



商务英语BEC高级阅读训练题及答案第一部分:阅读理解阅读理解一问题 1:根据文中的信息,请回答以下问题:(a)公司使用云计算可以带来哪些好处?(b)解决云计算安全问题的方法是什么?(c)在购买云计算服务之前,公司需要考虑哪些因素?答案:(a)公司使用云计算可以带来以下好处: - 提高效率和灵活性 - 节约成本 - 随时随地访问数据(b)解决云计算安全问题的方法包括以下几点: - 加强网络和数据安全 - 使用强密码和加密技术 - 定期备份数据(c)在购买云计算服务之前,公司需要考虑以下因素: - 服务提供商的信誉和安全记录 - 数据隐私保护政策 - 数据传输和存储的地理位置 - 协议和合同条款阅读理解二问题 2:根据文中的信息,请回答以下问题:(a)为什么企业需要进行风险评估?(b)企业进行风险评估的步骤是什么?(c)列举三个企业在风险评估中可能面临的挑战。


(b)企业进行风险评估的步骤包括: - 确定潜在风险和其可能导致的影响 - 评估风险的概率和严重程度 - 制定风险管理计划和控制措施 - 监测和追踪风险的发展和影响(c)企业在风险评估中可能面临以下挑战: - 获取准确和完整的信息 - 评估风险的不确定性和主观性 - 管理多个风险因素 - 制定可行的风险管理策略第二部分:答案解析阅读理解一问题 1:(a)公司使用云计算可以带来哪些好处?答案解析:公司使用云计算可以带来以下好处: - 提高效率和灵活性:云计算可以提供快速且灵活的计算和存储资源,企业可以根据需求随时调整资源的规模,并且可以减少时间和成本。

- 节约成本:云计算可以代替企业自己建设和维护服务器和硬件设备,从而节约成本。

- 随时随地访问数据:云计算可以让企业员工随时随地通过互联网访问和共享数据,提高工作效率和协作能力。

(b)解决云计算安全问题的方法是什么?答案解析:解决云计算安全问题的方法包括以下几点: - 加强网络和数据安全:企业可以采取防火墙、入侵检测和数据加密等措施加强网络和数据的安全性。



