瑞斯康达工业以太网交换机Gazelle S1020i 市场宣传彩页




EPS6028E 24FE+4GE电力专用工业以太网交换机产品概述EPS6028E电力专用工业以太网交换机是面向智能变电站应用而开发的高性能、高可靠和高安全的工业级网络交换设备。

它充分考虑了变电站的严酷工作环境和网络通信需求,采用了电信级以太网、硬件时间戳、QOS、智能内容识别等先进技术,使得智能变电站通信系统更加可靠,有效地抵御DOS攻击,保证GOOSE 报文优先转发,实现网络精确同步时间传输。

特点与优势⏹具备先进的网络交换性能,实现低延时、全线速交换和零丢包⏹采用模块化设计,光电接口自由选择,最多可支持24FE+4GE⏹支持自愈时间小于50毫秒的RFC3619 EAPS电信级以太网自愈协议,支持生成树和快速生成树算法⏹具有完善的QOS保证机制,保证GOOSE报文优先转发⏹支持IGMP SNOOPING和静态多播报文过滤⏹支持基于端口、MAC地址和IP地址的VLAN⏹支持端口汇聚、统计和镜像⏹先进的智能内容识别技术,保证GOOSE报文优先转发⏹支持端口速率限制和广播风暴抑制⏹具备先进的DOS攻击防御能力,支持多级用户管理、IEEE802.1X认证和端口MAC地址绑定⏹支持IEEE 1588 V2 END-TO-END 和 PEER-TO-PEER,实现精确网络时间传递⏹完善的网络管理方式,包括:CLI、Telnet、Web和综合网管系统⏹具有高达4级的电磁兼容性能⏹支持继电器和短信等多种方式的告警⏹110V-220V宽电压范围交直流冗余供电产品规格●技术标准⏹IEEE 802.3-10BaseT⏹IEEE 802.3u-100BaseTX, 100BaseFX⏹IEEE 802.3x-Flow Control⏹IEEE 802.3z-1000BaseLX⏹IEEE 802.3ab-1000BaseTX⏹IEEE 802.3ad-Link Aggregation⏹IEEE 802.1D-MAC Bridges⏹IEEE 802.1D-Spanning Tree Protocol⏹IEEE 802.1p-Class of Service⏹IEEE 802.1Q-VLAN Tagging⏹IEEE 802.1w-Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol⏹IEEE 802.1x-Port Based Network Access Control●交换性能⏹交换机制: 存储转发⏹最大交换延迟: 8 us⏹交换带宽: 12.8 Gbps⏹MAC地址: 16K⏹优先级队列: 8⏹帧缓冲容量: 4 Mb⏹VLAN数目: 4096⏹IGMP 多播组: 256⏹速率限制粒度:64K⏹线头阻塞(HOL):无⏹端口汇聚组数量:16⏹同时镜像端口:8●电磁兼容性能标准:⏹IEC61850-3 变电站通信网络和系统⏹IEEE 1613 电力配电站中通信网络设备的环境及测试要求电磁兼容性能:⏹IEC 61000-4-2 静电放电抗扰度等级4⏹IEC 61000-4-3 辐射电磁场抗扰度等级3⏹IEC 61000-4-4 电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度等级4⏹IEC 61000-4-5 浪涌(冲击)抗扰度等级4⏹IEC 61000-4-6 射频场感应的传导骚扰抗扰度等级3⏹IEC 61000-4-8 工频磁场抗扰度等级5⏹IEC 61000-4-12 阻尼振荡波抗扰度等级3⏹IEC 61000-4-29 直流电源暂降、暂时中断抗扰度⏹IEC 61000-4-17 直流电源输入端口纹波抗扰度等级2⏹GB/T 9254-1998 无线电骚扰●接口⏹出线方式:后出线⏹快速以太网:3个插槽,每个插槽支持8个端口,光电可选.⏹千兆以太网:提供4个1000base-T(X)的电口或者4个SFP插槽.⏹CONSOLE口:RS232,RJ45.⏹告警端口:3.81间距接线端子,250VAC/220VDC@2A●线缆⏹双绞线: 0-100m.⏹多模光纤:1310nm,0-5Km(百兆);1310nm,0-2Km(千兆).⏹单模光纤:1310nm, 0-40km;1550nm, 0-80km.●电源⏹输入电压:110-220VDC/VAC,冗余输入.⏹接入端子: 10-pin接线端子.⏹功率:<40W.●机械特性⏹机箱:镀锌板结构,无风扇⏹防护等级:IP30⏹安装方式:19英寸1U机架式⏹机壳尺寸:482.6 mm×44 mm×356 mm (W×H×D)⏹冲击,振动,跌落:满足IEC61850-3 5.5 CM等级⏹重量:10kg.EPS6028E电力专用以太网交换机机械尺寸图(单位:mm)●环境⏹存储温度:-40℃至+85℃⏹工作温度:-40℃至+85℃⏹相对湿度:5%至95%无凝结●MTBF:100000小时●保修期:5年订购信息产品订购型号为:EPS6028E-S1-S2-S3-S4-PS1-PS2-TS1 S2 S3 S4 PS1 PS2●PS1和PS2:电源模块⏹24 =24VDC (9-36VDC)⏹48 =48VDC (36-72VDC)⏹WV =90-260V交直流宽压电源⏹XX =空●S1,S2,S3:快速以太网模块⏹XXXX =空⏹8TX =8 x 10/100Tx RJ45⏹6SXST =6 x 100BaseFX,多模,1310nm,ST,5km⏹6LXST =6 x 100BaseFX,单模,1310nm,ST,15km⏹6LHST =6 x 100BaseFX,单模,1310nm,ST,40km⏹6ZXST =6 x 100BaseFX,单模,1550nm,ST,80km⏹8TX/PTP =8 x 10/100Tx RJ45, IEEE 1588 PTP⏹6SXST/PTP =6 x 100BaseFX,多模,1310nm,ST,5km, IEEE 1588 PTP6LXST/PTP =6 x 100BaseFX,单模,1310nm,ST,15km, IEEE 1588 PTP6LHST/PTP =6 x 100BaseFX,单模,1310nm,ST,40km, IEEE1588 PTP6ZXST/PTP =6 x 100BaseFX,单模,1550nm,ST,80km, IEEE1588 PTP●S4:千兆以太网模块⏹XXXX =空⏹4GTX =4 x 10/100/1000 Tx RJ45⏹4GSX =4 x 1000BaseFX,多模,850nm,LC,SFP,550m⏹4GLX =4 x 1000BaseFX,单模,1310nm,LC,SFP,15km⏹4GLH =4 x 1000BaseFX,单模,1310nm,LC,SFP,40km⏹4GZX =4 x 1000BaseFX,单模,1550nm,LC,SFP,80km●T:工作温度⏹Ⅰ= -40°C~+85°C;⏹ C = 0°C~+60°C;。



