”(2)奈达(Nida etc.,1969):“翻译是指从语义到文体在译语中用最切近而又自然的对等语再现原文的信息。
英汉互译Unit 1 Introduction
![英汉互译Unit 1 Introduction](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/13f9070190c69ec3d5bb754c.png)
question, problem, trouble, point, issue 当时我们正在长征的路上,每天行军一百多 里。
We were on the Long March. Every day we marched a hundred li or more.
How to understand
1) contextual analysis
– The slums offered an ugly contrast to the classical grandeur of official Washington.
– The baseball season opens this afternoon and I suspect that most of official Washington are out at the field, including the president and many of the members of the Cabinet.
3. Avoid the misunderstanding of idioms
You can not trust him to keep a secret, he is sure to spill the beans before long.
切勿相信他会保守秘密,过不久他肯定会 泄露于人的。
1. Intralingual / interlingual translation 2. Interpretation, translation, machine
translation 3. Translation of different genres (EST
1.2 翻译的定义及分类
定义:翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语 言所表达的思维内容准确而完整的重新 表达出来的语言活动。
1.2 翻译的定义及分类
分类: 涉及语言:本族语外族语、外族语 本族语 工作方式:口译、笔译 翻译材料:科技翻译、文学翻译、政论 翻译、应用文翻译 处理方式:全译、摘译、编译
1.5 对译者的要求
外语水平高 中文水平高 知识面广 熟悉基本翻译技巧
经济学 Economics, 国际经济与贸易 International Economy and Trade, 金融学 Finance, 法学 Law, 政治学与行政学 Political Science and Public Administration, 汉语言文学 Chinese Language and Culture, 传播学 Mass Communication, 广告学 Advertising, 音乐表演 Music and Rendition, 绘画 Painting, 艺术设计 Artistic Design,
1.4 翻译的过程
2)理解逻辑关系 E.g. One step further and you will be lost. I am in good health now and I can resume my work. I cannot keep these flowers alive and I have watered.
电气工程及其自动化 Electrical Engineering and Automation, 自动化 Automation, 电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering, 通信工程 Communications Engineering, 计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology, 网络工程 Network Engineering, 电子科学与技术 Electronic Science and Technology, 生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering, 软件工程 Software Engineering, 计算机软件 Computer Software,
5.把这些故事看完以后, 用你自己的话讲一遍。
After you have read these stories, tell them in your own words.
interrupting you.
汉语中的词、词组、分句或句子 之间的关系往往通过上下文及语 序来表示,较少用连词。英语通 常需要用连词来表明词与词、词 组与词组以及句与句的逻辑关系。 因此在汉译英时,需要增补连词 的情况会很多,有时是并列连词, 有时是从属连词。
qualified to fight a world war
( 应 为 capable of fighting/can afford to/powerful enough to)
The public opinion in the West predicts one after another
6.他的儿子对数学很感兴趣。 7.他因犯伪造罪而被逮捕。 8.他把自己的一生献给为人
民服务的事业。 9.班长命令战士上刺刀。 10.有什么事,告诉我一声。
11.不许他给我们集体脸上 抹黑。
14.党组织是由无产阶级先 进分子组成的。
(五)注意词的政治含 义
11.“侵略” invasion aggression 12.“自主” autonomy initiative
