



Revenue-sharing Trade Credit Contract for Coordinating Multiple Competing Retailers When Incorporating Default Risk
作者: 王明征[1,2];周亮[2];刘伟伟[2]
作者机构: [1]浙江大学管理学院,浙江杭州310058 [2]大连理工大学系统工程研究所,辽宁大连116024
出版物刊名: 运筹与管理
页码: 1-11页
年卷期: 2017年 第4期
主题词: 供应链协调 违约风险 竞争性 收益共享 贸易信贷








供应链收益共享契约旨在通过优化供应链收益分配,激发供应链成员的积极性, 提高供应链整体绩效。
随着全球化和网络化趋势的发展,供应链管理逐渐成为企业核心竞争力的重要来源 。
在传统的供应链管理实践中,供应链成员往往各自为政,导致供应链整体绩效低下 。
为了解决这一问题,学者们开始研究如何通过合作机制来提高供应链整体绩效,收 益共享契约作为一种有效的合作机制逐渐受到关注。
供应链收益共享契约的未 来研究方向与趋势
供应链收益共享契约的理论框 架尚未完善。
现有研究缺乏对供应链收益共 享契约的动态性能和稳定性分 析。
对供应链收益共享契约的激励 机制和风险管理机制研究尚不 充分。
完善供应链收益共享契约的理论框架 ,建立完整的分析体系。
通过协同合作,实现供应链整体利益最大化,同时提 升各成员的收益。
根据市场变化和供应链运作情况,灵活调整收益共享 的比例和方式,以适应不断变化的市场环境。
1. 确定收益共 享契约…
明确契约的目的、合作方 式、风险分担等关键要素 。
2. 分析市场环 境和供…
供应链收益共享契约被广泛应用于各种类型的供应链,如制 造业供应链、零售业供应链、农业供应链等。
在这些供应链中,通过实施收益共享契约,可以有效地提高 供应链成员的积极性,优化资源配置,提高供应链整体绩效 。
供应链收益共享契约的设 计与实施



通过完整的绩效控制手段和 统一规范的内控,财务核算 的及时性准确性明显提高。
通过完整的绩效控制手段和 统一规范的内控,财务核算 质量可得到明显提高。
战略 财务
专家 财经管 管理 团队 理体系 财务
财务 云
财务共பைடு நூலகம்服务中心的标准
账:信息流 入账规则一致 入账操作规范 信息平台统一
财务共 享服务
钱:资金流 统一发出付款指令 统一的付款操作 每一笔付款均受资金预 算的约束
规模 性
技术 性
服务 性
共享服 务特点
统一 性
协议 性
专业 性
一、 财务发展的一些探索 二、 财务共享服务基本理论
三、 实施财务共享服务意义
四、 视频演示
PART I 财务发展的一些探索
业务 循环
信息 循环
管理 循环
1、培养CFO的财 务部
2、财务经理式的 财务部
3、会计师式的财 务部
• 财务专业知识 • 基本办公软件 • 简单的沟通对象
• 财务专业知识 • 基本知识 • 沟通的艺术 • 信息技术知识 • 商务知识



商在收益共享机制下的博弈过程,得出了满足双方最优决策的博弈均衡解,在此基础上设计了收益共享契 约,给出了双方能够接受契约的参数范围。 关键词: 收益共享;契约设计; LF 博弈 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7348.2010.21.07 中图分类号: F252.24 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001–7348(2010)21–0024–03
(2),得分散决策状态下供应商与 代入式(1)、
E∏ S
E∏ R
= ( h − cs ) q ^
( λ p − h − cr ) b′ (θ ** ) − λ g ′ (θ ** ) = 0
q^ ⎡ ⎤ = p ⎢ q ^ − ∫ ^ F x − b (θ ^ ) dx ⎥ − ( h + cr ) q ^ b (θ ) ⎣ ⎦
(12) (13)
( p − cs − cr ) b′ (θ * ) − g′ (θ * ) = 0
关 于 q* 和 θ * 具 体 表 达 式 的 求 解 , 也 需 知 道 b (θ ) 和
g (θ ) 的具体表达式以及随机变量 X 的分布函数才能给出。
将 q* 和 θ * 代入式(9),可得到供应链系统在集中决策下 所能达到的最大期望收益,即
完全的协作关系,故可以将两者作为一个整体,此时供应 链系统的收益是最大的。而建立收益共享契约的目的就是 要使供应链系统的绩效达到集中决策的水平。 集中决策下供应链系统的期望收益函数为
q E ∏ SC = p ⎡ q − ∫ F ( x − b (θ ) )dx ⎤ − ( cs + cr ) q ⎢ ⎥ b (θ ) ⎣ ⎦ q + r ⎡ ∫ F ( x − b (θ ) )dx ⎤ − g (θ ) b ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ (θ ) ⎦


李绩 才 , 周永务 ,肖 旦 , 钟远光
( 1 . 华南理工大学工商管理学院 , 广州 5 1 0 6 4 1 ; 2 . 浙江师范大学行知学院 , 金华 3 2 1 0 0 4 )
摘 要 :以一个 两阶段 的供 应链 系统 为研 究背 景 , 建 立 了下游 损 失厌 恶型 零 售 商之 间存 在 竞 争 的 收益 共享 契约 协调模 型. 研 究发 现 , 竞争性 的 多零 售 商之 间存 在唯 一 的纳什 均衡 总订 货量使 其期 望 效 用 实现 最 大化 , 且 总订货 量 随零 售商数 目的增加 而 增加 、 随零 售 商风 险厌 恶程 度 的增
应链 的总 利 润 水 平 会 提 高 1 0 % 左 右. C a c h o n和
L a r i v e r e 提 出 了收益共 享契 约 的一 般 性框 架 , 对
其适用范 围和性能进行了深入地讨论 , 并证 明了
量折扣( q u a n t i t y . d i s c o u n t ) 契约等 J .
制包 括 : 回购 ( b u y b a c k ) 契约、 收益共享 ( r e v e n u e - s h a r i n g ) 契约、 数 量柔 性 ( q u a n t i t y f l e x i b i l i t y ) 契约 、
上. M o r t i m e r 采用计量经 济学 的方法分 析 了收 益分享契约对音像租赁行业 的影响 , 结果发现供
最早 出现在音像租赁行业 , 随后得到企业界 和学 术界 的广泛关注. 收益 的分配是供应链企业 问合 作与纷争的焦点问题 . 在一个 由多个参与主体组 成的供应链系统 中, 只有对他们 的合作收益进行 合理分配 , 才能建立并保持 良好 的供应链合作关



