

税务-星火周计划 专业四级词汇过滤版整理 精品

税务-星火周计划 专业四级词汇过滤版整理 精品

accentuate acmodate obtuse adjacentaffixagonyallegeamissannalsannexannulantenna appalling aptitudeassertastoundauditawebailbaitbesiegebestowblock blockade bloomboltbondageblotboldbragbracketbreachbrinkbroodbuffet²buoybustcastcasualtycease/decease charterchildish/childlike chokechordchopclampclaspclenchclutchcoilcolumnmand/mend mutepelpensatepileprise concession concise condemn condense condolence congregate conscientious consent conspicuous contagious contempt contented controuersy contention converse²copecordialcorrupt credulouscrispcrowcrumble cultivatecurbcurse/curve decaydeceive decent decisive/decided dedicate deductdefectdeflectdelusion demolish demonstrate denote depart depict deploy deport deputy derive descend dispose detain detect deteriorate detriment devise devour diffuse diligent dilute diminish discern discord discourse discretion disdain disgust dismay dismiss disposal disposition dissent dissolve distill dispute distract dodge dogged dump dwindle eclipse effusive elapse eliminateemancipateembroiderengraveenlistentertainenvisageepidemicesteemexcursionexemptexertexpirefabulousfalterfathomfeasiblefermentfiddleflareflavourfluffforgefosterfragilefrailfragmentfrugalfumefretfulfraudgallopgloss ²glimmer /glimpse /glitter /glow gnawgrazegrin /grindgrillgrimgrumblegrudgegullibleharryharshhastehazardhind /hinderhinthoistholdup /upholdhitchhoundhumiliatehustleilluminateimaginary /imaginative /imaginary imminentimpeachimperativeinaugurateinduceinert /inertiaingeniousinflate /deflateinitiate /initiativeinspectinstinctinsult/insulationintactintense/ intensiveintercept /interpretinterimintimateintrudeirrigatejerkjotkindlekitknit /knotlaglatentlegacylegislationlegitimateleverliberallevylimplitter ²lodgeloom ²lubricatemagnetmalady /melody malicemarginmaternalmassacremedieval melancholymenace metropolitanmightymischiefmonopoly /monotonous mournmugnudeneglectnourishobjection /objective obliviousobstruct /obstacle obstinateoffsetordealoverlook /outlook panelpanoramaparalysepatronpeakpedal /peddlepenaltypenetrateperceiveperilperseverepetitionpettypicturesquepoisepledgeportraypreach /reproach preludeprobe promising prostitute proposal prunepuffpuncturerackrag /ragerallyransom /random *rashravagerearrebuff /rebuke recede reciprocal reckless recruit redeemreflect ²refuterejectrejoicerelayreignremedy reminiscence render renowned repeal /repel repentresentresort resolute restore resume ²retreatrevealreverse revitalize ribbonrevoltrigidrivalsacksaddle saltation sanctionsap²satiresaturate saunterravagesawscantscarce /scarcely scapegoat scarceschemescorchscourscrap /sarape scornscrewscribblescrollscrubseal²seam sensation sentiment serenesermonsever /severe shed ²shield /spearsiftsinsketchsiteslackslamslander slaughter /slay sledge /sleigh slingslotsluggish slumbersmear /smudgesmugglesnapsneaksneeze /sniff /snore /snort /sneer snickersnugsolicit /solicitorsolublesoothesoresoursow /spacioussparsespecimenspectacle /spectacular /speculate spicy /spill/spoilspin /spinespit /spitesplitsplintersponsorsprainspraysprinklesproutspur/stirsquatstabstable ²stackstagnantstainstalk ²stakestalestallstammer/stutterstaple²stationery /stationarystatutesteerstiflestinkstrain strangle strapstraystreakstrife /stride stringstrip /stripe strivestrokestuff /studding stumble stumpstunsturdy subdue subsidise substract suffocate sufficient sullensurge/urge surmount swerveswellsway swollen swindle symposium tackletallytametantangible tangle taper teasetenderthawthrash threshold thrive throng thwarttick /tickle timidtiletoiltolltopple torment torpedo torture tortoisetosstramp tread trick /trickle trifletrim triangle /triple tucktrottugtumble turbulentturftwinkle turnip tyranny unanimous undo unwind utilityutter²vaccinate vacuum vaguevain /vein valiant vendorvent ventilate venture verdict verge versatile verifyvice³vibratevetvicious vigilantvirtual /virtue vocalvomitvowvulgar vulnerable wage ²wardwarrantwaxwearywarfare /welfare whip wholesome winkwitwither withholdwrapwrestle yardstick yearnyieldzeal。











星火英语高中英语词汇乱序版送的计划表全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Plan for Using Star Fire English High School English Vocabulary Scramble EditionIntroduction:Star Fire English High School has recently released a new version of their English vocabulary learning game - the Vocabulary Scramble edition. This game is designed to help students improve their English vocabulary in a fun and interactive way. In order to make the most of this new educational tool, I have devised a detailed plan for using the Vocabulary Scramble edition effectively.Goals:- Improve vocabulary retention- Enhance spelling and pronunciation skills- Increase confidence in using English language- Have fun while learning new wordsPlan:1. Set a regular time for playing the game: I will schedule a specific time each day to play the Vocabulary Scramble game. Consistency is key to improving vocabulary retention.2. Create a vocabulary journal: I will keep a journal where I write down the new words I learn from the game. This will help me review and revise the words regularly.3. Practice spelling and pronunciation: After playing the game, I will spend some time practicing the spelling and pronunciation of the new words. This will help me reinforce my learning.4. Challenge myself: I will set goals for myself, such as reaching a certain score in the game or learning a certain number of new words each day. This will keep me motivated and focused on improving my English vocabulary.5. Play with friends: I will invite classmates or friends to play the game with me. This will make the learning process more enjoyable and competitive.6. Review regularly: I will set aside time each week to review the words I have learned from the game. This will help me keep the words fresh in my memory.7. Celebrate achievements: I will reward myself for reaching milestones in the game, such as mastering a difficult level or learning a certain number of new words. This will motivate me to continue learning and improving.Conclusion:By following this plan for using the Vocabulary Scramble edition of Star Fire English High School, I am confident that I will be able to improve my English vocabulary significantly. I am excited to embark on this learning journey and look forward to seeing the progress I make. Let the vocabulary games begin!篇2Plan for the Stars English High School English Vocabulary Disorder EditionIntroduction:In order to help students improve their English vocabulary and language skills, Stars English High School has decided to provide a plan for students to learn English vocabulary in a disorderly manner. This plan aims to challenge students' ability to recognize and understand words out of context, thus enhancing their overall language proficiency.Purpose:The purpose of this plan is to encourage students to think critically and creatively when learning and using English vocabulary. By presenting words in a disorderly manner, students will be forced to rely on their knowledge and understanding of word meanings, instead of simply memorizing words in a specific order.Plan Details:- Each week, students will be provided with a list of 50 English words in a disorderly arrangement. These words will cover a range of topics and levels of difficulty.- Students will be required to study and learn the meaning of these words on their own.- Throughout the week, teachers will incorporate these words into various classroom activities and exercises to help reinforce students' understanding and usage of the words.- At the end of the week, students will be given a quiz to test their knowledge of the vocabulary words. The quiz will be designed to assess students' comprehension and usage of the words in context.- Students will also be encouraged to use the vocabulary words in their everyday conversations and writing assignments to further solidify their understanding and retention of the words.Benefits:By learning English vocabulary in a disorderly manner, students will:- Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills- Improve their ability to infer meaning from context- Enhance their vocabulary retention and recall- Strengthen their overall language proficiency and communication skillsConclusion:The Stars English High School English Vocabulary Disorder Edition plan is designed to challenge and motivate students to expand their English vocabulary in a dynamic and engaging way. By learning words in a disorderly manner, students will be better prepared to use English confidently and effectively in both academic and real-world settings.篇3Title: Plan for Using Starfire English High School English Vocabulary Disorder VersionIntroduction:As a student of Starfire English High School, one of the tools we have at our disposal is the English vocabulary disorder version provided to us. In order to make the most out of this resource, it is important to have a plan in place for how to effectively utilize it. Below is a detailed plan for using the Starfire English High School English vocabulary disorder version.Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with the VocabularyThe first step in utilizing the vocabulary disorder version is to familiarize yourself with the words that are included. Take some time to go through the list of words and their meanings. Make note of any words that are unfamiliar to you or that you would like to learn more about.Step 2: Create FlashcardsOne of the most effective ways to study for vocabulary tests is by using flashcards. Create flashcards for each word on the list, with the word on one side and the definition on the other. Review the flashcards regularly to help reinforce your memory of the words.Step 3: Practice Using the Words in SentencesIn order to truly understand and remember the words on the vocabulary list, it is important to practice using them in sentences. Write sentences using each word and try to incorporate them into your everyday conversations. This will help you to become more comfortable with using the words in context.Step 4: Quiz YourselfOnce you feel confident in your knowledge of the vocabulary words, quiz yourself to see how well you have retained the information. Create a quiz for yourself using the words and their definitions, or ask a friend or family member to quiz you. This will help to reinforce your memory of the words.Step 5: Review RegularlyIn order to ensure that you retain the information you have learned, it is important to review the vocabulary list regularly. Set aside time each week to go over the words and their meanings, and continue to practice using them in sentences. This will help to solidify your understanding of the words and improve your vocabulary skills.Conclusion:By following the plan outlined above, you can make the most out of the Starfire English High School English vocabulary disorder version. With regular practice and review, you will be able to improve your vocabulary skills and excel in your English studies. Take advantage of this valuable resource and watch your English vocabulary grow!。



