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brought to credit 入帐

inflation 通货膨胀

insolvency 破产

solvent 有偿还债务能力的contract 合同

exchange rate 汇率

tighten credit creation 紧缩信贷private sector 私营部门

slack fiscal policy 宽松的财政政策public finance 财政

the Ministry of Finance 财政部balanced budget 平衡预算inheritance tax 继承税

VAT (value added tax) 增值税Revenue 收入

aggregate demand 总需求monetization 货币化

recession 经济不景气turnabout 经济好转

recovery 复苏

cost push 成本推进型

money supply 货币供应

productivity 生产率

labor force 劳动力

real wages 实际工资

cost-push inflation 成本推进式通货膨胀demand-pull inflation 需求拉动式通货膨胀double- digit inflation 双位数通货膨胀hyperinflation 极度通货膨胀

chronic inflation 长期通货膨胀

to fight inflation 治理通货膨胀

ultimate goal 最终目标

adverse effect 坏的影响

ensure 担保

discount 贴现

sluggish 萧条的

subscribe to 认购

checking account 支票帐户

promissory notes 本票

controller of the currency 货币总监collection system 拖收系统

reserve currency 储备货币

labor-intensive 劳动密集型

bourse 股票交易所

bull market 牛市

rate of return 回报率

equities 股票

default 违约

cash drains 现金外流

promissory notes 本票,期票

to monitor 监督

portfolio balance theory 有价证券平衡理论foreign exchange reserves 外汇储备fixed exchange rate 固定汇率

floating/flexible exchange rate 浮动汇率surveillance 监督

convertibility 可兑换性

short term external debt 短期外债exchange rate regime 汇率机制

direct quotes 直接标价

mobility of capital 资本流动性

domestic currency 本国货币

foreign exchange market 外汇交易市场international reserve 国际储备

assets 资产

balance of payments 国际收支

balance of trade 贸易差额

boom 繁荣

bond 债券

commodity exchange 商品交易所

commodity futures contract 期货合同

deflation 通货紧缩

depreciation 折旧

discount rate 贴现率

disposable personal income 归个人支配的收入gross national product 国民生产总值inventory 库存

liabilities 债务

merger 合并

money income 货币收入

preferred stock 优先股票

price-earning ratio 价格收益比率

prime rate 优惠贷款利率

return on investment 回报

revaluation 使货币升值

seasonal adjustment 季节性调整

utility 效用

wage-price spiral 工资价格螺旋上升

yield 收益

compensatory trade, compensated deal 补偿贸易saving banks 储蓄银行

the European Union 欧洲联盟

a single entity 单一的实体

mortgage lending 抵押贷款

owner's equity 业主产权

intangible assets 无形资产

operating expenses 营业开支

administrative expenses 行政开支

inventory 贸易中的存货

investment bank 投资银行

institutional investor 机构投资者

issue by tender 招标发行

introduction 定向发行

offer for sale 代销

placing 直销

public issue 公开发行

credit line 信贷额度

international bonds 国际债券

Eurocurrency 欧洲货币