考虑损失厌恶—对多型供应链的收益共享契约李绩才;周永务;肖旦;钟远光【摘要】以一个两阶段的供应链系统为研究背景,建立了下游损失厌恶型零售商之间存在竞争的收益共享契约协调模型.研究发现,竞争性的多零售商之间存在唯一的纳什均衡总订货量使其期望效用实现最大化,且总订货量随零售商数目的增加而增加、随零售商风险厌恶程度的增加而减少.在此基础上,进一步分析了在整个供应链系统中存在唯一的“批发价一收益共享系数”比值能够使供应链利用收益共享契约达到协调,并推导了系统实现协调时最优契约参数之间的关系;最后结合数值实例验证了供应链收益共享契约机制的有效性.%This paper develops revenue-sharing contract coordination model in a two-stage supply chain consisting of a supplier and multiple loss-averse retailers.It is found that there is a unique Nash equilibrium total order quantity to maximize the expected utility of multiple competing loss-averse retailers, and the optimal total order quantity increases as the number of retailers increases but decreases as the degree of risk aversion increases.Furthermore, a unique ratio of wholesale price and revenue sharing fraction is proved to coordinate the whole supply chain based on revenue-sharing contract mechanism, and the relation between the optimal contractual parameters are deduced.Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the theoretical results of the proposed model.【期刊名称】《管理科学学报》【年(卷),期】2013(016)002【总页数】12页(P71-82)【关键词】损失厌恶;收益共享契约;供应链协调【作者】李绩才;周永务;肖旦;钟远光【作者单位】华南理工大学工商管理学院,广州510641;浙江师范大学行知学院,金华321004;华南理工大学工商管理学院,广州510641;华南理工大学工商管理学院,广州510641;华南理工大学工商管理学院,广州510641【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O227;F224.90 引言供应链管理要求从全局的或系统的观点来全面规划供应链中从最终顾客到初始供应商所涉及的所有环节,并对其中各参与组织、部门之间的物流、信息流和资金流等进行有效地计划、组织、协调和控制,使供应链系统达到整体最优,其目标在于将传统的彼此从各自利益出发的独立运作格局转变成为运用科学管理来实现协同合作的整体协调运作格局,从而提高整体效率和市场能力,提升企业的竞争力[1].因此,实现供应链的整体协调是现代供应链管理的关键,关于供应链协调的研究也成为近年来运作管理领域的热门问题之一[2,3].供应链合同契约是实现供应链协调的主要方法.通过设计合同契约以及相应参数的设置,有助于供应链成员间实现风险共担、提高供应链的整体利润,从而使供应链达到协调.这些契约机制包括:回购(buyback)契约、收益共享(revenuesharing)契约、数量柔性(quantity flexibility)契约、量折扣(quantity-discount)契约等[4].收益共享契约作为有效的供应链协调方式,最早出现在音像租赁行业,随后得到企业界和学术界的广泛关注.收益的分配是供应链企业间合作与纷争的焦点问题.在一个由多个参与主体组成的供应链系统中,只有对他们的合作收益进行合理分配,才能建立并保持良好的供应链合作关系[5].供应链收益共享契约是通过供应商提供较低的批发价格,待商品销售任务完成之后供应商与零售商共同分享销售收入,以达到改进供应链运作绩效的一种协调方式.据Warren和 Peers[6]的调查,美国影片出租巨头百视达公司(Blockbuster Inc.)自1998年开始与它上游供应商之间引入收益共享契约,公司经营业绩大为改善,市场份额由1997年的24%一跃到2002年的40%以上.Mortimer[7]采用计量经济学的方法分析了收益分享契约对音像租赁行业的影响,结果发现供应链的总利润水平会提高10%左右.Cachon和Larivere[8]提出了收益共享契约的一般性框架,对其适用范围和性能进行了深入地讨论,并证明了收益共享契约机制与传统协调契约相比能取得更好的效果.Giannoccaro 和 Pontrandolfo[9]在文献[8]的基础上进一步利用收益共享契约机制协调一类3阶段的供应链系统.Yao等[10]针对由1个供应商和2个竞争性的零售商组成的供应链系统,利用收益共享契约能使之达到协调.Linh和Hong[11]发现收益共享机制可以用来协调由1个供应商和1个零售商组成的两阶段报童问题,文中分别考虑了零售商拥有一次订购机会和两次订购机会.然而,目前大多数关于供应链协调问题的研究常假设供应链参与人均为风险中性者,决策目标是期望利润最大化或者期望成本最小化(即“期望值理论”),这其实与现实情况并不相符.在现实中,规模较小的供应链参与主体往往对风险或损失是比较规避或厌恶的.近来,逐渐有学者利用期望效用函数[12,13]、均值 - 方差[14,15]、均值 -半方差[16]、CVaR(条件风险值)[17,18]等决策目标刻画供应链决策主体的预期收益和风险,分析风险厌恶型供应链决策者的决策行为及其产生的决策偏差.这些理论和方法在一定程度上弥补了期望值理论的不足,在分析供应链决策问题时所得结论相对于期望值理论有所改善,但是它们仍不能解释所有的现象.于是,一些学者开始采用Kahneman和Tversky[19]提出的前景理论(prospect theory)来描述供应链成员的决策行为.前景理论认为:①决策参考点(reference point)决定决策者对待风险的态度.决策者感兴趣的并不是利润或者成本的绝对量,而是相对于某一决策参考点的收益(gains)或损失(losses)水平.当出现收益时,决策者的价值函数为凹函数,反映了对风险的规避倾向;当出现损失时,其价值函数为凸函数,反映了对风险的偏好倾向.这明显与新古典经济学中关于对损失和收益的偏好一致性假定不同;②决策者是损失厌恶(loss averse)的.当与决策参考点相比是损失时,决策者的反应要比与参考点相比是收益时的反应强烈,或者说一定数量的损失给决策者带来的痛苦程度要大于同样数量的收益给决策者带来的愉悦程度,即决策者的价值函数在损失区域的斜率比收益区域的斜率大,决策者表现为对损失的厌恶特性.该理论除了能够解释一些传统经济学认为的异常现象外,还得到了大量实验、实证和一些学者的支持.因此,Kahneman等人于2002年获得了诺贝尔经济学奖.Schweitzer和 Cachon[20]最早借助经典的报童模型实证研究了损失厌恶决策者在没有缺货惩罚下的行为,他们发现损失厌恶决策者的订购数量严格小于风险中性的订购数量,而且会随着损失厌恶程度的增加而降低.Wang和Webster[21]在前文的基础上进一步考虑了存在缺货惩罚成本时的情况,研究发现:当缺货成本较低时,损失厌恶型决策者的订购数量小于风险中性的订购数量,且随着损失厌恶程度的增加而降低;相反,当缺货成本较高时,损失厌恶型决策者的订购数量大于风险中性的订购数量,且随着损失厌恶程度的增加而增加.沈厚才等[22]讨论了有损失厌恶偏好的按单制造企业所面临的定制件采购决策问题,得出与前文相似的结论.Wang[23]进一步对由多个损失厌恶型零售商组成的竞争性报童问题展开了分析,发现零售商的总订货量受两种效应的影响:即由于竞争导致的需求窃取效应(demand-stealing effect)将使得订货量随零售商数目的增加而增加;损失厌恶效应(loss aversion effect)使得订货量随零售商损失厌恶程度的提高而减少.但这些研究都是基于单层报童零售商的订货量决策展开的,并未涉及到整个供应链系统的优化协调问题.最近,考虑零售商是损失厌恶的供应链优化与协调问题逐步受到了一些学者的关注.Zhang等[24]研究了由1个风险中性的供应商和1个损失厌恶的下游零售商组成的供应链系统(不考虑缺货惩罚成本),利用回购等契约可以实现供应链的协调.Wang和Webster[25]则针对同样的供应链系统,研究发现存在一类与需求分布无关的利润/损失分享—回购(gain/loss sharing and buyback)契约能够很好地协调供应链.Shi和Xiao[26]在他们的基础上进一步考虑了存在缺货惩罚成本时的供应链协调问题.不同于以往的文献,本文以一个风险中性的供应商和多个损失厌恶型零售商所构成的两阶段供应链为研究背景,分别分析了收益共享契约机制下的一体化与非一体化两种决策情况,考察了多零售商的竞争性和损失厌恶程度对供应链决策的影响,并进一步研究了基于收益共享契约机制的供应链系统协调问题.1 问题描述与假设本文考虑的是两级的供应链,它由1个供应商和n个零售商组成.n个零售商销售同一种报童类型的时尚商品;为满足市场,他们会根据市场需求预测,在销售期之前向供应商提前订购货品.供应商按照零售商总订购量组织生产,并将所订购商品在销售期开始时送达给各零售商.同文献[25]的假设,供应商企业规模较大,它是风险中性的;各零售商企业规模较小,属于损失厌恶型的.供应商为改善供应链运作绩效而采用收益共享契约机制来激励各零售商从整个供应链利润最大化的角度选择订货量.主要符号如下:p——单位商品的市场零售价格;c——供应商生产单位产品的成本;w——供应商向零售商提供的单位商品批发价(供应商决策变量);s——零售商单位未售出商品的残值;φ——零售商自身保留的销售收入份额(供应商决策变量),供应商从各零售商销售收入获得的份额为(1-φ),其中0<φ≤1;Qi——非一体化决策时,第i个零售商在销售期初的订购量(各零售商决策变量); Q——非一体化决策时,n个零售商在销售期初向供应商的总订购量,且Q-i——非一体化决策时,除第i个零售商以外,其他零售商在销售期初向供应商的总订购量,明显地,Q-i=Q-Qi;Qsc——一体化决策时,供应链整体的总生产订购量;X——零售商所面临的市场总随机需求,F(x)、f(x)分别表示X的分布函数和密度函数;Xi——第i个零售商所面临的市场随机需求,G(xi)、g(xi)表示Xi的分布函数和密度函数(i=1,2,…,n).本文其他假设如下.1)处于供应链下游的n个零售商之间是相互竞争的;具体来说,对于第i个零售商,其面临的市场需求 Xi与它的订购量 Qi成正比[4,23],即根据上述假设,显然可得如下关系2)不失一般性,假定p>c>s;3)供应链的各参与方之间信息是完全对称的;4)假设下游各零售商是损失厌恶型的.具体来说,第i个零售商的效用函数可表示为其中Wi、分别表示第i个零售商的预期利润和初始财富(或称决策参考点);λi(≥1)表示第i个零售商的风险厌恶系数,当λi=1时则该零售商是风险中性的,λi越大表示其对损失的厌恶程度越明显.