PART ONEQuestions 1 - 8· Look at the sentences below and at five passages taken from a book about famous management thinkers on the opposite page.· Which passage does each sentence refer to?· For each sentence 1 - 8, mark one letter A1 B, C, D or E on your Answer Sheet.· You will need to use some of these letters more than once.Example:He has developed his own company to promote his work.0 A B C D E1 Others in his field think very highly of him.2 His ideas have spread beyond the business world.3 He felt that people should be able to enjoy their work.4 His ideas are more complex than they seem.5 He did a variety of interesting things before writing his books.6 His most successful book was written with a colleague.7 He is particularly skilled at forecasting important developments.8 Contact with the military was an early influence on his thinking.A John AdairAdair is the pioneering British thinker in the theory of leadership. He was the first person in the UK to hold a professorship in Business Leadership and has published a series of influential books on the subject.Despite his quiet appearance, Adair has had a colourful life, serving in a Bedouin regiment and working on an Arctic fishing boat! His initial interest in leadership came from his army experience and he used to lecture at the highly prestigious academy where British army offices are trained. He now works as an international consultant.B Edward de BonoDe Bono is unusual among major gurus for two reasons: firstly, he was born not in one of the great industrial nations but on the tiny island of Malta. Secondly, his ideas have reached a wider audience than just managers, so that his books have become essential rending in many different disciplines.Most of de Bono s work has been concerned with the way human beings can train themselves to think more creatively. This apparently simple idea has resulted in37 books and a highly successful career as a lecturer and consultant.C Peter DruckerProbably no other single thinker has done as much as Drucker to establish management as a serious area of study. Certainly, his fellow management thinkers consider him one of the founding fathers of the discipline, and his books and articles are quoted more than those of any other management writer.His first book was published as far back as 1939, yet he is still writing and teaching. His greatest distinction has been his ability to predict coming trendsin business and economics. As a result, his ideas are treated with the greatest respect and interest.D Frederick HerzbergAlthough relatively few contemporary management students will have read his books, Herzberg s name is instantly recognisable to anyone who has studied industrial organisations. This is because the American psychologist was responsible for introducing the concept of motivation into management thinking.As a young man, Herzberg became deeply interested in mental illness and the human need for mental and emotional satisfaction. This led him to criticise the approach of many companies to job design, and to argue for the need for job enrichment to stimulate employees efforts.E Tom PetersThe American s reputation was created in the I 980s by the spectacular success of one book, In Search of Excellence, co-written with Robert Waterman. The two were working together as management consultants and no-one expected their first (and only) book to end up selling 5 million copies worldwide!Although his ideas have been criticised, Peters popularity as a speaker and writer has continued to grow. So much so that Peters has created his own business to market books, videos and consultancy based on his work.PART TWOQuestions 9 - 14· Read this t ext from an article about health clubs.· Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill in each of the gaps.· For each gap 9 - 14, mark one letter A - H on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once.· There is an exam ple at the beginning (0).Travel stress brings boom to health clubsA rapid growth in business travel has provided a lucrative spin-off for British health clubs as companies try to prevent hard-working executives from suffering travel-related stress.Health clubs are fully booked throughout the coming months all around the country and many are planning to expand their facilities.0 H According to Gillie Turner, group marketing manager for the Champneys group of health clubs, during the last recession executives lost many of their extra benefits as companies cut back. . 9 She says that large companies also seem to have decided that it is no good sending someone to a country like Spain as a reward for doing a good job, because they will simply eat too much and flop onto a beach. . 10Champneys, the company acknowledged as the market leader in this field, is now planning to introduce a special "Profiting from Stress" course, which will run over three days. . 11 Jonathon Stapleton, general managerof Champneys, says that modern corporate life being what it is, most business travellers find that they are having to do the work which - even a year ago - was done by two. 12To meet this new demand, other health clubs are also thinking of introducing similar schemes. Clare Brandish, the sales and marketing director of another health club, has noticed a marked change in the clientele at her club. . 13Businesses of all kinds are anxious to reduce absenteeism. . 14 Much of the problem is caused by long periods away from home, irregular hours, business entertaining and jet lag.According to the Guild of Business Travel Agents, sales of business-class airline tickets have risen by 12% in the past year, hotel bookings have gone up by 36% and car hire has risen by 24%. Dave Reynolds, the GBTA chief executive, says that the trouble is that the same number of people are being asked to travel more often. He comments that it is nowonder they need to take a break in a health club.A It has been calculated that about 40 million working days are lost each year in Britain because of stress, ten times as many as are lost 10 industrial disputes.B This has involved a considerable rise in the number of business bookings, whereas previously most clients came as private individuals.C Now they are being restored, as industry realises that the health of its executives is vital.D But who will benefit most from these developments?E Because of the pressures this imposes, many companies have now decided that it is worthwhile paying for their senior executives to take a proper break and get advice on how to combat stress.F Executives taking part in it will be given massages and health treatments, workouts and a range of talks on how to deal with stress, especially when travelling.G So what s the reason for this now trend?PART THREEQuestions 15 - 20· Read the following article on recruiting and managing staff and the questions on the opposite page.· Each question has four suggested an swers or ways of finishing the sentence, A, B, C and D.· Mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet, for the answer you choose.As a manager in the service industry sector, I've looked at hundredsof CVs in my time. They are not necessarily the bland documents some bosses might think they are! They are full of little pointers towards individuals personalities and suitability for the job. The first thing I always look at is an applicant s employment record. I check for continuity and stability. If somebody has a long list of previous jobs, all of varying length, alarm bells start ringing. Rather than an irregular route from job to job, what I hope to see is stable career progression. What does their career path look like - is it all steps forward, or are there a lot of sideways moves? And I am always pleased to find a family person with children, because in my experience they tend to be responsible and reliable.I never rely on CVs alone. We get applicants to fill in one of our own application forms. We ask why they've applied, what their aspirations and personal goals are, and also about their interests and hobbies and any clubs they belong to. That gives you a useful insight into their personality and lifestyle. The application form also enables us to test how much people have actually been progressing in their careers, because we ask for details of the salaries they have received for each job.It s always worth looking at CVs and designing application forms with great care. Taking on employees might be rewarding, but it is also a big investment for any business. Mistakes in choosing staff can cost companies dear, so it makes sense to spend time ensuring you get the right person.In the service sector, one of the aims of companies is to maintain and improve customer service, and this is achieved partly through low staff turnover. You need to take on people who understand that, and will want to stay. That s why, when you've taken staff on, the next thing is getting the best out of them.My management style comes from the days when I took over my first business, an ailing road haulage firm which I was certain I could turn into a profitable company. The first thing is to treat others as you d like to be treated yourself. As soon as I took over the business, I talked to everybody individually, and looked for ways to make sure their particular skills benefited the company.I didn't have much experience then of managing people, but above all I always tried to be fair and honest with everyone. As a result, I think the staff knew that and accepted my decisions, even if they didn't agree with them all. Also, bosses must be able to communicate. You also need to create team spirit, and build on the strength of the team. I explained my plans for the company to all the staff, and let them all know what I needed from them. The lorry drivers responded brilliantly, and were thekey to turning the business round. They understood that we had to develop a professional reputation, and from then on the days of poor quality deliveries were over.Lastly, I am a great believer in profit-sharing. It takes a team to make a company work, so profits should be shared by all. Job satisfaction is important, but it doesn't pay the rent. Shared profit and bonuses help to strengthen team spirit by giving everyone a common goal that they work towards together.15 What fact does the writer hope to learn from applicants CVs?A that they have experience of many different jobsB that their careers have developed steadilyC the opinion their employers had of themD whether they are married or single16 The writer says the application form is useful because itA reveals something of the applicant s character.B gives information about the applicant s family.C explains what skills the applicant has for the job.D shows how much the applicant wants to earn.17 According to the writer, why are CVs and application forms so important?A Interviewing people is an expensive process.B They indicate whether applicants really want the job.C They indicate whether applicants are efficient or not.D Employing the wrong people can be disastrous.18 One reason why the writer was successful in her first business was thatA she was used to dealing with people.B she was open with the staff.C the business was already doing well when she started.D the staff agreed with all her decisions.19 The writer believes profit-sharing is a good idea becauseA it encourages a competitive spirit.B everyone earns the same salary.C everyone shares the same aim.D it creates job satisfaction.20 Which would make the best title for this text?A Profit-sharing as motivationB How I turned a business roundC People - the key to business successD The importance of a well-presented CVPART FOURQuestions 21 - 30· Read the article below about a method of learning languages for business people.· Choose the best word from the opposite page to fill each gap.· For each question 21 - 30 mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet.· There is an example at the beginning (0).Language learning for the busy executiveIf you've ever been told by your boss to improve your knowledge of a foreign language you'll know that ……(0)…… doesn't come quickly. It generally takes years to learn another language well andconstant ……(21)…… to maintain the high standards required for frequent business use. Whether you study in a class, with audiocassettes, computers or on your ……(22)…… sooner or ……(23)…… every language course finishes and you must decide what to do next if you need a foreign language for your career.Business Audio Magazines is a new product designed to help you continue language study in a way that fits easily into your busy schedule. Each audiocassette ……(24)…… of an hour-long programme packed with business news, features and interviews in the language of your choice. These cassettes won t teach you how to order meals or ask for directions. It is ……(25)…… that you can do that already. Instead, by giving you an opportunity to hear the language as it s really spoken, they help you to ……(26)…… your vocabulary and improve your ability to use real language relating to, for example, that all-important marketing trip.The great advantage of using audio magazines is that they ……(27)…… you to perfect your language skills in ways that suit your lifestyle. For example, you can select a topic and listen in your car or hotel when away on busines s. No other business course is as ……(28)…… And the unique radio-magazine format is as instructive as it is entertaining. In addition to the audiocassette, this package includes a transcript with a business glossary and a study ……(29)…… The components are s tructured so that intermediate and advanced students may use them separately or together ……(30)…… on their ability.Example: A B C D20 A gain B result C success D outcome21 A exercise B performance C practice D operation22 A self B individual C personal D own23 A after B then C later D quicker24 A consists B includes C contains D involves25 A insisted B acquired C asserted D assumed26 A prolong B extend C spread D lift27 A allow B let C support D offer28 A adjustable B flexible C convertible D variable29 A addition B supplement C extra D manuscript30 A according B depending C relating D basingQuestions 31 - 40· Read the article below about meetings.· For each question 31 - 40 write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.How to make more of meetingsYou should know what ends you want to achieve in a meeting before it starts and prepare for it (0)……reading any papers circulated beforehand, and carefully thinking about (31)…… you want to s ay. This may sound rather boring, but solid preparation is the key to successful meetings: A great (32)……of time and energy can be wasted through simple lack of planning.The most important issues are not always given the most time in the general runnin g of meetings. People are often unwilling (33)…… discuss important budgetary matters because they do not fully understand them, but (34)…… becomes an expert when it comes to discussing the colour of the new curtains, or what type of coffee to buy The discu ssion of (35)…… trivial matters as these, therefore, should be saved until the end of the meeting.During the meeting it is essential to stick to the agenda so (36)……to avoid the common problem of repetition. At the same time you (37)…… to be sensitive to other people s ideas and feelings, and never lose your temper. Be prepared to accept (38)…… implement a suggestion that is contrary to (39)…… own ideas if it is an improvement on them; such honesty and flexibility are signs of good leadership and earn respect.Finally, remember that when a decision is made it is important to act (40)…… it and to honour all the commitments you have made in the meeting.PART SIXQuestions 41 - 50· In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text.· For each numbered line 41 - 50, find the unnecessary word and then write the word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. Some lines are correct. If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. The exercise begins with two examples (0) and (00).Customer care0 Apart from ensuring that an efficient electricity supply for our00 customers, NatElectric provides an invaluable service in other areas41 as well. While our Customer Helpline (charged at local rates) is the42 first point of contact with when you want to make an enquiry and43 we receive a huge number of calls from customers - on44 average, there are 50 000 calls a one week. Available 24 hours45 a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, our Helpline on advisors46 aim at to answer 95 per cent of all calls within 15 seconds. There47 are more than 200 advisors, working in around the clock to48 provide for this service, backed by a further 80 support staff49 who do handle any necessary paperwork. Although our target50 is to reply to letters within 10 working days, NatElectric regularly responds withinthree to four days, and we are especially proud of the standards achieved by ourcustomer relations team.BEC Higher AnswersReading1C 2B 3D 4B 5A 6E 7C 8A 9D 10B 11G 12F 13C 14A 15B 16A 17D 18B 19C 20C 21C 22D 23C 24A 25D 26B 27A 28B 29B 30B 31what 32deal 33to 34everyone 35such 36as 37ought 38and 39your 40upon 41while 42with 43correct 44one 45 on 46at 47in 48for 49do 50correctListening。



商务英语BEC考试高级阅读真题及答案商务英语BEC考试高级阅读真题及答案Questions 21 -30Read the article below about expanding a retail business.Choose the correct word to fill each gap from (A, B, C or D) on the opposite page.For each question 21-30,mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.There is an example at the beginning, (0)Should you open a second branch?Choosing to expand your business by opening a second location can be one of the best deci sions you’ll ever (0)____, or one of the worst. Before you (21)____ at a decision, there are several things you should check to see if you are ready to take this big step towards expansion.Firstly –your cash flow. Like starting up any business, a second location (22)____ a large initial investment and usually takes a long time to turn a profit. Look at your firm’s accounts carefully. If these (23)____ that you cannot afford a long-term drain on your financial resources, then it is probably better to wait.Secondly –your personnel and systems. If you don’t have a management team (24)____ place already, you should probablythink about establishing one before opening a second branch. The same (25)____ in the case of operating systems and controls. The better organized your business now, the better organized your second location will be, too.Also, you need to think about your market. Is your current site doing as much business as it can (26)____, or are there ways you could grow without opening a second branch? Try expanding internally first. Similarly, don’t (27)____ that just because your business is successful in one town, it will immediately succeed in a (28)____ community. Research your potential markets before setting up shop, and (29)____ your new branch to answer the specific needs of these markets.Finally, be realistic about the time you need to invest to make a second location work. You don’t want to take (30)____ so much work that you can’t honour your commitments.Example :A haveB decideC doD make0 A B C D21 A arrive B come C reach D approach22 A contains B includes C involves D consists23 A tell B present C show D exhibit24 A at B in C by D to25 A applies B refers C concerns D relates26 A deal B hold C handle D cope27 A assume B trust C rely D count28 A connecting B neighbouring C surrounding D matching29 A invent B amend C design D innovate30 A through B up C down D on参考答案:21-25 A C C B A26-30 C A B C D21.选e后应该用to。




