
教育哲学的发展历程The journey of educational philosophy has traversed a rich and diverse path, evolving over centuries to encapsulate various theories and perspectives. Tracing its origins, we find that early philosophers like Plato and Aristotle pondered over the essence of education, debating its aims and methods. Plato emphasized the cultivation of the soul through rational inquiry, while Aristotle advocated a more practical approach, focusing on the development of virtues through habituation.教育哲学的发展历程经历了丰富而多样的道路,几个世纪以来不断发展,包含了各种理论和观点。
The Medieval era saw a shift towards religious education, with the church playing a pivotal role in shaping educational systems. The Renaissance, on the other hand, marked a rebirth of classical learning, emphasizing humanism and the importance of individuality in education.中世纪时期,教育转向了宗教教育,教堂在塑造教育体系中发挥了关键作用。

Kant's "Copernican revolution", that placed the role of the human subject or knower at the center of inquiry into our knowledge, such that it is impossible to philosophize about things as they are independently of us or of how they are for us; his invention of critical philosophy, that is of the notion of being able to discover and systematically explore possible inherent limits to our ability to know through philosophical reasoning; * his creation of the concept of "conditions of possibility", as in his notion of "the conditions of possible experience" -- that is that things, knowledge, and forms of consciousness rest on prior conditions that make them possible, so that to understand or know them we have to first understand these conditions; * his theory that objective experience is actively constituted or constructed by the functioning of the human mind; * his notion of moral autonomy as central to humanity; * his assertion of the principle that human beings should be treated as ends rather thNovember 28, 1820 – August 5, 1895) was a German social scientist and philosopher, who developed communist theory alongside his better-known collaborator, Karl Marx, co-authoring The Communist Manifesto (1848). Engels also edited the second and third volumes of Das Kapital after Marx's death.



A History of Western PhilosophyThe conceptions of life and the world which we call "philosophical" are a product of two factors: one, inherited religious and ethical conceptions; the other, the sort of investigation which may be called "scientific," using this word in its broadest sense. Individual philosophers have differed widely in regard to the proportions in which these two factors entered into their systems, but it is the presence of both, in some degree, that characterizes philosophy.Western Philosophy, as distinct from theology, began in Greece in the sixth century B.C. After running its course in antiquity, it was again submerged by theology as Christianity rose and Rome fell. Its second great period, from the eleventh to the fourteenth centuries, was dominated by the Catholic Church, except for a few great rebels, such as the Emperor Frederick II (1195-1250). This period was brought to an end by the confusions that culminated in the Reformation. The third period, from the seventeenth century to the present day, is dominated, more than either of its predecessors, by science; traditional religious beliefs remain important, but are felt to need justification, and are modified wherever science seems to make this imperative. Few of the philosophers of this period are orthodox from a Catholic standpoint, and the secular State is more important in their speculations than the Church. Throughout this long development, from 600 B.C. to the present day, philosophers have been divided into those who wished to tighten social bonds and those who wished to relax them. With this difference others have been associated. The disciplinarians have advocated some system. of dogma, either old or new, and have therefore been compelled to be, in a greater or less degree, hostile to science, since their dogmas could not be proved empirically. They have almost invariably taught that happiness is not the good, but that "nobility" or "heroism" is to be preferred. They have had sympathy with the irrational