大型的金字塔一般建于约公元前2664~前2180 年,在古埃及之都孟菲斯之北不远的吉萨、塞加拉、拉苏尔,梅杜姆以及阿布西尔等地都有大量的遗址。
这组金字塔共有3 座,分别为古埃及第四王朝的第二代法老胡夫、第四代法老卡夫勒和第六代法老孟考勒所建。
参考文献:[1] 郑晓云. 文化认同与文化变迁[M]. 北京:中国社会科学出版社,1993.[2] 马克思,恩格斯. 马克思恩格斯选集(第四卷)[M]. 北京:人民出版社, 1972.[3] 伊迪丝·汉密尔顿. 希腊方式—通向西方文明的源泉 [M]. 杭州:浙江人民出版社,1988.[4] W. Fleming. Arts and Ideas [M]. New York, 1968.[5] 陈乐民,周弘. 欧洲文明扩张史[M]. 北京:东方出版中心,1999.[6] Anthony Pagden. The Idea of Europe [M]. Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Cambridge University Press. U.K. 2002.[7] 惠一鸣. 欧洲联盟发展史(上). 北京:中国社会科学出版社,2003年第1版.。
欧洲文明 论文
![欧洲文明 论文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6164016225c52cc58bd6be20.png)
European Civilization Colourful Roman civilization班级:卓法12—1姓名:***学号:************字数统计:655“W o rl d h as a l ot o f b e au t i fu l wo r ds, on l y o n e w or d,p e opl e d o no t f i ght f o r i t, a nd i t l o c at es i n t h at po si t i o n q ui et l y w h i ch i s n ot s o b r i ght, l e av i n g i t t o t h at onl y c i t y. T he wo r d c al l e d gr e a t, t h e ci t y i s c al l e d “R o m e”.T hi s s e nt en c e d es cr i be s R om e wh i c h i s w ri t t en b y a f a m o us C hi nes e w ri t e r. Ex a c t l y,R om e i s a gl o r i o us c i t y a n d i t l e av e s m a n y v a l u abl e t h i n gs t h at w or t h l ea r ni n g. T h e m os t r e p r es e nt at i v e i s R o m an ci v i l i z at i o n.R om an ci v i l i z at i o n o ri gi n at e d i n It a l y,5t h c en t u r y B C G r e ek c l as si c al c ul t u r e w as hi gh l y p r os p e ro us w he n t he R om a n c i vi l i z a t i o n w as a ci t y-s t a t e j us t e nt e red. W i t h R om an’s ex p a ns i o n, t h e i n fl u e n c e o f t h e R o m an c ul t u r e w as i nc r e as i n g.C l a s s i c a l R om an c ul t u r e i s an i m po rt a nt p ar t o f w e s t e r n cul t u r e. W h e t h e r i n a r c hi t ec t u r e,r e l i gi o n, s ci e n ce, phi l os op h y,o r i n l i t e r at u re, a rt a n d ot h er as p ec t s o f Gr e e k cu l t ur e ca n b e s e en t h e i m p a c t an d i m p ri nt,i t i s c ont i n u at i on a n d d e ve l o p m ent o f G re e k cu l t u re, but i t's a c hi ev em e nt s i n t h es e a r ea s ar e m o re t h an G r ee c e e d ge.It i s s a i d t ha t“R om e W as n’t B ui l t i n a D a y”,w h i ch m e ans s u c c es s r e q ui r es a l on g-t e rm a cc um ul at i o n and e f fo rt s.E a r l y R o m ans w as a n a gri c ul t u r al n at i o n, i n a v e r y l o n g t i m e, t h e y h a v e m a i nt ai n ed an un s o phi s t i c a t e d,di l i ge nt a nd p r a gm at i c fol k. R e pu bl i c an e a rl y R om an’s l i fe w as s a vi n g an d not ex t r a v a ga nt; p e op l e w er e si m pl y d r e s s ed, e at i n g s i m pl e.In R om e, u n de r t h e i n fl u e n c e o f t h e na t i on a l s pi ri t, m ode s t y h a s b e com e t h e m o st i m p or t ant f e at u r e o f R om a n cu l t ur e.As t h e R om a n i n fl u en c e i s v e r y p r om i n en t on po l i t y,t h e d e ve l op m ent an d i m p r ove m e nt o f c u l t u r al i s al s o ob vi ou s, R om a n s oc i et y h a s gon e t h ro u gh t h e m on a r ch y e r a, t h e R e pu bl i c an e r a a nd t h e e r a o f Em pi re s t h r e e s t a ges.Th e r ef o r e, t h e po l i t i c a l p r a ct i ce o f t h e R om an s,ha s a dd e d m a n y n e w el e m e nt s t o t h e W es t er n p ol i t i c al t r adi t i on. B e s i d es, R om an h as h i gh er a c hi e v em en t o n t h e c on c ep t o f st a t e,r ul ed s u r ge r y,l e ga l, en gi n e er i n g a nd ot h er as p e ct s o f m i l i t a r y t e c hn ol o g y;a d v o ca t e d p er s ev e r an c e, o b edi e n c e,r e s p on s i bi l i t y, m o ra l i t y a m o n g c i t i z e ns.R om a n cul t ur e h as pl a ye d a v i t a l ro l e i n d e v el opm e nt.In t h e na t u r al s ci en c e s, t h e R om an na t i on h as a s t ro n g p r a ct i ca l s pi ri t of s c i e nt i f i c r at i o n al i t y,w hi c h s ho ul d c ons i s t s o f t wo a s p e ct s:fi rs t,m aki n g a n ci en t Gr e e k kn o wl ed ge b e i nt e gra t e d, a s w e l l as a m a s t e r o f t h e k no wl e d ge s ys t e m; S e c on d, f oc us i n g o n t h e s c i e nt i f i c k no wl e d ge t o pr od u ct i on a nd pr a c t i c es, t he r e b y c r e a t i n gt h e wo rl d's m ost h i ghl y d e v el o p ed p r od u ct i v e fo r c es.R om a ns e m ph as i s e d o n pr a c t i c al i t y,c l os el y r e l a t ed wi t h p e op l e's a gr o n om y,a r ch i t ec t ur e, m i l i t a r y,m e d i ca l, s u r v e yi n g a n d ot h e r p r a ct i ca l s ci e n ce an d t e c hn ol o g y h a s b e e n d e v el o p ed i n R om e, a nd m a d e gr e at a ch i e ve m e nt s. R om e’s pr a c t i c al an d t e c hno l o gi c al d e v el opm e nt i n agr i c ul t u r e w a s t he m os t p rom i n en t a n ci e nt w e st e r n pe r f or m an ce.Well, as far as I am concerned, I am interested in the part of law. In “the History of Rome” this book, it refers to law, and I get to know that Civil Law comes from jus civile of Roman law. Jus civile is in terms relative to the jus gentium, it is mainly to adjust the relationship between Roman citizens and foreigners, but when the Justinian compiled "Corpus Juris Civilis", the two laws have combined. Throughout the Civil Laws, Civil Law this word has multiple meanings, and it need to be distinguished. Civil Code and general provisions of the Civil Law, Civil Code has two forms, one is Romanesque. Jurist Roman Gaius came up with Romanesque in his book "Institutiones", Emperor Justinian adopted this form, and divided it into civil law, property law and procedural law. Famous German jurist Jhering said: "Rome had conquered the world three times, the first time is the use of force, the second is religion, and the third is law."Roman civilization is so abundant and profound that all human beings benefit from it; it is really enormous precious wealth.Reference:1.YuQiu yu, 《行者无疆》,华艺出版社,20012.Mommse n·T, the History of Rome, 商务印书馆,20053.Gaius, Institutiones, 中国政法大学出版社,2008。
“西方文明史”期末考查期末采用大作业形式进行考查,分两部分:I. 这学期你选修这门课的主要收获;II.在以下题目中,任选一题写一篇短论:1,为什么许多西方人心怀“古希腊情结”?2,为什么说美是古希腊文化的最高理想?3,中世纪是黑暗时代吗?4,试就古希腊艺术与中世纪艺术做一对比,并分析导致其不同面貌的原因。
5,文艺复兴为什么可以说是思想文化领域内的一场“哥白尼革命”?6,如何理解法国哲学家笛卡尔提出的“I think, therefore I am”?7,谈谈你对自由的理解。
