古希腊罗马神话故事选读Roman Mythology第一课
希腊罗马神话教程-Unit 1 Myths of Universe Creation

Chaos as Freudian Unconscious
• the very original existence • an unknown darkess: empty, formless, silent, endless, fluid,
disordered • yet alive or active • (self)-productive or creative • un-controlled or uncontrollable (not entirely so now)
clay in the creation of man)
Jung's theory of “collective unconsciousness”
Differences of Creation Myths
• reflection of matrilineal order in the old version, the transition to patrilineal order in the later versions
Common Features of Creation Myths
• (the universal egg as the original form/container of life) • (man as the last creation coming after Nature; use of
Common Features of Creation Myths
• Chaos/Darkness as the primal cosmos (or God) • movement (wind, dance) • female Mother (mostly, early) as the creator • single-sex (re)production/parthenogenesis 单性繁殖 • incestuous reproduction 近亲繁殖

母狼在神话中是罗马的象 征,代表着母爱和保护。
罗马的历史和神话传说紧 密相连,许多罗马的历史 事件和人物都有神话的背 景。
罗马神话中的众神之王, 相当于希腊神话中的宙斯 。
罗马神话中的天后,相当 于希腊神话中的赫拉。
罗马神话中的爱与美的女 神,相当于希腊神话中的 阿佛洛狄忒。
介绍泰坦神族和奥林匹斯神族之间的 关系和权力斗争
泰坦神族是乌拉诺斯的后代,他们统 治着世界。但随着时间的推移,他们 被自己的子女推翻,奥林匹斯神族取 而代之。
根据古希腊神话,人类是由泰坦神族中的普罗米修斯创造的。他使用泥土和水创造了人类,并赋予了人类智慧和 情感。然而,人类也因此成为了其他神祇的玩物。
普罗米修斯是古希腊神话中的重要人物,他帮助人类获得了火种,从而改善了人类的生活。但他因此 被宙斯惩罚,被锁在高加索山的山崖上,任由一头老鹰来啄食他的肝。
根据古罗马神话,罗慕路 斯和雷姆斯是罗马的创始 人,他们是由母狼抚养大 的双胞胎兄弟。
例如,法国画家雅克-路易·大卫的《马 拉之死》、雕塑家米开朗基罗的《创 世纪》等,都以古希腊罗马神话为灵 感,展现了神话中的形象和故事。
古希腊罗马神话在现代艺术中仍然具有影响力,许多艺术家 将神话元素融入到自己的作品中。

Requirement and Evaluation
• Requirement:
• 1. Punctual attendance (5 min.s’ time to call the roll)
• 2. Active participation in the class
• He married his sister Ops (Rhea瑞亚), who bore him three daughters and three sons.
• But he swallowed his first five children Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon, immediately after their birth.
Hera’s revenge
• Besides, she also sent a gadfly (牛虻) to sting her continuously.
• Zeus sent Hermes to kill Argus.
• Hermes came close to him, and began to play his lyre.
• When Zeus fell in love with her she began to have horrible dreams and she was turned out of the palace.
• Zeus changed her into a beautiful young cow, but Hera asked for it as a gift and then ordered Argus, a giant with 100 eyes to watch over her.

Unit One Greek and Roman MythologyPre-reading Questions1。
The Greek and Roman mythologies have fascinated human beings for centuries。
Name some of your favorite myths and tell your classmates why you like them.2. Are there any similarities or differences between Greek and Roman myths?If so, what are they?Chaos : a goddess EurynomeEurynome's consort is Ophionin the beginning, Eurynome and Ophion ruled everything together from Mt。
Olympus, but were supplanted by Cronus and Rhea.The Erinnyes (in English, the Furies)Tisiphone, the AvengerMegara, the JealousAlecto, the UnrestingThe CharitesThe Charites (or the Graces) were three happy Goddesses of Beauty. They were named:Aglaia, SplendorEuphrosyne, MirthThalia, Good CheerGaia, called EarthShe is from whom everything comes, but she is not quite a divinity, because she is Earth。

在世界文艺史,特别是欧美近代文艺史上,希腊神话,以及由此脱胎而来 的罗马神话,曾经发挥了重要的作用。希腊艺术,史诗,悲剧,雕刻和 绘画等,无不采用神话为题材,这一事实对近代和现代文坛巨匠的选材 倾向颇有影响。就文学价值而言,希腊神话对于世界文学的影响绝不亚 于《红楼梦》,莎士比亚有很多作品取材于希腊神话,包括《罗密欧与 朱丽叶》、《仲夏夜之梦》、《维纳斯与阿多尼斯》等等。如果读过 《简· 爱》,会发现里面提到过很多希腊神话的名字,特别是有点教养 的绅士、淑女们对希腊神话的典故能运用自如。意大利的但丁,德国的 歌德等这些欧洲文学巨匠,都经常回过头去从神话里汲取素材和典故。 美国的著名诗人著名小说家也是如此。这样,神话故事渗透到世界文学 的机体中去,其魅力有增无减,历久不衰。关于这几点,在一本关于希 腊神话的书上得到了证实,这本书是这样写的: 在西方,对希腊神话了解的多寡,一向是衡量一个人受教育程度的标志。 希腊神话早已成为整个西方文化不可分割的一部分,并不断影响着西方 的社会文化及文学艺术的发展。因此有人讲,不懂得希腊和罗马神话, 就在相当的程度上失去了欣赏和了解欧美文艺的机缘。这种讲法绝不过 分。所以,对于一个学习英语的人来说,了解一点神话故事知识是非常 必要的。
Types of stories: Divine myths: these are stories about gods and goddesses. Many of the stories are about the creation of Earth. The tale of Nu Wa mending the sky is a good example. Fable myths: these stories are about animals that have human characteristics. Many of the stories contain moral teachings. Aesop’s Fable.