parts of human nature, since they have felt reason to be inimical to social cohesion. The libertarians, on the other hand, with the exception of the extreme anarchists, have tended to be scientific, utilitarian, rationalistic, hostile to violent passion, and enemies of all the more profound forms of religion. This conflict existed in Greece before the rise of what we recognize as philosophy, and is already quite explicit in the earliest Greek thought. In changing forms, it has persisted down to the present day, and no doubt will persist for many ages to come.It is clear that each party to this dispute--as to all that persist through long periods of time--is partly right and partly wrong. Social cohesion is a necessity, and mankind has never yet succeeded in enforcing cohesion by merely rational arguments. Every community is exposed to two opposite dangers: ossification through too much discipline and reverence for tradition, on the one hand; on the other hand, dissolution, or subjection to foreign conquest, through the growth of an individualism and personal independence that makes co-operation impossible.In general, important civilizations start with a rigid and superstitious system,gradually relaxed, and leading, at a certain stage, to a period of brilliant genius, while the good of the old tradition remains and the evil inherent in its dissolution has not yet developed. But as the evil unfolds, it leads to anarchy, thence, inevitably, to a new tyranny, producing a new synthesis secured by a new system of dogma. The doctrine of liberalism is an attempt to escape from this endless oscillation. The essence of liberalism is an attempt to secure a social order not based on irrational dogma, and insuring stability without involving more restraints than are necessary for the preservation of the community. Whether this attempt can succeed or not is only determine by the future..。


关于西方哲学的历程,流行一种说法:古代哲学是本体论哲学,近代哲学发生了“认识论转向”(Epistemological turn),现代哲学发生了“语言学转向”(Linguistic turn)。

哲学:philosophia =philos(爱)+sophia(智慧) 日本学者西周把philosophy译作“希哲 学”、“哲学”,这个译名后来又被引介 到中国。
“在全部的历史中,最使人感到惊异或难于解 说的莫过于希腊文明的突然兴起了。构成文明的 大部分东西已经在埃及和美索不达米亚存在了好 几千年,又从那里传播到了四邻的国家。但是其 中却始终缺少某些因素,直到希腊人才把它们提 供了出来。” ——罗素
柏拉图 (阿里斯托克勒 )
“本原(arche)就是万物从它那里来,毁灭之 后复归到它那里去,万物生灭变化,唯独它不变 的东西。”
• 水是万物的本原。[大地浮于水上。]
• 对自身文化的反省带来了对异质文化的宽容,也 带来了论理的态度。
“蛮夷人是奴隶,而希腊人是自由人。” ——狄摩西尼
我们的政治制度,不是从我邻人的制度中模 仿得来的。我们的制度是别人的模范,而不是出 自对任何其他人的模仿。我们的制度之所以被称 为民主政治,因为政权是在全体公民手中,而不 是在少数人手中。 ——伯利克里
• 遗传学?——几千年来,欧亚人死亡的主因是传染性 疾病,战争状态则是例外。而新几内亚人死亡的主因 则是他杀、长期的部落战争、意外事故和获取食物时 遭遇的危险。
• 既然非洲大陆是人类的故乡,长期的进化优势为什么 仍然使非洲落在世界文明发展的后面?

什么是哲学一、历史沿革Philosophia (哲学)是距今两千五百年前的古希腊人创造的术语。

现代西方哲学The history of twentieth-century analytic philosophy is marked by the rapidity with which major movements suddenly appear , flourish , lose their momentum , become senescent , and eventually vanish . examples include idealism . in its absolutist and subjectist variants, sense-data theory , logical atomism , neutral monism , and logical positivism . there are , of course , exceptions to this patte rn. in ontology , various forms of materialism continue to enjoy widespread sup port , and naturalized epistemology as developed by w . v .o . quine and expand ed by his followers shows no signs of abatement . indeed , if anything , the tre mendous prestige of science has intensified in the twentieth century ,scientism , which p .s .churchland has defined as the notion that " in the idealized long r un , the completed science is a true description of reality there is no other trut h and no other reality , is today widely espoused in epistemology , metaphysics , philosophy of language , and philosophy of mindContemporary philosophers have reacted to the impact of science principally in three different ways , two of which are forms of scientism . the more radical o f the two Asserts that if philosophy has a function , it must be something other than trying to give a true account of the world . a variant of this view holds th at philosophy should deal with normative or value questions , while science eng ages in wholly descriptive activity . a second, less radical reaction is to maintain that philosophy . when