系统详细设计说明书版本历史目录1. 引言 (4)1.1. 背景 (4)1.2. 参考资料 (4)1.3. 术语和缩写语 (4)2. 系统的组织结构 (5)2.1. 程序(模块)划分 (5)2.2. 程序(模块)层次结构关系 (17)3. 全局数据结构说明 (18)3.1. 数据结构 (18)3.2. 执行概念 (18)4. 模块设计说明 (19)4.1. 网站管理模块 (19)4.2. 用户管理模块 (29)4.3. 课程管理模块 (30)4.4. 成绩模块 (33)4.5. 活动模块 (36)4.6. 资源模块 (47)1.引言北京开放大学学习平台是北京开放大学和布谷鸟网络教学技术有限公司(香港)合作开展“北京开放大学学习平台”的项目成果。
1.1. 背景北京开放大学学习平台是一个线上学习系统,是学校、教师和学生的沟通渠道,允许教师和学生透过网络工具来进行教学及学习,让教师和学生的教学和学习更有规范和更具效率,优化整个教学过程。
1.2. 参考资料1、《需求说明书》2、《Moodle数据库设计文档》3、《Moodle系统概要设计说明书》4、《北京开放大学平台设计概念总览》1.3. 术语和缩写语1、MOODLE:(Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment):模块化面向对象的动态学习环境2、IMS(Instructional Management Systems):是美国高等教育协会的非盈利机构EDUCOM(现为EDUCAUSE)下的一个项目组,现已发展为全球学习联合公司。
3、SCORM(The Sharable Content Object Reference Model):即可共享内容对象参考模型。
4、AICC(The Aviation Industry CBT Committee):即航空工业计算机辅助培训委员会,它是一个国际性的培训技术专业性组织。
关键函数和模组功能说明书版本历史目录1.引言 (1)2.常用的通用API (2)2.1.访问权限API (2)2.2.数据操作API (6)2.3.文件API (23)2.4.表单API (28)2.5.日志API (30)2.6.导航API (32)2.7.页面API (34)2.8.输出API (41)2.9.字符串API (60)2.10.升级API (68)3.关键模组功能 (70)3.1.Assign (70)3.2.Assignment (70)3.3.Book (71)3.4.Chat (71)3.5.Choice (72)3.6.Data (72)3.7.Feedback (73)3.8.Folder (73)3.9.Forum (73)3.10.Glossary (74)3.11.Imscp (74)bel (75)3.13.Lesson (75)3.14.Lti (75)3.15.Page (76)3.16.Quiz (76)3.17.Resource (76)3.18.Scorm (77)3.19.Survey (77)3.20.url (78) (78)3.22.workshop (78)4.配置参数详细说明 (80)1.引言Moodle网络教学平台支持多样化的教学方式,可以为学习者的自主学习、协作学习及个性化学习创造一个良好的网络学习环境,目前已经在世界上很多国家和地区得到广泛的应用,并且取得很好的教学效果。
Moodle支持多种教学活动,如在线测试、 作业提交、互动讨论等,方便教师根据课 程需求进行个性化设置。
Moodle提供了丰富的互动工具,如聊天室 、论坛、博客等,有助于增强师生之间的 交流与合作。
Moodle拥有丰富的插件库和主题,用户可 以根据需要添加新功能或改变界面风格。
02 Moodle可用于企业内部培训,提
04 Moodle也可用于社区教育项目,
在课程页面上方的导航栏中,点击“测验 ”选项。
设置题目分值和答案,以及测验的评分方 式和成绩显示方式。
在测验页面中,点击“添加一个新测验” 按钮。
添加题目。教师可以根据需要添加不同类 型的题目,如选择题、填空题、简答题等 。
填写测验标题、描述、时间限制等相关信 息。
02 03
在Moodle页面中,点击“添加一个活动或资源”按钮,选择“链接到 外部资源”,然后在弹出的窗口中粘贴URL地址,设置链接的名称、描 述等属性。
创建链接后,可以点击链接名称测试链接是否正常工作,确保用户可以 正常访问外部资源。
moodle数据库结构Moodle数据字典编写:小东前言The Moodle database has around 200 tables, and can be quite daunting at first sight. Moodle在线教学系统,有大约200多张表,第一次看到这样的场面,心里肯定会打鼓的。
DOCS on :/en/Development:Datab ase_schema_introductio n【注释】点击链接可以查看表结构【注释】如果没有特别说明,中文对应的解释是从官网对应位置翻译过来,仅供参考。
Moodle系统基本结构图表结构详细分析Configuration //参数配置相关tfmdl_configtfmdl_config_pluginsUsers and their profiles // 用户相关?tfmdl_usertfmdl_user_info_categorytfmdl_user_info_datatfmdl_user_info_fieldtfmdl_user_lastaccess由于性能上的考虑,将tfmdl_user_lastaccess这张表与user表分开设计,单独成为一张表。
tfmdl_user_preferencestfmdl_user_private_keyThe roles and capabilites system //角色和权限系统tfmdl_roletfmdl_role_allow_assigntfmdl_role_allow_overridetfmdl_role_assignmentstfmdl_role_capabilitiestfmdl_role_namestfmdl_role_sortorderroledefines a role, its name, etc. Other parts of the role definition are stored in therole_capabilities and role_context_levels tables.定义一种角色(含角色名称等等),角色定义的其它详细部分,存放在role_capabilites 和 role_context_levels两张表中。
Moodle的M表示Modular, 就是暗示它的功能可以通过模块进行扩展。
这些模块涵盖了系统主题风格( Theme)、界面语言、数据库模型、课程结构、问题格式、导入导出格式和活动模块等各个方面。
Moodle开发社区的“Modules and plugins”数据库( /mod/data/view.php?id=6009) 中已经注册了上百种标准的和第三方开发的稳定模块, 并且在大量热衷模块开发的用户支持下, 还在不断增加。
与其他网络课程平台的交互性在数据的保存方面, Moodle将一个课程的文件全部保存在一个目录中。
这样即便不通过Moodle系统,也可以很方便地通过目录操作访问到某个课程的内容, 可以将这些文件带到其他课程平台上使用。
在未来版本中, 还将支持不同平台格式的课程导入和导出, 目前已经实现的有SCORM和IMS的课程包。
Moodle数据库模型要进行二次开发, 对一个系统的数据库模型的了解也是很必要的。
因为Moodle并不需要我们进行核心代码的修改和开发, 因此在最初阶段不必作细节分析。
当我们具体碰到某一个模块时, 才有必要进行深入的分析。
Moodle的数据库模型经过几年的发展已经很复杂, 为了减少这种复杂关系带来的混乱, 它采用了这样的命名方式。
如: mdl_course_categories, 其中mdl是所有系统表格的前缀, course代表属于course的模块,categroies代表课程分类表, 这样既可以保证清晰的表述, 又可以避免不同模块之间数据表格的重名。
由于模块部分的数据模型会随着系统模块的增加而增加,所以当你扩展模块的时候, 那部分数据模型就可能会发生变化。
1.8版的数据库一共包含约180个表, 结构复杂, 故应该采用各个模块分别分析的方法来研究, 其中config、user、course、quiz、question等模块的数据模型应该优先考虑。
数据库设计文档文件标识数据库设计文档当前版本版本v1.0撰写完成日期版本历史目录1. 引言 (11)1.1. 目的 (11)1.2. 范围 (11)1.3. 读者 (11)2. 数据表间关系图 (12)2.1. assignment (12)2.2. backup (12)2.3. block (13)2.4. blog (13)2.5. Book (14)2.6. chat (14)2.7. choice (15)2.8. cohort (15)2.9. course (16)2.10. data (17)2.11. enrol (17)2.12. event (18)2.13. external services (18)2.14. feedback (19)2.15. forum (19)2.16. glossary (20)2.17. grade (21)2.18. group (22)2.19. lesson (22)2.20. portfolio (23)2.21. question (24)2.22. quiz (25)2.23. role (25)2.24. scorm (26)2.25. user (26)2.26. wiki (27)2.27. workshop (28)3. 数据库一览表 (29)3.1. mdl_assign (29)3.2. mdl_assignfeedback_comments (29)3.3. mdl_assignfeedback_file (30)3.4. mdl_assignment (30)3.5. mdl_assignment_submissions (31)3.6. mdl_assignsubmission_file (31)3.7. mdl_assignsubmission_onlinetext (32)3.8. mdl_assign_grades (32)3.9. mdl_assign_plugin_config (32)3.11. mdl_backup_controllers (33)3.12. mdl_backup_courses (34)3.13. mdl_backup_files_template (34)3.14. mdl_backup_ids_template (34)3.15. mdl_backup_logs (35)3.16. mdl_block (35)3.17. mdl_block_community (35)3.18. mdl_block_instances (36)3.19. mdl_block_positions (36)3.20. mdl_block_rss_client (37)3.21. mdl_blog_association (37)3.22. mdl_blog_external (37)3.23. mdl_book (38)3.24. mdl_book_chapters (38)3.25. mdl_cache_filters (39)3.26. mdl_cache_flags (39)3.27. mdl_cache_text (39)3.28. mdl_capabilities (39)3.29. mdl_chat (40)3.30. mdl_chat_messages (40)3.31. mdl_chat_messages_current (41)3.32. mdl_chat_users (41)3.33. mdl_choice (42)3.34. mdl_choice_answers (42)3.35. mdl_choice_options (42)3.36. mdl_cohort (43)3.37. mdl_cohort_members (43)3.38. mdl_comments (43)3.39. mdl_config (44)3.40. mdl_config_log (44)3.41. mdl_config_plugins (45)3.42. mdl_context (45)3.43. mdl_context_temp (45)3.44. mdl_course (45)3.45. mdl_course_categories (46)3.46. mdl_course_completions (47)3.47. mdl_course_completion_aggr_methd (47)3.48. mdl_course_completion_criteria (48)3.49. mdl_course_completion_crit_compl (48)3.50. mdl_course_completion_notify (48)3.51. mdl_course_modules (49)3.52. mdl_course_modules_availability (50)3.53. mdl_course_modules_completion (50)3.55. mdl_course_request (51)3.56. mdl_course_sections (51)3.57. mdl_course_sections_availability (52)3.58. mdl_data (52)3.59. mdl_data_content (53)3.60. mdl_data_fields (54)3.61. mdl_data_records (55)3.62. mdl_enrol (55)3.63. mdl_enrol_authorize (56)3.64. mdl_enrol_authorize_refunds (57)3.65. mdl_enrol_flatfile (57)3.66. mdl_enrol_paypal (57)3.67. mdl_event (58)3.68. mdl_events_handlers (59)3.69. mdl_events_queue (59)3.70. mdl_events_queue_handlers (59)3.71. mdl_external_functions (60)3.72. mdl_external_services (60)3.73. mdl_external_services_functions (60)3.74. mdl_external_services_users (61)3.75. mdl_external_tokens (61)3.76. mdl_feedback (62)3.77. mdl_feedback_completed (62)3.78. mdl_feedback_completedtmp (63)3.79. mdl_feedback_item (63)3.80. mdl_feedback_sitecourse_map (64)3.81. mdl_feedback_template (64)3.82. mdl_feedback_tracking (64)3.83. mdl_feedback_value (65)3.84. mdl_feedback_valuetmp (65)3.85. mdl_files (65)3.86. mdl_files_reference (66)3.87. mdl_filter_active (66)3.88. mdl_filter_config (67)3.89. mdl_folder (67)3.90. mdl_forum (67)3.91. mdl_forum_discussions (68)3.92. mdl_forum_posts (69)3.93. mdl_forum_queue (69)3.94. mdl_forum_read (70)3.95. mdl_forum_subscriptions (70)3.96. mdl_forum_track_prefs (71)3.97. mdl_glossary (71)3.99. mdl_glossary_categories (72)3.100. mdl_glossary_entries (72)3.101. mdl_glossary_entries_categories (73)3.102. mdl_glossary_formats (74)3.103. mdl_grade_categories (74)3.104. mdl_grade_categories_history (75)3.105. mdl_grade_grades (75)3.106. mdl_grade_grades_history (76)3.107. mdl_grade_import_newitem (77)3.108. mdl_grade_import_values (77)3.109. mdl_grade_items (78)3.110. mdl_grade_items_history (79)3.111. mdl_grade_letters (80)3.112. mdl_grade_outcomes (80)3.113. mdl_grade_outcomes_courses (81)3.114. mdl_grade_outcomes_history (81)3.115. mdl_grade_settings (82)3.116. mdl_gradingform_guide_comments (82)3.117. mdl_gradingform_guide_criteria (82)3.118. mdl_gradingform_guide_fillings (83)3.119. mdl_gradingform_rubric_criteria (83)3.120. mdl_gradingform_rubric_fillings (84)3.121. mdl_gradingform_rubric_levels (84)3.122. mdl_grading_areas (84)3.123. mdl_grading_definitions (85)3.124. mdl_grading_instances (85)3.125. mdl_groupings (86)3.126. mdl_groupings_groups (86)3.127. mdl_groups (87)3.128. mdl_groups_members (87)3.129. mdl_imscp (87)3.130. mdl_label (88)3.131. mdl_lesson (88)3.132. mdl_lesson_answers (89)3.133. mdl_lesson_attempts (90)3.134. mdl_lesson_branch (91)3.135. mdl_lesson_grades (91)3.136. mdl_lesson_high_scores (91)3.137. mdl_lesson_pages (92)3.138. mdl_lesson_timer (92)3.139. mdl_license (93)3.140. mdl_log (93)3.141. mdl_log_display (93)3.143. mdl_lti (94)3.144. mdl_lti_submission (95)3.145. mdl_lti_types (96)3.146. mdl_lti_types_config (96)3.147. mdl_message (96)3.148. mdl_message_contacts (97)3.149. mdl_message_processors (97)3.150. mdl_message_providers (98)3.151. mdl_message_read (98)3.152. mdl_message_working (98)3.153. mdl_mnetservice_enrol_courses (99)3.154. mdl_mnetservice_enrol_enrolments (99)3.155. mdl_mnet_application (100)3.156. mdl_mnet_host (100)3.157. mdl_mnet_host2service (101)3.158. mdl_mnet_log (101)3.159. mdl_mnet_remote_rpc (101)3.160. mdl_mnet_remote_service2rpc (102)3.161. mdl_mnet_rpc (102)3.162. mdl_mnet_service (102)3.163. mdl_mnet_service2rpc (103)3.164. mdl_mnet_session (103)3.165. mdl_mnet_sso_access_control (103)3.166. mdl_modules (104)3.167. mdl_my_pages (104)3.168. mdl_page (104)3.169. mdl_portfolio_instance (105)3.170. mdl_portfolio_instance_config (105)3.171. mdl_portfolio_instance_user (106)3.172. mdl_portfolio_log (106)3.173. mdl_portfolio_mahara_queue (106)3.174. mdl_portfolio_tempdata (107)3.175. mdl_post (107)3.176. mdl_profiling (108)3.177. mdl_qtype_essay_options (108)3.178. mdl_question (109)3.179. mdl_question_answers (110)3.180. mdl_question_attempts (110)3.181. mdl_question_attempt_steps (111)3.182. mdl_question_attempt_step_data (111)3.183. mdl_question_calculated (111)3.184. mdl_question_calculated_options (112)3.185. mdl_question_categories (113)3.187. mdl_question_dataset_definitions (113)3.188. mdl_question_dataset_items (114)3.189. mdl_question_hints (114)3.190. mdl_question_match (114)3.191. mdl_question_match_sub (115)3.192. mdl_question_multianswer (115)3.193. mdl_question_multichoice (116)3.194. mdl_question_numerical (116)3.195. mdl_question_numerical_options (117)3.196. mdl_question_numerical_units (117)3.197. mdl_question_randomsamatch (117)3.198. mdl_question_sessions (118)3.199. mdl_question_shortanswer (118)3.200. mdl_question_states (119)3.201. mdl_question_truefalse (119)3.202. mdl_question_usages (119)3.203. mdl_quiz (120)3.204. mdl_quiz_attempts (121)3.205. mdl_quiz_feedback (122)3.206. mdl_quiz_grades (122)3.207. mdl_quiz_overrides (122)3.208. mdl_quiz_overview_regrades (123)3.209. mdl_quiz_question_instances (123)3.210. mdl_quiz_question_response_stats (124)3.211. mdl_quiz_question_statistics (124)3.212. mdl_quiz_reports (125)3.213. mdl_quiz_statistics (125)3.214. mdl_rating (126)3.215. mdl_registration_hubs (126)3.216. mdl_repository (127)3.217. mdl_repository_instances (127)3.218. mdl_repository_instance_config (127)3.219. mdl_resource (128)3.220. mdl_resource_old (128)3.221. mdl_role (129)3.222. mdl_role_allow_assign (129)3.223. mdl_role_allow_override (129)3.224. mdl_role_allow_switch (130)3.225. mdl_role_assignments (130)3.226. mdl_role_capabilities (130)3.227. mdl_role_context_levels (131)3.228. mdl_role_names (131)3.229. mdl_role_sortorder (131)3.231. mdl_scale_history (132)3.232. mdl_scorm (133)3.233. mdl_scorm_aicc_session (134)3.234. mdl_scorm_scoes (134)3.235. mdl_scorm_scoes_data (135)3.236. mdl_scorm_scoes_track (135)3.237. mdl_scorm_seq_mapinfo (135)3.238. mdl_scorm_seq_objective (136)3.239. mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprule (136)3.240. mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprulecond (137)3.241. mdl_scorm_seq_rulecond (137)3.242. mdl_scorm_seq_ruleconds (138)3.243. mdl_sessions (138)3.244. mdl_stats_daily (138)3.245. mdl_stats_monthly (139)3.246. mdl_stats_user_daily (139)3.247. mdl_stats_user_monthly (140)3.248. mdl_stats_user_weekly (140)3.249. mdl_stats_weekly (140)3.250. mdl_survey (141)3.251. mdl_survey_analysis (141)3.252. mdl_survey_answers (142)3.253. mdl_survey_questions (142)3.254. mdl_tag (142)3.255. mdl_tag_correlation (143)3.256. mdl_tag_instance (143)3.257. mdl_timezone (143)3.258. mdl_tool_customlang (144)3.259. mdl_tool_customlang_components (145)3.260. mdl_upgrade_log (145)3.261. mdl_url (145)3.262. mdl_user (146)3.263. mdl_user_enrolments (147)3.264. mdl_user_info_category (148)3.265. mdl_user_info_data (148)3.266. mdl_user_info_field (148)3.267. mdl_user_lastaccess (149)3.268. mdl_user_preferences (149)3.269. mdl_user_private_key (150)3.270. mdl_webdav_locks (150)3.271. mdl_wiki (150)3.272. mdl_wiki_links (151)3.273. mdl_wiki_locks (151)3.275. mdl_wiki_subwikis (152)3.276. mdl_wiki_synonyms (152)3.277. mdl_wiki_versions (153)3.278. mdl_workshop (153)3.279. mdl_workshopallocation_scheduled (154)3.280. mdl_workshopeval_best_settings (155)3.281. mdl_workshopform_accumulative (155)3.282. mdl_workshopform_comments (155)3.283. mdl_workshopform_numerrors (156)3.284. mdl_workshopform_numerrors_map (156)3.285. mdl_workshopform_rubric (157)3.286. mdl_workshopform_rubric_config (157)3.287. mdl_workshopform_rubric_levels (157)3.288. mdl_workshop_aggregations (158)3.289. mdl_workshop_assessments (158)3.290. mdl_workshop_assessments_old (159)3.291. mdl_workshop_comments_old (159)3.292. mdl_workshop_elements_old (160)3.293. mdl_workshop_grades (160)3.294. mdl_workshop_grades_old (161)3.295. mdl_workshop_old (161)3.296. mdl_workshop_rubrics_old (162)3.297. mdl_workshop_stockcomments_old (163)3.298. mdl_workshop_submissions (163)3.299. mdl_workshop_submissions_old (164)1.引言数据库设计是软件系统设计极为重要的一部分。
