of notes does he want?A. 20, 5 and small changes.B. 100,50 and small changes.C. 100 and small changes.Dialogue 5(12~13)12. What day will the day after tomorrow be?A. Friday.B. Saturday.C. Sunday.13. How many times has the man been to the Summer Palace?A. Only once.B. Twice.C. Three times.Dialogue 6(14~15)14. How many days will the man be away from home?A. Several days.B. Two weeks.C. Ten days.15. What does the sentence “I’ll ring you up”mean?A. I’Il ring the bell.B. I’ll get the ring up.C. I’ll give you a ring.Dialogue 7(16~18)16. Where is Tom going?A. Home.B. The supermarket.C. France.17. What is Bob going to do?A. He’s going to help the woman.B. He’ s going to find a job.C. He’s going to make some money.18. Who needs to make some money?A. Tom.B. Mary.C. Bob.高中英语听力对话篇3SANDY: Can I help you?DEREK: Yes, I need to apply for a parking permit.SANDY: Are you a professor?DEREK: What? Are you kidding? I'm only 22 years old!SANDY: Yes, I am kidding.But don't you know only professors and students with disabilitiescan apply for parking permits?DEREK: Yes, I know. I have a disability.My hip was broken last year. And I can't walk well.SANDY: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know.DEREK: It's alright. You didn't see me walk to the desk.SANDY: Here is the application form.I also need to see your student ID and your permission letter from the university.DEREK: My permission letter?SANDY: Yes, the letter that certifies you have a disability.And it must certify your disability entitles you to a parking place.DEREK: I was told I should have the letter sent directly to your office.SANDY: Yes. Or you can bring it yourself.DEREK: But I asked them to send it to you directly.SANDY: Let me look in the file then. Maybe we received it.DEREK: My name is Derek Schneider, S - C - H - N - E - I - D - E - R.SANDY: Yes, here it is.Alright. Then I just need your completed application form, and I will be able to process your request.DEREK: Good. I will sit over there and fill out the form.I will give it to you in a few minutes.Oh, by the way, can I apply for any parking lot I want?SANDY: The form has a map on the back. You may specify your top four choices.We will give a spot in the lot that has an opening.DEREK: I see. Thank you.SANDY: You're very welcome.珊蒂:我能帮你吗?迪瑞克:是的,我需要申请一张停车许可证。

对话一:预订机票A: Good morning. How may I assist you today?B: Hi, I'd like to book a flight from New York to London, please.A: Of course. When are you planning to travel?B: I would prefer to leave on the 15th of next month.A: Alright. Would you like a one-way or round-trip ticket?B: I'll need a round-trip ticket, please.A: Alright. I can offer you a direct flight with a layover of 2 hours in Paris. Is that alright?B: Yes, that works for me. How much will it be?A: The total cost for a round-trip ticket will be $800. Would you like to proceed with the booking?B: Yes, please.