
一、设计步骤设计背景:本文基于扬州大学力行车队的方程式赛车进行研究,阐述 FSAE赛车动力系统匹配现状与发展的相关问题。
在保证赛车动力系统运行水平的基础上,持续改进系统功能及其运行策略,最终进一步提高FSAE 赛车动力系统的运行能力,使得所设计以及制造的方程式赛车能够满足FSAE赛事比赛的要求。
在Optimum Lap软件中建立赛道模型,通过软件分析方程式赛车的比赛工况;(5)基于CRUISE软件进行赛车的性能仿真,对影响赛车的经济性与动力性的几个因素进行分析,验证所设计的动力系统各部分参数的准确性;二、设计思路图1-3 整体设计技术路线三、设计内容赛车的设计是从赛车的总布置开始,涉及车架、车身、底盘、传动、转动、可靠性和稳定性测试等多方面内容[13]。
图 2-2 整车部分系统布置四、控制系统由于FSAE赛车实质上就是一辆纯电动汽车,因此赛车的动力系统也与纯电动汽车相似,都是由电机和电机控制器组成。

122研究与探索Research and Exploration ·工艺与技术中国设备工程 2017.05 (上)中国大学生方程式汽车大赛(简称FSAE)在2010年首次举办,迄今为止已经成功举办了7届,中国大学生方程式汽车大赛为培养学生汽车设计、加工制造、成本控制和车队成员间协作的能力提供了良好的工程实践平台;此外,参与比赛可为各大参赛院校间提供广阔的交流平台,进而推动各院校间学术交流。
1 设计思路FSAE 赛事规则要求赛车悬架系统必须满足以下要求:能够保证赛车具备良好的行驶平顺性、良好的操纵稳定性、合适的衰减振动能力;能可靠的传递车轮和车身之间的各种力和力矩,保证有足够的强度和使用寿命;在赛车制动和加速时保证车身稳定,减小车身纵倾,确保转弯时车身侧倾角合适;便于布置和维护。
根据赛事规则制定FSAE 赛车悬架系统的初步设计流程,如图1所示。
图1 方程式悬架系统设计流程2 前、后悬架基准参数计算选定根据方程式大赛的规则,查阅相关的资料,确定主要基准参数,如表1所示;悬架系统车轮定位参数如表2所示。
表1 悬架基准参数表2 车轮定位参数3 减震器、横向稳定杆的设计3.1 减震器的选取赛车偏频的选取与悬架刚度有直接关系,为了避免共振,偏频的选取不宜一致,同时基于性能的考虑,综合去年FSAE 赛车设计经验,此次赛车悬架偏频的选取为前悬n1=3.2Hz,后悬n2=2.6Hz。
悬架传递比为:25.2i MR = (1)前悬弹簧刚度: (2)后悬弹簧刚度: 2)(MR K K WRSR= (3)根据计算数据并参照弹簧参数表,选择前悬为310lb/in,后悬为300lb/in 的弹簧。
对应的弹簧刚度分别为:KS 1=54.3kN/m;KS 2=52.5kN/m。
由此可计算出悬架的实际上跳行程,由于侧倾增益值1.91°/g,不在低负升力赛车的侧倾增益取值范大学生方程式赛车悬架系统设计与仿真分析吴雪玲,倪彰,何宇,张兴,顾迪,赵越(江苏理工学院 汽车与交通工程学院,江苏 常州 213000)摘要:按照FSAE 赛事对赛车及悬架系统的设计要求,以整车基本参数和设计规则为参照依据,选定轮胎、轮辋型号,利用CATIA 软件建立了FSAE 赛车悬架系统的几何模型,对减震器、横向稳定杆等进行结构设计,利用Adams/Insight 软件对轮胎跳动时悬架参数变化进行对比分析与优化,并运用ANSYS 软件对悬架的主要受力部件进行分析。
F1方程赛车数字化三维逆向设计 大学生创新PPT课件

课程教学 工程训练
课外创新 综合设计
工程对象教学 法是核心
实创 工 践新 程 能能 素 力力 质
平台和团队是 保障
设备的改进 教学资料的 与研制 积累与提升
教改试点与 实验室开放
二、主要过Leabharlann 及具体实施步骤1、组建训练小组 2、确定训练任务、目标,制定训练计划 3、基础理论知识培训 4、数字化三维设计软件培训 5、三坐标测量机的基本操作技能培训 6、团队成员分工,明确训练任务
❖ 1、完成了F1方程式赛车车身三维数据采集
2、完成了F1方程式赛车车身逆向反求三维造型 ① 噪声点的处理 ②补偿点产生 ③数据点翻开 ④数据点加密 ⑤坐标变换 ⑥数据的格式转换和数据输出 ⑦曲线拟合 ⑧曲面重构 ⑨模型特征恢复
典型 工程对象
内化的世界观与 方法论
工程对象与教 学资料是基础
Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More You Know, The More Powerful You Will Be
一、主要创新内容及方法 二、主要过程及具体实施步骤。 三、计划执行情况 四、项目经费使用说明 五、课题收集的资料 六、创新成果 七、下一步打算

