



To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No.
Price Description
OS1611(*)-(**) OS1711(*)-(**) OS1811(*)-(**)
$ 930 1125 1850
Remote IR sensing head and electronics
Shown smaller than actual size.
OS1700 Series sensor with integral electronics.
ߜ Linear 4 to 20 mA Output
ߜ Simple 2-Wire Installation
ߜ 10 to 40 Vdc Power Operation
ߜ 3 Models to Choose From
ߜ 6 Infrared Spectral Responses
OS1800 Series sensor with integral electronics/display.
OS1600 Series OEM style sensor and remote electronics.
Rear view showing sensor.
OS1811-112-S, $1600, shown actual size.
signal allows the sensor to be interfaced with a variety of remote devices: indicators, controllers, recorders, and/or computers, etc.



目录一、概述 (1)二、安全措施 (2)三、功能特点 (2)四、技术指标 (3)五、系统介绍 (4)六、测试与操作方法 (5)七、注意事项 (8)八、仪器成套性 (9)一、概述直流电阻测试仪是变压器制造中半成品、成品出厂试验、安装、大修、改变分接开关后、交接试验及电力部门预防性试验的必测项目。



















7、320X240点阵的超小像素点的65K真彩色液晶,8、仪器自带万年历时钟和掉电存储,可存储1000组测试数据,可随时查阅9、仪器配备RS232和USB接口,可和计算机通讯以及U盘存储四、技术指标1、输出电流:<5mA、1A、2.5A、5A、10A、20A2、最小分辨率:0.1μΩ1、量程: 100μΩ~1Ω(20A) 500μΩ~2Ω(10A)1mΩ~4Ω(5A) 2mΩ~8Ω (2.5A)5mΩ~20Ω (1A) 10Ω-20KΩ(<5mA档)3、准确度:±(0.2%+2字)4、工作温度:0~405、工作湿度:<90%RH,不结露6、外形尺寸:长325mmX宽240mmX高275mm7、重量:仪器13KG 线箱;5KG五、系统介绍仪器的面板见下图AC220 开关仪器工作电源,交流220V。

Micropilot FMR20 HART 雷达物位仪简明操作指南说明书

Micropilot FMR20 HART 雷达物位仪简明操作指南说明书

Products Solutions Services简明操作指南Micropilot FMR20HART雷达物位仪本文档为《简明操作指南》;不得替代设备的《操作手册》。

设备的详细信息请参考《操作手册》和其他文档资料:所有设备型号均可通过以下方式查询:•网址:/deviceviewer•智能手机/平板电脑:Endress+Hauser Operations AppKA01248F/00/ZH/01.1671331405Micropilot FMR20 HART2Endress+HauserMicropilot FMR20 HART 目录Endress+Hauser 3目录1文档信息 (4)1.1特定信息图标.........................................................................41.2安全图标............................................................................41.3图中的图标 (4)2术语和缩写 (53)注册商标 (5)4基本安全指南 (6)4.1人员要求............................................................................64.2指定用途............................................................................64.3工作场所安全.........................................................................64.4操作安全............................................................................74.5产品安全............................................................................75产品描述 (8)5.1产品设计 (8)6到货验收和产品标识 (9)6.1到货验收............................................................................96.2产品标识 (10)7安装.............................................................................127.1安装条件 (12)8电气连接 (22)8.1电缆分配...........................................................................228.2供电电压...........................................................................228.3连接...............................................................................238.4连接后检查 (26)9可操作性 (27)9.1操作方法...........................................................................279.2采用Bluetooth®无线技术...............................................................279.3通过HART 通信 (28)10调试和操作 (28)10.1安装检查和功能检查..................................................................2810.2通过SmartBlue (app)进行操作和设置.....................................................2810.3通过HART 通信实现系统集成...........................................................3510.4通过RIA15进行操作和设置.............................................................3610.5通过调试工具进行液位测量设置..........................................................3910.6数据访问 - 安全性....................................................................4211补充文档资料 (44)11.1标准文档资料........................................................................4411.2补充文档资料........................................................................4411.3《安全指南》(XA).. (44)文档信息Micropilot FMR20 HART 1 文档信息1.1 特定信息图标1.2 安全图标1.3 图中的图标4Endress+HauserMicropilot FMR20 HART 术语和缩写Endress+Hauser 52术语和缩写3 注册商标组织(奥斯汀,美国)的注册商标Bluetooth®名称和LOGO 是Bluetooth SIG 公司的注册商标,Endress+Hauser 拥有使用权。



• Pole Icon – 表示发射探头磁场两极中的任何一极。•

Z oom Ring – 当定位仪靠近一极时出现。
• 512 Hz 有源探测模式
• 128 Hz • 1 kHz • 8 kHz • 33 kHz
• 60 Hz (9 )
RIDGID SeekTech SR-20 管线定位仪
剂,请用湿布清洁机器。 • 进行安全检查。 • 以下情况需要进行维修服务:
9 如果有液体溅入设备或有异物进入设备中; 9 按照操作程序无法正常操作设备;
RIDGID SeekTech SR-20 管线定位仪
9 如果设备坠落或其它任何情况下损坏了该设备; 9 如果设备性能有了非常明显的改变。
RIDGID SeekTech SR-20 管线定位仪
RIDGID SeekTech SR-20 管线定位仪
工作区域安全事项 • 保证工作区域整洁并照明条件良好。 • 禁止在易燃、易爆或有大量灰尘的环境下使用电子或电动工具。 • 使旁观者(包括小孩,参观人员等)原理操作者。 用电安全事项 • 当缺少电器部件时,请不要操作机器设备。 • 不要在潮湿环境或直接在雨中使用机器设备。 • 不要靠近高压电线。 电池使用注意事项 • 按照说明书要求使用相同型式和尺寸的电池,不要混合使用不同类型的电池(比

导向箭头 – 指引使用者移向探测目标的中心区域。
无源探测模式下显示屏显示的内容和在有源探测模式下显示的内容是一致的。 注:探测模式的选择依赖于被探测目标的型式(发射探头或管线)。比如,在发射探头模式下的 频率菜单里选择 5 12 Hz 用于探测发射探头。(一个频率的选择必须从正确的目录类别里选取, 尤其是它有可能出现在多个目录类别里的时候,如 33kHz。)