TXP 系统与 EDPFNT+ 系统网络架构的差异摘要:宁海电厂1至4号机组DCS采用西门子TXP系统,已经运行接近15年,设备老旧、备件缺失,为了保障机组的安全运行以及为响应集团公司号召,现对1期600MW机组进行国产化改造,改造后DCS为国电智深EDPFNT+系统。


关键词:(TXP系统、EDPFNT+系统、网络架构)Abstract: The DCS of Ninghai Power Plant no. 1 to 4 unit adopts Siemens TXP system, which has been running for nearly 15 years. The equipment is old and spare parts are lost. In order to ensure the safe operation of the unit and in response to the call of the Group company, the local transformation of phase 1 600MW unit is carried out now.This paper analyzes the network structure of TXP system and EDPFNT+ system, and compares their differences, advantages and disadvantages.Keywords :(TXP system, EDPFNT+ system, network architecture)0 引言宁海电厂1号机DCS国产化改造已经完成,由于宁海电厂6台机组DCS系统一直采用西门子的TXP/T3000系统,其网络架构与国电智深EDPFNT+系统有较大不同,热工人员在使用及维护过程中可能因不熟悉而造成安全隐患。

Gazelle S2028i(A) 模块化网管型二层工业以太网交换机 文档指南(Rel_03)

Gazelle S2028i(A) 模块化网管型二层工业以太网交换机 文档指南(Rel_03)

瑞斯康达 Gazelle S2028i(A)文档指南
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网络规划工程师 硬件安装工程师 安装调测工程师 现场维护工程师 网络监控工程师 系统维护工程师 数据配置工程师
瑞斯康达 Gazelle S2028i(A)文档指南
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网络规划工程师 网络规划工程师主要负责网络的规划与设计。
硬件安装工程师 硬件安装工程师主要负责设备的硬件安装。
安装调测工程师 安装调测工程师主要负责已安装好的设备调测。确认设备达到 可使用状态。

华为 S5720-EI交换机 详版彩页

华为 S5720-EI交换机 详版彩页


该系列交换机基于新一代高性能处理器和华为公司统一的VRP(Versatile Routing Platform)软件平台,提供更大的表项规格,更高的硬件处理能力,可集成无线控制器功能,可扩展支持MACSec功能,具备更加完善的业务处理能力,增强的安全控制,灵活的以太组网,成熟的IPv6特性,智能iStack堆叠,方便的运行维护等特点。


12S5720-56C-PWR-EI-AC S5720-56C-PWR-EI-AC1•48个10/100/1000Base-T以太网端口,4个万兆SFP+•一个扩展子卡插槽•PoE+•可插拔双电源,默认配置一个AC电源,其中S5720-56C-PWR-EI-AC支持交流或直流供电,S5720-56C-PWR-EI-AC1支持交流供电•交换容量:598Gbps•包转发率:252MppsS5720-56C-EI-48S-AC S5720-56C-EI-AC •48个千兆SFP,4个万兆SFP+•一个扩展子卡插槽•可插拔双电源,支持交流或直流供电,默认配置一个AC电源•交换容量:598Gbps•包转发率:252Mpps•48个10/100/1000Base-T以太网端口,4个万兆SFP+•一个扩展子卡插槽•可插拔双电源,支持交流或直流供电,默认配置一个AC电源•交换容量:598Gbps•包转发率:252Mpps•支持华为Easy Operation简易运维方案,提供新入网设备Zero-Touch 安装、故障设备更换免配置、USB开局、设备批量配置、批量远程升级等功能,便于安装、升级、业务发放和其他管理维护工作,降低了运维成本。

华为 S5720-EI系列交换机 核心网交换机产品彩页

华为 S5720-EI系列交换机 核心网交换机产品彩页


华为 S5720-EI 系列交换机
• 电源端口前置的款型可以满足 300mm 深的机柜放置,整台设备可以前面板单面维护,简化了 运维,而且机柜的摆放更加灵活,可以灵活选择机柜靠墙放置或者机柜背靠背放置,满足客户 机柜深度小、机房空间有限的需求,并为客户节省空间。 • 支持远程点灯功能,管理人员可以使用配置命令控制前面板 sys 灯在一段时间内快闪,从而可 以在机房中快速定位设备。 • 支持 SVF 超级虚拟交换网,SVF 方案创新实现将原来“核心/汇聚+接入交换机+AP”的网络架 构,虚拟化为一台设备进行管理,提供业界最简化的网络管理方案,简化设备管理,实现接入 交换机和无线 AP 的即插即用;业务配置模板化,在核心设备上配置后自动下发到接入设备, 实现集中管控,简化业务配置,灵活调整。S5720-EI 在 SVF 方案中支持作为 client 角色。 • 支持华为 Easy Operation 简易运维方案,提供新入网设备 Zero-Touch 安装、故障设备更换 免 配置、USB 开局、设备批量配置、批量远程升级等功能,便于安装、升级、业务发放和其他 管理维护工作,降低了运维成本。支持 SNMP v1/v2c/v3 、 CLI (命令行)、 Web 网管、 SSHv2.0 等多样化的管理和维护方式;支持 RMON、多日志主机、端口流量统计和网络质量分 析,便于网络优化和改造。 • TWAMP 双向主动测量协议,精确测量任意 IP 链路的性能,轻松获取整网 IP 性能,无须专用 探针器或专有协议。

