自考现代英语语法学习笔记 第一章 绪论

自考英语专业综合英语笔记上册(第一课)自考英语专业综合英语笔记上册(第一课)The time message1.Time is tricky,It is difficult to control and easy to waste.When you look ahead,you think you have more time than you need.*sth.is+difficult/easy to do:表示某事难可容易....例:The book is diffiult to understand.这本书很难看懂。
*look ahead:一表示向前看,二表示展望未来。
2.For example, at the beginning of a semester,you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands. But toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out.You don't have enough time to cover all your duties,so you get worried.What is the answer?Control!*plenty of:大量*have time on one's hands:有许多时间*towards the end of...:即将结束时*run out of:用完3.Time is dangerouse.If yo u don’t control it,it will control you. If you don’t make it work for you,it will work against you.*If you don’t make it work for you...此处动词make的句型是make+宾语+不带to的不定式,表示“使...做某事”。

自考“英语(一)”课堂听课笔记第一章(2)This is an incomplete sentence, please add the omitted part and make it complete.〔这是一个不完整的句子,请加上省略的成分使其完整。
〕I don’t think I can complete the work in 2 hours. 〔我想我在两小时内干不完这活。
〕15. purpose n. 目的,意图,用途purposeful adj. 有目的的,有意图的purposefully adv. 有目的地,蓄意地The purpose of the meeting was to discuss his proposal.〔会议的目的是讨论他的建议。
〕He let out the information purposefully to you.〔他有意向你透露了这个消息。
〕16. regularly adv. 经常地,按期地regular adj. 经常的,按期的irregular adj. 不规则的,无规律的If you review your lessons regularly, you will do well on tests.〔如果你按期复习功课,就能在考试中取得好成绩。
〕17. technique n. 技术,技巧,手艺Good study techniques help him to be one of the straight A students in his class.〔良好的学习技巧使他成为班上的全优生之一。
〕18. outline v.& n. 概括;大纲,提纲;轮廓He listened carefully as I outlined my reasons.〔在我简述我的原因时,他认真地听着。
〕The English teacher asked us to write a brief outline of the story.〔英语老师让我们写这篇故事的概要。

可数名词复数变化规则:词尾字母情况变化方法例词一般情况加-sbird-birds, desk-desks,hand-handslake-lakes以ch , sh , s, x ,z加-eschurch-churches, dish-dishesclass-classesbox-boxes,quiz-quizzes辅音字母+y变y为i在加esfamily-families,baby- babiescountry-countries以o结尾加-estomato-tomatoes,potato-potatoes hero-heroes,volcano-volcanoes以f或fe结尾变f或者fe为v加esThief-thieves, wife-wives,half-halvesleaf-leaves,Knife-knives,wolf-wolves,self-selves注:a.以元音字母+y结尾的名词,直接加-s, 如:play-plays, boy-boysb.以o结尾的名词,直接加-s,如:photo-photos, bamboo-bamboosc.以f 或者fe结尾,直接加-s,如:belief-beliefs, cliff-cliffs2.冠词article冠词有不定冠词(a, an) 和定冠词(the) 不定冠词用来修饰可数名词单数,表示一个,一件….,the 可以与可数名词连用,也可以与不成数名词连用,表特指。
A用在辅音(音素)开头的可数名词单数前边,an 用于元音(音素非字母)开头的可数名词单数前面。

自考现代英语语法重点(总24页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除Chapter 1 The Structureof the English Sentence(第一章绪论)一、难点、重点1.Present the grammatical units that form a hierarchical order.(指出构成层次结构的语法单位.)英语句子的结构层次是:分句(clauses)、词组(phrases)、单词(words),图示如下:高级层次句子(由一个或多个分句组成)分句(由一个或多个词组组成)词组(由一个或多个词组成)低级层次词如果从语义的角度来考虑,单词以下还可再分为词素(morphemes);句子以上还有更大的语言单位,即把句子按一定逻辑规则组织起来的语篇。
所以,从超语法的角度来看,语法层次结构可以如下图所示:高级层次语篇(由广个或多个句子组成)句子(由一个或多个分句组成)分句(由一个或多个扣组组成)词组(由一个或多个词组成)词(由一个或多个词素组成)低级层次词素2. Morphemes词素 (Terms: morpheme, morph, allomorph, free morpheme and bound morpheme)(注:此部分内容的学习可以借鉴‘词汇学’的相关内容,然而必须注意两门课程描述的不同点。