毕业设计(论文)题目大学生方程式赛车设计(整体车架设计、标准安全系统及座椅附件设计)全套图纸,三维加1538937062013年5月30 日方程式赛车整体车架设计摘要FSAE赛车是一项以大学生为对象的赛事,旨在为汽车工业培养更多的优秀人才,参赛的赛车全都由各高校研究设计。
我的毕业设计就是为FSAE 赛车设计车架。
关键词:FSAE,车架,技术规范,发动机,驾驶员FORMUL SAE—A SPACE FRAME DESIGNABSTRACTThe FSAE vehicle race is one takes university student as the sports event of object,for the purpose of creates more outstanding talents for the automobile industry,participating vehicle race all by various university research and designs. As a result of competition vehicle race frame of design, when design must consider the sports event technology standard.My graduation project designs the frame for the FSAE vehicle race. The frame design of vehicle race must consider the the arrangement of arrangement as well as vehicle race each unit of vehicle race engine and pilot. Because vehicle race frame is the main stress structure of vehicle race, almost all structures as well as the parts in vehicle race have the frame direct or indirect support, therefore the structure of frame is certainly reasonable, simultaneously the intensity rigidity must meet certain requirements. At the beginning of the frame designs, must completely grasps the concerned requirements and point scale of big game, how should arrange to various parts, arranges has a clear plan in any position. Simultaneously to make the later vehicle frame design is more reasonable, I have referred to some Tianjin University, Hunan University as well as overseas frames. After being in the design stage, after contrasting the structural style of frame, has chosen the truss-type frame.According to the intensity request, chooses the material of frame. After locating the airflow distribution of suspension fork, according to the overall arrangement, engine of as well as the manikin determination frame approximate overall size technology standard and vehicle race, then establishes the embryonic form of several sets of frame; Optimizes the vehicle frame to enable the overall each system again to arrange reasonably on the frame, until makes the vehicle frame meet the request in each aspect. After several sets ofvehicle frame finalizes basically, starts to carry on the structure analysis of accepting force, to optimize as well as contrast to the frame, optional structure reasonable quality lightest frame.KEY WORDS: FSAE, frame, technology standard, engine, pilot目录第一章赛车概述 (6)§1.1 国外Formula SAE简介 (6)§1.2 中国大学生方程式汽车简介 (7)第二章车架结构特点综述 (8)§2.1 车架的功用与要求 (8)§2.1.1 车架的功用 (8)§2.1.2 对赛车车架的要求 (8)§2.2 车架的计算 (9)§2.3 车架综合实验要求 (9)§2.3.1 车架的应力测定 (10)§2.3.2 车架的刚度测定 (10)§2.3.3 可靠性与耐久性台架试验 (10)§2.3.4 随整车进行的可靠性道路试验或试车场试验以及使用试验 (10)第三章车架类型方案的对比与分析 (11)§3.1 一体式金属车架 (11)§3.2 单体式车架 (12)§3.3 桁架式车架 (12)第四章车架的材料以及结构 (13)§4.1 车架材料的材料力学分析 (13)§4.2 方程式赛车车架材料的技术规范要求 (13)§4.3 车架材料的选择 (14)§4.4 赛车车架的结构 (15)§4.5 车架应力的消除 (15)第五章大学生方程式赛车车架设计 (16)§5.1 赛车整体结构的设计 (16)§5.2 赛车驾驶舱的设计 (19)§5.3 赛车各个系统及零部件在车架上的安装位置的设计 (20)§5.3.1 悬架系统的安装位置的设计 (20)§5.3.2 转向系统安装位置的设计 (22)§5.3.3 传动系统的要求 (23)§5.4 安全系统的要求 (23)第六章赛车车架的结构分析和优化 (26)§6.1 车架在实际环境下的受力 (26)§6.2 车架的结构分析方法 (26)§6.3 有限元分析方法的基本原理 (27)§6.4 有限单元法的分析步骤 (28)§6.5 基于有限元分析方法的车架的分析 (29)§6.6 基于有限元分析方法的碰撞块分析 (29)第七章座椅设计 (31)§7.1 人性化座椅设计 (31)§7.1.1 系统中人和机的职能分工 (32)§7.1.2 体坐姿体压分布 (33)§7.1.3 座垫上的体压分布 .................. 错误!未定义书签。

河南科技大学毕业设计<论文)题目大学生方程式赛车设计<总体设计)姓名吕许慧院系车辆与动力工程学院专业车辆工程指导教师牛毅2018年 6 月2日大学生方程式赛车设计<总体设计)摘要本次毕业设计为期二个多月,进行了方程式赛车的总体设计。
关键词:FSAE,总体参数,参数确定,总布置、赛车动力性、燃油经济性ABSTRACTFor two months, My graduation design is the ov erall design of the formula racing. we used the contrast analysis method mainly in the design, through optimizing the parameters optimization design and optimization of UG MATLAB, etc.Initial stage, we according to 2018 auto contest rules determine colle ge equation overall layout of the car, and the demonstration and analysis, the main parameter is determined primarily racing. Through calculation and comparison, sure engine type, primaries drivetrain maximum transmission ratio, minimum transmission.The intermediate stage, we design UG6.0 3d software used in various parts of assembly for modeling and whole assembly, and suspension, steering movement interference analysis. Use of engine power characteristic curve characteristic, MATLAB software mapped drive car driving forces - resistance balance figure, acceleration curve, and etc, and detailed calculation racing fuel economy.The final stages UG7.5 are derived by car, general layout, and two-dimensional engineering graphics overall parameter table, and mad e the first generation and the second generation racing cars are compared and analyzed. For considering the actual production of may change suspension, frame and steering parts, obligate scheme.Through the graduation design, I understand and master the overall design of car of the steps and method, the professional knowledge of professional knowledge, enhance the data collection and integration of information, these ability after my graduation will be engaged in car design lay a good foundation for the job.KEY WORDS:FSAE, general parameters, parameter identification, general arrangement,the car power, fuel economy特殊符号m a汽车总质量 kgV 最高车速km/hL 轴距 mmB1 前轮距 mmB2 后轮距 mmR 最小转弯半径mmhg 满载时质心高度mmhgˊ空载时质心高度mmD 轮胎直径mmB 轮胎宽度mmP 轮胎气压MPA 汽车迎风面积F 滚动阻力系数C空气阻力系数Do i驱动桥主减速比g i变速器传动比F汽车行驶使的空气阻力w1g i变速器Ⅰ挡传动比F车轮与路面的附着力ϕm汽车总质量au汽车行驶速度aP发动机最大功率emaxT发动机转矩eP为克服滚动阻力所消耗的功率fϕ轮胎与路面的附着系数η传动系效率tQ是百公里油耗s目录第一章 FSAE赛车总体简况 (1)§1.1 FSAE赛车起源 (1)§1.2 FSAE赛车现状 (2)§1.2.1国际赛车简况 (2)§1.2.2国内赛车简况 (2)§1.2.3我校赛车简况 (2)§1.3 FSAE赛车总体设计概述 (3)§1.3.1汽车设计的规律、决策与设计过程 (3)§1.3.2 FSAE赛车主要技术要求 (3)§1.3.3 第二代赛车设计目标 (4)§1.3.4 FSAE赛车工程意义 (5)第二章 FSAE赛车总体设计6§2.1 总体设计目标 (6)§2.2 赛车目标参数的初步确定 (7)§2.2.1 发动机选择 (8)§2.2.2 轮胎的选择 (9)§2.2.3 传动系最小传动比的确定 (10)§2.2.4 传动系最大传动比的确定 (10)§2.3 赛车发动机选型 (12)§2.4 赛车主要设计参数的确定 (12)§2.4.1 尺寸参数 (12)§2.4.2 质量参数 (14)§2.4.3 性能参数 (15)§2.5 赛车各系统设计 (17)§2.5.1 悬架系统设计 (17)§2.5.2 转向系统设计 (18)§2.5.3 制动系统设计 (19)§2.5.4 电器系统设计 (21)§2.5.5 车身设计 (22)§2.5.6 车架设计 (23)第三章赛车动力性与燃油经济性24§3.1 汽车的动力性 (24)§3.1.1 动力性的评价指标 (24)§3.1.2驱动力—行驶阻力图 (24)§3.1.3 汽车的加速能力 (27)§3.1.4 动力特性图 (28)§3.1.5 功率平衡 (30)§3.2 燃油经济性 (31)第四章赛车总体布置32§4.1整车布置的基准线<面)-零线的确定 (32)§4.2各部件的布置 (33)§4.3总体设计参数表 (35)第五章结论36参考文献38致谢39第一章 FSAE赛车总体简况Formula SAE 赛事1980年在美国举办第一次比赛以来,现在已经成为汽车工程学会的学生成员举办的一项国际赛事,其目的是设计、制造一辆小型的高性能方程式赛车,并使用这辆自行设计和制造的赛车参加比赛。

