金融英语课件(unit 1)

教学重点(Emphases and difficult points) :
some important vocabulary: banknote, joint stock company, acquisition, monetary polices, lender of last resort, liquidity, bank run, IMF, IBRD, financial institution, etc.; transformation, empower, directives, comply (with), implement, oversee, supervisory, registration ;the understanding about the history and function of the Bank of England. the brief knowledge of the banking system in China. Some specialized English words.
Exercises and Key to Exercises
(1)1.英格兰银行 Bank of England 2.银行营业部 Banking Department 3.股份公司joint stock company 4.接 受存款机构 deposit-talking institution 5.规章制度 rules and regulations 6.执行货币政策 implement monetary policy 7.贴现行 discount house 8.公众利益 public interest 9.国际货币基金组织 International Monetary policy 10.世界银行 World Bank (2)ACBCD (3) Some questions: What are the functions of the central bank? When was the Bank of England founded?
配套课件 金融英语

➢Brokers and advisers. The main role of brokers and advisers is to help organized
markets to function properly.
Chapter 4 Financial Markets
4.3 Participants of Financial Markets
Most countries need regulators who control their financial institutions and regulate dealings in securities markets with the objects of ensuring that the financial institutions are able to honour their commitments, that people have access to relevant information before they enter into contracts, and dealing in securities is fair.
最新金融英语课件(unit 1)

外汇清算 multilateral/bilateral clearing 多边/双边清算
Exercises and Key to Exercises
(1)1.英格兰银行 Bank of England 2.银行营业部
the central bank system in the United States : FED ---- The Federal Reserve System.
the central bank system in Britain (part A):
Bank of England
Now, let’s turn to the FED. Please try to find out the differences between the central bank system in British and the United States.
Language Points(语言点)
6. acquisition knowledge acquisition 知识收集 language acquisition 语
言习得 lump-sum acquisition 总价采购 real estate acquisition
不动产购置 7. finance n. 财务;金融;资金v.为(计划等)提供资金,
Language Points(语言点)
9. discount n. 折扣,贴现 bank discount 银行折扣,银行贴现 cash discount 付
现折扣 compound discount 复利贴现 customary discount 行
金融英语 chapter 1 money

Course Structure
• Chapter 1 Money, the Functions of Money and the Financial System • Chapter 2 The Banking system • Chapter 3 Interest Rate and Interest Rate Policies • Chapter 4 Money Market
• 铸币税(Seigniorage) • 也称为“货币税”。发行货币的组织或 国家的政府可以不需任何补偿地用纸制 货币向自己的居民换取实际经济资源, 从中攫取发行货币所产生的特定收益。 这部分由货币发行主体垄断性地享受 “通货币面价值超出生产成本”的收益, 就被定义为“铸币税”。Professional源自TermsQuestion
• When you buy a pair of jeans or a CD, for example, you never wonder whether the merchant will accept the bills and coins in your wallet as payment. • But suppose money didn't exist. How would you pay for the things you want to buy?
• 45.fund obligation基金负担
• 基金负担或称基金总数是指当时发行在 外的基金的总量
Professional Terms
• 58.monetary ease银根松动 • 银根monetary situation 指金融市场上的 资金供应。因中国1935年法币改革以前 曾采用银本位制,市场交易一般都用白 银,所以习惯上称资金供应为银根。 • 银根有紧松之分,判断依据是资金供需 状况。如果市场上资金供不应求,称为 “银根紧俏”或“银根紧”;市场上资 金供过于求,称为“银根松疲”或“银 根松”

• 8.The system of keeping one’s money on deposit with the goldsmith was safer than leaving money where it could be easily stolen, but it was a bit nuisance to have to visit the goldsmith each time money needed.
• 交易中介是交换所出售商品和服务时被 普遍接受的任何东西。玉米不是最终的 交换物而是最终交换物的中介。
• 5 . Rather than having to quote rate of exchange for each good in terms of every other good, as was the case in the barter economy, the price of everything could be measured in terms of corn.
• rate of inflation 通货膨胀率 scarce resources 稀缺资源
• social cost of funds 资 金 的 社 会 成 本 credit institution 信贷机构
• principal 资金 本金 基本财产 denomination
• 1. In any economy in which decision by individual economic units play a major role, interest rates perform several important function through which they exercise a pervasive influence over economic decision and performance, similar in scope to the influence of other economy-wide prices such as the exchange rate and the basic wage rate.