燃烧氧气分析仪 Endura AZ20 系列探头 用户说明书

燃烧氧气分析仪 Endura AZ20 系列探头 用户说明书
2 机械安装................................................................................................................7 2.1 安装要求总述......................................................................................................7 2.2 打开包装 ......................................................................................................7 2.3 鉴定..............................................................................................................7 2.4 选址..............................................................................................................8 2.4.1 系统概述.................................................................................................9 2.4.2 测试气体及参比气源配置—自动校准(AutoCal)系统..........................9 2.4.3 测试气体1、2的连接—有/没有限流器的非自动校准式变送器...............10 2.5 总尺寸..............................................................................................................11 2.5.1 分体式Endura AZ20探头......................................................................11 2.5.2 一体式Endura AZ20探头.....................................................................11 2.6 Endura AZ20探头法兰—所有探头长度.............................................................12 2.7 ABB标准法兰用安装板.....................................................................................13 2.7.1 0.5 m(1.7 ft)探头—部件编号003000081.........................................13 2.7.2 1.0 -4.0 m(3.3-13.1 ft)探头—部件编号003000354.........................13 2.7.3 适用于长达0.5 m(1.7 ft)的长探头的探头转接板—部件编号 003000083................................................................................................13 2.8 安装尺寸....................................................................................................14 2.8.1 探头......................................................................................................14 2.8.2 将0.5 m(1.64 ft)探头安装到大型探头转接板....................................14 2.9 废弃................................................................................................15 2.10 Endura AZ20探头及变送器重量(未包装及包装)..........................................15



全自动电容电流测试仪说明书目录一、用途及特点 (2)二、技术指标 (3)三、面板介绍 (3)四、测量原理 (4)五、配电网中PT接线方式及变比 (5)1) 3PT接线方式 (5)2) 4PT接线方式 (8)六、使用方法 (11)七、仪器检验 (14)八、测量实例 (14)一、用途及特点本仪器适用配网电压等级:6kV、10kV和35kV中压配电网中性点不接地系统目前,我国配电系统的电源中性点一般是不直接接地的,所以当线路单相接地时流过故障点的电流实际是线路对地电容产生的电容电流。






由于从PT开口三角处注入的是微弱的异频测试信号,所以既不会对继电保护和PT本身产生任何影响,又避开了50Hz的工频干扰信号,同时测试仪的输出端可以耐受100V的交流电压,若测量时系统有单相接地故障发生,亦不会损坏PT 和测试仪,因而无需做特别的安全措施,使这项工作变得安全、简单、快捷,且测试结果准确、稳定、可靠。