毕业设计〔论文〕-大学生方程式混合动力电动赛车设计〔含全套CAD图纸〕毕业设计〔论文〕题目大学生方程式混合动力电动赛车设计2013年 5 月30 日大学生方程式混合动力电动赛车设计摘要本次毕业设计,我进行了大学生方程式混合动力电动赛车的总体设计。
关键词:混合动力电动赛车,参数确定,总布置,动力性,经济性FORMULA STUDENT HYBRID RACING DESIGNABSTRACTMy graduation design is the overall design of the formula hybird racing. I used the contrast analysis method mainly in the design, through optimizing the parameters optimization design and optimization of UG MATLAB, etc.equation overall layout of the car, and the demonstration and analysis, the main parameter is determined primarily racing. Through calculation and comparison, sure engine type, primaries drivetrain maximum transmission ratio, minimum transmission.The intermediate stage, we design UG8.0 3d software used in various parts of assembly for modeling and whole assembly, and suspension, steering movement interference analysis. Use of engine power characteristic curve characteristic, MATLAB software mapped drive car driving forces - resistance balance figure, acceleration curve, and etc, and detailed calculation racing fuel economy.The final stages UG8.0 are derived by car, general layout, and two-dimensional engineering graphics overall parameter table, and made the first generation and the second generation racing cars are compared and analyzed. For considering the actual production of may change suspension, frame and steering parts, obligate scheme.Through the graduation design, I understand and master the overall design of car of the steps and method, the professional knowledge of professional knowledge, enhance the data collection and integration of information, these ability after my graduation will be engaged in car design lay a good foundation for the job.KEY WORDS: hybrid racing, parameter identification,generalarrangement, the car power, econom符号说明m a 汽车总质量kgV 最高车速km/hL 轴距 mmB1 前轮距 mmB2 后轮距 mmR 最小转弯半径mmhg 满载时质心高度mmhgˊ空载时质心高度mmD 轮胎直径mmB 轮胎宽度mmP 轮胎气压MPA 汽车迎风面积F 滚动阻力系数C空气阻力系数Do i驱动桥主减速比变速器传动比g iF汽车行驶使的空气阻力wi变速器Ⅰ挡传动比1gF车轮与路面的附着力ϕm汽车总质量au汽车行驶速度aT发动机转矩ef P为克服滚动阻力所消耗的功率ϕ轮胎与路面的附着系数η传动系效率tQ是百公里油耗s目录第一章大学生方程式混合动力电动赛车总体概况 (1)§1.1 混合动力汽车开展现状 (1)电动赛车开展现状 (2)§1.3 大学生方程式混合动力电动赛车电动总体设计概述 .. 3 §1.3.1汽车设计的规律、决策与设计过程 (3)§1.3.2 大学生方程式混合动力电动赛车主要技术要求 (4)§1.3.3 本次混合动力电动赛车动力性设计目标 (4)§1.3.4 大学生方程式混合动力电动赛车工程意义 (5)第二章大学生方程式混合动力电动赛车总体设计 (6)§2.1 总体设计目标 (6)§2.2 赛车目标参数的初步确定 (7)§2.2.1 发动动机的选择 (8)§2.2.2 电动机的选择 (9)§2.2.3 轮胎的选择 (10)§2.2.4 传动系最小传动比确实定 (11)§2.2.5 传动系最大传动比确实定 (11)§2.3 混合动力电动赛车发动机和电动机选型 (12)§2.4 混合动力电动赛车主要设计参数确实定 (13)§2.4.1 尺寸参数 (13)§2.4.2 质量参数 (15)§2.4.3 性能参数 (17)§2.5 赛车各系统设计 (20)§2.5.1 悬架系统设计 (21)§2.5.2 转向系统设计 (22)§2.5.3 制动系统设计 (22)§2.5.4 电器系统设计 (24)§2.5.5 车身设计 (26)§2.5.6 车架设计 (26)第三章大学生方程式混合动力电动赛车动力性与经济性 (28)§3.1 汽车的动力性 (28)§3.1.1 动力性的评价指标 (28)驱动力—行驶阻力图 (28)§3.1.3 汽车的加速能力 (31)§3.1.4 动力特性图 (33)§3.1.5 功率平衡 (34)§3.2 燃油经济性 (35)第四章大学生方程式混合动力电动赛车总体布置 (37)整车布置的基准线〔面〕-零线确实定 (37)各部件的布置 (37)总体设计参数表 (40)第五章结论 (45)参考文献 (46)致谢 (47)第一章大学生方程式混合动力电动赛车总体概况混合动力汽车〔Hybrid Electric Vehicle, HEV〕是指车辆驱动系由两个或多个能同时运转的单个驱动系联合组成的车辆,车辆的行驶功率依据实际的车辆行驶状态由单个驱动系单独或共同提供,当前复合动力汽车一般是指内燃机车发电机,再加上蓄电池的汽车。

