Unit 1 材料的种类(1)材料的分类方法很多。
Metals and Metal Alloys 金属和金属合金金属和金属合(4)金属有好的导电好导热性,很多金属有高的强度,高硬度和高的延展性。
机械工程英语翻译Unit 5
Unit5 INDUSTRIAL ROBOT工业机器人INTRODUCTION介绍Industrial robots are relatively new electromechanical devices that are beginning to change the ap-pearance of modern industry. Industrial robots are not like the science fiction devices that possesshuman-iike abilities and provide companionship to space traveler、甲Research to enable robots to“see,"hear",“touch",and "listen" has been underway for two decades and is beginning to bearfruit. However,the current technology of industrial robots is such that most robots contain Onlyan arm rather than all the anatomy a human possesses. Current control only allows these devicesto move from point to point in space,performing relatively simple taskes. The Robotics Instituteof America defines a robot as“a reprogramrnab le multifunction manipulator designed to movematerial,parts, tools,or other specialized devices through variable programmed motions for theperformance of a variety of tasks. "' A NC machining center would qualify as a robot if one wereto interpret different types of machining as different functions- Most manufacturing engineers donot consider a NC machining center a robot,even though these machines hive a number of situ-ilarities. The power drive and controllers of both NC machines and robots can be quite similar.Robots, like NC machines can he powered by electrical motors,hydraulic systems,or pnetinlat tcsvsterns. Control for either device can lye either open-loop or closed-loop. In fact,many of thedevelopments used in robotics have evolved from the NC industry,and many of the manufactur-ers of robots also manufacture NC machines or NC controllers.工业机器人是相对来说较新的机电设备,它已经开始改变现代工业的面貌。
机械设计专业术语的英语翻译1机械设计专业术语的英语翻译1 柔性自动化flexibleautomation 润滑油膜lubricantfilm润滑装置lubricationdevice润滑lubrication润滑剂lubricant三角形花键serrationspline三角形螺纹vthreadscrew三维凸轮three - dimensionalcamto stheorem 三心定理kennedy砂轮越程槽grindingwheelgroove砂漏hour glass少齿差行星传动planetarydrivewithsmallteethdifference设计方法学designmethodology设计变量designvariable设计约束designconstraints深沟球轴承deepgrooveballbearing生产阻力productiveresistance升程rise升距lift实际廓线camprofile十字滑块联轴器doubleslidercoupling oldham'scoupling矢量vector输出功outputwork输出构件outputlink输出机构outputmechanism输出力矩outputtorque输出轴outputshaft输入构件inputlink数学模型mathematicmodel实际啮合线actuallineofaction双滑块机构double - slidermechanism, ellipsograph双曲柄机构doublecrankmechanism双曲面齿轮hyperboloidgear双头螺柱studs双万向联轴节constant - velocityordoubleuniversaljoint 双摇杆机构doublerockermechanism双转块机构oldhamcoupling双列轴承doublerowbearing双向推力轴承double - directionthrustbearing松边slack side顺时针clockwise瞬心instantaneouscenter死点deadpoint四杆机构four - barlinkage速度velocity速度不均匀波动系数coefficientofspeedfluctuation速度波动speedfluctuation速度曲线velocitydiagram速度瞬心instantaneouscenterofvelocity塔轮steppulley踏板pedal台钳、虎钳vice太阳轮sungear弹性滑动elasticityslidingmotion弹性联轴器elasticcoupling flexiblecoupling弹性套柱销联轴器rubber - cushionedsleevebearingcoupling 套筒sleeve梯形螺纹acmethreadform特殊运动链specialkinematicchain特性characteristics替代机构equivalentmechanism调节modulation, regulation调心滚子轴承self - aligningrollerbearing调心球轴承self - aligningballbearing调心轴承self - aligningbearing调速speedgoverning调速电动机adjustablespeedmotors调速系统speedcontrolsystem调压调速variablevoltagecontrolGovernor regulator, governorFerromagnetic fluid seals ferrofluidseal Parking phase, stoppingphaseStopping dwellSynchronous belt Synchronousbelt Synchronous belt drive synchronousbeltdrive Convex body convexCam camCam reverse mechanism inversecammechanism Cam mechanism cam, CamMechanismCam profile camprofileCam profile drawing layoutofcamprofile Theoretical profile of cam pitchcurve Flange coupling flangecouplingAtlas and Atlas AtlasGraphical method graphicalmethodPushing distance riseThrust ball bearing thrustballbearing Thrust bearing thrustbearingCutter toolwithdrawalgrooveAnnealed annealGyroscope gyroscopeV band VbeltExternal force externalforceOuter ring outerringOutline size boundarydimensionUniversal coupling Hookscoupling universalcoupling External gear externalgearBending stress beadingstressBending moment bendingmomentWrist wristReciprocating reciprocatingmotionReciprocating seal reciprocatingsealDesign on-netdesign online, ONDInching screw mechanism differentialscrewmechanism Displacement displacementDisplacement curve displacementdiagramPose pose, positionandorientationStable operation stage, steadymotionperiodRobust design robustdesignWorm wormWorm drive mechanism WormgearingNumber of worm heads numberofthreadsDiameter coefficient of worm diametralquotient Worm and worm gear wormandwormgearWorm cam stepping mechanism wormcamintervalmechanism Worm rotation handsofwormWorm gear wormgearPower spring powerspringStepless speed change device steplessspeedchangesdevices Infinity infiniteTie crankarm, planetcarrierField balancing fieldbalancingRadial bearing radialbearingCentripetal force centrifugalforceRelative velocity relativevelocityRelative motion relativemotionRelative clearance relativegapQuadrant quadrantClay plasticineFine tooth thread finethreadsPin pinConsuming consumptionPinion pinionPath minordiameterRubber spring balataspringModified trapezoidal acceleration motion law modifiedtrapezoidalaccelerationmotionCorrection of motion law of sinusoidal accelerationmodifiedsineaccelerationmotionHelical gear HelicalGearCross key, hook head wedge key taperkeyLeakage leakageHarmonic gear harmonicgearHarmonic drive harmonicdrivingHarmonic generator harmonicgeneratorEquivalent spur gear of helical gear equivalentspurgearofthehelicalgearMandrel spindleTravel speed variation factorcoefficientoftravelspeedvariationTravel speed ratio coefficient advance-toreturn-timeratio Planetary gear unit planetarytransmissionPlanet gear planetgearPlanetary gear change gear planetaryspeedchangingdevices Planetary gear train planetarygeartrainForm closed cam mechanismpositive-driveorform-closedcammechanismVirtual reality virtualrealityVirtual reality technology virtualrealitytechnology, VRT Virtual reality design, virtualrealitydesign, VRDVirtual constraint redundantorpassiveconstraintAllowable imbalance quantity allowableamountofunbalance Allowable pressure angle allowablepressureangleAllowable stress allowablestress, permissiblestressCantilever structure cantileverstructureCantilever beam cantileverbeamCyclic power flow circulatingpowerloadRotational torque runningtorqueRotary seal rotatingsealRotational motion rotarymotionType selection typeselectionPressure pressurePressure center centerofpressureCompressor compressorCompressive stress compressivestressPressure angle pressureangleInlay couplings jawteethpositive-contactcouplingJacobi matrix JacobimatrixRocker rockerHydraulic transmission hydrodynamicdriveHydraulic coupler hydrauliccouplersLiquid spring liquidspringHydraulic stepless speed change hydraulicsteplessspeedchanges Hydraulic mechanism hydraulicmechanismGeneralized kinematic chain generalizedkinematicchainMoving follower reciprocatingfollowerMobile sub prismaticpair, slidingpairMobile joints prismaticjointMoving cam wedgecamProfit and loss work incrementordecrementworkStress amplitude stressamplitudeStress concentration stressconcentrationStress concentration factor factorofstressconcentration Stress diagram stressdiagramStress strain diagram stress-straindiagramOptimum design optimaldesignOilbottle cupI oilcanOil groove seal oilyditchsealHarmful resistance uselessresistanceBeneficial resistance usefulresistanceEffective pull effectivetensionEffective circumferential force effectivecircleforce Harmful resistance detrimentalresistanceCosine acceleration motion cosineaccelerationorsimpleharmonicmotionPreload preloadPrime mover primermoverRound belt roundbeltBelt drive roundbeltdriveArc tooth thickness circularthicknessCircular cylindrical worm hollowflankwormRounded radius filletradiusDisc friction clutch discfrictionclutchDisc brake discbrakePrime mover primemoverOriginal mechanism originalmechanismCircular gear circulargearCylindrical roller cylindricalrollerCylindrical roller bearings cylindricalrollerbearingCylindrical pair cylindricpairCylindrical cam stepping motion mechanism barrelcylindriccamCylindrical helical tension spring cylindroidhelical-coilextensionspringCylindrical helical torsion spring cylindroidhelical-coiltorsionspringCylindrical helical compression spring cylindroidhelical-coilcompressionspringCylindrical cam cylindricalcamCylindrical worm cylindricalwormCylindrical coordinate manipulator cylindricalcoordinatemanipulator Conical spiral torsion springconoidhelical-coilcompressionspringTapered roller taperedrollerTapered roller bearing taperedrollerbearingBevel gear mechanism bevelgearsTaper angle coneangleThe original drivinglinkBound constraintConstraint constraintconditionConstraint reaction force constrainingforceJump jerkJump curve jerkdiagramInversion of motion, kinematicinversionMotion scheme design kinematicpreceptdesign Kinematic analysis kinematicanalysisKinematic pair kinematicpairMoving component movinglinkKinematic diagram kinematicsketchKinematic chain kinematicchainMotion distortion undercuttingKinematic design kinematicdesignMotion cycle cycleofmotionKinematic synthesis kinematicsynthesisUneven coefficient of operation coefficientofvelocityfluctuationKinematic viscosity kenematicviscosityLoad loadLoad deformation curve load - DEFORMATIONCURVE Load deformation diagram load - deformationdiagram Narrow V band narrowVbeltFelt ring seal feltringsealThe generating method of generatingTensioning force tensionTensioner tensionpulleyVibration vibrationVibration torque shakingcoupleVibration frequency frequencyofvibration Amplitude amplitudeofvibrationTangent mechanism tangentmechanismForward kinematics directforwardkinematics Sinusoidal mechanism sinegenerator, scotchyoke Loom loomNormal stress and normal stress normalstress Brake brakeSpur gear SpurGearStraight bevel gear