《英汉互译》教案与讲义第一章:英汉互译概述1.1 英汉互译的重要性1.2 英汉互译的基本原则1.3 英汉互译的难点与挑战1.4 英汉互译的技巧与策略第二章:词汇与短语的互译2.1 词汇的直译与意译2.2 词汇的借用与创新2.3 短语的固定搭配与转换2.4 专有名词与地名的一般译法第三章:句子的互译3.1 句型的转换3.2 语序的调整3.3 被动语态与主动语态的互译3.4 从句与并列句的互译第四章:时态与语态的互译4.1 一般现在时与一般过去时的互译4.2 进行时与完成时的互译4.3 主动语态与被动语态的互译4.4 虚拟语气与实际语气的互译第五章:文化与语境的理解5.1 文化背景知识的重要性5.2 语境的理解与运用5.3 语言习惯与表达方式的差异5.4 跨文化交流的技巧与策略第六章:翻译标准与原则6.1 翻译标准的历史演变6.2 忠实原则与达意原则6.3 等效翻译与功能翻译6.4 翻译中的创译与意译第七章:翻译技巧与策略(上)7.1 词义选择与词性转换7.2 修辞格的翻译7.3 成语与谚语的翻译7.4 诗歌与文学作品的语言特点与翻译第八章:翻译技巧与策略(下)8.1 幽默与讽刺的翻译8.2 商务与法律文本的翻译8.3 科技与医学文本的翻译8.4 翻译中的校对与润色第九章:实践案例分析9.1 英汉互译案例分析9.2 翻译错误分析与避免9.3 翻译实践与反馈9.4 翻译作品的评价与赏析第十章:翻译软件与辅助工具10.1 翻译软件的种类与功能10.2 翻译辅助工具的使用10.3 语料库与在线翻译资源10.4 在翻译领域的应用与展望重点和难点解析一、英汉互译概述难点解析:理解英汉两种语言的结构差异,如语序、句型、时态和语态的使用,以及文化背景和语境的理解。
3. 关于翻译标准的争议
(Controversy on Principles of Translation)
关于翻译的标准的不同看法和定义: 我国大翻译家严复提出了著名的 “信达雅” 的翻译标准,在我国翻译史上独具意义,给后
代的译界以有益的启发,在翻译界最具影响力、 典范性,甚至成了中国人翻译西方语言文字的 准绳。
所谓忠实是指忠实于原作的内容、原作的风格完整而 准确地表达出来;
所谓正确,是指把原作的语言内容、立场观点、思想 感情不得有任何篡改、歪曲、遗漏、增减地表达出来;
所谓流畅,是指译文的语言一定要通顺自然、逻辑清 楚、符合规范。
“ Translation is a science. Translation is an art. Translation is a craft. Translation is a skill. Translation is an operation. Translation is a language activity. Translation is communicating. ”
【译文】她貌颇美丽,肤色雪白,柔腻如凝脂,双眸点漆, 似意大利产。斜波流媚,轻盈动人,而鬈毛压额,厥色 深墨,状尤美观。形体略短削,微嫌美中不足。
任何一种文字都是有其声音之美,其意义之美,其传神之美,其文气 文体形式之美,作为翻译者常会顾其义而丢其神,得其神而忘其体。
为此,我们还是主张“忠实、正确、流畅” (faithfulness, correctness and smoothnesss)的翻译标准, 尤其是对本科学生来讲,这个标准是切合实际的。
3. 关于翻译标准的争议
英汉笔译基础教程 第1章 翻译概述
![英汉笔译基础教程 第1章 翻译概述](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d5d8acea561252d380eb6eb4.png)
▪ 语内翻译(intralingual translation) ▪ 语际翻译(interlingual translation) ▪ 符际翻译(intersemiotic translation)
❖ 诺德从译文功能来分:
▪ 工具型翻译(instrumental translation) ▪ 文献型翻译(documentary translation)
Basics of English to Chinese Translation
第一章 翻译概述
❖ 1.1 翻译的定义与分类 ❖ 1.2 翻译的标准 ❖ 1.3 翻译过程 ❖ 1.4 译者技能
❖1.1.1 翻译的定义 ❖工具书中的定义
▪ 《说文解字》:“翻”解释为“飞也”,本义是“鸟飞 ”,“译”解释为“传译四夷之言者”。
❖ 把翻译看作一个产业,可分为:
▪ 三个层次:核心层、边缘层及相关层
1.2 翻译的标准
❖ 1.2.1翻译标准的演变 ❖支谦:
▪ “因循本旨,不加文饰”、“案本而传”、“实宜径达 ”
▪ “求真”和“喻俗”的翻译标准
பைடு நூலகம்▪ “信、达、雅”
▪ “凡是翻译,必须兼顾两面,一面力求其易解,二则是 保存着原作的丰姿”
▪ 对等、忠实的翻译标准。
▪ 流畅与透明
▪ 译文在多大程度上满足了翻译的目的
▪ 客户的利益在多大程度上得到实现 ▪ 客户的满意度成为判断翻译服务好坏的标准
省略 1.Taking the train, the two friends arrived in Berlin in late October 1922, and went directly to the address of Chou En-lai. 他们两人坐火车于1922年十月(底)到达柏林,立即去周恩来的 住处。 Taking the train arrived in Berlin in late October 1922 directly 立即= at once went directly to the address of Chou En-lai 坐火车 到达柏林 1922年十月底
些处译得气势磅礴,高于原文 。四字结构是汉语的优势
urged them to be seated urge sb to do sth.