为方便讨论问题并不失一般性,不妨假设各零售商的损失厌恶系数相同,即λ1=λ2=… =λn=λ;且各零售商的初始财富W(0)i 为0.这种分段线性的损失厌恶效用函数在行为经济学、运作管理等领域已得到广泛的使用[18-24],它是对Kahneman和Tversky[19]提出的非线性损失厌恶效用函数的一种近似表示.2 一体化决策一体化决策时,根据前文的假设,由于供应商相对规模较大,它在整个供应链中处于强势地位并作为供应链的协调者,多个零售商从属于供应链整体.此时即为标准的报童问题,供应商的决策目标是使得期望利润最大化.此时,供应链整体的利润函数为相应地,供应链整体的期望利润为x)]是关于Qsc的凹函数.令可得在一体化决策时供应链的最优生产量3 非一体化决策在非一体化决策时,供应商和零售商均从各自的角度采取优化决策.针对供应链的实际生产活动以及前文的假设,这里考虑供应商与n个零售商之间是Stackelberg 主从对策问题,零售商彼此间是纳什博弈问题.具体来说,供应商占主导地位为主方,各零售商为从方;供应商首先决策批发价w和零售商需要分享销售收入的比例(1-φ),n个零售商再同时决定各自向供应商的订货量Qi.由于供应商和各零售商分别是风险中性和损失厌恶型的,供应商的决策目标是使得期望利润最大化,各零售商的决策目标是使得期望效用最大化.3.1 零售商的决策零售商问题是在已知供应商的批发价格w和需要向供应商分享销售收入的比例(1-φ)的条件下,确定自己最优的订货量,从而实现期望效用最大化.此时,第i个零售商的利润函数为由此,其期望利润、期望效用分别为其中为其销售的盈亏平衡点.将式(1)、(2)代入到式(6)、(7)中,并分别进行必要的化简后,得显然,E[U(πri(Qi,xi))]是订货量 Qi的凹函数.因此,当其他n-1个零售商的总订购量为Q-i时,零售商i的最优订购量Q*i应该满足下式定理2 若,对于n个零售商,他们的订货量存在唯一的纳什均衡零售商最优总订货量Q*应使得下式成立证明首先,根据纳什均衡存在定理[27]:在n人战略式博弈中,如果每个参与人的纯战略空间Si是欧氏空间上一个非空的、闭的、有界的凸集,支付函数ui(si)是连续的且对si是拟凹的,那么,此博弈存在纯策略纳什均衡.由前述分析、定理1及其证明过程可知,n个零售商订货博弈的策略空间、支付函数分别满足纳什均衡存在定理的要求.因此,该博弈过程存在纯策略纳什均衡.其次,由于对任一零售商i,其最优订货量都有式(10)成立,且n个零售商之间是同时决定各自订货量的纳什博弈.根据对称性,如果存在纳什均衡解,则必然有代入式(10)后,易得零售商的均衡总订货量Q*必须满足式(11).令式(11)左侧为函数k(Q),则有故零售商存在唯一的最优总订购量Q*使式(11)成立.证毕.推论1 若s≤w/φ≤p,零售商最优的总订购量Q*分别是关于零售商个数n的增函数,关于零售商风险厌恶系数λ的减函数,关于w/φ的减函数.证明由式(11)根据隐函数求导定理即可证明以上各结果,具体证明过程略.证毕.根据推论1可以得出与文献[23]相似的理论:零售商竞争程度的增加将使得总订购量增加,零售商损失厌恶程度的增加将使得总订购量减少.此外,供应商可以通过降低批发价或提高零售商自身保留的收益比例,使批发价与零售商自身保留盈利份额的比值w/φ减小,从而鼓励下游零售企业多订货.若限定上述的φ=1,则表示供应商与零售商之间不采取收益共享契约机制,由式(11)可知此时n个零售商的最优总订货量决策Q*a应满足下式,即由式(14)所决定的与w之间的函数关系,反映了在供应链不采取收益共享契约机制时,零售商根据供应商的批发价所做的总订货量决策最优响应函数.3.2 收益不共享时(φ=1)供应商的决策在完全信息的情况下,当供应商与零售商之间不采取收益共享契约机制时,作为供应链主方的供应商根据式(14),进行批发价决策以使得自身的期望利润最大化.因此,供应商的决策问题可以表述为由于约束条件所给定的Q与w之间的关系通常情况下很难有显式解,因此需要借助拉格朗日乘数法进行数值求解,得到的最优解就是供应商的最优决策;从而,对应的零售商最优总订货量为由此,当供应链不采取收益共享契约机制时,供应商的最优期望利润为个零售商的最优总期望效用为对应此时零售商的总期望利润为供应链总期望利润为4 基于收益共享的供应链协调机制在非一体化决策的供应链中,由于供应商和零售商分别进行独立的决策时仅考虑各自的利润或效用,可能会影响到整个供应链的绩效.即在上述φ=1时分散决策的零售商最优总订购量并不能保证与一体化决策时系统最优的生产量相等,这样整个供应链的运作效率就不能达到最优.为了促进供应链参与各方的有效合作和互惠双赢的目标,本文引入收益共享契约机制,实现分散决策供应链的协调,从而能够达到一体化决策时的运作绩效.也就是说,供应商通过收益共享契约机制以诱导零售商总的订货量等于供应链期望利润最大时的订货量.注意到式(17)左侧在是关的增函数.且当当.因此,必然存在唯一的满足式(17),从而供应链达到协调.同时,由式(17)左侧分别对n、λ求导,显然,它分别是关于n的减函数、关于λ的增函数.根据隐函数求导定理,有结合定理2、定理3可知,在利用收益共享契约机制使供应链达到协调时,各零售商的订货量相等),他们的期望利润或效用也相同入式(8)和式(9),可得此时各零售商的期望利润和期望效用分别为所以,n个零售商总的期望利润和期望效用分别为进一步结合式(4),易知供应商的期望利润为收益共享系数φ一般是由供应链的参与各方共同协商而定,但为了保证较为公平合理的收益分配,收益共享系数必须满足参与者的个体理性.由于供应商是风险中性的,零售商是损失厌恶型的,所以必须保证供应商合作后的利润不小于合作前的利润,零售商合作后的效用不小于合作前的效用.即有根据式(23)可得收益共享系数φ的合理取值范围.但至于它的具体取值,则要取决于供应链上参与各方的决策地位和以及相互之间的谈判能力.上面分析了供应商通过设计收益共享契约机制以达到协调供应链整体运作的目的.此外,若限定式(17)中的φ=1,可以考察供应商和多个损失厌恶的零售商之间是否能够通过单纯的批发价契约实现供应链系统的协调.定理4 仅当零售商的风险厌恶系数λ或零售商数目n分别满足式(24)或式(25)时,单纯的批发价契约才可以实现供应链协调,式(24)和(25)为令式(26)左侧为函数l(w),经过求导运算后可知它是关于w的减函数.又根据供应链系统的实际运作情况,当采用单纯的批发价作为协调策略时,应必须保证c<w <p成立.且若已知式(24)或式(25)满足时,必然有因此,此时必存在唯一的w*∈(c,p)能使式(26)成立,从而使供应链系统达到协调.证毕.由定理4可知,单纯的批发价契约并不一定能够实现该供应链系统的协调,只有当零售商的风险厌恶程度较小或零售商个数较多导致竞争较激烈时,才有可能使供应链达到协调.另外,也可以证明回购契约同批发价契约一样,并不一定能够使供应链系统达到协调,限于篇幅,本文不再赘述.5 数值分析假定模型参数为 p=30,c=20,s=5,n 取1~20之间的整数,λ介于1~4之间.为了方便分析问题,通常在随机需求下假定市场总需求X服从均匀分布[28],其密度函数为其中,D=2 000.若不采取收益共享契约机制时,根据式(14)~(16),求得在分散决策情况下供应商最优定价和零售商总的最优订货量,进而可以较为方便地计算出供应链及其组成成员的期望利润或效用.若限定零售商个数n不变(=6),通过改变风险厌恶系数λ的取值范围(λ∈[1,4]);或者限定λ不变(=2),通过改变n的取值范围(n=1,2,…,20),分别可以考察零售商的损失厌恶程度、零售商的数目对供应链及其组成成员的期望利润或效用的影响.如图1和图2所示,在分散决策情况下,随着零售商损失厌恶程度的不断提高,零售商的总期望利润先逐渐增加然后缓慢减少,而供应商期望利润、零售商总期望效用以及供应链整体的期望总利润均不断减少;随着零售商数目增加,由于竞争性加剧零售商总订货量得以不断提高,致使零售商的总期望利润、供应商期望利润以及供应链整体的期望总利润均逐渐增加,但零售商的总期望效用仍不断减少.此外,可以发现,当零售商数目较少时,它对供应链及其成员期望利润或效用的影响相对明显,而随着零售商数目增多,这种影响将会越来越小.由于一体化决策时供应链系统为追求供应链整体期望利润最大,零售商的最优总订货量为 800,此时供应链的期望利润达到4 000.从图1和图2可以发现,分散决策的供应链系统始终很难达到一体化运作时的运作绩效,供应链期望总利润水平均低于最优取值4 000,因此有协调供应链运作的必要.如在n=6、λ=2时,分散决策的供应商批发价为24.52,零售商总的订货量为467,供应链及其参与各方的期望利润或效用情况如表1所示.图1 λ对供应链及其成员期望利润或效用的影响Fig.1 The supply chain and its members’expected profit or utility with different λ图2 n对供应链及其成员期望利润或效用的影响Fig.2 The supply chain and its members’expected profit or utility with different n表1 不同决策情形下供应链系统的期望利润或效用(n=6、λ =2)Table 1 The supply chain’s expected profit or utility in different decision-makingsituations(n=6、λ =2)分散决策一体化决策πsa(w*a) πra(w*a,Q*a) Ura(w*a,Q*a) πsc(Q*sc )2 110.4 1 196.7 365.7 4 000为实现供应链系统的协调,必须精心设计收益共享的激励契约机制,使其相关参数满足式(17).图3和图4分别为零售商的损失厌恶程度、零售商的数目对收益共享契约参数的影响.由图3可知,由于零售商的损失厌恶会导致零售商订货量减少,而降低批发价或增加零售商自身保留销售收益的份额可以用来激励零售商多订货,因此随着零售商损失厌恶程度增加,为实现供应链整体利益的最大化,要求收益共享契约两参数的比值逐渐减小.由图4可知,收益共享契约两参数的比值随零售商数目的增多而增加,零售商之间的竞争性加剧会导致零售商增加订货量也可以很好地解释这一现象.图3 λ对收益共享契约参数的影响Fig.3 The imapct of λ on the parameters of revenue-sharing contract图4 n对收益共享契约参数的影响Fig.4 The imapct of n on the parameters of revenue-sharing contract有效的协调契约机制应使得供应链中任何一方在采用该契约机制后的收益或效用不会减少.进一步根据式(23),可以计算出收益共享分配系数φ的合理取值范围.图5和图6分别反映了零售商损失厌恶程度和零售商数目对共享系数φ的影响.结合图1、图2、图5和图6可知,随着零售商损失厌恶程度增加,供应链总利润水平在一体化决策与分散决策情况下的差距不断拉大,由此实现协调运作后可用于双方分配的资金增加,共享系数的取值区间随之增大;相反,随着零售商数目增多,供应链总利润水平在一体化决策与分散决策情况下的差距不断缩小,使得共享系数的取值区间也随之很缓慢地减少.另外,零售商损失厌恶程度增加,收益共享系数应随之减小,从而供应商可以得到更多的销售收益比例;零售商数目增加,收益共享系数应不断增大,分配给供应商的销售收益比例减小.。