• 伊阿宋寻找金羊毛 • 古希腊神话寻找金羊毛—中世纪骑士传
奇寻找圣杯—文艺复兴时期《巨人传》寻 找神瓶,流浪汉小说寻找父亲和争取生存 权利—19世纪俄国文学探求真理,寻找出 路,托尔斯泰《战争与和平》《安娜·卡列 尼娜》《复活》—20世纪文学寻找自我和 寻找精神理想(美)索尔·贝娄 《雨王亨德森》
Classical Greek and Roman
Lecturer: Peng Xiaoling (彭晓玲)
Requirement and Evaluation
• Requirement: • 1. Punctual
• 2. Active participation in the class
Therefore, there is some truth in the saying that
without certain knowledge of Greek and Roman mythology, one can never fully understand and appreciate western culture. (eg. literature, arts,… character)
Da Vinci, 1506
大理石雕塑 希腊古典时期
Jacopo Carucci Pontormo 1512-13 意大利佛罗伦萨乌斐兹美术馆.jpg
Other Aspects
❖ Apollo Program ❖ Poseidon Submarine ❖ Trident I & II missile

The strength of Greek mythology lay in its collective nature . A myth always stood on its own , with a plot and a
Roman myths
Gods of Mount Olympus, the most helpless, is small Cupid. Cupid has been as a symbol of love, he has a very beautiful golden hair, white and tender face, there could be free to fly wings. Cupid and his mother Venus are the head of love and marriage. Venus represents the rational love. On the contray, Cupid represents the crazy love. Cupid's images are blindfolded, it shows that, love is blind.
Roman myths
Venus is the Roman god who is a symbol of love and
b2e02a1/3u/11ty, also a symbol of fertility goddess.
Roman myths
myths& the Bible- Introduction-2013-1 希腊罗马神话

… …
… …
Lan gua ge
culture stories from myths &
the Bible
Q3. Why should we work on these
two topics? The answer will be seen in Part I.
9. Prometheus (week5) 19. Birth of Jesus(week10) 10. Oedipus (week5) 20. Death of Jesus(week11)
No Textbook Reading Materials/Handouts Homework Internet/library Final Grades Attendance + Group Presentation + Final Exam
Greco-Roman Mythology
& the Bible
Greco-Roman Mythology &
The Bible
Qian Yuan Suzie
Q1. What will we do in this course? Greco-Roman Mythology & The Bible
1. Poseidon (week2) 11. Perseus (week6)
2.Hades (week2)
12. Theseus (week6)
13. Atalanta (week7)
3.Athena (week3)

原型理论(Myth Archetype Theory )
Plato (427-347 BCE) discussed his "Forms", postulating that all objects have an "ideal" "form" or structure. In particular, he taught that these "Forms" were pure or perfect objects of mathematical or other conceptual knowledge. He felt that these "pure" forms existed only in the realm of knowledge and never in the reality of human everyday existence. Individual things in the realm of appearance are beautiful only insofar as they participate in, correlate with, or approach in structure these universal "Forms" of Beauty.
原型理论(Myth Archetype Theory )
Karl Jung (1875-1961) took the concept of Plato's "Forms" further and presented his own Theory of Archetypes. In Jungian Psychology an Archetype is "an unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., inherited from the ancestors of the race and universally present in individual psyches". In simpler terms we could basically refer to an archetype as an "instinct". That is, in essence, an instinctual idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., inherited from the ancestors of the race and universally present in individual psyches. We now believe that the image of the "ideal" human face is indeed an "Archetype"; a subconscious image which we are born with and carry throughout our lives.
希腊罗马神话教程-Unit 10 Roman Mythology

A nation that grew upon the basis of Greek culture and the other neighboring cultures
A new nation with a full account of its history of origin, foundation and expansion
Origin and Features of Roman Mythology
Borrowing from Other Cultures
Egyptians: Isis, Elysium Etruscans: Minerva, she-wolf,
Pico the woodpecker
Sabine women: rape legalized (compared to that of Lapith women at the wedding) The Horatti: oath and sacrifice for one’s country Cloelia: the celebration of
Origin and Features of Roman Mythology
Assimilation and Transformation of Greek Mythology Creation of Their Own Myth
Borrowing from Other Cultures
Creation of Their Own Myth
Story of Remus and Romulus:
--fed rigin and Features of Roman Mythology