Investments - Background and Issues
The Goals of Chapter 1
This chapter takes an overview of what we will learn in this text book
Equipment and software
Consumer durables
Major Classes of Financial Assets
– For individuals, the investment decision is associated with reducing current consumption and plan later consumption
Real Assets
– Assets used to produce goods and services, e.g., property, plant, or equipment
Debt (fixed income securities) (part 3)
– Money market instruments (short term, low risk)
Treasury bills or bank certificates of deposit

New Words and Expressions
• transfer 使转移 • withdraw 取(款) • bother 打扰 • cooperation 合作 • corridor 走廊 • rent 租借 • security 证券
New Words and Expressions
• insurance 保险 • fee 费用,专业服务费 • signature 签名 • authorize 授权,委托 • favor 关切,好意 • remit 汇出 • counterfeit 伪造的,假冒的
Background Information
• When a customer wants to see a manager, it’s necessary for a secretary to ask his or her name, title and purpose of coming. Usually, a customer is introduced to a manager, a junior to a senior. After introduction, there may also be a handshake, if it’s normal. As a rule, the manager reaches his or her hand to the customer, the senior to the junior. But very often the two would just smile and say “Hello” or “Hi” and then begin their conversation.
New Words and Expressions

Ⅱ. Constitution of financial system
2. Financial intermediaries
current year.
2. allocation
allocation of capital allocation of resources
资本配置 资源配置
The total cost of the project was found on allocation to be the materials ₤ 255, labor ₤ 570, machine-hire ₤ 175, total ₤ 1000.
3. Other components of the financial system
33 system
Key words, phrases and special terms
1. allocate 2. deficit 3. investor 4. return 5. consumption 6. prospective 7. incentive 8. pose 9. maturity 10.mismatch 11. coordinate 12. intermediary 13. bond 14. stock
UK RBS 5 HSBC Holdings 汇丰集团 UK HBC 6 Wells Fargo & Co 美国富国银行 US
❖13 Goldman Sachs 高盛集团 US GS 14 BNP Paribas 法国巴黎银行 France BNPQY 15 Barclays Bank 英国巴克莱银行 UK BCS 16 Mizuho Financial Group 日本瑞穗金融集团 Japan MFG 17 Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利企业 US MS 18 UniCredit 意大利联合信贷银行 Italy 19 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group 日本三井住友金融集团 Japan SMFJY 20 ING Bank 荷兰国际集团 Netherlands ING 21 Deutsche Bank 德意志银行 Germany DB 22 Rabobank Group 荷兰合作银行 Netherlands 23 Societe Generale 法国兴业银行 France SCGLY 24 Agricultural Bank of China 中国农业银行 China 25 Intesa Sanpaolo 意大利联合圣保罗银行 Italy IITSF

Introduction to Financial EnglishFundamentals of Financial EnglishFinancial English Reading and UnderstandingFinancial English WritingFinancial English SpeakingPractical Application of Financial English
Financial English Writing
Basic writing skills
Grammar, punctation, presence structure, paragraph development, and essay organization
Understanding and using financial terms and concepts correctly in writing
Grammatical accuracy
Prop grammar and presence structure are critical in ensuring clarity and precision in financial English speaking
Voice projection
Financial reports
Reading and analyzing annual reports, quarterly reports, etc., of companies to understand their financial performance and strategies
金融英语课件(unit 1)

Financial market participants
Individuals or institutions that provide capital to
financial markets in the form of equity or debt investments.
Opening an Account
Placing Orders
Establishing a relationship with a financial institution by opening an account and depositing funds.
Instructing a broker or financial advisor to buy or sell financial products on your behalf.
Other Financial Institutions
In addition to commercial and investment banks, there are also insurance companies, pension funds, mutual funds, and other institutions that play important roles in the financial system.
Debt securities issued by governments or corporations, promising to pay the holder a fixed amount of interest over a specified period, and to repay the principal at maturity.
金融学英文课件 (1)