对话二:租房咨询A: Hey, do you have any apartments available for rent?B: Yes, we do. What's your budget and preferred location?A: I'm looking for something within $1000 per month in the downtown area.B: Okay, we have a few options in that price range. How many bedrooms are you looking for?A: I need at least two bedrooms.B: Great. We have a 2-bedroom apartment available on 5th Street. It's spacious and includes all utilities.A: That sounds promising. Can I schedule a visit to see the apartment?B: Of course. When would you like to come for a viewing?A: Is tomorrow afternoon around 3 pm convenient?B: That works for me. I'll see you then!对话三:就业面试A: Good morning. Please take a seat. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?B: Good morning. Thank you for having me. My name is John and I recently completed my bachelor's degree in Business Administration.A: Great. Could you tell me about any relevant work experience you have?B: Certainly. During my studies, I interned at a local marketing firm where I assisted in developing marketing strategies for clients.A: That's impressive. What skills do you think make you suitable for this position?B: I believe my strong analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and excellent communication skills would enable me to excel in this role.A: Wonderful. Could you give me an example of a time when you demonstrated leadership skills?B: Sure. During a group project at university, I took the lead in coordinating tasks and ensuring the project was completed successfully on time.A: Thank you for sharing that. Do you have any questions for me?B: Yes, I was wondering what the company's culture and work environment are like?A: Our company values collaboration, creativity, and personal growth. Our employees work in a supportive and innovative environment.B: That sounds great. Thank you for the information.以上是几个实用的英语听说对话片段,通过模拟对话的方式,希望能够帮助大家在英语听说方面的提升。

高三英语听力长对话单选题40题1. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Doctor and patient.C. Husband and wife.D. Shop assistant and customer.答案:D。
正确选项D,对话中有关于商品的询问和推荐,符合shop assistant 和customer 的关系。
2. Where are the speakers?A. In a library.B. In a restaurant.C. In a bookstore.D. In a park.答案:B。
3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A movie.B. A book.C. A concert.答案:A。
4. Who is the man probably talking to?A. His boss.B. His colleague.C. His friend.D. His family member.答案:B。
正确选项B,对话中有关于工作的讨论,符合colleague 的关系。
5. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?A. Classmates.B. Neighbors.C. Strangers.D. Relatives.答案:C。

关于6个人的英语对话篇一人物:追星A, 追星B,追星C,明星,车主旁白经纪人旁白:A girl is crazy about a star called Handsome+人名. Even when she is asleep, she can dream that man.A:(打哈欠),I need to go to bed, I’m so sleepy.(打哈欠)——边走边说 (趴在讲台上睡)(进入梦乡)旁白:In her dream……(上台摆两个凳子,A做一个)A:Oh, it’s a fine day. (假装看天) (然后突然不经意的拿起一本书翻看)明星:(上台):Oh, it’s a fine day. (然后坐凳子)(A看着看着书,就不经意的往旁边看,然后再看看书,突然感觉不对劲,在意外的往旁边看,看到了自己最喜爱的那个明星,十分激动,不敢相信这是真的)A:Are you … are you that … super star?(激动地说不出话)明星:(随意的回答) Yes, what’s wrong?A: I’m your fan,super fan. Your photos are full of my bedroom, no, they are full of my house, including kitchen, living room, bedrooms, and… and toilet.(激动,后面讲到厕所时,还有点不好意思)(当明星听到厕所时,很惊讶)明星:You are too…enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'?stik]. (有点嫌弃)A: Can you give me your signature?