星火英语四级词汇周计划乱序版电子档全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: StarFire English Four-level Vocabulary Weekly Plan Disorderly Version Electronic DocumentIntroduction:Learning English vocabulary is an essential part of improving language skills. The StarFire English Four-level Vocabulary Weekly Plan Disorderly Version Electronic Document is a comprehensive guide to help learners master essential vocabulary for the English language proficiency test. This document is divided into weekly plans, each focusing on a specific set of vocabulary words for learners to study and practice. By following this weekly plan, students can expand their vocabulary and enhance their English language proficiency.Week 1:The first week of the StarFire English Four-level Vocabulary Weekly Plan Disorderly Version Electronic Document focuses on vocabulary related to daily life and routines. Learners will study words such as 'routine', 'habit', 'chore', 'schedule', 'efficient','organize', 'prioritize', and 'procrastinate'. These words are essential for describing daily activities and managing time effectively.Week 2:In the second week, students will learn vocabulary related to education and learning. Words such as 'curriculum', 'syllabus','lecture', 'seminar', 'assignment', 'deadline', 'research', and'thesis' will be covered. These words are important for discussing academic topics and achieving success in education.Week 3:The third week of the plan focuses on vocabulary related to travel and tourism. Learners will study words such as'destination', 'itinerary', 'accommodation', 'reservation', 'tourist attraction', 'sightseeing', 'guidebook', and 'foreign currency'. These words are crucial for communicating and navigating while traveling to different places.Week 4:The fourth week covers vocabulary related to business and finance. Words such as 'investment', 'profit', 'loss', 'entrepreneur', 'market', 'brand', 'competition', and 'strategy' will be studied.These words are essential for discussing economic and business-related topics.Week 5:The fifth week focuses on vocabulary related to technology and innovation. Learners will study words such as 'internet','wireless', 'download', 'upload', 'software', 'hardware','application', and 'data'. These words are important for discussing advancements in technology and digital communication.Conclusion:The StarFire English Four-level Vocabulary Weekly Plan Disorderly Version Electronic Document is a valuable resource for learners looking to improve their English vocabulary skills. By following the weekly plans and studying the provided vocabulary words, students can expand their language proficiency and communicate effectively in English. It is recommended that students follow the plan diligently and practice using the words in context to enhance their language skills further.篇2The document "Starfire English Level Four Vocabulary Weekly Plan Disorder Edition Electronic File" is a comprehensivestudy guide for students preparing for the English Level Four exam. This document contains a list of vocabulary words arranged in a random order for each week of a study plan.Week 1:1. Ambiguous2. Coherent3. Condone4. Discern5. IncongruousWeek 2:1. Alleviate2. Bolster3. Debilitate4. Enervate5. MitigateWeek 3:1. Arrogant2. Censorious3. Derogatory4. Disdainful5. SuperciliousWeek 4:1. Amiable2. Congenial3. Gregarious4. Gregarious5. JovialThe document also includes exercises and sample sentences to help students understand and apply the vocabulary words. Each week, students are encouraged to review the words, practice using them in context, and quiz themselves on their understanding.By following this weekly plan, students can build their English vocabulary, improve their reading and writing skills, and ultimately succeed in the English Level Four exam. The disorder edition of this document adds an element of challenge andexcitement to the study process, keeping students engaged and motivated to continue learning.Overall, the "Starfire English Level Four Vocabulary Weekly Plan Disorder Edition Electronic File" is a valuable resource for students looking to enhance their English language proficiency and achieve success in their academic and professional pursuits.篇3Title: Spark English Level 4 Vocabulary Weekly Plan Disorganized Version Electronic DocumentIntroduction:Welcome to the Spark English Level 4 Vocabulary Weekly Plan Disorganized Version Electronic Document! This document aims to provide students with a comprehensive and effective study plan to improve their English vocabulary skills. By following this plan, students will be able to enhance their vocabulary and successfully pass the Level 4 English examination.Week 1:Day 1:- Acquaintance- Bizarre- Cynical- Dabble- EerieDay 2:- Falter- Garrulous - Harangue - Immaculate - JovialDay 3:- Kindle- Languish - Meticulous - Negligent - Ominous Day 4:- Pernicious- Querulous - Rancor- Sycophant - Taciturn Day 5:- Ubiquitous - Vehement - Wary- Xenophobic - Yearn Week 2: Day 6:- Zenith- Advocate - Bolster- Capitulate - DiverseDay 7:- Eminent- Fluctuate- Gullible- Hypothetical - Incessant Day 8:- Judicious- Kinetic- Lament- Malign- Nefarious Day 9:- Oblivious- Paradigm- Quell- Resilient- SurreptitiousDay 10:- Tenacious- Undulate- Vindicate- Whimsical- ZealotConclusion:By diligently following this Spark English Level 4 Vocabulary Weekly Plan Disorganized Version Electronic Document, students can expand their vocabulary and improve their chances of succeeding in the Level 4 English examination. Remember to review the words regularly and practice using them in context to solidify your understanding. Good luck with your studies!。







二、学习内容1. 学习并掌握《星火背单词》软件中的基础词汇,包括常用单词、短语、词组等;2. 注重词汇的拼写、词义、词性以及词汇搭配的学习和应用;3. 培养学生的记忆技巧和方法;4. 加强词汇的输入和输出,提高词汇的运用能力。

三、学习步骤1. 制定学习计划根据自己的实际情况,合理安排每天的学习时间,保证每天都能按照计划进行单词背诵和复习。

2. 初步背诵首先,按照《星火背单词》软件设定的学习进度,每天背诵一定数量的单词,不要盲目追求速度,注重质量和深度。

3. 复习巩固每天要对前几天所学的单词进行复习,巩固记忆,确保不遗漏和混淆。

4. 输出练习对所学的单词进行造句练习、短文应用等,积极运用所学的词汇,提高输出能力。

5. 多种方式记忆结合多种方式进行单词记忆,如联想记忆、拼音助记、词根词缀记忆等,提高单词的记忆效果。

6. 良好的学习习惯养成良好的学习习惯,保持耐心和毅力,不要间断学习,坚持下去。

四、学习评估1. 定期检测每周进行一次单词测试,看看自己对所学单词的掌握情况,发现差距及时调整学习计划。

2. 持续跟踪每月进行一次全面测试,检验所学单词的掌握情况,找出学习中的不足,进一步完善学习计划。

3. 短期目标根据学习进展情况,调整学习目标,保持学习的积极性和目标感。










星火英语四级词汇周计划乱序版电子版Unfortunately, I cannot provide a specific pre-generated document from the aforementioned source. However, I can offer general guidance on creating a study plan using the Star Fire English Four-Level Vocabulary Plan.The Star Fire English Four-Level Vocabulary Plan is a comprehensive guide aimed at improving English vocabulary skills for students preparing for the four-level English proficiency test. The plan is divided into weekly schedules, each focusing on a specific set of vocabulary words and related exercises to enhance learning.To create an effective study plan using this resource, students can follow these steps:1. Review the entire plan: Before starting the study plan, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the content and structure of the guide. Understand the key objectives, weekly schedules, and vocabulary words covered in each level.2. Set weekly goals: Break down the plan into manageable weekly goals based on your study schedule and availability. Allocate specific time slots for vocabulary study and practice exercises.3. Create a study routine: Establish a consistent study routine that aligns with your weekly goals. Dedicate daily time for vocabulary learning, revision, and practice to reinforce your understanding of the words.4. Engage in various activities: In addition to reading and memorizing vocabulary words, engage in different activities like writing sentences, practicing word usage, and taking quizzes to test your knowledge. Use flashcards, online resources, and study groups to enhance learning.5. Track your progress: Keep track of your progress by monitoring the number of words learned, exercises completed, and improvements in your vocabulary skills. Regularly review your performance and adjust your study plan accordingly.6. Seek feedback and support: Share your study plan with teachers, classmates, or mentors to receive feedback and guidance on areas of improvement. Collaborate with others to enhance your vocabulary skills through discussions and practice sessions.By following these steps and utilizing the Star Fire English Four-Level Vocabulary Plan effectively, students can efficiently improve their English vocabulary skills and achieve success in the four-level English proficiency test. Consistent practice,dedication, and perseverance are essential to mastering the vocabulary words and enhancing overall language proficiency.。