欧洲文化入门期末论文Renaissance in ItalyThe word Renaissance is a French word meaning new birth, a name given to the movement in Europe that inspired men to abandon the restraints of the Middle Ages and to develop modern interests, enthusiasm and ideals. Its most noted feature was the Revival of Learning, an awakening of mind and a thirst after the new knowledge.Key words: Italian Renaissance background humanism New Literature Renaissance Art1.BackgroundIn the 12th century, a rediscovery of Greek and Roman literature occurred across Europe that eventually led to the development of the humanist movement in the 14th century. In addition to emphasizing Greek and Latin scholarship, humanists believed that each individual had significance within society. The growth of an interest in humanism led to the changes in the arts and sciences that form common conceptions of the Renaissance.The 14th century through the 16th century was a period of economic flux in Europe, the most extensive changes took place in Italy. After the death of Frederick II in 1250, emperors lost power in Italy and throughout Europe, none of Frederick's successors equaled him. Power fell instead into the hands of various popes; after the Great Schism (1378–1415; see Schism, Great), when three popes held power simultaneously, control returned to secular rulers.During the Renaissance small Italian republics developed into despotisms as the centers of power moved from the landed estates to the cities. Europe itself slowly developed into groupsof self-sufficient compartments. At the height of the Renaissance there were five major city-states in Italy: the combined state of Naples and Sicily, the Papal State, Florence, Milan, and Venice. Italy's economic growth is best exemplified in the development of strong banks, most notably the Medici bank of Florence. England, France, and Spain also began to develop economically based class systems.2.HumanismHumanism is the keynote of Renaissance.Renaissance humanism was an activity of cultural and educational reform engaged by scholars, writers, and civic leaders who are today known as Renaissance humanists. It developed during the fourteenth and the beginning of the fifteenth centuries, and was a response to the challenge of medieval scholastic education, emphasizing practical, pre-professional and pre-scientific studies. The main centers of humanism were Florence and Naples.2.1 The main content of humanism2.1.1Man is the measure of all things, man-centered culture .It emphasize the power, value and dignity of the human beings andholding that human beings are glorious creatures. And the lines of Shakespeare’s Hamlet is the best summary of the core of Renaissance thought---the greatness of man.2,1,2Emphasize the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life.It emphasize secular happiness and individualism against the medieval ideas of asceticism, shifting man’s interest from Christianity to humanity, from religion to philosophy, from beauty and greatness of God to the beauty of human body in allits joys and pains.2.1.3Believe human beings were glorious creatures and man has the right to pursue personal happiness, knowledge and wealth.It applies Aristotle’s theory that humanist literature mainly use realistic style and take literature as the mirror or miniature of the society. Therefore these Italians, and many others, helped to make Italy the center of the Renaissance movement in Europe. The movement changed the medieval Western Europe into a modern one.3.New literature3.1Three outstanding heroes of Florence literature3.1.1Giovanni BoccaccioFrench-born Italian poet and writer whose classic work, the Decameron (1351-1353), is a collection of 100 tales told by seven young ladies and three younger gentlemen. In 1348, a terrible plague attacked Florence. Every day, even every hour, large numbers of human remains were carried to the outskirts of the town . From March to July, the death toll amounted to more than 100000, Florence City, became a cemetery ,which is full of wild land, bones. no one could bear to look at it . In order to record human disaster, Boccaccio took this plague as a background, wrote one of the Italy's most famous short story collection" Decameron ". At that time," Decameron " was referred to as the" music", which is known as a companion with Dante’s " Divine Comedy”.3.1.2Francesco PetrarchItalian poet, scholar, and humanist who is famous for Canzoniers, a collection of love lyrics songs written in his Italian dialect. It expresses the author’s true love to his girl friend Lauraand the view of love and happiness. He praised the beauty of the girl in the reality and considered young men and women have the right to enjoy the love. He lapsed into extremely sad when Laura died of illness .A painful emotion can easily seen in his poem. Such feelings have got rid of the abstract and symbolic significance of medieval literature .We look upon him as the father of modern poetry because in his sonnets for Laura he showed himself to be a great humanist writer keenlyaware of mortal and earthly values and he ignored medieval courtly conventions and defined true emotions.3.1.3Dante AlighieriHe was commonly known as Dante, a major Italian poet of the Middle Age, the founder of Modern Italian---one of the pioneering figures in The European Renaissance. His Divine Comedy, originally called Comedy and later called Divine by Boccaccio, is considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. It is a narrative poem in terza rima containing 14 233 lines organized into 100 cantos approximately 142 lines each and can be calleda spiritual travel book.4.Renaissance art4.1The two peaks of Renaissance artOne is the radical break with medieval methods of representing the visible world occurred in Italy during the 2nd half of the 13th century the other is the decided break with the medieval pictorial tradition until the 2nd decade of the 15th century.4.2Distinct features of Renaissance artThe first is the breakaway from the domination of the church.The second is the changed themes of painting from purely celestial realm to an appreciation of all aspects of nature and man.The third is the studies of the ruins of Roman and Greek temples andthe revival of the principles of ancient civilization into their works.The fourth is the introduction of scientific theories of anatomy and perspective in artistic works.4.3Early Renaissance Artists4.3.1GiottoHe was the forerunner of the Renaissance who was said to have determined the course of painting in Europe. He led the way of restoring dignity to human figures. He also worked towards a more realistic depiction of space.His famous work Flight into Egypt is a painting based on the story in the Bible with Maria riding on a donkey that is ready to face the hardship ahead. She looked firm and resolute while her husband Joseph looked hesitant and sorrowful. His another painting, Betrayal of Judas is also very famous.4.3.2Filippo BrunelleschiFlorentine architect, one of the initiators of the Italian Renaissance. His revival of classical forms and his championing of an architecture based on mathematics, proportion, and perspective make him a key artistic figure in the transition from the Middle Ages