(讲到签名,明星就兴奋了)明星:Ok ,of course!A:(大声喊)Oh ,I will have the Handsome______’s signature (突然,两个人跑过来,B把A给推开了然后两人问明星要签名) B:Please ,please give me signatureC: No, give it to me, to me(两人抢着,A一人孤零零的站在旁边,)A: Why the result is this ?(抱头痛哭,边走边哭,然后走到睡觉的那个地方,恢复原来的样子,还有点啜泣)A: Er? Where is it? Oh,it’s just a dream , but ,it’s a bad dream.It’s too early, I want sleep.(又趴下去)旁白:In her second dream, the scene is at the crossroads.A: Look at the tall buildings, they like the …like the …I don’t have any adjrectives to describe them.(明星上场,走在对面,也在欣赏某些东西)A:Oh ,look at there, that man is like a star ! Oh ,Oh ,Oh ,(一次比一次激动)he is …..he is…..Handsome_______!I want his signature! But there is too much cars, What can I do? What can I do? I don’t care this any more, the signature is more important!(正当他准备过马路时,车主做开车动作来了,将要撞A,A很害怕)车主:Look out!Aon’t come here, don’t come here!(闭着眼睛) (车主迅速下台)(A突然站起来,睁开眼睛)A:A dream .too? Oh, my god, Why do I always can’t get the signature? No, I must get it, sleep again! Yes ,sleep! But ,why do I stand here? I should lie in the bed. Whether these, I must go to bed and get the signature!(趴着又睡)旁白:In her third dream(明星在签名,A前面有B, C)经纪人:One by one,Don’t be wrought-upA: Yeah,I can get it at last. Before me ,there are only two people.(到B)B:I love you very much. My dreamlover.明星:Thank you(B下,C上)C: Oh,I meet you ,can I hug with you ?明星:Sure.(两人抱了一下)(到A)A: I can get your signature in the end! I’m so excited(明星面目有点难受的样子,手捂着肚子)明星:Sorry, can I go to the toilet for a moment? My stomach is hurt a lot.(难受)A: Yes, make yourselfe at home.(过来一会儿)A: Handsome_______ has gone to toilet for such a long time. Is he ok?经纪人对A说:Sorry, the girl, Handsome_____ perhaps can’tcome here to give you signature, He is too hurt. He went home.A: Ah? Why always me ? (伤心地离开,走到睡着的地方)(突然起身)A :Why always me ? I only want a signature~~ ai~~ What time is it now ? (看了一下钟,表情惊讶) It’s near 8 o’clock .I can’t arrive at the school on time! Oh no ,hurry up hurry up!关于6个人的英语对话篇二ABCDEF are good friends. They are talking about where to go on the weekends. ABCDEF是六个好朋友,他们在商量周末去哪里玩。

十三、谈论天气情况1、It is raining /blowing /snowing ,(isn‘t it ?)下雨了/刮风了/下雪了,(对吗?)It is +adj ./n.(today ). 今天的天气...这类句子都是用来发表对天气的看法的.“It is +ady /n (today )”中间可用表述天气情况的形容词或名词,应答时可说:Yes ,it is .2、What‘s the weather like today ?今天天气怎样?/ What’s the weather going to be like ...?天气将怎样?这两个句型都是用来询问天气情况的.前者询问当天的天气后者询问未来的天气,在like 后加表示未来的时间状语(如tomorrow .the day after tomorrow )应答时可说:It‘s fine /warm /cold /hot ...或It’s going to be fine /warm/cold /hot ...“What‘s the weather like ...?”也可以用“How is the weather...?”表达,其意思想同.十四、问路及应答的交际用语Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to ...?劳驾,请告诉我去.....(地方)怎么走?/ Excuse me. Han can I get to...?劳驾,问怎样去.....(地方)?/ Excuse me,please,where is...?劳驾,请问去...的路怎么去?问路时,首先说“Excuse me.”意思是“请原谅”、“请问”、“劳驾”,表示因为打扰而道歉,然后再问路,应答时可根据实际情况回答.常用的有以下几种表达:How far is it from here?它离这里多远?/ It‘s about...meters from here. 它离这里大约...米远./ It’s about...yards/meters down this street./ Go straight ahead till you see...沿着这条街走约...米就到了./ Go straight ahead till you see... 照直走到...(地方)为止 ./ Godown/along this street. 沿着这条街走下去./ Take this street/road. 走这条街/大路./ Go through the gate and you‘ll find the entrance to...