S5720-56C-EI-48S-AC S5720-56C-EI-48S-DC

毛斯产品说明书:EDS-205A 208A系列5 8端口工业级以太网交换机

毛斯产品说明书:EDS-205A 208A系列5 8端口工业级以太网交换机

The EDS-205A/208A series are 5 and 8-port industrial Ethernetswitches that support IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.3u/x with 10/100M full/half-duplex, MDI/MDI-X auto-sensing. The EDS-205A/208A switchesprovide 12/24/48 VDC (9.6 to 60 VDC), 18 to 30 VAC redundant powerinputs that can be connected simultaneously to live AC/DC powersources. These switches have been designed for harsh industrialenvironments, such as in maritime (DNV/GL/LR/ABS/NK), rail wayside,highway, or mobile applications(EN 50121-4/NEMA TS2/e-Mark), orhazardous locations (Class I Div. 2, ATEX Zone 2) that comply withIntroductionEDS-205A/208A SeriesSpecificationsFCC, UL, and CE standards.The EDS-205A/208A switches are available with a standard operatingtemperature range from -10 to 60°C, or with a wide operatingtemperature range from -40 to 75°C. All models are subjected toa 100% burn-in test to ensure that they fulfill the special needs ofindustrial automation control applications. In addition, theEDS-205A/208A switches have DIP switches for enabling or disablingbroadcast storm protection, providing another level of flexibility forindustrial applications.TechnologyStandards:IEEE 802.3 for 10BaseTIEEE 802.3u for 100BaseT(X) and 100BaseFXIEEE 802.3x for Flow ControlProcessing Type: Store and ForwardFlow Control: IEEE 802.3x flow control, back pressure flow controlSwitch PropertiesMAC Table Size: 1 KPacket Buffer Size: 512 KbitInterfaceFiber Ports: 100BaseFX ports (SC/ST connector, multi-mode,single-mode)RJ45 Ports: 10/100BaseT(X) auto negotiation speed, Full/Half duplexmode, and auto MDI/MDI-X connectionDIP Switches: Enable/Disable broadcast storm protectionLED Indicators: Power, 10/100M (TP port), 100M (fiber port)Power RequirementsInput Voltage: 12/24/48 VDC (9.6 to 60 VDC), 18 to 30 VAC (47 to 63Hz), redundant dual inputsInput Current:EDS-205A: 0.1 A @ 24 VEDS-205A-M/S: 0.11 A @ 24 VEDS-208A: 0.13 A @ 24 VEDS-208A-M: 0.17 A @ 24 VEDS-208A-MM/SS: 0.22 A @ 24 VOverload Current Protection: 1.1 AConnection: 1 removable 4-contact terminal blockReverse Polarity Protection: PresentPhysical CharacteristicsHousing: Aluminum, IP30 protectionDimensions:EDS-205A: 30 x 115 x 70 mm (1.18 x 4.52 x 2.76 in)EDS-208A: 50 x 115 x 70 mm (1.96 x 4.52 x 2.76 in)Weight:O rdering InformationOptional Accessories (can be purchased separately)DR-4524/75-24/120-24: 45/75/120 W DIN-Rail 24 VDC power suppliesMDR-40-24/60-24: 40/60 W DIN-Rail 24 VDC power supplies, -20 to 70°C operating temperatureWK-30: Wall mounting kit (EDS-205A series only)WK-46: Wall mounting kit (EDS-208A series only)RK-4U: 4U-high 19” rack mounting kitEMS:EN 61000-4-2 (ESD) Level 3, EN 61000-4-3 (RS) Level 3,EN 61000-4-4 (EFT) Level 3, EN 61000-4-5 (Surge) Level 3,EN 61000-4-6 (CS) Level 3, EN 61000-4-8, EN 61000-4-11Marine: DNV, GL, LR, ABS, NKWheeled Vehicles: e-Mark (E1) (EDS-208A only)Traffic Control: NEMA TS2Rail Traffic: EN 50121-4Shock: IEC 60068-2-27Freefall: IEC 60068-2-32Vibration: IEC 60068-2-6Note: Please check Moxa’s website for the most up-to-date certification status.MTBF (mean time between failures)Time:EDS-205A series: 3,040,784 hrsEDS-208A series: 2,428,212 hrsDatabase: Telcordia (Bellcore), GBWarrantyWarranty Period: 5 yearsDetails: See /warranty。