汤森路透4-20 mA仿真器、计量仪器说明书

汤森路透4-20 mA仿真器、计量仪器说明书

Instruction ManualHI 9310024-20 mA SimulatorThese Instruments are inCompliance with the CE Directives32Remove the instrument from the packing material and examine it carefully to make sure that no damage has occurred during shipment.If noticeable damage is found, immediately notify your Dealer.In addition to this manual you should find the following items:•HI 931002 meter;•12 VDC power adapter (HI710005 or HI710006);•1 m (3.3') connection cables;•9 V battery.Note:Save all packing material until the instrument has been ob-served to function correctly. All defective items must be returned to the Dealer in their original packing.HI 931002 is a portable 4-20 mA simulator, ammeter and calibrator designed specifically for monitoring and regulating a 4-20 mA current loop from practically any process meter with or without voltage source.Four operational modes are provided:1) Passive Drive/Calibrator Mode. HI 931002 can be set to simu-late 4-20 mA current values and the user can then adjust the process meter accordingly.2) Active Drive/Simulator Mode. HI 931002 simulates the correct values as above in addition to providing power to the current loop.Power is provided through an external adapter (included) which is connected to the simulator. This mode is ideal for calibrating chart recorders, pressure transducers or current indicators.3) Passive Measurement/Tester Mode. HI 931002 practically be-comes an Ammeter. It measures and displays the mA (or pH) values transmitted by the process meter.4) Active Measurement/Tester Mode . Same as point 3 in addition to providing voltage to the 4-20 mA bus.HI 931002 can practically measure incoming current, provide power and simulate 4-20 mA output to calibrate almost any process meter.A large LCD shows current values. You can select between drive and measurement modes through a switch on the front panel and two dials that allow for quick adjustment of the current.Dear Customer,Thank you for choosing a Hanna Instruments Product.Please read this instruction manual carefully before using the instru-ment.This manual will provide you with all the necessary information for the correct use of the instrument, as well as a precise idea of its versatility in a wide range of applications.and EN 50082-1.PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION.......................................................3GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..............................................................3FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS HI931002........4OPERATIONAL GUIDE .................................................................5mA - pH RELATION....................................................................9BATTERY REPLACEMENT..............................................................9FUSE REPLACEMENT ..................................................................9ACCESSORIES ..........................................................................10WARRANTY..............................................................................10CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY............................................11ISO 9000 Certified Company since 199254Each meter is supplied complete with a 9V battery. Slide off the battery compartment cover on the back of the meter (see page 9),install the battery while paying attention to its polarity.PASSIVE DRIVE (CALIBRATOR) MODEThis mode is intended to calibrate an active receiver unit.The HI 931002 simulates 4 to 20 mA current, powered by the active receiver from the 4-20 mA bus. The current value displayed on the LCD, can be adjusted through two single turn potentiometers in increments of 0.01 mA.••Turn the meter on by pressing the ON/OFF key.••Switch the selection switch to the "Drive" mode.•Wire the calibrator "Com." and "P" connectors to the Device Under Test (D.U.T.) input contacts (see page 4, #10 and #9 respec-tively) using the cables provided, paying attention to the polarity ("Com." to - and "P" to + terminals).•Turn the Fine and Coarse knobs to any desired value and make sure that the D.U.T. reflects the current value displayed on the HI 931002 LCD.Range Active Drive2.00 to 19.99 mA -1.50 to 14.00 pH Passive Drive 2.00 to 19.99 mA -1.50 to 14.00 pH Active Measure 0.00 to 19.99 mA -3.50 to 14.00 pH Passive Measure 0.00 to 19.99 mA -3.50 to 14.00 pH Resolution0.01mA 0.01 pH Accuracy (@20°C/68°F)±0.01mA ±0.01 pHEMC Typical Deviation ±1% f.s.Input resistance 20 ΩFuse5x20 mm, 200mA, 250V Battery Type/Life 9V alkaline/1600 hours of continuous useExt. Power Supply 12 to 32 VDCEnvironment 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F); 95% RH Dimensions 180 x 83 x 40 mm (7.1 x 3.3 x 1.6")Weight 320 g (11.3 oz.)1)LCD display2)Mode selection switch 3)coarse setting knob 4)Unit selection key 5)ON/OFF key6)fine setting knob7)Ext. power adapter socket 8)"A" connector 9)"P" connector 10)"Com." connector.76PASSIVE MEASURING (TESTER) MODEThis mode is intended to test an active transmitter. The HI 931002reads the current produced by the transmitter via the 4-20 mA bus and displays the reading in mA or pH units.•Disconnect the external power adapter from HI 931002 if present.•Turn the meter on by pressing the ON/OFF key.••Switch the selection switch to the "Measure"mode.•Wire the calibrator "Com." and "P" connectors to the Device Under Test (D.U.T.) input contacts (see page 4, #10 and #9 respec-tively) using the cables provided, paying attention to the polarity ("Com." to - and "P" to + terminals).•Verify that the D.U.T. displays the same reading of the HI 931002and calibrate the D.U.T. according to manufacturer instructions if necessary.IMPORTANT NOTE:Set the selection switch to MEASURE mode only if the D.U.T. is a transmitter and can limit current below 100mA.WRONG OPERATION WILL BREAK THE INTERNAL FUSE.ACTIVE DRIVE (SIMULATOR) MODEThis mode is intended to drive a chart recorder, calibrate a pressure/current transducer or a current indicator. The HI 931002 supplies a voltage to the 4-20 mA bus via an external connected 12-32 VDC power supply. The calibrator regulates the current, displayed on the LCD, as in the previous mode (Passive Drive).•Turn the meter on by pressing the ON/OFF key.••Switch the selection switch to the "Drive" mode.•socket on the right side of the HI 931002.•Wire the calibrator "Com." and "A" connectors to the Device Under Test (D.U.T.) input contacts (see page 4, #10 and #8 respec-tively) using the cables provided, paying attention to the polarity ("Com." to - and "A" to + terminals).•Turn the Fine and Coarse knobs to any desired value and make sure that the D.U.T. reflects the current value displayed on the HI 931002 LCD.•Calibrate the D.U.T. according to manufacturer instructions if necessary.Note : the battery powers on the display only. Calibrator operationalmode is functional even without a battery or if battery is discharged.98The instruments uses a 9 volt battery that lasts for approximately 1600 hours of continuous use.When the battery is rundown, "V" and two decimal points blink on the LCD to warn the user.Battery replacement must only take place in a non hazardous area using the battery types specified in this instruction manual (see page 4).To change battery, slide the bottom back cover,replace the old battery and replace the cover.The HI 931002 is equipped with a protection fuse inside the instru-ment. In the event the fuse would break contact your nearest HannaService.The HI 931002 LCD will show the current from the transmitter in mA or in pH units according to the relation:4 mA = 0 pH 12 mA = 7 pH mA = 1.14 x (pH reading) + 420 mA = 14 pH.Press UNIT key to select the desired range. The read-ing will toggle between the mA and pH reading.ACTIVE MEASURING (TESTER) MODEThis mode is intended to test a passive transmitter. The HI 931002supplies only the power to the 4-20 mA bus via an external connected 12-32 VDC power supply and displays the value of the current produced by the transmitter.•Turn the meter on by pressing the ON/OFF key.•key.••Connect the external power adapter to the power socket on the right side of the HI931002.•Wire the calibrator "Com." and "A" connectors to the Device Under Test (D.U.T.) input contacts (see page 4, #10 and #8 respec-tively) using the cables provided, paying attention to the polarity ("Com." to - and "A" to + terminals).•Verify that the D.U.T. displays the same reading of the HI 931002and calibrate the D.U.T. according to manufacturer instructions if necessary.IMPORTANT NOTE:Set the selection switch to MEASURE mode only if the D.U.T. is a transmitter and can limit current below 100mA.WRONG OPERATION WILL BREAK THE INTERNAL FUSE.1110Recommendations for UsersBefore using these products, make sure that they are entirely suitable for the environment in which they are used.Operation of these instruments in residential area could cause unacceptable interferences to radio and TV equipments, requiring the operator to take all necessary steps to correct interferences.Any variation introduced by the user to the supplied equipment may degrade the instruments' EMC performance.To avoid damages or burns, do not perform any measurement in microwave ovens.All Hanna Instruments meters are warranted for two years against defects in workmanship and materials when used for their intended purpose and maintained according to instructions. The electrodes and the probes are warranted for a period of six months. This warranty is limited to repair or replacement free of charge.Damages due to accident, misuse, tampering or lack of prescribed main-tenance are not covered.If service is required, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the instrument. If under warranty, report the model number, date of pur-chase, serial number and the nature of the failure. If the repair is not covered by the warranty, you will be notified of the charges incurred. If the instrument is to be returned to Hanna Instruments, first obtain a Returned Goods Authorization number from the Customer Service depart-ment and then send it with shipping costs prepaid. When shipping any instrument, make sure it is properly packaged for complete protection.To validate your warranty, fill out and return the enclosed warranty card within 14 days from the date of purchase.All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner, Hanna Instruments Inc.Hanna Instruments reserves the right to modify the design, construc-tion and appearance of its products without advance notice.HI 710001Soft carrying case, dimensions 230 x 100 x 50 mm HI 7826/1Simulator 1 m (3.3') connection cablesHI 710031Hard carrying case, dimensions 340 x 230 x 90 mm HI 710005115VAC-12VDC voltage adapter HI 710006230VAC-12VDC voltage adapter HI 7213109V battery (10 pcs)MN931002R1Instruction manual。