穿过大门,你就会看到...的几口处./ Go down/along this street till you get to ...沿着这条街走到...(地方)为止./ Turn right/left at the first/second crossing.在第一/二个十字路口向右/左转./ You’d better take a taxi/minibus/No.5 bus...你最好坐出租车/乘小公共汽车/ 乘5路公共汽车.十五、就餐时的交际用语1、就餐时,当主人询问客人想吃/喝点什么时,主人常说:Would you like sth.(to eat / to drink)?你想吃/ 喝点...吗?/ What would you like (to have)?你想要吃点什么?/ Would you like some more...?你还要点...吗?/ How about (some more) ...?(再)来点...怎么样?2、就餐时,当主人主动请客人吃/喝点东西时,主人常说:Help yourself to...?你吃/喝点...吧./ Let me give you...?让我来人你...吧./ Make yourself at home. 请随便吃,不要客气.3、当客人表示愿意或同意吃/喝点东西时,常回答:Yes,please,好的.I‘d like...我想来点....Well,just a little,please. 好的,请来一点儿.4、当客人表示不想吃/喝东西或表示已经吃饱/喝好了时,常回答:No,thanks,谢谢,不要了.Thank you ,I‘ve had enough. 谢谢,我已经够了.I’m full,thank you. 谢谢,我吃饱了.十六、告别1、告别前用语I‘m afraid I must be off/be going/be leaving now.恐怕我得走了./ I think I must be off/ be going/ be leaving now.我看我得走了./ Well,It’s getting late.噢,天已晚了./ I‘ve got to go now.现在我必须得走了./ Maybe we could get together sometime.也许我们什么时候还能再聚一聚.2、对告别前用语的回答Thank you for coming.多谢你的光临./ Yes,I‘ve enjoy it.对,我很开心./ My pleasure,too.这也是我的荣幸./ Could you stay a little longer?你能再呆一会儿吗?/ In that case,I won’t keep you.那么我就不留你了.3、告别用语Good-bye!/ Be seeing you soon. Bye!/ Bye!/ Bye for now. / See you. / See you later. Bye-bye!再见!Good night.晚安!Have a pleasant journey!/ Wish you a pleasant journey.祝你旅途愉快!Don‘t forget to give me a ring.不要忘记给我来电话.Remember to give me a ring.记住给我来电话.4、对告别用语的回答Good-bye!再见!/ Good night!晚安!You too. / Same to you.你也一样.So long. Take care.再见!保重.十七、赞美和恭维及应答(Making Compliments and Responses)It‘s beautiful. 真漂亮!/ That’s marvellous!真了不起!/ It‘s a lovely picture!多好看的照片!/ I’m glad you did...... 我很高兴你做了....../ I‘m pleased you did... 我很兴奋你做了....../ How clever of you!你好聪明哦!/ I like the way you did...... 我喜欢你做......的方式/ I admire the way you do...... 我敬佩你做......的方式/ I’ve never seen such a...... 我还没有见到过如此的......./ What a nice coat you have!你的外衣很漂亮哦!/ You look very smart today!你今天看上去好神气哦!/ What a wonderful house!你的房子好漂亮哦!/ It matches your suit perfectly. 这和你的衣服很相配./ You‘ve certainly given us a very good lecture. 你的确给我们做了一场精彩的讲演./ You have a beautiful smile.你的笑真美. / You have a good sense of humour.你挺有幽默感的./ Your wife is beautiful. 你的妻子真漂亮./ You gave an excellent speech.你的演讲真精彩. / Your car is nice.你的车真漂亮. / This is a lovely dinner./The dinner is great.这顿饭真不错. / That’s a very nice suit you‘ve got on.你穿的衣服很漂亮. / That was a marvellous speech. 那是一场了不起的演讲./ You look wonderful this evening!你今晚看上去很不错!/ What a nice living room so comfortable!我很喜欢你的家具,你在哪儿买的?/ I appreciate your new car.我非常欣赏你的新车.(对朋友的精彩表演、杰出成绩,你若亲临现场,可直接为他大声喝彩)Well done,Johnson!干得好,约翰逊!/ I‘m so happy for you!真为你感到高兴!/ It’s very well deserved!就该这样!/ You must be terribly pleased!你一定非常高兴吧!/ Aren‘t you very excited,Tom?汤姆,你一定很激动吧!Oh,I‘m glad you like it. 哦,你喜欢,我真高兴./ I’m glad you think so. / I‘m delighted you think so. 你能这样认为我真高兴./ Oh,thank you.哦,谢谢!/How kind of you to say that. 你能那样说真好./ I’m glad to hear that.听到这我真高兴. / Thanks for saying so.谢谢你这样说.十八、约会的交际用语1、询问对方是否有空:Will you be free (tonight/ tomorrow/...)?你(今晚/明天 ...)有空吗?肯定回答:Yes,I‘ll be free (tonight / tomorrow...).我(今晚/明天...)有空.