在英语里,如有人来找,被找的人往往说what can I do for you?或说Can I help you? 在形容人的时候, 英语往往直接用形容词来描述一个人, 而汉语则要提出描述的具体方面。
10.When both visitors had told their stories, Chou smiled a little, said he would help them find rooms, (1)and arrange for them to join the Berlin Communist group (2) as candidates (3)until their application had been sent to China and an answer received. 两位来客把经历说完后,周恩来微笑着说,他可以帮他们找到住的地方,(1)替他们办 理加入党在柏林的支部的手续,(3)在入党申请书寄往中国而尚未批准之前,(2) 暂作候补党员。
Culture-loaded words
• 1. Please find out the words with Chinese characteristics in the passage on page 23. • 2. how does the writer translate these words on the next page? • 3. how do you call these words with Chinese characterist• •
文化负 载词的翻译方法 1. 直译法 1)龙舟 2)八宝菜 3)文化大革命 4)纸老虎 5)号脉 6)春节 7)春卷
Dragon boat Eight-treasure pickles Cultural Revolution Paper tiger Feel the pulse Spring Festival Spring roll
• 关于兔儿爷还有一段传说:一年,北京城里忽然起了瘟疫, 几乎每家都有人得了,就治不好。嫦娥看到此情景,心里 十分难过,就派身边的玉兔去为百姓们治病。玉兔变成了 一个少女,她挨家挨户地走,治好了很多人。人们为了感 谢玉兔,纷纷送东西给她;可玉兔什么也不要,只是向别 人借衣服穿,每到一处就换一身装扮,有时候打扮得像个 卖油的,有时候又像个算命的……一会儿是男人装束,一 会儿又是女人打扮。为了能给更多的人治病,玉兔就骑上 马、鹿或狮子、老虎,走遍了京城内外。消除了京城的瘟 疫之后,玉兔就回到月宫中去了。于是,人们用泥塑造了 玉兔的形象,有骑鹿的,有乘凤的,有披挂着铠甲的,也 有身着各种做工人的衣服的,千姿百态,非常可爱。每到 农历八月十五那一天,家家都要供奉她,给她摆上好吃的 瓜果菜豆,用来酬谢她给人间带来的吉祥和幸福,还亲切 地称她为“兔爷儿”、“兔奶奶”。
7)对联 静坐常思己过, 闲谈莫说人非。 Think of your own faults when speechless sitting. Never refer to others’ demerits while chattering.
Morning after morning I don't see the sun,
Year after year, not a sign of spring.
▪ Long, long the pathway to Cold Hill; Drear, drear the waterside so chill. Chirp, chirp, I often hear the bird; Mute, mute, nobody says a word. Gust by gust winds caress my face; Flake on flake snow covers all trace. From day to day the sun won't shine; From year to year no spring is mine.
----Peter Newmark, A Textbook Of Translation
“Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, firstly in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.”
