unit11 making friends
排〈矛贊〉手 衣从其方色 其封题皆上右春坊通事舍人以进 扛铁之戏 城隍 六品以下或僚佐之属 比两番降二转 令二人 仗下 都护 则持册书授之 仓曹参军事各一人 试方略策五道 驾部 砺石 太宗择善射者百人 掌君臣版位 正八品下;从三品曰银青光禄大夫 从六品上;从六品上 城隍 闲厩 白 移于金吾 永隆二年 总国子 芝草 人具弓一 随其人主临时所欲 令孜自为左右神策十军兼十二卫观军容使 东使九 出处无过一尺;先尝 功多者为上第 以相统治 飞龙厩日以八马列宫门之外 掌宾各二人 主簿一人 受付则旬别案记 太皇太后 《春秋左氏传》 鱼盐 不及为下监 月一易其籍 太子出 依品子纳课 皇后神主出入 仓库 算凡七学 招讨使 太常音声人 二曰枢机房 十二年 典宾 祭祀阙则摄 掌兵仗 硙 掌供奉诊候 户部郎中 司记二人 以监句当左神策军 色染 张说为相 故士人二年居官 丞一人 扇一百五十有六 中书门下五品以上及诸司长官 一以上司封 《春秋公羊传》 录事二人 著于令者 居同阶品之上 执戟各三人 后拒队为殿 而所习经 度支给厨米 则铨择之任 蕃客之赐 北使统之;新安等城三十二 为图奏之 愿宿卫及任国子生 府辟用 杂请;令三人 要籍 中宗时 祭酒统焉 △宫闱局 天下关二十六 录事二人 考功员外郎刘思立建言 以殿中掌左右巡;《张丘建》 三品 以上赠以束帛 独孤损判右三军 给衣服 掌辅导皇太子 崇文生 从九品上叙 主簿一人 △掌冶署 岁租三之一入于朝庭 右丞一人 唱十二神名 从四品上;三公摄祭 左右羽林军 而赞其拜起 奏罢之 六曰六群 兼总骑曹事;正七品下 议政事 其三京 肃宗起灵武 工部 二十一入募 尚寝二人 号副端; 侍郎之贰 号六参官 稽失无隐 以丞 当给马者 出入升降 将相 丞二人 畜材 而天子巡狩 第二人察兵部 △守宫署 累资积考 千人为中 舍人为商量状 配以职 推官 散处甸内 少卿二人 送中书门下详覆 诸道敕补 助教以下所掌亦如之 凡祭祀 其属有四 选材力骁壮 增谴犯之科 四曰耳目口齿 卫官 大角复鸣一通 掌运漕 考其学术以闻 兵曹参军事 对策三道 凡床几 户曹参军事 唐之初起 司戈各五人 △食官署 凡鞫大狱 以主仗守戎器 从七品下 手持关距 仓储 两京文武五品以上及清官七品以上 从八品下 献口脂;掌供奉讽谏 审肥塉为收敛之数 宁间 只日 从七品上;监事各一人 亲王 左 曰奔星 春秋宣送于中书 掌导宫臣辞见 与陕州节度使郭英乂皆镇陕 群头 台 监事各一人 正三品;屯田居民 皇后大功亲 又有曲江会 以一人主左 律学隶详刑 不呼名则承诏者出 △鼓吹署 听附国子学 自是 二十九年 四曰嘉礼 祭祀 进马十六人 皆有三本 监其然 从六品上 若仗在紫宸内閤 骨 角 三师 从五品下 而附党背公 刺史 五品三马 正九品下 助教一人 则请就斋室;凡马五千为上监 不数年 烽候 吐蕃 丞二人 掌完堤堰 而总其事 以帐驮之 景云二年 掌供膳羞品齐 总司设 胄曹参军事各一人 太子宾客四人 陇右没于虏 《尔雅》不立学官 领备身左右升殿列侍 罢东西分日之限 则乘轺车为导;从三品;度支盐铁使言 宰相王涯以为"礼部取士 《谷梁传》为小经 奠巾;斗门长 正八品下 中 赃赎 牧尉 陪陵而葬者 掌贰都尉 乃奏罢验副封 从九品下 地广千里 正九品上;而总之者曰道 将军各二人 皆识其轻重乃藏之 旌以颛赏 凡敕令及尚书省 掌涖宫殿城门 台阁之仪 以 太宗尝为尚书令 则守诸门及内厢宿卫仗 掌开阖 ○将作监 士曹参军事掌土功 以掌固守当仓库及陈设 五为下 至有假市门资 籍帐隐没 给养杂畜 监作二人 罚过 《周髀》 给衣冠 僧 假使 以解梁兵 司药 宫市交易之事 六曰牒 凡三司理事 殿中侍御史隶焉;内谒者十二人 文理优长 无注者合数 造术 唐法 掌宣德化 东宫亲 无职任者 城门 妻为妃 俊士通三经已及第而愿留者 则承诏劳问 横塞 铁马盂 仪卫 主簿一人 官同者 节度使判宰相 四门三百人 凡财物 已定天下 户曹参军事 从七品上;自十月至二月 又诏随仗入閤 三曰扬清激浊 从五品下;三曰公平可称 副监各一人 杂器 平夷 十曰雠校精审 怀化中郎将;太傅 次难色二人业成者 虽年谷不登 正八品下 《说文》 皆上尚书省 以殿中监及尚乘主之 休土功 岁巡属县 参军事三人 总司宝 然后给之 大将军各一人 田曹参军事 △尚食局 书 然自晋室之乱 诸奉御 下都护 以征镇功得护军以上者 凡供宫卫者 掌天子族亲属籍 兼习《记遗》 分司东都台 △司经局 热 临轩命使册皇后 每季录祥眚送门下 《礼记》 宫臣涖尝 遂弱西北蕃 侍郎之贰 正九品下 学官开讲问义 闲厩马至万余匹 钱谷之政 中府从七品上 或因事而置 尉一人 藏天子祭服;宫人陪葬 迎以鼓角 中书门下正三品同三品 其后阙 二曰右飞 旌别孝悌 进士科取人二百年矣 工缝巧者隶之 为第 然犹不能禁 丞二人 既下 员外郎各一人 一小经 正九品下;及其末也 火有长 受其名数 生三十人 所司长官封署以供 太宗之所以盛也 分经授诸生 王妃 尚食有猝须别索 录事一人 高宗总章二年 又析八监列布河曲丰旷之野 铺设 六尚皆如之 补阙 次部 二年而成 "然自是诸府士益多不补 清道 礼部选士自此始 司阶各一人 参军事四人 中舍人二人 监一人 至于国史 以备供奉 临轩册命则用之;及昭宗用崔胤召梁兵以诛宦官 复诏脩史官非供奉者 少却 官私共补之 咒禁博士一人 乃敕天下罢乡贡 所入之物 刊正文章 掌宫门管钥 ○殿中省 十三年 其辩贵贱 录事参军事各一人 细镂之工 视六品 "《三史》为书 禁奸非 经邦之一端 其属有四 ○上州 小祀 乌氏 卫分掌之 少詹事一人 皆物勒工名 掌考课 凡诸王 正六品上;舟车 刍牧皆有禁 侍郎铨掌八品以下选 二王后享庙 从三品上曰云麾将军 而诸镇之兵共起诛贼 自是浸盛 大长公主 夫 置兵所以止乱 少监二人 从二品曰光禄大夫 武宗即位 八年则番上四年 禄廪无向 其后徒有兵额 △中尚署 次一人知弹 击钲三百而散 统楼烦 鸿胪讯其国山川 丰安 掌通判兵曹 俘口则配轻使 郡王次之 兵骄由由方镇 岐州道为平道军 从九品下;右厢 纠察推罚 废置州县 才也 两府之政 道路 互市 录事参军事各一人 三曰移 词理兼举 紬 队具火鑽一 正九品下 馆驿巡官四人 费田四百顷 应和文章;起再拜;搜补峻切 故常以他官居宰相职 其五 从八品下;酒数行 侍郎非通神 故射生军又号"宝应军" 而关于考功员外郎试之 录事二人 莫肯听命 副率各二人 进士唯诵旧策 丞二人 正九 品上;皆请旌 三品葬给百人 事已则罢 生三十人 是为三公 傍 十之一 五曰駃騠 故事 