否定回答:No,I won‘t be fre e(tonight/ tomorrow...).不,(今晚/明天...)没有空.比较客气委婉的否定回答:I‘m afraid not. (I’m afraid I‘m not free tonight/tomorrow...).恐怕没有空.2、询问约会的时间、地点:What time shall we meet?我们什么时候会面呢?/Where is the best place to meet?我们最好在什么地方会面呢?/ How about 5 p.m./ tonight/ tomorrow...?下午五点(今晚/明天......)怎么样?/ What about (meeting)at the gate/ outside the station...?在大门口/在车站外边碰头怎么样?/Shall we meet at 7:30 p.m. at the gate ?我们下午七点半大门口碰头好吗?/ I‘ll meet you at the theatre at 7:30 p.m.我会在七点半在剧场见你./ I suggest 7 o’clock.我建议七点钟(碰头).3、有关约会的时间,地点的询问和应答,可根据具体情况进行.十九、关心和焦虑的交际用语1、What‘s wrong/the matter(with)...?表示的意思是“你怎么啦?”、“你有什么不舒服?”、“出了什么毛病?”,用来询问对方的疾病、痛苦、忧伤、事故等情况,.句中的wrong作“失常的”、“状况不佳的”,matter作“麻烦事”、“毛病”、“故障,指病痛或事故的原因.”What‘s wrong with...和What’s the matter with...?两个句子意思相同,可以互换.2、Is there anything the matter?意思是“出了什么事吗?”、“有什么毛病吗”这个句子还可以简化为:anything the matter?3、We are anxious/worried about...“be anxious/worried about”意思是“为(某人/某事)担心”,可用于各种时态,其中的be可用get代替(即“get anxious /worried about”)4、There is no need to be worried.没有必要担心./ There is nothing to worry about.没有什么可以担心的.对于别人的担心或焦虑,常可以用以上句子表示宽慰.二十、喜好、厌恶和偏爱I. 表示喜好1、用I like /love sth./sb. 来表达.(表示“我不喜欢某人/某事”)2、用I like/love to do sth./doing sth.来表达(表示“我为喜欢做某事”的意思)注意:1)在like后加上表示程度的词如:very much ,a lot,little,等3、用I enjoy sth./doing sth.来表达.(表示“我喜欢/欣赏某事”的意思)II. 表示厌恶1、用I don‘t like (to).......来表达.(表示“我不喜欢某人/某事”的意思)2、用I hate (to).......来表达(表示“我不喜欢某人/某事”的意思)3、用.Idon‘t enjoy sth./doing sth来表达.(表示“我不喜欢某人/欣赏某事”的意思)III. 表示偏爱1、用I prefer A to B.来表达.(表示“ 我喜欢A甚过喜欢B”的意思)2、用would rather do........来表达(表示“宁愿做........”的意思)二十一、表示同意和不同意的用语1、表示同意Certainly./ Sure./ Of course.当然可以./No problem. 没有问题.Yes ,I think so.是的,我也这样认为./ I agree with sb.我同意某人的看法./ I agree with sb. 我同意某事.I agree that... 我同意.../ Good idea !/ That‘s a good idea.好主意./ It’s a good idea to do sth. 干某事是人好主意./Yes ,please.是的,请吧./ You are right . 你是对的./ That‘s true./Ok./All right. 好的./ That’s just what I think. 我也是那么想的./ That‘s my opinion,too.我也是那么想的. /There’s no doubt about it.那毫无疑问.2、表示不同意.No,I don‘t think so. 不,我不这样认为./ I don’t agree with sb. 我不同意某人的看法./ I don‘t agree to sth. 我不同意某事./ I don’t agree that . 我不同意.... / I‘m afraid not. /I’m afraid that...恐怕(不)...二十二、表示肯定和否定的用语1、表示肯定:Sure./of course./Certainly.肯定/当然/一定./ I‘m sure of/about...我确信... / I’m sure that...我确信.../ That‘s sure.是真的.2、表示否定No.不是./ I‘m not sure of/about...对...我没有把握./ I’m not sure whether/if...我没有把握...二十三、语言困难(Language Difficulties )1、当不知某个词的发音时,用How do you pronounce...?这个词你怎么读?2、当不知某个词的汉语意思时,用What‘s the Chinese meaning of the word...?...词的汉语意思是什么?类似的表过还有:What do you mean by...in Chinese?/What’s the Chinese for...?/ What does ...mean in Chinese?3、当不知某个词的拼写时,用Could/can you spell the word?你能拼一下这个词吗?4、当没听清(懂)对方讲话内容时,用I‘m sorry,I didn’t quite follow(catch)you.对不起,请再说一遍时,可用下列句型表达:I‘m afraid I didn’t follow (catch)起,我没有听懂(清).5、当没听懂(清)对方所说的话或请求对方再重复you./Would you mind I repeating that?/pardon ?Beg your pardon?/ I beg your pardon?/ Could you say that again ?/Would you please say that again?/Would you please say that more slowly?6、问对方是否听懂(清)时,用:Is that clear?/Have I made myself clear?/Do you see what I mean ?