新编大学英语(第四版) 视听说教程2教学课件B2U4
外研社2024新编大学英语_第四版_综合教程教学课件B4U2 Further development
Further development Unit project
3. Impact on Hangzhou 3.1 Economic benefits
The event is expected to promote tourism and boost local businesses, including hospitality, dining, and retail sectors. It will also create opportunities for local artisans and vendors, showcasing Hangzhou’s craftsmanship and culinary heritage. 3.2 Social and cultural enrichment
Unit project Additional activity Broaden our horizon
新编大学英语(第四版) 综合教程 Unit 2
Further development
目录 contents
Unit project Additional activity Broaden our horizon
新编大学英语(第四版) 综合教程 Unit 2
Further development Unit project
2.3 Rich experience Hangzhou’s track record of hosting international events, like
the 2016 G20 Summit and the 2022 Asian Games, positions it as an ideal venue for the Dragon Boat Racing Championship. These experiences have refined the city’s ability to manage large crowds, ensure top-notch hospitality, and implement sophisticated emergency protocols, crucial for the safety and enjoyment of all attendees. Leveraging this wealth of expertise not only guarantees the smooth operation of the event but also promises an enriching experience that highlights the city’s commitment to showcasing both the sport and its deep cultural heritage. Equipped with a highly skilled cadre of professionals and volunteers, Hangzhou stands ready to make the Dragon Boat Racing Championship a remarkable and unforgettable event.
Glen McNeill spends six or seven hours a day riding his motorbike through the streets of London, Britain so he can become a taxi driver. When he finishes his training, his hippocampus, the area of the brain used for memory, will be larger than most adults’.
Analytical Listening
Analytical Listening
Listening 1
documentary n. 纪录片 calculate v. 计算 sensory organ n. 感觉器官 microscopic a. 极小的,微小的 neuron n. 神经元,神经细胞 sensory neuron n. 感觉神经元 spinal cord n. 脊髓 motor neuron n. 运动神经元 transmit v. 传送,传输 pathway n. 神经通路
Unit 4 Inside the Brain
Think and Discuss
Think and Discuss
1. What skills do you need to juggle? 2. Why do you think learning to juggle
Think and Discuss
1. What skills do you need to juggle?
Example Answers In order to juggle, I need to have good concentration, good balance, a good sense of spatial relationships, and good hand-eye coordination.
二、课程概述1. 课程简介《视听说教程2第四版》是为中级英语学习者设计的课程教材。
2. 课程目标本课程的目标包括:•提高学员的听力水平,能够听懂有关日常生活、工作、旅游等话题的对话和短文;•增强学员的口语表达能力,在日常对话和情境中能够流利地交流;•帮助学员消除发音误区,准确地发音单词和句子。
3. 课程内容本课程内容详细包括以下部分:•Unit 1: Greetings and Introductions•Unit 2: Family and Friends•Unit 3: Hobbies and Leisure Activities•Unit 4: Shopping and Markets以上仅为部分内容,课程共包括多个单元,每个单元中都涵盖了不同主题的话题和相关的听力、口语和发音练习。
三、课程结构每个单元的课程结构如下:1. 主题介绍每个单元都有一个主题,通过介绍主题和相关词汇,激发学员的学习兴趣。
3. 口语练习口语练习部分包括与他人对话和对话角色扮演两个部分。
4. 发音练习发音练习部分着重训练学员的发音技巧和口语语音表达。
四、学习资源1. 课本《视听说教程2第四版》课本是学习本课程的主要参考资料,其中包含了课程的主要内容和练习题。
2.视频学习(Video Learning)视频学习环节提供一个真实的语言环境,通过观看和聆听视频材料,学生可以提高他们的听力技巧、理解能力和口语表达能力。
3.听力训练(Listening Practice)听力训练部分通过一系列听力材料和相关练习,帮助学生提高听力技能,培养他们对英语语音、语调和语速的理解能力。
4.口语实践(Speaking Practice)口语实践部分是教材的重点,通过一系列口语训练和实践活动,帮助学生提高口语表达能力和语言流利度。
5.扩展学习(Extensive Learning)扩展学习部分提供一些额外的学习资料和练习题,帮助学生进一步巩固和拓展所学的知识。
外研社,新编大学英语视听说教程4 Un it2 The Power of WordsListe ning & Un dersta ndingListening I: Activities 1,2■丿Li石ten to a story abaut two ians and two Dirtchmen on a train and choose ths best answer to each of Itic questicMis you h^ar on the recording:.\ Click to iKtentf>th« que&tnn.V/here did ttie s-tory take place7(a) ii a theater.(b) in a workplacev «■ fc) On a tram.(d) On a plane.2. Click to lislen tc th& aueMion.'//hat d i:he rwo umcnmen want to know iromthetwo E&igiar^?* a ⑻ How tney managed to trav^t witn only or^e ticket.(b) Wtien they started to travel to work by train-[cj Ho\.v they usuaiy killed time on the train.How far their home io th&ir workplace is.3. Click to listen to the questionHew di: ttie Dutch men fee about the Belg ;ans t^bavicr'?O Indifferent.:?■ m Criticaf.(c) Happy* 0 fd) Approving4. Click to listen to the qu&stionV/rat tfkf che Be^ian do \?hen 3SK&d if he fiad a licK&t?© (a) He kept silent..:■ [b) He told a lie.* a- tc) He told ihe truth.t<±) He showed thein his bdel.£ Click . - to lisien tc the que-sticin.V>ho ^ir.alfy marags-d to tra/ei free cf cbflne>■ [ajTheiwo Belgians* fb) One cf the t:vc Belgians.x o [cJTrt^twc Dutchmen.g) One of the two Dutchmen*Listen to the story again and complete the following summary with the information you get.The hvo Belgians 已jtplamed that v/hen mey neard the tonau 匚to 『 1 刖rii] from tne other end of H IE carriage they(2 _______ th^ir seats, went Into the (3) _______ a nd:4 Q:知 _________ me door When the conductor KnocKetf on trie toilet door saying 1"(5)TlcKets pleasethey (6)pushed one ticket undertrie door It was then 7 sia^rrd and pushed Dacfc under the tloor again.Your answer approaching Jentoilet lockedTickets please pushed stampedCorrect answerapproaching feft toilet focked Tickets please pu&hed stampedA/u. w 3 4 5 6 7i 2 /rlListening II: Activities 1,2Listen io a Japanese talking about her story in ail Ameri 匚自 n university and complete ttie following sentences with tiie informatiQn you get.Your answerCorrect answervdepartment staredepartment storeSix years ago AtsuKo went to me Unitetl States tor^eni : rYour answerCorrect answer vattend collegeattend coilegeAt&uko found life in the United States very chfftciilt ___________ .Youranswer7difficultAt&uko found physicalgjmionYour answerCorrect answervphysical educationphysiceducaHionAtsuko felt £E 「nfiEd _______ because she was asked to hit the ball to her classmates.Listen to the storyand choose whether each of the following statements is1. At&uko works as a salesclerk in a big : n 已nt 空 巳in 」apanCorrect answer difficult匚 la&s very difTicuH4. Your answer7terrified Correct answerterrifiedtrue (T) or fa tee (F)L1 Atsuko Knew a lot 日bout American ire before sine went to the UnitedStates(a) Truey o (t>) False2 AtsuKo vras greatiy encouraged by Deyoung man and succeeded inhitting the hail”u a (a) Truep>) False3 Atsuko thinks of trie words the young man said to her whenever she is in difficulty. y4 (a) T rue(D) False4 Atsuko is sure Wat me young man how much his words meant toner.(a) T ruey a (t>)Fai&e5 The main id^a of the story is that encouragement can worK Era匚I巳sy * (a) True(&) FalseListening III: Activities 1,2Kate Austen is an Australian nurse who has written an elderly lady a letter to thank her for mailing missionary p已亡kege^. Here is the reply the elderly lady &entlo Kate.Listen to the first psrt of the letter and answer the Fcllownig questions.1 How old is the American lady?80 “Suggested 3nsL\e:;8C2. What does she Knit?CapB> sweaters and scarves *w Suggested answerCsps sweaters and scarves3. Who wrote the letter^Th亡elderly lad.y f s daughter-in-la?fSuggestanswerThe elderly lady s daughte--in-Jaw.4. Why couldn't the elderly lady write the letter herself?3-2CE口mm she was bli nd.Suggested answerBetause she shnd.5. H OVJ old was she when stie got married?13Suggested answer ig.6 Where did the couple 训ork fior 40 years*?