Roman and Greek Mythology希腊罗马神话课程教案Foreign Language Teaching and Research DepartmentHeilongjiang UniversityForeign Language Teaching and Research Department★ Introduction of GreeceI.ObjectivesStudents will be able to :1. get to know something about GreeceII.Lesson PlanGreece is the southeasternmost region on the European continent. It is defined by a series of mountains, surrounded on all sides except the north by water, and endowed with countless large and small islands. The Ionian (爱奥尼亚) and Aegean seas and the many deep bays and natural harbors along the coastlines allowed the Greeks to prosper in maritime commerce(海上贸易)and to develop a culture which drew inspiration from many sources, both foreign and indigenous. Greece has a history stretching back almost 4000 years. The people of the mainland, called Hellenes(古希腊人), organised great naval and military expeditions, and explored the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, going as far as the Atlantic Ocean and the Caucasus Mountains(高加索山脉). One of those expeditions, the siege of Troy, is narrated in the first great European literary work, Homer's Iliad. During the Classical period (5th century B.C.), Greece was composed of city-states(古希腊的城邦), the largest being Athens, followed by Sparta(斯巴达)and Thebes(底比斯). In the second half of the 4th century B.C., the Greeks, led by Alexander the Great①, conquered most of the then known world and sought to Hellenize it. In 146 BC Greece fell to the Romans.During the Hellenistic period, the Greek world was reaching as far east as India. At length its culture became one of the oldest and the most resplendent ancient civilizations in history---Hellenic culture. From this moment on, I will do my best to present you the culture from mythology stories.Foreign Language Teaching and Research DepartmentChapter1 IntroductionI. ObjectivesStudents will be able to :1. get to know the Beginning of the World2. get to know the Olympian GodsII. Learning Difficultiesdifferent names of the gods and goddessesIII.Lesson Plan★ 1.1 The Beginning of the WorldBefore earth and sea and heavens became known, the face of nature was one crude, formless mass. Land and sea and air were mingled together. The universe was a uniform darkness, without sun, moon, let alone the earth. In the middle of the darkness sat Chaos and his wife---Nyx [niks], the goddess of Night, who reigned but did not rule. So the whole space was lifeless. Centuries later, with the birth of Light and Day, earth and sea and air came into being. And also Chaos and Nyx gave birth to Gaea 盖亚(Earth), and Gaea gave birth to Uranus (Heaven) and married him. Still later, the union of Gaea and Uranus gave birth to the Titans (The Titans of Greek mythology were the twelve children of Gaea and Uranus), the Cyclopes and the Centimani. Afraid that his own gigantic children might usurp his throne, Uranus drove them all back to the earth, and this roused the resentment of the mother Gaea. At her instigation one of her sons, Cronus (one Titan) attacked and wounded Uranus with a sickle given by Gaea. Thus Cronus got the crown and became the supreme ruler of the universe.He married his own sister Rhea and entrusted the management of the sun to his brother Hyperion and the moon to his sister Phoebe. Cronus ruled his realm peacefully until an oracle prophesied that he would one day be dethroned/overthrown by one of his own children. To avoid the disaster he took the excessive precaution of swallowing up all his five children one by one after their birth. These were Hesia The goddess of the hearth (赫斯提:女灶神) Demeter (The goddess of the harvest得墨忒耳:主管收获的女神), Hera, Poseidon (The god of the waters, earthquakes, and horses), Hades (The god of the netherworld). When Rhea bore the last child, Zeus (Jupiter), Cronus wanted to get rid of him in the same fashion. But the mother wrapped up a piece of stone in the infant’s swathes and handed it over to the unsuspecting father. Thus Zeus was saved and sent to Mt Ida (艾达峰:克里特岛中部一山峰), where the mountain nymphs (宁芙女神:以美丽女子形象出现,有时化身为树、水和山等自然之物的小女神) did all in their power to protect him from any harm. By the time Cronus became aware of the deception, it was too late, for young Zeus suddenly appeared before him and easily deposed/dethroned him.Foreign Language Teaching and Research DepartmentWith the help of a nauseous potion, Zeus forced his father to disgorge his five brothers and sisters. But Cronus and his Titans were not reconciled to their defeat. They made war on Zeus and his brothers and sisters. Acting on the advice of his mother Rhea, Zeus released the Cyclopes from under the earth and armed himself with their thunderbolts, for the Cyclopes were thunderbolt-makers. Soon Cronus and Titans were forced to submission and cast down into Tartarus (The regions below Hades where the Titans were confined塔尔塔罗斯:冥府下面的深渊). Thus Zeus became the ruler of the Olympus. He made his sister Hera his queen, and distributed power among his brothers and sisters and his sons and daughters. Among them, Poseidon ruled over the vast expanse of seas and oceans, and Pluto was assigned as the lord to the lower world.★ 1.2 The Olympian GodsOn Mt Olympus, the overlord of gods---Zeus---was not an autocrat; he led a council of twelve members (i.e. there were twelve major gods on Mt Olympus).There were twelve Olympians, although you may run across fourteen different names. Hestia, Demeter, Dionysus, and Hades are variable. The remaining ten are: Apollo, Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus, Poseidon, and Zeus, among the gods; Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, and Hera, among the goddesses.Zeus(宙斯天王): Zeus is the ruler of the Olympian gods. He is also known as Jupiter in Roman. His attributes in iconography include the lightning bolt, the eagle, and the scepter. Hera(赫拉天后婚姻神): As the wife (and sister) of Zeus, Hera is the patron of marriage. She is also known as Juno (Roman). She has no unique attributes in iconography and so can only be identified by context or inscription.Poseidon(波塞冬海神): Poseidon is the god of the sea. He is also known as Neptune (Roman) and the Earth-shaker. His attributes in iconography include the trident and the fish.Hades(哈得斯冥神阎王):Hades is the god of the underworld. He is also known as Pluto(Roman). His attributes in iconography are the cornucopia and the sceptre.Ares(阿瑞斯战神): Ares is the god of war and conflict and is the husband of Aphrodite. He is also known as Mars (Roman). Ares is depicted as a warrior but, as he has no unique attributes in iconography, he can only be identified by context or inscription. Hephaestus (赫菲斯托斯火和锻冶之神) : The god of fire and metalworking.Hermes(赫耳墨斯商神幸运神): Hermes' main role is as a messenger but he has many other functions as well. He is also known as Mercury (Roman). His attributes in iconography include the kerykeion (messenger's staff), winged boots, and petassos (cap). Apollo(阿波罗太阳神): Apollo is associated principally with music, prophecy, sickness, and medicine. He is also known as Phoebus Apollo and is called the Far Shooter and the Pythian. (He has no separate Roman name.) His attributes in iconography are the cithara, or sometime the lyre, the bow, the fawn, and the tripod. He is often depicted with his sister, Artemis.Artemis(阿耳忒弥斯月神狩猎神): Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and animals, as well as of childbirth. She is also known as Diana (Roman). Her attributes in iconography include the bow and the fawn. She often appears with her brother, Apollo.Athene(雅典娜智慧神): Athene (also spelled Athena) is the patron of wisdom, military Foreign Language Teaching and Research Departmentvictory, and women's crafts. She is the one who leaped up from the top of Zeus’s head. She is also known as Tritogeneia and Minerva (Roman) and is also called Pallas Athene. Her attributes in iconography include the aegis (a fringed cloak, sometimes decorated with a Gorgon's head), the helmet, and the spear.Demeter(得墨忒耳农神): Demeter is the giver of grain. She is also known as Ceres (Roman) and sometimes Deo. Her attributes in iconography can include a torch, a crown, a sceptre, and stalks of grain. She is often portrayed with her daughter, Persephone/Kore. Aphrodite(阿芙罗蒂德爱欲之神): Aphrodite governs desire and sexuality. She is also known as Cytherea, Cypris, and Venus (Roman). She is often pictured with a sceptre or a mirror.Hestia The goddess of the hearth, daughter of Cronus and Rhea.