MOODLE数据库设计说明书编写:白斌审核:批准:修改说明目录1.引言 (7)1.1目的 (7)1.2范围 (7)1.3读者 (8)1.4术语与缩写解释 (8)2.数据库设计说明 (8)2.1 数据库环境说明 (8)2.2 数据库的命名规则 (8)2.3 其他说明 (8)3. 结构设计 (10)3.1概念结构设计 (10)3.2逻辑结构设计 (11)3.3物理结构设计 (11)4. 运用设计 (11)4.1 adodb_logsql (11)4.2 mdl_assignment (11)4.3 mdl_assignmenmdl_submissions (12)4.4 mdl_backup_config (13)4.5 mdl_backup_courses (13)4.6 mdl_backup_files (13)4.7 mdl_backup_ids (13)4.8 mdl_backup_log (14)4.9 mdl_block (14)4.10 mdl_block_instance (14)4.11 mdl_block_pinned (15)4.12 mdl_block_rss_client (15)4.13 mdl_blog_tag_instance (15)4.14 mdl_cache_filters (16)4.15 mdl_cache_text (16)4.16 mdl_capabilities (16)4.17 mdl_chat (16)4.18 mdl_chat_messages (17)4.19 mdl_chat_users (17)4.20 mdl_choice (17)4.21 mdl_choice_answers (18)4.22 mdl_choice_options (18)4.23 mdl_config (18)4.24 mdl_config_plugins (19)4.25 mdl_context (19)4.26 mdl_context_rel (19)4.27 mdl_course (19)4.28 mdl_course_allowed_modules (21)4.29 mdl_course_categories (21)4.30 mdl_course_display (21)4.31 mdl_course_meta (21)4.32 mdl_course_modules (22)4.33 mdl_course_request (22)4.34 mdl_course_sections (22)4.35 mdl_data (23)4.36 mdl_data_comments (23)4.37 mdl_data_content (24)4.38 mdl_data_fields (24)4.39 mdl_data_ratings (25)4.40 mdl_data_records (25)4.41 mdl_enrol_authorize (25)4.42 mdl_enrol_authorize_refunds (26)4.43 mdl_enrol_paypal (26)4.44 mdl_event (27)4.45 mdl_forum (27)4.46 mdl_forum_discussions (28)4.47 mdl_forum_posts (28)4.48 mdl_forum_queue (29)4.49 mdl_forum_ratings (29)4.50 mdl_forum_read (29)4.51 mdl_forum_subscriptions (30)4.52 mdl_forum_track_prefs (30)4.53 mdl_glossary (30)4.54 mdl_glossary_alias (31)4.55 mdl_glossary_categories (31)4.56 mdl_glossary_comments (31)4.57 mdl_glossary_entries (31)4.58 mdl_glossary_entries_categories (32)4.59 mdl_glossary_formats (32)4.60 mdl_glossary_ratings (33)4.61 mdl_grade_category (33)4.62 mdl_grade_exceptions (33)4.63 mdl_grade_item (33)4.64 mdl_grade_letter (34)4.65 mdl_grade_preferences (34)4.66 mdl_groups (34)4.67 mdl_groups_courses_groupings (35)4.69 mdl_groups_groupings (35)4.70 mdl_groups_groupings_groups (36)4.71 mdl_groups_members (36)4.72 mdl_hotpot (36)4.73 mdl_hotpot_attempts (37)4.74 mdl_hotpot_details (37)4.75 mdl_hotpot_questions (37)4.76 mdl_hotpot_responses (38)4.78 mdl_hotpot_strings (38)4.79 mdl_journal (38)4.80 mdl_journal_entries (39)4.81 mdl_label (39)4.82 mdl_lams (39)4.83 mdl_lesson (40)4.84 mdl_lesson_answers (41)4.85 mdl_lesson_attempts (41)4.86 mdl_lesson_branch (41)4.87 mdl_lesson_default (42)4.88 mdl_lesson_grades (43)4.89 mdl_lesson_high_scores (43)4.90 mdl_lesson_pages (43)4.91 mdl_lesson_timer (44)4.92 mdl_log (44)4.93 mdl_log_display (44)4.94 mdl_message (45)4.95 mdl_message_contacts (45)4.96 mdl_message_read (45)4.97 mdl_mnet_enrol_assignments (45)4.98 mdl_mnet_enrol_course (46)4.99 mdl_mnet_host (46)4.100 mdl_mnet_host2service (47)4.101 mdl_mnet_log (47)4.102 mdl_mnet_rpc (47)4.103 mdl_mnet_service (48)4.104 mdl_mnet_service2rpc (48)4.105 mdl_mnet_session (48)4.106 mdl_mnet_sso_access_control (49)4.107 mdl_modules (49)4.108 mdl_post (49)4.109 mdl_question (50)4.110 mdl_question_answers (50)4.111 mdl_question_attempts (51)4.112 mdl_question_calculated (51)4.114 mdl_question_datasets (51)4.115 mdl_question_dataset_definitions (52)4.116 mdl_question_dataset_items (52)4.117 mdl_question_match (52)4.118 mdl_question_match_sub (52)4.119 mdl_question_multianswer (53)4.120 mdl_question_multichoice (53)4.121 mdl_question_numerical (53)4.122 mdl_question_numerical_units (53)4.123 mdl_question_randomsamatch (54)4.124 mdl_question_rqp (54)4.125 mdl_question_rqp_servers (54)4.126 mdl_question_rqp_states (55)4.127 mdl_question_rqp_types (55)4.128 mdl_question_sessions (55)4.129 mdl_question_shortanswer (55)4.130 mdl_question_states (56)4.131 mdl_question_truefalse (56)4.132 mdl_quiz (56)4.133 mdl_quiz_attempts (57)4.134 mdl_quiz_feedback (57)4.135 mdl_quiz_grades (58)4.136 mdl_quiz_question_instances (58)4.137 mdl_quiz_question_versions (58)4.138 mdl_resource (58)4.139 mdl_role (59)4.140 mdl_role_allow_assign (59)4.141 mdl_role_allow_override (59)4.142 mdl_role_assignments (60)4.143 mdl_role_capabilities (60)4.144 mdl_role_names (60)4.145 mdl_scale (61)4.146 mdl_scorm (61)4.147 mdl_scorm_scoes (62)4.148 mdl_scorm_scoes_data (62)4.149 mdl_scorm_scoes_track (62)4.150 mdl_scorm_seq_mapinfo (63)4.151 mdl_scorm_seq_objective (63)4.152 mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprule (63)4.153 mdl_scorm_seq_rolluprulecond (64)4.154 mdl_scorm_seq_rulecond (64)4.155 mdl_scorm_seq_ruleconds (64)4.156 mdl_sessions2 (64)4.158 mdl_stats_monthly (65)4.159 mdl_stats_user_daily (65)4.160 mdl_stats_user_monthly (66)4.161 mdl_stats_user_weekly (66)4.162 mdl_stats_weekly (66)4.163 mdl_survey (67)4.164 mdl_survey_analysis (67)4.165 mdl_survey_answers (67)4.166 mdl_survey_questions (68)4.167 mdl_tags (68)4.168 mdl_timezone (68)4.169 mdl_user (69)4.170 mdl_user_info_category (70)4.171 mdl_user_info_data (70)4.172 mdl_user_info_field (70)4.173 mdl_user_lastaccess (71)4.174 mdl_user_preferences (71)4.175 mdl_wiki (71)4.176 mdl_wiki_entries (72)4.177 mdl_wiki_locks (72)4.178 mdl_wiki_pages (72)4.179 mdl_workshop (73)4.180 mdl_workshop_assessments (74)4.181 mdl_workshop_comments (74)4.182 mdl_workshop_elements (75)4.183 mdl_workshop_grades (75)4.184 mdl_workshop_rubrics (75)4.185 mdl_workshop_stockcomments (75)4.186 mdl_workshop_submissions (76)5. 安全保密设计 (76)6. 优化 (76)7. 数据库管理与维护说明 (77)7.1 控制文件的备份 (77)7.2 检查数据库文件的状态 (77)1.引言数据库设计是软件系统设计极为重要的一部分。