straightbevelgearRight triangle righttriangleCartesian coordinate manipulator CartesiancoordinatemanipulatorCoefficient of diameter diametralquotient Diameter series diameterseriesStraight profile hourglass worm gear hindleyworm Linear motion linearmotionStraight axis straightshaftMass massCentroid centerofmassExecution component executivelink workinglinkProduct of mass and diameter mass-radiusproduct Intelligent design, intelligentdesign, IDIntermediate plane mid-planeCenter distance centerdistanceVariation of center distance centerdistancechange Center wheel centralgearMedium diameter meandiameterTerminate the meshing point finalcontact, endofcontact Week Festival pitchPeriodic velocity fluctuation periodicspeedfluctuation Epicyclic gear train epicyclicgeartrainElbow mechanism togglemechanismAxis shaftBearing cap bearingcupBearing alloy bearingalloyBearing block bearingblockBearing height bearingheightBearing width bearingwidthBearing bore bearingborediameterBearing life bearinglifeBearing ring bearingringBearing outer diameter bearingoutsidediameterJournal JournalBush and bearing lining bearingbushShaft end retaining ring shaftendringCollar shaftcollarShoulder ShaftShoulderAxial angle shaftangleAxial axialdirectionAxial profile axialtoothprofileAxial equivalent dynamic load dynamicequivalentaxialload Axial equivalent static load staticequivalentaxialload Axial basic rated dynamic load basicdynamicaxialloadrating Axial basic rated static load basicstaticaxialloadrating Axial contact bearing axialcontactbearingAxial plane axialplaneAxial clearance axialinternalclearanceAxial load AxialLoadAxial load factor axialloadfactorAxial component axialthrustloadActive component, drivinglinkDriving gear drivinggearDriving pulley drivingpulleyRotating guide rod mechanism whitworthmechanismRevolute pair revoluteturningpairThe speed is swivelingspeed rotatingspeedRotating joint revolutejoint Rotating shaft revolvingshaftRotor rotorRotor balance balanceofrotor Assembly condition assemblycondition Bevel gear bevelgearCone top commonapexofconeCone distance conedistanceCone wheel bevelpulley bevelwheel。
机械工程的英语English:Mechanical engineering is a branch of engineering that involves the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, materials science, and structural analysis. Mechanical engineers work on various projects, from small devices like microchips to large systems such as power plants and aircraft. They use principles from physics and mathematics to solve problems and create innovative solutions for industries such as automotive, aerospace, energy, robotics, and manufacturing. Mechanical engineers also focus on improving efficiency, safety, and sustainability in their designs. With the rise of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and additive manufacturing, mechanical engineering continues to evolve, offering exciting opportunities for future advancements. As such, the field requires a strong foundation in technical knowledge, problem-solving skills, and creativity to develop new and improved mechanical systems.中文翻译:机械工程是工程学的一个分支,涉及到机械系统的设计、分析、制造和维护。
机械工程英语翻译Unit 7
Unit7 CAD/CAM /CAPPCAD/CAM is a term which means computer-aided design and compuer-aided manufacturing. It isCAD/CAM这个词条的意思是计算机辅助设计和计算机辅助制造。
它是在设计和制造中运用the technology concerned which the use of digital computers to perform certain functions in数字化计算机执行某些职能的技术。
design and production. This technology is moving in the direction of greater integration of design这两个在生产企业中被看作是截然不同的,相互分离的。
and manufacturing, two activities which have traditionally been treated as distinct and separate functions in a production firm. Ultimately, CAD/CAM will provide the technology base for the computer-intgrated factory of the future.Computer-aided design(CAD) can be defined as the use of computer systems to assist in the计算机辅助设计可以定义为使用计算机系统来协助一个设计方案的形成,修改,分析及优化creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. The computer systems consist of the计算机系统由硬件和软件组成来进行公司特定用户需要的专门设计功能。
Unit 1 Metals金属绝对纯净的金属从来也没有被生产出来过。
如果是有害the crystals of the various grains are ran domly orie nted in space. The gra ins are everywhere in in timate con tact with oneanother and joined together on an atomic scale. The region at which they join is known as a grain boun dary.An absolutely pure metal (i.e. one composed of only one type of atom) has never been produced. Engin eers would not be particularly in terested in such a metal even if it were to be produced, because it would be soft and weak. The metals used commercially in evitably con ta in small amounts of one or more foreig neleme nts, either metallic or nonmetallic. These foreig neleme nts may be detrimental , they may be 它们的重量占所有生产出来的金属重量的98%在结构应用(也就是说,可以承受载荷的结构)中居于其次位置的是铝、铜、镍和钛。
U 1The use of metals has always a key factor in the development of the social systems of man. Of the roughly ['rʌfl ɪ] 100 basic elements of which all matter is composed, about half are classified as metals.金属的开发利用在人类社会系统的发展中扮演了了重要的角色,世界的物质大概由100种基本元素构成,其中一半是金属元素。
The distinction[dɪ'stɪŋkʃən] between a metal and a nonmetal is not always clear cut. The most basic definition centers around the type of bonding existing between the atoms of the element, and around the characteristics [,kærəkt ə'ristiks] of certain of the electrons[ɪ'lɛk,trɑn] associated with these atoms.金属与非金属的区分不是十分的清晰,最重要(基本)的在于元素原子之间的连接形式以及和原子相关联的电子的确定特性。
in a more practical['præktikəl] way, however, a metal can be defined as an element which has a particular package of properties.然而,在更多的实践当中,金属定义为具有一种整体特性的元素。
机械工程英语(第11单元)RapidPrototypingandManufacturingTechnologies快速原型制造和快速制造技术Introduction介绍Manufacturingcommunityisfacingtwoimportantchallengingtasks:(1)Substantialreductionofproductiondevelopmenttimes;and(2)Improvementonflexibili puter-aideddesig nandmanufacturing(CADandCam)havesignificantlyimprovedthetraditionalproducti ondesignandmanufacturing.However,thereareanumberofobstaclesintrueintegration ofcomputer-designwithcomputer-aidedmanufacturingforrapiddevelopmentofnewpr oducts.制造社会面临两个重要的艰巨任务:1大幅度减少产品开发时间,以及改善对弹性制造多品种,小批量大小的产品。
Tosubstantiallyshortenthetimefordevelopingpatterns,andprototypes,somemanuf acturingenterpriseshavestartedtouserapidprototypes(RP)methodsforcomplexpattern smakingandcomponentprototyping.Overthepastfewyears,Avarietyofnewrapidmanu facturingtheologies,generallycalledRapidPrototypingandManufacturing,haveemerg ed;thetechnologiesdevelopedincludestereolithography(SL),selectivelasersintering(S LS),fuseddepositionmodeling(FSM),laminatedobjectmanufacturing(LOM),andthre edimensionalprinting(3DPrinting)。
如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!阿基米德蜗杆 Archimedes worm安全系数 safety factor; factor of safety安全载荷 safe load凹面、凹度 concavity扳手 wrench板簧 flat leaf spring半圆键 woodruff key变形 deformation摆杆 oscillating bar摆动从动件 oscillating follower摆动从动件凸轮机构 cam with oscillating follower 摆动导杆机构 oscillating guide-bar mechanism摆线齿轮 cycloidal gear摆线齿形 cycloidal tooth profile摆线运动规律 cycloidal motion摆线针轮 cycloidal-pin wheel包角 angle of contact保持架 cage背对背安装 back-to-back arrangement背锥 back cone ;normal cone背锥角 back angle背锥距 back cone distance比例尺 scale比热容 specific heat capacity闭式链 closed kinematic chain闭链机构 closed chain mechanism臂部 arm变频器 frequency converters变频调速 frequency control of motor speed变速 speed change变速齿轮 change gear ; change wheel变位齿轮 modified gear变位系数 modification coefficient标准齿轮 standard gear标准直齿轮 standard spur gear表面质量系数 superficial mass factor表面传热系数 surface coefficient of heat transfer 表面粗糙度 surface roughness并联式组合 combination in parallel并联机构 parallel mechanism并联组合机构 parallel combined mechanism并行工程 concurrent engineering并行设计 concurred design, CD不平衡相位 phase angle of unbalance不平衡 imbalance (or unbalance)不平衡量 amount of unbalance 不完全齿轮机构 intermittent gearing波发生器 wave generator波数 number of waves补偿 compensation参数化设计 parameterization design, PD残余应力 residual stress操纵及控制装置 operation control device槽轮 Geneva wheel槽轮机构 Geneva mechanism ;Maltese cross槽数 Geneva numerate槽凸轮 groove cam侧隙 backlash差动轮系 differential gear train差动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism差速器 differential常用机构 conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use 车床 lathe承载量系数 bearing capacity factor承载能力 bearing capacity成对安装 paired mounting尺寸系列 dimension series齿槽 tooth space齿槽宽 spacewidth齿侧间隙 backlash齿顶高 addendum齿顶圆 addendum circle齿根高 dedendum齿根圆 dedendum circle齿厚 tooth thickness齿距 circular pitch齿宽 face width齿廓 tooth profile齿廓曲线 tooth curve齿轮 gear齿轮变速箱 speed-changing gear boxes齿轮齿条机构 pinion and rack齿轮插刀 pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter齿轮滚刀 hob ,hobbing cutter齿轮机构 gear齿轮轮坯 blank齿轮传动系 pinion unit齿轮联轴器 gear coupling齿条传动 rack gear齿数 tooth number齿数比 gear ratio齿条 rack如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!齿条插刀 rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter齿形链、无声链 silent chain齿形系数 form factor齿式棘轮机构 tooth ratchet mechanism插齿机 gear shaper重合点 coincident points重合度 contact ratio冲床 punch传动比 transmission ratio, speed ratio传动装置 gearing; transmission gear传动系统 driven system传动角 transmission angle传动轴 transmission shaft串联式组合 combination in series串联式组合机构 series combined mechanism串级调速 cascade speed control创新 innovation ; creation创新设计 creation design垂直载荷、法向载荷 normal load唇形橡胶密封 lip rubber seal磁流体轴承 magnetic fluid bearing从动带轮 driven pulley从动件 driven link, follower从动件平底宽度 width of flat-face从动件停歇 follower dwell从动件运动规律 follower motion从动轮 driven gear粗线 bold line粗牙螺纹 coarse thread大齿轮 gear wheel打包机 packer打滑 slipping带传动 belt driving带轮 belt pulley带式制动器 band brake单列轴承 single row bearing单向推力轴承 single-direction thrust bearing单万向联轴节 single universal joint单位矢量 unit vector当量齿轮 equivalent spur gear; virtual gear当量齿数 equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth 当量摩擦系数 equivalent coefficient of friction当量载荷 equivalent load刀具 cutter导数 derivative倒角 chamfer 导热性 conduction of heat导程 lead导程角 lead angle等加等减速运动规律 parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion等速运动规律 uniform motion; constant velocity motion等径凸轮 conjugate yoke radial cam等宽凸轮 constant-breadth cam等效构件 equivalent link等效力 equivalent force等效力矩 equivalent moment of force等效量 equivalent等效质量 equivalent mass等效转动惯量 equivalent moment of inertia等效动力学模型 dynamically equivalent model底座 chassis低副 lower pair点划线 chain dotted line(疲劳)点蚀 pitting垫圈 gasket垫片密封 gasket seal碟形弹簧 belleville spring顶隙 bottom clearance定轴轮系 ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes动力学 dynamics动密封 kinematical seal动能 dynamic energy动力粘度 dynamic viscosity动力润滑 dynamic lubrication动平衡 dynamic balance动平衡机 dynamic balancing machine动态特性 dynamic characteristics动态分析设计 dynamic analysis design动压力 dynamic reaction动载荷 dynamic load端面 transverse plane端面参数 transverse parameters端面齿距 transverse circular pitch端面齿廓 transverse tooth profile端面重合度 transverse contact ratio端面模数 transverse module端面压力角 transverse pressure angle锻造 forge对称循环应力 symmetry circulating stress对心滚子从动件 radial (or in-line ) roller follower对心直动从动件 radial (or in-line ) translating follower如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!