



xy2014年春八年级下册数学期末复习时间:120分钟 总分:150分一、精心选一选(每小题3分,共24分)1、在函数21-=x y 中,自变量x 的取值范围是 ( )A . x ≥2B . x>2C . x ≤2D . x<22、某学习小组7位同学,为教育基金捐款,捐款金额分别为5元,10元,6元,6元,7元, 8元,9元,则这组数据的中位数与众数分别为( )A .6,6B .7,6C .7,8D .6,83、下面哪个点不在函数y=-2x+3的图象上 ( ) A .(-5,13) B .(0.5,2) C .(3,0) D .(1,1)4、对角线互相垂直平分的四边形是 ( ) A 、平行四边形 B 、矩形 C 、菱形 D 、梯形5、直线y=kx +b 经过一、二、四象限,则k 、b 应满足 ( ) A . k>0, b<0 B . k>0, b>0 C . k<0, b<0; D . k<0, b>06、下列各图给出了变量x 与y 之间的函数是 ( )7、直角三角形两直角边分别为5、12,则这个直角三角形斜边上的高为 ( ).A .6B . 8.5C .1320 D .13608、8名学生在一次数学测试中的成绩为80,82,79,69,74,78,,81,这组成绩的平均数是77,则的值为( )A .76B .75C .74D .73二、 细心填一填(每小题3分,共24分)9、直角三角形的三边长为连续偶数,则其周长为 .10、如果一次函数y=kx+b 的图象如图所示,那么k______0,b______0.11、已知函数y=(k-1)x+k 2-1,当k________时,它是一次函数,当k=_______•时,它是正比例函数.12、一次函数y=-3x+6的图象与x 轴的交点坐标是 ,与y 轴的交点坐标是 。

将直线14+=x y 的图象向下平移3个单位长度,得到直线 ____________13、已知一次函数y= ax+4与y = bx-2的图象在x 轴上相交于同一点,则ba的值是________ 14、一组数据1,3,2,5,6,7,x 的平均数是4,则这组数据的方差是________ 15、在直角三角形ABC 中,两直角边中点的连线长是3厘米,则斜边长是 厘米。




期末综合检测第17~21章(90分钟 100分)一、选择题(每小题3分,共24分)1.(2012·内江中考)函数1=( )yx(A)第一象限 (B)第一、三象限(C)第二象限 (D)第二、四象限2.(2012·威海中考)下列选项中,阴影部分面积最小的是( )3.已知下列命题:①对角线互相平分的四边形是平行四边形;②等腰梯形的对角线相等;③对角线互相垂直的四边形是菱形;④内错角相等.其中假命题有( )(A)1个 (B)2个 (C)3个 (D)4个4.(2012·岳阳中考)下列命题是真命题的是( )(A)如果|a|=1,那么a=1(B)一组对边平行的四边形是平行四边形(C)如果a是有理数,那么a是实数(D)对角线相等的四边形是矩形5.如图,Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠ABC的平分线BD交AC于D,若CD=3 cm,则点D 到AB的距离DE是( )(A)5 cm (B)4 cm(C)3 cm (D)2 cm6.(2012·武汉中考)对某校八年级随机抽取若干名学生进行体能测试,成绩记为1分,2分,3分,4分共4个等级,将调查结果绘制成如下条形统计图和扇形统计图.根据图中信息,这些学生的平均分数是( )(A)2.25 (B)2.5 (C)2.95 (D)37.下表为72人参加某商店举办的单手抓糖果活动的统计结果.若抓到糖果数的中位数为a,众数为b,则a+b的值为( )(A)20 (B)21 (C)22 (D)238.(2012·荆门中考)如图,点A 是反比例函数2y (x 0)x=>的图象上任意一点, AB ∥x 轴交反比例函数3y x=-的图象于点B ,以AB 为边作□ABCD ,其中C ,D 在x 轴上,则S □ABCD 为( )(A)2 (B)3 (C)4 (D)5 二、填空题(每小题4分,共24分) 9.化简:23x x x 2()________.x 1x 1x 1--÷=+-- 10.(2012·辽宁中考)已知1纳米=10-9米.某种微粒的直径为158纳米,用科学记数法表示该微粒的直径为_______米.11.反比例函数ky x=和一次函数y=ax+b 的图象的两个交点分别是A(-1,-4), B(2,m),则a+2b=__________.12.“如果x=y,那么|x|=|y|”,它的逆命题是________,它是_______命题. 13.(2012·株洲中考)市运会举行射击比赛,校射击队从甲、乙、丙、丁四人中选拔一人参赛.在选拔赛中,每人射击10次,计算他们10发成绩的平均数(环)及方差如下表.请你根据表中数据选一人参加比赛,最合适的人选是_______.14.甲乙两人加工同一种玩具,甲加工90个玩具与乙加工120个玩具所用的时间相同,已知甲乙两人每天共加工35个玩具,若设甲每天加工x个玩具,则根据题意列方程:___________.三、解答题(共52分)15.(10分)八(1)班的大课间活动丰富多彩,小峰与小月进行跳绳比赛,在相同的时间内,小峰跳了100个,小月跳了140个,如果小月比小峰每分钟多跳20个,试求出小峰每分钟跳绳多少个?16.(10分)如图,在等腰直角三角形ABC中,∠ABC=90°,D为AC边上的中点,过D点DE⊥DF,交AB于E,交BC于F,若AE=4,FC=3,求EF长.17.(10分)(2012·河南中考)如图,在菱形ABCD中,AB=2,∠DAB=60°,点E是AD边的中点,点M是AB边上一动点(不与点A重合),延长ME交射线CD 于点N,连结MD,AN.(1)求证:四边形AMDN是平行四边形;(2)填空:①当AM的值为______时,四边形AMDN是矩形;②当AM的值为________时,四边形AMDN是菱形.18.(10分)如下图,在梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,∠B=90°,AD=24 cm,AB=8 cm,BC= 26 cm,动点P从A点开始沿AD边以1 cm/s的速度向D运动,动点Q从C点开始沿CB边以3 cm/s的速度向B运动,P,Q分别从A,C同时出发,当其中一点到端点时,另一点也随之停止运动.设运动时间为t s,t分别为何值时,四边形PQCD是平行四边形,等腰梯形?19.(12分)(2012·嘉兴中考)如图,一次函数y1=kx+b的图象与反比例函数2myx的图象相交于点A(2,3)和点B,与x轴相交于点C(8,0).(1)求这两个函数的关系式;(2)当x取何值时,y1>y2.答案解析1.【解析】选A.1x有意义的条件是x ≠0x ≥0;综合来看,未知数的取值范围是x >0.当x >0时,1y x=0,所以它的图象一定在第一象限.正确选项是A.2.【解析】选C.由反比例函数的性质可得A 、B 选项中的阴影面积都是2,C 选项中阴影的面积为32,D 选项中的阴影面积为2,故选C.3.【解析】选B.①对角线互相平分的四边形是平行四边形,故①是真命题.②等腰梯形的对角线相等,故②是真命题.③对角线互相垂直平分的四边形是菱形,故③是假命题.④两直线平行,内错角相等,故④是假命题,故选B.4.【解析】选C.A 中a=〒1;B 一组对边的话,必须是平行且相等才是平行四边形或者是两组对边互相平行的四边形是平行四边形;D 对角线相等的平行四边形是矩形,正确的只有C.5.【解析】选C.因为BD 平分∠ABC,且DC ⊥BC,DE ⊥AB,所以DE=DC=3 cm,故选项C 正确.6.【解析】选C.由条形统计图得,得1分的人数是3人,得4分的人数是12人,由扇形统计图得,得3分的人数占总数的42.5%,得4分的人数占总数的30%,∴总人数为12〔30%=40(人),得3分的人数是40〓42.5%=17人,∴得2分的人数是40-3-17-12=8(人), ∴这些学生的平均分数是13283174122.95.40⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=7.【解析】选A.第36 与37人抓到的糖果数均为9,故中位数a=9;11出现了13次,次数最多,故众数b=11,所以a+b=9+11=20.故选A.8.【解析】选D.如图,连结OB,OA,由AB ∥x 轴,得AB ⊥y 轴,所以△OBE 的面积为1.5,△OAE 的面积为1,即△OAB 的面积为1.5+1=2.5,所以S □ABCD =2S △OAB =2〓2.5=5.9.【解析】原式()()()()()()()()3x x 1x x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 2-++--⨯+-+-- =[]()()()()()2x x 2x 1x 12x.x 1x 1x 2-+-=⨯=+--答案:2x10.【解析】用科学记数法表示158纳米的结果,即写成a 〓10n 的形式, 此时的a=1.58,n=-9+2=-7.即1.58〓102〓10-9=1.58〓102-9=1.58〓10-7. 答案:1.58〓10-711.【解析】把点A 代入反比例函数得k=4,把点B 代入反比例函数中得m=2, 即点B 为(2,2),再把A,B 代入一次函数中得2a+b=2①,-a+b=-4②,①+②得 a+2b=-2. 答案:-212.【解析】逆命题为“如果|x|=|y|,那么x=y ”,它是假命题. 答案:如果|x|=|y|,那么x=y 假13.【解析】从平均数来看,甲和丁的成绩比另外两个同学的成绩优秀,在甲和丁中,甲的方差大于丁的方差,所以丁的成绩较稳定,所以最合适的人选是丁. 答案:丁14.【解析】设甲每天加工x 个玩具,则乙每天加工(35-x)个玩具,根据题意,得90120.x 35x=- 答案:90120x 35x=-15.【解析】设小峰每分钟跳绳x 个,则小月每分钟跳(x+20)个,根据题意, 得100140x x 20=+ 解得x=50,经检验,x=50是原分式方程的解且符合实际意义,所以原分式方程的解为x=50. 答:小峰每分钟跳绳50个. 16.【解析】连结BD,等腰直角三角形ABC 中,D 为AC 边上的中点, ∴BD ⊥AC,BD=CD=AD,∠ABD=45°,∠C=45°; 又DE ⊥DF,∴∠FDC=∠EDB, ∴△EDB ≌△FDC,∴BE=FC=3, ∴AB=7,则BC=7,∴BF=4;在直角三角形EBF 中,EF 2=BE 2+BF 2=32+42, ∴EF=5.17.【解析】(1)∵四边形ABCD 是菱形,∴ND ∥AM. ∴∠NDE=∠MAE,∠DNE=∠AME. 又∵点E 是AD 边的中点,∴DE=AE. ∴△NDE ≌△MAE,∴ND=MA.∴四边形AMDN 是平行四边形. (2)①1 ②2 18.【解析】∵AD ∥BC, ∴只要PD=CQ,四边形 PQCD 是平行四边形. 这时,根据题意有 24-t=3t,解得t=6(s).同理可知:只要PQ=CD,PD ≠CQ 四边形PQCD 是等腰梯形.过P ,D 分别作BC 的垂线,交BC 于点E ,F,则四边形PEFD 是矩形,△PQE ≌△DCF. ∴PD=EF,CF=QE=2.∴24-t=3t-2〓2,解得t=7(s).∴t 为6 s 时,四边形PQCD 是平行四边形,t 为7 s 时,四边形PQCD 是等腰梯形. 19.【解析】(1)把 A(2,3)代入2my x=,得m=6. 把 A(2,3),C(8,0)代入y 1=kx+b ,得2k b 38k b 0+=⎧⎨+=⎩,,解得1k 2b 4⎧=-⎪⎨⎪=⎩,,∴这两个函数的关系式为1216y x 4y .2x=-+=,(2)由题意得1y x 426y x⎧=-+⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩,,解得x 6y 1=⎧⎨=⎩,或x 2y 3=⎧⎨=⎩,,∴当x <0或2<x <6时,y 1>y 2.。