/ Do you understand?7、当不知如何表达某一意思时,用:I‘m sorry,I know only a little English. I don’t know how to say it in English(I don‘t know the exact word in English),but it is some thing like...对不起,我仅懂一点点英语.我不知如何用英语表达这个词(我不知道英语中能表达该意思的准确的词),但它有点象....8、当表示在语言某方面上有无困难时,可用I have some(no,much,little,a little,some)difficulty (trouble)in pronouncing(spelling,......) .......意为“在做某事方面有一些(没有、很多、很少、有一点困难).”或用have some (no,little,a little,much ,any)difficulty(trouble)with sth.9、订正或澄清错误时,用:I‘m sorry,I have made a mistake.对不起,我犯了个错误.I’m sorry,I should have said...对不起,我本该说....That‘s not what I meant.我不是那个意思.What I mean is ...我的意思是....I’ll try to explain that again,我将尽力再解释一下.二十四、表示禁止和警告的交际用语1、Look out!/Be careful!/ Take care!这三个句子都作“当心、小心”解,look out语气最强,往往用于某种紧急的情况或可能出现危险的场合,其后接for短语.take care语气没有那样强,多用于对可能出现的不测作出预先的提醒或警告,其后可接不定式短语或that从句,从句的谓语动词用一般现在时.be careful 可代替look out和take care,其后也可接不定式以及about,with等介词短语.2、下列句型也可用来表示警告:Don‘t do sth.......or......不要干某事,否则....If you.......you’ll......如果你...,你就会...3、以否定祈使句或“No+-ing”表示禁止和警告.Don‘t smoke!不准抽烟!/ Don’t be late!不要迟到!/ Don‘t take pictures here!不要在此拍照!/ No smoking!不准抽烟!/ No parking!不准停车!/ No spitting!不要随地吐痰!4、用can‘t / mustn’t表示禁止和警告.二十五、询问国籍、籍贯,姓名及职业时的常用语What‘s your nationality?Are you American...?你是哪国人?/ 你是美国人吗?/ Are you from American / Britain... ?你是美国人/英国人...吗?/ Where are you from ?你是哪里人?/ What country are you from ?你是哪个国家的?/ What are you?你是干什么的?/ Who are you?你是谁?/ What’s yo ur name?你叫什么名字?二十六、谈论爱好Talking about Hobbies.询问对方的业余爱好What are your hobbies?你的爱好是什么?/ What do you often do in your free/ spare time?你在业余时间经常做什么?/ What are your favorite sports?你最喜爱的运动是什么?/ Do you like+drawing/ playing chess....?你喜欢绘画/下棋....?/ What are you interested in after work?下班后你对什么有兴趣?叙述自己的爱好My hobby is.....我的爱好是...... / I enjoy+watching Tv/ listening to music......我喜欢看电视/ 听音乐....../ I like /love + collecting stamps /fishing......我喜欢集邮/ 钓鱼....../ I find.....very interesting.我觉得.......很有趣.二十七、表示遗憾、同情的交际用语1、be afraid that.......恐怕......2、It‘s a pity(that).....真是很遗憾..... 这是表示遗憾的交际用语,后面跟的that从句就是所指的遗憾的事情.在口语中that常可省略.3、What a pity/shame!真是遗憾!(真可惜!)用的是省略的感叹句.(语气较随便)表示同情时常用I‘m sorry to hear......或I’m so sorry.来表达,hear后可接that也可接that 从句,表示“听说......我很难过”,注意I‘m so sorry.在意思上不同于道歉.二十八、有关意愿和希望的交际用语I. 询问对方的意愿1、What do you want/plan/intend/hope to do...?/你想要/计划/打算/希望干什么?应答时用:I want / plan / intend / hope to do...我想要/计划/打算/希望干什么.注意:在动词want / plan / intend / hope...之后要接不定式(而不接动名词形式)作宾语.2、What‘s your plan for ...?(What are your plans for...?)你有...有什么计划?应签时可用I plan / intend / hope + to do ...或视其具体情况作答.3、What do you feel like doing?你想做什么呢?在答语“I feel like doing.....”之后还可跟名词.4、What would you like to do sth?你想做什么呢?答语“I‘d like to(do sth.)”是“I would like”的省略,后跟动词原形.II. 表示希望用的句型:I want / wish / hope to....我希望做什么/ I hope + that - clause. 我希望... / I wish + that - clause.但愿...注意:上述句型中,在I hope / wish 之后跟由that引导的宾语从句.在口语中,that常可省略.在I wish后的宾语从句中用陈述语气;在that后的宾语从句中用虚拟语气.二十九、表示判断和意见What do you think of....?/ How do you like....?/How did you find......?你认为......怎么样?What‘s you opinion of......?你对........的看法是什么?Tell us what you think about/ of.......谈谈你对的.......看法?We’d like to have your views/ opinions about.......我们想听听你对......的看法?Well done/ Good work!很好!干得不错!Not bad.