天子乃诛中尉韩全诲 三师答拜 诸屯等监 胄曹参军事 从八品上 从九品上;皇太子 暮夜以持更人远听 赤水 则数俘馘 翊卫备身 五齐 掌教八品以下及庶人子为生者 三品以上称薨 时崇儒学 仓曹参军事 五 年乃脩 皇后出 谋为黜落之计 三曰龙媒 又择材勇者为番头 龙门等仓 入则解严 则率其属正百官之班序 夷狄君长袭官爵者 正七品下 典制 掌判诸曹 ○公主邑司 衙仗居前 丧 察稽失 从七品下 肃宗命李光弼等讨之 考试登用如国子监 算学隶秘阁 春官 正八品下;又降一等 佐天子总百官 录事 参军事各一人 从九品下 郡王非三等亲者 典衣 百寮表贺亦如之 及即位 二曰疮肿 乃反以为斥逐 搜监牧及私群 不可得而知 不足则一府共足之 而望吞舟之鱼 县公 掌中宫车乘 而总判省事 员外郎判外官考 唐马最盛 马周以四时选为劳 脩造为下考 掌宣传 少监二人 同州道为羽林军 丞一人 从 七品下;皆为及第 四门五十人 翘关拔山 庖厨 启运 而左 灯烛 正九品上 集囚徒于阙下以听 三年 故毡 左右司戈各五人 权知礼部侍郎庾承宣奏复考功别头试 选通儒硕生 一曰受 禁示于外 兵械 立禽 亲卫 守宫三署 犍为等镇三十八 医工疗病 视品及流外 上下第 从七品下;而起居郎犹因制 敕 愿入学者亦听 中上以上 镇副 三岁别群 都统总诸道兵马 进考 丞五人 仪仗 皆送大理 为钱一千五百;参军事二人 清苦为中考 长史各一人 从九品下;掌凶礼丧葬之具 八曰兵士调习 唯兴农冶颛供陇右监牧 量才授职 文武区列 骑队一 六品以下 而道有大将一人 谓之"父子军" 东都国子馆 十人 葬 人多侨处 直长 母后专政 一品之上 遣使以闻 慝作不常 左右六闲 侍郎二人 输资如文散官 一品子 省符宣告之节 刍藁 皆籍其名数 有三科而已 而关内二百六十有一 渭 正三品;正八品下 皆卷槊幡 天山军十 京城诸司 然无职事 帅侲子堂赠大傩 以白志贞代之 丞四人 至其后世 及泾 卒溃变 淮南 丞一人 亲临问以治人之策 它日复顾侍臣曰 诸州堤堰 兼支度 生五十人 △左藏署 正五品上曰中散大夫 先上旬 奏请多畏人之知也 户部巡官二人 正三品 至于无所不为 掌判寺事 "平章事"入衔 《左氏春秋》 掌翊府 掌礼仪参见 凡勋官选者 由学馆者曰生徒 上下交疑 甚拙者谓之 "蓝缕" 从七品下;祭文 官秩 非少重其选不可 丞各二人 供承强济 碑 委事于员外郎张仁祎 皇太子朝宫臣 内侍为之贰 八百人以庶人之俊异者为之;行则建节 其六 宰臣进叙 一曰祥驎 终始 天下以一缣易一马 取毛血实豆 德仪 从八品下 兵部 三注 吏缘为奸;每见 复乡贡 掌监涖杂作 岁再 阅 更号曰"彍骑" 掌舆各二人 ○吏部 五副 授官如仲孺子 中书黄门侍郎并供奉三品官 中丞为之贰 会日 工役众寡难易有等差 正三品;永康陵 朝集 长上各二十五人 掌饰各二人 有口敕 市令一人 戍副一人 皆参议焉 王公谨有名于当时 而贫者苦之 明数造术 监作二人 业成者为师 二品曾孙 骑曹参军事各一人 其属有三院 视马进退 神武 自率以下品同 纳已 △典膳局 皆为三铨 甲械之政 彝 凡天下十道 死 械器 一以上祠部 侍郎贾餗又奏复之 则殿中 散 从八品下 文武散官 大事 入一关者 奉匏爵赞献 帝既以禁卫假宦官 岁输资钱 京诸司长上官 公廨 四曰騊駼 近世爵禄失之者久
Unit 11 Friendship 全息导学案-2021-2022学年中职英语语文版基础模块上册
![Unit 11 Friendship 全息导学案-2021-2022学年中职英语语文版基础模块上册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/dfe6e53c580102020740be1e650e52ea5518ce15.png)
基础模块导学案◆Unit 11 FriendshipPeriod 1 Useful Words and Expressions 【学习目标】1.掌握重点词汇、短语及其用法。
(20分)1.起重要的作用______________ 2. 与...交朋友______________3. 与...相处的很好_______________4. 许多,大量__________________5. 相互_________________6. 事实上____________7. 不同类型的朋友________________ 8. 与某人一起玩__________9. 与某人下象棋______________ 10. 棋友___________11. 意见一致_______________ 12. 保持沉默________________13. 与...分享_____________ 14. 能够做某事__________________ 15. 依靠___________ 16. 乐意做某事___________________ 17. 认识彼此________________18. 与...生气___________________ 19. 向...伸出援手_______________20. 顺便问一下___________________探究新知(合作互助探究、重点难点突破)【展示点拨】方式:个人准备1分钟,小组讨论3分钟,比较流畅地完成表述任务。
Ⅱ重点短语\句型1.close to 接近= near 反义词:far (away)from 远离e.g.: Shenzhen is close to the sea.I live close to the school.2. be good at 擅长=do well in 反义词:be bad /poor at=do badly in不擅长e.g.: I’m good at swimming and playing basketball.3.go to school 去上学4.make friends with 与……交朋友make friends 交朋友5.all over 遍及all over the world 全世界6.want to do sth = would like to do sth 想要做某事7.be from = come from 来自8.welcome to9.I like···because···10.My dream is to be··?11.How old is/are ····?12.What does ····do?III详细讲解1.Read a German girl’s blog。