6.1 供应链契约概述契约理论是近30年来迅速发展的经济学分支之一,契约理论一直处于不停的整合过程之中。

契约理论通常包括:激励理论(Incentive Theory)、不完全契约理论(Incomplete Contract Theory)和新制度交易成本理论(the New Institutional Transaction Costs Theory)。


6.1.1 供应链契约的概念供应链契约(Supply Chain Contract)是指通过提供合适的信息和激励措施,保证买卖双方协调,优化销售渠道绩效的有关条款。


6.1.2 供应链契约的类型供应链契约由Pasternack在1985年首先提出。


目前供应链契约的相关研究主要把供应链契约分为:定价契约(Pricing Contract)、收入共享契约(Revenue Sharing Contract)、数量折扣契约(Quantity Discount Contract)及回购契约(Buyback Contract)四大类型。

根据这些基本契约类型又可以扩展或组合出:价格补贴契约(Mark- down-money Contract)、延迟支付契约(Delay Payment Contract)、两步收费契约(Two Step Fee Contract)、销售补贴契约(Sales Subsidy Contract)、销售回购契约(Sales-buyback contract)、预购契约(Advance PurchaseContract)、回扣与惩罚契约(Rebate and Penalty Contract)、期权契约(Option Contract)、数量折扣契约(Quantity Discount Contract)、提前订购契约(Advanced Booking Contract)、提前订购折扣契约(Advance Booking Discount Contract)、数量柔性契约(Quantity Flexibility Contract)、数量承诺契约(Quantity Commitment Contract)、质量承诺契约(Quality Commit-ment Contract)、混合协调契约(Mixed Coordination Contract)等。



