代表作品包括:英国文学大师莎士比亚的多部作品,其中的汉乐逊版《哈姆雷特》和捷克翻译大师Thomas Jan Stom博士的《金鸡独立》等。
第四章 当代西方翻译理论
威密尔则突破了对等理论的限制 ,以文本目的(skopos)为翻译过程的第 一准则 ,发展了功能派的主要理论:目的论(skopos theory) 。威密尔所提 出的目的论(skopos theory)是功能派翻译理论中最重要的理论。skopos 是希腊词 ,意思是 “目的” 。根据目的论 ,所有翻译遵循的首要法则 就是 “目的法则” :翻译行为所要达到的目的决定整个翻译行为的过 程 ,即结果决定方法。这个目的有三种解释:译者的目的;译文的交际 目的;和使用某种特殊翻译手段所要达到的目的。通常情况下 , “目的” 是指译文的交际目的。
二十世纪七十年代 ,德国出现一派翻译理论 — —功能派翻
译理论。功能派认为翻译(包括口、 笔译)是一种行为。其 理论的重点表现在三方面: (1)对翻译实质的阐释(2)对翻译 过程参与者的角色分析(3)功能翻译原则的提出。
译研究也得到长足的进展。其最大特点就是一开始就和文 学翻译紧密联系在一起,但这时还是注重翻译作品的艺术 性。文艺学派开始于当时的俄国形式主义,代表人物为蒂 尼亚诺夫。
译坛文艺学派的代表作之一,此书立足于大量丰富的翻译 实践,探讨了使翻译作品成为真正的艺术作品的途径。
是在这本书中,他提出了“语义翻译”和交际翻译的概念。 此后,分别于1993年何1995年,又出版了《翻译短评》 (Paragraphs on Translation)和《翻译短评(第二集)》 (More paragraphs on Translation)。 翻译试图在译人语的语义和句法结构允许的范围内传达原 著的确切上下文意义。交际翻译试图对译文读者产生一种 效果 ,这效果要尽可能接近原文对读者所产生的效果。 语义翻译的服务对象是原语作者,交际翻译服务的对象是 译入语的读者 。这两种方法的一个根本区别在于:当出现 矛盾时,交际翻译必须强调“ 表现力” ,而不强调信息 的内容。
二:埃德温‘根茨勒(Edward Gentzler)在其专著《当代翻译理论》(1993)中依据各流派采用的研究方法与依据的理论来源将当代译论划分为:美国翻译培训派、翻译科学派、早期翻译研究派、多元体系派、解构主义派五大流派。
(一)、布拉格学派1、创始人:马希修斯(Vilem Mathesius)、特鲁贝斯科伊(Nikolay S. Trubetskoy)与雅可布森(Roman Jakobson)。
作为学派的创始人之一,他对翻译理论的贡献主要体现在《论翻译的语言学问题》(On Linguistic Aspects of Translation)之中。
第一次《翻译理论》课作业:Classifications of Schools of TranslationTheories参阅了美国翻译理论家根茨勒的《当代翻译理论》之后,了解到当代西方翻译理论可划分为5大流派,即:TheNorth AmericanTranslation Workshop, The“Sc ience”of Translation,Early TranslationStudies, Polysystem Transla tion, Deconstruction.(1)北美培训学派(TheNorthAmericanTranslation Workshop):侧重实践,强调译文的品味及文学价值,但译论局限于美学经验和指令性翻译规则,缺乏系统化理论。
(2)翻译科学学派(The “Science” of Translation):也可称额为翻译的语言学派,其特点就是有加强翻译的理论研究的意识,并想使之称为一门“学科”,但结果又并没有成为一门独立的学科而是成为了别的学科的附属,具体点就是成为语言学的一个分支,所以才有人把这段的翻译研究称为“语言学派”或“科学”学派。
代表人物有:Jakobuson, Nida, J.C.Catford, Wolfram Wills, Newmark,Reiss,Vermeer(3)早期翻译研究派(EarlyTranslation Studies):该学派兴起于70年代的比利时、荷兰等国家,主要探讨译文产生与作用。
该学派主要采取译入文学文化研究手段,侧重直观法和文学翻译,到80年代,该学派学者Jose Lambert转向了译学客观描述个案研究,英国的SusanBassnett, 其著名代表作之一为Translation Stud ies 和比利时学者Andre Lefevere, 其著名代表作之一Translation,Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame则转向文化研究模式(4)多元体系学派(Polysystem Translation):其翻译理论反战与早期研究学派,是翻译研究学派合乎逻辑的延伸和发展。
刘军平 《西方翻译理论通史》
对“对原文竞争”的看法 体现出译者沙文主义的观点,与提倡异 化的观点争锋相对 一方面强调译者的母语及译者主体性的 地位,另一方面又不免陷入文化相对主 义的藩篱。
都不重视字字对等的翻译 对于修辞学来说,翻译只是一种训练修 辞的工具。因而,释义、仿译、竞争可 以提高修辞和写作能力。例如:翻译诗 歌是注重诗歌的演说力量,而不是诗歌 翻译本身。
1.1.6 昆体良(Marcus Fabius Auintilianus)
罗马演说家、修辞家,出生于罗马统治下的西班牙, 其父是罗马有名的修辞学家
《演说术原理》De institutione oratoria对翻译重要见解。
其中心思想是罗马人在一切翻译,写作中都必须与希 腊人比高低:“我所说的翻译,并不仅仅指意译,而 且还指在表达同一意思上与原作搏斗,竞争”,即翻 译也是创作,这种创作必须与原作媲美,译作应力争 超过原作。 注:翻译同时创作最早由西塞罗提出,但具体提出与 原作竞争的是昆体良的《演说术原理》。
语文学派(the Philological School)
翻译不可避免要涉及到原文(the source text),可以说,原文是翻译的出发点,也 是检验译文的重要参照,因此,原文自 然而然地成了翻译研究的重要对象之一。 纵观中西译论史,原文在各个翻译理论 家、各个学派的理论当中的地位并不完 全一样,甚至差别极大。大体上讲,传 统译论当中,原文处于高高在上神圣不 可侵犯的中心地位。
昆体良的翻译观点 ——《演说术原理》?
Nay, we may add the vigor of oratory to the thoughts expressed by the poet, make his good omissions, and prune his diffuseness, but I would not paraphrase restrict itself to the bare interpretation of the original: its duty is rather to rival and view the original in the expression of the same thoughts. “不,我可以为诗人表达的思想增加雄辩的理论,该简 略的就简略,适当遏制她的热情。我不会让释义来限 制自身,将原文只暴露在阐释之下。我的使命是用同 样的思想和表达与原文竞争。”
奈达(Nida) ◆ 语言学派最重要的代表人物之一,著述极丰,其理论对西方当代翻译研究作出了很大的贡献。
• 伦敦学派从社会学角度研究语言。认为语言的意义是由言语使用的社会环境所决定的。语义 理论不仅要规定语法范畴和语法关系,而且要说明文化环境对语义情景的影响。该派观点反 映到翻译领域,即译文的选词是否与原文等同,必须看它是否用于相同的言语环境中。