to the modern era. In his designing of the churches he showed a systematic use of perspective. He also introduced motif that was widely imitated during the Renaissance.In 1420 he began to build the dome for the cathedral in Florence and it became the most original construction in the building ofdomes in the world history of architecture.Other early Renaissance artists, including Donatello, Giorgione also made great contribution to the art.4.4High Renaissance Artists4.4.1Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da Vinci was known not only as a masterful painter but as an architect, sculptor, engineer, and scientist. His pursuit of knowledge was relentless and his discoveries left lasting changes in the fields of art and science. With his sophisticated skills and love for learning, Leonardo was the quintessential Renaissance man. In painting he stressed the expression of emotional states. As a painter Leonardo is best known for The Last Supper and Mona Lisa . His other works, The Virgin of the Rocks, Vitruvian Man, Four Caricatures, are also favored by people.4.4.2Michelangelo BuonarrotiMichelangelo's extraordinary accomplishments in painting, sculpture, and architecture made him one of the outstanding figures in Renaissance art. He is known for painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and rendering the human form in a wide variety of positions and with great emotional expression in painting and sculpture, and creating several of the most important works of the Italian Renaissance, such as the sculpture of David and Moses, the marble statue of Dying Slave and so on.Other high Renaissance artists, like Raphael, Titian also left many worldfamous works to us.The Renaissance resulted in numerous investigations of natural events, in a widespread study of art and literature and in a broadening of outlook to a degree never before known.Economic and intellectual changes during the Renaissance both helped to speed up Western social and cultural development and hence prepared the necessary conditions for rapid progress in political, social and ideological areas of the modern Age.。
欧洲文化论文 The Sources of European Civilization
![欧洲文化论文 The Sources of European Civilization](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9310be27af45b307e871977a.png)
The Sources of European CivilizationThe foundation of European culture was laid by the Greeks, strengthened by the Romans, stabilized by Christianity, reformed and modernized by the fifteenth-century Renaissance and Reformation and globalized by successive European empires between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries. European culture is made up of many elements, which have gone through changes over the centuries. Three of these elements are considered to be the resources of European civilization and they are: the Greco-Roman element, the Judeo-Christian element, and the Germanic element.Part One: Greco-Roman CultureThe Greek civilization is divided into several eras, it was formed in 800 B.C., then after the classical era and the Hellenistic age, The Greek civilization reached the top in the 5th century BC. And in 146 BC, the Greek civilization was replaced by Roman civilization.The first notability we have to know is Homer, and his Epic. In the 12th century BC, with the invasion of the Trojans, Greece came to "dark ages". Homer's epics described the war between Greeks and Troy.The ancient Greeks were curious about many things, including what made the universe. They had the spirit of free enquiry and were quite ready to drop established ideas, to speculate, to use their imagination, and to form their own conclusions. They were also not afraid to speak theirminds. And also, due to the plays the Greeks performed at religious festivals early in their remote past, a powerful drama developed in the 5th century B.C.. The ancient Greece had created many philosophers and playwrights. Mainly represented by philosopher Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates pulled the importance of the free debate forward. Plato's goal was to achieve a society which can both maintains noble, and be accepted by the poor. Aristotle sought for the order for every aspect of nature and human social. The famous playwrights were Aeschylus with his Agamemnon, Sophocles with his Oedipus the King, and Euripides with his Trojan Women.Also, historical writing started early in Greece. Here we have Herodotus, who is often called “Father of History”, wrote about the war between Greeks and Persians, and Thucydides.The Greeks set an example by the bold effort they made to understand the world by the use of human reason. The body of ideas the Greek philosophers expressed, and the variety of questions the raised about the nature of the world and of human thought, knowledge and conduct, have had an abiding interest for later generations. In literature, too, they have exerted an influence which can still be felt today. Countless writers have quoted, adapted, borrowed from and otherwise use Homer’s epics, Sappho’s lyrics, the tragedies of Aeschylus and Sophocles and Euripides, Aristophanes’s comedies, Plato’s Dialogues, etc. so thattheir themes, characters, episodes, their particularly striking passages, phrases, even single words and their derivative are familiar to educated people the world over, a cherished legacy from that splendid period of human history.Then let’s come to Roman Culture. The most important contribution the Romans made to European culture was the foundation of Roman Law. Also, in architecture and art Romans made outstanding contributions, like the Colosseum and the Pantheon.Part Two: Judeo-Christian CultureAmong all the religions by which people seek to worship, Christianity is by far the most influential in the West. Every phase of man’s life is touched by this religion, so much so that it has become part and parcel of Western culture. Judaism and Christianity are closely related. In fact, it was the Jewish tradition which gave birth to Christianity. Both originated in Palestine—the hub of migration and trade routes, which led to exchange of ideas over wide areas.The Old Testament recorded the history of the Jews. Jews were once called Hebrews,strayed in Middle East Desert in about 3800 BC. In about 1300 BC, they gradually settled down in Canaan, and formed a small kingdom.Christianity and Judaism have close relationship. The core of the Christian is Jesus Christ, its doctrine is: one, Jesus Christ is the son ofgod, god sent him to men, suffer torments with humans and eventually save mankind. Second, the Christ is the only son of god , anyone who believe in Christ finally get eternal life.The major Christian classic is the bible. The "bible" is