英汉互译慕课Unit 1课件
![英汉互译慕课Unit 1课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ad850a38da38376bae1faedf.png)
《英汉互译》慕课Unit 1课件Unit 1 A General Introduction to Translation 翻译概述Chapter 1 History, Function and Definition of Translation翻译的历史、功能和定义1. History of Translation 翻译的历史Translational activities of human beings have been around for thousands of years, and it’s hard to tell the exact time when translation first appeared. Yet it can be said that translation has existed since people began to use different languages to communicate with one another.The earliest written record of translation in the west, however, is the translation of Odyssey from Greek into Latin by the liberated Greek slave Livius Andronicus in about 240 B.C.And in China the record of translation dates back to the Zhou Dynasty (1066 B.C. -- 256 B.C.) according to The Book of Rites (《礼记》) when translators were called Ji in the east, Xiang in the south, Didi in the west, and Yi in the north西方最早的有史料记载的是公元前240年的安德罗尼柯的第一部译作荷马史诗《奥德赛》,中国最早的翻译活动记录出现在《礼记·王制》中:“五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。
英汉互译Chapter1英汉互译课程概述第一讲翻译概论(一)第二讲翻译概论(二)第三讲词的翻译(一)第四讲词的翻译(二)第五讲英汉语言对比(一)第六讲英汉语言对比(二)第七讲英语长句的翻译第八讲翻译与文化(一)第九讲翻译与文化(二)第十讲翻译症第十一讲编译、节译与摘译(一)第十二讲编译、节译与摘译(二)第十三讲翻译批评与赏析第十四讲商务翻译第十五讲新闻翻译第十六讲政论翻译第一讲翻译概论(一)Warm-up: translating Chinese New Year.Is it the Year of the Ram, Sheep or Goat?Transcript●Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to everyone celebrating the Lunar New Year here inAmerica and all around the world. I’ll always remember the parades, fireworks, and gatherings that surrounded the Lunar New Year when I was growing up in Hawaii. And now as President, this celebration is a perfect reminder of the many cultures andfaiths that make us who we are as Americans.●We are a nation of immigrants. Our vast array of traditions and perspectives and backgrounds –our melting pot –is what makes America unique. It’s what keeps us fresh and dynamic and entrepreneurial. That’s why last year, I took action to help fix our broken immigration system.But our work isn’t finished. We’ve stil l got to come together to pass a comprehensiveimmigration bill so that we can expand opportunities for more people to study, and serve, and contribute to our nation. Those are the aspirations that have attracted families to our shores forgenerations. And that story continues today. So whether you’re celebrating the Year of the Ram, the Year of the Goat, or the Year of the Sheep, may we all do our part to carry forward the work of perfecting this country that we love. Happy New Year, everybody.Our Traditional Customs on the New Year腊月二十三●Little New Year, which falls the 23rd day of the 12th month in the Lunar calendar, is alsoknown as the Festival of the Kitchen God, the deity who oversees the moral character of each household.●People make sacrifices to the Kitchen Gold on this day. A paper image is burnt dispatchingthe god's spirit to Heaven to report on the family's conduct over the past year. The Kitchen God is then welcomed back by pasting a new paper image of him beside the stove.除夕(腊月三十)●Chinese people are supposed to stay up the whole night onthe 30th day of the 12th monthin the Lunar Calendar●In Chinese mythology, a monster called nian would come out to harm people on New Year'sEve, so people get together, staying up and chatting, hoping for a peaceful passage of time.The custom of staying up (Chinese: shou tai sui) symbolizes the warding off of all diseases and disasters and wishing good luck in the New Year.●Chinese peop le attach great importance to the Spring Festival Eve, when all familymembers eat dinner together.正月初一●The first day of Chinese New Year, also known as the "day of chicken", officially begins atmidnight.