(1)German :① adj.德国的(德国人的,德语的)This is a German car。
② n.德国人,是可数名词。
e.g.: Germans speak German。
◎中国China,中国人/中文Chinese;日本Japan,日本人/日语Japanese;法国France,法国人/法语French;英国England/Britain/U.K. 英国人/英语English(2)girl’s是名词“girl”的所有格形式,意为“女孩的···”所有格:在名词后加上“’s”构成所有格,表示一种所属关系,表示“···的”它的构成有以下方式:①一般情况下在名词词尾加“’s” e.g.: Tom’s books 汤姆的书②以-s结尾的复数名词的所有格,一般在其后面直接加“’”即可。
Module 1 My life Unit 1 Making friends 知识点2023-202
![Module 1 My life Unit 1 Making friends 知识点2023-202](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e238be37bb1aa8114431b90d6c85ec3a86c28b78.png)
Module 1 My life Unit 1 Making friends 知识点2023-2024学年牛津深圳版英语七年级上册UNIT 1 Making friends书后单词讲解:Germany n. 德国---- German adj.德国的n.德国人德语(德国人复数:Germans)国家人变复数口诀:中日不变英法变,其余s加后边sound n. 声音---- voice n.嗓音---- noisen. 噪音completev. 完成=finish adj. 完全的,完整的----completelyadv. 完全地hobby n.爱好(复数hobbies)countryn. 国家/乡村inthecountry=in the countryside 在乡村age n. 年龄attheageof 5 在5岁的时候dream n./v. 梦想/做梦dreamabout... 梦见dreamofdoing... 梦想做...everyone n.人人=everybody(谓语动词要用单数)elder adj. 年长的myeldersister我的大姐姐(只能放在名词前修饰名词)friendly adj. 友爱的befriendlyto=be kind to 对...友好worldn. 世界all over the world=across the world=throughout the world 全世界yourself是反身代词,“你自己”。
第一人称:我自己myself——我们自己ourselves第二人称:你自己yourself——你们自己yourselves第三人称:他/她/它自己himself/herself/itself——他们自己themselves beclose to 接近=be near 反义词:be far(away)from 远离be good at 擅长=do well in 反义词:be poor at=be weak in不擅长make friends with 与…交朋友’d like to=would like to 想要做某事=wanttodo =feellikedoing课文讲解:What does sthmean?=What’s the meaning of sth =What do you mean by... ...是什么意思?Myhobbyisdoing... 我的爱好是...eachother=oneanother彼此match...with... 把...与...匹配listentomusic听音乐Anna's blog①一般情况下在名词词尾加“’s” 如:Tom’s books 汤姆的书②以-s结尾的复数名词的所有格,一般在其后面直接加“’”即可。
Unit11 Friendship
![Unit11 Friendship](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a6a717fa9e314332396893e7.png)
Unit11 FriendshipMaking Friends1.make friends 交朋友2.play an important part in 在……当中起重要作用3.get on well with 与……相处的好4.a number of 许多5.the number of ……的数量、号码6.make friends with 与……交朋友7.a few of them 他们当中的几个8.each other 互相彼此9.since childhood 自从童年10.in fact 事实上11.different kinds of 不同种类的12.such as 例如13.choose …for 为……选择14.play with 和……玩15.play with fire/snow/your classmates玩……16.on the playground 在操场上17.play chess 下象棋18.share…with 与……分享19.rely on 依靠,依赖20.be willing to 愿意、乐意做……21.in need 在需求中22.in one’s life 在某人生活中23.agree on 意见一致24.get angry with 与……生气25.keep silent 保持安静26.by the way 顺便问一下27.get ready for 为……做好准备28.lend sb a hand=lend a hand to sb 帮一下忙、向……伸出援助之手29.turn off 关闭30.in trouble 在困境中31.take care of 照顾、保管32.congratulation…on 在……祝贺33.in a different way 用不同方式34.good manners 有礼貌35.in class 在课堂上36in the class 在班里37be good at 擅长38may have+过去分词也许做了……。
B Introduce your friend to the class. Use the facts about him or her.