中考必背英语单词21天速提计划全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: 21-Day Speed Up Plan for Mastering English Vocabulary for the Middle School Entrance ExamHey guys! Do you know what's coming up soon? That's right, the middle school entrance exam! Are you feeling a little nervous about your English vocabulary? Don't worry, I've got a super cool plan that will help you master all those words in just 21 days. Let's get started!Day 1-7: Start with the BasicsFirst things first, let's start with the basics. Get yourself a handy-dandy notebook and write down 20 new words each day. Use them in sentences to help you remember them better. You can also try making flashcards or playing word games to make learning fun!Day 8-14: Explore Different TopicsNow that you've got the hang of some basic words, let's dive into different topics. For each day, pick a new theme like animals,food, or sports. Learn at least 20 new words related to that topic and practice using them in sentences. This will help you expand your vocabulary and improve your language skills.Day 15-21: Review and PracticeIn the final week, it's time to review all the words you've learned so far. Make sure you go over your notebook and flashcards regularly. You can also practice speaking with a friend or family member to test your new vocabulary. Remember, practice makes perfect!Bonus Tip: Read, Read, Read!One more thing, don't forget to read as much as you can. It could be books, magazines, or even online articles. Reading will expose you to new words and help you understand how they are used in context. Plus, it's a fun way to improve your English skills!So there you have it, guys! Follow this 21-day plan and you'll be a vocabulary master in no time. Good luck on your middle school entrance exam, you've got this!篇2Hello everyone! I am going to share with you a super cool plan to quickly improve your English skills in just 21 days. It's like a magic spell that will help you ace the English exam in no time!Day 1-7: Vocabulary PowerLet's start by learning new words every day. You can use flashcards, vocabulary apps, or even make your own word list. Try to use these words in sentences to help you remember them better.Day 8-14: Grammar GaloreNow, let's focus on grammar rules. Learn about tenses, prepositions, and conjunctions. Practice using them in sentences and exercises. You can also watch English grammar videos on YouTube to make it more fun.Day 15-21: Reading and Writing BonanzaReading and writing are super important. Read English newspapers, magazines, or books. Try to write short essays or stories on different topics. Have someone check your grammar and spelling to improve.Bonus Tip: Speak, Speak, Speak!Don't forget to practice speaking English. Talk to your friends, family, or even yourself in English. The more you speak, the more confident you will become.So, there you have it! Follow this plan for 21 days, and you'll see a huge improvement in your English skills. Good luck and happy studying!篇3Hey guys, do you know that the middle school entrance exam is coming soon? Are you worried about your English test? Don't worry, I'm here to help you with a super fast 21-day English review plan! Let's get started!Day 1-7: Let's start with the basics!On the first week, let's review all the basic grammar rules, vocabulary and sentence structures. Try to memorize common English words and phrases, and practice writing simple sentences. You can also watch English cartoons or listen to English songs to improve your listening skills.Day 8-14: Let's focus on reading and comprehension!During the second week, try to read short articles, stories or passages in English. Pay attention to the main ideas and details,and practice answering comprehension questions. You can also try to summarize what you've read in your own words.Day 15-21: Let's practice speaking and listening!In the final week, practice speaking English with your friends or family members. Try to have conversations in English as much as possible. Watch English movies or TV shows with subtitles to improve your listening skills. You can also try to record yourself speaking in English and see how you can improve.Remember, practice makes perfect! Keep reviewing and practicing every day, and you'll definitely ace your English exam. Good luck!篇4Hey everyone! Are you getting ready for the big middle school entrance exam ()? Don't worry, because I've got a super speedy plan to help you improve your English in just 21 days! With a little bit of hard work and dedication, you'll be acing that English test in no time!Day 1-7: Vocabulary BlitzStart off by learning 10 new words each day. Make flashcards or use a vocabulary app to help you memorize them. Try to usethe words in sentences to really understand their meanings. You can even practice with your friends or family to make it more fun!Day 8-14: Grammar GaloreFocus on a different grammar rule each day. Whether it's verb tenses, prepositions, or articles, make sure you understand how to use them correctly in sentences. Practice writing sentences and have someone check them for errors. You'll be a grammar pro in no time!Day 15-21: Reading RampageRead a short passage or article every day and try to summarize it in your own words. This will help improve your reading comprehension skills and expand your vocabulary. You can also try listening to English songs or watching English videos to expose yourself to more English words and phrases.Remember to review what you've learned throughout the 21 days to make sure it sticks in your memory. And don't forget to have fun with it! Learning English can be a blast if you approach it with a positive attitude.So, are you ready to kickstart your English learning journey? Let's do this! Good luck, and I know you'll do great on that middle school entrance exam!篇5Hey guys! Have you heard of the amazing 【21-day Speed Boost Plan for English】? It's super cool and can help you ace the middle school entrance exam!So, here's the deal - all you have to do is practice your English for 21 days straight, and you'll see some serious improvement in your skills. Trust me, it's totally worth it!First things first, make sure you set aside some time each day to study English. It doesn't have to be a lot, even just 15-20 minutes will do the trick. You can watch English movies, listen to English songs, or even chat with your friends in English. The key is to practice every day!Next, you should focus on building your vocabulary. Try to learn a few new words each day and use them in sentences. This will help you remember them better and improve your language skills. And don't forget to review your old words too!Reading is also super important. Try to read English books, magazines, or websites every day. This will help you improve your reading comprehension and expand your knowledge of the language.Lastly, don't forget to practice speaking and writing. Try to have conversations in English with your friends or family members. You can also write short paragraphs or stories in English to improve your writing skills.By following this 21-day plan, I guarantee you'll see a huge improvement in your English skills. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started and ace that middle school entrance exam! Good luck, guys!篇6Hey guys! Have you heard of the 21-day rapid improvement plan for the English exam? It's super important for us if we want to do well on the test. So, let me tell you all about it!First of all, we need to make a study schedule. It's best to study a little bit every day, rather than cramming all at once. Try to set aside some time each day to focus on English. Maybe before bed or after dinner, find a time that works best for you.Next, we should practice all four skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Reading English books, articles, and news can help improve our reading skills. Writing essays, diaries, or even simple sentences can help improve our writing skills. Listening to English songs, movies, and podcasts can helpimprove our listening skills. And speaking English with friends, teachers, or even practicing in front of a mirror can help improve our speaking skills.Don't forget to review your vocabulary and grammar. Flashcards, quizzes, or even games can help make studying more fun and interactive. If you're struggling with any topics, don't be afraid to ask for help. Your teachers, parents, or even classmates can be great resources.Lastly, stay positive and motivated. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Remember, it's okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them. And most importantly, don't give up!So, let's work hard and follow this 21-day plan to improve our English skills for the exam. We can do it, guys! Good luck!篇7Hey guys! Do you wanna ace the Chinese College Entrance Exam (Gaokao) English test in just 21 days? Well, I've got a plan for you! It's gonna be super fun and easy, so let's get started!Day 1-7: VocabularyLet's start by learning some new English words every day. Use flashcards or apps like Quizlet to help you remember them.Make sentences with the words to practice using them in context.Day 8-14: GrammarNext, let's focus on grammar. Review tenses, articles, prepositions, and other grammar rules. Watch English movies or TV shows to see how these rules are used in real-life situations.Day 15-21: Reading and ListeningIt's time to improve your reading and listening skills. Read English articles, blogs, or books. Listen to podcasts, songs, or watch English videos. Practice summarizing what you read or heard to improve your comprehension.Remember to review what you've learned throughout the 21 days to keep it fresh in your mind. And don't forget to practice speaking English with your friends or family members.Good luck on your exam, and I know you can do it! Go get that English test! Let's do this! #21DaysEnglishChallenge篇8Hey guys! Do you know that the middle school entrance exam is coming soon? Are you worried about your English grades? Don't fret! I have a super cool "Middle School EntranceExam English 21-Day Rapid Improvement Plan" that will help you ace the exam in no time! Let's get started!Day 1-7: Learn new vocabulary words every day. Make flashcards with the word on one side and the definition on the other. Review them daily and try to use them in sentences.Day 8-14: Practice grammar rules and sentence structure. Watch English videos or movies with subtitles, read English books or articles, and pay attention to how sentences are structured. Try to write your own sentences using proper grammar rules.Day 15-21: Focus on listening and speaking skills. Listen to English songs, podcasts, or radio shows. Practice speaking with your friends or family members in English. You can even try to have a conversation in English for 15 minutes every day.Don't forget to review everything you've learned throughout the 21 days. Stay confident and believe in yourself! You can do it! Good luck on your middle school entrance exam! Let's go and rock that English test!篇9Hey guys! Are you getting ready for the dreaded Chinese College Entrance Exam? Don't worry, I've got your back with a super awesome 21-day plan to help you ace that English test!Day 1-7: Let's start off easy by reviewing the basics. Spend the first week going over grammar rules, vocabulary, and common phrases. Make flashcards, watch English movies, and practice speaking with your friends.Day 8-14: Time to kick it up a notch! Focus on reading comprehension and writing skills. Read English articles, novels, or even news websites. Try writing essays or short stories to improve your writing skills.Day 15-18: Speaking of speaking, let's work on your pronunciation and fluency. Practice speaking English every day, whether it's reading out loud, talking to yourself in the mirror, or having conversations with your friends or family.Day 19-21: Final stretch! Take plenty of practice tests to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions you'll see on the exam. Review any weak areas and keep practicing until you feel confident.And there you have it, folks! A simple 21-day plan to help you improve your English skills and crush that exam. Remember,consistency is key, so make sure to stick to the plan and put in the effort every day. Good luck, and go show that exam who's boss!篇10Title: 21-day Plan to Boost Your English Skills for the Middle School Entrance ExamHey guys! Are you worried about the upcoming middle school entrance exam? Don't worry, I've got a 21-day plan to help you improve your English skills and ace the exam!Day 1-7: Vocabulary BuildingStart by learning 10 new words each day. Write them down, use them in sentences, and try to remember them throughout the day. You can also use flashcards or vocabulary apps to help you memorize the words.Day 8-14: Grammar PracticeFocus on different grammar topics each day, such as tenses, articles, prepositions, and so on. Do some exercises or practice questions to test your understanding. You can also watch English videos or listen to English songs to see how grammar is used in real-life situations.Day 15-21: Reading and WritingRead a short story, article, or news piece every day. Summarize what you read and write a short response or reflection. Practice writing essays on various topics to improve your writing skills. You can also ask a teacher or tutor to give you feedback on your writing.Remember to review and revise what you've learned each day, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Keep practicing and you'll see improvement in no time!Good luck with your exam, and I hope this plan helps you become more confident in your English skills. You've got this!。



星火英语四级词汇周计划和闪过English:The Star Fire English Level 4 Vocabulary Weekly Plan and Flashcards are two helpful tools for students looking to improve their English vocabulary. The weekly plan lays out a structured schedule for studying different sets of vocabulary words each day, allowing students to gradually build up their word knowledge over time. By following the plan consistently, students can see steady improvement in their vocabulary skills. The flashcards, on the other hand, offer a more interactive and engaging way to study and reinforce vocabulary words. Students can quiz themselves using the flashcards, testing their memory and retention of the words in a fun and effective manner. Overall, both the weekly plan and flashcards provide a comprehensive and dynamic approach to expanding one's English vocabulary.中文翻译:星火英语四级词汇周计划和闪过是两个有助于学生提高英语词汇的工具。




1. book.- 发音:[bʊk]- 词性:名词(n.),表示“书;本子”。

例如:I have a book.(我有一本书。

)- 也可作动词(v.),意为“预订;预约”。

例如:I book a ticket.(我订了一张票。

)2. pen.- 发音:[pen]- 词性:名词(n.),“钢笔”。

如:This is my pen.(这是我的钢笔。

)3. pencil.- 发音:[ˈpensl]- 词性:名词(n.),“铅笔”。

例如:I use a pencil to write.(我用铅笔写字。

)4. ruler.- 发音:[ˈruːlə(r)]- 词性:名词(n.),“尺子”。

例如:My ruler is long.(我的尺子是长的。


1. swim.- 发音:[swɪm]- 词性:动词(v.),“游泳”。

例如:I like to swim in summer.(我喜欢在夏天游泳。

)2. dance.- 发音:[dɑːns]- 词性:动词(v.),“跳舞”;也可作名词(n.),“舞蹈;舞会”。

例如:She can dance very well.(她跳舞跳得很好。

)We will go to a dance tonight.(我们今晚将去参加一个舞会。

)3. draw.- 发音:[drɔː]- 词性:动词(v.),“画画;绘制”。

例如:I can draw a picture.(我能画一幅画。


1. train.- 发音:[treɪn]- 词性:名词(n.),“火车”;也可作动词(v.),“训练;培养”。

例如:I take the train to school.(我坐火车去上学。

)The coach trains the players.(教练训练运动员。

)2. plane.- 发音:[pleɪn]- 词性:名词(n.),“飞机”。



星火初中英语词汇1. Level 1 Words- Words at this level are basic and commonly used in everyday communication. They form the foundation of English vocabulary and are essential for beginners.- Examples of Level 1 words include: apple, cat, book, happy, and nice.- These words are easy to understand and are often used in simple sentences.2. Level 2 Words- Level 2 words are slightly more advanced and expand upon the basic vocabulary learned at Level 1.- Examples of Level 2 words include: bicycle, friend, garden, delicious, and beautiful.- These words are used to describe objects, people, and feelings with more detail and complexity.3. Level 3 Words- Level 3 words are challenging and require a deeper understanding of English language usage.- Examples of Level 3 words include: environment, global, diversity, ambitious, and confident.- These words are often found in academic texts and require context to fully comprehend their meanings.4. Level 4 Words- Level 4 words are advanced and mostly used by fluent English speakers.- Examples of Level 4 words include: sophisticated, eloquent, manipulate, generate, and comprehend.- These words are complex and are often used in formal writing or professional settings.5. Tips for Learning English Vocabulary- Read extensively to expose yourself to a wide range of words and their usage in different contexts.- Keep a vocabulary notebook to record and review new words regularly.- Use flashcards or other mnemonic devices to memorize challenging words.- Practice using vocabulary in daily conversations and writing exercises.- Seek help from teachers or language exchange partners to clarify any doubts or questions.In conclusion, the "Stars Middle School English Vocabulary" document provides an overview of different vocabulary levels, from basic words to more advanced ones. Each level builds upon the previous one, allowing learners to expand their English communication skills. By following the provided tips, learners can enhance their vocabulary and become more proficient in English.。