对心移动从动件 radial reciprocating follower对心曲柄滑块机构 in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism 多列轴承 multi-row bearing多楔带 poly V-belt多项式运动规律 polynomial motion多质量转子 rotor with several masses惰轮 idle gear额定寿命 rating life额定载荷 load ratingII 级杆组 dyad发生线 generating line发生面 generating plane法面 normal plane法面参数 normal parameters法面齿距 normal circular pitch法面模数 normal module法面压力角 normal pressure angle法向齿距 normal pitch法向齿廓 normal tooth profile法向直廓蜗杆 straight sided normal worm法向力 normal force反馈式组合 feedback combining反向运动学 inverse ( or backward) kinematics反转法 kinematic inversion反正切 Arctan范成法 generating cutting仿形法 form cutting方案设计、概念设计 concept design, CD防振装置 shockproof device飞轮 flywheel飞轮矩 moment of flywheel非标准齿轮 nonstandard gear非接触式密封 non-contact seal非周期性速度波动 aperiodic speed fluctuation非圆齿轮 non-circular gear粉末合金 powder metallurgy分度线 reference line; standard pitch line分度圆 reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle分度圆柱导程角 lead angle at reference cylinder分度圆柱螺旋角 helix angle at reference cylinder分母 denominator分子 numerator分度圆锥 reference cone; standard pitch cone分析法 analytical method封闭差动轮系 planetary differential复合铰链 compound hinge 复合式组合 compound combining复合轮系 compound (or combined) gear train 复合平带 compound flat belt复合应力 combined stress复式螺旋机构 Compound screw mechanism 复杂机构 complex mechanism杆组 Assur group干涉 interference刚度系数 stiffness coefficient刚轮 rigid circular spline钢丝软轴 wire soft shaft刚体导引机构 body guidance mechanism刚性冲击 rigid impulse (shock)刚性转子 rigid rotor刚性轴承 rigid bearing刚性联轴器 rigid coupling高度系列 height series高速带 high speed belt高副 higher pair格拉晓夫定理 Grashoff`s law根切 undercutting公称直径 nominal diameter高度系列 height series功 work工况系数 application factor工艺设计 technological design工作循环图 working cycle diagram工作机构 operation mechanism工作载荷 external loads工作空间 working space工作应力 working stress工作阻力 effective resistance工作阻力矩 effective resistance moment公法线 common normal line公共约束 general constraint公制齿轮 metric gears功率 power功能分析设计 function analyses design共轭齿廓 conjugate profiles共轭凸轮 conjugate cam构件 link鼓风机 blower固定构件 fixed link; frame固体润滑剂 solid lubricant关节型操作器 jointed manipulator惯性力 inertia force如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!惯性力矩 moment of inertia ,shaking moment惯性力平衡 balance of shaking force惯性力完全平衡 full balance of shaking force惯性力部分平衡 partial balance of shaking force 惯性主矩 resultant moment of inertia惯性主失 resultant vector of inertia冠轮 crown gear广义机构 generation mechanism广义坐标 generalized coordinate轨迹生成 path generation轨迹发生器 path generator滚刀 hob滚道 raceway滚动体 rolling element滚动轴承 rolling bearing滚动轴承代号 rolling bearing identification code 滚针 needle roller滚针轴承 needle roller bearing滚子 roller滚子轴承 roller bearing滚子半径 radius of roller滚子从动件 roller follower滚子链 roller chain滚子链联轴器 double roller chain coupling滚珠丝杆 ball screw滚柱式单向超越离合器 roller clutch过度切割 undercutting函数发生器 function generator函数生成 function generation含油轴承 oil bearing耗油量 oil consumption耗油量系数 oil consumption factor赫兹公式 H. Hertz equation合成弯矩 resultant bending moment合力 resultant force合力矩 resultant moment of force黑箱 black box横坐标 abscissa互换性齿轮 interchangeable gears花键 spline滑键、导键 feather key滑动轴承 sliding bearing滑动率 sliding ratio滑块 slider环面蜗杆 toroid helicoids worm环形弹簧 annular spring 缓冲装置 shocks; shock-absorber灰铸铁 grey cast iron回程 return回转体平衡 balance of rotors混合轮系 compound gear train积分 integrate机电一体化系统设计 mechanical-electrical integration system design 机构 mechanism机构分析 analysis of mechanism机构平衡 balance of mechanism机构学 mechanism机构运动设计 kinematic design of mechanism机构运动简图 kinematic sketch of mechanism机构综合 synthesis of mechanism机构组成 constitution of mechanism机架 frame, fixed link机架变换 kinematic inversion机器 machine机器人 robot机器人操作器 manipulator机器人学 robotics技术过程 technique process技术经济评价 technical and economic evaluation技术系统 technique system机械 machinery机械创新设计 mechanical creation design, MCD机械系统设计 mechanical system design, MSD机械动力分析 dynamic analysis of machinery机械动力设计 dynamic design of machinery机械动力学 dynamics of machinery机械的现代设计 modern machine design机械系统 mechanical system机械利益 mechanical advantage机械平衡 balance of machinery机械手 manipulator机械设计 machine design; mechanical design机械特性 mechanical behavior机械调速 mechanical speed governors机械效率 mechanical efficiency机械原理 theory of machines and mechanisms机械运转不均匀系数 coefficient of speed fluctuation机械无级变速 mechanical stepless speed changes基础机构 fundamental mechanism基本额定寿命 basic rating life基于实例设计 case-based design,CBD基圆 base circle如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!基圆半径 radius of base circle基圆齿距 base pitch基圆压力角 pressure angle of base circle基圆柱 base cylinder基圆锥 base cone急回机构 quick-return mechanism急回特性 quick-return characteristics急回系数 advance-to return-time ratio急回运动 quick-return motion棘轮 ratchet棘轮机构 ratchet mechanism棘爪 pawl极限位置 extreme (or limiting) position极位夹角 crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions计算机辅助设计 computer aided design, CAD计算机辅助制造 computer aided manufacturing, CAM计算机集成制造系统 computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS计算力矩 factored moment; calculation moment计算弯矩 calculated bending moment加权系数 weighting efficient加速度 acceleration加速度分析 acceleration analysis加速度曲线 acceleration diagram尖点 pointing; cusp尖底从动件 knife-edge follower间隙 backlash间歇运动机构 intermittent motion mechanism减速比 reduction ratio减速齿轮、减速装置 reduction gear减速器 speed reducer减摩性 anti-friction quality渐开螺旋面 involute helicoid渐开线 involute渐开线齿廓 involute profile渐开线齿轮 involute gear渐开线发生线 generating line of involute渐开线方程 involute equation渐开线函数 involute function渐开线蜗杆 involute worm渐开线压力角 pressure angle of involute渐开线花键 involute spline简谐运动 simple harmonic motion键 key键槽 keyway交变应力 repeated stress 交变载荷 repeated fluctuating load交叉带传动 cross-belt drive交错轴斜齿轮 crossed helical gears胶合 scoring角加速度 angular acceleration角速度 angular velocity角速比 angular velocity ratio角接触球轴承 angular contact ball bearing角接触推力轴承 angular contact thrust bearing角接触向心轴承 angular contact radial bearing角接触轴承 angular contact bearing铰链、枢纽 hinge校正平面 correcting plane接触应力 contact stress接触式密封 contact seal阶梯轴 multi-diameter shaft结构 structure结构设计 structural design截面 section节点 pitch point节距 circular pitch; pitch of teeth节线 pitch line节圆 pitch circle节圆齿厚 thickness on pitch circle节圆直径 pitch diameter节圆锥 pitch cone节圆锥角 pitch cone angle解析设计 analytical design紧边 tight-side紧固件 fastener径节 diametral pitch径向 radial direction径向当量动载荷 dynamic equivalent radial load径向当量静载荷 static equivalent radial load径向基本额定动载荷 basic dynamic radial load rating 径向基本额定静载荷 basic static radial load tating径向接触轴承 radial contact bearing径向平面 radial plane径向游隙 radial internal clearance径向载荷 radial load径向载荷系数 radial load factor径向间隙 clearance静力 static force静平衡 static balance静载荷 static load静密封 static seal如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!局部自由度 passive degree of freedom矩阵 matrix矩形螺纹 square threaded form锯齿形螺纹 buttress thread form矩形牙嵌式离合器 square-jaw positive-contact clutch绝对尺寸系数 absolute dimensional factor绝对运动 absolute motion绝对速度 absolute velocity均衡装置 load balancing mechanism抗压强度 compression strength开口传动 open-belt drive开式链 open kinematic chain开链机构 open chain mechanism可靠度 degree of reliability可靠性 reliability可靠性设计 reliability design, RD空气弹簧 air spring空间机构 spatial mechanism空间连杆机构 spatial linkage空间凸轮机构 spatial cam空间运动副 spatial kinematic pair空间运动链 spatial kinematic chain空转 idle宽度系列 width series框图 block diagram雷诺方程Reynolds‘s equation离心力 centrifugal force离心应力 centrifugal stress离合器 clutch离心密封 centrifugal seal理论廓线 pitch curve理论啮合线 theoretical line of action隶属度 membership力 force力多边形 force polygon力封闭型凸轮机构 force-drive (or force-closed) cam mechanism 力矩 moment力平衡 equilibrium力偶 couple力偶矩 moment of couple连杆 connecting rod, coupler连杆机构 linkage连杆曲线 coupler-curve连心线 line of centers链 chain链传动装置 chain gearing 链轮 sprocket ; sprocket-wheel ; sprocket gear ; chain wheel 联组V 带 tight-up V belt联轴器 coupling ; shaft coupling两维凸轮 two-dimensional cam临界转速 critical speed六杆机构 six-bar linkage龙门刨床 double Haas planer轮坯 blank轮系 gear train螺杆 screw螺距 thread pitch螺母 screw nut螺旋锥齿轮 helical bevel gear螺钉 screws螺栓 bolts螺纹导程 lead螺纹效率 screw efficiency螺旋传动 power screw螺旋密封 spiral seal螺纹 thread (of a screw)螺旋副 helical pair螺旋机构 screw mechanism螺旋角 helix angle螺旋线 helix ,helical line绿色设计 green design ; design for environment马耳他机构 Geneva wheel ; Geneva gear马耳他十字 Maltese cross脉动无级变速 pulsating stepless speed changes脉动循环应力 fluctuating circulating stress脉动载荷 fluctuating load铆钉 rivet迷宫密封 labyrinth seal密封 seal密封带 seal belt密封胶 seal gum密封元件 potted component密封装置 sealing arrangement面对面安装 face-to-face arrangement面向产品生命周期设计 design for product`s life cycle, DPLC 名义应力、公称应力 nominal stress模块化设计 modular design, MD模块式传动系统 modular system模幅箱 morphology box模糊集 fuzzy set模糊评价 fuzzy evaluation模数 module如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!