亡hi naSuggested answerChina7 How many of her children are still alive now?OneSuggested answerOre.8. Where did the elderly lady go after her husband died?Torczita4TSuggested 白n sw&rTorontoListen io the second part of ihe letter and complete the fallowing paragraph with the information you get.wnai I most wanted to say is iriis. For ;'?u ___________ years I have been ;2〕爪卄旧 jjp missionary packages of clothing lood medicine or books. I have 光nt them to (3)_____ of the world.Sometimes 丨 nave received a (4}printed _______ slip oT acknowledgement, sometimes nothing.侍)beftxE In alt the-se years hav 色 I H 合d 呂 (6} (describing thevillage and telling me who arewearing tfie clothing siricl ^hatthey g 白闭 I never thought that in my lifetime I would receive 3 letter like that May G&d i7 ;______Your answer Correct answer60 making up various parts printed Never k>efo-re persona] letter bless you80 / sixty making up various parts printed Never tjelore pers-onal better bless youLI/ \r. 11/ VJ .1>. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .1. fL- /LY Jck —(V/I zmvListening IV: Activities 1,2Listen to an interview with a woman, talking about sonnettiing she expcrienc&d in S inga pore end complete the following sentences with the rnformation you get.The woman described a :帘口门叮巳厂慎^门口和口 she '.vorKed in Singapore.5 / fiveWhat the assistant ^aid to the woman IH her to:belfeve she had got can 匚色「cancerThe doctor reassured the woman on the phone by F E Hing her everything was [ine .Lrs-ten to the interview in and choose whether each of the following statenn&nU is true(T) or fake (F),1 The woman said that she was scared t>ecause of the pain in her legshe had experienced whe 口Your answerCorrect answer vfnisun derstandingThe woman said she r d had m ‘Tipmisunderstanding on n er left iegYour answerCorrect answerlump / red lumpvlumpAfi^rth^ &per 白tiom the w&man wa& told to return 闇 5 haveher stitches out and get h&r results.days toYour answer Correct answerYour answerCorrect answercancer Your answerfine Correct answerfine7 9(a} True(b) False2 The doctor took tti€ lump to the lab for tests匚(a) Truev 9(b> False3 The Ionian returned to lhe ho&pital six days after the operation.(a) Truew i> (b> False4 The woman described ho>v nervous she Mad t>een when she asKed tor her results # d (a) Tru«(b) False5 The doctor apologtzed on the phone tor his assistants misunderstanding7 o (a> 丁ru£(D) False6 The misu nQf「戏冃nding erose because the assistant tiad mistaKen the woman toranotherpatieniTru-eJ»(b) FalseView ing, Un dersta nding & Speak ingActivities 1,2, 3I Watch a video of four people Trying to help an orphan who wrote a. letter to Godand choose whether eacti of the following statements is true (T) or false (F).1 T QITI wrote a letter to God ir»whrch he 匚omplained about the living conditions inthe orphanage© (a) Truev 4 pi) False2 The orphanage tries to match the best child for the foster parents instead of thebest parents for the childx w(a) True-v f ? (b) False3 According Lo Rosemary, it 'would be a good idea to tell T om that God is lookingfor th e best family for Hirn7 (a) Truex 'B (ti) False4. All except Rosemary agreed that finding a foster family for Tom would be th色bestrepiy to T Cim's letter(a) T RJ&“ @ (D) False5 Fred suggested telling Tom mat he mignt not necessarily t>e happier in a fosterfamily than in the orphanage.j@ (a) True厂(b) raise6 Finally Keith wrote a letter to Torn in God's name in wtiich he explained that GodEs lair because everyone can have tife beliefs and goa5s Tor free.7 4 (a) True(D) FalseWatch the video again and complete the fol lowing sentences with the information you get.1 We receive pl-enty of c :cioi':a '.:ons_ of food toys medicine, booksand clothing from c2 .individuals _______________________ ail over thecountry.Your answer Correct answerV⑴donations donations«⑵individuals individuals anOorganizattons/ individualsand organ也白liong2 And we've got 1D volunteers who 门皿EOic■引巴____________ lots ol:2:tiniE and「mgourc世呂to tfie care ot our orphans.Your answer correct answerw (1) dedicate dedicate(2) time and resources time and resources3 W&IL the chtidren now live In _____ a 伫 ___________________ andenvKonmentYour answer Correct answerv fl) Moving lovingv (2) caring caring4 Quite a rew of our kids nave been adopted ar got roster parents but neworphans k巳巳p comirtgYour answer Correct answer7keep coming keep coming6 Maybe Tom can be told Wat the best always comes late and God wiltKeep 阮best for him.Your answer Correct answerKeep the tje&t Keep the best6 Yes. but ft's a white lie and it may make him Z民雄厂曲皿三______________________FiimselfYour answer Carrect answer7 feel better about feel &elter about7 Mo训一he may still want a Worn or a Dad even -vhen he h s been told that hemight nuE 门凯出刘「ih_______ be happy in the new familyYour answer Corred answer7 not necess^riy not necessarlfyB Imagine how he would feet reading the letter!1 It would be aio叮色ly 蓉urpri宜E____ for him.Your answer Correei answer7 lovely surprise lovely surprise§ ]t would need to be a letter that tells Tom the 11 ______ and helps Mis- / !m「:FcT3「Mrig of the way fife really isYour answer Correct answer7(1) truth truthv (2) understanding understanding10」woutd like you to think about these three things because they are the 雋I 冏to a successful fifeYour answer Correct answerv< real key re刮key。
Page ▪ 4
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
* starfish海星 3. fertilizer 化肥 4. nutrient 养料 5. explode 激增 * incredibly 难以置信地 6. property 特性 7. regenerate 再生 8. inject 注射 9. bounce back 很快恢复 * tip the odds break 打破平衡 10. crown-of-thorns starfish 长棘海星
Page ▪ 2
There are also 200 different species of birds. Aside from all of this, it is a very beautiful place and the temperature and climate are fantastic. If has definitely got tourist appeal and attracts two million visitors each year. Like other coral systems, the Great Barrier Reef is facing a range of environmental threats. Global warming, pollution, tourism, shipping accidents and overfishing have contributed to its decline. Earnest efforts are under way to protect the world’s reefs and restore them. But man’s impact on the environment continues to make the future of coral reefs uncertain.
