一 人皮肤成纤维细胞培养
关键词皮肤;成纤维细胞;体外培养;靶细胞;基因治疗[中图分类号]&’()*(+%;,’-’[文献标识码].[文章编号]"##%-"’$(((##()""-""$/-#!!"#$%&’(($(()$*%(#+,-.)"*!/0*102,+23"(%(4.3%.,$50*60%,+!"#$%&’(,!"#$%)*+,-’(,./$012,*(-&,34-50123245467389:329:69;<4=>?3@A4B42>?C,D4B2:3@19E2F GB>H I4:C>26,DF3BJCF3!"##$%,DF>B3【.8C2:3?2】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基因治疗(J4B42F4:3N6)是指将人的正常基因或有治疗作用的基因通过一定方式导入人体靶细胞以纠正基因的缺陷或者发挥治疗作用,从而达到治疗疾病目的的生物医学技术。
包装生产携带绿色荧光蛋白GFP 基因的逆转录病毒上清液。
293T 细胞包装生产携带GFP 基因的逆转录病毒上清液。
〔关键词〕逆转录病毒;人皮肤成纤维细胞;细胞重编程;诱导多潜能干细胞〔中图分类号〕R34〔文献标识码〕A〔文章编号〕1005-9202(2012)11-2297-02;doi :10.3969/j.issn.1005-9202.2012.11.039基金项目:全军医药卫生科研基金项目(No.08Z017);科学技术部867计划项目(No.2006AA02A141)1南方医科大学研究生院2南方医科大学再生医学研究所通讯作者:蒋知新(1963-),男,副主任医师,硕士,硕士生导师,主要从事心血管病研究。
胚胎干细胞(ESCs )是具有无限增殖,自我更新和多向分化潜能的一种未分化细胞,在体外可被诱导分化为神经细胞〔1〕、平滑肌细胞、心肌细胞〔2〕、造血细胞〔3〕而用于多种疾病的治疗,具有广阔的研究和临床应用前景。
目前,ESCs 研究也存在着一些问题,如免疫排斥反应和伦理学问题的争论。
诱导多潜能干细胞技术是将多能性基因转染到已分化的体细胞,将其重编程为类似于ESCs 的多潜能干细胞,并被命名为“诱导多潜能干细胞”(iPSCs ),简称“iPS 细胞”〔4〕。
中国老年学杂志 2012 年 3 月第 32 卷
化学染色,细胞质中有棕色颗粒。成纤维细胞的标志物 Vimen- tin 为阳性,证明提取细胞为成纤维细胞。见 细胞培养第 2 天; c: 细胞培养第 12 天细胞生长呈鱼群状; d: 细胞培养第 14 天,细胞生长呈漩涡状
5 Keisuke T,Jin H,Taranova O,et al. Generation of insulin-secreting isletlike clusters from human skin fibroblasts〔J〕. Science,2008; 283 ( 46 ) : 31601-7.