consist of the new testament and the old testament. The Old Testament has 39 parts writing about the things happened during 1000-B.C. to 100A.D. the most important parts including genesis, the exodus, "Levi remember", "the number of people remember", "deuteronomy". The New Testament came after the rise of Christian, with a total of 27 volumes. The first four volumes talks about the legend of Jesus' words and deeds, and the legend of the Jesus' apostles.Part Three: Germanic CultureIn the latter part of the fourth century the Huns swept into Europe from central Asia, robbing and killing as they came along, and large numbers of the half civilized Germanic tribes such as the Visigoths, the Franks, the Angles and Saxons, and the V andals fled their homelands in northern Europe and were pushed to cross the Danube river into the territory of the Roman Empire. In A.D. 476 a Germanic general killed the last Roman emperor and took control of the government. While the Eastern Roman Empire continued, the power of ancient Rome was gone. In its place mushroomed a great many Germanic kingdoms, which in a few hundred years were to grew into the nations known as England,France, Spain, Italy, and Germany. This is a period in which classical, Hebrew and Gothic heritages merged. And it is this fusion and blending of different ideas and practices that paved the way for the development of what is present-day European culture.Christianity played a very important role in Europe political life of the feudal society; it became the spiritual pillar of the feudal system. Christian world rejected alien and militant control (o ne of the most famous was the Crusades). Especially a few times to invade Palestine. Although it ended in failure, but promoted the cultural exchange between east and west, and prepared for the formation of the monarchy.In the academy and science, Charlemagne and his Carolingian Renaissance, Alfred the Great and his academic centre, St. Thomas Aquinas’ Scholasticism and Roger Bacon, all did great contribution to the preserve and development of the culture.In literary, there was a long Epic. The Anglo-Saxon's epic "the Europe of Woolf" is the most complete one spread until now, and the song of Roland is the most famous French epic. There were also great poets, Dante and Chaucer. And the famous Italian poet Dante's "divine comedy" is the landmark in the world literature history, expressing the upcoming Renaissance humanistic ideas. Geoffrey Chaucer is called the first short story writer in English literature history and the first modern poet, his most famous work is the Canterbury tales.The architecture and art is mainly the Romanesque and gothic, they are the extension of classical art.To sum up, European Civilization has inherited a lot from the Classical Civilization, including ancient Greek philosophy sense, ancient Roman laws, Latin language, and most significantly, Christianity.And those three cultures we have talked about are the main resources of European culture; they are all of vital importance in the development of European culture.。
其特点主要是尖塔高耸,尖形拱门,大窗户及绘有圣经故事的花窗玻璃.营造出轻盈修长的飞天的感觉.以及新的框架结构以增加支撑顶部的力量.使整个建筑以直线线条,宏伟的外观和教堂内空阔的空间, 再结合镶着彩色玻璃的长窗,使教堂里产生一种浓厚的宗教气氛.教堂的平面仍是基本的拉丁十字型,但是其西端门的两侧增加一对高塔。
我眼中的西方文明史(西方文明史论文)西方文明史期末作业Written by XHNWestern civilization in my eyes After learning this lesson for one term,I know a lot about western in many fields such as mythology、philosophy、festival and communication. How can I describe the western civilization? I think it’s one part full of amazing、wisdom、freedom and convert during the synchronous development of the western world.We have learnt several mythologies and I find that the “god” in western mythology is not a serious image, opposite, ZeuS, gods’ leader, always does m any self-willed things which sounds uncomfortable. Just because of it, the “god” makes people feel real and vivid. Not as our country, western people may prefer to believe gods is more similar to normal people, I think, at the least in emotion part.How about philosophy? We also know many philosopher from our country like Lao Tz and Chuang Tse, they usually spread their idea by teach others and write some book. But in ancient Greece, there are three famous philosopher called Socrates、Plato and Aristotle. They prefer to communicate with others than teach others what they think about. I think if we defined that Chinese philosophy likes teaching, then, western philosophy may likes debating. I should admit that the academic atmosphere in that time in western was good, I still remember there are a paint named “the school of Athens”, painted by Raphael, describe how crowd during the school, it reflect that at that time there are many people have huge thirst of knowledge, they have some topic such as “what made the world”、“what’s the resourceof the world”…… In a word, the philosophy in western civilization usually make me associate freedom and holy, it’s one thing tha t you are willing to devote your whole life to learn.There is one well known book called “the Bible”, many festivals are come into being from this book, like Christmas and Easter Day, two festival which used to commemorate the born and revive of Jesus. Different from our country, most of the western festival is closely related with religion, we can see that the belief is too important for western people.As for communicate, I think it’s more affected by political system, freedom and open atmosphere full of the whole western world so that people can express personal opinion without any hesitate. I think it’s a good society custom and will do well for one country’s development.In my eyes, the western civilization is one thing that we would appreciate rather than study it. The civilization show us a glorious thing which created by human, we should know not only our country have broad and profound culture, but also the western world have, so we should learn from each other in mutual emulation.。
欧洲文化 最终全英论文 1000字
![欧洲文化 最终全英论文 1000字](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/016bc136aaea998fcc220ece.png)