done correctly , is just an extension of science . accordi ng to quine , for example , there is a division of labor among scientific investiga tors including philosophers and their tasks and problems , though compatible , are somewhat different . finally , there is a variety of approaches that reject scie ntism and in different ways defend the autonomy of philosophy; they hold that philosophy has a descriptive function and can arrive at nonscientific truths abo ut reality . G,E. moore , ludwig wittgenstein , J.L . Austin , P.F strawson , and jo hn searle , among others , espouse this last sort of .It is difficult to give a precise definition of analytical philosophy , since it is not so much a specific doctrine as a loose concatenation of approaches to tradition al problems . if there is a single feature that characterizes analytical philosophy , it is probably its emphasis on trying to articulate clearly the meaning of conce pts such as “knowledge " , "truth " , and " justification " . this project is guided by the assumption that a proposed thesis cannot be assessed judiciously until it and its constituent concepts are understood plainly . the effort at such clarifica tion constitutes roughly what is meant by " analysis " . there are , however , ma ny different ways of pursuing this end , from the strict formal approach of Got tlob Frege or Alfred Tarski to the aphoristic example-oriented technique of the later wittgenstein . therefore , rather than trying to define the concept exhausti vely , we shall concentrate on individuals who are unquestionably regarded as a nalytical philosophers . this group includes Gottlob frege ( 1848-1925 ) , bertra nd russell ( 1872-1970 ), G.E. moore ( 1873-1958 ) Rudolf carnap ( 1891-1970 ) , J.L. austin ( 1911-1960) . gilbert ryle ( 1900-1976) . karl Popper ( 1902-1994 ) , and W.V.O . quine ( 1908 -) . nearly all of the major achievements in this field a re due to these people . many of them have transformedolder traditions in new ways ( as we will see with quines holistic empiricism ) , but some ( especially wittgenstein and austin ) have developed new and uniqu e approaches to philosophical questions . without a doubt , the most influential philosopher of the era has been wittgenstein (1889-1951)his writingnearly all of them published only after his death--dominate the contemporary s cene and seem destined to remain of central importance in the foreseeable futu re . a fruitful way surveying the period is thus to concentrate ( chronologically ) upon the contributions of this distinguished group of individualsThe creation of symbolic ( or mathematical ) logic is perhaps the single most s ignificant development in the century . apart from its intrinsic interest and tech nical sophistication , it has exercised an enormous influence on philosophy per se . though there are anticipations of this kind of logic among the stoics , its m odern forms without exact parallel in western thought . it quickly became appa rent achievement of this order could not easily be ignored , and no matter how diverse their concerns nearly all analytical philosopher acknowledge the importance ofmathematical . this was especially true when the new logic , with its close affinities to mathematics , was recognized as fundamental to scientific theorizin g . the combination of logic and science was regarded by many philosophers as a model that philosophical inquiry should follow . logical positivism-a doctrine that flourished in the 1930s and 1940s--was an egregious expression of this poi nt of viewBut logic itself , apart from its scientific affiliations . served as a role model . many philosophers felt that its criteria of clarity , precision , and rigor should be the desired ideals in grappling with philosophical issues . yet other thinkers , especially the later Wittgenstein , rejected this approach , arguing that treating logic as an ideal language , superior to natural languages such as english or german , led to paradox and coherence . wittgenstein's later philosophy consisted in developing a unique method that emphasized the merit of ordinary language in describing the world . in particular his method avoided the kind of theorizing and generalization essential to logic . since the new logic initiated such powerful and diverse reactions , we shall begin with a brief account of its central tenets . on this basis , we can describe why these philosophers responded to it in their different ways二十世纪分析哲学的历史是通过与主要的动作突然出现,蓬勃发展,失去了自己的气势,变得衰老,并最终消失在迅速显着。