• 卡特福德 (Catford):著有《翻译的语言学理论》,从翻译性质、类别、对等、转换、限度等 方面着重阐述了“什么是翻译”这一中心问题。
◆ 翻译理论和思想主要见于《论翻译的原则》一书。该书是西方翻译理论的 第一部专著。
◆ 优秀的译作必须使读者领略原作的优点,并得到“同样强烈的感受” 。
◆ 翻译三原则: ◆ 1、译作应完全复写出原作的思想; ◆ 2、译作的风格和手法和原作属于同一性质; ◆ 3、译作应具备原作所具有的通顺。
二、 翻译的语言学派
5、所有语言都具有同等表达能力。如果语言中出现词汇不足,可通过借词、造词或释义等方法对 语言进行处理。
• 纽马克(Peter Newmark) 1、从语言意义入手,将翻译定义为:把一种语言中某一语言单位或片段,即文本或文本的一部分
纽马克 (1916 ---):英国翻译理论家和翻译教育家。他提出 交际翻译、语义翻译和关联翻译。他的观点大多反映 在近二十年来发表的论文中。
欧洲任何其他语言学团体都没有像Prague学会 那样产生了如此巨大的影响。
Dwight Bollinger
Prague 学派曾影响到美国语言学的每一项重要 发了音位学(phonology)。
1. 语言是一个价值系统,不是千千万万毫不相干 的孤立现象的汇合。因此,要分析语言成分 与其他成分的关系,考虑语言成分在交际中的 功能,这样才能更好理解和评价成分。
该学派把对语言所持的观点御用到翻译研究上。 他们对翻译的主要观点是:
1. 翻译必须考虑语言的各种功能,如认识功能、 表达功能、工具功能等;
2.翻译必须重视语义、语法、语音语言风格和文 学体裁方面的比较;
该翻译观在Prague学派的主要成员Jacobson和 后来的穆南、维内、马尔勃兰克、列维等重要 的翻译理论家的著作中都有不同程度的反映。
3. 准确的翻译取决于信息对等。
首次提出了翻译中的对等概念。 在语际翻译中,我们所关注的不仅是符号与符号 之间的对应(即逐词对应),而且也关注符号与 符号组合的对等。
翻译所涉及的是两种不同符号的对等信息,因此 他把翻译定义为:
他认为双语符号之间不存在完全对等的关系,对 等关系存在于符号所承载的信息,因此语际翻译 不是符号转换。而是信息转换。
有学者对翻译的语言学派做了起止时间的划分, 认为是从1959年Jacobson发表他的著名论文 《翻译的语言观》开始到1972年结束的。
3 西方当代翻译思想与流派--文化学派
“文化学派”这一名称在西方译学界并不多用,主要是指与 文化转向直接相关的翻译研究。比较常见的名称有:
“描述翻译研究”(descriptive translation studies )/“目标
语中心翻译研究”(target-oriented translation studies) ----针对“规定翻译研究”(prescriptive translation studies),强调译入语文化对翻译的作用,更多致力于 从目标语的文化语境中审视、考察翻译现象。
霍尔姆斯又讨论了翻译学的学科性质和研究范围。他首先确 定翻译学是一门实证学科,认为翻译学应该分为纯翻译研 究和应用翻译研究,而纯翻译研究有两个主要目标:“(1) 描述我们经验世界中出现的与翻译和翻译作品有关的现象; (2)建立普遍原则,以解释和预测这些现象。”他进而指出: “纯翻译研究当中与这两个目标相关的两个分支可以被命 名为描述翻译学(descriptive translation studies,DTS),或 翻译描述(translation description,TD)和理论翻译研究 (theoretical translation studies,ThTS )或翻译理论 (translation theory,TTh)。”
詹姆斯· 霍尔姆斯(James Holmes)
原籍美国,长期任教于荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学文学系, 从事比较文学和翻译理论研究。其论文“翻译学的名与实” (The Name and Nature of Translation studies,1972)对于翻译 学作为一门独立学科的名称、性质、研究领域、问题设置 以及学科范围等提出了创建性的意见,被公认为翻译研究 学派的奠基之作。 这篇论文有两点特别值得注意:首先是它的清晰的翻 译学的学科意识,其次是它对未来翻译学学科内容以图示 的形式所作的详细的描述与展望。
翻译的文艺学派 ppt课件
2) 英国早期的阿尔弗烈德国王和阿尔弗里克的 翻译观点在中世纪早期更流行。前者主要从事宗 教翻译,翻译者应有较大灵活性,用大众语言。 后者从事宗教翻译,主张采用面向民众的原则和 方法,多用意译,少用逐字对译,目标是使译文 “简明易懂”,不用华丽词藻。
3) 欧洲中世纪翻译史上最令人注目的是《圣经》 的民族语翻译和英国学者罗杰·培根、意大利诗 人但丁和翻译理论家阿雷蒂诺等发表的有关翻译 的观点。
a) 欧洲各地用民族语翻译《圣经》的要求越来越 强烈,到13世纪终于成为一个高潮。《圣经》与 宗教文献的民族语言的翻译除了对民族语言的形 成产生了巨大的影响外,还对翻译理论和世俗文 献翻译的发展也产生了积极的影响。但世俗文学 翻译也取得了很大的发展。乔叟和其后另一位翻 译家威廉·卡克斯顿都翻译了大量的文学作品。
2 )古罗马著名的演说家、政治哲学家、修辞 学家和翻译家西塞罗翻译了很多政治、哲学方面 著作还有很多文艺作品。他认为要保持原作的内 容,也要保持原作的形式,提出了直译和意译两 种基本译法,他主张活译反对直译,翻译家必须 照顾读者的语言习惯,传达原文的意义和精神, 译者必须具备文学天赋或素质,风格对等是完全 可能的。
(1) 英国翻译学家纽马克将西方研究翻译 的历史分为两大时期: 从公元前55年至20世纪上半叶属语言学前 时期,20世纪下半叶则属语言学时期。 (2) 美国语言学家兼圣经翻译学家奈达认 为西方翻译理论有四大流派: 语文学派、语言学派、交际学派、社会符 号学派。
一种质疑理性、颠覆传统的全开放式的批判 理论,它以解释哲学作为哲学基础,主张多 元性地看问题,旨在打破结构的封闭性,颠 覆二元对立的西方哲学传统。解构学派翻译 理论强调消除传统的翻译忠实观,突出译者 的中心地位。比较著名的学者有韦努蒂 Lawrence Venuti、罗宾逊Douglas Robinson、西蒙Sherry Simon等。
语言的意义是由语言使用的社会环境(the social context of situation)所决定的。在翻 译研究领域,译文的用词与原文等同与否取 决于其是否用于相同的语言环境之中。 伦敦学派的创始人为福斯(J. R. Firth)。有 两篇文章集中反映出他的翻译理论,一篇为 《语言学与翻译》(Linguistics and Translation),另一篇为《语言分析与翻译 》(Linguistic Analysis and Translation)。
1、布拉格学派 该学派的创始人为马希修斯(Vilem Mathesius)、特鲁贝斯科伊(Nikolay S. Trubetskoy)和雅可布森(Roman Jakobson)。主要成员有雅可布森、列维、 维内等重要的翻译理论家。 这一学派的主要论点为:(1)翻译必须 考虑语言的各种功能,包括认识功能、表 达功能和工具功能等;(2)翻译必须重 视语言的比较,包括语义、语法、语音、