BEC高级阅读精选题目Issues in the recruitment worldIn the competitive world of investment banking, good senior executives are not easy to find. So what should the industry's hard-pressed directors do when they need to find senior staff? Increasingly, they decide to call in the headhunters. These are busy and profitable times for the recruitment agencies that dominate the world of executive search and selection.(0) .....They needed new people to revitalise their operations, and the result has been a boom in the recruitment market. Pinnacle, a leading recruitment agency, has helped various UK investment banks to rebuild their entire senior management teams. It is hard to overstate the significance of this. (8)............But now everything has changed, and Pinnacle is not the only major player in the field. Some analysts believe that rival recruitment specialists ALT Associates has a larger share of the market. However, there is little doubt that over its 13-year history, Pinnacle and its chairman, Matthew Edwards, have built up an impressive reputation.Edwards estimates that his company controls between 10 and 15 per cent of the headhunting market for senior investment banking jobs in the UK. (9)............Rather, it is the high-calibre jobs and people that Pinnacle deals with that define the company's success. For example, the company was recently commissioned to find a new chairman for NBS Bank, a vacancy that was one of the most talked about in the banking world.Most HR directors recognise that headhunters such as Pinnacle play a valuable role in the recruitment process.(10)............Some are concerned that a few companies, including Pinnacle, have too much power over high-level recruitment.(11)............As Tim Davidson, HR Director at Cawfield Bank, explains, They can be kingmakers. These are the people who decide who gets a future and who doesn't. If Edwards forms a view about an individual, it can affect their ability to get a particular job. That view could just have been formed on a bad day.' (12)............ Final decisions in the selection process are always taken by his clients, he says, whoever they are.The role of headhunters should not be exaggerated. Many companies never use them. But as top executives are hard to find, there will always be a role for people like Matthew Edwards.A Although others may put it lower, it is important to remember that the company's reputation is not based on market share alone.B Their chief worry is that the headhunters can now make or break managerial careers.C According to Edwards, this is a further indication that the way Pinnacle searches for a candidate tends to favour a certain type of manager.D But this acceptance does not mean they are universally happy, either with the state of the market or with Pinnacle's role within it.E Until a few years ago, even the biggest companies were unlikely to use headhunters to fill more than one or two jobs a year.F Edwards objects to this suggestion, claiming that all he does is find candidates and encourage them to apply for aparticular post.G A number of big investment banks recently decided to make changes to their management boards after disappointing end-of-year results.BEC高级阅读答案解析《Issues in the recruitment world》,招聘世界里的话题。



最新商务英语BEC高级考试阅读试题及答案1. Introduction商务英语是指在商务环境中使用的英语语言技能。

商务英语考试(Business English Certificate,简称BEC)旨在评估学生在商务场景中的英语听说读写能力。



2. 阅读试题阅读题1:公司战略阅读段落新加坡电子公司(Singapore Electronics)是一家全球领先的电子产品制造商。







题目要求根据阅读段落,回答以下问题:1.什么推动了全球清洁能源市场的增长?2.清洁能源市场的主要发展方向是什么?3.预测未来五年,清洁能源市场将保持怎样的增长?3. 答案阅读题1答案1.新加坡电子公司的核心业务是电子产品制造。






4. 结论以上是最新的商务英语BEC高级考试阅读试题及答案。




bec高级试题及答案BEC高级试题及答案一、听力部分1. 听下面一段对话,回答以下问题:(A) What is the main topic of the conversation?(B) What does the woman suggest they do next?(C) Why does the man agree with her suggestion?答案:(A) The main topic of the conversation is about organizing a team-building event.(B) The woman suggests they should invite an external trainer for the event.(C) The man agrees because he believes an external trainer can provide a fresh perspective.2. 听下面一段独白,回答以下问题:(A) What is the speaker's opinion on remote working?(B) What is the potential issue with remote working according to the speaker?(C) What solution does the speaker propose?答案:(A) The speaker believes that remote working can increase productivity.(B) The potential issue is the lack of face-to-face interaction which can lead to communication problems.(C) The speaker proposes regular video conferences to maintain team cohesion.二、阅读部分1. Read the following passage and answer the questions:(A) What is the primary purpose of the article?(B) According to the article, what are the benefits of using renewable energy?(C) What challenges does the author mention regarding renewable energy?答案:(A) The primary purpose of the article is to discuss the advantages and challenges of renewable energy.(B) The benefits include reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy independence.(C) Challenges include the high initial cost of renewable energy technologies and the intermittent nature of some renewable energy sources.2. Read the following business report and answer the questions:(A) What was the main reason for the company's decline in profits?(B) What measures did the company take to address the issue?(C) What was the outcome of these measures?答案:(A) The main reason for the company's decline in profits was increased competition in the market.(B) The company took measures such as reducing costs and investing in new marketing strategies.(C) The outcome was a gradual recovery in profits over the next year.三、写作部分1. Write an email to a potential client introducing your company's new product. Include the following points:- Briefly describe the product.- Explain the benefits of using the product.- Suggest a meeting to discuss further details.答案:Dear [Client's Name],I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to introduce our latest product, the [Product Name], which we believe could be of great interest to your company.The [Product Name] is designed to [brief description of the product]. It offers several benefits, including [list of benefits], which we believe could significantly enhance your operations.We would be delighted to arrange a meeting to discuss how the [Product Name] could meet your specific needs. Please let us know a convenient time for you.Looking forward to your response.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Position][Your Company]2. Write a report summarizing the key findings of a recent market research study on consumer behavior. Include the following:- The main objective of the study.- The methodology used.- The key findings and their implications for businesses.答案:The main objective of the study was to understand the changing consumer behavior in the digital age. The methodology involved conducting surveys and analyzing data from online transactions.The key findings revealed that consumers are increasingly preferring online shopping due to convenience and better deals. They also value personalized experiences and are more likely to engage with brands that offer them.These findings imply that businesses should focus on enhancing their online presence, offering personalized services, and providing competitive pricing to stay ahead in the market.四、口语部分1. Describe a situation where you had to solve a problem at work. Explain the steps you took to resolve it.答案:In a situation where I had to solve a problem at work, I first identified the root cause of the issue. Then, I gathered all relevant information and consulted with my team members. After discussing potential solutions, we decided on the most feasible one and implemented it. Finally, we monitored the results to ensure the problem was resolved.2. Discuss the importance of effective communication in a business environment.答案:Effective communication is crucial in a business environment as it ensures that all team members are on the same page. It helps in avoiding misunderstandings, promotes collaboration, and leads to better decision-making. Clear communication also contributes to a positive work culture and enhances productivity.。