Philosophy, the systematic inquiry into the fundamental nature of reality, knowledge, and morality, has evolved through a rich and multifaceted trajectory over the centuries. To understand the development of philosophy, it is essential to examine its major schools of thought and the contributions of key philosophers.Presocratic Philosophy。
The earliest philosophical inquiries emerged in Ionia, a region of ancient Greece, around the 6th century BCE. Presocratic philosophers, such as Thales, Anaximander, and Heraclitus, sought to explain the origin and essence of the universe through natural principles. They questioned the traditional mythological explanations and proposed naturalelements (e.g., water, air) as the foundational constituents of all things.Socratic Philosophy。
In the 4th century BCE, Socrates revolutionized philosophy by emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and self-examination. Known for his Socratic method, he would lead conversations with his students, questioning their beliefs and assumptions until they reached a clearer understanding. Socrates's interrogation technique, which became known as dialectic, was instrumental in the development of logical reasoning.Platonic Philosophy。

世界是否真是由水构成的,这并不是最重 要的,重要的是泰勒斯看出了世界好像是 什么与它实际是什么之间的区别,而这一 点已经被我们认为是理所当然之事了。这 个世界似乎是由各种各样不同的质料所构 成的,要意识到这也许只是某种单一的基 本元素构成的,这的确需要某种天才。
现代科学理论只不过是同一种策略的延伸,它把 泰勒斯关于水的初创理论替换成了一套关于元素 和亚原子粒子的复杂理论,也是为了解释世界为 什么会如此显现,从而区分世界显现出的样子和 它实际的样子。一旦我们做出了这种基本区分, 一个完整的新世界,一个位于现象背后的“真实 的世界”就展现在我们面前。
真实的东西是永恒不变的,这个原则构成了大多 数哲学家以及每一位现代科学家和宗教信仰者提 出了自己宇宙观的框架。然而,有一位哲学家却 对这个基本原则提出了挑战。他就是赫拉克利特。 他认为恒常变化(或流动)才是大自然的最基本 特征。每一件事物都在不停变化、移动,没有任 何事物是静止不变的,因此“人不可以两次踏入 同一条河流”。
他同时任意地把非物质的、抽象的数夸大为 宇宙的本原,认为“万物皆数”,“数是万 物的本质”,是“存在由之构成的原则”, 而整个宇宙是数及其关系的和谐的体系。毕 达哥拉斯将数神秘化,说数是众神之母,是 普遍的始原,是自然界中对立性和否定性的 原则。
泰勒斯(公元前624年-公元前 546年)西方思想史上第一个 有记载有名字留下来的思想家。 “科学和哲学之祖”,泰勒斯 是古希腊及西方第一个自然科 学家和哲学家。

他们对历史有反省和反思,至少认真思考了如 下的问题: (1)历史写作的目的是什么? 希罗多德提出史学的任务是“为了保存人类的 功业”,把史学从记神事发展到记人事,人本观点 是其史学的实质。修昔底德也一再赞赏人的主动精 神与非凡气质。这一传统为罗马史学家萨拉斯特、 李维、塔西陀等人所继承。人本主义的特征。
每一个帝国必然要走向解体,然后又要不断重 现。 这个思想的影响:谈及我们对当天对美国命运 的看法;保罗· 肯尼迪的《大国的兴衰》:中国动摇 世界各国力量之间的平衡的潜力的可能,“这只是 个时间的问题”。
关于循环的历史观: 希腊——罗马历史思想中认为历史是循环的或 回旋的,这样一种基本设想,强烈地表明一种没有 方向的历史,从一开始就产生了一种顺从的宿命论, 而不管在一个特殊时段中有多少令人兴奋的事情和 成就。 如何任何国家和王国的历史最终是,一个事先 就注定要在一个循环模式中重复自身的普遍世界历 史的一个部分或一个例子,历史(或者说人类的努 力)实质上就是无意义的、伟大的城邦、王国和文 化可以建立,但最终毫无用处,因为命运毫不留情 地规定了他们的衰落,并将被一个新的同样要衰亡 的国家所替代。
奥古斯丁的神学历史哲学 1.奥古斯丁:
奥古斯丁(Aurelius Augustinus,公元354— 430) 是古罗马帝国时期基督教思想家,欧洲中世 纪基督教神学、教父哲学的重要代表人物、集大成 者,也是基督教史学的奠基者,他的传世名作是 《忏悔录》、《上帝之城》。 西方学者对基督教史学的产生评价甚高,认为 它是史学发生的一场“智力革命”,其意义可与哥 伦布发现新大陆相比。
绪论 西方哲学概论 一、西方哲学从古代到近代的简要发展过程

形而上学的核心问题是现象与本质的对立。 现象与本质的关系:月印万川。
“我是人,人的一切特性我无所不有”,这句 古老的箴言成为人文主义者的共同口号。
英国人文主义者莎士比亚借《哈姆雷特》主人 公之口对人的热情赞美,更是脍炙人口的名言: “人是多么了不起的一件作品!理想是多么高贵, 力量是多么无穷,仪表和举止是多么端正,多么出 色。论行动,多么像天使,论了解,多么像天神! 宇宙的精华,万物的灵长。”(张志伟主编《西方哲
亚里士多德说,“全部本原所共有意义就是, 存在、生成和认识由之开始之点,它们既可以内在 于事物,又可以外在于事物。”(《古希腊哲学》,第
2.中世纪哲学 从公元5世纪到15世纪为中世纪哲学。
西方哲学的发展从古希腊哲学过渡到中世纪哲 学,这期间起决定作用的历史事件是基督教(1世纪 发源于巴勒斯坦地区,4世纪成为罗马国教)的产生。
第二,我们学习西方哲学的目的在于,锻炼 我们的理论思维能力。

哲学发展作文英语模板英文回答:Philosophy has been an integral part of human civilization for millennia, constantly evolving and expanding our understanding of the world around us. The development of philosophy can be traced through distinct historical periods, each characterized by its unique set of philosophical schools and ideas.Ancient Philosophy (6th Century BCE 3rd Century CE)。
Pre-Socratic philosophers: Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Pythagoras。
Focus on the nature of reality and the origins of the universe。
Emphasis on rational inquiry and natural explanation。
Classical Greek Philosophy (5th 4th Century BCE)。
Socrates: Known for the Socratic method of questioning and emphasis on self-knowledge。
Plato: Developed the theory of Forms, which posits the existence of a realm of perfect and unchanging ideas。