名称数量备注MC-20主机1台-低噪声电缆1根LN-0300.5m Miniature-BNC转接头各1个M6-M3(约4.9g)M6-No.10-32UNF(约1.2g)M6-Flat(约5.0g)M6标准螺栓(约1.3g)手提箱1个-专用AC适配器1个型号:DCP01USB电缆1根型号:USB01PC通信软件光盘1张程序安装用CD-ROMBNC插座保护套1个套在主机插座上,保护BNC插座用本机使用说明书1本本手册数据传输软件说明书1本-长沙鹏翔电子科技有限公司目录1、概要2、各部件名称及功能说明3、菜单选项和设置内容4、使用方法电源的准备传感器的安装方法驱动测试5、功能说明6、技术参数7、外形尺寸1.概要加速度传感器简易标定仪MC-20可以对电荷输出型以及内置放大器型加速度传感器进行标定。




测量完成时(Single mode)需长按约1秒进行再次测量。


※有关Single mode的功能说明请参照13页。


测量完成时(Single mode)需长按约1秒进行再次测量。




USER ’S INSTRUCTIONS使用说明书使用产品前请仔细阅读本使用说明书,并请妥善保管触摸屏台式溶解氧测定仪前言感谢您选择力辰科技触摸屏台式溶解氧测定仪,为获得更好的使用体验,请认真阅读本使用说明书,并遵守安全操作规范!请妥善保管本使用说明书以便需要时查阅!注意事项:请确保只有受过相关训练的人员才能操作使用本仪器。




















LIFEPAK 20 20e 手柄式心电监测器和外部心电机械说明书

LIFEPAK 20 20e 手柄式心电监测器和外部心电机械说明书

Incomplete Comments
Monitoring with ECG cable and ECG electrodes
Performance criteria
1. Presses ON.
2. Attaches ECG cable to ECG connector on front of monitor.
5. Attaches therapy electrodes to herapy cable; confirms therapy connection to the device.
6. Applies therapy electrodes flat to the skin. Smooths outwardly.
Performance criteria
1. Presses ON.
2. Selects PADDLES lead.
3. Prepares patient. • Bares patient’s chest. • Prepares electrode sites with brisk dry rub. • Describes additional preparation needed for patient with excessive hair, oily or damp skin.
3. Prepares patient: • Bares patient’s chest. • Prepares electrode sites with brisk dry rub. • Describes additional preparation needed for patient with excessive hair, oily or damp skin.



国检检测Mahr XC20轮廓仪操作规程一、M ahr XCR20轮廓仪系统的使用1、启动电脑。


3、双击测量软件Marsurf XC20。


5、出现“Please release the machine and confirm this by pressing<OK>”时,先按控制面板上的绿色按钮激活控制盒,再点击OK。

6、在接下来出现的Reference对话框中, 点击Cancel。

7、进入软件的“Meas.station”下的“Probe system”界面,装载测针。




11、卸载测针,退出Marsurf XC20软件,关闭电脑。



如果可能超过,就需要调整立柱上测针的位置, 保证测量顺利完成。






Renishaw MH20 和 MH20i 手动测量头系列说明书

Renishaw MH20 和 MH20i 手动测量头系列说明书

MH20 and MH20iManual probe heads with modular flexibilityImproving the performanceof Co-ordinateRenishaw’s extensive range of manual head systems provide an economical solution to everyday inspection needs.MH20 and MH20i are principally designed for installation on manual CMMs, however their productivity enhancing modular flexibility and compact design means they are also suitable for smaller DirectComputer Controlled (DCC) CMMs, where automatic stylus changing is not a requirement.For the convenient storage of probe modules, MSR1 (manual storage rack) provides protection from possible contaminants in the working environment. It is available for mounting on horizontal or vertical surfaces.Module storageImproved performance The MH20 and MH20i are the new generation of manually adjustable probe heads from Renishaw.Suitable for installation on new and existing Co-ordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs), both probe headsincorporate Renishaw ’s TP20 kinematic probe mount,which permits repeatable probe module changing. This unique system enables productivity improvements to be made through rapid changes in probe/stylusconfigurations. The incorporation of the modified TP20kinematic probe mount results in a compact design permitting a larger CMM working volume.Benefits include:G Enhanced inspection capability through adjustable probe orientation.G Improved productivity by means of probe module changing without re-qualification.G Optimum working volumes provided by compact design.G Choice of fully flexible (MH20) or indexable (MH20i) orientation.G Smooth position changing through purpose designed locking mechanisms.G Easy installation on CMMs using industry standard shanks.Modular stylus changingBoth heads have been specifically designed to maximise the benefits associated with Renishaw ’srevolutionary TP20 probe system. This concept enables various different probing configurations to be used during an inspection cycle without the need for time consuming probe re-qualification. The TP20 probe module range provides a selection of trigger force,length and directional sensing options and allows a maximum stylus carrying capability of 60 mm and overall reach of 145 mm. The current range includes:For general use:G Standard, medium and extended force probe modules, suitable for most applications.Two additional standard force probe modules providing extended reach:G EM1 and EM2 (50 mm and 75 mm extra reachrespectively).Two probe modules that are designed specifically for specialist applications:G Low force for measurement of delicate objects.G6-way sensing for measurement of undercuts where access limitations would otherwise make inspection difficult.The four trigger force levels ensure measurement consistency and eliminate the requirement for manual adjustment.MH20Ultra compact manually adjustable probe head The MH20 is a compact probe head offering maximum flexibility in probe orientation. The full range of TP20 probe modules can be used via its integral probe mounting.Key benefits:G Ultra compact design maximises CMM working volume.G Flexible probe orientation optimises work-piece accessibility.G Repeatable TP20 stylus module changing designed to enhance productivity.G Easy installation on to new and existing CMMs via a range of standard shanks.MH20iCompact probe head with repeatable indexingThe MH20i offersthe significantadvantage ofrepeatableindexing positions,vastly improvingproductivity formulti-orientationmeasurementapplications. Idealfor use whereseveralprobe/stylusconfigurations andhead positionsenable thecomprehensivemeasurement of apart in a singleroutine.Key benefits:G Repeatable indexpositionseliminatethe need for constant re-qualification.G168 positions (at 15°increments) offer maximum flexibility in repeatable probe orientation.G Lock /unlock feature allows ease of positioning and eliminates unnecessary wear.G Easy-to-read scales for rapid re-orientation to qualified positions.For further information on the MH20 and MH20i please refer to Data Sheet H-1000-2195A Tech Authoirty, Inc 3857 Schaefer Ave, Ste C Chino, CA. 91710 (909)972-7520Authorised distributor Australia- Renishaw Oceania, MelbourneTel +61 3 9553 8267 Fax +61 3 9592 6738email:**********************Brazil- Renishaw Latino Americana Ltda, São Paulo Tel +55 11 4195 2866 Fax +55 11 4195 1641email:*******************The Peoples’ Republic of ChinaRenishaw Representative Office, BeijingTel +86 10 6410 7993 Fax +86 10 6410 7992email:******************Renishaw Representative Office, ShanghaiTel +86 21 6353 4897/5697 Fax +86 21 6353 4881 email:******************France- Renishaw S.A., Marne la ValléeTel +33 1 64 61 84 84 Fax +33 1 64 61 65 26email:*******************Germany- Renishaw GmbH, PliezhausenTel +49 7127 9810 Fax +49 7127 88237email:********************Hong Kong- Renishaw (Hong Kong) Ltd, Kowloon Bay Tel +852 2753 0638 Fax +852 2756 8786email:*********************India- Renishaw Metrology Systems Pvt Ltd, Bangalore Tel +91 80 5320 144 Fax +91 80 5320 140email:******************Indonesia- Renishaw Representative Office, Jakarta Tel +62 21 428 70153 Fax +62 21 424 3934email:**********************Italy- Renishaw S.p.A., TorinoTel +39 011 966 10 52 Fax +39 011 966 40 83 email:******************Japan- Renishaw K.K., TokyoTel +81 3 5332 6021 Fax +81 3 5332 6025email:******************Singapore- Renishaw Representative OfficeTel +65 8975466 Fax +65 8975467email:**********************South Korea- Renishaw Liaison Office, SeoulTel +82 2 565 6878 Fax +82 2 565 6879email:***********************Spain- Renishaw Iberica S.A., BarcelonaTel +34 93 478 21 31 Fax +34 93 478 16 08email:******************Switzerland- Renishaw A.G., PfäffikonTel +41 55 410 66 66 Fax +41 55 410 66 69email:************************Taiwan- Renishaw Representative OfficeTel +886 4 251 3665 Fax +886 4 251 3621email:*******************UK (Head Office)- Renishaw plc, GloucestershireTel +44 1453 524524 Fax +44 1453 524901email:***************USA- Renishaw Inc., IllinoisTel +1 847 286 9953 Fax +1 847 286 9974email:****************For all other countriesTel +44 1453 524524 Fax +44 1453 524901email:**************************SALES & SERVICE:A Tech Authority, Inc. 13745 Stockton Ave. Chino CA 91710909-614-4522************************。