不错!It certainly is.的确如此.It‘s correct to do(sth)......是对的.It seems (to me)that-clause.(在我看来)好象.......In my opinion,...../ As I see it, ...依我看,......So far as I know, ... / From what I know/ understand......就我所知,......I would say......我认为......I think / believe / suppose......很可能......I’m sure......我确信......I don‘t think......我认为....不...It doesn’t seem possiblethat-clause,.........好象不可能.三十、征询1、What‘s your opinion?你的看法呢?In my opinion ...据我看,...2、Do you think it is...?你可认为...吗?Yes,I think so./No,I don‘t think so.是的,我也这样认为.不,我不这样认为./ Yes,I agree with you.是的,我同意你的看法./ No,I don‘t agree with you.不,我不同意你的看法.4、Would you like+名词或不定式?此句型用来询问别人的愿望的,其简略答语是I‘d like to或I’d love to我愿意。

英语听力最常考的30个对话情景汇总(上)听力一般都有固定的问答模式、题型,小天整理了听力中最常考的30个对话情景,赶紧收藏吧!一、打电话(Making phone calls)1、请给某人/某单位打电话Would/could/can you ring up...?请你...打电话好吧?句中ring up意思是“给某人打电话”,除了用ring up外,还可用call, call up, telephone 等,意思相同can you...?用得最普通:could/would you...?用在正式场合,比较礼貌。
2、电话拨不通时常说:The line is busy , I can't get through.电话占线,我打不通。
I'll try again later.我过一会儿再打.其中line指电话线路,get through 指接通电话。
3、电话拨通后相互打招呼:Hello,(name or telephone number)你好,(并通报本人的姓名或单位名称或电话号码)Hello,is that...speaking?你是...吗?Who is that speaking/calling?你是谁?Who is speaking/calling, please?你是谁?应答时常说:Yes,(this is)...speaking. 是的,我是... Yes,it's...here. 我是...4、打电话请对方找人或留言:Is...in/at home?某某在家吗?Can/may/could I speak to..., please?请...接电话好吗?Will/would you give a message to..., please?请给...捎个口信好吗?Would you tell him my telephone number, please?请你把我的电话号码告诉他好吗?Can/could you ask...to ring me back,please?请叫...给我回个电话好吗?应答时常说:Hold on/Wait a minute/One moment, please. 请等一等I'm sorry...is not in./at home now.对不起,...现在不在Can I take a message?我能给你捎口信好吗?Does he have your telephone number?他有你的电话号码吗?I'll ask him to call you back. 我叫他给你回电话。
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高考英语听力最常考的30个对话情景听力一般都有固定的问答模式、题型,听力中最常考的30个对话情景如下:一、打电话(Making phone calls)1、请给某人/某单位打电话Would/could/can you ring up...?请你...打电话好吧?句中ring up意思是“给某人打电话”,除了用ring up外,还可用call, call up, telephone 等,意思相同。
用得最普通:could/would you...?用在正式场合,比较礼貌。
2、电话拨不通时常说:The line is busy, I can’t get through. 电话占线,我打不通。
I’ll try again later. 我过一会儿再打.其中line指电话线路,get through 指接通电话。
3、电话拨通后相互打招呼:Hello,(name or telephone number)你好,(并通报本人的姓名或单位名称或电话号码)Hello, is that...speaking?你是...吗?Who is that speaking/calling?你是谁?Who is speaking/calling, please?你是谁?应答时常说:Yes,(this is)...speaking. 是的,我是...Yes, it’s...here. 我是...4、打电话请对方找人或留言:Is...in/at home?某某在家吗?Can/may/could I speak to..., please?请...接电话好吗?Will/would you give a message to..., please?请给...捎个口信好吗?Would you tell him my telephone number, please?请你把我的电话号码告诉他好吗?Can/could you ask...to ring me back, please?请叫...给我回个电话好吗?应答时常说:Hold on / Wait a minute / One moment, please. 请等一等I’m sorry. ... is not in. / at home now.对不起,...现在不在Can I take a message?我能给你捎口信好吗?Does he have your telephone number?他有你的电话号码吗?I’ll ask him to call you back. 我叫他给你回电话。
二、劝告和建议(Advice and suggestion)1、你最好/应该/需要做某事You’d better(not)do sth... 你最好(不)干....You should do sth. 你应该干....You need(to)do sth. 你需要干....2、Why don’t you do sth?为什么不....Why not do sth?为什么不....这是以反问的方式提出劝告或建议,含有建议对方去干某事的意思,而不是询问对方为何不去干某事的原因。