BEC高级阅读试题及答案关于BEC高级阅读试题及答案In most of the lines41 - 52 there is one extra word. It is eitherl grammatically incorrect of does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct .41 organizational performance. But salespeople, typically the most self-motivated42 of workers, they have traditionally been rewarded according to individual43 performance. So are team-based schemes suitable ? The key issue is44 whether team-based pay is more being in line with the organization’s objectives45 than pay which based on individual achievement. Introducing a team pay46 scheme can be complex. The biggest problem is for defining the team in the first47 place. Another i s that team pay schemes won’t work if the actions Of one48 individual make no impact on those of another. You should need a true team.49 like a football team. Where all the members are interdependent. When sales staff50 can be less receptive to team pay schemes because personal motivation can51 be an important boost to performance What they need is their encouragement52 to perceive that the wider term of the company overall :production, administration and dispatch all affect each other.答案:41-45 CORRECT THEY CORRECT BEING WHICH46-50 FOR CORRECT SHOULD WHEN CORRECT千万注意啊!这里的'答案要求全部用大写字母,千万别忘了哦!51-52 THEIR THAT41.正确42.salespeople和workers已经是主语,只不过插入了一个typically,后面还是要跟正常的谓语动词,不能再加主语。



精选商务英语(BEC)考试高级阅读题及答案Questions 21 -30Read the article below about the methods some panies are now using for recruitment.Choose the correct word to fill each gap from (A, B, C or D) on the opposite page.For each question 21-30,mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.There is an example at the beginning, (0)The Scientific Approach to RecruitmentWhen it (0) to selecting candidates through interview, more often than not the decision is made within the first five minutes of a meeting. Yet employers like to (21) themselves that they are being exceptionally thorough in their selection processes. In today’s petitive market place, the (22) of staff in many organizations is fundamental to the pany’s suess and, as a result , recruiters use all means at their disposal to (23) the best in the field.One method in particular that has (24) in popularity is testing , either psychometric testing, which attempts to define psychological characteristics , or ability£aptitude testing (25) an organization with an extra way of establishing a candidate’s suitability for a role. It (26) panies to add value by identifying key elements of aposition and then testing candidates to ascertain their ability against those identified elements.The employment of psychometric or ability testing as one (27) of the recruitment process may have some merit, but in reality there is no real (28), scientific or otherwise, of the potential future performance of any individual. The answer to this problem is experience in interview techniques and strong definition of the elements of each position to be (29) as the whole recruitment process is based on few real certainties, the instinctive decisions that many employers make, based on a CT and the first five minutes of a meeting, are probably no less valid than any other tool employed in the (30) of recruitment.Example :A haveB decideC doD make0 A B C D21.A suggest B convince C advise D believe22.A worth B credit C quality D distinction23.A secure B relies C attain D achieve24.A lifted B enlarged C expanded D risen25.A provides B offers C contributes D gives26.A lets B enables C agrees D admits27. A portion B member C share D ponent28. A extent B size C amount D measure29.A oupied B met C filled D appointed30 A business B topic C point D affair[NextPage]答案:21 B 22C 23 A 24 D25 A26-30 B D D C A21.这这句话的意思来看,应该是使自己确信……,所以应该选择B. convince22.根据意思理解,肯定是员工的质量对企业的作用,而且质量包含了所有工作需要的方面,所以应该选择C. quality.23.应该是确保他们在这一行业是最好的,应该选择 A. secure.24.受欢送程度应该是提高,A.lift是及物动词。



bec商务英语试题及答案BEC商务英语试题及答案一、听力理解部分(共20分)1. What is the main topic of the meeting?A. Product developmentB. Marketing strategyC. Financial reportD. Staff trainingAnswer: B2. What is the reason for the delay in the project?A. Lack of resourcesB. Technical difficultiesC. Poor communicationD. Unforeseen circumstancesAnswer: D3. What is the woman's role in the company?A. Sales managerB. HR managerC. Finance directorD. Operations managerAnswer: A4. What is the man's opinion about the new marketing campaign?A. He thinks it's too expensive.B. He thinks it's too risky.C. He thinks it's too conservative.D. He thinks it's too innovative.Answer: C5. What is the woman's suggestion for improving customer satisfaction?A. Reducing pricesB. Offering discountsC. Enhancing product qualityD. Improving customer serviceAnswer: D二、阅读理解部分(共30分)Passage 16. According to the article, which of the following is a key factor in business success?A. LocationB. CapitalC. ManagementD. Market demandAnswer: C7. What is the author's view on the importance of a business plan?A. It is essential for every business.B. It is only necessary for large businesses.C. It is not important for small businesses.D. It is only necessary for new businesses.Answer: A8. What does the author suggest as a way to reduce business risks?A. Diversifying productsB. Expanding marketsC. Investing in technologyD. Collaborating with partnersAnswer: DPassage 29. What is the main purpose of the seminar?A. To promote a new productB. To discuss industry trendsC. To provide training on leadershipD. To introduce a new management systemAnswer: B10. Who is the target audience for the seminar?A. Business ownersB. ManagersC. EmployeesD. StudentsAnswer: A11. What is the registration fee for the seminar?A. $100B. $150C. $200D. $250Answer: B12. What is included in the seminar package?A. Lunch and refreshmentsB. AccommodationC. TransportationD. All of the aboveAnswer: A三、语法与词汇部分(共20分)13. The company has announced that it will ________ a new product next month.A. launchB. landC. dropD. releaseAnswer: A14. Despite the economic downturn, our sales ________ by 15% this year.A. have increasedB. have decreasedC. have remainedD. have fluctuatedAnswer: A15. The manager asked her team to ________ the project report before the meeting.A. finalizeB. summarizeC. reviewD. reviseAnswer: A16. The new policy will come into ________ on January 1st.A. effectB. useC. practiceD. operationAnswer: A17. The company's profits have ________ significantly due to the successful marketing campaign.A. soaredB. plummetedC. stabilizedD. fluctuatedAnswer: A四、写作部分(共30分)Task 1: Write an email to a potential client introducing your company and its services. (10 points)Dear [Client's Name],Subject: Introduction to [Your Company Name] and Our ServicesI hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am the [Your Position] at [Your Company Name]. I am writing to introduce our company and the services we offer, which I believe could be of great benefit to your business.[Your Company Name] is a leading provider of [industry or service type], with a strong focus on [specific area or service]. We have been in operation for [number of years] and have built a reputation for [key strengths, such as quality, innovation, customer service, etc.]. Our team consists of [number of employees] dedicated professionals who are experts in their respective fields.We offer a range of services, including [list key services], and we pride ourselves on our ability to tailor our solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. Some of our recent successes include [briefly mention any notable projects or clients].I would be delighted to discuss how [Your Company Name] can assist your company in achieving its goals. Please let me know if you would be interested in setting up a meeting or a call to explore our services further.Thank you for considering [Your Company Name]. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Contact Information]Task 2: Write a report on the recent company retreat and its impact on team morale and productivity. (20 points)[Your Company Name][Date]Report on Recent Company RetreatIntroduction:The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the recent company retreat and to analyze its impact on team morale and productivity. The retreat was held on [date] at [location] and was attended by [number of participants].Objectives of the Retreat:The main objectives of the retreat were to [list objectives, such as team building, strategy planning, etc.]. The retreat was designed to [describe how the retreat was structured to meet these objectives].Activities and Events:During the retreat, a variety of activities and events were organized to [describe activities and their purposes]. These included [list specific activities], which aimed to [explain how these activities contributed to the objectives].Feedback and Evaluation:Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing that the retreat was a valuable experience. [Include any specific quotes or feedback]. A post-retreat survey was conducted to measure the impact on team morale and productivity. The results showed that [describe the results, including any improvements or changes observed].Conclusion:The retreat was a success in achieving its objectives and had a positive impact on team morale and productivity. It is recommended that similar retreats be organized in the future to continue fostering a positive work environment and enhancing team collaboration.[Your Name][Your Position]请注意,以上试题及答案仅供参考,实际BEC考试内容和格式可能有所不同。