再如,英语成语“spring uplike mushroom”中 “mushroom”原意为“蘑菇”, 但译为汉语多为“雨后 春笋”,而不是“雨后蘑菇”,因为在中国文化中,人们更 为熟悉的成语和理解的意象是“雨后春笋”。 Hans Vermeer (维米尔) 德国翻译理论家。其翻译 目的论 (skopos theory)为功能学派的奠理论。 “Skopos”一词来自希腊语,指行为的目标、功能或 意图。 该理论认为应将翻译研究从原文中心论的束缚中摆 脱出来。翻译是以原文为基础的有目的和有结果的 行为,这一行为必须经过协商来完成;
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IV. Contemporary Hermeneutics1. Hans-Georg Gadamer●Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutics is a develop-ment of the hermeneutics of histeacher, Heidegger.●Under the influence of Heidegger, German famous philosopher, Hans-Geog Gadamer,developed hermeneutics into a systematical modern hermeneutics of philosophy.●He emphasized historicity and limitedness of theory, and pointed out understandingmade mean-ing subjective.●For him, one could only interpret text from his perspective.Hans-Georg Gadamer●Meaning existed in language while understanding went on with language.●Language was the origin and end of hermeneutics research, but its openness andtransparence were limited, relative and temporary.●Reader’s understanding changed as his reading advanced;therefore the finalunderstanding must be different from the initial.●Though it was the final understanding, it would be different for different readers and indifferent time, since text under hermeneutics was open and dynamic, not closed and stationary.●Interpreter faced a closed door behind which was a different road.●What he needed to do was open the door, choose his own roads, pass by many crosses,and get to his destinationGadamer asserts that methodical contemplation is opposite to experience and reflection.●We can reach the truth only by understanding or even mastering our experience.●Experience according to Gadamer isn’t fixed but rather changing and always indicatingnew perspectives.●The most important thing is to unfold what constitutes individual comprehension.●Gadamer points out in this context that preju-dice is a (nonfixed) reflection of thatunfolding comprehension, and is not per se without value. Being alien to a particular tradition is a condition of understanding.●Gadamer points out that we can never step outside of our tradition; all we can do is tryto understand it.●This further elaborates the idea of the hermeneutic circle.Hermeneutics in sociology●In sociology, hermeneutics means the interpretation and understand-ing of social eventsby analyzing their meanings to the human participants and their culture.●It enjoyed prominence during the sixties and seventies, and differs from otherinterpretative schools of sociology in that it emphasizes the importance of the content as well as the form of any given social behavior.central principle of hermeneutics•It is only possible to grasp the meaning of an action or statement by relating it to the whole discourse or world-view from which it originates•For instance, putting a piece of paper in a box might be considered a meaningless action unless put in the context of democratic elections, and the action of putting a ballot paper in a box.•One can frequently find reference to the 'hermeneutic circle': that is, relating the whole to the part and the part to the whole.•Hermeneutics in sociology was most heavily influenced by German philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer.What is “Wahrheit und Methode” ?