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CRUSADES It is well known in the seventh and eighth centuries Muslim armies swept across the Middle East, North Africa and even into Spain. By 750 AD, this Muslim empire replaced the Roman Empire as the dominant power in this region of the world. But what is less well-know is how the Muslims embraced the Greco-Roman culture they encountered. Conquest brings disparate civilizations together. Specifically, conquering Alexandria, Egypt, once the intellectual center of Hellenistic Greece, meant Muslim intellectuals had broad access to the greatest works of the classical world. They studied Hippocrates and Galen, translated them into Arabic, provoking advances in Muslin medicine. They translated Pythagoras and Euclid, leading to progress in Muslim math. Algebra and Algorithm are Muslim words, deriving from the titles of the works of one of Islam’s great mathematicians, Muhammad in Musa al-Khwarizmi, the greatest Muslim mathematician of the Middle Ages. They preserved the writings of Archimedes and Ptolemy, the father ofmap-making.The most important thinker Arabs encountered was Aristotle. Not all of Aristotle’s works were lost to the West after the fall of Rome, but man y were. Most importantly his cosmology had fallen out of favor in the Christian West. Thanks to St. Augustine, Plato remained a highly reputable pagan philosopher, certainly more so in Church eyes than Aristotle because Plato believed in the immortality of the soul and posited the existence of an eternal, perfect realm,or idea. Aristotle loved the material world too much for most Church Fathers. He even believed in an infinite world without a creator. But he was beloved by Muslims, earning titles like The Wise Man and First Teacher. His scientific and empirical thought was transfused across the Muslim Empire in Arabic translations by Muslim philosophers like al-Kindi and al-Farabi, or as the Muslims called him, The Second Teacher. A Golden Age in Muslim intellectual history bloomed. By the turn of the first millennium, Muslim medicine, Muslim science and Muslim mathematics were the most advanced in the world.The Crusades changed all of this. For two hundred years, Christian soldiers voyaged eastward and into Spain, ostensibly attempting to free these areas from Muslim control, but in reality, opening Christian Europe to Muslim works. Or more precisely, they reacquainted Europe with her own culture heritage. After Muslim preservation, the works described above were translated from Arabic into the dominant European language, now Latin. Literally thousands of manuscripts appeared, quite an impressive number before the printing press. Abelard of Bath, for example, completed translations of al-Khwarizmi and Euclid from Arabic into Latin. Gerard of Cremona translated dozens of works, including Ptolemy’s Algamest. And Averroes remains an important figure in the history of Western thought for his popularization of Aristotle. This was a turning point in Western intellectual history because it ignited what historians have labeled as a “Twelve Century Renaissance” during which timethe works of the above authors were recovered, translated and studied. It may not be as famous as the subsequent fifteenth and sixteenth century Renaissance centered in Florence, Italy, but it laid the foundation for the latter. Europe was about to become a center for science, math and philosophy once again.It was the newly recovered Aristotle that created the most intellectual ferment in the wake of the Crusades. His ultimate acceptance required his ideas be fused with Catholicism, especially his emphasis on logic, which many believed threatened the Catholic emphasis on faith. The first to attempt systemization was Peter Abelard, who may have been the greatest genius of the twelve century, as well as its most controversial figure. He was always armed with texts of Aristotle, some of which had recently been translated from Arabic to Latin. Abelard was probably the most qualified yet least able to reintroduce Aristotle to the Western world. He was a clergyman, but it was not in his nature to follow the rules.Enter Catholicism’s greatest philosopher of the second millennium, St. Thomas Aquinas. Aquinas refused to believe that faith and reason were two irreconcilable fields of inquiry. Although Aquinas explicitly condemned some of Aristotle’s positions, such as his belief in an infinite world, Aquinas’ epistemological method combined Aristotelian logic and his emphasis on the material world: Aquinas reasoned that everything, including the physicalworld, must have a first cause or creator, for how can anything exist without a first cause? He used logic to refute atheism. He engages in natural theology, or the study of God through reason and obser vation, not just faith: “The existence of God and other like truths about God, which can be known by natural reason, are not articles of faith, but are preambles to the articles; for faith presupposes natural knowledge, even as grace presupposes nature and perfection the perfectible.” Religious truths can be discovered from observation, even without Scripture or faith. Theology and philosophy are united. Even though Aquinas never would have classified himself as an Aristotelian, without Aristotle, there never would have been Aquinas.Moreover, following Aristotle, Aquinas saw no problem with accumulating wealth. The poor man is no holier than the rich man if the latter uses his wealth to help others. Refuting the deeply ascetic Franciscans, the Dominican Doctor contends that poverty by itself is not a virtue. To some degree, Aquinas is merely responding to the nascent capitalism in post-Crusades Europe. By the thirteenth century, a scientific-materialism has entered the Western intellectual and cultural tradition. It has never left.Intellectual revitalization is the real significance of the Crusades. Fields like science, mathematics and philosophy made more progress in the twelve and thirteenth centuries than in the preceding six centuries combined. The Black Death momentarily curbed intellectual growth in the fourteenthcentury, but by the fifteenth century, Europe was poised to become the world’s dominant civilization.。
西方文明史论文 The Humanism in Renaissance
![西方文明史论文 The Humanism in Renaissance](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ffb8761852d380eb62946dd9.png)