PART ONEQuestions 1 - 8·Look at the sentences below and at five passages taken from a book about famous management thinkers on the opposite page.·Which passage does each sentence refer to?·For each sentence 1 - 8, mark one letter A1 B, C, D or E on your Answer Sheet.·You will need to use some of these letters more than once.Example:0ABCDE1 Others in his field think very highly of him.2 His ideas have spread beyond the business world.3 He felt that people should be able to enjoy their work.4 His ideas are more complex than they seem.5 He did a variety of interesting things before writing his books.6 His most successful book was written with a colleague.7 He is particularly skilled at forecasting important developments.8 Contact with the military was an early influence on his thinking.A John AdairAdair is the pioneering British thinker in the theory of leadership.He was the first person in the UK to hold a professorship in Business Leadership and haspublished a series of influential books on the subject.Despite his quiet appearance, Adair has had a colourful life, serving in aBedouin regiment and working on an Arctic fishing boat! His initial interest inleadership came from his army experience and he used to lecture at the highlyprestigious academy where British army offices are trained. He now works as aninternational consultant.B Edward de BonoDe Bono is unusual among major gurus for two reasons: firstly, he was born notin one of the great industrial nations but on the tiny island of Malta. Secondly,his ideas have reached a wider audience than just managers, so that his bookshave become essential rending in many different disciplines.Most of de Bono s work has been concerned with the way human beings can train themselves to think more creatively. This apparently simple idea has resulted in37 books and a highly successful career as a lecturer and consultant.management as a serious area of study. Certainly, his fellow management thinkersconsider him one of the founding fathers of the discipline, and his books and articles are quoted more than those of any other management writer.His first book was published as far back as 1939, yet he is still writing andteaching. His greatest distinction has been his ability to predict coming trendsin business and economics. As a result, his ideas are treated with the greatestrespect and interest.D Frederick HerzbergAlthough relatively few contemporary management students will have read hisbooks, Herzberg s nameis instantly recognisable to anyone who has studied industrial organisations. This is because the American psychologist was responsible forintroducing the concept of motivation into management thinking.As a young man, Herzberg became deeply interested in mental illness and the human need for mental and emotional satisfaction.This led him to criticise the approach of many companies to job design, and to argue for the need for job enrichment tostimulate employees efforts.E Tom PetersThe American s reputation was created in the I 980s by the spectacular successof one book, In Search of Excellence,co-written with Robert Waterman. The two were working together as management consultants and no-one expected their first(and only) book to end up selling 5 million copies worldwide!Although his ideas have been criticised, Peters popularity as a speaker andwriter has continued to grow. So much so that Peters has created his own businessto market books, videos and consultancy based on his work.PART TWOQuestions 9 - 14·Read this text from an article about health clubs.·Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill ineach of the gaps.·For each gap 9 - 14, mark one letter A - H on your Answer Sheet.·Do not use any letter more than once.·There is an example at the beginning (0).Travel stress brings boom to health clubsA rapid growth in business travel has provided a lucrative spin-offfor British health clubs as companies try to prevent hard-workingexecutives from suffering travel-related stress.Health clubs are fully booked throughout the coming months all around the country and many are planning to expand their facilities.0 H According to Gillie Turner, group marketing manager for the Champneysgroup of health clubs, during the last recession executives lost manyof their extra benefits as companies cut back. . 9 She says that large companies also seem to have decided that it is no good sending someoneto a country like Spain as a reward for doing a good job, because theywill simply eat too much and flop onto a beach. . 10Champneys,the companyacknowledged as the market leader in this field, is now planning to introduce a special "Profiting from Stress" course,which will run over three days. . 11 Jonathon Stapleton, general managerof Champneys, says that modern corporate life being what it is, mostbusiness travellers find that they are having to do the work which - evena year ago - was done by two. 12To meet this new demand, other health clubs are also thinking ofintroducing similar schemes. Clare Brandish, the sales and marketingdirector of another health club, has noticed a marked change in theclientele at her club. . 13Businesses of all kinds are anxious to reduce absenteeism. . 14 Much of the problem is caused by long periods away from home, irregular hours, business entertaining and jet lag.According to the Guild of Business Travel Agents, sales ofbusiness-class airline tickets have risen by 12%in the past year,hotel bookings have gone up by 36%and car hire has risen by 24%. Dave Reynolds, the GBTA chief executive, says that the trouble is that the same numberof people are being asked to travel more often. He comments that it isnowonder they need to take a break in a health club.A It has been calculated that about 40million working days are losteach year in Britain because of stress, ten times as many as are lost 10industrial disputes.B This has involved a considerable rise in the number of businessbookings, whereas previously most clients came as private individuals.C Now they are being restored, as industry realises that the healthof its executives is vital.D But who will benefit most from these developments?E Because of the pressures this imposes, many companies have nowdecided that it is worthwhile paying for their senior executives to take a proper break and get advice on how to combat stress.F Executives taking part in it will be given massages and healthtreatments, workouts and a range of talks on how to deal with stress,especially when travelling.G So what s the reason for this now trend?PART THREEQuestions 15 - 20·Read the following article on recruiting and managing staffand the questions on the opposite page.·Each question has four suggested answers or ways of finishing the sentence, A, B, C and D.·Mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet, for the answeryou choose.As a manager in the service industry sector, I've looked at hundredsof CVsin my time.They are not necessarily the bland documents somebosses might think they are! They are full of little pointers towards individuals personalities and suitability for the job. The first thing I always look at is an applicant s employment record. I check for continuity andstability. If somebody has a long list of previous jobs, all of varyinglength, alarm bells start ringing. Rather than an irregular route fromjob to job, what I hope to see is stable career progression. What doestheir career path look like- is it all steps forward,or are there a lot of sideways moves? And I am always pleased to find a family person with children, because in my experience they tend to be responsible andreliable.I never rely on CVs alone. We get applicants to fill in one of ourown application forms.Weask why they've applied,what their aspirations and personal goals are, and also about their interests and hobbies andany clubs they belong to. That gives you a useful insight into theirpersonality and lifestyle. The application form also enables us to testhow much people have actually been progressing in their careers,because we ask for details of the salaries they have received for each job.It s always worth looking at CVs and designing application forms with great care. Taking on employees might be rewarding, but it is also a big investment for any business.Mistakes in choosing staff can cost companies dear, so it makes sense to spend time ensuring you get the right person.In the service sector, one of the aims of companies is to maintainand improve customer service, and this is achieved partly through lowstaff turnover. You need to take on people who understand that, and will want to stay. That s why, when you've taken staff on, the next thing isgetting the best out of them.My management style comes from the days when I took over my first business, an ailing road haulage firm which I was certain I could turninto a profitable company. The first thing is to treat others as you dlike to be treated yourself.As soon as I took over the business,I talked to everybody individually, and looked for ways to make sure theirparticular skills benefited the company.I didn't have much experience then of managing people,but above all I always tried to be fair and honest with everyone. As a result, I thinkthe staff knew that and accepted my decisions, even if they didn't agreewith them all. Also, bosses must be able to communicate. You also needto create team spirit,and build on the strength of the team. I explained my plans for the company to all the staff, and let them all know what Ineeded from them. The lorry drivers responded brilliantly, and were thekey to turning the business round. They understood that we had to develop a professional reputation, and from then on the days of poor qualitydeliveries were over.Lastly, I am a great believer in profit-sharing. It takes a team tomake a company work, so profits should be shared by all. Job satisfactionis important, but it doesn't pay the rent. Shared profit and bonuses help to strengthen team spirit by giving everyone a commongoal that they work towards together.15 What fact does the writer hope to learn from applicants CVs?A that they have experience of many different jobsB that their careers have developed steadilyC the opinion their employers had of themD whether they are married or single16 The writer says the application form is useful because itA reveals something of the applicant s character.B gives information about the applicant s family.C explains what skills the applicant has for the job.D shows how much the applicant wants to earn.17 According to the writer, why are CVs and application forms soimportant?A Interviewing people is an expensive process.B They indicate whether applicants really want the job.C They indicate whether applicants are efficient or not.D Employing the wrong people can be disastrous.18 One reason why the writer was successful in her first business was thatA she was used to dealing with people.B she was open with the staff.C the business was already doing well when she started.D the staff agreed with all her decisions.19 The writer believes profit-sharing is a good ideabecause A it encourages a competitive spirit.B everyone earns the same salary.C everyone shares the same aim.D it creates job satisfaction.20 Which would make the best title for this text?A Profit-sharing as motivationB How I turned a business roundC People - the key to business successD The importance of a well-presented CVPART FOURQuestions 21 - 30·Read the a rticle below about a method of learning languages forbusiness people.·Choose the best word from the opposite page to fill each gap.· For each question21 - 30 mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet.· There is an example at the beginni ng (0).Language learning for the busy executiveIf you've ever been told by your boss to improve your knowledge ofa foreign language you'll know that⋯⋯ (0) ⋯⋯ doesn't come quickly.It generally takes years to learn another language well andconstant ⋯⋯ (21) ⋯⋯ to maintain the high standards required forfrequent business use. Whether you study in a class,with audiocassettes, computers or on your⋯⋯ (22) ⋯⋯ sooner or⋯⋯ (23) ⋯⋯ every language course finishes and you must decide what to do next if you need a foreign language for your career.Business Audio Magazines is a new product designed to help youcontinue language study in a way that fits easily into your busy schedule. Each audiocassette⋯⋯ (24) ⋯⋯ of an hour-long programme packed with business news, features and interviews in the language of your choice.These cassettes won t teach you how to order meals or ask for directions. It is ⋯⋯ (25) ⋯⋯ that you can do that already. Instead, by giving youan opportunity to hear the language as it s really spoken, they help youto ⋯⋯ (26) ⋯⋯ your vocabulary and improve your ability to use reallanguage relating to, for example, that all-important marketing trip.The great advantage of using audio magazines is that they ⋯⋯ (27) ⋯⋯you to perfect your language skills in ways that suit your lifestyle.For example,you can select a topic and listen in your car or hotel when away on business. No other business course is as⋯⋯ (28) ⋯⋯ And the unique radio-magazine format is as instructive as it is entertaining.In addition to the audiocassette,this package includes a transcript with a business glossary and a study⋯⋯ (29) ⋯⋯ The components are structured so that intermediate and advanced students may use them separately ortogether ⋯⋯ (30) ⋯⋯ on their ability.Example: A B C D20A gain B result C success D outcome21A exercise B performance C practice D operation22A self B individual C personal D own23A after B then C later D quicker24A consists B includes C contains D involves25A insisted B acquired C asserted D assumed26A prolong B extend C spread D lift27A allow B let C support D offer28 A adjustable B flexible C convertible D variable29 A addition B supplement C extra D manuscript30 A according B depending C relating Dbasing Questions 31 - 40·Read the article below about meetings.· For each question31 - 40 write one word in CAPITALLETTERSon your Answer Sheet.How to make more of meetingsYou should know what ends you want to achieve in a meeting before itstarts and prepare for it(0) ⋯⋯ reading any papers circulated beforehand, and carefully thinking about (31)⋯⋯ you want to say. This may sound rather boring, but solid preparation is the key to successful meetings:A great (32) ⋯⋯ of time and energy can be wasted through simple lack of planning.The most important issues are not always given the most time in thegeneral running of meetings.People are often unwilling(33) ⋯⋯ discuss important budgetary matters because they do not fully understand them,but (34)⋯⋯ becomes an expert when it comes to discussing the colour of the new curtains,or what type of coffee to buy The discussion of (35) ⋯⋯trivial matters as these,therefore,should be saved until the end of the meeting.During the meeting it is essential to stick to the agenda so (36) ⋯⋯ to avoid the common problem of repetition. At the same time you (37)⋯⋯ to be sensitive to other people s ideas and feelings, and never lose yourtemper. Be prepared to accept (38)⋯⋯ implement a suggestion that is contrary to (39)⋯⋯ own ideas if it is an improvement on them; such honesty and flexibility are signs of good leadership and earn respect.Finally,remember that when a decision is madeit is important to act (40) ⋯⋯ it and to honour all the commitments you have madein the meeting.PART SIXQuestions 41 - 50· In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the senseof the text.· For each numbered line 41 - 50, find the unnecessary word and then write the word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. Some linesare correct. If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. The exercise begins with two examples (0) and (00).Customer care0 Apart from ensuring that an efficient electricity supply for our00 customers, NatElectric provides an invaluable service inother areas41 as well. While our Customer Helpline (charged at local rates) isthe42 first point of contact with when you want to make an enquiry and43 we receive a huge number of calls from customers - on44 average, there are 50 000 calls a one week. Available 24 hours45 a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, our Helpline on advisors46 aim at to answer 95 per cent of all calls within 15 seconds. There47 are more than 200 advisors, working in around the clock to48 provide for this service, backed by a further 80 support staff49 who do handle any necessary paperwork. Although our target50 is to reply to letters within 10 working days, NatElectricregularly responds withinthree to four days, and we are especially proud of thestandards achieved by ourcustomer relations team.。