星火英语四级词汇周计划乱序版电子版Title: Weekly Plan for Star Fire English Level Four Vocabulary (Unordered Version)Introduction:Learning vocabulary is a crucial part of mastering a new language. For English learners, having a solid foundation of vocabulary is essential for improving reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. To help students improve their English vocabulary, the Star Fire English Institute has developed a weekly plan for learning Level Four vocabulary words.Week 1:Monday: Practice using flashcards to memorize the first 20 words from the Level Four vocabulary list.Tuesday: Write sentences using the first 10 words in context to reinforce understanding.Wednesday: Listen to a podcast or watch a video in English that incorporates the Level Four vocabulary.Thursday: Complete a crossword puzzle or word search using the Level Four vocabulary words.Friday: Review all 20 words learned this week to ensure retention.Week 2:Monday: Quiz yourself on the first 20 words from Week 1 to gauge progress.Tuesday: Practice pronouncing the next 20 words in the Level Four list.Wednesday: Create flashcards for the next 10 words and review regularly throughout the day.Thursday: Write a short story using at least 5 of the new words learned this week.Friday: Review all 20 words learned this week and quiz yourself on their meanings.Week 3:Monday: Review all 40 words learned in the past two weeks and quiz yourself on their meanings.Tuesday: Practice spelling the next 20 words on the Level Four list.Wednesday: Listen to a podcast or watch a video in English that uses the Level Four vocabulary words.Thursday: Complete a fill-in-the-blank exercise using the new words learned this week.Friday: Review all 20 words learned this week and test yourself on their meanings and usage.Week 4:Monday: Quiz yourself on all 60 words learned in the past three weeks.Tuesday: Practice using the Level Four vocabulary words in conversation with a study partner or tutor.Wednesday: Create flashcards for the next 20 words and review them regularly.Thursday: Write a short essay using at least 10 of the new words learned this week.Friday: Review all 20 words learned this week and test yourself on their meanings and application in different contexts.Conclusion:By following this weekly plan for learning Level Four vocabulary words, students can improve their English language skills and expand their vocabulary. Consistent practice and review are key to retaining new words and using them effectively in communication. The Star Fire English Institute encourages students to dedicate time each day to study vocabulary and apply it in various language activities for maximum proficiency.。



什么是初中英语星火计划的内容和要求全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The "Spark Program for Middle School English": Content and RequirementsAs a middle school student, the "Spark Program for English" has been a significant part of my language learning journey. This program, designed specifically for students in grades 7-9, aims to ignite our passion for the English language and provide us with a solid foundation for further studies and future endeavors. In this essay, I will delve into the content and requirements of this program, sharing my personal experiences and insights.Content OverviewThe "Spark Program for English" encompasses a comprehensive curriculum that covers various aspects of language acquisition. It is structured around four main pillars: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Each pillar is further subdivided into specific modules and units designed to build our skills progressively.Reading:One of the core components of the program is the reading module. We are exposed to a diverse range of literary works, including short stories, novels, poems, and articles from various genres. The readings are carefully selected to not only enhance our comprehension skills but also broaden our cultural awareness and vocabulary. Additionally, we engage in critical analysis and discussions, fostering our ability to interpret texts and formulate well-reasoned opinions.Writing:The writing module is designed to develop our ability to express ourselves effectively in written form. We learn various writing techniques, such as descriptive, narrative, persuasive, and expository writing. Emphasis is placed on proper grammar, structure, and organization, as well as creativity and originality. Regular writing assignments and peer reviews help us refine our skills and receive constructive feedback.Listening:Effective communication relies heavily on our ability to understand spoken English. The listening module exposes us to a variety of audio materials, including dialogues, speeches, podcasts, and videos. We practice active listening strategies, note-taking skills, and comprehension exercises. Additionally, welearn to identify different accents and cultural nuances, preparing us for real-world interactions.Speaking:The speaking module is crucial for building our confidence and fluency in verbal communication. We engage in various activities such as role-plays, debates, presentations, and group discussions. These exercises not only improve our pronunciation and intonation but also teach us how to articulate our thoughts coherently and respond appropriately in different situations.Requirements and AssessmentsTo ensure that we are progressing effectively through the "Spark Program for English," there are specific requirements and assessments in place:Attendance and Participation:Regular attendance and active participation in class activities are mandatory. Engagement and involvement are essential for mastering the language skills and benefiting fully from the program.Assignments and Projects:Throughout the program, we are assigned various tasks, including writing assignments, reading comprehension exercises, listening activities, and oral presentations. These assignments are designed to reinforce the concepts learned in class and provide opportunities for practical application.Assessments and Evaluations:Periodic assessments are conducted to evaluate our progress and identify areas for improvement. These evaluations may take the form of quizzes, tests, or comprehensive exams covering all four language skills. Additionally, we may be required to submit portfolios showcasing our best work and growth over time.Language Immersion Activities:To further enhance our language acquisition, the program encourages participation in language immersion activities. These may include joining English clubs, attending language workshops, or engaging in cultural events that promote the use of English in authentic settings.Extracurricular Opportunities:The "Spark Program for English" also offers various extracurricular opportunities, such as speech contests, dramaperformances, or writing competitions. These activities not only allow us to apply our language skills in creative ways but also foster confidence, teamwork, and a deeper appreciation for the English language and its cultural richness.Reflecting on my journey through the "Spark Program for English," I can confidently say that it has been a transformative experience. The program's comprehensive approach, combining theoretical knowledge with practical application, has equipped me with the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of the English language. From improving my reading comprehension and writing skills to enhancing my listening and speaking abilities, this program has laid a strong foundation for my future academic and professional pursuits.As I continue to progress through middle school and beyond, I am grateful for the opportunities provided by the "Spark Program for English." It has ignited a passion within me for language learning and has instilled a deep appreciation for the richness and diversity of the English language and its associated cultures. With the skills and knowledge acquired through this program, I feel empowered to embrace new challenges and embark on a lifelong journey of language exploration and personal growth.篇2What is the "Xinghuojihua" (Spark Program) for English in Junior High?As a junior high student, one of the biggest challenges I face is learning English. It's a core subject that not only requires a lot of effort but is also crucial for our future studies and careers. That's why the education authorities have introduced the "Xinghuojihua" (Spark Program) for English learning, and I'm excited to share my experience with it.The Spark Program is an initiative aimed at improving English proficiency among junior high school students across the country. It's a comprehensive program that incorporates various teaching methods, resources, and activities to make English learning more engaging, practical, and effective.One of the core components of the Spark Program is the emphasis on interactive and communicative language teaching. Gone are the days when we merely memorized vocabulary lists and grammar rules. Our English classes now focus on practical communication skills, with a lot of group work, role-playing, and real-life scenarios. This approach has made English feel more relatable and less like a subject we're just memorizing for exams.Another key aspect of the Spark Program is the integration of technology into the learning process. Our school has invested in various digital resources, such as language learning apps, online platforms, and multimedia content. These tools not only make English learning more interactive and engaging but also cater to different learning styles and preferences.One of my favorite parts of the Spark Program is the emphasis on cultural exchange and international exposure. Our school has partnered with schools in English-speaking countries, allowing us to participate in virtual exchange programs and even hosting international students. This has given us invaluable opportunities to practice our English in real-life scenarios and gain a deeper understanding of different cultures.The Spark Program also encourages extracurricular activities related to English, such as English clubs, writing competitions, and drama performances. These activities provide us with a fun and relaxed environment to explore our interests while improving our English skills. Personally, I've joined the school's English drama club, which has not only boosted my confidence in speaking English but has also helped me develop teamwork and creative thinking skills.Additionally, the Spark Program places a strong emphasis on personalized learning and support. Our English teachers regularly assess our progress and provide individualized feedback and guidance. They also encourage us to set achievable goals and develop learning strategies that suit our strengths and weaknesses.One of the most significant requirements of the Spark Program is active participation and engagement from students. We're expected to take an active role in our learning process, whether it's through class discussions, group projects, orself-study activities. This shift in mindset, from passive recipients of knowledge to active learners, has been challenging but rewarding.Of course, like any new initiative, the Spark Program has faced its fair share of challenges. Some students and parents initially raised concerns about the increased workload and the emphasis on practical skills over theoretical knowledge. However, as the program has progressed, many have come to appreciate its holistic approach to English learning.From my personal experience, the Spark Program has been a game-changer in my English learning journey. It has not only improved my language skills but has also fostered a genuineinterest and appreciation for the language and culture. I'm more confident in speaking English, and I've developed valuable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration.Looking ahead, I'm excited to see how the Spark Program will continue to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of students and the rapidly evolving world. Perhaps we'll see more opportunities for international exchange programs, virtual reality language learning experiences, or even AI-assisted personalized learning.In conclusion, the "Xinghuojihua" (Spark Program) for English learning in junior high schools is a comprehensive and innovative initiative that aims to transform the way we learn and perceive the English language. Through its emphasis on interactive teaching methods, technology integration, cultural exchange, extracurricular activities, and personalized support, the program has ignited a spark within me and many of my classmates, inspiring us to embrace English as more than just a subject but as a gateway to limitless opportunities and personal growth.篇3The "Spark Program" for English: A New Way to LearnAs a middle school student, learning English can sometimes feel like a chore. We've been studying it for years, yet many of us still struggle to really understand and communicate fluently. That's why I was excited when my school introduced the new "Spark Program" for English this year.The Spark Program is designed to make English learning more interactive, practical, and fun. Instead of just reading from textbooks and doing worksheets, we get to engage in a variety of activities that help us actually use English in real-world situations.One of the core parts of the program is weekly "English Immersion" sessions. During these 2-hour periods, we aren't allowed to speak any language other than English! Our teachers set up different scenarios and we have to complete tasks and objectives using only English. It may sound intimidating at first, but it's actually a lot of fun.Some recent immersion activities I participated in included running a customer service simulation where we had to help confused "customers" with different problems. Another time, we did a escape room-style challenge where we had to solve riddles and puzzles in English to unlock clues. There was even a fundrama activity where we had to improvise scenes in English based on different prompts.While it can be challenging to speak solely in English for that long, it's amazing how quickly you get used to it. And it really forces you to think in the language rather than just memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules. I've already noticed a huge improvement in my listening and speaking abilities.But the Spark Program isn't just about immersion activities. We also do regular multimedia projects that let us get creative while practicing our English skills. For example, my class recently had to script, film, and edit short video advertisements for a made-up product. We had to write compelling dialogue, record voiceovers, put together graphics and visuals, and more. It combined so many different skills like writing, public speaking, technology use, and teamwork.Another unit had us create English podcasts on topics we were interested in. We learned how to structure episodes, conduct interviews, edit audio, and more. My group did a podcast on the history and cultural impact of basketball. It was awesome getting to explore a subject I'm passionate about while developing my English abilities.The beauty of these projects is that we get to choose what we work on based on our own interests. That makes the work much more engaging than just following a rigid curriculum. And we get real-world practice at skills like video production, audio editing, public speaking, and more. The possibilities are endless for combining English learning with our individual interests and talents.Of course, we can't avoid all readings, writings, and tests in English class. But even these traditional assignments have taken on a new life thanks to the Spark Program. For example, we'll analyze the writings or speeches of influential English speakers and writers to learn about rhetoric, perspective, and language use. Or we'll watch insightful videos or movies and dissect the dialogue and narrative styles.Our teachers have gotten really creative about making these "classroom" components more interactive too. We may do Socratic seminar discussions, debates, dramatic readings, or multimedia presentations to showcase our mastery of the content. It's a far cry from just doing bookwork and multiple choice tests.I have to admit, when I first heard about the Spark Program's non-traditional approach, I was a bit skeptical. How could doingimmersive games and projects really help me learn English better than normal classes? But after experiencing it myself this year, I'm a complete believer.Speaking English constantly during those immersion sessions was terrifying at first. And working on creative multimedia projects forced me out of my comfort zone. But that's exactly what has made me improve so much. I've gained real confidence in my English abilities. I'm not just regurgitating grammar rules, but actually communicating my own thoughts and ideas smoothly.The projects have also taught me so many practical skills that I'll definitely use later in life. Things like public speaking, video production, podcast creation, and more. And I've discovered new interests through the freedom to choose what I work on. For example, I never expected to enjoy audio editing and podcast-making as much as I did!My classmates and I actually look forward to English class now, because we never know what engaging new activities await us. The Spark Program has completely reinvigorated the way we learn English. We're not just passing through forgettable lessons, but becoming truly capable and confident English users.I know I still have a long way to go in my English journey. But I feel like the Spark Program has given me a valuable headstart. More than just building my language skills, it's taught me how to creatively apply them, solve problems, communicate effectively, and explore my passions. All while having a ton of fun in the process.If you have the opportunity to be part of the Spark Program at your school, I can't recommend it enough. It may seem strange at first, with all the immersions, projects, and activities. But I guarantee you'll gain so much more from this modern, hands-on approach to English learning. Things will finally "click" in a way they never could from just reading textbooks.Who knows, you may even ignite a spark of inspiration for an unexpected passion or career interest. That's the true magic of this innovative program. So don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the Spark!。