摩擦 friction摩擦角 friction angle摩擦力 friction force摩擦学设计 tribology design, TD摩擦阻力 frictional resistance摩擦力矩 friction moment摩擦系数 coefficient of friction摩擦圆 friction circle磨损 abrasion ;wear; scratching末端执行器 end-effector目标函数 objective function耐腐蚀性 corrosion resistance耐磨性 wear resistance挠性机构 mechanism with flexible elements 挠性转子 flexible rotor内齿轮 internal gear内齿圈 ring gear内力 internal force内圈 inner ring能量 energy能量指示图 viscosity逆时针 counterclockwise (or anticlockwise) 啮出 engaging-out啮合 engagement, mesh, gearing啮合点 contact points啮合角 working pressure angle啮合线 line of action啮合线长度 length of line of action啮入 engaging-in牛头刨床 shaper凝固点 freezing point; solidifying point扭转应力 torsion stress扭矩 moment of torque扭簧 helical torsion spring诺模图 NomogramO 形密封圈密封 O ring seal盘形凸轮 disk cam盘形转子 disk-like rotor抛物线运动 parabolic motion疲劳极限 fatigue limit疲劳强度 fatigue strength偏置式 offset偏( 心) 距 offset distance偏心率 eccentricity ratio偏心质量 eccentric mass偏距圆 offset circle 偏心盘 eccentric偏置滚子从动件 offset roller follower偏置尖底从动件 offset knife-edge follower偏置曲柄滑块机构 offset slider-crank mechanism拼接 matching评价与决策 evaluation and decision频率 frequency平带 flat belt平带传动 flat belt driving平底从动件 flat-face follower平底宽度 face width平分线 bisector平均应力 average stress平均中径 mean screw diameter平均速度 average velocity平衡 balance平衡机 balancing machine平衡品质 balancing quality平衡平面 correcting plane平衡质量 balancing mass平衡重 counterweight平衡转速 balancing speed平面副 planar pair, flat pair平面机构 planar mechanism平面运动副 planar kinematic pair平面连杆机构 planar linkage平面凸轮 planar cam平面凸轮机构 planar cam mechanism平面轴斜齿轮 parallel helical gears普通平键 parallel key其他常用机构 other mechanism in common use起动阶段 starting period启动力矩 starting torque气动机构 pneumatic mechanism奇异位置 singular position起始啮合点 initial contact , beginning of contact气体轴承 gas bearing千斤顶 jack嵌入键 sunk key强迫振动 forced vibration切齿深度 depth of cut曲柄 crank曲柄存在条件 Grashoff`s law曲柄导杆机构 crank shaper (guide-bar) mechanism曲柄滑块机构 slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism 曲柄摇杆机构 crank-rocker mechanism如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!曲齿锥齿轮 spiral bevel gear曲率 curvature曲率半径 radius of curvature曲面从动件 curved-shoe follower曲线拼接 curve matching曲线运动 curvilinear motion曲轴 crank shaft驱动力 driving force驱动力矩 driving moment (torque)全齿高 whole depth权重集 weight sets球 ball球面滚子 convex roller球轴承 ball bearing球面副 spheric pair球面渐开线 spherical involute球面运动 spherical motion球销副 sphere-pin pair球坐标操作器 polar coordinate manipulator燃点 spontaneous ignition热平衡 heat balance; thermal equilibrium人字齿轮 herringbone gear冗余自由度 redundant degree of freedom柔轮 flexspline柔性冲击 flexible impulse; soft shock柔性制造系统 flexible manufacturing system; FMS柔性自动化 flexible automation润滑油膜 lubricant film润滑装置 lubrication device润滑 lubrication润滑剂 lubricant三角形花键 serration spline三角形螺纹 V thread screw三维凸轮 three-dimensional cam三心定理 Kennedy`s theorem砂轮越程槽 grinding wheel groove砂漏 hour-glass少齿差行星传动 planetary drive with small teeth difference 设计方法学 design methodology设计变量 design variable设计约束 design constraints深沟球轴承 deep groove ball bearing生产阻力 productive resistance升程 rise升距 lift实际廓线 cam profile 十字滑块联轴器double slider coupling; Oldham‘s coupling 矢量 vector输出功 output work输出构件 output link输出机构 output mechanism输出力矩 output torque输出轴 output shaft输入构件 input link数学模型 mathematic model实际啮合线 actual line of action双滑块机构 double-slider mechanism, ellipsograph双曲柄机构 double crank mechanism双曲面齿轮 hyperboloid gear双头螺柱 studs双万向联轴节 constant-velocity (or double) universal joint 双摇杆机构 double rocker mechanism双转块机构 Oldham coupling双列轴承 double row bearing双向推力轴承 double-direction thrust bearing松边 slack-side顺时针 clockwise瞬心 instantaneous center死点 dead point四杆机构 four-bar linkage速度 velocity速度不均匀( 波动) 系数 coefficient of speed fluctuation 速度波动 speed fluctuation速度曲线 velocity diagram速度瞬心 instantaneous center of velocity塔轮 step pulley踏板 pedal台钳、虎钳 vice太阳轮 sun gear弹性滑动 elasticity sliding motion弹性联轴器 elastic coupling ; flexible coupling弹性套柱销联轴器 rubber-cushioned sleeve bearing coupling 套筒 sleeve梯形螺纹 acme thread form特殊运动链 special kinematic chain特性 characteristics替代机构 equivalent mechanism调节 modulation, regulation调心滚子轴承 self-aligning roller bearing调心球轴承 self-aligning ball bearing调心轴承 self-aligning bearing调速 speed governing如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!调速电动机 adjustable speed motors调速系统 speed control system调压调速 variable voltage control调速器 regulator, governor铁磁流体密封 ferrofluid seal停车阶段 stopping phase停歇 dwell同步带 synchronous belt同步带传动 synchronous belt drive凸的,凸面体 convex凸轮 cam凸轮倒置机构 inverse cam mechanism凸轮机构 cam , cam mechanism凸轮廓线 cam profile凸轮廓线绘制 layout of cam profile凸轮理论廓线 pitch curve凸缘联轴器 flange coupling图册、图谱 atlas图解法 graphical method推程 rise推力球轴承 thrust ball bearing推力轴承 thrust bearing退刀槽 tool withdrawal groove退火 anneal陀螺仪 gyroscopeV 带 V belt外力 external force外圈 outer ring外形尺寸 boundary dimension万向联轴器 Hooks coupling ; universal coupling 外齿轮 external gear弯曲应力 beading stress弯矩 bending moment腕部 wrist往复移动 reciprocating motion往复式密封 reciprocating seal网上设计 on-net design, OND微动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism位移 displacement位移曲线 displacement diagram位姿 pose , position and orientation稳定运转阶段 steady motion period稳健设计 robust design蜗杆 worm蜗杆传动机构 worm gearing蜗杆头数 number of threads 蜗杆直径系数 diametral quotient蜗杆蜗轮机构 worm and worm gear蜗杆形凸轮步进机构 worm cam interval mechanism蜗杆旋向 hands of worm蜗轮 worm gear涡圈形盘簧 power spring无级变速装置 stepless speed changes devices无穷大 infinite系杆 crank arm, planet carrier现场平衡 field balancing向心轴承 radial bearing向心力 centrifugal force相对速度 relative velocity相对运动 relative motion相对间隙 relative gap象限 quadrant橡皮泥 plasticine细牙螺纹 fine threads销 pin消耗 consumption小齿轮 pinion小径 minor diameter橡胶弹簧 balata spring修正梯形加速度运动规律 modified trapezoidal acceleration motion 修正正弦加速度运动规律 modified sine acceleration motion斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical gear斜键、钩头楔键 taper key泄漏 leakage谐波齿轮 harmonic gear谐波传动 harmonic driving谐波发生器 harmonic generator斜齿轮的当量直齿轮 equivalent spur gear of the helical gear心轴 spindle行程速度变化系数 coefficient of travel speed variation行程速比系数 advance-to return-time ratio行星齿轮装置 planetary transmission行星轮 planet gear行星轮变速装置 planetary speed changing devices行星轮系 planetary gear train形封闭凸轮机构 positive-drive (or form-closed) cam mechanism虚拟现实 virtual reality虚拟现实技术 virtual reality technology, VRT虚拟现实设计 virtual reality design, VRD虚约束 redundant (or passive) constraint许用不平衡量 allowable amount of unbalance许用压力角 allowable pressure angle如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!许用应力 allowable stress; permissible stress悬臂结构 cantilever structure悬臂梁 cantilever beam循环功率流 circulating power load旋转力矩 running torque旋转式密封 rotating seal旋转运动 rotary motion选型 type selection压力 pressure压力中心 center of pressure压缩机 compressor压应力 compressive stress压力角 pressure angle牙嵌式联轴器 jaw (teeth) positive-contact coupling雅可比矩阵 Jacobi matrix摇杆 rocker液力传动 hydrodynamic drive液力耦合器 hydraulic couplers液体弹簧 liquid spring液压无级变速 hydraulic stepless speed changes液压机构 hydraulic mechanism一般化运动链 generalized kinematic chain移动从动件 reciprocating follower移动副 prismatic pair, sliding pair移动关节 prismatic joint移动凸轮 wedge cam盈亏功 increment or decrement work应力幅 stress amplitude应力集中 stress concentration应力集中系数 factor of stress concentration应力图 stress diagram应力—应变图 stress-strain diagram优化设计 optimal design油杯 oil bottle油壶 oil can油沟密封 oily ditch seal有害阻力 useless resistance有益阻力 useful resistance有效拉力 effective tension有效圆周力 effective circle force有害阻力 detrimental resistance余弦加速度运动 cosine acceleration (or simple harmonic) motion 预紧力 preload原动机 primer mover圆带 round belt圆带传动 round belt drive 圆弧齿厚 circular thickness圆弧圆柱蜗杆 hollow flank worm圆角半径 fillet radius圆盘摩擦离合器 disc friction clutch圆盘制动器 disc brake原动机 prime mover原始机构 original mechanism圆形齿轮 circular gear圆柱滚子 cylindrical roller圆柱滚子轴承 cylindrical roller bearing圆柱副 cylindric pair圆柱式凸轮步进运动机构 barrel (cylindric) cam圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil extension spring圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil torsion spring圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil compression spring 圆柱凸轮 cylindrical cam圆柱蜗杆 cylindrical worm圆柱坐标操作器 cylindrical coordinate manipulator圆锥螺旋扭转弹簧 conoid helical-coil compression spring圆锥滚子 tapered roller圆锥滚子轴承 tapered roller bearing圆锥齿轮机构 bevel gears圆锥角 cone angle原动件 driving link约束 constraint约束条件 constraint condition约束反力 constraining force跃度 jerk跃度曲线 jerk diagram运动倒置 kinematic inversion运动方案设计 kinematic precept design运动分析 kinematic analysis运动副 kinematic pair运动构件 moving link运动简图 kinematic sketch运动链 kinematic chain运动失真 undercutting运动设计 kinematic design运动周期 cycle of motion运动综合 kinematic synthesis运转不均匀系数 coefficient of velocity fluctuation运动粘度 kenematic viscosity载荷 load载荷—变形曲线 load—deformation curve载荷—变形图 load—deformation diagram窄V 带 narrow V belt如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!毡圈密封 felt ring seal展成法 generating张紧力 tension张紧轮 tension pulley振动 vibration振动力矩 shaking couple振动频率 frequency of vibration振幅 amplitude of vibration正切机构 tangent mechanism正向运动学 direct (forward) kinematics正弦机构 sine generator, scotch yoke织布机 loom正应力、法向应力 normal stress制动器 brake直齿圆柱齿轮 spur gear直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear直角三角形 right triangle直角坐标操作器 Cartesian coordinate manipulator 直径系数 diametral quotient直径系列 diameter series直廓环面蜗杆 hindley worm直线运动 linear motion直轴 straight shaft质量 mass质心 center of mass执行构件 executive link; working link质径积 mass-radius product智能化设计 intelligent design, ID中间平面 mid-plane中心距 center distance中心距变动 center distance change中心轮 central gear中径 mean diameter终止啮合点 final contact, end of contact周节 pitch周期性速度波动 periodic speed fluctuation周转轮系 epicyclic gear train肘形机构 toggle mechanism轴 shaft轴承盖 bearing cup轴承合金 bearing alloy轴承座 bearing block轴承高度 bearing height轴承宽度 bearing width轴承内径 bearing bore diameter轴承寿命 bearing life 轴承套圈 bearing ring轴承外径 bearing outside diameter轴颈 journal轴瓦、轴承衬 bearing bush轴端挡圈 shaft end ring轴环 shaft collar轴肩 shaft shoulder轴角 shaft angle轴向 axial direction轴向齿廓 axial tooth profile轴向当量动载荷 dynamic equivalent axial load轴向当量静载荷 static equivalent axial load轴向基本额定动载荷 basic dynamic axial load rating轴向基本额定静载荷 basic static axial load rating轴向接触轴承 axial contact bearing轴向平面 axial plane轴向游隙 axial internal clearance轴向载荷 axial load轴向载荷系数 axial load factor轴向分力 axial thrust load主动件 driving link主动齿轮 driving gear主动带轮 driving pulley转动导杆机构 whitworth mechanism转动副 revolute (turning) pair转速 swiveling speed ; rotating speed转动关节 revolute joint转轴 revolving shaft转子 rotor转子平衡 balance of rotor装配条件 assembly condition锥齿轮 bevel gear锥顶 common apex of cone锥距 cone distance锥轮 bevel pulley; bevel wheel锥齿轮的当量直齿轮 equivalent spur gear of the bevel gear 锥面包络圆柱蜗杆 milled helicoids worm准双曲面齿轮 hypoid gear子程序 subroutine子机构 sub-mechanism自动化 automation自锁 self-locking自锁条件 condition of self-locking自由度 degree of freedom, mobility总重合度 total contact ratio总反力 resultant force如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!总效率 combined efficiency; overall efficiency组成原理 theory of constitution组合齿形 composite tooth form组合安装 stack mounting组合机构 combined mechanism阻抗力 resistance最大盈亏功 maximum difference work between plus and minus work纵向重合度 overlap contact ratio纵坐标 ordinate组合机构 combined mechanism最少齿数 minimum teeth number最小向径 minimum radius作用力 applied force坐标系 coordinate frame。