2014春郑州八年级英语下册期末测试卷(人教版)2014涓€锛庡崟椤归€夋嫨銆傦紙1鈥裁?0=10鍒嗭級 1. 锟紺What did you do last week? 锟紺I ________ for exams and _______ some food in the supermarket. A. study, buy B. studied, buyed C. studied, bought D. studyed, bought 2. When I came home, I ___________ my father ___________ a newspaper. A. find, read B. found, reading C. found, reads D. find, reading 3. 锟紺___________did you go last Sunday? 锟紺I went to the zoo. A. How B. Where C. When D. Why 4. Peter, remember___________ your umbrella. It鈥檚raining. A. to take B. taking C. took D. for taking 5. ___________ in class, please. A. Not talk B. Not talking C. Don鈥檛talk D. Not to talk 6. My mom asked me ___________ her to do housework. A. help B. to help C. helping D. help with 7. Those jokes made me ___________ . A. laughing B. laughed C. laugh D. to laugh 8. Tom Sawyer spent 2 months ___________ his book. A. on writing B. for writing C. in D. writing 9. 锟紺How was your vacation? 锟紺It was___________ . The food was awful, and the hotel was crowded. A. not bad B. fantastic C. terrible D. o-so 10. There ___________ some iced tea in the cup. A. are B. is C. have D. has 11. ---- I don鈥檛know if he ____________ . ---- He will come if it _____________. A. comes; won鈥檛rain B. will come; doesn鈥檛rain C. comes; doesn鈥檛rain D. will come; won鈥檛rain 12锛庘攢What_________? 鈹€I want to be an engineer. A锛巃re you going B锛巃re you going to be C锛巜ill you are D锛巠ou will be 13锛嶹e鈥檒l have _________ free time and _________ work. We鈥檒l be very busy. A锛巑ore; less B锛巑ore; fewer C锛巐ess; more D锛巉ewer; more 14锛嶪need to get money to pay _________ summer camp. A锛巉or B锛巜ith C锛巌n D锛巓n 15锛嶩e doesn鈥檛have any money, _________. A 锛巘oo B锛巃lso C锛巈ither D锛巒either ?Mr. Greenheard that a certain government department wanted a clerk锛堣亴鍛橈級, 1 he wrote and 2 the position锛堣亴浣嶏級. But while he was waiting for 3 , a friend of his introduced him to the head of the department. And the head at once gave him 4 . Several months 5 , 6 Mr. Green was working in the department, he got a letter from his old address. This letter said: 鈥淒ear Sir, We are 7 to have to tell you that we cannot offer you the work in this department because we do not think that you would 8 do the job successfully.Yours Faithfully,鈥?Mr. Green laughed, but when he looked at the letter more 9 he was 10 to see that he signed it himself!1.A锛巄ut B锛巗o C锛巓r D锛巃nd2.A锛巊o ready for B锛巐ooked for C锛巘ook D锛巃sked for3.A锛巃n answer B锛巋is friend C锛巘he position D锛巘he head4.A锛巘he pay B锛巘he address C锛巘he work D锛巃letter5.A锛巐ater B锛巃go C锛巄efore D锛巗ince6.A锛巗o B锛巘hen C锛巜hile D锛巃fter7.A锛巋appy B锛巗orry C锛巗ure D锛巔leased8.A锛巋ave to B锛巐ove to C 锛巄e glad to D锛巄e able to9.A锛巕uietly B锛巔olitely C锛巆arefully D锛巕uickly 10.A锛巜orried B锛巐ucky C锛巗ad D锛巗urprised В銆?A Today almost everyone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you 鈥淲hat is the most important in your life?鈥?maybe you will say 鈥淐omputers and the Internet.鈥?The first computer was made in 1946. it was very big but it worked slowly. Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But they work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said, 鈥淧eople can鈥檛live without computers today.鈥?The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-five years later than computers. But now it can be found almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, writer letters, do shopping, play computer games or make friends. Many students like the Internet very much. They often go into the Internet as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends. They don鈥檛know their real names, ages, and even sex. They are so interested in making the 鈥渦nreal friends鈥?that they can鈥檛put their hearts into study. Many of them can鈥檛catch up with others on many subjects because of that. We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at the same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet. 1. The Internet can not be usedfor______. A. studying B. shopping C. thinking D. playing 2. When the computer was invented, it was______. A. large and worked quickly B. small and worked slowly C. large but worked slowly D. small but worked quickly 3. The Internet was born in about________. A. 1960 B. 1970 C. 1980 D. 1985 4. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Few students like going into the Internet.B. Students use the Internet to make 鈥渦nreal friends.鈥?C. These 鈥淯nreal friends鈥?often meet each otherD. Students know the friends on the Internet very well 5. What does the writer think of the Internet? A. It is wonderful B. It can make students study harder C. It is not good for students D. It is helpful, but we can鈥檛do everything on it. B Until a few years ago, only boys could become students at the university of Ruritania 锛堥瞾閲屽潶灏间簹澶у? Later the university decided to take girls in. But one of the teachers, Mr Goller, was not pleased at all. He had not wanted to let girl students in. Mr Goller always began his lessons with the word 鈥淕entlemen!鈥?What could he do now? Well, when the girl students came to his lessons for the first time, he still began with the word. For him the girls were just not there. Then one day there was only one boy in his class among a lot of girls. For a moment, Mr Goller didn't know what to do. Then he began, 鈥淪ir! 鈥?Finally a terrible day came when there were no boys in his class He came into the room, looked at the girls and said, 鈥淥h, nobody's here today!鈥?he turned and went out without giving his lessons. 