Part One
Exercise 1
1.Copenhagen2.TWA 3.thrilled 4.you bet 5.overdue 6.mechanical 7.maintenmance 8.a bite(to eat) 9. annoying plex 11.initially
two boxes books came closer dropped several books
Setting II
Noise level
A student volunteer the experiment same books dropped
brain power
tired muscles
Partice Four
Exercise 1
1.Noise how nice 2.Two 3.Books 4.Passers-by student volunteers 5.One
Exercise 2
Setting I
Noise Level
Practice Two
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
1.Economic factors 2.Psycholigical space needs 3.number of bedrooms 4.family
Exercise 3
1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T
Partice Three
Exercise 2
一.Te the Associative Meaning of Ads;
2.Asking for Clarification and Clarifying
二.Teaching Focus:
1. Listening skills:Identifying the Associative Meaning;
Task 3: effective commercial!
4. Speaking out
Four Main Types of TV Commercialsppt“Speaking out”p9-11
Guidelines for creating TV adverts. Try to rank them in order of importance.ppt“Speaking out”p2-8
Cons:Fake advertising cheats consumers and, in some serious cases, threatenspeople’s lives.
6. Further listening and speaking Task 1,2,3
2. Listening skills
Identifying the Associative Meaning of Ads p47
3. Listening in
Task 1&2:The influence of advertising
Do warm-up questions 2,4 (p46)see the key at p(58)
2. Speaking skills:Asking for Clarification and Clarifying;
新编大学英语(第四版)综合教程2教学课件-B2U1 Further development
Further development Additional activity
Sample answer walked that much, but we managed to push our limits by encouraging each other and the picturesque views encouraged us as well. So you see a good picture requires enough patience and a bit of good luck.
But that’s not the only reason why I present it. More importantly, it is one of the most impressive trips I’ve ever taken, which taught me to look deep into myself, to learn to appreciate the simplest way of living, and to feel more grateful for what I’ve had.
新编大学英语(第四版) 综合教程 Unit 2
Further development Unit project
Give a presentation
Give the presentation
The representative from each group gives a presentation to the whole class. A panel of judges will be formed by inviting one student from each group, and each judge will give each speaker a score out of 100, following the judging criteria below. 40% Content 40% Language 20% Delivery
新编大学英语第四册unit 2 The Power of Words 课件
Yes, it’s quite necessary, because such notes bring warmth and reassurance to those who need encouragement in a world too often cold and full of competition. Besides, we all need a boost from time to time, and a few lines of praise can even change life.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Pre-Reading
Sample 2
There is no doubt that people need encouragement and praise. All of us would like to feel needed and admired. If we didn’t hear any words of encouragement or praise, how could we know that we were valued by people close to us? Besides, when I fail to do something successfully, I’ll feel depressed. If someone can comfort or console me at this moment, and give me encouragement, they’ll probably make a big difference in my life. On the other hand, if I can encourage or cheer my friend. I’ll feel good about myself. So encouragement actually benefits people on both sides.
完整 新一代(基础篇) 视听说教程 2 Unit 4课件
新新一一代P代PT大学大习学学交英流英语语((基基础础篇篇)) 视视听听说说教教程程21 UUnnitit41
Explore 1: Listening and speaking
Conversation Passage
News report 1 News report 2
新一代PPT大学习学交英流 语(基础篇) 视听说教程 2 Unit 4
基础篇 视听说教程 2来自PPT学习交流4 On the road UNIT 1
i Prepare i Explore 1 i Explore 2 i Practice i Produce Further listening
新一代PPT大学习学交英流 语(基础篇) 视听说教程 2 Unit 4
3 A. Eat little on land. B. Leave nothing behind. C. Clean everything on land. D. Don’t drink too much at breakfast.
Explore 1: Listening and speaking
WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS wilderness n. 荒野 continent n. 大洲;大陆
新编大学英语视听说教程Book 2 Unit 4 Psychology in Our Daily LifePart 1 Listening, understanding and speakingListening I1. FTTFFF2. 1. prison 2. the digging3. ten4. the money - the gun5. plant the potatoes Script:A potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when he should have been digging the ground for planting the new crop of potatoes. He knew that his wife would not be strong enough to do the digging by herself, but she could manage to do the planting; and he also knew that he did not have any friends or neighbors who would be willing to do the digging for him. So he wrote a letter to his wife which said, "Please do not dig the potato field. I hid the money and the gun there."Ten days later he got a letter from his wife. It said, "I think somebody is reading your letters before they go out of the prison. Some policemen arrived here two days ago and dug up the whole potato field. What shall I do now?"The prisoner wrote back at once, "Plant the potatoes, of course."Listening II1 4,52. 1) the lift service 2) engineers 3) Add more lifts 4) faster ones5) too expensive 6) a psychologist 7) Place a large mirror 8) simple 9)inexpensiveScript:The manager of a large office building received many complaints about the lift service in the building. He hired a group of engineers to study the situation. They suggested two solutions:1. adding more lifts of the same type;2. replacing the lifts with faster ones.The manager decided that both suggestions were too expensive. So he asked a psychologist to study the problem. The psychologist noticed that many people felt angry and impatient because they thought they had to wait too long for the lifts. However, the psychologist found that they had to wait only a relatively short time. It occurred to him that the reason they felt angry and impatient was that they had nothing to do while they were waiting for the lifts. He suggested a simple, inexpensive solution to the manager. This was adopted and complaints stopped immediately. Thesolution was to place a large mirror next to the lifts.Listening III1. T T F F T2 1) office 2) discussion 3) Immediately 4) long 5) describing 6)wrongs 7) over 8) shoulders 9) minutes 10) speechlessScript:After just a few years of marriage, filled with constant arguments, a young man and his wife decided the only way to save their marriage was to try therapy. They had been at each other's throats for some time and felt that this was their last resort. When they arrived at the therapist's office, the therapist jumped right in and opened the floor for discussion, "What seems to be the problem?" Immediately, the husband held his long face down without anything to say. On the other hand, the wife began describing all the wrongs within their marriage.After 5—10—15 minutes of listening to the wife, the therapist went over to her, picked her up by her shoulders, kissed her for several minutes, and sat her back down. Afterwards, the wife sat there—speechless.He looked over at the husband who was staring in disbelief at what had happened. The therapist spoke to the husband, "Your wife NEEDS that at least twice a week!" The husband scratched his head and replied, "I can have her here on Tuesdays and Thursdays."Listening IV1 T T F F F2 1. less stressed 2. stress level--- heart rate --- blood pressure3. discussion ---social interaction4. laugh ---greatScript:(Joan, Kristen and Shelly are discussing their evening plans while having lunch.) Joan:I'm so stressed out! I just can't get that new computer program written. I wonder if I'll ever finish it. I'm supposed to have dinner with my best friend from college tonight but I think I should call her and say I can't.Kristen: No, Joan, don't call her. Have dinner with her and have a good time. Shelly: I agree with Kristen. Have dinner and talk about what fun you two had in college. Tomorrow you'll feel less stressed.Joan: How do you know, Shelly?Shelly: I recently read an article in the magazine Psychology Today. It said social support, especially with old and good friends, can help you keep down your stress level. It can actually slow your heart rate and reduce your blood pressure.Kristen: I read that too. It also said that making time for close relationships is vital to helping you have good health. Some research suggests that people who are socially connected get a better night's rest too.Joan: OK, I'll go. I really wanted to, but, well, you know... By the way, Kristen, your job is stressful too. What are you doing tonight?Kristen: I've joined a book discussion group. We're meeting tonight. I always enjoy the discussion and social interaction, so I go home afterwards, feeling relaxed. Shelly: I'm going to call my sister. We don't live close to each other so we phone when we can and laugh a lot. I always feel great afterwards.Joan: Sounds like we'll all be "distressing" tonight. I'm glad we talked.Part 2 Viewing, understanding and speaking1Mr. & Mrs. Strong: B C F H IMr. & Mrs. Green: A D E G2. 