西方文明史期末考试姓名:白乙静班级:英语1201班学号:1120112106 得分_________ Humanism in the RenaissanceThere is a famous saying:“Human is the measure of all things”said by sophists whose thought has originally opened the door of Humanism during the sixth century b.c.Humanism is an important thought which formed the foundation of the development of Western political,economic and cultural.The Renaissance is the cradle of humanism which pushed this idea to the peak.Meanwhile,the Renaissance was marked by the spread of humanism,so Humanism is the great spirit and the essence of Renaissance.The Renaissance is a great historical cultural event which has an incredible influence in western countries, especially in Italy, France, Spain, England and other countries. Science,philosophy,politics,literature,art have developed a lot during the Renaissance.It took place in 14 ~ 16th century which reflected the requirements of bourgeoisie in Western Europe various countries. During the mid-century,the leading thought is church-centered thought which based on the theological worldview.The medieval Catholic teachings were characterized by God-centeredness, otherworldliness and asceticism.They hold the view that the nature of human is guilty, the highest duties of human is to atone to the God.This idea limited people’s thought and prevent the development of Capitalism.With the expand of the capitalisteconomy,bourgeois class’s various desire became stronger and stronger.At that moment,the Renaissance appeared as the time require. Renaissance sprang as a result of rediscovery and restudy of the Greek and Roman civilization which is based on the conception that the man is the measure of all things, the man-centered culture. It’s also the result of opposition of the medieval theological worldview and the germination of capitalism.Under the dark rule of religion,humanist began to look at the problems of God and Providence with a view to understand man’s work and man’s earthly happiness. Contrary to the subordination of individuals to the feudal rules and the sacrifice of earthly life for a future life in the medieval society, Renaissance humanists found in the classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development for perfection.They dug up “lost texts ”from the forgotten corners to revive the humanism. In reviving classic Greek and Roman culture, they believed they were reviving the past of man in the ancient times and helping developed the capacities and powers that the Greeks and Romans once possessed.The heart of the renaissance philosophy was the assertion of the greatness of man. By emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, humanists voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy life, but had the ability to perfect himselfand to perform wonders.The most important point of humanism is to pay more attention to human instead of church. From daily life to the whole society, from history to spirit, humanists who fought against fate declared that everyone be born to equal.I do agree this idea,because we shouldn’t judge people by their social status like Catholic Church. The idea that everyone was born with First Sin will put people to a ideological prison that prevent their development. These humanists spoke highly of real life and encouraged people to pursuit happiness and love.They declared that everyone should have the chance to get whatever he or she wanted, which gave capitalism a possibility to bud and grow up stronger.Literature is the representative of this idea,and it also have been created splendidly during this period.Humanists have different opinions about literature, and they thought that literature could build up one’s spirit and values. While medicine could cure the dying, literature and philosophy could save their souls. Compared to philosophy, literature was more interesting and attractive, since it could make up stories to let people know complex philosophy. As a result, humanists thought highly of literature, for it lead to the glory of spirit about human beings, thus woke them up in the great darkness. Many great scholars devoted themselves into literature. This is best summarized in the lines ofShakespeare:“What a piece of work is man; how noble in reason; how infinite in faculty , in form and moving how express and admirable ; in acting how like an angel; in apprehension how like a god!”Shakespeare’s Hamlet Emphasized the power, value and dignity of the human beings and holding that human beings are glorious creatures.There are also a lot of humanists who made crucial contribution to the renaissance from the literary field to the field of painting:Bogachu's "The Decameron" ,Rabelai’s "giant" and Cervante’s "Quixote" fully elaborated humanism and satirized the previous old ideas.Da Vinci’s, Michelangelo’s and Rafael's pantings also praised the greatness of the human nature.These great humanists bravely expressed their view against the church-centered thought.The idea of humanism played a important role in Western history and highlighted the culture of civilization.Though emphasizing secular happiness and individualism against the medieval ideas of asceticism,Humanism shifted man’s interest from Christianity to humanity, from religion to philosophy, from beauty and greatness of God to the beauty of human body in all its joys and pains.It waked up the desire of human’s inner thought and facilitate them to fully play their own ability.Besides,it liberated people from social hierarchy then made the foundation of following bourgeois revolution.Humanism offered asubstantial basis of revolution against the feudal rule and became the guiding ideology of the development of capitalism.What’s more,Humanism helped to civilize man, to make him realize his potential powers and gifts. It contributed a great deal to the progress of human society. It represented the new ideas of the rising bourgeoisie. Thomas More, Marlowe and Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanists. The humanistic ideas and belief permeated the literature of this period.In addition,it promoted the appear of the modern natural science and Social Science.But every coin has two sides,the negative influence and limitations of the humanism couldn’t be overlooked.The humanism emphasized too much on the individuals, which may be easy to cultivate the subjectivity and extreme individualism.The extreme individualism had done harm to the social justice because the bourgeois class chase their own wealth too much.In the long run,the individualism lead to the colonialism such as “be crazy for gold”and the opening of new sea routes.This idea even arouse the Mammonism which is bad for the social atmosphere.The Humanism has a profound influence on the human civilization.It not only influence the political and cultural area but also pour a fresh blood to modern fashion. As we can see,what is the most fashionable must be the things of their own personality. We all admire the singer or painter who has their individual feature.But we shoudn’t transform thisidea to extreme individualism or selfishness. So,what we should do is to draw the advantages and avoid disadvantages of it.We’d better to seek our own desire bravely and meanwhile obey the principle of social justice.Only in this way can we highlight the civilization and mine our potential to continuously create new things.。
欧洲文化期末论文 Rococo
![欧洲文化期末论文 Rococo](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7edfd11d6edb6f1aff001ff9.png)