BrochureProduct OverviewS6720-HI series full-featured 10 GE routing switches are Huawei's new-generation fixed switches to provide 10 GE downlink ports as well as 40 GE and 100 GE uplink ports.S6720-HI series switches provide native AC capabilities and can manage 1K APs. They provide a free mobility function to ensure consistent user experience and are Virtual Extensible LAN(VXLAN )capable to implement network virtualization.S6720-HI series switches also provide built-in security probes and support abnormal traffic detection, Encrypted Communications Analytics (ECA), and network-wide threat deception. The S6720-HI is ideal for enterprise campuses, carriers, higher education institutions, and governments.Models and AppearanceModels and AppearanceDescriptionS6720-50L-HI-48S ●48 x 10 Gig SFP+, 6 x 40 Gig QSFP+ or 44 x 10 Gig SFP+, 4 x 40 Gig QSFP+, 2x 100 Gig QSFP28●Dual pluggable power modules, 600W AC or 350W DC (equipped powermodules by default not available)●Switching capacity: 2.56 Tbit/sS6720-30L-HI-24S ●24 x 10 Gig SFP+, 4 x 40 Gig QSFP+,and 2 x 100 Gig QSFP28●Dual pluggable power modules, 600W AC or 350W DC (equipped powermodules by default not available)●Switching capacity: 2.56 Tbit/sFeatures and HighlightsAbundant Convergence●This S6720-HI provides the integrated WLAN AC function that can manage 1,000 APs, reducing the costs of purchasing additional WLAN AC hardware. The wireless forwarding performance reaches up to 668 Gbit/s, breaking the forwarding performance bottleneck of an external WLAN AC. With this switch series, customers can stay ahead in the high-speed wireless era.The wireless forwarding performance is calculated based on 1024-byte packets.●The S6720-HI supports SVF and functions as a parent switch. With this virtualization technology, a physical network with the "Small-sized core and aggregation switches + Access switches + APs" structure can be virtualized into a "super switch", greatly simplifying network management.●The S6720-HI provides excellent QoS capabilities and supports queue scheduling and congestion control algorithms. Additionally, it adopts innovative priority queuing and multi-level scheduling mechanisms to implement fine-grained scheduling of data flows, meeting service quality requirements of different user terminals and services.Providing Granular Network Management●The S6720-HI uses the Packet Conservation Algorithm for Internet (iPCA) technology that alters the traditional method of using simulated traffic for fault location. iPCA technology can monitor network quality for any service flow anywhere, anytime, without extra costs. It can detect temporary service interruptions in a very short time and can identify faulty ports accurately. This cutting-edge fault detection technology turns "extensive management" to "granular management."●The S6720-HI supports Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) to accurately check any IP link and obtain the entire network's IP performance. This protocol eliminates the need of using a dedicated probe or a proprietary protocol. Flexible Ethernet Networking●In addition to traditional Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), and Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP), the S6720-HI supports Huawei-developed Smart Ethernet Protection (SEP) technology and the latest Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) standard. SEP is a ring protection protocol specific to the Ethernet link layer, and applies to various ring network topologies, such as open ring topology, closed ring topology, and cascading ring topology. This protocol is reliable, easy to maintain, and implements fast service switching within 50 milliseconds. ERPS is defined in ITU-T G.8032. It implements millisecond-level protection switching based on traditional Ethernet MAC and bridging functions.●The S6720-HI supports Smart Link and Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), which implement backup of uplinks. One S6720-HI switch can connect to multiple aggregation switches through multiple links, significantly improving reliability of access devices.Intelligent Stack (iStack)●The S6720-HI supports the iStack function that combines multiple switches into a logical switch. Member switches in a stack implement redundancy backup to improve device reliability and use inter-device link aggregation to improve link reliability. iStack provides high network scalability. You can increase a stack's ports, bandwidth, and processing capability by simply adding member switches. iStack also simplifies device configuration and management. After a stack is set up, multiple physical switches can be virtualized into one logical device. You can log in to any member switch in the stack to manage all the member switches in it.Cloud-based Management●The Huawei cloud management platform allows users to configure, monitor, and inspect switches on the cloud, reducing on-site deployment and O&M manpower costs and decreasing network OPEX. Huawei switches support both cloud management and on-premise management modes. These two management modes can be flexibly switched as required to achieve smooth evolution while maximizing return on investment (ROI).VXLAN●VXLAN is used to construct a Unified Virtual Fabric (UVF). As such, multiple service networks or tenant networks can be deployed on the same physical network, and service and tenant networks are isolated from each other. This capability truly achieves 'one network for multiple purposes'. The resulting benefits include enabling data transmission of different services or customers, reducing the network construction costs, and improving network resource utilization.●The S6720-HI series switches are VXLAN-capable and allow centralized and distributed VXLAN gateway deployment modes. These switches also support the BGP EVPN protocol for dynamically establishing VXLAN tunnels and can be configured using NETCONF/YANG.Clock Synchronization●The S6720-HI supports the IEEE 1588v2 protocol, which implements low-cost, high-precision, and high-reliability time and clock synchronization. This feature can meet strict requirements of power and transportation industry customers on time and clock synchronization.OPS●Open Programmability System (OPS) is an open programmable system based on the Python language. IT administrators can program the O&M functions of a switch through Python scripts to quickly innovate functions and implement intelligent O&M. Big Data Powered Collaborative Security●Agile switches use NetStream to collect campus network data and then report such data to the Huawei Cybersecurity Intelligence System (CIS). The purposes of doing so are to detect network security threats, display the security posture across the entire network, and enable automated or manual response to security threats. The CIS delivers the security policies to the Agile Controller. The Agile Controller then delivers such policies to agile switches that will handle security events accordingly. All these ensure campus network security.●The S6720-HI supports Encrypted Communication Analytics (ECA). It uses built-in ECA probes to extract characteristics of encrypted streams based on NetStream sampling and Service Awareness (SA), generates metadata, and reports the metadata to Huawei Cybersecurity Intelligence System (CIS). The CIS uses the AI algorithm to train the traffic model and compare characteristics of extracted encrypted traffic to identify malicious traffic. The CIS displays detection results on the GUI, provides threat handling suggestions, and automatically isolates threats with the Agile Controller to ensure campus network security.●The S6720-HI supports deception. It functions as a sensor to detect threats such as IP address scanning and port scanning on a network and lures threat traffic to the honeypot for further checks. The honeypot performs in-depth interaction with the initiator of the threat traffic, records various application-layer attack methods of the initiator, and reports security logs to the CIS. The CIS analyzes security logs. If the CIS determines that the suspicious traffic is an attack, it generates an alarm and provides handling suggestions. After the administrator confirms the alarm, the CIS delivers a policy to the Agile Controller. The Agile Controller delivers the policy to the switch for security event processing, ensuring campus network security. Intelligent O&M●The S6720-HI provides telemetry technology to collect device data in real time and send the data to Huawei campus network analyzer CampusInsight. The CampusInsight analyzes network data based on the intelligent fault identification algorithm, accurately displays the real-time network status, effectively demarcates and locates faults in a timely manner, and identifies network problems that affect user experience, accurately guaranteeing user experience.●The S6720-HI supports a variety of intelligent O&M features for audio and video services, including the enhanced Media Delivery Index (eMDI). With this eDMI function, the S6720-HI can function as a monitored node to periodically conduct statistics and report audio and video service indicators to the CampusInsight platform. In this way, the CampusInsight platform can quickly demarcate audio and video service quality faults based on the results of multiple monitored nodes.Intelligent Upgrade●Switches support the intelligent upgrade feature. Specifically, switches obtain the version upgrade path and download the newest version for upgrade from the Huawei Online Upgrade Platform (HOUP). The entire upgrade process is highly automated and achieves one-click upgrade. In addition, preloading the version is supported, which greatly shortens the upgrade time and service interruption time.●The intelligent upgrade feature greatly simplifies device upgrade operations and makes it possible for the customer to upgrade the version independently. This greatly reduces the customer's maintenance costs. In addition, the upgrade policies on the HOUP platform standardize the upgrade operations, which greatly reduces the risk of upgrade failures. Product SpecificationsFixed ports 48 x 10 Gig SFP+, 6 x 40 Gig QSFP+ or 44 x 10Gig SFP+, 4 x 40 Gig QSFP+, 2 x 100 Gig QSFP2824 x 10 Gig SFP+, 4 x 40 Gig QSFP+, 2 x100 Gig QSFP28MAC 256000(Max) MAC address entriesIEEE 802.1d standards complianceMAC address learning and agingStatic, dynamic, and blackhole MAC address entries Packet filtering based on source MAC addressesVLAN 4K VLANsGuest VLANs and voice VLANsGVRPMUX VLANVLAN assignment based on MAC addresses, protocols, IP subnets, policies, and ports VLAN mappingIP routing Static routes, RIP v1/2, RIPng, OSPF, OSPFv3, IS-IS, IS-ISv6, BGP, BGP4+, ECMP, routing policyInteroperability VLAN-Based Spanning Tree (VBST), working with PVST, PVST+, and RPVST Link-type Negotiation Protocol (LNP), similar to DTPVLAN Central Management Protocol (VCMP), similar to VTPWireless service AP access control, AP domain management, and AP configuration template management Radio management, unified static configuration, and dynamic centralized management WLAN basic services, QoS, security, and user managementCAPWAP, tag/terminal location, and spectrum analysisEthernet loop protection RRPP ring topology and RRPP multi-instanceSmart Link tree topology and Smart Link multi-instance, providing millisecond-level protection switchoverSEPERPS (G.8032)BFD for OSPF, BFD for IS-IS, BFD for VRRP, and BFD for PIMSTP (IEEE 802.1d), RSTP (IEEE 802.1w), and MSTP (IEEE 802.1s)BPDU protection, root protection, and loop protectionMPLS MPLS L3VPNMPLS L2VPN (VPWS/VPLS) MPLS-TEMPLS QoSIPv6 features Neighbor Discover (ND)PMTUIPv6 Ping, IPv6 Tracert, IPv6 TelnetACLs based on source IPv6 addresses, destination IPv6 addresses, Layer 4 ports, or protocol typesMulticast Listener Discovery snooping (MLDv1/v2)IPv6 addresses configured for sub-interfaces, VRRP6, DHCPv6, and L3VPNMulticast IGMP v1/v2/v3 snooping and IGMP fast leaveMulticast forwarding in a VLAN and multicast replication between VLANs Multicast load balancing among member ports of a trunkControllable multicastPort-based multicast traffic statisticsIGMP v1/v2/v3, PIM-SM, PIM-DM, and PIM-SSMMSDPMulticast VPNQoS/ACL Rate limiting in the inbound and outbound directions of a portPacket redirectionPort-based traffic policing and two-rate three-color CARHQoSEight queues on each portDRR, SP, and DRR+SP queue scheduling algorithmsWREDRe-marking of the 802.1p and DSCP fields of packetsPacket filtering at Layer 2 to Layer 4, filtering out invalid frames based on the source MAC address, destination MAC address, source IP address, destination IP address, TCP/UDP source/destination port number, protocol type, and VLAN IDQueue-based rate limiting and shaping on portsSecurity Hierarchical user management and password protectionDoS attack defense, ARP attack defense, and ICMP attack defenseBinding of the IP address, MAC address, port number, and VLAN IDPort isolation, port security, and sticky MACMAC Forced Forwarding (MFF)Blackhole MAC address entriesLimit on the number of learned MAC addressesIEEE 802.1X authentication and limit on the number of users on a portAAA authentication, RADIUS authentication, and HWTACACS authenticationNACSSH V2.0HTTPSCPU protectionBlacklist and whitelistAttack source tracing and punishment for IPv6 packets such as ND, DHCPv6, and MLD packets IPSec for management packet encryptionReliability LACPE-TrunkEthernet OAM (IEEE 802.3ah and IEEE 802.1ag)ITU-Y.1731DLDPLLDPBFD for BGP, BFD for IS-IS, BFD for OSPF, BFD for static routesVXLAN VXLAN functions, VXLAN L2 and L3 gateways, BGP EVPN VXLAN configuration using NETCONF/YANGSVF Acting as the parent node to vertically virtualize downlink switches and APs as one device for managementTwo-layer client architectureASs can be independently configured. Services not supported by templates can be configured on the parent node.Third-party devices allowed between SVF parent and clientsiPCA Marking service packets to obtain the packet loss ratio and number of lost packets in real time Measurement of the number of lost packets and packet loss ratio on networks and devicesManagement and maintenance Cloud-based managementVirtual cable testSNMP v1/v2c/v3RMONWeb-based NMSSystem logs and alarms of different severities GVRPMUX VLAN802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) NetStreamDying gasp upon power-offDimensions (W x D xH)442 mm x 420 mm x 43.6 mm 442 mm x 420 mm x 43.6 mm Height 1 U 1 UInput voltage AC:●Rated AC voltage: 100V to 240V AC; 50/60 Hz ●Max. AC voltage: 90V to 264V AC; 47–63 Hz DC:●Rated DC power: –48V to 60V DC●Max. DC voltage: –38.4V to 72V DCMaximum powerconsumption279W 232WPower consumption(30% traffic load)194W 138WOperating temperature ●0–1800 m altitude: 0°C to 45°C●1800–5000 m altitude: The operating temperature reduces by 1°C every time the altitudeincreases by 220 m.Relative humidity 5% to 95% (non-condensing)Heat dissipation Heat dissipation with fan, intelligent fan speed adjustmentNetworking and ApplicationsHuawei S6720-HI is the first fixed agile switch with 10GE downlink and 40GE/100GE uplink ports. It supports in-depth wired and wireless convergence and unified management on devices, users, and services. The S6720-HI can be used as the core device in an enterprise branch network or a small- or middle-sized campus network, or as the aggregation device in a large-sized campus network. The switch helps achieve a manageable and highly reliable enterprise campus network with scalable services.Ordering InformationThe following table lists ordering information of the S6720-HI series switches.Model Product DescriptionS6720-50L-HI-48S S6720-50L-HI-48S (48 x 10 Gig SFP+, 6 x 40 Gig QSFP+ or 44 x 10 Gig SFP+, 4 x 40 Gig QSFP+, 2 x 100 Gig QSFP28; without power module)S6720-30L-HI-24S S6720-30L-HI-24S (24 x 10 Gig SFP+, 4 x 40 Gig QSFP+, 2 x 100 Gig QSFP28; without power module)PAC-600WA-B 600W AC power modulePDC-350WA-B 350W DC power moduleMore InformationFor more information about Huawei Campus Switches, visit or contact us in the following ways:●Global service hotline: /en/service-hotline●Logging in to the Huawei Enterprise technical support website: /enterprise/●Sending an email to the customer service mailbox: ********************Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2019. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior writtenconsent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademarks and Permissionsand other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.NoticeThe purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and thecustomer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within thepurchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, andrecommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations ofany kind, either express or implied.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in thepreparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, andrecommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address:Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website:。