2结果 2. 1 成纤维细胞分离、纯化及培养 通过酶消化法及贴壁筛 选法,成功分离出人成纤维细胞。 2. 2 形态学观察 倒置显微镜观察细胞形态,接种第 2 天可 见细胞散在生长,分布不均的单个贴壁细胞呈梭形,成纤维细 胞样。待细胞培养 10 ~ 14 d 时,细胞生长已达 80% ~ 90% ,呈 鱼群样或漩涡状排列。见图 1。 2. 3 细胞 HE 染色 成纤维细胞的形态呈梭形,也可见大多 角形和扁平星形等。核仁明显,核呈椭圆形,可见 1 ~ 2 个核 仁,胞体较大,胞质弱嗜碱性,染色质疏松着色浅。当细胞汇流 时,呈鱼群样或漩涡状排列,细胞在 15 代内形态保持不变,经 HE 染色可以更清楚地观察到这些表现。见图 2。 2. 4 细胞免疫组化结果 对第 6 代成纤维细胞进行免疫细胞
人 成 纤 维 细 胞 的 体 外 分 离 、纯 化 培 养 及 细 胞 鉴 定
王玲玲1 马 峰2 张玉成 杜珍武 张桂珍 ( 吉林大学中日联谊医院中心研究室,吉林 长春 130033)
〔摘 要〕 目的 对人皮肤成纤维细胞进行分离、纯化、培养及细胞鉴定,探讨一种高效的分离及纯化方法,为细胞移植提供种子细胞。方法 使用酶消化法原代提取人成纤维细胞,快速贴壁法纯化细胞,对细胞进行形态学观察、HE 染色,免疫细胞化学鉴定细胞标志物 Vimentin。结果 利 用倒置显微镜及 HE 染色,可见细胞为散在分布的梭形贴壁细胞,当细胞汇流时,呈鱼群样或漩涡状排列,且细胞在 15 代内形态保持不变。结论 成 功地发现快速提取成人成纤维细胞的方法,为成人自体细胞移植的研究奠定了基础。
PRIMARY FIBROBLAST CULTUREFROM HUMAN SKIN BIOPSYThis protocol describes the steps for obtaining a primary fibroblast cell line from human skin biopsies. Fibroblasts are derived directly from excised skin as explants; enzyme digestion by collagenase may help obtain cells in a shorter time. This protocol describes the different steps for obtaining a primary cell line from a skin biopsy.Equipment and materialsLaminar flow hoodCO2 incubatorInverted microscopeSterile surgical Instruments for microdissectionBME fibroblast mediumPBS 10x without Ca+2 or Mg+2Collagenase type II (4mg/ml)Petri dishes 100 mmPasteur pipettesCulture flask, 25 cm215 ml sterile plastic tubeBME Fibroblast mediumBME 80 mlFoetal bovine serum 20 mlPenicillin-streptomycin solution 100x 1 mlFilter and store at +4°C, up to 1 month.The skin biopsy sample should be shaped as a diamond and about 5-10 mm in diameter. Collect the tissue sample in sterile BME fibroblast medium.Procedure 1Rapidly wash the skin biopsy in PBS in a Petri dish, cut into small fragments and transfer these to a flask.Using a sterile Pasteur pipette with flame-rounded tip, distribute the small tissue fragments over the bottom surface of the culture flask.Pass the flask rapidly and carefully through the Bunsen flame in order to evaporate the medium so that the minced tissue pieces adhere to the plastic surface, but so as not to heat-damage the minced tissue. Take care not to cook the tissue!Carefully add BME medium for fibroblast growth, firmly close the lid of the flask and place in CO2 incubator.The next day, slightly unscrew the lid of the flask so that the tissue can “breathe.”Replace the culture medium after two days and, from this point on, replace it three times a week. The fibroblasts will start to grow from the minced fragments in 2-3 days. When there are sufficient cells, they are detached enzymatically and plated in Petri dishes, or 75 cm2 culture flasks, for proliferation (see next steps: “Maintenance of cell cultures in dishes and flasks” and “Routine subculture of adherent cell lines”).The minced fragments in the flask will continue to produce cells for a while.Procedure 2Add collagenase to BME medium containing 20% FBS; so that the ratio medium : collagenase is 6:1, and filter.Place the skin biopsy in a Petri dish, mince it into a coarse slurry using sterile scalpel and transfer to a 15 ml sterile plastic tube containing the BME-collagenase solution.Place the tube in incubator at 37°C for 24 hours.The next day centrifuge at 1 600 g for 10 min.Using a sterile pipette, remove supernatant and wash pellet twice with PBS.Prepare 1.5 ml of BME fibroblast medium in 2 flasks.Suspend the pellet in 1 ml of BME fibroblast medium, transfer 500 microliter of suspension to each of the two flasks and distribute it over their bottom surface.Place flasks overnight in CO2 incubator at 37°C