1锛嶴everal years ago, ______. A锛巘here was no girl studying in the university. B锛嶮r Goller didn't teach in the university C锛巘he university let girl students in D锛巑ost of the students in the university were boys. 2锛嶮r Goller usually said 鈥淿_____鈥漺hen he began his lessons. A锛嶴ir銆€B锛嶨ood morning銆€C锛嶨entlemen銆€D锛嶩ello 3锛嶹hen the girls came to his lessons, Mr Goller was ______. A锛巗urprised銆€B锛巃fraid銆€C锛巊lad銆€D锛巙nhappy 4锛嶵he writer wants us to know how Mr Goller ______. A锛巃greed to let the girls in銆€B锛巇idn't like his teaching C锛巃lways didn't know What to do with the girls銆€D锛巓nly liked to teach boy students. 5锛嶹e can know from the passage that ______. A 锛巘he boy students didn't enjoy Mr Goller's lessons B锛巜e will not see the girl students in Mr Goller's class. C锛嶮r Goller was loved by his students D锛嶮r Goller will not work in the university. C Billy and Sam are twins. They were born on New Year鈥檚Day. Their father Mr. Smith is an English teacher in Sichuan International Studies University. Their mother Mrs. Smith is a bank clerk. They came to China 3 years ago. Billy and Sam are in the same class. Both of them like playing basketball. Billy likes Chinese best. He thinks Chinese is very interesting and popular in the world now. Sam鈥檚favorite subject is P.E because he can learn Taiji in P.E class. They are both very happy. One day their teacher asked the class to write a composition(浣滄枃)鈥淢y Mother鈥? Sam wrote one, but Billy was lazy. He just copied級his brother鈥檚. The next day, the teacher asked Billy why his composition was the same as Sam鈥檚. 鈥淲e have the same mother, don鈥檛we?鈥漚nswered Billy.鍐橣銆?( )1. Sam鈥檚birthday was on January 2nd. ( )2. Sam and Billy are in different classes. ( )3. The name of the composition was 鈥淢y Mother鈥? ( )4. Billy 鈥檚composition was the same as Sam鈥檚. ( )5. Billy was not lazy. He was very clever. D I鈥檒l Show You the Way Pat Hogan was traveling around the country in his car. One evening he was driving along a road and looking for a small hotel, when he saw an old man at the side of the road. He stopped his car and said to the old man, 鈥淚want to go the Sun Hotel. Do you know it?鈥?鈥淵es,鈥?the old man answered. 鈥?I鈥檒l show you the way.鈥?He got into Pat鈥檚car, and they drove for about twelve miles. When they came to a small house, the old man said, 鈥?Stophere.鈥?Pat stopped and looked at the house. 鈥淏ut this isn鈥檛a hotel,鈥?he said to the old man. 鈥淣o,鈥?the old man answered, 鈥渢his is my house. And now I鈥檒l show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn around () and go back nine miles.Then you鈥檒l see the Sun Hotel on the left.鈥?( ) 1. What was Pat looking for? A. The Sun Hotel. B. The Moon Hotel. C. The Star Hotel. D. His house. ( ) 2. Who did Pat meet? A. A policeman. B. An old man. C. An old woman. D. A boy. ( )3. Where did the old man take Pat to? A. The Sun Hotel. B. A supermarket. C. The old man鈥檚house. D. A restaurant. ( ) 4. How far did Pat drive after the old man got on his car? A. Five miles. B. Twelve miles. C. Three miles. D. Nine miles. ( )5. How far was the hotel from the place Pat saw the old man? A. Twelve miles. B. Nine miles. C. Three miles. D. Five miles. 鍥涳紟鏍规嵁鍙ユ剰鐢ㄦ墍缁欒瘝鐨勯€傚綋褰㈠紡?1. Simon said he had a ________(please) journey last week. 2. Every year many______(tour) come to Beijing to visit the Great Wall. 3. We should work hard at English because it鈥檚important in our_________(day) life. 4. A man鈥檚life will lose its________(mean) if he has no interest. Do you agree with me? 5. We all think Jet Lee is a __________(success) actor. ?1. Amy said, 鈥淢y favorite food is KFC.鈥?) Amy said that_____ favorite food______ KFC. 2. The writer didn鈥檛write that book.(? The book______ ______ by the writer. 3. She鈥檚never been late for school since then.(鏀逛负鍙嶆剰鐤戦棶鍙? She鈥檚never been late for school since then,_______ _______? 4. The information is very important.(鏀逛负鎰熷徆鍙? _______ __________ information it is! 5. I felt nervous at the beginning.(瀵瑰垝绾块儴鍒嗘彁闂? ______ ______ you_______ at the beginning?€?Kate鈥檚grandmother is 60 years old. She likes (1) ______(drive) very much and she (2)______(drive) for over 35 years. She doesn鈥檛drive fast these years because she is old. She drives well and never (3)__________(have) an accident.Sometimes Kate says to her, 鈥淧lease (4) ________(not drive) your car, I can (5)______ (take) you to the shops in mine.鈥?But she always says, 鈥淣o, I like driving. I don鈥檛want (6)______ (stop) now. One day, she (7) ___________ (stop) her car at the traffic lights because they were red. But when the lights(8)________(turn) green, she couldn鈥檛start her car and the lights(9)________(change) on. Just then a policeman (10) _________ (come) and said to her politely, 鈥淒o you like to watch the traffic lights?鈥??A: Good morning, Miss Smith. B: Hi, Sandy. Where have you been? A: (1)_______ B: Really? That鈥檚great! Did you talk with Mark and Judy? A: Yes, but only a few words. And I鈥檓not sure if they could understand me. B: No problem. (2)_______ A: But I鈥檓afraid of making mistakes when I speak. B: (3)_________ You should believe yourself. A: But do you think they like to talk with us beginners? B: Yes, unless they鈥檙e busy. A: Well, I鈥檓still not so confident. You know my pronunciation is poor. B: (4)__________ Try to talk with them as much as you can. A: All right. (5)________ A. Thanks a lot, Miss Green. B. I鈥檝e just been to the English corner. C. That鈥檚a bad excuse. D. You have made a good start. E. No, I鈥檓not. F. We all learn from mistakes, don鈥檛we? G. Can I help you? 10鍒嗭級鏍规嵁鑻辨枃鎻愮ず锛屼互鈥滄€庢50璇嶏紝?Be interested in English; listen to the teacher carefully; practice speaking English both in class and after class; keep diaries in English; learn some English songs by heart __。



