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What it is?
• National consciousness, technical level , etiquette, religious ideas, customs, and the development of scientific knowledge, and so on
文明的发展促进了人类社会的进步,但同时也带来了很多问 题。比如卫生问题。还有传染病的问题。此外不同文明间 的冲突以及文明内部的斗争使战争成为了一个很普遍的问 题。在文明内部则还有一个阶级之间的冲突问题……
• Civilization
Definition The nature of civilization
• Nature vs. Civilization
• Relations and influences • The conflicts between them
• Conclusion
• Nature, in the broadest sense, is equivalent to the natural world, physical world, or material world.
northern girls
The growing environment
潇湘馆里的林妹妹 唱山歌的刘三姐
Nature VS Human Nature
In the film
Catherine Heathcliff
They love nature, freedom they are energetic and full
"essential qualities, Innate disposition"
• Nature influences features of living beings in the world(including human).
human nature
• Human nature refers to the distinguishing
characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling and acting, that humans tend to have naturally.
human nature
Geography, climatic conditions
Southern girls
Members: Miss. Huang Miss. Ding Miss. Gao Miss. Lu Miss. Zhou Mr. Feng
Nature versus Civilization
• Nature
Nature VS Human Nature The features of nature
Nature and civilization are contradictive and they are the foundations of harmony
在自然的原始与野性中孕育着文明的光 辉与灿烂,而在文明的前进步伐中又 充斥着对野性的排斥与压抑。在整个 人类社会的历程中,二者在不断的冲 突与短暂的和谐中前进着,二者的关 系如何,将会影响整个人类与社会的 步伐
人类总是根据自己对人性的理解去营造与之相应的文 化模式、进而构筑与之相应的生活秩序 .
遵循人的规则、推进人的进步 people shall establish
human consciousness, follow the rules of people, and
简言之,“文明就是人的人文状态” Civilization is man's humanistic state
第二,作为人文状态的文明,是一个串满的生存体 系,而且我们可以很容易把它分为层次:
表层文明——文明主体即人的生活秩序the order of human life ; 中层文明——人的文化模式the cultural patterns of people ; 深层文明——人的人性意识 the human consciousness of people
of passion ….
Their same living environment brings them similar nature.
大自然总是人类的忠实伴侣,二者之间的关 系不是简单的互补,而是密不可分的。
They restrict each other, influence each other In the state of unity and opposites
• Nature always wears the colors of the spirit
“荆棘的枝丫都朝着一个方向生长,仿佛热切地伸手去接受 太阳的施舍”,狂风是夹杂着雪花“野蛮地呼啸而过”, 山谷的溪水会本发出柔和的声音,“抚慰着人的心灵”, 秋天渐渐消逝时最后的花朵是带着不安的忧伤垂下了头
You cannot change human nature
• 人类进步的本质决定了这个矛 盾the nature of the human progress determined this contradiction
promote individual progress
Civilization is man's degree of self-evident
文明不是人类本性的需 要,人类选择文明是人 类群体利益最大化的需 要
• 人类文明史在绝对 意义上表现为文明 战胜野蛮的历史, 在相对意义上表现 为新文明扬弃旧文 明的历史,但从本 质上讲,则是人类 自我意识即“人性 意识”不断提升、 走向成熟的过程。
What is it?
文明与“野蛮”相对 立
第一.人在时空中生活,so文明既有共时态上的含义, 又有历时性上diachronic的含义
文明与“愚昧”相对 立
狭义的文明与野蛮相对,广义的文明则是指人们一定时代条件 下的定型化了的生存方式。
(people’ stereotypes of life under a certain age )