星火英语考研英语词汇周计划The "Spark English" postgraduate entrance examination vocabulary weekly plan is a comprehensive study schedule designed to help students master a wide range of English vocabulary necessary for the rigorous demands of postgraduate English exams. This plan is meticulously structured to ensure that students cover all essential vocabulary topics in a systematic and efficient manner.Each week of the plan focuses on a specific set of vocabulary themes, ranging from academic disciplines to everyday expressions. The first week might concentrate on academic vocabulary, ensuring that students are familiar with terms commonly used in scholarly writing and discussions. Subsequent weeks could delve into business and finance terminology, idiomatic expressions, and phrasal verbs, among other areas.The weekly plan includes a variety of learning activities such as flashcards, quizzes, and interactive exercises to reinforce learning. It also incorporates spaced repetition techniques, which are proven to enhance long-term retention of vocabulary.Moreover, the "Spark English" plan encourages students to engage with the vocabulary in context, through reading passages and listening to audio clips that use the targeted words. This immersive approach helps students to understandnot only the meaning of the words but also their usage inreal-life situations.To supplement the weekly study sessions, the plan also suggests additional resources such as vocabulary-building apps, online forums, and study groups where students can share tips and progress.By following the "Spark English" postgraduate entrance examination vocabulary weekly plan, students can expect to see a significant improvement in their vocabulary knowledge and overall English proficiency, which is crucial for success in competitive exams.。

















《星火英语高中语法周计划新版》是一本非常实用的高中英语语法教辅书籍。 通过每周分章节的方式,本书将高中英语语法知识点进行了系统的梳理和讲解, 同时配合丰富的例句和练习题,帮助学生更好地掌握英语语法知识。本书的目 录结构清晰明了,便于学生查找和阅读。
周计划设计:本书以周为单位,每周都有明确的学习目标和计划,能够帮助学 生合理安排学习时间,提高学习效率。
自我测评:本书每周结束时配有自我测评,方便学生自测学习效果,及时发现 不足之处并加以改进。
《星火英语高中语法周计划新版》是一本非常优秀的语法学习书籍,其特点在 于实用性强、讲解详细、练习丰富、周计划设计和自我测评等。这本书能够帮 助高中生更好地掌握英语语法知识,提高英语水平。我强烈推荐这本书给所有 高中生作为英语学习的重要参考书籍。
《星火英语高中语法周计划新版》这本书是我最近阅读的一本英语语法学习书 籍。这本书以其独特的编写方式和实用的学习内容,给我留下了深刻的印象。
我想谈谈这本书的内容和结构。书中详细地涵盖了高中英语语法的各个方面, 从词法到句法,从简单到复杂,每一部分都进行了深入浅出的讲解。每个知识 点都配有生动的例句和详细的解析,使得学习过程变得轻松愉快。而且,书中 还附有大量的练习题,这些题目针对性强,有助于我们巩固所学的知识。
《星火英语高中语法周计划新版》是一本专为高中生设计的语法学习书籍,旨 在帮助学生掌握高中英语语法知识,提高英语水平。本书由知名英语教育专家 编写,以周为单位,分为10周,每周包含5-6个课时,每周结束时配有自我测 评,方便学生自测。本书还配有答案详解,方便学生随时随地学习语法知识。

中考英语单词周计划 2.doc

中考英语单词周计划 2.doc

1.typical adj.典型的18. brave adj.勇敢的,无畏37. opposite adj.对面的,另2.unusual adj.特别的,不寻的—边的;prep.在……对面常的19. protect v.保护,防护38. memory n.记忆,回忆3.volunteer v.义务做,自愿做;n.志愿者20. member n.成员,会员21. remind v.提醒,使想起39. nervous adj.焦虑的,担忧的4.waste n.浪费,垃圾;v.浪费,滥用22. opinion n.意见,想法,看法23. nature n.自然界,大自然40. population n.人口,人口数量5.technology n.科技,工艺24. importance n.重要性41. sign n.标志,信号6. risk n.v.危险,风险,冒25. argue v.争论,争吵42. throat n.咽喉,喉咙险26. explain v.解释,说明43. trouble n.问题,苦恼7.safe adj.安全的27. change v. n.变化,改变44. rubbish n.垃圾,废弃物8.passenger n.乘客28. actually adv.事实上45. silly adj.愚蠢的,不明事9.magic adj.有魔力的29. collect v.收集;采集理的1.object n.物体,物品30. belong v.属于,归属46. throw v.扔,掷11.realize v.理解,意识到31. difficulty n.困难,难题47. ancient adj.古代的古老12.lonely adj.孤独的,寂寞32. adult n.成人;adj.成年的的的33. depend v.依靠,信赖48. amazing adj.令人惊喜13.instead adv.代替,反而34. honest adj.诚实的,老实的14.knee n.膝盖的49. especially adv.尤其,特别15.forever adv.永远35. invent v.发明,创造50. condition n.条件,状况16.encourage v.鼓励36. perfect adj.完美的,完全51. disabled adj.丧失能力17. deaf adj.聋的的,有残52. childhood n.童年,幼年70. introduce v.介绍,引荐88.crazya.不理智的,疯狂的53. abroad adv.在国外,71. provide v.提供,供应89.islandn.岛54. century n.百年,世纪72. towards prep.朝,向,对90. toy n .玩具55. camera n.照相机,摄影机,着91. stomach n.胃,腹部56. develop v.发展;壮大73. strange a.奇特的,奇怪92. silk n.丝绸,丝织物57. communicate v.交流,沟的93. scarf n.围巾,披巾,头通74. thousand num.—千巾58. nowadays adv.现今,目75. hide v.隐藏,隐蔽94.guessV.猜测,估计前76. consider v.注视,仔细考95. date n.日期,日子59. offer v.主动提出,给予虑96.controlI n.v.限制,约束,60. pressure n.压力77. as for 至于,关于97.stonen.石头61. memory n.记忆,回忆78. blind adj.瞎的,失明的98. truth n.实情,事实62. recently adv.不久前,最近79. compare v.上匕较99. thick adj.厚的,浓的63. storm n.暴风雨80. kindness n.仁慈,善良100.wholeadj.全部的,整体64. sweep ( swept , swept ) 81. illness n.疾病,不舒服的v.扫,打扫82. letter n.信,涵101.wild adj.野生的65. toothache n.牙痛83. relation n.关系,联系ualadj.通常的,寻常66. skill n.技艺,技巧84. success n.成功的67. social adj.社会的85. succeed v.实现目标,成103.weakadj.虚弱的,无力68. research n. v.研究,调功的查86. province n.身份104.yard n.院子69. fiction n.小说87. desert n.沙漠105.wrong adj.有毛病,错误124. easily adv.容易地106.alone adv.独自,单独125. restaurant n.餐馆145.absent adj.缺席,不在107.achievement n.成就,成126.warm adj.温暖的146.helpful adj.有用的,有帮绩127.mountain n.高山助的108.line n.行,排128.message n.信息147.suggest v.建议,提议109.musician n.音乐家129.again adv.再一次148.address n.地址,住址110.violin n.小提琴130.hotel n.旅馆,酒店149.impolite adj.不礼貌的111.center n.中心,中央131.visit v.拜访,参观150. central adj.中心的,中央(=centre ) 132. free adj.免费的的112. arrive v.到达133.singer n.歌手151.introduction n.介绍113.villager n.村民134. expensive adj.昂贵的152.translate v.翻译114.bridge n.桥135.excellent adj.优秀的,极153.musical adj.音乐的,有115.practice v. n.练习好的音乐天赋的116.delicious a.美味的,可口136.natural adj.自然的154.earthquake n.地震的137.museum n.博物馆155. biscuit n.饼干117.soup n.汤nguage n.语言156.medical adj.医疗的,医学的118.tomorrow n.明天139.create v.创造,创建157.market n.市场,集市119.newspaper n.报纸140.review v. n.回顾,复习158.overcome v.克服,战胜120. pet n.宠物141.grammar n.语法159.umbrella n.伞,雨伞121.flag n.欺,旗帜142.discover v.发现,发觉160.hungry adj.饥饿的122. use v.使用,运用143.aloud adv.大声地161.seem v.好像,似乎,看来123.still adv.仍然,还144. wisely adv.明智地,聪明162. bored adj.厌倦的,烦闷的163.wonder v.想知道,琢磨183. delete v.删除164. myself pron.我自己184.glad adj.高兴,愿意165.yourself pron.你自己185.glue n.胶水166. mirror n.镜子186. unless conj.除非,如果不167.necessary adj.必要的,必187. wallet n.钱包需的188.guest n.客人,宾客168.serious adj.严肃的189.mistake n.错误,失误169.service n.接待,服务190.solve v.解决,解答170.example n.实例,范例191.upset adj滩过,失望,沮丧171. meaningless adj.毫无意anize v.组织,筹备义的,意思不明确的193. chocolate n.巧克力172. cartoon n.动画片,卡通片194.experience n.经验,经历173.appear v.出现195. watermelon FL西瓜174.plan v. n.打算,计划196.finally adv.最后,最终175.happen v.发生,出现197.shake n. v.摇动,抖动176.expect v.预料,期待198. probably adv.很可能,大177. paper n.纸,纸张概178. pollute v.污染199.hole n.洞,孔,坑179. improve v.改进,改善 n.玉米,谷物180. engineer n.工程师181. pilot n.飞行员182. education n.教育周_19. 保护,防护40. 人口,人口数量1. 典型的20. 成员,会员周二2, 特别的,不寻常的21. 提醒,使想起41. 标志,信号3, 义务做,自愿做;22. 意见,想法,看法42. 咽喉,喉咙志23. 自然界,大自然43. 问题,苦恼愿者24. 重要性44. 垃圾,废弃物4. 浪费,垃圾;浪费,25. 争论,争吵45. 愚蠢的,不明事理滥用26. 解释,说明的5. 科技,工艺27. 变化,改变46. 扔,掷6. 危险,风险,冒险28. 事实上47. 古代的古老的7. 安全的29. 收集;采集48. 令人惊喜的8. 乘客30. 属于,归属49. 尤其,特别9. 有魔力的31. 困难,难题50. 条件,状况10. 物体,物品32. 成人;成年的51. 丧失能力的,有残11. 理解,意识到33. 依靠,信赖疾的12. 孤独的,寂寞的34. 诚实的,老实的52. 童年,幼年13. 代替,反而35. 发明,创造53. 在国外,14. 膝盖36. 完美的,完全的54. 百年,世纪15. 永远37. 对面的,另一边的;55. 照相机,摄影机,16. 鼓励在......对面56. 发展;壮大17. 聋的38. 记忆,回忆57. 交流,沟通现今,目18. 勇敢的,无畏的39. 焦虑的,担忧的58.前59. 主动提出,给予81. 疾病,不舒服102. 通常的,寻常的60. 压力周三103. 虚弱的,无力的61. 记忆,回忆82. 信,涵104. 院子62. 不久前,最近83. 关系,联系105. 有毛病,错误的63. 暴风雨84. 成功106. 独自,单独64. (,)扫,打扫85. 实现目标,成功107. 成就,成绩65. 牙痛86. 身份108. 行,排66. 技艺,技巧87. 沙漠109. 音乐家67. 社会的88. 不理智的,疯狂的110. 小提琴68. 研究,调查89. 岛111. 中心,中央(=)69. 小说90. 玩具112. 到达70. 介绍,引荐91. 胃,腹部113. 村民71. 提供,供应92. 丝绸,丝织物114. 桥72. 朝,向,对着93. 围巾,披巾,头巾115. 练习73. 奇特的,奇怪的94. 猜测,估计116. 美味的,可口的74. _千95. 日期,日子117. 汤75. 隐藏,隐蔽96. 限制,约束,118. 明天76. 注视,仔细考虑97. 石头119. 报纸77. 至于,关于98. 实情,事实120. 宠物78. 瞎的,失明的99. 厚的,浓的121. 欺,旗帜79. 比较100. 全部的,整体的122. 使用,运用80. 仁慈,善良101. 野生的123. 仍然,还124. 容易地145. 缺席,不在166.镜子周四146. 有用的,有帮助的周五125. 餐馆147. 建议,提议167. 必要的,必需的126. 温暖的148. 地址,住址168. 严肃的127. 山149. 不礼貌的169. 接待,服务128. 信息150. 中心的,中央的170. 实例,范例129. 再一次151. 介绍171. 毫无意义的,意思130. 旅馆,酒店152. 翻译不明确的131. 拜访,参观153. 音乐的,有音乐天172. 动画片,卡通片132. 免费的赋的173. 出现133. 歌手154. 地震174. 打算,计划134. 昂贵的155. 饼干175. 发生,出现135. 优秀的,极好的156. 医疗的,医学的176. 预料,期待136. 自然的157. 市场,集市177. 纸,纸张137. 博物馆158. 克服,战胜178. 污染138. 语言159. 伞,雨伞179. 改进,改善139. 创造,创建160. 饥饿的180. 工程师140. 回顾,复习161. 好像,似乎,看来181. 飞行员141. 语法162. 厌倦的,烦闷的182. 教育142. 发现,发觉163. 想知道,琢磨183. 删除143. 大声地164. 我自己184. 高兴,愿意1144. 明智地,聪明地165. 你自己85. 胶水186. 除非,如果不187. 钱包188. 客人,宾客189. 错误,失误190. 解决,解答191. 难过,失望,沮丧192. 组织,筹备193. 巧克力194. 经验,经历195. 西瓜196. 最后,最终197. 摇动,抖动198. 很可能,大概199. 洞,孔,坑200. 玉米,谷物。

