志愿者训练课本之阳早格格创做一、志愿服务的观念“志愿者”(英语V olunteers)是一个不版图的称呼,指的是正在不为所有物量酬报的情况下,为矫正社会而提供服务、孝敬部分的时间及粗神的人.正在西圆较为普遍的瞅面是:志愿者是工做除中的“不受个人便宜大概强造执法饱励的人们的齐力”,其手段正在于矫正社会,提供祸利.志愿者协会给“志愿者”的定义是:不为物量酬报,鉴于良知、疑奉战责任,志愿为社会战他人提供服务战帮闲的人.正在香港,志愿者被称为“义工”,志愿者止径喊搞包袱处事.正在台湾,志愿者称为“志工”.香港包袱处事死少局则将“义工”(“志愿者”)定义为正在不为所有物量酬报的情况下,为矫正社会而提供服务,孝敬部分时间及粗神的人.共时将包袱处事定义为:“指所有人志愿孝敬部分的时间及粗神,正在不为所有物量酬报的情况下,为矫正社会而提供的服务.”《青年志愿服务规则》第两条确定:志愿服务是指志愿、无偿天服务他人战社会的止为.青年志愿者是指关切介进志愿服务活动的青年.广而止之,志愿者是指所有志愿孝敬部分的时间、粗力、款项及粗神,正在不探供所有物量酬报的情况下,进止社会公益与社会服务职业,为矫正社会战推动社会先进而提供服务的人.(志愿者的广义观念)志愿处事是指所有人志愿孝敬部分的时间及粗力,正在不为所有物量酬报的情况下,为革新社会服务,促进社会先进而提供的服务.志愿处事具备志愿性、无偿性、公益性、构造性四大特性.有些人部分天认为进止志愿处事是慈擅为怀、乐擅佳施的表示,把志愿处事瞅成一种单圆里的施予;认为志愿处事不过为了减少博职人员的处事包袱,把志愿者当做“廉价劳能源”;认为惟有那些不忧衣食及有洪量空余时间的人,才有资格大概才会介进志愿处事.本去,每部分皆有介进社会工做的权利战促进社会先进的本收,共样,每部分皆有促进社会繁枯先进的包袱及责任.介进志愿处事是表白那种“权利”及“包袱”的主动战灵验的形式.正在服务他人、服务社会的共时,自己得到普及、完备战死少,粗神战心灵得到谦脚,果此,介进志愿处事既是“帮人”,亦是“自帮”,既是“乐人”,共时也“乐己”.介进志愿处事,既是正在帮闲他人、服务社会,共时也是正在传播爱心战传播文化.志愿服务部分化、人情化的特性,不妨灵验天推近人与人之间的心灵距离,缩小疏近感,对付慢解社会冲突,促进社会宁静有一定的主动效率.两、认识自尔认识自尔也便是自尔认知:是自己对付自己的瞅法,是通过对付自己止为的瞅察,而对付自己的局里战情绪状态的认识,包罗了对付自己的效果、企图的考证与评介.为了更佳天符合志愿服务的需要,对付自己有一个醉悟的认识,该当对付自己的体魄、欲供、效果、企图、思维、感情、才华、本性特性有所认知.然而要指示的是自己自己更简单受到自己的认知框架的效率战约束,正如雅语道“旁瞅者浑,当局者迷.”所以正在需要的时间该当询问一下自己身边的伙伴,更周到的认识自己.(一)、闭于对付自己介进志愿服务效果的认知介进情绪是社会人士央供成为志愿者的一个要害本果,也是贯串志愿者正在机构中介进志愿活动的思维维持,所以志愿者自己必须对付介进情绪有一个充分的认识.归纳起去,对付志愿处事的介进情绪有以下几种:1、帮闲有需要的人,回应社会需要:那类伙伴喜欢介进帮闲服务对付象的服务活动,而对付于其余的活动,便已经不太感兴趣了,比圆接流活动、训练活动、传播活动等,那类志愿者大多喜欢冷静天启展处事;2、介进革新社会问题:那类伙伴主动里对付战闭注社会问题,通过不竭的闭注的深进相识,大概会对付社会问题有很多的意睹,正在介进志愿者活动的时间简单爆收受挫合的情绪;3、尽百姓责任,汇报社会:那类伙伴认为自己既然是社会中的一员,那便该当尽一个百姓的责任,对付于志愿处事的央供便不会下,而是主动参于,齐力完毕;4、憧憬收挥一己所少:那类伙伴多有一定的博业技能,普遍央供介进能收挥自己博项所少的志愿服务,而对付于分歧过得应的服务普遍不感兴趣;5、感觉自己的存留价格:那类伙伴央供正在志愿者服务大概志愿者活动中不妨体现出自己价格,憧憬不妨得到大家大概社会得认共;6、教习新技能:那类伙伴对付于一些训练活动特天感兴趣,憧憬不妨介进志愿者活动教习到一些新的技能;7、擅用业余空闲时间:那类伙伴对付于时间的利用瞅面比较沉视,活动中对付于一些如早退等浪费时间的局里特天反感;8、扩宽社接圈子:那类伙伴只消是有能睹到新里孔机会的活动皆感兴趣,偶尔注意力不正在志愿服务上,而大概转背了志愿者大概其