(赫斯提:女灶神,克罗诺斯与瑞亚之女)Dionysus The god of wine and of an orgiastic religion celebrating the power and fertility of nature.Also called Bacchus狄俄尼索斯(酒神, 即罗马神话中的Bacchus)酒神和宗教狂欢庆祝大自然权力与丰产之神Gods assembled: In the line behind and from left to right is first Hades, holding his two-forked scepter, the mother of the gods Rhea 1, and between her and Hera is Hera's peacock. Zeus sits in the middle with the eagle at his feet holding the thunderbolt in his hand.To his right sits Cronos and standing are Athena and Apollo. Under the latter Artemis, with a half-moon adorning his head, is seen holding her bow. In the first line and from left to right Dionysus 2 is seen reclining. Ares in armour sits close to Aphrodite who looks at Eros as he comes towards her. In the far right sits Poseidon holding his trident.Foreign Language Teaching and Research DepartmentChapter2 Prometheus and Pandora's BoxI. ObjectivesStudents will be able to :1. get to know something about Prometheus2. get to know something about PandoraII. Learning DifficultiesThe relation between Prometheus and PandoraIII. Lesson Plan★ 2.1 PrometheusPrometheus was one of the Titans, a gigantic race, who inhabited the earth before the creation of man. Prometheus was called the benefactor of mankind.To him and his brother Epimetheus was committed the office of making man, and providing him and all other animals with the faculties necessary for their preservation. Epimetheus undertook to do this, and Prometheus was to overlook his work, when it was done. Epimetheus accordingly proceeded to bestow upon the different animals the various gifts of courage, strength, swiftness, sagacity; wings to one, claws to another, a shelly covering to a third, etc. But when man came to be provided for, who was to be superior to all other animals, Epimetheus had been so prodigal of his resources that he had nothing left to bestow upon him. In his perplexity he resorted to his brother Prometheus, who, with the aid of Minerva (The goddess of wisdom, invention, the arts, and martial prowess. 密涅瓦:掌管智慧、发明、艺术和武艺的女神), went up to heaven, and lighted his torch at the chariot of the sun. and brought down fire to man. With this gift man was more than a match for all other animals. It enabled him to make weapons wherewith to subdue them; tools with which to cultivate the earth; to warm his dwelling, so as to be comparatively independent of climate; and finally to introduce the arts and to coin money, the means of trade and commerce.Zeus sent most of the Titans to Tartarus to punish them for fighting against him in the Titanomachy, but since the second generation Titan Prometheus had not sided with his aunts, uncles, and brother Atlas, Zeus spared him. Zeus then assigned Prometheus the task of forming man from water and earth, which he did, but in the process, became fonder of men than Zeus had anticipated. Zeus didn't share Prometheus' feelings and wanted to keep men from having power, especially of fire. So Zeus deprived mankind of the gift of fire. Prometheus cared more for man than for the wrath of the increasingly powerful and autocratic king of the gods, so he stole fire from Zeus' lightning, concealed it in a hollow stalk of fennel, and brought it to man. He also stole skills from Hephaestus and Athena to give to man. Then, when Zeus and he were discussing the ceremonial forms for Foreign Language Teaching and Research Departmentanimal sacrifice, Prometheus devised a way to help man. He divided the slaughtered animal parts into two packets. In one was the ox meat and innards wrapped up in the stomach lining. In the other packet were the ox bones wrapped up in its own rich fat. Prometheus presented Zeus with a choice between the two, and Zeus took the richer appearing. As a result of this trick, man would thereafter be able to feast on the meat whenever it sacrificed (burned bones) to the gods.Prometheus was still not awed by the might of Zeus and continued to defy him, refusing to warn him of the dangers of the nymph Thetis (future mother of Achilles). Zeus had tried punishing Prometheus through his loved ones, but this time he decided to punish him more directly. He bade Hephaestus (or Hermes) chain Prometheus to Mount Caucasus, where an eagle ate his ever-regenerating liver each day.Eventually Hercules rescued Prometheus, and Zeus and the Titan were reconciled. ★ 2.2 Pandora’s BoxPandora, was crafted by Hephaestus in his forge. Athena provided Pandora with skills in the womanly arts and made her dangerous. Zeus, who ordered her creation, gave her as a gift and a curse to mankind. Thus Pandora can be said to have had three parents. Pandora is better known as the woman whose curiosity got the best of her when she opened the forbidden box out of which came all the evils of the world and one good, hope.Aphrodite (Venus) gave her beauty, Hermes (Mercury) persuasion, Apollo music, etc. Thus equipped, she was conveyed to earth, and presented to Epimetheus, who gladly accepted her, though cautioned by his brother to beware of Zeus and his gifts. When he was preoccupied with teaching men the art of living, Prometheus had left a big cask in the care of Ephimetheus. He had warned his brother not to open the lid. Pandora was seized with an eager curiosity to know what this jar contained; and one day she slipped off the cover and looked in. Forthwith there escaped a multitude of plagues and sickness, theft and violence, grief and sorrow and all the other evils that human world was henceforward to experience. Pandora hastened to replace the lid! But the whole contents of the jar had escaped, one thing only excepted, which lay at the bottom, and that was hope. So we see at this day, whatever evils are abroad, hope never entirely leaves us; and while we have that, no amount of other ills can make us completely wretched/miserable/despaired..Foreign Language Teaching and Research DepartmentChapter3 The Four Ages and The FloodI. ObjectivesStudents will be able to :1. get to know something about the four ages2. get to know something about the floodII. Learning DifficultiesThe two characters in the story of the floodIII. Lesson Plan★ 3.1 the Four AgesGolden AgeThe Golden Age was a mythical first period of man when everything was happy and easy, and mortals lived like gods, although they died, but only as if falling asleep. No one worked or grew unhappy. Spring never ended. It is even described as a period in which people aged backwards. When they died, they became ghosts and roamed the earth. The people of the Golden Age were formed by or for the titan Cronus.When Zeus overcame the titans the Golden Age ended.First of all the deathless gods who dwell on Olympus made a golden race of mortal men who lived in the time of Cronos when he was reigning in heaven. And they lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not on them; but with legs and arms never failing they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all evils. When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep, and they had all good things; for the fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly. They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things, rich in flocks and loved by the blessed gods.Silver AgeDuring the Silver Age the Olympian god Zeus was in charge. Zeus caused this generation of man to be created inferior in appearance and wisdom to the last. He divided the year into four seasons. Man had to plant grain and seek shelter, but still, a child could play for a hundred years before growing up. The people wouldn't honor the gods, so Zeus caused them to be destroyed. When they died, they became "blessed spirits of the underworld."Bronze AgeThe third Age was of bronze. Zeus created men from ash trees. They were strong and warlike. They did not eat bread. Their armor and homes were of bronze. It was this generation of men that was destroyed by the flood in the time of Deucalion and Pyrrha. When they died they went to the Underworld.Foreign Language Teaching and Research DepartmentThese were destroyed by their own hands and passed to the dank house of chill Hades, and left no name: terrible though they were, black Death seized them, and they left the bright light of the sun.Our race is the Iron Race in the Iron Age.Iron AgeZeus placed a fourth race of men on earth during the present, Iron Age. All manner of evils came into being during this age. Piety and other virtues disappeared and most of the gods who were left on Earth, abandoned it. Zeus will destroy this race some day.The father will not agree with his children, nor the children with their father, nor guest with his host, nor comrade with comrade; nor will brother be dear to brother as aforetime. Men will dishonour their parents as they grow quickly old, and will carp at them, chiding them with bitter words, hard-hearted they, not knowing the fear of the gods. They will not repay their aged parents the cost their nurture, for might shall be their right: and one man will sack another's city. There will be no favour for the man who keeps his oath or for the just or for the good; but rather men will praise the evil-doer and his violent dealing. Strength will be right and reverence will cease to be; and the wicked will hurt the worthy man, speaking false words against him, and will swear an oath upon them. Envy, foul-mouthed, delighting in evil, with scowling face, will go along with wretched men one and all. And then Aidos and Nemesis (7), with their sweet forms wrapped in white robes, will go from the wide-pathed earth and forsake mankind to join the company of the deathless gods: and bitter sorrows will be left for mortal men, and there will be no help against evil.★ 3.2 The FloodTowards the end of the Age of Bronze the human world became very wicked. Men grew greed, and impious. Neither right nor law was respected any longer, and the rule of hospitality (殷勤待客的风俗) was forgotten. Disguised in human form, Zeus visited Arcadia (A region of ancient Greece in the Peloponnesus. Its inhabitants, relatively isolated from the rest of the known civilized world, proverbially lived a simple, pastoral life. 阿卡迪亚:古希腊的一区域,位于伯罗奔尼撒,其居民与其它著名文明世界相对隔绝,以过着简朴和田园式的生活著称。