Five Core Principles of Money and Banking
D. Core Principle 4: Markets determine prices and allocate resources.
• • • Markets are the core of the economic system. Markets channel resources and minimize the cost of gathering information and making transactions. The better developed the financial markets, the faster the country will grow.
Five Core Principles of Money and Banking
A. Core Principle 1: Time has value
• • • Time affects the value of financial instruments Interest is paid to compensate the lender for the time you have their money Chapter 4 develops an understanding of interest rates and how to use them
Six Parts of the Financial System
3. Financial Markets
• • • Once located in coffeehouses and taverns. Then organized markets were created, like the New York Stock Exchange. Now mostly handled by electronic markets. • Have reduced the cost of processing financial transactions. Much broader array of financial instruments.

2. What were the first coins made of in England?
A. Gold. B. Tin.
C. Silver.
D. Copper.
3. Why were gold and silver inconvenient if people had
to buy something expensive?
Click the answers to see if you are right.
Let’s learn
Other things used as money in China feather pearl salt jade tea stone History of money
Let’s learn
A. Because they were easy to steal.
B. Because they were difficult for people to get.
C. Because they were not easy to carry around.
D. Because they themselves were expensive too.
Let’s discuss
History of money
Is money everything?
With money we can buy a lot of things. We
can buy delicous food, nice clothes, beautiful
Things money can do
《金融专业英语》课件-Chapter 1 Finance Foundations

Fundamentals of finance(金融的原理)
Fundamentals of finance play a very important role in the present market-driven world. Starting from the process of production to distribution, the entrepreneur, as well as the company needs finance.
dividends and return on capital. 公司金融研究企业的投资、融资、收益分配
Corporate finance
Public finance
✓ finances of the government of the country or the state.
✓ government expenditure, effects of taxation, deficit financing and public borrowing.
✓ The medium-term financial needs generally last for a period of 1 year to 5 years.
✓ The long-term financial need is generally to make an investment in the fixed assets such as plants, machines and buildings.
✓ savings, earnings, spending, and investing. ✓ life insurance, home insurance, mortgages,

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Class Guidelines: Students should:
Be on time. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. Attend all classes. If you miss three classes, you will automatically fail the class. This is university policy. Turn off cell phones when you come to class. Do not answer them or text message in class.
School of economics Chun-xia Dai
Course Objectives: Each student will:
Develop his/her reading, writing, thinking skills. Increase his/her ability to use appropriate vocabulary and expression of financial English. Gain a greater understanding of finance.