BEC商务英语高级阅读理解专项练习题目Questions 1-7Look at the statements below and the article about the development of future business leaders on the opposite page.Which section of the article (A, B, C or D) does each statement (1-7) refer to?For each statement (1-7), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.You will need to use some of these letters more than once.1 Managers need to take action to convince high-flyers of their value to the firm.2 Organisations need to look beyond the high-flyers they are currently developing.3 There is a concern that firms investing in training for high-flyers may not gain the benefits themselves.4 Managers need expert assistance from within their own firms in developing high-flyers.5 Firms currently identify high-flyers without the support ofa guidance strategy.6 Managers are frequently too busy to deal with the development of high-flyers.7 Firms who work hard on their reputation as an employer will interest high-flyers.The Stars of the FutureA Existing management research does not tell us much abouthow to find and develop high-flyers, those people who have the potential to reach the top of an organisation. As a result, organisations are left to formulate their own systems. A more effective overall policy for developing future leaders is needed, which is why the London Business School has launched the Tomorrow's Leaders Research Group (TLRG). The group contains representatives from 20 firms, and meets regularly to discuss the leadership development of the organisations' high-flyers.B TLRG recognises just how significant line managers are in the process of leadership development. Unfortunately, with today's flat organisations, where managers have functional as well as managerial responsibilities, people development all too often falls victim to heavy workloads. One manager in the research group was unconvinced by the logic of sending his best people away on development courses, 'only to see them poached by another department or, worse still, another firm'. This fear of losing high-flyers runs deep in the organisations that make up the research group.C TLRG argues that the task of management is not necessarily about employee retention, but about creating 'attraction centres'. 'We must help line managers to realise that if their companies are known as ones that develop their people, they will have a greater appeal to high-flyers,' said one advisor. Furthermore, selecting people for, say, a leadership development programme is a sign of commitment from management to an individual. Loyalty can then be more easily demanded in return.D TLRG has concluded that a company's HR specialists need to take action and engage with line managers individually about their role in the development of high-flyers. Indeed, in order to benefit fully from training high-flyers as the senior managers ofthe future, firms must actually address the development of all managers who will be supporting the high-flyers. Without this, managers will not be in a position to give appropriate advice. And when eventually the high-flyers do move on, new ones will be needed to replace them. The next challenge will be to find a new generation of high-flyers.首先得搞明白的是这篇文章到底讲的什么。