tightly closed.The next day, slightly unscrew the lid of the flasks.After a few days, fibroblasts should start to grow; if cells have developed, replace the culture medium with fresh medium after one week. From this point on, replace the culture medium three times a week.MAINTENANCE OF CELL CULTURES IN DISHES AND FLASKSIn culture, cells grow either as a single cell layer attached to specially treated plastic surfaces or in suspension. In order to keep adherent cells healthy and actively growing it is usually necessary to subculture them at regular intervals.Equipment and MaterialsLaminar flow hoodCO2 incubatorProliferating medium (BME fibroblast medium) pre-warmed to 37°CPetri dishes 100 mmInverted microscopeProcedureThe general morphology and growth of a cell population, and the presence of any microbial contaminants, should be checked regularly under an inverted microscope in phase contrast. Dishes or flasks with cells at about 70% confluence are treated with trypsin; the cells are then harvested and either frozen or divided for further prolifera tion (see below “Routine Subculture of adherent cell lines”). For dishes with non-confluent cells the medium is discarded and replaced with fresh medium:7 ml for 100 mm Petri dishes5 ml for 60 mm Petri dishes5 ml for 25 cm2 flasks.Medium has to be changed three times a week, usually Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. NB: When introducing medium to flasks, a new sterile pipette must be used for each flask; when changing medium in Petri dishes, one pipette may be used for 2 or 3 dishes if the cell line is the same, but the tip must be flamed at each passage.Lids of flasks containing cells must be slightly unscrewed after being placed in the CO2 incubator.ROUTINE SUBCULTURE OF ADHERENT CELL LINESSubculturing requires prior rupture of intercellular and cell-to-substrate connections usingproteolytic enzymes such as trypsin. After the cells have been dissociated into a suspension of mainly single cells, they are diluted and transferred to new culture dishes containing fresh medium or to cryotubes containing freezing medium.How often a cell line is subcultured depends on its growth properties which are determined by observation of cell growth under the microscope, and by counting.Equipment and MaterialsLaminar flow hoodCO2 incubatorProliferating medium (BME fibroblast medium)PBSTrypsin-EDTA solution 1XPetri dishes 100 mmInverted microscopeProcedureThaw trypsin at 37°C and allow PBS and proliferating medium to reach room temperature.Flask cultures containing tissue fragments:Using a sterile pipette remove medium from flask and replace with 5 ml PBS in order to eliminate serum residue that could inactivate the trypsin.After a few minutes remove PBS (pipette) and add 1 ml trypsinPlace flask in incubator at 37°C for 3-5 minutesObserve the cells under the microscope: if they are seen to be rounded, they are detached, if most are not rounded, leave the suspension in the incubator for a further minute or two (until rounded).Add 5 ml or more of proliferating medium (add volume equal to or more than that of volume of trypsin) to inhibit enzyme activity.Use the tip of the pipette (or gently pipette up and down) to detach cells from the bottom of the flask, but be careful not to touch, or detach, the tissue fragments.Transfer the cells (pipette) to a 100 mm Petri dish containing 7 ml of proliferating medium. Write the date, number of passages, and cell line code on the Petri dish lid and place in incubator.The initial flask (treated with trypsin) is