瑞斯康达工业以太网交换机Gazelle S6028i彩页

瑞斯康达工业以太网交换机Gazelle S6028i彩页

Gazelle S6028i全千兆模块化网管型三层工业以太网交换机Gazelle S6028i全千兆模块化网管型三层工业以太网交换机专为满足工业领域自动化控制系统而设计,能在严苛的使用环境中长时间稳定运行。

Gazelle S6028i采用灵活的全模块化设计,高端口密度,可配置性及扩展性强。

Gazelle S6028i支持完善的三层路由协议,拥有业内领先的环网技术,支持多种工业级冗余环网协议,任意端口均可成环,支持链型、星型、双星型、环型、相切环、相交环、耦合环,环网50ms内自愈。


Gazelle S6028i工业以太网交换机具备极佳的工业现场环境适应性(包含机械稳定性、气候环境适应性、电磁环境适应性等)、防护等级达到IP40、支持双冗余供电、低功耗无风扇散热技术、MTBF平均无故障工作时间可达35年、超长5年质保,不仅可用在电力行业,也可广泛应用于交通、海运、煤炭、石油、冶金、水处理等行业。

高密设计、结构紧凑Gazelle S6028i采用标准1U机箱,顶盖铝肋加强散热,高密度端口设计,提供4个万兆/千兆上行和24个千兆下行端口,所有端口均光电可选。

线速交换、灵活配置Gazelle S6028i具有56Gbps的总线带宽,为所有端口提供千兆线速交换能力,满足当前多业务大数据对高带宽的要求。

Gazelle S6028i采用全模块化设计,上下行端口全部是插槽设计,端口卡有多种选择,用户可根据实际需要灵活配置接口,极大的增强网络适应性,同时又具备极高的可扩展性保护客户投资。


完备的安全控制策略Gazelle S6028i支持802.1x、Radius、TACACS+认证,在用户接入网络时完成必要的身份认证,支持MAC 地址和端口等多元组绑定、风暴抑制和端口锁定功能,保证接入用户的合法性。

瑞斯康达工业以太网交换机Gazelle S3028i彩页

瑞斯康达工业以太网交换机Gazelle S3028i彩页

Gazelle S3028i千兆模块化网管型三层工业以太网交换机Gazelle S3028i千兆模块化网管型三层工业以太网交换机专为满足工业领域自动化控制系统而设计,能在严苛的使用环境中长时间稳定运行。

Gazelle S3028i采用灵活的全模块化设计,高端口密度,可配置性及扩展性强。

Gazelle S3028i支持完善的三层路由协议,拥有业内领先的环网技术,支持多种工业级冗余环网协议,任意端口均可成环,支持链型、星型、双星型、环型、相切环、相交环、耦合环,环网50ms内自愈。