the analysis of Rococo art style in Marie AntoinetteAbstract:The Rococo art is a form of art or artistic style which was produced in France in the 18th century and prevailed in the reign of Louis ⅩⅣ, thus it is also called RoccoStyle. This art has the characteristics of light, delicate, exquisite, heavy and complicated. In the process of its formation, it is affected by the Chinese art. Some people think that the Rococo art style is the late period of Baroque style, namely stage of decadence and disintegration. Rococo art style is widely used in construction, decoration, painting, literature, sculpture, music and other arts. In this paper, through the application of Rococo art style in the film Marie Antoinette, I will have a detailed introduction to the characteristics of Rococo art style and the role it played in the movie.Key words: Rococo art luxury Marie Antoinette1. Introduction about Rococo art and the filmDuring the reign of Louis ⅩⅣ(1638—1715) and Louis ⅩⅤ(1710—1714) in France, an artistic style became prevalent in France. It had a strange name, that of Rococo, which has been interpreted as being made up of two French words, rocaille, meaning rock and coquille, meaning shell. Rococo style in art is usually associated with architecture and interior decoration. It is characterized by elaborate ornamentation imitating shellwork and foliage and it has a curving and elastic pattern. It was not a style in such minor arts as furniture, tapestries, clocks and ceiling chandeliers. In Rococo art,"The sublime gave place to the graceful, the grandeur of size to the charm of eloquence."[1] It was luxurious, sensual and delicate, characterizing the taste of a pleasure class, particularly in France, of the royal family and the aristocratic families who rolled in money and lavished their money on interior decoration for their pleasure and comfort. The rich embellishment included lighting by candles in a different hundred fixtures, culminating in glittering chandeliers of rock, crystal, glass and bronze, beds crowned with delicate canopies, their panels were painted and upholstered, their posts were handsomely carved. As a style in art, Rococo became for a time the vogue all over Europe. Cabinet-makers came from all parts of Europe to study the techniques of French craftsman and spread French style to England, Austria, Germany and Russia.The film, Marie Antoinette, tells the story about the life of the queen of France. It also tells the extravagant and aberrant life about nobles before the French revolution in that era. Austrian princess, Marie, was very clever and lively. When she was 14 years old, she became the French crown princess in a political marriage. The prince indulged Marie too much for some reasons. So Mariehad been leading an extremely extravagant life after marriage. She also had been unable to break away from inner loneliness thoroughly. This film brings us on various shock of French court and social in 18th century : inconceivable luxury, interlaced love and the French people’s final roar. 2. The effect of Rococo art in the filmIn the middle of the 18th century, people commonly use seashells, grass blade and flowers to decorate indoor items and often put into a C shape, S shape or the curve of the vortex. This style’s color is soft and insipid, such as white, light green and pink. This decorative style is slim and elegant, but slightly cumbersome and with a little affectation. In Marie Antoinette, Rococo art style can be seen everywhere. On the clothing, this grandeur palace fashion show won the 79th Oscar for Best Costume Design. This film also puts Rococo art style to an extreme in the interior decoration. In the movie, in the show of the scene at the same time, the scene is more of a service for the film. Marie Antoinette reflects the dress features in the period of Rococo art style and shows the characteristics of softness and feminine about court clothes in that era, including the grand bustle, bodice, the line in a low voice, and many flower bowknot. It highlights the female's curve and stresses characteristics of the female with an exaggerated language. There are a lot of artificial beauty aided by bodices in that era. The hair is tied up very highly with the help of supporting materials. It is an aesthetic feeling about exaggeration of feminine beauty. Both the clothes and skin look very soft.2.1 the resurgence of extravagant Rococo artMarie Antoinette is a movie about the life of Louis ⅩⅣ’s wife, Marie. And this time was also the most prosperous period in the Rococo style history. The film scene is very gorgeous and it is the most representative of Rococo art style. From construction to interior decoration and people’s dress, the scene is distributing a kind of unique and romantic sentimentalism about Rococo art style. Some comments on the Rococo art style are gaudy because its bright white and pink tonal, delicate golden and argent decorations. Rococo art style reflects social morality which are lazy, decadent and dissolute among the French upper nobility.The main features of the Rococo art style is more feminine, relaxed, noble and elegant. There are a lot using of curve in the style of Rococo art presented. The modeling of the Rococo art style are presented a C type and S type vortex line, generally are asymmetric in lieu of symmetry. The colors are bright and soft. Ivory and gold are its main color. Compared with the Baroque style, the Rococo style is more feminine and with the female's gentle and graceful. In Marie Antoinette, interior design is a kind of relaxed and lively style. In colors, blend as well as white and gray is not the style of that kind of greasy or heavy, on the contrary appearing more elegant and beautiful. While on thedecoration, it looks fine. The adornment of furniture presents a kind of heavy, complicated and luxuriant. Such as Marie’s chair, above it has a heavy and complicated vortex shape flower pattern, elegant and noble. In the film, both in construction and interior decoration, are a kind of relaxed, lively and elegant art. On the lens, this film is more delicate to the point of a mirror a painting. Any interception of a lens is just like a European palace painting about Rococo art. Because it shot on the spot in the palace of Versailles, this grand, luxurious, and with all good adjectives unspeakable its beauty famous European palace always sends out a kind of high taste of beauty. On clothing, the film also perfectly reproduce the luxurious style of 18th century in European palace, bell skirt, bodice, high heels, roll the cloud-shaped edging, fans and clothes with lotus leaf edge. Everything in this film all brings a kind of luxury visual enjoyment of beauty.2.2 Rococo art shows female sensuousnessAt the shooting of the film, the directress Sophia Coppola said, in the Marie’s small room, decorations both in tonal and utensils are completely suited to a 14-year-old girl. Looked from the saving portraits, the female officer who served her is more like her playmates. The Rococo art style is the adornment style with a female soft nature. “In Marie Antoinette, a young girl with her intelligence in politics from frustration to gradually adapt to, but resolutely and incredibly confused. She is powerful, but in its essence, is just a naive and innocent woman.”