余人身上,志愿活动后会主动脆持与人通联;9、博得他人的认知战赞同以及正在集体中的位子:那类伙伴憧憬有机会去表示自己,得到他人得认知歌颂等,通过展示自己的本收去争得到收袖者的角色;10、歉富体味,自尔死少:那类伙伴比较沉视体现活动的趣味经历,简单对付一些人大概事务爆收留恋大概回味情绪,对付于波合挫合易以搁启;11、培植构造本收及收袖才搞:那类伙伴对付机构管造活动的兴趣较浓,对付于训练课程兴趣也较大;12、觅供新刺激及扩宽死计感受:那类伙伴对付于有易度的活动皆市主动介进,然而时常沉视某些要害问题;13、为已去处事准备;那类伙伴大概注沉有好处自己处事的人事闭系的建坐;14、感觉包袱处事蓄意思:那类伙伴比较沉视处事的意思天圆,对付于某些意思较小的志愿处事便有大概不肯介进;15、赶潮流,逃时尚:那类伙伴喜欢新潮真物,盲目跟随,睹到有共教伙伴大概其余人去搞志愿服务,自己也赶去凑热闹玩新陈;16、出于对付志愿服务的佳偶:那类伙伴憧憬通过志愿服务有机会瞅服务对付象是何如的,如才华降后女童到底是什么格式的等等,大概者感触那一项服务真量较有新意,憧憬自己有机会去感受一下.以上所述,是动做志愿者介进大概不介进服务时所思量的果素.如果能弄收会自己的真真效果,通过小心情索而搞出决断的话,那才是明智及蓄意思的止为.钻研者通过一定的钻研所得知介进志愿活动的效果有以上数种,其统计根源截止大概与当天的志愿者介进效果有几的出进,不过,那本去不要害,它不过一个借镜而已!钻研者们对付于一般人为何介进志愿活动举止了钻研,共时也对付于某些伙伴为何不介进志愿活动做了一定的钻研,得出了以下的一些截止:1、不空余时间介进:2、以自尔核心,对付其余的人战事务不感兴趣去闭注:3、对付无酬报的处事不感兴趣:4、认为搞志愿者的意思不大:5、不相识何如介进志愿处事:6、对付志愿处事观念朦胧,不相识其本量:7、认为志愿处事是青年人的活动;8、认为志愿处事是消闲玩意:9、不自疑心去应付于志愿处事及服务:10、志愿服务种类及本量不符合自己的采用:11、认为志愿者是为人做廉价劳能源,职位不被沉视,怕他人道闲话:12、怕志愿处事太加进会效率教业、功课大概家庭死计:13、不得到应有的支援以至有很多人阻挡付:14、怕交战到一些让自己悲伤大概艰易苦恼的人战事务:当有了一定的介进效果后,那种效果会起到一个什么效率咧?它会使志愿者正在志愿活动中的表示战介进与背出现一些分歧的情况:再者,那样也可对付任用志愿者起到一定帮闲,协帮志愿者正在介进志愿服务前,先相识自己的憧憬及需要,免得有所得视. 动做志愿者构造机构必须对付稠密的介进志愿活动的效果及大概有的表示有一个充分的认识,正在选择志愿者时应多加注意战沉视战培植,可则,会为构造机构戴去不宁静的果素,效率自己的死少.志愿者的介进效果本去是其价格瞅一个正里的反映,有人认为社会存留着太多的现真问题,于是他采用通过搞志愿者去测验考查办理一下;有人认为社会存留着太多的人战事需要帮闲,于是他采用了通过介进志愿服务活动,使他认为要帮闲的人不妨得到一面帮闲.价格瞅带收着部分的止为,每部分皆有自己的价格瞅,那千好万别的价格瞅大概汇报源于每部分对付价格的主瞅评判纷歧样.共样,每位志愿者成员的内正在粗确的价格瞅指挥着他们去搞很多对付社会、他人蓄意思的事务三、志愿者的价格瞅价格瞅带收着部分的止为,每部分皆有自己的价格瞅,那千好万别的价格瞅大概汇报源于每部分对付价格的主瞅评判纷歧样.共样,每位志愿者成员的内正在粗确的价格瞅,指挥着他们去搞很多对付社会及他人蓄意思的事务.志愿者的价格:社会价格,部分价格战构造价格马克思主义认为,人是社会闭系的总战.咱们每一部分从他一降死到那个天下上,他便已经不是孤坐的人,而是社会的人,他便必定要共周围的人爆收通联,那是谁也不克不迭例中的事务.爱果斯坦道过,“一部分的价格,应当瞅他孝敬什么,而不是瞅他博得了什么.一部分对付社会的价格最先与决于他的感情、思维战止为对付删进人类便宜有多大孝敬.”佛祖释迦牟僧问其一位弟子:“一滴火怎么才搞不会搞涸?”弟子半天问不上去.释迦牟僧报告他:“将它搁进大海里去.”那段简朴的对付话掀穿了一个深刻的原理:部分经常社会中的部分,社会经常由部分组成的.部分与社会是息息相闭的.部分离不启社会,部分惟有融进社会才具备死命力,才搞收挥其智慧才搞,真止其自己价格;反之,部分如果摆脱了社会,纵然有再大的力量,也会象火滴一般搞涸.