Gazelle S3028i工业以太网交换机具备极佳的工业现场环境适应性(包含机械稳定性、气候环境适应性、电磁环境适应性等)、防护等级达到IP40、支持双冗余供电、低功耗无风扇散热技术、MTBF平均无故障工作时间可达35年、超长5年质保,不仅可用在电力行业,也可广泛应用于交通、海运、煤炭、石油、冶金、水处理等行业。

高密设计、结构紧凑Gazelle S3028i采用标准1U机箱,顶盖铝肋加强散热,高密度端口设计,提供4个千兆上行和24个百兆下行端口,所有端口均光电可选,百兆光口可提供ST/SC/SFP等多种形式。

线速交换、灵活配置Gazelle S3028i具有12.8Gbps的总线带宽,为所有端口提供二层线速交换能力,同时支持千兆上行,满足当前多业务大数据对高带宽的要求。

Gazelle S3028i采用全模块化设计,上下行端口全部是插槽设计,端口卡有多种选择,用户可根据实际需要灵活配置接口,极大的增强网络适应性和可扩展性保护客户投资。


完备的安全控制策略Gazelle S3028i支持802.1x、Radius、TACACS+认证,在用户接入网络时完成必要的身份认证,支持MAC 地址和端口等多元组绑定、风暴抑制和端口锁定功能,保证接入用户的合法性。



S5700-EI系列增强型千兆以太交换机S5700-EI 系列增强型千兆以太交换机产品概述1华为企业Sx700系列交换机产品特点更多的端口组合• S5700-EI支持多种上行扩展插卡,提供高密度的GE/10GE上行接口。

其中S5710-EI系列具有4 个固定10GE SFP+端口,通过上行扩展插卡可实现64×GE+4×10GE,48×GE+8×10GE,或56×GE+6×10GE等不同端口组合,充分满足不同用户对带宽升级的实际需求,保护用户投资。

完善的VPN隧道• S5700-EI支持Multi-VPN-Instance CE(MCE)功能。


• S5710-EI支持MPLS L3VPN、MPLS L2VPN(VPWS\VPLS)、MPLS-TE、MPLS QoS等功能,可作为高质量企业专线接入设备,是业界为数不多的高性价比盒式MPLS交换机。

灵活的以太组网• S5700-EI不仅支持传统的STP/RSTP/MSTP生成树协议,还支持华为自主创新的SEP 智能以太保护技术和业界最新的以太环网标准ERPS。



2华为企业Sx700系列交换机• S5700-EI支持SmartLink和VRRP功能。

S5700-EI通过多条链路接入到多台汇聚交换机上,SmartLink/ VRRP实现了上行链路的备份,极大地提升了接入侧设备的可靠性。

• S5700-EI支持多种连接故障快速检测功能。

瑞斯康达工业3G路由器Gazelle R102i市场宣传彩页

瑞斯康达工业3G路由器Gazelle R102i市场宣传彩页

流控 Console 口 8KV ESD 保护 3G 天线接口 外接天线

标准 SMA 天线接口

系统管理功 能
配置方式 升级方式
支持串口、Telnet、Web、SSH 配置方式 支持远程升级、web 升级;采用冗余备份的升级机制,让升级不再危 险
静态路由,动态路由 RIP
自适应功能 隔离保护
串口数及信号类 型 接口类型 速率
1 个 RS232 /485/422 串口(复用) 1 个调试串口
DB9 (Male) RS232:1200bit/s~115200bit/s RS485/422:最大支持 230kbit/s
Mini USB
Parity:None、EvIEC、Odd、Space、Mark Data Bits :5、6、7、8 Stop Bit(s):1、1.5、2
-金属外壳具有足够的机械强度和刚度,支持标准工业 DIN 导轨式安装,适用于工业机柜安装; -SIM 卡采用弹出式卡座,提供拆卸保护; -供电支持 9~48VDC 宽电压输入,连接头采用工业端子,支持反接及防过流保护; —保护接地圆形金属端子,提供良好的接地保护; -支持工业现场总线协议 MODBUS 等; -高标准 EMC 及安全保护设计; -工作温度:-20℃~70℃,存储温度:-40℃~85℃; -湿度:5%~95%,无凝结; -高等级 IP40 防护。
-采用高性能 ARM9 平台,快速接入 3G 网络; -采用软硬件看门狗及多级链路检测机制,具备故障自动检测、自动恢复能力,保证设备稳定可靠运行; -远程和本地升级固件程序,且采用冗余备份的升级机制。

瑞斯康达工业以太网交换机Gazelle S2028i 市场宣传彩页

瑞斯康达工业以太网交换机Gazelle S2028i 市场宣传彩页

Gazelle S2028i千兆模块化网管型工业以太网交换机Gazelle S2028i千兆模块化网管型工业以太网交换机专为满足工业领域自动化控制系统而设计,能在严苛的使用环境中长时间稳定运行。

Gazelle S2028i采用灵活的全模块化设计,高端口密度,可配置性及扩展性强。

Gazelle S2028i拥有业内领先的环网技术,支持多种工业级冗余环网协议,任意端口均可成环,支持链型、星型、双星型、环型、相切环、相交环、耦合环,环网50ms内自愈。

Gazelle S2028i具有高可靠性、高安全性、高可管理性,确保关键数据可靠传输,支持远程管理,并且可以配合瑞斯康达NView综合网管系统进行集群管理,达到全程无盲点网管。

Gazelle S2028i工业以太网交换机具备极佳的工业现场环境适应性(包含机械稳定性、气候环境适应性、电磁环境适应性等)、防护等级达到IP40、支持双冗余供电、低功耗无风扇散热技术、MTBF平均无故障工作时间可达35年、超长5年质保,不仅可用在电力行业,也可广泛应用于交通、海运、煤炭、石油、冶金、水处理等行业。

高密设计、结构紧凑Gazelle S2028i采用标准1U机箱,顶盖铝肋加强散热,高密度端口设计,提供4个千兆上行和24个百兆下行端口,所有端口均光电可选,百兆光口可提供ST/SC/SFP等多种形式。

线速交换、灵活配置Gazelle S2028i具有12.8Gbps的总线带宽,为所有端口提供二层线速交换能力,同时支持千兆上行,满足当前多业务大数据对高带宽的要求。

Gazelle S2028i采用全模块化设计,上下行端口全部是插槽设计,端口卡有多种选择,用户可根据实际需要灵活配置接口,极大的增强网络适应性和可扩展性保护客户投资。

完备的安全控制策略Gazelle S2028i支持802.1x、Radius、TACACS+认证,在用户接入网络时完成必要的身份认证,支持MAC 地址和端口等多元组绑定、风暴抑制和端口锁定功能,保证接入用户的合法性。



G.SHDSL铜线介质传输设备产品图片RC1102 RC1101 RC1101产品概述RC110x系列设备是瑞斯康达自主研发生产的G.SHDSL 调制解调器。

该系列设备用一对音频双绞线(电话线缆)作为传输介质,最大传输速率为89×64K=5.696M bps,在速率为 2.048M bps 时,传输距离可以达到4公里。