MOODLE功能使用说明目录:第一章资源的添加与呈现 (3)第二章程序教学与测验 (10)第二节测验 (25)第三章BBS与投票 (40)第一节BBS (40)第二节投票 (44)第四章WIKI (46)第一章资源的添加与呈现就可以看到后面的图标:图3-4 图3-6您可以点击上述页面右上角的图3-7该类网页存储在数据库中,而不是存储在文件里,而且能够实现在使用)编辑网页时的绝大部分功能。
Moodle使用手册Moodle使用手册 (1)一.为什么要使用课程管理系统? (1)二.如何进入课程? (3)三.如何更改课程设置? (5)四.如何管理教学资料? (8)五.如何给学生提供学习材料? (10)5.1 打开编辑功能 (10)5.2 提供学习材料 (11)六.如何布置与查看作业? (17)七.如何组织学生讨论与答疑? (22)八.查看成绩 (27)九.运行课程建议 (27)一.为什么要使用课程管理系统?简单地说,课程管理系统(Course Management System,CMS)就是为课程建立,在其上老师可以发布课程大纲、教学计划,以及每堂课的教学容,布置作业,批改作业,公布学生成绩。
Moodle是由澳大利亚教师Martin Dougiamas开发的。
Moodle这个词最初是作为模块化的面向对象的动态学习环境(Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment)的首字母的缩写。
Moodle是一个开源的课程管理系统,是Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment的简称(模块化面向对象动态学习环境的简称)。
Moodle数据字典编写:小东前言The Moodle database has around 200 tables, and can be quite daunting at first sight. Moodle在线教学系统,有大约200多张表,第一次看到这样的场面,心里肯定会打鼓的。
DOCS on :/en/Development:Database_schema_introduction【注释】点击链接可以查看表结构【注释】如果没有特别说明,中文对应的解释是从官网对应位置翻译过来,仅供参考。
Moodle 系统基本结构图表结构详细分析Configuration //参数配置相关•tfmdl_config • tfmdl_config_pluginsUsers and their profiles // 用户相关•tfmdl_user •tfmdl_user_info_category •tfmdl_user_info_data •tfmdl_user_info_field • tfmdl_user_lastaccess基本模块扩展模块 管理系统系统外观用户管理活动、资源语言扩展用户验证个人资料 Moodle 内置 任何人开发的符合标准的主题 内置 作业 | 聊天 | 讨论 | 各种课件 | 各种模式 | 考试 | 扩展的各种标准 内置en_au, 扩展包En_us, zh_cn_tf8等等… 邮箱验证 | LDAP | 其他….. 内置个人博客系统…Mysql(默认) 数据库其他知名数据库…•由于性能上的考虑,将tfmdl_user_lastaccess这张表与user表分开设计,单独成为一张表。
••tfmdl_user_preferences•tfmdl_user_private_keyThe roles and capabilites system //角色和权限系统•tfmdl_role•tfmdl_role_allow_assign•tfmdl_role_allow_override•tfmdl_role_assignments•tfmdl_role_capabilities•tfmdl_role_names•tfmdl_role_sortorderroledefines a role, its name, etc. Other parts of the role definition are stored in therole_capabilities and role_context_levels tables.定义一种角色(含角色名称等等),角色定义的其它详细部分,存放在role_capabilites 和 role_context_levels两张表中。
目前文档有一些简洁 - 最终将会有更好的文档出现!文档中的章节:1.Moodle 体系结构2.您如何参与开发o学习活动o主题风格o语言o数据库模式o课程格式o文档和文章o参与缺陷修正1. Moodle 体系结构从一个系统管理员的角度,Moodle 被设计为遵循以下标准:1.Moodle应该能运行在尽可能广泛的平台上2.3.很多系统上运行的web应用程序平台是PHP和MySQL的结合,这也是Moodle 开发所使用的平台(Linux,Windows, 和 Mac OS X)。
Moodle也使用ADOdb 库作为数据库抽象层,这意味着Moodle 能使用超过10个不同品种的数据库(不幸的是,它还不能初始化表格在所有的这些数据库 - 更多的数据库支持将逐步添加)。
4.5.Moodle 应该是容易安装、学习和修改的6.7.最早的Moodle (1999) 原型使用Zope构建- 一种高级面向对象的web应用服务器。
PHP也非常容易安装(几乎每个平台都有可用的二进制包)并且大多数的主机托管服务作为标准配置提供广泛的PHP 支持。
8.9.它应该容易的进行版本升级10.11.Moodle 知道自己目前的版本 (也同样知道所有插件的版本),同时一个内置的机制确保Moodle 能正常的升级自己到新的版本(例如,它能修改数据库表格或添加新的字段)。
如果您使用Unix下的CVS命令,您可以运行"cvs update -d",然后访问站点的主页来完成升级。
moodle使用手册——教师版目录1. 起步访问网络教室登录修改密码编辑个人资料丢失密码退出系统2. 课程内容作业布置主观作业提交主观作业批改主观作业布置客观作业讨论区创建讨论区使用讨论区关于订阅新帖邮件通知功能3. 其它功能站内短消息发消息读消息第 1 章起步目录访问网络教室登录修改密码编辑个人资料丢失密码退出系统我们使用的网络教室是使用Moodle搭建的。
Moodle(学习管理系统)使用手册目录第一章安装教学 (1)一、Moodle概述 (1)二、Moodle APP获取 (1)三、Moodle APP安装步骤 (1)1、在线安装步骤 (1)2、离线安装步骤 (2)第二章使用教学 (3)一、Moodle使用安装向导 (3)二、Moodle功能介绍 (7)1、网站首页设置 (7)2、建立Moodle账号 (7)3、新建课程类别 (8)4、添加新课程 (9)5、学生选课 (9)6、新建新闻讨论区 (11)7、上传私人文件 (12)三、相关资源 (15)1、Moodle专题讲解 (15)第三章问&答 (16)一、phpmyAdmin登录提示“#2002无法登录MySQL服务器”? (16)二、Moodle为何安装失败? (17)三、Moodle正在安装刷新页面会出现这样的错误? (17)第一章安装教学一、Moodle概述Moodle这个词本是ModularObject-OrientedDynamicLearningEnvironment(模块化面向对象的动态学习环境)的缩写,同时Moodle又是一个动词,用来描述一个循序渐进的过程,一个可以引导学习者不断的洞察和创造的过程。
网上商城购物系统 数据库设计说明书
1.3定义(1)Asp(active server pages)是微软公司推出的一种用以取代CGI的技术,基于目前绝大多数网站应用于windows平台,asp是一个位于windows服务器端的脚本运行环境,通过这种环境,用户可以创建和运行动态的交互式的web服务器应用程序以及EDI(电子数据交换);(2)ADO:ActiveX Data Object, ActiveX 数据对象;(3)SQL:Structured Query Language。
1.4参考资料1、《ASP程序设计及应用》张景峰主编第011903号中国水利水电出版社 2009.12、《数据库原理及其教程(第三版)》黄德才主编第088716号科学出版社 2010.63、《ASP+SQL Server动态网站开发从基础到实践》杨世锡,赵辉编著第377507号电子工业出版社 20054、《ASP+SQL Server项目开发实践》黄雷编著第38854号中国铁道出版社 2006《Dreamweaver 8与ASP动态网站开发自学导航》戎马工作室编著第298301号机5、械工业出版社 20066、《ASP实务经典》林金霖编著 [M].北京:中国铁道出版社,2001,2097、《ASP编程基础与实例》丁贵广编著 [M].北京:机械工业出版社,2002,512.外部设计2.1标识符的状态(1)本系统采用Microsoft SQL Server 2000为基本的开发工具,数据库名称为Shop,其中一共建立了7个表,表名分别为:Admin(后台管理用户表)、Users(用户信息表)、Board (公告信息表)、GoodsType(商品类别表)、Goods(商品信息表)、Basket(购物车表)、Complain(客户投诉表)(2)此表只是暂时使用的,适用于对程序的调试。
Ease Evaluation Using the Best Moodle LearningManagement System with Data Mining Concepts Harry Dhika1, Fitriana Destiawati2, Michael Sonny3, Surajiyo41,2,3,4Indraprasta PGRI University, Jakarta, Indonesia1234Abstract:Education is now integrated with technological developments, especiallydevelopments towards the era of industrial revolution 4.0, this is seen based on the manypopular Learning Management Systems (LMS) including Moodle. Through this study,searching for the best LMS with the concept of data mining uses the Knowledge Discoveryin Database (KDD) method which is applied to students in the Yogyakarta area as many as246 people. Moodle devices that were made were tested and given to schools with attributetesting, used as many as 16 attributes including the appearance of Moodle which wasconsidered interactive or not, speed of application access, features possessed by Moodle tothe user's final conclusion. Evaluation using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)curve and looking at the value graph with Area Under Cover (AUC). Data is processed withRapidminer software with 9 KDD steps. From all data, empirical data testing will beconducted so that a model from Moodle LMS is formed. The results of the study show thatthe accuracy value is above 90%, indicating that the technique of applying data to softwareis categorized very well. So that the main focus in determining LMS is said to be the bestcan be validated and ascertained accurately in calculating data retrieval from teachers,students and school equipment as the object of research.Keywords: learning management system Moodle, mining data, evaluation Moodleknowledge, education, learningINTRODUCTIONThe industrial revolution is now present in our midst, the industrial revolution 4.0(Fatmawati, 2018). Education is a field that is definitely affected and inevitably enters the industrial revolution. On 29 January 2019, the Ministry of Research and Technology has actively conveyed the industrial revolution in the field of education. Ministry of Research and Technology delivered a program of globalization of education and industrial revolution 4.0(Ghufron, 2018). Through this matter, the world of education through e-learning is the main answer. Elearning is one part of the industrial revolution 4.0, (Yustanti & Novita, 2019)developing learning makes teachers, students (Kosasi, 2015) and parents easier in the learning process.The