单位工程 英语
单位工程英语单位工程英语:unit project单位工程(Unit Project)是建设项目的组成部分,通常指具有独立设计文件,能够独立组织施工,但建成后不能独立发挥生产能力或工程效益的工程。
在英语中,"单位工程"通常被翻译为"Unit Project"或"Unit Engineering"。
在单位工程的管理中,项目经理和工程师们通常会关注以下几个方面:设计与规划(Design and Planning):单位工程的设计文件是施工的基础,它包括建筑、结构、给排水、电气等多个专业的设计图纸和说明。
施工组织与管理(Construction Organization and Management):单位工程的施工需要制定详细的施工组织设计,包括施工方法的选择、机械设备的配置、劳动力的调配等。
质量控制与检验(Quality Control and Inspection):质量控制是单位工程管理的核心任务之一。
英译汉1.tolerance公差 puter-aided manufacturing计算机辅助制造 3.numerically controlled machines数控机床 4.necking颈缩 5.turning,drilling and boring operation 6.formability and machinability成形与可加工性 7.assembly lines装配线 8.dimensional accuracy尺寸精度 9.cross-sectional area横截面积 10.percentage elongation伸长率 11.structural strength结构强度 12.stress-strain curver应力应变曲淬火和内应力 14.earthmoving and construction equipment线 13.quenching and internal stresses土建设备 15.straightening operation 16.cracking and distortoon断裂和扭曲变形 17.light service at fractional horsepower小马力轻载 18.screw pump螺杆泵 19.steel sheet and rolled-steel shapes钢板和滚压成型钢 20.straightening operation矫正操作 21.sensing devices 传感器 21.digital or pulse motor数字与脉冲马达 22.drilling钻 boring齿轮加工镗 reaming铰 gear-cutting operations齿轮加工汉译英1.切削刀具cutting tools 2.紧固件,如螺母fasteners such as nuts 3.刚和铸铁steels and cast irons 4.马氏体和奥氏体martensite and autenite 5.机械特性mechanical properties puter-aided manufacturing计算机辅助制造 7.数控系统numerically controlled systems 8.大批量生产技术mass production techology 9.控制单元control units 10.靠模附件profiling attachment 11.弹性模量和伸长率elastic modulus and percentage elongation 12.规模经济economy of scale 13.闭环系统close-loop system 14.有色金属non-ferrous 15.液压系统hydraulic system 16.弹性和屈服极限elastic and yield limit 17.龙门刨工作台低碳钢和合金钢low-carbon steel and alloy steel 18.pianner-table 短句:1、low carbon steels do not become hard when subjected to such a heat treatment, because of the sma ll amount of carbon contained.当经历热处理、低碳钢不会变硬、因为含有少量碳。
机械词汇的英语翻译(U-Z)u bend u 形管u bolt u 形螺栓u ir on 槽钢u piec e 双肘管u pipe u形管u tube u 形管u tube manometer u 形压力计uec m超声电解加工uedm 超声电火花加工ultimate analysis 元素分析ultimate load 极限负荷ultimate load design 极限载荷设计ultimate pr essur e极限压力ultimate str ength 极限强度ultimate str ess 极限应力ultimate vac uum 极限真空度ultr ac entrifuge 超离心机ultr ahigh pr essure 超高压ultr ahigh speed machining 超高速机械加工ultr ahigh strength steel 超高强度钢ultr ahigh vacuum 超高真空ultr alow electrode wear machining 超低损耗加工ultr am icr oscope 超高倍显微镜ultr aprecision machining 超精密加工ultr asoinc lapping 超声研磨ultr asonic atom izer 超声雾化器ultr asonic cleaning 超声波清洗ultr asonic drilling 超声钻法ultr asonic drilling mac hine超声波钻床ultr asonic edm超声电火花加工ultr asonic electr o dischar ge mac hining 超声电火花加工ultr asonic electr ochemical mac hining 超声电解加工ultr asonic flaw detector 超声波探伤仪ultr asonic flow meter 超声波量计ultr asonic gener ator 超声波振荡器超声波发生器ultr asonic inspection 超声波探伤法ultr asonic mac hine 超声波加工机ultr asonic mac hining 超声波加工ultr asonic metal for ming 超声塑性加工ultr asonic m icr oscope 超声波显微镜ultr asonic perfor ating mac hine 超声波钻床ultr asonic perfor ation 超声钻法ultr asonic slicing mac hine超声切片机床ultr asonic soldering 超声波针焊ultr asonic testing 超声波探伤法ultr asonic thic kness gage超声波测厚仪ultr asonic vibr ation c utting 超声振动切削ultr asonic wave超声波ultr asonic welding 超声波焊接ultr aviolet r adiation 紫外线辐射ultr aviolet r ays 紫外线unattended oper ation 无人值班的运行unbalanc e 不平衡unbalanc e indic ator 不均衡指示器unbalanc e moment 不平衡力矩unbalanc e toleranc e容许不平衡量unbalanc ed mass 不均衡质量unc oiler 展卷机undamped oscillation 非衰减振荡undamped vibration 非衰减振荡underc arriage 起落架underc ooling 过冷undercutting 根切underfeed furnac e 下部供燃料炉underfr ame 底架under ground gasific ation 地下气化under ground r ailway 地下铁道under ground water 地下水underload 欠载under shot wheel 下射水轮under size 筛下产品undervoltage relay 低电压继电器underwater c utting 水下切割underwater r obot 水中机扑;水下机扑underwater welding 水下焊接undulatory motion 波动unequal angle 不等边角钢unfinished bolt 毛螺栓unhooking 摘钩uniaxial str ess 单向应力unifor m acc eler ation 等加速度unifor m c ircular motion 等速圆周运动unifor m distribution 均匀分布unifor m flow 均匀流unifor m load 均匀负荷unifor m motion 等速运动unifor m movement 等速运动unifor m pr essur e 均匀压力unifor m sc ale 均匀标度unifor m velocity 等速度unifor m ity 均匀性unifor m ly acceler ated motion 等加速度运动unifor m ly distributed load 等分布荷重unifor m ly r etarded motion 匀减速运动union nut 联管螺帽unit 单位unit bor e system 基孔制unit built machine tool 组合机床unit c ell 单位晶格unit c ooler 冷却机组unit of measur ement 测量单位unit of toler anc e公差单位unit shaft system 基轴制unit type head 动力头unit vector 单位矢量universal c huc k 自动定心卡盘universal dividing head 万能分度头universal drilling machine 万能钻床universal gas c onstant 通用气体常数universal gr avitation 万有引力universal grinder 万能磨床universal industrial r obot 万能工业机扑universal j oint 万向接头universal j oint drive万向节传动universal j oint for k 万向节叉universal j oint shaft 万向节轴universal j oint yoke 万向节叉universal mac hine tool 通用机床universal measuring m icr osc ope万能测定显微镜universal miller 万能铣床universal milling mac hine万能铣床universal screw wrench 活动]扳手universal testing mac hine万能材料试验机universal tool and cutter grinder 万能工具磨床unloaded weight 空车重量unloader卸荷阀unloader valve 卸荷阀unloading 卸荷;卸载unloading valve 卸荷阀unmanned aircr aft 无人驾驶飞机unmanned factory 无人工厂unmanned manufactur e无人生产过程unmanned oper ation 无人值班的运行unmanned war ehouse无人仓库unrivet 起铆钉unsatur ated c ompound 不饱和化合物unsatur ated vapor 末饱和蒸汽unscr ew 松螺丝unscr ewing 拧下unsolder 拆开焊缝unsprung weight 弹簧下重量unstable equilibrium 不稳定平衡unstable state 不稳定状态unsteady flow 非定常流不稳定流unsteady heat conduction 不稳定导热up m illing 逆铣up stroke 上升冲程upc urrent 上升气流updr aft 上升气流upflow 上升气流upper dead center 上死点upper deviation 上偏差upper die 上模upper lim it 上限upper slide 上滑板upright drilling mac hine 立式钻床upset butt welding 电阻对焊接upset welding 电阻对焊接upsetter 锻头机upsetting 镦粗upsetting machine 锻头机upsetting test 镦粗试验uptake flue 上升烟道ur anium 铀ur anium enrichment 铀浓缩ur anium fuel 铀燃料ur anium hexafluoride六氟化铀ur anium oxide 氧化铀ur anium r eactor 铀反应堆urban bus 市区公共汽车urea r esin 尿素尸urgency stop 紧急停止uric acid 尿酸used air 废气used c ar 旧汽车used lubric ating oil 废油used sand 旧砂useful ener gy 有效能useful horsepower 有效功率useful load 有效负载useful wor k有效功user pr ogr am 用户程序user's manual 使用说瞄usf 超声塑性加工usl 超声研磨utility aircr aft 通用飞机utility boiler 动力锅炉utilization coefficient 利用率utilization factor 利用率uvc 超声振动切削v belt 三角皮带v belt drive 三角皮带传动v block v 形铁v block br ake 楔形闸v engine v 形发动机v gr oove br ake 楔形闸v guide v 形导轨v pulley 三角皮带轮v sec m 立式电解成形机v tail 蝶形尾部v thr ead 三角螺纹v type engine v型发动机v type tail v 形尾翼vacc um meter 真空计vac uum 真空vac uum annealing 真空退火vac uum arc fur nac e真空电弧炉vac uum bottle 热水瓶vac uum br ake 真空制动器vac uum c apper 真空封瓶器vac uum c apping machine 真空封瓶器vac uum c asting 真空铸造vac uum c ement 真空封泥vac uum c hamber 真空室vac uum c huc k 真空卡盘vac uum cleaner 吸尘器vac uum degassing 真空除气vac uum distillation 真空蒸馏vac uum drying 真空干燥vac uum evapor ation 真空蒸发;真空涂膜vac uum evapor ator 直空蒸发器;真空涂膜器vac uum filler 真空填充器vac uum filter 真空过滤机vac uum filtr ation 真空过滤vac uum for m ing 真空成形vac uum freeze drying 真空冷冻干燥vac uum freezing 真空冷冻vac uum fusion 真空熔化vac uum gauge 真空计vac uum gr ease 真空润滑脂vac uum gripper 真空钳子vac uum hose 真空软管vac uum ignition adva nc er 真空点火提前装置vac uum impr egnation 真空浸渍vac uum indic ator 真空计vac uum induction furnac e 真空感应炉vac uum lamp 真空灯vac uum lifting device 真空提升装置vac uum measur ement 真空测量vac uum measuring instrument 真空计vac uum melting 真空熔化vac uum metallizing 真空镀敷vac uum metallurgy 真空冶金vac uum molding 真空成形vac uum oil 真空油vac uum pac kaging machine 真空包装器vac uum pump 真空泵vac uum r efriger ating mac hine真空冷冻机vac uum r eservoir 真空罐vac uum seal 真空密封vac uum seamer 罐头折边封盖机vac uum sintering 真空烧结vac uum system 真空系统vac uum tank真空罐vac uum tec hnique 真空技术vac uum test 真空试验vac uum tight 真空密封的vac uum tr ap 真空阱vac uum tube 真空管vac uum tube r ectifier 真空整流vac uum tube voltmeter 真空管电压表value 值valve 阀valve ar m 阀杆valve body 阀体valve bonnet 阀盖valve box 阀箱valve c ase 阀箱valve c asing 阀箱valve c hest 阀室valve c oc k阀栓valve c over 阀盖valve diagr am 阀动图valve follower 气门挺杆valve gear 阀动装置valve grinding 磨阀valve guard 阀档板valve guide 阀导承valve head 气门头valve in head engine顶阀式发动机valve lap 阀重叠valve lever 阀杆valve lift 阀升程valve lift curve 阀升程图valve lift diagram 阀升程图valve lifter 气门挺杆valve lifter guide阀挺杆导承valve mec hanism阀动装置valve needle 阀针valve overlap 阀重叠valve plate 阀板valve port 阀口valve position 阀位valve push rod 推阀杆valve r oc ker ar m 气阀摇杆valve r oc ker ar m shaft 阀摇臂轴valve r oc ker br ac ket 阀摇臂轴托架valve r oc ker pedestal 阀摇臂轴托架valve r oc ker shaft 阀摇臂轴valve r od 阀杆valve seat 阀座valve seating 磨阀valve setting 阀蝶valve spring 阀弹簧valve stem 阀杆valve str oke 阀升程valve tappet 气门挺杆valve tappet clear anc e气门挺杆间隙valve tappet guide阀挺杆导承valve tim ing 阀定时valve tim ing gear 阀定时装置valveless engine 无气门式发动机van 箱式货车van der waals' equation 范德瓦耳斯方程vanadium钒vanadium steel 钒钢vane 叶片vane anemometer 翼式风速计vane c ompr essor 叶片式压缩机vane flowmeter 转子式量表vane motor 叶轮式油压马达vane pump 叶轮泵vane wheel 叶轮vaned diffuser 叶片式扩散器vaneless diffuser 无叶片式扩散器无导连的扩压器vapoize 蒸发vapor 蒸汽vapor cycle 蒸气循环vapor loc k 蒸汽汽塞vapor pr essur e 蒸汽压力vapor pump 蒸汽喷射泵vaporimeter 蒸气压力表vaporization 蒸发vaporizer 