Aristotle: A prolific philosopher who wrote extensively on logic, ethics, metaphysics, and politics。

古希腊时期:公元前七世纪——公元前二世纪Ancient Greece: the seventh century B.C. -- the second century B.C.古希腊哲学的发展可以明确地分为三个阶段:自然哲学时期、人本主义和系统哲学时期、希腊化和罗马哲学时期。
The development of ancient Greek philosophy can be clearly divided into three stages: natural philosophy, humanism and system philosophy, Hellenization and Roman period.古希腊哲学的整个学说体系以“实体原理”为核心展开,具体包括物质本原说、自然类观念、形成论和还原原理,它们构成了严整的逻辑关系。
the ancient Greek philosophy of the whole theory system with principle of "entity" as the core, including material origin conception, nature, formation theory and principle of reduction, they constitute a rigorous logic relationship.1.自然哲学时期1. Natural philosophy公元前6世纪,东方伊奥尼亚地方的一些哲学家开始提出世界的本原问题,The 6th century BC, the east of ionia place some philosophers began to put forward the roots of the problem,他们反对过去流传的种种神话创世说,认为世界的本原是一些物质性的元素,如水、气、火等;they are againstthe spread of a variety of myths creationism, think the origins of the world are some material elements, such as water, air, fire, etc.他们最早用自然本身来解释世界的生成,是西方最早的唯物主义哲学家。

古希腊哲学古希腊哲学(Graeco philosophy):公元前6-公元5世纪出现在希腊本土以及地中海沿岸,特别是小亚细亚西部、意大利南部的哲学学说。
中文名:古希腊哲学外文名:Graeco philosophy出现时间:公元前6~公元5世纪出现地点:希腊本土以及地中海沿岸。

Metaphysics形而上学I. IntroductionMetaphysics, branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of ultimate reality. Metaphysics is customarily divided into ontology, which deals with the question of how many fundamentally distinct sorts of entities compose the universe, and metaphysics proper, which is concerned with describing the most general traits of reality. These general traits together define reality and would presumably characterize any universe whatever. Because these traits are not peculiar to this universe, but are common to all possible universes, metaphysics may be conducted at the highest level of abstraction. Ontology, by contrast, because it investigates the ultimate divisions within this universe, is more closely related to the physical world of human experience.The term metaphysics is believed to have originated in Rome about 70 bc, with the Greek Peripatetic philosopher Andronicus of Rhodes (flourished 1st century bc) in his edition of the works of Aristotle. In the arrangement of Aristotle's works by Andronicus, the treatise originally called First Philosophy, or Theology, followed the treatise Physics. Hence, the First Philosophy came to be known as meta (ta) physica, or “following (the) Physics,” later shortened to Metaphysics. The word took on the connotation, in popular usage, of matters transcending material reality. In the philosophic sense, however, particularly as opposed to the use of the word by occultists, metaphysics applies to all reality and is distinguished from other forms of inquiry by its generality.The subjects treated in Aristotle's Metaphysics (substance, causality, the nature of being, and the existence of God) fixed the content of metaphysical speculation for centuries. Among the medieval Scholastic philosophers, metaphysics was known as the “transphysical science” on the assumption that, by means of it, the scholar philosophically could make the transition from the physical world to a world beyond sense perception. The 13th-century Scholastic philosopher and theologian St. Thomas Aquinas declared that the cognition of God, through a causal study of finite sensible beings, was the aim of metaphysics. With the rise of scientific study in the 16th century the reconciliation of science and faith in God became an increasingly important problem.II Metaphysics Before Kant康德(德国哲学家, 1724-1805, 古典唯心主义的创始人)Before the time of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant metaphysics was characterized by a tendency to construct theories on the basis of a priori knowledge, that is, knowledge derived from reason alone, in contradistinction to a posteriori knowledge, which is gained by reference to the facts of experience. From a priori knowledge were deduced general propositions that were held to be true of all things. The method of inquiry based on a priori principles is known as rationalistic. This