Unit1 4. They need hundreds of hours of study and practice, and even this will not guarantee success for every adult language learner. 注意句中hundreds of hours的⽤法,阅读课本第六页注解2. 请翻译下⾯的词组: 1)⼗个学⽣ ten students 数⼗个学⽣ tens of students 2)五百年 five hundred years 数百年 hundreds of years 3)两千年 two thousand years 数千年 thousands of years 4)三百万美元 three million dollars 数百万美元 millions of dollars 5. Language learning is different from other kinds of learning. 句中be different from 意为“与…不同”,如:My opinion is different from yours.(我的观点与你的观点不同。
) 请注意下⾯三个句⼦中所⽤的词组: Man is different from all the other animals in his ability to learn and use a language. Man differs from all the other animals in his ability to learn and use a language. The greatest difference between man and all the other animals is his ability to learn and use a language. 从上⾯的句⼦中可以看出differ是动词,different 是形容词,difference是名词。
现代英语语法第一章讲解 自考本科段

Chapter One---An Overview 第一章概述Chapter Outline 章节大纲1.0 Introduction 介绍1.1 English Grammars 英语语法1.2 Terminology 术语1.3 Morphemes 词素1.4 Words 单词1.5 Phrase(NP,VP,AP,AdvP, PP) 短语1.6 Clauses(Subject and Predicate; Clause patterns) 分句(主语和谓语;分句类型)1.7 Sentences(Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences, Statements, Commands, Questions and Exclamations)句子(简单句,复合句和复杂句,陈述句,祈使句,问句和感叹句)1.8 The Text 文章1.9 Summary总结1.0 IntroductionDe Montaigne states” the greater part of this world’s troubles are due to the questions of grammar”德蒙田说:“世界上大部分的麻烦都是由于语法问题造成的。
”2 tasks in this Chapter: 本章任务A.English grammar: a historically overview 英语语法:历史概述B.Grammar terminologies: revision and explanation B、语法术语:修订与解释1.1English grammars 英语语法16th century: Starting 16世纪:起始William Bullokar(1586) Bref Grammar for English 威廉布洛卡(1586)英语语法简介19th century: Developing 19世纪:发展900 related books published: 出版900本相关书籍The People’s grammar: English Grammar Difficulties for the Million(Shelley, 1848)《人民的语法:百万人的英语语法困难》(雪莱,1848)A grammar of the English Language : In a series of Letters( Cobbett, 1948)英语语法:在一系列字母中(科贝特,1948)概念:The body of rules that describe the structure of expressions in the English language.描述英语表达结构的规则体。

自考现代英语语法重点一、基本句子成分1. 主语(Subject)主语是句子中进行动作或者是被描述的对象,通常是名词、代词、不定式或者从句。
主语用来回答“Who/What + 谓语动词”。
2. 谓语(Predicate)谓语是句子中执行动作或者是对主语进行描述的部分。
3. 宾语(Object)宾语是动作的承受者,是句子中动作的对象。
4. 定语(Adjective)定语用来修饰名词或代词,提供更多的描述信息。
5. 状语(Adverb)状语用来修改动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,提供关于时间、地点、方式、原因等方面的信息。
6. 表语(Predicate Nominative)表语是指位于系动词之后,对主语进行补充说明、描述其身份、属性、状态等的一部分。
7. 同位语(Appositive)同位语用来进一步解释或说明前面的名词或代词,放在被解释的名词或代词的旁边。
8. 补语(Complement)补语用来补充或完善动词、名词、形容词等的意义,通常放在被补充词的后面。
二、句子结构1. 简单句(Simple Sentence)简单句是由一个主语和一个谓语构成的句子。
2. 并列句(Compound Sentence)并列句是由两个或多个简单句通过连词(如and、but、or、for等)连接而成的句子。
3. 复合句(Complex Sentence)复合句由一个主句和一个或多个从句构成。
4. 复合并列句(Compound-Complex Sentence)复合并列句是由两个或多个主句和一个或多个从句构成的句子。
三、动词形式1. 一般现在时(Simple Present)一般现在时用来表示经常性的动作、事实或习惯。