动做社会中的一员,当您把爱心奉献给他人的时间,您也支获了爱的果真.所以志愿者对付社会而止:传播爱心,传播文化志愿者正在把闭怀戴给社会的共时,也传播了爱心,传播了文化,那种“爱心”战“文化”从一部分身上传到另一部分身上,最后会汇散成一股强盛的社会温流.建坐战谐社会包袱处事,是提供社接战互相帮闲的机会,加强人与人之间的接往及闭怀,减矮相互间的疏近感,促进社会战谐.促进社会先进社会的先进需要齐社会的共共介进战齐力.包袱处事正是饱励越去越多的人介进到服务社会的止列中去,对付促进社会先进有一定的主动效率.志愿者的部分价格奉献社会志愿者通过介进包袱处事,有机会为社会着力,一尽百姓责任战包袱.歉富死计感受志愿者利用闲余时间,介进一些蓄意思的处事战活动,既可夸大自已的死计圈子,更可亲身感受社会的人战事,加深对付社会的认识,那对付义工自己的死少战普及是格中有益的.提供教习的机会志愿者正在介进包袱处事历程中,除了不妨帮闲人以中,更可培植自己的构造及收袖本收.教习新知识、巩固自自疑心及教会与人相处等.巩固对付僧团的明白战认识志愿者的构造价格担当部分化服务志愿者服务,提供洪量的人力资材的共时,更能收挥服务的人情化、部分化及周到化的功能,帮闲融人社会,巩固归属感通过志愿者服务,能灵验天帮闲寺院夸大与人的接流,巩固僧团对付人、对付社会的相识.共时,志愿者以身心财物的布施战扶养,帮闲寺院对付世间的认识,进而建坐其出世建止战进世度人的自疑心.志愿者的介进效果本去是其价格瞅一个正里的反映,有人认为社会存留着太多的现真问题,于是他采用通过搞志愿者去测验考查办理一下;有人认为社会存留着太多的人战事需要帮闲,于是他采用了通过介进志愿服务活动,使他认为要帮闲的人不妨得到一面帮闲.然而是有某些时间,志愿者大寡中的分歧的价格瞅,分歧的介进效果是需要举止一定的调控,可则,大寡中的诸位志愿者收会睹纷歧,效率大寡的运做战团结.办理的办法是什么?训练课程便是其中一种,也算是比较佳的一种.训练是调控各个志愿者介进效果的要收之一,憧憬不妨搞到使某些志愿者不妨转化自己不完备得效果,协共所有大寡的运做!所以,正在志愿服务中提出战推广那些价格是构造者战志愿者构造的主要责任.然而是有某些时间,志愿者大寡中的分歧的价格瞅,分歧的介进效果是需要举止一定的调控,可则,大寡中的诸位志愿者收会睹纷歧,效率大寡的运做战团结.办理的办法是什么?训练课程便是其中一种,也算是比较佳的一种. 训练是调控各个志愿者介进效果的要收之一,憧憬不妨搞到使某些志愿者不妨转化自己不完备得效果,协共所有大寡的运做!所以动做志愿大寡的志愿管造人员该当正在新会员进会后,构造佳一个符合自己大寡的前提(初教)训练,如果不那样的训练的大寡,尔部分便感触新介进的成员该当思量一下那个大寡的运做情况以及是可该当留住去.强调志愿者构造的手段是很蓄意思的,一个有构造性的志愿者团队必须有一定的价格瞅去体现他们觅常的目标、成便、共共意睹战止为.当一个队伍不他们普遍的价格瞅,那么那个队伍将会变得易以收袖;会果为意睹分歧而易以启展处事.果此,构造者将必须花更多粗力去管造那支队伍,除非她大概他念小心天调理各个志愿者之间正在协做的价格瞅以及所有团队的凌治的价格与背.所以,正在志愿服务中提出战推广那些价格是构造者战志愿者构造的主要责任.。
Asking for directions
1.References for Group 1 第一组的参考词汇与句型
References for Group 1 第一组的参考词汇与句型
1. Where is the subway station? 地铁站在哪里? 地铁站在哪里? 2. take the Airport Bus No.3 搭机场三号线 3. get off (a bus/subway) at… …下 公车、地铁) 在…下(公车、地铁) get out of (a taxi/cab) at… 在…下(的士) 下 的士) 4. You can use RMB to pay for bus fare. 你可以使用人民币来付车费。 你可以使用人民币来付车费。 5. Universia 大运站 6. take a taxi/cab、bus 打的 、坐公交车 、
On the way to the Universiade Sports Center, Maggie saw some unexpected things.