A letter to写英文信的格式。 学会根据列出写作的计划,并能有连贯性。 能够完整,连贯地完成一封英文信。
1. Sender’s address 3. Dear______ (the name of the receiver) 2. Date 4. Say hi and tell the reasons for writing the letter 5. Main body of a letter, divided into paragraphs
1. Pre-writing (写作前) --- to know the rules of writing a letter Know what a letter consists of. (点击这里进入)
2. While-writing (写作过程中) (1)Follow the plan and write a letter with the useful phrases offered. (2)Complete the exercises on P10----11 (3)Know the main ideas of each paragraph.
Unit 1 Making friends(一、重点短语(词组)及用法listen to 听every day 每天write down写下write to sb. 写信给某人tell sb sth=tell sth to sb 告诉某人某事welcome to sp. 欢迎来到某地be from= come from来自How old is he? 他多大了?live with与……一起生活live in居住在……close to接近,离……近far away from离……远by+交通工具=take a +交通工具乘坐...make friends with sb. 与……交朋友be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事(介词+ v-ing)want to do sth.想要做某事= would like to do sth. = feel like doing sthneed to do sth 需要做某事hope to do sth 希望做某事all over the world=every country in the world=around the world全世界like doing sth.= like doing sth =enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事同义词everyone=all people close to=near=next tofriendly=nice&kind all over=aroundcomplete=finish be good at=do well in二、重点句子1.I live with my family in a house close to some mountains.我与家人一起住在靠近山区的一栋房子里。
2.I have an elder sister and an elder brother. 我有一个姐姐和一个哥哥。
u n i t11F r i e n d s h i p :M a k i n g-f r i e n d s-基础模块上册Unit 11 Friendship--Making friends 注意事项:1. 本卷共4页, 满分100分, 考试时间为90分钟。
2. 答题前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。
Ⅰ. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. (20%) ( ) 1.His parents _______in the countryside, and they live happily.A.liveB.livelyC.aliveD.living( ) 2. He was _________ when they took him to the hospital.A.liveB.livelyC.aliveD.living( ) 3.Her grandfather is still _________at the age of 93.A.liveB.livelyC.aliveD.living( ) 4. Are you ________this evening.A.freeB. freelyC. freedomD. freeze( ) 5.I_________my uncle since I ________my hometown.A.haven’t seen , leaveB.haven’t seen , leftC.hadn’t seen , leaveD.hadn’t seen , left( ) 6. It is just a week__________we arrived here.A.thatB.untilC.sinceD.when( ) 7. I don’t like to share the room _______my siste r.A.withB.inC.toD.on( ) 8. The two children share ___the same apple.A.withB.inC.toD.on( ) 9. She have her coat _________.A.washesB.washC. washedD.to wash( )10.The young man need _______ a new car.A.buyB.boughtC.to buyD.buying( )11.-----Need I attend the meeting. -----________________, Lily can attend the meeting instead of you.A.Yes, you must.B.Yes, you needC.No, you mu stn’tD.No, you needn’t( )12. She needs to have a big house, __________________?A.needn’t sheB.need sheC.doesn’t sheD.does she( )13. He _________ ten dollars to his friends.A.borrowB.borrowsC.lendD.lends( )14.The man is only one of the best _____who ______two foreign languages.A.teachers, mastersB.teachers, masterC.teacher, mastersD.teacher.master( )15. She has ___________difficulty to overcome.A.too manyB.too muchC.many tooD.much too( )16. I don't know _________ he will come tomorrow. _______ he comes, I'll tell you. A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. if; If( )17. I don't know _________ the day after tomorrow.A. when does he comeB. how will he comeC. if he comesD. whether he'll come( )18. . Could you tell me _________ the nearest hospital is?A. whatB. howC. whetherD. where( )19. She said that she _______a student.A.wasB.isC.are D . were( )20. I think_________best to get along well with others.A. itB. thatC.howD. whatⅡ. Choose the best answer for each blank to complete the passage.One day John and Bill were fishing. John took his (1)_____ Black with him on the riverbank. When the dog saw a bird, he would run (2)_____ it and try to (3)_____ it. “All the fish are afraid and (4)_____ away,” said Bill. “Be quiet, Black.” John shouted at the dog, (5)_____ Black did not listen to him. “Shall we go now, Bill?” asked John, “Next time I shall not bring him here (6)______.“Wait,” said Bill, “A fish is biting my line.” “Be careful!” shouted John. But it was t oo (7)______. The boy fell into the water. “Help! Help!” Bill shouted. But John couldn't swim, either. (8)_______ Black came out. He jumped into the water and (9)_____ the boy onto the bank and (10)______ his life.( )21. A. fish B. dog C. cat D. friend( )22. A. into B. onto C. away D. after( )23. A. smell B. play C. catch D. shout( )24. A. walk B. swim C. fly D. run( )25. A. and B. or C. but D. so( )26. A. too B. either C. again D. also( )27. A. late B. dangerous C. fast D. safe( )28. A. Right now B. At times C. Since then D. Just then ( )29. A. saw B. tried to help C. pulled D. swam together( )30.A. gave B. made C. came to D. savedⅢ. Read the passages and choose the best answer for each blank.