Hilton WorldwideRevenue Management Standards – The Americas Updated: 2009Table of ContentsFinancial Review (7)Actual Monthly Performance (7)Systems Balancing (7)Weekly Forecast (8)Group Forecast Development Standards (8)Transient Forecast Development Standards (8)Exporting the Forecast (9)Forecast Accuracy (9)Market Conditions / Competition Analysis (10)Determining Competitive Set for STAR Reports (10)Value Assessments (10)Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Analysis (SWOT) (10)Competitive Factors/ Assessment (11)Competitive Shopping Tools (11)Competitive Pressure Calendar (11)Pricing Strategy (12)Best Available Rates (BAR) (12)Seasonality (12)Length of Stay Controls (12)Price Resistance - Denials (13): Best Rate Strategy (13)SRP Placement (14)Best Rate Guarantee (14)Packages and Promotions – Administration/ Analysis (15)Premium Room Type Strategy (16)Distressed and Holiday Strategy (16)Inventory Management - (18)SRP Build and Auditing procedures (18)SRP Build- Cut-off Date Procedures (18)SRP Build- Room Types (19)SRP Build- SRP Types (19)Room Type Consistent Availability (19)53rd Week Controls (20)Overbooking (20)Hhonors- Inventory Management and reimbursement procedures (20)Rate Override (20)Validating Qualified Rates (20)Night Audit Activity -Market Category Audit (21)Kiosk Configuration (21)Revenue Management Business Practices (22)Revenue Management Meeting (22)Toolkit use (22)Toolkit Use- Minimum Tool Usage (22)Checklists (23)Document Retention (23)Report Usage- Systems (23)Booking Pace (23)OnQ RM Usage- (23)Revenue Management Support (24)Negotiated Account Review (24)Loaded and Bookable in the GDS and CRS (24)Account Evaluation Standards for renewal of existing accounts (24)Hotelligence- (24)Group Revenue Management (26)RM Training for Sales Managers (26)Communication with the Sales Department (26)Inventory Management- SRP Setup (28)Inventory Management Audit Systems Delphi vs. CRS (28)Group Complimentary and Staff Rooms (29)Inventory Management- Group Block (30)Cut-off dates procedures (30)Group Pick-up Meeting (31)eEvents (32)Group Rates/Selective Sell Guideline Rates (SSG)- (33)Transient Protected- (34)Displacement Analysis- Group MCATs (34)Displacement Analysis – Permanent, Contract or Extended Stay (35)Distribution-Channel Management (36)Voice Reservations - Selling Protocol- (36)Voice Reservations-Booking Messages (36)Voice Reservations - Shop Calls (37)Voice Reservations-Training and Communication with HRCC (37)Voice Reservations-Call Volume Statistics and Conversion Reports (38)City/Convention Visitors Bureau Web Sites (CVB) (38)PiM –Property Information Manager (39)Internet- Brand Web Sites (39)Internet – Approved Web Sites (39)Internet- 3rd Party Merchant Sales (40)Internet - Tracking Standards (40)Internet- Hotwire (41)Internet- Priceline (41)Internet - Online Channel Analysis & SRP Standards/ Settings Audits (41)TRAIL (42)Staffing Guidelines- (42)Staffing Guidelines Continued (43)Succession Planning (43)Microsoft Office Products (43)OnQ RM (Revenue Management System) (43)Delphi - DMPE (44)OnQ FM -DRM (44)OnQ FM- Other RM personnel (44)Key Hotel Marketing Reports (44)RMU (44)Using the Revenue Management Standards TemplateThis template is a document Revenue Management personnel and various members of the hotel team can use to understand what the required business practice is for all Revenue Management functions. Listed below are the subject headers and definitions contained within the standards template. Any items that may not be familiar to you can be found by selecting the Revenue Management glossary by.CategoryA ll standards are grouped together into 9 sections. The sections are as follows:1. Distribution Channel Management2. Financial Review3. Forecast Process4. Group Revenue Management5. Inventory Management6. Market Conditions / Competitive Analysis7. Negotiated Account Review8. Pricing Strategy9. Revenue Management Business Practices10. Training & DevelopmentTopicEach category will contain topics for review. In all there are over 100 topics for your review.Revenue Management StandardThe standard is the required business practice for each topic as well as the party responsible for its execution.FrequencyEach Revenue management standard will have an associated timeline for completion. Some are weekly others monthly and still others (such as training) as needed.Instructions, Reports and Tools to useThis last column provides links to tools and reports in efforts to assist RM personnel and other hotel team members in standard implementation efforts. Attention: for all links defined in this document to access the web pages you must have your Internet Explorer Browser open prior to clicking on the links.CategoryTopic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to useFinancial Review ActualMonthlyPerformanceDRM to analyze actual room night, rate, revenue and key indicatorperformance by market category compared to last year, the Budget,and the Monthly Forecast. Prepare Executive Summary critiquingforecast variances and forecast accuracy if accuracy is in the redzone. This analysis should also include STAR performance anddescribe reasons for past performance and address strategies forincreasing RevPAR Index.Monthly Reports to facilitate this analysis include: the OnQ FMActuals and OnQ FM Mix of Sales Reports as compared tothe Monthly, Budget and Last Year Performance orequivalent systems where ONQ FM is not offered. MonthlySTAR report, Hotelligence Report, market demandinformation; Key Hotel Marketing Reports, Sales ProgressSummary Report, Group Plug and group booking paceinformation from Delphi.Financial Review SystemsBalancingBy the 10th of each month the following should occur:1)Balancing Delphi actuals to OnQ FM actuals - monthlyevaluation to ensure these two systems match. If they do not,the hotel has not successfully linked all groups in OnQ FM.2)DRM to ensure the Front Office balances the month to theGeneral Ledger and then the DRM to close OnQ FM.As indicated inStandardOnQ FM balancing information can be found by selecting thefollowing link:OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page, selectthe OnQ FM User Guide under OnQ FM- Rooms. Balancingprocedures located on page 25.Category Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to useForecast Process Weekly ForecastThe DRM should complete an operational forecastweekly and provide to operational departments.This forecast should include month-endprojections.Weekly Reports to use are the transient booking pace reportsprepared weekly by the DRM/Revenue Analyst, competitorshop reports, Group Rooms Control Log (GRC), SRP trendreports found in OnQ FM or equivalent system where OnQFM is not offered.The 14-Day Weekly Forecast and the Transient BookingPace tools are found in Revenue Management Toolkit byfollowing the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >Revenue Management >ToolkitForecast Process Group ForecastDevelopmentStandardsGroup Forecast - DOSM is responsible for theproduction of the Group Forecast day by day inOnQ FM and be able to provide supportingdocumentation. This includes reviewing the GroupDemand Report inside OnQ FM as well as theSales Progress Summary Report and completingthe Group Forecast Analysis Tool.Ensure thatOnQ FM and Delphi group forecasts for definitegroup bookings match. DRM is responsible forvalidation of the group forecast.Monthly Reports to use are: Post Event Reports, Group Pick-upManager or pace equivalent by group, historical plug trendanalysis, Sales Progress Report and OnQ FM DemandReports. Group shop calls and Lost Business Reportslocated in Delphi or kept manually for non-Delphi hotels canalso be reviewed.The Group Pick Up Manager Tool can be found in theRevenue Management Toolkit by following the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >Revenue Management >Groupand Catering.Forecast Process TransientForecastDevelopmentStandardsTransient Forecast - DRM is responsible for theproduction of the transient forecast at the SRPlevel ** in OnQ FM, day by day by market category,including other and non-revenue market categoriesand provide supporting documentation. DRM tocoordinate the total hotel rooms forecast once allchanges have been communicated.** When MCAT room nights represent 5% or moreof overall transient business, SRPs that represent20% or more within that MCAT must be forecasted.Monthly Reports to use to assist in forecasting are: OnQ RM DailyDetail Merge Tool, Transient Booking Pace Report, OnQ RM-SRP evaluations, SRP Category Reports and the MonthlyForecast Comparison Report, competitive shop information,historical actuals, compression calendar, economic trendpredictions, demand analysis reports found in OnQ RM orOnQ FM, future denials and OnQ FM reports.The Transient Booking Pace and Daily Detail Merge tools arelocated in the Revenue Management Toolkit by following thepath below.OnQ Insider >Departments >Revenue Management >ToolkitCategory Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to useForecast Process Exporting theForecastOnce a monthly and rolling forecast have beenpublished in OnQ FM, the forecast should beexported to OnQ RM and HLBFS. If for any reasonthe forecast is changed in HLBFS (which shouldnever happen), OnQ FM must be updated so bothsystems match.Weekly/Monthly Instructions on how to export forecasts to these systems canbe found in the OnQ FM Users Guide by following the pathbelow.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page, selectthe OnQ FM User Guide under OnQ FM- Rooms. Then,select On FM Administration and exporting procedureslocated on page 1.Forecast Process ForecastAccuracyThe total hotel room revenue forecast should bewithin 3% accurate. Green zone = within 3%;Yellow zone = within 5% and Red Zone= more than5%.Absolute variance of actual revenue forecast vs.rolling forecast revenue taken from HLBFS andPeoplesoft from the prior month.Monthly Reports to assist in accurate forecasting include:Transient Booking Pace Reports, OnQ RM- SRP evaluations,competitive shop information, historical actuals, group plugreports, compression calendar, economic trend predictions,demand analysis reports found in OnQ RM or OnQ FM,future denials and OnQ FM reports where available.Category Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to useMarket Conditions / Competition Analysis DeterminingCompetitive Setfor STAR ReportsCompetitive set should be the 5-8 hotels which thecustomer would choose if our hotel were notavailable. Hotels are determined and comp set’schanged based on Market segmentation, SWOTanalysis, Value Assessment, proximity to thecustomers desired location/area attractions/airport,customer surveys and Competitive Set ValidationTool. Customer Survey samples should total atleast 100 to be statistically significant. HiltonFamily of Brands cannot represent more than 40%of total rooms in the competitive set (no more than3 hotels in the family, excluding your hotel). DRM isresponsible for facilitating this process with a cross-functional team and report findings to RMcommittee, RDRM, RDSM and AVP, especiallywhen the findings show a sister hotel in the familyof brands should be included in the competitive set.Annual or inconjunction withSupply Change(Qualitative orQuantitative)Reports to use: Infrastructure Competitive Analysis-Supplyscreen from InFocus, Value Assessments, shop callreports, all monthly and weekly available STAR reports,competition collateral, trend publications indicating newconstruction or changes, and the Competitive SetValidation Tool and SWOT Analysis found in the RevenueManagement Toolkit by following the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >ToolkitMarket Conditions / Competition Analysis ValueAssessmentsA detailed Value Assessment by market segmentvs. competitors in each segment, (regardless ifthey are on the hotels STAR Report), is critical forunderstanding and identifying what attributescontribute to hotel’s success and what areas needto be a focus to improve RevPAR performance. Anannual physical inspection of the competitorsshould take place and DRM is responsible forfacilitating this process with the DOSM and across- functional team and report findings to RMcommittee, RDRM and RDSM. Upon completion,have Sales Dept add to InFocus.Pricing should beevaluated once peryear or inconjunction withsupply change orsignificant pricingchanges in themarket.Reports to use: Shop call reports, competition collateral,Group Lost Business Reports, customer surveyinformation, and the SWOT analysis.The Value Assessment Tool is located in the RevenueManagement Toolkit by selecting the following path.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >ToolkitMarket Conditions / Competition Analysis Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities,Threats Analysis(SWOT)Upon completion of the Value Assessment, adetailed SWOT analysis should be completed withsame cross functional team that completes theValue Assessment. This analysis is critical tounderstanding, improving,and l everaging yourcompetitive advantages and minimizing yourdisadvantages within your market.Upon completionof the ValueAssessmentReports to use: Value Assessment, shop call reports, allmonthly and weekly available STAR reports, competitioncollateral, CVB information, Group Lost Business Reports,customer survey information, and trend publicationsindicating new construction or changes.The SWOT and Value Assessment Tool can be found inthe Revenue Management Toolkit by following the pathbelow.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >ToolkitCategory Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to useMarket Conditions/ Competition Analysis CompetitiveFactors/AssessmentUnderstand the competitive set in terms offacilities, pricing, appearance on hotels site andrecommend changes for your hotel based on thisinformation.Seasonally andannually at aminimum.The Competitive Assessment/Factors Form can be foundby following the path below:OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Library. Double click on Library >Doubleclick on RM Resource Center >Transient Pricing.Market Conditions / Competition Analysis CompetitiveShopping ToolsHotels will subscribe to Market Vision Shop CallReports as these reports are integrated with OnQRM. Hotel to also receive training in how to usethe on-line shopping tool to query reports outsidethe reports that are emailed weekly.Review shops dailywithin the bookingwindow.Weekly- for highdemand dates anddistressed datesfor 365 days.Information regarding how to subscribe to Market VisionReports, how to request/change reports and to receivetraining for the on-line tool, can be found by following thepath below:OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Library. Double click on Library >Doubleclick on RM Resource Center >Transient Pricing. Go toMarket Vision Announcement and Release Notes.For information on how to set up and view shop call andexception reports in OnQ RM, follow the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page,select the OnQ RM User Guide under OnQ RevenueManagement. Then select On RM Maintenance and go topage 5.Market Conditions / Competition Analysis CompetitivePressureCalendarEvery DRM should have a document outliningdemand drivers and daily competitive pressure fora minimum of 1 year from arrival. This shouldinclude groups at the competitive set hotels thatcould increase demand for your hotel. Forconvention hotels, this should be created for aminimum of 3 years from arrival. Placing holidays,special events and noteworthy groups in OnQ FMis optional.Completedmonthly for aminimum of a yearor as long as thehotels longestgroup bookingwindow.Reports to understand demand are: OnQ RM Reports,CVB Information, Lost Business Reports, GRC (GroupRooms Control) Log from Delphi, historical actuals fromOnQ FM and the OnQ FM Daily Transient DemandAnalysis report.Instructions on how to place events in OnQ FM can befound in the OnQ FM Users Guide by following the pathbelow.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page go tothe OnQ FM User Guide inside OnQ FM- Rooms. Thenselect “How Does OnQ FM work” and go to page 18.Adding Special Events in OnQ RM can be foundOnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page,select the OnQ RM User Guide under OnQ RevenueManagement. Then select On RM Maintenance and go topage 14.Category Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to usePricing Strategy Best AvailableRates (BAR)Nine BAR Rate Levels will exist for each season.Rate Level 0 will be the highest possible price pointand RL8 the lowest. Price points will be indicativeof rates the customers are willing to pay based onthe competitive environment. Most of the bookingswill normally occur in Rate Levels 3-5.The Best Available Rate found on each hotelsbrand website is controlled by the SRPs (DJ/DJ1)and is equal to BAR. No lower unqualified ratesshould be offered to customers. All hotels MUSThave this SRP available (DJ/DJ1 SRPs) in order tohave BAR rates available for sale on .Annually and moreoften as dictatedby yourperformancemeasurementsReports to use to validate rate strategies and view dailyrates are: OnQ RM Daily Detail Merge Tool, Market Visionshop call reports, OnQ RM recommendation screen whereall rates from Market Vision appear, transient bookingpace reports, transient demand, GRC log, competitivepressure calendar, Value Assessment and Key HotelMarketing Reports.To understand more about Hilton’s Pricing Principles andPractices can be found by following the path below:OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Library. Double click on Library > RMResource Center > go to Hilton Full Service PricingStrategy.Pricing Strategy SeasonalityHotels will determine their need for multipleseasons by evaluating hotel monthly and marketRevPAR. If there is a sustained RevPARdifferential (driven by occupancy or ADR) or specialevent, then multiple seasons should beestablished.Annually andadjusted moreoften as neededReports used to validate seasonality are: STAR Reports(Trend), ResMAX information, historic demand informationfrom OnQ FM, OnQ RM reports, market history andhistorical shop call information.Pricing Strategy Length of StayControlsAll hotels should utilize full pattern length of staypricing (Min/Max controls for DT Hotels)consistently in conjunction with 9 BAR to targetdifferent market segments by selling multiple rateson a single arrival date based on a guest’s lengthof stay.Daily review withinthe transientbooking windowand for periods ofhigh demand.Weekly for entire365 day windowCompetitive set shop calls should be reviewed by arrivaldate and length of stay as well as understanding marketdemand and the hotels own internal compression prior tosetting LOS controls.The BAR Pricing Length of Stay Worksheet can assist RMpersonnel in learning to use LOS controls and can befound in the Revenue Management Toolkit by following thepath below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >ToolkitInformation on how to set Length of Stay Controls in OnQRM can be found in the OnQ RM User Guide by followingthe path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page,select the OnQ RM User Guide under OnQ RevenueManagement. Then select On RM Recommendations andgo to page 25.Category Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to usePricing Strategy Price Resistance -DenialsDRM must review the 6-week rolling average asindicated in Booking Pace Tool or ensure theyhave this data if using another tool. DRM shouldanalyze current 7-Day variance of transient roomssold compared to rate denials for 120 future daysand compare to 6-week rolling average by DOW. Ifweek over week trends indicate higher / lower priceresistance for a day of week in question, the DRMmust investigate underlying reasons . marketdemand, multi-hotel groups, competitor rates) andmake any necessary changes to maximizerevenues, including pricing changes if appropriate.Daily for bookingwindow andweekly for 365 daywindowReports to use: OnQ RM Daily Detail Merge Tool, OnQRM Alternate Daily Detail Report, OnQ RM CompetitiveException Reports, transient booking pace analysis, OnQFM Daily Transient Demand Analysis, and OnQ FM End ofMonth-Demand analysis.For further detail on using competitive exception reports,follow the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page,select the OnQ RM User Guide under OnQ RevenueManagement. Then select On RM Recommendations andgo to page 5.The booking pace analysis and Daily Detail Merge toolsare found in the Revenue Management Toolkit by followingthe path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >ToolkitPricing Strategy : Best RateStrategyThe Best Available Rate found on each hotelsbrand website is controlled by the SRPs (DJ/DJ1)and is equal to BAR. No lower unqualified ratesshould be offered to customers. All hotels MUSThave this SRP available (DJ/DJ1 SRPs) in order tohave BAR rates available for sale on .Ongoing Reports to understand bookings are: OnQ RM SRPevaluations/SRP Category Reports, OnQ FM actuals,Market Vision shop call reports, Competitor brand sites, 3rdParty web sites, Mix of Sales through eMix On-lineChannel Analysis Tool, Booking Pattern Reports found inKey Hotel Marketing Reports.The eMix On-line Channel Tool is found in the RevenueManagement Toolkit by following the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >ToolkitCategory Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to usePricing Strategy SRP PlacementSRP’s can be placed in levels that have logicalprice points with respect to the best available ratein each rate level. For example: if the BAR in RateLevel 4 is $150 and the BAR for Rate Level 5 is$125, a non-LRA negotiated account priced at$140 would be placed in Rate Level 4. However,you must consider your selling strategy withrespect to the SRPs and rates in each rate levelalong with the hotel's projected occupancy levelwhen assigning quali fied SRP’s to rate levels. Oneoption for Hilton Hotels is to use the SRP exceptionfield, which allows the SRP to stay in the rate levelthat corresponds to the Best Available Rate butfollow RL0 restrictions.Quarterly, whenBAR price pointschange and whenany SRP ratechangesReports to use: SRP Mapping screen/report in OnQ RMfor select dates; SRP evaluation/SRP Category Reportsfor Rate Levels 0-8 and all SRPs, SRP Quick List listing allrate level assignments which can be requested byemailing. For further detail on this topic, follow the pathbelow.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page,select the OnQ RM User Guide under OnQ RevenueManagement. Then select On RM Menu/Screens and goto page 3.Explanation of OnQ RM rate functionality can be found byfollowing the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page,select the OnQ RM User Guide under OnQ RevenueManagement. Then select On RM Menu/Screens and goto page 5.Pricing StrategyBest Rate At no time will hotels allow rates to be sold throughany non-Hilton website or any other channelOngoing Parity with can be validated by reviewing the OnQ RMMarket Vision Shops, OnQ RM Competitive ExceptionGuarantee (including 3rd Party resellers/wholesalers, MerchantModel Websites, GDS) that are lower than thosedispl ayed in the brand’s reservation system andhotel site. This is to ensure that the consumer canalways find the lowest online rate through thebrand web sites, and to drive that online customerto our web site rather than those 3rd partychannels to which we provide wholesale rates andavailability. Reports.The Internet Pricing Tool located on the Revenue Management Toolkit can also assist DRMs when managing channels on 3rd party sites when an extranet is involved.OnQ Insider >Departments >Revenue Management >ToolkitCategory Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to usePricing Strategy Packages andPromotions –Administration/AnalysisAll promotions and packages must adhere to HiltonHotels Corporation Core Pricing Strategy and usethe approved SRP codes. "Rate only non-fenced"packages/promotions are not acceptable. Allpackages/ promotions must have an appropriatefence or feature. The definition of a properlyfenced qualified package or promotion is a bookingvehicle designed to generate incremental revenuewithout creating net trade down or displacement ofthe existing customer base. Hotels must completethe web based Package/Promotion form. Once thepackage/promotion has been approved by theRDRM, they will send to GDM for loading in theapplicable booking channels. All new Transientpackage rates need to be built as limit room typeand total for the Hilton brand. Must conduct pre-promotion breakeven analysis and post profitanalysis to justify/analyze cost of any promotions.Ensure the package rates reflect a roomdistribution equal to BAR.As SRP's are builtin the CRSThe Package/Promotion Form is located on the GDMwebsite and found by following the links below.OnQ Insider >Departments >Global Distribution Services.Double click on Global Distribution Services >GlobalDistribution Management > Under the options list selectGDM Forms >select your hotel brand and go to thePackage/Promo form..。