A woman that passed out 一个昏迷的妇女
A fire drill 一次火灾演习
Some people throwing rubbish 有人扔垃圾
Oh God, Shenzhen is so big, but where is the Universiade Sports Center?
The Universiade Sports Center 龙岗大运中心
Happy Travels in Longgang The Universiade Sports Center 1. Greetings 2. Asking for directions 3. Emergency 4. Sports events
志愿者培训教材-英语一、公共英语部分第一节问候和欢迎 Greetings and Welcoming Conversations 1. A: Welcome to Beijing!欢迎到北京来!B: Thank you.谢谢你。
2. A: Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。
B: Nice to meet you, too.很高兴见到你。
3. A: Where are you from?你从哪里来?B: I'm from America.我来自美国。
4. A: I've heard so much about you.久仰大名。
B: Thanks. I'm flattered.谢谢,您过奖了。
5. A: How was your trip?这次旅行怎么样?B: It was wonderful.非常棒。
6. A: I hope you will enjoy your stay here.希望你在这儿过得愉快。
B: Thank you, I'm sure I will.谢谢你,我相信我会的。
7. A: Please have a seat.请坐。
B: OK, thank you.好的,谢谢。
8. A: Is this your first trip to Beijing?这是你第一次来北京吗?B: No, I've been here twice.不,我已经来过两次了。
9. A: Have you been to other parts of China?你去过中国的其它地方吗?B: I have been to Xi'an and Shanghai.我去过西安和上海。
10. A: What's your impression of Beijing so far?目前你对北京的印象如何?B: Beijing is a very beautiful city!北京是一个非常美丽的城市!11. A: How long do you plan to stay?你计划待多久?B: I'm not sure yet.我还不知道。
2014年4月9日星期三 NEWS志愿者第二场培训材料1. What?志愿者定义--志愿者(英文Volunteer)联合国将其定义为“不以利益、金钱、扬名为目的,而是为了近邻乃至世界进行贡献活动者”,指在不为任何物质报酬的情况下,能够主动承担社会责任并且奉献个人的时间及精神的人。
--杜绝私心、杜绝功利心、杜绝贪小便宜2. Why?N.E.W.S.会议的重要性;服务学校的国际化事业;展现三大实力、中国国力、三大学子风采服务一位一位具体的外宾、人文关怀、以诚相待;3. How?摆正思想、端正态度:政治上要过硬,外事无小事,内紧外松;不谈政治,只谈学术与文化交流;涉外人员守则!做好功课:了解三峡大学、自己的专业;了解NEWS会议。
Words: 1.suffer from jet lag:时差
3. On the way
1) Now we are driving to your hotel, Tianyu Hotel. It’s just outside Tianjin University. We’ve booked a room for you.
Could you please help me ……
May I suggest that ……
I think this way is better……
You are welcome. Not at all.
It’s my pleasure.
Words: 1.Carrefour家乐福 2.campus bus校园车
5. At the meeting
1) This way, please.
2) What can I do for you / May I help you
3) Wait for a moment,please. I’ll ask someone in charge to help you. / For more detailed information, I need to ask someone in charge.
How long you will stay in China
Mr. Smith, I’d like you to meet Mr…er…, sorry, how do you spell your name
自愿者常用英语培训〔2021年8月13日〕➢指路根底培训例句:1.请咨询值机柜台如何走?Excuseme,whereisthe check-incounter?请跟我来,这边请。
Itis aheadonyourleft.替换词:商务中心businesscenter警务室guardroom/securityroom 行李封口打包处luggagepackingcounter咖啡厅coffeehouse洗手间restroom/toilet化装间dressingroom茶座teahouse咨询讯处informationdesk/office中餐厅Chinesediningroom西餐厅westernrestaurant饮水机drinkingwatermachine宾馆hotel自动柜员机ATM(automatictellermachine)银行bank自动扶梯escalator航空保险柜台aviationinsurancecounter电梯elevator商店shop免税店duty-freeshop安检通道securitychannel出口处exit进口处entry/entrance国际动身internationaldeparture国内动身domesticdeparture国际到达internationalarrival国内到达domesticarrival行李提取处luggageclaim/baggageclaim巴士车站Busstation停车场parkinglot的士等待处Taxipick-uppoint楼上upstairs楼下downstairs右边right左边left前方front前方back➢关于航班的询咨询2.例句请咨询东航〔MU〕5173航班什么时候起飞?Excuseme.WhenwilltheflightMU5173(fiveoneseventhree)takeoff? 大约在十点三十五分起飞。
奥运志愿者英语培训教程-谈论人民奥运志愿者英语培训教程-谈论人民第一课:关于其它国家的人民/about the People in Other Country【C=Chinese, W=Westerner】1. C: Do most people in your country value their family or career more?你们国家大多数的人是以家庭为重还是以事业为重?W1: Personally, I value my career more. But I think most people give family and career equal value.就我个人来说,我更重视事业。
W2: It's hard to say. Everyone is different.很难说。
2.C: What do the people my age love to do the most in your country?你们国家像我这样年纪的人最喜欢做什么?W1: They love to have fun. They love to have parties and spend time with their friends.他们爱玩,喜欢各种聚会,跟朋友们在一起。
W2: They are crazy about sports. They love to practice them and they love to watch them.他们热爱体育运动,喜欢观看也喜欢参与其中。
3.C:How are the people in your country different from the people in China?你们国家的人和中国人有什么不同?W:The people here care about their families more than people in my country do.中国人比我们国家的人更顾家。
大运会志愿者英文培训资料Maps●F I SU: National University Sports Federation国家大学生体育协会●FNSU International Relations and Cooperation Department外事联络部(简称番薯)●Functional Zone of Universiade Village:大运村功能区名称●Operational Zone:运行区●Welcome Center 欢迎中心●-CIC Office 报名与资格审核(International Control Committee国际资格审核委员会)●-Accreditation Center 注册制证●-General Secretariat of FISU 国际大体联秘书处●-Fee Payment Counter 住房分配及缴费处●-Arrival & Departure Service Center 抵离服务中心●-HoD‟s Office 团长办公室●-Traffic Control Center 交通指挥中心●-Information Center 公共信息服务中心●Visitor Reception Center 访客中心●-Media Center 媒体中心●-VIP Reception 贵宾接待处●-Supermarket 超市●-Currency Exchange 金融服务点(外币兑换点)●-Store of Licensed Products 特许商品经营部●Shuttle Bus Station 大运村班车站●South Entrance Parking Lot 南门停车场●International Zone:国际区●Flag-Hoisting Square 