河南科技大学毕业设计<论文)题目大学生方程式赛车设计<总体设计)姓名吕许慧院系车辆与动力工程学院专业车辆工程指导教师牛毅2018年 6 月2日大学生方程式赛车设计<总体设计)摘要本次毕业设计为期二个多月,进行了方程式赛车的总体设计。
关键词:FSAE,总体参数,参数确定,总布置、赛车动力性、燃油经济性ABSTRACTFor two months, My graduation design is the ov erall design of the formula racing. we used the contrast analysis method mainly in the design, through optimizing the parameters optimization design and optimization of UG MATLAB, etc.Initial stage, we according to 2018 auto contest rules determine colle ge equation overall layout of the car, and the demonstration and analysis, the main parameter is determined primarily racing. Through calculation and comparison, sure engine type, primaries drivetrain maximum transmission ratio, minimum transmission.The intermediate stage, we design UG6.0 3d software used in various parts of assembly for modeling and whole assembly, and suspension, steering movement interference analysis. Use of engine power characteristic curve characteristic, MATLAB software mapped drive car driving forces - resistance balance figure, acceleration curve, and etc, and detailed calculation racing fuel economy.The final stages UG7.5 are derived by car, general layout, and two-dimensional engineering graphics overall parameter table, and mad e the first generation and the second generation racing cars are compared and analyzed. For considering the actual production of may change suspension, frame and steering parts, obligate scheme.Through the graduation design, I understand and master the overall design of car of the steps and method, the professional knowledge of professional knowledge, enhance the data collection and integration of information, these ability after my graduation will be engaged in car design lay a good foundation for the job.KEY WORDS:FSAE, general parameters, parameter identification, general arrangement,the car power, fuel economy特殊符号m a汽车总质量 kgV 最高车速km/hL 轴距 mmB1 前轮距 mmB2 后轮距 mmR 最小转弯半径mmhg 满载时质心高度mmhgˊ空载时质心高度mmD 轮胎直径mmB 轮胎宽度mmP 轮胎气压MPA 汽车迎风面积F 滚动阻力系数C空气阻力系数Do i驱动桥主减速比g i变速器传动比F汽车行驶使的空气阻力w1g i变速器Ⅰ挡传动比F车轮与路面的附着力ϕm汽车总质量au汽车行驶速度aP发动机最大功率emaxT发动机转矩eP为克服滚动阻力所消耗的功率fϕ轮胎与路面的附着系数η传动系效率tQ是百公里油耗s目录第一章 FSAE赛车总体简况 (1)§1.1 FSAE赛车起源 (1)§1.2 FSAE赛车现状 (2)§1.2.1国际赛车简况 (2)§1.2.2国内赛车简况 (2)§1.2.3我校赛车简况 (2)§1.3 FSAE赛车总体设计概述 (3)§1.3.1汽车设计的规律、决策与设计过程 (3)§1.3.2 FSAE赛车主要技术要求 (3)§1.3.3 第二代赛车设计目标 (4)§1.3.4 FSAE赛车工程意义 (5)第二章 FSAE赛车总体设计6§2.1 总体设计目标 (6)§2.2 赛车目标参数的初步确定 (7)§2.2.1 发动机选择 (8)§2.2.2 轮胎的选择 (9)§2.2.3 传动系最小传动比的确定 (10)§2.2.4 传动系最大传动比的确定 (10)§2.3 赛车发动机选型 (12)§2.4 赛车主要设计参数的确定 (12)§2.4.1 尺寸参数 (12)§2.4.2 质量参数 (14)§2.4.3 性能参数 (15)§2.5 赛车各系统设计 (17)§2.5.1 悬架系统设计 (17)§2.5.2 转向系统设计 (18)§2.5.3 制动系统设计 (19)§2.5.4 电器系统设计 (21)§2.5.5 车身设计 (22)§2.5.6 车架设计 (23)第三章赛车动力性与燃油经济性24§3.1 汽车的动力性 (24)§3.1.1 动力性的评价指标 (24)§3.1.2驱动力—行驶阻力图 (24)§3.1.3 汽车的加速能力 (27)§3.1.4 动力特性图 (28)§3.1.5 功率平衡 (30)§3.2 燃油经济性 (31)第四章赛车总体布置32§4.1整车布置的基准线<面)-零线的确定 (32)§4.2各部件的布置 (33)§4.3总体设计参数表 (35)第五章结论36参考文献38致谢39第一章 FSAE赛车总体简况Formula SAE 赛事1980年在美国举办第一次比赛以来,现在已经成为汽车工程学会的学生成员举办的一项国际赛事,其目的是设计、制造一辆小型的高性能方程式赛车,并使用这辆自行设计和制造的赛车参加比赛。

关键词:大学生方程式赛车;悬架系统;结构设计;仿真优化Design and Study of Suspension for a FSC CarAbstractThe design and optimization of suspension system is an essential part of the overall design for a race car. This design takes the suspension system of FSC race car designed by the race team ,which is from Beijing institute of technology, Zhuhai, as the research objective. The the design mainly work in several aspects. This design was based on the competition rules of FSC. The calculation of the wheel track and spread of axles as well as the design of some related components including the front and rear suspension column have been conducted after a clear idea of the design had been made. The next step is the analysis of wheel alignment parameters in order to make out whether it affects the performance of the car. When unequal-length wishbone suspension is selected, the paper chose the type of flexible components, absorder, guide mechanism and other parts, and make sure it in the line with some basic principles. After that, we established 3D model with the help of the software of CATIA. Finally, based on the simulation platform of ADAMS, the kinematics simulation model of racing car suspension was established, and the simulation analysis was carried out. After the suspension parameter model was obtained, the results of primary parameters were used to analyze, and the suspension parameters were optimized by ADAMS.Keywords: FSC Race Car; Suspension system; Design of Structure;Simulate and Optimize目录1绪论 (1)1.1本设计的目的与意义 (1)1.2FSC大赛概况 (1)1.3国内外方程式赛车悬架的研究现状 (2)1.3.1国外研究现状 (2)1.3.2国内研究现状 (3)1.4设计研究的主要内容 (3)1.5本章小结 (4)2悬架系统设计 (5)2.1设计原理与思路 (5)2.2悬架形式的确定 (7)2.3相关部件的设计与选型 (8)2.3.1轮辋与轮胎的选型 (8)2.3.2车轮定位参数 (8)2.3.3 轴荷比、轴距与轮距的设计 (9)2.3.4 悬架导向机构的设计 (10)2.3.5 性能参数的计算 (11)2.3.6 前后悬架立柱的设计 (13)2.3.7 减震器的选型 (13)2.3.8悬架基本参数 (15)2.4章节小结 (16)3 悬架三维建模与装配 (17)3.1悬架零部件的三维建模 (17)3.2悬架的装配 (18)3.3章节小结 (19)4 ADAMS悬架建模与仿真 (20)4.1悬架动力学建模 (20)4.2悬架仿真 (21)4.3仿真结果分析 (23)4.4章节小结 (25)5硬点坐标的优化 (26)5.1仿真结果优化 (26)5.2优化前后结果分析 (28)5.3章节小结 (31)6 结论 (32)参考文献 (33)致谢 (34)附录 (35)附录1英文文献原文 (35)附录2中文翻译 (43)附录3前悬架左耳片CAD二维图 (49)附录4前悬架左立柱CAD二维图 (50)1绪论1.1本设计的目的与意义悬架,作为汽车连接车架与车桥的传力装置,是现代汽车上的重要总成之一。
YX-5 FSC赛车悬架设计与制作毕业设计