1. 6:55 2. New York3. Mechanical problems4. their flight is overdue/ delayed5. the coffee shop6. seating on another airline7. 1120Script:(It's now 6:05 in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Strong are in the waiting room of an airport. Mr. Strong is reading a newspaper. Mrs. Strong is sitting there idly. Mr. and Mrs. Green approach them.)Mrs. Green: Excuse me, is this seat taken?Mrs. Strong: No, it's not taken. Have a seat.(Mr. and Mrs. Green sit down next to Mr. and Mrs. Strong.)Mrs. Strong: My name is Strong, Molly Strong. Pleased to meet you.Mrs. Green: I'm Doris Green. How do you do?Mrs. Strong: Where are you going?Mrs. Green: We're going to Copenhagen for our son's wedding. It's tomorrow morning.Mrs. Strong: Oh, congratulations! That's nice. You must be very excited.Mrs. Green: You bet! I can hardly believe my little Jackie has grown up and is getting married. (She looks at her watch.) Now it's 6:05 and the flight will take off in 50 minutes. Just imagine in nine hours I'll see Jack and my new daughter-in-law, Alice! I expect they'll come and pick us up at the airport. What about you? Where are you going?Mrs. Strong: We are going to New York by TWA Flight 1070. Our daughter recently had a baby. My first grandchild.Mrs. Green: You must be thrilled.Mrs. Strong: Yeah, I can't wait to see my dear grandson. This is him, Nick. (She takes out a picture of Nick and shows it to Mrs. Green.)Mrs. Green: (She looks closely at the photo.) He's lovely!(Suddenly, a voice comes out through a loudspeaker.)(Loudspeaker: Attention, please. AA Flight 644 to Copenhagen will be delayed. Attention, please.AA Flight 644 to Copenhagen will be delayed.)Mrs. Green: Oh, my goodness! What's up? It seems the flight to Copenhagen won't be on time. I'd better go and call Jackie about the delay.Mr. Green: (He looks up from the newspaper.) No hurry. It doesn't say how long the flight will be delayed. Let's wait and see.Mrs. Green: Well, OK, let's wait a while.Mrs. Strong: Don't worry. I'm sure things will turn out fine in the end.(Just at that time, another voice comes out through a loudspeaker.)(Loudspeaker: Attention, please. TWA Flight 1070 to New York is overdue because of mechanical problems. It's stopping in Chicago for maintenance. We'll keep you informed when we know more.)Mrs. Strong: Oh, no! Our flight is delayed as well.Mr. Strong: (He looks up from the newspaper.) Take it easy. It says the flight is overdue because of mechanical problems. I believe the mechanics will solve the problems soon.Mrs. Strong: OK.(As time goes by, Mr. and Mrs. Green become more and more anxious. Mr. Green can't read the newspaper any more. He walks back and forth in the waiting room. Mrs. Strong is comforting Mrs. Green.)Mrs. Green: I can't wait any more. It's 7:15. We've been waiting for over an hour, but there's been no further information. What on earth is happening?Mr. Green: Who knows! It could be bad weather, mechanical problems, a bomb threat, whatever.Mrs. Strong: Why don't you go to the Information Desk and ask them about the causes of the delay?Mr. Green: That's not a bad idea. Let's go there now.(Mr. and Mrs. Green leave for the Information Desk.)Mrs. Strong: (to Mr. Strong) I'll go and buy some magazines.Mr. Strong: Go ahead. I'll be here waiting for you.Mrs. Strong: OK.(Mrs. Strong stands up and goes around the airport. Mr. Strong continues reading the newspaper. Several minutes later, Mrs. Strong comes back with some magazines in her right hand.)Mr. Strong: What did you get?Mrs. Strong:Cosmo, Life and Good Housekeeping. Any further news about our flight yet?Mr. Strong: Nothing, up to now.(Loudspeaker: Attention, please. TWA Flight 1070 to New York is overdue because of a door problem. The mechanics expect that the door will be repaired in 30 minutes. We'll keep you advised as we know more.)Mr. Strong: Well, it seems we have lots of time. Why not go and get a bite to eat? Mrs. Strong: Good idea. Let's go to the coffee shop.(Mr. and Mrs. Green arrive at the Information Desk.)Mr. Green: Excuse me, can you tell me why AA Flight 644 to Copenhagen is delayed?Agent: I'm sorry, sir. We don't have any further information about that.Mr. Green: Then how long will it be delayed?Agent: Sorry, sir. We really don't know. You'll just have to wait. We'll inform you through the loudspeaker as soon as possible.Mrs. Green: (She says angrily.) We've been waiting for ages and there's been no further information about the delay. How long will we have to wait? We are going to our son's wedding. We can't miss it.Agent: I understand how you feel, madam. We'll try to find out the causes as soon as possible.(Mr. and Mrs. Green go back to the waiting room of the airport. They become increasingly impatient.)Mrs. Green: Isn't it annoying? Nobody is telling us anything.Mr. Green: That's the limit! I can't bear it any longer. Let's go and find seating on an airline that flies to Copenhagen.Mrs. Green: Why not? We're not getting any help from this airline.(Mr. and Mrs. Green leave the waiting room angrily.)(Mr. and Mrs. Strong are sitting leisurely at the coffee shop. Light music is on, and they feel very comfortable.)Mrs. Strong: (She looks at her watch.) Oh, time is flying. It's 7:30. Hurry up. The flight will be announced soon.Mr. Strong: Take your time. We're in no great rush. We can hear the announcement here if there is one.(Loudspeaker: Attention, please. TWA Flight 1070 to New York is overdue because of mechanical problems. We are sorry to announce that the problems are more complex than initially expected. Those who are without luggage and need to leave right away can take TWA Flight 1120 at Gate 6. TWA Flight 1120 will leave from Gate 6 at 7:45.)Mr. Strong: (He smiles.) See? Let's go to take TWA Flight 1120.Mrs. Strong: Good.Part III Video Appreciation and Singing for Fun1 F F F T T F T T2 A B C D3 1. curse 2. stuck 3. checkout 4. assess --- objectively 5. field --- vision6. fed7. shoot8. overtakePart IV Further Speaking and ListeningListening I1. B D3. T F F T TScript:Not everyone in the world requires the same amount of living space. The amount of space a person needs around him is a cultural preference, not an economic one. Knowing your own psychological space needs is important because they strongly influence your choices, including, for example, the number of bedrooms in the home. If you were brought up in a two-child family and both you and your sister or brother had your own bedrooms, then it's very likely that you will also provide separate bedrooms for your children. In America they train people to want their own private rooms by giving them their own rooms when they are babies. This is very rare in the world. In many cultures the baby sleeps in the same bed with his parents or in a crib near their bed.The areas in the home where people meet also reveal a lot about psychological space needs. Some families cluster, and the size of their house has nothing to do with it. Others have separate little places where family members go to be alone.Although psychological space needs are not determined by economic factors, they sometimes have to be modified a little because of economic pressures. It is almost impossible, however, to completely change your psychological space needs.Listening II1 1) psychologists 2) influence 3) experimented 4) carrier5) observed 