蒸发器vapour 蒸汽variable 变数variable acceler ation 可变加速度variable c apacitor 可变电容器variable c ondenser 可变电容器variable delivery pump 可变容积泵variable density wind tunnel 变密度风洞variable displacement motor 可变排量马达variable displacement pump 可变容积泵variable geometry wing 可变翼variable load 可变负荷variable mass 变质量variable pitch propeller 可掂螺旋桨variable r esistanc e 可变电阻variable r esistor 可变电阻器variable section 可变断面variable speed drive变速传动variable sweep aircraft 可变翼飞机variable sweep wing 可变翼variable voltage transfor mer 可变电压变压器variable wing air plane 可变翼飞机varianc e 方差varianc e analysis 方差分析varignon's theorem 范力农定理varistor 非线性电阻var nish 漆var nishing 涂漆varying str ess 变应力vaseline 凡士林vector 矢量vector analysis 向量分析vector diagr am 向量图vector field 向量场vector pr oduct 矢量积vee guide v 形导轨vee pulley 三角皮带轮vegetable oil 植物油vehicle 运载工具vehicle hoist 升车机velocimeter 速度计velocity 速度velocity c oefficient 速度系数velocity c urve 速度曲线velocity diagr am 速度图velocity distribution 速度分布velocity gr adient 速度梯度velocity head 速头velocity of blade叶片速度velocity of flow 临velocity of propagation of flame 火焰传播速度velocity of sound 声速velocity pic k up 速度传感器velocity potential 速度势velocity r ange 速度范围velocity r atio 传动比velocity selector 速度选择器velocity stage 速度级velocity triangle速度三角形velox boiler 韦洛克斯锅炉vena c ontr acta 射留缩vending mac hine 自动售货机veneer 单板veneer lathe 剥皮机vent 放气孔vent hole 放气孔vent valve 通气阀vent wire 通气针ventilating fan 通风机ventilation 换气ventilation flue 通风道ventilation installation 通风装置ventilation pipe 通风管ventilation plant 通风装置ventilation system通风系统ventilator 通风机venturi tube 文丘里管venturimeter 文氏管量计ver bal instruction 口头指示verific ation 检验ver nier 游标ver nier bevel protr actor 游标量角器ver nier c aliper 游标卡尺ver nier depth gage 游标深度卡尺ver nier dial 游标刻度盘ver nier engine 游标发动机ver nier gear tooth c aliper 游标齿厚规ver nier gear tooth gage游标齿厚规ver nier height gage高度规ver satile robot 万能机扑ver satility 万能性vertic al axis wind tur bine 竖轴风车vertic al boiler 立式锅炉vertic al broac hing mac hine 立式拉床vertic al compr essor 立式压缩机vertic al conveyor 立式输送机vertic al drilling mac hine立式钻床vertic al electr ochemical for m ing machine 立式电解成形机vertic al engine 立式发动机vertic al feed 垂直进给vertic al feed scr ew 垂直进给丝杠vertic al fin 垂直安定面vertic al forc e 垂直力vertic al gyrosc ope垂直陀螺仪vertic al jounal 枢轴vertic al journal 枢轴颈vertic al lathe 立式车床vertic al m illing head 立铣头vertic al m illing mac hine立式铣床vertic al proj ection 垂直投影vertic al pump 立式泵vertic al shaft 立轴vertic al shaft turbine 立轴式涡轮机vertic al slide 垂直滑板vertic al speed indicator 升降速度表vertic al spindle surfac e grinder 立轴平面磨床vertic al tail 垂直尾翼vertic al tail plane 水平安定面vertic al take off and landing 垂直起落vertic al take off and landing aircraft 垂直起落机vertic al tur bine立轴式涡轮机vertic al tur ning and boring m ill 立式车床vertic al turr et lathe立式转塔车床vertic al water tube boiler 立式水管锅炉vertic al welding 垂直焊very large scale integr ation 超大规模集成电路vessel 船vibr ating c hute 振动式滑槽vibr ating c ompactor 振动压实机vibr ating c onveyor 振动输送机vibr ating feeder 振动式给料机vibr ating mill 振动式磨矿机vibr ating motor 振动歧动机vibr ating plate 振动板vibr ating r eed fr equency meter 振簧式频率计vibr ating scr een 振动筛vibr ating sieve 振动筛vibr ating table 振动台vibr ating tamper 振动夯vibr ating trough 振动槽vibr ation 振动vibr ation absorber 振动阻尼器vibr ation acc eler ation 振动加速度vibr ation amplitude 振动振幅vibr ation analysis 振动分析vibr ation damper 减震器vibr ation damping 减振vibr ation engineering 振动工程vibr ation exc iter 振动发生器振动激励器vibr ation fr equency 频率vibr ation galvanometer 振动式检疗vibr ation gener ator 振动发生器振动激励器vibr ation isolation 振动绝缘vibr ation isolation material 隔振材料vibr ation level 振动级vibr ation mac hine 振动器振动机vibr ation measur ement 振动测定vibr ation meter 振动计vibr ation mode 振动方式vibr ation node 振动节点vibr ation period 振动周期vibr ation pic kup 振动传感器vibr ation pr oof 耐振的vibr ation r ec order 示振器振动显示器vibr ation r esistanc e抗振性vibr ation r oller 振动式碾压机vibr ation spectrum 振动谱vibr ation system 振动系统vibr ation test 振动试验vibr ation tester 振动试验机vibr ation theory 振动理论vibr ator 振动器振子vibr ator motor 振动歧动机vibr atory c entrifuge振荡离心机vibr atory crusher 振动破碎机vibr atory feeder 振动式给料机vibr atory pile driver 振动打桩机vibr atory plate c ompactor 振动板压实机vibr atory tr ansport 振动运输vibr ograph 示振器振动显示器vibr oisolating material 隔振材料vibr ometer 振动计vibr om ill 振动式磨矿机vibr opacker 振动包装机vibr oscope 振动计vice 虎钳vice jaw 虎钳口vice scr ew 虎钳螺杆vicker s hardness 维氏硬度vicker s hardness tester 维氏硬度试验机video monitor 视频监视器video tape r ecor der 磁带录像机view 视图view finder 检影器取景器viewfinder 取景器vinegar 醋vinyl chloride 氯乙烯vinyl r esin 乙烯基尸virial c oefficient 维里系数virtual displac ement 虚位移virtual image 虚象virtual work 虚功visc oelastic body 粘弹体visc oelastic material 粘弹性材料visc oelastic model 粘弹性模型visc oelasticity 粘弹性visc ometer 粘度计visc ometry 粘度测定法visc oplastic material 粘塑性材料visc oplasticity 粘塑性visc osimetry 粘度测定法visc osity 粘性visc osity index 粘度指数visc osity index impr over 改善粘度添加剂visc osity tachometer 粘性转数计visc ous 粘滞的visc ous damper 粘性阻尼器visc ous damping 粘性衰减visc ous drag 粘性阻力visc ous fluid 粘性铃visc ous friction 粘性摩擦visc ous r esistanc e粘性阻力visibility 可贝度visible outline 外形线visible r ays 可见光线vision 视觉visual angle 视角visual chec king 肉眼检查visual exam ination 肉眼检查visual field 视野visual inspection 肉眼检查visual observation 目视观测visual sensor 视觉感受器vitrified bond 陶瓷结合剂vlsi 超大规模集成电路voic e rec ognition 语言识别void 空隙void ratio 空隙率voids 空隙率voigt model 沃伊特模型volatile c omponent 挥发分volatile c onstituent 挥发分volatile matter 挥发物volatile substanc e挥发物volatility 挥发性volatilization 挥发volt 伏特volt amper e c har acteristic 电压电霖性volta's pile 伏打电堆voltage 电压voltage contr ol 电压蝶voltage curr ent char acteristic 电压电霖性voltage divider 分压器voltage dr op 电压降voltage fluctuation 电压波动voltage limiter 电压限制器voltage r ating 额定电压voltage regulation 电压蝶voltage regulator 电压第器voltage stabilizer 电压稳定器稳压器voltaic c ell 伏打电池voltaic pile 伏打电堆voltammeter 电压电量计voltmeter 电压表volume 体积volume c ompressibility 体积压缩率volume elasticity 体积弹性volume flow r ate体积量volume forc e 体积力volume modulus 体积弹性模量volume r atio 容积比volume shrinkage体积收缩volumenometer 容积计volumeter 容积计volumetric efficiency 容积效率;充填系数volumetric expansion 体膨胀volumetric flowmeter 容积量计volute casing 蜗形壳volute housing 蜗形壳volute pump 螺旋泵volute spring 锥形弹簧vortex 涡流旋流vortex burner 涡两喷燃器vortex c hamber 涡良烧室vortex filament 涡吝vortex flow 涡流vortex gener ator 旋涡发生器vortex motion 涡了动vortex pump 涡动泵vortex str eet 涡练vortex tube 涡旋管vorticity 涡旋性vtol 垂直起落vtol aircraft 垂直起落机vtr 磁带录像机vulc anization 硫化vulc anized fiber 刚纸vulc anized rubber 硫化橡胶vulc anizing agent 硫化剂vulc anizing autoclave硫化锅vulc anizing pr ess 平板硫化机w type engine w 形发动机wage 工资wagon 货车wagon balanc e 轨道衡wagon stock 车辆线群wagon tipper 翻车机wake 伴流walking exc avator 步行挖掘机walking mac hine 跨步式机械walking r obot 步行机扑wall 壁wall br ac ket 壁支架wall cr ane 壁装起重机wall drilling mac hine墙装钻床wall jib cr ane 墙座旋臂起重机wall slewing cr ane 墙座旋臂起重机wall soc ket 壁灯灯座wall thic kness 壁厚wankel engine 汪克尔发动机warehouse 仓库warehousing system自动化仓库系统warm ing up 暖机warning 警报warning device 报警装置warning lamp 警报灯warning light 警报灯warning signal 警告信号warp knitting loom 经编机warp knitting mac hine经编机warper整经机warping machine 整经机warping winch 绞缆机washer垫圈washing 洗涤washing machine 洗涤机waste 废物waste disposal 废物处理waste disposer 垃圾粉碎机waste gas 废气waste heat 废热waste heat boiler 废热锅炉waste heat rec overy 废热利用waste iron 废铁waste oil 废油waste pipe 排水管waste r ec overy 废物利用waste steam 废蒸汽waste steam heating 废汽供暖waste utilization 废物利用waste water 废水watch 手表watch glass 表面皿watch oil 钟表油watch spring 表簧water absorbing c apacity 吸水能力water absorption 吸水酌water br ake 水力闸water c alorimeter 水热量计water circulation 水循环water clarific ation 水的净化water c olumn 水柱water c onsumption 水消费量water c ontent 含湿量water c ooled 水冷的water c ooled bearing 水冷轴承water c ooled cylinder 水冷式气缸water c ooled engine水冷发动机water c ooled valve水冷式阀water c ooler 水冷却器water c ooling 水冷却water equivalent 水当量water examination 水质检查water filter 滤水器water gage 水位指示器水位表water gas 水煤气water gas generator 水煤气发生器water glass 水玻璃water hammer 水力冲击water hardening 水淬water head 水头water hose 水龙带water inj ection 喷水water j ac ket 水套water j et 喷射水流喷水water j et pump 喷水泵water j et vac uum pump 水喷真空泵water level 水位water level r egulator 水位第器water line 吃水线water lubric ation 水润滑water meter 水量计water of c ondensation 凝结水water of crystallization 结晶水water paint 水性涂料water per meability 透水性water pipe 供水管water pollution 水污染water power 水能water pr essur e 水压water pr oof test 防水试验water pr oofness 水密性water pump 水泵water purific ation 水净water purifier 净水器water purifying plant 净水装置water quality 水质water quenc hing 水淬water r adiator 水散热器water r am 水冲伙水机water r ate 磨耗率water r esistanc e 抗水性water r esistant paint 防水涂料water r heostat 水变阻器water ring pump 水环泵water seal 水封water separator 脱水器水分离器water sluic e valve制水阀water softening 软水法water softening plant 软水装置water supply 供水water tank 水罐water tap 水龙头water tightness 水密性water tower 贮水塔water tr eatment 水处理water tube 水管water tube boiler 水管式锅炉water vapor 蒸汽water wheel 水轮watering c ar 犬汽车waterpr oof 水密的waterpr oof c anvas 防水布waterpr oof cloth 防水布waterpr oof paint 防水涂料watertight 水密的waterworks 自来水道watt 瓦特watt hour 瓦特小时watt hour meter 积算瓦特计watt meter 电力计watthour meter 累积瓦特计wattless c urrent 无功电流wattless power 无功功率wave 波wave dr ag 波阻wave ener gy 波能wave ener gy air tur bine波能空气透平wave equation 波动方程wave for m波形wave motion 波动wave pr opagation 波的传播wave r esistanc e波阻wave shape 波形wave surfac e 波面wavelength 波长waviness 波纹度wax 蜡wax paper 蜡纸wax patter n 蜡模waxing mac hine 涂蜡机we 旋转腐蚀weak mixtur e 稀混合气weak sand 瘦砂wear 磨耗wear and abrasion resistanc e耐磨性wear c ompensation 磨耗补偿wear lim it 磨损极限wear parts 磨损部件wear proof 耐磨的wear r esistanc e 耐磨性wear r esistant 耐磨的wear r esistant c ast ir on 耐磨铸铁wear test 磨损试验wear testing mac hine磨损试验机wear out parts 磨损部件weather r esistanc e抗气候性weathering 风化weaving 织造weaving mac hine织布机web 梁腹板weber 韦伯wedge 楔wedge brake 楔形闸wedge friction wheel 槽形摩擦轮wedge wire scr een 楔形丝筛wedm电火花线切割weeder 除草器weibull distribution 韦布尔分布weigh bar shaft 回动轴weigh shaft 回动轴weighing 秤量weighing machine 秤weight 法码weight distribution 重量分布weight per br ake horsepower 每马力重量weight per unit power 单位功率重量weight r atio 