acbB C E 第3题l第4题 DCA B E2013-2014学年度下学期期末考试试卷八年级数学题号一二三总分1718 19 20 21 22 23 24 得分一、选择题(将每小题唯一正确答案填在()内,每小题3分,共30分)1.如果代数式1xx -有意义,那么x 的取值范围是( )。

A .x >0B .x ≠1C .x ≥0D .x ≥0且x ≠12.下列运算错误的是( )。

A. 235+=B.623÷=C. ()222-=D.32462= 3.如图, 直线l 上有三个正方形,,a b c 。

若,a c 的面积分别为5和11, 则b 的面积为( )。

A .4B .6C .16D .554、如图,平行四边形ABCD 中,BAD ∠的平分线AE 交CD 于E ,AB =5,BC =3,则EC的长是( )BA CD A BCD M N ABCDF EA .1B .1.5C .2D .35、如图,在给定的一张平行四边形纸片上作一个菱形.甲、乙两人的作法如下:甲:连接AC ,作AC 的垂直平分线MN 分别交AD ,AC ,BC 于M ,O ,N ,连接AN ,CM ,则四边形ANCM 是菱形.乙:分别作∠A ,∠B 的平分线AE ,BF ,分别交BC ,AD 于E ,F ,连接EF ,则四边形ABEF 是菱形.根据两人的作法可判断( )。

A .甲正确,乙错误B .乙正确,甲错误C .甲、乙均正确D.甲、乙均错误6、一次函数y =-x -1的图象与y 轴的交点坐标为( ) A (-1,0)B .(1,0)C .(0,1)D .(0,-1)7、某中学球队13名队员的年龄情况如下:则这个队队员年龄的中位数是( )年龄(单位:岁)15 16 17 18 人数34511y k x b =+2y k x c =+1 -2O yxAB CD OE 离家的距离(米)离家时间(分)2000 1000 O10 15 20第8题第9题第10题A.15.5B.16C.16.5D.178.直线l 1:y =k 1x +b 与直线l 2:y =k 2x +c 在同一平面直角坐标系中的图象如图所示,则关于x 的不等式k 1x +b <k 2x +c 的解集为( ) A. x >1B. x <1C. x >﹣2D. x <-29.如图,在菱形ABCD 中,对角线AC 与BD 相交于点O ,OE ⊥AB ,垂足为E ,若∠ADC=130°,则∠AOE 的大小为 ( ) A .75°B .65°C .55°D .50°10、某天小明骑自行车上学,途中因自行车发生故障,修车耽误了一段时间后继续骑行,按时赶到了学校. 图中描述了他上学的情景,下列说法中错误的是( ). A .修车时间为15分钟B .学校离家的距离为2000米C .到达学校时共用时间20分钟D .自行车发生故障时离家距离为1000米二、填空题(每小题3分,共18分)11、若31x =+,31y =-,则22x y -= 。







”这段话表明 ( )A.公民享有权利和自由的真实性 B.公民权利和义务的一致性C.公民享有权利和自由的平等性 D.公民享有权利和自由的广泛性4、公民最基本的权利、公民享有其他一切权利的先决条件是 ( )A.受教育权、休息权 B.劳动权、选举权被选举权C.人身权、名誉权 D.人身自由权利5、某洗衣机厂的洗衣机因质量问题致使一名妇女在使用时触电死亡。

因此以下说法正确的是 ( ) A.该厂侵犯了公民的生命健康权B.这位妇女的死亡和洗衣机厂无关C.该厂的行为只是质量问题,不属于违法行为D.经法律部门鉴定是因产品质量不好造成死亡,但工厂不应赔偿6、北京公安机关已拘留了6个造谣者,电信管理部门也关闭了16家“造谣、传谣,疏于管理”的网站。



王某侵犯了同学的( )①、生命健康权②、肖像权③、隐私权④、名誉权A、①②③B、②③④C、①②④D、①③④8、十一届全国人大五次会议审议通过了《关于2011年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2012年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》。



**中学2014年春季八年级期末考试英语试卷命题人:*** 考试时间:90分钟满分:120分(20分))1、I’ve been skating five hours.B、since C、at)2、Would you mind down the music?B、turn C、turning)3、Could you please the dishes?B、wash C、washing)4、Why don’t you her a scarf?B、get C、to get)5、Dogs are difficult to take care of.B、so C、such)6、Tom is a boy.B、6-year-old C、6 years old)7、I don’t have enough time with her.B、spending C、to spend)8、I will do it .B、in a minute C、now)9、Stop singing. I don’t like it .B、in all C、at all)10、You should try junk food.B、not eating C、to not eat)11、-Who the first gift to you? –My mom.B、gave C、give)12、What a guy?B、lucking C、luck)13、I got a bike on my birthday.B、the six C、sixth)14、His mother a special meal yesterday.B、did C、sat()15、She said she to the Zoo yesterday.A、go B、going C、went()16、What you at 9:00 last Monday?A、did ,do B、were ,doing C、do ,do()17、Everyone in my class has a new bike.A、else B、other C、another()18、Mary will a letter tomorrow.A、writing B、write C、writes()19、Could you yourself when you were five?A、wear B、put on C、dress()20、I will go to the park if it tomorrow?A、won’t B、rains C、doesn’t rain二、完形填空。



2014年春季八年级期末考试物理 试 卷考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分一、选择题(每小题3 分,共36 分)1N 的是: ( ) .人的拉力(一般) .托起两只鸡蛋的力( )( )人们自由地互相交谈 弹簧测力计测力的大小( ) 物体一定做匀速直线运动 D.物体的运动状态一定不发生变化( )6、一个人站在地上,双脚着地,他对地面的压强最接近于 ( ) A.104Pa B.103Pa C.100Pa D.10 Pa7、一个装满水后瓶盖密封的硬塑料瓶,放在水平地面上,如图1,水对瓶底的压强为 P1,瓶底对桌面的压强为P1′ ;将瓶倒置后,如图2,水对瓶盖的压强为P2,瓶盖对 桌面的压强为P2′,则( ) A .P1>P2P1′>P2′ B .P1=P2 P1′<P2′ C .P1<P2P1′<P2′ D .P1=P2 P1′=P2′8、 下列现象不能说明大气压存在的是 ( )A. 堵住茶壶盖上的小孔,茶壶里的水就不容易被倒出来B. 用塑料吸管能把饮料吸入口中C. 生产灯泡时,抽气机能抽出灯泡内的空气D. 钢笔吸墨水9、一长方体铁块按图所示,从下表面与液面刚刚接触时下放至图中虚线位置。