神话的定义 英文中的神话<myth>一词来自希腊语中的
"mythos",其含意是"表达"、"言说"、"故事" 或"传说"等 . Mythology有两层意思,一个是指神话的总称或 神话集 ,神话故事通常不是分散、单个故事的 讲述,而往往是汇聚成体系,由若干有内在联系 的故事构成属于某特定民族的叙事,讲述其起 源、神祗、先祖和先祖崇拜的英雄人物,一般 涉及历史纪元开始之前"混沌之初"的时期.另 一层含意是神话学,指的是对神话叙事进行系 统收集和研究的学术领域 .
阿佛洛狄忒<Aphrodite>——美神与爱神 ;阿 瑞斯<Ares>——战神 ;赫菲斯托斯 <Hephaestus>——火神及工匠之神 ;赫尔墨 斯<Hermes>——诸神的传令使;德墨忒尔 <Demeter>——农耕和丰收女神 ;狄俄尼索 斯<Dionysus>——酒神.
主神有: 宙斯<Zeus>——众神之君,掌管天上和人间 ; 赫拉<Hera>——天后,宙斯之妻,婚姻及妇女的保护神; 波塞冬<Poseidon>——海洋之神 ;哈得斯 <Hades>——冥王,主管冥间、地府;雅典娜 <Athena>——智慧女神 ;阿波罗<Apollo>——光明 之神;阿尔忒弥斯<Artemis>——狩猎与月亮女神;
在世界各神话体系当中 ,有产生于斯堪的纳维亚的北 欧神话和产生于中东的古代希伯莱神话 ,最广为人知 的就是古希腊神话、古罗马神话 .
lecture 11-13 古希腊罗马神话 英文版 教学课件