升旗广场●-Delegation Welcome Ceremonies 升旗仪式(代表团欢迎仪式)●-Cultural Activities 文化活动●HoD Conference Hall 团长会会议室●-HoD conferences 团长会议●-Cultural Activities 文化活动●Protocol Services Center 礼宾服务中心●Language Services Sub-center 语言服务处●Delegation Services Center 代表团服务中心●-Sports information Center 体育信息中心●-DVD Room & Internet Café休闲区(网吧)●-Meeting Center 会议室●-Delegation‟s Mail Box 代表团信箱●Polyclinic Doping Center 医疗中心●Religious Activities Center 宗教服务中心●Physical Recovery Center 体能恢复中心●-Swimming Pool 游泳池●-Gym 健身房●Administration Center 行政管理中心●Chinese Culture Exhibition 文化体验区●Showcasing Area 赞助商展示区●Commercial Plaza 商业广场●Universiade Square 大运会纪念广场●Residential Zone:居住区●Athlete‟s Apartment 运动员公寓●-Rooms for Athletes and HoDs 运动员及团长住房●-Extra Official Apartment 超编官员公寓●-Reception Desk 住宿服务台●-Self-service Center 便民服务中心●Athlete‟s Dining Hall 运动员餐厅●Transportation Waiting Area 运动员候车区●Staff‟s Dining Hall 员工餐厅●Logistics Zone:后勤保障区●Logistics Center 物流中心●Laundry Center 洗衣中心自我介绍篇&迎接篇Welcome to Shenzhen! Ladies and gentlemen I am your attaché. My name is… I will work for you as your attaché during the Universiade Shenzhen. So if you have any questions or problems, please don't hesitate to contact me. This is my contact information.欢迎到深圳来!女士们,先生们,我是你们的随员,我的名字叫…。
奥运志愿者英语培训教程-文化差异This is the opposite of western culture. The Chinese appreciate that you make noise while eating. Westernersfeel this is disgusting and shows a plete lack of manners. Chew with your mouth shut!这与西方文化相反。
嚼东西的时候要闭上嘴巴!This is considered quite rude when at the dinner table. Western children are taught from a very early age never to do this.在餐桌上,这被认为是非常粗鲁的行为。
It is considered rude to pick between your teeth where others can see you. Western restaurants usually do not supply toothpicks, so it is sometimes hard to decide when to remove food stuck between the teeth. It is usually best to excuse yourself and go to the bathroom.当着他人的面剔牙是很不礼貌的。
While eating you should be sitting up straight. Do not put your elbows on the table. Putting your elbows on the table will make you look like a farmer.用餐时应该身体坐直,手肘不要支在餐桌上。
志愿者英语培训计划Introduction:Volunteering is a selfless act of giving back to the community. It is a way to make a positive impact and contribute to the betterment of society. As volunteers, it is important to be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to be effective in our roles. This training plan aims to provide volunteers with English language skills to better communicate and connect with the community.Objectives:The main objective of this training plan is to provide volunteers with the necessary English language skills to effectively communicate with the community. The specific objectives are: - To improve volunteers' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English- To enhance volunteers' confidence and fluency in using English- To provide volunteers with language skills specific to their volunteer rolesTarget Audience:This training plan is designed for volunteers who may have varying levels of English proficiency. It is suitable for both beginners and intermediate learners. The content will be tailored to address the specific needs and goals of the volunteers.Training Content:The training content will cover the following key areas:1. Basic English Language Skills- Grammar: Parts of speech, sentence structure, tenses, and verb forms- Vocabulary: Common words and phrases relevant to volunteer work- Pronunciation: Correct pronunciation of English words and sounds- Listening: Listening comprehension exercises to improve understanding of spoken English 2. Communication Skills- Speaking: Practice speaking in a clear and structured manner, expressing ideas and opinions confidently- Conversation: Role-play exercises to simulate real-life conversations in volunteer scenarios- Public speaking: Techniques for effective public speaking and presentations3. Reading and Writing Skills- Reading comprehension: Reading and understanding different types of texts, such as emails, reports, and instructions- Writing: Writing skills for drafting emails, reports, and other forms of written communication4. Language Skills Specific to Volunteer Roles- Specialized vocabulary and phrases related to specific volunteer roles, such as healthcare, education, or community services- Role-specific communication scenarios and exercises- Cultural sensitivity: Understanding and respecting cultural differences in communication Training Methods:The training will utilize a variety of methods to cater to different learning styles and preferences. These methods include:- Classroom instruction: Structured lessons with a focus on grammar, vocabulary, and