YX-5 FSC赛车悬架设计与制作毕业设计第1章绪论1.1 课题背景1.1.1 大学生方程式赛车的总体概述大学生方程式汽车大赛,首次举办与1981年,在此之后在各国汽车工程协会的帮助下使其蓬勃发展,使得更多的大学生参与其中,通过这个平台锻炼自己的能力,提高自己的专业技能,对汽车专业有了更深的了解。
1燕山大学本科生毕业设计22 中国大学生方程式赛车活动组织举办的目的就是对汽车专业人才的培养。

本文采用CATIA三维软件对车架进行三维设计,利用有限元分析软件对车架进行模态分析,有效缩短整个车架设计与制造的时间;采用LMS Test. Lab振动测试软件对车架的模态进行测试,解决了车架与发动机及传动部件的共振问题。
关键词:车架;有限元分析;人机工程;振动Abstract:In order to ensure the safety, reliability and operationalstability of the racing car frame, various working conditions of the frame are analyzed; In order to improve its fuel economy, the lightweight design of the frame is analyzed. In this paper, CATIA three-dimensional software is used for three-dimensional design of the frame, and finite element analysis software is used for modal analysis of the frame, which can effectively shorten the designand manufacturing time of the whole frame; Use LMS test Lab vibration test software tests the modal of the frame, and solves the resonance problem between the frame and the engine and transmission components. At the same time, the man-machine engineering experiment data collection is carried out to solve thedriver fatigue problem.Key words: frame; finite element analysis; ergonomic; vibration一、课题研究背景和意义中国大学生方程式汽车大赛自2010本土化以来,经过几年的学习与沉淀,不管是举办方或者是学生团队都有了蓬勃的发展,成绩喜人。

关键词:纯电动赛车,电机,电池,底盘总布置ABSTRACTThis paper introduces in detail the design methods and the guiding ideology, the content of this design is a college student equation of pure electric car design. Pure electric car is powered by car power, with the motor driven wheel driving, conform to the requirements of road traffic and safety regulations of the vehicle. Because of less environmental impact compared with the traditional cars, its prospect is widely, but the current technology is not mature. With the computer and electronic products continue to open-class ride, electric car technology has matured and improved, making driving safer, convenient, flexible and comfortable. Now, the electric car from the ordinary consumer from very far, only a few people in a hurry fashionable it. Electric cars can really traditional fuel vehicles to compete in the future automotive market will eventually be electric cars and smart cars are replaced. This is only a matter of time that day will come for.In the design process, first is to the selection of motor and battery, in order to make the car won the highest speeds, I chose the motor and battery after calculation. After chooses the electrical machinery and the battery, is same with the design fuel oil automobile chassis, and simultaneously synthesizes the electric automobile the unique feature, to the automobile transmission system, the travel system, the steering system, the braking system carries on analyses and the design. In the car chassis design process for electric vehicles, it is important to pay special attention to the different parts of the electric vehicles and fuel cars. The electric car’s drive train I designed is very simple. motor and reducer connected directly with chain transmission, so the layout of the whole chassis is free.KEY WORDS: electric car, electromotor, the battery, the chassis layout目录第一章大学生方程式赛车介绍 (1)§1.1 FSAE 赛车起源 (1)§1.2 FSAE 赛车现状 (2)§1.2.1 赛车现状 (2)§我校赛车现状 (2)第二章纯电动汽车 (3)§2.1 纯电动汽车的开展 (3)§2.1.1 电动汽车电池开展 (3)§2.1.2 电动汽车行业开展 (4)§2.1.3 中国汽车驶入“无油〞时代 (4)汽车优点 (5)§2.3 开展现状 (6)§2.3.1 兴旺国家现状 (6)§2.3.2 中国现状 (8)§2.4 电动车的未来开展方向 (8)大学生方程式纯电动赛车开展状况 (10)第三章赛车总体设计 (12)§3.1 赛车总体设计概述 (12)§3.1.1 总体设计要求 (12)§3.1.2 总体设计目标 (13)整车结构 (13)总体设计进度概述 (14)§3.1.5 课题的意义 (15)§3.2 赛车总体设计的一般顺序 (16)§3.3 赛车各系统设计 (18)§3.3.1 悬架系统设计 (18)§3.3.2 转向系统设计 (19)§3.3.3 制动系统设计 (19)§3.3.4 车架设计 (20)第四章赛车主要参数的初步确定 (22)§主要参数 (22)§4.1.1 主要技术参数 (22)§4.1.2 电动机的选择 (23)§4.1.3电动车电池面临的主要问题 (25)§4.1.4电动车电池的选择 (26)§4.1.5 轮胎的选择 (27)§4.2 赛车主要设计参数确实定 (28)§4.2.1 性能参数的计算 (28)§4.2.2 整车尺寸参数 (30)§4.3.3 主要技术参数 (31)第五章赛车动力性分析 (33)§5.1 行驶稳定性计算 (33)§5.2 动力性计算 (34)第六章赛车的底盘总布置 (37)§6.1 整车布置的基准确实定 (37)§6.2 赛车布置 (37)总结 (40)参考文献 (41)致谢 (44)第一章大学生方程式赛车介绍§1.1 FSAE 赛车起源Formula SAE 赛事1980年在美国举办第一次比赛以来,现在已经成为汽车工程学会的学生成员举办的一项国际赛事,其目的是设计、制造一辆小型的高性能方程式赛车,并使用这辆自行设计和制造的赛车参加比赛。