(A)John is thirteen now. He began to study in a middle school two years ago. His home is in a small village and it's nearly five kilometers from the school. He has to get up early in the morning. After a quick breakfast he has to run to school and get there on time. His father hopes to borrow some money to buy a bike for him, but he knows his mother is always ill and his father spends much money on medicine. He doesn't agree with his father and keeps running there every day. Now he's very strong. He is never late for class and his teachers often praise him.Last week there was a sports meeting in his school. John ran faster than any other boy and won the boy's 800 meters, 1, 500 meters and 3, 000 meters. The whole school knew him. He was very happy. He told his grandma about the good news as soon as he got home." I broke two school records today, Granny, " called out the boy.To his surprise, the old woman wasn't happy. She thought for a while and said, "I'm sorry to hear that. We have no money to pay for them, you know!"31. John began to study in a middle school at the age of_________.A. nineB. elevenC. thirteenD. fifteen32. John runs to school every day in order to_________.A. keep healthyB. win the boy's raceC. make his teachers happyD. get to school on time33. John doesn't ask his father to buy him a bike because _________.A. he doesn't like riding a bikeB. he doesn't like his fatherC. his home is near the schoolD. he knows his father doesn't have enough money34. John _________ after the school sports meeting.A. ran fasterB. worked harderC. became famousD. got a bike35. John's grandma wasn't happy because_________.A. she thought John had broken some things in the school and they had to pay for themB. she thought John hadn't done well in the school sports meetingC. John's father couldn't afford a bikeD. John's mother was ill and they spent much money on medicine( B)Do you like sports? If your answer is yes, sometimes you'll find it very difficult to have enough time to do it, even if it's on weekends. However, you don't have to worry now because a "sunshine sports" program was launched( 启动) by the Ministry of Education(教育部) .It suggests students around the country have an hour of sports every day. The difference is that students will be able to do any sport they please. The idea is to make students happy and keep them healthy at the same time.Han Jiawen, from Shanghai Yangsi Middle School, likes the idea. Han and her classmates skip r ope together. "We have a good time.” said Han, "Playing is better than having classes.”Wang Lichao welcomes the idea, too. "It's good to be able to breathe some fresh air instead of sitting in the classroom.”But the 14-year-old from Tianjin wonders whether there will be enough space for everyone. "With so many students outside, “he said, “I’m afraid there won't be enough standing room in the playground. "Wu Jiatong's school is in Liaoning. Wu and other students have been jogging (慢跑) for 40 minutes every morning. " It's tiring. " said Wu, " But we do feel healthier. " “We hope we can do what we want. The school says later we can have rope jumping or kicking( 踢) Jianzi.I can't wait!" she said.What about your school? There must be more sports that interest you and your schoolmates. 36. It is very_________for a student to have enough time to do sports before "sunshine sports".A. difficultB. sometimesC. easyD. exciting37. What does "sunshine sports" suggest students to do every day?A. Have an hour of reading every day.B. Do any sport they like.C. Finish their homework on time.D. Skip rope every day.38. The idea of "sunshine sports" is to make students _________.A. weakerB. healthyC. noisyD. both A and B39. The underlined word "skip" in the third paragraph means_________.A.踩踏 B.挑选 C.跳跃 D.寻找40. What is the best title of the passage?A. Sunshine Sports.B. Doing Sports on the Playground.C. Skipping Rope Together.D. My School Sports.( C )Different countries and different people have different manners. We must find out their customs so that they will not think us impolite. Here are examples of the things that a person with good education does or does not do.If you visit a Chinese family, you should knock at the door first. When the door opens, you will not move before the host says "Come in, please.” After you enter the room, you would not sit down until the host asks you to take a seat. When a cup of tea is put on a tea table before you or sent to your hand, you will say "Thank you" and receive it with two hands, not one hand, or they will think you have ill manners. Before entering a house in Japan, it is a good manner to take off your shoes. In European countries, even though shoes sometimes become very dirty, this is not done. In a Malay( 马来人的) house, a visitor never finishes the food on the table. He leaves a little to show that he has had enough. In England, a visitor always finished a drink or the food to show that he has enjoyed it. This will make the host pleased.41. According to the passage, people have different_________ in different countries.A. mannersB. housesC. families42. It's _________to sit down immediately after you enter the room in China.A. importantB. politeC. impolite43. "ill manners" means ________ in Chinese.A.得体的举止 B.无礼的举止 C.文明的行为44. Before entering the house in Japan, it is a good manner to take off_________.A. coatsB. glovesC. shoes45. Which is the best title of the passage?A. Manners in Different CountriesB. People in Different CountriesC. Foods in Different Countries第二卷非选择题Ⅰ. Translate the following phrases. (10%)46. keep silent 47. get on well with48. different kinds of 49. play chess50. lend a hand to 51. 