refilled with proliferating medium and placed in incubator with cap slightly unscrewed.Petri dish cultures:Remove medium from Petri dish and add PBS (7 ml to 100 mm Petri dish, 4 ml to 60 mm Petri dish)After a few minutes, remove PBS and add trypsin (1 ml to 100 mm dishes, 0.5 ml to 60 mm dishes)Place in incubator at 37°C for 3-5 minutes.Check under the microscope that cells have detached and proceed as trypsinization of flask cultures (above)Add proliferating medium (volume equal to or greater than volume of trypsin added) in order to inhibit trypsin activity.Mechanically detach cells from dish surface with the help of a pipette tip, then gently pipette the cell suspension up and down so as to obtain a suspension of individual cells.Dispense appropriate aliquots of the cell suspension to new 100 mm Petri dishes and add 6 ml ofgrowth medium:Label each new dish with cell line code, date and passage number. Place the dishes in the CO2 incubator at 37°C.The following day, check under the microscope that the cells have reattached and are growing.。
人皮肤成纤维细胞库的构建试剂: 胶原酶(Sigma),优质胎牛血清(Gibco),胰蛋白酶(Sigma),中性蛋白酶(Sigma),DMEM培养基(Sigma),二甲基亚砜(Merck)。
配液 :成纤维细胞培养基配制:DMEM10g,NaHCO3 3.7g,HEPES 2.4g,优质胎牛血清100ml,青霉素100 000U,链霉素100 000U,超纯水加至1 000ml,用1N NaOH 调pH值至7-2~7.4,0.22pan孑L滤膜过滤除菌,9Om】/瓶分装,一2O℃贮存备用。
D—Hanks 平衡盐液:NaC1 8.0g,KC1 0.4g,Na2HPO4·12H:0 134.4mg,KH~PO4 0.06g,NaHCO3 0.35g,酚红O.O2g,青霉素100000U,链霉素100000U,超纯水加至1 o0Ornl,用1N NaOH调pH值至7.2-7A,0.22tun孔滤膜过滤除菌,90ml/瓶分装,一2O℃贮存备用。
吸出胰蛋白酶,用DMEM漂洗2遍,中止胰蛋白酶消化作用;用眼科镊轻轻揭下表皮,置于另一培养皿中(用于培养角质形成细胞),真皮置于培养皿中,用眼科剪将真皮成分剪成糊状(组织大小约为0.1cmx0.1cmx0.1cm),加入0.2%胶原酶浸没组织,37℃孵箱中消化1~4h,以将组织基本上消化散开,看不到组织块为度;加D-Hanks平衡盐液1 500#min离心5min,5遍,以洗去胶原酶,沉淀即为成纤维细胞,弃上清,加DMEM制成细胞混悬液,接种至50ml培养瓶中,置37℃、5%CO:、湿度95%的CO 孵箱中培养131。
(1)胰蛋白酶热处理法待组织块下沉后,吸去上清,向其中一个培养瓶中加入含有0.25%胰蛋白酶-0.04%EDTA 的消化液,密封瓶口后,置于37℃下消化30min,中间摇匀数次,消化结束后,收集含有解离下来细胞的消化液,置4℃冰箱内冷却,在所余组织上再一次加入消化液,重复上述消化步骤四次,并将每次收集到的含有细胞的消化液混合到一起,离心去上清,重悬于1ml37℃预温的DMEM/F12(GIBCO)培养液(含20%胎牛血清,2mmol/l谷氨酰胺,100iu/ml青霉素和100µg/ml链霉素),吹打均匀后,将1滴细胞悬液与2滴2%的台酚蓝液混合后,滴入细胞计数板,2min后,在显微镜下计数至少299个细胞,未着色的为活细胞,呈蓝色的为死细胞,计算活细胞百分比。
方法胰蛋白酶消化法分离培养人皮肤成纤维细胞;细胞生长曲线及MTT 法测定细胞增殖能力;流式细胞仪测定细胞生长周期及细胞增殖指数;倒置显微镜下观察成纤维细胞生长状态;HE 染色观察细胞爬片下的形态及着色;免疫组织化学染色观察成纤维细胞中间丝波形蛋白;电子显微镜下观察成纤维细胞超微结构。
结果体外用胰蛋白酶消化法建立了人皮肤成纤维细胞;传5代内细胞及传5代内冻存复苏后人皮肤成纤维细胞增殖能力均很强;倒置镜下观察、HE 染色、波形蛋白免疫组化染色及电镜下观察鉴定培养细胞的形态及生物学特性符合成纤维细胞。
关键词:人;皮肤;原代培养;成纤维细胞;细胞增殖指数;细胞形态学中图分类号:R318.08文献标志码:A文章编号:0258-4646(2010)12-1041-04Primary Culture and Biological Characteristics of Human Skin Fibroblasts 随着年龄的增长,皮肤会出现松弛、干燥粗糙、弹性下降、皱纹增多等老化现象,这些现象都与成纤维细胞数量减少以及分泌合成功能下降或异常有关[1]。
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Ist. Nazionale Neurologico Carlo Besta Laboratory Procedures for Human Cell CultureAugust 2004_______________________________________________________________ PRIMARY FIBROBLAST CULTUREFROM HUMAN SKIN BIOPSYThis protocol describes the steps for obtaining a primary fibroblast cell line from human skin biopsies. Fibroblasts are derived directly from excised skin as explants; enzyme digestion by collagenase may help obtain cells in a shorter time. This protocol describes the different steps for obtaining a primary cell line from a skin biopsy.Equipment and materials•Laminar flow hood•CO2 incubator•Inverted microscope•Sterile surgical Instruments for microdissection•BME fibroblast medium•PBS 10x without Ca+2 or Mg+2•Collagenase type II (4mg/ml)•Petri dishes 100 mm•Pasteur pipettes•Culture flask, 25 cm2•15 ml sterile plastic tubeBME Fibroblast mediumBME 80 mlFoetal bovine serum 20 mlPenicillin-streptomycin solution 100x 1 mlFilter and