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相关字搜索:星火英语托福词汇周计划pdf篇二:星火周计划四级词汇Week One Lesson Oneabandon vt.放弃;丢弃ability n.能力;才能abnormal a.异常的 aboard prep./ad.在船上 abolish vt.彻底废除 abortion n.流产abrupt a.突然的;唐突的 absence n.缺席;缺乏absent a.缺席的;缺乏的;心不在焉的 absolute a.十足的;绝对的 absorb vt.吸收;同化 absorbed a.全神贯注的abstract a.抽象的 n.摘要 vt.抽取 abundant a.丰盛的 abuse v./n.滥用;虐待academy n.学会;专门学校 accelerate v.(使)加快accent n.口音;重音 acceptable a.可接受的 acceptance n.接受;赞同access n.通道;接近的机会 vt.存取;到达accessible a.易接近的;可到达的 accompany vt.陪伴;伴随;为…伴奏 accomplish vt.完成accord n./vi.一致;相符合 n.协议 vt.授予accordance n.一致 according to prep.按照accordingly ad.相应地;因此account n.叙述;报告;账户 vi.说明 accountant n.会计accumulate vt.积累 vi.(数量)逐渐增加,(质量)提高 accuracy n.精确 accurate a.精确的 accuse vt.指控accustomed a.习惯于…的;通常的 achievement n.成就;完成acknowledge vt.承认…的权威;确认;对(礼物等)表示谢忱 acquaint vt.使了解acquaintance n.泛泛之交;认识 acquire vt.取得acquisition n.取得;获得物 action n.行为;作用activity n.活动;活跃acute a.敏锐的;急性的;严重的 adapt v.适合;改编addition n.加法;增加的人(或物)additional a.额外的adequate a.足够的;胜任的 adjust vt.调整;适应administration n.经营 admission n.进入权;承认 adopt vt.采取;收养;批准advanced a.先进的;高级的;晚期的 advisable a.明智的 advisory a.咨询的 advocate v.鼓吹,提倡 n.提倡者;辩护人affair n.事务affect vt.影响;感动affection n.喜爱affirmative a.肯定的 agency n.代理处 agenda n.议事日程 agent n.代理人;动因;剂 aggressive a.侵略的;进取的agony n.极度痛苦agreement n.协定;同意;一致 aid n.帮助;辅助物 v.帮助alarm n.惊恐;报警器;警报 vt.使惊恐 alert n.警戒;警报 a.留神的;警觉的vt.向…报警;使意识到 allergic a.过敏性的 alliance n.结盟 allowance n.津贴ally n.同盟者 v.(使)结盟 alongside prep.在…旁边 alphabet n.字母(表) alter vt.改变alternative n.可供选择的事物 a.两者择一的altitude n.高度;高地amateur n.业余爱好者 a.业余爱好的;外行的amaze vt.使惊奇Week One Lesson Twoamazing a.令(人)惊愕的ambassador n.大使ambition n.雄心;野心ambitious a.有雄心的;有野心的 amid prep.在…中间 amount vi.合计;等同amuse vt.逗乐;给…提供娱乐 amusement n.娱乐analysis n.分析analyze/-yse vt.分析 ancestor n.祖先;原型anchor n.锚 v.抛(锚);担任主持人ancient a.古老的 angle1 n.角;观点 angle2 n.鱼钩v.钓鱼 ankle n.(脚)踝anniversary n.周年纪念(日) announce vt.宣告;声称 annoy vt.使恼怒;打扰annual a.每年的,年度的 n.年刊,年鉴;一年生的植物 anticipate vt.预料 anxiety n.焦虑;渴望 anyway ad.无论如何 apart ad.分离apartment n.一套公寓房间 apologize/-ise vi.道歉apology n.道歉apparent a.显然的;表面上的 appeal vi./n.呼吁;申诉,上诉 appealing a.吸引人的 appetite n.食欲;欲望applaud v.(向…)鼓掌;称赞applause n.鼓掌appliance n.电器 applicable a.合适的 applicant n.申请人application n.申请(表);应用 applied a.实用的apply vi.申请vt.应用appoint vt.确定;任命appointment n.约会;任命appreciate vt.评价;领会;感激 vi.增值 approach v.靠近 n.接近;方法;途径 appropriate a.适当的 v.侵吞;拨出(专款)approve v.赞成,同意approximate a.大约的 v.接近 approximately ad.大约 archive n.档案arise vi.出现;由…引起;起身 arouse vt.引起;唤醒arrange v.安排;整理arrangement n.安排;整理 arrest vt./n.逮捕artificial a.人工的;假装的 aside ad.在旁边aspect n.面貌;方面;朝向 aspiration n.志气assemble v.(人)集合 vt.(物)装配 assembly n.集合;装配;立法机构 assert vt.肯定地说 assess vt.估算;评价asset n.资产assign vt.分配;指派assignment n.分配;(分派的)任务 assist v.帮助assistance n.帮助associate v.(使)联合 n.同事 a.副的 association n.协会,社团 assume vt.假定;承担;呈现 assumption n.假定;担任 assure vt.使…确信;保证atmosphere n.大气(层);空气;气氛 attach vt.把…固定;与…有关联 attain vt.达到;获得 attempt vt./n.试图attendance n.参加;出席人数;服侍 attitude n.态度;姿势 attorney n.律师attraction n.吸引;具有吸引力的事物(或人)attractive a.有吸引力的Week One Lesson Threeattribute v.把…归因于 n.属性 auction vt./n.拍卖 audience n.观众authentic a.真正的;可靠的 authority n.权力;专家;官方 automate vt.使自动化automatic a.自动的;不假思索的 available a.可得到的 avenue n.林荫路 avoid vt.避免;避开await vt.等候;将降临到…身上 awake a.醒的 v.唤醒;醒悟award n.奖品vt.授予aware a.意识到的awareness n.意识awkward a.笨拙的;尴尬的;不方便的 bachelor n.学士;单身男子 backup n.增援;备份backward a.向后的;迟钝的 balance n.平衡;天平 vt.使平衡 ban vt./n.取缔;禁止band vt.用带绑扎 n.带,管乐队;群 bandage n.绷带vt.用绷带绑扎bang n.巨响;猛撞 v.发出砰的一声;猛击bankrupt a.破产的;完全缺乏 vt.使破产 n.破产者banner n.横幅 banquet n.宴会bar n.酒吧;条;栅栏 vt.封;禁止bare a.裸体的;光秃秃的 vt.揭开 a.刚刚够的barely ad.仅仅;几乎不 bark vi.吠叫 n.吠声;树皮barrel n.桶;枪管 barrier n.屏障;障碍 basement n.地下室 basis n.基础bat n.(棒球)球棒;(乒乓球)球拍 n.蝙蝠battery n.电池(组);一批;排炮beam n.横梁;束;笑容 v.面露喜色;播送bearing n.举止;方位;轴承 behalf n.利益behave vi.举止端正 vt.表现得体 behavio(u)r n.行为;表现方式 belief n.相信;信仰belongings n.(pl.)财产,所有物 beloved a.心爱的n.心爱的人beneath prep.在…下面 ad.在…掩盖下beneficial a.有益的benefit n.益处 v.有益于 bet v./n.打赌;赌注betray vt.背叛;辜负;泄露beyond prep.在(或向)…的那边;超出;迟于 ad.在更远处bid v./n.出价;努力 v.向(某人)问候 bind vt.捆绑;使结合;约束 blade n.刀刃blame vt.责备;把…归咎于 n.责任;指责blank n.空白 a.空白的 blast n.爆炸;一股 vt.炸毁bleed vi.流血vt.长期榨取blend v.融合n.混合物bloom n.花 vi.开花blossom n.花 vi.开花;发展 blur v.(使)变模糊 n.模糊 boast v./n.自夸bolt n.螺栓;插销 v.拴住bond n.纽带;债券 v.(使)结合 bonus n.奖金;额外给予的东西 booklet n.小册子boom n.隆隆声 vi.发出隆隆声;繁荣 boost vt.使增长 n.提高;推动 border n.边界 v.接壤bore vt.使厌烦 n.令人讨厌的人(或事)boring a.令人厌烦的bother v.打扰;使不安 n.令人烦恼的人(或事物)bounce v.(使)弹起 n.弹 bound1 vi./n.跳跃bound2 a.受约束的 vt.成为…的界线 boundary n.边界bow1 v./n.鞠躬;使弯曲 bow2 n.弓;蝴蝶结 brake v.刹(车),闸Week One Lesson Fourbranch n.树枝;分部brand vt.打烙印n.品牌breakthrough n.突破breed v.交配繁殖;饲养 n.品种 bribe n.贿赂 vt.买通 bride n.新娘brief a.简单的 vt.向…作简要的介绍n.摘要briefcase n.公文包 broaden v.加宽browse v.(牛、羊等)吃草;浏览 browser n.浏览器bubble n.泡 vi.冒泡 bud n.叶芽 vi.发芽budget n.预算 v.编预算 a.低廉的 bug n.虫子;窃听器;缺陷 vt.在…上装窃听器;烦扰bulk n.主体;(大)量 v.(使)更大bump n.碰撞声;肿块;隆起 v.碰;颠簸地行驶bunch n.群;束 vi.集中 vt.使成一束 bundle n.捆burden n.重担;重负 vt.加重压于;使负重bureau n.局;处burst vt.使爆裂 vi.爆炸 bystander n.旁观者cabinet n.陈列柜;政府内阁cable n.缆绳;电缆;电报 vt.给…发电报calculate v.计算;推测 calculator n.计算器campaign n.战役;运动 vi.参加运动 campus n.(大学)校园 cancel vt.取消candidate n.候选人;考生 cane n.茎;手杖 capable a.有能力的capacity n.容量;能力;职位capital n.首都;大写(字母);资本 a.首要的;大写的capture vt.捕获;夺得;占领 career n.生涯 vi.疾驰cargo n.货物cash n.现金 vt.兑现支票 cashier n.出纳cast vt.投;浇铸;蜕皮 n.演员表;铸件 casual a.偶然的;随便的catalog(ue) n.目录 vt.编入目录 category n.种类cause n.理由;事业 vt.引起 cautious a.小心的cease v./n.停止cell n.细胞;单间牢房 cellar n.地窖;酒窖 cement n.水泥 vt.粘结 ceremony n.典礼;礼节 certificate n.证(明)书challenge vt.向…挑战 n.挑战(书) champion n.冠军channel n.海峡;途径;频道 chaos n.混乱 chaotic a.混乱的character n.特征;性格;角色;(汉)字characteristic a.典型的 n.特征characterize vt.是…的特征;描述…的特性charge vt.要价;控告;充电;使…承担职责 n.价钱;控告;电荷 vi.收费 charity n.慈善团体;施舍;宽容charm vt.迷住;使…受魔法保护 n.魅力;符咒chart n.图表;海图 vt.记录;绘制…地图charter n.宪章 vt.租 chase n./vt.追逐;追求 chat vi./n.闲谈cheat v.欺骗 n.骗子cheerful a.欢乐的,高兴的;使人感到愉快的chew v.咀嚼;思量childish a.孩子的;幼稚的 childlike a.天真的chill vt.使很冷;使恐惧 n.寒冷chip vt.削下 n.缺口;碎片;炸土豆条 choke v.(使)窒息 chop v.砍 n.排骨cigaret(te) n.香烟,卷烟 circuit n.环行(道),电路circular a.圆形的circulate v.(使)循环;传播Week Two Lesson Onecircumstance n.条件;境况 cite vt.引用;传唤;表彰civil a.公民的;民事的;文明的 civilian n.平民civilization n.文明 civilize/-ise vt.使文明claim vt.声称;要求 n.索赔 clap v.拍手 n.鼓掌clarify vt.