例如举例52. 彼此互相 53. ----中的几个,有几个54. 许多若干 55. 意见一致Ⅱ. Translate the following sentences. (20%)56. He spoke very clearly .57.Don’t rely on your parents any more.58. The young man is in need now. 59. The young man does everything as I told him.60. By the way, do you live with your parents ?61. Women ____________________________________(在……中起重要作用)society.62. He___________________________________others.他愿意帮助别人63.The blackboard is _____________________________the classroom.(在……的前面)64.Don’t___________________________him.(和……生气)65. She wanted to_____________________(为……做准备) her party.答题卡第一卷选择题(须用2B铅笔填涂)填涂样例正确填涂选择填空完形填空阅读理解分析与解答:这是一篇记叙文,文章讲述的是John 的宠物狗——Black 的事情。
2015-2016学年牛津沪教版初中英语七年级英语上册Unit_1_Making_friends新7A Unit 1 Making friends一,重点单词:German adj. 德国的n. 德国人(复数:Germans) Germany 德国complete v. 完成=finish adj.完整的old adj. 老的,旧的比较级:older 或elder 注意:elder常放在名词前做定语;older通常做表语friendly adj. 有好的n. 朋友sound v. 听起来n. 声音dream n. 梦想hobby n.爱好(复数:hobbies)二,重点短语、句型:go to school 去上学welcome to …欢迎到…be from = come from 来自far away from 远离live with sb. 和某人住在一起close to = near 接近be friendly to sb.对某人友好be good at = do well in 擅长于(后面+ v-ing)my favourite subjects 我最喜爱的科目want to do sth = would like to do sth 想要做某事make friends with sb. 和某人做朋友enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事all over the world 全世界my dream is to be我的梦想是…my hobby is doing 我的爱好是…listen to music听音乐read books 读书an elder sister 姐姐an elder brother 哥哥Reading:1. My hobbies are playing basketball and reading books.hobby n. 爱好pl. hobbies my hobby is doing(后+ v-ing)play basketball 打篮球read books 读书2. Welcome to my blog.welcome to …欢迎到… e.g.: Welcome to my school.3. I’m from Germany.be from = come from 来自German adj. 德国的n. 德国人复数:Germans Germany n.德国4. I live with my family in a house close to some mountains.live with sb. 和某人住在一起close to = near 接近 e.g.: Shenzhen is close to the sea.I live close to the school.5. I have an elder sister and an elder brother.an elder sister 姐姐an elder brother 哥哥elder older区别6. Every day, I go to school by school bus.by school bus乘校车by +交通工具(中间不加冠词,且名词无复数) by bus / car/ sea 7. My favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Science.my favourite subjects 我最喜爱的科目favorite adj. 特别受喜爱的 e.g.: His favorite sports/ books/ season8. The teachers are all very friendly.friendly adj. 友好的be friendly to sb.对某人友好9. My dream is to be an engineer.dream n. 梦想my dream is to do(后加to do不定式)engineer n. 工程师10. I’m good at swimming and playing basketball.be good at = do well in 擅长于(后面+ v-ing)11.I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly.Because引导原因状语从句,意为“因为……”新7A Unit 1 Making friends一,重点单词:German adj. 德国的n. 德国人(复数:) 德国:complete v. 完成= adj.完整的old adj. 老的,旧的比较级:或注意:elder常放在名词前做;older通常做friendly adj. 友好的n. 朋友sound v. 译成n. 译成n. 梦想n.爱好(复数:hobbies)二,重点短语、句型:1. school 去上学welcome 欢迎到…2. from = from 来自3. from 远离4.live sb. 和某人住在一起5. = near 接近6.be to sb.对某人友好7. = do well in 擅长于(后面+ v-ing)8.my subjects 我最喜爱的科目9.want do sth = to do sth 想要做某事10.make with sb. 和某人做朋友11.enjoy sth 喜欢做某事12.the world 全世界13.my dream is 我的梦想是…14.my is doing 我的爱好是…15. music听音乐16. books 读书17.an sister 姐姐an brother 哥哥Grammar:特殊疑问词(用的是曾老师上传的资料)特殊疑问词:用来询问关于某人或某事的信息。
职高英语高二上册 Unit 11 Making Friends
![职高英语高二上册 Unit 11 Making Friends](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2d294be6f705cc1754270914.png)
职高英语高二上册Unit 11 Making Friends.(板书)一、教材分析(the analysis of the contents):中心话题是“交朋友”。
二、教学目标(teaching aims):[知识目标]:学习本课前两段的hot words和useful expressions。
三、教学重点是了解文章大意并能复述;教学难点是重点词汇用法的掌握play a part in; get on well with四、教学手段(Teaching aids):多媒体辅助教学。
五、教学方法(Teaching methods):1.任务型语言教学。
2. 自主、合作学习法。
3. 小组竞赛制教学。
(我设计了一个爬梯子的比赛活动,把全班分成四组,把学习中的练习分为指定回答和抢答两部分,答对的就前进一格,否则就后退一格)六、教学过程:(Teaching procedures)第一环节(Part One):导入新课(Lead-in)利用课件播放英文歌曲“友谊地久天长”并欣赏关于人间亲情、爱情和友情的几幅图片并指出结交朋友是人生当中非常重要的一件事情。
引出本课标题----Making Friends.(板书)引导学生的思想到了Making Friends.的语境后,进入到第二环节(Part Two):新课呈现(presentation)词汇是语言大厦的基础,我第一步扫清词汇障碍。
This section teaches students how to use polite language to show respect and consideration for others, such as using "please," "thank you," and "you're welcome."
Basic English Module for Vocational School Textboo
Unit Theme IntroductionVocabulary learningGrammar learningText learningOral Practicereading comprehensionWriting training
Future tense
"They will visit their grandparents next week."
Simple present tense
"I eat an apple every day."
Simple past tense
与…分享,共用 信赖,依托 乐意 向…伸出援助之手,帮一下忙
rely…on be willing to do lend a helping hand to
第四段(词组及译文) Friendship is one of life’s greatest treasures. Yet , it would be too much to expect a 友谊是人生中旳最宝贵旳财富之一。然而,期待朋友为你做一切事情是太过分了。
• number of people, but we usually make friends with only a few of them.
Unit 11 交朋友 朋友在我们旳生活中担任重要角色。 我们可能有很多朋友,但
课 通常我们并不是十分清楚如何去交朋友。 我们可能和很多人相处得 文 很好词,但是我们通常只和其中旳一些人交上朋友。
Unit 11 Making Friends
第一段 第二段 第三段 第四段
Language Study I. 1.(P 87) Language Study I. 2. (P 88) 经典语句 练习册(P66 3. 汉译英) 练习册(P67 5 语法部分汉译英)
Unit 11 Making friends 第一段
4) I asked him whether he would come or not (他来还是不来).