store at +4°C, up to 1 month.The skin biopsy sample should be shaped as a diamond and about 5-10 mm in diameter. Collect the tissue sample in sterile BME fibroblast medium.Procedure 11.Rapidly wash the skin biopsy in PBS in a Petri dish, cut into small fragments andtransfer these to a flask.ing a sterile Pasteur pipette with flame-rounded tip, distribute the small tissuefragments over the bottom surface of the culture flask.3.Pass the flask rapidly and carefully through the Bunsen flame in order toevaporate the medium so that the minced tissue pieces adhere to the plastic surface, but so as not to heat-damage the minced tissue. Take care not to cook the tissue!4.Carefully add BME medium for fibroblast growth, firmly close the lid of the flaskand place in CO2 incubator.5.The next day, slightly unscrew the lid of the flask so that the tissue can “breathe.”6.Replace the culture medium after two days and, from this point on, replace itthree times a week.Primary fibroblast culture from human skin biopsy_______________________________________________________________________7.The fibroblasts will start to grow from the minced fragments in 2-3 days. Whenthere are sufficient cells, they are detached enzymatically and plated in Petri dishes, or 75 cm2 culture flasks, for proliferation (see next steps: “Maintenance of ce ll cultures in dishes and flasks” and “Routine subculture of adherent cell lines”).The minced fragments in the flask will continue to produce cells for a while. Procedure 21.Add collagenase to BME medium containing 20% FBS; so that the ratio medium :collagenase is 6:1, and filter.2.Place the skin biopsy in a Petri dish, mince it into a coarse slurry using sterilescalpel and transfer to a 15 ml sterile plastic tube containing the BME-collagenase solution.3.Place the tube in incubator at 37°C for 24 hours.4.The next day centrifuge at 1 600 g for 10 min.ing a sterile pipette, remove supernatant and wash pellet twice with PBS.6.Prepare 1.5 ml of BME fibroblast medium in 2 flasks.7.Suspend the pellet in 1 ml of BME fibroblast medium, transfer 500 microliter ofsuspension to each of the two flasks and distribute it over their bottom surface.8.Place flasks overnight in CO2 incubator at 37°C tightly closed.9.The next day, slightly unscrew the lid of the flasks.10.After a few days, fibroblasts should start to grow; if cells have developed, replacethe culture medium with fresh medium after one week. From this point on, replace the culture medium three times a week.MAINTENANCE OF CELL CULTURES IN DISHES AND FLASKS In culture, cells grow either as a single cell layer attached to specially treated plastic surfaces or in suspension. In order to keep adherent cells healthy and actively growing it is usually necessary to subculture them at regular intervals.Equipment and Materials•Laminar flow hood•CO2 incubator•Proliferating medium (BME fibroblast medium) pre-warmed to 37°C•Petri dishes 100 mm•Inverted microscopeProcedure1.The general morphology and growth of a cell population, and the presence of anymicrobial contaminants, should be checked regularly under an inverted microscope in phase contrast.2.Dishes or flasks with cells at about 70% confluence are treated with trypsin; thecells are then harvested and either frozen or divided for further proliferation (see below “Routine Subculture of adherent cell lines”). For dishes with non-confluent cells the medium is discarded and replaced with fresh medium:Primary fibroblast culture from human skin biopsy_______________________________________________________________________7 