关键词:FSAE,模具,卡具,建模,工艺分析FORMULE SAE—A MOLD AND FIXTURE DESIGNABSTRACTBased on equation FSAE car competition event technical regulations of university students for the college studentsformula overall frame, suspension for the mould and fixture design. In fixture design not only need to consider whether or not the car frame each bar of positioning and clamping completely reliable, at the same time must consider the strength of the support bar and stiffness can meet the requirements, the final must also consider whether the welding space interference with the support bar. During mold design should not only consider the machining precision of the convex, concave die and punch, also must consider the intensity of the convex, concave die and stiffness. In this paper, on the premise of fully meet the above requirements on the mould and fixture design.At the beginning of the mould and fixture design, the formula car contest regulations and criteria, as the follow-up mold and fixture design of the technical specification requirements; In order to achieve the purpose of fixture design rationality, the design reference of Hunan university, Tianjin university and some of the foreign car mold and fixture. Entered the stage of design, this design through the comparative analysis several kinds of mould and the structure of fixture, decided to choose integration of positioning and clamping fixture design, USES the bending molding of strength to demand higher main ring. Then according to specification, to obtain the final size of the frame the structure of the mould and fixture and the specific size, and set up in the UG7.0 frame models of the fixture. Stress analysis was carried out on the mold and fixture, make each bar can reasonable positioning, clamping, the main ring can meet the accuracy requirement of the strength and, until the mold and fixture structure meet the requirements of all aspects.Key words: FSAE, mould, fixture, modeling, process analysis 目录第一章绪论 (1)§1.1 赛事简介 (1)§1.2 大赛性质 (2)§1.3 大赛理念 (2)§1.4 愿景与使命 (2)§1.5 组织结构 (3)第二章焊接卡具的设计 (4)§2.1 焊接的主要类型 (4)§2.1.1 点焊 (4)§2.1.2 凸焊 (4)§2.1.3 钎焊 (5)§2.1.4 二氧化碳焊 (5)§2.2 车用焊接卡具分析 (5)§2.3 焊接夹具的分类 (6)§2.3.1 无驱动夹具 (6)§2.3.2 气动夹具和手动夹具 (6)§2.4 焊接夹具的结构设计 (7)§2.5 六点定位原则在车身焊装夹具上的应用 (7) §2.6 焊装夹具设计原则 (8)§2.7 焊装夹具的基本要求 (8)§2.8 工艺分析 (9)§2.8.1 车架的分析 (9)§2.8.2 基准的选择 (9)§2.8.3 制定工艺路线 (10)§2.9 定位、夹紧元件的选择 (11)§2.9.1 定位元件及定位方式的选择 (11)§2.9.2 工件的夹紧及对夹紧装置的要求 (13)§2.9.3 定位误差的分析与计算 (13)§2.10 工件的夹紧 (14)§2.10.1 夹紧装置的设计原则 (15)§2.10.2 夹紧力确定的基本原则 (16) §2.10.3 减小夹紧变形的措施 (18)第三章模具的设计 (20)§3.1 模具的发展与现状 (20)§3.1.1 国内模具的发展与现状 (20)§3.1.2 模具CAD/CAE/CAM技术 (22) §3.2 零件工艺性分析 (23)§3.2.1 材料选择 (23)§3.2.2 结构分析 (23)§3.2.3 工艺分析 (24)§3.3 U形件弯曲模结构设计 (25)§3.3.1 模具的整体结构 (25)§3.3.2 凸、凹模的结构和固定形式 (25) §3.4 模具零件的设计与计算 (26)§3.4.1 凸、凹模的间隙 (26)§3.4.2 弯曲力计算 (27)§3.4.3 凸模长度的确定 (28)§3.4.4 凹模尺寸的确定 (28)§3.5 冲压设备的选用 (29)§3.5.1 冲压设备主要技术参数 (29)§3.5.2 冲压力的计算 (31)§3.5.3 选择压力机 (31)§3.6 模具强度和刚度的计算 (32)第四章结论 (35)参考文献 (36)致谢 (38)第一章绪论§1.1 赛事简介Formula SAE 赛事由美国汽车工程师协会(the Society of Automotive Engineers 简称SAE)主办。
YX-5 FSC赛车悬架设计与制作毕业设计

第1章绪论YX-5 FSC赛车悬架设计与制作毕业设计第1章绪论1.1 课题背景1.1.1 大学生方程式赛车的总体概述大学生方程式汽车大赛,首次举办与1981年,在此之后在各国汽车工程协会的帮助下使其蓬勃发展,使得更多的大学生参与其中,通过这个平台锻炼自己的能力,提高自己的专业技能,对汽车专业有了更深的了解。

本文主要研究的是FSAE方程式赛车传动系统的燃油经济性有很大的影响,故传动系统参数的确定是汽车设计,基于我院LS Racing车队三年来的比赛经验和设计理念,对赛车的传动系统进行优化和改造。
关键字:FSAE,差速器选型,德雷克斯勒限滑差速器,传动系IFormula SAE of china (transmission and final drivesystem)ABSTRACTThe basic function of auto transmission system is transfer engine power to drive wheels .The transmission system has a great influence in dynamic performance .So the parameter of drive system is one of the important part in automobile design .The article mainly research is drive system design of FSAE racing car. The car drive system optimization and transformation is based on LS Racing team competition experience and design concept in the past three years .The racing car engine is choose SUZUKI GSX-R600 have four cylinder engine .The differential is choose Drexler limited slip differential. According to the characteristics of the engine parameters, gear ratio and differential working principle ,that choose the right chain transmission ratio, calculation chain parameters, design the differential fixed bracket, reasonable arrangement of the drive system. Aimed at the transmission system components, use the ANSYS finite element analysis to check intensity of the parts, that optimize structure enables it to achieve light weight, high strength goal.KEY WORD:FSAE, Differential selection, Drexler limited slip differential, the ANSYS finite element analysis目录第一章大赛背景及发展现状 (1)§1.1 赛事背景 (1)§1.2 国外情况 (2)§1.3 国内情况 (2)第二章绪论 (4)§2.1 传动系统的组成 (4)§2.2 传动系统的功能实现 (4)§2.3 FSAE大学生方程式赛车传动系统的特点 (5)§2.4 中国大学生方程式汽车大赛(FSC)传动规则和要求 (6)§2.5 本次传动系统设计任务 (6)第三章赛车动力总成的选择与布置 (7)§3.1 整车参数与主要结构 (7)§3.2 赛车动力性计算 (9)§3.2.1 主减速比确定 (9)§3.2.2 赛车驱动力的计算 (10)§3.3 赛车动力性的验证与优化 (11)§3.3.1 拟合外特性曲线图 (11)§3.3.2 驱动力-行驶阻力平衡图 (12)§3.3.3 发动机功率-行驶阻力功率平衡图 (13)§3.3.4加速度特性曲线 (13)§3.3.5 动力因数图 (14)§3.4 传动方式确定 (14)第四章动力总成与车架的连接及与驱动轮的传动设计 (18)§4.1 差速器固定 (18)§4.2 车轮法兰设计 (20)§4.3 大小链轮的设计 (21)§4.3.1 链轮齿数1Z、和传动2Z比i的计算与确定 (21)§4.3.2齿数的选取原则 (21)§4.3.3 传动比的确定 (21)§4.3.4 链轮的计算与选取 (22)§4.4 差速器的设计与选择 (26)§4.4.1 差速器原理 (26)§4.4.2 差速器的分类 (27)§4.4.3 方程式赛车的差速器结构选择 (31)§4.4.4 差速器选用说明 (32)§4.5 万向节的选择 (32)§4.5.1 万向节的工作原理 (33)§4.5.2 等速万向节的分类 (33)§4.6 此次设计选用的万向节类型 (36)参考文献 (38)结束语 (38)第一章大赛背景及发展现状随着我国汽车工业的崛起,赛车文化日益蓬勃发展,同时为号召十二五时期党中央提出的科技强国口号,在这样一个背景下,2010年首届中国大学生方程式汽车大赛在上海国际赛车场隆重举办。