英语词Odyssey还指任何路途漫长 、充满风险的旅行 。
• Instead of leaving the place , they sat eating and drinking t i l l dawn . By then the Thracians had gathered and began to attack the men of Odysseus .
ClassicalGreekandRoman Mythology
Lecture 11- 13
Part IV : The Adventures of Odysseus
•11.. TThhee BBeeggiinnnniinngg VVooyyaaggee
•22.. TThhee LLoottuuss--EEaatteerrss
•The winds escaped from the bag and blew them back to the island of Aeolus aga in , who refused to provide any favourable winds .
5. Circe
•Circe was a beautiful goddess , who lived on an island in the Mediterranean Sea .
• lotus land : 常指梦幻般的地点或环境 , 俚语里指好莱坞
3. One-Eyed Giant
希腊罗马神话课程(王磊)Lecture 1

2. How Greco-Roman mythology evolved Western civilized man has an amniotic (羊膜的) relationship to Greece. Greece is every Western man’s second nature. po 2.1 The Greek mythology 2.1.1 Its evolution - Strong influence of the older traditions of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (美索不达米亚): Egyptian gods disguising in animal forms; the flood story in the Sumerian (苏美尔) Epic of Gilgamesh (吉尔伽美什) - Greek myths assuming unique character in the Mycenaean period (ca.1600-1100 B.C.)
Round many western islands have I been Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold.
还有多少西方的海岛,歌者 都已使它们向阿波罗臣服。
Oft of one wide expanse had I been told
To Hபைடு நூலகம்len 致海伦
Edgar Allan Poe 1845
Helen, thy beauty is to me 海伦,对于我,你那美艳 Like those Nicean barks of yore 像往昔的尼斯之船, That gently, o'er a perfumed sea, 轻柔地拂过那芳香的大海, The weary, way-worn wanderer bore 载着那疲惫的游子, To his own native shore. 返回故乡的海岸。

希腊罗马神话欣赏APPRECIATION OF GREEK & ROMANMYTHOLOGY课程介绍•课程描述•课程要求•考查方式& 评分标准•课程内容•推荐读物课程描述—课程意义Francis Bacon(1561—1626)英国哲学家、科学家、作家“英国唯物主义和整个现代实验科学的真正始祖”----马克思Studies serve for delight, forornament, and for ability.Their chief use for delight, is inprivateness and retiring; forornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment anddisposition of business.-----Of Studies读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。
课程描述—课程意义西方文化的三个源头希腊罗马神话圣经文艺复兴/ 北欧神话/ 骑士精神Without certain knowledge of Greek and Roman mythology, one can never fully understand and appreciate western culture.课程描述—课程意义希腊罗马神话对西方文化的影响语言文学天文艺术社会生活语言Adonisas false as Cressidaprocrustean bedunder the aegis ofJupiter laughs at lovers ’perjuries.Far from Jupiter, far from thunder. Without Ceres and Bacchus, Venus grows cold.他是个陈世美桃园结义 说曹操,曹操到Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet At lovers ’perjuries, they say Jove laughs文学Shakespeare (1564-1616) Troilus and Cressida(tragedy) Venus and Adonis(poem)文学Shelley (1792-1822) Prometheus UnboundHymn of ApolloHymn of PanAdonis文学KeatsEndymionOde to PsycheJames JoyceUlysses (Odyssey)George Bernard Shaw PygmalionSaturn: God of agriculture and father of Jupiter 天文天文Ursa Major天文Ursa Minor天文Lyra天文Hercules天文Orion艺术Da Vinci, 1506a 16 C. copy after a lost painting by Michelangelo ,1530 (National Gallery, London) Leda and the Swan艺术Leda and the SwanJacopo Carucci Pontormo 1512-13意大利佛罗伦萨乌斐兹美术馆大理石雕塑希腊古典时期其他Apollo ProgramPoseidon Submarine Trident I & II missile Trojan horse virus课程要求、考查方式& 评分标准要求分值评分标准Participation40%出勤& 课堂参与Test30%开卷/ 内容Paper30%单页稿纸;手写/ 题目考试内容1. 写出希腊罗马神话中十二大天神的名字,包括希腊文名字和拉丁文名字,并介绍他们的主要职责。