ml for 100 mm Petri dishes5 ml for 60 mm Petri dishes5 ml for 25 cm2 flasks.3.Medium has to be changed three times a week, usually Mondays, Wednesdaysand Fridays.NB: When introducing medium to flasks, a new sterile pipette must be used for each flask; when changing medium in Petri dishes, one pipette may be used for 2 or 3 dishes if the cell line is the same, but the tip must be flamed at each passage.Lids of flasks containing cells must be slightly unscrewed after being placed in the CO2 incubator.ROUTINE SUBCULTURE OF ADHERENT CELL LINES Subculturing requires prior rupture of intercellular and cell-to-substrate connections using proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin. After the cells have been dissociated into a suspension of mainly single cells, they are diluted and transferred to new culture dishes containing fresh medium or to cryotubes containing freezing medium.How often a cell line is subcultured depends on its growth properties which are determined by observation of cell growth under the microscope, and by counting. Equipment and Materials•Laminar flow hood•CO2 incubator•Proliferating medium (BME fibroblast medium)•PBS•Trypsin-EDTA solution 1X•Petri dishes 100 mm•Inverted microscopeProcedureThaw trypsin at 37°C and allow PBS and proliferating medium to reach room temperature. Flask cultures containing tissue fragments:ing a sterile pipette remove medium from flask and replace with 5 ml PBS inorder to eliminate serum residue that could inactivate the trypsin.2.After a few minutes remove PBS (pipette) and add 1 ml trypsin3.Place flask in incubator at 37°C for 3-5 minutes4.Observe the cells under the microscope: if they are seen to be rounded, they aredetached, if most are not rounded, leave the suspension in the incubator for a further minute or two (until rounded).5.Add 5 ml or more of proliferating medium (add volume equal to or more than thatof volume of trypsin) to inhibit enzyme activity.e the tip of the pipette (or gently pipette up and down) to detach cells from thebottom of the flask, but be careful not to touch, or detach, the tissue fragments.7.Transfer the cells (pipette) to a 100 mm Petri dish containing 7 ml of proliferatingmedium. Write the date, number of passages, and cell line code on the Petri dish lid and place in incubator.Primary fibroblast culture from human skin biopsy_______________________________________________________________________8.The initial flask (treated with trypsin) is refilled with proliferating medium andplaced in incubator with cap slightly unscrewed.Petri dish cultures:1.Remove medium from Petri dish and add PBS (7 ml to 100 mm Petri dish, 4 ml to60 mm Petri dish)2.After a few minutes, remove PBS and add trypsin (1 ml to 100 mm dishes, 0.5 mlto 60 mm dishes)3.Place in incubator at 37°C for 3-5 minutes.4.Check under the microscope that cells have detached and proceed astrypsinization of flask cultures (above)5.Add proliferating medium (volume equal to or greater than volume of trypsinadded) in order to inhibit trypsin activity.6.Mechanically detach cells from dish surface with the help of a pipette tip, thengently pipette the cell suspension up and down so as to obtain a suspension of individual cells.7.Dispense appropriate aliquots of the cell suspension to new 100 mm Petri dishesand add 6 ml of growth medium:bel each new dish with cell line code, date and passage number. Place thedishes in the CO2 incubator at 37°C.9.The following day, check under the microscope that the cells have reattached andare growing.。