能大致反映铁块下降过程中所受浮力的大小F 浮与铁块下表面浸入液体深度h 深关系的图像是 ( )10、甲、乙两个完全相同的物体在同一水平面上做匀速直线运动,且v 甲>v 乙,若不计较空气阻力,则它们所受的拉力F 甲和F 乙及两拉力在相同时间内所做的功W 甲和W 乙之间的关系是 ( ) A .F 甲>F 乙 B .F 甲<F 乙 C .W 甲>W 乙 D .W 甲<W 乙11、淮北市2013年中考体育加试有一项是跳绳,小明同学参加男子考试,假如他1min 内跳了180次,每次跳的高度大约为6cm ,他跳绳的功率最接近 ( ) A 1W B 10W C 100W D 1000W12、如图3所示,在大小为150N 的拉力F 的作用下,物体A 在水平桌面上以0.2m/s 的速度向右匀速运动了2m ,已知A 的重力为2000N ,桌面对A 的摩擦力为360N (滑轮与绳之间的摩擦及绳重不计)。



华师大版2014春初二下期末数学试卷(苏华强供稿)班 号 姓名 成绩一、选择题(每题3分,共21分)1、若分式223b a ab +-中a 和b 都扩大到原来的4倍,则分式的值( )A 、不变B 、扩大到原来的4倍C 、扩大到原来的5倍D 、缩小到原来的41倍3、若点(m ,12+=xy14A .1 B .1- C .2 D .2-4、如图,将一张矩形纸片对折两次后剪下一个角,然后打开.如果要剪出一个正方形,那么剪口线与折痕所成的锐角大小是( ).A. 22.5︒B. 45︒C. 60︒D. 135︒ 5、下列命题是真命题的是( )A .对角线互相平分的四边形是平行四边形B .对角线相等的四边形是矩形C .对角线互相垂直的四边形是菱形D .对角线互相垂直且相等的四边形是正方形6、如图,在矩形ABCD 中,AB=2,BC=4,对角线AC 的垂直平分线分别交AD 、AC 于点E 、O ,连接CE ,则CE 的长为( )(A )3 (B )3.5 (C )2.5 (D )2.8 7、如图,点P 是反比例函数xy 6=(0>x )的图象上的任意一点,过点P 分别作两坐标轴的垂线,与坐标轴构成矩形OAPB ,点D 是矩形OAPB 内任意一点,连接DA 、DB 、DP 、DO ,则图中阴影部分的面积是 ( ) A .1 ; B . 2; C .3; D . 4. 的值等于 .),且x >x >0>x ,11、在公式21111r r R +=中(R <r 2),用R 、r 2表示r 1,可得r 1= .12、以边长为2的正方形的中心O 为端点,引两条相互垂直的射线,分别与正方形的边交于A 、B 两点,则线段AB 的最小值是 .13、菱形的两条对角线的长分别为6和8,则这个菱形的周长为 .14、化简216312m m --得 ; 15、如图,正方形ABCD 中,M 是BC 上的中点,连结AM ,作AM 的垂直平分线GH 交AB 于G ,交CD 于H ,若CM=2,则AG= .16、如图,在直角坐标系中,已知点A(-4,0),B(0,3),对△OAB 连续作旋转变换,依次得到三角形(1)、三角形(2)、三角形(3)、三角形(4)、…,三角形(2014)的直角顶点的坐标是 __ .17、如图,在平面直角坐标系中,A(1,1),B(-1,1),C(-1,-2),D(1,-2).把一条长为a 个单位长度且没有弹性的细线(线的粗细忽略不计)的一端固定在点A 处,并按A —B —C —D —A —……的规律紧绕在四边形ABCD 的边上.(1)当12=a 时,细线另一端所在位置的点的坐标是 ; (2)当2014a =时,细线另一端所在位置的点的坐标是 . 三、解答题(共89分)18、(9分)计算: 421)1.3(51+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--π+--19、(9分)我市某中学举行“中国梦•校园好声音”歌手大赛,高、初中部根据初赛成绩,各选出5名选手组成初中代表队和高中代表队参加学校决赛.两个队各选出的5名选手的决赛成绩如图所示. (1)(3分)根据图示填写下表;(2)(3分)结合两队成绩的平均数和中位数,分析哪个队的决赛成绩较好; (3)(3分)计算两队决赛成绩的方差并判断哪一个代表队选手成绩较为稳定.20、(9分)先化简,222411(1)()442a a a a+∙-÷--,请你为a 的值选择一个喜欢的数字,并求值。



2014-2015年春季学期八年级语文期末试卷(有答案)2014―2015学年度第二学期期末考试八年级语文试卷注意事项: 1、本试卷共六页,包含三大部分。


密封线内请不要答题,否则答案无效; 3、本试卷另有答题卷,请将答案写在答题卷上。


(2分)①阔绰()②驾驭()③真zhì()④无精打cǎi() 2.古诗文名句默写。









(杨巨源《城东早春》) 3.选出下列文言文语段中的加点词解释错误的一项()(2分)虽人有百手,手有百指,不能指其一端;人有百口,口有百舌,不能名其一处也。






4.下列句子中加点的词语运用有错误的一项是()(2分) A.他的办公室是朝北的,在开水房隔壁,只有6个平米,虽不轩敞,但布置得很精致。






A.一 B.高 C.群 D.飞 6.下面句子没有语病的一项是()(2分) A.在接受采访的1000名调查者中,有49%的调查者表示,他们保留着至少一部旧手机,用于查看以前的照片、音乐和视频。


4 3
-1 O 1 2 3 4
5、(10分)已知一次函数 y=ax+b与正比例函数 y=kx(k≠0)的图像交于一点 P(2,1)。
(1)求这两个函数的关系式; (2)根据图像,写出一次函数的值小于正比例函数值的 x 的取值范围;
-1 O -2
x P
∠BAP;④PD= 2 EC,其中正确结论的序号是
18、若 x x 有意义,则 x 的取值范围是____________.
19、(10分)已知 y x 3 3 x 5 ,求 x 2 xy y 2 的值.
第 17 题
20、(8 分)某校要从小王和小李两名同学中挑选一人参加全国 数学竞赛,在最近的五次选拔中,他俩成绩分别如下表:
次数 1 成绩
2 34 5 75 100 90 75
姓名 极差 平均成绩 中位数 众数
小王 40
方差 190
70 90 80 80 80
(1)完成上表: (2)在这五次测试中,成绩比较稳定的同学是谁?若将 80分以上(含 80分)的成绩视 为优秀,则小王,小李在这五次测试中的优秀率各是多少?
A.3、4、5 B.6、8、10 C. 3 、2、 5