RC952-FEE1 模块式协议转换器产品简述:RC952-FEE1是单路10/100M自适应以太网口到单路E1的EoPDH转换设备。






➢E1成帧模式下,支持任意时隙指定,并具有E1 CRC校验自动检测能力。






➢提供E1成帧和E1透明两种工作模式:透明模式下, E1 接口带宽2048Kbps ➢成帧模式下, E1接口带宽可设置N*64Kbps(N=1~31) 且每一时隙均独立可选。






E1接口指标比特率: 2048Kbps±50ppm。

码型: HDB3 。

输入阻抗: 75Ω(非平衡BNC接口)或120Ω(平衡)。

电气特性:符合ITU-T G.703建议。

帧结构:符合ITU-T G.704建议。

抖动:符合ITU-T G.823建议。

以太网接口指标符合IEEE 802.3 Ethernet相关标准。

H3C S5120-EI系列交换机彩页(20100520)

H3C S5120-EI系列交换机彩页(20100520)

H3C S5120-EI系列IPv6智能弹性交换机1 产品概述H3C S5120-EI系列交换机是H3C公司自主开发的全千兆三层以太网交换机产品,具备丰富的业务特性,提供IPv6转发功能以及最多4个10GE扩展接口。



S5120-24P-EI S5120-48P-EIS5120-28C-EI/S5120-28C-PWR-EI S5120-52C-EI/S5120-52C-PWR-EIH3C S5120-EI系列以太网交换机目前包含如下型号:●S5120-24P-EI:24 个10/100/1000Base-T以太网端口,4 个复用的SFP 千兆端口(Combo);●S5120-48P-EI:48 个10/100/1000Base-T以太网端口,4 个复用的SFP 千兆端口(Combo);●S5120-28C-EI:24 个10/100/1000Base-T以太网端口,4 个复用的SFP 千兆端口(Combo),两个扩展槽位;●S5120-52C-EI:48 个10/100/1000Base-T以太网端口,4 个复用的SFP 千兆端口(Combo),两个扩展槽位;●S5120-28C-PWR-EI:24 个10/100/1000Base-T以太网端口(PoE),4 个复用的SFP千兆端口(Combo),两个扩展槽位;●S5120-52C-PWR-EI:48 个10/100/1000Base-T以太网端口(PoE),4 个复用的SFP千兆端口(Combo),两个扩展槽位;●2 产品特点高扩展性保护投资随着用户端速度不断提高,用户最终会使集群千兆链路达到饱和,而能够拥有多条10GE 链路将是我们的未来发展方向。


华为 S2700系列交换机 产品彩页

华为 S2700系列交换机 产品彩页

华为 S2700系列交换机产品彩页2华为企业Sx700系列交换机S2700系列企业交换机产品型号和外观1华为企业Sx700系列交换机• 转发性能:17.7Mpps • 交换容量:32Gbps 2华为企业Sx700系列交换机简易运维Easy Operation• S2700支持华为Easy Operation 简易运维功能。

借助Easy Operation 简易运维功能可以实现简易安装、简易配置、简易监控和简易故障处理,大幅降低初始安装和配置成本;提高升级效率并降低工程成本;具备友好的人机界面和Web 网管,支持告警管理和可视化配置;支持故障设备更换免配置功能。

• S2700采用全新ASIC 交换芯片,支持无风扇设计,在减少机械故障点的同时免除凝露腐蚀和尘土侵害,能有效降低故障率。

灵活的业务控制能力• S2700-EI 支持丰富的ACL 策略控制,特别是支持基于VLAN 下发ACL 规则,实现VLAN 内多端口的灵活控制和统一资源调度。

• S2700支持多种VLAN 划分方式:支持基于端口、基于MAC 地址、基于协议、基于网段划分VLAN ,部署安全灵活,尤其适合有移动办公需求的网络场景。

• S2700支持GVRP ,可实现VLAN 的动态分发、注册和传播VLAN 属性,减少手工配置量、保证VLAN 配置正确性,减少因为配置不一致而导致的网络互通问题。

此外,还支持SSHv2、HWTACACS 、RMON 、基于端口的流量统计;支持NQA 网络质量分析,有利于网络规划和优化。

丰富的安全接入机制• S2700支持完备的DHCP Snooping 功能,通过侦听接入用户的MAC/IP 地址、租期、VLAN ID 、接口等信息,防止IP 报文伪造、中间人攻击、DHCP 服务器私接等常见网络安全威胁,保障网络接入安全。

产品特性和优势3华为企业Sx700系列交换机• S2700支持基于端口的源MAC地址学习限制功能,有效防止攻击者变换源MAC地址发动攻击而产生的泛洪。



EPS6028E 24FE+4GE电力专用工业以太网交换机产品概述EPS6028E电力专用工业以太网交换机是面向智能变电站应用而开发的高性能、高可靠和高安全的工业级网络交换设备。

它充分考虑了变电站的严酷工作环境和网络通信需求,采用了电信级以太网、硬件时间戳、QOS、智能内容识别等先进技术,使得智能变电站通信系统更加可靠,有效地抵御DOS攻击,保证GOOSE 报文优先转发,实现网络精确同步时间传输。