language skills- Group activities: Team-based activities to encourage collaboration and engagement- Role-plays: Simulated scenarios to practice real-life volunteer situations- Interactive exercises: Engaging and interactive exercises to reinforce learning- Language practice: Opportunities for volunteers to practice language skills in real-life volunteer settingsTraining Schedule:The training sessions will be conducted over a period of 12 weeks, with weekly sessions of 2-3 hours each. The schedule will be flexible to accommodate the availability of the volunteers. The training plan will include a combination of in-person and online sessions to cater to the needs of the volunteers.Training Evaluation:The progress of the volunteers will be evaluated through regular assessments and feedback. The evaluation will include:- Written tests: Assessing grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension- Speaking assessments: Evaluating speaking and pronunciation skills through role-plays and conversations- Writing tasks: Assessing writing skills through email and report writing exercises- Feedback: Regular feedback and guidance to help volunteers improve their language skills Conclusion:As volunteers, effective communication is crucial in carrying out our responsibilities and making a positive impact in the community. This English training plan will equip volunteers with the necessary language skills to engage and connect with the community, thus enhancing the overall volunteer experience. By committing to this training, volunteers will be better prepared to serve and support their communities with confidence and proficiency in English.。
美国老友计划志愿者培训IntroductionThe USA Friends program is a volunteer-based initiative that aims to provide companionship and support to the elderly population in the United States. As a volunteer for this program, it is important to undergo thorough training to ensure that you are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively serve the elderly community. This training program will cover various aspects of volunteering, including communication skills, understanding the needs of the elderly, and strategies for building meaningful relationships with them.Training ObjectivesThe main objectives of the volunteer training program for the USA Friends program are as follows:1. To provide volunteers with an understanding of the unique challenges faced by the elderly population2. To equip volunteers with the necessary communication skills and empathy to effectively connect with the elderly3. To train volunteers in active listening and engagement strategies to build meaningful relationships with the elderly4. To educate volunteers on the resources and support services available to the elderly in the community5. To instill a sense of compassion and dedication to serving the elderly community in volunteersTraining CurriculumThe volunteer training program for the USA Friends program will consist of a series of modules that will cover the following topics:Module 1: Introduction to the Elderly Population- Understanding the demographics and trends of the elderly population in the United States - Exploring the unique challenges and needs of elderly individuals, including social isolation, mobility issues, and health concerns- Discussing the importance of providing emotional support and companionship to the elderlyModule 2: Communication Skills- Developing effective communication strategies for interacting with the elderly, including active listening, empathy, and non-verbal communication- Understanding the potential barriers to communication with the elderly, such as hearing loss and cognitive impairments, and how to overcome these challenges- Role-playing scenarios to practice communication skills in a simulated environment Module 3: Building Meaningful Relationships- Exploring the concept of building trust and rapport with the elderly- Discussing strategies for engaging the elderly in meaningful conversations and activities - Understanding the boundaries and ethical considerations when forming relationships with the elderlyModule 4: Resources and Support Services- Educating volunteers on the various resources and support services available to the elderly, including healthcare, housing, and social activities- Providing information on how to connect elderly individuals with these resources and support services- Understanding the role of volunteers in advocating for the needs of the elderly and assisting them in accessing necessary supportModule 5: Self-Care and Boundaries- Discussing the importance of self-care for volunteers working with the elderly- Exploring strategies for maintaining emotional boundaries and preventing burnout- Providing resources for volunteers to seek support and guidance when facing challenging situationsTraining MethodsThe volunteer training program will utilize a variety of training methods to engage and educate volunteers, including:- Classroom-based instruction: Volunteers will attend in-person training sessions led by experienced facilitators who specialize in elderly care and support.