供应商提出供应契约,零售商决定是否接 受,如果接受,则零售商确定订购数量和零售 价格;如果不接受,则交易不成功。这样构成 斯坦克尔伯格寡头竞争模型,是一个完美信息 动态博弈。供应商是领头企业,零售商是尾随 企业。
Dana 等对此进行了详细的研究, 发现
收益共享契约可以缓解下游零售商之间 的价格竞争, 并且减少供应商和零售商之 间的冲突。Mo r t imer从经济学的角度对
重视并在许多行业得到了广泛应用,尤 其是盒式录像带的租赁和网上购物(例 如Amazon. com)。Cachon和Lariviere研
响,其中涉及到2个参数(w, φ) ,零售商向 供应商支付的单位批发价格为w ,该价 格低于商品的单位边际成本c,但是需要 向制造商支付收入的1 - φ, φ可以作为 零ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้商获得的供应链利润的比例系数。
和零售商的收益都会因此而有所改善。 Ilar ia等将收益共享契约进一步扩展到了3 阶段供应链, 通过设定恰当的契约参数实 现供应链成收益的增加, 提高供应链效率。
• 收益共享契约需要对零售商 的收益进行衡量,需要耗费一 些管理成本。在有些情况下, 收益共享契约比批发价契约所 得的利润低于收益共享契约带 来的管理成本,此时就不宜使 用收益共享契约。
概念(revenue sharing contract )
• 指零售商将一定比例的销 售收益交付供应商,以获得 较低的批发价格,改进供应 链运作绩效的一种协调方式。
a.供应商在供应链契约条款的制定上占主导地 位,零售商只能选择接受或拒绝。

