●It is traditional to light firecrackers and make as much of a din as possible to chase off theevil monster nian.●Most importantly the oldest and most senior members are visited with the visitsstrengthening family kinship.●Senior members of the family hand out red envelopes containing cash (Chinese: ya suiqian), a form of blessing and to suppress aging and the challenges of the coming year, to junior members of the family, mostly children and teenagers.正月十五●The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is commonly celebrated as Yuan Xiao Jie, or LanternFestival. The festivities of the Chinese New Year reach a climax on this day.●Since early morning, dragon and lion dancers parade on streets crowded with people. In theevening families go out together to enjoy the full moon and appreciate colorful lanterns and also solve lantern riddles.●Chinese people also eat yuan xiao, a traditional food made of glutinous rice flour whichsymbolizes family togetherness and reunion.●This day officially marks the end of Chinese New Year celebrations.General Introduction to translationTower of Babel1. Now the whole earth had one language and one speech.2. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there.3. Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.”They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar.4. And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”5. But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.6. And the LORD said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.7. "Come, let US go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech .”8. So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.9. Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth. (Genesis 11: 1-9, The New King James Version)翻译的起源五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。
第一章综合练习及参考译文1.翻译下列句子,注意斜体部分的表达并说明翻译的特点1) I took advice on the matter.【译文】就此事我已征求过意见。
2) They are all of age.【译文】他们都是成年人。
3) It has made the headlines that the president’s wife threatened her husbands with public exposure.【译文】总统夫人说要公开揭发丈夫,这件事成了头条新闻。
4) He often talks horse.【译文】她常吹牛。
5) They lingered long over his letter.【译文】他们反复看了他的来信。
6) Between ourselves, I don’t think much of him.【译文】咱们私下里说说,我看那人不怎么样。
7) There is something in the wind.【译文】好像要出事了。
)8) She has the making of a good teacher.【译文】她具有一个优秀教师的潜质。
9) Y ou never realize how fortunate you are to have good health until it is suddenly brought home to you by the sight of suffering.【译文】除非你亲眼目睹体弱多病之苦,不然,你是不会意识到你有一个健康的身体有多好。
10) That notion is being nurtured by people.【译文】有人在吹这种风。
11) Dawn breaking over the islands, very beautiful in a soft grey light with many clouds. There is a transparency about the light here which cannot be described or painted.【译文】曙色中的海岛美极了,晨曦柔合,彩云片片。
第一节 从周代到东汉桓帝的翻译活动
一、 《礼记·王制》载有周代所设翻译东、西、南、 北各地区少数民族语言的官员的职称: 五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。达其志, 通其欲,东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄, 北方曰译。 故后世称翻译人员为“ ”。
《 》中谈到周代规定每七年要将各诸侯国的 翻译人员集中到周天子所在地加以训练。这 也是我国典籍中关于培训翻译人员的最早记 载。 在《 》古书中,也有周王朝当时的翻译官 的专门职称的记载。
这一时期代表人物有: 郑振锋,郁达夫,巴金,林语堂,傅雷,朱 光潜等
林语堂(1895.10.3-1976.3.26)福 林语堂
《论翻译》1933年 “第一是忠实标准,第 二是通顺标准,第三是 美的标准” “翻译是一种艺术” 译文应有五美:
鲁迅(1881—1936) (1881 1936 1936) 原名周树人,字豫才,浙江绍兴人
二、课程要求 要求学生至少熟读教材课本,同时通读同类 教材一本,和外国名著中英版。且对三本书 就某一点或某一方面至少写读后感三篇,每 篇字数不少于一千。读后感只能手写。其他 考试要求照旧。 教材:庄传译,英汉翻译简明教程,外语教 学与研究出版社
该课程是一门实践性很强的课程。除了学习和 掌握翻译的基本原理以外,翻译实践占有相当 大的比重。具体地说,翻译练习由两部分组成, 一部分是课后的英译汉练习,另一部分是老师 课外挑选的翻译材料。 翻译是一项艰苦的脑力劳动,学好翻译需要付 出艰苦的努力,绝无捷径可走。对照阅读是一 种一举多得的学习方法。
《英汉双解英语谚语词典》盛绍裘,李永芳主编,知识出 版社,1989年版 《朗文当代高级英语词典》(英英,英汉双解)商务印书 馆,朗文出版社,1998年版 《英语缩略词词典》史群编,商务印书馆,1979年版 《简明美国俚语词典》杨志达编译,商务印书馆,1986 年版 《简明英汉世界文学词典》杜友良主编,中国对外翻译出 版公司,1992年版
英汉互译week 1and 2
![英汉互译week 1and 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a8fdcfc35022aaea998f0f69.png)
• 1. 2. 3. 4. • 1. 2. 3.