background of this study begins with the need for education for learning in schools(Yunis & Telaumbanua, 2017). At present, with rapid technological developments accompanied by the many gadgets in the school environment and used by every child, it is hoped that it will be used to simply play using gadgets but is used for the purposes of learning and education, the implementation of learning using elearning.The platform used is the learning management system (LMS)(Raharja, Prasojo, Ariyawan, & Nugroho, 2011), evaluating the use of elearning, especially on Moodle. The study was conducted in Yogyakarta Special Region, Moodle LMS became the main study because of itsease and superiority which is very familiar to teachers or students, because moodle is includedin CAL or CAT namely (Computer Assisted Learning + Computer Assisted Teaching), this is a major component in learning and teaching. The design and development of Moodle is driven byCopyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.a philosophy of learning. A way of thinking that a person is in the social development theory (social constructionist education). Some scientists have put forward the idea of "soft educational mumbo jumbo" where one simply uses the mouse to obtain education(Raharja et al., 2011). Moodle or Modular Object Dynamic Learning Environment is a simple web application that is used for online learning, learning to use web pages on a computer or being able to use handsets in a class both planned by first preparing a computer device or directly with an existing device.Entities in moodle can be adapted to needs and not difficult in access settings. Entities made consist of administrators, teachers, students and parents of students. The administrator ensures that there are no problems and prepares all the main systems and configures the moodle, the teacher entity like a teacher, can do the teaching by uploading material documents and making practice questions, the results of the training provide grades or grades that can be used for daily examinations up to semester exam at school. Student entities are objects that do or do the learning process, read material from the teacher and interact with the teacher as befits conventional learning. Students can communicate with the teacher, such as the teacher discussing with other teachers or with the admin. There is also a communication room for students. Students download the material and work on the practice questions provided by the teacher, students can see the material, study it well and be ready to take the scheduled exam prepared by the teacher. The next entity is the parents of students with access to see the value and presence of students who can evaluate learning at home by paying attention to student learning patterns.The importance of measurements to determine the ease of use of LMS Moodle is due to the rapid development of Moodle LMS compared to other LMS. Classes can be done online or offline with a network at school, this is the main point, moodle is very easy to use with a simple and powerful display, moodle can be obtained for free just download it on the moodle web only. This is a very interesting offer with links to industry 4.0.METHODThis research was conducted at several schools in the city of Yogyakarta with a sample of 246 students, teachers, IT staff and some of the parents of students or guardians of students. Processing data using Rapidminer software(RapidMiner, 2014). With the concept of data mining, it is looking at data extraction and finding new data patterns that will be interpreted so as to provide a special pattern that can be used and utilized for the development of Moodle LMS, specifically evaluating and developing for the benefit of the school. The research method uses Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) consisting of 9 stages (Maimon, 2010) with 1. Domain Understanding 2. Selection and Addition 3. Preprocessing: Data Cleaning 4. Transformation, stages 5, 6, and 7. Data Mining 8. Final Evaluation and Interpretation 9. Discovered Knowledge (Visualization and Integration). As in figure 1.After finding and processing data the next activity is to evaluate the data using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and see the value graph using the Under Curve Area (AUC). Like table 1.The data mining algorithm used is the C4.5 decision tree with a very popular classification technique that produces rules. Data in numeric and discrete form can be processed by the C4.5 algorithm, from the generated results there are several missing attributes, this can degenerate according to the pruning decision with the value of gain and the entropy value. All rules are very easy to understand and interpret quickly compared to other algorithms. Speed and time given are very short in processing large data.In calculating the C4.5 algorithm (Sugianto, 2015)(Phadikar, Sil, & Das, 2013) there are stages including:1.Preparing data to be processed with the available number of 246 records2.Determine the value of entropy with the formula: (1)Information:S = set of casesn = number of partitions Spi = the proportion of Si to S3.Calculate the Gain value as follows: (2)Information:S = set of casesA = featuren = the number of partitions of attribute A│S i│ = the proportion of Si to S│S│ = number of cases in S4.Next do the repetition in step 2 until all processes are completed5.The process will stop when:a.All records in node N will have the same classb.There are no records that can be counted and partitioned againc.In the branch there is no recordTable 1. Confusion Matrix Model(Milinković & Maksimović, 2013; Zareiforoush, Minaei, Alizadeh,Banakar, & Samani, 2016)Correct ClassificationClassified as+ -+ True Positive False Negative - False Positive True NegativeFigure. 