6) normal7) 10 percent of the passers-by helped the non-handicapped man, and 15 percenthelped the man with a cast.8) set up a similar experiment in a sit uation where the subjects couldn’t leave.2 1) A student volunteer 2) experiment 3) same 4) books 5) 75 6) 37.57) distracting 8) notice 9) respond 10) further annoyed 11) thenoise 12) help out.Script:Two recent studies by psychologists suggest that noise can influence how nice we are to others. They experimented by giving people a chance to help someone in trouble. A person would see a man carrying two boxes filled with books. As the person came closer, the book carrier dropped several books. The other researcher observed whether the passer-by offered to help.When the noise level was normal, 20 percent of the passers-by helped. When the experimenter wore a cast on his arm, 80 percent offered help.But when a very noisy lawnmower was nearby, 10 percent of the passers-by helped the non-handicapped man, and 15 percent helped the man with a cast.It seemed that people were less helpful when it was noisy because they wanted to escape the noise. So the researchers set up a similar experiment in a situation where the subjects couldn't leave.A student volunteer waited in a room before being called for an experiment he expected. The experimenter waited in the same room, holding some books. He dropped the books. The noise level in the room varied from normal to loud; 75 percent of the 52 students helped pick up the books under normal conditions, but only half that many volunteered when the room was noisy. Perhaps because of the distracting noise, the students didn't notice and respond quickly to the book-dropping. Or perhaps the book-dropping further annoyed the students already irritated by the noise, making them less likely to help out.Listening III11-5 C A C A B21) identify personalities 2) achievement 3) parties 4) center 5) crowd 6) gettingalong with 7) friendly, caring 8) planned 9) structured 10) a few friends 11) a big groupScript:(Three students, Janice, Sue, and Kelly, are looking at magazines in the library and commenting on some articles they see.)Janice: I think I've seen everything now!Sue: What do you mean?Janice: Have you ever heard of psycho-geometrics?Sue: No.Janice: I hadn't either. It's a new way of identifying personalities.Kelly: How?Janice: You think of the four basic shapes—square, triangle, circle and rectangle and decide which shape you like best.Sue: I like triangles. They make me think of the ancient Egyptian pyramids. What does that say about me?Janice: The triangle stands for ambition and high achievement.Sue: I like that. What else?Janice: You like to achieve. Once you decide what you want, nothing will stop you. Also you like to give big parties for friends and love being in the center of the crowd. Sue: That fits me.Kelly: What about me? I like circles. That's why I wear my blouse with the dots on it so often.Janice: The circle is a symbol of unity. Getting along with others is most important to you. You're friendly, caring and a good listener. No wonder you're so popular! Kelly: That's nice to know. What about you?Janice: I like squares. This is supposed to mean that I like things to be planned and structured, and also that finishing things is important to me.Kelly: What else?Janice: It says that I prefer being with just a few friends rather than with a big group. That's really true.Sue: Do you believe all of this?Janice: I don't know but it's fun to think about.Listening IV1 1. American history 2. $ 64, 000 3. the best guest--- missed a question 4. second5. easier --- play it safe2. 1-5 C B B A AScript:Bob had finally made it to the last round of the $64,000 Question. The night before the big question, he told the host that he desired a question on American history. The big night had arrived. Bob made his way on stage in front of the studio and TV audience. He had become the talk of the week. He was the best guest this show had ever seen. The host stepped up to the mike."Bob, you have chosen American history as your final question. You know that if you correctly answer this question, you will walk away $64,000 richer. Are you ready?"Bob nodded with confidence. The audience went nuts. He hadn't missed a question all week."Bob, your question on American history is a two-part question. As you know, you may answer either part first. As a rule, the second half of the question is always easier. Which part would you like to answer first?"Bob was now becoming very nervous. He couldn't believe it, but he was drawing a blank. American history was his easiest subject, but he played it safe. "I'll try the easier part first."The host nodded approvingly. "Here we go, Bob. I will ask you the second half first, then the first half."The audience silenced with great anticipation."Bob, here is your question: And in what year did it happen?"。
新编大学英语第二册Unit 4
Task 3 Listening—Psychology of Clothes
Identification: Based on what you hear on the tape, match the person in Column I with the way one is dressed in Column II. Column I Column II
Psychology in Our Daily Life
Task 1 A Story of a Chinese Idiom Task 2 Brainstorming—One-Sentence Story Task 3 Listening—Psychology of Clothes Task 4 Video Clip Task 5 Proverbs and Sayings
Task 1 A Story of a Chinese Idiom
An Illusory Snake in a Goblet Yue Dynasty friend sit a man named to, Guang who In Jin made his there waswhere he used Yuepouring a goblet of alcohol One day, he invited a if there his was fond of drinking.for him, and asked him friend towas any snake reflection in the goblet. There was still a “snake house to drink together. Suddenly, his friend saw the reflection” in the goblet! Then Yue casually took away reflection ofhanging on the wall.in the time, the “snake the bow a snake swimming This goblet. He got so much frightened that he took ill on bedthe bow reflection that reflection” disappeared. “So it was after getting home. was in the goblet!” His any medicine got well from And neither any doctor or friend at once could cure hishis illness. illness. “An illusory snake in a goblet” is used to describe the When Yue Guang got to know the cause of his friend’s psychological state of being frightened caused by taking disease, he asked the friend to drink at his house again. illusions as reality.
oI have changed my mind. Now Ihope I can… after graduation.
Learnwords and phrases, and be able to talk aboutplans and dreams.
课件:Wrap-up activityIII
Watch the following video of the Chinese dream. Answer the following questions:
Watch the video clip and ask students to answer the questions presented in the PPT.
Review the new words and phrases, and do the listening practices in the unit again.
Explain each new word or phrase with exampleswhich havepresented in PPT.
Reading out
Play the recording and ask students towork in pairs to act out the short conversations.
Divide students into groups. Let them discuss the questions presented in the PPT.
an important symbol of strength and influence;
a symbol of love; only a tool to make our life happier…
To be continued
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
To be continued
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
Part Three
Psychologists often use a method called “behavior therapy” to help people who feel that they have problems with money.
To be continued
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
5) How do the psychologists usually do to help people who feel that they have problems with money? They often use a method called “behavior therapy”.
habits not only show our beliefs and values, but can also stem from past problems.
Part Two
e. Money is an important symbol of strength, influence and love.
大学英语 课件2:Unit 4 视听说
handsLeabharlann FunctionsLet’s Talk
To get familiar with this topic.
Watch the following video clip and answer the following questions. Questions: 1. What do you choose: to be your own boss or to be bossed ? 2. In finding a job, What would be taken into your consideration ? 3. Do you think one’s character (e.g. to be cooperative) matters in job hunting? Why or why not?