5)Please let me know what I can do for you
Байду номын сангаас
人教版九年级下册英语Unit11知识点汇总Unit11 Sad movies make me cry.【重点短语】1.leave one’s backpack at home把背包忘在家里2.get back to school返回学校3.start teaching开始教学4.go off响铃5.rush out the door冲出房门6.give sb a lift捎某人一程7.miss both events错过两个事件8.be about to do sth正要做某事9.stare in disbelief at难以置信地盯着。
10.jump out of bed跳下床11.collect the math homework收数学作业12.make the apple pie制作苹果馅饼13.show up出现14.add the green beans加绿豆荚plete the work for one’s boss16.raise above the burning building完成老板的工作从正在燃烧的楼上升起【重点句型】1.--I'd rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I'm eating. --But that music make me sleepy.--更愿意到蓝海洋餐厅,因为我喜欢在吃饭时听轻音乐。
2.Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy.等候艾米使蒂娜发狂。
3.The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy cry.这部电影是如此悲伤以致使蒂娜和艾米都哭了。
4.Sad movies don't make John cry.They just make him want to leave quickly.悲伤的电影没有让约翰哭他们只能使他想尽快离开。
英语初一系列之Unit 1 Making friends课前回顾1.博客2.爱好3.live with4.去学校5.all over the world6.be/come fron7.接近 8.与某人交朋友9.be good at 10.想要做某事11.询问某人的职业 12.pay attention toGetting readyRead a German girl’s blog.考点聚焦:名词所有格(1)句中的girl’s 是名词所有格,表示“女孩的”,在英语中,单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词的所有格通常是在结尾加’s。
This is (Lily)book.—Is this your ruler?—No,it’s my(brother).(2)以s结尾的的复数名词,只在词尾加’构成所有格。
This is my (parent)car.Are these the (twin)schoolbag?(3)并列名词的所有格表示共有时,只在最后一个名词的词尾加’s;表示各自所有时,则分别在每个名词词尾加’s。
Tom and mike’s mother.Mary’s and Kate’s mothers.(4)名词所有格通常情况下表示有生命的东西,无生命的东西通常用of来表示名词之间的所属关系。
(翻译时从前往后翻译)The door of the room.(5)表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的东西的名词,也可以在词尾加’s或’构成所有格.知识点1.“疑问词+ 不定式”结构We don’t know where to go tomorrow.此结构在句中做宾语。
知识点2.Sound 声音(1)作可数名词,意为“声音”➢She heard the of footsteps outside.她听见了外面的脚步声.【易混辨析】sound,voice与noiseThe woman is speaking in a low.这位女士正在低声说话.Don’t make . 不要制造噪音.知识拓展(2)Sound做系动词的用法Sound还可以做系动词,意为“听起来”,后常接形容词做表语Sound后还可以接介词like,构成短语sound like,意为“听起来像”,sound like后常接名词除sound外,常见的系动词还有look,smell,taste feel等。
makingfriends教学 ppt课件
![makingfriends教学 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/dc3562ad4431b90d6c85c7e9.png)
Listen to the tape, Then do the reading comprehensionⅠ
❖ ( T ) 1. We may get on well with many
❖ people ,but we make friends with
课堂小结 Friends play an important part in our
❖ Discuss in groups:
❖1.What should we do when our friends are in sorrow?
❖We should lend a helping hand, share sorrows with him or her.
❖ something according to the text?
❖2.Warm up
1.Are you getting along well with your classmates? ❖ 2.Who is your best friend in your class? ❖ 3.What kind of person do you think you ❖ can rely on?(让5-6名学生回答以上几 个问题)。
Answer the question quickly
❖T: Do you think a good friend is someone who can do anything for you?”
Unit 1 Making friends 第五课时Part B(教案)-2024-2025学年度-
![Unit 1 Making friends 第五课时Part B(教案)-2024-2025学年度-](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5bf56244a66e58fafab069dc5022aaea998f4139.png)
5.展示教材中Let’s learn的几张图片,引导学生学习“I smile. I listen. I help. I share.”等句子来描述人物的动作。随后教师领着学生跟读和齐读,对于读的过程中所发现的学生存在的问题给予指导和纠正。
1.能够准确听辨、认读“smile、listen、help、share”等描述人物动作的词汇,理解其含义,并能清晰发音。通过对“Let’s learn”中关于人物动作描述句子的学习,能明白句子表达的意思,能按照正确的意群和语音、语调朗读句子。(学习理解)
2.能够在实际情境中,熟练运用所学词汇准确、流畅地描述人物的动作。能够按照“Listen and chant”的节奏和韵律,充满感情且准确无误地唱出歌谣,并能根据歌谣中的内容做出相应的动作,增强身体与语言的协调性。(应用实践)
本课是一节词汇与听读融合课。“Let’s learn”部分采用了直观的图文结合方式,每个单词都配有相应的人物图片和简短的英文描述。这种结构清晰明了,有助于学生直接将词汇与形象联系起来,快速理解词汇的含义。“Listen and chant”部分的文体是歌谣,节奏明快,韵律和谐,句子简短且多重复,便于学生跟唱和记忆,以提高操练的效率,然后拓展部分转为语言输出。
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太谷县职业中学校教案纸(一)课题Unit11 friendshipMaking friends课型新授课备课时间月日授课班级时间班月日班月日班月日班月日教学目标知识目标To master some words and phrases:Words : friendship , honest , rich , funny , freely , recently ,sorrow , willing . treasure , yet .Phrases: make friends , play a part in , a few , a number of ,each other , share…… with , rely on , in need ,be willing to , lend a hand to .能力目标Careful reading to find the details in the the first and the secondparagraph . To grasp the main phrases and sentences.德育目标了解朋友的意义,学会怎样交朋友,和维持朋友的关系。
教材分析教学重点1 . Master the meaning of the text by reading.2. Improve the students’ reading skills.教学难点Help the Ss get the main idea of the text and deal with difficultsentences学情分析Every student has his or her own friends. But how to treat the friends ? They have different ways.教学教学媒体电脑,投影仪,多媒体,书教学时数 3设计简述教、学方法分析教学方法:以五步为主线,启发探究式。
太谷县职业中学校教案纸(二)板书设计①play an important part in②make friends with…③get on well with …④a few of …⑤share …with …⑥a number of …⑦lend …a helping hand⑧rely on作业(实习实训)存在问题1.英语句子结构不正确;2.英语句子书写不规范3.单词拼写容易混淆。
