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Braxton hicks 收缩the pregnant uterus produces painless palpable contractions at irregular intervals from an early stage in gestation, these braxton hicks contractions, however, are not positive sighs of pregnancy, since similar contractions are sometimes noted in cases of hematometra(宫腔积血)and occasionally with soft myomas, especially the pedunculated submucous variety


Fetal lie胎产式the term lie refers to the relationship between the long axis(长轴) of the mother and the long axis of the fetus(胎儿)

Fetal presentation胎先露the presenting part is the portion of the fetus that descend first through the birth canal(产道)

Fetal position胎方位the exact fetal position is determined by the relationship of some definite part of the fetus (the guiding point)to a fixed area of the maternal pelvis(母体骨盆)

Fetal attitude 胎势attitude refers to the relationship of the parts of the fetus to each other

Hegar’s sign 黑格氏征on bimanual examination(双合诊)the isthmus uteri(子宫峡部)feels exceedingly doughy(柔软的)at about 6-8 week after the last period


Abortion 流产abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before the end of the 28week when the fetus weight lesser than 1000g

Threatened labor 先兆流产Before 28 weeks of gestation showed a small amount of vaginal bleeding, followed by paroxysmal(阵发性)abdominal pain, without rupture of fetal membranes (胎膜)and dilation of cervix, the size of the uterus is consistent with pregnant weeks

Missed abortion 稽留流产when the embryon(胚胎)dies and it is retained in uterus

Habitual abortion 习惯性流产/recurrent abortion(复发性流产)this is defined as 3 or more consecutive abortion with the same sexual partner

Ectopic pregnancy 异位妊娠implantation of the fertilized ovum(受精卵)in a site outside the uterine cavity


HELLP syndrome HELLP 综合征hemolysis(溶血), elevated liver enzymes(肝酶), and low platelets(血小板)syndrome


Placenta previa 前置胎盘the entire placenta or part of it is implanted in the lower portion of the uterus rather than in the upper active segment, and located lower than the presenting part of the fetus after 28 week

Placenta abruption 胎盘早剥partial or complete detachment of the placenta from a site of normal implantation in the uterine wall before delivery of the fetus and may occur at any time after 20 week’s gestation

Uteroplacental apoplexy(couvelaire uterus) 子宫胎盘卒中hemorrhage infiltrates

(浸润)the uterine wall. Making it appears purlish ecchymosis,(青紫瘀斑)muscle bundles disrupted and degenerated, then uterus loss its contractile power,

(收缩力)resulting in postpartum hemorrhege


OCT or CST (orytocin chellenge test, or contraction stress test) 缩宫素激惹试验measuring the FHR response to the stress of spontaneous or oxytocin(催产素)induced contraction (UC) forms to basis of this test of fetal placental reserve OCT

positive: recurrent (at least two) late deceleration of the FHR, i.e, slowing in the heart rate develops at about the middle of the contraction and returning to the baseline after the contraction subsides, in addition, the amplitude(振幅)and the duration of the deceleration must parallel the amplitude and duration of the underlying Negative: at least 3 contractions in 10 minutes, and each lasting at least 40 seconds, the FHR are observed without late deceleration, a negative test within a weak of delivery provided reliable assurance that the fetus will survive and probably tolerate labor and delivery well

NST (nor-stress test)无应激试验

NST is a test for observing and recording reserve of fetus without any external stimulation and uterine contraction(子宫收缩)Divided into reactive NST,dubious NST,non-reactive NST

Reactive:the Fad must have a smooth, regular configuration and there must be 3 or more FADs per 20 minutes with a duration of greater than 15 seconds and more than