●“Wahrheit und Methode” by Gadamer in 1960 argued that understanding was historicaland should be creative, not a passive copy.Importance●Disputes of later thought depended on this book. Initiated, and pushed to the summit byHeidegger, modern philosophical hermeneutics became mature, and it was the resource of many later thought.Process of interpreting a text●He describes the process of interpreting a text as the fusion ofone's own horizon with the horizon of the text.Definition of horizon●The totality of all that can be realized or thought about by a person at a given time inhistory and in a particular culture.Interpreter’s “prejudice”●Interpreter’s “prejudice” was essential constituent of his under standing.●As far as the meaning of a literary text was concerned, it was not sth that could beextracted from the text b ut sth that depended on reader’s interpretation.Importance to translation●Gadamer’s view on “legitimate prejudice”, “fusion of horizons” gave the essence oftranslation.●He revealed the nature of translation, esp. literary translation and explainedtranslation phenomena, such as reinterpretation and misinterpretation.●Gadamer’s generality, historic significance and creativity of understanding in historicalhermeneutics are equally important to translation theories.●Language itself is medium of understanding while understanding goes on asinterpreting.●Translation happens within two languages; therefore, it would be seen as the mosttypical example of hermeneutics.●Hermeneutical philosophers’ statement on translation is indispensable part of westerntranslation theory.●There are a lot of scholars who do researches on translation from the perspective ofhermeneutics or draw on modern hermeneutic translation.2. George Steiner●Steiner is in fact a direct successor of Friedrich Schleiermacher in translation theory.●Schleiermacher discusses the relations between language and thinking, while Steinercarries forward Schleiermacher’s research and makes it a systematic hermeneutic translation theory.●His famous work “After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation”in 1975 makes astudy of translation theories and process systematically since 18th century and is considered as monumental work in the research of contemporary western translation.●Over the 30 years, the work has been republished over and over again which has broughtworldwide reputation for Steiner●As the key advance of hermeneutics of translation, the book was said to be “the firstsystematical investigation of the theory and process of translation since the 18th century.”●With Heidegg er’s hermeneutical view as its founda tion, Steiner advances that“understanding as transla tion” and endows translation with a more extended significance.Hermeneutics of Translation●In the book, Steiner described hermeneutics of translation as “the act o f elicitation anappropriative transfer of meaning.”●Based on a conception of translation not as a science but as “an exact art”, Steiner sawthe process of translation as the hermeneutic motion which consisted of four stages -- initiative trust, aggression, incorporation, and reciprocity or restitution.●It is acknowledged that Steiner is a representative of hermeneutic school amongcontemporary western linguistic and translation theoristsPurpose of the Author●Influenced by Walter Benjamin and Hans-Georg-Gadamer, the translation theories in theearly 1960s returned to the problem that translation is understanding.