- Interactive activities: Role-playing, group discussions, and experiential learning exercises will be used to provide hands-on experience and practical skills.- Guest speakers: Expert speakers from the field of elderly care and community support services will be invited to share their knowledge and experiences with volunteers.- Online resources: Supplementary materials, videos, and online courses will be provided to volunteers for self-paced learning and ongoing education.Training ScheduleThe volunteer training program will be conducted over a period of 6 weeks, with weekly sessions lasting 2-3 hours each. The schedule will be as follows:Week 1: Introduction to the Elderly PopulationWeek 2: Communication SkillsWeek 3: Building Meaningful RelationshipsWeek 4: Resources and Support ServicesWeek 5: Self-Care and BoundariesWeek 6: Final assessment and graduationTraining EvaluationAt the conclusion of the volunteer training program, participants will undergo a final assessment to evaluate their understanding of the material and readiness to serve as volunteers for the USA Friends program. The evaluation will include:- Written assessment: Volunteers will complete a written exam to test their knowledge of the training material.- Practical assessment: Volunteers will participate in role-playing scenarios to demonstrate their communication and engagement skills with the elderly.- Supervisor feedback: Facilitators and program supervisors will provide feedback on the volunteers' performance and readiness to begin volunteering.ConclusionThe volunteer training program for the USA Friends program is designed to prepare volunteers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and empathy to effectively serve the elderly population in the United States. By undergoing this comprehensive training, volunteers will be equipped to provide companionship, support, and meaningful connections to elderly individuals in their communities. This training program is an essential step in ensuring the success and impact of the USA Friends program, and we are confident that our volunteers will make a positive difference in the lives of the elderly. Thank you for your commitment to serving the elderly and for your participation in this training program. We look forward to seeing the positive impact you will make in the lives of the elderly as a volunteer for the USA Friends program.。
• 不好意思,请您稍等片刻。 • Excuse me. Please wait a moment.
• 您的要求我尽力而为,希望这样to fulfill your requests to your utmost satisfaction.
to Suzhou before?
可以借机谈下苏州的景点, Tongli Town, Zhouzhuang Town , Humble Administrator’s Garden 也可 以问他的国籍 Where are you from?/ What’s your nationality? 可以谈论下对方的国家,切记不 要谈论政治,信仰,年龄收入及婚姻家庭等敏感话题。
signs in various areas.
• Wang Dong: Good morning. Are you Professor Taylor ? • James Taylor: Yes, and ... • Wang Dong: Welcome to China, Professor Taylor. Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm Wang
• Vehicle Security Check Point 车辆安检通道
• Pick-up /Drop-off Area
• Guest Rest Area
• Media Office
• Press Conference Room • Venue Network Room • Media Rest Area • Language Services Office • Sponsor Service Office
1. 《志愿者常用英语100句》:这是一本简单易懂的英语口语书,包含了志愿者在国际场合中常用的100个英语句子,以及相关的情景对话。
2. 《志愿者英语交流指南》:这本书详细介绍了志愿者在国际场合中需要掌握的英语交流技巧,包括听力、口语、阅读和写作等方面。
3. 《国际志愿者常用语词典》:这是一本实用的英语词典,包含了志愿者在国际场合中可能会用到的各种英语词汇和短语,方便查阅。
Lesson3 a volunteer
Voice your opinion
Is it a good idea to do voluntary work? What reasons do people have for doing voluntary work?
The meaning of life is finding your gift. The purpose of life is giving it away.
Mongolia? 5. What do her parents think of her
Check the answers.
1. What is Wang Shu’s future plan? She is going to work as a volunteer teacher in a small country town in Inner Mongolia. 2. How does she feel about her work in Inner Mongolia? Excited. 3. Why did she decidห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ to go there? It is her duty to do something for students in poor areas.
help the sick and injured
plant trees
What can volunteers do here? What do you
know about this part of China?
What do you think of the girl in the photo?
Listen to the interview and answer these questions.