丰都县2013—2014学年度八年级教学质量检测英语试卷Ⅰ.听力测试(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)第一节情景反应1.A. I’m feeling better. B. It will be OK. C. That’s too bad.2. A. I’m doing my homework. B. Be brave and practice often. C. I like listening to music.3. A. It’s so exciting. B. I agree with you. C. The traffic is busy.4. A. I don’t like it at all. B. It’s white. C. It’s 100 yuan.5. A. Of course not. B. Good idea. C. Thanks a lot.6. A. That’s easy. B. Size M. C. That’s great.第二节对话理解7. How does Jenny feel when she sees green? A. She feels relaxed. B. She feels excited. C. She feels worried.8. What was the result of the traffic accident?A. The car hit a woman.B. The car ran into a big tree.C. A woman ran into a big tree.9. How does Ketty feel? A. Nervous. B. Excited. C. Sad.10.What food does Jack plan to make?A. He plans to cook chicken.B. He plans to make bread.C. He plans to make dumplings.11. Where are they talking? A. In a hospital. B. In a clothes shop. C. In a restaurant.12.How does Joan like the skirt? A. She doesn’t like its color. B. She doesn’t like its style. C. She doesn’t like its material.第三节短文理解A13. What’s the matter with Pingping? A. She is ill. B. She feels unhappy. C. She feels worried.14. Why does Pingping have to go to a new school?A. Because she doesn’t like her old school.B. Because she wants make some new friends.C. Because her parents find jobs in another town.15. What’s Pingping like? A. She is quiet and shy. B. She is active and kind. C. She is kind and fun.16. What does Pingping worry about?A. She can’t do well in her studies.B. She doesn’t have friends to talk with.C. Her new classmates don’t like her.B17. What did Mary cook for the food festival? A. Beef curry. B. Indian curry. C. Fried rice.18. How many dishes of Indian curries did Alice sell at the food festival? A. 20 . B. 35. C. 40.19. Who did the most successfully at the festival? A. Mike. B. Han Mei. C. Li Ming.20. How much money did the students raise? A. About 2000 yuan. B. About 3000 yuan. C. About 4000 yuan.II. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)21. Oh, it ________ so nice. What beautiful music it is !A. smellsB. soundsC. tastesD. looks22. —Tomorrow we’ll have an important math exam. I’m really worried about it.—________ . I believe you will do better.A. Cheer upB. Hurry upC. By the wayD. Take it easy23. My grandfather lives ________ on a farm in the countryside , but he doesn’t feel______.A. alone…aloneB. alone… lonelyC. lonely… lonelyD. lonely…lonely24. It’s a good habit for students ________ breakfast every day.A. hadB. haveC. hasD. to have25. Our teachers are strict ________ us, but we all like them.A. toB. withC. inD. for26. Chongqing is one of ________ in the world.A. the large citiesB. the large cityC. the largest citiesD. the largest city27. Mr. Li makes me ________ , because it is bad for my health.A. don’t smokeB. not smokeC. not smokingD. not to smoke28. —What beautiful shoes you are wearing! They must be expensive. —No. They only me fifty Yuan.A. costB. spentC. paid forD. took29. With Xu Ming’s help, Zhang Lin does his homework ________ than before.A. more carefulB. more carefullyC. much carefulD. much carefully30. The teacher said light ________ much faster than sound.A. traveledB. travelsC. will travelD. had traveled31. – The classroom is ________ clean________ it was yesterday. – Sorry, I forget to clean it .A. as… likeB. as… asC. not so… asD. so… as32. Taiwan is the southeast of China and Japan is the east of China.A. in… toB. in…inC. to… toD. to… in33. —Did you finish your homework, Tom? —No. I think I need hours.A. another twoB. two anotherC. more twoD. still two34. —Please wait here. He’ll come back in half an hour.—All right. We won’t leave he back.A. since…will comeB. until…comesC. while…comeD. as…comes35. Tom misses his brother very much and he is looking forward ________ him.A. to hear fromB. hearing fromC. to hearing fromD. heard from36. —I want to know if Bob ________ us in the discussion tonight.—I believe if he ________ his homework, he will join us.A. will join… will finishB. will join; finishesC. joins… finishesD. joins; will finish37. —Excuse me, could you tell me ________? —There’s a bank on the street corner. You can do it there.A. where I can change moneyB. how can I get to the bankC. whether there’s a bank near hereD. where is the bank38. —I’m sorry I broke your cup. —______ I have another one at home.A. Never mind.B. What a pity!C. Sounds good!D. I’m sorry to hear that.39. In the end, the policewoman stopped the man from ________ something bad.A. doB. doingC. doesD. did40. Lily Mary like pizza. They often say pizza is very delicious.A. Either… orB. Neither… norC. Not only… but alsoD. Both… andIII. 完型填空。



2013——2014学年度第二学期期末检测八年级数学试卷本试卷分卷Ⅰ和卷Ⅱ两部分,卷Ⅰ为选择题,卷Ⅱ为非选择题.本试卷共8页,满分为120分,考试时间为120分钟. 卷Ⅰ(选择题,共42分)注意事项:1.答卷Ⅰ前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上;考试结束,监考人员将试卷和答题卡一并收回.2.每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如没有答题卡可将答案选在括号内。

一、选择题(本大题共16个小题,1-6每小题2分,7-16每小题3分,共42分.在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.数据:2,1,0,3,4的平均数是( ) A .0 B .1 C .2 D .32.方程x x 22=的解为 ( ) A . 0 B . 2 C . 0或-2 D .0或2 3.若2-x 是二次根式,则x 的取值范围是( )A .x≥0B .x≤2C .x >2D .x≥2 4.四边形ABCD 中,对角线AC 、BD 相交于点O ,下列条件不能..判定 这个四边形是平行四边形的是( ) A .AB ∥DC ,AD ∥BC B .AB=DC ,AD=BC C .AO=CO ,BO=DOD .AB ∥DC ,AD=BC5.函数y =3x +1的图象一定通过( ) A .(3,5) B .(-2,3) C .(2,7)D .(4,10)题号 一 二 三2122 23 24 25 26 得分6.下列计算正确的是 ( )A .235+=B .236=·C .84=D .2(3)3-=-7.如图:在平行四边形ABCD 中,∠BAD 的平分线AE 交DC 于E ,若∠DEA =25o , 则∠B 的度数( )A . 165°B . 130°C .100°D .115°8.为了比较甲乙两种水稻秧苗谁出苗更整齐,每种秧苗各随机抽取50株,分别量出每株长度,发现两组秧苗的平均长度一样,甲、乙的方差分别是3.5、10.9,则下列说法正确的是( )A .甲秧苗出苗更整齐B .乙秧苗出苗更整齐C .甲、乙出苗一样整齐D .无法确定甲、乙出苗谁更整齐9.用配方法解关于x 的一元二次方程0322=--x x ,配方正确的是( )A .()412=-x B .()412=+x C .()212=-x D .()212=+x10.已知油箱中有油25升,每小时耗油5升,则剩油量P (升)与耗油时间t (小时)之间的函数关系式为( ) A .P =25+5tB .P =25-5tC .P =t525 D .P =5t -2511.有以下图形:平行四边形、矩形、等腰三角形、等边三角形、菱形,其中既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的有( )A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个 12.已知一元二次方程x 2-6x+C=0有一个根为2,则另一根...为( ) A .2 B .3 C .4 D .813.若矩形的对角线长为8cm ,两条对角线的一个交角为600,则该矩形的面积为( ) A .83 cm 2 B .163 cm 2 C .16 cm 2 D .32 cm 214.如图,在正方形ABCD 的外侧,作等边三角形ADE ,连接BE ,则∠AEB 的度数为( )A .10°B .15°C .20°D .12.5°D ACBE15. 目前我国建立了比较完善的经济困难学生资助体系.某校去年上半年发放给每个经济困难学生389元,今年上半年发放了438元,设每半年发放的资助金额的平均增长率为x ,则下面列出的方程中正确的是( ) A .438(1+x )2=389 B .389(1+x )2=438C .389(1+2x )2=438 D .438(1+2x )2=38916.如图1,已知点E 、F 、G 、H 是矩形ABCD 各边的中点,AB=6,AD=8. 动点M 从点E 出发,沿E →F →G →H →E 匀速运动,设点M 运动的路程为x , 点M 到矩形的某一个顶点的距离为y , 如果y 关于x 的函数图象如图2所示,则矩形的这个顶点是H GFED CB A20Oyx3图1 图2 A .点A B. 点B C. 点C D. 点D卷Ⅱ(非选择题,共78分)注意事项:1.答卷Ⅱ前,将密封线左侧的项目填写清楚.2.答卷Ⅱ时,将答案用蓝色、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔直接写在试卷上 .得分 评卷人17、在□ABCD 中,∠A+∠C=200°,则∠B=____ __.18、对于任意不相等的两个数a 、b ,定义一种运算※如下:a ※b =ba ba -+,如3※2=52323=-+.那么12※8= . 19、在矩形ABCD 中,由9个边长均为1的正方形组成的“L 型”模板如图放置,此时量得CF=3,则BC 边的长度为_____________.20、有一面积为150m 2的长方形鸡场,鸡场的一边靠墙(墙长为18m ),另三边用竹篱笆围成,如果竹篱笆的长为35m ,则鸡场中较长的边长为 m.二、填空题(本大题共4个小题,每小题3分,共12分.把答案写在题中横线上)FED CBA三、解答题(本大题共8个小题共66分。