澄清clash vi.冲突;不协调 n.撞击(声) classic a.最优秀的;典型的 n.名著 classical a.古典的classification n.分类;类别 classify vt.把…分类claw n.爪 v.撕click n.咔哒声 v.(使)发出咔哒声 client n.委托人,顾客 cling vi.抓紧;依恋clip n.夹子,回形针;剪报,电影片断vt.夹住;剪clockwise ad./a.顺时针方向地(的) closet n.贮藏室 a.秘密的 clumsy a.笨拙的;coil n.(一)卷;线圈 v.盘绕 collapse vi./n.倒坍;崩溃 collect v.收集;聚合collection n.收集;聚集;收藏品 collective a.集体的 n.集体 collision n.碰撞 colonial a.殖民的colony n.殖民地;聚居区;群体 column n.柱;纵队;栏combat n.战斗 v.与…搏斗 combination n.联合(体) combine v.联合 n.联合企业(或团体);联合收割机command vt./n.命令;俯瞰;掌握 commander n.指挥官commence v.开始comment n./v.评论;批评commentator n.评论员;实况播音员 commerce n.商业commercial a.商业的 n.商业广告 commission n.委员会;佣金;委托 commit1 vt.使承诺commit2 vt.犯(罪),干(坏事) commitment n.承诺;奉献 committee n.委员会;委员 communicate v.交流communication n.通讯;通讯系统 community n.团体;社区 commute v.乘公交车上下班 compact a.紧密的,结实的;紧凑的 vt.把…塞紧(或压实) n.协议company n.公司;同伴;(一)群 comparable a.比得上的;可比较的 comparative a.比较的compare vt.比较;把…比作 comparison n.比较;比喻compass n.罗盘;圆规compatible a.能和睦相处的;兼容的 compel vt.强迫compensate v.补偿,弥补compensation n.补偿;补偿(或赔偿)的款物compete vi.竞争competent a.有能力的 competition n.竞争;比赛competitive a.竞争的;有竞争力的 competitor n.竞争者 complain v.抱怨complaint n.抱怨;疾病 complex a.综合的complicate vt.使复杂化 complicated a.复杂的component n.成分 a.组成的compose vt.创作(乐曲等);组成;使平静composer n.作曲者compound n.化合物,复合物 vt.使化合,使合成;使加重,使恶化 comprehension n.理解(力);理解练习comprehensive a.全部的 compress vt.压紧 comprise vt.由…组成 compromise n./v.妥协Week Two Lesson Two compute v.计算 conceal vt.隐藏concede v.(不情愿地)承认;让步 concentrate v.集中;浓缩concentration n.专注;集中;浓度 concept n.概念concern vt.涉及n.关心concerning prep.关于concession n.让步;特许权 conclude v.结束;缔结;推断出conclusion n.结尾;缔结;推论 concrete n.混凝土 a.具体的 condemn vt.谴责 condense v.浓缩conduct v.引导;指挥(乐队) n.管理 conference n.会议;讨论 confess v.坦白;承认confidence n.信心;秘密confident a.确信的,自信的 confine vt.限制;禁闭confirm vt.证实;批准 confirmation n.确认 conflict n.战斗 vi.冲突 confront vt.遭遇;面对 confuse vt.混淆;使困惑 confusion n.混淆;混乱;困惑 congratulate vt.祝贺congress n.代表大会;议会 conjunction n.结合;连接词 connect vt.联系 vi.连接;联运 connection n.联系;熟人 conquer vt.征服;克服 conscience n.良知conscious a.意识到的;神志清醒的;有意的consensus n.一致同意 consent vi./n.同意consequence n.结果;重要性conservative a.保守的 n.保守的人 consider v.认为;考虑;关心 considerable a.相当大的 considerate a.体贴的 considering prep.鉴于consist v.由…组成;在于;与…一致 consistency n.连贯性 consistent a.前后一致的 constant a.经常的 n.常数 constitute vt.组成constitution n.构成;宪法;体格construct v.建造;构思 n.建筑物;构想 consult v.请教;查询;商议 consultant n.顾问;会诊医师 consume vt.花费;吃完 consumer n.消费者consumption n.消费(量);挥霍contact n.接触;熟人 v.与…取得联系 contaminate vt.弄脏contemporary a.同时代的;当代的 n.同代人content1 n.含量;内容content2 v.(使)满意 a.满意的 n.满意 contented a.满足的contest n.竞赛;争夺 v.争夺;争辩 contestant n.竞争者context n.语境;环境continual a.频频的continuity n.连续性 continuous a.连续的contract1 n.合同 v.订合同contract2 v.感染(疾病) contradiction n.矛盾;反驳 contrary a.相反的 n.相反 contrast v./n.对比contribute vi.捐款;有助于 contribution n.贡献;稿件 controversial a.引起争论的 controversy n.争论convention n.(正式)会议;协定;习俗 conventional a.普通的;习惯的; convert v.转变;(使)改变信仰 convey vt.运输;传送convict v.宣判…有罪 n.囚犯Week Two Lesson Threeconviction n.确信;说服;定罪 convince vt.使确信cooperate vi.合作 cooperation n.合作coordinate a.同等的 n.坐标 v.协调 cope vi.对付,应付 core n.果心;核心corps n.特种部队;一组人 correspond vi.相符;通信correspondence n.通信 correspondent n.通讯员corresponding a.相应的;符合的 costume n.服装;戏装 council n.地方议会counsel n./v.劝告 n.律师 counter1 n.柜台;计算器;筹码counter2 vt.对抗ad.对立地county n.郡;县coward n.胆小鬼crack n.裂缝 v.(使)破裂 craft n.工艺;航空器crane n.鹤;起重机 vt.伸长 crash v.撞击;倒闭 n.碰撞(声) crawl v.缓慢地移动create vt.创造;引起creation n.创造creative a.创造(性)的 creator n.创造者;造物主creature n.生物credit n.信用;荣誉;学分 vt.相信;把…记入贷方creep vi.爬行;蹑手蹑脚地走 crime n.罪criminal a.犯罪的 n.罪犯cripple n.跛子 vt.使跛;严重削弱 crisis n.危机critic n.批评家 critical a.批评的criticism n.批评;评论 criticise/-ize vt.批评;评论 crossroads n.十字路口 crucial a.决定性的 crude a.天然的;粗糙的 cruise vi.巡航crush vt.压碎;镇压 cue n.提示;暗示cultivate v.种植;建立(友谊) curb vt.控制cure vt.治愈 n.治疗;药(剂) curiosity n.好奇心;奇物 curl n.鬈发;卷曲(物) v.缭绕 currency n.货币;流行current a.流行的;现在的 n.潮流;流;电流curriculum n.全部课程curve n.曲线;弯曲部 v.(使)弯曲cycle n.自行车 vi.骑自行车 n./v.循环cynical a.愤世嫉俗的damn int.该死 vt.严厉批评 dash vi.猛冲 n.破折号 dawn v.破晓deadline n.最后期限deadly a.致命的;极度的 ad.非常 deaf a.聋的;不愿听的deal n.大量;协议;待遇 v.处理;做买卖,经营 debate v./n.辩论 debt n.债务decay vi./n.腐烂;衰败 deceive v.欺骗decent a.尚好的;得体的 deception n.欺骗;骗局declare v.宣布;宣称decline vi./n.下降;衰退 v.婉拒 decorate vt.装饰decoration n.装饰;装饰品decrease v./n.减少deduct vt.扣除defect n.缺陷 vi.背叛defense/-nce n.辩护;防御 defensive a.防御的deficiency n.缺乏Week Two Lesson Four deficit n.赤字define vt.界定;给…下定义 definite a.明确的;一定的 definitely ad.明确地;一定地definition n.定义;清晰(度) defy vt.违抗;挑delegate n.代表 v.选举…为代表;授(权)delegation n.代表团deliberate v.思考 a.故意的 deliver v.拯救;接生;宣布;投递 delivery n.投递;分娩;演讲方式 democracy n.民主政体;民主国家 democratic a.民主的demonstrate v.论证;进行示威游行 dense a.密集的;密度大的 density n.密集;密度 dental a.牙科的 dentist n.牙科医生 deny vt.否认;拒绝 depart vi.离开;背离departure n.离开;背离depend vi.依靠;决定于dependence n.依靠dependent a.依靠的;取决于…的 depict vt.描绘;描述deposit vt.使沉淀;存放 n.沉积物;押金;存款depress vt.按下;使沮丧;使不景气 depression n.洼地;萧条 deputy n.副职 derive v.渊源 descend v.下降desert1 n.沙漠desert2 v.离弃;擅离deserve vt.应受(奖、罚),值得 desirable a.值得向往的 despair n./vi.绝望desperate a.不顾一切的;绝望的 despite prep.不管dessert n.甜食 destruction n.破坏destructive a.破坏(性)的 detail n.细节 v.详述detect vt.发现detection n.察觉;侦查 detective n.侦探determination n.决心;确定 determine vt.决定;确定 device n.装置 devil n.魔鬼;家伙 devise vt.发明devote vt.献身,致力于 diagnose vt.诊断 diagram n.图表dial n. 刻度盘 v. 拨号dialect n.方言 diameter n.直径dictate v.口授;命令 n.规定diet n.日常饮食;特种饮食 vi.节食 differ vi.不同于digest v.消化 n.文摘 digital a.数字的 dilemma n.困境dim a.昏暗的 v.(使)变暗淡 dimension n.尺寸 dine vt.进正餐 dip v./n.浸;落下diplomat n.外交官;圆滑的人 diplomatic a.外交的;有手腕的 directly ad.直接地;立即;正好地 disabled a.残疾的disappointing a.令人失望的 disapprove vi.不赞成disaster n.灾难;彻底失败的事 discard vt.抛弃discharge v./n.获准离开;解雇;排出 discipline n.纪律;训练;学科 vt.训练;惩罚discount n.折扣 v.漠视 discourage vt.使泄气;阻止 disguise vt.假扮;伪装 disgust n./vt.(使)厌恶Week Three Lesson Onedisgusting a.令人作呕的 dislike vt./n.不喜欢dismiss vt.解散;解雇disorder n.凌乱,骚乱;失调 display n./vt.陈列;显示 disposal n.丢掉 dispose v.处理;去掉dispute n./v.争论v.对…表示异议dissolve vt.(使)溶解;解散distinct a.截然不同的;清楚的distinction n.差别distinctive a.与众不同的 distinguish v.区分;使杰出 distract vt.使分心 distress n.危难;贫困distribute vt.分发;使分布 distribution n.分发;发布 disturb vt.打扰;使不安 diverse a.多种多样的division n.分开;分配;分歧;部门 divorce n.离婚;分离 v.(与…)离婚dizzy a.眩晕的;使人头晕的 document n.公文domestic a.本国的;家庭的;驯养的 dominant a.