希腊神话第一课GreekMythologyTheogony–PartI神谱大耳朵特色授课室ID:2831时间:2014年1月5日 8:30——10:30授课老师:Lin老师授课内容:特色英语助教:婉音本课内容:希腊神话第一课Greek MythologyTheogony – Part I 神谱I.Introduction - theogonyThe Theogony (Greek: Θεογον?α, Theogonía, pronounced [t?eoɡonía], “the birth of the gods") is a poem by Hesiod (8th –7th century BC) describing the origins and genealogies of Greek polytheism, composed circa 700 BC. It is written in the Epic dialect of Homeric Greek.The versionTranslated by H.G. Eveyln-White in 1914Ⅱ. Table of contentsProemium: Hymn to the Muses of Helicon (1 - 104)Chaos and The First Gods (105 - 122)The Second Generation: Children of the First GodsChildren of NightChildren of GaiaThe Children of Night (part 2)The Line of PontosChildren of Pontos produced asexuallyChildren of Gaia and Pontos (237 - 239)Children of the Titans (337 - )Challenges to ZeusChildren of the Olympians (886 - )Goddesses who bore Children to Mortal Men (965 - 1020) Mortal Women who bore Children to Gods (1021 ff.: the Catalog of Women)Ⅲ. Part I – chaos and the first godsChaos: "Chasm" (116)Gaia or Gaea: "Earth" (116)Tartaros or Tartarus: “Abyss” (119)Eros: "Love" (120)Erebos or Erebus: "Gloom" (123)Nyx: "Night" (123)Ⅳ. ll. 116-138Verily at the first Chaos came to be, but next wide-bosomed Earth, the ever-sure foundations of all (4) the deathless ones who hold the peaks of snowy Olympus, and dim Tartarus in the depth of the wide-pathed Earth, and Eros (Love), fairest among the deathless gods, who unnerves the limbs and overcomes the mind and wise counsels of all gods and all men within them.From Chaos came forth Erebus and black Night; but of Night were born Aether (5) and Day, whom she conceived and bare from union in love with Erebus.(4) Earth, in the cosmology of Hesiod, is a disk surrounded by the river Oceanusand floating upon a waste of waters. It is called the foundation of all (thequalification …the deathless ones...? etc. is an interpolati on), because not only trees,men, and animals, but even the hills and seas (ll. 129, 131) are supported by it.(5) Aether is the bright, untainted upper atmosphere, as distinguished from Aer,the lower atmosphere of the earth.Ⅴ. ll. 116-138 – cont.And Earth first bare starry Heaven, equal to herself, to cover her on every side, and to be an ever-sure abiding-place for the blessed gods. And she brought forth long Hills, graceful haunts of the goddess-Nymphs who dwell amongst the glens of the hills. She bare also the fruitless deep with his raging swell, Pontus, without sweet union of love. But afterwards she lay with Heaven and bare deep-swirling Oceanus, Coeus and Crius and Hyperion and Iapetus, Theia and Rhea, Themis and Mnemosyne and gold-crowned Phoebe and lovely Tethys. After them was born Cronos the wily, youngest and most terrible of her children, and he hated his lusty sire.Ⅵ. ll. 139-146And again, she bare the Cyclopes, overbearing in spirit, Brontes, and Steropes and stubborn-hearted Arges (6), who gave Zeus the thunder and made the thunderbolt: in all else they were like the gods, but one eye only was set in themidst of their fore-heads. And they were surnamed Cyclopes (Orb-eyed) because one orbed eye was set in their foreheads. Strength and might and craft were in their works.(6) Brontes is the Thunderer; Steropes, the Lightener; and Arges, the Vivid One Ⅶ.ll. 147-163And again, three other sons were born of Earth and Heaven, great and doughty beyond telling, Cottus and Briareos and Gyes, presumptuous children. From their shoulders sprang an hundred arms, not to be approached, and each had fifty heads upon his shoulders on their strong limbs, and irresistible was the stubborn strength that was in their great forms. For of all the children that were born of Earth and Heaven, these were the most terrible, andthey were hated by their own father from the first.Ⅷ. ll. 147-163 – cont.And he used to hide them all away in a secret place of Earth so soon as each was born, and would not suffer them to come up into the light: and Heaven rejoiced in his evil doing. But vast Earth groaned within, being straitened, and she made the element of grey flint and shaped a great sickle, and told her plan to her dear sons. And she spoke, cheering them, while she was vexed in her dear heart:Ⅸ.Ll. 164-175(ll. 164-166) `My children, gotten of a sinful father, if you will obey me, we should punish the vile outrage of your father; for he first thought of doing shameful things.'(ll. 167-169) So she said; but fear seized them all, and none of them uttered a word. But great Cronos the wily took courage and answered his dear mother:(ll. 170-172) `Mother, I will undertake to do this deed, for I reverence not our father of evil name, for he first thought of doing shameful things.'(ll. 173-175) So he said: and vast Earth rejoiced greatly in spirit, and set and hid him in an ambush, and put in his hands a jagged sickle, and revealed to him the whole plot.Ⅹ. ll. 176-206And Heaven came, bringing on night and longing for love, and he lay about Earth spreading himself full upon her (7).Then the son from his ambush stretched forth his left hand and in his right took the great long sickle with jagged teeth, and swiftly lopped off his ownfather's members and cast them away to fall behind him. And not vainly did they fall from his hand; for all the bloody dropsthat gushed forth Earth received, and as the seasons moved round she bare the strong Erinyes and the great Giants with gleaming armour, holding long spears in their hands and the Nymphs whom they call Meliae (8) all over the boundless earth.(7) The myth accounts for the separation of Heaven and Earth. In Egyptiancosmology Nut (the Sky) is thrust and held apart from her brother Geb (the Earth)by their father Shu, who corresponds to the Greek Atlas.(8) Nymphs of the ash-trees, as Dryads are nymphs of the oak-trees. Cp. noteon "Works and Days", l. 145.Ⅺ. ll. 176-206 – cont.And so soon as he had cut off the members with flint and cast them from the land into the surging sea, they were swept away over the main a long time: anda white foam spread around them from the immortal flesh, and in it there grewa maiden. First she drew near holy Cythera, and from there, afterwards, shecame to sea-girt Cyprus, and came forth an awful and lovely goddess, and grass grew up about her beneath her shapely feet. Her gods and men call Aphrodite, and the foam-born goddess and rich-crowned Cytherea, because she grew amid the foam, and Cytherea because she reached Cythera, and Cyprogenes because she was born in billowy Cyprus, and Philommedes (9) because sprang from the members. And with her went Eros, and comely Desire followed her at her birth at the first and as she went into the assembly of the gods. This honour she has from the beginning, and this is the portion allotted to her amongstmen and undying gods, -- the whisperings of maidens and smiles and deceits with sweet delight and love and graciousness.(9) `Member-loving': the title is perhaps only a perversion of the regularPHILOMEIDES (laughter-loving).The end~。