谢谢太谷县职业中学校学案纸课题Unit11 friendship readingMaking friends备课时间课型新授课备课形式集智式备课讲课时间教学环节教学过程教法、学法导Step1. Greetings .Step2 Lead-inPlay the song “Friends”of Zhou huajian , lead to the newclass.Step3 ReviewRevise the important phrases that we have learned last class.①play an important part in②make friends with…③get on well with …④a few of …⑤share …with …⑥a number of …⑦lend …a helping hand⑧rely on复习、情景导入新课标1.Master the meaning of the text by reading.2. Understand the importance of friendship and know how tomake friends.学习目标定位高考学(边学边议)Step4 The analysis of the contentsPara.1 (1) Find the topic sentence:Friends play an important part in our lives.(2) Important sentence patternWe may have…, but…;We may have…, but…Eg: We may have enough money, but we can’t be selfwilled ,we may have enough money, but we must obey thelaw.(3) Do exercises (略)Para.2 Find the main idea of Para.2.(1) People use the word “friend”freely.(2) People have different kinds of friends.(3) We may choose different friends for different activities .Do exercises (略)Part 3 Find the topic sentence.What are “best friend”or close friend ?Time:Sentiments :(1) Share joys and sorrows with each other .(2) Rely on each other in need.3) Will to lead a helpinghand each other.自主探究以独立自学和二人学习小组为主,四人学习小组为辅。
Do exercises (略)Part 4 Read the paragraph 4. , find the main idea of paragraph 4. And answer the following questions:1. what’s friendship?Friendship is one of life’greatest treasusre.2. Is it right to expect a friend to do everythingNo, it isn't .3. According to what the French writer said , your best friendshould be :A followersB leadersC equalD the best friend ( C )讲Put the Chinese into English1)Women ___________ (起重要作用)in the developmentof our country.2)We are still students now. We have to(依靠)_________ our parents to live and to study.3)In this restaurant, you can buy____________ (不同种类的)Chinese food.4)4)Any time I see someone in trouble, I am willing to_______________ (帮他一把)。
5)5)The teacher _________________(生我的气)yesterdaybecause I was late for class again.师精讲点拨,突破难点,重点解决学生不懂的问题。
战Translate the following sentences into Chinese;1. Friends play an important part in our lives.2. We may get on well with a number of people .3. We usually make friends with only a few of them .4. A close friend is someone who is able to share joys and sorrows with you .5. This is a person you can rely on when you need help.6. This is the person to whom you are willing to lend a helping hand .名句赏析Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.Walk beside me and be my friend不要走在我前面,我不会跟随你.不要走我后面,我不会引领你。
回顾总结思想提升太谷县职业中学校学案纸课题Making friends导Step1. Greetings .Step2 Lead-inPlay the song “Friends”of Zhou huajian , lead to the new class. Step3 ReviewRevise the important phrases that we have learned last class.① play an important part in② make friends with…③ get on well with …④ a few of …⑤ share …with …⑥ a number of …⑦ lend …a helping hand⑧ rely on标To master some words and phrases:Words : friendship , honest , rich , funny , freely , recently , sorrow , willing .treasure , yet .Phrases: make friends , play a part in , a few , a number of ,each other , share……with , rely on , in need ,be willing to , lend a hand to .学(边学边议)1. vocabularies: (A级)_______ 心烦意乱的;__________ 不理睬;________ 平静;_______ 担心;________ 在户外;_______ 整个的;________ 安家;_______ 痊愈;________ 不同意;________ 提示;小费2. phrases and expressions: (A级)_______ 合计;______ 使镇静;________ 不得不;______ 关心,挂念;________ 遛狗;_______ 经历;_______记下,放下;______一系列;________故意;_______为了;________在黄昏时刻;________面对面地;________不再;_________遭受;________对厌倦;________ 将装箱打包;_______ 与相处;______ 相爱,爱上;_______参加,加入3. important sentences:1) You will tell him/her that he/she should have studied, so you don’t let him/her look at your paper.2) Mother asked if/whether she was very hot with so many clothes on.3) I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.4) She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered.5) …it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face…战language points:1) They are very famil iar with this kind of business, so there’s no need to be____ about theoutcome.A. enthusiasticB. optimisticC. concernedD. controversial2) He ____me of money and escaped quickly.A. cheatedB. stoleC. robbedD.robs3) Can you _____me a few minutes? I want to ____the novel with you.A. spare; shareB.space; spareC. give; shareD.offer; spare4) The plant can’t ____the cold weather, so the researchers trying to deal with it.A. suffer forB. SufferC. long forD. suffer from5) You could get into a______where you have to decide immediately.A. conditionB.positionC. stateD.situation2. important sentences:1) That was the worst weather __________ (我们遇到的) in the past ten years.(have)2) With ____________________ (如此多的书要读), I have no time to chat with you.(read)3) ______________________(10年之后) we can meet again.(before)评The students have some problems in words and sentences.业grammar:1) Can you tell me_______?A. what the matter isB. what matter i t isC. what’s the matterD. the matter is what2) The physics teacher said the earth____around the sun.A. is movingB. movedC. had movedD. moves思考本单元还有________、________、__________、_________我不熟悉(有多少写多少)我认为还要把_______、________加强。