2014年八年级下学期数学期末模拟试题(有答案)2014年春季期末综合测试试题八年级数学一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1、下列函数中,自变量x的取值范围是x>1且x≠3的是()A.B.C.D.2、已知正比例函数图像经过点(1,-3),则下列点不在这个函数图象上的是()A.(0,0)B.(2,-6)C.(5,-1.5)D.(m,-3m)3、若a为实数,则的化简结果正确的是()A.B.C.D.04、如果一个正比例函数的图象经过不同象限的两点A(2,m),B(n,3),那么一定有()A.m>0,n>0B.m>0,n<0C.m<0,n>0D.m<0,n<05、如图,A,B两个电话机离电话线l的距离分别是3米,5米,CD=6米,若由l上一点分别向A,B连线,最短为()A.11米B.10米C.9米D.8米(第5题)(第6题)(第8题)6、如图,2×2的方格中,小正方形的边长是1,点A、B、C都在格点上,则AB边上的高长为()A.B.C.D.7、若正比例函数y=(1-4m)x的图象经过点A(x,y)和点B(x,y),当x<x时,y>y,则m的取值范围是()A.m<0B.m>0C.m<D.m>8、如图是a、b、c三种物质的质量跟体积的关系图,由图可知,这三种物质的密度()A.物质a最大B.物质b最大C.物质c最大D.一样大9、如图,是一对变量满足的函数关系的图象,有下列3个不同的问题情境:①小明骑车以400米/分的速度匀速骑了5分,在原地休息了4分,然后以500米/分的速度匀速骑回出发地,设时间为x分,离出发地的距离为y千米;②有一个容积为6升的开口空桶,小亮以1.2升/分的速度匀速向这个空桶注水,注5分后停止,等4分后,再以2升/分的速度匀速倒空桶中的水,设时间为x分,桶内的水量为y升;③矩形ABCD中,AB=4,BC=3,动点P从点A出发,依次沿对角线AC、边CD、边DA运动至点A停止,设点P的运动路程为x,当点P与点A 不重合时,y=S△ABP;当点P与点A重合时,y=0.其中,符合图中所示函数关系的问题情境的个数为()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.0个(第9题)(第10题)(第12题)10、如图,平面直角坐标系中,已知直线y=x上一点P(1,1),C为y轴上一点,连接PC,线段PC绕点P顺时针旋转90°至线段PD,过点D 作直线AB⊥x轴,垂足为B,直线AB与直线y=x交于点A,且BD=2AD,连接CD,直线CD与直线y=x交于点Q,则点Q的坐标为()A.(,)B.(3,3)C.(,)D.(,)二、填空题(每题3分,共18分)11、已知实数a满足,则.12、如图,在菱形ABCD中,∠B=∠EAF=60°,∠BAE=20°,则∠CEF的度数是.(第13题)(第14题)(第15题)(第16题)13、如图,矩形纸片ABCD中,AB=2cm,点E在BC上,且AE=EC,若将纸片沿AE折叠,点B恰好落在AC上,则AC的长是14、如图,点A在线段BG上,四边形ABCD和四边形DEFG都是正方形,面积分别是5和9,则△CDE的面积为.15、如图,点B,C分别在直线y=2x和y=kx上,点A,D是x轴上两点,已知四边形ABCD是正方形,则k值为________.16、如图,点P是正方形ABCD内的一点,连接PA,PB,PC,若PA=2,PB=4,∠APB=135°,则PC=.三、解答题17.(7分)已知x+y=4,xy=2,求的值。



2013-2014 学年度第二学期期末考试八年级英语试题(考试时间120分钟满分150分)注意事项:1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两个部分。






1. What animal does Mike like best?A B C2. How is Lucy going to Xiamen?A B C3. Where would Sam like to go?A B C4. What will the weather be like next Sunday?A B C第二部分听对话或短文,回答问题。




5. Who runs fastest?A. Lucy.B. Ann.C. Lily.6. When will the supermarket close?A. At 5:00.B. At 5:15.C. At 4:45.7. What subjects is the boy good at?A. English and Physics.B. Maths and Geography.C. History and English.8. What was the woman doing when the man saw her just now?A. She was searching for some photos on the Internet.B. She was discussing a project.C. She was talking with Lucy.9. Why did the man’s daughter go to London?A. To study.B. To have a holiday.C. To visit her friends.10. Where does the dialogue take place?A. In a shoe shop.B. In a clothes shop.C. At a bookshop.11. Which month is it now?A. June.B. May.C. April.12. Where are they talking?A. In the classroom.B. In the library.C. At home.13. What is Millie’s hobby?A. Dancing.B. Singing.C. Reading.14. How much do the notebooks cost?A. 6 yuan.B. 16 yuan.C. 60 yuan.15. What is the woman going to do tomorrow?A. Meet friends.B. Stay at home.C. Plant trees.听下面一段材料,回答16-17题。



2013---2014八年级第二学期期末考试题数学一、选择题:1、 =_______.2、 函数2y x =-中,当2x =-时,y =_______.,这个函数图象经过第 _______.象限。

3、 在ABCD 中,∠A=400,AD=cm ,CD=2BC ,则∠B=_______,ABCD 的周长是______4、 数据4,2,1,2,6,2,4,5的众数是______,中位数是______,平均数是______5、 已知三角形的三边长分别是1m +,2m +,3m +,当m =______时,这个三角形是直角三角形。

6.如图,在菱形ABCD 中,∠BAD =80度,AB 的垂直平分线交对 角线AC 于点F ,E 为垂足,连接DF ,则∠CDF 的度数为 .7、甲、乙两班举行班际电脑汉字输入比赛,各选10名选手参赛,各班参赛学生每分 钟输入汉字个数统计如下表:通过计算可知两组数据的方差分别为0.22=甲S ,7.22=乙S ,则下列说法:①两组数据的平均数相同;②甲组学生比乙组学生的成绩稳定;③两组学生成绩的中位数相同;④两组学生成绩的众数相同。