—I like being my own boss. After graduation, I will go into business for myself because I like to be a big fish in a small pond. I will run my own company. I like to make my own schedule and decisions and I can also learn a lot if I am the boss. My work experience will be greatly enriched and my problem-handling abilities will be enhanced.
Direction: work with your partners to find the tips of writing a ré sumé
英语视听说U n i t1-4(总19页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--新编大学英语视听说教程第二册Unit OneListening, Understanding and SpeakingListening OneA Mother's LoveYou can see it in her eyes—in her gaze and in her sighs.It is a mother's love.You can feel it in her touch—in her tender hugs and such.It is a mother's love.You can hear it in her words—in her praises and bywords.It is a mother's love.She cares. She understands.She lends an ear and holds our hands.She gives us a mother's loveListening twoFor more than four decades, John Adams has fought to defend the environment and empowered individuals in the . and around the world to join the cause. Adams iscofounder 0f the Natural Resources Defense Council the NRDC the nation's first lawfirm for the environment. "Defending the environment,”John Adams says,"is personal”"When you care about something, like the environment, it does become a passion”he says."It becomes your life. I grew up on a small-town farm in the Catskill Mountainsof New York. It was a wonderful place to grow up. I loved it"But by the l960s, he didn't love what he saw happening to the environment."We were a major industrial force with no pollution controls. So if you were in Pittsburgh or New York or the factory areas of New Jersey or California, you would be hit with air pollution that had virtually no pollution controls,"says Adams"In New York we burned a lot of our garbage right in the buildings. Fly ash would come up and it was over the city, The Hudson River was filled with raw sewage and it smelled because there were no requirement for sewage control."He also worried about the disappearing farmland around the big cities which became suburban sprawl with very little planning.Adams turned his love for nature into action, leaving his job with the . Attorney’s Office in New York in l970 to help establish the Nature Resources Defense Council. The 33-year-old lawyer became its first director.In their book ,A Force For Nature John Adams and hislife Patricia also an environmental activist chronicle the evolution of the NRDC from a homegrown advocacy group to a 一million一member organization with intematlon reach.Adarms led the NRDC for 36 years and remains on its Board of Trustees. Today, he is chairman of the 0pen Space Institute, working to purchase scenic and natural land in New England to protect it from development.Listening ThreeI grew up in a family with six sisters. In my lifetime I have seen all of them abused by various men in their lives. Even my mother has the scars from two unsuccessful marriages.When I was a teenager, my mother shared some insights into all of their failed relationships. She explained that they really weren't expecting to be treated as queens, but they did desire two things from the men in their lives: to be told frequently that they are loved and to be shown often that they are special. It was at that point that I decided I would be the sort of husband my mom and sisters had dreamed of but never had.When I was dating my wife-to-be I remembered those two points my mother shared with me years earlier. I admit that I struggled trying to be able to express my love in words and in action. For most men, it isn't natural for us to be romantics. But then again, it isn't natural for us to be millionaires or sports superstars. It does take effort, practice and diligence. But the rewards are there.Now we've been married for nine years. I really, truly, deeply love my wife and let her know it every day by what I say and what I do. Our friends and family members all admire us and want to know our secret.Listening FourIn past generations the challenge Oo dating was different Men and women wanted a partner who could fulfill their basic needs for security and survival. Women lookedfor a strong man who would be a good breadwinner;men searched for a nurturing woman to make a home. This practice that worked for thousands of years has suddenly changed.The new challenge of dating is to find a partner who not only will be supportive of our physical needs for security and survival but will support our emotional and spiritual needs. Today we want more from our relationships. Millions of men and women around the world are searching for a soul mate to experience lasting love happiness and romance.It is no longer enough to just find someone who is willing to marry us.We want partners who will love us more as they get to know us:We want to live happily ever after.To find and recognize partners who can full fill our new needs for increased closeness,good communication,and a great love life,we need to update our datingskills.Further listeningListening OneMy son's primary school celebrates Valentine's Day in a wonderful way. Each day throughout the month of February, the school honors each student in informal ceremonies. At the ceremony, classmates, teachers and parents get together to deliver compliments to that particular child. They believe that a child's emotional and social skills should be developed alongside their intellectual skills. Learning to acknowledge qualities and strengths in others—and receiving that acknowledgment gracefully—is a very important learning lesson.I know I compliment my son frequently, and certainly try to make sure he knows he is loved. But I realize that I have never actually pointed out, one by one, specific qualities that make him unique and so special to me. And how infrequently we really point out what is special in others. Sure, we say “I love you” or “thanks” regularly, but when do we take the opportunity to really and truly examine what makes a person special What is unique and different about themThis year, the time was scheduled for my son to receive more than 40 compliments from his peers, teachers, parents, and himself. Each child had their day at the center of the circle, their friends coming up one by one to give a gift of powerful words. This year, my son heard that his thoughtfulness was appreciated, his ideas important, his expressions inspiring. He was also expected to write and deliver a compliment to each of his classmates.Listening twoIn the end, I had to ask my husband to read my Valentine compliment to our son. I was simply crying too hard to get the words out. Witnessing the tenderness of school-age children saying what they thought was special about my little boy proved too much for me. But I was not alone. When I warned my son I might get emotional, he said, “That's OK. Lots of parents cry.” He was right.This is what my husband read to our son on my behalf:Dear Cole:Your love of language and information has always amazed me. I love learning from you and with you. I admire how new words are so easily incorporated into your vocabulary.I think you are fresh and eager and loving.I admire that relationships are important to you. I like to listen to the connections you make with past experiences. I think you are good at remembering.I love how you are proud of yourself when you try something new. I feel proud, too.I like how your whole body tells a story, and your expressions make me feel good. I am proud of your willingness to express your fears and appreciate the reminder that you will grow at the pace that suits you best. I love your jokes and your fondness for telling them over and over—so I will laugh. I think you are fun to be with.I love that you are my son.I am really grateful to this school for creating a learning environment. These exercises benListening ThreeHisham and I will have been married for twenty years this February. Everybody said it would not work. He is Jordanian, Muslim, and I am Italian, Catholic. We met in Florida twenty-two years ago. What we had in common was nothing except youth. He could barely speak the English language, and I thought Arabs were from India. Within a year I found out where Jordan was exactly and he could say “I love you” in broken En glish.When we got married people actually placed bets at our small wedding in my family's dining room. They thought our relationship would not last a year. Hisham did not tell his parents he was married for almost five years. He felt that if he failed at school his family would blame the marriage. Of course everybody, from Arabs to Americans, thought he married me to get a green card. I knew he didn't.I lived in his country for six years after graduation and had a son there. Through Hisham's eyes I saw the beauty of his culture and religion and the simple ways of his people. Being from New York and living in Amman, Jordan, I still had my Christmas tree each year, my Easter eggs and even a Halloween pumpkin in the window. I also took some of their ways—cooking, methods of mothering, socializing—and it enhanced my own character in the long run.Throughout the years, I was not the Italian girl from New York, not the American married to the Arab; I was a beautiful blended person with two children and a man who loves me.Listening FourTraditionally the heart is the part of the body where