• 希腊罗马神话简介 • 希腊神话故事 • 罗马神话故事 • 希腊罗马神话中的象征与寓意 • 希腊罗马神话在现代文化中的应
神话是古代人类对自然现象、文 化、历史事件等的解释和想象, 通常以故事的形式传承下来。
希腊罗马神话对西方文学的影响深远,许多作家都从中汲取灵感,创作出众多经典 作品。
希腊罗马神话中的故事和人物经常被用作文学创作的素材,为作家提供了丰富的想 象空间和创作灵感。
希腊罗马神话中的主题和思想也对西方文学产生了深远的影响,如英雄主义、爱情 、命运等主题在许多文学作品中都有所体现。
尼普顿是罗马神话中的海神,他与海豚之 间的友谊和忠诚是罗马神话中一个脍炙人 口的故事。海豚是尼普顿的信使和朋友, 他们之间建立了深厚的情谊。当尼普顿需 要传达信息时,海豚总是迅速地完成任务 ,并为他带来重要的信息。这个故事强调 了友谊和忠诚的重要性。
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The Origins of Western Culture
Religions/ Bibles 圣经 Greco-Roman Mythology
Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Troilus and Cressida (tragedy) Venus and Adonis (poem )
understand people in primitive society and western culture • Learn how Greek & Roman myths have influenced on western culture, such as
literature, astronomy, language, art, film, etc.
Art of Sculpture
Venus de Milo
Bronze Carving Female Wolf
the Winged Victory of Samothrace
Clash of the Titans (2010)
Wrath of the Titans (2012)
Basic Features: Gods and goddesses are not only personifications of the forces of the universe—anthropomorphism(meaning “in the form of a human being”)
Appreciating Greco-Roman Mythology
• Requirement: • 1. Punctual attendance (5 mins‟
time to call the roll)
Requirement and Evaluation
• 2. Active participation in the class 20% • 3. Extensive reading after class: • 3. Term paper: 60%
公元二世纪,罗马人在地中海一带取代了希腊人的统治,他们继 承了希腊人的成就,也吸收了希腊神话的形象和内容,这就形成 了古希腊罗马神话。
Sources for Greco-Roman Mythology
1. Literature (文学) (1) Works of two influential Greek writers 1) Iliad 《伊里亚特》 Odyssey 《奥德赛》 by Homer 荷马 (approx. 750-700 BC) 2) Theogony [《神谱》Works and Days 《工作与时日》 by Hesiod (approx. 700 BC) (赫西奥德) (2) Work of important Roman writer Ovid(奥维德) Metamorphoses 《变形记》(approx. 8 AD)
Roman Mythology is viewed mostly from the frame of its Greek heritage.
The Romans assimilated an entirety of Greek myth into their own mythical system with only change of names in most cases. But Romans made adaptations in conformity to the Roman value system, with a keen sense of history and politics of their time.
Some More Information
1.Mount Olympus--The Home of the Gods
Mount Olympus is located between Macedonia and Thessaly and near the Aegean Sea. It is said that Hephaestus, the blacksmith god, built all the palaces and places where the gods roamed on Mount Olympus. Everyday, it is told, the gods would go to the Great Hall and have a feast. They would eat ambrosia (神仙食品delicious and fragrant foods) and drink nectar (甘美的饮 料honey or fruit juice). These tasty treats were served by the goddess of youth, Hebe. At the feasts, Apollo would play songs on his lyre (里尔琴) and the muses would sing in the background. (9,570 ft. high)
• Evaluation • 1. Class attendance: 20% • 2. Class performance:
Reference Books
Course Objectives
• Learn the stories (myths) about Greek & Roman gods, goddesses, and heroes • Know more about the social life, customs, religion and history of ancient Greece;
Endymion, Ode to Psyche
Mercury: Roman language; Greek counterpart Hermes; the divinity of commerce Venus: the Roman goddess of love; Greek counterpart Aphrodite Mars: the Roman god of war Jupiter: Roman language; Greek counterpart Zeus; Saturn: Greek counterpart Cronus; the Roman god of agriculture and vegetation Uranus: a god who is the personification of the sky Neptune: Greek counterpart Poseidon; the Roman god of the sea Pluto: Greek counterpart Hades; the god of the underworld;
Painting . Leda and the Swan
Da Vinci, 1506
Jacopo Carucci Pontormo 1512-13 意大利佛罗伦萨乌斐兹 美术馆
a 16 C. copy after a lost painting by Michelangelo, 1530 (National Gallery, London)
Troy (2004)
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)
Apollo Program 阿波罗登月计划 Poseidon Submarine 海神号机器人潜艇 Trojan horse virus 木马病毒
Twelve Constellations
Orion: 猎户星座
桃园结义 说曹操,曹操到 梁山好汉 陈世美
under the aegis of = under the protection/shelter of
Without Ceres and Bacchus, Venus grows cold.
Shelley (1792-1822)
Prometheus Unbound Hymn of Apollo Hymn of Pan
• Keats
James Joyce
Ulysses (Odyssey)
George Bernard Shaw
(3) the dramatic works of Aeschylus (埃斯库罗斯 approx. 600500 BC), Sophocles (索福克勒斯approx. 5 cen. BC ), Euripides (欧里庇得斯 approx. 5 cen. BC ) and Aristophanes (阿里斯托芬approx. 500-400 BC ) 2. The work of historians, like Herodotus (希罗多德, 被称为西 方历史之父, approx. 5 cen. BC )
What Is Mythology?
Mythology: a system or a set of interrelated myths.
Greco-Roman Mythology
Greco-Roman Mythology(western classical mythology): Greek mythology and Roman mythology, although the latter was developed out of the former. Greek mythology is the set of myths which mainly come from the combination of Minoan 米诺斯 - Mycenaean 迈锡尼文明的 (c.1600-1100B.C.) and the Dorian多利安 and Hellenic myths(c.1100-800B.C.).