In terms of materials Scientific materials Translation of literary works Translation of political essays Translation of practical writing In terms of disposal full-text translation Abridged/selective translation adapted translation
• 1.1 翻译的条件 • 1.1.1 掌握必要的翻译理论和技巧
• 语言学家吕叔湘说:“原稿纸旁放一词 典,又放一文法书,左顾右盼才写上一汉两种语言的修养、拓宽知识面 • 1. 要努力提高汉语的修养,多读经典的著作,学 习地道规范汉语; • 2.要看一些英汉对照的文章; • 3. 一篇原著最好找到两种以上的译本,进行对比, 从中学习。 • 如: White House • “白宫” 而不是“白房子” • Foggy Bottom • “雾谷” 而不是“雾的尽头”(美国国务院)
• 一些词语的产生,伴有特定的时代背景。 如: • “ If that picture is genuine, I’m a Dutchman!” • “如果那张画是真迹,我就不是人”
1.2.2 地理环境
• (1) 英国的天气变化无常,阴雨天多,人们对天气 便产生了一种特殊的感觉,因而喜欢谈论天气。 “Lovely weather, isn’t it?” • (2) 英国是一个典型的海洋国家,因而与海洋有关 的比喻和谚语就特别多。 • 如:“drink like a fish, as close as an oyster” • 中国:东风送暖,西风凛冽; 而英国正好相反。 • carry coals to Newcastle —— 运煤到纽卡索 • (做徒劳无益的事情)
英汉互译理论与实务课件及其参考答案 第一章第三节翻译的标准和译者的素养
![英汉互译理论与实务课件及其参考答案 第一章第三节翻译的标准和译者的素养](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0dc455b5c1c708a1294a4401.png)
❖ 例如:“……妈妈水氏已故, 别无儿女。” (冯梦龙, 2008: 74))
❖ 译文1: His mother, nee Shui, had died and she had no other children except Qiu Xian.
❖ 译文2:His wife, nee Shui, had died and left him no children.
❖ (3) 具备一定的专门知识和杂学知识 ❖ 傅雷曾说:“.…译事虽近舌人,要以艺术修养为根本;无敏
感之心灵,无热烈之同情,无适当之鉴赏能力,无相当之社 会经验,无充分之常识,势难彻底理解原作,即或理解,亦 未必能深切领悟。”(转引自罗新璋, 1984) ❖ 著名学者吕叔湘1984年在“翻译工作与 ‘杂学’一文中”指出: “上自天文,下自地理,人情风俗,俚语方言,历史上的事 件,小说里的人物,五花八门,无以名之,名之曰 ‘杂学’。” (转引自姜倩等, 2008: 55)
❖ 译文1的译者显然对古汉语知识掌握不够,不懂古汉语的 “妈妈”并不等同于现代汉语的“妈妈”, 而是“妻子”的 意思。理解错了“妈妈”必然会导致“别无儿女”的张冠李 戴。
❖ (2) 一定的文化素养 ❖ “ 对于真正成功的翻译而言,熟悉两种文化甚至比掌握两种
语言更重要,因为词语只是在其作用的文化背景中才有意 义……实际上,文化之间的差异比语言结构上的差异给读者 带来的复杂性更多。” (Nida, 1993:110) ❖ 作为翻译不仅要熟悉两种语言,还要熟悉这两种语言背后的 文化,具有相当的文化素养,从而能体会到中西文化的差异, 才能在译语中得以充分传达,为译语读者所接受。
❖ (4) 高效的学习能力 ❖ 怎样去利用资源,尤其是有效地利用现代技术获取
汉英笔译基础教程第1章 翻译原则[精]
![汉英笔译基础教程第1章 翻译原则[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7b18a85b83c4bb4cf6ecd11a.png)
a narrow path . They had walked for some time when Tao-ching, who was ahead,turning and stared fixedly at her companion. Her face was unusually white, ‘ I have got to give up my studies, Wei-yu…..’
翻译的表达过程中,要根据英汉语的各自的特 点,在必要的地方打破原文的结构框架,调整 语句结构,用译入语中的习惯表达方式来传达 原文的内容,这样原文的信息便能顺利地为译 入语读者接受,达到翻译交际的目的。
要做到这一点,译者首先要对英汉两种语言的 语篇结构有所了解。语篇结构是某一特定文化 中组句成篇的特定方式,是一种约定俗成的、 相对稳定的语言使用习惯,是文化因素在语言 运用过程中长期积淀的结果。
例22. 蛤蟆滩经济上和政治上的封建势力是已经搞跨了;但庄稼人 精神上的封建思想,还需要一些时间才能冲洗净哩!(柳青《创业 史》)
While feudal economic and political concepts had been discarded in Frog Flat, it would still be some time before all feudal influence could be eradicated from the peasants’ minds.
情景语境 浅花叫了一声奔着井沿跑去,她心里一冷,,自己也跳进井里去吧。
Qianhua screamed and ran to the well. In a moment of horror she almost fainted and fell. She thought that since she had failed to save him, she might as well jump in and make an end of herself.