2021 年自考?英语〔一〕?课堂笔记:unit1Text A How to be a successful language learner?本课主要单词1. successful adj. 成功的He is a successful writer. ( 他是一个有成就的作家。
)He hopes he will be successful this time. ( 他希望他这次能够成功。
)success n. 成功Their film is a great success.( 他们的影片很成功。
)We are sure of success. ( 我们一定能成功。
)succeed v. 成功I succeeded in getting the job. ( 我成功地得到了这份工作。
)She succeeded in passing the exam. (她考试及格了。
)2. adult adj. & n. 成年的,成熟的; 成年人These adult films are not suitable for children.(这些******** ,儿童不宜观看。
)Don''t worry too much about him,he is an adult now.( 别为他过度担忧,他是成年人了。
)3.disagree vi.有分歧,不同意;不符,不一致agree vi.同意I disagree with you about this.〔对于这件事,我跟你的意见不同。
〕These figures disagree with last week''s results.(这些数据与上周的结果不符。
)I agree with what you said. ( 我同意你所说的。
)She agreed to the plan.( 她赞成这个方案。
)We haven''t agreed on the date of the meeting.( 我们还没商定会议的日期。

1.3.3 The adjective phrase 形容词+前置或后置修饰语
1.3.4 The adverb phrase 修饰语+副词 1.3.5 The prepositional phrase A typical prepositional phrase is a noun phrase which is the complement preceded by a preposition which is the head word. 介词+动词词组
Marginal classes 边缘类
1.2.2 Word formation 构词
Five approaches of word formation: Affixation 词缀法: 通过加词缀改变词的意义 Composition 复合法:两个或两个以上独立的词构成一 个复合词。 Conversion 转化法:某一个单词未经添加词缀就由一个 词类转化成另一词类。 Blending 拼缀法:对两个单词进行裁剪,掐头去尾,然 后把两个不完整的部分拼合成一个词。 Back-formation 逆生法: Shortening 缩略法:把一些较长的多音节单词裁剪为较 短的通常为单音节的词。 Acronyms 首字母缩略法:首字母缩略而成的词。
Affixation 词缀法
Formation of a word by means of an affix (词缀). Affix generally includes prefixes (前缀) and suffixes (后缀). A prefix is attached before a base and a suffix after a base. The differences between a root, a stem and a base. (exercise 3.) A root is that part of a word that remains when all affixes have been removed. A stem has to do with inflectional features and is the part that remains when all inflectional affixes (曲折词缀) have been removed. A base is any form to which affixes of any kind can be added.

它很好地结合了传统语法与当代英语语法的重要科研成果,力求从词素(morpheme )、词(word )、词组(phrase )、分句(clause )、句子(sen-tence )乃至语篇(text )对英语这种语言的结构、组织规律作一个科学、系统的总结,旨在帮助参加全国高等教育自学考试的学生较为系统地了解英语语法的各个层次,改善英语运用的规范性,较为准确、有效地用英语沟通信息和表情达意,更好地认识当代英语语法的发展及其与传统语法(traditional grammar )的诸多不同,为参加本课程考试打下基础。

自考英语(一)复习资料第一章(4)2. 物主代词:物主代词分为形容词性的物主代词和名词性的物主代词。
如:This is your book.. Mine is on the desk. 这是你的书,我的在桌子上。
(mine=my book)3.反身代词:第一人称第二人称第三人称单数myselfYourselfHimselfHerselfItself复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves4.彼此代词:each other, one another5. 指示代词是用来指示人或事物的代词,如:this, these, that, those.如:We have no water .That’s our trouble.我们没有水了。
注:指示代词this, that可在句中作状语,表示程度,相当于so .如:He said he couldn’t walk that far.6.疑问代词who’s the girl in red?7.关系代词He’s a professor who has lived here for 10 years.8 .不定代词:1).复合不定代词由every, some, any, no与-one,-body,-thing构成的代词。
指人指人指物everyone everybody everythingsomeone somebody somethinganyone anybody anythingno one nobody nothing所有的不定代词都当作单数对待。
课文内容Chapter 1 The Structure of the EnglishSentence一、复习建议本章是全书的绪论,简明扼要地介绍了本书所涉及的内容,目的是使学员对语法有个总的了解,为后面学习各章节打好基础。
二、本章重要知识点【例题】1. What is the difference between a simple verb phrase and a complex verb phrase? (P16)本题的关键在于对简单动词和复杂动词区别的理解记忆。
【答案】The difference is that the formergoes without auxiliaries and the latter goeswith it.【例题】2. Distinguish root, stem, and baseas morphological terms. 词根、词干、词基作为形态学术语的区别(P8)【答案】A root is that part of a word thatremains when all affixes have been removed.(e.g. force in enforce and touch inuntouchables). A root is not furtheranalyzable in morphological terms. A stemhas to do with inflectional features and is thepart that remains when all inflectionalaffixes have been removed. (e.g. chair inchairs, work in worked). A base is any formto which affixes of any kind can be added(e.g. touch in touchable, touchable inuntouchable, and untouchable inuntouchables). 去掉所有词缀剩余的那一部分叫词根。