●Steiner oppugned the concept of literal translation and liberal translation of traditionaltranslation theories and advanced re evaluating the role of translators and readers●He “attempts to map a new field, a new space for argument. ”●Because “There had been no ordered or detailed attempt to locate translation at theheart of human communication or to explore the ways in which the constraints on translatability and the potentialities of transfer between languages engage, at the most immediate and charged level, the philosophic enquiry into consciousness and into the meaning of meaning.”Decipher and Translate●He said in After Babel●“To underst and is to decipher. To hear significance is to translate.●Thus the essential structural and executive means and problems of the act of translationare fully present in acts of speech, of writing, of pictorial encoding inside any given language.”●In the same way, readers are interpreting the translated versions when reading andtranslators are interpreting the original when translating, therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the translators to put all the meanings of the original into the translated versions.Structure of the Book●In the book the author casts back history of linguistic studies in the west from theancient to modern times and applies philosophy, linguistics, poetics and cultural history to the interpretation of languageThree Historical Periods●In the first period, translation theory comes from the experience in translation and“translators should not translate word for word” was popular.●In the second period, translation theory was greatly influenced by linguistic philosophyand the representative is Schleiermacher in the 19th century.●The third period starts from the late1940s when some scholars analyze translation fromthe perspective of linguistic theory and some devote themselves to the study of machine translation.How do you u nderstand the word “Babel” in the book?●Steiner says “although we ‘translate’ at every moment when speaking and receivingsignals in our own tongue, it is evident that translation in the larger and more habitual sense arises when two languages meet.●That there should be two different languages, that there should have been, at a roughestimate, more than twenty thousand spoken on this small planet, is the Babel-question.”Chapter V●Steiner illustrates the process of interpretation.●According to Steiner, from understanding the original to expressing it in anotherlanguage, a translator experiences “the fou r-beat model of the hermeneutic motion in the act of translation” .●“‘initiative trust - aggression- incorporation - reciprocity or restitution’—makes no claimto ‘theory’”●The translator should trust that the original is meaningful or significant.●When understanding and expressing the original, the subjectivity of the translator willinevitably “aggress” the original.●The purpose of the “aggression” is to incorporate/ import.●But in the process of incorporation/ import, the true quality of the source language islost, therefore, the fourth motion “restitution” is necessary, which is put at the last but it should impenetrate the entire process of translation.Fourth Motion●Steiner thinks that “Each human language maps the world differently.