1. Knowledge Discovery in Database (Maimon, 2010)RESULT S AND DISCUSSIONThe design carried out with the Rapidminer 5.3(RapidMiner, 2014) application, there are several attributes that are used as follows: Label Final Qualification Binominal mode = Good (231), least= Bad (14) Good (231), Bad (14)Regular Display Polynominal mode = Interactive (114), least = Interactive enough (49) Interactive (114), Lessinteractive (82),Interactive enough (49)Regular Speed Binominal mode = 0-10 sec (189), least = 10-20 sec (56) 0-10 sec (189), 10-20 sec(56)Regular Feature Binominal mode = Complete (189), least = Incomplete (56) Complete (189),Incomplete (56)Regular Mobile Support Binominal mode = Support (169),least = Does not support (76) Support (169), Does notsupport (76)Regular Supports Multiple Formats Binominal mode = Many Formats (222), least = Not toomuch (23) Many Formats (222), Nottoo much (23)Regular Management Module Binominal mode = There is (203), least = Not much (42) There is (203), Not much(42)Regular Support Assignment Binominal mode = There is (171), least = There is no (74) There is (171), There is no(74)Regular Internal Communication Binominal mode = Support (239),least = Does not support (6) Support (239), Does notsupport (6) Regular Learning Catalog Binominal mode = There isInteractive (185), least = Not interactive (60) There is interactive (185),Not interactive (60)Regular Tracking Learning Activities Polynominal mode = There is (143), least = There is no (48) There is (143), There is no(48), Not known (54)Regular Assessment Binominal mode = Flexible (204),least = Inflexible (41)Flexible (204), Inflexible(41)Regular Reporting System Binominal mode = There and easy(201), least = There anddifficult (44)There and easy (201),There and difficult (44)Regular Security Binominal mode = Available (242),least = Not available (3)Available (242), Notavailable (3)Regular Webinar Binominal mode = Support (189),least = Not Supported yet(56)Support (189), NotSupported yet (56)Regular Infographics Binominal mode = Available (245),least = Available (245)Available (245)The data sample used including the label is 246 records. The entire data is broken down into two parts training and testing with training composition of 80% and testing by 20%. All training data will be tested and testing data used to test training data that has produced a decision tree model.The calculation produces the decision tree as follows:Figure. 2. Result Decision treeWith the definition as follows:Display = Quite Interactive: Good {Good = 45, Bad = 4}Display = Interactive| Speed = 0-10 seconds| | Rating = Flexible: Good {Good = 54, Bad = 12}| | Rating = Not flexible| | | Learning Catalog = There is Interactive| | | | Module Management = Yes| | | | | Support Assignment = Yes: Good {Good = 2, Bad = 0}| | | | | Support Assignment = None: Bad {Good = 0, Bad = 3}| | | | Module Management = Not Much: Bad {Good = 0, Bad = 5}| | | Learning Catalog = Not Interactive: Good {Good = 2, Bad = 0} | Speed = 10-20 seconds: Bad {Good = 3, Bad = 33}Display = Not Interactive: Good {Good = 75, Bad = 7}Has conditions:∙IF Display = Simply Interactive THEN Good.∙IF Display = Interactive THEN IF Speed = 0 - 10 seconds THEN IF Flexible Rating THEN Good.∙IF Display = Interactive THEN IF Speed = 0 - 10 seconds THEN IF Assessment Not Flexible THEN IF Learning Catalog = There is Interactive THEN IF Management Module = THEN IF Supports Assignment = There is a Good THEN.∙IF Display = Interactive THEN IF Speed = 0 - 10 seconds THEN IF Assessment Not Flexible THEN IF Learning Catalog = There is Interactive THEN IF Management Module = THEN IF Supports Assignment = No THEN Not Good.∙IF Display = Interactive THEN IF Speed = 0 - 10 seconds THEN IF Rating Not Flexible THEN IF Learning Catalog = There is Interactive THEN IF Management Module = Less Much THEN Less Good.∙IF Display = Interactive THEN IF Speed = 0 - 10 seconds THEN IF Rating Not Flexible THEN IF Learning Catalog = Not Interactive THEN Good.∙IF Display = Interactive THEN IF Speed = 10 - 20 seconds THEN IF Flexible Rating THEN Poor.∙IF Display = Less Interactive THEN Good.The accuracy measurement results for the evaluation data are as follows:PerformanceVector:accuracy: 93.90% +/- 3.29% (micro: 93.88%)ConfusionMatrix:True: Good BadGood: 225 9Bad: 6 5precision: 45.45% (positive class: Bad)ConfusionMatrix:True: Good BadGood: 225 9Bad: 6 5recall: 40.00% +/- 48.99% (micro: 35.71%) (positive class: Bad) ConfusionMatrix:True: Good BadGood: 225 9Bad: 6 5AUC (optimistic): 1.000 +/- 0.000 (micro: 1.000) (positive class: Bad)AUC: 0.961 +/- 0.030 (micro: 0.961) (positive class: Bad)AUC (pessimistic): 0.922 +/- 0.061 (micro: 0.922) (positiveclass: Bad)The results of the measurement of data classification with an accuracy rate of 93% or 0.93 are included in the following groups which are classified as very good (Gorunescu, 2011; Nancy Jane, Khanna Nehemiah, & Arputharaj, 2016).a. 0.90-1.00 = classification is very goodb. 0.80-0.90 = good classificationc. 0.70-0.80 = enough classificationd. 0.60-0.70 = bad classificatione. 0.50-0.60 = wrong classificationThe measurement results use the ROC curve as follows:Figure. 3. Result Area Under Curve(AUC) OptimisticFigure. 4. Result Area Under Curve(AUC) Positive ClassFigure. 5. Result Area Under Curve(AUC) Pessimistic ClassFigure. 6. Moodle DashboardIn figure 3. Determining the value of the Optimistic Under Curve Area, with optimistic values reaching 0.9 and on a scale of 1 maximum. Figure 4. shows the AUC Positive class value up to 0.961 giving information that the classification is very good with a constant graph leading and focusing on the top of the graph section, a positive plot case before seeing the Negative example. Figure 5. Shows the Pessimistic Class value in the case of a negative plot before seeing a positive example produced. All prediction sequencing is done to determine the bestvalue of the AUC Optimistic and Pessimistic average.CONCLUSIONThis study discusses the evaluation of the ease of using LMS Moodle in Senior High Schools in Yogyakarta, where moodle is a LMS that is very widely used and powerful, for that it obtained satisfactory results in this study namely the accuracy of data up to 93% with 246 data including labels and 16 attributes that are not related to each other. The method used is 9 steps KDD, evaluation using the ROC curve and measuring data precision and accuracy of the data, with high data precision values and high accuracy 93%, it can be concluded that the classification category is very good.REFERENCESFatmawati, E. (2018). Disruptif diri pustakawan dalam menghadapi era revolusi industri 4.0.Iqra’, 12(01), 1–13. Retrieved from, M. A. (2018). Revolusi industri 4.0: Tantangan, Peluang dan Solusi Bagi Dunia Pendidikan. 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参考文献无1.4术语与缩写解释2.数据库设计说明2.1 数据库环境说明本系统采用mysql5.0数据库服务器。