大学生方程式赛车设计(制动与行走系统设计)摘要Formula SAE赛事1980年在美国举办第一次比赛,现在已经是为汽车工程学会的学生成员举办的一项国际赛事,其目的是设计、制造一辆小型的高性能方程式赛车,并使用这辆自行设计和制造的赛车参加比赛。
本文主要阐述了在中国大学生方程式汽车大赛组委会制定的规则下,如何设计一辆Formula SAE 赛车的制动系统。
关键词:Formula SAE,赛车,制动,校核FORMULA RACING BRAKE AND WALKINGSYSTEM DESIGNABSTRACTFormula-SAE launched in the USA in 1980, Formula-SAE is now an international competition for Society of Automotive Engineers student members to form teams for the purpose of designing, building and competing in a small high-performance race car.The article discusses how to design a Formula SAE car's braking system。

关键词:方程式赛车(FSAE),发动机,匹配,进排气Design of FSAE(trial matching and assembly design of engine)ABSTRACTFormula SAE of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Chinese FSAE") is a study by the institutions of higher learning in vehicle engineering or relevant majors participate in automotive design and manufacture of the game.This paper studies college students formula (FSAE) matching calculation and structure design of engine system. by understanding the performance parameters, the structural parameters of the engine, using the principle of engine, automobile structure knowledge, According to the rules of the Formula SAE and search Information online to choose a engine . This paper mainly discusses how to improve the intake and exhaust and cooling system of engine, the engine to achieve the desired state, and in accordance with the competition rules. For the inlet and exhaust systems,use GT-Power FLUNT to simulation calculation. Optimization design of inlet and exhaust system,ues four intake manifold split,. avoid the phenomenon of each cylinder earn gas intake and exhaust is caused by the different time, the intake and exhaust more smoothly, improves the air intake efficiency, so as to enhance the power performance of the engine. The application of limited flow valve inlet system makes the car more secure, but also can make students more active go to study how to improve the intake system, made of two cone shape, so that the intake without blind angle, without violating the contest rules. Application of fluid mechanics designing resonant cavity, so that the intake as much as possible.KEY WORDS: Formula One racing (FSAE), engine, matching, The intake and exhaust.目录第一章大学生方程式赛车简介 (1)§1.1 赛事简介 (1)§1.2愿景与使命 (1)第二章发动机的匹配 (3)§2.1发动机的匹配 (3)§2.1.1匹配的定义 (3)§2.1.2发动机匹配的应用场合 (3)§2.2 发动机的机械匹配技术 (3)§2.2.1 发动机和变速器的选型和匹配 (3)§2.2.2 设计与分析 (4)§2.2.3 主要试验项目 (5)§2.3 发动机管理系统及其开发技术 (5)§2.3.1 发动机管理系统 (5)§2.3.2 发动机管理系统开发技术 (5)§2.4 发动机的标定技术 (6)§2.4.1 发动机标定 (6)§2.4.2 发动机标定软件 (6)§2.4.3 发动机标定设备 (6)§2.4.4 发动机标定试验 (7)§2.5 其它相关电气系统的开发 (7)§2.5.1车载网络系统的开发 (7)§2.5.2 电气线束系统的开发 (7)§2.6发动机的选购 (7)§2.6.1 赛车发动机的选择原则 (7)§2.6.2 以下是国内几款常用FSAE发动机的资料 (8)第三章发动机进排气系统的匹配 (14)§3.1 FSAE进排气系统和限流阀的关系 (14)§3.2 GT-Power介绍 (15)§3.3发动机的进排气管 (15)§3.3.1 进气管长度对发动机性能影响 (17)§3.3.2排气管长度对发动机性能影响 (17)§3.4 限流阀的作用意义 (17)§3.4.1 什么是进气限制器 (18)§3.4.2 进气限制器的作用 (18)§3.4.3 为什么要有进气限制器 (19)§3.4.4 进气限制器为什么要安装在节气门之后 (20)§3.5 谐振腔CAE分析方法 (20)§3.6 进排气歧管的设计 (21)§3.7进排气最终方案 (23)§3.7.1 进排气系统UG图 (23)§3.7.2进排气CAD图 (24)第四章冷却系统匹配 (26)§4.1 冷却系统的总体布置原则 (26)§4.1.1 提高进风系数 (26)§4.1.2提高冷却液循环中的散热能力 (26)§4.2 膨胀水箱的选择 (26)§4.3 水管的设计 (27)§4.4 防冻液的选择 (27)§4.5冷却系统的固定 (28)第五章润滑系统 (29)§5.1 润滑的意义 (29)§5.2 润滑的方式 (29)§5.3 润滑系统的组成及油路 (30)§5.4 曲轴箱通风装置 (30)§5.5 机油的功用 (31)§5.6 机油的使用特性及机油添加剂 (32)§5.7 机油的分类 (33)§5.8 机油泵 (34)§5.9 机油滤清器 (35)§5.10 冷却器 (36)第六章总结 (37)参考文献 (38)致谢 (39)附录 (40)第一章大学生方程式赛车简介§1.1 赛事简介中国大学生方程式汽车大赛(简称中国FSAE)是一项由高等院校汽车工程或汽车相关专业在校学生组队参加的汽车设计与制造比赛。