历年商务英语(BEC)高级真题及参考答案一Text 1Reading 1 hour PART ONEQuestions 1 – 8Look at the statements below and at the five reports about companies on the opposite page from an article giving advice to self-employed consultants about negotiating fees for their services.Which book (A, B, C,D or E) dose each statement 1 –8 refer to ?For each statement ! – 8, make one letter (A, B, C,D or E) on your Answer Sheet .You will need to use some of these letters more than once .Example :Lack of self-confidence will put you at a disadvantage in a negotiation .0 A B C D EThis company has been involved in diversifying its business act6ivities.Although this company is doing well, it has a number of internal difficulties to deal withThis company has reduced the profits it makes on individual itemsOne statistic is a less accurate guide to this company’s performance than anotherThe conditions which have helped this company are likely to be less favourable in the futureThis company’s share price has been extremely volatile over the last twelve monthsThis company is likely to be the subject of a takeover bid in the near futureThis company’s performance exempl ifies a widely held belief历年商务英语(BEC)高级真题及参考答案二8Look at the sentences below and at the five extracts from a book about staff appraisals and feedback on the opposite page .Which new item (A, B, C ,D or E) dose each statement 1 – 8 refer to ? examwFor each statement 1 – 8 , make one letter(A, B, C ,D or E) on your Answer Sheet .You will need to use some of these letters more than once .1 Genuine feedback would release resources to be used elsewhere.2 Managers are expected to enable their staff to work effectively.3 Experts are unlikely to facilitate a move to genuine feedback.4 There are benefits when methods of evaluating performance have been negotiated.5 Appraisals tend to focus on the nature of the face-to-face relationship between employees and their line managers.6 The idea that employees are responsible for what they do seems reasonable.7 Despite experts’ assertion, management structures prevent genuine feedback8 An increasing amount of effort is being dedicated to the appraisal process.APerformance appraisal is on the up and up. It used to represent the one time of year when getting on with the work was put on hold while enormous quantities of management hours were spent in the earnest ritual of rating and ranking performance. Now the practice is even more frequent. This of course makes it all the more important how appraisal is conducted. Human resources professionals claim that managers should strive for objectivity and thus for feedback rather than judgement. But the simple fact of the matter is that the nature of hierarchy distorts the concept of feedback because performance measure are conceived hierarchically. Unfortunately, all too many workers suffer from the injustices that this generates.BThe notion behind performance appraisal- that workers should be held accountable for their performance-is plausible. However, the evidence suggests that the premise is wrong. Contrary to assumptions appraisal is not an effective means of performance improvement- it is judgement imposed rather than feedback, a judgement imposed by the hierarchy. Useful feedback , on the other hand, would be information that told both the manager and worker how well the work system functioned, and suggested ways to make it better.CWithin the production system at the car manufacturer Toyota, there is nothing that is recognizable as performance appraisal. Every operation in the system has an associated measure. The measure has been worked out between the operators and their manager. In every case, the measure is related to the purpose of the work. That measure is the basis of feedback to the manager and worker alike. Toyota’s basic idea is expressed in the axiom “bad news first” . Both managers and workers are psychologicall y safe in the knowledge that it is the system- not the worker –that is the primary influence on performance. It is management’sresponsibility to ensure that the workers operate in a system that facilitates their performance.DIn many companies , performance appraisal springs from misguided as assumptions. To judge achievement, managers use date about each worker’s activity, not an evaluation of the process or system’s achievement of purpose. The result is that performance appraisal involves managers’ judgement overruling their staff’s, ignoring the true influences on performance. Thus the appraisal experience becomes a question of pleasing the boss, particularly in meetings, which is psychologically unsafe and socially driven, determining who is “in” and who is “ out”.EWhen judgement is replaced by feedback in the true sense, organizations will have a lot more time to devote to their customers an历年商务英语(BEC)高级真题及参考答案三8Look at the sentences below and at the five managers’ comments on leadership on the opposite pageWhich new item (A, B, C ,D or E) dose each statement 1 – 8 refer to ?For each statement ! – 8 , make one letter(A, B, C ,D or E) on your Answer Sheet .You will need to use some of these letters more than once .1、Successful leadership involves making sure that employees accept new ideas.2、A good leader can bring success to a company in difficulties3、Leaders should be assessed on the basis of their achievements Examw4、The personalities of good leaders are generally different from those of other managers5、Patience is a valuable quality in a successful leader6、Leaders consider potential changes in what their company does for others7、Good leaders will encourage their staff if their organization is in difficulties8、Leaders need to adapt their behaviour to suit different circumstancesAMaurizio VernaLong-term, visionary business leaders must be prepared to invest to get what they want for their company. They know when and how to apply pressure and to take risks, when they need to display a more hands-off approach. I have a pretty clear view of my ideal business leader, and of course that’s where I ‘m trying to head: he or she should start up and grow a cash-rich, multi-interest international organization of tremendous strength and depth.BSue TuckerThe pace of technological change, and the rate at which businesses are changing , requires leaders to have a particular aptitude for technology and an understanding of the internet. A lot of people are aware of the opportunities here ,but awareness alone isn’t enough: in a true leader this needs to be coupled with clever marketing, product design and technological innovation, and keeping abreast of everything going on in the company. In fact theacid test , I think , is being able to use all of these skills to turn around a failing company.历年商务英语(BEC)高级真题及参考答案四、Multiple choices. (15%)1. _____ these advantages we do not think there is any difficulty in pushing sale.A. WithB. Together withC. WithoutD. As2. The goods are urgently needed. We ______ hope you will deliver them immediately.A. in the caseB. henceC. thereforeD. for3. The market report indicates there is ______ market in South America for about 40 tons a year.A. bigB. noC. aD. the中华考试网4. Thanks to the ______ work of our sales department, your last consignment has been all sold out.A. acceptableB. reasonableC. outstandingD. tolerable5. ______ our general agent, you would also have to look after the advertising.A. To beB. AsC. BeingD. For。



bec高级试题及答案BEC高级试题及答案1. 阅读以下商务邮件并回答以下问题:Dear Mr. Smith,We are pleased to inform you that your application for the position of Marketing Manager has been successful. We would like to invite you to our office for a final interview on the 15th of March at 10:00 AM. Please confirm your availability at your earliest convenience.Best regards,Jane DoeHR Manager问题:(a) 邮件中提到的面试日期是什么时候?(b) 面试的时间是几点?(c) 谁发的邮件?答案:(a) 面试日期是3月15日。

(b) 面试的时间是上午10:00。

(c) Jane Doe发的邮件。

2. 根据以下信息,完成句子:A: We have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning at9:00 AM.B: I'm afraid I can't make it. I have a prior engagement.(a) A说他们有一个会议安排在什么时候?(b) B说他不能参加会议的原因是什么?答案:(a) A说他们有一个会议安排在明天上午9:00。

(b) B说他不能参加会议的原因是因为他有一个先前的约定。

3. 阅读以下对话并回答问题:A: What's the deadline for submitting the project proposal? B: It's due next Friday.问题:(a) 项目提案的截止日期是什么时候?(b) 提交项目提案的时间是什么时候?答案:(a) 项目提案的截止日期是下周五。



商务英语(BEC)考试高级阅读真题及答案题目PART ONEQuestions 1 – 8Look at the statements below and at the five reports about companies onλthe opposite page from an article giving advice to self-employed consultants about negotiating fees for their services.Which book (A, B, C,D or E) dose each statement 1 –8 refer to ?λFor each statement ! – 8, make one letter (A, B, C,D or E) on your AnswerλSheet .You will need to use some of these letters more than once .λExample :0 Lack of self-confidence will put you at a disadvantage in a negotiation .0 A B C D E1. This company has been involved in diversifying its business activities.2. Although this company is doing well, it has a number of internal difficulties to deal with3. This company has reduced the profits it makes on individual items4. One statistic is a less accurate guide to this company’s performance than another5. The conditions which have helped this company are likely to be less favourable in the future6. This company’s share p rice has been extremely volatile over the last twelve months7. This company is likely to be the subject of a takeover bid in the near future8. This company’s performance exemplifies a widely held beliefAChemical CompanyMasterson’s interim pr e-tax profits growth of 20% was somewhat inflated as a result of the income received from the disposal of several of the company’s subsidiaries. The underlying 8% rise in operating profits is a more realistic gauge of the company’s true progress. However, Masterson’s impending merger with Bentley and Knight and its appointment of a new chief executive should mean that the company will be able to sustain growth for the foreseeable fut5ure. The share price has varied little during the course of the year and now stands at £6.75BHotel GroupDuring the past year the Bowden Hotel Group has acquired 77 new properties, thus doubling in size . last week the group reported pre-tax profits of £88 million in the first six months of the year, ahead of expectations and helped by a strong performance from its London-based hotels and newly expanded US business. However. There is still some way to go. Integration of the new acquisitions is still not complete and, while the share price has risen recently, major problems with integration have yet to be solved.CHigh-tech CompanyThis time last year a share in Usertech was worth just over £ 1. six months ago it was worth £40. today it is priced at under £8 . if proof were need, here is an illustration of how much of a lottery the technology market can be. But some technology companies are fighting back and Usertech is one of them . What has renewed excitement in the company is the opening of its new American offices in Dallas and its ambitious plans to expand its user base in both North and Latin America.DBuilding CompanyRenton’s share price has risen gradually over the past year from £2.4 to £3.8 . The company has been successful in choosing prime location for its buildings and has benefited from the buoyant demand for housing. Whilst this demand is expected to slow down somewhat during the next year, investors are encouraged by thecompany’s decision to move into building supermarkets. Work has already begun on two sites in London, and the company is expected to sign a contract within the next month for building four large supermarkets in Scotland.EPottery ManufacturerMilton Dishes has been through a shake-up over the past year. The group, which has been cutting margins and improving marketing, may post a small profit this year. The many members of the Milton family, who between them own 58 per cent of the business, have been watching the share price rise steadily and several are looking to sell. Trade rival Ruskin has bought up just over 17 percent of the shares and could well be spurred into further action by the signs of a recovery at the firm.[NextPage]答案:1 D 2 B 3 E 4 A 5 D 6 C 7 E 8 C1.该公司正在对其商业活动进行多样化。