method may be subdivided into monism, which holds that the universe is made up of a single fundamental substance; dualism, the belief in two such substances; and pluralism, which proposes the existence of many fundamental substances.The monists, agreeing that only one basic substance exists, differ in their descriptions of its principal characteristics. Thus, in idealistic monism the substance is believed to be purely mental; in materialistic monism it is held to be purely physical, and in neutral monism it is considered neither exclusively mental nor solely physical. The idealistic position was held by the Irish philosopher George Berkeley, the materialistic by the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, and the neutral by the Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza. The latter expounded a pantheistic view of reality in which the universe is identical with God and everything contains God's substance. See Idealism; Materialism; Pantheism.The most famous exponent of dualism was the French philosopher René Descartes, who maintained that body and mind are radically different entities and that they are the only fundamental substances in the universe. Dualism, however, does not show how these basic entities are connected.In the work of the German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, the universe is held to consist of an infinite number of distinct substances, or monads. This view is pluralistic in the sense that it proposes the existence of many separate entities, and it is monistic in its assertion that each monad reflects within itself the entire universe.Other philosophers have held that knowledge of reality is not derived from a priori principles, but is obtained only from experience. This type of metaphysics is called empiricism. Still another school of philosophy has maintained that, although an ultimate reality does exist, it is altogether inaccessible to human knowledge, which is necessarilysubjective because it is confined to states of mind. Knowledge is therefore not a representation of external reality, but merely a reflection of human perceptions. This view is known as skepticism or agnosticism in respect to the soul and the reality of God.III The Metaphysics of KantSeveral major viewpoints were combined in the work of Kant, who developed a distinctive critical philosophy called transcendentalism. His philosophy is agnostic in that it denies the possibility of a strict knowledge of ultimate reality; it is empirical in that it affirms that all knowledge arises from experience and is true of objects of actual and possible experience; and it is rationalistic in that it maintains the a priori character of the structural principles of this empirical knowledge.These principles are held to be necessary and universal in their application to experience, for in Kant's view the mind furnishes the archetypal forms and categories (space, time, causality, substance, and relation) to its sensations, and these categories are logically anterior to experience, although manifested only in experience. Their logical anteriority to experience makes these categories or structural principles transcendental; they transcend all experience, both actual and possible. Although these principles determine all experience, they do not in any way affect the nature of things in themselves. The knowledge of which these principles are the necessary conditions must not be considered, therefore, as constituting a revelation of things as they are in themselves. This knowledge concerns things only insofar as they appear to human perception or as they can be apprehended by the senses. The argument by which Kant sought to fixthe limits of human knowledge within the framework of experience and to demonstrate the inability of the human mind to penetrate beyond experience strictly by knowledge to the realm of ultimate reality constitutes the critical feature of his philosophy, giving the key word to the titles of his three leading treatises, Critique of Pure Reason, Critique of Practical Reason, and Critique of Judgment. In the system propounded in these works, Kant sought also to reconcile