MoneyIf you can actually count your money, then you are notreally a rich man.——American oil billionaire J. Paul GettyWhat is moneyEconomists define money as anything that is generallyaccepted in payment for goods or services or in the repaymentof debts.Types of moneyA. Commodity moneyB. Convertible paper moneyC. Fiat money(or fiat currency):Usually paper money, is a type of currency whose only value is that a government made a fiat that the money i s a legal method of exchange.Unlike commodity money or representative money it is notbased in another commodity such as gold or silver and is notcovered by a special reserve.D. Private debt moneyE. Electronic moneyPrivate debt moneyA loan that the borrower promises to repay in currency ondemand. . IOU the checkable deposit at commercial banks andother financial institutions.Commercial notes(商业票据):Short-term, unsecured, discounted, and negotiable notes sold by one company t o another in order to satisfy immediate cash needs.Include: promissory note (期票,拮据) draft (汇票) check and so on.Electronic money: Electronic Check, Internet Payment System, Credit Card ServiceWhat does money doA. Medium of ExchangeIn almost all market transactions in our economy, money i n the form of currency or checks is a medium of exchange; it isused to pay for goods and services. The use of money a s a medium of exchange promotes economic efficiency by eliminating much of the time spent in exchanging goods and services.Terms: Transaction cost, Time value of moneyB. Unit of AccountThe second role of money is to provide a unit of account;that is, it is used to measure value in the economy. We m easure the value of goods and services in terms of money, just as we measure weight in terms of pounds or distance in terms of miles.Note: Fiat money has not only no particular value in use; itdoesn't even really have a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would have.Terms: Good money, Bad moneyC. Store of ValueMoney also functions as a store of value: it is a repository of purchasing power over time. It is an asset. It 's something that we can use to store value away to be retrieved at a laterpoint in time. So we can not consume today, we can hold money instead - and transfer that consumption power to some pointin the future.Term: Hard currencyMeasuring Monetary Aggregates1. Measure as “money” only those assets that are most liquid, hence that function best as a medium of exchange.2. Include all financial assets in the measure of money, butweight them in proportion to their liquidity.1. M1 = Most Narrow Measure (Most Liquid)M1 = currency + traveler’s checks + demand d eposits + other checkable deposits2. M2 = M1 + Less Liquid AssetsM2 = M1 + small denomination time deposits + savings deposits+ money market deposit accounts + money market mutual fund shares3. M3 = M2 + Less Liquid AssetsMoney supplyThe revenue raised through the printing of money. When t he government prints money to finance expenditure, it increasesthe money supply. The increase in the money supply, in turn,causes inflation. Printing money to raise revenue is likeimposing an inflation tax.To expand the money supply:The Federal Reserve buys Treasury Bonds and pays for themwith new money.To reduce the money supply:The Federal Reserve sells Treasury Bonds and receives the existing dollars and then destroys them.InflationInflation is an increase in the average level of prices,and a price is the rate at which money is exchanged for a goodor service.Here is a great illustration of the power of inflation:In 1970, the New Y ork Times cost 15 cents, the median price of a single-family home was $23,400, and the average wage inmanufacturing was $ per hour. In 2008, the Times cost $, theprice of a home was $183,300, and the average wage was $ per hour.Hyperinflation is defined as inflation that exceeds 50percent per month, which is just over 1 percent a day.Questions1. Money is not unique as a store of value; any asset, beit money, stocks, bonds, land, houses, art, or jewelry, can be used to store wealth. Many such assets have advantages overmoney as a store of value: They often pay the owner a higherinterest rate than money, experience price appreciation, anddeliver services such as providing a roof over one's head. Ifthese assets are a more desirable store of value than money,why do people hold money at allThe answer to this question relates to the importanteconomic concept of liquidity.2. Rank the following assets from most liquid to leastliquid:a.Checking account depositsb. Housesc. Currencyd. Washing machinese. Savings depositsf. Commonstock3. Why have some economists described money during ahyperinflation as a “hot potato” that is quickly passed from one person to another4. Was money a better store of value in the United Statesin the 1950s than it was in the 1970s Why or why not In whichperiod would you have been more willing to hold money5. In Brazil, a country that was undergoing a rapidinflation before 1994, many transactions were conducted indollars rather than in Reals, the domestic currency. WhyQuiz1. Fiat money is:A. credit card chargesB. CoinsC. not convertible into precious metals.D. checks Answer: C2. Which of these is not a function of money in an economyA. Store of valueB. Medium ofexchangeC. Source of incomeD. Unit of accountAnswer:C3. Which of the following is not part of M1A. checking accountsB. traveler'schecksC. savings accountsD. currencyv1.0 