自考英语(一)复习资料第一章(5)3)多音节词三个或更多音节的词都是在其前加more和the most构成比力级和最高级的。
如:interesting- more interesting- the most interesting4) 特殊形式的比力级和最高级:英文中有些形容词的比力级和最高级的变化是不规则的。
例如:He can’t walk fast.1.副词比力级最高级的构成1)单音节及少数双音节的词在词为加-er和-est 构成比力级和最高级。
如:hard- harder-hardestfast-faster-fastest2)大多数副词是在原形前面加more构成比力级,加most构成最高级,副词的最高级前可以加定冠词the,也可以不加。
如:quickly-more quickly-most quicklycarefully-more carefully-most carefully3) 不规则的变化well-better-bestbadly-worse-worstl ittle-less-least7.动词v动词有实意动词,系动词,情态动词和助动词几大类。
第四部分:巩固练习1.Word spelling将下列汉语单词译成英语。

如:词素(morphemes),词缀法(affixation), 修饰性状语(adjunct) ,评注性状语(disjunct)等。
如:(1)Morpheme(p4): A morpheme is the minimal distinctive grammatical unit, and is the lowest unit in grammatical hierarchy. Morphemes are actually abstract elements of analysis. What occurs is an orthographic form in writing termed “morph” which realizes the morpheme.(词素是语法的最小区别性单位,即最低一级的语法单位.词素的语音或拼写法的体现叫形素.词素是抽象的形式成分,在不同的环境中由若干不同的形素来体现) (2)Mass nouns(p57): Those nouns that can not take plural forms are mass nouns, such as butter, cheese, homework music, etc. (没有复数形式的名词叫物质名词)四.在理解的基础上,熟记教材上的例句。
例如:在全国2003年4月高等教育自学考试英语语法试题第Ⅱ. 多项选择填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)中,几乎所有的题目均能从书中找出:Fill in the blanks with one of the items given below:21. bank, bunch, congregation, pack, series(P65)A. a _____ of musiciansB. a___ of lectures22. board, bunch, choir, packet, party(P66)A. a ______ of guestsB. a______ of keys23. is, are, was, were, will be, shall be(P344)Some money _____ carried to the spot and all the food and everything else _____ ready for the picnic.24. seem, seems, me, I, mine(P59)Your politics _____ to be entirely different from _____.25. less, less of, than, as, like(P237)Mr. Smith is _____ a politician ______ Mr. Lee.26. more of, many of, much of, than, as, like(P236)John is as _____ a fool _____ Bill.27. be, is, was, are, were, will be, shall beA. That she is still alive ______ sheer luck.B. Neither his oral statement nor what he wrote _____ true.28. have, has, had, will have, shall have(P346)A. She is the only one of her family who ______ trouble making up the mind.B. This is the only family in the community who ____ different opinions while making up the mind.五.每一章后面设计的练习题也非常重要,学员要做到每一题都能够理解,作答正确。