2.2 数据库的命名规则1.数据库表名以t开头加_加上具体实体名,如果有实体操作分类,即mdl_实体名_类型,例如mdl_project _stat,表示此表是基于project的基础上统计表。
2.3 其他说明数据库操作工具使用sqlyogent,其主画面如下:3. 结构设计3.1概念结构设计3.2逻辑结构设计3.3物理结构设计本数据库为独立数据库结构,未升级进行服务器及数据集群配置。
4. 运用设计为了更好地对数据进行查询统计,使用户可以将新的字段或数据表加进系统中,并及时的收集、整理数据,本系统建立了数据字典,用来对数据进行管理。
4.1 adodb_logsql描述:sql执行记录表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 created 创建时间datetime3 sql0 SQL语句varchar 2504 sql1 执行内容text 655355 params 参数text 655356 tracer 执行记录text 655357 timer 执行时间decimal 16,6 0.000000 4.2 mdl_assignment描述:作业资料表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id ID bigint 19,02 course 课程ID bigint 19,03 name 作业名称varchar 2554 description 作业描述text 655355 format 格式smallint 5,06 assignmenttype 作业类型varchar 507 resubmit 是否允许学生删除作业tinyint 3,08 preventlate 是否禁止迟交tinyint 3,09 emailteachers 是否使用 E-mail 提醒教师tinyint 3,010 var1 允许上传文件的最大数目bigint 19,011 var2 是否允许备注bigint 19,012 var3 在作业开始提交前隐藏作业说明bigint 19,013 var4 是否发送评分请求bigint 19,014 var5 bigint 19,015 maxbytes 上传文件大小限制bigint 19,0 10000016 timedue 截止时间bigint 19,017 timeavailable 开始时间bigint 19,018 grade 成绩bigint 19,019 timemodified 修改时间bigint 19,04.3 mdl_assignmenmdl_submissions描述:提交的作业序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id ID bigint 19,02 assignment 作业ID bigint 19,03 userid 用户ID bigint 19,04 timecreated 作业创建时间bigint 19,05 timemodified 作业提交时间bigint 19,06 numfiles 上传文件个数,0好像是允许多个bigint 19,07 data1 作业信息text 655358 data2 作业是否提交的相关信息text 655359 grade 成绩bigint 19,010 submissioncomment 作业评论text 6553511 format 格式smallint 5,012 teacher 老师ID bigint 19,013 timemarked 打分时间bigint 19,014 mailed 是否发送 E-mail 通知作业回复情况tinyint 3,04.4 mdl_backup_config描述:配置备份表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 name 备份名称varchar 2553 value 备份值varchar 2554.5 mdl_backup_courses描述:课程备份表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 courseid 课程ID bigint 19,03 laststarttime 最近开始时间bigint 19,04 lastendtime 最后结束时间bigint 19,05 laststatus 最后的状态varchar 16 nextstarttime 下一个开始时间bigint 19,04.6 mdl_backup_files描述:文件备份表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 backup_code 备份代码bigint 19,03 file_type 文件类型varchar 104 path 备份路径varchar 2555 old_id 原文件ID bigint 19,06 new_id 新的文件ID bigint 19,04.7 mdl_backup_ids描述:标识备份表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 backup_code 备份代码bigint 19,03 table_name 表名varchar 304 old_id 原ID bigint 19,05 new_id 新的ID bigint 19,06 info 备份信息mediumtext 167772154.8 mdl_backup_log描述:日志备份表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 courseid 课程ID bigint 19,03 time 创建时间bigint 19,04 laststarttime 最后开始时间bigint 19,05 info 备份信息说明varchar 2554.9 mdl_block描述:版块表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 name 动作名称varchar 403 version 版本bigint 19,04 cron 是否计划任务bigint 19,05 lastcron 最近一次执行bigint 19,06 visible 是否可见tinyint 3,0 17 multiple 多个tinyint 3,04.10 mdl_block_instance描述:版块实例表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 blockid 动作ID bigint 19,03 pageid 页面ID bigint 19,04 pagetype 页码类型varchar 205 position 定位varchar 106 weight 加权smallint 5,07 visible 是否可见tinyint 3,08 configdata 配置数据内容text 655354.11 mdl_block_pinned描述:固定版块表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 blockid 动作ID bigint 19,03 pagetype 页码类型varchar 204 position 位置varchar 105 weight 加权smallint 5,06 visible 是否可见tinyint 3,07 configdata 配置数据text 655354.12 mdl_block_rss_client描述:版块RSS客户端表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 userid 用户ID bigint 19,03 title 标题text 655354 preferredtitle 首先标题varchar 645 description 描述text 655356 shared 是否分享tinyint 3,07 url 分享地址varchar 2554.13 mdl_blog_tag_instance描述:版块标签实例表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 entryid 条目ID bigint 19,03 tagid 标签ID bigint 19,04 groupid 群组ID bigint 19,05 courseid 课程ID bigint 19,06 userid 用户ID bigint 19,07 timemodified 编辑时间bigint 19,04.14 mdl_cache_filters描述:缓存过滤表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 filter 过滤器名varchar 323 version 版本bigint 19,04 md5key MD5加密密钥varchar 325 rawtext 原内容text 655356 timemodified 编辑时间bigint 19,04.15 mdl_cache_text描述:缓存文本表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 md5key MD5加密密钥varchar 323 formattedtext 格式化后的内容longtext 42949672954 timemodified 编辑时间bigint 19,04.16 mdl_capabilities描述:能力表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 name 名称varchar 2553 captype 能力类型varchar 504 contextlevel 权限级别bigint 19,05 component 组件varchar 1006 riskbitmask bigint 19,04.17 mdl_chat描述:聊天室序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 course 课程ID bigint 19,03 name 聊天室名varchar 2554 intro 简介text 655355 keepdays 保持天数bigint 19,06 studentlogs 每个人都可以查看过去的会话smallint 5,07 chattime 聊天时间bigint 19,08 schedule 附表smallint 5,09 timemodified 编辑时间bigint 19,04.18 mdl_chat_messages描述:聊天信息表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 chatid 聊天对话ID bigint 19,03 userid 用户ID bigint 19,04 groupid 群组ID bigint 19,05 system 系统标志位tinyint 3,06 message 信息内容text 655357 timestamp 编辑时间bigint 19,04.19 mdl_chat_users描述:聊天用户表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 chatid 聊天对话ID bigint 19,03 userid 用户ID bigint 19,04 groupid 群组ID bigint 19,05 version 版本varchar 166 ip IP地址varchar 157 firstping 第一次发送的IP地址bigint 19,08 lastping 最后一次发送的IP地址bigint 19,09 lastmessageping 最后一次发送信息的IP地址bigint 19,010 sid 发送varchar 3211 course 课程ID bigint 19,012 lang 语言类型varchar 304.20 mdl_choice描述:投票信息表1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 course 课程ID bigint 19,03 name 投票名称varchar 2554 text 详细内容text 655355 format 是否格式化tinyint 3,06 publish 公布结果tinyint 3,07 showresults 是否显示结果tinyint 3,08 display 是否显示smallint 5,09 allowupdate 是否允许修改投票tinyint 3,010 showunanswered 是否显示未回答的选项tinyint 3,011 limitanswers 是否限制回答tinyint 3,012 timeopen 打开投票时间bigint 19,013 timeclose 关闭时间bigint 19,014 timemodified 编辑时间bigint 19,04.21 mdl_choice_answers描述:投票回答记录表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 choiceid 投票ID bigint 19,03 userid 用户ID bigint 19,04 optionid 选项ID bigint 19,05 timemodified 编辑时间bigint 19,04.22 mdl_choice_options描述:投票选项表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 choiceid 投票ID bigint 19,03 text 投票内容说明text 655354 maxanswers 课程的最大问题数bigint 19,05 timemodified 编辑时间bigint 19,04.23 mdl_config描述:配置表1 id ID bigint 19,02 name 参数名称varchar 2553 value 值text 655354.24 mdl_config_plugins描述:插件配置表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id ID bigint 19,02 plugin 插件名称varchar 100 core3 name 参数名称varchar 1004 value 值text 655354.25 mdl_context描述:正文级别与事例对应表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 contextlevel 