削价契约(markdown contract)、收入共享契约(revenue-sharing contract)、数量折扣契约(quantity discount contract)、最小购买数量契约(minium purchase contract)、数量柔性契约(quantity flexibility contract)、备货契约(backup contract)、带有期权的数量柔性契约(quantity flexibility contract with option)、回购契约、质量担保契约(quality contract)二、供应链协调问题的集中表现形式?供应链中的“需求变异放大”现象、曲棍球帮现象、双重边际效应、物料齐套比率差的现象。



供应链收益共享合同例子英文回答:Supply chain revenue sharing contracts are agreements between two or more companies in a supply chain that share the risks and rewards of their collaboration. These contracts can be used to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction.There are many different types of revenue sharing contracts, but they all typically include the following elements:A definition of the scope of the collaboration. This includes the products or services that will be covered by the contract, as well as the geographic territory and time period.A formula for sharing the revenues. This formula can be based on a variety of factors, such as sales volume, marketshare, or profit margin.A mechanism for monitoring performance. This is important to ensure that both parties are meeting their obligations under the contract.A dispute resolution process. This is important for resolving any disagreements that may arise during the course of the collaboration.Revenue sharing contracts can be a valuable tool for improving supply chain performance. However, it is important to carefully consider the terms of the contract before entering into one.中文回答:供应链收益共享合同是供应链中两家或两家以上公司之间签订的协议,分享合作风险和收益。




供应商关系管理(supplier relationship management,SRM):是一种用来改善企业与供应商关系的管理理念,即如何与供应链的上游企业实现业务往来间的紧密联系和协同运作,如何既经济又准确地获得最好的战略资源,如何与其结成长期、稳固的战略伙伴,使供应商及其资源能够更有效地参与到自己的产品设计和生产制造,甚至是投放市场的过程中,降低成本、减少库存,缩短产品开发、生产和订单交付的周期。








一体化物流战略(integrated logistics)是指不同职能部门之间或不同企业之间通过物流上的合作,达到提高物流效率、降低物流成本的效果。







关键词:数据资本资产定价模型(DCAPM);资本资产定价模型(CAPM);消费资本资产定价模型(CCAPM);空间贴现;双边市场;两部收费中图分类号:F49 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-176X(2024)04-0016-17一、引言(一)问题的重要性、本文的思路和创新点数据要素市场化是发展新质生产力、构建现代化产业体系的关键举措,数据资本资产定价又是数据要素市场化的核心问题之一。






2020年12月第27卷第12期控制工程Control Engineering of ChinaD ec.2020Vol.27,N o.12文章编号:1671-7848(2020)12-2070-07DOI: 10.14107/ki.kzgc.20190161不同主导模式风险厌恶零售商收益共享契约杜文意(江苏师范大学商学院,江苏徐州221116)0摘要:在供应商和零售商分别主导模式下,构建了基于风险厌恶零售商的两种博弈模型。




关键词:供应商主导;零售商主导;风险厌恶;收益共享契约中图分类号:F274 文献标识码:ARevenue Sharing Contract for Risk-averse Retailers inDifferent Dominant ModeDU Wen-yi(Business School,Jiangsu Normal University,Xuzhou221116 China)Abstract: Two game models for risk-averse re t a i l e r s in the mode of supplier and r e t a i l e r dominance are constructed respectively.Through the analysis of the models,i t shows that the risk aversion coefficient and the profit sharing rat io have different impacts on the operation decision and the profit of supply chain members. Facing the higher risk aversion coefficient, suppliers will se t lower wholesale prices in both modes. The ret ai le rs9order quantity decreases with the increase of r isk aversion coefficient in the supplier dominated mode, and increases in the ret ai le r dominated mode. The supplier’s profit increases with the increase of revenue sharing ratio, and the r e t a il er5s profit increases with the increase of risk aversion. In practice, according to different dominant modes, enterprises can adopt different proportion of revenue sharing to maximize their own interests.Key words: Suppliers dominance;r e t a i l e r s dominance;r i s k aversion;revenue sharing contracti引言经济的全球化使得社会分工越来越细,部门间 的合作越来越密切,同时资源的有限性导致了竞争 加剧⑴。



Model and analysis

The contract that is actually adopted at the end of the negotiation process depends on the firms’ relative bargaining power In general, a firm has more power when she makes the first offer, assuming it is a ‘take-it or leave-it’ offer, or when she chooses her actions first, assuming she is committed to her action
引入参数λ ≥0
p v gr b ( p v g )
w b cr v (c v)
The buyback contract

零售商的利润函数可以表述为 r (q, w, b) ( p v g ) (c v) gru

符号说明:w为供应商向零售商每单位收取的 价格;b为销售季节结束后供应商对零售商未 售出的每单位给予的价格补贴(b≤w) 回购契约(退货政策)指的是季末给予的价格 补贴而不是零售商将实体货物退给供应商,这 与一般对净残值V的假定有关
The buyback contract



供应商实行回购策略的原因可能是从声誉或者品牌的 角度考虑 Emmons 和Gibert 从定量角度调查了供应商和销售商 的期望利润,并且发现对于任何给定的批发价格,回 购策略都有增加双方总的混合利润的趋势