Mahr XC2仪器说明书

Mahr XC2仪器说明书
在测量完成后,请注意将测针移到一个安全高 度后,再将被测件取走,以免撞到测针
校正测针时,可根据平时主要测的参数选择依 照哪一参数进行校正,如Ra(或Rz)
当进入软件界面后,在轮廓度的界面下,假如要进入粗糙度的操作,那么我们首先应该将轮廓仪的测 针卸载,然后再更换测针系统。否则,直接更换粗糙度的测针会造成软件无法响应。正常的操作为,先在 轮廓度下将轮廓度的测针卸载,然后更换为粗糙度仪的测针系统,也可在切换到粗糙度仪界面下,更换测 针系统。
当关闭软件后,从机器上将轮廓度仪的测针取下,重新进入软件后,提醒走参考点,由于此时没有轮 廓仪的测针,所以先取消,然后进入“Probe System”界面,而目前仍可看到是有测针的,假如此时点 “unload”卸载,然后再装载测针,同样会出现系统无法响应的问题。而正确的操作是,在关闭软件后,卸载 了测针,下次进入软件前,只需重新装上同样 的测针,然后就可走参考点。
点此开 始测量
可在此设定是否 要在记录中显示 结果图形
可在此输入公司名 等讯息
非特殊情况时,需要将粗糙度测针的保护套安 装上
在执行测量前,需要调整测头高度,调至测针与 被测面有1mm左右的高度,以免超出测针的可 活动范围
Mahr XCR20 软件操作说明书
马尔商贸(上海)有限公司 V1.0 制作: 田继军
机器介绍 软件界面介绍 轮廓度部分说明 粗糙度测量 日常使用注意事项

Mahr CX1 DX1 操作手册

Mahr CX1 DX1 操作手册
1. 简介 1.1 测高仪概述
Digimar CX1/DX1 精密高度测量仪(以下简称:测高仪)包括底座,测高仪 CX1,控制评估仪 DX1 及用 于测量工作面与基面两点间的距离的光栅测量系统。
测高仪类似于一个大型的垂直放置的卡尺,基座相当于卡尺的下量面,测头相当于卡尺的上量面。测 量空间由基座(2)及测头(1)界定。
2. 测高仪的控制及操作元件 2.1 测高仪 CX1

Digimar CX1
图 2 :测高仪 CX1(包括 DX1) 1. 控制评估仪 DX1 2. 显示屏 3. 图形键 4. 字母键 5. 气动开关 6. 搁手板 7. 运输手柄孔 8. 限位块 9. 测头(球形、柱形、盘形、锥形) 10. 测头夹头 11. 夹头紧固旋钮 12. 滑动手柄 13. 滑块 14. 上紧固头 15. 底座 16. 运输保护
生成一段测量程序最简单的方法是使用程序自学法。对于测量仅含几个被测件的较小程序,可以大大 的缩短测试时间。使用学习程序,无须手动编辑测量程序,只要按下一个键就能自动完成复杂的测量任务。 DX1 有一个可以存储诸如序列号,机器类型、产品批量、和检测仪名称等测量值及产品信息的数据库。数 据处理器能对这些数据进行统计,如直方图、控制图和排列图。
下都不能接通测高仪。 5. 本测高仪必须插在连有接地线的插座上。延伸电缆必须符合 VDE(德国工程师协会)或类似的标准。 6. 本测量仪的任何修改需要马尔公司的正式批准,并由具备相应资格的人员执行操控。未经许可拆开测
量仪或其他违反安全保证的行为,马尔公司对此不承担任何责任。拆开测量仪之前,必须关闭设备并 将主插头从插座上拔出。 7. 在清洁测高仪之前,须将插头从插座上拔出。不要将液体渗进测高仪!不要使用对塑料有害的清洁剂。 8. 如需更换保险丝,只能使用相同型号相同安培数的保险丝。在更换保险丝之前,要遵守操作手册中列 出的步骤。 9. 必须遵守所有的安全和事故预防条例。你的安全专家必须根据当地环境和室内方针提供更多的安全指 示。 10. 不要在充满爆炸性气体的室内操作测高仪,测高仪可能产生电火花,引发爆炸。 11. 不要将测量仪快速移向基座的边缘。承载测量的气垫不会立刻消失,在测量仪到达边缘之前使其减速, 否则可能导致测高仪摔下基座,伤到操作者。