emotions come from. If you are a warm hearted person, for example, you are kind and thoughtful toward others. If you have a heart of gold you are a very generous person. But if you are heartless, you are cruel and unfeeling.Of all the emotions, it is love that is most associated with the heart. In love songs all over the world, love almost always goes together with The heart. As the song from the movie Titanic says:"You are here in my heart and my heart will go on and on… Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime, and never let go till we re gone”Perhaps the role of the heart in love comes from what happens to it when you feel really attracted to someone. The strong feelings of attraction make your breathing speed up and your heart beat faster.Unit TwoListening, Understanding and SpeakingListening OneMrs. Black was having a lot of trouble with her skin,so she went to her doctor. However he could not find anything wrong with her. So he sent her to the localhospital for some tests. The hospital, of course, sent the results of the tests directly to Mrs. Black's doctor. The next morning he telephoned her to give her a list of the things that he thought she should not eat, as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble.Mrs Black carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper which she then left beside the telephone while she went out to a meeting.When she got back home two hours later, she found her husband waiting for her. He had a big basket full of packages beside him and when he saw her he said "Hello, dear. I have done all your shopping for you""Done all my shopping?”she asked in surprise."But how did you know what I wanted?”"Well, when I got home,I found your shopping list beside the telephone" answered her husband "so I went down to the shops and bought everything you had written down"Of course, Mrs. Black had to tell him that he had bought all the things the doctor would not allow her to eat!Listening TwoAmerican and British people both speak Englis, of course,but sometimes it does not seem like the same language. ln fact,there are some important differences between British English and American EnglishFirst of all,they sound very different. 0ften, Americans don’t say all the letters in each word. For example, Americansmay say "l dunno”instead of"l don’t know”, or they may say "Whaddya say?”insteadof what do you say?”Sound is not the only difference between British English and American English. The two languages have differentwords and expressions for some things. For example,some words for clothing are different. Americans use the word "sweater”but the British say "jumper”Americanswear"vests" over their shirts but the British wear "vests" under their shirts. Americans talk about "pants”or "slacks" but the British talk about "trousers" The British "chips" are American "French fries” A British "chemist’s shop”is an American "pharmacy" or "drugstore”. In Britain, if you aregoing to telephone friends,you "ring them up”. In America,you "give them a call".There are also some differences in grammar. For example, Americans almost always use the helping verb "do" with the verb"have”They might say,“Do you have an extra pen?”The British often ask the question in a different way. They might say,"Have you gotan extra pen"These differences can be confusing when you are learning English. But when the same language is used in different places,it is understandable that it changes in each place.Listening ThreeNick: Hi, Dieter. OKDieter: Oh, hi, Nick. Yes, I'm fine, except that I had a big problem ordering my drink.I didn't think my English was so bad!Nick: Your English is very good! What kind of problemDieter: Well, look at this beer I've got here—this warm, brown, English beer—itwasn't what I wanted!Nick: Why, what did you ask forDieter: Well, I just asked for a small beer. Then the barman asked what type of beer and said lots of names that I didn't understand—and something about a pie or a pine.I didn't understand anything!Nick: Oh, no! He probably said a pint! In English you don't ask for a big or a small beer. You ask for either a pint or a half. A pint's the big one.Dieter: So this one I've got here is a halfNick: Yes, that's a half of bitter. Bitter's the name for that type of beer.Dieter: Ah, that's what he said—bitter! Well, it's very different from the beer we drink in Germany, I must say.Nick: Yes, I know. They call the German type of beer lager. So you have to ask for a half of lager, or a pint of lager.Dieter: OK. I understand that now. My another problem was chips. I asked for a packet of chips, and the barman said something strange—that they don't have chips in the evening, only at lunchtime. What did he meanNick: Yes, they have fish and chips, but I think you meant crisps. In England, chips are fried potatoes, you know, French fries. The ones you buy in a packet are crisps.Dieter: Well, in the end I didn't get anything to eat. So you see, I did everything wrong!Listening FourMr. and Mrs. Jones are having a conversation one evening while Mrs. Jones happens to be looking at some of the textbooks her daughter,who is in the fifth grade, is using.Mrs. Jones:Listen to what this book says. It really makes me angry! When talking about the settling of the western part of the ., It says"MEN by the thousands headed west.”Then on the very same page it says,"The average citizen in theUnited States is proud of HIS heritage”Mr. Jones:What’s wrong with that?It's true. I don't understand why you are angry.Mrs. Jones:Why?Because women are left out!Mr. Jones:Everyone knows when the writer says"men" or "his" in those sentences, he means to include women.Mrs. Jones:I think you are wrong. When young people read these sentences,they simply do not form a mental image which includes femalesMr. Jones: Mm Do you have other examples?Mrs. Jones: Yes I do! This book mentions"MAN—made improvements that have raised America’s standard of living.”It is gender biased and a child will not think that females as well as males have made contributions when reading this.Mr. Jones:I still don't think it's very important.Mrs Jones:Of course, you don't!You’re a man. But don't you want our daughter and other little girls to have the idea that they can be important citizens in their country,Just as other women have been in the past?Mr. Jones:Well,I guess you’re right. I hope not all textbooks are like that. Further ListeningListening OneMuch has been said about how anti—social the Internet and mobile phones are The truth is,however, according to new research, communication technology is bringing people closer together. A study by the Pew Internet and American life Project found family members were keeping in regular contact today more than ever before. And this is all down toe—mail,chat,cellphones and SMS messaging. It makes sense. Years ago, it fook a long time to write a letter, then find an envelope and go to the post office to buy a stamp and post it. Today we write mails while we wait for our change in the convenience store and they’re sent in aninstant. Having free Internet telephone calls also helps us to stay in touch more often and for longer Everyone’s at it from five—year-olds to tech-savvy grandparents.According to the Pew survey, technology has a very positive effect on communication within asked 2,252 adults whether new technologies had increased the quality of communication with their percent said it increased communication with family members they did not live with two percent said technology decreased this. Numbers weresimilar for those living ln the same house as their family. The project director Lee Rainey said:"There’s a new kind of connectedness being built inside of families with these technologies." Survey co-author Barry Wellman agreed."It used to be that husbands went off to work, wives went off to a different job or else stayed home… and the kids went off to school and not until 5:30, 6 o’clock did they ever connect,”he said.Listening TwoAt an early age, little girls' conversation is less definite and expresses more doubts, while little boys use conversation to establish status with their listeners.These differences continue into adult life. In public conversations, men talk more and interrupt other speakers more. In private conversations, men and women speak in equal amounts, although they say things in a different style. For women, private talking isa way to establish and test intimacy. For men, private talking is a way to explore the power structure of a relationship.Teaching is one job which shows the differences between men's and women's ways of talking. When a man teaches a woman, he wants to show that he has more knowledge, and hence more power in conversation. He uses his language to show this. When a woman teaches another woman, however, she is more likely to take a sharing approach and to encourage her student to join in.But it doesn't suggest that women are naturally more helpful. Actually, women feelthey achieve power by being able to help others.Listening ThreeWalking down the street, a dog saw an ad in an office window. “Help wanted. Must type 70 words a minute. Must be computer literate. Must be bilingual. An equal-opportunity employer.”The dog applied for the position, but he was quickly refused. “I can't hire a dog for this job,” the office manager said. But when the dog pointed to the line that read “An equal-opportunity employer”, the office manager sighed and asked, “Can you type” Silently, the dog walked over to a typewriter and type d a letter without a mistake. “Can you operate a computer” the manager inquired. The dog then sat down at a computer, wrote a program and ran it perfectly.