占优势的 dominate v.支配;俯视 donation n.捐赠;捐款dot n.点 vt.打点于;散布于 doubtful a.怀疑的download v.下载draft n.草图;汇票vt.起草;征兵drag vt.拉dragon n.龙drain v.排除…表面的水;枯竭 drama n.戏;戏剧dramatic a.戏剧的;夸大的 drift vi.漂流 n.水流;趋势drip vi.滴 n.滴水声;滴下的液体 dropout n.辍学者drum n.鼓;桶 v.有节奏地敲击 durable a.耐用的duration n.期间 dusk n.薄暮dwarf n.矮子 vt.使显得矮小;使相形见绌dynamic(al) a.有活力的;动力的 n.动力(学)ease n.容易;悠闲 v.缓和 economic a.经济(学)的economical a.节约的economics n.经济学;经济情况 edit vt.编辑;剪辑;主编 edition n.版本 educate vt.教育 effect n.影响;效果 effective a.有效的 efficiency n.效率 efficient a.效率高的elaborate v.详述 a.精心制作的 elbow n.肘 vt.用肘推elect vt.选举;选择electrical a.(用)电的elegant a.优美的;简练的eliminate vt.排除;淘汰embarrass vt.使窘迫embrace v./n.拥抱;欣然接受 emerge vi.出现emergency n.紧急情况emigrate vi.移居国外(或外地) emit vt.发出emotion n.情感emotional a.感情上的;易动感情的 emphasis n.强调篇三:托福词汇周计划第一周Lesson 01 abandon abduct abhor ablaze abort achieve acquire acumen adapt addict adept adhere adolescent adopt adulthood第一周Lesson 02 banish bankrupt bargain barricade batter begrudge beguile behalf belittle benign bereave beset bestow betray bewilder第一周 Lesson 03 cling coalition coax coexistcollaborate colleague collectiveadvantageous adverse advocate afflict aggravate aggregate aggression agile ailment alienate allege alleviate alter alternate amateur bias bleak blemish blunder blunt blur bondage bonus boom boredom boycott brazen breach breakdown breathtaking colossal combat comment commodity communal compact compel amaze annual appliance appraisal aptitude arbitrary arduous arouse arrayarticulate aspire assault assert assess asset bribe briefcase brisk bruise brutal bulk bump bustle calamity cancel cardinal career carnivore casual casualty compensate competent complycomprehensive conceive concentrate condemn assimilate astonish astound atomic attain attest attorney authentic autonomy avarice avoid backward bacteria ballot bancater celebrity census certify chamber champion chaoscharacterize charity chop chunk civilize clarify clarity clickconfess confine conform congestion conquerconscience conscientiouscontract1contract2contradict convene converse convict cope第一周 Lesson 04 democracy dependence desirable desperate deter detract detriment devastate deviate devoid didactic differdifferentiate dignity dilemma第一周 Lesson 05 equivalent erect essence eternal exaggerate excel exclusive exemplify exert exhale exotic expel explicit expose exquisitecorrode corrupt cosmetic cozycounterpart courteous coverage diploma disband disclose discord discourage discriminate disdain disfigure disgrace disguisedisinterested dismaydisseminate distinctive distract extol fame fantasy fatal feasible federal ferocious fetter fidelity finite flaw flimsy flounder foment forbid cripple crude cue cursory customary dash debris distrust disturb dodge dogma drawback easeeconomical edifice edify elegant elite embraceembryo emigrate eminent forfeit forlorn formidable forsake foulfoundation fraud fringe fuseglamo(u)r grind hamper haunt heave hierarchy dedicate deem defiant degrade delegate deliberate delineateempower emulate enact endanger endorse energetic engage enhance enlarge enlighten enlist eich enumerate ephemeral equatehormone humiliatehypersensitive idiomilluminate imaginative imitate immobile impair impediment impending impetus implicate implicit impress第二周 Lesson 01 improvise inability inaugurate incessant incinerate incline incurindifferent indispensable indolent第二周 Lesson 02 limpid literacy locality lodge lucrative lurkmagnetize malice manuscript massacre第二周 Lesson 03 obliterate obscure obsess offset opponent oppress ornament overdraft oversee parasite第二周Lesson 04 redundant regenerate regime relentless remedy renderinfluential infrastructure infringe initiate innumerable insanity insinuate instil(l) integral intellect mediocre memorize mentormetropolitan millennium mimic miniature missile momentum monopoly patronize penalty periodic persist potential poverty preach precede preferable prelude repayrespective revitalize revive revokerudimentary intensify interrogate intervene intimate intricate intrigue intrinsic invaluable irreconcilable irritate morale morbid mortgage motivate muddle multitude mundane mushroom myriad necessity preponderance prestige presume prevail profane profitable profound progressive prolong proponent ruthless scratch searseclusion secondary sedentary itinerant kindle languish lawsuit legacy legalize legislation lenient lethargy liberalnegotiate nimble nostalgia notoriousnotwithstanding novice nuisance obedience obeseobligeproportion prosper provoke proxy puzzle radiate rational rearreconcile redeemsemester sensible sharpen shield shrink signature spice spine squeeze第二周 Lesson 05 supersede superstition supple supreme surmount surpass survey sustenance systematic tabletstartle stereotype stern tackle tally tangible tangle temporal tempt terminate threshold thrifty toss streamline strive stroke tranquil trial trigger trivial tumble turmoil unbiased undermine uuly upheaval subsidize sullensuperficialuproar utmost vanity venture verdict verify vibrate wander weave wholesome第三周 Lesson 01 accessory adjoin affiliate aisleambassador amend anchor ankleanniversary anonymous appoint apprentice ardent arise ascend第三周 Lesson 02 capacity carpet castcatastrophe category cavity cellar ceremony certificate chronic circuitcircumference circus civil claim第三周 Lesson 03 curbcuriosity currency curve cushion cynic dartassist atmosphere attraction avert axis backbone backlash baggage bait barge barrel barren bashful beard benefit claw clay client clip clot cluster code column combine committee commonplace commonsense community comparative complaint deadline dealer decade decay decent deciduous decompose bet bizarre blade bleed boast bold bondbotanical bound boundary bow brag brake breed breeze complex component compound conclude concrete conference confidence conscious conserve conspicuous constant consume contact continuous contribute decree deduce default defect defence defer deft brilliant broaden bubble bud budget bunch burial burrow bust butterfly calendar camouflage campus canvas capablecooperate cord cordialcosmopolitan counter county courageous courtcrack craze creation credit crucial crush cunning degenerate delicate deplete deposit depress designate detergent。