目录装箱单 (5)注意事项 (5)PID光离子传感器注意事项 (8)仪器参数 (10)校正采用的标准 (11)统计值的计算方法 (11)仪器报警的判断条件 (11)VOC气体规则 (12)仪器正面图解 (13)开机关机重启待机硬重启 (14)关于电池充电 (15)文字输入方法 (16)使用采样管和粉尘过滤器 (17)开始工作 (18)开始检测 (19)按钮示意 (20)菜单 (21)设置检测地点、检测时长、定时检测 (22)锁定与解锁 (23)查询数据 (24)使用电脑查询的操作方法 (26)打印检测结果 (27)启动打印 (27)设置打印机 (28)设置打印样式 (29)数据备份 (30)配置 (31)修改时间 (31)仪器工作方式 (32)传感器配置和标定 (33)配置模拟信号传感器 (34)模拟信号传感器的标定操作 (34)串口信号传感器 (36)PWM脉冲信号传感器 (37)气象环境传感器 (38)检测项目 (39)基本参数 (39)自定义公式 (40)【自定义公式应用案例】 (40)第2单位 (41)报警阀值 (42)文本表达 (43)密码设置 (44)屏幕亮度 (45)装箱单注意事项请仔细阅读本章节!1.收到货后,请确定仪器背部的标签型号是否是您订购的产品型号,如果有误,请及时与我们联系进行更换。




德国马尔放大器c 中文说明书

德国马尔放大器c 中文说明书

Operating Instructions操作说明Millimar C1208/C1216MAHR GMBH•GERMANY•MAHR FEDERAL INC.•U.S.A.德国马尔精密量具量仪湖北武汉授权代理商武汉科赛思机电有限公司提供目录*根据最新程序操作软件修订,软件版本号:V1.01-020初始运行.........................................................211密码保护 (23)1基本要点.........................................................412进行测量 (24)2控制原理.........................................................512.1进行合计测量 (24)3基本设置.........................................................812.2进行差值测量 (25)3.1选择屏幕语言................................................812.3进行径向圆跳动测量 (26)3.2设置对比度...................................................813测量值存贮 (27)3.3设置测量单位................................................814使用串行接口(RS232) (28)3.4设置测量值的分辨率/显示格式...........................914.1选择接口协议 (28)3.5选择显示的数字特性/测试结果...........................914.2选择数据传输格式 (29)4测量设备的测头定位(安装)..............................1014.3选择信息交换 (29)5校正测头灵敏度.............................................1014.4选择传输速度 (30)5.1校准通道C1的测头灵敏度..............................1114.5选择传输频率 (30)5.2根据通道C1的测头灵敏度校正通道C2的测头(只用14.6接口配置实例 (31)于连接电感测头的设备).......................................1114.6.1数据传输至计算机时的接口配置 (31)6设置特性1的计算及显示.................................1214.6.2数据传输至计算机时的接口配置 (31)6.1设置某一特性的准确显示值的因子..................12M1240接口协议 (31)6.2选择单个通道或通道连接方案(公式)..................13OPTORSD接口协议 (33)7选择一个特性................................................13OPTORSS接口协议 (34)8标准尺寸测量................................................14MARTALK接口协议 (34)8.1怎样选择标准尺寸测量的类型........................1614.7使用一条0-模式线连接至PC(配线图) (35)8.2输入一点标准尺寸测量的名义标准尺寸值.........1615使用并行(I/0)接口 (35)8.3输入两点标准尺寸测量的名义标准尺寸值.........1615.1数字式输出控制端 (35)8.4执行一点标准尺寸测量.................................1715.2数字式输入控制端 (36)8.5执行两点标准尺寸测量.................................1715.3数字式控制输入及输出端应用实例 (37)9设置公差及极限值..........................................1715.4模拟输出端(仅针对C1216!) (39)9.1设置公差极限.............................................1715.4.1选择被显示的特性 (39)9.2设置报警极限.............................................1815.4.2设置模拟信号输出的灵敏度 (40)9.3为报警及公差极限设置状态灯的颜色...............1916恢复出厂设置 (40)9.4设置有效极限.............................................1917出错提示信息 (4110)设置测量值记录参数.......................................2018技术参数 (42)10.1设置滤波参数.............................................2019Mahr联络方式 (43)10.2指定测量顺序.............................................2120质保 (44)10.3操作模式“NORMAL”....................................2121索引 (44)10.4操作模式“AUTOM.”.......................................2222功能及参数菜单操作 (44)10.5输入一个启动延时 (22)在操作说明中,你将看到以下图标:普通信息重要信息。