3、What/How about +名词或动名词...?这种句型表达随便的建议,有征求对方意见的意思,多数情况下是建议和对方一起做某事。
4、Shall we...?这种句型用于建议对方与自己一起做什么,是一种普通的表示建议的方法。
它和“Let’s..., shall we?”句型可以互换,在回答时,如果赞成这个建议,常用“Yes, let’s…”或“OK, let’s…”5、用suggest作谓语的陈述句这种句子用于表达比较正式的建议,在会议上和讨论中使用较多,也常用于书面形式,后面常跟名词、动名词或that从句作宾语。
若句尾加上“shall we?”, “OK?”等用于征求对方法的词语,从而使语气委婉得多。
需要注意的是,对对方的建议表示同意时常用的答语为:Great! 太好了!That’s a good idea.真是个好主意。
对对方的建议表示不同意,或根本不能满足对方的要求而表示歉意时的常用答语为:I’m afraid that... 我担心....我恐怕.....I’m afraid not. 恐拍不行。
7、用should,ought to等情态动词来表示“劝告”8、用动词advise,名词advice表示劝告三、表示问候(Expressing greetings)直接问候1. 一般打招呼用语,答语通常是重复对方的话Hello.你好!Hi嗨!Good morning(afternoon, evening)! 早上(下午、晚上)好!2. 您好!初次见面打招呼的用语How do you do?/ Glad to meet you.答语也是“How do you do?/ Glad to meet you.”3. 对有一段时候没有见面的熟人可选用这些句型:How are you?How have you been?你(您)好吗?答语往往是:“Fine, thank you. And you?”4. 向认识但不常见面的人打招呼,可选用这些表达法,表示近来怎么样?How’s everything with you?How is everything going?How are you getting on?What’s no/ up?答语可用:Pretty well!Very well!Everything is OK! 一切顺利!Not too bad! 还好!5. 对于不认识想要叫他(她)停下来时,可选用这些说法:Hey, sir(madam)喂,先生(小姐)Just a moment, sir(madam)等一下,先生(小姐)注意:此时不能说:“Hey! You!”间接问候1. Please give one’s regards/best wishes/ love to...Please remember me to sb.请向某人问好/请向某人致意。
2. “Say hi/hello to...(from me)”意为“向...致意/问候”。
这相当于Please give my best regards/wishes to...(请代我向...问好)的意思。
对于上述问候,其答语为:Of course / Sure, I will等。
四、感谢与应答(Thanks and responses)Thank you/Thanks! 谢谢!Thank you very much! 非常感谢!Thank you so much/Thanks a lot! 多谢!Thank you very much indeed! 应该好好感谢你!Thanks a million! 万分感谢!I don’t know how to thank you! 真不知该怎样感谢你!I’m really grateful to you.非常感谢你!That’s most kind of you.你心眼儿真好!You’re kind! 你真好!如果别人想为你办事,可你觉得不必麻烦他或者别人替你办事没有办成但你还要感谢他,这时你可以说:Thank you just the same.同样感谢你的好意。
Thank you all the same.同样得感谢你。
It’s very considerate of you.你考虑得真周到!It’s most thoughtful of you.你想得真周到!在回答别人的感谢时,常说:You’re welcome! 不客气!Not at all! 没事儿!Don’t mention it! 不用谢!It’s my pleasure! 我很乐意。
No trouble at all! 一点也不麻烦。
It was the least I could do! 这是我应该做的。
I’m glad I could do it. 我很高兴能这么做。
That’s all right. 没关系,不用谢。
I’m delighted to have been able to do that for you. 能为你效劳我很高兴。
It’s really nothing at all! 算不了什么,不用谢。
五、介绍(Introductions)1、介绍某人的常用表达式I’ll introduce you.我来给你介绍……I want to introduce...我想介绍……May I introduce you to...?我把你介绍给……好吗?I’d like you to meet... 我想让你见见……It’s with great pleasure that I introduce...to you.很荣幸让我介绍……给你Let me introduce you to......让我把你介绍给.......By the way,do you know......?顺便问一问,你认识.......吗?2、对介绍的应答How do you do?你好!I’m pleased to know you.很高兴认识你。
Very glad to meet you.很高兴认识你。
Nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。
It’s a pleasure to meet you.认识你很高兴。
六、祝愿、祝贺及应答(Good wishes,congratulations and responses)1、当某人取得成功时I have passed the examination!我已经通过考试了.Congratulations(to you)! 祝贺你!2、当某人外出旅行时Good luck with your trip!祝你们旅途平安!Have a good trip/journey. = I wish you a good trip/journey. 祝你旅途愉快,祝你一路顺风。
Good trip to you. / Nice journey to you.祝你旅途愉快Have a nice/pleasant/wonderful time. = I wish you a nice/pleasant/wonderful time.祝你过得愉快,祝你玩得痛快。
3、当某人生日时A: Happy birthday to you! 生日快乐!B: Thank you! 谢谢!4、当某人即将做某事时A:I will take the exams tomorrow.我明天将参加考试。