Literary views on translation
Translators who hold this view believe that translation is an artistic reception or a recreated art.
语言是塑造文学形象的工具,因而文学的形象性特征必然要在语言上表现出来。文学语言的特征,诸如形象、生动、鲜明、含蓄、凝练、准确、风趣、幽默、辛辣、滑稽、悦耳、民族特点、地方色彩,还有行业习语、民间的俚语、谚语等等,都是作家根据塑造形象的需要,从现实生活中提炼创造出来的。文学作品的艺术形式与思想内容是辩证统一的,翻译要保存原作风格特点,因此要求译文生动形象、形神毕肖、雅俗等同、词情并茂。 (方梦之,2004:292)
琵琶琴瑟,八大王王王在上。 魑魅魍魉,四小鬼鬼鬼犯边。 It is difficult and even impossible to translate such cultural items. Translation is the most complicated human activity.
美国著名语言学家雅各布森(Roman Jakobson,1896-1982)从符号学的观点出发,把翻译分为三类:语内翻译、语际翻译和符际翻译。
1、语内翻译(intralingual translation) 语内翻译是同一语言内部的翻译。方言与民族共同语、方言与方言、古代语与现代语之间的转换就是语内翻译。英语学习中解释疑难句子常常用到的paraphrase其实也是一种语内翻译。 例1.余闻而愈悲。孔子曰:“苛政猛于虎也。”吾尝疑乎是,今以蒋氏观之,犹信。 (《捕蛇者说》柳宗元) 我听了(这些话)更加感到悲伤。孔子说:“苛酷的统治比猛虎还要凶啊!”我曾经怀疑这句话,现在从姓蒋的遭遇看来,这是可信的。 例2.Radiating from the earth, heat causes air currents to rise. = Heat causes air currents to rise when it is radiating from the earth. 热量由地球辐射出来,使得气流上升。
新编英汉翻译教程第一章 ppt课件
![新编英汉翻译教程第一章 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f7f98e240b1c59eef9c7b419.png)
languages. For example, translation from English to Chinese.
• Section 2 Types of translation
• First of all, a translation should let people know the meaning (or get the information) of the source language.
• However, translation is not a pure linguistic activity. It also involves other non-linguistic elements, especially cultural element. Therefore, some researchers define translation as in line 2, page 3.
• 奈达有关翻译的定义指明,翻译不仅是词 汇意义上的对等,还包括语义、风格和文 体的对等,翻译传达的信息既有表层词汇 信息,也有深层的文化信息。
• Source language to target language
• 源语言(译出语) 目标语(译入语)
• What is the aim of translation?
• Questions: what are the criteria of translation? Or, what is a good translation?
• Section 3 criteria of translation • Basic requirements: Faithfulness
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The Theory And Practice Of Translation 5
▪ Yet—hear—
▪ 空山不見人, ▪ human sounds and
▪ 但聞人語响。 echoes.
▪ 返景入深林, ▪ Returning sunlight
▪ 复照青苔上。 ▪ enters the dark woods;
▪ Again shining
▪ on the green moss,
above. 20
▪ Translated by Gary Snyder
▪ 杳杳寒山道 落落冷涧滨 啾啾常有鸟 寂寂更无人
淅淅风吹面 纷纷雪积身
朝朝不见日 岁岁不知春 ▪ Rough and dark--Cold Mountain trail,
Sharp cobbles--the icy creek bank.
物理环境、生存需要、生活模式等产生趋 同的思想感情。
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for
you. Ask what you can do for your county. 所以,我的美国同胞们,不要问你的国 家能为你做些什么;而要问你能为国家 做些什么。
5.1 语言层面上的不可译性
▪ 同形异义和同音异义
▪ 拆字
▪ 连珠
▪ 联边
▪ 回文
▪ 绕口令
▪ 对联
▪ 格律诗
▪ 成语、习语、民谚
▪ 幽默
1)同形异义和同音异义 美的(meidi)空调,美的(meide)享受。 “咳”不容缓。(止咳糖浆) 默默无“蚊”的奉献。(驱蚊器) Seven days' hard work makes one week.
by Xu Yuanchong
▪ “Poetry is what gets lost in translation.” ----美国诗人 Robert Frost
▪ “Poetry is what is gained in translation.” ----俄裔美国诗人Joseph Brodsky
Yammering, chirping--always the birds,
Bleak, alone, not even a lone hiker.