Chapter - page T est IndicatorsTesting of Test Indicators, Dial Indicators and Dial Comparators3-2 Test Indicators Puppitast3-3 Accessories for Test Indicators3-5Dial IndicatorsMechanical Dial Indicators3-7 Digital Dial Indicators Millitast3-12Dial ComparatorsMechanical Dial Comparator3-16 Mechanical Dial Comparators with Limit Contacts3-18 Mechanical Comparator with Limit Contacts3-20 Electrical Indicator 1141 SN3-20 Millimess, large type3-21 Inductive Dial Comparator Extramess3-22Accessories for Dial Indicators and Dial ComparatorsContact Points3-243-13-2+_+_T esting of T est Indicators, Dial Indicators and Dial ComparatorsAll test indicators, dial indicators and dial comparators are subject to a final inspection in production on Mahr measuring machines (865, 875 and Optimar 100).The following, in•DIN 2270 (test indicators)•DIN 878 (dial indicators)•DIN 879 (dial comparators)defined parameters, will be tested:D e v i a t i o n o f r e a d i n g f r o m s e t -p o i n t v a l u ePlunger being let outDiagram for the spans of error f e and f ges and hysteresis error of the measured value f u (example)Diagram of the span of error f t (example)D e v i a t i o n o f r e a d i n g f r o m s e t -p o i n t v a l u e• Span of error f eSpan of error f e is the distance between the ordinates of the highest and lowest points in the deviation diagram either when the plunger is being pressed in (dial indicators, dial comparators) or in the case of excursion of stylus against measuring force (test indicators).• T otal span of error f gesThe total span of error f ge s is the distance between the ordinates of the highest and lowest points in the deviation diagram when the plunger is being pressed in and let out (dial indicators, dial comparators) or in the case of excursion of stylus against and with the same direction of measuring force (test indicators). Thetotal span of error includes the hysteresis error of the measured value f u .• Local span of error f tSpan of error f t is the distance between the ordinates between the highest and lowest points in the deviation diagram,measured for a local measuring span of 10 scale divisions within 0,1 mm when the plunger is being pressed in (dial indicators, dial comparators) or in the case of excursion of stylus against measuring force (test indicators).• Repeatability f wRepeatability f w is a characteristic for measured value fluctuations in measurements of the same measurand within the measuring span and with the same direction of movement of the plunger (dial indicators, dial comparators) or of the stylus (test indicators).3-3Design features of Mahr Test Indicators Puppitast•Corrosion-proof due to satin-chrome finish on housing•Maximum sensitivity and accuracy provided by precision gears and pinions •Jewelled movement bearings•Overload protection provided by slip clutch •Low measuring force•Easy to read thanks to high-contrast, rotable dial face•Self-contained movement. This unit can be easily removed and quickly replaced for maintenance and repair purposes.•Insensitivity to magnetic fields•Box-type housing open on one side only•Bottom and side walls made of one piece. This shell totally encloses the movement and provides maximum protection against shock and damage•The front end of the housing is of fork-shaped design with the stem of the stylus mounted in the fork to provide highstability. The precision alignment of the two bearings ensures maximum accuracy•Automatic matching to sensing direction,i. e. pointer always moves in clockwise direction,thus ensuring error-free reading•Rigid mounting•Mounting shank can move on three dovetail guideways which are integral parts of the sturdy housing•They can be clamped at any desired point with a knurled nut. No tools are required.•No plastic parts except for transparent cover overdial face3-43-53-6Universal Holder 801 h•For mounting test indicators on machine tools•With swivel-type knuckle Order no.4309066AccessoriesCentering Support Rods 801 v•For aligning and centering workpieces on machine tools•Swivel mounting clamp and fine adjustment •Stainless steel rods Mounting bore dia.8 mm Swivel range of mounting clamp 180°Order no.4309070Stand 801 p•With swivel holder•Base with V-groove 140°Overall height 150 mm Mounting bore dia. 4 and 8 mm Column dia.8 mm Base surface 65 x 40 mm Order no.4309081801 p3-7Design features of Mahr dial indicators•Rising of measuring spindle by screw-in cable release•Protective housing only opens at the front. The housing is thus not simply a cylinder with a cap over it, but rather the back and side walls are machined from one piece. This shell totally encloses the movement and provides maximum protection against shocks and damage•Constant measuring force over entire range by virtue of compensation lever•Self-contained movement.Can be removed and replaced quickly and easily for repair or maintenance purposes•Maximum sensitivity and accuracy ensured by precision gears, pinion and rack as well as by precision guide for measuring spindle•T apered piece on mounting shank for easy insertion into mounting hole•Protective and lifter cap mounted on upper end of measuring spindle•Adjustable tolerance markers for setting tolerance limits•Corrosion-proof due to satin-chrome finish on housing and stainless, hardened steel for mounting shank and measuring spindle•Easy to read on account of high contrast dial •Simple fine adjustment with convenient knurled bezel•Shockproof movementOn all dial indicators with the exception of the long-range model 810 V the rack is not located directly on the measuring spindle, but rather on a sleeve which floats on the spindle. The shocks to which the spindle is subjected in everyday use are therefore not transmitted to the rack and mechanism. In the event of shocks, the sleeve lifts off and follows slowly due to spring force. The movement is thus reliably protected even against severe shocks.3-8803810/810 LDial Indicators shockproof version according to DIN 878803 W810 W3-9Dial Indicators shockproof version according to DIN 878810 B803 Z810 Z3-10Dial Indicators shockproof versionDial Indicators shockproof versionDial IndicatorsAccessoriesFeaturesDimensionsExtra-Large Dial Indicator 810 G with dial dia. 100 mm Design features identical to 810, but•Application for large reading distance and bad light conditions•Plastic outer ring•Delivered in folded box810 V 810 G810 U810 XDigital Dial Indicators 1083/1085 MillitastMillitast 1083•Functions:ON/OFFRESET (zero setting of display)PRESET (set buttons can be used to enter any numerical value)mm/inch-switchingDATA (data transmission in connection with data connection cable)Features•Data output:OPTO RS232C(Mahr Duplex)•Dial indicator can beoperated by remote controlvia interface•High-contrast 6,5 mm liquidcrystal display, analog displaywith 4 mm pointer lengthfor better visual perceptionwhen checking roundness Digital Dial Indicator1085Digital Dial Indicators 1083/1085 MillitastDigital Dial Indicator 1082Design features of Mahr dial comparators•Constant measuring force over entire range due to built-in compression spring •Shockproof movement.The precision ball of the first transmission lever rest on thelapped saphire plane surface of the upper end of themeasuring spindle. If the spindle is subject to severe impact,the plane surface is automatically raised, thus preventing transmission of the shock to the movement•Box-type housing only open at the front•Bottom and side walls made of one piece. This shell totallyencloses the movement and provides maximum protectionagainst shock and damage•Simple fine adjustment by way of lockable screw•Self-contained movement.This unit can be removed and replaced quickly andeasily for repair or maintenance purposes•Maximum sensitivity and accuracy are ensuredby jewelled bearings of movement inconjunction with precision gears and pinions•Corrosion-proof byvirtue of hardened,stainless steel mountingshank and measuringspindle•Protection of ball guide against contamination bymeans of a sleeve seal ring which is provided witha groove for mounting slip-on rubber bellows toprevent the ingress of splashwater•Drip-proof version available on request. Features rubber bellows at measuring spindle, sealed screws and splash guard cover•Measuring spindle mounted in high-precision ball guide prevents tilting andvirtually precludes friction and play. Theextremely low level of friction makes for high measurement accuracy and minimal hysteresis•Dial comparators with ball guide are particularly insensitive to lateral forces acting on the spindle (Dial Compa-rators 1010 and 1050 feature high-precision sleeve bearings for the spindle)•Easy to read due to clear-cut scale•Pointer moves over limited sector•Adjustable tolerancemarkers facilitate settingand observation oftolerance limits•Raising of measuring spindleeither by way of screw-incable or lifting knobMechanical Dial ComparatorsMechanical Dial Comparators10101050Mechanical Dial Comparators with limit contacts1103 N1110 N1150 N***Incl. plastic case, Setting Knob 953, cable (1,2m), Splash Guard Cover 958 and Rubber Bellow 970; Adapter 940 (for inch instruments only)Mechanical Dial Comparators with limit contacts Electrical specificationsMechanical Dial Comparator 1100 with limit contactsDial ComparatorsMechanical Dial Comparator Large Type MillimessInductive Dial Comparator 2000 ExtramessExtramess 2000•Functions:ON/OFFRESET (zero setting of digital and analog display) - 0 - (zero setting of analog display)PRESET (set buttons can be used to enter any numerical value)mm/inch switching Reversal of countingFeatures* including Adapter Bush 940** indicated value + display span of error (≤0,5 resolution)•Data output:alternatively OPTO RS232C or Digimatic•Dial Comparator can be operated by remote control via interface•High-contrast 6,5 mm liquid crystal display, analog display with 4 mm pointer length for better visual perception when checking roundnessInductive Dial Comparator 2000 ExtramessContact Points for dial indicators, dial comparators901Special Contact Points905904 H907 H908 H913906 H902903Contact Points for dial indicators, dial comparators910 H909 ASensor Lever 943Special Holders 941For all types of testing equipmentFor placing the dial indicator at a certain distance or angle Measuring spindle travel 3 mmContact Point 901 (interchangeable)941 G941 W912911 HPin Contact Point 911 HMeasuring Attachment 910 HContact Rollers 909Concentricity error 2 µmTransmission accuracy for 941 W max. 1%;for travel 3 mm = 0,03 mmMeasuring Spindle Extensions 912。