重量比weight r eduction 减轻重量weighted accumulator 重锤式蓄能器weighting function 加权函数weightless state失重状态weightlessness 无重力weights and measures 度量衡weir 溢吝weld 焊接weld bead 焊道weld cr ac k焊接裂缝weld metal 熔敷金属weld penetr ation 溶透weld pool 熔池weldability 可焊性weldability test 可焊性试验welded c onstr uction 焊接结构welded j oint 焊接连接welded pipe 焊管welded pipe line焊接管道welded tube 焊管welder 焊工welding 焊接welding apparatus 焊接机welding blowpipe气焊枪welding c able 电焊引线welding c urrent 焊接电流welding defect 焊接缺陷welding dinamo 电焊发电机welding distortion 焊接变形welding electr ode焊条welding equipment 焊接设备welding flame 焊接焰welding flux 焊药welding generator 电焊发电机welding gloves 焊工手套welding goggles 焊工护目镜welding head 焊头welding heat 焊接热welding helmet 焊工帽welding leads 电焊引线welding mac hine 焊接机welding oper ator 焊工welding powder 焊药welding proc ess 焊接法welding r obot 焊接机扑welding r od 电焊条welding sequenc e焊接程序welding shop 焊接车间welding str ess 焊接应力welding torch 气焊枪welding tr ansfor mer 焊接变压器weldless tube 无缝管well pump 井泵wet air 湿空气wet air pump 湿气泵wet and dry bulb ther mometer 干湿球湿度计wet bulb ther mometer 湿球温度表wet classifier 湿式分级机wet cleaner 湿式滤清器湿法清洗器wet grinding 湿磨法;湿式粉碎wet grinding m ill 湿磨机wet metallurgy 湿法冶金wet pr ecipitator 湿式收尘器湿式除尘器wet pr oc ess 湿法wet purification 湿法净化wet purifier 湿式滤清器湿法清洗器wet separ ator 湿式选矿机wet steam 湿蒸汽wetness 湿度wettability 湿润性wetted perimeter 湿润周wetted surfac e 浸湿面wetting 润湿whale factory ship 捕鲸加工船whale oil 鲸油whaleboat 捕鲸船wharf cr ane 码头起重机wheatstone bridge惠斯登电桥wheel 轮wheel and axle 轮轴wheel axle 轮轴wheel balanc er 车轮平衡试验机wheel base 轴距wheel br ake 轮闸wheel br aking cylinder 制动轮缸wheel c amber 前轮外倾角wheel c entr e 轮心wheel cr ane 轮胎起重机wheel cylinder 制动轮缸wheel disk 辐板wheel dr esser 砂轮修整装置wheel exc avator 轮式挖土机wheel flange 轮缘wheel grinding machine 车轮磨床wheel guard 砂轮罩wheel head 磨头wheel hub 轮毂wheel lathe 车轮车床wheel loader 轮式装载机wheel mounted cr ane 轮胎起重机wheel pr ess 轮压机wheel rim 轮箍wheel set 轮轴wheel slip 车轮滑转wheel spindle 轮轴wheel spindle stoc k磨头wheel spoke 轮辐wheel tr ac k轮距wheel tr ead 胎面wheel type tr actor 轮式拖拉机wheelbarrow 手推车wheeled tr actor 轮式拖拉机wheelhead 磨头whetstone 磨刀石whirl 涡流旋流whirl etc hing 旋转腐蚀whisker 金属须white heart malleable cast ir on 白心可锻铸铁white heat 白热white iron 白铸铁white metal 白合金white noise 白色噪声whitworth scr ew thr ead 惠氏螺纹whitworth thr ead 惠氏螺纹whole depth 齿全高whole number 整数wick lubric ation 油绳润滑wick lubric ator 灯心注油器油绳润滑器wick oiler 灯心注油器油绳润滑器widia 碳化钨硬质合金width 宽wien's displac ement law 维痘移定律winch 卷扬机wind box 风箱wind dir ection indic ator 风向指示器wind driven electric plant 风能动力装置wind energy 风能wind load 风荷重wind motor 风力发动机wind power plant 风力发电站wind power station 风力发电站wind pr essur e 风压wind r esistanc e 风阻力wind tunnel 风洞wind tunnel balanc e 风洞天平wind tunnel test 风洞试验winding 线圈;绕线winding dr um 卷筒winding machine 绕线机windlass 起锚绞盘windm ill 风车windrower 割晒机windshield 风挡windshield heater 除霜器windshield wiper 挡风玻璃刮水器wing 翼wing ar ea 机翼面积wing chor d 翼弦wing loading 机翼单位面积负荷wing profile 翼剖面wing pump 叶轮泵wing screw 蝶形螺钉wing section 翼截面wing span 翼展wing spar 横梁winged nut 翼螺帽winged screw 翼形螺钉winkler gas gener ator 文克勒煤气发生炉winkler gas pr oduc er 文克勒煤气发生炉wire 金属丝wire ar mor ed hose钢丝包皮软管wire brush 钢丝刷wire brushing 用钢丝刷清理wire cloth 筛网布wire cut edm 电火花线切割wire cut electro disc harge mac hine电火花线切割机wire cutting 电火花线切割wire cutting off mac hine 钢丝切断机wire dr awing 拉线wire dr awing benc h 拔丝机wire dr awing mac hine 拔丝机wire electrode 电极丝wire gage 线规wire gaze 金属丝网wire glass 络网玻璃wire m ill 线材轧机wire nail 销钉wire raising mac hine钢丝起绒机wire rod 线材wire rope 钢丝绳wire saw 钢丝锯wire scr een 金属丝网筛wire sieve 金属丝网筛wire spoke 钢丝轮辐wire stitc her 网器wire stitc hing mac hine网器wire str aightener 钢丝校正机wire str ain gage电阻丝应变仪wire weaving mac hine 金属线网织机wire wheel 钢丝辐轮wired glass 铁丝玻璃wireless c ompass 无线电罗盘wiring 配线wiring diagram 布线图wolframic acid 钨酸wood boring machine 木工钻床wood drilling mac hine 木工钻床wood fibr e 木质纤维wood file 木锉刀wood lathe 木工车床wood meal 木粉wood m illing mac hine木工铣床wood pattern 木模wood pattern maker 木模工wood pattern shop 制模车间wood pipe 木管wood planer 木刨床wood powder 木粉wood pulp grinder 木浆研磨机wood screw 木螺丝wood tar 木焦油wood working 木材加工wood working machine 木工机床wood working tool 木工工具wood's alloy 伍德合金wood's metal 伍德合金wooden 木制的wooden belt pulley 木皮带轮wooden hammer 木锤wooden pipe 木管wooden pole 木桩wooden ship 木船wooden tube 木管wooden vessel 木船woodr uff key 半圆键woodwor k 木制品woodwor king 木材加工woodwor king mac hine木工机床wool felt 毛毡wool spinning machine 毛纺机wool washing mac hine 洗毛机work 功work bench 工专work cycle 工总期work hardening 加工硬化work table 工专workability 可加工性workhead 工罪架working clear anc e工卒隙working conditions 工柞件working cylinder 工鬃working dr awing 工准working fluid 工族working gage 工卓规working load 工缀载working medium工组质working position 工谆置working pr essure 工坠力working principle 工篆理working station 工拙working stress 工爪力working stroke 工仔程working temper atur e 工茁度workpiece 工件workpiece headstoc k 工罪架works 厂workshop 车间workshop tr uc k修理车worm蜗杆worm c onveyor 螺旋输送器worm drive 蜗轮传动worm gear 蜗轮worm gear hob 蜗轮滚刀worm gear hobbing machine 蜗轮滚齿机worm gearing 蜗杆传动装置worm gear s 蜗杆传动装置worm grinder 蜗杆磨床worm milling mac hine 蜗杆铣床worm r educ er 蜗轮减速机worm shaft 蜗轴worm wheel 蜗轮worm wheel hobbing mac hine 蜗轮滚齿机wound r otor 绕线型转子wound r otor induction motor 绕线式电动机wound r otor type motor 绕线式电动机woven belt 帆布皮带wrapper 包装机wrapping angle 接触角wrapping mac hine包装机wrapping paper 包装纸wreck crane 救援起重机wrecker truc k 救险汽车wrench 扳手wrench j aws 板手钳口wrist pin 活塞销wrong oper ation 误动作wrought alloy 变形合金wrought aluminium alloy 变形铝合金wrought ir on 熟铁wrought steel 锻钢;熟钢x cross member x 形横梁x engine x形发动机x gear 修整齿轮x ray analysis x 射线分析x ray appar atus x 射线装置x ray defectoscopy x 射线检查x ray m icr oscope x 射线显微镜x ray photogr aph x 射线照片x ray spectr ometer x射线分光计x ray testing x 射线检查x rays x 射线x shaped x形的x shaped cr oss member x 形横梁x type x形的x type engine x 型发动机x y plotter x y 绘图机x zer o gear 零变位齿轮xenon 氙xenon lamp 氙灯xylene 二甲苯xylol 二甲苯y connection 星形连接y piece 分叉管y pipe 分叉管y type engine y 形发动机yac ht 快艇yag crystal 钇铝石榴石晶体yag laser 激光器yar d 编组站yarn 纱yarn twisting mac hine 捻丝机yarrow boiler 雅鲁式锅炉yaw angle 偏航角yawing 偏航yawing moment 偏航力矩yawmeter 偏航计yellow phosphor us 黄磷yield 收获率yield point 屈服点yield stress 屈服应力yoke 轭铁yoke end u 形夹yoked c onnecting r od 叉式连杆young's modulus 弹性模数yttrium alum inium gar net crystal 钇铝石榴石晶体yttrium alum inium gar net laser 激光器z axis z 轴z bar z 字钢z steel z 字钢zeolite 沸石zero adjustment 零点蝶zero gravity 无重力zero gravity state 失重状态zero point 零点zero point energy 零点能zero potential 零电位zero power reactor 零功率反应堆zero r etur n 原点归复zero setting 零位蝶zerol bevel gear 零度弧齿伞齿轮zigzag 之字形zigzag antenna 曲折天线zigzag riveting 交错铆接zinc 锌zinc alloy 锌合金zinc base alloy 锌基合金zinc bronze 锌青铜zincing 镀锌zipper 拉锁zircon 锆石zirconium 锆zone of combustion 燃烧带zone of preheating 预热区。
机械专业英语翻译Unit three
Within the elastic range, the limiting value of the stress up to which the stress and strain are proportional, is called the limit of proportionality. In this region, the metal obeys Hooke’s law, which states that the stress is proportional to strain in the elastic range of loading (the material completely regains its original dimensions after the load is removed). In the actual plotting of the curve, the proportionality limit is obtained at a slightly lower value of the load than the elastic limit. This may be attributed to the time-lag in the regaining of the original dimensions of the material. This effect is very frequently noticed in some no-ferrous[zhb1] [zhb2] metals.
如图所示为在拉伸试验中沿着X轴(横轴)的应变和沿着Y轴(纵轴) 的应力之间的关系曲线。材料在加载时,随着载荷大小的变化,尺 寸会发生改变。当卸载时,变形消失。对于许多材料来说,上述情 况发生的应力极限值称为弹性极限。在应力-应变曲线中,直线关 系和随后的小小的弯曲描述了上述的加载和卸载。
Mechanical Principles 机械原理对于机械原理,下面是一些常见的英语单词和短语。
1.Mechanism(机构):A mechanism is a device designedto transform input forces and movement into a desiredoutput force and movement.2.Kinematics(运动学):Kinematics is the study ofmotion, without regard to the cause of the motion.3.Statics(静力学):Statics is the study of thebehavior of structures, under the action of forceswithout producing motion.4.Dynamics(动力学):Dynamics is the study of thebehavior of motion of objects under the action of forces.5.Thermodynamics(热力学):Thermodynamics deals withthe relationships between heat, work, and energy.6.Fluid Mechanics(流体力学):Fluid mechanics is thestudy of the behavior of fluids at rest or in motion. Mechanical Design 机械设计对于机械设计,下面是一些常见的英语单词和短语。
金属切削加工设备,利用住复运动的刀具切割已固定在 机床工作平台上的工件〔一般用来加工较小工件)。机床 的刀架似牛头,故名。滑枕带着刨刀,作直线住复运动 的刨床,因滑枕前端的刀架形似牛头而得名。牛头刨床 主要用于单件小批生产中刨削中小型工件上的平面、成 形面和沟槽。 牛头刨床的主运动为电动机→变速机构→ 摇杆机构→滑枕往复运动;牛头刨床的进给运动为电动 机→变速机构→棘轮进给机构→工作台横向进给运动。
Shaper(牛头刨床)( Fig.13-3) The machine tools of this group are generally used
for machining flat surfaces, which is usually performed by a cutter that peels the chip from the work. The main motion is reciprocating and the feed is normal to the direction of the main motion. 译文:通常由一个刀具从工件上切削屑片来完成的这 组的机床通常用于加工平面。它的主运动是往复和进 给是正常的主运动方向。
ratchet棘轮 19.pawl棘爪 20.cross rail横梁
27.internal grinder内圆磨床 28.external grinder 外圆磨床 29.Wheel head 磨头
21.grinding machine 磨床
22.grinding wheel砂轮
The milling machine(铣床) is a machine that
may travel only at right angles to the spindle while the Universal Milling Machine(万能铣床) is provided with a table. 译文:铣床的主轴是由一台安装在立柱上的电动机通 过一系列齿轮传动所驱动的。普通铣床的工作台只能 沿着垂直于主轴的方向运动,而万能铣床(如图12-2) 可以做到。
机械工程专业英语第二版必考翻译(完整版)1.With low-power machinery or vehicles the operator can usually apply sufficient force through a simple mechanical linkage from the pedle or handle to the stationary part of the brake. In many cases, however, this force must be multiplied by using an elaborate braking system.(P5)用低能机器或传力工具,操作者通过向踏板或把手的一个简单机械连接构件作用足够的力量到车闸固定的部分。
2. The fundamental principle involved is the use of pressed air acting through a piston in a cylinder to set block brakes on the wheels. The action is simultaneous on the wheels of all the cars in the train. The pressed air is carried through a strong hose from car to car with couplings between cars; its release to all the separate block brake units, at the same time, is controlled by the engineer. (Braking Systems)(P5)相关的基本原理是使用压缩气体,通过气缸内的活塞将闸块压在车轮起作用。