特点与优势⏹具备先进的网络交换性能,实现低延时、全线速交换和零丢包⏹采用模块化设计,光电接口自由选择,最多可支持24FE+4GE⏹支持自愈时间小于50毫秒的RFC3619 EAPS电信级以太网自愈协议,支持生成树和快速生成树算法⏹具有完善的QOS保证机制,保证GOOSE报文优先转发⏹支持IGMP SNOOPING和静态多播报文过滤⏹支持基于端口、MAC地址和IP地址的VLAN⏹支持端口汇聚、统计和镜像⏹先进的智能内容识别技术,保证GOOSE报文优先转发⏹支持端口速率限制和广播风暴抑制⏹具备先进的DOS攻击防御能力,支持多级用户管理、IEEE802.1X认证和端口MAC地址绑定⏹支持IEEE 1588 V2 END-TO-END 和 PEER-TO-PEER,实现精确网络时间传递⏹完善的网络管理方式,包括:CLI、Telnet、Web和综合网管系统⏹具有高达4级的电磁兼容性能⏹支持继电器和短信等多种方式的告警⏹110V-220V宽电压范围交直流冗余供电产品规格●技术标准⏹IEEE 802.3-10BaseT⏹IEEE 802.3u-100BaseTX, 100BaseFX⏹IEEE 802.3x-Flow Control⏹IEEE 802.3z-1000BaseLX⏹IEEE 802.3ab-1000BaseTX⏹IEEE 802.3ad-Link Aggregation⏹IEEE 802.1D-MAC Bridges⏹IEEE 802.1D-Spanning Tree Protocol⏹IEEE 802.1p-Class of Service⏹IEEE 802.1Q-VLAN Tagging⏹IEEE 802.1w-Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol⏹IEEE 802.1x-Port Based Network Access Control●交换性能⏹交换机制: 存储转发⏹最大交换延迟: 8 us⏹交换带宽: 12.8 Gbps⏹MAC地址: 16K⏹优先级队列: 8⏹帧缓冲容量: 4 Mb⏹VLAN数目: 4096⏹IGMP 多播组: 256⏹速率限制粒度:64K⏹线头阻塞(HOL):无⏹端口汇聚组数量:16⏹同时镜像端口:8●电磁兼容性能标准:⏹IEC61850-3 变电站通信网络和系统⏹IEEE 1613 电力配电站中通信网络设备的环境及测试要求电磁兼容性能:⏹IEC 61000-4-2 静电放电抗扰度等级4⏹IEC 61000-4-3 辐射电磁场抗扰度等级3⏹IEC 61000-4-4 电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度等级4⏹IEC 61000-4-5 浪涌(冲击)抗扰度等级4⏹IEC 61000-4-6 射频场感应的传导骚扰抗扰度等级3⏹IEC 61000-4-8 工频磁场抗扰度等级5⏹IEC 61000-4-12 阻尼振荡波抗扰度等级3⏹IEC 61000-4-29 直流电源暂降、暂时中断抗扰度⏹IEC 61000-4-17 直流电源输入端口纹波抗扰度等级2⏹GB/T 9254-1998 无线电骚扰●接口⏹出线方式:后出线⏹快速以太网:3个插槽,每个插槽支持8个端口,光电可选.⏹千兆以太网:提供4个1000base-T(X)的电口或者4个SFP插槽.⏹CONSOLE口:RS232,RJ45.⏹告警端口:3.81间距接线端子,250VAC/220VDC@2A●线缆⏹双绞线: 0-100m.⏹多模光纤:1310nm,0-5Km(百兆);1310nm,0-2Km(千兆).⏹单模光纤:1310nm, 0-40km;1550nm, 0-80km.●电源⏹输入电压:110-220VDC/VAC,冗余输入.⏹接入端子: 10-pin接线端子.⏹功率:<40W.●机械特性⏹机箱:镀锌板结构,无风扇⏹防护等级:IP30⏹安装方式:19英寸1U机架式⏹机壳尺寸:482.6 mm×44 mm×356 mm (W×H×D)⏹冲击,振动,跌落:满足IEC61850-3 5.5 CM等级⏹重量:10kg.EPS6028E电力专用以太网交换机机械尺寸图(单位:mm)●环境⏹存储温度:-40℃至+85℃⏹工作温度:-40℃至+85℃⏹相对湿度:5%至95%无凝结●MTBF:100000小时●保修期:5年订购信息产品订购型号为:EPS6028E-S1-S2-S3-S4-PS1-PS2-TS1 S2 S3 S4 PS1 PS2●PS1和PS2:电源模块⏹24 =24VDC (9-36VDC)⏹48 =48VDC (36-72VDC)⏹WV =90-260V交直流宽压电源⏹XX =空●S1,S2,S3:快速以太网模块⏹XXXX =空⏹8TX =8 x 10/100Tx RJ45⏹6SXST =6 x 100BaseFX,多模,1310nm,ST,5km⏹6LXST =6 x 100BaseFX,单模,1310nm,ST,15km⏹6LHST =6 x 100BaseFX,单模,1310nm,ST,40km⏹6ZXST =6 x 100BaseFX,单模,1550nm,ST,80km⏹8TX/PTP =8 x 10/100Tx RJ45, IEEE 1588 PTP⏹6SXST/PTP =6 x 100BaseFX,多模,1310nm,ST,5km, IEEE 1588 PTP6LXST/PTP =6 x 100BaseFX,单模,1310nm,ST,15km, IEEE 1588 PTP6LHST/PTP =6 x 100BaseFX,单模,1310nm,ST,40km, IEEE1588 PTP6ZXST/PTP =6 x 100BaseFX,单模,1550nm,ST,80km, IEEE1588 PTP●S4:千兆以太网模块⏹XXXX =空⏹4GTX =4 x 10/100/1000 Tx RJ45⏹4GSX =4 x 1000BaseFX,多模,850nm,LC,SFP,550m⏹4GLX =4 x 1000BaseFX,单模,1310nm,LC,SFP,15km⏹4GLH =4 x 1000BaseFX,单模,1310nm,LC,SFP,40km⏹4GZX =4 x 1000BaseFX,单模,1550nm,LC,SFP,80km●T:工作温度⏹Ⅰ= -40°C~+85°C;⏹ C = 0°C~+60°C;。

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Gazelle S1020i千兆网管型工业以太网交换机
Gazelle S1020i千兆网管型工业以太网交换机专为满足工业领

Gazelle S1020i拥有业内领先的环网技术,支持多种工

Gazelle S1020i具有高可靠性、高安全性、高可管理性,确保

Gazelle S1020i工业以太网交换机具备极佳的工业现场环境适应性(包含机械稳定性、气候环境适应性、电磁环境适应性等)、防护等级达到IP40、支持双冗余供电、低功耗无风扇散热技术、MTBF平均无故障工作时间可达35年、超长5年质保,不仅可用在电力行业,也可广泛应用于交通、海运、煤炭、石油、冶金、水处理等行业。

Gazelle S1020i具有11.2Gbps的总线带宽,为所有端口提供二层线速交换能力,同时可支持千兆上行,满足当前多业务大数据对高带宽的要求。

Gazelle S1020i支持802.1x认证,在用户接入网络时完成必要的身份认证,支持MAC地址和端口等多元组绑定、风暴抑制和端口锁定功能,保证接入用户的合法性。

Gazelle S1020i支持端口镜像功能,对监控端口的业务和流量进行监控,用于优化部署和恶意攻击监控。

Gazelle S1020i任意端口均可成环,且支持多种以太环网协议,包括RRPS、生成树、G.8032(ERPS)和IEC62439-2(MRP),环网自愈时间小于50ms,保证组网节点间数据的高可靠传送。

Gazelle S1020i支持每个端口8个输出队列,支持队列调度算法:SP(Strict Priority)、WRR(Weighted Round Robin)、WDRR、8SP、1SP+7WDRR/RR、2SP+6WDRR/RR、3SP+5WDRR/RR、4SP+4WDRR/RR、8WDRR/RR,可以以不同的优先级将报文放入端口的输出队列。



Gazelle S1020i支持灵活QinQ,客户网络和运营商网络的VLAN可分层管理,使网络架构实现更为灵活。

Gazelle S1020i支持SNMP,以及瑞斯康达NView综合网管系统。

Gazelle S1020i支持网络拓扑发现功能,配合综合网管系统实现了设备的集中管理和维护,可对多台设备统一管理,降低了管理成本。

Gazelle S1020i 还支持CLI命令行、SSH、Web网管、Telnet等管理方式,使设备管理更方便。