可编辑可修改Answer:C4. If Mary deposits $100 of her currency in her checking account, then:A. M1 w ill increase by $100.B. M2 w ill fall by $100.C. M1 and M2 will not change.D. M2 will increase by$100.Answer:C5. If Mary moves $100 from her savings account to herchecking account, then:A. M1 will not change.B. M2 will not change.C. M1 will fall by $100.D. M2 will fall by $100. Answer:B6. Which of the following is not part of M2A. Small time depositsB. CurrencyC. Institutional money market mutual fundsD. SavingaccountsAnswer:C7. Inefficiencies that are created when using checks asmoney include:A. Checks can transfer funds slowly.B. There are too many bad checks written.C. Checkbooks can be stolen.D. Checks can be written for any amount.Answer:A8. The liquidity of an asset is:A. the ability of an asset to earn interest income.B. the amount of an asset sold at discount or premium.C. the relative ease with which an asset can be convertedinto a medium of exchange.D. the relative ease with which an asset can be convertedinto a common stock.Answer:C9. For a commodity to function effectively as money, it mustA. Be widely accepted.B. Be backed by gold orsilver.C. Be indestructible.D. Be printed by thegovernment.Answer:A10. Money supply data is generated by:A. The Department of CommerceB. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)C. The Federal Reserve System (the Fed)D. The Treasury DepartmentAnswer:C11. Which of the following correctly shows the evolutionof the payments systemA. Commodity money, fiat money, checks, electronic money.B. Commodity money, fiat money, electronic money, checks.C. Commodity money, checks, fiat money, electronic money.D. Fiat money, commodity money, checks, electronic money. Answer:A12.Which of the following is true regarding money's store of value functionA. money does not allow a person to hold purchasing powerfrom the time income is earned until it is spent.B. money is the only store of value available.C. money is the most liquid store of value available.D. money is superior to all other stores of value duringperiods of inflation.Answer:C13. Which of the following is not a disadvantage ofelectronic moneyA. People are concerned about the privacy and security ofe-money transactions.B. E-money transactions cost more than paper check transactions.C. The cost of setting up a system for processing e-money payments is high.D. E-money does not allow people to take advantage of float. Answer:B14. Wealth isA. Generally accepted for the repayment of debtsB. A flow of earnings per unit of timeC. A stock conceptD. The total collection of pieces of property that serveto store valueAnswer:D15. The Fed's measurements of monetary aggregatesA. Are more reliable in the short run than the long run.B. Are revised once a year.C. Does not depend on the definition of money.D. Are more reliable in the long run than the short run.Answer:D。
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If, revenues > expenditures If, revenues < exppluses fiscal deficits
Hence, governments usually use two methods to cover fiscal deficits. One is raise tax rate (it may cause dissatisfaction from the public directly), another is to issue treasury bonds to cover deficits (it means the government will borrow money from the public and guarantee to repay principal with interests to the public in the future).
your own money or issue stock to public
to raise capital
borrow money from bank or issue corporate
bonds to public
C. Finance (from corporate perspective), in Chinese means “公司财务”.
For a company, its assets are composed of equity (所 有者权益/自有资金)and liabilities (负债).
Assets = Equity + Liabilities
b) direct finance, with investment banks as intermediaries:
providing funds
thru buying shares
investors (lender)
a company (borrower)
A company Acquires long-term funds by issuing stocks to the public. And the investors become the shareholders (owners) of the company. The shareholders have the voting powers and make decisions on some important issues of the company.And the company will give the dividends to the shareholders in the future if making profits.
A. Finance v. Provide capital (money) and capital movement,with financial institutions as intermediaries, in Chinese means “融 资”.
a) inAdicroemcptafniny aBnorcreo,wws sihthorct-otemrmmfeurncdisaflrobmancokmsmaesricniatlebramnkesd. iAanrdieist :is a
International Finance
The Score Arrangement
Total Score = Ordinary (30%) + Final Exam (70%)
Introduction To “Finance” From National, Corporate, And Personal
B. Finance (from national perspective) n. in Chinese means “国家财政”.
Governments obtain revenues from collecting taxes and use these revenues for public expenditures, such as social welfare, military expenditures, education, environmental protection, and so on.
Bank (lender) Public investors
a company (borrower)
principal with interests
A company may borrow long-term funds by issuing long-term corporate bonds to the public. It is a temporary transfer of ownership of funds from the bond buyers (investors) to the company. And the company promises to pay back the principal with interests to the bond buyers in the future. Here, commercial or investment banks play the role of financial intermediation and collect fees for this services, instead of interests.
temporary transfer of ownership of funds from the bank to the borrower, and the borrower promises to pay back principal with interests to the bank in the future.