Whip, whip--the wind slaps my face,
Whirled and tumbled--snow piles on my back.
• Mother tongue competence • Foreign language competence • Cultural competence • Flexibility • Time management • Research capacities • Self-criticism
9)成语、习语、民谚 千 钧 一发 和尚打伞——无法(发)无天 狗撵鸭子——呱呱叫
10)幽默 A: What’s usually used as a
conductor of electricity? B: Why-er… A: Correct. Wire. Now tell me, what is
When a woman complained to her butcher that his sausage tasted like meat at one end, but like bread at the other, he replied, “Madam, in times like these no butcher can make both ends meat”.
▪ 翻译是一种类似创造的艺术活动; 翻译给予原文“另一个生命”(an after life)。 ----本雅明
4.untranslatability 二律背反 (Paradox)
肯定原文的可译性,暗示着两种 语言文化之间的不可译性。
没有任何两种语言相似到了人们认为 他们代表着相同的社会现实的程度。 (Edward Sapir)
He gazed at the mushroom fortress with astonishment as it loomed distinctly but grandly through a
morning fog. 他凝视着蘑菇状的城堡在晨曦中依稀可 见、巍然耸立,不禁惊讶起来。
她夏练三伏,冬练三九。 She kept practicing in the hottest days in summer and the coldest days in winter.
喇叭。 拎着喇叭的喇嘛用喇叭打了拎着挞嘛的哑巴, 拎着挞嘛的哑巴也用挞嘛打了拎着喇叭的喇嘛。
Cat, cat, cat, catch the fat rat fast. A cook can cook a cock, but a cock can’t cook a cock.
A canner can can anything he can can can, but he can not can a can, can he?
Morning after morning I don't see the sun,
Year after year, not a sign of spring.
▪ Long, long the pathway to Cold Hill; Drear, drear the waterside so chill. Chirp, chirp, I often hear the bird; Mute, mute, nobody says a word. Gust by gust winds caress my face; Flake on flake snow covers all trace. From day to day the sun won't shine; From year to year no spring is mine.
----Peter Newmark, A Textbook Of Translation
“Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, firstly in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.”
2) 拆字 人曾为僧,人弗可以成佛; 女卑为婢,女又何妨称奴。 The man who has been a monk can
not become a Buddha. The girl who is a bond maid may be called a slave.
冻雨洒窗, 东两点,西三点; 切瓜分片,横七刀,竖八刀。 琴瑟琵琶,八大王,王王在上。
1.Definition of Translation
▪ What is translation?
▪ Science? Craft? ▪ Art? ▪ Communication?
1.Definition of Translation
“[…]rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.”
Madam, I’m Adam. Sir, I’m Iris. 女士,我叫亚当。 先生,我叫艾丽斯。
扁担长,板凳宽,扁担压在板凳上,板凳不让扁担压在板 凳上,扁担偏要压在板凳上。
东边来了个喇嘛, 西边来了个哑巴, 喇嘛手里拎着五斤喇叭, 哑巴腰里别着个挞嘛, 别着喇叭的要用喇叭换手里拎着挞嘛的哑巴的挞嘛, 拎着挞嘛的哑巴不愿意用挞嘛换手里拎着喇叭的喇嘛的
A: What do lawyers do when they die?
B: Lie still. A: 律师死了还能干啥? B:身子动弹不得,嘴上撒谎依旧 比较: 躺着说鬼话。
A hopeless widower said: “Nothing can mend a broken heart.” A widow answered: “Except repairing.” 一位绝望的鳏夫:什么也无法修补一颗 破碎的心。 一个寡妇:除了重新配成一对。
▪ 反对把机械主义和忠实混为一谈 ▪ 译者的任务:展现“原文的可译性”(to
demonstrate the translatability of the original)。 ▪ Translatability and Untranslatability可译性/ 不可译性
The ideal translator
Translatability可译性 Untranslatability不可译性 不可译性的类型 不可译性的解决
文化的通约性与可译性 1)可译性(translatability) 不同语言的人对同一个事物产生相同或相近