●There is life-giving compensation in the extreme grammatical complication of thoselanguages whose speakers dwell in material and social contexts of deprivation and barrenness.”●In the process, the translator will inevitably merge his own experience, cultural andhistorical back ground with the original and make the translated version recreation of the original.Antoine Berman●French translation theorist Antoine Berman’s “Translation and the Trials of the Foreign”showed great influence of modern hermeneutics on translation theory.●French translator, historian and theorist of translation.●To be specific, he is a famous contemporary French theorist, Latin American literary andGerman philosophical translator, famous for his consistent philosophical stand in the field of translation.●He insisted on excluding the ethnocentricity in translation and opposing naturalization bymeans of deformation and recomposition.How do you understand“the trials” here?●One is that the target culture may experience the trials of the foreign when it deals withforeign words and texts.●The other is that the foreign texts may experience the trial of existence in the newenvironment.Main ideas in the article "Translation and the Trials of the Foreign"●criticizes traditional translation for their inhibition of the foreign and their naturalization●suggests that the aim of translation is just “accept the foreign as it is●describes in detail the "deforming ten-dencies" inherent in the act of translation●says that the system of textual deformation exists in every translated version and blocksthe acceptance of the foreignAnother term for the trials of the foreign●the analytic of translationMeaning●two layers: one refers to the detailed analysis of deforming system as Descartes has done●The other refers to psychoanalysisDeforming system Analytic of translation●the deforming system, which shows a series of tendencies or forces leading to translationdeviating from the original aim, is unconsciousness●to find the forces with the scientific spirit of psychoanalysisAnalysis of deformationpaying attention to translated versions and hypertextual translations dominated by ethnocentricity and annexationismNegative analysis●no translator can avoid the influence of these forces, even if he doesn’t want to def ormor recompose the original. He sums up 12 deforming tendencies in translation exemplified by translations from novels of Latin-AmericaLiteral translation●the translation on letter which means the range of signifying possibilities in the TL.Berman thinks that an excellent translated version should show its respect to “the foreign” of the linguistic cultures in the original.Features of Berman●combines the philosophical thinking and translation methods and has a style of his own Berman’s influence to Venuti●Lawrence Venuti, an American translation theorist, has used Berman's concepts to writea genealogy of translation in an Anglo-American context to introduce the "foreignizing"strategy that is ignored in translationHomework●Presentation and an article on advantages and disadvantages of translation theory /iesas well as in which way it can be improved, or it’s inspiration to us。