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特点:The first writings are narratives and journals of early settlers


1.John Smith

A True Relation of Virginia : the first book in American literature

A Map of Virginia with a description of the country



特点it is featured by two revolutions. One was American revolution and the other is enlightenment, which led to the American independence and an intellectual development whose rationalistic spirit inspired Americans and brought them into a new horizon


1.Benjamin Franklin ( a member of the committee to draft the Declaration of



Poor Richard’s Almanac 穷理查德书

2.Thomas Paine

Common Sense

The American Crisis

Rights of man

The Age of Reason

3.Philip Freneau (poet of American Revolution)

The British Prison Ship

The Rising Glory of America

The Indian Burying Ground

The wild Honey Suckle 野金银花



特点:American Romanticism advocates individualism and encourage people to fight for individual right and human happiness with brevity. It attached importance to individual dignity and value and believed that human nature is benign.


1.Washington Irving

A history of New York

The Sketch Book 见闻札记

Rip Van Winkle 瑞普梵温克尔

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷传说

Tales of a traveler

2.James Fenimore Cooper

Leather Stocking Tales 皮袜子故事集

The last of the Mochicans 最后的末希干人

3.William Cullen Bryant (romantic poet)


The fountain

The white-footed deer

A forest hymn

The flood of years

4.Edgar Allen Poe

Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque 怪诞奇异故事集

The Fall of the House Usher 呃舍屋的倒塌

The Raven 乌鸦

To Helen 致海伦

The City in the Sea 海城

5.Ralph Waldo Emerson



The Transcendentalist

The American Scholar

Divinity School Address 神学院的演说

6.Henry David Thoreau

Walden 瓦尔登湖

Resistance to Civil Government 抵制公民政府

Civil Disobedience 论市民的不服从

7.Nathaniel Hawthorne

Scarlet letter

Mosses from an old manse 古屋青苔

8.Herman Meville

Moby Dick 大白鲸

Typee 泰比

9.Walt Whitman (诗人)

Leaves of Grass

Song of myself 自我之歌

10.Emily Dickinson (诗人)

The Poems of Emily Dickinson

This is my letter to the world

I heard a fly buzz when I died



特点:The rise and development of American literary realism was the product of the changes in American politics and economic development


1.Harriet Beecher Stowe

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

2.Mark Twain

The adventure of Tom Sawyer

The adventure of Huckleberry Finn

The Innocents abroad 傻瓜出国记

The Prince and Pauper 王子和贫民

The Gilded Age 镀金时代

3.O Henry

The Cop and the Anthem

4.Henry James

Daisy Miller

The portrait of a lady 贵夫人的画像

The Ambassadors 大使们

The wings of a dove 鸽翼

5.Jack London

The son and the wolf

The call from the wild

The sea-wolf

White fang 白獠牙

The people of the Abyss 深渊中的人们

Martin Eden 马丁易登

6.Theodore Dreiser

Sister Carrie

Jennie Gerhardt 珍妮姑娘

Trilogy of Desire

An American Tragedy

The Financier

The Genius