商务英语BEC高级考试试题及答案一、阅读理解(每题2分,共40分)Part 1: 人力资源策略1. What is the main challenge faced Company X's human resources department?A. Attracting skilled workersB. Managing employee performanceC. Implementing new training programsD. Restructuring the department答案:APart 2: 市场营销策略6. What is the primary goal of Company Y's new marketing strategy?A. To increase brand awarenessB. To target an older demographicC. To reduce marketing costsD. To expand into new markets答案:A二、写作(共20分)Part 1: 商务报告Part 2: 商务邮件三、听力理解(每题2分,共20分)Section A: 短对话理解1. Listen to the following conversation and choose the best answer:M: I think we should invest in new software to streamline our operations.W: ________. Let's discuss it at the next board meeting.B. That's a great ideaC. We don't need any changesD. I'm not sure about that答案:BSection B: 长对话理解1. Listen to the following conversation and answer the question:What is the main topic of the conversation between the two speakers?A. Company restructuringB. Employee benefitsC. Marketing strategiesD. Product development答案:A四、口语表达(共20分)Part 1: 角色扮演场景:你是一家咨询公司的项目经理,你的同事John因为个人原因无法参加即将到来的客户会议。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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商务英语(BEC)考试高级阅读真题及答案题目PART ONEQuestions 1 – 8Look at the statements below and at the five reports about companies onλ the opposite page from an article giving advice to self-employed consultants about negotiating fees for their services.Which book (A, B, C,D or E) dose each statement 1 –8 refer to ?λFor each statement ! – 8, make one letter (A, B, C,D or E) on your Answerλ Sheet .You will need to use some of these letters more than once .λExample :0 Lack of self-confidence will put you at a disadvantage in a negotiation .0 A B C D E1. This company has been involved in diversifying its business activities.2. Although this company is doing well, it has a number of internal difficulties to deal with3. This company has reduced the profits it makes on individual items4. One statistic is a less accurate guide to this company’s performance than another5. The conditions which have helped this company are likely to be less favourable in the future6. This company’s share price has been extremely volatile over the last twelve months7. This company is likely to be the subject of a takeover bid in the near future8. This company’s performance exemplifies a widely held beliefAChemical CompanyMasterson’s interim pre-tax profits growth of 20% was somewhat inflated as a result of the income received from the disposal of several of the company’s subsidiaries. The underlying 8% rise in operating profits is a more realistic gauge of the company’s true progress. However, Masterson’s impending merger with Bentley and Knight and its appointment of a new chief executive should mean that the company will be able to sustain growth for the foreseeable fut5ure. The share price has varied little during the course of the year and now stands at £ 6.75BHotel GroupDuring the past year the Bowden Hotel Group has acquired 77 new properties, thus doubling in size . last week the group reported pre-tax profits of £ 88 million in the first six months of the year, ahead of expectations and helped by a strong performance from its London-based hotels and newly expanded US business. However. There is still some way to go. Integration of the new acquisitions is still not complete and, while the share price has risen recently, major problems with integration have yet to be solved.CHigh-tech CompanyThis time last year a share in Usertech was worth just over £ 1. six months ago it was worth £ 40. today it is priced at under £ 8 . if proof were need, here is an illustration of how much of a lottery the technology market can be. But some technology companies are fighting back and Usertech is one of them . What has renewed excitement in the company is the opening of its new American offices in Dallas and its ambitious plans to expand its user base in both North and Latin America.DBuilding CompanyRenton’s share price has risen gradually over the past year from £2.4 to £ 3.8 . The company has been successful in choosing prime location for its buildings and has benefited from the buoyant demand for housing. Whilst this demand is expected to slow down somewhat during the next year, investors are encouraged by the company’s decision to move into buildingsupermarkets. Work has already begun on two sites in London, and the company is expected to sign a contract within the next month for building four large supermarkets in Scotland.EPottery ManufacturerMilton Dishes has been through a shake-up over the past year. The group, which has been cutting margins and improving marketing, may post a small profit this year. The many members of the Milton family, who between them own 58 per cent of the business, have been watching the share price rise steadily and several are looking to sell. Trade rival Ruskin has bought up just over 17 percent of the shares and could well be spurred into further action by the signs of a recovery at the firm.[NextPage]答案:1 D2 B3 E4 A5 D6 C7 E8 C这种类型的题不过是一个句子换一种说法,关键是看对每一段话的理解。








8.该公司的表现让人很有信心那么,再读一下A到E表达的什么意思,很容易对号入座Questions9– 14Read the text about career-planning services.Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps .For each gap 9– 14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet .Do not use any letter more than once .There is an example at the beginning .(0)Your Career Path Can Lead You AnywhereWe used to be advised to plan our careers. We were told to make a plan during the later stages of our education and continue with it through our working lives.(0)_____ some people still see careers in this way. However, to pursue a single option for life has always been unrealistic.Planning for a single career assumes that we set out with a full understanding of our likes and dislikes and the employment opportunities open to us. (9)____ For most people this degree of certainty about the future does not exist.Our initial choice of career path and employer is often based on inadequate knowledge and false perceptions. But with age and experience, we develop new interests and aptitudes and our priorities alter. The structure of the employment market and, indeed of employment itself, is subject to change as both new technologies and new work systems are introduced (10) _____ We must face the uncertainties of a portfolio career.It is clear from the recent past that we cannot foresee the changes which will affect our working lives. The pace of change is accelerating , as a result of which traditional career plans will be of very limited use. (11)_____ They will need updating to reflect changes in our own interests as well as in the external work environment. Flexible workers already account for about half the workforce. (12)______ We are likely to face periods as contract workers, self-employed freelances, consultants, temps or part-timers.Many employers encourage staff to write a personal development development (PDP) (13)_____ Although some people use it only to review the skills needed for their job, a PDP could be the nucleus of wider career plan –setting out alternative long-term learning needs and a plan of self-development.A report issued by the Institute of Employment Studies advises people to enhance their employability by moving from traditional technical skills towards the attainment of a range of transferable skills. (14)_____ Instead, special schemes should be established to encourage people to examine their effectiveness and to consider a wider range of needs.0 A B C D E F G HA This dual effect means that the relationship between employers and workers has evolved to such and extent that we can no longer expect a long-term relationship with one employer.B. It carries an implicit assumption that we ourselves, and the jobs we enter, will change little during our working lives.C. This growth suggests that a career plan should not be expressed only in terms of full-time employment but should make provision for the possibility of becoming one of the.D this is a summary of one’s personal learning needs and an action plan to meet them.E Consequently, they must now accommodate a number of objectives and enable us to prepare for each on a contingency basis.F However, it warns that employers often identify training needs through formal appraisals, which take too narrow a view of development.G . Such a freelance of consultant would be constantly in demand.H We were expected to work towards that one clear goal and to consider a career change as a bad thing.[NextPage]答案:9 B 10 A 11E 12C 13D 14F9.本段是说在职业生涯中设立一个单独的目标的影响。
