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( ) 1. A. tea B. sea C. breath D. please ( ) 2. A. slow B. down C. tomorrow D. yellow ( ) 3. A. here B. where C. there D. bear ( ) 4. A. postman B. stop C. comic D. hobby ( ) 5. A. together B. third C. other D. these


( ) 1. next Tuesday ( ) 2.

( ) 3.

( ) 4. In 2009 //, they went to school by // plane because the ferry // didn’t work.

( ) 5.


( ) 1. A. museum B. post office C. Italian D. park

( ) 2. A. plane B. subway C. film D. train

( ) 3. A. interesting B. amazing C. worried D. hiking

( ) 4. A. worker B. factory C. coach D. businessman ( ) 5. A. evening B. swimming C. dancing D. doing

( ) 6. A. hurts B. teaches C. grass D. studies ( ) 7. A. sad B. worry C. angry D. happy

( ) 8. A. tomorrow B. yesterday C. today D. week


A. (2016中原区) 词语归类。从所给的词语中,选出同类词,并填在后面的横线上。

gym, go hiking, train, dancing, police, officer, afraid, tomorrow

1. worker, pilot, ________

2. museum, bookstore, ________

3. worried, sad, ________

4. flying, jumping, ________

5. see a film, take a trip, ________

B. (2017惠济区) 单词归类。根据提示将下列单词归类,并填写在相应的横线上。

hospital ship scientist cinema ask

postman plane worried visit afraid

1. museum ________ ________

2. writer ________ ________

3. sad ________ ________

4. subway ________ ________

5. wear ________ ________


1. (2016新密市) museum, cinema, ________

2. doing, going, ________

3. (2016二七区) bus, plane, ________

4. angry, happy, ________

5. (2016管城区) fisherman, coach, ________

6. Germany, the UK, ________

7. (2017新密市) tomorrow, tonight, ________ 8. read, dance, ________

9. (2017新密市) does, works, ________ 10. on, behind, ________


1. (2017登封市) My pen pal is going to ________ (练武术) next weekend.

2. I want to be a great s________ like Einstein.

3. (2017新密市) S________ down and stop at a yellow light.

4. (原创) They say Amazing Chin (《厉害了,我的国》) is a very good f________.

5. Tony is a p________ o________. He often helps people.

6. (2017新密市) My brother often does word p________.

7. My mother is a doctor. She works in a ________(医院).

8. My cat is ill. I feel ________ (难过的).



1. C

【解析】tea,sea和please中字母组合ea的读音均为/i:/,breath中字母组合ea 的读音为/e/。

2. B


3. A

4. A

5. B

二、1-5 AAABA


1. C

2. C


3. D

【解析】interesting (有趣的),amazing (令人惊奇的)和worried (担心的;发愁的)都是形容词,hiking (远足)是名词,与它们不同类。

4. B



teacher (教师) farmer (农民)

doctor (医生) nurse (护士)

cook (厨师) driver (司机)

head teacher (校长) secretary (秘书)

cleaner (清洁工) writer (作家)

singer (歌手) dancer (舞者)

worker (工人) postman (邮递员)

businessman (商人) police officer (警察)