指明是哪一种:用户,课程,模块,还是系统......,bigint 19,0 否03 instanceid 事件ID bigint 19,0 否04 path 路径varchar 2555 depth 深度tinyint 2 否04.26 mdl_context_rel描述:权限关系表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 c1 正文ID1 bigint 19,0 否3 c2 正文ID2 bigint 19,0 否4.27 mdl_course描述:课程设置序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 课程ID bigint 19,02 category 课程分类ID bigint 19,03 sortorder 排序编号bigint 19,04 password 选课密码varchar 505 fullname 课程名全称varchar 2546 shortname 课程名简称varchar 1007 idnumber 课程编码ID varchar 1008 summary 课程概要text 655359 format 课程格式varchar 10 topics10 showgrades 是否显示成绩tinyint 3,0 111 modinfo 课程页显示的相关功能模块代码信息longtext 429496729512 newsitems 显示的新闻条目数mediumint 7,0 113 teacher 指定编辑权限教师varchar 100 Teacher14 teachers 无编辑权限教师varchar 100 Teachers15 student 指定编辑权限学生varchar 100 Student16 students 无编辑权限学生varchar 100 Students17 guest 是否允许访客进入课程tinyint 3,018 startdate 课程开始时间bigint 19,019 enrolperiod 选课时间限制天数bigint 19,020 numsections 星期/主题的数目mediumint 7,0 121 marker 课程标记bigint 19,022 maxbytes 最大上传文件bigint 19,023 showreports 是否显示活动报表smallint 5,024 visible 课程有效性,是否允许学生学习tinyint 3,0 125 hiddensections 隐藏的课程内容模块的方式tinyint 3,026 groupmode 小组模式smallint 5,027 groupmodeforce 强制小组模式smallint 5,028 lang 指定课程语言类型varchar 3029 theme 主题varchar 5030 cost 课程费用varchar 1031 currency 费用货币单位varchar 3 USD32 timecreated 课程创建时间bigint 19,033 timemodified 课程修改时间bigint 19,034 metacourse 该课程是元课程么tinyint 3,035 requested 申请tinyint 3,036 restrictmodules 是否限制模块tinyint 3,037 expirynotify 选课期满通告,是否启用通告tinyint 3,038 expirythreshold 课程到期后期限bigint 19,039 notifystudents 选课期满通告,是否提醒学生tinyint 3,040 enrollable 课程是否可以被选修tinyint 3,0 141 enrolstartdate 选课开始时间bigint 19,042 enrolenddate 选课结束时间bigint 19,043 enrol 选课设置选课插件varchar 2044 defaultrole 选课设置默认角色bigint 19,04.28 mdl_course_allowed_modules描述:课程允许的模块序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id ID bigint 19,02 course 课程ID bigint 19,03 module 模块ID bigint 19,04.29 mdl_course_categories描述:课程分类序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 分类ID bigint 19,02 name 类别名称varchar 2553 description 类别描述text 655354 parent 父类别bigint 19,05 sortorder 排序编号bigint 19,06 coursecount 此类别里的课程数bigint 19,07 visible 是否可见tinyint 3,0 18 timemodified 编辑时间bigint 19,09 depth 分类深度,即几级分类bigint 19,010 path 分类路径varchar 2554.30 mdl_course_display描述:课程显示关系表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 course 课程ID bigint 19,03 userid 用户ID bigint 19,04 display 是否显示bigint 19,04.31 mdl_course_meta描述:课程关系表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 Parent_course 上一级课程bigint 19,03 child_course 子课程bigint 19,04.32 mdl_course_modules描述:课程模块序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id ID bigint 19,02 course 课程ID bigint 19,03 module 模块ID bigint 19,04 instance 此模块的第几个例子的ID bigint 19,05 section 章节ID bigint 19,06 added 添加时间bigint 19,07 score 成绩分数smallint 5,08 indent 缩进mediumint 7,09 visible 是否可见tinyint 3,0 110 visibleold tinyint 3,0 111 groupmode 小组模式smallint 5,04.33 mdl_course_request描述:课程请求表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 fullname 完整名字varchar 2543 shortname 短名字varchar 154 summary 摘要text 655355 reason 原因text 655356 requester 申请者bigint 19,07 password 密码varchar 504.34 mdl_course_sections描述:课程章节序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 course 课程ID bigint 19,03 section 章节ID bigint 19,04 summary 章节描述text 655355 sequence 章节里资源活动的排序text 655356 visible 章节是否可见tinyint 3,0 1 4.35 mdl_data描述:MOODLE数据配置表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 course 课程ID bigint 19,03 name 名称varchar 2554 intro 简介text 655355 comments 是否开通评论smallint 5,06 timeavailablefrom 从什么时间开始bigint 19,07 timeavailableto 到什么时间bigint 19,08 timeviewfrom 查看开始时间bigint 19,09 timeviewto 查看到什么时间bigint 19,010 requiredentries 所需条目int 10,011 requiredentriestoview 所需查阅的条目int 10,012 maxentries 最大条目int 10,013 rssarticles RSS文章条目smallint 5,014 singletemplate 单模板text 6553515 listtemplate 列表模板text 6553516 listtemplateheader 列表模板头部text 6553517 listtemplatefooter 列表模板底部text 6553518 addtemplate 增加模板text 6553519 rsstemplate Rss模板text 6553520 rsstitletemplate Rss标题模板text 6553521 csstemplate Css模板text 6553522 jstemplate Js模板text 6553523 approval 批准标志smallint 5,024 scale 规模bigint 19,025 assessed 评估bigint 19,026 defaultsort 默认排序bigint 19,027 defaultsortdir 默认排序目录smallint 5,028 editany 编辑任何smallint 5,0 4.36 mdl_data_comments描述:数据评论表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 userid 用户ID bigint 19,03 recordid 记录ID bigint 19,04 content 内容text 655355 format 格式化标志tinyint 3,06 created 创建者bigint 19,07 modified 编辑者bigint 19,04.37 mdl_data_content描述:数据内容表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 fieldid 字段ID bigint 19,03 recordid 记录ID bigint 19,04 content 内容0 longtext 42949672955 content1 内容1 longtext 42949672956 content2 内容2 longtext 42949672957 content3 内容3 longtext 42949672958 content4 内容4 longtext 42949672954.38 mdl_data_fields描述:数据字段表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 dataid 数据ID,data表bigint 19,03 type 字段类型varchar 2554 name 字段名称varchar 2555 description 字段描述text 655356 param1 参数1 text 655357 param2 参数2 text 655358 param3 参数3 text 655359 param4 参数4 text 6553510 param5 参数5 text 6553511 param6 参数6 text 6553512 param7 参数7 text 6553513 param8 参数8 text 6553514 param9 参数9 text 6553515 param10 参数10 text 655354.39 mdl_data_ratings描述:数据评分表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 userid 用户ID bigint 19,03 recordid 记录ID bigint 19,04 rating 等级/成绩bigint 19,04.40 mdl_data_records描述:数据记录表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 userid 用户ID bigint 19,03 groupid 分组ID bigint 19,04 dataid 数据ID bigint 19,05 timecreated 创建时间bigint 19,06 timemodified 编辑时间bigint 19,07 approved 批准标志smallint 5,04.41 mdl_enrol_authorize描述:登记授权表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 paymentmethod 支付方式enum 6 cc3 refundinfo 退款信息smallint 5,04 ccname 抄送名称varchar 2555 courseid 课程ID bigint 19,06 userid 用户ID bigint 19,07 transid 传输ID值bigint 19,08 status 状态bigint 19,09 timecreated 创建时间bigint 19,010 settletime 停留时间bigint 19,011 amount 金额varchar 1012 currency 货币类型varchar 3 USD4.42 mdl_enrol_authorize_refunds描述:退款表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量编号bigint 19,02 orderid 订单ID bigint 19,03 status 状态tinyint 3,04 amount 金额varchar 105 transid 传输ID bigint 19,06 settletime 停留时间bigint 19,04.43 mdl_enrol_paypal描述:贝宝支付表序号字段名称字段描述字段类型长度允许空缺省值1 id 自增量ID bigint 19,02 business 收款人varchar 2553 receiver_email 收款人(即商家)的主要邮件地址varchar 2554 receiver_id 收款人(即商家)的唯一账户号。