《新职业英语》“机电英语”Unit1-4课文翻译第1单元reading A:蓝天模具——创造辉煌蓝天模具公司是中国最著名的挤压式模具生产厂家之一。
我们拥有TA 模具公司和TC 模具公司两家分公司、四个级别的模具和上百种产品组。
TA 模具公司建于1993 年,占地面积达30英亩,位于久负盛名的“模具之乡”和“塑料王国”之称的城市——浙江省宁波市。
2007 年,为了扩大企业进军世界市场,我们又新建一个TC 模具公司。
我们在模具设计、热塑精密缓动控制、PVC 低发泡技术、WPC 原料配方、挤压成型操作技术等方面都处于领先地位。
由于我们有丰富的经验、先进的设备和高效的生产体系,我们的产品已出口40 多个国家和地区,包括欧洲、美洲、东南亚和中亚等。
我们愿和您携手共创灿烂美好的明天!第1单元reading B:建立商务关系建立商务关系是开发贸易关系的第一步。
机械工程专业-英语翻译u bolt u形螺栓;马蹄螺栓u trap u形气隔u-anchor u形锚栓u-channel u形排水渠ultimate bearing capacity [ground] 极限承载力〔土地〕ultimate bearing failure 极限承载损坏;极限承载破坏ultimate bond capacity [ground] 极限黏结力〔土地〕ultimate friction capacity [ground] 极限摩擦力〔土地〕ultimate limit state 极限状态ultimate limit state design 极限状态设计ultimate load 极限荷载;极限载重ultimate pullout capacity 极限抗拔力ultimate strength 极限强度ultimate stress 极限应力ultrahigh frequency antenna 特高频电线连接器ultrasonic crack detection 超声波裂缝检测ultrasonic flaw detector 超声波探伤仪ultrasonic pulse velocity 超声波脉动测试unallocated government land 未拨用的政府土地unauthorized building 违例建筑物unauthorized building advisory committee 违例建筑物谘询委员会unauthorized building works 违例建筑工程;僭建工程unauthorized occupant 非认可占用人;未经认可占用人unauthorized structure 违例构筑物;违例搭建物unauthorized tenant 非认可租客;未经认可租户unbraced element 无横向支撑元件;无支撑元件unbraced excavation 无支撑挖掘unbraced structure 无横向支撑结构;无支撑结构uncommitted category 未承担类别uncommitted demand 未承担需求uncompleted flat 楼花;未建成的楼宇单位uncompleted residential flat 住宅楼花unconfined compression test 无侧限压缩试验unconfined compressive strength 无侧限抗压强度uncontaminated mud 非污染泥uncovering works 未经盖封的工程undercoat 底涂层;底漆underground cable 地下电缆underground chamber 地下室underground engineering 地下工程underground fuel tank 地下油缸underground grouting works 地下灌浆工程underground pipework 地下喉管underground space 地下空间underground stratum 地底内层underground structure 地下构筑物underground well 科学井underlayer 垫层;衬底underlease 分租租契;分租;分契〔合作建屋计划〕underlessee 分租人;分承租人;分契承批人underlessor 分批租人;分契批出人underlet 分租underoccupation 居住人数不足underpass 隧道;下通路underpin 托换基础;基础加固;托换基础支撑underpinned pile 托换桩understanding the computerized land register [land registry] 《电脑土地登记册简介》〔土地注册处〕undertaking 保证书;承诺书;“回头纸”underutilized site 未尽其用的土地undervalued 估值偏低underwater blasting 水底爆破underwater concrete 水下混凝土underwater construction 水下施工underwater fill material 水底填料underwater inspection 水底检查undesignated land use zone 未指定土地用途区undisturbed ground 未扰动土地;原状土地undisturbed soil 原状土undivided share 不分割份数undivided share of a lot 地段的不分割份数undrained loading 不排水加载unexecuted estate agency agreement 未签立的地产代理协议unglazed tile 无釉砖;滞光瓷砖uniaxial load 单轴荷载unified soil classification system 统一土壤分类法uniform load 均匀荷载uniform rent 划一租金uniformly distributed load 均布荷载unify title 统一业权unimproved grazing 未开发牧地uninterrupted power supply system [public works category] 免受干扰的电力供应系统〔公共工程类别〕unit cost 单位成本;单价unit load 单位荷载unit mass 单位质量unit rent 单位租金united nations framework convention on climate change 联合国气候变化框架公约universal beam 通用钢梁universal transverse mercator grid [utm grid] 统一横墨卡托方格网unlawful alienation 非法让与;非法转让unleased government land 未批租政府土地unleased land 未批租土地unlined galvanized iron pipe 无内搪层镀锌铁管unloading test 卸荷测试unnumbered hut 无门牌木屋unobtrusive survey 初步登记;低调实行的登记unoccupation 空置unoccupied tenement 空置物业unpaved area 未铺面的地方unplasticized polyvinyl-chloride [upvc] 低塑性聚氯乙烯unprotected cut slope 未铺置保护层的削土斜坡unreinforced [concrete] 无配筋〔混凝土〕unrestricted lease 无限制批约;不限制土地用途契约unshared housing 一家一户unsold property 未售出物业unspecified area 未指定用途地区unspecified use 未指定用途unstable slope 不稳定斜坡unsurveyed structure 未登记构筑物;未登记搭建物unsymmetrical load 不对称荷载unusable land 无发展价值土地unused land 荒置地updated residential value [land] 土地作住宅用途的最新市值updated value of the original discount 购楼时所得折扣化为现值的款额up-escalator 上行自动梯upgrade a slope 加固斜坡;巩固斜坡upgrade to home ownership 透过自置居所改善居住质素upgraded block 经实行改善工程的大厦upgraded standard estate community centre 经改良的标准屋社区中心upgrading works 改良工程;加固工程upland rural area 高地乡郊地区uplift force 上力;浮力uplift resistance 抗拔力upper catchment area 上段集水区upper floor shop 楼上铺位upper floor unit 高层单位;上层单位upper ground floor 地下高层upper income band 上层入息组别upper platform 上层平台upper storey 上层uppermost storey 楼层up-ramp 上行坡道upright wall 直立墙upset premium 标金底价upset price 底价upset rent 租金底价upstand beam 直立梁upzoned land 提升用途分区upzoning 提升分区用途urban area 市区urban area development feasibility studies 市区发展可行性研究urban area development programme 市区发展计划urban centre 市中心urban corridor 市区走廊urban design parameter 市区发展指标urban development in the new territories 新界市镇发展urban fringe area 市镇外围地区;市镇边缘地区urban fringe improvement scheme 市镇外围地区改善计划urban growth 市区扩展urban hierarchy 城市体系层次urban improvement scheme [hong kong housing society] 市区改善计划〔香港房屋协会〕urban microfilmed land document 市区微型缩影土地文件urban planning 城市规划urban registration division [land registry] 市区注册部〔土地注册处〕urban rehabilitation fund 市区复修基金urban renewal 市区重建urban renewal and buildings division [planning, environment and lands bureau] 市区重建及屋宇部〔规划环境地政局〕urban renewal area 市区重建区urban renewal authority 市区重建局urban renewal in hong kong 《香港市区重建》urban renewal scheme 市区重建计划urban renewal strategy study 市区重建策略研究urban sprawl 市区伸延urban structure 城市结构urban structure plan 市区发展结构纲领urban survey division [lands department] 市区测量部〔地政总署〕urban system 城市系统urbanization 都市化urgent repair order 紧急修葺通知urinal 尿厕;尿斗urinal bowl 尿盆urinal trough 尿槽urn shelter 灵龛墓碑usable area 实用面积;可用面积usable floor area 实用楼面面积;楼面可用面积usable floor space 实用楼面空间usable land 可用土地use and occupation 迁入及使用use and occupation charges 迁入及使用费use and occupation fee 占用费use and occupation licence 居住暂准证use zoning 用途分区制user clause 规定土地用途条款user restriction 用途限制user-friendly layout 实用间隔utility 公用事业;公用设施utility building 公用事业设施建筑物utility chamber 杂用房utility charges 公用事业服务收费;公用设施收费utility company 公用事业公司utility connection 接驳公用设施utility diversion 公用事业设施的改道utility management system 公用设施工程管理系统utility reserve 公用设施区utility room 杂用房utility services 公用服务设施u-turn slip-road 用以掉头的支路。
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better surface finish. Grinding can be
performed on flat, cylindrical, or even
internal surfaces by employing specialized
machine tools, which are referred to as
显然,磨床根据结构和功能的不同有所区别, 使用何种形式的磨床主要取决于被磨削表 面的几何形状和物理性质。例如,圆柱面 在外圆磨床上磨削。
Type of Grinding Operations 磨削作业的类型
1. Surface grinding. As the name surface
grinding suggests, this operation involves
图8.1a和b同时简述了用于估计诸如加工时间 和金属去除率之类的磨削作业不同参数的 方程式。
During the surface-grinding operations, heavy workpieces are either held in fixtures or clamped on the machine table by strap clamps and the like, whereas smaller workpieces are usually held by magnetic chucks.
(2) 插入-切削方法:这种方法通过砂轮的横 向进给完成磨削而不采用轴向进给。正如 料想的那样,这种方法只在要磨削表面比 所用砂轮宽度短时才使用。
(3) The full-depth method, which is similar to the transverse method except that the grinding allowance is removed in a single pass. This method is usually recommended when grinding short rigid shafts.
grinding machines.
业。磨削通过采用被称为磨床的特殊机床 能在平面、圆柱面甚至内表面上进行。
Obviously, grinding machines differ in construction as well as capabilities, and the type to be employed is determined mainly by the geometrical shape and nature of the surface to be ground, e.g., cylindrical surfaces are ground on cylindrical grinding machines.
在第一种情况(卧式主轴),卧式磨床通常具有 安装工件的刨床式往复工作台。而立式主 轴磨床既可以像卧式主轴磨床那样具有刨 床式工作台也可以具有旋转工作台。
Also, the grinding action in this case is achieved by the end face of the grinding wheel (Fig.8.1b), contrary to the case of horizontal-spindle machines, where the workpieces ground by the periphery of the grinding wheel.
the wheel rotation is the source and cause
for the rotary cutting motion, as shown in
Fig.8.2. In fact, cylindrical grinding can be
carried out by employing any of the
而且在这种情况下,磨削动作是通过砂轮端 面完成的(图8.1b),这与通过砂轮周边磨削 工件的卧式主轴磨床正好相反。
Fig.8.1a and b also indicate the equations to be used for estimating the different parameters of the grinding operation, such as the machining time and the rate of metal removal.
grinding of flat or plane surfaces. Fig.8.1
indicates the two possible variations,
either a horizontal or vertical machine
1. 表面磨削:就像其名称暗示的那样,表面 磨削和平面磨削直接有关。图8.1表示了
无心磨削:无心磨削用于加工圆柱形工 件,工件由托板支撑,在两轮即砂轮和调 节或进给轮之间通过去。
The grinding wheel does the actual grinding, while the regulating wheel is responsible for rotating the workpiece as well as generating the longitudinal feed. This is possible because of the frictional characteristics of that wheel, which is usually made of rubber-bonded abrasive.
内表面磨削:内表面磨削用于相对较短 的孔,如图8.3所示。工件安装在卡盘或特 殊夹具上。作业时砂轮和工件都回转并且 采用纵向进给。
Any desired depth of cut can be obtained by the cross feed of the grinding wheel. A variation from this type is planetary internal grinding, which is recommended for heavy workpieces that cannot be held in chucks.
在平面磨削时,重的工件用夹具固定或用压 板等夹紧在磨床工作台上,而小的工件则 通常是用电磁卡盘固定的。
2. Cylindrical grinding. In cylindrical
grinding, the workpiece is held between
centers during the 除金属的制 造工艺。磨轮用非常大量的微型切削刃模 仿铣刀进行切削。
Generally, grinding is considered to be a
finishing process that is usually used for
obtaining high-dimensional accuracy and
(1) 横向方法:这种方法中砂轮与工件均旋转 且采用线性纵向进给以保证能磨削整个长 度。切削深度通过改变砂轮对工件的横向 进给来进行调整。
(2) The plunge-cut method, in which grinding is achieved through the cross feed of the grinding wheel and no axial feed is applied. As you can see, this method can be applied only when the surface to be ground is shorter than the width of the grinding wheel used.
Grinding is a manufacturing process that involves the removal of metal by employing a rotating abrasive wheel. The latter simulates a milling cutter with an extremely large number of miniature cutting edges.
在这种情况下,砂轮不但绕自身轴线回转, 同时还绕被磨削孔的中心线旋转。
Centerless grinding. Centerless grinding involves passing a cylindrical workpiece, which is supported by a rest blade, between two wheels, i.e., the grinding wheel and the regulating or feed wheel.
通过砂轮的横向进给能得到任意所需的切削 深度。这种方法的一个变体是行星式内表 面磨削,当工件较重不能用卡盘固定时推 荐使用。
In that case, the grinding wheel not only spins around its own axis but also rotates around the centerline of the hole that is being ground.
following methods:
2. 圆柱面磨削:在圆柱面磨削中,作业时工
件支撑在两顶尖之间,砂轮转动是导致回 转切削运动的动力源,如图8.2所示。实际