science and religion in a world of two levels, comprising noumena, objects conceived by reason although not perceived by the senses, and phenomena, things as they appear to the senses and are accessible to material study. He maintained that, because God, freedom, and human immortality are noumenal realities, these concepts are understood through moral faith rather than through scientific knowledge. With the continuous development of science, the expansion of metaphysics to include scientific knowledge and methods became one of the major objectives of metaphysicians.IV Metaphysics Since KantSome of Kant's most distinguished followers, notably Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich Schelling, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, and Friedrich Schleiermacher, negated Kant's criticism in their elaborations of his transcendental metaphysics by denying the Kantian conception of the thing-in-itself. They thus developed an absolute idealism in opposition to Kant's critical transcendentalism.Since the formation of the hypothesis of absolute idealism, the development of metaphysics has resulted in as many types of metaphysical theory as existed in pre-Kantian philosophy, despiteKant's contention that he had fixed definitely the limits of philosophical speculation. Notable among these later metaphysical theories are radical empiricism, or pragmatism, a native American form of metaphysics expounded by Charles Sanders Peirce, developed by William James, and adapted as instrumentalism by John Dewey; voluntarism, the foremost exponents of which are the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer and the American philosopher Josiah Royce; phenomenalism, as it is exemplified in the writings of the French philosopher Auguste Comte and the British philosopher Herbert Spencer; emergent evolution, or creative evolution, originated by the French philosopher Henri Bergson; and the philosophy of the organism, elaborated by the British mathematician and philosopher Alfred North Whitehead. The salient doctrines of pragmatism are that the chief function of thought is to guide action, that the meaning of concepts is to be sought in their practical applications, and that truth should be tested by the practical effects of belief; according to instrumentalism, ideas are instruments of action, and their truth is determined by their role in human experience. In the theory of voluntarism the will is postulated as the supreme manifestation of reality. The exponents of phenomenalism, who are sometimes called positivists, contend that everything can be analyzed in terms of actual or possible occurrences, or phenomena, and that anything that cannot be analyzed in this manner cannot be understood. In emergent or creative evolution, the evolutionary process is characterized as spontaneous and unpredictable rather than mechanistically determined. The philosophy of the organism combines an evolutionarystress on constant process with a metaphysical theory of God, the eternal objects, and creativity.V Contemporary DevelopmentsIn the 20th century the validity of metaphysical thinking has been disputed by the logical positivists (see Analytic and Linguistic Philosophy; Positivism) and by the so-called dialectical materialism of the Marxists. The basic principle maintained by the logical positivists is the verifiability theory of meaning. According to this theory a sentence has factual meaning only if it meets the test of observation. Logical positivists argue that metaphysical expressi ons such as “Nothing exists except material particles” and “Everything is part of oneall-encompassing spirit” cannot be tested empirically. Therefore, according to the verifiability theory of meaning, these expressions have no factual cognitive meaning, although they can have an emotive meaning relevant to human hopes and feelings.The dialectical materialists assert that the mind is conditioned by and reflects material reality. Therefore, speculations that conceive of constructs of the mind as having any other than material reality are themselves unreal and can result only in delusion. To these assertions