从供应链整体角度来看,这种分散运作的模式不仅投资巨 大,而且后期运营管理成本非常高,不利于供应链整体绩效的 提高和竞争力的提升。特别是,这种运作模式的形成往往是基 于下游制造商或装配厂商的要求,各供应商处于被动的位置, 容易导致供需之间的紧张矛盾关系。尤其是对于生产和提供核 心零部件但规模又不大的供应商,在下游装配制造厂商要求就 近设厂的情况下,更是会处于两难的困境。 此外,在实际工作中经常出现由于供应商各自为政而导致 的严重缺料的现象。由于供应商之间并没有共享某些关键信息, 容易出现一个供应商的零件到达了制造商处,而另一个供应商 的零件由于某种原因延误了,这时会给制造商的装配工作造成 不良影响,甚至会延迟订单交付。这就是人们说的物料齐套比 率差的问题。
“双重边际效应(Double marginalization)” 是供应链上、下游企业为了谋求各自收益最大化, 在独立决策的过程中确定的产品价格高于其生产 边际成本的现象。 企业个体利益最大化的目标与整体利益最大 化的目标不一致,是造成“双重边际效应”的根 本原因。为了减弱这种效应,就要努力实现供应 链的协调性,尽可能消除不协调因素的影响。 设计合理的供应契约形式,实现供应链的协 调,从而有效地解决“双重边际效应”和“牛鞭 效应”等现象,在最大化供应链的整体利润的同 时,优化供应链绩效。
仍以上面的例子为讨论的对象。现在,制造商向零售商提 出了一个激励机制。他向零售商承诺,如果零售商增加了订 货量而没有销售出去的话,制造商以80元/件的价格将未销售 出去的产品回收。 零售商通过努力将产品销售出去了,不仅他的收益增加 了,为45769元,制造商的收益也随之增加,为64365元,整 个供应链的收益也增加了,为110134元。


Scott Phillips 也认为:“当企业努力提升他们的ERP 和客户关系解决方案,收益最大化 将掀起软件行业的又一次浪潮。”
Banc of America Securities 的Bob Austrian 曾说:“未来最激动人心的事之一就是收益 管理。”
普鲁斯收益管理首席科学家兼高级副总裁E.Andrew Bovd 则宣称,收益管理可以提 高2%~10% 的营业收入。
在收益管理中,动态定价往往会引发一个疑问,即某些领域的价格如果浮动了,客人能接受 吗?以停车场的动态定价为例,IDeaS 在过去几年和不同国家及地区的大型停车场合作,用收益 管理自动化系统来进行动态定价,客户可以根据自己的需要,提前预订具体某个时间段、某个位 置的停车位,同时,企业根据不同需求量进行灵活的定价。这不仅仅为企业带来上百万纯利润的 增长,而且通过为客户提供个性化的产品和服务提升客户满意度,形成一个双赢的结果。
对于酒店业而言,由于客房数量在一定时期内是固定的、不可储存的、酒店经营中 存在明显的淡旺季、客源市场可细分以及高固定成本与低可变成本等特点,使得收益管 理非常适合于酒店业。收益管理于20 世纪80 年代中期开始运用于酒店业,对提高酒店营 业收入、获取收益和利润最大化具有十分重要的现实意义。
由于收益管理在酒店业的使用最广泛,而且被证明是最有效的管理战略。本书对收 益管理的介绍主要基于收益管理在酒店业的使用,但要记住的是,收益管理的应用领域 不仅局限于航空业和酒店业。
第二节 收益管理的内涵
收益管理是基于“定价管理”(Rate management)的战略性活动。收益管理起源于 1978 年美国民用航空部放松对价格的管制之后,美国航空公司为了保持市场竞争力得出 的革命性实践——通过数据和分析,预测客户的行为和优化产品的价格和可获得性。随 着运筹学、管理科学等科学理论的不断发展和计算机等技术的进步,收益管理不仅理论 研究取得了重大发展,而且应用领域也从航空领域拓展到其他服务领域。

物流的功能及合理化管理 第六章 供应链契约

物流的功能及合理化管理 第六章 供应链契约

• 由一次导数为零可求得协同决策下最佳的 售价
b P
C r
• 协同决策下最佳的订购量:
- bCm
• 可见:
- bCm
供应链网络是由不同的利益主体组成的。这 些利益主体的经营目标是自身利益最大化,这些 目标可能相互冲突与矛盾。
• (1)独立决策
• 零售商利润:
Rr D P DCr DW a bP P C rW
• 对Rr求售价的导数
Rr b P C rW a bP
Rr b b 2b 0
• 由一次导数为零可求得初始的最佳售价:
C r
• 初始的最佳订购量:
W C m
2 16b
3 16b
R协总 D P D Cm D Cr a bP P Cm C r
• 对R协总求价格的导数
R协 总 b P Cm C r a bP


– 在6.带带有有期期权的权数的量数柔性量契柔约性(fle契xib约ility quantity contract
with option)模式下,零售商承诺在未来各期购买一定数 量的产品,同时它还向供应商购买了一个期权。这种期 权允许零售商在未来以规定的价格购买一定数量的产 品,从而获得了调整未来订单数量的权利。
2. 基于供应契约的激励机制 – 回购(Buyback)契约 制造商为说服零售商定购更多数量的产品,采取如下对策 制造商以批发价w向零售商出货,同时向零售商承诺,将以某
一价格b(B<w)回购零售商期末所有未销售的商品。 零售商会因此而定购更多的商品
如上例,如果零售商以批发价122元/件增加了订货量而没有销售出去的 话,制造商会以78元/件的价格将未销售出去的产品回收。通过计算, 零售商的订货量增加到876件,零售商的收益为56 256元;制造商的收 益为66 483 元;整个供应链的收益为121 739元。于是实现了供应链的 协调。
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概念(revenue sharing contract )
• 指零售商将一定比例的销 售收益交付供应商,以获得 较低的批发价格,改进供应 链运作绩效的一种协调方式。
a.供应商在供应链契约条款的制定上占主导地 位,零售商只能选择接受或拒绝。
b.供应商与零售商都是理性的决策者,具有关 于需求、成本等的完美信息。
• 当零售努力对需求影响小 时,供应商宜选择使用收益共 享契约。
• 优点:最终确保供应商和零 售商双方的收益水平高于分 散控制状态,达到供应链最 优绩效。
• 缺点:适用范围有限,仅适 用于管理成本低和零售努力 对需求的影响不大的零售业。
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和零售商的收益都会因此而有所改善。 Ilar ia等将收益共享契约进一步扩展到了3 阶段供应链, 通过设定恰当的契约参数实 现供应链成收益的增加, 提高供应链效率。
• 收益共享契约需要对零售商 的收益进行衡量,需约所 得的利润低于收益共享契约带 来的管理成本,此时就不宜使 用收益共享契约。
收益共享契约在影碟租赁业的应用进行 了实证研究, 发现收益共享契约使供应链 的整体利润提高了7 个百分点。Gerchak
赁业中产品的购买量和库存时间之间的 矛盾。此外, Pa sternack针对部分产品采 用收益共享, 同时部分产品采用批发价格 契约的组合契约进行了研究, 发现供应商
零售商向供应商支付的单位批发价格 为w ,该价格低于商品的单位边际成本c,
但是需要向制造商支付收入的1 - φ, φ
Cachon 和Lariviere详细调查了 收益共享契约对供应链的协调问 题,他们认为该契约能够激励零 售商从系统的角度制定价格决策 和订购决策,而且利润可以在供 应商和零售商之间进行任意分割, 当分割比例为100%时,该契约将 演化为传统的批发价格契约,同 时,他们还将该契约用到包含多 个独立零售商的供应链系统,但 是他们没有考虑缺货成本造成的 损失。
revenue-sharing-contract-收 益共享契约
界的重视并在许多行业得到了广泛应 用,尤其是盒式录像带的租赁和网上购 物(例如Amazon. com)。Cachon和 Lariviere研究了收益共享契约对供应链 绩效的影响,其中涉及到2个参数(w, φ) ,
供应商提出供应契约,零售商决定是否接 受,如果接受,则零售商确定订购数量和零售 价格;如果不接受,则交易不成功。这样构成 斯坦克尔伯格寡头竞争模型,是一个完美信息 动态博弈。供应商是领头企业,零售商是尾随 企业。
Dana 等对此进行了详细的研究, 发现
收益共享契约可以缓解下游零售商之间 的价格竞争, 并且减少供应商和零售商之 间的冲突。Mo r t imer从经济学的角度对