“Look, I still can't hire a dog for this position,” said the office manager. “You have fine skills, but I need someone who's bilingual. It says so right in the ad.”The dog looked up at the manager and said, “Meow.”Listening FourRamon Romero is a seventeen-year-old boy from Bolivia. He speaks Spanish and a little bit of English.Ramon lives in the United States now, in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the Hutchinsons. They are not his real family. His real family is back in Bolivia. They cannot come to America because they have jobs and duties in their country and aren't able to leave. However, they do want their son to have an American education and be fluent in English.He misses his family and wishes to see them. It seems that no one understands his true feelings. It is difficult to listen to English all the time and then to express his thoughts in English. His American family is very nice to him and helps him in every way. In return, Ramon does little things to help the family. For instance, he takesthe dog for a walk every morning and every evening.When he comes back from the morning walk, he tells Mrs. Hutchinson about the weather. This tells her how to dress her four-year-old son. On Tuesday, Mrs. Hutchinson asks, “How is the weather today”Ramon answers, “It rain.”“No, Ramon, in English we say, 'It's raining.'”On Wednesday, it rains again.“It's raining today,” reports Ramon.On Thursday, it snows. On Friday, the sun finally shines. Ramon is very happy that he doesn't have to wear boots or carry an umbrella. He comes into the house with a big smile on his face.“How's the weather today” a sks Mrs. Hutchinson.“Oh, today I am very happy,” replies Ramon. “There is no weather.”Unit ThreeListening, Understanding and SpeakingListening Three(Three students, Sarah, Tom and Jen, are sitting in the student center having a coke. They have been discussing the 100th anniversary of flight.)Sarah: I'm tired of hearing so much about what winners the Wright brothers were with their first plane flight.Tom: Why do you say that, SarahSarah: I have always thought the female pilot Amelia Earhart as even more of a winner.Jen: I admire her too but she failed to fly around the world in 1937.Tom: She crashed into the Pacific Ocean, didn't sheSarah: No one ever knows for sure, but that probably is what happened.Tom: Then how is she a winnerSarah: She was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean alone. She did this in 1932 in a small plane.Jen: That's true.Sarah: Until then, many people said that a woman wasn't strong enough mentally or physically to make such a trip alone. Well, not only did she do it, but she also made the trip faster than anyone had before.Jen: Good for her!Sarah: Then in 1935 she flew alone from Hawaii to California, the very first person to be successful in making the trip.Tom: But, as I said before, she failed to fly around the world.Sarah: I don't think Amelia would think that she had really failed.Jen: WhySarah:She had written a letter to her husband in which she said, “I am quite aware of the dangers. I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be but a challenge to others.”Jen: And you are saying that she has challenged others.Sarah: Right!Further listeningListening One(At a dormitory lounge on a college campus. Two students, John, a biology major, and Mary, an English major, are sharing a morning newspaper.)John: Did you see this article about Jane GoodallMary: No, but I've heard of the name. I don't remember why she's famous.John: Well, she's probably the world's top authority on the behavior of chimpanzees and gorillas. She has written several books, published many articles, and lectured all over the world about her studies.Mary: How did she begin her work in this areaJohn: That's quite a story. The article says that she was a timid twenty-six-year old person without a university education when she got the courage to call Louis Leakey, the famous anthropologist at the Museum of Natural History in Kenya. She had been working as a waitress, saving her money, and hoping for a chance to study animals.Mary: What happened nextJohn: Leakey offered her a job as his assistant in 1960. She paid her own expenses for a year, and Leakey then helped her find the money to continue her research and finally finish a university degree in anthropology. Her studies have continued since then, changing our ideas about these animals who are man's closest relatives.Mary: What is the newspaper writing about her nowJohn:She is doing a new TV show next month on “The Animal Planet” where she will tell about her most recent studies in Africa.Mary: I'd like to see that even though I'm not a biologist.Listening TwoBob: Hi, Mary, what did you find this timeMary: Do you remember in our Music Appreciation class we studied music by Ludwig van Beethoven I found a CD with some of his best-known symphonies.Carol:Oh yes, I think that “Ode to Joy” in his Ninth Symphony is one of thehappiest and most joyful pieces of music ever written!Bob: I agree, but Beethoven had many unhappy times during his life.Mary:He seemed “born to win” as a musician. He first studied with his father who was a singer and organist in Bonn, Germany. He published his first music at the age of twelve in 1782, played in private concerts, and had his first public concert in 1795.Carol: But, even though he was a brilliant pianist, it was his original music which he was best known for. I also remember that in 1802 he began to lose his hearing. Wasthat the end of his music careerBob: No, but he became bitter and unhappy after that, and his music, though excellent, was a struggle for him.Mary:We were told that he could “hear the music in his mind” even though he could not hear the actual music. Despite the many personal disappointments he suffered, he became known as the greatest musician of his time.Listening ThreeIn the United States, Norman Rockwell is the best-known artist who ever lived. He painted average people, but also recorded major events, such as Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic in 1927 and Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon many years later. Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson also sat for portraits which he painted.Rockwell was born in New York in 1894. When a schoolboy, he wanted to compete in athletics, but was unsuccessful. He was poorly coordinated, had to wear corrective shoes, and also wore very thick glasses. However, he discovered one thing he could do very well. He could draw. From an early age he used his drawing skills to entertainhis school friends.He quit high school to attend art school and finally went to Paris to study modern French painting. He did not do well with this, but he did discover that he reallyliked to paint people. He returned to the ., studied with leading magazineillustrators of the time, and became successful at painting people.In 1916, he painted a cover for the popular weekly magazine, The Saturday Evening Post. By 1919 he was its chief cover artist. The American public loved the way he recorded ordinary people and events on the magazine covers. He did so for over 45 years.Listening FourMichael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana. He was the seventh child of Joseph and Catherine Jackson. Joseph, a steel-mill worker, encouraged his three sons, Sigmund, Toriano, and Jermaine, to practice the guitar and write songs. This trio performed at nightclubs and talent shows.Young Michael loved to imitate his brothers' dancing and singing. His parents were often amused to find him imitating a song and his brothers' dance steps. As he grew older, they found that he had a natural talent for singing.He sang his first solo in front of his entire school, the song “Climb Every Mountain”, which was a popular number from the musical The Sound of Music.By the early 1960s, Joseph decided that Michael and his elder brother, Marlon, should join their older siblings and form a group. The result was “Jackson Five”. Thisgroup performed in nightclubs and talent shows. Despite his young age of six, Michael soon distinguished himself as a singer and dancer of unusual ability.Unit FourListening, Understanding and SpeakingListening OneA potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when he should have been digging the ground for planting the new crop of potatoes. He knew that his wife would not be strong enough to do the digging by herself, but she could manage to do the planting; and he also knew that he did not have any friends or neighbors who would be willing to do the diggingfor him. So he wrote a letter to his wife, which said"Please do not dig the potato field. I hid the money and the gun there”Ten days later he got a letter from his wife. It said”think somebody is reading your letters before they go out of the prison. Some polioemen arrived here two days ago and dug up the whole potato field. What shall I do now?”The prisoner wrote back at once”Plant the potatoes of course."Listening Two。
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