马尔XR20 粗糙度仪操作规程为安全高效的使用马尔粗糙度仪,特制定如下操作规程:一.仪器的使用过程与步骤:1.检查仪器是否供电正常,需要220伏特+-10%供电电压。


3.进入WIN 7操作系统后,打开Midrange电源控制盒开关.4.鼠标左键双击桌面“MARSURF XR20”图标,开启软件。












16.关闭电源控制盒Midrange.17.关闭WINDOWS XP操作系统。








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点此进入 (此键切换)
评价过程 对所测轮 廓评价 所建立 的元素 所有评 价结果 测量报告
点此进入测量 参数设定界面
选择测量工件的数 目,在Off时默认为 1
选择粗糙度的扫描 长度
点此完成测 量参数设定
测量完成后,测针的 回退安全高度
点此完成测量参数设定, 并开始执行测量
上/下移动 测头
设定当前位 置为X零点
左/右移动 测头(X方向) 手动移动速度控制
更换测针 校正测针 新建测针 删除测针
轮廓度“meas. assistant”设置
测量长度 测量速度
点此进入 测量助手
测量力 接触方向 抬高距离 (测后) 返回起点
Mahr XCR20 软件操作说明书
马尔商贸(上海)有限公司 V1.0 制作: 田继军

机器介绍 软件界面介绍 轮廓度部分说明 粗糙度测量 日常使用注意事项
GD25 粗糙度驱动器
轮廓 度驱动器
测针保护套 测针

启动电脑 开启ange 进入电脑的系统桌面后, 启动测量软件 Marsurf XCR20 选择相应的账户名称进入 在接下来出现的Reference对话框中, 点击OK

XCR20的回机器参考点动作,实际执行的是轮 廓仪驱动器.粗糙度的驱动器不需要做此动作. 因此在粗糙度界面要做归零时,需要先将轮廓 的测针装上,再执行.
点此开 始测量
可在此设定是否 要在记录中显示 结果图形
可在此输入公司名 等讯息

非特殊情况时,需要将粗糙度测针的保护套安 装上 在执行测量前,需要调整测头高度,调至测针与 被测面有1mm左右的高度,以免超出测针的可 活动范围 在测量完成后,请注意将测针移到一个安全高 度后,再将被测件取走,以免撞到测针 校正测针时,可根据平时主要测的参数选择依 照哪一参数进行校正,如Ra(或Rz)
当进入软件界面后,在轮廓度的界面下,假如要进入粗糙度的操作,那么我们首先应该将轮廓仪的测 针卸载,然后再更换测针系统。否则,直接更换粗糙度的测针会造成软件无法响应。正常的操作为,先在 轮廓度下将轮廓度的测针卸载,然后更换为粗糙度仪的测针系统,也可在切换到粗糙度仪界面下,更换测 针系统。 当关闭软件后,从机器上将轮廓度仪的测针取下,重新进入软件后,提醒走参考点,由于此时没有轮 廓仪的测针,所以先取消,然后进入“Probe System”界面,而目前仍可看到是有测针的,假如此时点 “unload”卸载,然后再装载测针,同样会出现系统无法响应的问题。而正确的操作是,在关闭软件后,卸载 了测针,下次进入软件前,只需重新装上同样 的测针,然后就可走参考点。
在测量时,装夹完工件后,调整测针的位置,使其慢慢接触到所需测量部位的工件表面,此时你需要 观察 Z的示值以及工件表面的情况,保证在整段的测量过程中,Z不会超出其量程(长针±26,短针±13).如果 可能超过, 就需要调整立柱上测针的位置, 保证测量顺利完成.