Formula SAE 1980 competition held in the first race in the United States, now is the student members of the Society of Automotive Engineers held an international event, whose purpose and designed using the Zheliang and manufactured race cars. For the purposes of this competition is to allow students to wear barrier for amateur drivers speed development and fabrication of a prototype vehicle, the original driving should have had the capacity to small batch product ion and prototype cars cost less than 25,000 dollars. The main competition includes three basic elements, namely: engineering design, cost control and static evaluation, a separate dynamic performance testing, durability testing high-performance Formula SAE competiti ons are usually the main participants from universities a convoy of students. Now in the United States, Europe and Australia will host an annual Formula SAE competition. In order to promote the national auto industry development, China started in 2010 to organize the event. This design is therefore to start, this design is mainly starting from the structure of the frame in order to allow the frame to match the car's stiffness and strength with the design and analysis, the design of the vehicle made a layout, determine the center of gravity position. And then design their own out of the use of three different frame structures Proe model, then three trailers into ansys structural analysis software for static and time frame roll static analysis, by comparing the optimized results will optimize the modal analysis of the frame. Since the frame is a simple fact to see is more complicated, not only through the analysis ansys software to meet design requirements, and shorten the design cycle. The optimal design by the Chinese FSAE car frame is designed to be more perfect, while a lot of data by race for the nation through the automotive industry can provide many important data, and further make the national car more secure and practical.

关键词:大学生方程式赛车;悬架系统;结构设计;仿真优化Design and Study of Suspension for a FSC CarAbstractThe design and optimization of suspension system is an essential part of the overall design for a race car. This design takes the suspension system of FSC race car designed by the race team ,which is from Beijing institute of technology, Zhuhai, as the research objective. The the design mainly work in several aspects. This design was based on the competition rules of FSC. The calculation of the wheel track and spread of axles as well as the design of some related components including the front and rear suspension column have been conducted after a clear idea of the design had been made. The next step is the analysis of wheel alignment parameters in order to make out whether it affects the performance of the car. When unequal-length wishbone suspension is selected, the paper chose the type of flexible components, absorder, guide mechanism and other parts, and make sure it in the line with some basic principles. After that, we established 3D model with the help of the software of CATIA. Finally, based on the simulation platform of ADAMS, the kinematics simulation model of racing car suspension was established, and the simulation analysis was carried out. After the suspension parameter model was obtained, the results of primary parameters were used to analyze, and the suspension parameters were optimized by ADAMS.Keywords: FSC Race Car; Suspension system; Design of Structure;Simulate and Optimize目录1绪论 (1)1.1本设计的目的与意义 (1)1.2FSC大赛概况 (1)1.3国内外方程式赛车悬架的研究现状 (2)1.3.1国外研究现状 (2)1.3.2国内研究现状 (3)1.4设计研究的主要内容 (3)1.5本章小结 (4)2悬架系统设计 (5)2.1设计原理与思路 (5)2.2悬架形式的确定 (7)2.3相关部件的设计与选型 (8)2.3.1轮辋与轮胎的选型 (8)2.3.2车轮定位参数 (8)2.3.3 轴荷比、轴距与轮距的设计 (9)2.3.4 悬架导向机构的设计 (10)2.3.5 性能参数的计算 (11)2.3.6 前后悬架立柱的设计 (13)2.3.7 减震器的选型 (13)2.3.8悬架基本参数 (15)2.4章节小结 (16)3 悬架三维建模与装配 (17)3.1悬架零部件的三维建模 (17)3.2悬架的装配 (18)3.3章节小结 (19)4 ADAMS悬架建模与仿真 (20)4.1悬架动力学建模 (20)4.2悬架仿真 (21)4.3仿真结果分析 (23)4.4章节小结 (25)5硬点坐标的优化 (26)5.1仿真结果优化 (26)5.2优化前后结果分析 (28)5.3章节小结 (31)6 结论 (32)参考文献 (33)致谢 (34)附录 (35)附录1英文文献原文 (35)附录2中文翻译 (43)附录3前悬架左耳片CAD二维图 (49)附录4前悬架左立柱CAD二维图 (50)1绪论1.1本设计的目的与意义悬架,作为汽车连接车架与车桥的传力装置,是现代汽车上的重要总成之一。
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2013年05月30 日
本设计为中国大学生方程式汽车大赛(Formula SAE - China,简称"FSAE")赛车前、后悬架总成设计。
本次设计运用了CAD2008画平面图,并运用UG NX 7.0建立悬架模型,进行运动分析和高级仿真。
This design for Chinese University students formula car(front and rear suspension design)
This design for Chinese University students formula car contest (Formula SAE-China, referred to as "FSAE.") racing front and rear suspension design. Suspension Assembly is an important component of the car, its function is to act on the pavement on vertical force, longitudinal force and lateral force as well as the reaction caused by the moment passed to the frame, in order to ensure that the vehicle's normal driving.This design according to the formula of college car racing rules and concrete parameters design requirements, refer to the data of many racing suspension , analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various suspension type, and ultimately determine the suitable for motor sport suspension---differ long double wishbone arm typed spiral spring independent suspension. Determine the use of unque length double wishbonecoil springindependent suspension,calculated and verified, to the rule of the game,and the actual needs of the cars’s roll center,select the suspension of the car-oriented institutions,and then according to the positioning of the wheel parameterspreliminary design calcuations on the dimensions of the upper and lower wishbone front and rear suspension and frame size as well as track and wheelbase dimensions,and the subsequent stress analysis under various conditions on the suspension,and determine the final suspension size and locationaramerers.In the design application kinematics analysis of the relationship between the various bodies exercise、determine the size parameters, use of theoretical mechanics, material mechanics calculation of the various components of suspension force to meet the strength
requirements of all parts This design employs CAD2008 draw the floor plan, and to use UG NX 7.0 establish suspension models, kinematic analysis and advanced simulation.
KEY WORD:Suspension, shock absorbers, guide mechanism, positional
parameter, modeling, motion analysis
M 汽车总质量,Kg
L 轴距,mm
h g 最小离地间隙, mm
G1 满载时前轴负荷分配, N
G2 满载时后轴负荷分配, N
R 车轮半径,mm
B 轮胎宽度,mm
β 主销内倾角,°
α 车轮外倾角,°
C 主销偏置距,°
N 弹簧有效圈数,1