自考现代语言学每章要点总结第一章绪论1/ What is linguistics?什么是语言学?Linguistics?is generally defined as the scientific study of language. It studies not any particular language, but languages in general.2/ The scope of linguistics语言学的研究范畴The study of language as a whole is often called?general linguistics. 普通语言学The study of sounds, which are used in linguistic communication, is called?phonetics. (语音学)?The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called?phonology. (音系学)?The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words are called?morphology. (形态学)?The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called?syntax. (句法学)?The study of meaning in language is called?semantics. (语义学)?The study of meaning in context of use is called?pragmatics. (语用学)?The study of language with reference to society is called?socio-linguistics. (社会语言学)?The study of language with reference to the working of mind is called psycho-linguistics. (心理语言学)The study of applications as the recovery of speech ability is generally known as?applied linguistics. (应用语言学)But in a narrow sense, applied linguistics refers to the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning, especially the teaching of foreign and second language.Other related branches include?anthropological linguistics, (人类语言学)?neurological linguistics, (神经语言学)?mathematical linguistics, (数字语言学)and?computational linguistics. (计算机语言学)3/ Some important distinctions in linguistics语言学研究中的几对基本概念Prescriptive and descriptive描写与规定If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be?descriptive, if it aims to lay down rules to tell people what they should say and what they should not say, it is said to be?prescriptive.Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar.Traditional grammar is prescriptive while modern linguistics is descriptive.The task of linguists is supposed to describe the language people actually use, whether it is “correct” or not.Synchronic and diachronic共时和历时The description of a language at some point in time is a?synchronic study; the description of a language as it changes through time is a?diachronic study. In modern linguistics, synchronic study is more important.Speech and writing口头语与书面语Speech and writing are the two major media of communication.?Modern linguistics regards the spoken form of language as primary, but not the written form.?Reasons:1. Speech precedes writing;2. There are still many languages that have only the spoken form;3. In terms of function, the spoken language is used for a wider range of purposes than the written, and carries a larger load of communication than the written.Langue and parole [p?'r?ul]语言和言语The Swiss linguist F. de Saussure made the distinction between langue and parole early 20th?century.Langue?refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and?parole?refers to the realization of langue in actual use.Saussure made the distinction in order to single out one aspect of language for serious study. He believes what linguists should do is to abstract langue from parole, to discover the regularities governing the actual use of language and make them the subjects of study of linguistics.语言能力和语言运用Competence and performanceProposed by American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950’s.He defines?competence?as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language, and?performance?the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. He believes the task of the linguists is to discover and specify the language rules.?4/ What is language?语言的定义Language?is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.Sapir,Edward uses “ideas” “emotions” and “desires” in his definition.Hall, like Sapir, treats language as a purely human institution.Chomsky’s definition is quite different, it focus on the purely structural。