metaphysicians reply by denying the adequacy of the verifiability theory of meaning and of material perception as the standard of reality.Both logical positivism and dialectical materialism, they argue, conceal metaphysical assumptions, for example, that everything is observable or at least connected with something observable and that the mind has no distinctive life of its own. In the philosophical movement known as existentialism, thinkers have contended that thequestions of the nature of being and of the individual's relationship to it are extremely important and meaningful in terms of human life. The investigation of these questions is therefore considered valid whether or not its results can be verified objectively.Since the 1950s the problems of systematic analytical metaphysics have been studied in Britain by Stuart Newton Hampshire and Peter Frederick Strawson, the former concerned, in the manner of Spinoza, with the relationship between thought and action, and the latter, in the manner of Kant, with describing the major categories of experience as they are embedded in language. In the U.S. metaphysics has been pursued much in the spirit of positivism by Wilfred Stalker Sellars and Willard Van Orman Quine. Sellars has sought to express metaphysical questions in linguistic terms, and Quine has attempted to determine whether the structure of language commits the philosopher to asserting the existence of any entities whatever and, if so, what kind. In these new formulations the issues of metaphysics and ontology remain vital.。
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Plato (4Байду номын сангаас7-347)
• The son of wealthy and influential Athenian parents, Plato began his philosophical career as a student of Socrates. When the master died, Plato travelled to Egypt and Italy, studied with students of Pythagoras, and spent several years advising the ruling family of Syracuse. Eventually, he returned to Athens and established his own school of philosophy at the Academy. • Author of The Dialogues
Philosophy As Historical
• philosophical thought evolves • the thought of two different eras are so intimately connected that a genuine understanding of any one of them requires an understanding of the other. • What is important for our purposes is simply to be conscious and sensitive to the importance of history and the historical context in our understanding of philosophical texts.
• • • • • • • • • • • Thales (624-546 B.C) Anaximander (5th cn. B.C.) Anaximenes (585-525 B.C.) Phythagoras (fl. 530 B.C.) Heraclitus (6th cn B.C.) Parmenides (b. 510 B.C.) Zeno (b. 488 B.C.) Empedocles (490-430) Anaxagoras (500-428 B.C.) Leucippus (490-430 B.C.) Democritus (460-370 B.C.)
The History of Philosophy
An Overview
What Is A Historical Overview And What Is Its Benefit?
• The main objective of this overview is to have the tools to properly situate a particular philosopher in their corresponding historical framework.
Aristotle (384-322)
• Aristotle was born in Stagira in north Greece, the son of Nichomachus, the court physician to the Macedonian royal family. He was trained first in medicine, and then in 367 he was sent to Athens to study philosophy with Plato. He stayed at Plato's Academy until about 347
The History of Philosophy
• • • • Ancient Medieval Modern Contemporary
Ancient Philosophy 600 B.C. - Birth of Christ
• • • • • Pre-Socratics The Sophists 3 main philosophers Hellenic Philosophy Stoicism
3 Main Ancient Philosophers
• Socrates (470-399 B.C.E) • Plato (428-348 B.C.E) • Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E)
Socrates (469-399)
• In his use of critical reasoning, by his unwavering commitment to truth, and through the vivid example of his own life, fifth-century Athenian Socrates set the standard for all subsequent Western philosophy.
The Sophists
• • • • • Protagoras (c. 490-c. 420 B.C.) Gorgias (483-378 B.C.) Thrasymachus (c. 459– c. 400 B.C.) Hippias (5th cn. B.C.) Prodicus (fl. 5th cn. B.C.)
Philosophy and Society
• philosophy does not take place in a vacuum, and therefore, the social, scientific, literary, economic and cultural context have a bearing upon the evolution of thought.