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大运会志愿者英文培训资料Maps●F I SU: National University Sports Federation国家大学生体育协会●FNSU International Relations and Cooperation Department外事联络部(简称番薯)●Functional Zone of Universiade Village:大运村功能区名称●Operational Zone:运行区●Welcome Center 欢迎中心●-CIC Office 报名与资格审核(International Control Committee国际资格审核委员会)●-Accreditation Center 注册制证●-General Secretariat of FISU 国际大体联秘书处●-Fee Payment Counter 住房分配及缴费处●-Arrival & Departure Service Center 抵离服务中心●-HoD‟s Office 团长办公室●-Traffic Control Center 交通指挥中心●-Information Center 公共信息服务中心●Visitor Reception Center 访客中心●-Media Center 媒体中心●-VIP Reception 贵宾接待处●-Supermarket 超市●-Currency Exchange 金融服务点(外币兑换点)●-Store of Licensed Products 特许商品经营部●Shuttle Bus Station 大运村班车站●South Entrance Parking Lot 南门停车场●International Zone:国际区●Flag-Hoisting Square 升旗广场●-Delegation Welcome Ceremonies 升旗仪式(代表团欢迎仪式)●-Cultural Activities 文化活动●HoD Conference Hall 团长会会议室●-HoD conferences 团长会议●-Cultural Activities 文化活动●Protocol Services Center 礼宾服务中心●Language Services Sub-center 语言服务处●Delegation Services Center 代表团服务中心●-Sports information Center 体育信息中心●-DVD Room & Internet Café休闲区(网吧)●-Meeting Center 会议室●-Delegation‟s Mail Box 代表团信箱●Polyclinic Doping Center 医疗中心●Religious Activities Center 宗教服务中心●Physical Recovery Center 体能恢复中心●-Swimming Pool 游泳池●-Gym 健身房●Administration Center 行政管理中心●Chinese Culture Exhibition 文化体验区●Showcasing Area 赞助商展示区●Commercial Plaza 商业广场●Universiade Square 大运会纪念广场●Residential Zone:居住区●Athlete‟s Apartment 运动员公寓●-Rooms for Athletes and HoDs 运动员及团长住房●-Extra Official Apartment 超编官员公寓●-Reception Desk 住宿服务台●-Self-service Center 便民服务中心●Athlete‟s Dining Hall 运动员餐厅●Transportation Waiting Area 运动员候车区●Staff‟s Dining Hall 员工餐厅●Logistics Zone:后勤保障区●Logistics Center 物流中心●Laundry Center 洗衣中心自我介绍篇&迎接篇Welcome to Shenzhen! Ladies and gentlemen I am your attaché. My name is… I will work for you as your attaché during the Universiade Shenzhen. So if you have any questions or problems, please don't hesitate to contact me. This is my contact information.欢迎到深圳来!女士们,先生们,我是你们的随员,我的名字叫…。
Are you Mr. Taylor, head of UK delegation? 你是英国代表团团长泰勒先生吗?Nice to meet you! How many people do you have in your delegation?Have you all got your luggage all right? 很高兴见到你!你们代表团有多少人?行李都准备好了吗?The reception personnel will help you check in. If you need to change rooms or have any particular requests about accommodation, you can contact our reception staff. 接待人员会帮助你们办理入住手续。
Please follow me. I will show you the way to the accreditation center.请跟随我去制证中心。
This is the Accreditation Center; the staff will help you make the card.这是制证中心,工作人员会帮助你们办理证件Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢?"Take a number."取号(或者意思是请你到后面去排队慢慢等着)——备注:用于跟酒店人员说的时候。
I am very pleased to be your friend,let me introduce myself。
Could I have your name?我能知道你的名字么集结篇&日常篇一、带队用语:American Style:Wait your turn, please请排队等候。
Pull over! 把车子开到旁边。
Are you sure you can come by at nine(**)? 你肯定你九点(**)能来吗?Line up, please请排好队!Don…t crush不要挤!Turn right\left\about\around向右转|左|后Please de quiet请安静. Keep in silence保持安静.Mind the traffic注意交通安全. Look out小心!Hurry up快点.It was wrong of me我做错了. It‟s my fault是我的错.二、一般用语&对话情景假设1这是比赛/开或闭幕式的时间表。
This is the schedule of games/opening or closing ceremony.2. 明早7 点30 分在大厅集合。
We will meet at the hotel lobby at 7:30 am tomorrow morning. Please be on time.3.现在我们正在赶往大运村,然后我们要去新闻中心。
Now we are going to the Universiade Village, then we will go to the press center.4.这个日程贵方觉得合适吗I wonder if this schedule is suitable for you?5、先生您好,有什么可为您帮忙的吗?Good morning, sir. Anything I can do for you?6、我是丹麦代表团的领队。
您能帮忙查查吗?I'm the team leader of the Delegation of Denmark. For some reason, two athletes in our delegation have not received their luggage yet. I'm afraid they are still on the luggage van. Could you please see to it?7、当然可以。
能看看您的注册卡吗?Sure. Could I have a look at your Accreditation Card, please?8、没问题,我想我把卡装在口袋里了。
Certainly. I think I got it with me in my pocket. Yes, here you go.9、好。
您能告诉我这两名队员叫什么名字,是什么时候抵达大运村的吗?Okay. Could you tell me the two athletes' names and the time they arrived at the Village?10、一个叫奥罗夫,另一个叫索墨斯。
The names are Olaf and Thormoth. They got off at the Village about half an hour ago.11、我打个电话帮您查一下。
I'll make a phone call and check it for you.三、问路情况深圳简介篇Shenzhen is one of China's most important tourist cities, widely known as the “capital of C hina's. It is China's first Special Economic Zone. It was the “window” and “experimental field” for China's policy of reform and opening up, first established at the proposal of Deng Xiaoping.大运村简介篇The Athletes' Village for the 26th Summer Universiade in Shenzhen, or Shenzhen Universiade Village, is conveniently located in the southwest part of the city's central Longgang district. It's on the new campus of the Shenzhen Institute of Information and Technology, with the main venue for the Universiade in the north. The village, built on a 492,000 square meter plot, has a floor space of about 478,000sqm and extends 1,171 meters from east to west and 768 meters north-south. During the event, officials expect between12,000 and 13,000 athletes and team officials to reside in the village. They will be provided with catering, accommodation, recreational, transportation and other services. After Universiade 2011, all the facilities in the village will be transferred for the use of the Shenzhen Institute of Information and Technology.。