现代英语语法0831 现代英语语法作者李基安出版社外语教学与研究出版社目录:Chapter 1 The Structure of the English Sentence 1.0 Introduction1.1 Morphemes1.2 Words1.2.1 Word classes1.2.2 Word-formationa. Affixationb. Compositionc. Conversiond. Blendinge. Back-formationf. Shorteningg. Acronyms1.3 Phrases1.3.1 The noun phrase1.3.2 The verb phrase1.3.3 The adjective phrase1.3.4 The adverb phrase1.3.5 The prepositional phrase1.4 Clauses1.4.1 Subject and predicate1.4.2 Clause patterns1.4.3 Functions1.5 Sentences1.5.1 Simple, compound and complex sentences1.5.2 Statements, commands, questions and exclamations 1.6 The text1.7 ExercisesChapter 2 Sentence Types2.0 Introduction2.1 Statements2.1.1 Assertion vs. non-assertion2.1.2 Negationa. Choice of negative wordsb. Scope of negationc. Transferred negation2.1.3 Other functions of statements2.2 Questions2.2.1 YES-NO questions2.2.2 WH-questions2.2.3 Alternative questions2.2.4 Tag questionsa. Forms and meaningsb. Irregular question tags2.3 Commands2.4 Exclamations2.4.1 WHAT-exclamations2.4.2 HOW-exclamations2.5 ExercisesChapter 3 Noun and Noun Phrase (1): Noun and Number 3.0 Introduction3.1 Noun classes3.2 Number3.2.1 Singular invariablesa. Proper nounsb. Mass nouns3.2.2 Plural invariables3.2.3 Irregular pluralsa. Irregular spelling/pronunciationb. Zero pluralsc. Foreign pluralsd. Plural compoundse. Plural of letters, numerals, abbreviations, etc.3.3 Unit nouns3.3.1 Unit nouns listed in alphabetical order3.3.2 Unit nouns classified3.4 ExercisesChapter 4 Noun and Noun Phrase (2): Determiner and Genitive4.1 Determiners4.1.1 Functions of determiners4.1.2 Co-occurrence of determiners4.1.3 Usage of some determinersa. all and wholeb. all and bothc. all, every and eachd. both, each and eithere. any, either, no (none) and neither4.1.4 Articlesa. Pronunciationb. Generic reference vs. specific referencec. Indefinite article a (n)d. Definite article the4.2 Genitives4.2.1 Forms of genitive4.2.2 Genitive vs. of-phrasea. Genitiveb. Of-phrasec. Genitive and of-phrase4.2.3 Group genitive4.2.4 Local genitive4.2.5 Double genitive4.3 ExercisesChapter 5 Verb and Verb Phrase (1): Tense, Aspect and Future 5.0 Introduction5.0.1 Classification of verbs5.0.2 System of two tenses and two aspects5.1 Tense5.1.1 Simple presenta. Simple present referring to the presentb. Simple present referring to the pastc. Simple present referring to the future5.1.2 Simple pasta. Simple past referring to the pastb. Simple past referring to the presentc. Simple past referring to the future5.2 Aspect5.2.1 Present progressivea. Present progressive referring to the presentb. Present progressive referring to the pastc. Present progressive referring to the futured. Progressive verbs and non-progressive verbs5.2.2 Past progressivea. Past progressive referring to the pastb. Past progressive referring to the present or the future5.2.3 Present perfect and present perfect progressivea. Present perfect referring to a state, a habit or an eventb. Present perfect vs. simple pastc. Finished/unfinished use and present perfect progressived. Adverbials and constructions associated with present perfect5.2.4 Past perfect and past perfect progressivea. Finished/unfinished use and past perfect progressiveb. Hypothetical use of past perfect5.3 Future5.3.1 Will/shall do sth. (see 7.2 for more details)5.3.2 Be going to do sth.5.3.3 Present progressive5.3.4 Simple present5.3.5 Other constructions expressing future timea. Will/(shall) be doing sth.b. Be about to do sth.c. Be to do sth.5.4 ExercisesChapter 6 Verb and Verb Phrase (2): Passive Voice and Subjunctive Mood 6.0 Introduction6.1 Passive voice6.1.1 Be-passive, get-passive and pseudo-passive6.1.2 Voice constraintsa. Grammatical constraintsb. Semantic constraintsc. Stylistic constraints6.1.3 By-phrase6.1.4 Passive voice of multi-word verbsa. Verb + prepositionb. Verb + particlec. Verb + particle + prepositiond. Verb + noun phrase + preposition6.1.5 Passive voice of non-finite verbs6.2 Subjunctive mood6.2.1 Be-subjunctivea. Formulaic be-subjunctiveb. Mandative be-subjunctivec. Other uses of be-subjunctive6.2.2 Were-subjunctive6.3 ExercisesChapter 7 Verb and Verb Phrase (3): Modal Auxiliaries 7.0 Introduction7.1 Can and may7.1.1 Can/could7.1.2 May/might7.1.3 Can vs. may7.2 Will and shall7.2.1 Will/would(’ll/’d)7.2.2 Shall/(should)7.3 