其中正确的有A 、1个B 、2个C 、3个D 、4个 8、计算:3215125223⨯-。

=_________ 9、直角三角形有一条直角边为6,另两条边长是连续偶数,则该三角形周长为_________ 10、等式b a b a -=2成立的条件是__________ 二、选择题11、已知四边形ABCD 中,∠A=∠B=∠C=900,如果再添加一个条件,即可推出该四边形是正方形,那么这个条件可以是( )A 、∠D=900B 、AB=CDC 、AD=BCD 、BC=CD12、如图,平面直角坐标系中,平行四边形ABCD 的中心E 的坐标为(2,0), 若点A 的坐标为(-2,1),则点C 的坐标为( )A.(4,-1)B.(6,-1)C.(8,-1)D.(6,-2)13、一组对边平行,并且对角线互相垂直且相等的四边形是( )A 、菱形或矩形B 、正方形或等腰梯形C 、矩形或等腰梯形D 、菱形或直角梯形 14.某居民小区本月1日至6日每天的用水量如图所示,那么这6天的 平均用水量是( )A .33吨B .32吨C .31吨D .30吨 15、如图,在□ABCD 中,E 、F 分别是边AD 、BC 的中点,AC 分别交BE 、DF 于G 、H ,试判断下列结论:①ΔABE ≌ΔCDF ;②AG=GH=HC ; ③EG=;21BG ④S ΔABE =S ΔAGE ,其中正确的结论是__个 三、解答题:16、b b b b b 154381252-- 17、31132122335+-+-18、如图,四边形ABCD 中,AB=20,BC=15,CD=7,AD=24,∠B=90°,求证:∠A+∠C=180°.19、先化简,再求值:42441)1(222--÷+++⋅+-x x x x x x x x x 其中2=xDCB AA E DH CB FG20、如图,已知在ABCD 中,E,F 分别是AD,BC 边上的点,且AE=CF 。

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2013-2014学年度第二学期期末八年级英语复习卷班级_________姓名_________一、选择填空( ) 1. Have you ______ been there before?A. everB. alreadyC. justD. since( ) 2. My mother ______ a farmer. No w she‟s a worker.A. is used to beingB. used to beingC. is used to beD. used to be ( ) 3. I don‟t know where she is. Maybe she ______ the library.A. has been toB. has gone toC. has went toD. got to( ) 4. ______ she‟s only a little girl, she know how to solve the problem.A. AlthoughB. AsC. BecauseD. Since\( ) 5. They have known each other ______.A. a long time agoB. for a long timeC. since a long timeD. after a long time( ) 6. I‟m sorry. I‟ve ______ you ______ so long.A. seen, waitB. kept, waitingC. saw, waitingD. kept, to wait ( ) 7. Some people got sick ________ the cold weather.A. becauseB. asC. soD. because of( ) 8. Her parents ______ her ______ a singer when she grows up.A. hope, to beB. hope, beC. wish, beD. wish, to be( ) 9. Look! The little boy is standing ______ to his mother.A. closeB. closelyC. closedD. closing( ) 10. His father ______ for three years.新-课-标-第-一-网A. was deadB. was diedC. has diedD. has been dead ( ) 11. He‟s never been there before, ______?A. has heB. hasn‟t heC. is heD. isn‟t( ) 12. The books ______ to the poor children last week.A. was givenB. gaveC. were givenD. give( ) 13. –When ______ this kind of machine ______? –Last year.A. did, useB. was, usedC. is, usedD. does, use( ) 14. The‟re ______ poor ______ they don‟t have anything to eat.A. so, thatB. too, thatC. too, toD. such, that( ) 15. They tried their best ______ the ship ______ down. But failed.A. to prevent, goingB. prevented, from goingC. prevent, goingD. to prevent, from going() 16. The father is creative enough __________ so many nice toys for his daughter.A. buyingB. to buyC. makingD. to make( ) 17. --Is your English teacher Mr. Li very patient?--Yes. He often ________ lots of time ________ to us.A.pays, explainingB. spends, explainingC. takes, explainingD. costs, explaining() 18. My plan is _________ the Summer Palace next weekend.A. visitsB. visitedC. to visitD. visit( ) 19. The Olympic Games of 2016 will _______ in Brazil.A.take afterB. take offC. take placeD. take away( )20. Lucy is shy. She would not invite her classmates _______with her.A. danceB. dancesC. dancingD. to dance( ) 21.-- Did you sleep well last night?-- Oh, no. ________ noise outside the hotel always drove me mad.A.Much tooB. Too muchC. Too manyD. So many ( ) 22. There aren‟t many tickets left for the concert. You‟d better _______ that you get one today.A. make sure ofB. make a decisionC. make sureD. make plans ( ) 23. Before ________ to the museum, our teacher told us to obey the public rules.A.goB. goingC. goesD. to go( ) 24. I usually forget ______ the door. But I remembered_______ it when I left home yesterday.A. to close, to closeB. closing, closingC. closing, to closeD. to close, closing( ) 25. I need _______ food. What about you?A.some moreB. any moreC. more someD. more any ( ) 26. Miss Zhang never wastes money on anything too expensive, even though she can _______ to buy them.新课标第一网A. allowB. remindC. affordD. get( ) 27. It‟s correct _________choose to stay at home.A.to her forB. for her toC. of her toD. to her of( )28. Have you ever ________ the charity walk? Not yet.A. heard fromB. heard ofC. listened toD. heard( )29. The Internet ________ us ________ information.A.provides, forB. provides, fromC. gets, fromD. provides, with( ) 30. –Mom, Iwas the first to reach the top of the mountain.--Good job, Jack! I‟m _________ of you.A.carefulB. proudC. tiredD. afraid二、词汇1.You must make your __________ (decide) at once.2.______ you ________ (see) the film yet?3. A doctor will do an __________ (operate) on the boy.4.He said that light __________ (travel) faster than sound.5.His __________ (blind) made his parents very sad.6.______ your room ________ (clean) by yourself?7.The __________ (develop) of our country is great.8.Kitty __________ (learn) English since she came to England.9.Some animals _________ (appear) in the world. We can‟t see them any more.10.They __________ (talk) when Mr Green came in.11. How many (stomach) does a cow have.12. Many children in poor areas can‟t receive .(educate)13. Dr. Ma used to do two or three (operate)14. To Li Hai, the most important thing is (take) part in the competition.15. The company hopes its product will be (success) on the European market.16. It is very __________(有意义的) for us to join the Tree-planting Club.17. It is _________ (必须的) for us to know how to write a report.18. We should know the _________(背景) of the event.19. My main________ (目的) is to prepare for the meeting.20. You should speak to the elderly ___________(有礼貌).三、情景对话Kitty: I hear Mr. Wu told you to organize a charity show. When is it?Sandy: It will be on next Sunday. Come and help me. I hope our charity show will bea success. I‟m nervous ____1____Kitty: I‟ll phone my cousin, Ricky. He can help us ____2____.Sandy: ____3____. I h ope he‟s not too busy.Kitty: Don‟t worry. His show is over ____4____. I‟m sure he‟d like to help.Sandy: I wish ____5____.四、句子翻译1、这是我们学习英语的好机会。