[2] In the era of the pursuit of luxury, the royal women can only study those beautiful clothes and shoes, and it has become her only hobby in empty and lonely life.The hall where Marie held the ball, has white walls with gold veins decoration. The glittering and translucent lighting which are carved skillfully are properly lightening the whole room, at the same time, they also illuminate the presence of high society women's eyes and colorful clothes. The wind of woman's soft and fruity extravagant seems flows slowly in the air. Here is not only a salon in polite society, but also a group of feminine woman's party. They have gorgeous appearance, however, they can only be hovering in these clothes and ornaments, a little depressed, ignorant and have nothing to do. In Marie’ room, the bed is so gorgeous on top of the world that making people feel dazzling. The romance of pink and in the soft bed, the gentle and innocent and romantic feelings of a woman is not consciously infected the audience. Marie while as a queen, but a gentle princess and the little girl. The hint of tenderness is slowly sent out through the kind of soft scene.2.3 The feminine mystique in magnificent sceneApplying fashion elements on a historical and political figure, in the director's lens, reduction at the same time has a big upset. In French history, Marie is a highly dissolute and shameless woman. Her extreme luxury make the country's fiscal deficit, causing a revolution in the history of theFrench. The bastille was the most famous historical events in the history of France, while Marie was guillotined was a big revolution. But in the eyes of Sophia, all this has nothing to do with politics. She doesn't talk about history. She just complete a dream about fashion, the little girl's teenage dream through borrowing a luxury figure in the history.No matter bustling Palace of Versailles or quite good manors and farmhouses, those woes in the history were ignored. Sophia doesn't copy textbooks for Marie's criticism and hate, but from a desire to interpret itself is the image of a young woman, hoping to understand her more. In Marie Antoinette, the film restores more scenes while the characters and feelings are reshaped. In the film, the setting of indoor decoration with more beautiful flowers, flowers’placement has adornment effect, at the same time, it is also a kind of pursuit and advocating the nature. In Rococo art style, the combination of lush beauty of flowers and Chinese porcelain makes the same score a point. In the film, Marie stands in the room where decorated with flowers. The dress is heavy and complicated. Fold of pink and white lace almost blend into the white walls of the background. That white printing design in the wall shows beauty of graceful and gentle and makes people feel comfortable. These scenes, in show of elegant of French and feminine of Rococo art style, at the same time, not only make the audience indulge in it, but also make Marie in the film immerse in it. Her behavior has nothing to do with politics, she is just an elegant and luxury person who lived in elegant and luxury environment. After watching the movie, a lot of the audience said that the most impressive things in addition to so many shoes and clothes are sympathy for Marie who is innocent and capricious but finally step into tragedy in joyful laughter.2.4 Luxuriant set contrast figure’s desolationSophia Coppola said: "when I was just going to make a biography movie, I began to think that how to make it out of those rules and take out of my own style. There has been a fixed pattern about biopics until today. And I just don’t want it too."[3] In Marie Antoinette,luxury scenes and the splendid Palace of Versailles, pink girl tone and white quick wagon, all these are hard to cover up the person's fate. Marie is a be doomed tragedy characters in history. Her final ending is that she was sent to guillotine in the flames of revolution.Marie originally was only a little girl, among the children of the youngest princess in Austria. In the final minute out of her homeland, she was forced to take off all clothes, even the side of the dog was not immune. The happy princess began her political career from the moment when she was sitting on the car carrying guests to the wedding, stripped and naked. “She was just a piece of political interests. She had supreme power and riches and honor, but was unable to retain her final bud silk skirt in her Austrian princess period and protect the dog which always accompanied withher.”[4] At the same time, her husband was a man who don’t know how to take care of his own wife and national affairs. The queen and her Swedish lover's story had been marked with luxuries adulterous label. Sophia Coppola restored this luxury with gorgeous images. The lifting smooth silk, full of beautiful, heavy and complicated patterns made us see court tall pillars on Marie's heavy shadows. And the film showed the court life more gorgeous, beautiful and enchanting, these all couldn't cover the sad grounding more. When she got married, in the face of her husband's wooden and incompetence, she could only lie in mellow and gorgeous bed during the night and watch the beautiful ceiling decoration, waiting in despair. And when she was having meals with her husband, the luxury of tableware couldn’t cover up two person's indifference and no longer face-to-face exchange.3. ConclusionSophia Coppola insist on her own style, and will integrate her own style into the shooting of the movie. In Marie Antoinette, colorful costumes and scenes are not only the reproduction of luxury Rococo art style in that era, but also a course about Sophia herself with her unique perspective to complete the inner pursuit and emotional exploration through using the historical figures in a historical story. Light and shadow in the film were sweet and blurred, the boulevard in front of the Palace of Versailles with natural and pure light. Marie Antoinette’s luxury Rococo art style, in the realization of a gorgeous fashion feast, at the same time, also led the audience to make a travel in the luxury, brisk and mellow Rococo art style .Bibliography[1] Will&Ariel Durant: The Age of Voltaire[M], Simon&Schuster Press, 1980.[2] 刘晶,李炜.《迷失东京》的滋味[J].电影文学,2007(17).[3] 赵柯.索菲亚•科波拉——不懂自傲的世家才女[J].新闻周刊,2004(03).[4] 奢靡无罪宠坏自己看绝代艳后的宫廷洛可可[OL]。
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