Should and ought to7.3.1 Should7.3.2 Ought to7.3.3 Should vs. ought to7.4 Must, need and have (got) to7.4.1 Must7.4.2 Need7.4.3 Have (got) to7.5 Dare7.6 ExercisesChapter 8 Verb and Verb Phrase (4): Non-finite Verbs 8.0 Introduction8.1 Infinitive8.1.1 Bare infinitivea. Aux + verbb. Idiomatic verb constructionsc. Rather/sooner thand. Doe. Why8.1.2 To-infinitivea. Verb + infinitiveb. Verb + object + infinitivec. Verb + (object) + infinitive8.1.3 Other uses of infinitive8.2 -ing participle8.2.1 Object to verb8.2.2 Logical subject8.2.3 Infinitive of –ing participlea. Begin, cease, continue, startb. Like, love, hatec. Deserve, need, require, wantd. Remember, forget, go one. Mean, regret, tryf. Advise, allow, encourage, permit, recommend8.3 -ed participle8.3.1 -ed participle as a premodifier8.3.2 -ed participle as a complementa. Subject complementb. Object complement8.4 Dangling participle8.5 ExercisesChapter 9 Adjective Phrase and Comparison9.0 Introduction9.1 Syntactic features of adjectives9.1.1 Structure of the adjective phrase9.1.2 Attributive adjectives and predicative adjectivesa. Attributive adjectivesb. Predicative adjectives9.2 Semantic classification of adjectives9.2.1 Stative adjectives vs. dynamic adjectives9.2.2 Gradable adjectives vs. non-gradable adjectives 9.2.3 Inherent adjectives vs. non-inherent adjectives 9.2.4 Restrictive adjectives vs. non-restrictive adjectives 9.2.5 Marked adjectives vs. unmarked adjectives9.3 Ordering of premodifying adjectives9.4 Comparison9.4.1 Forms of comparisona. Regular inflectionb. Irregular inflection9.4.2 Usage notesa. Elder and olderb. Farther and furtherc. Less and fewerd. Lessere. Thef. The more...the more...9.4.3 Comparative constructionsa. As...as...b. More...than...c. The most...9.4.4 Ellipsis in comparative sentences9.4.5 Other expressions of comparison9.5 ExercisesChapter 10 Preposition and Prepositional Phrase10.0 Introduction10.1 Forms of prepositions10.1.1 Simple prepositions10.1.2 Complex prepositions10.2 Meanings of prepositions10.2.1 Prepositions relating to Placea. At, on and inb. Over, above, under and belowc. Between and amongd. Aboard the ship, etc.e. From above, etc.10.2.2 Prepositions relation to timea. At, on and inb. Time expressions without prepositions10.2.3 Prepositions denoting other relations10.3 Collocations of prepositions with verbs, adjectives and nouns 10.4 ExercisesChapter 11 Coordination and Subordination11.0 Introduction11.1 Coordination11.1.1 Coordinatorsa. And and related coordinatorsb. Or and related coordinatorsc. But and related coordinators11.1.2 Punctuation between coordinated units11.2 Subordination11.2.1 Subordinators11.2.2 Subordinate clausesa. Finite subordinate clausesb. Non-finite and verbless clauses11.2.3 ExerciseChapter 12 Relative Clause12.0 Introduction12.1 Restrictiveness and non-restrictiveness12.2 Antecedent12.2.1 Nominal antecedenta. Antecedent + restrictive relative clauseb. Antecedent + non-restrictive relative clausec. Antecedent + restrictive/non-restrictive relative clause12.2.2 Non-nominal antecedenta. Clause as antecedentb. Verb phrase as antecedentc. Predicative adjective as antecedent12.3 Choice of relative pronouns12.3.1 Relative pronouns in restrictive relative clausesa. Pronouns for personal antecedentsb. Pronouns for non-personal antecedentsc. Relative adverbs12.3.2 Relative pronouns in non-restrictive relative clauses 12.4 Double relative clause12.5 ExercisesChapter 13 Adverbials13.0 Introduction13.1 Adjuncts13.1.1 Time adjunctsa. Types of time adjunctsb. Positions of time adjuncts13.1.2 Place adjunctsa. Types of place adjunctsb. Positions of place adjuncts13.1.3 Proccess adjunctsa. Manner-adjunctsb. Instrument-adjunctsc. Agentive-adjuncts13.1.4 Contingency adjunctsa. Reason-adjunctsb. Result-adjunctsc. Purpose-adjunctsd. Concession-adjunctse. Condition-adjuncts13.1.5 Other adjuncts13.2 Disjuncts13.3 Conjunctsa. Enumeration-conjunctsb. Addition-conjunctsc. Transition-conjunctsd. Summation-conjunctse. Explanation-conjunctsf. Contrast-conjunctsg. Result-conjunctsh. Inference-conjunctsi. Concession-conjuncts13.4 ExercisesChapter 14 Concord14.0 Introduction14.1 Principles of concord14.2 Subject-verb concord14.2.1 Collective nouns as subject14.2.2 Coordinated noun phrases as subject14.2.3 Expressions of quantity as subjecta. Subject with numeralsb. Subject with indefinite quantifiers14.2.4 Nominal clauses as subject14.2.5 Concord in the existential sentence 14.2.6 Concord in the relative clause14.3 Pronoun concord14.4 ExercisesChapter 15 Information structure and Emphasis 15.0 Introduction15.1 Information structure15.1.1 Given and new information15.1.2 Information focus15.2 Postponement15.2.1 Passive voice15.2.2 Extrapositiona. Extraposed clausal subjectb. Extraposed clausal object15.2.3 Discontinuity15.2.4 Other types of postponement15.3 Fronting15.4 Inversion15.4.1 Partial inversion15.4.2 Complete inversion15.5 Cleaving15.5.1 Cleft sentence15.5.2 Pseudo-cleft sentence15.6 Existential sentence15.6.1 Information structure of existential sentence 15.6.2 Grammatical features of existential sentence 15.7 ExercisesChapter 16 Cohesion16.0 Introduction16.1 Reference16.1.1 Reference by pronouns16.1.2 Reference by demonstratives16.1.3 Reference by comparison16.2 Substitution16.2.1 Nominal substitution by one16.2.2 Verbal substitution by do16.2.3 Clausal substitution by so or not16.3 Ellipsis16.3.1 Nominal ellipsis16.3.2 Verbal ellipsis16.3.3 Clausal ellipsis16.4 Other cohesive devices16.4.1 Transition16.4.2 Repetition16.4.3 Parallelism16.5 ExercisesAppendix I Noun + PrepositionAppendix II Preposition + NounAppendix III Verb + PrepositionAppendix IV Adjective + Preposition Bibliography第一部分:引言《现代英语语法》是由李基安先生编写,全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会指定的全国高等教育自学考试教材。
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第一章绪论the structure of English sentence 1.0 introduction -- The grammar unites hierarchy
1.2 Words
1.2.1 Words Class
1.2.2 word formation 构词法
a. Affixation 词缀法List具体见书9-10页
b. Composition 复合法
E.g.: manservant, snowfall, deadline, spotlight, world-famous, before-tax, whenever, whereas…
c. Convention 转化法
Verbs to nouns: love, answer, doubt.
Adj. to verbs: daily(=daily newspaper), final(=final exam)
d. Blending 拼缀法
P+P Motel (Motor + Hotel)
Smog (Smoke + Fog)
Brunch (Breakfast + Lunch)
W+P newscast (News + Broadcast)
Workfare (Work + Welfare)
P+W Medicaid (Medical + Aid)
Medicare (Medical + Care)
e. Back-formation 逆生法
e.g. Housekeep –Housekeeper Babysit – Babysitter
f. Shortening 缩略法
e.g.: Ad (Advertisement) Phone( Telephone) Lab(Laboratory)
g. Acronyms 首字母省略法
e.g.: UFO, FBI, VIP
1.3 Phrases
A phrase consists of one or more that one word, usually a string of words built up around a head word.
类别:Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverb Phrase, Prepositional Phrase 1.3.1 The Noun Phrase 名词词组
My neighbor is a noisy person. (determiner + adj + headword)
1.3.2 The Verb Phase 动词词组
The simple Verb Phrase and Complex Verb Phrase
She bought a book yesterday. (Simple)
I have never seen him before. (Complex)
根据其结构和功能又可分为限定动词词组(finite verb phrase)和非限定动词词组(non-finite verb phrase). 第一个动词为限定动词的词组叫做限定动词词组,主要特征是与主语保持数的一致并有时的标志。
The finite Verb Phrase and The non-finite Verb Phrase
The head word or the first element of a finite verb phrase is a finite verb, which bears the tense marker and sometimes keep in concord with the subject.
EX: She likes coffee.
The non-finite Verb Phrase is a phrase whose first element is a non-finite verb free of the constraints. Including -ing & -ed participle.
EX: I didn't expect you to be here.
1.3.3 The Adjective Phrase 形容词词组
I didn’t find the language difficult to learn. (head word + infinitive)
1.3.4 The Adverb Phrase 副词词组
He doesn’t work very hard indeed. (adv + headword + adv)
1.3.5 The Prepositional Phrase
There are a lot of people in the office. (headword + noun phrase)
1.4 Clause 分句
1.4.2 Clause Patterns Seven Clause Patterns:
SV: Subject + Verb I run.
SVC: Subject + verb + Complement I run fast.
SVO: Subject + Verb + Objective I read a book
SVOO: Subject + Verb+ Objective + Objective I give her a book.
SVOC: Subject + Verb + Objective + Complement I find the book interesting. SVA: Subject + Verb +Adverbial I live in Shanghai
SVOA: Subject + Verb +Objective +Adverbial I put my cloth into the closet.
1.5 Sentence
Simple Sentence: Contains one clause.
Compound Sentence: Contains more the one clause, the clauses related to one another by coordination.并列
Complex Sentence: Contains more the one clause, the clauses related to one another by subordination. 从属。